Word blood with your fingers

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One of the America’s most ubiquitous and notorious gang signs, writing «Blood» with your fingers has evolved past a purely gang-affiliated symbol into a bizarre past-time of sorts. Whatever your reasons, forming the word «Blood» with your fingers is not incredibly hard, but it does take a little practice.

  1. Image titled Form the Word "Blood" with Your Fingers Step 1


    Clench your hands into a fist. Rest your hands on you rib cage so that you pinky touches your torso and your thumb faces up.

  2. Image titled Form the Word "Blood" with Your Fingers Step 2


    Point your thumb up towards your head. Keeping your other fingers clenched, raise your thumb so it points up and parallel to your body.


  3. Image titled Form the Word "Blood" with Your Fingers Step 3


    Curl your index finger against the thumb to make a lowercase «b.» Generally, you will be putting the tip of your middle finger on the middle joint of your thumb. Your goal is to make the circle with your index finger while your thumb forms the straight line.

  4. Image titled Form the Word "Blood" with Your Fingers Step 4


    Raise your middle finger towards your head to make the «L». Your middle finger should be parallel with your thumb. The «L» will appear to come up from behind the «B.»

  5. Image titled Form the Word "Blood" with Your Fingers Step 5


    Form the first «O» using your ring finger and the line of the «L.» Curl your ring finger so that the tip is level with your middle finger’s first joint. One side of the «O» will be your curled ring finger, the other will be your straight middle finger.

  6. Image titled Form the Word "Blood" with Your Fingers Step 6


    Tuck your pinky behind the other fingers. You do not need your pinky to make the symbol, so tuck it out of the way however it that feels comfortable.

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  1. Image titled Form the Word "Blood" with Your Fingers Step 7


    Clench your hand into a fist. Rest your fist on you rib cage so that you pinky touches your torso and your thumb faces up.

  2. Image titled Form the Word "Blood" with Your Fingers Step 8


    Point your thumb up towards your head. Keeping your other fingers clenched, raise your thumb so it stands parallel to your body.

  3. Image titled Form the Word "Blood" with Your Fingers Step 9


    Curl your index finger against the thumb to make a lowercase «d.» Like before, curl your finger so that the tip of your index finger touches the joint of your thumb. Move your index finger so it is comfortable and makes a visible circle.

  4. Image titled Form the Word "Blood" with Your Fingers Step 10


    Use your left middle finger to form the second «O.» Touch the tip of your middle finger to the first joint of your index finger (the «d») to form the second «O.»

  5. Image titled Form the Word "Blood" with Your Fingers Step 11


    Push the two «O’s» together to form the word Blood. The middle sections of your right ring finger and left middle finger will be touching.

  6. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Write a Research Paper on the History of the English Language Step 5


    Understand the history and power of the Blood symbol. The Bloods were originally a Los Angeles gang that rose in prominence as a counter to the infamous Crips. The Bloods have since spread across the United States, often with the profits from the illegal sale of crack cocaine. Often violent and constantly at war with other gangs, the Bloods symbol is a way for gang members to identify themselves to other Bloods.

    • This symbol is not a joke, and can lead to serious trouble if used in the wrong circumstances.
  2. Image titled Form the Word "Blood" with Your Fingers Step 13


    Never use the symbol in unknown public areas. If you are in public, especially an unfamiliar area, refrain from using the symbol completely. Gang feuds with the Bloods have spread from Los Angeles into many major urban areas, and you should always choose not to flash the Blood symbol if you have any doubts about local gang politics.

  3. Image titled Form the Word "Blood" with Your Fingers Step 14


    Remember that the symbol will seem «backwards» to you. When you look down you will be reading the word in reverse. The sign is meant to be read by other people as the word «Blood.»

  4. Image titled Form the Word "Blood" with Your Fingers Step 15


    Practice in front of a mirror to get it right. Because you will not be able to read the word by looking down, try practicing in front of a mirror to see if you can actually write the word «Blood.»

    • It will take some time to be able to form the word quickly.
  5. Advertisement

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  • Question

    Why the middle finger?

    Community Answer

    Because without the middle finger, it would be, «bood.»

  • Question

    Will flashing the Blood sign to a Blood gang member make me one?

    Community Answer

    Never do this in front of a member unless you have gone through the process of joining the gang, as it is disrespectful to the gang member and could put you in jeopardy.

  • Question

    Do I have to be double-jointed?

    Community Answer

    No, you just have to have a fair amount of flexibility in your fingers.

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  • This takes practice and may be hard for people who are new to doing this or haven’t done it for a long time.

  • Just as an opposing gang member wouldn’t like to see an individual flash this gang sign, neither would a real Blood gang member. It is seen as an act of disrespect to claim you belong to a group you have no affiliation with.

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Article SummaryX

To form the word “blood” with your fingers, clench your right hand into a fist and point your thumb straight up. Then, curl your index finger against your thumb to form a lowercase letter “B.” Next, raise your middle finger to form the “L,” and curl your ring finger against your middle finger to form an “O.” With your left hand, point your thumb up and curl your index finger to form a “D.” Finally, form a second “O” with your left middle finger and push the 2 “O”s together to form the blood sign. Keep reading to learn how to safely use this sign.

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  • Teliah Keenan

    Teliah Keenan

    Jul 27, 2017

    «Thanks. I love it!»

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Writing “Blood” with your fingers has developed from a completely gang-affiliated symbol into a weird past-time of sorts, becoming one of America’s most ubiquitous and renowned gang signs. Whatever your motivation, making the word “Blood” with your fingers is not difficult, but it does need some practice.

You are viewing article Form the Word -“Blood” with Your Fingers at website answerforyou.net in category Tips.

Part 1: Forming Your Right Hand

1. Make a fist with your hands. Place your hands on your rib cage such that your pinky is in contact with your torso and your thumb is facing up.

2. Raise your thumb toward your brow. Raise your thumb, keeping your other fingers gripped, so it points up and parallel to your body.

3. Make a lowercase “b” using your index finger and thumb. In general, place the tip of your middle finger on the middle joint of your thumb. Your aim is to construct a circle with your index finger while drawing a straight line with your thumb.

4. Make a “L” with your middle finger up towards your head. Your middle finger and thumb should be parallel. The letter “L” will seem to emerge from behind the letter “B.”

5. Form the initial “O” with your ring finger and the “L” line. Curl your ring finger so that the tip is level with the first joint of your middle finger. Your curled ring finger will be on one side of the “O,” and your straight middle finger will be on the other.

6. Tuck your pinky finger behind your other fingers. Because you don’t need your pinky to form the sign, tuck it away whatever feels comfortable.

Part 2: Forming Your Left Hand

1. Make a fist with your hand. Place your hand on your rib cage such that your pinky is touching your chest and your thumb is facing up.

2. Raise your thumb toward your brow. Raise your thumb parallel to your body while keeping your other fingers gripped.

3. Make a lowercase “d” using your index finger and thumb. Curl your finger, as before, so that the tip of your index finger reaches the joint of your thumb. Adjust your index finger such that it forms a visible circle and is comfortable.

4. Form the second “O” with your left middle finger. To make the second “O,” connect the tip of your middle finger to the first joint of your index finger (the “d”).

5. Join the two “O’s” to make the word Blood. Your right ring finger and left middle finger will be touching in the center.

Part 3: Knowing How to Use the Symbol

1. Discover the significance and history of the Blood symbol. The Bloods began as a Los Angeles gang that grew to popularity as a rival to the notorious Crips. Since then, the Bloods have expanded across the United States, frequently using the proceeds from the unlawful selling of crack cocaine. The Bloods emblem, which is often violent and continuously at odds with other gangs, is a method for gang members to identify themselves to other Bloods.
This sign is not a joke, and it might cause major problems if used incorrectly.

2. Never use the symbol in unfamiliar public places. If you are in public, particularly in a new region, avoid using the sign entirely. Gang feuds with the Bloods have expanded from Los Angeles to many major metropolitan regions, and if you have any worries about local gang politics, you should never flash the Blood emblem.

3. Keep in mind that the sign will seem “backwards” to you. When you glance down, you’ll be reading the word backwards. Other individuals are supposed to interpret the sign as “Blood.”

4. To get it correctly, practice in front of a mirror. Because you won’t be able to see the word if you look down, try practicing in front of a mirror to see if you can write “Blood.”
It will take some practice to be able to swiftly construct the term.

What word goes with finger?

  • fingernail.
  • fingerling.
  • fingerpost.
  • fingerpick.
  • fingerings.
  • fingerhold.
  • fingerlike.
  • fingertips.

What is the real word for fingers?

Human hands have fourteen digital bones, also known as phalanges or phalanx bones: two in the thumb (no middle phalanx in the thumb) and three in each of the four fingers. The distal phalanx, which carries the nail, the middle phalanx, and the proximal phalanx are the three.

What does saying something with your fingers crossed mean?

To hope that nothing will happen to bring bad luck or to ruin one’s plans: “Helen will soon find out whether she got into law school; in the meantime, she is keeping her fingers crossed.”

What is the part of speech for fingers?

finger used as a noun:

“Human hands have 5 fingers: the thumb, the forefinger (or index finger), the middle finger, the ring finger and the little finger.” A piece of food resembling such an extremity. “chocolate fingers”

What is the verb of finger?

fingered; fingering ˈfiŋ-​g(ə-​)riŋ Definition of finger (Entry 2 of 2) transitive verb. 1 : to touch or feel with the fingers. 2a : to play (a musical instrument) with the fingers.

What are the parts of fingers?

Finger Bones

The bone closest to the palm is called the proximal phalanx . The subsequent bone next to the proximal phalange is the middle phalanx. The final bone, which is smallest and furthest from the hand, is called the distal phalanx.

One of the America’s most ubiquitous and notorious gang signs, writing «Blood» with your fingers has evolved past a purely gang-affiliated symbol into a bizarre past-time of sorts. Whatever your reasons, forming the word «Blood» with your fingers is not incredibly hard, but it does take a little practice.


  • 1 Steps
    • 1.1 Forming Your Right Hand
    • 1.2 Forming Your Left Hand
    • 1.3 Knowing How to Use the Symbol
  • 2 Tips
  • 3 Warnings
  • 4 Related Articles
  • 5 Sources and Citations


Forming Your Right Hand

  1. Clench your hands into a fist. Rest your hands on you rib cage so that you pinky touches your torso and your thumb faces up.
  2. Point your thumb up towards your head. Keeping your other fingers clenched, raise your thumb so it points up and parallel to your body.
  3. Curl your index finger against the thumb to make a lowercase «b.» Generally, you will be putting the tip of your middle finger on the middle joint of your thumb. Your goal is to make the circle with your index finger while your thumb forms the straight line.
  4. Raise your middle finger towards your head to make the «L». Your middle finger should be parallel with your thumb. The «L» will appear to come up from behind the «B.»
  5. Form the first «O» using your ring finger and the line of the «L.» Curl your ring finger so that the tip is level with your middle finger’s first joint. One side of the «O» will be your curled ring finger, the other will be your straight middle finger.
  6. Tuck your pinky behind the other fingers. You do not need your pinky to make the symbol, so tuck it out of the way however it that feels comfortable.

Forming Your Left Hand

  1. Clench your hand into a fist. Rest your fist on you rib cage so that you pinky touches your torso and your thumb faces up.
  2. Point your thumb up towards your head. Keeping your other fingers clenched, raise your thumb so it stands parallel to your body.
  3. Curl your index finger against the thumb to make a lowercase «d.» Like before, curl your finger so that the tip of your index finger touches the joint of your thumb. Move your index finger so it is comfortable and makes a visible circle.
  4. Use your left middle finger to form the second «O.» Touch the tip of your middle finger to the first joint of your index finger (the «d») to form the second «O.»
  5. Push the two «O’s» together to form the word Blood. The middle sections of your right ring finger and left middle finger will be touching.

Knowing How to Use the Symbol

  1. Understand the history and power of the Blood symbol. The Bloods were originally a Los Angeles gang that rose in prominence as a counter to the infamous Crips. The Bloods have since spread across the United States, often with the profits from the illegal sale of crack cocaine. [1] Often violent and constantly at war with other gangs, the Bloods symbol is a way for gang members to identify themselves to other Bloods.
    • This symbol is not a joke, and can lead to serious trouble if used in the wrong circumstances.
  2. Never use the symbol in unknown public areas. If you are in public, especially an unfamiliar area, refrain from using the symbol completely. Gang feuds with the Bloods have spread from Los Angeles into many major urban areas, and you should always choose not to flash the Blood symbol if you have any doubts about local gang politics.
  3. Remember that the symbol will seem «backwards» to you. When you look down you will be reading the word in reverse. The sign is meant to be read by other people as the word «Blood.»
  4. Practice in front of a mirror to get it right. Because you will not be able to read the word by looking down, try practicing in front of a mirror to see if you can actually write the word «Blood.»
    • It will take some time to be able to form the word quickly.


  • This takes practice and may be hard for people who are new to doing this or haven’t done it for a long time.


  • This is a gang sign of the California gang «Bloods». Use this sign under your own risk.

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Sources and Citations

  1. https://web.stanford.edu/class/e297c/poverty_prejudice/gangcolor/lacrips.htm
  • Wikipedia article on Bloods

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What is the Bloods gang sign?

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One of the America’s most ubiquitous and notorious gang signs, writing «Blood» with your fingers has evolved past a purely gang-affiliated symbol into a bizarre past-time of sorts. Whatever your reasons, forming the word «Blood» with your fingers is not incredibly hard, but it does take a little practice.

  1. What is the Bloods gang sign?


    Clench your hands into a fist. Rest your hands on you rib cage so that you pinky touches your torso and your thumb faces up.

  2. What is the Bloods gang sign?


    Point your thumb up
    towards your head.
    Keeping your other fingers clenched, raise your thumb so it points up and parallel to your body.


  3. What is the Bloods gang sign?


    Curl your index finger against the thumb to make a lowercase «b.» Generally, you will be putting the tip of your middle finger on the middle joint of your thumb. Your goal is to make the circle with your index finger while your thumb
    forms the straight line.

  4. What is the Bloods gang sign?


    Raise your middle finger towards your head to make the «L». Your middle finger should be parallel with your thumb. The «L» will appear to come up from behind the «B.»

  5. What is the Bloods gang sign?


    Form the first «O» using your ring finger and the line of the «L.» Curl your ring finger so that the tip is level with your middle finger’s first joint. One side of the «O» will be your curled ring finger, the other will be your straight
    middle finger.

  6. What is the Bloods gang sign?


    Tuck your pinky behind the other fingers. You do not need your pinky to make the symbol, so tuck it out of the way however it that feels comfortable.

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  1. What is the Bloods gang sign?


    Clench your hand into a fist. Rest your fist on you rib cage so that you pinky touches your torso and your thumb faces up.

  2. What is the Bloods gang sign?


    Point your thumb up towards your head. Keeping your other fingers clenched, raise your thumb so it stands parallel to your body.

  3. What is the Bloods gang sign?


    Curl your index finger against the thumb to make a lowercase «d.» Like before, curl your finger so that the tip of your index finger touches the joint of your thumb. Move your index finger so it is comfortable and makes a
    visible circle.

  4. What is the Bloods gang sign?


    Use your left middle finger to form the second «O.»
    Touch the tip of your middle finger to the first joint of your index finger (the «d») to form the second «O.»

  5. What is the Bloods gang sign?


    Push the two «O’s» together to form the word Blood. The middle sections of your right ring finger and left middle finger will be touching.

  6. Advertisement

  1. What is the Bloods gang sign?


    Understand the history and power of the Blood symbol. The Bloods were originally a Los Angeles gang that rose in prominence as a counter to the infamous Crips. The Bloods have since
    spread across the United States, often with the profits from the illegal sale of crack cocaine. Often violent and constantly at war with other gangs, the Bloods symbol is a way for gang members to identify themselves to other Bloods.

    • This symbol is not a joke, and can lead to serious trouble if used in the wrong circumstances.
  2. What is the Bloods gang sign?


    Never use the symbol in unknown public areas. If you are in public, especially an unfamiliar area, refrain from using the symbol completely. Gang feuds with the Bloods have spread from Los Angeles into many major urban
    areas, and you should always choose not to flash the Blood symbol if you have any doubts about local gang politics.

  3. What is the Bloods gang sign?


    Remember that the symbol will seem «backwards» to you. When you look down you will be reading the word in reverse. The sign is meant to be read by other people as the word «Blood.»

  4. What is the Bloods gang sign?


    Practice in front of a mirror to get it right. Because you will not be able to read the word by looking down, try practicing in front of a mirror to see if you can actually write the word «Blood.»

    • It will
      take some time to be able to form the word quickly.
  5. Advertisement

Add New Question

  • Question

    Why the middle finger?

    What is the Bloods gang sign?

    Because without the middle finger, it would be,

  • Question

    Will flashing the Blood sign to a Blood gang member make me one?

    What is the Bloods gang sign?

    Never do this in front of a member unless you have gone through the process of joining the gang, as it is disrespectful to the gang member and could put you in jeopardy.

  • Question

    Do I have to be double-jointed?

    What is the Bloods gang sign?

    No, you just have to have a fair amount of flexibility in your fingers.

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  • This takes practice and may be hard for people who are new to doing this or haven’t done it for a long time.

  • Just as an opposing gang member wouldn’t like to see an individual flash this gang sign, neither would
    a real Blood gang member. It is seen as an act of disrespect to claim you belong to a group you have no affiliation with.

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Article SummaryX

To form the word “blood” with your fingers, clench your right hand into a fist and point your thumb straight up. Then, curl your index finger against your thumb to form a lowercase letter “B.” Next, raise your middle finger to form the “L,” and curl your ring finger
against your middle finger to form an “O.” With your left hand, point your thumb up and curl your index finger to form a “D.” Finally, form a second “O” with your left middle finger and push the 2 “O”s together to form the blood sign. Keep reading to learn how to safely use this sign.

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Thanks to all authors for creating a
page that has been read 973,608 times.

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  • What is the Bloods gang sign?

    Teliah Keenan

    Jul 27, 2017

    «Thanks. I love it!»

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What tattoos do Bloods get?

Tattoos: Many gang members will have at least one gang related tattoo or branding. The photo to the left represents a “dog paw” and is typically made using the heated barrel of a handgun. The dog paws are very common on Bloods members and are often burned into the right shoulder or upper arm area.

What does gang sign blood mean?

It’s popularly said the name Bloods is an acronym for “Brotherly Love Overcomes Overrides and Destruction.” However, the Bloods, given their origins as a counter-Crip alliance, likely take their name from 1960s slang, blood, short for blood brother, referring to a “fellow (young) black person.”

What is the blood handshake?

Many centuries ago, shaking hands was an ancient ceremonial testimony between two people who wanted to enter into a friendly pact or agreement. Each would cut his palm, and then, with the blood flowing, they would clasp hands; the flowing blood would blend together and become one blood.

What are the sets of Bloods?

Some common Blood sets include Piru, Sex Money Murder, Brim, Rollin 20s, G-Shine, 9 Trey, Bounty Hunter, and many others.


For WikiHow images that seem like their names would be found on disneyvacation, but are in fact real.



What do bloods call each other?

Bloods members also have a distinctive slang. They greet each other using the word ” Blood ” and often avoid using words with the letter “C”.

What is the difference between a Crip and a Blood?

Crips use the color blue while bloods use red. In west coast the crips outnumber bloods by 5:1 but in east coast,the united blood nation, another form of bloods are dominant among African American gangs. Bloods are generally more violent but crips are better organized and form better networks.

What does 5 mean to Bloods?

“East Side,” to connote loyalty and affiliation to the UBN (the UBN was formed on the east side of Rikers Island) “Soo Woo,” which means ” Bloods rule.” A greeting of “soo woo” is returned with the greeting of “woo” ” Five ” is a reference to a fellow UBN member.

Can Crips wear red?

Bloods wear red , Crips wear blue. There are thousands of gangs in the U.S. and most identify with one or more colors of every description.

What do Bloods call Crips?

As their name suggests, Bloods identify with the color red and consider themselves “ Crip Killas”. Bloods disrespect Crips by crossing out the letter “c” and calling Crip members “Crabs”.

Do bloods say Suwoop?

The term soo woo—along with variants like suhwoop, soo woop, and woop woop—is a greeting and identifier used by the fellow gang members in the Bloods .

Is 4ktrey a blood set?

The Nine Trey Gangster Bloods or Nine Trey Gangsta Bloods (NTG) (also referred to as Bentley’s or Billionaires) are a violent set of the United Blood Nation street gang , which is itself a set of the Bloods street gang . The gang operates on the East Coast of the United States.

Do Crips say cuz?

The Crips gang was formed in 1971 by two people — Raymond Washington and Stanley Tookie Williams. Washington was killed in a shootout in 1979. The narrative features other cultural factoids such as the derivation of the now ubiquitous “ cuz ” (short for cousin) — a Crip -originated salutation to a friend or ally.

Do the Crips and Bloods still fight?

Since then, other conflicts and feuds were started between many of the remaining Crips sets. It is a common misconception that Crips sets feud only with Bloods . In reality, they also fight each other—for example, the Rolling 60s Neighborhood Crips and 83 Gangster Crips have been rivals since 1979.

Is Cardi BA a blood?

Tekashi 6ix9ine testifies Atlanta’s Cardi B is a member of the Nine Trey Gangsta Bloods. She responds that she’s a Blood , but not a Nine Trey.

Why do Bloods wear blue?

Bloods wear red. Their rival gang, the Crips, are known for their royal blue (darker but not navy). A Blood wearing blue would likely be punished severely by his own sect.

Are Gangster Disciples Bloods or Crips?

The Gangster Disciples are a criminal street gang formed in Chicago in the late 1960s. Their allies are the Crips and Folk Nation. Their rivals include the Bloods and People Nation; in Tipton County these are Vice Lords. Members often designate themselves as part of the gang by wearing blue and black clothing.

Why do Crips and Bloods fight?

The Bloods were formed in response to the Crips . They originally protected each other and offered protection to other non Crips street gangs. After that they decided to form a rival gang they absorbed the other smaller gangs into them.

Do Crips use 6?

The number 5 is commonly used by the Bloods, and the number 6 is used by the Crips . The up arrow through the 5 is showing respect to the Bloods while the down arrow through the 6 is showing disrespect to the Crips . To the right is an example of Crip graffiti.

Do you know how to spell blood with your fingers? Writing with your fingers is a gang sign, but it’s not too difficult to master. Just clench your hands and raise your thumb parallel to your body. Next, squeeze your index and middle finger together to form an “O.” You can also curl your ring finger around your middle finger. Using your index and middle fingers to form an “O” makes the word “bloody.”

If you’re a member of the Blood gang, you should know how to spell blood with your fingers. But don’t use this sign in public places unless you’re confident in your ability. Since gang feuds have spread from Los Angeles to many major urban areas, you should use caution when flashing the Blood sign in public. To make it more authentic, practice in front of a mirror. Then, you’ll be able to spell the word quickly.

The best way to learn how to spell blood with your fingers is to practice in front of a mirror. This can help you to memorize the spelling, but you can also practice it in front of a mirror. If you’re looking down, you’ll have a hard time reading the symbols. You can also practice in front of a mirror to see what you’re doing right. As you get more practice, you’ll be able to write the word faster and more fluently.

If you’re practicing with a mirror, you’ll be able to practice writing the symbol quickly. But be sure to practice in a public space if you’re not sure if you’re comfortable with it. There have been gang wars with the Bloods that have spread to many urban areas, including Los Angeles. So, it’s best to practice in front of a mirror before trying it out on people. The words won’t come out instantly, and it may take some time before you get the hang of it.

Before flashing the Blood symbol in public, remember that the symbol is dangerous. It’s not just an gang symbol. It’s also a flag of a rival gang. This means it’s not safe to flash it in public areas, and you’ll want to practice in a mirror if you want to be safe. Practicing in front of a mirror will help you get the hang of spelling the blood symbol quickly.

After you’ve mastered the Blood symbol, it’s time to practice writing the word in public areas. However, don’t flash the sign in a public place if you don’t trust the people around you. Using the Blood symbol in this way will only put you at risk of getting into trouble. Those who are unsure about their gang’s affiliations should avoid flashing the blood sign.

The Blood symbol is a gang sign that is used by the Bloods gang in California. Be aware of the risks when using the Blood sign in public, and never use it in unidentified areas. Similarly, don’t flash the symbol in public places if you don’t know the people around you. Just like in any other gang symbol, you should never use it in an unknown location. It is better to practice in front of a mirror than to risk getting caught.

It’s important to practice the Blood sign in a public place before using it. The Blood gang has a reputation for spreading violence from Los Angeles to many other cities. Regardless of the gang’s name, the blood symbol should not be used in public places unless you’re confident in your own ability to use it. If you’re new to this technique, it’s best to practice in front of a mirror and make sure you’re doing it correctly.

You can also use the Blood symbol when you are in public. You can practice by holding your hand up to a mirror. It can take a little while to learn how to spell the word correctly. While it’s easy to form the word, you need to make sure that you’re using it correctly. A good rule of thumb is to look up at the mirror while you’re doing it. It’s important to make sure that your hand remains still when you’re using the sign.

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