Word better than most

Sasha Ivanov

  • #1

I was talking to a British dude (North UK, 18). And asked him «Is my English decent?»
He said «It’s better than most».
I started frying him about the grammar: is there an apostrophe and «s» at the end of «most» or no?
He said he doesn’t know, he said that maybe it’s there but in speech the «s» gets omitted.
Is this idiomatic «better than most», or is it «It’s better than most’s»?
Same as in «better than most people’s»?
Because it sounds like «better than most (other people’s Englishes that I’ve heard), if it is just «better than most».


  • #2

Unsurprisingly it is in fact “better than most”. This is a set expression and it is idiomatic to use it even though grammatically it doesn’t quite fit: the grammatical answer would be “better than that of most people (or more likely he meant non-native people).”

Toby Sherman

  • #3

I will also add that «better than most’s» would simply be wrong. The word «most’s» does not exist in English. You cannot add an apostrophe + s to an adjective, even if that adjective is being used as an noun to name a group of people. For example, while you can say «the houses of the rich tend to be nicer than the houses of the poor«, it is simply


natural English to say «the rich’s houses are nicer than the poor’s houses.«

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Better than most pop music made nowadays.

И это по-прежнему лучше большинства той музыки, что выпускается сейчас.

I think I understand economics better than most people because I grew up in Argentina.

Мне кажется я разбираюсь в экономике лучше большинства людей, потому что я вырос в Аргентине.

Much better than most hollywood blockbusters.

These pets eat better than most people.

Still, she’s doing better than most people her age.

Think you’re as good, even better than most.

Despite this, I expect results a bit better than most forecasts.

Несмотря на это, я ожидаю, что результаты будут немного лучше, чем большинство прогнозов.

Russia probably knows the true cost of revolutions better than most other countries.

Россия — может быть, лучше, чем большинство других государств — знает истинную цену революций.

Perhaps not even better than most.

They had a-a very good marriage, better than most.

However, it already works better than most launchers.

Much better than most similar services.

In fact, his response was better than most in retrospect.

Freedivers know this better than most people.

Фрилансеры больше знают об этом, чем большинство сотрудников.

Young people understand this better than most.

Plus you said it better than most people in their posts.

Better than most of what gets released these days.

I understand the benefits better than most.

I eat better than most people.

They fit better than most gloves.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Whats a better word than most?


  • abundantly.
  • by much.
  • conspicuously.
  • eminently.
  • emphatically.
  • enormously.
  • exceedingly.
  • exceptionally.

What’s a word better than most?

Most Synonyms — WordHippo Thesaurus.

What is another word for most ?

greatest highest
best better
larger max
maximum furthermost
maximal peak

What’s a fancy word for better?

What is another word for better?

superior finer
wonderfuller higher-grade
higher-calibre improved
grander enhanced
more desirable more valuable

Is mostest a real word?

Mostest is not an accepted word , though it is in some dictionaries listed as slang. Most is already in superlative form, so adding -est is redundant and ungrammatical.

How do you say something is the best?

Improve Your English Vocabulary: 10 Great Alternatives to “Good”

  1. Cool. In addition to being used to describe temperature, “cool” also means very good or fashionable. …
  2. Excellent. “Excellent” is used to describe something very good or of high quality. …
  3. Wonderful. …
  4. Perfect . …
  5. Fantastic. …
  6. Exceptional. …
  7. Terrific. …
  8. Outstanding.

What is a word for constantly improving?

Continuous Synonyms – Constant , Unending, Connected, Consecutive, Endless, Everlasting, For Ever and Ever, Looped, Prolonged, etc. … Continuous Antonyms – Completed, Discontinuous, Ending, Intermittent, Interupted, Sporadic, Stopping, Ceasing, etc.

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This steroid will promote enhanced muscular endurance better than most steroids.

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The fabric has


resolution, better than most TVs and normal monitors in Brazil.

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Ты знаешь игру лучше всех и я всегда буду за тебя.

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We understand better than most the power of type to create an image and communicate a message.

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icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

The interesting thing is that this is a great mouse, better than most of the Microsoft or Logitech that I used in the last years.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Интересно, что это большая мышь, лучше, чем большинство Microsoft или Logitech я использовал в последние годы.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Journalists of“Device” on-line magazine

reported that HoloAd laboratory holograms look better than most of three-dimensional images,“they look really elegant”-

the magazine pointed out.

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Журналисты онлайн- издания Dvice свидетельствуют,

что голограммы в рабочем пространстве HoloAd выглядят лучше, чем большинство объемных изображений, на 3D- устройствах, которые им доводилось видеть до этого:»

Они выглядят по-настоящему изящно»,- отмечает издание.

Although, I suspect, from the unearthly calm he showed today, he will sleep better than most.

ExpressVPN is the fastest VPN on the market,

so while HideMyAss performs better than most in this regard, it can’t compare to ExpressVPN’s speed.

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ExpressVPN является самым быстрым VPN на рынке, поэтому,

хотя HideMyAss работает лучше, чем большинство, он не может сравниться со скоростью ExpressVPN.

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∙ 12y ago

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The word most is already in the superlative form. There is no better form.

Mostest, for instance, is not a valid word.

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