Word best friend week

7316 результатов для ‘best friend’

Best Friend

Best Friend
Откройте поле

от Kalashnikova5

Best friend

Best friend
Откройте поле

от Rumiiateacher

4.6 My best friend

4.6 My best friend
Привести в порядок

от Jzhprana

Go Getter 2


Откройте поле

от Irinapapahina

Best friend

Best friend
Случайные карты

от Olyga567

Best Friend

Best Friend
Случайные карты

от Rainbownastik91

Best Friend

Best Friend
Откройте поле

от Rainbownastia

2a My best friend

2a My best friend

от Yelena

Spotlight 4

ОГЭ Best friend

ОГЭ Best friend
Случайное колесо

от Annav

My best friend Meg

My best friend Meg
Правда или ложь

от Misskatharine


ОГЭ Best friend

ОГЭ Best friend
Случайные карты

от Annav

activities, my best friend

activities, my best friend

от Siklenkova

Spotlight 4

2a My Best Friend!

2a My Best Friend!
Найди пару

от Anastasiadmitrievna

4-й класс
Spotlight 4

Spotlight 4 My best friend

Spotlight 4 My best friend
Привести в порядок

от Annadorokhina

Spotlight 4

My best friend

My best friend
Случайные карты

от Vikapolyakova46

Spotlight 4

Best Friend  & Polly Parrot

Best Friend & Polly Parrot
Викторина «Игровое шоу»

от Xaritonowaanast

ГИА_ФИПИ_интервью_Your best friend

ГИА_ФИПИ_интервью_Your best friend
Случайные карты

от Chip91

The best friend (speaking)

The best friend (speaking)
Привести в порядок

от Taisia

2a. My best friend!

2a. My best friend!
Найди пару

от Katerinakarazanova

2a. My best friend!

2a. My best friend!

от Katerinakarazanova

4.6 My best friend

4.6 My best friend
Привести в порядок

от Iartemenkova

About your best friend

About your best friend

от Aldora

Friends starter

Who's the best friend?

Who’s the best friend?
Групповая сортировка

от Rembira

Best friend ОГЭ questions

Best friend ОГЭ questions
Случайные карты

от Redpandaschool

Best friend (S-1)

Best friend (S-1)
Откройте поле

от Zelen

Диалог № 24 Best friend

Диалог № 24 Best friend
Случайные карты

от Okkh1993

Peppa pig/Best friend

Peppa pig/Best friend

от Polinashumak

The best  friend

The best friend
Привести в порядок

от Balukova

Go getter 2 4.6 My best friend

Go getter 2 4.6 My best friend
Привести в порядок

от Nadezdamed

Go Getter 2

My best friend

My best friend
Пропущенное слово

от Kevin252

ОГЭ Best friend

ОГЭ Best friend
Случайное колесо

от Anutatkachenko

2a. My best friend!

2a. My best friend!

от Katerinakarazanova

my best friend

my best friend

от Alexandrovna891

2a. My best friend!

2a. My best friend!
Найди пару

от Olsys

4-й класс
Spotlight 4

My best friend

My best friend
Пропущенное слово

от Smolenskayaelen

My best friend

My best friend

от Natmia6

3 класс

4.6 My best friend GG2

4.6 My best friend GG2

от Gorinateacher

Who is your best friend?

Who is your best friend?
Случайное колесо

от Polinanna24

ОГЭ. Устная часть 2. BEST FRIEND

ОГЭ. Устная часть 2. BEST FRIEND
Случайное колесо

от Dadashevaan

Your best friend  True False

Your best friend True False
Правда или ложь

от Karolinka1

Unit 1.6 - cloze - best friend

Unit 1.6 — cloze — best friend
Пропущенное слово

от Olgaarebrova

ОГЭ My best friend задание к тексту

ОГЭ My best friend задание к тексту

от Anutatkachenko

Spotlight 4 - Unit 2  - My best friend

Spotlight 4 — Unit 2 — My best friend

от Innatsareva75

My best friend (Let's read 2)

My best friend (Let’s read 2)

от Lexxeniya

My best friend, Show and Tell Video

My best friend, Show and Tell Video
Привести в порядок

от Zhanaustinova

Real life, elementary -My best friend.

Real life, elementary -My best friend.
Привести в порядок

от Inchgirl20

GG 2 4.6 My best friend

GG 2 4.6 My best friend
Привести в порядок

от Yolka87

4-й класс
Начальная школа / начальная
Go Getter 2

My best friend. Guess, who he is!

My best friend. Guess, who he is!
Пропущенное слово

от Elena463

YEL — Elementary
GoGetter 1

My best friend HS1 song L18

My best friend HS1 song L18
Случайные карты

от Mkurkova1

2b My best friend! 30-100

2b My best friend! 30-100
Найди пару

от Anastasiadmitrievna

4-й класс
Spotlight 4

Spotlight 4 - Unit 2  - My best friend

Spotlight 4 — Unit 2 — My best friend

от Innatsareva75

My best friend Go getter p54

My best friend Go getter p54
Пропущенное слово

от Ria04

ОГЭ УЧ Интервью Reading, Best Friend

ОГЭ УЧ Интервью Reading, Best Friend
Случайное колесо

от Annayusova

GG2 Unit 4.6-My best friend

GG2 Unit 4.6-My best friend
Привести в порядок

от Veta0808

Adjectives to describe your best friend

Adjectives to describe your best friend
Групповая сортировка

от Englishteacherru


Gog2 Unit 4.6 - My best friend

Gog2 Unit 4.6 — My best friend
Привести в порядок

от Vludadurinka

Go Getter 2


Случайные карты

от Hop

Peppa Pig Liza (Best Friend, Hide and Seek, The Playgroup)

Peppa Pig Liza (Best Friend, Hide and Seek, The Playgroup)

от Arseny626

My best friend by Ben GG2 ex 4 p 54

My best friend by Ben GG2 ex 4 p 54
Привести в порядок

от Nataliavladimirovna

Flyers Speaking Part 4 Now let’s talk about your best friend.

Flyers Speaking Part 4 Now let’s talk about your best friend.

от Zoyaklyukvina


Friendship is truly the most beautiful association. If you have a real friend, you are really blessed because you have someone who understands you like no one else and who would stand by you at the worst of the times. National Friendship Week is celebrated on the third week of August and is truly a special week. If you have lost touch with an old friend, reconnect with him in this beautiful International Friendship Week message  or simply send a cute message or quote to a new friend on National Friendship Week 2023.

We have an amazing collection of National Friendship Week messages and wishes that celebrate this special bond. Share Friendship Day messages in English with your friends on WhatsApp, Facebook etc.

National Friendship Week Messages, Wishes and Greeting

1. When I was lost, rejected and alone…. I suddenly found you…. You came into my life like a blessing and filled it with your magic and love….. On National Friendship Week, I thank you for everything and wish you the best of everything.

2. There have been many important discoveries around the globe but there is just one important discovery for me that will always be very special and that is you my friend…. Sending my best wishes to you on National Friendship Week.

3. National Friendship Week reminds us that it is high time we catch up, party hard, relive old times and just enjoy being together with each other….. So let us make it a memorable week by spending the week together.

4. I true friend is not someone who will pick you up when you fall but a true friend will first laugh out loud and then pick you up…. And I so glad that I have a true friend like you my dear…. Warm wishes on National Friendship Week to you.

National Friendship Week Wishes for friends

5. Friendship is a blessing…. You don’t only get blessed with the super amazing, supportive and caring friends but you also find the best of the enemies in them….. Cheers to our awesome association….. Cheers to our friendship on National Friendship Week.

6. National Friendship Week is the best week when everyone must spend the week meeting and partying with his friends by taking out time from the hectic life and living the life in the best way possible…. Happy National Friendship Week to you my friend.

7. In this National Friendship Week, I am looking forward for drinking beer with you, going out for parties with you, watching movies with you and simply being with you because it is our week…. Happy National Friendship Week.

8. Though we don’t need a week to celebrate our friendship but there is nothing bad in having a National Friendship Week dedicated to our bond of love, care, affection and sharing….. So let us make it a memorable one!!!

National Friendship Week Greeting Messages

9. A good friend is like a computer who enters in your life and saves you in his heart and always stays with you…..  he has the power to format your problems and empty your recyle bin from all the negativities….. Happy National Friendship Week to my sweet computer.

10. True friends are the ones who don’t know the reason why they are friends, why they like each other because they are friends and they don’t need any reasons to be friends…. Let’s celebrate this beautiful relationship on National Friendship Week.

11. Happiness doubles and troubles reduce when you have a true friend…. And I find myself extremely lucky to have such a caring and loving friend….. Wishing you a very Happy National Friendship Week.

12. When you are around, I am happy and smiling…. When you are there, no problem is a challenge…. You are the brightness and happiness in my life….. Sending you best wishes on National Friendship Week.




2 года назад

Английский язык

5 — 9 классы

Choose the best word to complete the sentence!

1) My mother ________ eggs for breakfast every morning.

2) My best friend ________ to me every week.

Смотреть ответ




отвечайте с 3 вопросами там у друго человека не правильно






за ответ спс


he never forgets his wallet


(2 оценки)



2 года назад

Светило науки — 3 ответа — 0 раз оказано помощи


my mother fries eggs or breakfast every morning.

my best friend writes to me every week

(2 оценки)


If you’re on facebook, you have “friends.” But that doesn’t mean you have a friendship with everyone on your list.

“I don’t need to go onto facebook and pretend to have friends I’ve never even met,” observed actress Stephanie Powers. “To my mind, that kind of destroys the meaning of the word ‘friend.’ I take exception to that. Because I value and respect friendship.”

Friendship is about relationship and rapport. Friendship has to do with community. Commonality. Closeness. Companionship. And comradeship.

Friendship is mutual affection, affinity, and amiability. Friendship involves attraction, association, attachment.

Friendship is akin to fellowship. There is a mutuality between friends that creates a special bond. It is participation. Sharing. And cooperation.

Friendship is interwoven with feelings of fondness. Kindness. Concern. And compassion.

Friendship is built on respective trust. Shared interests. Common values. And mutual understanding.

The Bible has a good deal to say about friends and friendship.

It’s worth noting that we are warned about the wrong kind of relationships. James reminds us that “friendship with the world is enmity with God” (Jas 4:3). And Paul advises that “bad company ruins good morals” (1 Cor 15:33).
The wise man observed, “Ointment and perfume delight the heart, And the sweetness of a man’s friend gives delight by hearty counsel. Do not forsake your own friend or your father’s friend.” (Prov. 27:9-10). Keil and Delitzsch observe how the ancients perfumed with dry aromas and the sprinkling of liquid aromas “as a mark of honor toward guests and a means of promoting joyful social fellowship.” In the same way, friends provide delight. Give pleasure. Offer counsel. Furnish joy.

The ancient Preacher offers a practical value of friendship. Friends help each other when one falls or fails. “Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up” (Eccl. 4:9-10)

The wise man continues this thought by adding, “Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm; But how can one be warm alone?” (Eccl. 4:11). This is more than just physical warmth. Friends provide emotion warmth and support in world that is too often cold and calloused.

Furthermore, friends protect you. Stand up for you. Fight for you.
“Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him.
And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” (Eccl. 4:12). The Preacher’s point was based on the military strategy of the ancient world. Almost all combat was hand to hand. Soldiers went into battle with a partner, someone who could be counted on and trusted. They stood back to back and fought any enemy that came from the side. True friends never stab you in the back, but they guard your back. A real friend will protect your reputation.

The right kind of friendship spurs growth and encourages personal and spiritual development. Solomon put it this way, “As iron sharpens iron, a friend sharpens a friend.” (Prov 27:17) True friends want to see their friends improve, grow and get better. A person who is jealous or resentful of your growth is not a true friend.

“True friendship multiplies the good in life and divides its evils,” observed the 17th century Spanish philosopher, Baltasar Cracian. “Strive to have friends,” he encouraged, “for life without friends is like life on a desert island… to find one real friend in a lifetime is good fortune; to keep him is a blessing.”

–Ken Weliever, The Preacherman


1. Write the correct word with ‘self’  

He doesn’t look himself today. Is he OK?  

Alex, did you choose my present yourself?  

She did it all by herself.  

They built their house themselves.  

Shall we wait for you or buy everything ourselves?  

2. Fill in the gaps with the correct phrasal verb: check out, check in, checks off, check on, checked out of  

After you check in, someone will help you carry your bags to your room.  

Let’s go and check out that new restaurant in the city center.  

Laura usually checks off the items on her shopping list as she goes around the supermarket.  

Peter was asked to return his room key when he checked out of the hotel.  

Can you check on the dinner and make sure it’s not burning?  

3. Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.  

This skirt is made from silk.  

A lot of dogs are abandoned in the streets by their owners.  

All the concert tickets were already sold out.  

This book will be returned to the library next week.  

When was the Eiffel Tower built?  

The building was finished last month.  

Photography is not allowed in the museum.  

The Leaning Tower of Pisa is covered in marble.  

4. Fill in: natural, animal, charity, staff, take care, couple of hours, foster, senior, burst, abandoned.  

My best friend works a couple of hours twice a week at the animal shelter. He is not a staff member. He helps to take care of animals and feed them. Some of the animals need more care than usual, so a foster home is found for them. It is hard not to burst into tears when you see abandoned animals. He sometimes goes to a charity event or visits a senior citizen for a few hours. Volunteering is his natural choice.  

5. Fill in the correct preposition  

We were told about showing kindness to animals and looking after them properly.  

I liked the idea of getting involved into something worthwhile.  

Most of the animals are removed from their homes.  

Could you volunteer to visit a senior citizen for a couple of hours about twice a week?  

We always donate old clothes to the local charity shop.  


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