Word beginning same as end

What is the term for when a word begins with the same sound as the previous word’s ending sound? For example, there are three instances of this in one line of the lyrics to For the First Time in Forever (Reprise) in the Frozen movie soundtrack, where Elsa sings:

Just stay away and you’ll be safe from me.

  1. Just stay
  2. safe from
  3. from me

I don’t think elision is the correct term, since all references I’ve found to elision show that letters are omitted when written, e.g., «going to» -> «gonna.»

herisson's user avatar


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asked Apr 23, 2015 at 12:41

user118218's user avatar


The term is called haplology. Where one sound is omitted and the words are pronounced together. Newspaper route becomes newspaperout, for example. Often times haplology refers to repeated sounds within a single word, but in English (and possibly some other languages) it happens with multiple words.

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answered Mar 12, 2018 at 3:46

Dylgamesh's user avatar


Assonance is the closest word I know of. Generally, it describes words that have repeated vowel sounds but don’t rhyme. For example, «fold» and «own». It could be used generically to mean what you’re asking, but it wouldn’t specifically mean that. And it is more correct to use assonance to describe words where the repeated sounds are in the same place, but it is a better bet than alliteration or rhyme. Consonance means the same thing for consonant sounds.

answered Aug 27, 2016 at 20:47

abalonemacaroni's user avatar


Could refer to consonant rhyme or consonance as per the usage.

The repetition of consonants (or consonant patterns) especially at the ends of words

answered Apr 27, 2015 at 11:38

thepace's user avatar


I am using egrep to find the lines qualified in a text, so how can I find a sentence in which the beginning word is the same as the ending word?

egrep '^(w{2})b.*$' filename 

but this didn’t seem to be correct

asked Feb 15, 2016 at 20:39

Amber's user avatar


Depending on what you mean by «word» and what your input and expected output looks like, this may or may not be what you want:

awk '$1==$NF' file

If it isn’t then edit your question to provide all of the missing information.

answered Feb 15, 2016 at 20:54

Ed Morton's user avatar

Ed MortonEd Morton

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Answering the the comment above, here are several options. I use an example input like this:

This has upper and lower case like this
That has also a full stop like that.
Here everthing is the same like Here
And here there is no match.

I use variations of this command: egrep "^(w+) .*1$" testw.txt

  1. ignore case: add option -i : egrep -i ...
  2. sentence end with punctuation: allow one optional char after the last word: "^(w+) .*1.?$"

answered Feb 20, 2016 at 13:35

Lars Fischer's user avatar

Lars FischerLars Fischer

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  1. wow
  2. roar
  3. mom
  4. dad
  5. a
  6. I
  7. America
  8. pop
  9. Emilie
  10. tot
  11. wow

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I am using egrep to find the lines qualified in a text, so how can I find a sentence in which the beginning word is the same as the ending word?

egrep '^(w{2})b.*$' filename

but this didn’t seem to be correct

Depending on what you mean by «word» and what your input and expected output looks like, this may or may not be what you want:

awk '$1==$NF' file

If it isn’t then edit your question to provide all of the missing information.

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AT the beginning in the beginning

Многие путаются в выражениях at the beginning и in the beginning, ведь оба можно перевести как «в начале». Также вызывают трудности выражения at the end и in the end — оба опять же можно перевести одинаково как «в конце». В чем между ними разница?

Оба выражения правильные, но они немного отличаются по смыслу.

  • At the beginning — это «в начале, на начальном этапе чего-то, в начальной части чего-то»

Обычно используется с предлогом of, например:

At the beginning of the match, I was a little worried. — В начале матча я был немного взволнован (то есть в начальном периоде матча).

At the beginning of the book, there is a table of contents. — В начале книги есть содержание (в начальной части книги).

  • In the beginning — это тоже «в начале», но ближе по значению к «поначалу», «сперва», то есть речь идет о первоначальной ситуации, которая позже изменилась, а не о начальной части чего-то.

In the beginning, we had only two employees. Now we have two thousand employees all over the world. — В начале (сперва, сначала, поначалу) у нас было только двое сотрудников. Сейчас у нас 2000 сотрудников по всему миру.

In the beginning, the boy was weak, but then he became stronger. — В начале (поначалу, сначала, сперва) мальчик был слаб, но затем он стал сильнее.

В принципе, мы можем перефразировать примеры с «in the beginning» таким образом, что нужно будет использовать «at the beginning»:

At the beginning of our journey, we had only two employees. Now we have two thousand employees all over the world. — В начале нашего пути у нас было только двое сотрудников. Сейчас у нас 2000 сотрудников по всему миру.

At the beginning of the story, the boy was weak, but then he became stronger. — В начале истории мальчик был слаб, но затем он стал сильнее.

AT the end или IN the end?

Разница между AT the end и IN the end примерно такая же с поправкой на значение слова «end», разумеется.

  • At the end — в конце, на последнем этапе, в последней части чего-то

Обычно используется с предлогом of.

We’ll have an exam at the end of April. — У нас будет экзамен в конце апреля.

At the end of the movie, they got married. — В конце фильма они поженились.

  • In the end — в конце концов, в итоге, в конечном счете, наконец

You can win the prize or not. In the end, it doesn’t matter. — Ты можешь выиграть приз или нет. В конечном счете, это не имеет значения.

His business was going fine, but in the end, he went bankrupt. — Его бизнес развивался отлично, но в итоге он обанкротился.


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