Word begin with over

Words beginning with over. This OVER words reference page contains a list of words beginning with OVER, organized by word length. The below online list of words that begin with over might be useful for people who are taking classes in school leading to a degree, those who play word games, and visitors who enjoy education and learning or teaching about language and like to incorporate new words into their vocabulary.

4 letter words beginning with over:


5 letter words beginning with over:


6 letter words beginning with over:

overdo overly

7 letter words beginning with over:

overact overage overall overarm overawe overbid overbig overden overdry overdue overdye overeat overfar overfly overjoy overlap overlay overleg overlie overman overpay overply overrun oversay oversee overset oversew oversot overtax overtly overtop overuse

8 letter words beginning with over:

overable overaged overalls overarch overbear overbite overbold overbray overcast overcoat overcome overcraw overcrop overcull overdeep overdone overdoor overdose overdraw overdyes overfear overfeed overfile overfill overflow overgave overgoad overgrow overhand overhang overhard overhaul overhead overhear overheat overkill overlaid overland overleap overline overling overlive overload overlock overlong overlook overlord overloup overlush overmast overmuch

overnets overnice overpass overpert overpick overplay overplow overplus overpray overpuff overrate override overriot overripe overrule overseam overseas overseer oversell oversews overshoe overside oversize oversnow oversold oversoul overstay overstep oversway overtake overtare overtask overtime overtire overtone overtook overture overturn overtype overused overview overwhip overwind overword overwork

9 letter words beginning with over:

overacted overblame overbloom overblown overboard overbreed overbrows overbuild overburns overcanny overchase overcheck overclean overclear overcloud overdance overdecks overdoses overdraft overdress overdrily overdrive overdrove overdusts overeager overemote overexert overglaze overhappy overhaste overhasty overhated overheaps overhonor overhotly overhover overissue overjawed overlarge overlends overloves overlying overmatch overmerry overnames overnight overnurse overobese overplaid overplain overplant

overpower overprick overprint overprize overproof overreach overreact overripen overruled overscore overscour overseers overseing overshade overshave overshine overshoot oversides oversight oversizes overskirt oversleep overslide oversmite overspend overspill overstate overstock overstood overstudy overstuff oversweep oversweet overswing overtaken overtempt overthrow overtrade overtrick overtrump overtures overtyped overurges overvalue overwater overweary overweigh overwhelm overwords overwrite overwrote

10 letter words beginning with over:

overabound overactive overblouse overbreeds overbulked overburden overcharge overcrammi overcredit overdrying overeaters overexcite overexpert overexpose overflight overflower overfrieze overgentle overgotten overgraded overgrowth overhailed overhating overheaped overhyping overiodize overlabors overlocked overlooker overmantel overmantle overmaster overmatter overmodest overnicety overpeered overpraise overpruned overracked overraught overriches overridden overriding overrigged oversailed oversanded overscream overseamer overseason overshadow overshirts

overslaugh overspiced overspills overspread overstared overstinks overstrain overstream overstrict overstride overstrung oversubtle oversubtly oversupply overtakers overtalked overtalker overtaxing overthinks overthrust overtrader overtumble overwealth overweener overweight overwinter overwisdom

11 letter words beginning with over:

overanxious overapplaud overarching overassumed overbalance overbearing overblowing overboiling overbooking overbooming overbreathe overbridged overcareful overcasting overcertify overchannel overcleaned overcleared overclothes overconsume overcooling overcrawing overculture overcurious overdeeming overdevelop overdiluted overdraught overdrifted overexposes overextreme overfasting overfearing overfishing overfrailty overfraught overgrassed overgrazing overgreatly overharvest overindulge overinsures overjumping overknowing overliberal overmagnify overmatched overmeasure overmeddled overmilking overneglect

overnetting overnoveled overnursing overobesity overplotted overplusses overpratice overquarter overquickly overrepress overroasted overscratch overservile oversetting overshortly oversliding overspatter overstoping overstretch overstrikes overstuffed oversupping overtasking overtowered overwarming overwatcher overweening overwilling overworking overwrought overzealous

12 letter words beginning with over:

overaccurate overactivate overanalyzed overasserted overbragging overbrimming overbrowsing overbusyness overcautious overcharging overclassify overclearing overcritical overcrowding overdaintily overdazzling overdebating overdecorate overdesirous overdiffused overdominant overdrainage overdraughts overdrinking overestimate overexposure overextended overflowings overfreights overfullness overglorious overgraining overgrasping overgrievous overidentify overinclined overindulged overinvested overlavishly overliterary overmagnetic overmalapert overmaturely overmeasured overmobilize overmodestly overmoisture overornament overpictured overpinching overpowering

overprinting overpromptly overrashness overreachers overrefining overremissly overreported overreserved overresponds overrestrain overrudeness oversecuring overseership overshoulder oversilently oversleeping oversteadily overstocking overstrictly overstriding oversubtlety oversupplies overtaxation overtimbered overtimidity overtrimming overutilized overwearying overwhelming overwildness overyouthful

13 letter words beginning with over:

overabundance overaddiction overanalyzing overasserting overassessing overbreathing overcautioned overcivilized overcolouring overconcerned overconstruct overconsuming overcrowdings overdecadence overdecorated overdiffusely overdocuments overdogmatism overdramatize overelaborate overexertedly overexposures overextending overeyebrowed overforwardly overfulnesses overgreatness overheaviness overidealized overinflation overissuances overlengthens overlordships overmobilized overmortgaged overmultitude overnourishes overnutrition overoffensive overpainfully overpensively overplausibly overplenitude overpraticing overpreoccupy overreliances overrighteous overrigidness overscrubbing oversecretion oversubscribe

overtaxations overvariation overweeningly overwrestling

14 letter words beginning with over:

overabsorption overabstemious overassumptive overburdensome overcapitalize overcommitting overcontribute overcorruption overdebilitate overdescribing overdevoutness overelliptical overemphatical overencourages overfactiously overfastidious overfierceness overfloridness overfrequently overhonestness overinsistence overinsistency overinsolently overinterested overjoyfulness overmagnifying overmodernized overmoralistic overneutralize overornamented overpositively overpowerfully overpracticing overpressuring overprosperity overrefinement overreflection oversaturating overscrupulous oversevereness overspecialise overstraighten

15 letter words beginning with over:

overabusiveness overattentively overbookishness overbrilliantly overcalculation overcourteously overdeliciously overdemandiness overdependences overdescriptive overdiscouraged overembellished overentertained overfearfulness overhomogenized overimpressibly overinfluential overinstruction overinstructive overlightheaded overmultituding overnormalizing overoffensively overorchestrate overpessimistic overpopulations overprominently overpronouncing oversententious overspecialized oversubscribing

16 letter words beginning with over:

overassumptively overcapitalising overcompensation overcomplacently overcriticalness overdelicateness overdenunciation overderisiveness overdevelopments overelliptically overenthusiastic overhomogenizing overinterference overmercifulness overnumerousness overornamentally overrationalized oversystematized

17 letter words beginning with over:

overbounteousness overcompensations overcompetitively overconcentrating overexaggerations overexuberantness overfavorableness overornamentality overpatriotically overplentifulness overpreoccupation overpsychologized overreligiousness oversqueamishness oversystematizing

18 letter words beginning with over:

overabstemiousness overaggressiveness overinterestedness overmultiplication overprotectiveness overrepresentation oversolidification oversophistication

19 letter words beginning with over:

overcentralizations overindividualistic

20 letter words beginning with over:

overaggressivenesses overenthusiastically

23 letter words beginning with over:


Glad you visited this webpage containing OVER words that begin with over, and hopefully it helped you find the right 5 letters, 6 letter, 7, 8, 9, 10, and even longer word beginning with OVER.

Words that begin with OVER are commonly used for word games like Scrabble and Words with Friends. This list will help you to find the top scoring words to beat the opponent. You can also find a list of all words that end in OVER and words with OVER. Try our five letter words starting with OVER page if you’re playing Wordle-like games or use the New York Times Wordle Solver for finding the NYT Wordle daily answer.

15 Letter Words

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14 Letter Words

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13 Letter Words

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12 Letter Words

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11 Letter Words

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10 Letter Words

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9 Letter Words

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8 Letter Words

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7 Letter Words

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6 Letter Words

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5 Letter Words

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4 Letter Words

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12-letter words that start with over

  • overwhelming.
  • overpowering.
  • overestimate.
  • overcapacity.
  • oversimplify.
  • overpressure.
  • overinflated.
  • overcautious.

Similarly What is the compound word of board? The word board frequently finds itself as half of a compound word where the action takes place: You stand on a surfboard, type at a keyboard, or lose on a checkerboard. You can also sit on a board, meaning a team, of directors, or board, meaning stay, at a hotel.

What is the prefix over? But what about its opposite, the prefix OVER- ? When you add OVER- at the beginning of a word, it means too much or more than enough. In this lesson, we will look at words beginning with the prefix OVER- , such as overestimate , overhaul , override , overachieve , overkill , overrule , and more.

Beside above What is compound word for over?

A compound word is formed when two words are combined to make a new word. … The words “carry” and “over” can make the compound word “carry over”.

What words start with over?

What is the synonym of Renew?

Some common synonyms of renew are refresh, rejuvenate, renovate, and restore.

What words start with pen? 10-letter words that start with pen

  • penicillin.
  • penmanship.
  • pentatonic.
  • pentathlon.
  • pentameter.
  • penetrance.
  • penetrable.
  • pennyroyal.

What is the compound word of sea? List of 48 Compound Words Starting With ‘Sea’

sea robin seafarer season
seacoast seagull seaway
seacock seaman seaweed
seacraft seamanlike seaworthiness
seadog seamanship seaworthy

What is the compound word for DARE? 7-letter words that start with dare

  • daresay.
  • dareful.
  • darenth.
  • darerca.
  • darende.
  • darenet.
  • darebin.

Is multi a prefix?

The English prefix multi- means “many.” Examples using this prefix include multivitamin and multiplication.

Is overdo a word with prefix? A prefix is a word part added to the beginning of a word. It changes the meaning of a word. Over– is a prefix that is used in many words. Overwork, overslept, and overdo are all words that have the prefix over- in them.

What is the suffix of en?

The suffix -en is used to form adjectives from nouns (earthen, woolen, golden), but also verbs from adjectives or nouns (widen, deepen, loosen, strengthen, embolden, enliven). The prefix is also used to form feminine nouns like vixen, which has origin from the Middle English word fixen.

What is clipped word? a word formed by dropping one or more syllables from a longer word or phrase with no change in meaning, as deli from delicatessen or flu from influenza. Also called clipped word, clipping, shortening.

What are the examples of clipping?

Other examples of clipped forms in English include biz, caps, celebs, deli, exam, flu, gator, hippo, hood, info, intro, lab, limo, mayo, max, perm, photo, ref, reps, rhino, sax, stats, temp, thru, tux, ump, veep, and vet.

What are the examples of clipping words?

Clipped Words

ad – advertisement memo – memorandum
auto – automobile mike – microphone
bike – bicycle mum – chrysanthemum
burger – hamburger pen – penitentiary
bus – omnibus phone – telephone

• Jun 21, 2016

Is there such a word as renewed? resumed, revived, or reestablished: After years of failed talks, people reacted skeptically to a declaration of renewed negotiations between the opposing factions.

Does renew mean change? 1 : to become new or as new. 2 : to begin again : resume.

What is the best synonym for revival?


  • recovery.
  • rejuvenation.
  • renaissance.
  • renewal.
  • restoration.
  • resurgence.
  • resurrection.
  • revitalization.

What words start with pan? 9-letter words that start with pan

  • panhandle.
  • pantomime.
  • pantyhose.
  • panegyric.
  • pantheism.
  • pansexual.
  • panelized.
  • panettone.

What words have the root Dem?

Words with the root DEM include:

  • democracy.
  • demagogue.
  • epidemic.
  • demographic.

What words have pan in them? 13 letter words containing pan

  • accompaniment.
  • companionship.
  • unaccompanied.
  • companionable.
  • panleukopenia.
  • panoramically.
  • panegyrically.
  • pancreozymins.

What words have snow in them?

8 letter words containing snow

  • snowball.
  • snowfall.
  • snowpack.
  • snowbird.
  • snowmelt.
  • snowshoe.
  • snowplow.
  • snowbank.

What words end in sea? Words that End in SEA

  • 10 Letter Words. marshalsea 16 antinausea 13
  • 8 Letter Words. undersea 11
  • 7 Letter Words. oversea 11
  • 6 Letter Words. subsea 10 nausea 8
  • 4 Letter Words. asea 4
  • 3 Letter Words. sea 3 Word Finders.

What is a compound word for walk?

8 letter words containing walk. sidewalk. cakewalk. walkover. moonwalk.

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A list of scrabble words starting with Over

Over is a playable Scrabble Word!

A list of words that start with over for Scrabble that can also be used while playing
Words With Friends. Here’s a list of words that begin with over
of all different lengths.


  • Highest scoring words starting with Over
  • 11-letter words starting with Over
  • 10-letter words starting with Over
  • 9-letter words starting with Over
  • 8-letter words starting with Over
  • 7-letter words starting with Over
  • 6-letter words starting with Over
  • 5-letter words starting with Over
  • 4-letter words starting with Over
  • FAQs about words starting with Over

The highest scoring words starting with Over

Want to go straight to the words that will get you the best score? Here are all the highest scoring words with over,
not including the 50-point bonus if they use seven letters.

Top Words Starting with Over Scrabble Points Words With Friends Points
overfed 14 15
overcoy 15 16
overlax 17 19
overfly 16 17
overmix 19 21
overtax 17 18
overjoy 20 22
overply 15 17
overbuy 15 17
overpay 15 16

1,059 Scrabble words starting with Over

11 Letter Words That Start With Over

  • overachieve22
  • overactions16
  • overanalyze26
  • overanxiety24
  • overanxious21
  • overarching20
  • overarousal14
  • overarrange15
  • overasserts14
  • overbalance18
  • overbearing17
  • overbeating17
  • overbetting17
  • overbidding19
  • overbilling17
  • overblouses16
  • overblowing20
  • overboiling17
  • overbooking21
  • overborrows19
  • overbraking21
  • overbriefed20
  • overbrowsed20
  • overbrowses19
  • overburdens17
  • overburning17
  • overcalling17
  • overcareful19
  • overcasting17
  • overcaution16
  • overcharged21
  • overcharges20
  • overchilled20
  • overclaimed19
  • overclasses16
  • overcleaned17
  • overcleared17
  • overclouded18
  • overcoached22
  • overcoaches21
  • overcolored17
  • overcommits20
  • overcomplex27
  • overconcern18
  • overconsume18
  • overcontrol16
  • overcooking21
  • overcooling17
  • overcorrect18
  • overcounted17
  • overcrammed21
  • overcropped21
  • overcrowded21
  • overcutting17
  • overdecking22
  • overdesigns16
  • overdevelop20
  • overdirects17
  • overdosages16
  • overdrawing19
  • overdressed16
  • overdresses15
  • overdriving19
  • overdubbing20
  • overearnest14
  • overediting16
  • overeducate17
  • overemoting17
  • overexcited24
  • overexcites23
  • overexerted22
  • overexpands24
  • overexplain23
  • overexploit23
  • overexposed24
  • overexposes23
  • overextends22
  • overfatigue18
  • overfavored21
  • overfearing18
  • overfeeding19
  • overfilling18
  • overfishing21
  • overflights21
  • overflooded19
  • overflowing21
  • overfocused20
  • overfocuses19
  • overfulfill20
  • overfunding19
  • overgarment17
  • overgilding17
  • overgirding17
  • overglazing25
  • overgoading17
  • overgoverns18
  • overgrading17
  • overgrazing25
  • overgrowing19
  • overgrowths21
  • overhanding19
  • overhandled19
  • overhandles18
  • overhanging19
  • overharvest20
  • overhauling18
  • overheaping20
  • overhearing18
  • overheating18
  • overholding19
  • overhonored18
  • overhunting18
  • overimpress18
  • overindulge16
  • overinflate17
  • overinforms19
  • overintense14
  • overissuing15
  • overkilling19
  • overlabored17
  • overlapping19
  • overleaping17
  • overlearned15
  • overlending16
  • overlengths18
  • overletting15
  • overlighted19
  • overliteral14
  • overloading16
  • overlooking19
  • overlording16
  • overmanaged18
  • overmanages17
  • overmanning17
  • overmantels16
  • overmasters16
  • overmatched22
  • overmatches21
  • overmelting17
  • overmilking21
  • overmuscled19
  • overnighted19
  • overnighter18
  • overnourish17
  • overobvious19
  • overoperate16
  • overpackage23
  • overpacking23
  • overpassing17
  • overpayment21
  • overpedaled18
  • overpeopled19
  • overpeoples18
  • overplaided18
  • overplanned17
  • overplanted17
  • overplaying20
  • overplotted17
  • overpowered20
  • overpraised17
  • overpraises16
  • overprecise18
  • overpricing19
  • overprinted17
  • overprizing26
  • overprocess18
  • overproduce19
  • overprogram19
  • overpromise18
  • overpromote18
  • overprotect18
  • overpumping21
  • overreached20
  • overreacher19
  • overreaches19
  • overreacted17
  • overrefined18
  • overreports16
  • overrespond17
  • overroasted15
  • overruffing21
  • overrunning15
  • oversalting15
  • oversaucing17
  • overscoring17
  • overseeding16
  • overselling15
  • overserious14
  • overservice19
  • oversetting15
  • overshading19
  • overshadows21
  • overslaughs18
  • overslipped19
  • oversmoking21
  • oversoaking19
  • overspender17
  • overspicing19
  • overspilled17
  • overspreads17
  • overstaffed21
  • overstating15
  • overstaying18
  • oversteered15
  • overstepped19
  • overstirred15
  • overstocked21
  • overstories14
  • overstrains14
  • overstretch19
  • overstrewed18
  • overstrides15
  • overstudied16
  • overstudies15
  • overstuffed21
  • oversudsing16
  • oversupping19
  • oversweeten17
  • overtalking19
  • overtasking19
  • overteaches19
  • overthought21
  • overtighten18
  • overtipping19
  • overtnesses14
  • overtoiling15
  • overtopping19
  • overtrading16
  • overtrained15
  • overtreated15
  • overtrimmed19
  • overtrumped19
  • overturning15
  • overutilize23
  • overvaluing18
  • overviolent17
  • overvoltage18
  • overwarming20
  • overwatched23
  • overwatches22
  • overwatered18
  • overwearied18
  • overwearies17
  • overwearing18
  • overweening18
  • overweighed22
  • overweights21
  • overwetting18
  • overwhelmed23
  • overwinding19
  • overwinters17
  • overworking22
  • overwriting18
  • overwritten17
  • overwrought21
  • overzealous23

10 Letter Words That Start With Over

  • overacting16
  • overaction15
  • overactive18
  • overarched19
  • overarches18
  • overarming16
  • overassert13
  • overbaking20
  • overbeaten15
  • overbetted16
  • overbidden17
  • overbilled16
  • overbleach20
  • overblouse15
  • overboiled16
  • overbooked20
  • overborrow18
  • overbought19
  • overbraked20
  • overbrakes19
  • overbreeds16
  • overbriefs18
  • overbright19
  • overbrowse18
  • overbrutal15
  • overbuilds16
  • overburden16
  • overburned16
  • overbuying19
  • overcalled16
  • overcasted16
  • overcharge19
  • overchills18
  • overclaims17
  • overcleans15
  • overclears15
  • overclouds16
  • overcolors15
  • overcomers17
  • overcoming18
  • overcommit19
  • overcooked20
  • overcooled16
  • overcounts15
  • overcrowds19
  • overcuring16
  • overdaring15
  • overdecked21
  • overdesign15
  • overdirect16
  • overdosage15
  • overdosing15
  • overdrafts17
  • overdrinks18
  • overdriven17
  • overdrives17
  • overdrying18
  • overdubbed19
  • overdyeing18
  • overeaters13
  • overeating14
  • overedited15
  • overemoted16
  • overemotes15
  • overexcite22
  • overexerts20
  • overexpand23
  • overexpose22
  • overextend21
  • overfacile18
  • overfavors19
  • overfeared17
  • overfilled17
  • overfished20
  • overfishes19
  • overflight20
  • overfloods17
  • overflowed20
  • overflying20
  • overfunded18
  • overgilded16
  • overgirded16
  • overglazed24
  • overglazes23
  • overgoaded16
  • overgovern17
  • overgraded16
  • overgrades15
  • overgrazed24
  • overgrazes23
  • overgrowth20
  • overhanded18
  • overhandle17
  • overhating17
  • overhauled17
  • overheaped19
  • overheated17
  • overhonors16
  • overhoping19
  • overhunted17
  • overhyping22
  • overinform18
  • overissued14
  • overissues13
  • overjoying24
  • overkilled18
  • overlabors15
  • overlading15
  • overlapped18
  • overlavish19
  • overlaying17
  • overleaped16
  • overlearns13
  • overlearnt13
  • overlength17
  • overlights17
  • overliving17
  • overloaded15
  • overlooked18
  • overlorded15
  • overloving17
  • overmanage16
  • overmanned16
  • overmantel15
  • overmaster15
  • overmature15
  • overmelted16
  • overmighty22
  • overmilked20
  • overmining16
  • overmixing23
  • overmodest16
  • overmuches20
  • overnights17
  • overpacked22
  • overpassed16
  • overpasses15
  • overpaying19
  • overpedals16
  • overpeople17
  • overplaids16
  • overplants15
  • overplayed19
  • overpluses15
  • overplying19
  • overpotent15
  • overpowers18
  • overpraise15
  • overpriced18
  • overprices17
  • overprints15
  • overprized25
  • overprizes24
  • overpumped20
  • overrating14
  • overreacts15
  • overreport15
  • overridden15
  • overriding15
  • overroasts13
  • overruffed20
  • overruling14
  • oversalted14
  • oversauced16
  • oversauces15
  • oversaving17
  • overscaled16
  • overscored16
  • overscores15
  • overseeded15
  • overseeing14
  • oversewing17
  • overshaded18
  • overshades17
  • overshadow20
  • overshirts16
  • overshoots16
  • oversights17
  • oversimple17
  • oversimply20
  • overskirts17
  • overslaugh17
  • oversleeps15
  • oversmoked20
  • oversmokes19
  • oversoaked18
  • overspends16
  • overspiced18
  • overspices17
  • overspills15
  • overspread16
  • overstaffs19
  • overstated14
  • overstates13
  • overstayed17
  • oversteers13
  • overstocks19
  • overstrain13
  • overstress13
  • overstrewn16
  • overstrews16
  • overstride14
  • overstrode14
  • overstrung14
  • overstuffs19
  • oversubtle15
  • oversudsed15
  • oversudses14
  • oversupped18
  • oversupply20
  • overswings17
  • overtaking18
  • overtalked18
  • overtasked18
  • overtaught17
  • overtaxing21
  • overthinks20
  • overthrown19
  • overthrows19
  • overtiming16
  • overtipped18
  • overtiring14
  • overtoiled14
  • overtopped18
  • overtraded15
  • overtrades14
  • overtrains13
  • overtreats13
  • overtricks19
  • overtrumps17
  • overturing14
  • overturned14
  • overurging15
  • overvalued17
  • overvalues16
  • overvoting17
  • overwarmed19
  • overwaters16
  • overweened17
  • overweighs20
  • overweight20
  • overwetted17
  • overwhelms21
  • overwinter16
  • overworked21
  • overwrites16

9 Letter Words That Start With Over

  • overacted15
  • overacute14
  • overalert12
  • overalled13
  • overarmed15
  • overawing16
  • overbaked19
  • overbakes18
  • overbears14
  • overbeats14
  • overbills14
  • overbites14
  • overblown17
  • overblows17
  • overboard15
  • overboils14
  • overbooks18
  • overborne14
  • overbrake18
  • overbreed15
  • overbrief17
  • overbroad15
  • overbuild15
  • overbuilt14
  • overburns14
  • overburnt14
  • overcalls14
  • overcasts14
  • overcheap19
  • overchill17
  • overcivil17
  • overclaim16
  • overclass14
  • overclean14
  • overclear14
  • overclose14
  • overcloud15
  • overcoach19
  • overcoats14
  • overcolor14
  • overcomer16
  • overcomes16
  • overcooks18
  • overcools14
  • overcount14
  • overcrams16
  • overcrops16
  • overcrowd18
  • overcured15
  • overcures14
  • overdared14
  • overdares13
  • overdecks19
  • overdoers13
  • overdoing14
  • overdosed14
  • overdoses13
  • overdraft16
  • overdrank17
  • overdrawn16
  • overdraws16
  • overdress13
  • overdried14
  • overdries13
  • overdrink17
  • overdrive16
  • overdrove16
  • overdrunk17
  • overdyers16
  • overeager13
  • overeaten12
  • overeater12
  • overedits13
  • overemote14
  • overexert19
  • overfavor18
  • overfears15
  • overfeeds16
  • overfills15
  • overflies15
  • overflood16
  • overflown18
  • overflows18
  • overfocus17
  • overfrank19
  • overfunds16
  • overfussy18
  • overgilds14
  • overgirds14
  • overglaze22
  • overgoads14
  • overgrade14
  • overgraze22
  • overgreat13
  • overgrown16
  • overgrows16
  • overhands16
  • overhangs16
  • overhasty18
  • overhated16
  • overhates15
  • overhauls15
  • overheads16
  • overheaps17
  • overheard16
  • overhears15
  • overheats15
  • overholds16
  • overhonor15
  • overhoped18
  • overhopes17
  • overhunts15
  • overhyped21
  • overhypes20
  • overissue12
  • overjoyed23
  • overkills16
  • overlabor14
  • overladed14
  • overladen13
  • overlades13
  • overlands13
  • overlarge13
  • overleaps14
  • overleapt14
  • overlearn12
  • overlends13
  • overlight16
  • overlived16
  • overlives15
  • overloads13
  • overlooks16
  • overlords13
  • overloved16
  • overloves15
  • overlying16
  • overmatch19
  • overmelts14
  • overmilks18
  • overmined15
  • overmines14
  • overmixed22
  • overmixes21
  • overnight16
  • overpacks20
  • overpedal15
  • overplaid15
  • overplans14
  • overplant14
  • overplays17
  • overplied15
  • overplies14
  • overplots14
  • overpower17
  • overprice16
  • overprint14
  • overprize23
  • overproof17
  • overproud15
  • overpumps18
  • overquick27
  • overrated13
  • overrates12
  • overreach17
  • overreact14
  • overrides13
  • overrigid14
  • overroast12
  • overruffs18
  • overruled13
  • overrules12
  • oversales12
  • oversalts12
  • oversauce14
  • oversaved16
  • oversaves15
  • overscale14
  • overscore14
  • overseeds13
  • overseers12
  • oversells12
  • oversewed16
  • oversexed20
  • overshade16
  • oversharp17
  • overshirt15
  • overshoes15
  • overshoot15
  • overshots15
  • oversides13
  • oversight16
  • oversized22
  • oversizes21
  • overskirt16
  • oversleep14
  • overslept14
  • overslips14
  • overslipt14
  • oversmoke18
  • oversoaks16
  • oversouls12
  • overspend15
  • overspent14
  • overspice16
  • overspill14
  • overspilt14
  • overspins14
  • overstaff18
  • overstate12
  • overstays15
  • oversteer12
  • oversteps14
  • overstirs12
  • overstock18
  • overstory15
  • overstrew15
  • overstudy16
  • overstuff18
  • oversweet15
  • overswing16
  • overswung16
  • overtaken16
  • overtakes16
  • overtalks16
  • overtasks16
  • overtaxed20
  • overtaxes19
  • overteach17
  • overthick21
  • overthink19
  • overthrew18
  • overthrow18
  • overtight16
  • overtimed15
  • overtimes14
  • overtimid15
  • overtired13
  • overtires12
  • overtness12
  • overtoils12
  • overtones12
  • overtrade13
  • overtrain12
  • overtreat12
  • overtrick18
  • overtrims14
  • overtrump16
  • overtured13
  • overtures12
  • overturns12
  • overurged14
  • overurges13
  • overusing13
  • overvalue15
  • overviews18
  • overvivid19
  • overvoted16
  • overvotes15
  • overwarms17
  • overwatch20
  • overwater15
  • overwears15
  • overweary18
  • overweens15
  • overweigh19
  • overwhelm20
  • overwinds16
  • overwords16
  • overworks19
  • overwound16
  • overwrite15
  • overwrote15
  • overzeals21

8 Letter Words That Start With Over

  • overable13
  • overacts13
  • overaged13
  • overages12
  • overalls11
  • overarch16
  • overarms13
  • overawed15
  • overawes14
  • overbake17
  • overbear13
  • overbeat13
  • overbets13
  • overbids14
  • overbill13
  • overbite13
  • overblew16
  • overblow16
  • overboil13
  • overbold14
  • overbook17
  • overbore13
  • overborn13
  • overbred14
  • overburn13
  • overbusy16
  • overbuys16
  • overcall13
  • overcame15
  • overcast13
  • overcoat13
  • overcold14
  • overcome15
  • overcook17
  • overcool13
  • overcram15
  • overcrop15
  • overcure13
  • overcuts13
  • overdare12
  • overdear12
  • overdeck18
  • overdoer12
  • overdoes12
  • overdogs13
  • overdone12
  • overdose12
  • overdraw15
  • overdrew15
  • overdubs14
  • overdyed16
  • overdyer15
  • overdyes15
  • overeasy14
  • overeats11
  • overedit12
  • overfast14
  • overfear14
  • overfeed15
  • overfill14
  • overfish17
  • overflew17
  • overflow17
  • overfond15
  • overfoul14
  • overfree14
  • overfull14
  • overfund15
  • overgild13
  • overgilt12
  • overgird13
  • overgirt12
  • overglad13
  • overgoad13
  • overgrew15
  • overgrow15
  • overhand15
  • overhang15
  • overhard15
  • overhate14
  • overhaul14
  • overhead15
  • overheap16
  • overhear14
  • overheat14
  • overheld15
  • overhigh18
  • overhold15
  • overholy17
  • overhope16
  • overhung15
  • overhunt14
  • overhype19
  • overidle12
  • overjoys21
  • overjust18
  • overkeen15
  • overkill15
  • overkind16
  • overlade12
  • overlaid12
  • overlain11
  • overland12
  • overlaps13
  • overlate11
  • overlays14
  • overleaf14
  • overleap13
  • overlend12
  • overlent11
  • overlets11
  • overlewd15
  • overlies11
  • overlive14
  • overload12
  • overlong12
  • overlook15
  • overlord12
  • overloud12
  • overlove14
  • overlush14
  • overmans13
  • overmany16
  • overmeek17
  • overmelt13
  • overmild14
  • overmilk17
  • overmine13
  • overmuch18
  • overnear11
  • overneat11
  • overnice13
  • overpack19
  • overpaid14
  • overpass13
  • overpast13
  • overpays16
  • overpert13
  • overplan13
  • overplay16
  • overplot13
  • overplus13
  • overpump17
  • overrank15
  • overrash14
  • overrate11
  • overrich16
  • override12
  • overrife14
  • overripe13
  • overrode12
  • overrude12
  • overruff17
  • overrule11
  • overruns11
  • oversale11
  • oversalt11
  • oversave14
  • overseas11
  • overseed12
  • overseen11
  • overseer11
  • oversees11
  • oversell11
  • oversets11
  • oversewn14
  • oversews14
  • overshoe14
  • overshot14
  • oversick17
  • overside12
  • oversize20
  • overslip13
  • overslow14
  • oversoak15
  • oversoft14
  • oversold12
  • oversoon11
  • oversoul11
  • overspin13
  • overstay14
  • overstep13
  • overstir11
  • oversuds12
  • oversups13
  • oversure11
  • overtake15
  • overtalk15
  • overtame13
  • overtart11
  • overtask15
  • overthin14
  • overtime13
  • overtips13
  • overtire11
  • overtoil11
  • overtone11
  • overtook15
  • overtops13
  • overtrim13
  • overture11
  • overturn11
  • overurge12
  • overused12
  • overuses11
  • overview17
  • overvote14
  • overwarm16
  • overwary17
  • overweak18
  • overwear14
  • overween14
  • overwets14
  • overwide15
  • overwily17
  • overwind15
  • overwise14
  • overword15
  • overwore14
  • overwork18
  • overworn14
  • overzeal20

7 Letter Words That Start With Over

  • overact12
  • overage11
  • overall10
  • overapt12
  • overarm12
  • overate10
  • overawe13
  • overbed13
  • overbet12
  • overbid13
  • overbig13
  • overbuy15
  • overcoy15
  • overcut12
  • overdid12
  • overdog12
  • overdry14
  • overdub13
  • overdue11
  • overdye14
  • overeat10
  • overfar13
  • overfat13
  • overfed14
  • overfit13
  • overfly16
  • overhot13
  • overing11
  • overjoy20
  • overlap12
  • overlax17
  • overlay13
  • overlet10
  • overlie10
  • overlit10
  • overman12
  • overmen12
  • overmix19
  • overnew13
  • overpay15
  • overply15
  • overran10
  • overrun10
  • oversad11
  • oversaw13
  • oversea10
  • oversee10
  • overset10
  • oversew13
  • oversup12
  • overtax17
  • overtip12
  • overtly13
  • overtop12
  • overuse10
  • overwet13

4 Letter Words That Start With Over

  • over7

FAQ on words starting with Over

What are the best Scrabble words starting with Over?

The highest scoring Scrabble word starting with Over is Overcomplex, which is worth at least 27 points without
any bonuses.
The next best word starting with Over is overcoy, which is worth 15 points.
Other high score words starting with Over are

overlax (17),
overfly (16),
overmix (19),
overtax (17),
overjoy (20),
overply (15),
overbuy (15),
overpay (15).

How many words start with the
letters Over?

There are 1,059 words that start with the letters
Over in the Scrabble dictionary.
Of those
256 are 11 letter
246 are 10 letter
273 are 9 letter
222 are 8 letter
56 are 7 letter
3 are 6 letter
2 are 5 letter
1 is a 4 letter

Total Number of words that start with OVER found =1676

OVER comprises of 4 letters. Below are Total 1676 words Starting with OVER (Prefix) found after searching through all the words in english. OVER is itself is a word in english. over is made up of letters O, V, E and R. Where O is 15th , V is 22th , E is 5th and R is 18th Letter of Alphabet series
Also see: Words ending with Over | Words containing Over | Words made out of letters used in Over

16 letter Words starting with over

1). Overaccentuating 2). Overachievements 3). Overapplications 4). Overarticulating 5). Overcapitalizing 6). Overcentralizing 7). Overcommunicated 8). Overcommunicates 9). Overcompensating 10). Overcompensation 11). Overcompensatory 12). Overcomplicating 13). Overconservative 14). Overconstructing 15). Overconsumptions 16). Overcultivations 17). Overdevelopments 18). Overelaborations 19). Overembellishing 20). Overenthusiastic 21). Overexaggerating 22). Overexaggeration 23). Overexpectations 24). Overexploitation 25). Overgeneralizing 26). Overgenerosities 27). Overhomogenizing 28). Overindebtedness 29). Overorchestrated 30). Overorchestrates 31). Overprescription 32). Overproportioned 33). Overspecializing 34). Overspeculations 35). Overstimulations 36). Oversubscription 37). Overutilizations

15 letter Words starting with over

1). Overabstracting 2). Overaccentuated 3). Overaccentuates 4). Overachievement 5). Overadjustments 6). Overadvertising 7). Overapplication 8). Overarticulated 9). Overarticulates 10). Overassessments 11). Overcapitalized 12). Overcapitalizes 13). Overcentralized 14). Overcentralizes 15). Overclassifying 16). Overcommitments 17). Overcommunicate 18). Overcompensated 19). Overcompensates 20). Overcompliances 21). Overcomplicated 22). Overcomplicates 23). Overcompressing 24). Overconfidences 25). Overconfidently 26). Overconstructed 27). Overconsumption 28). Overcontrolling 29). Overcorrections 30). Overcultivation 31). Overdecorations 32). Overdependences 33). Overdevelopment 34). Overdiscounting 35). Overdiversities 36). Overdocumenting 37). Overdramatizing 38). Overeagernesses 39). Overelaborating 40). Overelaboration 41). Overembellished 42). Overembellishes 43). Overemphasizing 44). Overencouraging 45). Overengineering 46). Overentertained 47). Overenthusiasms 48). Overestimations 49). Overevaluations 50). Overexaggerated 51). Overexaggerates 52). Overexpectation 53). Overextractions 54). Overextravagant 55). Overfamiliarity 56). Overfertilizing 57). Overgeneralized 58). Overgeneralizes 59). Overglamorizing 60). Overhomogenized 61). Overhomogenizes 62). Overidentifying 63). Overimaginative 64). Overindulgences 65). Overingenuities 66). Overintensities 67). Overinvestments 68). Overlengthening 69). Overmedications 70). Overopinionated 71). Overorchestrate 72). Overornamenting 73). Overpersuasions 74). Overpopulations 75). Overprescribing 76). Overproductions 77). Overprogramming 78). Overproportions 79). Overprotections 80). Overrefinements 81). Overregulations 82). Overrepresented 83). Oversaturations 84). Oversensitivity 85). Oversimplifying 86). Overspecialized 87). Overspecializes 88). Overspeculating 89). Overspeculation 90). Overstabilities 91). Overstimulating 92). Overstimulation 93). Oversubscribing 94). Oversweetnesses 95). Overutilization 96). Overwithholding 97). Overzealousness

14 letter Words starting with over

1). Overabstracted 2). Overabundances 3). Overaccentuate 4). Overactivities 5). Overadjustment 6). Overadvertised 7). Overadvertises 8). Overaggressive 9). Overanalytical 10). Overarticulate 11). Overassertions 12). Overassessment 13). Overattentions 14). Overcapacities 15). Overcapitalize 16). Overcautioning 17). Overcentralize 18). Overclassified 19). Overclassifies 20). Overcommitment 21). Overcommitting 22). Overcompensate 23). Overcompliance 24). Overcomplicate 25). Overcompressed 26). Overcompresses 27). Overconcerning 28). Overconfidence 29). Overconstructs 30). Overcontrolled 31). Overcorrecting 32). Overcorrection 33). Overdecorating 34). Overdecoration 35). Overdependence 36). Overdetermined 37). Overdeveloping 38). Overdiscounted 39). Overdocumented 40). Overdominances 41). Overdramatized 42). Overdramatizes 43). Overeducations 44). Overelaborated 45). Overelaborates 46). Overemphasized 47). Overemphasizes 48). Overencouraged 49). Overencourages 50). Overengineered 51). Overenthusiasm 52). Overestimating 53). Overestimation 54). Overevaluation 55). Overexaggerate 56). Overexercising 57). Overexpansions 58). Overexplaining 59). Overexploiting 60). Overextensions 61). Overextraction 62). Overfastidious 63). Overfertilized 64). Overfertilizes 65). Overfulfilling 66). Overgeneralize 67). Overgenerosity 68). Overgenerously 69). Overglamorized 70). Overglamorizes 71). Overharvesting 72). Overhomogenize 73). Overidealizing 74). Overidentified 75). Overidentifies 76). Overimpressing 77). Overindulgence 78). Overinflations 79). Overinvestment 80). Overlengthened 81). Overmaturities 82). Overmedicating 83). Overmedication 84). Overnourishing 85). Overnutritions 86). Overoptimistic 87). Overorganizing 88). Overornamented 89). Overparticular 90). Overpersuading 91). Overpersuasion 92). Overpopulating 93). Overpopulation 94). Overpoweringly 95). Overprescribed 96). Overprescribes 97). Overprivileged 98). Overprocessing 99). Overproduction 100). Overprograming 101). Overprogrammed 102). Overproportion 103). Overprotecting 104). Overprotection 105). Overprotective 106). Overrefinement 107). Overregulating 108). Overregulation 109). Overresponding 110). Oversaturating 111). Oversaturation 112). Overscrupulous 113). Oversecretions 114). Oversimplified 115). Oversimplifies 116). Oversimplistic 117). Oversolicitous 118). Overspecialize 119). Overspeculated 120). Overspeculates 121). Overstatements 122). Overstimulated 123). Overstimulates 124). Overstretching 125). Overstructured 126). Oversubscribed 127). Oversubscribes 128). Oversuspicious 129). Oversweetening 130). Overtightening 131). Overtreatments 132). Overvaluations 133). Overwhelmingly

13 letter Words starting with over

1). Overabstracts 2). Overabundance 3). Overachievers 4). Overachieving 5). Overadvertise 6). Overambitious 7). Overamplified 8). Overanalyzing 9). Overanxieties 10). Overarranging 11). Overasserting 12). Overassertion 13). Overassertive 14). Overattention 15). Overbalancing 16). Overbearingly 17). Overbejeweled 18). Overbleaching 19). Overborrowing 20). Overbreathing 21). Overburdening 22). Overcautioned 23). Overcivilized 24). Overcommitted 25). Overconcerned 26). Overconfident 27). Overconscious 28). Overconstruct 29). Overconsuming 30). Overcorrected 31). Overcredulous 32). Overdecorated 33). Overdecorates 34). Overdemanding 35). Overdependent 36). Overdesigning 37). Overdeveloped 38). Overdirecting 39). Overdiscounts 40). Overdiversity 41). Overdocuments 42). Overdominance 43). Overdramatize 44). Overeagerness 45). Overeducating 46). Overeducation 47). Overelaborate 48). Overembellish 49). Overemotional 50). Overemphasize 51). Overencourage 52). Overenergetic 53). Overengineers 54). Overestimated 55). Overestimates 56). Overexercised 57). Overexercises 58). Overexertions 59). Overexpanding 60). Overexpansion 61). Overexplained 62). Overexploited 63). Overexposures 64). Overextending 65). Overextension 66). Overexuberant 67). Overfertilize 68). Overfocussing 69). Overfulfilled 70). Overglamorize 71). Overgoverning 72). Overharvested 73). Overidealized 74). Overidealizes 75). Overimpressed 76). Overimpresses 77). Overindulgent 78). Overindulging 79). Overinflating 80). Overinflation 81). Overinforming 82). Overingenious 83). Overingenuity 84). Overinsistent 85). Overintensity 86). Overissuances 87). Overlengthens 88). Overlordships 89). Overmastering 90). Overmedicated 91). Overmedicates 92). Overmodulated 93). Overnourished 94). Overnourishes 95). Overnutrition 96). Overoperating 97). Overoptimisms 98). Overoptimists 99). Overorganized 100). Overorganizes 101). Overornaments 102). Overpackaging 103). Overpedalling 104). Overpersuaded 105). Overpersuades 106). Overpopulated 107). Overpopulates 108). Overprescribe 109). Overpressures 110). Overprocessed 111). Overprocesses 112). Overproducing 113). Overprogramed 114). Overpromising 115). Overpromoting 116). Overprotected 117). Overqualified 118). Overreactions 119). Overregulated 120). Overregulates 121). Overreliances 122). Overreporting 123). Overresponded 124). Oversaturated 125). Oversaturates 126). Oversecretion 127). Oversensitive 128). Overseriously 129). Overservicing 130). Overshadowing 131). Overslaughing 132). Overspeculate 133). Overspreading 134). Overstability 135). Overstatement 136). Overstimulate 137). Overstraining 138). Overstressing 139). Overstretched 140). Overstretches 141). Oversubscribe 142). Oversupplying 143). Oversweetened 144). Oversweetness 145). Overtalkative 146). Overtaxations 147). Overtightened 148). Overtreatment 149). Overutilizing 150). Overvaluation 151). Overweeningly 152). Overweighting 153). Overwintering 154). Overwithholds 155). Overzealously

12 letter Words starting with over

1). Overabstract 2). Overabundant 3). Overachieved 4). Overachiever 5). Overachieves 6). Overactivity 7). Overanalyses 8). Overanalysis 9). Overanalyzed 10). Overanalyzes 11). Overarousals 12). Overarranged 13). Overarranges 14). Overasserted 15). Overbalanced 16). Overbalances 17). Overbleached 18). Overbleaches 19). Overborrowed 20). Overbrowsing 21). Overbuilding 22). Overburdened 23). Overcapacity 24). Overcastings 25). Overcautions 26). Overcautious 27). Overcharging 28). Overchilling 29). Overclaiming 30). Overclassify 31). Overcleaning 32). Overclearing 33). Overclouding 34). Overcoaching 35). Overcompress 36). Overconcerns 37). Overconsumed 38). Overconsumes 39). Overcontrols 40). Overcorrects 41). Overcounting 42). Overcramming 43). Overcritical 44). Overcropping 45). Overcrowding 46). Overdecorate 47). Overdesigned 48). Overdevelops 49). Overdirected 50). Overdiscount 51). Overdocument 52). Overdominant 53). Overdramatic 54). Overdressing 55). Overdrinking 56). Overeducated 57). Overeducates 58). Overemphases 59). Overemphasis 60). Overemphatic 61). Overenamored 62). Overengineer 63). Overenrolled 64). Overequipped 65). Overestimate 66). Overexciting 67). Overexercise 68). Overexerting 69). Overexertion 70). Overexpanded 71). Overexplains 72). Overexplicit 73). Overexploits 74). Overexposing 75). Overexposure 76). Overextended 77). Overfamiliar 78). Overfatigued 79). Overfatigues 80). Overfavoring 81). Overfocusing 82). Overfocussed 83). Overfocusses 84). Overfulfills 85). Overgarments 86). Overgenerous 87). Overgoverned 88). Overhandling 89). Overharvests 90). Overhuntings 91). Overidealize 92). Overidentify 93). Overindulged 94). Overindulges 95). Overinflated 96). Overinflates 97). Overinformed 98). Overinsuring 99). Overissuance 100). Overlaboring 101). Overlearning 102). Overlengthen 103). Overlighting 104). Overliterary 105). Overlordship 106). Overmanaging 107). Overmannered 108). Overmastered 109). Overmatching 110). Overmaturity 111). Overmedicate 112). Overmodestly 113). Overnighters 114). Overnighting 115). Overoperated 116). Overoperates 117). Overoptimism 118). Overoptimist 119). Overorganize 120). Overornament 121). Overpackaged 122). Overpackages 123). Overpayments 124). Overpedaling 125). Overpedalled 126). Overpeopling 127). Overpersuade 128). Overplanning 129). Overplanting 130). Overplotting 131). Overpopulate 132). Overpowering 133). Overpraising 134). Overpressure 135). Overprinting 136). Overproduced 137). Overproduces 138). Overprograms 139). Overpromised 140). Overpromises 141). Overpromoted 142). Overpromotes 143). Overprotects 144). Overreachers 145). Overreaching 146). Overreacting 147). Overreaction 148). Overregulate 149). Overreliance 150). Overreported 151). Overresponds 152). Oversanguine 153). Oversaturate 154). Overserviced 155). Overservices 156). Overshadowed 157). Overshooting 158). Oversimplify 159). Overslaughed 160). Oversleeping 161). Overslipping 162). Overspenders 163). Overspending 164). Overstaffing 165). Overstepping 166). Overstirring 167). Overstocking 168). Overstrained 169). Overstressed 170). Overstresses 171). Overstrewing 172). Overstridden 173). Overstriding 174). Overstriking 175). Overstuffing 176). Oversupplied 177). Oversupplies 178). Oversweetens 179). Overswinging 180). Overtaxation 181). Overthinking 182). Overthrowing 183). Overtightens 184). Overtraining 185). Overtreating 186). Overtrimming 187). Overtrumping 188). Overutilized 189). Overutilizes 190). Overvoltages 191). Overwatering 192). Overweighing 193). Overweighted 194). Overwhelming 195). Overwintered 196). Overwithheld 197). Overwithhold

11 letter Words starting with over

1). Overachieve 2). Overactions 3). Overanalyze 4). Overanxiety 5). Overanxious 6). Overarching 7). Overarousal 8). Overarrange 9). Overasserts 10). Overbalance 11). Overbearing 12). Overbeating 13). Overbetting 14). Overbidding 15). Overbilling 16). Overblouses 17). Overblowing 18). Overboiling 19). Overbooking 20). Overborrows 21). Overbrowsed 22). Overbrowses 23). Overburdens 24). Overburning 25). Overcalling 26). Overcareful 27). Overcasting 28). Overcaution 29). Overcharged 30). Overcharges 31). Overchilled 32). Overclaimed 33). Overcleaned 34). Overcleared 35). Overclouded 36). Overcoached 37). Overcoaches 38). Overcommits 39). Overcomplex 40). Overconcern 41). Overconsume 42). Overcontrol 43). Overcooking 44). Overcooling 45). Overcorrect 46). Overcounted 47). Overcrammed 48). Overcropped 49). Overcrowded 50). Overcutting 51). Overdecking 52). Overdesigns 53). Overdevelop 54). Overdirects 55). Overdosages 56). Overdrawing 57). Overdressed 58). Overdresses 59). Overdriving 60). Overdubbing 61). Overearnest 62). Overediting 63). Overeducate 64). Overemoting 65). Overexcited 66). Overexcites 67). Overexerted 68). Overexpands 69). Overexplain 70). Overexploit 71). Overexposed 72). Overexposes 73). Overextends 74). Overfatigue 75). Overfavored 76). Overfearing 77). Overfeeding 78). Overfilling 79). Overfishing 80). Overflights 81). Overflowing 82). Overfocused 83). Overfocuses 84). Overfulfill 85). Overfunding 86). Overgarment 87). Overgilding 88). Overgirding 89). Overgoading 90). Overgoverns 91). Overgrazing 92). Overgrowing 93). Overgrowths 94). Overhanding 95). Overhandled 96). Overhandles 97). Overhanging 98). Overharvest 99). Overhauling 100). Overheaping 101). Overhearing 102). Overheating 103). Overholding 104). Overhunting 105). Overimpress 106). Overindulge 107). Overinflate 108). Overinforms 109). Overinsured 110). Overinsures 111). Overintense 112). Overissuing 113). Overkilling 114). Overlabored 115). Overlapping 116). Overleaping 117). Overlearned 118). Overlending 119). Overletting 120). Overlighted 121). Overliteral 122). Overloading 123). Overlooking 124). Overlording 125). Overmanaged 126). Overmanages 127). Overmanning 128). Overmantels 129). Overmasters 130). Overmatched 131). Overmatches 132). Overmelting 133). Overmilking 134). Overmuscled 135). Overnighted 136). Overnighter 137). Overnourish 138). Overobvious 139). Overoperate 140). Overpackage 141). Overpassing 142). Overpayment 143). Overpedaled 144). Overpeopled 145). Overpeoples 146). Overplaided 147). Overplanned 148). Overplanted 149). Overplaying 150). Overplotted 151). Overpowered 152). Overpraised 153). Overpraises 154). Overprecise 155). Overpricing 156). Overprinted 157). Overprizing 158). Overprocess 159). Overproduce 160). Overprogram 161). Overpromise 162). Overpromote 163). Overprotect 164). Overpumping 165). Overreached 166). Overreacher 167). Overreaches 168). Overreacted 169). Overrefined 170). Overreports 171). Overrespond 172). Overruffing 173). Overrunning 174). Oversalting 175). Oversaucing 176). Overseeding 177). Overselling 178). Overserious 179). Overservice 180). Oversetting 181). Overshadows 182). Overslaughs 183). Overslipped 184). Oversmoking 185). Oversoaking 186). Overspender 187). Overspreads 188). Overstaffed 189). Overstating 190). Overstaying 191). Overstepped 192). Overstirred 193). Overstocked 194). Overstories 195). Overstrains 196). Overstretch 197). Overstrewed 198). Overstrides 199). Overstrikes 200). Overstuffed 201). Oversudsing 202). Oversupping 203). Oversweeten 204). Overtalking 205). Overtasking 206). Overthought 207). Overtighten 208). Overtipping 209). Overtnesses 210). Overtoiling 211). Overtopping 212). Overtrading 213). Overtrained 214). Overtreated 215). Overtrimmed 216). Overtrumped 217). Overturning 218). Overutilize 219). Overvaluing 220). Overviolent 221). Overvoltage 222). Overwarming 223). Overwatered 224). Overwearing 225). Overweening 226). Overweighed 227). Overweights 228). Overwetting 229). Overwhelmed 230). Overwinding 231). Overwinters 232). Overworking 233). Overwriting 234). Overwritten 235). Overwrought 236). Overzealous

10 letter Words starting with over

1). Overacting 2). Overaction 3). Overactive 4). Overarched 5). Overarches 6). Overassert 7). Overbaking 8). Overbeaten 9). Overbetted 10). Overbidden 11). Overbilled 12). Overbleach 13). Overblouse 14). Overboiled 15). Overbooked 16). Overborrow 17). Overbought 18). Overbright 19). Overbrowse 20). Overbrutal 21). Overbuilds 22). Overburden 23). Overburned 24). Overbuying 25). Overcalled 26). Overcasted 27). Overcharge 28). Overchills 29). Overclaims 30). Overcleans 31). Overclears 32). Overclouds 33). Overcomers 34). Overcoming 35). Overcommit 36). Overcooked 37). Overcooled 38). Overcounts 39). Overcrowds 40). Overcuring 41). Overdaring 42). Overdecked 43). Overdesign 44). Overdirect 45). Overdosage 46). Overdosing 47). Overdrafts 48). Overdrinks 49). Overdriven 50). Overdrives 51). Overdrying 52). Overdubbed 53). Overdyeing 54). Overeaters 55). Overeating 56). Overedited 57). Overemoted 58). Overemotes 59). Overexcite 60). Overexerts 61). Overexpand 62). Overexpose 63). Overextend 64). Overfacile 65). Overfavors 66). Overfeared 67). Overfilled 68). Overfished 69). Overfishes 70). Overflight 71). Overflowed 72). Overflying 73). Overfunded 74). Overgilded 75). Overgirded 76). Overglazes 77). Overgoaded 78). Overgovern 79). Overgrazed 80). Overgrazes 81). Overgrowth 82). Overhanded 83). Overhandle 84). Overhating 85). Overhauled 86). Overheaped 87). Overheated 88). Overhoping 89). Overhunted 90). Overhyping 91). Overinform 92). Overinsure 93). Overissued 94). Overissues 95). Overjoying 96). Overkilled 97). Overlabors 98). Overlading 99). Overlapped 100). Overlavish 101). Overlaying 102). Overleaped 103). Overlearns 104). Overlength 105). Overlights 106). Overliving 107). Overloaded 108). Overlooked 109). Overlorded 110). Overloving 111). Overmanage 112). Overmanned 113). Overmantel 114). Overmaster 115). Overmature 116). Overmelted 117). Overmighty 118). Overmilked 119). Overmining 120). Overmixing 121). Overmodest 122). Overmuches 123). Overnights 124). Overpassed 125). Overpasses 126). Overpaying 127). Overpedals 128). Overpeople 129). Overplaids 130). Overplants 131). Overplayed 132). Overpluses 133). Overplying 134). Overpotent 135). Overpowers 136). Overpraise 137). Overpriced 138). Overprices 139). Overprints 140). Overprized 141). Overprizes 142). Overpumped 143). Overrating 144). Overreacts 145). Overreport 146). Overridden 147). Overriding 148). Overruffed 149). Overruling 150). Oversalted 151). Oversauced 152). Oversauces 153). Oversaving 154). Overscaled 155). Overseeded 156). Overseeing 157). Oversewing 158). Overshadow 159). Overshirts 160). Overshoots 161). Oversights 162). Oversimple 163). Oversimply 164). Overskirts 165). Overslaugh 166). Oversleeps 167). Oversmoked 168). Oversmokes 169). Oversoaked 170). Overspends 171). Overspills 172). Overspread 173). Overstaffs 174). Overstated 175). Overstates 176). Overstayed 177). Oversteers 178). Overstocks 179). Overstrain 180). Overstress 181). Overstrewn 182). Overstrews 183). Overstride 184). Overstrike 185). Overstrode 186). Overstruck 187). Overstrung 188). Overstuffs 189). Oversubtle 190). Oversudsed 191). Oversudses 192). Oversupped 193). Oversupply 194). Overswings 195). Overtaking 196). Overtalked 197). Overtasked 198). Overtaxing 199). Overthinks 200). Overthrown 201). Overthrows 202). Overtiming 203). Overtipped 204). Overtiring 205). Overtoiled 206). Overtopped 207). Overtraded 208). Overtrades 209). Overtrains 210). Overtreats 211). Overtricks 212). Overtrumps 213). Overturing 214). Overturned 215). Overurging 216). Overvalued 217). Overvalues 218). Overvoting 219). Overwarmed 220). Overwaters 221). Overweened 222). Overweighs 223). Overweight 224). Overwetted 225). Overwhelms 226). Overwinter 227). Overworked 228). Overwrites

9 letter Words starting with over

1). Overacted 2). Overalert 3). Overalled 4). Overawing 5). Overbaked 6). Overbakes 7). Overbears 8). Overbeats 9). Overbills 10). Overbites 11). Overblown 12). Overblows 13). Overboard 14). Overboils 15). Overbooks 16). Overborne 17). Overbrief 18). Overbroad 19). Overbuild 20). Overbuilt 21). Overburns 22). Overburnt 23). Overcalls 24). Overcasts 25). Overchill 26). Overclaim 27). Overclean 28). Overclear 29). Overcloud 30). Overcoach 31). Overcoats 32). Overcomer 33). Overcomes 34). Overcooks 35). Overcools 36). Overcount 37). Overcrams 38). Overcrops 39). Overcrowd 40). Overcured 41). Overcures 42). Overdared 43). Overdares 44). Overdecks 45). Overdoers 46). Overdoing 47). Overdosed 48). Overdoses 49). Overdraft 50). Overdrank 51). Overdrawn 52). Overdraws 53). Overdress 54). Overdried 55). Overdries 56). Overdrink 57). Overdrive 58). Overdrove 59). Overdrunk 60). Overeager 61). Overeaten 62). Overeater 63). Overedits 64). Overemote 65). Overexert 66). Overfavor 67). Overfears 68). Overfeeds 69). Overfills 70). Overflies 71). Overflown 72). Overflows 73). Overfocus 74). Overfunds 75). Overfussy 76). Overgilds 77). Overgirds 78). Overglaze 79). Overgoads 80). Overgraze 81). Overgrown 82). Overgrows 83). Overhands 84). Overhangs 85). Overhasty 86). Overhated 87). Overhates 88). Overhauls 89). Overheads 90). Overheaps 91). Overheard 92). Overhears 93). Overheats 94). Overholds 95). Overhoped 96). Overhopes 97). Overhunts 98). Overhyped 99). Overhypes 100). Overissue 101). Overjoyed 102). Overkills 103). Overlabor 104). Overladed 105). Overladen 106). Overlades 107). Overlands 108). Overlarge 109). Overleaps 110). Overleapt 111). Overlearn 112). Overlends 113). Overlight 114). Overlived 115). Overlives 116). Overloads 117). Overlooks 118). Overlords 119). Overloved 120). Overloves 121). Overlying 122). Overmatch 123). Overmelts 124). Overmilks 125). Overmined 126). Overmines 127). Overmixed 128). Overmixes 129). Overnight 130). Overpedal 131). Overplaid 132). Overplans 133). Overplant 134). Overplays 135). Overplied 136). Overplies 137). Overplots 138). Overpower 139). Overprice 140). Overprint 141). Overprize 142). Overproof 143). Overpumps 144). Overrated 145). Overrates 146). Overreach 147). Overreact 148). Overrides 149). Overrigid 150). Overruffs 151). Overruled 152). Overrules 153). Oversales 154). Oversalts 155). Oversauce 156). Oversaved 157). Oversaves 158). Overscale 159). Overseeds 160). Overseers 161). Oversells 162). Oversewed 163). Oversexed 164). Overshirt 165). Overshoes 166). Overshoot 167). Overshots 168). Oversides 169). Oversight 170). Oversized 171). Oversizes 172). Overskirt 173). Oversleep 174). Overslept 175). Overslips 176). Overslipt 177). Oversmoke 178). Oversoaks 179). Oversouls 180). Overspend 181). Overspent 182). Overspill 183). Overspins 184). Overstaff 185). Overstate 186). Overstays 187). Oversteer 188). Oversteps 189). Overstirs 190). Overstock 191). Overstory 192). Overstrew 193). Overstuff 194). Oversweet 195). Overswing 196). Overswung 197). Overtaken 198). Overtakes 199). Overtalks 200). Overtasks 201). Overtaxed 202). Overtaxes 203). Overthink 204). Overthrew 205). Overthrow 206). Overtimed 207). Overtimes 208). Overtired 209). Overtires 210). Overtness 211). Overtoils 212). Overtones 213). Overtrade 214). Overtrain 215). Overtreat 216). Overtrick 217). Overtrims 218). Overtrump 219). Overtured 220). Overtures 221). Overturns 222). Overurged 223). Overurges 224). Overusing 225). Overvalue 226). Overviews 227). Overvivid 228). Overvoted 229). Overvotes 230). Overwarms 231). Overwater 232). Overwears 233). Overweary 234). Overweens 235). Overweigh 236). Overwhelm 237). Overwinds 238). Overwords 239). Overworks 240). Overwound 241). Overwrite 242). Overwrote 243). Overzeals

8 letter Words starting with over

1). Overable 2). Overacts 3). Overaged 4). Overages 5). Overalls 6). Overarch 7). Overawed 8). Overawes 9). Overbake 10). Overbear 11). Overbeat 12). Overbets 13). Overbids 14). Overbill 15). Overbite 16). Overblew 17). Overblow 18). Overboil 19). Overbold 20). Overbook 21). Overbore 22). Overborn 23). Overbred 24). Overburn 25). Overbusy 26). Overbuys 27). Overcall 28). Overcame 29). Overcast 30). Overcoat 31). Overcold 32). Overcome 33). Overcook 34). Overcool 35). Overcram 36). Overcrop 37). Overcure 38). Overcuts 39). Overdare 40). Overdear 41). Overdeck 42). Overdoer 43). Overdoes 44). Overdogs 45). Overdone 46). Overdose 47). Overdraw 48). Overdrew 49). Overdubs 50). Overdyed 51). Overdyes 52). Overeasy 53). Overeats 54). Overedit 55). Overfast 56). Overfear 57). Overfeed 58). Overfill 59). Overfish 60). Overflew 61). Overflow 62). Overfond 63). Overfoul 64). Overfree 65). Overfull 66). Overfund 67). Overgild 68). Overgilt 69). Overgird 70). Overgirt 71). Overglad 72). Overgoad 73). Overgrew 74). Overgrow 75). Overhand 76). Overhang 77). Overhard 78). Overhate 79). Overhaul 80). Overhead 81). Overheap 82). Overhear 83). Overheat 84). Overheld 85). Overhigh 86). Overhold 87). Overholy 88). Overhope 89). Overhung 90). Overhunt 91). Overhype 92). Overidle 93). Overjoys 94). Overjust 95). Overkeen 96). Overkill 97). Overkind 98). Overlade 99). Overlaid 100). Overlain 101). Overland 102). Overlaps 103). Overlate 104). Overlays 105). Overleaf 106). Overleap 107). Overlend 108). Overlent 109). Overlets 110). Overlewd 111). Overlies 112). Overlive 113). Overload 114). Overlong 115). Overlook 116). Overlord 117). Overloud 118). Overlove 119). Overlush 120). Overmans 121). Overmany 122). Overmeek 123). Overmelt 124). Overmild 125). Overmilk 126). Overmine 127). Overmuch 128). Overnear 129). Overneat 130). Overnice 131). Overpaid 132). Overpass 133). Overpast 134). Overpays 135). Overpert 136). Overplan 137). Overplay 138). Overplot 139). Overplus 140). Overpump 141). Overrank 142). Overrash 143). Overrate 144). Overrich 145). Override 146). Overrife 147). Overripe 148). Overrode 149). Overrude 150). Overruff 151). Overrule 152). Overruns 153). Oversale 154). Oversalt 155). Oversave 156). Overseas 157). Overseed 158). Overseen 159). Overseer 160). Oversees 161). Oversell 162). Oversets 163). Oversewn 164). Oversews 165). Overshoe 166). Overshot 167). Oversick 168). Overside 169). Oversize 170). Overslip 171). Overslow 172). Oversoak 173). Oversoft 174). Oversold 175). Oversoon 176). Oversoul 177). Overspin 178). Overstay 179). Overstep 180). Overstir 181). Oversuds 182). Oversups 183). Oversure 184). Overtake 185). Overtalk 186). Overtame 187). Overtart 188). Overtask 189). Overthin 190). Overtime 191). Overtips 192). Overtire 193). Overtoil 194). Overtone 195). Overtook 196). Overtops 197). Overtrim 198). Overture 199). Overturn 200). Overurge 201). Overused 202). Overuses 203). Overview 204). Overvote 205). Overwarm 206). Overwary 207). Overweak 208). Overwear 209). Overween 210). Overwets 211). Overwide 212). Overwily 213). Overwind 214). Overwise 215). Overword 216). Overwore 217). Overwork 218). Overworn 219). Overzeal

7 letter Words starting with over

1). Overact 2). Overage 3). Overall 4). Overapt 5). Overarm 6). Overate 7). Overawe 8). Overbed 9). Overbet 10). Overbid 11). Overbig 12). Overbuy 13). Overcoy 14). Overcut 15). Overdid 16). Overdog 17). Overdry 18). Overdub 19). Overdue 20). Overdye 21). Overeat 22). Overfar 23). Overfat 24). Overfed 25). Overfly 26). Overhot 27). Overing 28). Overjoy 29). Overlap 30). Overlax 31). Overlay 32). Overlet 33). Overlie 34). Overlit 35). Overman 36). Overmen 37). Overmix 38). Overnew 39). Overpay 40). Overply 41). Overran 42). Overrun 43). Oversad 44). Oversaw 45). Oversea 46). Oversee 47). Overset 48). Oversew 49). Oversup 50). Overtax 51). Overtip 52). Overtly 53). Overtop 54). Overuse 55). Overwet

6 letter Words starting with over

1). Overdo 2). Overed 3). Overly

5 letter Words starting with over

1). Overs 2). Overt

4 letter Words starting with over

1). Over

Over :- Above- or higher than- in place or position- with the idea of covering; — opposed to under; as- clouds are over our heads; the smoke rises over the city. Across; from side to side of; — implying a passing or moving- either above the substance or thing- or on the surface of it; as- a dog leaps over a stream or a table. Upon the surface of- or the whole surface of; hither and thither upon; throughout the whole extent of; as- to wander over the earth; to walk over a field- or over a city. Above; — implying superiority in excellence- dignity- condition- or value; as- the advantages which the Christian world has over the heathen.

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ove, over,


1. (cricket) the division of play during which six balls are bowled at the batsman by one player from the other team from the same end of the pitch

2. having come or been brought to a conclusion

More Definitions → overall

1. involving only main features

2. including everything

More Definitions → overview

1. a general summary of a subject

More Definitions → overseas

1. in a foreign country

2. being or passing over or across the sea

More Definitions → overnight

1. lasting, open, or operating through the whole night

2. during or for the length of one night

More Definitions → overcome

1. win a victory over

2. get on top of; deal with successfully

More Definitions → overhead

1. the expense of maintaining property (e.g., paying property taxes and utilities and insurance); it does not include depreciation or the cost of financing or income taxes

2. (computer science) the processing time required by a device prior to the execution of a command

More Definitions → oversight

1. an unintentional omission resulting from failure to notice something

2. management by overseeing the performance or operation of a person or group

More Definitions → overstock

1. stock excessively

More Definitions → overtime

1. work done in addition to regular working hours

2. playing time beyond regulation, to break a tie

More Definitions → overwhelming

1. so strong as to be irresistible

2. very strong; urgently felt

More Definitions → overlap

1. coincide partially or wholly

2. extend over and cover a part of

More Definitions → overflow

1. flow or run over (a limit or brim)

2. overflow with a certain feeling

More Definitions → override

1. rule against

2. prevail over

More Definitions → overlooking

1. used of a height or viewpoint

More Definitions → overland

1. traveling or passing over land

More Definitions → overlay

1. lie upon; lie on top of

2. kill by lying on

More Definitions → overweight

1. the property of excessive fatness

2. usually describes a large person who is fat but has a large frame to carry it

More Definitions → overlooked

1. not taken into account

More Definitions → overly

1. to a degree exceeding normal or proper limits

More Definitions → overload

1. become overloaded

2. fill to excess so that function is impaired

More Definitions → overdose

1. dose too heavily

More Definitions → overlapping

1. coincide partially or wholly

2. extend over and cover a part of

More Definitions → oversized

1. larger than normal for its kind

More Definitions → oversee

1. watch and direct

More Definitions → overture

1. orchestral music played at the beginning of an opera or oratorio

2. something that serves as a preceding event or introduces what follows

More Definitions → overcast

1. the state of the sky when it is covered by clouds

2. gloomy semidarkness caused by cloud cover

More Definitions → overhaul

1. travel past

2. make repairs, renovations, revisions or adjustments to

More Definitions → overdrive

1. drive or work too hard

2. make use of too often or too extensively

More Definitions → overlook

1. look past, fail to notice

2. be oriented in a certain direction

More Definitions → overdue

1. past due; not paid at the scheduled time

More Definitions → oversize

1. larger than normal for its kind

More Definitions → overwrite

1. write new data on top of existing data and thus erase the previously existing data

More Definitions → overwhelmingly

1. incapable of being resisted

More Definitions → overriding

1. having superior power and influence

More Definitions → overthrow

1. the termination of a ruler or institution (especially by force)

2. the act of disturbing the mind or body

More Definitions → overloaded

1. loaded past capacity

More Definitions → overt

1. open and observable; not secret or hidden

More Definitions → overturned

1. having been turned so that the bottom is no longer the bottom

More Definitions → overheard

1. hear, usually without the knowledge of the speakers

More Definitions → overrun

1. invade in great numbers

2. occupy in large numbers or live on a host

More Definitions → overkill

1. the capability to obliterate a target with more weapons (especially nuclear weapons) than are required

2. any effort that seems to go farther than would be necessary to achieve its goal

More Definitions → overboard

1. to extremes

2. from on board a vessel into the water

More Definitions → overridden

1. rule against

2. prevail over

More Definitions → overfull

1. exceeding demand

More Definitions → overturn

1. turn from an upright or normal position

2. cause to overturn from an upright or normal position

More Definitions → overflowing

1. covered with water

More Definitions → overpriced

1. too costly for the value

More Definitions → overwritten

1. write new data on top of existing data and thus erase the previously existing data

More Definitions → overcame

1. win a victory over

2. get on top of; deal with successfully

More Definitions → overheating

1. excessive heating

More Definitions → overwhelm

1. overcome, as with emotions or perceptual stimuli

2. charge someone with too many tasks

More Definitions → overpayment

1. a payment larger than needed or expected

2. the act of paying too much

More Definitions → overtake

1. catch up with and possibly overtake

2. travel past

More Definitions → overdraft

1. a draft in excess of the credit balance

More Definitions → overuse

1. make use of too often or too extensively

2. exploitation to the point of diminishing returns

More Definitions → overseen

1. watch and direct

More Definitions → overlord

1. a person who has general authority over others

More Definitions → overtly

1. in an overt manner

More Definitions → overstated

1. represented as greater than is true or reasonable

More Definitions → overtaken

1. catch up with and possibly overtake

2. travel past

More Definitions → overlaid

1. put something on top of something else

2. kill by lying on

More Definitions → overseer

1. a person who directs and manages an organization

More Definitions → overgrown

1. grow too large

2. become overgrown

More Definitions → oversaw

1. watch and direct

More Definitions → overpass

1. bridge formed by the upper level of a crossing of two highways at different levels

More Definitions → overhang

1. project over

2. be suspended over or hang over

More Definitions → overlapped

1. coincide partially or wholly

2. extend over and cover a part of

More Definitions → overlying

1. lie upon; lie on top of

2. kill by lying on

More Definitions → overthrown

1. cause the downfall of; of rulers

2. rule against

More Definitions → overclock

1. To run a processor (CPU), or any electronic logic device, at a speed higher than is recommended by the manufacturer.

More Definitions → overpowering

1. so strong as to be irresistible

More Definitions → overtaking

1. going by something that is moving in order to get in front of it

More Definitions → overpaid

1. pay too much

More Definitions → overestimate

1. an appraisal that is too high

2. a calculation that results in an estimate that is too high

More Definitions → overcoat

1. a heavy coat worn over clothes in winter

2. an additional protective coating (as of paint or varnish)

More Definitions → overjoyed

1. extremely joyful

More Definitions → overburden

1. burden with too much work or responsibility

2. load with excessive weight

More Definitions → overactive

1. more active than normal

More Definitions → overpopulation

1. too much population

More Definitions → overeating

1. eating to excess (personified as one of the deadly sins)

More Definitions → overbearing

1. expecting unquestioning obedience

2. having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy

More Definitions → overheat

1. get excessively and undesirably hot

2. make excessively or undesirably hot

More Definitions → overplay

1. exaggerate one’s acting

More Definitions → overblown

1. puffed up with vanity

2. past the stage of full bloom

More Definitions → overexposure

1. the act of exposing film to too much light or for too long a time

2. the act of exposing someone excessively to an influencing experience

More Definitions → overtook

1. catch up with and possibly overtake

2. travel past

More Definitions → overrule

1. rule against

More Definitions → overdone

1. do something to an excessive degree

2. represented as greater than is true or reasonable

More Definitions → overheated

1. heated beyond a safe or desirable point

More Definitions → oversea

1. being or passing over or across the sea

2. beyond or across the sea

More Definitions → overshadow

1. be greater in significance than

2. make appear small by comparison

More Definitions → overshoot

1. an approach that fails and gives way to another attempt

2. shoot beyond or over (a target)

More Definitions → overpower

1. overcome by superior force

2. overcome, as with emotions or perceptual stimuli

More Definitions → overstate

1. to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth

More Definitions → overgrowth

1. excessive size; usually caused by excessive secretion of growth hormone from the pituitary gland

2. a profusion of growth on or over something else

More Definitions → overleaf

1. on or to the other side of a page

More Definitions → overproduction

1. too much production or more than expected

More Definitions → overthrew

1. cause the downfall of; of rulers

2. rule against

More Definitions → overzealous

1. marked by excessive enthusiasm for and intense devotion to a cause or idea

More Definitions → overdo

1. do something to an excessive degree

More Definitions → overburdened

1. heavily burdened with work or cares

More Definitions → overage

1. a surplus or excess of money or merchandise that is actually on hand and that exceeds expectations

2. too old to be useful

More Definitions → overcharge

1. rip off; ask an unreasonable price

2. place too much a load on

More Definitions → overprint

1. print (additional text or colors) onto an already imprinted paper

2. something added by overprinting

More Definitions → oversubscribed

1. sold in excess of available supply especially season tickets

More Definitions → overtone

1. (usually plural) an ulterior implicit meaning or quality

2. a harmonic with a frequency that is a multiple of the fundamental frequency

More Definitions → overstuffed

1. upholstered thickly and deeply

More Definitions → oversupply

1. the quality of being so overabundant that prices fall

2. supply with an excess of

More Definitions → overwork

1. the act of working too much or too long

2. use too much

More Definitions → overstatement

1. making to seem more important than it really is

More Definitions →

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