Word bed and breakfast

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bed and breakfast — ночлег и завтрак
bed and breakfast hotel — гостиница типа «постель и завтрак»
bed-and-breakfast — краткосрочная купля-продажа акций в налоговых целях
a weekend workshop that is intended to disabuse would-be landlords of a bed-and breakfast that the job is one long vacation — семинар выходного дня, цель которого заключается в том, чтобы вывести потенциальных владельцев гостиниц типа «постель и завтрак» из заблуждения, что эта работа — один сплошной отдых

Автоматический перевод

полупансион, только завтраки

Перевод по словам

bed  — спать, ложиться в постель, кровать, постель, слой, ложе, постельный
breakfast  — завтрак, утренний завтрак, завтракать


He lingered in bed and missed breakfast.

Он долго валялся в постели и пропустил завтрак.

Fed up with the moil and moneygrubbing of Wall Street, he decided to open a bed-and-breakfast in Vermont.

Вечная суета и стяжательство, царящие на Уолл-стрит, ему поднадоели, и он решил открыть маленькую гостиницу в штате Вермонт.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…we stayed in a charming bed-and-breakfast in a lakeside village…  

…a small bandbox bed-and-breakfast decorated with taste and charm…  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

  • 1
    bed and breakfast

    bed and breakfast [ˏbed(ə)n(d)ˊbrekfəst]


    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > bed and breakfast

  • 2
    bed and breakfast

    (обыкновенно в объявлениях) ночлег и завтрак

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > bed and breakfast

  • 3

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > bed-and-breakfast

  • 4
    Bed and Breakfast

    Bed and Breakfast (BB)


    размещение и завтрак

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > Bed and Breakfast

  • 5
    bed and breakfast

    Персональный Сократ > bed and breakfast

  • 6

    English-Russian short dictionary > bed-and-breakfast

  • 7
    bed and breakfast



    ночлег и завтрак


    , постель и завтрак





    «ночлег и завтрак»


    , «постель и завтрак»




    * * *

    Ценные бумаги/Биржевая деятельность

    «кровать и завтрак»

    операция на фондовой бирже, которая состоит в том, что владелец акций продает их вечером и договаривается с брокером о покупке тех же акций на следующее утро сразу же после открытия биржи

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > bed and breakfast

  • 8
    bed and breakfast



    ночлег и завтрак


    , постель и завтрак







    «ночлег и завтрак»


    , «постель и завтрак»




    The new English-Russian dictionary of financial markets > bed and breakfast

  • 9
    bed and breakfast


    система услуг в гостинице, по которой проживающий платит за номер на ночь и за завтрак на следующее утро

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > bed and breakfast

  • 10
    bed and breakfast


    «ночлег с за́втраком»

    English-Russian Great Britain dictionary (Великобритания. Лингвострановедческий словарь) > bed and breakfast

  • 11
    bed and breakfast

    Синонимический ряд:

    lodging place (noun) accommodations for bicyclists; hostel; inn; lodge; lodging place; modest hotel; motel; rudimentary; youth hotel

    English-Russian base dictionary > bed and breakfast

  • 12
    bed and breakfast

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > bed and breakfast

  • 13
    bed and breakfast

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > bed and breakfast

  • 14

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > bed-and-breakfast

  • 15

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > bed-and-breakfast

  • 16
    bed and breakfast

    (n) краткосрочная купля-продажа акций в налоговых целях

    Новый англо-русский словарь > bed and breakfast

  • 17

    ночлег и завтрак (вид гостиницы)

    Новый англо-русский словарь > bed-and-breakfast

  • 18
    bed and breakfast

    гостиница типа «постель» и завтрак»

    English-Russian travelling dictionary > bed and breakfast

  • 19
    bed and breakfast

    1) «номер плюс завтрак»

    2) гостиница, предоставляющая номер с завтраком

    Англо-русский современный словарь > bed and breakfast

  • 20
    bed and breakfast

    English-Russian scientific dictionary > bed and breakfast


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

См. также в других словарях:

  • Bed and breakfast — Bed and breakfast, also known as B B, is a term, originating in the United Kingdom, but now also used all over the world, for an establishment that offers accommodation and breakfast, but usually does not offer other meals. Typically, bed and… …   Wikipedia

  • bed and breakfast — bed and breakfasts also bed and breakfast 1) N UNCOUNT Bed and breakfast is a system of accommodation in a hotel or guest house, in which you pay for a room for the night and for breakfast the following morning. The abbreviation B&B is also used …   English dictionary

  • bed and breakfast — n B & B 1.) [U] the providing of a room for a night and breakfast in the morning, for example in a hotel ▪ Is there anyone who does bed and breakfast round here? ▪ bed and breakfast accommodation 2.) a private house or small hotel where you can… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • bed and breakfast — UK US noun (ABBREVIATION B & B, ABBREVIATION B and B) ► [U] a service that provides a room to sleep in for the night and a morning meal: »The price includes bed and breakfast and return flights. »bed and breakfast accommodation for 29 people …   Financial and business terms

  • Bed and Breakfast 62 — (Амстердам,Нидерланды) Категория отеля: Адрес: Kerkstraat 42, Амстердам центр города …   Каталог отелей

  • Bed And Breakfast 13 — (Санта Эуфемия Ламеция,Италия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Via del Mare 13, 88046 …   Каталог отелей

  • Bed and Breakfast 33 — (Norra Varalöv,Швеция) Категория отеля: Адрес: Varalövsvägen 68, 26296 Norra V …   Каталог отелей

  • Bed and breakfast — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El “Bed and Breakfast” o B B es un alojamiento que ofrece “cama y desayuno” (tal como se traduce del inglés) por una tarifa conveniente. El concepto de B B nació en Europa pero en los años 60 se introdujo en Estados… …   Wikipedia Español

  • bed-and-breakfast — [bed ənd brek′fəst] adj. designating or of accommodations, as in a hotel or private home, in which breakfast is provided as part of the price n. an establishment featuring such accommodations: Also bed and breakfast …   English World dictionary

  • bed and breakfast — bed and break·fast loc.s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} formula alberghiera, diffusa spec. nei paesi anglosassoni, in base a cui privati cittadini offrono pernottamento e prima colazione a prezzi modici | la casa stessa in cui si pernotta:… …   Dizionario italiano

  • bed and breakfast — {{hw}}{{bed and breakfast}}{{/hw}}A locuz. sost. m. inv. Sistemazione alberghiera che comprende il pernottamento e la prima colazione | (est.) Pensione o casa privata che offrono tale sistemazione. B ¡ anche locuz. agg. inv.: trattamento bed and… …   Enciclopedia di italiano

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Room at a bed and breakfast establishment in Vorarlberg, Austria

Bürgermeister O´Swald II offers a little special accommodation, during its active time it was anchored in the Elbe’s inlet, now it is a B&B in the port of Cuxhaven.

Bed and breakfast (typically shortened to B&B or BnB) is a small lodging establishment that offers overnight accommodation and breakfast. Bed and breakfasts are often private family homes and typically have between four and eleven rooms, with six being the average.[1] In addition, a B&B usually has the hosts living in the house.

Bed and breakfast is also used to describe the level of catering included in a hotel’s room prices, as opposed to room only, half-board or full-board.

International differences[edit]


In China, expatriates have remodelled traditional structures in quiet picturesque rural areas and opened a few rustic boutique hotels with minimum amenities. Most patrons are foreign tourists but they are growing in popularity among Chinese domestic tourists.[2]


In India, the government is promoting the concept of bed & breakfast.[3] The government is doing this to increase tourism, especially keeping in view of the demand for hotels during the 2010 Commonwealth Games in Delhi.[4] They have classified B&Bs in 2 categories – Gold B&Bs, and Silver B&Bs. All B&Bs must be approved by the Ministry of Tourism, who will then categorize it as Gold or Silver based upon a list of pre-defined criteria.[5]


Patio of a guest house in Tamchy, Kyrgyzstan

The Israeli B&B is known as a zimmer (German for ‘room’). All over the country, but especially in northern Israel (Galilee, Upper Galilee and the Golan Heights) the zimmer has developed into an extensive industry. This industry began to develop in the 1990s, when agriculture became less profitable, and many families with farms in moshavim, kibbutzim, farms and even in cities decided to try their luck in the business of hospitality. In the last decade, there has been development of bed and breakfasts also in southern Israel in the Negev.[6][7]


In Italy, regional law regulates B&Bs. There is a national law «Legge 29 marzo 2001, n. 135» but each region maintains a specific regulation. Each region can adopt different regulations but they must observe the national law on Tourism (Law N° 135 /2001).

United Kingdom[edit]

There are numerous B&Bs found in seaside towns, the countryside as well as city centres.[9][10]

B&Bs are graded by VisitBritain and the AA on a star system. 3, 4 and 5-star establishments have a higher standard.[11][12] A majority of B&Bs in the UK have en-suite facilities.

United States[edit]

Front yard of a B&B in the Dupont Circle neighborhood of Washington, D.C.

There are approximately 17,000 B&Bs in the United States.[1]


Tourism Queensland study[edit]

In January 2003 Tourism Queensland conducted a review of current research to gain a better understanding of the Bed & Breakfast (B&B) market:[13]

Key needs that must be met for people staying at bed and breakfast style accommodation include: pampering and personalised service in an attractive location in an attractive house, opposed to more ‘standard’ hotelrooms.

The following attributes are also appealing:

  • Homely or wholesome atmosphere (older segments) or luxurious/heritage surrounds
  • Home style meals
  • Area for conversing with other guests
  • Ability to tap into local knowledge of attractions and activities in local area.

Guests at B&Bs were asked to identify the features and factors which motivated them to choose the establishment they were staying at. The friendliness of the host was the most important factor, followed by easy access to other places, the site being the most appealing place in the region. Usually B & B´s are privately owned, therefore very different from standard commercial hotels.

Bed & Breakfasts provide mutual benefits for both the visitor and the operator. Visitors have the opportunity for a relaxing break in a homely environment. Operators have the opportunity to develop a profitable business, make new friends and contacts, understand the cultures and lifestyles of others, and to educate guests about their way of life.

Income and leisure time have changed so that shorter breaks with greater choice of leisure activities are sought by travellers. Changing work patterns have increased the popularity of shorter breaks that minimize the absence from work and the effect of absences on workflow and involvement. Bed & Breakfast holidays tend to be short break holidays and could benefit from the increased popularity of short breaks, sought by people who aim for authenticity and personal service.

Michigan State University study[edit]

According to a study by Michigan State University:[14]

The profile of B&B guests confirms widely held impressions that this is a middle-aged, well-educated, (moderately) high income, professional market. On the last reported B&B trip, couples comprised two thirds of the travel parties.

Eighty-two percent of those sampled are married, and about half (44 percent) have children living at home. Average age for a travel party (respondent and spouse/partner ages are merged) is 40 years, with 60 percent under this age. This indicates that many B&B guests are at a mid-point in the traditional family cycle, when raising children is a primary activity. Newlyweds and «empty nesters» account for a smaller proportion. In fact, only 9 percent of the market is attributed to adults over 59
years of age.

Education levels are high, with the largest response category being completion of a college degree (31 percent). In addition, another one third had some graduate school or an advanced degree. It follows that the occupational profile is dominated by professionals and managers. Note that several categories such as business, health, education, and science are large enough for B&B’s to consider promotion aimed specifically at these segments.

The unique touches that distinguish a B&B are clearly a primary reason for selecting this lodging option. Words like «charm», ambience», «quaintness» and «atmosphere» were often used by respondents to describe this intangible appeal. The importance of the «getaway» aspect demonstrates that B&B’s have been well positioned to take advantage of shorter, more frequent weekend trips preferred by many two-income families. The lure of B&B’s as a more personal alternative to the standard hotel/motel experience was reconfirmed by the 10 percent who called this the single most important reason for staying at a B&B, the most frequent response to this open-ended question.

Customers were for the most part satisfied with their most recent B&B experience, with 80 percent giving the experience an … excellent» rating and another 17 percent calling it «good». Over 90 percent would both consider a return visit and recommend the B&B to friends and family.

According to this study, many bed and breakfast visitors make use of evaluations, given by other guests. This system of independent reviews is one of the fastest growing consumer content oriented sites on the net.

ComScore study[edit]

Another study suggests that people trust online reviews posted by previous guests:[15]

People are willing to pay up to 99 percent more for services after reading positive online reviews about them, according to new research.

The study, conducted in October by comScore and The Kelsey Group, found that online, consumer-created reviews have a big impact on prospective buyers. The researchers said 24 percent of those who eventually pay for local services — such as restaurants, bed & breakfasts and automotive shops — read online reviews before making a choice.

The study showed consumers were so trusting of online reviews, they were willing to pay at least 20 percent, and up to 99 percent, more if a company was rated excellent or five-star than if a business received a good, or four-star, rating. The study was based on 2,078 survey respondents, including 508 who used online consumer reviews.

Professional critics, and owners of companies that receive less-than-excellent online reviews by laypersons, might question the ability of regular people to adequately judge a service. However, the comScore/Kelsey Group study found that 90 percent of the people who trusted consumer-written reviews found the critiques to be accurate. In fact, noted the researchers, «reviews generated by fellow consumers had a greater influence than those generated by professionals.»

The study included specific bed & breakfasts among others services. At least 75 percent of those using online reviews for nearly every category of business included in the study said the amateur field reports significantly impacted their decision. Eighty-seven percent of those in search of hotels said the reviews played a big part in their choice.

The take-away message for service providers, according to a statement issued by The Kelsey Group’s research director, Steve Marshall: «With such a large percentage of review users subsequently purchasing, it’s vital that local service providers have a positive presence on these review sites.»

The fact that one-in-four of those contacted said they use reviews should come as good news for those in the online consumer review space, said Brian Jurutka, senior director at comScore Marketing Solutions. «That’s a sizeable chunk», he said. «This helps them in having discussions with folks looking to advertise; it says a sizeable portion of the online population is going to be visiting these sites.»

Journal of Travel Research study[edit]

A study by the Journal of Travel Research stated:[16]

While the hedonic price model has been used to evaluate willingness to pay in a variety of markets, its use in the tourism industry is limited. This research note highlights the usefulness of the hedonic price technique in this industry by evaluating willingness to pay for specific characteristics of bed and breakfast accommodations.
Heterogeneity in price and amenities offered by bed and breakfast accommodations enables us to generate estimates of willingness to pay for specific characteristics. Using data on price and amenities collected from bed and breakfast accommodations, the findings show a willingness to pay for specific characteristics such as sunny balconies, a five star Champagne breakfast, and a room furnished with antique treasures…

Prince Edward Island study[edit]

A 2007 study on Prince Edward Island[17]

The vast majority of visitors to B & B are pleasure travellers. The most important reasons why travellers choose a B & B are personalised service and hospitality, price and value ratio, physical element, atmosphere, image and location.

Time magazine[edit]

According to Time magazine:[18]

Americans have a wide array of lodgings to choose from when they take a vacation: high-rise hotels, rustic resorts, motels by the bay. Yet more and more people are flocking to bed-and-breakfast inns, the most old-fashioned homes away from home. Just 20 years ago, there were only 1,000 B and Bs, as they are nicknamed, scattered throughout the country. Today there are more than 28,000 serving more than 50 million guests each year.

What’s the appeal? Bed-and-breakfasts, often situated in elegant, historic homes, tap into everyone’s fantasy of living another life. Many have been lovingly renovated with period decorations, inviting visitors to step back in time. Others carry a theme throughout the house. Since on average they have only seven or eight rooms, they offer peace and quiet, a rare commodity in the average home.

The hosts, who nearly always live on the premises, provide plenty of coddling. They will recommend local attractions, help with dinner reservations, often provide an afternoon tea or glass of sherry—and, yes, prepare a delicious homemade breakfast.

Prices at bed-and-breakfasts, which average $104 to $133 a night, depending on the region, rival the rates of good hotels. While some 10,000 B and Bs are private homes in which the owners offer a room or two, most are serious businesses, complete with websites and toll-free numbers.

The clientele tends to be couples, most of them affluent and well educated. Most are tourists or people who are in town to visit family or to celebrate a special occasion. Bed-and-breakfasts are popular with many foreign travelers, mostly from Britain, Germany, Canada, France and Australia, who have grown up going to B and Bs in their own countries.

See also[edit]

  • Airbnb


  1. ^ a b «The B&B Industry». innkeeping.org. Archived from the original on 5 September 2015. Retrieved 4 September 2015.
  2. ^ Mike Ives (13 August 2013). «From Outsiders to Innkeepers in China’s Sleepy Countryside». The New York Times. Retrieved 14 August 2013.
  3. ^ Guidelines For Approval and Registration of ‘Incredible India Bed And Breakfast’ Establishments (MS Word Document)
  4. ^ «Delhi tourism department promoting B&Bs in Delhi». Delhitourism.nic.in. Archived from the original on 14 August 2009. Retrieved 1 October 2017.
  5. ^ «Ministry of Tourism B&B criteria in Delhi». Delhitourism.nic.in. Archived from the original on 25 May 2010. Retrieved 1 October 2017.
  6. ^ Mirovsky, Arik, «There’s gold in them thar hills…», Haaretz, retrieved 5 April 2009
  7. ^ «Everything about zimmers…» Zimmer.co.il. Retrieved 1 October 2017.
  8. ^ «Bed and Breakfast in Europe». It.bedandbreakfasteuro.com. Retrieved 1 October 2017.
  9. ^ «National Bed and Breakfast Day: Here’s what you need to know about the history of the B&B | BT». Archived from the original on 24 August 2018. Retrieved 23 August 2018.
  10. ^ «Traveller’s Guide: British B&Bs». Independent.co.uk. 15 April 2011. Retrieved 23 August 2018.
  11. ^ «Quality assessment for your accommodation». 24 February 2016. Retrieved 23 August 2018.
  12. ^ «AA Star and Pennant ratings». 3 March 2022. Retrieved 3 March 2022.
  13. ^ Bed & Breakfast Tourism (PDF), Tourism Queensland, January 2003, retrieved 5 April 2009
  14. ^ Koth, Barbara A; William C. Norman (6 June 2002), The Minnesota Bed and Breakfast Market: A Guest Profile (Research Summaries), University of Minnesota Minnesota Extension Service
  15. ^ Aun, Fred (3 December 2007), ComScore Study Reinforces Online Reviews’ Impact on Offline Sales, ClickZ.com, archived from the original on 6 November 2009, retrieved 4 October 2009
  16. ^
    Monty, Ben (2003), «Hedonic Pricing and Willingness to Pay for Bed and Breakfast Amenities in Southeast Wisconsin», Journal of Travel Research, La Follette School of Public Affairs at the University of Wisconsin—Madison, University of Wisconsin—Whitewater, 42 (2): 195–199, doi:10.1177/0047287503257500, S2CID 154809306
  17. ^ Significant research of bed & breakfast and country inns, The Association of Prince Edward Island, Tourism Research Center: At the University of Prince Edward Island, 2007
  18. ^ Marchant, Valerie; Witkowski, Tom; Benson, Jyl; Monday, Harriet (18 November 2002), «Bed, Breakfast And Beyond», Time, archived from the original on 6 November 2009, retrieved 4 May 2009

: an establishment (such as an inn) offering lodging and breakfast

Example Sentences

Recent Examples on the Web

Fernandina Beach Hotels To fully immerse yourself in the beauty of Fernandina Beach, book your stay at one of the historic homes that have been transformed into quaint inns and bed-and-breakfasts.

Jessica Poitevien, Travel + Leisure, 28 Mar. 2023

That feeling will expand later this year when Le Petit Pali, a bed-and-breakfast style guest house, opens in Carmel, California as the latest addition to his portfolio, which also includes properties in Seattle, Santa Barbara, and San Francisco, as well as six in Los Angeles.

Adam Rathe, Town & Country, 28 Feb. 2023

According to Wilmore Mayor Harold Rainwater, between the four bed-and-breakfasts located in town and the 60 rental rooms at the university, the city was not equipped to accommodate such a large crowd.

Haadiza Ogwude, The Enquirer, 27 Feb. 2023

Chez Georges, a gorgeous boutique bed-and-breakfast in the Santa Teresa hills, features a sweeping view, chic interior design and Brutalist architecture.

Jack Nicas, New York Times, 2 Mar. 2023

As for accommodations, visitors can stay in a bed-and-breakfast, vacation rental, or at The Piccolo downtown.

Patricia Doherty, Travel + Leisure, 18 Feb. 2023

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘bed-and-breakfast.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

First Known Use

1978, in the meaning defined above

Time Traveler

The first known use of bed-and-breakfast was
in 1978

Cite this Entry

“Bed-and-breakfast.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bed-and-breakfast. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


More from Merriam-Webster on bed-and-breakfast

Last Updated:
2 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Merriam-Webster unabridged

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

кровать и завтрак

постель и завтрак

ночлег и завтрак

ночлега и завтрака

кровати и завтрака

кровати и завтрак

номер с завтраком

кроватью и завтраком

проживание и завтрак

Bed and Breakfast



For a truly unique vacation experience, some university colleges now offer accommodation options, including bed and breakfast.

Для поистине уникальных каникул некоторые университетские колледжи теперь предлагают варианты размещения, включая кровать и завтрак.

You could even convert part of the property to a bed and breakfast.

We offer more than bed and breakfast

These are small hotels, the concept of which is to provide the client with bed and breakfast.

Это маленькие отели, концепция которых заключается в том, чтобы предоставить клиенту ночлег и завтрак.

This elegant bed and breakfast is in the perfect location for exploring the city.

Эта кровать и завтрак идеально подходит для изучения испанской столицы.

Opened yourself up a little bed and breakfast somewhere.

We’ll stay in a bed and breakfast, get up, have coffee and a cigarette.

All these come I either self catering basis or bed and breakfast.

Additional payment for bed and breakfast.

I’ll drop you at the bed and breakfast.

Askov bed and breakfast offers 3 rooms prepared as single or double rooms.

Аскова кровать и завтрак предлагает З комнаты, подготовленных как одноместные или двухместные комнаты.

Although most of them — are small bed and breakfast and cozy design hotels.

Хотя большинство из них — это небольшие кровать и завтрак и уютные гостиницы дизайна.

You can turn your home into a bed and breakfast.

Children over 12 staying in their parents’ room are charged at the full adult price for additional bed and breakfast.

За проживание детей старше 12 лет в номере родителей взимается полная стоимость за дополнительную кровать и завтрак.

We offer more than just bed and breakfast.

The bed and breakfast has a sun terrace and views of the mountains.

The ships are all ideal as bed and breakfast and also very suitable as a group accommodation.

Корабли, к тому же кровать и завтрак также очень подходит в качестве размещения группы.

You can play table tennis and darts at the bed and breakfast.

Вы можете играть в настольный теннис, бильярд и дартс в кровать и завтрак.

If you are looking for a more unique experience, consider staying at a ryokan, a traditional Japanese bed and breakfast.

Если вы ищете более уникальный опыт, подумайте о пребывании в ryokan, традиционный японский кровать и завтрак.

In Italy bed and breakfast is a rather new form of accommodation.

«Кровать и завтрак» являются довольно дружественным режимом размещения.

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bed and breakfast — перевод на русский

/bɛd ænd ˈbrɛkfəst/

I’ll make it a bed and breakfast.

Я здесь сделаю гостиницу!

Did you drop a man off at the Thyme and Tide Bed and Breakfast two nights ago?

Вы подвозили мужчину в гостиницу «Тимьяновый луг» пару ночей назад?

So George and I are reopening the bed and breakfast.

И мы с Джорджем решили снова открыть гостиницу.

So George and I are reopening the bed and breakfast.

Мы с Джорджем опять откроем гостиницу.

an empty bed and breakfast, she left the door unlocked, ready for her return.

Пустая гостиница, она оставила дверь незапертой, готовой к ее возвращению.

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Bed and breakfasts are cutesy and annoying.

Кровать и завтрак вычурно и раздражающе.

‘Cause I like this little bed and breakfast,

Потому что я люблю эту маленькую кровать и завтрак,

I’ll drop you at the bed and breakfast.

Я приготовлю вам кровать и завтрак.

«The Simpson Bed and Breakfast»?

«Кровать и завтрак у Симпсонов»?

Yeah, yeah, remember when we first came to L.A., we stopped at that bed and breakfast?

Да, да, помню когда мы впервые приехали в Лос-Анджелес, мы остановились в этом кровать и завтрак?

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For bed and breakfast.

За постель и завтрак.

Back for the Wolfram Hart bed and breakfast?

Опять пришла в Вольфрам и Харт – постель и завтрак?

I want to pull over and find a little bed and breakfast for when we meet in the middle.

Я хочу, чтобы мы остановились и поискали местечко для встреч на полпути, где нам могут предоставить постель и завтрак.

— A little bed and breakfast?

-Не много постели и завтрак?

And, um, I get a free room here at the bed and breakfast, although it’s not so much breakfast anymore, so…

И я нашла свободную комнату с постелью и завтраком, хотя здесь уже не так много завтрака, так что…

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I stayed in a bed and breakfast like this once.

Как-то останавливался в мотеле, точь-в-точь как этот.

Grigory stayed in a bed and breakfast near the crash site, The same one that his mom was staying in when she died.

Григорий останавливался в мотеле рядом с местом аварии, там же, где останавливалась его мать перед смертью.

She loved staying here at my bed and breakfast.

Ей нравилось останавливаться в моем мотеле.

This is specific to opening small inns, bed and breakfasts.

Семинар посвящен маленьким гостиницам, мотелям.

Worst bed and breakfast we’ve been to.

Это худший мотель во всем мире!

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The Bed and Breakfast is the other way!

— Эй, отель в другую сторону!

I’d inherited some money and we promised each other we’d go back to Brighton one day and open our own bed and breakfast.

Я как раз получила небольшое наследство, и мы решили возвратиться в Брайтон и открыть там свой собственный отель.

We just went out to walk around our bed and breakfast.

Мы просто вышли погулять вокруг отеля.

Bed and breakfast in Scotland.

Отель в Шотландии.

A bed and breakfast.

Это отель.

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где время стоит на месте.

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Кровать и з— Хотите чувствовать себя, как вы кого-то пребывание в доме?

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warm Alaskan hospitality.

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тепло аляскинским гостеприимство.

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a new family-run farmhouse.

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новой семейной ферме.

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traditional hotel, high place of moroccan gastronomy.

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Кровать и з— РИАД ARABESQUE это очаровательное место жительства,

традиционный отель,

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Кровать и з— Есть много способов, чтобы в Южной Италии.

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very appreciated by professionals.

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которые ищут что-то другое.

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We have identified the location as the Bramble House Bed and Breakfast on Longacre Road.

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Обнаружили его в месте под названием» Ежевичный Дом: сон и завтрак» на Лонгэйкре.

The bed and breakfast close to the sea


the mountains allows you to enjoy the island as such,

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Постель и завтрак вблизи моря


горы позволяет вам наслаждаться как таковой, остров дикой

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700 metres from Dam Square


900 metres from Leidseplein.

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3 км от центрального вокзала Амстердама, в 700 метрах от площади Дам


в 900 метрах от площади Лейдсеплейн.

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Property Location Located in North Canton,

Triple Oak Farm Bed and Breakfast is within a 10-minute drive of Walsh University


Hartville Kitchen.

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Местоположение отеля Triple Oak Farm Bed and Breakfast в городе Норт- Кантон- вариант с отличным расположением: Университет Уолш и Hartville Kitchen.

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eating, drinking, sightseeing, meeting



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прием пищи, питье, экскурсии, встречи



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far about 4 km from the Jonion sea


1, 5 km from the SS 106 road.

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далеко около 4 км от моря Jonion


1, 5 км от SS- 106- роуд.

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Set between the sea


Etna, Pippinitto’s House Bed and breakfast is a spacious structure, built at the beginning of the XIX century.

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Он расположен между морем


Этна, Pippinitto дом Ночлег и завтрак просторные структура, построенная в начале XIX века.

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Time: 0.0301





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