Word beats and life

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Words Beats & Life inc. is a Washington DC based hip-hop non-profit working to «transform individual lives and whole communities through elements of hip-hop culture.»[1][2] Founded as a hip-hop conference in 2000 at the University of Maryland, College Park, Words Beats & Life separated from the University to become a separate organization in 2002, officially incorporated as a 501(c)(3) in 2003.[1][3] Words Beats & Life works with the community by teaching, convening, and presenting hip-hop through the Urban Arts Academy, the Cipher, and publication of the first peer-reviewed academic journal of global hip-hop culture.[1][3]

Words Beats & Life Academy[edit]

According to The Washington Post, the Words Beats & Life Academy “aims to transcend the familiar beats and rhymes and use hip-hop as a catalyst to change lives.”[4] Starting as a Saturday program, the Academy grew into an afterschool and summer program that serves 150 students during the year and up to 300 during the summer.[1][5] Classes are taught by practicing artists, who serve as mentors for their students.[2] Youth, ages 5–23, participate in pre-vocational arts programming to hone skills in graffiti and visual arts, B-boying, DJing, and emceeing. In addition to skill mastery, the urban arts academy focuses on self-awareness and employability, using hip-hop as a platform to engage students in learning, building community, and thinking about their futures.[1][4][6] For example, emceeing helps students sharpen public speaking skills, and DJing connects students to technology and engineering.[7] Visual arts skills are used to paint murals and Words Beats & Life has worked in conjunction with the DC Government on the Murals DC project, which aims to redirect the energy of graffiti artist to legal projects to beautify the city.[8]

Words Beats and Life Experiences[edit]

Scratch, Sip & Paint



Hip-Hop Tea Party

Walking Mural Tour

Bike Mural Tour

Concrete and Roses

Chocolate Milk and Butter Crunch

Creative Economy Career Pipeline[edit]

Creative Economy Career Fair(s)

Summer Youth Employment Program

Alternative Spring Break

Like a Boss

The League

The Cipher[edit]

The Cipher is a national network, connecting institutions, organizations, and individual artists and scholars using hip-hop as a medium to promote social change.[1][9] Traditionally, hip-hop organizations are often absent from conferences and symposia in their respective fields, and therefore working in isolation.[9] Through publication of a peer-reviewed academic journal and an annual Teach-in, Words Beats & Life works to bring together scholars, educators, artists, and activists who use hip-hop as a tool for social change in a discussion of how to work together as a community and maximize the collective capacity to make change.[9][10][11]

The Journal[edit]

Words. Beats. Life: The Global Journal of Hip-Hop Culture is the first academic peer-reviewed journal of hip-hop studies, also showcasing the talents visual artists and poets in the field. Combining art and scholarly work intends to present a dialogue between different mediums. Featuring established intellectuals and artists in the field as well as previously unknown individuals, the journal is a resource for hip-hop scholars and non-profits, representing current developments in the field.[12][13] The Journal is published twice a year with the goal to promote dialogue and interaction between artists and scholars within the DMV.[14]

Vol 1 Issue 1: Inaugural Issue

Vol 1 Issue 2: The Art of the Name Drop

Vol 1 Issue 3: Where My Girls At?

Vol 1 Issue 4: Poetry, Hip-Hop, and Global Revolutions

Vol 2 Issue 1: Golden Era of Hip Hop

Vol 2 Issue 2: One Day it Will All Make Sense

Vol 3 Issue 1: The Blueprint for a Movement

Vol 3 Issue 2: Bootleg This Journal

Vol 4 Issue 1: It Ain’t My Fault

Vol 4 Issue 2: The Sex Issue

Vol 5 Issue 1: I Am

Vol 5 Issue 2: Untitled

Vol 6 Issue 1: Who We Are

Vol 6 Issue 2: Brazil

Vol 7 Issue 1: Spaces and Places

Vol 7 Issue 2: Street Lit

Vol 8 Issue 1: South Africa

WPFW 89.3FM[edit]

Live @ 5

Words Beats & Life Radio

The 5th Element

Published Poets[edit]

Malachi Byrd

Kenneth Carroll III

Fine Lines: Mural Program[edit]


U Street

Signature Events[edit]

DC Youth Poet Laureate

Words Beats and Life Festival

Chinatown Block Party

The Fresh Ball

Juste Debout

La Belle Hip-Hop

Bum Rush the Boards is an annual hip-hop chess tournament created in 2005 as a more inclusive alternative to traditional chess tournaments.[1] Named after Public Enemy’s 1987 album Yo! Bum Rush the Show, the tournament aims to connect the hip-hop generation to chess as a model of “overcoming through strategic struggle.”[15][16] In addition to chess matches cultivating strategic thinking, the event includes workshops about the elements of hip-hop culture and how they related to STEM fields.[17][18]

Remixing the Art of Social Change is an annual teach-in hosted at Howard University since 2007, bringing together organizations, artists, and scholars that use hip-hop culture to promote social change.[11][19] Through roundtables, panel discussions, film screenings, and workshops that build on the efforts of the previous teach-ins, the event showcases work being done and creates a network for individuals and organizations to connect and advance how hip-hop is used as a medium to promote positive change.[11]

The Freshest of all Time is DC’s largest B-boy/B-girl jam featuring prominent b-boy crews from DC, Maryland, Virginia, Philadelphia, Boston, and New York. The battle drew more than 600 people in 2009, and 800 in 2010.[20][21][22]

Remix Award Winners[edit]


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External links[edit]

  • Word Beats & Life website


  1. ^ a b c d e f g «Words Beats & Life Presents Seventh Annual Bum Rush the Boards Chess Tournament» Mixed Media District. 17 April 2012.
  2. ^ a b «Hip-Hop Culture: Q&A With Cory Stowers, Art Director for Words Beats & Life inc.» Jennifer Vinson. Pink Line Project. 19 November 2010.
  3. ^ a b «Transforming Individual Lives and Whole Communities Through Hip-Hop» Words Beats & Life. 2011.
  4. ^ a b «Urging Youths to Step Up to Life’s Opportunities» Juana Summers. Washington Post. 2 October 2008.
  5. ^ «Spotlight On. . . Mazi Mutafa» DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities. 2010.
  6. ^ «The Academy» Words Beats & Life. 2011.
  7. ^ «Impact Awards» Lehrman Foundation. 2011.
  8. ^ «Tagging Rights: Have the nonprofits, art galleries, and party planners who fete D.C.’s graffiti scene also tamed it?» Jonna McKone. Washington City Paper. 9 September 2011.
  9. ^ a b c «The Cipher: Organize. Provide. Convene. Present. Words Beats & Life. 2011.
  10. ^ «WBL Teach In 2012 Recap» Amy Joseph & Magee McIlvaine. Nomadic Wax. 12 July 2012.
  11. ^ a b c «Remixing the Art of Social Change @ Howard University» Mark Anthony Neal. New Black Man (In Exile) 3 July 2012.
  12. ^ «Words. Beats. Life: The Global Journal of Hip-Hop Culture June 9th» Penn English. 2012.
  13. ^ «Words Beats & Life: The Global Journal of Hip-Hop Culture» Words Beats & Life. 2011.
  14. ^ Tate, Jef (2012). Words Beats & Life. Washington D.C.: Words Beats & Life. pp. ii. ISBN 978-0-9788971-6-1.
  15. ^ «Bum Rush the Boards Hip-Hop Chess Tournament» Jeff Winkler. Washington City Paper. 17 April 2009.
  16. ^ «Bum Rush the Boards. . . Hip Hop Chess!» Daaim Shabazz. The Chess Drum. 14 April 2009.
  17. ^ «Bum Rush the Boards tournament mixes chess and hip-hop» Kathleen Hom. The Washington Post. 20 April 2010.
  18. ^ «Bum Rush the Board Chess Tournament» Words Beats & Life. 2011.
  19. ^ «Remixing the Art of Social Change» Words Beats & Life. 2012.
  20. ^ «The Freshest of All Time: 2 on 2 B- boy/girl Jam» Words Beats & Life. 2011.
  21. ^ «2011 DC Hip=Hop Theater Festival» Hip-Hop Theater Festival. 2011.
  22. ^ «Freshest of All Time» Rhome Anderson. the Washington Post. July 2009.

Words Beats & Life inc. является хип-хоп некоммерческой организацией в Вашингтоне, которая занимается «преобразованием жизни отдельных людей и целых сообществ с помощью элементов хип-хоп культуры». Основанная в 2000 году как конференция по хип-хопу в Мэрилендском университете в Колледж-Парке , Words Beats & Life отделилась от университета и в 2002 году стала отдельной организацией, официально зарегистрированной как 501 (c) (3) в 2003 году. Words Beats & Life работает с сообществом, обучая, собирая и представляя хип-хоп через Академию городского искусства , The Cipher и публикацию первого рецензируемого академического журнала о глобальной культуре хип-хопа.

Words Beats & Life Academy

Согласно The Washington Post , Words Beats & Life Academy «стремится выйти за рамки привычных ритмов и рифм и использовать хип-хоп в качестве катализатора для изменения жизней». Начиная с субботней программы, Академия превратилась в внешкольную и летнюю программу, которая обслуживает 150 студентов в течение года и до 300 — летом. Занятия проводят практикующие артисты, которые выступают в роли наставников для своих учеников. Молодежь в возрасте 5–23 лет участвует в программах предпрофессионального обучения искусству, чтобы отточить навыки граффити и изобразительного искусства, би-боинга , диджеинга и ведущего . Помимо овладения навыками, городская академия искусств фокусируется на самосознании и возможности трудоустройства, используя хип-хоп в качестве платформы для вовлечения студентов в обучение, построение сообщества и размышления о своем будущем. Например, ведущий помогает студентам оттачивать навыки публичных выступлений, а диджеинг связывает студентов с технологиями и инженерией. Навыки изобразительного искусства используются для рисования фресок, и Words Beats & Life работал вместе с правительством округа Колумбия над проектом Murals DC, который направлен на перенаправление энергии художников-граффити на юридические проекты по украшению города.

Слова бьют и жизненный опыт

Царапины, глоток и краска



Хип-хоп чаепитие

Пешеходная экскурсия по настенной росписи

Велосипедный тур

Бетон и розы

Шоколадно-молочно-масляный хруст

Карьерный поток в творческой экономике

Ярмарки карьеры в сфере творческой экономики

Летняя программа трудоустройства молодежи

Альтернативные весенние каникулы

Как начальник



The Cipher — это национальная сеть, объединяющая учреждения, организации, а также отдельных художников и ученых, использующих хип-хоп как средство продвижения социальных изменений . Традиционно хип-хоп-организации часто отсутствуют на конференциях и симпозиумах в своих областях и поэтому работают изолированно. Компания Words Beats & Life публикует рецензируемый академический журнал и ежегодно проводит семинары , чтобы объединить ученых, педагогов, художников и активистов, которые используют хип-хоп как инструмент социальных изменений, в обсуждении того, как работать. вместе как сообщество и максимизировать коллективную способность вносить изменения.


Слова. Удары. Life: The Global Journal of Hip-Hop Culture — первый академический рецензируемый журнал исследований хип-хопа, который также демонстрирует таланты визуальных художников и поэтов в этой области. Сочетание искусства и научной работы намеревается представить диалог между различными средами. Журнал, в котором представлены известные интеллектуалы и артисты в этой области, а также ранее неизвестные личности, представляет собой ресурс для ученых и некоммерческих организаций, занимающихся хип-хопом, и представляет текущие события в этой области. Журнал издается два раза в год с целью способствовать диалогу и взаимодействию между художниками и учеными в DMV.

Том 1 Выпуск 1

Том 1 Выпуск 2

Том 1 Выпуск 3

Том 1 Выпуск 4

Том 2 Выпуск 1

Том 2 Выпуск 2

Том 3 Выпуск 1

Том 3 Выпуск 2

Том 4 Выпуск 1

Том 4 Выпуск 2

Том 5 Выпуск 1

Том 5 Выпуск 2

Том 6 Выпуск 1

Том 6 Выпуск 2

Том 7 Выпуск 1

Том 7 Выпуск 2


Live @ 5

Words Beats & Life Radio

5 элемент

Опубликованные поэты

Малачи Бёрд

Кеннет Кэрролл III

Тонкие линии: программа настенной росписи


Улица U

Подписные события

Лауреат Молодежного поэта округа Колумбия

Фестиваль слов и жизни

Вечеринка в китайском квартале

Свежий бал

Juste Debout

La Belle Hip-Hop

Bum Rush the Boards — это ежегодный шахматный турнир по хип-хопу, созданный в 2005 году как более инклюзивная альтернатива традиционным шахматным турнирам. Назван в честь альбома Public Enemy 1987 года Yo! Турнир Bum Rush the Show направлен на то, чтобы соединить поколение хип-хопа с шахматами как с моделью «преодоления через стратегическую борьбу». Помимо шахматных матчей, направленных на развитие стратегического мышления, мероприятие включает в себя семинары об элементах хип-хоп культуры и о том, как они связаны со сферами STEM .

Remixing the Art of Social Change — это ежегодное обучение, проводимое в Университете Говарда с 2007 года, объединяющее организации, художников и ученых, которые используют хип-хоп культуру для продвижения социальных изменений. Посредством круглых столов, панельных дискуссий, кинопоказов и семинаров, основанных на усилиях предыдущих обучающих семинаров, мероприятие демонстрирует проделанную работу и создает сеть для отдельных лиц и организаций, позволяющую общаться и продвигать то, как хип-хоп используется в качестве носителя. способствовать позитивным изменениям.

Самый свежий за все время — это крупнейший джем би-бой и девчонок в округе Колумбия, в котором участвуют известные команды би- бойцов из округа Колумбия, Мэриленда, Вирджинии, Филадельфии, Бостона и Нью-Йорка. В 2009 году в битве приняли участие более 600 человек, а в 2010 году — 800 человек.

Победители премии Remix


Внешние ссылки

  • Веб-сайт Word Beats & Life


Выпусков: 18

Words Beats & Life bring you discussions, performing art and tutorials on topics of social change through the culture of hip-hop

Words Beats & Life bring you discussions, performing art and tutorials on topics of social change through the culture of hip-hop

    • 28 МАР. 2023 Г.

    Alt Winter Break Series ft. Tewodross Williams

    Alt Winter Break Series ft. Tewodross Williams

    Our guest is Tewodross «Teo» Melchishua Williams (pronounced Tee-oh-droze Mell-keshu-ah), a filmmaker, animator, visual artist, and motion graphics and projection designer from Prince George’s County, Maryland. He completed his B.A. in Fine Arts: Photographic Media at Morgan State University and his M.F.A. in Imaging and Digital Media Arts at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). He also previously taught visual communication, design, animation, and motion graphics at Howard University and Prince George’s Community College.
    Alternative Break is a chance for young adults to be productive on their school break and learn how to be successful in the creative sector.

    • 21 МАР. 2023 Г.

    Beautifully Uncomfortable ep.06: The Ye Issue

    Beautifully Uncomfortable ep.06: The Ye Issue

    Beautifully Uncomfortable is a conversation series that brings awareness to trying and confusing topics, creating safer spaces in hip-hop. In this episode, “Mortal Man”, we discuss the current state of Ye and the insights and ramifications of his recent actions.

     Feat: Prowess The Testament (Host)
    Produced by Flex Mathews

      aired live on December 11, 2022

    • 14 МАР. 2023 Г.

    Alt Winter Break Series ft. Adisa Banjoko

    Alt Winter Break Series ft. Adisa Banjoko

    Our guest is Adisa Banjoko, or Adisa the Bishop, known by many names. He is the charismatic founder of the Hip-Hop Chess Federation. The organization uses chess and martial arts to teach non-violence to at-risk and incarcerated youth. 
    Alternative Break is a chance for young adults to be productive on their school break and learn how to be successful in the creative sector.

    • 7 МАР. 2023 Г.

    College Material ep. 02: Where the Bag At

    College Material ep. 02: Where the Bag At

    Our College Material program prepares teens to move on to secondary education. In this episode, our college coaches discuss how students can fund their college experience. Learn how to avoid FAFSA errors, apply for college grants, and find scholarship opportunities. 

    • 1 МАР. 2023 Г.

    Beautifully Uncomfortable ep.04: Toxic Relationships

    Beautifully Uncomfortable ep.04: Toxic Relationships

    Beautifully Uncomfortable is a conversation series that brings awareness to trying and confusing topics, creating safer spaces in hip-hop. This episode, Prowess the Testament discusses toxicity and environments in which it is present with the help of a panel of guests. 

    • 23 ФЕВР. 2023 Г.

    Alt Winter Break Series ft. Tamara Wellons

    Alt Winter Break Series ft. Tamara Wellons

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Топ подкастов в категории «Образование»


We are Words, Beats & Life (WBL), DC’s longest running, dopest Hip-Hop based arts educational non profit.We are here to break down those barriers that keep our cities’ outstanding young creatives from taking full advantage of the opportunities that come along with living in the Nation’s Capital. 

Our goal is to invest in Washington, DC’s creative eco system to employ our extensive list of artists and creators to be living examples of what our city’s creative youth can accomplish with the right tools and the best role models. We achieve this goal through our many workshops, after school programs, concerts and festivals. We are Unapologetic advocates for the transformative power of hip-hop culture in all its forms. We empower artists, aspiring artists and lovers of expression to relentlessly create, refine and define systems that demonstrate positive change through our individual and collective brilliance. 

Our arts based educational programs equip youth, creatives, practicing artists and scholars to move from theory to practice. We harness the power of the imagination to reshape the lives and communities we serve.


As a set of cultural practices and art forms with a global reach, Hip-Hop has demonstrated its power to transform the lives of young people around the world and right here in the nation’s capital. Our mission at Words Beats & Life is to transform individual lives and communities through Hip-Hop culture in all its forms. WBL has developed programs to support Arts Education and Creative Employment for young creatives throughout the District of Columbia with the human and material resources and opportunities to participate in the District’s creative economy as both creators and project managers. We do this through a curriculum that involves instruction, research, and the hands-on application of lessons learned as performers and creative directors. In the last year we have engaged more than 30,000 youth and young adults through in person and virtual programming designed to educate and inspire. This includes just over 3,000 students in Arts Education and Creative Employment programming in schools, libraries and community spaces.

What are WBL’s priorities?

1. Arts Education

Our Arts Education programming exposes students to new knowledge, techniques and methods, as well as provides opportunities to grow their knowledge and network through alternative winter and spring break activities. We also provide opportunities for young artists to practice what we teach through performances, and public art making, as well as encouraging these students to manage their own projects and events by participating in our Arts Management program. Our work in schools has been with young people in Middle School, High School and College, with participants ranging from 12-22. In community contexts, we work with people as young as 10 and with adults 23 and older. Despite popular misunderstandings about our culture, Hip-Hop is likely created, participated in, and celebrated by the most diverse set of people in terms of audiences, practitioners, supporters, and consumers. Our teachers, students, audiences, and selected master artists are diverse not just racially, ethnically, religiously, and economically but also in terms of age, gender, orientation, and ability status.  Programs include the WBL Academy, Like a Boss: Arts Management Program,  Walk It Like I talk It, Entrepreneurship Program.  Finally we have our College and career mentorship program called College Material  

2. Creative Employment

Our Creative Employment work focuses on engaging members of the larger creative community, to share their knowledge and experience as guest speakers, mentors and potential employers.  To that end WBL hosts a regional alternative spring break focused on Visual Arts and Performing Arts, and a national alternative Winter Break speaker series focused on the media arts.  Each year we also host an annual Creative Economy Internship and Career Fair by partnering with Creative Non Profits in the DC metro area.

We emphasize Creative Employment as one of our core values at WBL. By engaging members of the larger creative community we bridge the gap between the experienced and new through our Regional Alternative Break series, Career Fairs and Creative Economy Internships. 

3. Cultural Diplomacy

Since 2010, words Beats and life has been working to send artists abroad, and bring artists from abroad to the US.  These collaborations have taken the form of master classes, musical and dance performances, along with public art creation and offering scholarships to pay for primary schools for students in partner organizations abroad.  We are working to make more of these collaborations more focused in commerce.  We want to develop cooperative agreements that allow for greater exchange, and revenue generation for WBL and our international partners.     

For a decade we have been working to send artists both abroad and to the US through our continued commitment to Cultural Diplomacy. Through master classes, musical performances, public art creation, and offering scholarships to students alongside partner organizations abroad, WBL wants to develop cooperative agreements that allow for greater exchange and revenue generation for us and our international partners. 

4. Centering Marginalized Voices

There is power in the margins.  Power to innovate, create and tell stories that are new for many Americans.  Our priority is to expand minds, knock down walls, and build bridges between communities.  Our approach to this work is interdisciplinary, people of color and often women led.  It has included theater, gallery shows, mural making, poetry performances, publishing, and documentary work.  This work has allowed us to share the histories of people and places through the arts that would not ordinarily attend a hip-hop based event.        

5. For the Culture

WBL creates work to reach outside the hip-hop community to continue to grow it across various demographics. We host events and create work that has the hip-hop community and the process of building community in person and virtually for hip-hop communities, locally, nationally and globally.  This is arts for community building and expanding sake through culture.  This work is critical considering how many people’s knowledge of hip-hop ends at Rap music on the radio.  This is our effort to showcase the culture in all its forms by lifting up the work of artists all over the world.. 

2040 Vision

In 2040, Hip-Hop will be over 65 years old and Words, Beats and Life will be approaching 40 years. We believe that by 2040, Hip-Hop will have evolved again from an aspirational culture and set of values, to an outcome-driven, design-centered cultural practice that lives in communities across the globe and ensures justice and equality for all who encounter it. We believe WBL will be an integral part of this evolution, as we continue our mission to serve youth and creatives and provide our communities with increased access to technology, wellness resources, and education through hip-hop culture over the next twenty years. WBL maintains a strong commitment to sustaining our reputation, and more importantly, fulfilling our goals of continuing to center marginalized voices, advance arts education, and to promote creative employment and strengthen global connections. While we cannot predict with complete certainty what WBL will be in the year 2040, having a clear and compelling vision provides us with the framework to help ensure the long-term success of the communities we serve.


  • 5 480 Posts
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We are a hip-hop nonprofit dedicated to teaching, producing and promoting hip hop culture. #artsed #music #publicart #dance #poetry

5.4k Posts Reels10.2k Followers6.0k FollowingTagged Posts

                        WBL went to Uganda at the end of 2022 for some

WBL went to Uganda at the end of 2022 for some cultural diplomacy. Shout out to @babaluku , the artists and leaders at each event. Checkout what @substantialmusic@mazimutafa got into.

Music: Uganda Fire — @toughdumplin@babaluku@substantialmusic

Video editor @missnscene

#uganda #nileriver #hiphopuganda #hiphopafrica #wbl #wordsbeatsandlife #culturaldiplomacy



1 day ago

                        A dream team if we ever saw one.

A dream team if we ever saw one.



1 day ago

                        Back at it again!  #share

Back at it again! #share



2 days ago

                        We're not talking about Don Corleone. We're ta

We’re not talking about Don Corleone. We’re talking about Eazy E — The Godfather of Gangsta Rap! Straight outta Compton, Eazy E is known for starting the legendary rap group NWA! Swipe to learn more about this West Coast legend.

#wbl #wordsbeatsandlife #hiphop #gangstarap #eazye #compton #nwa #straightouttacompton #ruthlessrecords #godfatherofgangstarap #westcoast



6 hours ago

                        Let's see if you can guess the tracks @dj2tone

Let’s see if you can guess the tracks @dj2tonejones is mixin’ up on ep.2 of Scratch & Sip. Catch full episodes on YouTube [LINK IN BIO].

#wordsbeatsandlife #wbl #scratchandsip #livestream #candid #conversations #dj #beats #music #bartender #mixology #howto #diy #talk #song #mashup #trivia



1 day ago

                        It is reflections like this that make it clear

It is reflections like this that make it clear we really are on the right path doing the work we were founded to do.



1 day ago

@Brandon_leake_ctm  has been taking over the world ever since his win o

@Brandon_leake_ctm has been taking over the world ever since his win on America’s got talent, and it’s all because of his inspirational spoken word! Swipe to watch him recite «Nobody» in LA!

#wbl #wordsbeatsandlife #nationalpoetrymonth #poetry #spokenword #brandonleake #americasgottalent #AGT #Calledtomove #season15



1 day ago

                        Nothing soothes the soul better than a warm me

Nothing soothes the soul better than a warm meal & some Marley. Stream ep.2 of Eats & Beats on our YouTube channel to catch @thesharkanthony & @slimthe78er swap stories & share tips [LINK IN BIO].

#wordsbeatsandlife #wbl #eatsandbeats #livestream #dj #chef #music #advice #beats #cooking #food #talk #conversation #candid #howto #hiphop #tip #lesson #community



1 day ago

                        Women have come a long way in the hip-hop indu

Women have come a long way in the hip-hop industry since its early days, but there is still much to do. What are your thoughts? Watch more Beautifully uncomfortable episode 2 on our Youtube channel [LINK IN BIO]

#WBL #wordsbeatsandlife #beautifullyuncomfortable #talkshow #paneldiscussion #hiphop #hiphopculture #hiphopindustry #womeninhiphop #marginalizedcommunities



2 days ago

                        What's the greatest life lesson you learned as

What’s the greatest life lesson you learned as a young adult? Share in the comments. Then urge a young person to watch College Material on 4/24 or watch past episodes anytime on our YouTube channel [LINK IN BIO]

#wbl #wordsbeatsandlife #collegematerial #collegetips #collegeprep #graduating #grownish #buildingcredit #adulting #financialadvice #payingrent



2 days ago

                        Showcase your musical abilities, & master some

Showcase your musical abilities, & master some dope music equipment as we make beats for the Know Your Power series TOMORROW! FREE & OPEN to ALL @ The Mount Pleasant Neighborhood Library.

#wordsbeatsandlife #wbl #knowyourpower #library #music #program #mountpleasantneighborhoodlibrary #mountpleasantneighborhood #dc #washingtondc #dmv #workshop #beats #talent #dcpubliclibrary #arts #dclibraryteens #musicproduction



3 days ago

@womeninthearts  have another amazing event going on.  Make sure you ma

@womeninthearts have another amazing event going on. Make sure you make the time to tap in with these dynamic artists.



3 days ago

About Us

Words Beats & Life began as a Hip-Hop conference at the University of Maryland in the fall of 2000; our founders worked to create a vehicle to propel individual lives and communities through Hip-Hop. Today, Words Beats & Life uses a holistic approach to youth and community development that involves Hip-Hop artists, scholars, educators, activists, and allies. We fulfill our mission through 5 programmatic areas. The Academy, The Cipher, The Jam, The Embassy, and The Hustle.

Words Beats & Life began as a Hip-Hop conference at the University of Maryland in the fall of 2000; our founders worked to create a vehicle to propel individual lives and communities through Hip-Hop. Today, Words Beats & Life uses a…

Issue Areas Include

  • Children & Youth
  • Community Development
  • Economic Development
  • Education
  • Volunteering


  • location icon

    1525 Newton Street, NW, Washington, DC 20010, United States

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