Word bank of interesting words

2 words for each letter in the alphabet. The words are fun to say and have a cool meaning. 52 words that make you sound smart when you use them.These words are great vocabulary builders.

52 words

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Full list of words from this list:

  1. zenith

    the highest point of something

  2. zealot

    a fervent and even militant proponent of something

  3. yearn

    desire strongly or persistently

  4. yawner

    a person who yawns

  5. xenophobia

    a fear of foreigners or strangers

  6. x-axis

    the horizontal axis in a plane coordinate system

  7. wonky

    turned or twisted toward one side

  8. wanton

    a lewd or immoral person

  9. vermillion

    of a vivid red to reddish-orange color

  10. vague

    lacking clarity or distinctness

  11. unique

    the single one of its kind

  12. uncanny

    surpassing the ordinary or normal

  13. tenacious

    stubbornly unyielding

  14. tangible

    perceptible by the senses, especially the sense of touch

  15. serene

    not agitated

  16. saquinavir

    a weak protease inhibitor used in treating HIV

  17. rhetorical

    relating to using language effectively

  18. rambunctious

    noisy and lacking in restraint or discipline

  19. quixotic

    not sensible about practical matters

  20. quell

    suppress or crush completely

  21. pique

    call forth, as an emotion, feeling, or response

  22. paradigm

    a standard or typical example

  23. oxymoron

    conjoined contradictory terms

  24. optimistically

    with optimism; in an optimistic manner

  25. nostalgic

    unhappy about being away and longing for familiar things

  26. narrative

    an account that tells the particulars of an act or event

  27. misanthrope

    someone who dislikes people in general

  28. melancholy

    a constitutional tendency to be gloomy and depressed

  29. lucid

    transparently clear; easily understandable

  30. lethargic

    deficient in alertness or activity

  31. ken

    range of what one can know or understand

  32. karma

    effects of one’s actions that determine his or her destiny

  33. jurisdiction

    the territory within which power can be exercised

  34. jejune

    lacking interest or significance or impact

  35. irony

    incongruity between what might be expected and what occurs

  36. integrity

    an undivided or unbroken completeness with nothing wanting

  37. hypnosis

    a state that resembles sleep induced by suggestion

  38. hyperbole

    extravagant exaggeration

  39. guise

    an artful or simulated semblance

  40. gallivant

    wander aimlessly in search of pleasure

  41. fortitude

    strength of mind that enables one to endure adversity

  42. fervent

    characterized by intense emotion

  43. esoteric

    understandable only by an enlightened inner circle

  44. empathy

    understanding and entering into another’s feelings

  45. dubious

    fraught with uncertainty or doubt

  46. disposition

    your usual mood

  47. cynical

    believing the worst of human nature and motives

  48. capricious

    determined by chance or impulse rather than by necessity

  49. bypass

    avoid something

  50. benevolent

    showing or motivated by sympathy and understanding

  51. ambiguous

    having more than one possible meaning

  52. alliteration

    use of the same consonant at the beginning of each word

Created on January 4, 2013
(updated January 4, 2013)

Из статьи вы узнаете, какой объем словарного запаса у носителей языка и тех, кто учит английский, а также, какие слова стоит выучить в первую очередь.

1 000 самых важных слов английского языка


  • 1. Человек
  • 2. Характеристики
  • 3. Время и числа
  • 4. Глаголы и образ жизни
  • 5. Еда
  • 6. Животные и природа
  • 7. События и места
  • 8. Дом

Словарный запас ― один из показателей уровня владения языком. Для того чтобы общаться на английском и понимать иностранцев, необязательно знать все 171 476 слова из Оксфордского словаря. Но тогда сколько?

На сайте testyourvocab.com вы можете пройти тест на определение словарного запаса с погрешностью в ±10%. Он состоит из двух этапов и занимает всего пять минут. Согласно его данным, взрослый носитель показывает результат от 20 000 до 35 000 слов, а те, кто изучает английский, набирают от 2 500 до 9 000 слов. Такие результаты включают в себя как активную, так и пассивную лексику.

Давайте узнаем, какие языковые возможности открывает тот или иной запас слов.

1 000 слов позволяют понять около 80% повседневных разговоров. Зная 1 000 слов, вы можете говорить на простые темы: завести знакомство, совершить покупки в путешествии и не растеряться в общественном транспорте.

3 000 слов позволяют понять уже около 95% большинства обычных текстов. Круг повседневных тем расширяется: вы можете более детально обсуждать бытовые и рабочие вопросы, понять общие идеи и концепции большинства статей, более свободно чувствовать себя за границей.

5 000 слов позволяют понять около 98% большинства обычных текстов. Ваш уровень достаточно высок, чтобы понять значение незнакомых слов из контекста. С таким запасом слов вы можете жить и работать в англоязычной среде. Однако вам может быть нелегко четко сформулировать свою мысль в рамках узкоспециализированных тем.

10 000 слов позволяют понять около 99% большинства текстов. Такого объема слов, как правило, достигают к уровню Proficiency. Это вершина изучения языка ― аналог словарного запаса выпускника колледжа. С таким количеством слов ваш уровень владения языком близок к уровню образованного носителя.

В процессе изучения языка большие цели эффективнее разбивать на несколько этапов, поэтому предлагаем начать с 1 000 английских слов. Мы взяли за основу 1 000 самых употребляемых английских слов, разбили их на категории и дополнили словами, важными для повседневного общения и путешествий.

Список слов включает восемь тем, каждая из которых разбита на подтемы:

  1. Person (человек)
  2. Characteristics (характеристики)
  3. Time and Numbers (время и числа)
  4. Verbs and Lifestyle (глаголы и образ жизни)
  5. Food (еда)
  6. Animals and Nature (животные и природа)
  7. Events and Places (события и места)
  8. Home (дом)

К словам даны:

  • американский вариант: colleague (AmE: co-worker)
  • форма множественного числа, если это слово-исключение: man (pl. men)
  • формы неправильных глаголов: speak (spoke – spoken)

О том, какие приемы использовать для быстрого запоминания слов и как приучить себя их использовать в речи, вы можете узнать из нашего бесплатного вебинара «Как учить английские слова».


Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
a person (pl. people) человек, персона
a man (pl. men) мужчина
a woman (pl. women) женщина
a child (pl. children) ребенок
a boy мальчик
a girl девочка
a friend друг
a neighbour (AmE: a neighbor) сосед
a name имя, название
a surname (AmE: a last name) фамилия
a maiden name девичья фамилия
an address адрес
single холостой/незамужняя
married женатый/замужняя
age возраст
old старый
young молодой
I я
you ты, вы
we мы
they они
he он
she она
it оно (о неодушевленном в единственном числе)
my/me мой/мне
your/you твой, ваш / тебе, вам
our/us наш/нам
their/them их/им
his/him его/ему
her ее/ей
its/it его, ее / ему, ей (о неодушевленном)

Используем первую форму для указания принадлежности: my name (мое имя), his friend (его друг). Используем вторую форму после действий: help me (помоги мне), tell us (расскажи нам).

I love his sense of humour, don’t you? ― Я люблю его чувство юмора, а ты?

Family ― семья

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
parents родители
a father отец
a mother (AmE: a mom, BrE: a mum) мать
a husband муж
a wife жена
a son сын
a daughter дочь
a brother брат
a sister сестра
a grandfather дедушка
a grandmother бабушка
an uncle дядя
an aunt тетя
a nephew племянник
a niece племянница
a cousin двоюродный брат/сестра

Body ― тело

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
an arm рука
a back спина
a beard борода
a bone кость
buttocks ягодицы
a cheek щека
a chest грудь
a chin подбородок
an ear ухо
an elbow локоть
an eye глаз
an eyebrow бровь
a face лицо
a finger палец на руке
a foot (pl. feet) ступня
a forehead лоб
hair волосы
a hand кисть руки
a head голова
a heart сердце
a heel пятка
a knee колено
a leg нога
lips губы
a mouth рот
a mustache усы
a nail ноготь
a neck шея
a nose нос
an organ орган
a shoulder плечо
skin кожа
a spine позвоночник
a stomach живот, желудок
a throat горло
a toe палец на ноге
a tongue язык
a tooth (pl. teeth) зуб
blood кровь
a bruise синяк
to cough
dizziness головокружение
fever жар
flu грипп
pain боль
running nose насморк
a spot пятно, точка
a wound рана
to sneeze чихать
to hurt (hurt – hurt) ранить, повреждать
fit в хорошей форме
healthy здоровый
swollen опухший
sick больной
fat толстый, жирный
dead мертвый

При описании симптомов можно использовать глагол have для I, you, we, they и has для he, she, it.

You have a terrible wound. ― У тебя ужасная рана.
She has a fever. ― У нее жар.

Используйте следующие прилагательные для описания характера и поведения человека:

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
positive положительный
amazing удивительный
beautiful красивый
handsome красивый (о мужчине)
brave смелый
calm спокойный
careful осторожный
clever умный
curious любопытный
elegant элегантный
energetic энергичный
fair справедливый, честный
fine прекрасный, прекрасно
friendly дружелюбный
good хороший, добрый
happy счастливый
hard-working трудолюбивый
honest честный
kind добрый
lucky везучий, счастливый
nice милый, хороший, приятный
polite вежливый
talented талантливый
neutral нейтральный
average средний
boring скучный
busy занятой
clumsy неуклюжий
dear дорогой
different другой, разный
difficult трудный, тяжелый
easy легкий, нетрудный
embarrassed смущенный
famous знаменитый
important важный
impossible невозможный
interesting интересный
real настоящий
rich богатый
new новый
modern современный
negative отрицательный
angry сердитый
annoying раздражающий
awful ужасный, отвратительный
bad плохой
crazy безумный, сумасшедший
dangerous опасный
jealous ревнивый
lazy ленивый
nervous нервный
poor бедный, плохой (язык, знания)
rude грубый

Job ― работа

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
an accountant бухгалтер
an actor/actress актер/актриса
an artist художник
a boss босс
a businessman (pl. businessmen) бизнесмен
a chief руководитель, главный
a client клиент
a colleague (AmE: a co-worker) коллега
a doctor врач
a driver водитель
an engineer инженер
a flight attendant стюардесса, бортпроводник
a journalist журналист
a lawyer адвокат, юрист
a lifeguard спасатель
a mechanic механик
a musician музыкант
a nanny няня
a nurse медсестра
a pilot пилот
a plumber сантехник
a policeman (pl. policemen) полицейский
a pupil школьник
a shop assistant продавец
a student студент
a teacher учитель
a waiter/waitress официант/официантка
a worker рабочий
Описание рабочих задач
an area область, сфера, район
a case дело
a circumstance обстоятельство
a decision решение
a duty обязанность
a goal цель
a list
to list
an opportunity возможность
a problem проблема
a permit разрешение (на въезд/выезд/проживание)
a reason причина
a result результат
success успех
a task задача, задание

Clothes ― одежда

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
a belt пояс, ремень
a blouse блузка
a boot сапог, ботинок
a cap кепка
a cardigan кардиган, кофта
a coat пальто
a dress
to dress
a glove перчатка
a hat шляпа
a hood капюшон
a jacket жакет, пиджак, куртка
a jeans джинсы
pyjamas (AmE: pajamas) пижама
a scarf шарф
a shirt рубашка
shoes обувь
shorts шорты
a skirt юбка
a sock носок
a suit
to suit
идти к лицу
a sweater свитер
a tie галстук
tights колготы
trainers (AmE: sneakers) кроссовки
trousers (AmE: pants) штаны
a T-shirt футболка
an underwear нижнее белье
a bracelet браслет
an earring сережка
glasses очки
a necklace ожерелье
a purse дамская сумка, кошелек
a wallet бумажник

Запишитесь на бесплатный пробный урок и начните учить английский с одним из наших опытных преподавателей.


Colour (AmE: color) ― цвет

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
red красный
orange оранжевый
yellow желтый
green зеленый
blue голубой, синий
purple фиолетовый
pink розовый
brown коричневый
black черный
grey серый
white белый
bright яркий
colourful цветной
dark темный
light светлый, легкий

Properties ― свойства

Слова из следующей таблицы пригодятся для описания формы и характеристик предметов и явлений.

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
a circle круг
round округлый
a square
straight прямой, ровный
a wheel колесо
distance расстояние
size размер
speed скорость
strength сила
a lot of много
many много (с исчисляемыми существительными в отрицаниях и вопросах)
much много (с неисчисляемыми существительными в отрицаниях и вопросах)
few мало (с исчисляемыми существительными)
little мало (с неисчисляемыми существительными)
less меньше, менее
more больше, более
some несколько, некоторое количество (в утверждениях)
any несколько, некоторое количество (в отрицаниях и вопросах), какой-нибудь
a pair пара (вещей, объектов)
a part часть
a piece кусок, часть
big большой
far далекий
fast быстрый, быстро
hard твердый, трудный, жесткий, усердно
heavy тяжелый
high высокий (об объектах)
large большой, просторный
long длинный, долгий
loud громкий
low низкий, низко
narrow узкий
near близкий
noisy шумный
powerful мощный
quick быстрый
quiet тихий
short низкий, короткий

Слова из следующей таблицы подойдут для описания особенностей процессов и характеристик.

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
again снова
all все, весь
almost почти
each каждый (по отдельности)
enough достаточно
every каждый
only только
than чем (в сравнениях)
together вместе
too тоже, слишком
very очень

Время и числа

Number ― число, номер

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
zero ноль
one один
two два
three три
four четыре
five пять
six шесть
seven семь
eight восемь
nine девять
ten десять
eleven одиннадцать
twelve двенадцать
thirteen тринадцать
fourteen четырнадцать
fifteen пятнадцать
sixteen шестнадцать
seventeen семнадцать
eighteen восемнадцать
nineteen девятнадцать
twenty двадцать
thirty тридцать
forty сорок
fifty пятьдесят
sixty шестьдесят
seventy семьдесят
eighty восемьдесят
ninety девяносто
hundred сто
thousand тысяча
million миллион

Order ― порядок

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
first первый
second второй
third третий
fourth четвертый
fifth пятый

Обратите внимание! С порядковыми числительными используем артикль the.

This is the first victory in his career. ― Это первая победа в его карьере.

Time ― время

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
Время года
a season сезон, время года
winter зима
spring весна
summer лето
autumn (AmE: fall) осень
a month месяц
January январь
February февраль
March март
April апрель
May май
June июнь
July июль
August август
September сентябрь
October октябрь
November ноябрь
December декабрь
a day день
Monday понедельник
Tuesday вторник
Wednesday среда
Thursday четверг
Friday пятница
Saturday суббота
Sunday воскресенье
yesterday вчера
today сегодня
now сейчас, теперь
morning утро
afternoon день (после полудня)
evening вечер
night ночь
tonight сегодня вечером, ночью
midnight полночь
tomorrow завтра
a second секунда
a minute минута
an hour час
a week неделя
a year год
a century век

Для описания временных промежутков используйте следующую лексику.

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
ago назад (например, 2 дня назад)
early ранний, рано
last последний, прошлый
late поздний, поздно, опоздавший
next следующий (год, неделя)
after после
before до
during во время
for для, в течение (времени)
since с (определенного времени)
then затем, потом, тогда
always всегда
never никогда
often часто
sometimes иногда
soon скоро
usually обычно
already уже
just только что, просто
yet еще не
probably вероятно
really действительно
will для образования будущего времени

Money ― деньги

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
a bill счет
cash наличка
discount скидка
price цена
tip чаевые
cheap дешевый
expensive дорогой (о цене)
free бесплатный, свободный

Глаголы и образ жизни

Hobby ― хобби, увлечение

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
art искусство
a film (AmE: a movie) фильм
literature литература
music музыка
a photo фото
a picture картина, фотография
a song песня
a story история, рассказ
to act играть (на сцене)
вести себя
to build (built – built) строить
to create создавать
a dance
to dance
to do (did – done) делать
to draw (drew – drawn) рисовать
to listen слушать
to make (made – made) делать, изготавливать
a play
to play
to read (read – read) читать
to sing (sang – sung) петь
to swim (swam – swum) плавать
to teach (taught – taught) учить, преподавать
to write (wrote – written) писать

Обратите внимание! Мы используем вторую форму глагола для прошедшего времени, а третью форму можем в некоторых случаях употреблять как характеристику. Например: he drew (он рисовал), a drawn rose (нарисованная роза).

Travel ― путешествие

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
a backpack рюкзак
a bag сумка
a card открытка, карточка (банковская)
a delay
to delay
a destination пункт назначения
a luggage (AmE: a baggage) багаж
a map карта
a suitcase чемодан
a ticket билет
a bicycle велосипед
a bus автобус
a car автомобиль
a plane самолет
a ship корабль
a taxi (AmE: a cab) такси
a train поезд
a tram (AmE: a trolley) трамвай
insurance страховка

Часто с общественным транспортом употребляется глагол to take: to take a bus (сесть на автобус), to take a train (поехать на поезде).

Хотите уверенно себя чувствовать, общаясь с иностранцами? Записывайтесь на курс «Английский для путешествий».

Movement ― движение

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
to arrive прибывать
to bring (brought – brought) приносить
to catch (caught – caught) ловить
to come (came – come) приходить
to drive (drove – driven) водить (транспорт)
to drop ронять
to fall (fell – fallen) падать
to finish заканчивать
to fly (flew – flown) летать
to go (went – gone) идти, уезжать
to grow (grew – grown) расти
to happen случаться
to jump прыгать
to land приземляться
to leave (left – left) покидать, оставлять, уходить
to move двигаться
to pass проходить
to pull тянуть
to push толкать
to put (put – put) положить, класть
to ride (rode – ridden) ездить верхом (на лошади, велосипеде)
to run (ran – run) бежать
to stand (stood – stood) стоять
to start начинать
to stay оставаться
to stop останавливаться
to take (took – taken) брать
to throw (threw – thrown) бросать
to travel путешествовать
to turn поворачивать
to walk идти пешком, гулять

Life ― жизнь

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
to add добавлять
to be (was/were – been) быть
to become (became – become) становиться
to begin (began – begun) начинать
to break (broke – broken) ломать
to buy (bought – bought) покупать
to change менять
to check проверять
to choose (chose – chosen) выбирать
to close закрывать
to continue продолжать
to control контролировать
to cook готовить
to cost (cost – cost) стоить
to cut (cut – cut) резать
to develop развивать
to drink (drank – drunk) пить
to eat (ate – eaten) есть, кушать
to feed (fed – fed) кормить
to find (found – found) находить
to get (got – got) получать, добывать
to give (gave – given) давать
to have (had – had) иметь, обладать
to hold (held – held) держать
to keep (kept – kept) хранить, продолжать
to kill убивать
to live жить
to look выглядеть
to open открывать
to order заказывать
to pay платить
to plan планировать
to put on надевать
to rest отдыхать
to ring (rang – rung) звенеть, звонить
to risk рисковать
to save спасать, сохранять
to sell (sold – sold) продавать
to send (sent – sent) отправлять
to shave бриться
to show (showed – shown) показывать
to sign подписывать
to sit (sat – sat) сидеть
to sleep (slept – slept) спать
to smoke курить
to spend (spent – spent) проводить (время), тратить
to take off снимать (одежду)
взлетать (о самолете)
to try пытаться
to use использовать
to visit посещать
to wait ждать
to wake up (woke – woken) просыпаться
to wash мыть, стирать
to watch смотреть, наблюдать
to wear (wore – worn) носить (одежду)
to work работать

Interaction ― взаимодействие, общение

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
yes да
no нет
not не
hi привет
hello здравствуйте
sorry извините (просим прощения)
excuse me извините (просим разрешение)
please пожалуйста, прошу
thank you спасибо
you are welcome не за что
bye пока
maybe может быть
would like to хотелось бы (сделать что-то)
to agree соглашаться
to answer отвечать
to argue спорить, ругаться
to ask спрашивать
to call звонить, звать, называть
to complain жаловаться
to describe описывать
to discuss обсуждать
to disturb беспокоить
to explain объяснять
to fight (fought – fought) драться
to forgive (forgave – forgiven) прощать
to help помогать
to hit (hit – hit) ударять
to join присоединяться
to joke шутить
to lie обманывать, врать
to meet (met – met) встречать
to offer предлагать
to protect защищать
to say (said – said) сказать
to share делиться
to speak (spoke – spoken) разговаривать
to support поддерживать
to surprise удивлять
to talk разговаривать
to tell (told – told) рассказывать

Следующие союзы и вопросительные слова ― отличные помощники, если нужно узнать или объяснить причину, результат, ситуацию в целом.

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
also также
and и
because потому что
because of из-за
but но
if если
or или
so итак, таким образом, поэтому
what что, какой
who кто
when когда
where где, куда
how как, каким образом
why почему, зачем

Emotions ― эмоции

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
fear страх
fun веселье
passion страсть
peace мир
pleasure удовольствие
to cry плакать, кричать
to enjoy наслаждаться
to laugh смеяться
to like нравиться
to love любить
to miss скучать
to need нуждаться
to smile улыбаться
to want хотеть
to worry беспокоиться

Senses ― чувства

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
to feel (felt – felt) чувствовать
to hear (heard – heard) слышать
to see (saw – seen) видеть
to smell (smelt – smelt) нюхать, иметь запах
to taste пробовать, иметь вкус

Thinking ― мышление

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
behavior поведение
choice выбор
experience опыт
habit привычка
language язык
meaning значение, смысл
memory память, воспоминание
soul душа
to believe верить
to compare сравнивать
to count считать
to decide принимать решение
to dream (dreamt – dreamt) мечтать, видеть сон
to expect ожидать
to forget (forgot – forgotten) забывать
to hope надеяться
to know (knew – known) знать
to learn (learnt – learnt) учить, изучать
to let (let – let) позволять (сделать что-то)
to remember помнить
to solve решать (проблему, задачу)
to think (thought – thought) думать, считать

Study ― учеба

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
a book книга
a calendar календарь
a notebook тетрадь
a dictionary словарь
an exercise упражнение
information информация
knowledge знание
a lesson урок
a letter буква, письмо
a mistake ошибка
a note записка, запись
a page страница
paper бумага
a pen ручка
a pencil карандаш
science наука
scissors ножницы
a test тест
a word слово

Modal verbs ― модальные глаголы

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
can уметь, мочь (сделать что-то)
have to быть вынужденным (сделать что-то)
may иметь разрешение (сделать что-то)
must быть должным, обязанным (сделать что-то)
should должен, следует (сделать что-то)


Давайте ознакомимся с самыми популярными английскими словами, которые связаны с приготовлением и приемом пищи.

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
full сытый, полный
hungry голодный
delivery доставка
baked запеченный
boiled вареный
fried жареный
ready готовый
bitter горький
delicious очень вкусный
salty соленый
sour кислый
spicy острый
sweet сладкий
Приемы пищи
a meal прием пищи
breakfast завтрак
lunch обед
dinner ужин
snack перекус
a dish блюдо
noodles лапша
porridge каша
salad салат
a sandwich бутерброд
soup суп

Products ― продукты

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
Фрукты и овощи
fruit фрукты
vegetables овощи
an apple яблоко
an apricot абрикос
a banana банан
a berry ягода
a cherry вишня
a cucumber огурец
grapes виноград
a lemon лимон
a mandarin мандарин
a mango манго
a melon дыня
a peach персик
a pear груша
a pineapple ананас
a plum слива
a pumpkin тыква
a raspberry малина
a strawberry клубника
a tomato помидор
a watermelon арбуз
an aubergine (AmE: an eggplant) баклажан
beans бобы, фасоль
a beetroot свекла
a bell pepper болгарский перец
a cabbage капуста
a carrot морковь
corn кукуруза
a courgette (AmE: a zucchini) кабачок
garlic чеснок
an onion лук
a mushroom гриб
potato картофель
Молочные продукты
dairy молочные продукты
butter масло
cheese сыр
cream крем, сливки
curd творог
milk молоко
yogurt йогурт
a cutlet котлета
meat мясо
beef говядина
chicken курица, цыпленок
fish рыба
duck утка
ham ветчина
lamb баранина, ягненок
pork свинина
sausage колбаса, сосиска
seafood морепродукты
dessert десерт
biscuit (AmE: cookie) печенье
a bun булочка
a cake торт
chocolate шоколад
honey мед
ice cream мороженое
jam варенье
a pie пирог
Другие продукты
bread хлеб
an egg яйцо
flour мука
a nut орех
oatmeal овсянка
oil растительное масло
pepper перец
rice рис
salt соль
sauce соус
spices специи
sugar сахар
a drink напиток
coffee кофе
juice сок
soda газировка
tea чай
water вода
wine вино

Dishes ― посуда

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
a bottle бутылка
a glass стакан, стекло
a cup чашка
a kettle чайник
a bowl глубокая тарелка, миска
a plate тарелка
a fork вилка
a knife нож
a spoon ложка
a frying pan сковородка
a pan кастрюля
a napkin салфетка

Хотите говорить свободно на английском и понимать своего собеседника? Тогда записывайтесь на интенсивный разговорный курс.

Животные и природа

Растительный и животный мир планеты невероятно разнообразен. Однако в таблице вы встретите лишь наиболее популярных представителей флоры и фауны.

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
an animal животное
an ant муравей
a bear медведь
a bee пчела
a bird птица
a cat кот, кошка
a cockroach таракан
a cow корова
a dog собака
a elephant слон
a fox лиса
a frog лягушка
a giraffe жираф
a goose (pl. geese) гусь
a horse лошадь
an insect насекомое
a lion
a lioness
a monkey обезьяна
a mouse (pl. mice) мышь
a pig свинья
a rabbit заяц
a rat крыса
a snake змея
a spider паук
a squirrel белка
a plant растение
a bush куст
a flower цветок
grass трава
a leaf лист
a tree дерево

Поговорить о природных красотах и погодных условиях вы сможете с помощью следующих слов:

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
nature природа
a beach пляж
a coast морское побережье
a field поле
fire огонь, пожар
a forest лес
an island остров
a lake озеро
a mountain гора
the ocean океан
a river река
sand песок
the sea море
a stone камень
a world мир (планета)
air воздух
degree градус
moon луна
sky небо
sun солнце
temperature температура
weather погода
clear ясный
cloudy облачный
cold холодный, холодно
cool прохладный, прохладно
foggy туманный
hot горячий, жаркий, жарко
rainy дождливый, дождливо
snowy снежный, снежно
warm тепло, теплый
windy ветрено

Употребляйте конструкцию it is, когда говорите о погоде: it is cloudy (облачно), it is cold (холодно).

События и места

В следующих таблицах собраны слова, связанные с популярными праздниками, городскими мероприятиями и семейными событиями.

Events ― события, мероприятия

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
a birthday день рождения
Christmas Рождество
death смерть
Easter Пасха
a game игра
a holiday (AmE: a vacation) праздник, каникулы, отпуск
a meeting встреча, собрание
New Year’s Eve канун Нового года
a party вечеринка
a wedding свадьба
a balloon воздушный шар
a box коробка, боксировать
a guest гость
an invitation приглашение
a present подарок
a toy игрушка

Place ― место

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
a country страна
customs таможня
a city город
a town небольшой город, городок
a village деревня
an airport аэропорт
a bank банк
a bridge мост
a building здание
a café кафе
a centre (AmE: a center) центр (города)
a church церковь
a cinema кинотеатр
a company компания, фирма
entrance вход
exit выход
a factory фабрика, завод
garbage мусор
a hospital больница
a hotel гостиница
an intersection перекресток, точка пересечения
a market рынок
an office офис
a park парк
a pavement (AmE: a sidewalk) тротуар
a pharmacy (AmE: a drug store) аптека
a police полиция
a post office почта
a restaurant ресторан
a road дорога
a school школа
a shop (AmE: a store) магазин
a station станция, вокзал
a street улица
a theatre (AmE: a theater) театр
a university университет
clean чистый
comfortable удобный, уютный
crowded людный, переполненный
dirty грязный
main основной, главный
this/these этот/эти
that/those тот/те
left левый, налево
right правый, направо
here тут, сюда
there там, туда
down вниз
up вверх
about о, около, примерно
above над
against против
behind сзади, позади
between между
from из
in в
in front of впереди
on на
through через, сквозь
to по направлению к
under под
with с
without без

Используйте конструкции there is и there are, когда говорите о местоположении людей или объектов: there is a church (здесь есть церковь).


Home ― место проживания

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
a flat (AmE: an apartment) квартира
a house дом (помещение)
a balcony балкон
a bathroom ванная
a bedroom спальня
a curtain штора
a door дверь
a fence забор
a floor пол, этаж
a hall коридор
a kitchen кухня
a living room гостиная, зал
a roof крыша
a room комната
a shower душ
a sink раковина
a socket розетка
stairs лестница, ступеньки
a toilet туалет
a wall стена
a window окно
a yard двор
furniture мебель
an armchair кресло
a bed кровать
a chair стул
a shelf полка
a sofa диван
a table стол
a wardrobe (AmE: a closet) шкаф

Device ― прибор, устройство

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
a battery батарейка, аккумулятор
a camera камера
a computer компьютер
a fridge холодильник
an iron утюг
a keyboard клавиатура
a lamp лампа
a laptop ноутбук
a microwave микроволновка
an oven печь, духовка
a phone телефон
a radio радио
a cooker (AmE: a stove) кухонная плита
a TV телевизор
a wire провод

Thing ― вещь

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
a ball мяч, шар
a blanket одеяло
a carpet ковер
a key ключ, клавиша
a magazine журнал
mail почта
a mirror зеркало
a newspaper газета
a package упаковка, посылка
a pillow подушка
a sheet простыня
a soap мыло
a towel полотенце
a vase ваза

Если вы хотите чувствовать себя максимально подготовленными к общению на английском, мы предлагаем вам дополнительно ознакомиться с нашими статьями-разговорниками, посвященными таким темам: пребывание в отеле, городской транспорт, прогулка по городу, посещение ресторана и кафе.

Теперь вы знаете 1 000 самых употребляемых слов в английском языке. Однако недостаточно просто знать слова, ведь их важно уметь правильно связывать в предложения. Здесь вам не обойтись без знания правил грамматики ― для этого читайте грамматические статьи в нашем блоге.

Скачать список слов по теме «1 000 самых важных слов английского языка» (*.pdf, 609 Кб)

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  • Abject vs object

  • Abracadabra – Usage, Origin & Meaning

  • Accent vs accentuate

  • Accept vs Except

  • Access

  • Accessory vs accessary

  • Accost

  • Adaptable or adaptive

  • Addlepated, addlebrained and addleheaded

  • Adduce vs educe

  • Advent

  • Adventurous vs adventuresome

  • Ad-lib and ad lib

  • Aegis

  • Affluenza

  • Aggrandize

  • Agitprop

  • Agog or agape

  • Agreement Vs Agreeance – Which Is Correct?

  • Alliteration vs assonance

  • Alma Mater – Meaning, Spelling & Capitalization

  • Also-ran

  • Amative or amatory

  • Amends vs amends

  • American Indian vs Native American

  • Anachronism

  • Anamorphic

  • Anathema

  • Angel vs. Angle – How to Remember the Difference

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  • Another string in your bow

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  • Anyone vs. Any One – Usage & Difference

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  • Asylum

  • Atlas

  • Attribute vs attribute

  • At a loose end

  • August vs august

  • Autobiography vs biography

  • Au fait

  • Au pair

  • Aw or awe


  • Backstab – Definition & Examples

  • Backwater or backwaters

  • Bailiwick

  • Bain-marie vs double boiler

  • Balderdash – Origin, Meaning & Definition

  • Ball vs. Bawl and Balling vs. Bawling – Difference & Meaning

  • Bamboozle

  • Bane

  • Bark vs barque

  • Barnstorm

  • Bastion

  • Beachcomber

  • Beach vs beech

  • Beau and Belle – Difference & Meaning

  • Behalf

  • Behold and beholden

  • Behoove

  • Bellwether

  • Bellyache

  • Benchmark

  • Bent or bended

  • Beside or besides

  • Besotted

  • Bespeak vs bespoke

  • Bespeckled or bespectacled

  • Bigwig

  • Big kahuna

  • Bingeing or binging

  • Bingo

  • Bite-size or bite-sized

  • Bivouac

  • Black market

  • Blather vs blabber

  • Bling

  • Blitzkrieg

  • Blockbuster – Meaning & Examples

  • Bloviate

  • Blowhard and windbag

  • Bluetooth

  • Blue blood

  • Bodega

  • Bogeyman

  • Boggle the mind and mind-boggling

  • Bohemian

  • Bollocks vs bollocking

  • Bombogenesis

  • Bon vivant

  • Boondocks vs boonies

  • Boot camp

  • Bowdlerize

  • Braggadocio

  • Braggart vs bragger

  • Brainwash

  • Brand spanking new

  • Bric-a-brac and knick-knack

  • Bridezilla – Origin & Meaning

  • Brief vs debrief

  • Bring vs take

  • Bromance

  • Brouhaha

  • Bugbear or bugaboo

  • Bullseye or bull’s eye

  • Bumpkin

  • Bunk vs debunk

  • Busybody

  • Butterfingers

  • Buzzword


  • Cahoots

  • Calumny

  • Camaraderie vs comradery

  • Canard

  • Candor or candour

  • Candy corn

  • Cantankerous

  • Cantor vs canter

  • Capitulate vs recapitulate

  • Carbon copy

  • Caretaker vs caregiver

  • Carpetbagger – Origin & Meaning

  • Car hood and car bonnet

  • Cassandra

  • Catcall – Definition & Examples

  • Caucus

  • Cavalcade

  • Cay vs. Key vs. Quay – Homophones, Pronunciation & Definition

  • Celebrant or celebrator

  • Certifiable

  • Chain letter

  • Chalk up vs. chock

  • Chapstick

  • Charade and charades

  • Charlatan

  • Charnel house

  • Chatbot

  • Cheapskate – Origin & Meaning

  • Check kiting

  • Chicanery

  • Chick flick and chick lit

  • Choate or inchoate

  • Chock-a-block vs chockablock

  • Chortle

  • Chunder or chunter

  • Cisgender vs transgender

  • Citizen journalism

  • Civic vs. civil

  • Civil rights and human rights

  • Claptrap

  • Cleave

  • Clew vs clue

  • Clickbait – Origin & Meaning

  • Cliffhanger

  • Cloth vs clothes

  • Cloture vs closure

  • Cloying and mawkish

  • Coal, cole or kohl

  • Cockamamie

  • Coddle and mollycoddle

  • Cold-call

  • Collocate vs colocate

  • Comeuppance

  • Commencement

  • Conservatory, solarium or sunroom

  • Constant vs consistent

  • Content or Contented vs. Contently or Contentedly

  • Contumely

  • Conundrum

  • Convivial vs congenial

  • Cooties

  • Cornball and corny

  • Cottage industry

  • Cotton candy or cotton floss or fairy floss

  • Covert vs overt

  • Coward vs cowered

  • Crackerjack

  • Crap

  • Creature comfort

  • Crèche and manger

  • Crowdsourcing vs crowdfunding

  • Cruciferous

  • Cryptid

  • Cul-de-sac

  • Curmudgeon

  • Cut off your nose to spite your face

  • Cybersquatting

  • Cyber-

  • Cynical


  • Debark or disembark

  • Deepnet, darknet and deep web

  • Defenestration

  • Delegate vs delegate

  • Deleterious vs detrimental

  • Demagogue vs demigod

  • Demeanor or demeanour

  • Demon vs daemon

  • Deplane or disembark

  • Deteriorate vs decline

  • Dewclaw

  • Diagram

  • Dibs and calling dibs

  • Dichotomy vs paradox

  • Dickensian

  • Dietician vs. Dietitian – Meaning & Correct Spelling

  • Dilapidated

  • Dirigible or blimp

  • Disdain or distain

  • Distaff

  • Ditto and ditto mark

  • Dogged vs dogged

  • Doggerel

  • Dog-ear

  • Done vs dun

  • Donner or Donder

  • Don’t’s or don’ts

  • Doodle

  • Doomsday vs Domesday

  • Dos or do’s

  • Dotage vs senility

  • Dotard

  • Doublethink, doublespeak or double-talk

  • Downplay or play down

  • Downright vs outright

  • Doxing and doxxing

  • Dreidel or dreidl

  • Drive-by

  • Droid vs. Android vs. Robot – What’s the Difference?

  • Druthers

  • Dry goods

  • Duck tape or duct tape

  • Due to vs because of

  • Dumpster fire

  • Dumpster vs dumpster

  • Duplicate vs duplicity


  • Earworm

  • Ear candy and eye candy

  • Easter egg

  • Ecumenical

  • Effete

  • Eggnog

  • Elbow grease

  • Embolization and embolisation

  • Emeritus – Meaning & Definition

  • Enmity vs animosity

  • Ensconce vs sconce

  • Entree vs entrée

  • Épée, foil or sabre

  • Epidemic vs. Pandemic

  • Ergonomics

  • Erupt vs irrupt

  • Esoteric vs archaic

  • Especial vs. Special – Difference & Meaning

  • Estimation or approximation

  • Euphemism

  • Evidence vs evince

  • Excelsior and wood wool

  • Expose vs exposé


  • Fabulist

  • Factious vs facetious

  • Factotum

  • Fairy-tale ending

  • Fantods

  • Faro, farrow or pharaoh

  • Faux-naïf

  • Feckless

  • Femme fatale

  • Ferment or foment

  • Festivus

  • Fete

  • Fiefdom

  • Fifth column

  • Filibuster

  • Finite Verbs – Definition and Examples

  • Firebrand

  • Firefight

  • Fireplace vs hearth

  • First aid

  • Flagship – Meaning & Definition

  • Flash mob

  • Flip one’s lid vs. flip one’s wig

  • Flummox

  • Fluorescent vs incandescent

  • Folderol

  • Foley

  • Font vs fount

  • Fool’s errand

  • Foot long

  • Formulas vs formulae

  • For the birds

  • Fraud or defraud

  • Fraught

  • Freegan and freeganism

  • Freeze vs frieze

  • Frenemy

  • Freudian slip

  • Frogmarch or frog-march

  • Funereal

  • Fusion vs confusion

  • Futz vs. Putz or Futzing Around vs. Putzing Around


  • Gaiety or mirth

  • Gainsay

  • Gallimaufry

  • Gallop vs Gallup

  • Galore – Meaning & Definition

  • Galumph

  • Game changer

  • Gavel-to-Gavel – Meaning & Examples

  • Genericide

  • Gentrification

  • Geographic vs geographical

  • Gerrymander

  • Gestalt

  • Ghosting

  • Gibberish

  • Glad-hand

  • Glamping

  • Glass ceiling

  • Glitch

  • Goldbrick

  • Golden ticket

  • Goodly

  • Goose-step

  • Gourmet vs gourmand

  • Go-between

  • Graffiti

  • Grammarist

  • Grandfather (as a verb)

  • Grinch – Usage, Meaning & Examples

  • Grok

  • Gross vs net

  • Groupthink

  • Gruel vs grueling

  • Gumption

  • Gun-shy

  • Guyline vs guideline


  • Halfhearted and half-hearted

  • Halitosis

  • Halloween or Hallowe’en

  • Halve vs have

  • Ham-fisted and ham-handed

  • Hangdog

  • Hanky-panky

  • Harbinger

  • Harridan and harpy

  • Haymaker

  • Heavy-handed

  • Hector

  • Helpless vs hapless

  • Helter skelter or helter-skelter

  • Henpeck

  • Heretofore or hitherto

  • Heyday

  • Hieroglyph vs hierograph

  • Highbrow and lowbrow

  • Highfalutin

  • Hinky

  • Hive mind

  • Hoax

  • Hobo, tramp, bum, or gutter punk

  • Hobson’s choice

  • Hocus-pocus

  • Hokey-pokey, hokey-cokey and hokey-tokey

  • Holier-than-thou

  • Honcho

  • Hoodwink

  • Hoosegow – Origin & Meaning

  • Hootenanny

  • Hope or hopes

  • Horn of plenty and cornucopia

  • Hosanna

  • Hot button

  • Houndstooth

  • How’s it going

  • Hubris

  • Hullabaloo

  • Humdinger

  • Hunky-dory

  • Hunt-and-peck

  • Hush puppy, hushpuppy or hush-puppy

  • Hustle and side hustle

  • Hygge

  • Hyperbole


  • Ibid vs idem

  • Ideologue

  • Idiot savant or savant syndrome

  • Ignoramus

  • Imaginary or imaginative

  • Imbroglio

  • Impromptu or improvised

  • Improvise vs. Improvize – Which Is Correct?

  • Incase or encase

  • Incommunicado

  • Incomprehensive or incomprehensible

  • Indian corn

  • Indian Summer – Origin & Definition

  • Infomercial

  • Inroad vs inroads

  • Intellectual property

  • Invite (as a noun)

  • Irk

  • Itchy feet


  • Jack-in-the-box

  • Jack-o’-lantern and Halloween lantern

  • Jaded

  • Janus-faced

  • Jaywalking

  • Jeremiad

  • Jet Lag – Meaning & Definition

  • Jiggery-pokery

  • Jig vs gig

  • Jingoism

  • Jinx – Origin, Meaning & Examples

  • Jitney

  • John Doe, Joe Bloggs and Fred Nerk

  • Jolly Roger

  • Joshing

  • Jump-start

  • Juxtapose


  • Kakistocracy

  • Kaleidoscope – Meaning, Spelling & Symbolism

  • Kerfuffle vs brouhaha

  • Kibosh

  • Kick-Start, Kickstart or Kick Start – Meaning & Definition

  • King’s X

  • Kleenex vs tissue

  • Kryptonite

  • K-pop


  • Lackadaisical

  • Ladybug and ladybird

  • Lagniappe

  • Landlubber

  • Latchkey kid and latchkey child

  • Later vs latter

  • Laughing stock

  • Leaned or leant

  • Leery vs leary

  • Leet, leetspeak and 1337

  • Leeway

  • Legal vs legit

  • Legitimate vs legitimitize

  • Leotard vs tights

  • Lickety-split

  • Lifetime or life time

  • Lilliputian

  • Limbo

  • Limelight vs spotlight

  • Lip-sync and lip-synch

  • Listserv

  • Loch vs lock

  • Lodestar – Meaning & Definition

  • Logo

  • Long in the tooth

  • Long johns vs union suit and combination suit

  • Long pig

  • Loonie, Loony, or Looney – What’s the Difference?

  • Loop de loop or loop the loop

  • Lothario

  • Low-key and lowkey

  • Luddite

  • Lukewarm

  • Lyme disease vs lime disease


  • Macabre

  • MacGyver

  • Malarkey

  • Marsala vs masala

  • Mask vs masque

  • Maverick

  • Meme

  • Meretricious vs meritorious

  • Merry Christmas vs Happy Christmas

  • Meta

  • Me vs mi

  • Microfinance, microcredit and microloan

  • Mic Drop – Origin, Meaning & Sentence Examples

  • Militate or mitigate

  • Milquetoast vs milktoast

  • Misogyny and misandry

  • Mixtape

  • Mob or demob

  • Mogul

  • Mojo

  • Mollycoddle

  • Molotov cocktail

  • Momager

  • Montage

  • Moonlight

  • Moonshine

  • Moratorium

  • More vs moor

  • Mortar board

  • Mothball

  • Muckamuck, mucky-muck and muckety-muck

  • Muckraking

  • Mudslinging

  • Mumbo jumbo


  • Namby-pamby

  • Nano-

  • Nascent

  • Nativity

  • Nefarious

  • Nepotism

  • Nerd, Geek, or Dork – What’s the Difference?

  • Nest egg

  • Newfangled

  • Ne’er-do-well

  • Nib vs nub

  • Nickle-and-dime

  • Nickname

  • Niggle

  • Nitty-gritty

  • Noble vs ignoble

  • Noel or nowel

  • Nomenclature

  • Nowadays, anymore, or any more

  • No-brainer

  • Nutriment or nutrition


  • Oases

  • Oblique

  • Obsequious

  • Off-kilter and out of kilter

  • Old chestnut

  • Old Glory

  • Oligarchy vs monarchy

  • One-horse town

  • Onomatopoeia

  • Onus

  • Oompa Loompa

  • Operationalise or operationalize

  • Origin or origins

  • Ornery – Usage, Meaning & Examples

  • Ought vs aught

  • Outsource

  • Overtake, take over and takeover


  • Packed vs pact

  • Panhandle

  • Parade float

  • Paralympics

  • Paraphernalia

  • Parsimony

  • Passerbys or passersby

  • Passing strange

  • Patois

  • Patron vs. Benefactor – Difference & Definition

  • Patsy

  • Paucity – Meaning & Examples in a Sentence

  • Pay the Piper – Idiom, Meaning & Origin

  • Peccadillo

  • Pejorative

  • Pell-mell

  • Pentagon

  • Penultimate

  • Peripatetic

  • Perjury

  • Pettifogger

  • Petulant vs impetuous

  • Pet peeve

  • Phosphene

  • Photo Bomb or Photobomber – Usage, Meaning & Origin

  • Phubbing

  • Picayune

  • Pidgin vs pigeon

  • Piecemeal

  • Pigeonhole

  • Piggyback

  • Piggy bank

  • Pin money

  • Piping hot

  • Pissant

  • Pitchblende

  • Pitch-perfect and picture-perfect

  • Pithy

  • Pixelated vs. pixilated

  • Plainclothes

  • Plaintiff vs defendant

  • Pleather and Naugahyde

  • Plural of Platypus – Platypuses or Platypi?

  • Point-blank

  • Poker Face – Meaning & Definition

  • Polka dot

  • Pollyanna

  • Ponzi scheme and Ponzi game

  • Pooh-bah or poobah

  • Pooped

  • Popinjay

  • Poppycock

  • Port vs. starboard

  • Post-truth

  • Potluck

  • Potter’s field

  • Pragmatism

  • Pram, baby carriage and baby buggy

  • Primal scream

  • Privy

  • Procrastinate

  • Prodigal and prodigy

  • Prodigious vs prolific

  • Progeny vs prodigy

  • Promulgate vs propagate

  • Propitiate vs expiate

  • Protean vs protein

  • Proverbial vs figurative

  • Proverb vs adage

  • Proximal vs proximate

  • Psychopath vs. sociopath

  • Punch list

  • Puppy love or poppy love

  • Pusillanimous


  • Quaff vs coif

  • Quality time

  • Quantum

  • Quay

  • Quicksilver

  • Quire vs. Choir – Meaning, Difference & Spelling

  • Quisling


  • Radical

  • Rambunctious

  • Ramshackle

  • Rat race

  • Raven vs ravenous

  • Razzle-dazzle and razzmatazz

  • Razzmatazz or razzamatazz

  • Recant vs recount

  • Reconnoiter

  • Redneck vs. Hillbilly vs. Hick – What’s the Difference?

  • Red-Letter Day – Idiom, Origin & Meaning

  • Referendum

  • Reforested wood

  • Reindeer or caribou

  • Renege vs rescind

  • Repair vs reparation

  • Repetition vs repetitiveness

  • Requiem

  • Retcon

  • Retrograde vs anterograde or antegrade

  • Retronym

  • Riffraff

  • Rigmarole

  • Riposte vs repost

  • Rip-off or rip off

  • Risky vs risqué

  • Road hog

  • Road kill or roadkill

  • Roman-à-clef

  • Rookie

  • Royal “we”

  • Rubberneck

  • Rubenesque

  • Rummy


  • Sachet vs sashay

  • Sacred cow

  • Said the actress to the bishop

  • Salient vs salience

  • Salubrious vs lugubrious

  • Samovar vs scimitar

  • Sangfroid

  • Sarcasm

  • Sarcophagus vs mausoleum

  • Satisficing vs satisfying

  • Savvy

  • Scatological

  • Scavenger hunt

  • Schema or schematic

  • Schizophrenia as an adjective

  • Schmooze and shmooze

  • Schmuck versus putz

  • Scintilla

  • Scion

  • Scot-free

  • Screwball

  • Scrumdiddlyumptious

  • Scrummy

  • Scuba

  • Sculpture vs sculptor

  • Second-guess

  • Security blanket

  • Segue vs Segway

  • Self vs self

  • Sensational vs sensationalistic

  • Sequacious

  • Seraphic

  • Serigraph vs lithograph

  • Serviette or napkin

  • Shaggy-dog story

  • Shake vs sheikh

  • Shanghai (as a verb)

  • Shenanigans

  • Shiv

  • Shopping cart or buggy

  • Shop till you drop

  • Showboat

  • Shrinking violet

  • Shut-in

  • Signet vs cygnet

  • Silver lining

  • Sine die

  • Sisyphean, Promethean or Herculean

  • Skunkworks

  • Sled, sledge, sleigh and toboggan

  • Slipshod

  • Slow vs sloe

  • Slumgullion and goulash

  • Smarmy

  • Smartphone vs smart phone

  • Smarty-pants and smarty-boots

  • Snark

  • Snitch

  • Snobbery or snobbishness

  • Sob sister and sob story

  • Social vs sociable

  • Sorbet

  • SOS and Mayday

  • Sound bite

  • Spanish fly

  • Spartan

  • Spearhead

  • Spiel

  • Spiffy

  • Spitballing

  • Spoof

  • Spoonerism vs malapropism

  • Spork

  • Squinch

  • Star-crossed

  • Stat vs now

  • Staycation – Meaning & Etymology

  • Steal vs steel

  • Stem-winder or stemwinder

  • Stigma, stigmas or stigmata

  • Stir-crazy

  • Stock-still

  • Stool pigeon

  • Sty vs stye

  • Subtext

  • Sub rosa vs sub-rosa

  • Sub vs infra

  • Sugar daddy

  • Sunday driver

  • Supersede or supercede

  • Super vs supra

  • Surgeon vs sturgeon

  • Surrogacy

  • Suspect, person of interest or perpetrator

  • Swanning around and swanning about

  • Swashbuckle

  • Sweeped or swept

  • Sweet Tooth – Idiom, Meaning & Origin

  • Sycophant

  • Symbol vs cymbal

  • Synchronise or synchronize

  • Systematic vs systematical


  • Tabula rasa

  • Tad bit vs tidbit

  • Take the mickey out of someone

  • Taro vs tarot

  • Tar baby

  • Taser

  • Tattletale vs telltale

  • Teetotaler, teetotaller

  • Terra firma

  • Terrific vs terrifying

  • Terroir and terror

  • Thanksgiving or Thanksgiving Day

  • Thesauri or thesaurusus

  • The Devil Is in the Details – Origin & Meaning

  • The Interrobang Punctuation Mark(‽) – How to Use it Properly

  • Thong or flip-flop

  • Thrall

  • Threshold or threshhold

  • Through and through or thru and thru

  • Throw the baby out with the bathwater

  • Thumbs up and thumbs down

  • Tiddlywinks and tiddleywinks

  • Tinseltown

  • Tiny house and tiny home

  • Titular

  • Tmesis

  • Tongue-lashing

  • Tool vs tulle

  • Top banana and second banana

  • Touche or touché

  • Tough vs tuff

  • Toweled or towelled

  • Towhead

  • Track and field and athletics

  • Tragedy vs travesty

  • Trainer or trainor

  • Triage

  • Trick or treat vs trick-or-treat

  • Troglodyte

  • Troika

  • Tsunami vs tidal wave

  • Turncoat

  • Turnkey vs turn key

  • Turpitude vs turpentine

  • Tween


  • Ubiquitous

  • Umbrage

  • Unawares

  • Underdog

  • Underlie or underline

  • Unexceptionable vs unexceptional

  • Unfamous or infamous

  • Union Jack

  • Unsung hero

  • Untoward

  • Upper crust

  • Urban, suburban and rural


  • Vagabond and vagrant

  • Variety vs varietal

  • Vaudeville

  • Vax

  • Verklempt

  • Vertigo vs vertiginous

  • Vested

  • Vicissitude

  • Voluptuous vs voluminous

  • Vox populi


  • Wainscot or chair rail

  • Wallflower – Idiom, Meaning & Definition

  • Wallop and pack a wallop

  • Wassail

  • Weekend

  • Weigh in

  • What Are Bloopers? – Meaning & Examples

  • What Are Gooseflesh, Goosebumps, or Goose Pimples?

  • What Does Half-Baked Mean?

  • What Does Parkour Mean? – Definition & Spelling

  • What Does Sanction Mean? – Definition & Examples

  • What Does The Abbreviation A.K.A. or AKA Mean?

  • What Is a Chav? – Meaning & Examples

  • What Is a Donnybrook? – Origin & Meaning

  • What Is a Goober? – Origin, Meaning & Definition

  • What Is a Honeymoon? – Origin & Meaning

  • What Is a Juggalo? – Origin, Meaning & Examples

  • What Is a Lei? – Meaning & Examples

  • What Is a Loophole? – Meaning, Origin & Examples

  • What Is a Mary Sue? – Meaning & Origin

  • What is a Mcjob? – Definition & Examples

  • What Is a Raconteur? – Origin, Meaning & Examples

  • What Is a Round Robin? – Origin & Meaning

  • What Is a Skort? – Meaning & Definition

  • What Is Christmas Adam? – Meaning & Origin

  • What Is Cosplay? – Origin, Meaning & Definition

  • What is Kith and Kin – Origin & Meaning

  • What Is Toss Up or Toss-Up? – Meaning & Definition

  • Wheelhouse

  • Wherewithal

  • Whig vs wig

  • Whippersnapper

  • Whipsaw

  • Whoa vs. Woe – Spelling, Meaning & Examples

  • Why Do People Yell “Geronimo!” – Meaning & Origin

  • Wiki

  • Willy-Nilly – Origin & Meaning

  • Wiseacre

  • Womp womp

  • Woolgathering

  • Worrywart and worryguts

  • Wright vs write

  • Writer’s block

  • Wrote vs rote


  • Xmas vs. Christmas – Origin, Spelling & Meaning


  • Yester

  • Yiddish

  • YOLO

  • Yuletide

  • Y’all vs yawl


  • “Google” vs. “google” – Is It Capitalized?

  • -gate Suffix

  • -Wise Suffix

June 9, 2014 in Writing, Writing for Children | Tags: ABSURD WORDS, american slang, Cool Words, crazy words, dictionary, Fun Words, funny words, Interesting Words, Language, Lexicon, random words, slang, thesaurus, tongue-twisters, unusual words, vocabulary, weird words, Words, words for kids

Fun Cool Interesting Amazing Words

All writers love language. And we especially love fun, amazing words, don’t we? Some have funky spellings, tongue-twisting turns, a satisfying “ooh”…and some sound too hilarious to be true! So I’ve put together a list of favorite fun words that I’ll add to periodically. Have fun, lexicon lovers!

  1. It’s a book! More words & super cool facts! Click to order!


  2. abracadabra
  3. accoutrements
  4. adagio
  5. aficionado
  6. agita
  7. agog
  8. akimbo
  9. alfresco
  10. aloof
  11. ambrosial
  12. amok
  13. ampersand
  14. anemone
  15. anthropomorphic
  16. antimacassar
  17. aplomb
  18. apogee
  19. apoplectic
  20. appaloosa
  21. apparatus
  22. archipelago
  23. atingle
  24. avuncular
  25. azure
  26. babushka
  27. bailiwick
  28. bafflegab
  29. balderdash
  30. ballistic
  31. bamboozle
  32. bandwagon
  33. barnstorming
  34. beanpole
  35. bedlam
  36. befuddled
  37. bellwether
  38. berserk
  39. bibliopole
  40. bigmouth
  41. bippy
  42. blabbermouth
  43. blatherskite
  44. blindside
  45. blob
  46. blockhead
  47. blowback
  48. blowhard
  49. blubbering
  50. bluestockings
  51. boing
  52. boffo (boffola)
  53. bombastic
  54. bonanza
  55. bonkers
  56. boondocks
  57. boondoggle
  58. borborygmus
  59. bozo
  60. braggadocio
  61. brainstorm
  62. brannigan
  63. breakneck
  64. brouhaha
  65. buckaroo
  66. bucolic
  67. buffoon
  68. bugaboo
  69. bugbear
  70. bulbous
  71. bumbledom
  72. bumfuzzle
  73. bumptious
  74. bumpkin
  75. bungalow
  76. bunkum
  77. bupkis
  78. burnsides
  79. busybody
  80. cacophony
  81. cahoots
  82. calamity
  83. calliope
  84. candelabra
  85. canoodle
  86. cantankerous
  87. catamaran
  88. catastrophe
  89. catawampus
  90. caterwaul
  91. chatterbox
  92. chichi
  93. chimerical
  94. chimichanga
  95. chitchat
  96. clandestine
  97. claptrap
  98. clishmaclaver
  99. clodhopper
  100. coccyx
  101. cockamamie
  102. cockatoo
  103. codswallop
  104. collywobbles
  105. colossus
  106. comeuppance
  107. concoction
  108. conniption
  109. contraband
  110. conundrum
  111. convivial
  112. copacetic
  113. corkscrew
  114. cornucopia
  115. cowabunga
  116. coxcomb
  117. crackerjack
  118. crescendo
  119. crestfallen
  120. cryptozoology
  121. cuckoo
  122. curlicue
  123. curmudgeon
  124. demitasse
  125. denouement
  126. derecho
  127. derring-do
  128. desperado
  129. diaphanous
  130. diddly-squat
  131. digeridoo
  132. dilemma
  133. dillydally
  134. dimwit
  135. diphthong
  136. dirigible
  137. discombobulated
  138. dodecahedron
  139. doldrums
  140. donkeyman
  141. donnybrook
  142. doodad
  143. doohickey (this is what I call a library due date card)
  144. doppelganger
  145. dumbfounded
  146. dumbwaiter
  147. dunderhead
  148. earwig
  149. eavesdrop
  150. ebullient
  151. effervescence
  152. egads
  153. eggcorn
  154. egghead
  155. elixir
  156. ephemeral
  157. epiphany
  158. ersatz
  159. eucatastrophe
  160. extraterrestrial
  161. finagle
  162. fandango
  163. festooned
  164. fez
  165. fiasco
  166. fiddle-footed
  167. fiddlesticks
  168. finicky
  169. firebrand
  170. fishwife
  171. fisticuffs
  172. flabbergasted
  173. flapdoodle
  174. flibbertigibbet
  175. flimflam
  176. flippant
  177. floccinaucinihilipilification
  178. flophouse
  179. flotsam
  180. flummery
  181. flummoxed
  182. flyaway
  183. flyspeck
  184. folderol
  185. foofaraw
  186. foolhardy
  187. foolscap
  188. footloose
  189. fopdoodle
  190. fortuitous
  191. fracas
  192. frangipani
  193. freewheeling
  194. fricassee
  195. frippery
  196. frogman
  197. froufrou
  198. fuddy-duddy
  199. fussbudget
  200. futz
  201. gadfly
  202. gadzooks
  203. gallimaufry
  204. gambit
  205. gangplank
  206. gangway
  207. gargoyle
  208. gasbag
  209. gazebo
  210. gazpacho
  211. gewgaw
  212. genteel
  213. ghostwriter
  214. gibberish
  215. gimcrack
  216. gizmo
  217. glabella
  218. glitch
  219. globetrotter
  220. gobbledygook
  221. gobsmacked
  222. googolplex
  223. goosebump
  224. gooseflesh
  225. gorgonzola
  226. gossamer
  227. grandiloquent
  228. greenhorn
  229. guffaw
  230. gumshoe
  231. guru
  232. gussied
  233. guttersnipe
  234. haberdashery
  235. haboob
  236. hairpin
  237. halcyon
  238. halfwit
  239. hangdog
  240. haphazard
  241. harebrained
  242. harumph
  243. harum-scarum
  244. headlong
  245. heartstrings
  246. heebie-jeebie
  247. heirloom
  248. helter-skelter
  249. hemidemisemiquaver
  250. heyday
  251. higgledy-piggledy
  252. highfalutin
  253. hijinks
  254. hillbilly
  255. hippocampus
  256. hippogriff
  257. hobbledehoy
  258. hobnobbed
  259. hocus-pocus
  260. hodgepodge
  261. hogwash
  262. hokum
  263. hoodoo
  264. hoodwink
  265. hooey
  266. hooligan
  267. hoopla
  268. hootenanny
  269. hornswoggle
  270. horsefeathers
  271. hotbed
  272. hotfoot
  273. hothead
  274. hubbub
  275. hullabaloo
  276. humbug
  277. humdinger
  278. humdrum
  279. hunky-dory
  280. hurly-burly
  281. hushpuppy
  282. huzzah
  283. hyperbole
  284. idiom
  285. idiosyncrasies
  286. igloo
  287. ignoramus
  288. impromptu
  289. incognito
  290. incorrigible
  291. incredulous
  292. indomitable
  293. indubitably
  294. infinitesimal
  295. interloper
  296. interrobang
  297. ironclad
  298. izzard
  299. jabberwocky
  300. jacuzzi
  301. jalopy
  302. jamboree
  303. jargogle
  304. jawbreaker
  305. jetsam
  306. jibber-jabber
  307. jink
  308. jitney
  309. jubilee
  310. juggernaut
  311. jujubes
  312. jumbo
  313. junket
  314. juxtaposition
  315. kaleidoscope
  316. kaput
  317. kerfuffle
  318. kerplunk
  319. kibosh
  320. killjoy
  321. kismet
  322. knickerbocker
  323. knickknack
  324. kowtow
  325. kumquat
  326. kvetch
  327. lackadaisical
  328. lagoon
  329. lambasted
  330. lampoon
  331. landlubber
  332. laughingstock
  333. lexicographer
  334. limburger
  335. lingo
  336. loco
  337. loggerhead
  338. logjam
  339. logophile
  340. logorrhea
  341. lollapalooza
  342. lollygag
  343. loofah
  344. loony
  345. loophole
  346. lugubrious
  347. lummox
  348. machinations
  349. madcap
  350. maelstrom
  351. magnificent
  352. majordomo
  353. malapropism
  354. malarkey
  355. manifesto
  356. mastermind
  357. mayhem
  358. mealymouthed
  359. mellifluous
  360. menagerie
  361. miasma
  362. miffed
  363. milquetoast
  364. misanthrope
  365. mishmash
  366. moocher
  367. mojo (also a character in THE MONSTORE)
  368. mollycoddle
  369. mondegreen
  370. moniker
  371. monkeyshines
  372. monsoon
  373. mnemonic
  374. moonstruck
  375. muckety-muck
  376. mudpuppy
  377. mudslinger
  378. muffuletta
  379. mufti
  380. mulligatawny
  381. mumbo-jumbo
  382. murmuration
  383. muumuu
  384. nabob
  385. namby-pamby
  386. nimrod
  387. nincompoop
  388. nitwit
  389. nomenclature
  390. nonplussed
  391. nonilllion
  392. nonuplets
  393. noodge
  394. nudnik
  395. numbskull
  396. onomatopoeia
  397. oomph
  398. orotund
  399. outfox
  400. outlandish
  401. oxymoron
  402. pachyderm
  403. pagoda
  404. palindrome
  405. palomino
  406. panache
  407. pandemonium
  408. pantaloons
  409. papyrus
  410. parabola
  411. parallelogram
  412. parapet
  413. paraphernalia
  414. peccadillo
  415. pedagogue
  416. peewee
  417. pell-mell
  418. persimmon
  419. persnickety
  420. petrichor
  421. pettifogger
  422. phalanx
  423. phantasmagorical
  424. phantonym
  425. phylactery
  426. piffle
  427. pizzazz
  428. plethora
  429. pogo
  430. pogonip
  431. pollex
  432. pollywog
  433. poltroon
  434. pomposity
  435. poppycock
  436. portmanteau
  437. potpourri
  438. pseudonym
  439. pugnacious
  440. pulchritudinous
  441. pusillanimous
  442. pussyfoot
  443. quibble
  444. quicksilver
  445. quicksticks
  446. quiddle
  447. quinzee
  448. quirky
  449. quixotic
  450. quizzity
  451. rabble-rouser
  452. raconteur
  453. rainmaker
  454. ragamuffin
  455. ragtag
  456. ramshackle
  457. ransack
  458. rapscallion
  459. razzle-dazzle
  460. razzmatazz
  461. rejigger
  462. rendezvous
  463. resplendent
  464. rickrack
  465. ricochet
  466. riffraff
  467. rigmarole
  468. riposte
  469. roundabout
  470. roustabout
  471. rubberneck
  472. ruckus
  473. ruffian
  474. rugrat
  475. rumpus
  476. sabayon
  477. sardoodledom
  478. sashay
  479. sassafras
  480. scalawag (also scallywag)
  481. scatterbrain
  482. schadenfreude
  483. schlep
  484. schluffy
  485. schmooze
  486. schmutz
  487. scintillating
  488. scrofulous
  489. scrumdiddlyumptious (Dahlism)
  490. scuttlebutt
  491. serendipity
  492. sesquipedalian
  493. shabang
  494. shenanigans
  495. skedaddle
  496. skirmish
  497. skullduggery
  498. slapdash
  499. slapstick
  500. slipshod
  501. smithereens
  502. smorgasbord
  503. snollygoster
  504. sobriquet
  505. sojourn
  506. spellbind
  507. splendiferous
  508. squeegee
  509. squooshy
  510. staccato
  511. stupefaction
  512. succotash
  513. supercilious
  514. superfluous
  515. surreptitious
  516. Svengali
  517. swashbuckler
  518. switcheroo
  519. swizzlestick
  520. synchronicity
  521. syzygy
  522. talisman
  523. taradiddle
  524. tchotchke
  525. teepee
  526. telekinesis
  527. thingamabob
  528. thingamajig
  529. thunderstruck
  530. tidbit
  531. tintinnabulation
  532. toadstool
  533. toady
  534. tomfoolery
  535. tommyrot
  536. toothsome
  537. topsy-turvy
  538. trapezoid
  539. tub-thumper
  540. tumultuous
  541. turducken
  542. typhoon
  543. ululation
  544. umlaut
  545. umpteen
  546. unctuous
  547. usurp
  548. uvula
  549. vainglorious
  550. vagabond
  551. vamoose
  552. verboten
  553. verisimilitude
  554. vermicious (well, if I included one Dahlism, why not another?)
  555. vertigo
  556. verve
  557. virtuoso
  558. vivacious
  559. vuvuzela
  560. wackadoodle
  561. wallflower
  562. wanderlust
  563. whatchamacallit
  564. whatsis
  565. whimsical
  566. whippersnapper
  567. whirligig
  568. whirlybird
  569. whizbang
  570. whodunit
  571. whoop
  572. widget
  573. wigwam
  574. willy-nilly
  575. windbag
  576. wipeout
  577. wiseacre
  578. wisecrack
  579. wisenheimer
  580. wishy-washy
  581. woebegone
  582. wonky
  583. woozy
  584. wordplay
  585. wordsmith
  586. wunderkind
  587. wuthering
  588. xylophone
  589. yahoo
  590. yokel
  591. yo-yo
  592. zaftig
  593. zeitgeist
  594. zenzizenzizenzic (yes, this is a word!)
  595. zephyr
  596. zeppelin
  597. ziggurat
  598. zigzag
  599. zonked
  600. zoom
  601. zydeco

При изучении английских слов в первую чередь уделите внимание изучению слов из TOP 3000.
При чтении параллельных текстов добавляйте на изучение слова из TOP 3000 в первую очередь,
а остальные незнакомые слова на изучение лучше не добавлять для более быстрого усвоения английских слов из TOP 3000.
TOP 3000 слов составляют 85% английских текстов современного английского языка.

слово % от общего числа слов суммарный % от общего числа слов % от общего числа произведений
1. a 2.1333% 2.13% 92.82%
2. the 4.9472% 7.08% 92.71%
3. and 2.8615% 9.94% 92.71%
4. to 2.5251% 12.47% 92.63%
5. of 2.3232% 14.79% 92.54%
6. in 1.4711% 16.26% 92.40%
7. that 1.2946% 17.56% 92.31%
8. it 1.3189% 18.87% 92.09%
9. is 0.8115% 19.69% 91.80%
10. for 0.6767% 20.36% 91.80%
11. this 0.4247% 20.79% 91.75%
12. with 0.7390% 21.53% 91.66%
13. on 0.6037% 22.13% 91.44%
14. but 0.5888% 22.72% 91.38%
15. have 0.5794% 23.30% 91.01%
16. so 0.3733% 23.67% 90.41%
17. be 0.4847% 24.16% 90.27%
18. not 0.8568% 25.01% 90.24%
19. are 0.3213% 25.33% 90.10%
20. at 0.6108% 25.95% 90.07%
21. as 0.6189% 26.56% 90.02%
22. one 0.3363% 26.90% 89.62%
23. you 1.2274% 28.13% 89.59%
24. all 0.4042% 28.53% 89.45%
25. from 0.3439% 28.88% 89.45%
26. they 0.4286% 29.30% 89.31%
27. what 0.3755% 29.68% 88.71%
28. can 0.2030% 29.88% 88.63%
29. we 0.3893% 30.27% 88.51%
30. an 0.2716% 30.54% 88.29%
31. i 1.7635% 32.31% 88.06%
32. like 0.2341% 32.54% 87.92%
33. by 0.3189% 32.86% 87.89%
34. there 0.3705% 33.23% 87.32%
35. was 1.2999% 34.53% 86.87%
36. or 0.2409% 34.77% 86.78%
37. do 0.3460% 35.12% 86.76%
38. when 0.2566% 35.37% 86.73%
39. about 0.2271% 35.60% 86.30%
40. if 0.2948% 35.90% 86.16%
41. just 0.1399% 36.04% 85.85%
42. time 0.1996% 36.24% 85.22%
43. out 0.2792% 36.51% 84.88%
44. up 0.2737% 36.79% 84.06%
45. how 0.1493% 36.94% 83.81%
46. them 0.2366% 37.17% 83.52%
47. more 0.1844% 37.36% 83.52%
48. now 0.2130% 37.57% 83.38%
49. these 0.0929% 37.66% 82.70%
50. will 0.2650% 37.93% 82.33%
51. into 0.1925% 38.12% 81.91%
52. way 0.1235% 38.25% 81.91%
53. because 0.0818% 38.33% 81.82%
54. year 0.0820% 38.41% 81.74%
55. my 0.4098% 38.82% 81.71%
56. their 0.1843% 39.00% 81.59%
57. other 0.1439% 39.15% 81.17%
58. would 0.3016% 39.45% 81.14%
59. know 0.2122% 39.66% 80.77%
60. our 0.1049% 39.77% 80.69%
61. get 0.1381% 39.90% 80.09%
62. some 0.1578% 40.06% 79.84%
63. were 0.3284% 40.39% 79.75%
64. make 0.1005% 40.49% 79.75%
65. look 0.2469% 40.74% 79.72%
66. people 0.0973% 40.84% 79.69%
67. who 0.2238% 41.06% 79.61%
68. has 0.1228% 41.18% 79.44%
69. then 0.2251% 41.41% 79.35%
70. where 0.1077% 41.51% 79.13%
71. could 0.2324% 41.75% 78.98%
72. see 0.1624% 41.91% 78.98%
73. had 0.7793% 42.69% 78.90%
74. thing 0.1363% 42.83% 78.84%
75. which 0.2750% 43.10% 78.67%
76. first 0.0979% 43.20% 78.45%
77. me 0.4151% 43.61% 78.39%
78. no 0.3127% 43.93% 78.02%
79. very 0.1833% 44.11% 77.91%
80. us 0.1067% 44.22% 77.54%
81. want 0.1242% 44.34% 77.20%
82. been 0.2504% 44.59% 77.11%
83. thank 0.0296% 44.62% 77.11%
84. only 0.1450% 44.76% 76.86%
85. than 0.1241% 44.89% 76.57%
86. here 0.1352% 45.02% 76.49%
87. go 0.1459% 45.17% 76.40%
88. think 0.1381% 45.31% 76.15%
89. two 0.1246% 45.43% 75.84%
90. your 0.2119% 45.64% 75.35%
91. over 0.1366% 45.78% 75.35%
92. am 0.1489% 45.93% 75.24%
93. take 0.0892% 46.02% 75.18%
94. much 0.1114% 46.13% 75.16%
95. even 0.0998% 46.23% 74.62%
96. call 0.0723% 46.30% 74.62%
97. did 0.2083% 46.51% 74.50%
98. most 0.0659% 46.58% 74.33%
99. world 0.0590% 46.64% 74.31%
100. well 0.1508% 46.79% 73.79%
101. going 0.0977% 46.88% 73.48%
102. back 0.1384% 47.02% 73.06%
103. right 0.0964% 47.12% 73.06%
104. come 0.1422% 47.26% 72.94%
105. also 0.0401% 47.30% 71.95%
106. something 0.0879% 47.39% 71.50%
107. really 0.0625% 47.45% 71.27%
108. start 0.0441% 47.50% 71.13%
109. those 0.0693% 47.57% 71.07%
110. work 0.0567% 47.62% 70.79%
111. day 0.1287% 47.75% 70.22%
112. many 0.0540% 47.81% 70.16%
113. say 0.1418% 47.95% 69.85%
114. he 1.4021% 49.35% 69.06%
115. new 0.0549% 49.40% 68.66%
116. through 0.0841% 49.49% 68.32%
117. need 0.0417% 49.53% 67.81%
118. why 0.0929% 49.62% 67.75%
119. every 0.0646% 49.69% 67.73%
120. being 0.0750% 49.76% 67.13%
121. life 0.0794% 49.84% 66.87%
122. around 0.0442% 49.89% 66.59%
123. use 0.0333% 49.92% 66.59%
124. doe 0.0485% 49.97% 66.48%
125. give 0.0701% 50.04% 66.42%
126. little 0.1539% 50.19% 66.31%
127. after 0.1147% 50.31% 65.91%
128. let 0.0827% 50.39% 65.77%
129. good 0.1237% 50.51% 65.48%
130. same 0.0628% 50.58% 65.46%
131. down 0.1484% 50.72% 65.34%
132. applause 0.0090% 50.73% 65.23%
133. any 0.1254% 50.86% 65.09%
134. made 0.1059% 50.96% 64.38%
135. three 0.0607% 51.02% 64.38%
136. before 0.1157% 51.14% 64.24%
137. got 0.0930% 51.23% 63.90%
138. mean 0.0596% 51.29% 63.90%
139. happen 0.0421% 51.34% 63.44%
140. change 0.0386% 51.37% 63.22%
141. lot 0.0265% 51.40% 62.90%
142. said 0.4968% 51.90% 62.65%
143. tell 0.0832% 51.98% 62.39%
144. put 0.0716% 52.05% 62.14%
145. own 0.0860% 52.14% 62.08%
146. another 0.0631% 52.20% 61.34%
147. actually 0.0213% 52.22% 61.03%
148. his 0.8860% 53.11% 60.98%
149. part 0.0413% 53.15% 60.98%
150. place 0.0779% 53.23% 60.81%
151. still 0.0904% 53.32% 60.69%
152. last 0.0763% 53.39% 60.66%
153. different 0.0244% 53.42% 60.64%
154. ask 0.1057% 53.52% 59.95%
155. kind 0.0439% 53.57% 59.95%
156. long 0.0910% 53.66% 59.16%
157. find 0.0489% 53.71% 59.08%
158. never 0.1169% 53.83% 58.93%
159. great 0.0781% 53.90% 58.91%
160. laughter 0.0200% 53.92% 58.85%
161. end 0.0481% 53.97% 58.59%
162. doing 0.0294% 54.00% 58.08%
163. should 0.0996% 54.10% 58.05%
164. thought 0.1202% 54.22% 58.00%
165. each 0.0421% 54.26% 57.83%
166. next 0.0393% 54.30% 57.80%
167. show 0.0371% 54.34% 57.77%
168. talk 0.0475% 54.39% 57.66%
169. big 0.0327% 54.42% 57.63%
170. off 0.0812% 54.50% 57.32%
171. few 0.0459% 54.55% 57.29%
172. too 0.1080% 54.65% 57.26%
173. its 0.0834% 54.74% 56.24%
174. again 0.1128% 54.85% 56.21%
175. idea 0.0365% 54.89% 55.96%
176. might 0.0876% 54.97% 55.79%
177. together 0.0349% 55.01% 55.53%
178. better 0.0513% 55.06% 55.45%
179. help 0.0399% 55.10% 55.42%
180. came 0.1059% 55.21% 55.36%
181. old 0.1122% 55.32% 54.82%
182. between 0.0423% 55.36% 54.76%
183. found 0.0565% 55.42% 54.71%
184. fact 0.0356% 55.45% 54.68%
185. live 0.0384% 55.49% 54.20%
186. human 0.0237% 55.52% 53.86%
187. question 0.0396% 55.56% 53.63%
188. used 0.0298% 55.58% 53.52%
189. important 0.0153% 55.60% 53.29%
190. second 0.0300% 55.63% 53.06%
191. went 0.1078% 55.74% 53.03%
192. away 0.0900% 55.83% 52.98%
193. ago 0.0211% 55.85% 52.92%
194. point 0.0324% 55.88% 52.50%
195. course 0.0523% 55.93% 52.44%
196. always 0.0635% 56.00% 52.33%
197. ever 0.0594% 56.06% 52.07%
198. she 0.7551% 56.81% 52.04%
199. believe 0.0492% 56.86% 51.67%
200. today 0.0143% 56.88% 51.67%
201. able 0.0237% 56.90% 51.30%
202. hand 0.1371% 57.04% 51.05%
203. done 0.0486% 57.08% 50.88%
204. become 0.0230% 57.11% 50.85%
205. while 0.0618% 57.17% 50.60%
206. took 0.0667% 57.24% 50.51%
207. small 0.0403% 57.28% 50.43%
208. may 0.0653% 57.34% 50.34%
209. everything 0.0397% 57.38% 50.03%
210. without 0.0721% 57.45% 49.91%
211. her 0.7666% 58.22% 49.74%
212. story 0.0263% 58.25% 49.69%
213. enough 0.0506% 58.30% 49.35%
214. understand 0.0344% 58.33% 49.21%
215. five 0.0326% 58.36% 49.04%
216. turn 0.0280% 58.39% 49.01%
217. him 0.4789% 58.87% 48.87%
218. once 0.0678% 58.94% 48.81%
219. high 0.0297% 58.97% 48.78%
220. feel 0.0373% 59.01% 48.64%
221. problem 0.0132% 59.02% 48.64%
222. love 0.0677% 59.09% 48.58%
223. whole 0.0390% 59.13% 48.27%
224. bit 0.0218% 59.15% 48.07%
225. four 0.0312% 59.18% 47.90%
226. left 0.0643% 59.24% 47.84%
227. best 0.0285% 59.27% 47.53%
228. making 0.0247% 59.30% 47.48%
229. home 0.0475% 59.34% 47.33%
230. move 0.0334% 59.38% 47.28%
231. create 0.0100% 59.39% 47.22%
232. real 0.0201% 59.41% 47.16%
233. trying 0.0215% 59.43% 46.88%
234. hard 0.0334% 59.46% 46.51%
235. such 0.0847% 59.55% 46.45%
236. word 0.0708% 59.62% 46.31%
237. anything 0.0552% 59.67% 46.31%
238. name 0.0501% 59.72% 46.26%
239. yet 0.0571% 59.78% 46.17%
240. moment 0.0702% 59.85% 46.14%
241. try 0.0218% 59.87% 46.03%
242. face 0.1011% 59.97% 45.94%
243. seem 0.0924% 60.07% 45.92%
244. number 0.0179% 60.08% 45.83%
245. keep 0.0355% 60.12% 45.55%
246. bring 0.0245% 60.14% 45.52%
247. open 0.0589% 60.20% 45.35%
248. nothing 0.0850% 60.29% 45.24%
249. told 0.0583% 60.35% 45.21%
250. reason 0.0291% 60.37% 45.15%
251. working 0.0124% 60.39% 45.04%
252. friend 0.0559% 60.44% 44.98%
253. remember 0.0417% 60.48% 44.98%
254. far 0.0421% 60.53% 44.95%
255. half 0.0453% 60.57% 44.92%
256. mind 0.0610% 60.63% 44.64%
257. almost 0.0440% 60.68% 44.64%
258. seen 0.0465% 60.72% 44.58%
259. person 0.0292% 60.75% 44.53%
260. both 0.0370% 60.79% 44.50%
261. large 0.0280% 60.82% 44.47%
262. matter 0.0435% 60.86% 44.33%
263. man 0.1704% 61.03% 44.27%
264. play 0.0319% 61.06% 44.27%
265. thinking 0.0240% 61.09% 44.21%
266. side 0.0506% 61.14% 44.10%
267. country 0.0266% 61.16% 44.10%
268. since 0.0376% 61.20% 44.04%
269. else 0.0315% 61.23% 44.02%
270. saw 0.0696% 61.30% 43.96%
271. case 0.0325% 61.34% 43.93%
272. month 0.0218% 61.36% 43.87%
273. less 0.0251% 61.38% 43.85%
274. example 0.0081% 61.39% 43.85%
275. set 0.0335% 61.42% 43.79%
276. coming 0.0308% 61.46% 43.65%
277. stop 0.0410% 61.50% 43.53%
278. sense 0.0248% 61.52% 43.51%
279. answer 0.0532% 61.57% 43.25%
280. later 0.0247% 61.60% 43.19%
281. hope 0.0378% 61.64% 43.14%
282. state 0.0218% 61.66% 43.08%
283. already 0.0327% 61.69% 43.05%
284. quite 0.0596% 61.75% 42.82%
285. imagine 0.0154% 61.77% 42.71%
286. room 0.0954% 61.86% 42.63%
287. across 0.0286% 61.89% 42.51%
288. under 0.0531% 61.94% 42.43%
289. though 0.0687% 62.01% 42.34%
290. eye 0.1205% 62.13% 42.31%
291. sure 0.0425% 62.17% 42.17%
292. until 0.0324% 62.21% 42.06%
293. close 0.0259% 62.23% 42.00%
294. young 0.0701% 62.30% 41.89%
295. probably 0.0182% 62.32% 41.89%
296. system 0.0104% 62.33% 41.80%
297. head 0.0865% 62.42% 41.78%
298. hour 0.0458% 62.46% 41.61%
299. sort 0.0336% 62.50% 41.58%
300. allow 0.0167% 62.51% 41.58%
301. million 0.0103% 62.52% 41.58%
302. lives 0.0101% 62.53% 41.55%
303. often 0.0226% 62.56% 41.41%
304. talking 0.0211% 62.58% 41.35%
305. maybe 0.0183% 62.60% 41.32%
306. pretty 0.0231% 62.62% 41.26%
307. week 0.0251% 62.65% 41.07%
308. power 0.0209% 62.67% 40.98%
309. family 0.0284% 62.69% 40.87%
310. knew 0.0630% 62.76% 40.84%
311. minute 0.0367% 62.79% 40.61%
312. simple 0.0138% 62.81% 40.56%
313. myself 0.0435% 62.85% 40.50%
314. body 0.0313% 62.88% 40.41%
315. instead 0.0151% 62.90% 40.30%
316. heard 0.0535% 62.95% 40.24%
317. possible 0.0217% 62.97% 40.19%
318. walk 0.0439% 63.02% 40.16%
319. yes 0.0880% 63.10% 40.05%
320. run 0.0211% 63.13% 40.02%
321. order 0.0327% 63.16% 39.93%
322. sometimes 0.0225% 63.18% 39.90%
323. early 0.0180% 63.20% 39.90%
324. living 0.0176% 63.22% 39.79%
325. share 0.0108% 63.23% 39.62%
326. watch 0.0394% 63.27% 39.56%
327. leave 0.0428% 63.31% 39.53%
328. thousand 0.0235% 63.33% 39.53%
329. care 0.0294% 63.36% 39.51%
330. true 0.0265% 63.39% 39.39%
331. must 0.0982% 63.49% 39.31%
332. night 0.0697% 63.56% 39.22%
333. experience 0.0111% 63.57% 39.19%
334. bad 0.0232% 63.59% 39.17%
335. six 0.0194% 63.61% 39.00%
336. easy 0.0184% 63.63% 38.88%
337. against 0.0467% 63.68% 38.85%
338. single 0.0118% 63.69% 38.77%
339. future 0.0127% 63.70% 38.74%
340. within 0.0194% 63.72% 38.60%
341. hundred 0.0275% 63.75% 38.54%
342. sound 0.0348% 63.78% 38.51%
343. line 0.0231% 63.81% 38.32%
344. form 0.0150% 63.82% 38.29%
345. taking 0.0210% 63.84% 38.15%
346. realize 0.0132% 63.85% 38.09%
347. wrong 0.0205% 63.87% 38.06%
348. whether 0.0233% 63.90% 37.86%
349. least 0.0272% 63.93% 37.69%
350. water 0.0373% 63.96% 37.61%
351. saying 0.0232% 63.99% 37.58%
352. exactly 0.0157% 64.00% 37.55%
353. themselves 0.0212% 64.02% 37.52%
354. full 0.0271% 64.05% 37.49%
355. gave 0.0403% 64.09% 37.35%
356. along 0.0318% 64.12% 37.32%
357. job 0.0129% 64.13% 37.24%
358. inside 0.0161% 64.15% 36.98%
359. behind 0.0368% 64.19% 36.90%
360. light 0.0467% 64.23% 36.81%
361. became 0.0206% 64.26% 36.73%
362. die 0.0289% 64.28% 36.61%
363. house 0.0817% 64.37% 36.56%
364. past 0.0243% 64.39% 36.56%
365. picture 0.0177% 64.41% 36.56%
366. rather 0.0401% 64.45% 36.53%
367. oh 0.0661% 64.51% 36.47%
368. money 0.0401% 64.55% 36.30%
369. hear 0.0341% 64.59% 36.30%
370. age 0.0151% 64.60% 36.25%
371. top 0.0156% 64.62% 36.22%
372. beautiful 0.0192% 64.64% 36.16%
373. someone 0.0190% 64.66% 36.16%
374. school 0.0165% 64.67% 36.02%
375. learn 0.0100% 64.68% 35.99%
376. figure 0.0177% 64.70% 35.96%
377. study 0.0121% 64.71% 35.96%
378. children 0.0276% 64.74% 35.88%
379. reach 0.0275% 64.77% 35.88%
380. read 0.0282% 64.80% 35.85%
381. cause 0.0180% 64.81% 35.82%
382. piece 0.0188% 64.83% 35.76%
383. during 0.0192% 64.85% 35.71%
384. turned 0.0589% 64.91% 35.56%
385. third 0.0116% 64.92% 35.54%
386. step 0.0229% 64.95% 35.51%
387. front 0.0259% 64.97% 35.42%
388. group 0.0105% 64.98% 35.39%
389. given 0.0228% 65.00% 35.34%
390. heart 0.0457% 65.05% 35.31%
391. building 0.0139% 65.06% 35.28%
392. fast 0.0134% 65.08% 35.25%
393. book 0.0280% 65.11% 35.17%
394. interesting 0.0092% 65.11% 35.17%
395. space 0.0124% 65.13% 35.14%
396. gone 0.0384% 65.17% 35.05%
397. taken 0.0306% 65.20% 35.05%
398. result 0.0098% 65.21% 35.00%
399. known 0.0236% 65.23% 34.97%
400. deep 0.0217% 65.25% 34.91%
401. wonder 0.0284% 65.28% 34.88%
402. finally 0.0141% 65.29% 34.83%
403. soon 0.0407% 65.33% 34.80%
404. longer 0.0215% 65.36% 34.69%
405. woman 0.0595% 65.42% 34.66%
406. couple 0.0102% 65.43% 34.52%
407. itself 0.0186% 65.44% 34.46%
408. rest 0.0255% 65.47% 34.34%
409. middle 0.0120% 65.48% 34.34%
410. business 0.0274% 65.51% 34.26%
411. men 0.0612% 65.57% 34.23%
412. either 0.0217% 65.59% 34.23%
413. history 0.0091% 65.60% 34.23%
414. control 0.0105% 65.61% 34.15%
415. perhaps 0.0434% 65.66% 34.12%
416. felt 0.0559% 65.71% 34.03%
417. term 0.0091% 65.72% 34.00%
418. free 0.0156% 65.74% 33.98%
419. alone 0.0307% 65.77% 33.86%
420. outside 0.0177% 65.78% 33.86%
421. level 0.0076% 65.79% 33.75%
422. yourself 0.0237% 65.82% 33.69%
423. completely 0.0099% 65.83% 33.69%
424. lost 0.0229% 65.85% 33.66%
425. follow 0.0287% 65.88% 33.61%
426. city 0.0208% 65.90% 33.58%
427. began 0.0475% 65.95% 33.49%
428. women 0.0273% 65.97% 33.44%
429. earth 0.0194% 65.99% 33.44%
430. company 0.0185% 66.01% 33.44%
431. brought 0.0298% 66.04% 33.38%
432. tried 0.0234% 66.06% 33.38%
433. decided 0.0127% 66.08% 33.35%
434. stand 0.0189% 66.10% 33.30%
435. short 0.0224% 66.12% 33.21%
436. notice 0.0223% 66.14% 33.15%
437. mother 0.0514% 66.19% 33.07%
438. clear 0.0233% 66.21% 32.87%
439. strong 0.0227% 66.24% 32.87%
440. quickly 0.0170% 66.25% 32.84%
441. hold 0.0201% 66.27% 32.73%
442. learned 0.0107% 66.29% 32.67%
443. develop 0.0055% 66.29% 32.67%
444. explain 0.0184% 66.31% 32.64%
445. morning 0.0425% 66.35% 32.59%
446. white 0.0380% 66.39% 32.59%
447. base 0.0059% 66.40% 32.56%
448. process 0.0053% 66.40% 32.56%
449. seeing 0.0157% 66.42% 32.53%
450. slow 0.0300% 66.45% 32.50%
451. speak 0.0292% 66.48% 32.44%
452. certain 0.0238% 66.50% 32.44%
453. feeling 0.0324% 66.53% 32.39%
454. information 0.0094% 66.54% 32.33%
455. expect 0.0238% 66.57% 32.30%
456. air 0.0335% 66.60% 32.10%
457. view 0.0150% 66.61% 32.05%
458. build 0.0054% 66.62% 32.05%
459. child 0.0299% 66.65% 32.02%
460. discover 0.0129% 66.66% 31.96%
461. built 0.0074% 66.67% 31.85%
462. difference 0.0085% 66.68% 31.79%
463. i’d 0.0153% 66.69% 31.74%
464. sitting 0.0207% 66.71% 31.65%
465. everyone 0.0126% 66.73% 31.65%
466. eight 0.0111% 66.74% 31.65%
467. difficult 0.0104% 66.75% 31.62%
468. spend 0.0080% 66.76% 31.57%
469. present 0.0265% 66.78% 31.45%
470. chance 0.0189% 66.80% 31.45%
471. voice 0.0630% 66.86% 31.42%
472. death 0.0300% 66.89% 31.37%
473. stuff 0.0093% 66.90% 31.34%
474. ground 0.0219% 66.93% 31.31%
475. save 0.0163% 66.94% 31.31%
476. black 0.0343% 66.98% 31.28%
477. forward 0.0193% 67.00% 31.28%
478. carry 0.0272% 67.02% 31.25%
479. red 0.0265% 67.05% 31.20%
480. food 0.0112% 67.06% 31.20%
481. street 0.0333% 67.09% 31.14%
482. beginning 0.0132% 67.11% 31.08%
483. begin 0.0113% 67.12% 31.08%
484. happy 0.0214% 67.14% 31.06%
485. simply 0.0136% 67.15% 31.03%
486. seven 0.0109% 67.16% 30.97%
487. ourselves 0.0070% 67.17% 30.94%
488. act 0.0142% 67.19% 30.88%
489. girl 0.0562% 67.24% 30.83%
490. met 0.0184% 67.26% 30.83%
491. low 0.0187% 67.28% 30.80%
492. common 0.0105% 67.29% 30.80%
493. self 0.0145% 67.30% 30.74%
494. stay 0.0180% 67.32% 30.71%
495. everybody 0.0113% 67.33% 30.71%
496. percentage 0.0062% 67.34% 30.66%
497. cut 0.0167% 67.36% 30.60%
498. exist 0.0079% 67.36% 30.52%
499. works 0.0051% 67.37% 30.43%
500. whatever 0.0139% 67.38% 30.40%
501. public 0.0113% 67.39% 30.32%
502. kill 0.0246% 67.42% 30.29%
503. door 0.0745% 67.49% 30.23%
504. deal 0.0154% 67.51% 30.20%
505. particular 0.0110% 67.52% 30.20%
506. nature 0.0175% 67.54% 30.18%
507. brain 0.0135% 67.55% 30.06%
508. field 0.0122% 67.56% 30.06%
509. grow 0.0073% 67.57% 30.03%
510. spent 0.0095% 67.58% 30.01%
511. listen 0.0217% 67.60% 29.98%
512. please 0.0289% 67.63% 29.95%
513. fear 0.0245% 67.65% 29.92%
514. consider 0.0142% 67.67% 29.92%
515. lead 0.0082% 67.68% 29.92%
516. cannot 0.0197% 67.70% 29.89%
517. society 0.0106% 67.71% 29.86%
518. wait 0.0293% 67.74% 29.84%
519. send 0.0158% 67.75% 29.84%
520. poor 0.0356% 67.79% 29.75%
521. dream 0.0176% 67.81% 29.75%
522. god 0.0369% 67.84% 29.72%
523. pay 0.0144% 67.86% 29.61%
524. opportunity 0.0085% 67.87% 29.61%
525. telling 0.0104% 67.88% 29.58%
526. meet 0.0150% 67.89% 29.47%
527. drop 0.0212% 67.91% 29.35%
528. beyond 0.0152% 67.93% 29.35%
529. natural 0.0115% 67.94% 29.24%
530. kid 0.0102% 67.95% 29.24%
531. news 0.0116% 67.96% 29.21%
532. himself 0.0940% 68.05% 29.18%
533. effect 0.0123% 68.07% 29.18%
534. return 0.0437% 68.11% 29.15%
535. attention 0.0150% 68.13% 29.15%
536. break 0.0100% 68.14% 29.15%
537. size 0.0061% 68.14% 29.15%
538. dark 0.0330% 68.17% 29.13%
539. ready 0.0188% 68.19% 29.07%
540. force 0.0122% 68.21% 29.07%
541. moving 0.0108% 68.22% 29.07%
542. huge 0.0078% 68.22% 29.04%
543. sit 0.0164% 68.24% 28.87%
544. plan 0.0139% 68.25% 28.87%
545. produce 0.0101% 68.26% 28.87%
546. fall 0.0136% 68.28% 28.79%
547. upon 0.0844% 68.36% 28.76%
548. wall 0.0262% 68.39% 28.76%
549. approach 0.0137% 68.40% 28.70%
550. running 0.0134% 68.42% 28.70%
551. project 0.0061% 68.42% 28.70%
552. amount 0.0060% 68.43% 28.70%
553. guess 0.0135% 68.44% 28.67%
554. near 0.0313% 68.47% 28.64%
555. sign 0.0168% 68.49% 28.62%
556. social 0.0074% 68.50% 28.62%
557. paper 0.0250% 68.52% 28.56%
558. dead 0.0300% 68.55% 28.53%
559. entire 0.0057% 68.56% 28.53%
560. needs 0.0048% 68.56% 28.53%
561. blue 0.0180% 68.58% 28.50%
562. anyone 0.0153% 68.60% 28.50%
563. obvious 0.0083% 68.60% 28.50%
564. happening 0.0046% 68.61% 28.47%
565. health 0.0078% 68.62% 28.45%
566. somebody 0.0100% 68.63% 28.30%
567. led 0.0132% 68.64% 28.28%
568. born 0.0085% 68.65% 28.28%
569. standing 0.0193% 68.67% 28.19%
570. boy 0.0459% 68.71% 28.16%
571. mine 0.0164% 68.73% 28.08%
572. especially 0.0090% 68.74% 28.05%
573. issue 0.0055% 68.74% 28.05%
574. father 0.0598% 68.80% 28.02%
575. cost 0.0071% 68.81% 28.02%
576. surprise 0.0218% 68.83% 27.99%
577. challenge 0.0040% 68.84% 27.99%
578. several 0.0166% 68.85% 27.96%
579. table 0.0356% 68.89% 27.91%
580. growing 0.0070% 68.90% 27.91%
581. incredible 0.0045% 68.90% 27.85%
582. increase 0.0077% 68.91% 27.82%
583. feet 0.0289% 68.94% 27.71%
584. suddenly 0.0375% 68.97% 27.62%
585. fire 0.0278% 69.00% 27.62%
586. war 0.0161% 69.02% 27.60%
587. nice 0.0155% 69.03% 27.48%
588. passe 0.0288% 69.06% 27.45%
589. certainly 0.0195% 69.08% 27.42%
590. science 0.0065% 69.09% 27.42%
591. powerful 0.0062% 69.10% 27.42%
592. late 0.0174% 69.11% 27.40%
593. fill 0.0160% 69.13% 27.40%
594. write 0.0128% 69.14% 27.34%
595. serious 0.0133% 69.15% 27.31%
596. wonderful 0.0107% 69.17% 27.31%
597. among 0.0233% 69.19% 27.28%
598. wrote 0.0089% 69.20% 27.28%
599. hit 0.0086% 69.21% 27.25%
600. arm 0.0420% 69.25% 27.23%
601. support 0.0065% 69.25% 27.23%
602. above 0.0210% 69.28% 27.20%
603. sent 0.0184% 69.29% 27.17%
604. game 0.0112% 69.31% 27.17%
605. safe 0.0100% 69.32% 27.17%
606. buy 0.0095% 69.32% 27.17%
607. key 0.0089% 69.33% 27.11%
608. strange 0.0258% 69.36% 27.08%
609. energy 0.0070% 69.37% 27.08%
610. appear 0.0286% 69.40% 27.06%
611. car 0.0227% 69.42% 27.06%
612. fine 0.0192% 69.44% 27.06%
613. waiting 0.0185% 69.46% 27.06%
614. travel 0.0071% 69.46% 27.06%
615. ten 0.0218% 69.48% 27.03%
616. risk 0.0069% 69.49% 26.97%
617. however 0.0267% 69.52% 26.94%
618. green 0.0161% 69.53% 26.94%
619. interested 0.0087% 69.54% 26.91%
620. asking 0.0082% 69.55% 26.91%
621. wish 0.0383% 69.59% 26.89%
622. enter 0.0234% 69.61% 26.89%
623. continue 0.0058% 69.62% 26.89%
624. land 0.0141% 69.63% 26.80%
625. worry 0.0127% 69.65% 26.77%
626. situation 0.0097% 69.65% 26.74%
627. drive 0.0095% 69.66% 26.74%
628. truth 0.0180% 69.68% 26.72%
629. offer 0.0143% 69.70% 26.72%
630. type 0.0058% 69.70% 26.69%
631. test 0.0054% 69.71% 26.69%
632. kept 0.0240% 69.73% 26.66%
633. sat 0.0394% 69.77% 26.60%
634. putting 0.0085% 69.78% 26.60%
635. guy 0.0084% 69.79% 26.57%
636. amazing 0.0038% 69.79% 26.57%
637. animal 0.0120% 69.80% 26.55%
638. personal 0.0070% 69.81% 26.55%
639. individual 0.0056% 69.82% 26.49%
640. century 0.0062% 69.82% 26.43%
641. language 0.0077% 69.83% 26.38%
642. grew 0.0107% 69.84% 26.35%
643. condition 0.0089% 69.85% 26.35%
644. join 0.0096% 69.86% 26.32%
645. hair 0.0279% 69.89% 26.26%
646. remain 0.0219% 69.91% 26.26%
647. cold 0.0221% 69.93% 26.23%
648. nobody 0.0132% 69.94% 26.21%
649. image 0.0067% 69.95% 26.21%
650. action 0.0094% 69.96% 26.18%
651. except 0.0152% 69.98% 26.15%
652. agree 0.0128% 69.99% 26.15%
653. perfect 0.0092% 70.00% 26.15%
654. meant 0.0141% 70.01% 26.12%
655. further 0.0129% 70.03% 26.09%
656. service 0.0120% 70.04% 26.09%
657. tree 0.0231% 70.06% 26.06%
658. rich 0.0119% 70.07% 26.06%
659. interest 0.0170% 70.09% 26.04%
660. conversation 0.0151% 70.10% 26.04%
661. worth 0.0097% 70.11% 26.01%
662. pull 0.0086% 70.12% 26.01%
663. government 0.0072% 70.13% 26.01%
664. held 0.0237% 70.15% 25.98%
665. american 0.0089% 70.16% 25.98%
666. lose 0.0085% 70.17% 25.98%
667. absolutely 0.0072% 70.18% 25.98%
668. parent 0.0070% 70.19% 25.98%
669. cool 0.0077% 70.19% 25.95%
670. position 0.0142% 70.21% 25.89%
671. fail 0.0095% 70.22% 25.89%
672. window 0.0359% 70.25% 25.84%
673. bottom 0.0081% 70.26% 25.81%
674. road 0.0211% 70.28% 25.72%
675. forget 0.0135% 70.30% 25.72%
676. none 0.0146% 70.31% 25.69%
677. wide 0.0116% 70.32% 25.67%
678. office 0.0192% 70.34% 25.61%
679. describe 0.0071% 70.35% 25.61%
680. worse 0.0101% 70.36% 25.55%
681. fit 0.0100% 70.37% 25.55%
682. nine 0.0079% 70.38% 25.55%
683. sleep 0.0226% 70.40% 25.52%
684. treat 0.0082% 70.41% 25.50%
685. blood 0.0190% 70.43% 25.47%
686. rule 0.0075% 70.43% 25.47%
687. art 0.0098% 70.44% 25.44%
688. area 0.0049% 70.45% 25.44%
689. knowledge 0.0099% 70.46% 25.41%
690. eat 0.0110% 70.47% 25.38%
691. music 0.0093% 70.48% 25.38%
692. mile 0.0175% 70.50% 25.35%
693. walking 0.0109% 70.51% 25.33%
694. physical 0.0057% 70.51% 25.33%
695. lie 0.0153% 70.53% 25.30%
696. impossible 0.0124% 70.54% 25.30%
697. wife 0.0307% 70.57% 25.27%
698. arrive 0.0160% 70.59% 25.21%
699. trouble 0.0184% 70.60% 25.18%
700. touch 0.0109% 70.62% 25.18%
701. value 0.0060% 70.62% 25.18%
702. community 0.0047% 70.63% 25.18%
703. afraid 0.0223% 70.65% 25.16%
704. choose 0.0057% 70.65% 25.16%
705. ad 0.0207% 70.68% 25.10%
706. whose 0.0198% 70.69% 25.10%
707. terrible 0.0155% 70.71% 25.10%
708. spread 0.0086% 70.72% 25.10%
709. indeed 0.0261% 70.75% 25.07%
710. movement 0.0103% 70.76% 25.07%
711. doctor 0.0272% 70.78% 25.01%
712. somewhere 0.0103% 70.79% 25.01%
713. object 0.0133% 70.81% 24.99%
714. likely 0.0100% 70.82% 24.99%
715. united 0.0044% 70.82% 24.99%
716. throw 0.0106% 70.83% 24.96%
717. stage 0.0066% 70.84% 24.96%
718. rate 0.0071% 70.84% 24.93%
719. ran 0.0188% 70.86% 24.90%
720. suggest 0.0105% 70.87% 24.90%
721. drink 0.0183% 70.89% 24.84%
722. serve 0.0107% 70.90% 24.84%
723. complete 0.0094% 70.91% 24.84%
724. event 0.0092% 70.92% 24.84%
725. special 0.0069% 70.93% 24.84%
726. understanding 0.0053% 70.93% 24.84%
727. class 0.0087% 70.94% 24.82%
728. dollar 0.0113% 70.95% 24.79%
729. bed 0.0336% 70.99% 24.76%
730. hot 0.0125% 71.00% 24.76%
731. reality 0.0056% 71.01% 24.76%
732. shape 0.0069% 71.01% 24.73%
733. protect 0.0054% 71.02% 24.73%
734. smile 0.0487% 71.07% 24.70%
735. technology 0.0050% 71.07% 24.67%
736. aware 0.0091% 71.08% 24.65%
737. total 0.0048% 71.09% 24.65%
738. choice 0.0058% 71.09% 24.62%
739. box 0.0144% 71.11% 24.59%
740. design 0.0055% 71.11% 24.59%
741. stood 0.0436% 71.15% 24.56%
742. push 0.0102% 71.16% 24.56%
743. son 0.0233% 71.19% 24.53%
744. pick 0.0059% 71.19% 24.53%
745. laugh 0.0276% 71.22% 24.50%
746. floor 0.0198% 71.24% 24.50%
747. supposed 0.0083% 71.25% 24.48%
748. message 0.0065% 71.26% 24.45%
749. sorry 0.0167% 71.27% 24.39%
750. finding 0.0065% 71.28% 24.36%
751. fell 0.0215% 71.30% 24.28%
752. cross 0.0156% 71.32% 24.28%
753. mention 0.0131% 71.33% 24.25%
754. leg 0.0169% 71.35% 24.19%
755. ability 0.0033% 71.35% 24.19%
756. general 0.0191% 71.37% 24.16%
757. research 0.0034% 71.37% 24.16%
758. round 0.0394% 71.41% 24.13%
759. note 0.0150% 71.43% 24.13%
760. nearly 0.0119% 71.44% 24.13%
761. usually 0.0069% 71.45% 24.08%
762. law 0.0134% 71.46% 24.02%
763. raise 0.0075% 71.47% 24.02%
764. visit 0.0139% 71.48% 23.99%
765. sun 0.0170% 71.50% 23.94%
766. direction 0.0117% 71.51% 23.94%
767. following 0.0099% 71.52% 23.94%
768. mouth 0.0199% 71.54% 23.91%
769. quick 0.0111% 71.55% 23.91%
770. glass 0.0219% 71.57% 23.88%
771. speaking 0.0125% 71.58% 23.88%
772. normal 0.0048% 71.59% 23.88%
773. corner 0.0183% 71.61% 23.85%
774. model 0.0043% 71.61% 23.82%
775. trust 0.0114% 71.62% 23.74%
776. lower 0.0095% 71.63% 23.74%
777. material 0.0055% 71.64% 23.74%
778. immediately 0.0132% 71.65% 23.71%
779. alive 0.0091% 71.66% 23.71%
780. purpose 0.0109% 71.67% 23.68%
781. check 0.0089% 71.68% 23.68%
782. broken 0.0123% 71.69% 23.65%
783. decision 0.0054% 71.70% 23.65%
784. scale 0.0037% 71.70% 23.62%
785. pass 0.0114% 71.71% 23.60%
786. secret 0.0146% 71.73% 23.57%
787. subject 0.0143% 71.74% 23.57%
788. recognize 0.0083% 71.75% 23.57%
789. particularly 0.0069% 71.76% 23.57%
790. towards 0.0247% 71.78% 23.51%
791. address 0.0124% 71.79% 23.51%
792. twice 0.0076% 71.80% 23.51%
793. success 0.0065% 71.81% 23.51%
794. caught 0.0154% 71.82% 23.48%
795. south 0.0076% 71.83% 23.48%
796. enjoy 0.0099% 71.84% 23.45%
797. letter 0.0321% 71.87% 23.40%
798. effort 0.0098% 71.88% 23.40%
799. knowing 0.0094% 71.89% 23.37%
800. unfortunate 0.0064% 71.90% 23.37%
801. generation 0.0036% 71.90% 23.37%
802. written 0.0091% 71.91% 23.34%
803. shot 0.0121% 71.92% 23.31%
804. fight 0.0083% 71.93% 23.31%
805. spot 0.0100% 71.94% 23.28%
806. writing 0.0084% 71.95% 23.28%
807. store 0.0070% 71.96% 23.28%
808. hate 0.0127% 71.97% 23.26%
809. higher 0.0054% 71.98% 23.26%
810. easily 0.0091% 71.98% 23.23%
811. reading 0.0090% 71.99% 23.23%
812. excite 0.0067% 72.00% 23.23%
813. tiny 0.0062% 72.01% 23.23%
814. straight 0.0137% 72.02% 23.20%
815. turning 0.0137% 72.03% 23.17%
816. struggle 0.0084% 72.04% 23.17%
817. wind 0.0152% 72.06% 23.14%
818. count 0.0144% 72.07% 23.14%
819. dangerous 0.0070% 72.08% 23.14%
820. everywhere 0.0053% 72.08% 23.14%
821. student 0.0067% 72.09% 23.09%
822. depend 0.0055% 72.10% 23.09%
823. account 0.0136% 72.11% 23.06%
824. town 0.0225% 72.13% 23.03%
825. finger 0.0182% 72.15% 23.00%
826. track 0.0059% 72.16% 22.97%
827. record 0.0054% 72.16% 22.94%
828. occur 0.0089% 72.17% 22.92%
829. lay 0.0256% 72.20% 22.89%
830. brother 0.0240% 72.22% 22.86%
831. jump 0.0094% 72.23% 22.83%
832. evening 0.0293% 72.26% 22.77%
833. foot 0.0135% 72.27% 22.77%
834. focus 0.0029% 72.28% 22.77%
835. clean 0.0084% 72.28% 22.75%
836. bright 0.0143% 72.30% 22.69%
837. meeting 0.0105% 72.31% 22.69%
838. meaning 0.0069% 72.32% 22.69%
839. surface 0.0072% 72.32% 22.66%
840. remind 0.0063% 72.33% 22.66%
841. sight 0.0176% 72.35% 22.63%
842. solution 0.0032% 72.35% 22.60%
843. attack 0.0086% 72.36% 22.58%
844. journey 0.0081% 72.37% 22.58%
845. pain 0.0131% 72.38% 22.55%
846. stick 0.0087% 72.39% 22.55%
847. showing 0.0049% 72.39% 22.55%
848. memory 0.0110% 72.40% 22.52%
849. fly 0.0076% 72.41% 22.49%
850. distance 0.0116% 72.42% 22.46%
851. star 0.0114% 72.43% 22.46%
852. raised 0.0125% 72.45% 22.43%
853. practice 0.0043% 72.45% 22.43%
854. spoke 0.0220% 72.47% 22.40%
855. edge 0.0095% 72.48% 22.40%
856. source 0.0036% 72.49% 22.38%
857. sea 0.0175% 72.50% 22.35%
858. ear 0.0153% 72.52% 22.35%
859. baby 0.0111% 72.53% 22.35%
860. recently 0.0032% 72.53% 22.35%
861. demand 0.0100% 72.54% 22.32%
862. skin 0.0088% 72.55% 22.32%
863. clearly 0.0070% 72.56% 22.32%
864. square 0.0103% 72.57% 22.29%
865. t 0.1939% 72.76% 22.26%
866. dress 0.0220% 72.79% 22.26%
867. anybody 0.0083% 72.79% 22.26%
868. quality 0.0056% 72.80% 22.26%
869. solve 0.0034% 72.80% 22.23%
870. member 0.0073% 72.81% 22.21%
871. crazy 0.0058% 72.82% 22.21%
872. smart 0.0055% 72.82% 22.21%
873. daughter 0.0194% 72.84% 22.18%
874. seat 0.0174% 72.86% 22.18%
875. current 0.0045% 72.86% 22.15%
876. successful 0.0039% 72.87% 22.15%
877. tool 0.0034% 72.87% 22.12%
878. board 0.0096% 72.88% 22.09%
879. dog 0.0169% 72.90% 22.06%
880. prove 0.0110% 72.91% 22.06%
881. teach 0.0044% 72.91% 22.06%
882. heavy 0.0144% 72.93% 22.04%
883. holding 0.0110% 72.94% 22.04%
884. post 0.0091% 72.95% 22.04%
885. sell 0.0064% 72.95% 22.04%
886. closed 0.0142% 72.97% 22.01%
887. although 0.0119% 72.98% 22.01%
888. train 0.0122% 72.99% 21.98%
889. charge 0.0098% 73.00% 21.98%
890. machine 0.0098% 73.01% 21.98%
891. represent 0.0046% 73.02% 21.98%
892. shoulder 0.0233% 73.04% 21.95%
893. catch 0.0077% 73.05% 21.95%
894. rise 0.0062% 73.05% 21.95%
895. add 0.0044% 73.06% 21.95%
896. main 0.0056% 73.06% 21.92%
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898. path 0.0089% 73.08% 21.89%
899. listening 0.0079% 73.09% 21.89%
900. opposite 0.0074% 73.10% 21.89%
901. learning 0.0041% 73.10% 21.89%
902. fellow 0.0212% 73.12% 21.87%
903. doubt 0.0207% 73.14% 21.87%
904. press 0.0105% 73.15% 21.87%
905. wave 0.0085% 73.16% 21.87%
906. report 0.0077% 73.17% 21.87%
907. fun 0.0051% 73.18% 21.87%
908. wild 0.0142% 73.19% 21.84%
909. patient 0.0104% 73.20% 21.84%
910. respect 0.0100% 73.21% 21.84%
911. understood 0.0097% 73.22% 21.84%
912. measure 0.0055% 73.23% 21.84%
913. decide 0.0046% 73.23% 21.84%
914. modern 0.0040% 73.23% 21.84%
915. below 0.0106% 73.25% 21.81%
916. finished 0.0102% 73.26% 21.78%
917. detail 0.0067% 73.26% 21.75%
918. introduce 0.0052% 73.27% 21.75%
919. similar 0.0037% 73.27% 21.75%
920. color 0.0092% 73.28% 21.72%
921. degree 0.0066% 73.29% 21.72%
922. soft 0.0188% 73.31% 21.67%
923. education 0.0046% 73.31% 21.64%
924. silence 0.0208% 73.33% 21.61%
925. somehow 0.0088% 73.34% 21.61%
926. search 0.0077% 73.35% 21.61%
927. shall 0.0522% 73.40% 21.55%
928. empty 0.0120% 73.41% 21.55%
929. whom 0.0286% 73.44% 21.53%
930. hurt 0.0109% 73.45% 21.53%
931. paid 0.0097% 73.46% 21.53%
932. disappear 0.0091% 73.47% 21.53%
933. ahead 0.0083% 73.48% 21.50%
934. suppose 0.0238% 73.50% 21.47%
935. prevent 0.0071% 73.51% 21.47%
936. avoid 0.0066% 73.52% 21.47%
937. truly 0.0050% 73.52% 21.47%
938. familiar 0.0059% 73.53% 21.44%
939. d 0.0319% 73.56% 21.41%
940. dinner 0.0168% 73.58% 21.36%
941. rapid 0.0080% 73.58% 21.36%
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944. anywhere 0.0054% 73.60% 21.36%
945. silent 0.0189% 73.62% 21.33%
946. chair 0.0257% 73.65% 21.30%
947. bank 0.0122% 73.66% 21.30%
948. tall 0.0104% 73.67% 21.27%
949. mass 0.0068% 73.68% 21.27%
950. final 0.0049% 73.68% 21.27%
951. local 0.0046% 73.69% 21.27%
952. re 0.0368% 73.72% 21.24%
953. twenty 0.0212% 73.74% 21.24%
954. quiet 0.0159% 73.76% 21.24%
955. neither 0.0135% 73.77% 21.24%
956. sudden 0.0127% 73.79% 21.21%
957. necessary 0.0117% 73.80% 21.21%
958. sad 0.0101% 73.81% 21.21%
959. worst 0.0051% 73.81% 21.21%
960. party 0.0135% 73.83% 21.19%
961. draw 0.0058% 73.83% 21.19%
962. market 0.0051% 73.84% 21.19%
963. nor 0.0236% 73.86% 21.16%
964. unless 0.0081% 73.87% 21.13%
965. apart 0.0053% 73.87% 21.13%
966. team 0.0036% 73.88% 21.13%
967. otherwise 0.0062% 73.88% 21.10%
968. waste 0.0060% 73.89% 21.10%
969. compare 0.0036% 73.89% 21.10%
970. husband 0.0215% 73.92% 21.07%
971. pocket 0.0154% 73.93% 21.07%
972. character 0.0114% 73.94% 21.07%
973. escape 0.0134% 73.96% 21.04%
974. possibility 0.0052% 73.96% 21.04%
975. center 0.0047% 73.97% 21.04%
976. herself 0.0448% 74.01% 21.02%
977. admit 0.0110% 74.02% 21.02%
978. race 0.0072% 74.03% 20.99%
979. thin 0.0114% 74.04% 20.96%
980. fair 0.0105% 74.05% 20.93%
981. evidence 0.0075% 74.06% 20.93%
982. english 0.0112% 74.07% 20.90%
983. contain 0.0068% 74.08% 20.87%
984. shown 0.0047% 74.08% 20.87%
985. becoming 0.0050% 74.09% 20.85%
986. warm 0.0124% 74.10% 20.82%
987. possibly 0.0080% 74.11% 20.82%
988. wear 0.0058% 74.11% 20.79%
989. period 0.0054% 74.12% 20.79%
990. disease 0.0044% 74.12% 20.79%
991. taught 0.0043% 74.13% 20.79%
992. double 0.0058% 74.13% 20.76%
993. dear 0.0424% 74.17% 20.73%
994. suffer 0.0088% 74.18% 20.67%
995. beat 0.0073% 74.19% 20.67%
996. received 0.0118% 74.20% 20.65%
997. carefully 0.0089% 74.21% 20.65%
998. driving 0.0046% 74.22% 20.65%
999. won 0.0156% 74.23% 20.62%
1000. clothes 0.0117% 74.24% 20.62%
1001. sky 0.0118% 74.25% 20.59%
1002. page 0.0068% 74.26% 20.59%
1003. bear 0.0119% 74.27% 20.56%
1004. therefore 0.0109% 74.28% 20.56%
1005. quarter 0.0100% 74.29% 20.56%
1006. circle 0.0074% 74.30% 20.56%
1007. picked 0.0094% 74.31% 20.53%
1008. slightly 0.0083% 74.32% 20.53%
1009. destroy 0.0067% 74.33% 20.53%
1010. content 0.0058% 74.33% 20.53%
1011. pattern 0.0042% 74.34% 20.53%
1012. desire 0.0142% 74.35% 20.50%
1013. lock 0.0115% 74.36% 20.50%
1014. beauty 0.0103% 74.37% 20.50%
1015. accept 0.0061% 74.38% 20.50%
1016. regular 0.0056% 74.38% 20.50%
1017. scene 0.0102% 74.39% 20.48%
1018. audience 0.0039% 74.40% 20.48%
1019. struck 0.0131% 74.41% 20.45%
1020. rock 0.0111% 74.42% 20.45%
1021. shock 0.0085% 74.43% 20.45%
1022. cover 0.0059% 74.44% 20.45%
1023. connected 0.0038% 74.44% 20.45%
1024. expression 0.0136% 74.45% 20.42%
1025. perfectly 0.0110% 74.46% 20.42%
1026. entirely 0.0084% 74.47% 20.42%
1027. connection 0.0053% 74.48% 20.42%
1028. invite 0.0049% 74.48% 20.42%
1029. married 0.0149% 74.50% 20.39%
1030. breath 0.0122% 74.51% 20.39%
1031. bird 0.0104% 74.52% 20.36%
1032. summer 0.0089% 74.53% 20.36%
1033. anyway 0.0088% 74.54% 20.36%
1034. speed 0.0052% 74.54% 20.36%
1035. list 0.0050% 74.55% 20.36%
1036. shut 0.0131% 74.56% 20.33%
1037. pulled 0.0106% 74.57% 20.33%
1038. cell 0.0081% 74.58% 20.33%
1039. plant 0.0053% 74.59% 20.28%
1040. afford 0.0046% 74.59% 20.28%
1041. progress 0.0044% 74.60% 20.28%
1042. hardly 0.0141% 74.61% 20.25%
1043. station 0.0105% 74.62% 20.22%
1044. private 0.0085% 74.63% 20.22%
1045. belong 0.0084% 74.64% 20.22%
1046. dozen 0.0076% 74.64% 20.22%
1047. billion 0.0034% 74.65% 20.22%
1048. direct 0.0072% 74.65% 20.19%
1049. gather 0.0069% 74.66% 20.19%
1050. various 0.0064% 74.67% 20.19%
1051. extremely 0.0056% 74.67% 20.19%
1052. invent 0.0031% 74.68% 20.19%
1053. literal 0.0026% 74.68% 20.19%
1054. glad 0.0152% 74.69% 20.16%
1055. attempt 0.0095% 74.70% 20.16%
1056. sick 0.0091% 74.71% 20.16%
1057. fashion 0.0085% 74.72% 20.16%
1058. forth 0.0083% 74.73% 20.16%
1059. spirit 0.0135% 74.74% 20.14%
1060. including 0.0024% 74.75% 20.14%
1061. sister 0.0216% 74.77% 20.11%
1062. express 0.0097% 74.78% 20.11%
1063. dry 0.0096% 74.79% 20.11%
1064. match 0.0063% 74.79% 20.11%
1065. creature 0.0122% 74.81% 20.08%
1066. north 0.0070% 74.81% 20.08%
1067. keeping 0.0068% 74.82% 20.08%
1068. gain 0.0066% 74.83% 20.08%
1069. continued 0.0163% 74.84% 20.05%
1070. stretch 0.0092% 74.85% 20.05%
1071. shake 0.0104% 74.86% 20.02%
1072. peace 0.0082% 74.87% 20.02%
1073. hole 0.0079% 74.88% 20.02%
1074. experiment 0.0037% 74.88% 20.02%
1075. nose 0.0106% 74.89% 19.99%
1076. trick 0.0050% 74.90% 19.99%
1077. benefit 0.0032% 74.90% 19.99%
1078. soul 0.0164% 74.92% 19.97%
1079. pause 0.0158% 74.93% 19.97%
1080. refuse 0.0102% 74.94% 19.97%
1081. strength 0.0092% 74.95% 19.97%
1082. promise 0.0083% 74.96% 19.97%
1083. forced 0.0069% 74.97% 19.94%
1084. grown 0.0069% 74.97% 19.94%
1085. relationship 0.0031% 74.98% 19.94%
1086. leaves 0.0065% 74.98% 19.91%
1087. calling 0.0064% 74.99% 19.91%
1088. covered 0.0099% 75.00% 19.88%
1089. directly 0.0066% 75.01% 19.88%
1090. rose 0.0226% 75.03% 19.85%
1091. tie 0.0071% 75.04% 19.85%
1092. burn 0.0070% 75.04% 19.85%
1093. planet 0.0064% 75.05% 19.85%
1094. release 0.0044% 75.05% 19.85%
1095. lady 0.0378% 75.09% 19.82%
1096. lip 0.0204% 75.11% 19.82%
1097. mark 0.0097% 75.12% 19.82%
1098. pair 0.0072% 75.13% 19.82%
1099. tear 0.0159% 75.14% 19.80%
1100. lying 0.0114% 75.16% 19.80%
1101. slip 0.0103% 75.17% 19.77%
1102. rush 0.0114% 75.18% 19.74%
1103. greater 0.0063% 75.18% 19.74%
1104. village 0.0100% 75.19% 19.71%
1105. due 0.0052% 75.20% 19.68%
1106. stone 0.0146% 75.21% 19.65%
1107. lift 0.0105% 75.22% 19.65%
1108. west 0.0068% 75.23% 19.65%
1109. bought 0.0063% 75.24% 19.65%
1110. steppe 0.0093% 75.25% 19.63%
1111. yellow 0.0092% 75.26% 19.63%
1112. weight 0.0060% 75.26% 19.63%
1113. vision 0.0053% 75.27% 19.63%
1114. smoke 0.0111% 75.28% 19.60%
1115. according 0.0057% 75.28% 19.60%
1116. pleasure 0.0137% 75.30% 19.57%
1117. opening 0.0072% 75.31% 19.57%
1118. firm 0.0097% 75.31% 19.54%
1119. involved 0.0035% 75.32% 19.54%
1120. till 0.0219% 75.34% 19.51%
1121. comfortable 0.0064% 75.35% 19.51%
1122. famous 0.0044% 75.35% 19.51%
1123. culture 0.0028% 75.35% 19.51%
1124. miss 0.0646% 75.42% 19.48%
1125. sir 0.0578% 75.48% 19.48%
1126. knock 0.0088% 75.48% 19.48%
1127. forme 0.0069% 75.49% 19.48%
1128. feature 0.0055% 75.50% 19.48%
1129. range 0.0035% 75.50% 19.48%
1130. master 0.0195% 75.52% 19.46%
1131. tired 0.0103% 75.53% 19.46%
1132. loud 0.0083% 75.54% 19.46%
1133. dying 0.0064% 75.55% 19.46%
1134. deliver 0.0049% 75.55% 19.46%
1135. bar 0.0086% 75.56% 19.43%
1136. fish 0.0071% 75.57% 19.43%
1137. managed 0.0057% 75.57% 19.43%
1138. wearing 0.0057% 75.58% 19.43%
1139. opinion 0.0117% 75.59% 19.40%
1140. supply 0.0049% 75.59% 19.40%
1141. fresh 0.0097% 75.60% 19.37%
1142. pound 0.0088% 75.61% 19.37%
1143. loss 0.0057% 75.62% 19.37%
1144. eating 0.0045% 75.62% 19.37%
1145. require 0.0037% 75.63% 19.37%
1146. population 0.0028% 75.63% 19.37%
1147. ah 0.0209% 75.65% 19.34%
1148. receive 0.0071% 75.66% 19.34%
1149. lights 0.0068% 75.66% 19.34%
1150. deeply 0.0052% 75.67% 19.34%
1151. price 0.0056% 75.67% 19.31%
1152. data 0.0047% 75.68% 19.31%
1153. feed 0.0036% 75.68% 19.31%
1154. environment 0.0023% 75.69% 19.31%
1155. sweet 0.0113% 75.70% 19.29%
1156. succeed 0.0072% 75.70% 19.29%
1157. afternoon 0.0136% 75.72% 19.26%
1158. noise 0.0089% 75.73% 19.26%
1159. yours 0.0083% 75.73% 19.26%
1160. reflect 0.0064% 75.74% 19.26%
1161. funny 0.0060% 75.75% 19.26%
1162. welcome 0.0057% 75.75% 19.26%
1163. fully 0.0046% 75.76% 19.23%
1164. date 0.0046% 75.76% 19.23%
1165. hearing 0.0063% 75.77% 19.20%
1166. sharp 0.0145% 75.78% 19.17%
1167. neck 0.0112% 75.79% 19.17%
1168. danger 0.0092% 75.80% 19.17%
1169. wake 0.0046% 75.81% 19.17%
1170. nervous 0.0085% 75.82% 19.14%
1171. blind 0.0075% 75.82% 19.14%
1172. blow 0.0082% 75.83% 19.12%
1173. curious 0.0076% 75.84% 19.12%
1174. suit 0.0075% 75.85% 19.12%
1175. glance 0.0227% 75.87% 19.09%
1176. speech 0.0080% 75.88% 19.09%
1177. proud 0.0069% 75.88% 19.06%
1178. instance 0.0058% 75.89% 19.06%
1179. thick 0.0085% 75.90% 19.03%
1180. emotion 0.0072% 75.91% 19.03%
1181. forgotten 0.0089% 75.91% 19.00%
1182. taste 0.0081% 75.92% 19.00%
1183. response 0.0028% 75.93% 19.00%
1184. shook 0.0170% 75.94% 18.97%
1185. brown 0.0115% 75.95% 18.97%
1186. influence 0.0064% 75.96% 18.97%
1187. lack 0.0044% 75.97% 18.97%
1188. stare 0.0153% 75.98% 18.94%
1189. major 0.0089% 75.99% 18.94%
1190. busy 0.0069% 76.00% 18.94%
1191. whenever 0.0047% 76.00% 18.94%
1192. fix 0.0044% 76.01% 18.94%
1193. laid 0.0108% 76.02% 18.92%
1194. threw 0.0094% 76.03% 18.92%
1195. angry 0.0090% 76.03% 18.92%
1196. bone 0.0061% 76.04% 18.92%
1197. highly 0.0041% 76.04% 18.92%
1198. fourth 0.0035% 76.05% 18.92%
1199. wood 0.0124% 76.06% 18.89%
1200. stranger 0.0097% 76.07% 18.89%
1201. prepared 0.0064% 76.08% 18.89%
1202. advantage 0.0060% 76.08% 18.86%
1203. manner 0.0220% 76.10% 18.83%
1204. seek 0.0065% 76.11% 18.83%
1205. leading 0.0048% 76.12% 18.83%
1206. lucky 0.0039% 76.12% 18.83%
1207. smell 0.0096% 76.13% 18.80%
1208. spring 0.0079% 76.14% 18.80%
1209. heat 0.0056% 76.14% 18.80%
1210. emerge 0.0041% 76.15% 18.80%
1211. drew 0.0134% 76.16% 18.77%
1212. career 0.0034% 76.16% 18.77%
1213. drawing 0.0118% 76.18% 18.75%
1214. willing 0.0048% 76.18% 18.75%
1215. narrow 0.0079% 76.19% 18.72%
1216. claim 0.0058% 76.19% 18.72%
1217. cried 0.0327% 76.23% 18.69%
1218. length 0.0093% 76.24% 18.69%
1219. card 0.0080% 76.24% 18.69%
1220. commit 0.0063% 76.25% 18.69%
1221. theory 0.0046% 76.26% 18.69%
1222. stuck 0.0042% 76.26% 18.69%
1223. usual 0.0119% 76.27% 18.66%
1224. ring 0.0086% 76.28% 18.66%
1225. excuse 0.0083% 76.29% 18.66%
1226. provide 0.0022% 76.29% 18.66%
1227. cry 0.0104% 76.30% 18.63%
1228. extraordinary 0.0059% 76.31% 18.63%
1229. argue 0.0036% 76.31% 18.63%
1230. shift 0.0032% 76.31% 18.63%
1231. survive 0.0029% 76.32% 18.63%
1232. besides 0.0118% 76.33% 18.58%
1233. knee 0.0108% 76.34% 18.58%
1234. touched 0.0093% 76.35% 18.58%
1235. aside 0.0073% 76.36% 18.58%
1236. hang 0.0057% 76.36% 18.58%
1237. gold 0.0105% 76.37% 18.55%
1238. drove 0.0081% 76.38% 18.55%
1239. dance 0.0078% 76.39% 18.55%
1240. tend 0.0028% 76.39% 18.55%
1241. respond 0.0031% 76.39% 18.52%
1242. garden 0.0136% 76.41% 18.49%
1243. fool 0.0118% 76.42% 18.49%
1244. cloud 0.0088% 76.43% 18.49%
1245. falling 0.0063% 76.43% 18.49%
1246. accident 0.0061% 76.44% 18.49%
1247. east 0.0056% 76.45% 18.49%
1248. crowd 0.0101% 76.46% 18.46%
1249. stupid 0.0068% 76.46% 18.46%
1250. hide 0.0053% 76.47% 18.46%
1251. block 0.0045% 76.47% 18.46%
1252. series 0.0028% 76.48% 18.46%
1253. reply 0.0374% 76.51% 18.43%
1254. driven 0.0046% 76.52% 18.43%
1255. useful 0.0041% 76.52% 18.43%
1256. flow 0.0040% 76.53% 18.43%
1257. win 0.0040% 76.53% 18.43%
1258. eventually 0.0025% 76.53% 18.43%
1259. hidden 0.0056% 76.54% 18.41%
1260. task 0.0042% 76.54% 18.41%
1261. phone 0.0061% 76.55% 18.38%
1262. bill 0.0116% 76.56% 18.35%
1263. climb 0.0080% 76.57% 18.35%
1264. resource 0.0025% 76.57% 18.35%
1265. reveal 0.0047% 76.57% 18.32%
1266. scientist 0.0031% 76.58% 18.32%
1267. river 0.0134% 76.59% 18.29%
1268. ordinary 0.0055% 76.60% 18.29%
1269. access 0.0021% 76.60% 18.26%
1270. teeth 0.0082% 76.61% 18.24%
1271. fixed 0.0079% 76.62% 18.24%
1272. flat 0.0076% 76.62% 18.24%
1273. broad 0.0064% 76.63% 18.24%
1274. bottle 0.0108% 76.64% 18.21%
1275. capable 0.0041% 76.64% 18.21%
1276. activity 0.0032% 76.65% 18.21%
1277. circumstance 0.0102% 76.66% 18.18%
1278. bound 0.0088% 76.67% 18.18%
1279. careful 0.0055% 76.67% 18.18%
1280. handle 0.0054% 76.68% 18.18%
1281. stayed 0.0053% 76.68% 18.18%
1282. throughout 0.0027% 76.69% 18.18%
1283. apply 0.0025% 76.69% 18.18%
1284. ought 0.0175% 76.71% 18.15%
1285. screen 0.0044% 76.71% 18.15%
1286. university 0.0030% 76.71% 18.15%
1287. national 0.0027% 76.72% 18.15%
1288. hall 0.0143% 76.73% 18.12%
1289. police 0.0136% 76.74% 18.12%
1290. yesterday 0.0086% 76.75% 18.12%
1291. passing 0.0079% 76.76% 18.09%
1292. cook 0.0068% 76.77% 18.09%
1293. breaking 0.0043% 76.77% 18.09%
1294. replace 0.0035% 76.77% 18.09%
1295. fancy 0.0111% 76.79% 18.07%
1296. plain 0.0090% 76.79% 18.07%
1297. surely 0.0083% 76.80% 18.07%
1298. hospital 0.0073% 76.81% 18.07%
1299. naturally 0.0064% 76.82% 18.07%
1300. enormous 0.0051% 76.82% 18.07%
1301. frame 0.0048% 76.83% 18.07%
1302. structure 0.0031% 76.83% 18.07%
1303. healthy 0.0028% 76.83% 18.07%
1304. honest 0.0060% 76.84% 18.04%
1305. desperate 0.0058% 76.84% 18.04%
1306. lesson 0.0044% 76.85% 18.04%
1307. property 0.0056% 76.85% 18.01%
1308. breathe 0.0051% 76.86% 18.01%
1309. imagination 0.0049% 76.86% 18.01%
1310. surround 0.0044% 76.87% 18.01%
1311. lean 0.0100% 76.88% 17.98%
1312. park 0.0080% 76.89% 17.98%
1313. guard 0.0110% 76.90% 17.95%
1314. affect 0.0027% 76.90% 17.95%
1315. exciting 0.0025% 76.90% 17.95%
1316. you’d 0.0074% 76.91% 17.92%
1317. joke 0.0064% 76.92% 17.92%
1318. song 0.0058% 76.92% 17.92%
1319. vast 0.0053% 76.93% 17.92%
1320. trip 0.0044% 76.93% 17.92%
1321. presence 0.0099% 76.94% 17.90%
1322. mountain 0.0082% 76.95% 17.90%
1323. pointed 0.0078% 76.96% 17.90%
1324. concerned 0.0052% 76.96% 17.90%
1325. flying 0.0048% 76.97% 17.90%
1326. political 0.0042% 76.97% 17.90%
1327. remarkable 0.0041% 76.98% 17.90%
1328. tone 0.0152% 76.99% 17.87%
1329. thirty 0.0105% 77.00% 17.87%
1330. manage 0.0038% 77.01% 17.87%
1331. ship 0.0155% 77.02% 17.84%
1332. calm 0.0085% 77.03% 17.84%
1333. horse 0.0224% 77.05% 17.81%
1334. beside 0.0157% 77.07% 17.81%
1335. shadow 0.0118% 77.08% 17.81%
1336. shoe 0.0073% 77.09% 17.81%
1337. desert 0.0068% 77.09% 17.81%
1338. per 0.0034% 77.10% 17.81%
1339. hell 0.0100% 77.11% 17.78%
1340. satisfy 0.0082% 77.12% 17.78%
1341. drag 0.0069% 77.12% 17.78%
1342. ball 0.0068% 77.13% 17.78%
1343. burning 0.0054% 77.13% 17.78%
1344. passion 0.0075% 77.14% 17.75%
1345. freedom 0.0044% 77.15% 17.75%
1346. missing 0.0035% 77.15% 17.75%
1347. joy 0.0080% 77.16% 17.73%
1348. development 0.0025% 77.16% 17.73%
1349. average 0.0022% 77.16% 17.73%
1350. chain 0.0049% 77.17% 17.70%
1351. rain 0.0106% 77.18% 17.67%
1352. tomorrow 0.0081% 77.19% 17.67%
1353. moon 0.0077% 77.19% 17.67%
1354. wore 0.0077% 77.20% 17.67%
1355. medical 0.0039% 77.21% 17.67%
1356. complex 0.0023% 77.21% 17.64%
1357. kitchen 0.0099% 77.22% 17.61%
1358. bag 0.0067% 77.22% 17.61%
1359. mostly 0.0028% 77.23% 17.61%
1360. consequence 0.0054% 77.23% 17.58%
1361. leader 0.0045% 77.24% 17.58%
1362. pressure 0.0037% 77.24% 17.58%
1363. heaven 0.0110% 77.25% 17.56%
1364. frank 0.0101% 77.26% 17.56%
1365. suspect 0.0079% 77.27% 17.56%
1366. luck 0.0055% 77.28% 17.56%
1367. kick 0.0047% 77.28% 17.56%
1368. equal 0.0045% 77.28% 17.53%
1369. hat 0.0137% 77.30% 17.50%
1370. judge 0.0106% 77.31% 17.50%
1371. coffee 0.0074% 77.32% 17.50%
1372. horrible 0.0059% 77.32% 17.50%
1373. correct 0.0042% 77.33% 17.50%
1374. method 0.0037% 77.33% 17.50%
1375. bunch 0.0035% 77.33% 17.50%
1376. pale 0.0127% 77.35% 17.47%
1377. row 0.0061% 77.35% 17.47%
1378. positive 0.0027% 77.35% 17.47%
1379. french 0.0107% 77.37% 17.44%
1380. appearance 0.0104% 77.38% 17.44%
1381. gate 0.0100% 77.39% 17.44%
1382. wound 0.0093% 77.40% 17.44%
1383. slight 0.0090% 77.40% 17.44%
1384. bury 0.0062% 77.41% 17.44%
1385. fighting 0.0047% 77.42% 17.44%
1386. original 0.0035% 77.42% 17.44%
1387. ill 0.0124% 77.43% 17.41%
1388. court 0.0106% 77.44% 17.41%
1389. faint 0.0098% 77.45% 17.41%
1390. difficulty 0.0082% 77.46% 17.41%
1391. achieve 0.0025% 77.46% 17.41%
1392. recent 0.0024% 77.46% 17.41%
1393. drawn 0.0074% 77.47% 17.39%
1394. guide 0.0051% 77.48% 17.39%
1395. harm 0.0050% 77.48% 17.39%
1396. exchange 0.0050% 77.49% 17.39%
1397. finish 0.0037% 77.49% 17.39%
1398. basically 0.0020% 77.49% 17.39%
1399. hill 0.0117% 77.50% 17.36%
1400. flower 0.0108% 77.52% 17.36%
1401. examine 0.0075% 77.52% 17.36%
1402. smooth 0.0067% 77.53% 17.36%
1403. losing 0.0032% 77.53% 17.36%
1404. whisper 0.0149% 77.55% 17.33%
1405. existence 0.0056% 77.55% 17.33%
1406. rid 0.0039% 77.56% 17.33%
1407. include 0.0025% 77.56% 17.33%
1408. dare 0.0108% 77.57% 17.30%
1409. quietly 0.0106% 77.58% 17.30%
1410. flash 0.0068% 77.59% 17.30%
1411. ice 0.0066% 77.59% 17.30%
1412. brilliant 0.0046% 77.60% 17.30%
1413. setting 0.0039% 77.60% 17.30%
1414. nod 0.0165% 77.62% 17.27%
1415. grave 0.0112% 77.63% 17.27%
1416. former 0.0078% 77.64% 17.24%
1417. ancient 0.0054% 77.64% 17.24%
1418. advice 0.0050% 77.65% 17.24%
1419. tongue 0.0074% 77.66% 17.21%
1420. definite 0.0047% 77.66% 17.21%
1421. prepare 0.0039% 77.66% 17.21%
1422. helping 0.0024% 77.67% 17.21%
1423. coat 0.0120% 77.68% 17.19%
1424. sigh 0.0114% 77.69% 17.19%
1425. yard 0.0108% 77.70% 17.19%
1426. crime 0.0085% 77.71% 17.19%
1427. bridge 0.0074% 77.72% 17.19%
1428. conscious 0.0063% 77.72% 17.19%
1429. advance 0.0056% 77.73% 17.19%
1430. active 0.0029% 77.73% 17.19%
1431. fallen 0.0073% 77.74% 17.16%
1432. sentence 0.0051% 77.74% 17.16%
1433. mis 0.0045% 77.75% 17.16%
1434. sake 0.0086% 77.76% 17.13%
1435. mad 0.0082% 77.77% 17.13%
1436. hurry 0.0081% 77.77% 17.13%
1437. rising 0.0071% 77.78% 17.13%
1438. weak 0.0066% 77.79% 17.13%
1439. wise 0.0064% 77.79% 17.13%
1440. repeat 0.0051% 77.80% 17.13%
1441. effective 0.0020% 77.80% 17.13%
1442. church 0.0128% 77.81% 17.10%
1443. fifty 0.0090% 77.82% 17.10%
1444. witness 0.0073% 77.83% 17.10%
1445. odd 0.0065% 77.84% 17.10%
1446. shop 0.0095% 77.85% 17.07%
1447. burst 0.0078% 77.85% 17.07%
1448. fat 0.0069% 77.86% 17.07%
1449. insist 0.0064% 77.87% 17.07%
1450. hanging 0.0056% 77.87% 17.07%
1451. daily 0.0039% 77.88% 17.07%
1452. exact 0.0032% 77.88% 17.07%
1453. shout 0.0115% 77.89% 17.04%
1454. alarm 0.0076% 77.90% 17.04%
1455. intelligence 0.0044% 77.90% 17.04%
1456. arrange 0.0087% 77.91% 17.02%
1457. cat 0.0073% 77.92% 17.02%
1458. suffering 0.0059% 77.93% 17.02%
1459. trace 0.0055% 77.93% 17.02%
1460. plenty 0.0050% 77.94% 17.02%
1461. collect 0.0026% 77.94% 17.02%
1462. significant 0.0026% 77.94% 17.02%
1463. confidence 0.0067% 77.95% 16.99%
1464. weather 0.0059% 77.95% 16.99%
1465. motion 0.0058% 77.96% 16.99%
1466. failure 0.0031% 77.96% 16.99%
1467. affair 0.0108% 77.97% 16.96%
1468. clever 0.0065% 77.98% 16.96%
1469. announce 0.0061% 77.99% 16.96%
1470. wash 0.0061% 77.99% 16.96%
1471. curiosity 0.0055% 78.00% 16.96%
1472. flight 0.0050% 78.00% 16.96%
1473. kiss 0.0140% 78.02% 16.93%
1474. duty 0.0116% 78.03% 16.93%
1475. habit 0.0072% 78.04% 16.93%
1476. disturb 0.0067% 78.04% 16.93%
1477. meal 0.0047% 78.05% 16.93%
1478. extreme 0.0038% 78.05% 16.93%
1479. studied 0.0036% 78.05% 16.93%
1480. skill 0.0029% 78.06% 16.93%
1481. laughing 0.0092% 78.07% 16.90%
1482. merely 0.0090% 78.08% 16.90%
1483. steady 0.0072% 78.08% 16.90%
1484. sheet 0.0057% 78.09% 16.90%
1485. painful 0.0056% 78.09% 16.90%
1486. unexpected 0.0053% 78.10% 16.90%
1487. enemy 0.0094% 78.11% 16.87%
1488. asleep 0.0073% 78.12% 16.87%
1489. settled 0.0070% 78.12% 16.87%
1490. somewhat 0.0068% 78.13% 16.87%
1491. actual 0.0029% 78.13% 16.87%
1492. signal 0.0044% 78.14% 16.85%
1493. cheap 0.0034% 78.14% 16.85%
1494. thrown 0.0062% 78.15% 16.82%
1495. anger 0.0060% 78.15% 16.82%
1496. blame 0.0055% 78.16% 16.82%
1497. authority 0.0053% 78.16% 16.82%
1498. convinced 0.0049% 78.17% 16.82%
1499. limit 0.0027% 78.17% 16.82%
1500. aid 0.0046% 78.18% 16.79%
1501. trade 0.0044% 78.18% 16.79%
1502. sold 0.0041% 78.18% 16.79%
1503. tip 0.0039% 78.19% 16.79%
1504. violence 0.0037% 78.19% 16.79%
1505. darkness 0.0107% 78.20% 16.76%
1506. throat 0.0076% 78.21% 16.76%
1507. pace 0.0066% 78.22% 16.76%
1508. designed 0.0023% 78.22% 16.76%
1509. expensive 0.0028% 78.22% 16.73%
1510. function 0.0023% 78.22% 16.73%
1511. connect 0.0019% 78.23% 16.73%
1512. marriage 0.0097% 78.24% 16.70%
1513. determined 0.0063% 78.24% 16.70%
1514. engaged 0.0059% 78.25% 16.70%
1515. twist 0.0052% 78.25% 16.70%
1516. gift 0.0043% 78.26% 16.70%
1517. roll 0.0042% 78.26% 16.70%
1518. fortunate 0.0037% 78.27% 16.70%
1519. bell 0.0091% 78.27% 16.68%
1520. grand 0.0068% 78.28% 16.68%
1521. wrap 0.0038% 78.28% 16.68%
1522. closely 0.0038% 78.29% 16.68%
1523. repeated 0.0105% 78.30% 16.65%
1524. hung 0.0087% 78.31% 16.65%
1525. battle 0.0075% 78.32% 16.65%
1526. impression 0.0068% 78.32% 16.65%
1527. conduct 0.0065% 78.33% 16.65%
1528. safety 0.0036% 78.33% 16.65%
1529. improve 0.0021% 78.33% 16.65%
1530. king 0.0124% 78.35% 16.62%
1531. staring 0.0076% 78.35% 16.62%
1532. importance 0.0044% 78.36% 16.62%
1533. onto 0.0050% 78.36% 16.59%
1534. favorite 0.0024% 78.37% 16.59%
1535. toward 0.0186% 78.38% 16.56%
1536. youth 0.0081% 78.39% 16.56%
1537. cast 0.0073% 78.40% 16.56%
1538. spoken 0.0073% 78.41% 16.56%
1539. pleasant 0.0086% 78.42% 16.53%
1540. forty 0.0071% 78.42% 16.53%
1541. fold 0.0053% 78.43% 16.53%
1542. background 0.0024% 78.43% 16.53%
1543. gaze 0.0118% 78.44% 16.51%
1544. occasion 0.0106% 78.45% 16.51%
1545. delight 0.0090% 78.46% 16.51%
1546. plate 0.0053% 78.47% 16.51%
1547. impact 0.0018% 78.47% 16.51%
1548. happiness 0.0095% 78.48% 16.48%
1549. ruin 0.0068% 78.49% 16.48%
1550. apparently 0.0068% 78.49% 16.48%
1551. awful 0.0063% 78.50% 16.48%
1552. proper 0.0056% 78.50% 16.48%
1553. pour 0.0054% 78.51% 16.48%
1554. unusual 0.0043% 78.51% 16.48%
1555. responsibility 0.0029% 78.52% 16.48%
1556. cheek 0.0102% 78.53% 16.45%
1557. breakfast 0.0081% 78.54% 16.45%
1558. puzzle 0.0051% 78.54% 16.45%
1559. partner 0.0034% 78.54% 16.45%
1560. bow 0.0097% 78.55% 16.42%
1561. regard 0.0088% 78.56% 16.42%
1562. okay 0.0057% 78.57% 16.42%
1563. begun 0.0055% 78.57% 16.42%
1564. strike 0.0053% 78.58% 16.42%
1565. bother 0.0050% 78.58% 16.42%
1566. drug 0.0042% 78.59% 16.42%
1567. fairly 0.0042% 78.59% 16.42%
1568. principle 0.0038% 78.60% 16.42%
1569. program 0.0025% 78.60% 16.42%
1570. iron 0.0083% 78.61% 16.39%
1571. species 0.0036% 78.61% 16.39%
1572. contact 0.0034% 78.61% 16.39%
1573. map 0.0034% 78.62% 16.39%
1574. exercise 0.0041% 78.62% 16.36%
1575. birth 0.0032% 78.62% 16.36%
1576. clock 0.0104% 78.63% 16.34%
1577. forgot 0.0049% 78.64% 16.34%
1578. teacher 0.0044% 78.64% 16.34%
1579. discovery 0.0043% 78.65% 16.34%
1580. belief 0.0034% 78.65% 16.34%
1581. nation 0.0034% 78.66% 16.34%
1582. stream 0.0061% 78.66% 16.31%
1583. embrace 0.0037% 78.67% 16.31%
1584. rare 0.0034% 78.67% 16.31%
1585. facing 0.0029% 78.67% 16.31%
1586. de 0.0278% 78.70% 16.28%
1587. comfort 0.0071% 78.71% 16.28%
1588. cup 0.0065% 78.71% 16.28%
1589. available 0.0018% 78.71% 16.28%
1590. potential 0.0017% 78.72% 16.28%
1591. remark 0.0115% 78.73% 16.25%
1592. beg 0.0079% 78.74% 16.25%
1593. roof 0.0072% 78.74% 16.25%
1594. promised 0.0060% 78.75% 16.25%
1595. beneath 0.0097% 78.76% 16.22%
1596. fault 0.0063% 78.76% 16.22%
1597. grant 0.0055% 78.77% 16.22%
1598. victim 0.0046% 78.77% 16.22%
1599. artist 0.0038% 78.78% 16.22%
1600. chest 0.0066% 78.79% 16.19%
1601. leap 0.0050% 78.79% 16.19%
1602. deny 0.0048% 78.80% 16.19%
1603. security 0.0035% 78.80% 16.19%
1604. extra 0.0028% 78.80% 16.19%
1605. non 0.0025% 78.80% 16.19%
1606. lovely 0.0071% 78.81% 16.17%
1607. explanation 0.0054% 78.82% 16.17%
1608. unknown 0.0053% 78.82% 16.17%
1609. paying 0.0029% 78.82% 16.17%
1610. lord 0.0207% 78.85% 16.14%
1611. horror 0.0068% 78.85% 16.14%
1612. inch 0.0044% 78.86% 16.14%
1613. display 0.0040% 78.86% 16.14%
1614. chose 0.0030% 78.86% 16.14%
1615. damage 0.0027% 78.87% 16.11%
1616. friendly 0.0048% 78.87% 16.08%
1617. removed 0.0044% 78.88% 16.08%
1618. trap 0.0041% 78.88% 16.08%
1619. mental 0.0038% 78.88% 16.08%
1620. college 0.0036% 78.89% 16.08%
1621. role 0.0020% 78.89% 16.08%
1622. define 0.0020% 78.89% 16.08%
1623. crying 0.0057% 78.90% 16.05%
1624. excellent 0.0055% 78.90% 16.05%
1625. remains 0.0032% 78.90% 16.05%
1626. product 0.0022% 78.91% 16.05%
1627. island 0.0088% 78.92% 16.02%
1628. evil 0.0070% 78.92% 16.02%
1629. global 0.0024% 78.93% 16.02%
1630. don 0.0656% 78.99% 16.00%
1631. gesture 0.0063% 79.00% 16.00%
1632. newspaper 0.0060% 79.00% 16.00%
1633. yeah 0.0060% 79.01% 16.00%
1634. justice 0.0059% 79.01% 16.00%
1635. courage 0.0055% 79.02% 16.00%
1636. unable 0.0050% 79.03% 16.00%
1637. pretend 0.0042% 79.03% 16.00%
1638. ate 0.0041% 79.03% 16.00%
1639. argument 0.0037% 79.04% 16.00%
1640. aspect 0.0031% 79.04% 16.00%
1641. humanity 0.0028% 79.04% 16.00%
1642. murder 0.0147% 79.06% 15.97%
1643. hungry 0.0049% 79.06% 15.97%
1644. height 0.0049% 79.07% 15.97%
1645. tap 0.0042% 79.07% 15.97%
1646. enable 0.0028% 79.07% 15.97%
1647. interrupt 0.0079% 79.08% 15.94%
1648. frightened 0.0075% 79.09% 15.94%
1649. pure 0.0049% 79.10% 15.94%
1650. saving 0.0026% 79.10% 15.94%
1651. attitude 0.0050% 79.10% 15.91%
1652. breathing 0.0043% 79.11% 15.91%
1653. perform 0.0034% 79.11% 15.91%
1654. encourage 0.0026% 79.11% 15.91%
1655. concern 0.0041% 79.12% 15.88%
1656. forever 0.0040% 79.12% 15.88%
1657. responsible 0.0026% 79.12% 15.88%
1658. relief 0.0056% 79.13% 15.85%
1659. mystery 0.0052% 79.13% 15.85%
1660. conclusion 0.0038% 79.14% 15.85%
1661. hurried 0.0077% 79.15% 15.83%
1662. mysterious 0.0055% 79.15% 15.83%
1663. computer 0.0047% 79.16% 15.83%
1664. peer 0.0043% 79.16% 15.83%
1665. behave 0.0041% 79.16% 15.83%
1666. medicine 0.0031% 79.17% 15.83%
1667. china 0.0031% 79.17% 15.83%
1668. appreciate 0.0030% 79.17% 15.83%
1669. professional 0.0028% 79.18% 15.83%
1670. winter 0.0074% 79.18% 15.80%
1671. dirty 0.0054% 79.19% 15.80%
1672. constantly 0.0034% 79.19% 15.80%
1673. massive 0.0022% 79.19% 15.80%
1674. hesitate 0.0078% 79.20% 15.77%
1675. gently 0.0069% 79.21% 15.77%
1676. propose 0.0051% 79.21% 15.77%
1677. mirror 0.0049% 79.22% 15.77%
1678. accepted 0.0045% 79.22% 15.77%
1679. copy 0.0042% 79.23% 15.77%
1680. profound 0.0039% 79.23% 15.77%
1681. warn 0.0054% 79.24% 15.74%
1682. spare 0.0051% 79.24% 15.74%
1683. ease 0.0049% 79.25% 15.74%
1684. advanced 0.0041% 79.25% 15.74%
1685. identify 0.0024% 79.25% 15.74%
1686. complicated 0.0021% 79.26% 15.74%
1687. nerve 0.0045% 79.26% 15.71%
1688. print 0.0037% 79.26% 15.71%
1689. solid 0.0035% 79.27% 15.71%
1690. central 0.0028% 79.27% 15.71%
1691. standard 0.0025% 79.27% 15.71%
1692. ladies 0.0097% 79.28% 15.68%
1693. twelve 0.0069% 79.29% 15.68%
1694. sum 0.0048% 79.29% 15.66%
1695. bend 0.0042% 79.30% 15.66%
1696. remove 0.0029% 79.30% 15.66%
1697. fantastic 0.0025% 79.30% 15.66%
1698. popular 0.0023% 79.31% 15.66%
1699. marry 0.0125% 79.32% 15.63%
1700. hotel 0.0113% 79.33% 15.63%
1701. pride 0.0065% 79.34% 15.63%
1702. attend 0.0059% 79.34% 15.63%
1703. shirt 0.0059% 79.35% 15.63%
1704. badly 0.0043% 79.35% 15.63%
1705. style 0.0040% 79.36% 15.63%
1706. organization 0.0026% 79.36% 15.63%
1707. stair 0.0107% 79.37% 15.60%
1708. wet 0.0063% 79.38% 15.60%
1709. occupy 0.0064% 79.38% 15.57%
1710. false 0.0047% 79.39% 15.57%
1711. attract 0.0036% 79.39% 15.57%
1712. balance 0.0028% 79.39% 15.57%
1713. boat 0.0131% 79.41% 15.54%
1714. bent 0.0081% 79.41% 15.54%
1715. silver 0.0077% 79.42% 15.54%
1716. anxious 0.0072% 79.43% 15.54%
1717. mere 0.0065% 79.44% 15.54%
1718. excitement 0.0057% 79.44% 15.54%
1719. tight 0.0048% 79.45% 15.54%
1720. brief 0.0044% 79.45% 15.54%
1721. confused 0.0035% 79.45% 15.54%
1722. march 0.0063% 79.46% 15.51%
1723. dust 0.0058% 79.47% 15.51%
1724. delicate 0.0052% 79.47% 15.51%
1725. official 0.0044% 79.48% 15.51%
1726. stroke 0.0044% 79.48% 15.51%
1727. earn 0.0033% 79.48% 15.51%
1728. goal 0.0021% 79.49% 15.51%
1729. eager 0.0070% 79.49% 15.48%
1730. driver 0.0052% 79.50% 15.48%
1731. female 0.0041% 79.50% 15.48%
1732. killing 0.0031% 79.51% 15.48%
1733. experienced 0.0031% 79.51% 15.48%
1734. device 0.0029% 79.51% 15.48%
1735. gentleman 0.0156% 79.53% 15.46%
1736. distant 0.0056% 79.53% 15.46%
1737. observe 0.0048% 79.54% 15.46%
1738. wing 0.0052% 79.54% 15.43%
1739. shining 0.0046% 79.55% 15.43%
1740. upper 0.0043% 79.55% 15.43%
1741. terrify 0.0034% 79.56% 15.43%
1742. element 0.0027% 79.56% 15.43%
1743. grass 0.0068% 79.56% 15.40%
1744. branch 0.0055% 79.57% 15.40%
1745. silly 0.0049% 79.57% 15.40%
1746. oil 0.0039% 79.58% 15.40%
1747. capital 0.0038% 79.58% 15.40%
1748. transform 0.0019% 79.58% 15.40%
1749. murmur 0.0102% 79.59% 15.37%
1750. nurse 0.0094% 79.60% 15.37%
1751. terror 0.0064% 79.61% 15.37%
1752. wipe 0.0047% 79.62% 15.37%
1753. article 0.0047% 79.62% 15.37%
1754. wire 0.0039% 79.62% 15.37%
1755. intelligent 0.0035% 79.63% 15.37%
1756. remote 0.0032% 79.63% 15.37%
1757. critical 0.0020% 79.63% 15.37%
1758. gun 0.0096% 79.64% 15.34%
1759. violent 0.0042% 79.65% 15.34%
1760. foreign 0.0038% 79.65% 15.34%
1761. threat 0.0024% 79.65% 15.34%
1762. pity 0.0079% 79.66% 15.31%
1763. gentle 0.0058% 79.67% 15.31%
1764. ride 0.0049% 79.67% 15.31%
1765. flew 0.0044% 79.68% 15.31%
1766. interview 0.0042% 79.68% 15.31%
1767. refer 0.0034% 79.68% 15.31%
1768. thus 0.0127% 79.70% 15.29%
1769. breast 0.0071% 79.70% 15.29%
1770. scream 0.0064% 79.71% 15.29%
1771. intention 0.0055% 79.71% 15.29%
1772. intended 0.0051% 79.72% 15.29%
1773. ocean 0.0047% 79.72% 15.29%
1774. command 0.0071% 79.73% 15.26%
1775. passage 0.0070% 79.74% 15.26%
1776. faith 0.0057% 79.74% 15.26%
1777. atmosphere 0.0039% 79.75% 15.26%
1778. communication 0.0032% 79.75% 15.26%
1779. expert 0.0022% 79.75% 15.26%
1780. forehead 0.0061% 79.76% 15.23%
1781. regret 0.0052% 79.76% 15.23%
1782. fate 0.0051% 79.77% 15.23%
1783. pursue 0.0051% 79.78% 15.23%
1784. slept 0.0050% 79.78% 15.23%
1785. cheer 0.0033% 79.78% 15.23%
1786. threaten 0.0029% 79.79% 15.23%
1787. golden 0.0056% 79.79% 15.20%
1788. visible 0.0041% 79.80% 15.20%
1789. communicate 0.0026% 79.80% 15.20%
1790. cease 0.0065% 79.81% 15.17%
1791. dull 0.0064% 79.81% 15.17%
1792. complain 0.0038% 79.82% 15.17%
1793. ridiculous 0.0038% 79.82% 15.17%
1794. string 0.0035% 79.82% 15.17%
1795. vague 0.0069% 79.83% 15.14%
1796. prison 0.0064% 79.84% 15.14%
1797. bare 0.0060% 79.84% 15.14%
1798. egg 0.0045% 79.85% 15.14%
1799. decade 0.0016% 79.85% 15.14%
1800. instant 0.0095% 79.86% 15.12%
1801. operation 0.0038% 79.86% 15.12%
1802. root 0.0028% 79.86% 15.12%
1803. valuable 0.0023% 79.87% 15.12%
1804. observed 0.0095% 79.88% 15.09%
1805. stir 0.0052% 79.88% 15.09%
1806. swallow 0.0045% 79.89% 15.09%
1807. intense 0.0040% 79.89% 15.09%
1808. warning 0.0039% 79.89% 15.09%
1809. equally 0.0036% 79.90% 15.09%
1810. brave 0.0050% 79.90% 15.06%
1811. weapon 0.0047% 79.91% 15.06%
1812. upset 0.0044% 79.91% 15.06%
1813. relative 0.0030% 79.91% 15.06%
1814. despite 0.0030% 79.92% 15.06%
1815. fortune 0.0080% 79.93% 15.03%
1816. shame 0.0056% 79.93% 15.03%
1817. loose 0.0048% 79.94% 15.03%
1818. ugly 0.0038% 79.94% 15.03%
1819. encounter 0.0037% 79.94% 15.03%
1820. industry 0.0022% 79.95% 15.03%
1821. explore 0.0020% 79.95% 15.03%
1822. chief 0.0097% 79.96% 15.00%
1823. army 0.0074% 79.96% 15.00%
1824. wheel 0.0052% 79.97% 15.00%
1825. rolled 0.0052% 79.97% 15.00%
1826. tail 0.0046% 79.98% 15.00%
1827. heavily 0.0041% 79.98% 15.00%
1828. capture 0.0025% 79.99% 15.00%
1829. utter 0.0082% 79.99% 14.97%
1830. frequent 0.0050% 80.00% 14.97%
1831. dawn 0.0044% 80.00% 14.97%
1832. giant 0.0033% 80.01% 14.97%
1833. companion 0.0104% 80.02% 14.95%
1834. guest 0.0069% 80.02% 14.95%
1835. spite 0.0079% 80.03% 14.92%
1836. fifteen 0.0060% 80.04% 14.92%
1837. shade 0.0054% 80.04% 14.92%
1838. phrase 0.0040% 80.05% 14.92%
1839. properly 0.0031% 80.05% 14.92%
1840. wherever 0.0025% 80.05% 14.92%
1841. required 0.0040% 80.06% 14.89%
1842. headed 0.0038% 80.06% 14.89%
1843. scratch 0.0030% 80.06% 14.89%
1844. treatment 0.0028% 80.07% 14.89%
1845. previous 0.0035% 80.07% 14.86%
1846. officer 0.0115% 80.08% 14.83%
1847. descend 0.0054% 80.09% 14.83%
1848. cutting 0.0028% 80.09% 14.83%
1849. forest 0.0071% 80.10% 14.80%
1850. despair 0.0060% 80.10% 14.80%
1851. trial 0.0048% 80.11% 14.80%
1852. gas 0.0040% 80.11% 14.80%
1853. chosen 0.0032% 80.12% 14.80%
1854. expose 0.0031% 80.12% 14.80%
1855. video 0.0028% 80.12% 14.80%
1856. nonsense 0.0053% 80.13% 14.78%
1857. protest 0.0046% 80.13% 14.78%
1858. sex 0.0041% 80.13% 14.78%
1859. generally 0.0041% 80.14% 14.78%
1860. awkward 0.0035% 80.14% 14.78%
1861. uncomfortable 0.0029% 80.15% 14.78%
1862. training 0.0022% 80.15% 14.78%
1863. afterwards 0.0087% 80.16% 14.75%
1864. handsome 0.0077% 80.16% 14.75%
1865. storm 0.0052% 80.17% 14.75%
1866. rough 0.0044% 80.17% 14.75%
1867. scientific 0.0025% 80.18% 14.75%
1868. unlike 0.0022% 80.18% 14.75%
1869. trained 0.0020% 80.18% 14.75%
1870. devil 0.0086% 80.19% 14.72%
1871. recall 0.0057% 80.19% 14.72%
1872. worn 0.0050% 80.20% 14.72%
1873. secure 0.0043% 80.20% 14.72%
1874. muscle 0.0030% 80.21% 14.72%
1875. inner 0.0030% 80.21% 14.72%
1876. snap 0.0049% 80.21% 14.69%
1877. stiff 0.0048% 80.22% 14.69%
1878. growth 0.0024% 80.22% 14.69%
1879. wine 0.0083% 80.23% 14.66%
1880. beating 0.0036% 80.23% 14.66%
1881. statement 0.0035% 80.24% 14.66%
1882. ignore 0.0029% 80.24% 14.66%
1883. servant 0.0131% 80.25% 14.63%
1884. seize 0.0069% 80.26% 14.63%
1885. affected 0.0035% 80.26% 14.63%
1886. instruction 0.0030% 80.27% 14.63%
1887. discussion 0.0028% 80.27% 14.63%
1888. nowhere 0.0026% 80.27% 14.63%
1889. emotional 0.0025% 80.27% 14.63%
1890. tea 0.0113% 80.29% 14.61%
1891. desk 0.0091% 80.30% 14.61%
1892. jam 0.0068% 80.30% 14.61%
1893. moral 0.0046% 80.31% 14.61%
1894. precious 0.0039% 80.31% 14.61%
1895. pile 0.0036% 80.31% 14.61%
1896. pack 0.0032% 80.32% 14.61%
1897. reaction 0.0022% 80.32% 14.61%
1898. john 0.0173% 80.34% 14.58%
1899. innocent 0.0064% 80.34% 14.58%
1900. satisfaction 0.0053% 80.35% 14.58%
1901. lonely 0.0040% 80.35% 14.58%
1902. credit 0.0037% 80.36% 14.58%
1903. scared 0.0034% 80.36% 14.58%
1904. forgive 0.0056% 80.37% 14.55%
1905. accompany 0.0056% 80.37% 14.55%
1906. flush 0.0052% 80.38% 14.55%
1907. shoot 0.0039% 80.38% 14.55%
1908. settle 0.0032% 80.38% 14.55%
1909. engineer 0.0035% 80.39% 14.52%
1910. crash 0.0034% 80.39% 14.52%
1911. citizen 0.0032% 80.39% 14.52%
1912. mixed 0.0031% 80.40% 14.52%
1913. male 0.0029% 80.40% 14.52%
1914. link 0.0022% 80.40% 14.52%
1915. club 0.0059% 80.41% 14.49%
1916. band 0.0037% 80.41% 14.49%
1917. declare 0.0071% 80.42% 14.46%
1918. wanting 0.0032% 80.42% 14.46%
1919. relation 0.0058% 80.43% 14.44%
1920. colleague 0.0019% 80.43% 14.44%
1921. folk 0.0056% 80.43% 14.41%
1922. hint 0.0048% 80.44% 14.41%
1923. hey 0.0043% 80.44% 14.41%
1924. singing 0.0042% 80.45% 14.41%
1925. stock 0.0041% 80.45% 14.41%
1926. photograph 0.0041% 80.46% 14.41%
1927. magic 0.0036% 80.46% 14.41%
1928. we’d 0.0029% 80.46% 14.41%
1929. personally 0.0024% 80.47% 14.41%
1930. slide 0.0023% 80.47% 14.41%
1931. knife 0.0058% 80.47% 14.38%
1932. angel 0.0053% 80.48% 14.38%
1933. proof 0.0044% 80.48% 14.38%
1934. beam 0.0038% 80.49% 14.38%
1935. awake 0.0038% 80.49% 14.38%
1936. instrument 0.0035% 80.49% 14.38%
1937. severe 0.0030% 80.50% 14.38%
1938. prefer 0.0029% 80.50% 14.38%
1939. soldier 0.0101% 80.51% 14.35%
1940. lamp 0.0067% 80.52% 14.35%
1941. unhappy 0.0054% 80.52% 14.35%
1942. marked 0.0043% 80.53% 14.35%
1943. bet 0.0037% 80.53% 14.35%
1944. launch 0.0022% 80.53% 14.35%
1945. dine 0.0083% 80.54% 14.32%
1946. sufficient 0.0065% 80.55% 14.32%
1947. reward 0.0032% 80.55% 14.32%
1948. cap 0.0072% 80.56% 14.29%
1949. visitor 0.0064% 80.56% 14.29%
1950. bitter 0.0049% 80.57% 14.29%
1951. performance 0.0026% 80.57% 14.29%
1952. shaped 0.0023% 80.57% 14.29%
1953. capacity 0.0020% 80.58% 14.29%
1954. differently 0.0017% 80.58% 14.29%
1955. startle 0.0045% 80.58% 14.27%
1956. urge 0.0040% 80.59% 14.27%
1957. maintain 0.0030% 80.59% 14.27%
1958. flood 0.0030% 80.59% 14.27%
1959. crack 0.0026% 80.59% 14.27%
1960. bedroom 0.0064% 80.60% 14.24%
1961. entrance 0.0058% 80.61% 14.24%
1962. permit 0.0053% 80.61% 14.24%
1963. pipe 0.0052% 80.62% 14.24%
1964. admire 0.0050% 80.62% 14.24%
1965. relieve 0.0041% 80.63% 14.24%
1966. notion 0.0036% 80.63% 14.24%
1967. childhood 0.0027% 80.63% 14.24%
1968. overcome 0.0026% 80.64% 14.24%
1969. lunch 0.0060% 80.64% 14.21%
1970. impatient 0.0049% 80.65% 14.21%
1971. gradually 0.0042% 80.65% 14.21%
1972. dignity 0.0041% 80.65% 14.21%
1973. ours 0.0025% 80.66% 14.21%
1974. conceal 0.0062% 80.66% 14.18%
1975. leaning 0.0052% 80.67% 14.18%
1976. peculiar 0.0050% 80.67% 14.18%
1977. fade 0.0037% 80.68% 14.18%
1978. staying 0.0032% 80.68% 14.18%
1979. bore 0.0047% 80.69% 14.15%
1980. brush 0.0044% 80.69% 14.15%
1981. vanish 0.0043% 80.69% 14.15%
1982. rolling 0.0039% 80.70% 14.15%
1983. painted 0.0037% 80.70% 14.15%
1984. preserve 0.0037% 80.71% 14.15%
1985. assume 0.0021% 80.71% 14.15%
1986. unconscious 0.0046% 80.71% 14.12%
1987. universe 0.0044% 80.72% 14.12%
1988. toss 0.0040% 80.72% 14.12%
1989. discus 0.0030% 80.72% 14.12%
1990. confess 0.0054% 80.73% 14.10%
1991. rang 0.0051% 80.73% 14.10%
1992. comment 0.0032% 80.74% 14.10%
1993. pushing 0.0026% 80.74% 14.10%
1994. dealing 0.0020% 80.74% 14.10%
1995. request 0.0048% 80.75% 14.07%
1996. bearing 0.0040% 80.75% 14.07%
1997. adventure 0.0037% 80.75% 14.07%
1998. hero 0.0036% 80.76% 14.07%
1999. attached 0.0030% 80.76% 14.07%
2000. provided 0.0029% 80.76% 14.07%
2001. constant 0.0028% 80.77% 14.07%
2002. pink 0.0046% 80.77% 14.04%
2003. fruit 0.0031% 80.77% 14.04%
2004. hire 0.0027% 80.78% 14.04%
2005. gasp 0.0044% 80.78% 14.01%
2006. appeal 0.0041% 80.79% 14.01%
2007. passionate 0.0037% 80.79% 14.01%
2008. border 0.0028% 80.79% 14.01%
2009. tremendous 0.0026% 80.79% 14.01%
2010. network 0.0021% 80.80% 14.01%
2011. steel 0.0044% 80.80% 13.98%
2012. wander 0.0038% 80.80% 13.98%
2013. nail 0.0037% 80.81% 13.95%
2014. impress 0.0033% 80.81% 13.95%
2015. foundation 0.0030% 80.81% 13.95%
2016. acting 0.0028% 80.82% 13.95%
2017. fed 0.0023% 80.82% 13.95%
2018. publish 0.0019% 80.82% 13.95%
2019. trembling 0.0056% 80.83% 13.93%
2020. swift 0.0055% 80.83% 13.93%
2021. altogether 0.0053% 80.84% 13.93%
2022. chin 0.0045% 80.84% 13.93%
2023. depth 0.0041% 80.85% 13.93%
2024. dancing 0.0038% 80.85% 13.93%
2025. owner 0.0036% 80.85% 13.93%
2026. typical 0.0014% 80.86% 13.93%
2027. thoughtful 0.0057% 80.86% 13.90%
2028. thrust 0.0050% 80.87% 13.90%
2029. aim 0.0031% 80.87% 13.90%
2030. strip 0.0030% 80.87% 13.90%
2031. absorb 0.0029% 80.88% 13.90%
2032. button 0.0029% 80.88% 13.90%
2033. poverty 0.0027% 80.88% 13.90%
2034. hopeful 0.0018% 80.88% 13.90%
2035. abrupt 0.0046% 80.89% 13.87%
2036. drank 0.0043% 80.89% 13.87%
2037. region 0.0029% 80.89% 13.87%
2038. ashamed 0.0050% 80.90% 13.84%
2039. arrest 0.0049% 80.90% 13.84%
2040. elbow 0.0044% 80.91% 13.84%
2041. mood 0.0042% 80.91% 13.84%
2042. pointing 0.0038% 80.92% 13.84%
2043. tough 0.0023% 80.92% 13.84%
2044. possession 0.0052% 80.92% 13.81%
2045. foolish 0.0043% 80.93% 13.81%
2046. dish 0.0033% 80.93% 13.81%
2047. searching 0.0025% 80.93% 13.81%
2048. discuss 0.0024% 80.94% 13.81%
2049. basic 0.0015% 80.94% 13.81%
2050. apartment 0.0069% 80.95% 13.78%
2051. guilty 0.0050% 80.95% 13.78%
2052. anxiety 0.0045% 80.95% 13.78%
2053. swear 0.0044% 80.96% 13.78%
2054. consciousness 0.0043% 80.96% 13.78%
2055. echo 0.0043% 80.97% 13.78%
2056. pen 0.0037% 80.97% 13.78%
2057. invisible 0.0030% 80.97% 13.78%
2058. practical 0.0029% 80.98% 13.78%
2059. unique 0.0014% 80.98% 13.78%
2060. drift 0.0040% 80.98% 13.75%
2061. platform 0.0037% 80.99% 13.75%
2062. swept 0.0036% 80.99% 13.75%
2063. curve 0.0033% 80.99% 13.75%
2064. mess 0.0027% 81.00% 13.75%
2065. picking 0.0021% 81.00% 13.75%
2066. suspicion 0.0061% 81.00% 13.73%
2067. lit 0.0053% 81.01% 13.73%
2068. instantly 0.0052% 81.02% 13.73%
2069. amuse 0.0043% 81.02% 13.73%
2070. season 0.0035% 81.02% 13.73%
2071. collapse 0.0023% 81.03% 13.73%
2072. surprising 0.0017% 81.03% 13.73%
2073. fundamental 0.0015% 81.03% 13.73%
2074. weary 0.0057% 81.03% 13.70%
2075. shrug 0.0056% 81.04% 13.70%
2076. hunt 0.0033% 81.04% 13.70%
2077. western 0.0030% 81.05% 13.70%
2078. profit 0.0030% 81.05% 13.70%
2079. mechanical 0.0028% 81.05% 13.70%
2080. climate 0.0022% 81.05% 13.70%
2081. bread 0.0064% 81.06% 13.67%
2082. frown 0.0060% 81.07% 13.67%
2083. kindly 0.0044% 81.07% 13.67%
2084. shiver 0.0039% 81.07% 13.67%
2085. heel 0.0039% 81.08% 13.67%
2086. score 0.0031% 81.08% 13.67%
2087. inevitable 0.0027% 81.08% 13.67%
2088. economy 0.0021% 81.09% 13.67%
2089. snow 0.0077% 81.09% 13.64%
2090. hers 0.0056% 81.10% 13.64%
2091. flame 0.0052% 81.10% 13.64%
2092. miserable 0.0045% 81.11% 13.64%
2093. military 0.0040% 81.11% 13.64%
2094. suggestion 0.0033% 81.12% 13.64%
2095. stopping 0.0029% 81.12% 13.64%
2096. behaviour 0.0018% 81.12% 13.64%
2097. cheerful 0.0062% 81.13% 13.61%
2098. temper 0.0052% 81.13% 13.61%
2099. eleven 0.0042% 81.14% 13.61%
2100. description 0.0027% 81.14% 13.61%
2101. fifth 0.0023% 81.14% 13.61%
2102. sunday 0.0061% 81.15% 13.58%
2103. drunk 0.0057% 81.15% 13.58%
2104. arrival 0.0048% 81.16% 13.58%
2105. rage 0.0045% 81.16% 13.58%
2106. torn 0.0037% 81.17% 13.58%
2107. cure 0.0027% 81.17% 13.58%
2108. lawyer 0.0058% 81.18% 13.56%
2109. delay 0.0041% 81.18% 13.56%
2110. legal 0.0030% 81.18% 13.56%
2111. persuade 0.0041% 81.19% 13.53%
2112. criminal 0.0039% 81.19% 13.53%
2113. useless 0.0037% 81.19% 13.53%
2114. stamp 0.0035% 81.20% 13.53%
2115. resist 0.0032% 81.20% 13.53%
2116. immediate 0.0030% 81.20% 13.53%
2117. barely 0.0029% 81.21% 13.53%
2118. dreadful 0.0062% 81.21% 13.50%
2119. curtain 0.0053% 81.22% 13.50%
2120. uneasy 0.0049% 81.22% 13.50%
2121. contrary 0.0044% 81.23% 13.50%
2122. eaten 0.0027% 81.23% 13.50%
2123. closing 0.0026% 81.23% 13.50%
2124. detect 0.0023% 81.24% 13.50%
2125. tonight 0.0059% 81.24% 13.47%
2126. damn 0.0056% 81.25% 13.47%
2127. meanwhile 0.0046% 81.25% 13.47%
2128. sacrifice 0.0046% 81.26% 13.47%
2129. incident 0.0034% 81.26% 13.47%
2130. observation 0.0034% 81.26% 13.47%
2131. stumble 0.0028% 81.27% 13.47%
2132. policy 0.0020% 81.27% 13.47%
2133. inspired 0.0018% 81.27% 13.47%
2134. limited 0.0016% 81.27% 13.47%
2135. mutter 0.0063% 81.28% 13.44%
2136. proceed 0.0062% 81.28% 13.44%
2137. fond 0.0061% 81.29% 13.44%
2138. flesh 0.0047% 81.29% 13.44%
2139. bush 0.0047% 81.30% 13.44%
2140. arrangement 0.0039% 81.30% 13.44%
2141. laws 0.0028% 81.31% 13.44%
2142. absolute 0.0027% 81.31% 13.44%
2143. recover 0.0027% 81.31% 13.44%
2144. grin 0.0070% 81.32% 13.41%
2145. confusion 0.0036% 81.32% 13.41%
2146. sleeve 0.0035% 81.33% 13.41%
2147. suspicious 0.0034% 81.33% 13.41%
2148. hiding 0.0031% 81.33% 13.41%
2149. civil 0.0023% 81.33% 13.41%
2150. pray 0.0070% 81.34% 13.39%
2151. sob 0.0050% 81.35% 13.39%
2152. wooden 0.0045% 81.35% 13.39%
2153. shortly 0.0034% 81.35% 13.39%
2154. switch 0.0029% 81.36% 13.39%
2155. assure 0.0046% 81.36% 13.36%
2156. metal 0.0040% 81.37% 13.36%
2157. ray 0.0039% 81.37% 13.36%
2158. infinite 0.0033% 81.37% 13.36%
2159. blank 0.0032% 81.38% 13.36%
2160. grasp 0.0037% 81.38% 13.33%
2161. occasionally 0.0035% 81.38% 13.33%
2162. pin 0.0029% 81.39% 13.33%
2163. reflection 0.0042% 81.39% 13.30%
2164. furniture 0.0040% 81.39% 13.30%
2165. sing 0.0038% 81.40% 13.30%
2166. precisely 0.0033% 81.40% 13.30%
2167. native 0.0043% 81.41% 13.27%
2168. dim 0.0042% 81.41% 13.27%
2169. alter 0.0034% 81.41% 13.27%
2170. ceiling 0.0034% 81.42% 13.27%
2171. helpless 0.0044% 81.42% 13.24%
2172. gay 0.0041% 81.43% 13.24%
2173. conclude 0.0039% 81.43% 13.24%
2174. grateful 0.0033% 81.43% 13.24%
2175. host 0.0030% 81.44% 13.24%
2176. angle 0.0027% 81.44% 13.24%
2177. collected 0.0020% 81.44% 13.24%
2178. custom 0.0033% 81.44% 13.22%
2179. lately 0.0033% 81.45% 13.22%
2180. recovered 0.0031% 81.45% 13.22%
2181. crowded 0.0031% 81.45% 13.22%
2182. instinct 0.0038% 81.46% 13.19%
2183. touching 0.0034% 81.46% 13.19%
2184. fought 0.0031% 81.46% 13.19%
2185. rub 0.0030% 81.47% 13.19%
2186. burden 0.0027% 81.47% 13.19%
2187. volume 0.0025% 81.47% 13.19%
2188. confident 0.0024% 81.47% 13.19%
2189. addition 0.0023% 81.48% 13.19%
2190. net 0.0019% 81.48% 13.19%
2191. considerable 0.0044% 81.48% 13.16%
2192. mild 0.0032% 81.49% 13.16%
2193. revolution 0.0031% 81.49% 13.16%
2194. deserve 0.0025% 81.49% 13.16%
2195. sink 0.0024% 81.49% 13.16%
2196. related 0.0024% 81.50% 13.16%
2197. crisis 0.0022% 81.50% 13.16%
2198. brow 0.0048% 81.50% 13.13%
2199. gleam 0.0045% 81.51% 13.13%
2200. assured 0.0039% 81.51% 13.13%
2201. thoroughly 0.0035% 81.51% 13.13%
2202. defend 0.0030% 81.52% 13.13%
2203. keen 0.0045% 81.52% 13.10%
2204. generous 0.0035% 81.53% 13.10%
2205. consist 0.0028% 81.53% 13.10%
2206. crossing 0.0026% 81.53% 13.10%
2207. stern 0.0046% 81.54% 13.07%
2208. sank 0.0039% 81.54% 13.07%
2209. waved 0.0033% 81.54% 13.07%
2210. assumed 0.0028% 81.55% 13.07%
2211. mission 0.0027% 81.55% 13.07%
2212. reduce 0.0014% 81.55% 13.07%
2213. fierce 0.0045% 81.55% 13.05%
2214. aloud 0.0045% 81.56% 13.05%
2215. sympathy 0.0042% 81.56% 13.05%
2216. shudder 0.0038% 81.57% 13.05%
2217. milk 0.0035% 81.57% 13.05%
2218. roughly 0.0016% 81.57% 13.05%
2219. mix 0.0015% 81.57% 13.05%
2220. perceive 0.0059% 81.58% 13.02%
2221. valley 0.0043% 81.58% 13.02%
2222. informed 0.0038% 81.59% 13.02%
2223. crawl 0.0037% 81.59% 13.02%
2224. glimpse 0.0031% 81.59% 13.02%
2225. blew 0.0029% 81.60% 13.02%
2226. survey 0.0025% 81.60% 13.02%
2227. gathering 0.0022% 81.60% 13.02%
2228. pop 0.0022% 81.60% 13.02%
2229. prize 0.0022% 81.61% 13.02%
2230. identity 0.0021% 81.61% 13.02%
2231. absence 0.0040% 81.61% 12.99%
2232. protection 0.0023% 81.61% 12.99%
2233. flung 0.0047% 81.62% 12.96%
2234. trail 0.0037% 81.62% 12.96%
2235. striking 0.0030% 81.63% 12.96%
2236. writer 0.0029% 81.63% 12.96%
2237. adopt 0.0026% 81.63% 12.96%
2238. variety 0.0021% 81.63% 12.96%
2239. humble 0.0039% 81.64% 12.93%
2240. intent 0.0036% 81.64% 12.93%
2241. pot 0.0033% 81.64% 12.93%
2242. patch 0.0028% 81.65% 12.93%
2243. paint 0.0028% 81.65% 12.93%
2244. applied 0.0020% 81.65% 12.93%
2245. quote 0.0016% 81.65% 12.93%
2246. apple 0.0030% 81.66% 12.90%
2247. document 0.0028% 81.66% 12.90%
2248. divided 0.0021% 81.66% 12.90%
2249. essential 0.0019% 81.66% 12.90%
2250. uncle 0.0125% 81.68% 12.88%
2251. torture 0.0040% 81.68% 12.88%
2252. sensation 0.0039% 81.68% 12.88%
2253. loving 0.0035% 81.69% 12.88%
2254. palm 0.0035% 81.69% 12.88%
2255. intimate 0.0032% 81.69% 12.88%
2256. film 0.0027% 81.70% 12.88%
2257. weigh 0.0022% 81.70% 12.88%
2258. version 0.0014% 81.70% 12.88%
2259. library 0.0054% 81.71% 12.85%
2260. solemn 0.0049% 81.71% 12.85%
2261. venture 0.0045% 81.72% 12.85%
2262. cruel 0.0043% 81.72% 12.85%
2263. rank 0.0041% 81.72% 12.85%
2264. doorway 0.0040% 81.73% 12.85%
2265. uniform 0.0038% 81.73% 12.85%
2266. exhausted 0.0030% 81.73% 12.85%
2267. harsh 0.0029% 81.74% 12.85%
2268. peaceful 0.0027% 81.74% 12.85%
2269. woke 0.0027% 81.74% 12.85%
2270. artificial 0.0019% 81.74% 12.85%
2271. obey 0.0038% 81.75% 12.82%
2272. limb 0.0037% 81.75% 12.82%
2273. sixty 0.0034% 81.76% 12.82%
2274. choke 0.0032% 81.76% 12.82%
2275. electric 0.0029% 81.76% 12.82%
2276. decent 0.0028% 81.76% 12.82%
2277. relax 0.0027% 81.77% 12.82%
2278. teaching 0.0020% 81.77% 12.82%
2279. fund 0.0019% 81.77% 12.82%
2280. estimate 0.0017% 81.77% 12.82%
2281. camp 0.0066% 81.78% 12.79%
2282. lover 0.0057% 81.78% 12.79%
2283. heap 0.0039% 81.79% 12.79%
2284. envelope 0.0038% 81.79% 12.79%
2285. triumph 0.0036% 81.80% 12.79%
2286. cautious 0.0033% 81.80% 12.79%
2287. midnight 0.0032% 81.80% 12.79%
2288. income 0.0028% 81.81% 12.79%
2289. neat 0.0026% 81.81% 12.79%
2290. charming 0.0058% 81.81% 12.76%
2291. farm 0.0047% 81.82% 12.76%
2292. silk 0.0043% 81.82% 12.76%
2293. independent 0.0021% 81.83% 12.76%
2294. grace 0.0052% 81.83% 12.73%
2295. tremble 0.0041% 81.83% 12.73%
2296. agent 0.0037% 81.84% 12.73%
2297. glow 0.0037% 81.84% 12.73%
2298. crush 0.0032% 81.85% 12.73%
2299. greet 0.0028% 81.85% 12.73%
2300. tender 0.0060% 81.85% 12.71%
2301. tower 0.0051% 81.86% 12.71%
2302. farther 0.0047% 81.86% 12.71%
2303. engine 0.0033% 81.87% 12.71%
2304. lightly 0.0032% 81.87% 12.71%
2305. retired 0.0032% 81.87% 12.71%
2306. patience 0.0031% 81.88% 12.71%
2307. hopeless 0.0030% 81.88% 12.71%
2308. endless 0.0026% 81.88% 12.71%
2309. contrast 0.0024% 81.88% 12.71%
2310. collection 0.0020% 81.89% 12.71%
2311. dressing 0.0049% 81.89% 12.68%
2312. stomach 0.0038% 81.90% 12.68%
2313. shy 0.0033% 81.90% 12.68%
2314. drown 0.0032% 81.90% 12.68%
2315. established 0.0025% 81.90% 12.68%
2316. consume 0.0016% 81.91% 12.68%
2317. resume 0.0053% 81.91% 12.65%
2318. pardon 0.0052% 81.92% 12.65%
2319. furious 0.0038% 81.92% 12.65%
2320. shell 0.0035% 81.92% 12.65%
2321. restore 0.0029% 81.93% 12.65%
2322. sensitive 0.0021% 81.93% 12.65%
2323. bold 0.0038% 81.93% 12.62%
2324. eyebrow 0.0033% 81.94% 12.62%
2325. jaw 0.0029% 81.94% 12.62%
2326. religious 0.0028% 81.94% 12.62%
2327. extent 0.0027% 81.94% 12.62%
2328. click 0.0022% 81.95% 12.62%
2329. landscape 0.0020% 81.95% 12.62%
2330. necessarily 0.0015% 81.95% 12.62%
2331. obtain 0.0044% 81.95% 12.59%
2332. roar 0.0042% 81.96% 12.59%
2333. naked 0.0041% 81.96% 12.59%
2334. whistle 0.0030% 81.97% 12.59%
2335. random 0.0023% 81.97% 12.59%
2336. offering 0.0022% 81.97% 12.59%
2337. figured 0.0017% 81.97% 12.59%
2338. hollow 0.0036% 81.98% 12.56%
2339. worker 0.0029% 81.98% 12.56%
2340. universal 0.0019% 81.98% 12.56%
2341. german 0.0060% 81.99% 12.54%
2342. acquaintance 0.0053% 81.99% 12.54%
2343. president 0.0053% 82.00% 12.54%
2344. plunge 0.0032% 82.00% 12.54%
2345. wealth 0.0029% 82.00% 12.54%
2346. disappointed 0.0027% 82.01% 12.54%
2347. title 0.0025% 82.01% 12.54%
2348. meat 0.0040% 82.01% 12.51%
2349. aged 0.0029% 82.01% 12.51%
2350. strain 0.0025% 82.02% 12.51%
2351. ted 0.0021% 82.02% 12.51%
2352. parti 0.0031% 82.02% 12.48%
2353. department 0.0029% 82.03% 12.48%
2354. scattered 0.0027% 82.03% 12.48%
2355. reasonable 0.0026% 82.03% 12.48%
2356. code 0.0019% 82.03% 12.48%
2357. rely 0.0018% 82.03% 12.48%
2358. cousin 0.0080% 82.04% 12.45%
2359. handkerchief 0.0047% 82.05% 12.45%
2360. collar 0.0036% 82.05% 12.45%
2361. religion 0.0034% 82.05% 12.45%
2362. grief 0.0043% 82.06% 12.42%
2363. groan 0.0035% 82.06% 12.42%
2364. magnificent 0.0032% 82.07% 12.42%
2365. stagger 0.0027% 82.07% 12.42%
2366. wisdom 0.0026% 82.07% 12.42%
2367. reported 0.0023% 82.07% 12.42%
2368. packed 0.0021% 82.07% 12.42%
2369. sand 0.0052% 82.08% 12.39%
2370. nevertheless 0.0048% 82.08% 12.39%
2371. queen 0.0045% 82.09% 12.39%
2372. careless 0.0036% 82.09% 12.39%
2373. expense 0.0030% 82.10% 12.39%
2374. soil 0.0030% 82.10% 12.39%
2375. wandering 0.0025% 82.10% 12.39%
2376. repair 0.0024% 82.10% 12.39%
2377. frighten 0.0023% 82.11% 12.39%
2378. permission 0.0021% 82.11% 12.39%
2379. utterly 0.0036% 82.11% 12.37%
2380. schools 0.0017% 82.11% 12.37%
2381. chapter 0.0186% 82.13% 12.34%
2382. exclaim 0.0114% 82.14% 12.34%
2383. possessed 0.0042% 82.15% 12.34%
2384. mistaken 0.0034% 82.15% 12.34%
2385. rent 0.0029% 82.15% 12.34%
2386. politics 0.0022% 82.16% 12.34%
2387. lifetime 0.0013% 82.16% 12.34%
2388. george 0.0156% 82.17% 12.31%
2389. owe 0.0036% 82.18% 12.31%
2390. pool 0.0027% 82.18% 12.31%
2391. happily 0.0025% 82.18% 12.31%
2392. plot 0.0023% 82.18% 12.31%
2393. specific 0.0013% 82.19% 12.31%
2394. temple 0.0047% 82.19% 12.28%
2395. fist 0.0038% 82.19% 12.28%
2396. rear 0.0037% 82.20% 12.28%
2397. whip 0.0035% 82.20% 12.28%
2398. weakness 0.0031% 82.20% 12.28%
2399. uncertain 0.0027% 82.21% 12.28%
2400. interfere 0.0024% 82.21% 12.28%
2401. tune 0.0023% 82.21% 12.28%
2402. catching 0.0021% 82.21% 12.28%
2403. characteristic 0.0019% 82.22% 12.28%
2404. economic 0.0018% 82.22% 12.28%
2405. evidently 0.0062% 82.22% 12.25%
2406. chamber 0.0057% 82.23% 12.25%
2407. sprang 0.0036% 82.23% 12.25%
2408. intend 0.0033% 82.24% 12.25%
2409. unpleasant 0.0033% 82.24% 12.25%
2410. attractive 0.0028% 82.24% 12.25%
2411. reputation 0.0027% 82.25% 12.25%
2412. tore 0.0027% 82.25% 12.25%
2413. fan 0.0024% 82.25% 12.25%
2414. negative 0.0015% 82.25% 12.25%
2415. paris 0.0103% 82.26% 12.22%
2416. charm 0.0053% 82.27% 12.22%
2417. betray 0.0043% 82.27% 12.22%
2418. sought 0.0036% 82.28% 12.22%
2419. chill 0.0032% 82.28% 12.22%
2420. dismiss 0.0025% 82.28% 12.22%
2421. blowing 0.0022% 82.28% 12.22%
2422. brand 0.0019% 82.28% 12.22%
2423. leather 0.0037% 82.29% 12.20%
2424. rescue 0.0025% 82.29% 12.20%
2425. fin 0.0024% 82.29% 12.20%
2426. invest 0.0017% 82.30% 12.20%
2427. gap 0.0017% 82.30% 12.20%
2428. latest 0.0016% 82.30% 12.20%
2429. queer 0.0050% 82.30% 12.17%
2430. clutch 0.0033% 82.31% 12.17%
2431. tale 0.0027% 82.31% 12.17%
2432. load 0.0023% 82.31% 12.17%
2433. safely 0.0021% 82.31% 12.17%
2434. spell 0.0031% 82.32% 12.14%
2435. dumb 0.0024% 82.32% 12.14%
2436. dot 0.0015% 82.32% 12.14%
2437. essentially 0.0013% 82.32% 12.14%
2438. supper 0.0055% 82.33% 12.11%
2439. poison 0.0041% 82.33% 12.11%
2440. cloth 0.0033% 82.34% 12.11%
2441. accuse 0.0031% 82.34% 12.11%
2442. absurd 0.0030% 82.34% 12.11%
2443. shelter 0.0029% 82.34% 12.11%
2444. acknowledge 0.0029% 82.35% 12.11%
2445. file 0.0026% 82.35% 12.11%
2446. chase 0.0023% 82.35% 12.11%
2447. orange 0.0023% 82.35% 12.11%
2448. toy 0.0019% 82.36% 12.11%
2449. professor 0.0127% 82.37% 12.08%
2450. mercy 0.0048% 82.37% 12.08%
2451. insult 0.0037% 82.38% 12.08%
2452. await 0.0036% 82.38% 12.08%
2453. genius 0.0028% 82.38% 12.08%
2454. frozen 0.0023% 82.39% 12.08%
2455. institution 0.0022% 82.39% 12.08%
2456. oblige 0.0062% 82.39% 12.05%
2457. plane 0.0038% 82.40% 12.05%
2458. judgment 0.0033% 82.40% 12.05%
2459. inclined 0.0033% 82.40% 12.05%
2460. curl 0.0031% 82.41% 12.05%
2461. calmly 0.0031% 82.41% 12.05%
2462. shooting 0.0026% 82.41% 12.05%
2463. deadly 0.0024% 82.42% 12.05%
2464. expand 0.0014% 82.42% 12.05%
2465. troubled 0.0034% 82.42% 12.02%
2466. retreat 0.0032% 82.42% 12.02%
2467. household 0.0029% 82.43% 12.02%
2468. pressing 0.0026% 82.43% 12.02%
2469. reference 0.0025% 82.43% 12.02%
2470. financial 0.0023% 82.43% 12.02%
2471. steal 0.0021% 82.44% 12.02%
2472. upright 0.0021% 82.44% 12.02%
2473. contribute 0.0014% 82.44% 12.02%
2474. fetch 0.0040% 82.44% 12.00%
2475. abandoned 0.0027% 82.45% 12.00%
2476. camera 0.0023% 82.45% 12.00%
2477. destruction 0.0020% 82.45% 12.00%
2478. upstairs 0.0058% 82.46% 11.97%
2479. boots 0.0047% 82.46% 11.97%
2480. snatch 0.0027% 82.46% 11.97%
2481. minded 0.0025% 82.47% 11.97%
2482. beaten 0.0024% 82.47% 11.97%
2483. error 0.0023% 82.47% 11.97%
2484. landed 0.0023% 82.47% 11.97%
2485. perspective 0.0014% 82.47% 11.97%
2486. basis 0.0013% 82.48% 11.97%
2487. presently 0.0074% 82.48% 11.94%
2488. eh 0.0056% 82.49% 11.94%
2489. greatly 0.0043% 82.49% 11.94%
2490. conviction 0.0032% 82.50% 11.94%
2491. goodness 0.0030% 82.50% 11.94%
2492. embarrassed 0.0026% 82.50% 11.94%
2493. bang 0.0025% 82.50% 11.94%
2494. stake 0.0023% 82.51% 11.94%
2495. whoever 0.0021% 82.51% 11.94%
2496. disaster 0.0018% 82.51% 11.94%
2497. partly 0.0033% 82.51% 11.91%
2498. devoted 0.0031% 82.52% 11.91%
2499. they’d 0.0031% 82.52% 11.91%
2500. footstep 0.0031% 82.52% 11.91%
2501. grab 0.0030% 82.53% 11.91%
2502. float 0.0028% 82.53% 11.91%
2503. dash 0.0027% 82.53% 11.91%
2504. borrow 0.0023% 82.53% 11.91%
2505. sale 0.0022% 82.54% 11.91%
2506. efficient 0.0015% 82.54% 11.91%
2507. dread 0.0044% 82.54% 11.88%
2508. quarrel 0.0043% 82.55% 11.88%
2509. pat 0.0038% 82.55% 11.88%
2510. skirt 0.0034% 82.55% 11.88%
2511. landing 0.0030% 82.56% 11.88%
2512. sway 0.0027% 82.56% 11.88%
2513. wit 0.0027% 82.56% 11.88%
2514. novel 0.0025% 82.57% 11.88%
2515. sugar 0.0025% 82.57% 11.88%
2516. convenient 0.0020% 82.57% 11.88%
2517. pitch 0.0019% 82.57% 11.88%
2518. vain 0.0041% 82.58% 11.85%
2519. superior 0.0037% 82.58% 11.85%
2520. shed 0.0036% 82.58% 11.85%
2521. sensible 0.0032% 82.59% 11.85%
2522. carpet 0.0032% 82.59% 11.85%
2523. disgust 0.0027% 82.59% 11.85%
2524. profession 0.0026% 82.59% 11.85%
2525. affection 0.0053% 82.60% 11.83%
2526. interval 0.0038% 82.60% 11.83%
2527. trunk 0.0038% 82.61% 11.83%
2528. bench 0.0037% 82.61% 11.83%
2529. coast 0.0036% 82.61% 11.83%
2530. friendship 0.0035% 82.62% 11.83%
2531. impulse 0.0031% 82.62% 11.83%
2532. cake 0.0030% 82.62% 11.83%
2533. bond 0.0021% 82.63% 11.83%
2534. reverse 0.0015% 82.63% 11.83%
2535. prisoner 0.0077% 82.64% 11.80%
2536. rope 0.0042% 82.64% 11.80%
2537. brick 0.0029% 82.64% 11.80%
2538. outer 0.0025% 82.65% 11.80%
2539. toe 0.0021% 82.65% 11.80%
2540. player 0.0020% 82.65% 11.80%
2541. transfer 0.0019% 82.65% 11.80%
2542. underneath 0.0018% 82.65% 11.80%
2543. combination 0.0015% 82.65% 11.80%
2544. astonish 0.0035% 82.66% 11.77%
2545. cough 0.0035% 82.66% 11.77%
2546. laying 0.0025% 82.66% 11.77%
2547. polite 0.0026% 82.67% 11.74%
2548. thread 0.0023% 82.67% 11.74%
2549. conscience 0.0039% 82.67% 11.71%
2550. consideration 0.0037% 82.68% 11.71%
2551. dislike 0.0036% 82.68% 11.71%
2552. restaurant 0.0031% 82.68% 11.71%
2553. purchase 0.0029% 82.69% 11.71%
2554. hunting 0.0025% 82.69% 11.71%
2555. magazine 0.0023% 82.69% 11.71%
2556. tightly 0.0022% 82.69% 11.71%
2557. ideal 0.0021% 82.70% 11.71%
2558. urgent 0.0020% 82.70% 11.71%
2559. exception 0.0019% 82.70% 11.71%
2560. captain 0.0196% 82.72% 11.68%
2561. gray 0.0092% 82.73% 11.68%
2562. latter 0.0071% 82.73% 11.68%
2563. splendid 0.0041% 82.74% 11.68%
2564. stoop 0.0029% 82.74% 11.68%
2565. spoil 0.0027% 82.74% 11.68%
2566. route 0.0022% 82.75% 11.68%
2567. abuse 0.0021% 82.75% 11.68%
2568. covering 0.0020% 82.75% 11.68%
2569. noble 0.0055% 82.76% 11.66%
2570. sail 0.0046% 82.76% 11.66%
2571. kindness 0.0037% 82.76% 11.66%
2572. midst 0.0037% 82.77% 11.66%
2573. rested 0.0031% 82.77% 11.66%
2574. lap 0.0028% 82.77% 11.66%
2575. composed 0.0027% 82.78% 11.66%
2576. bitterly 0.0027% 82.78% 11.66%
2577. rude 0.0026% 82.78% 11.66%
2578. miracle 0.0025% 82.78% 11.66%
2579. stolen 0.0024% 82.79% 11.66%
2580. planned 0.0023% 82.79% 11.66%
2581. barrier 0.0022% 82.79% 11.66%
2582. channel 0.0019% 82.79% 11.66%
2583. confront 0.0017% 82.80% 11.66%
2584. international 0.0016% 82.80% 11.66%
2585. majority 0.0015% 82.80% 11.66%
2586. inspire 0.0013% 82.80% 11.66%
2587. honor 0.0060% 82.81% 11.63%
2588. prayer 0.0041% 82.81% 11.63%
2589. accustomed 0.0037% 82.81% 11.63%
2590. shone 0.0032% 82.82% 11.63%
2591. painting 0.0031% 82.82% 11.63%
2592. staff 0.0031% 82.82% 11.63%
2593. scent 0.0031% 82.83% 11.63%
2594. casual 0.0029% 82.83% 11.63%
2595. flutter 0.0027% 82.83% 11.63%
2596. sober 0.0024% 82.83% 11.63%
2597. savage 0.0050% 82.84% 11.60%
2598. motive 0.0044% 82.84% 11.60%
2599. hastily 0.0038% 82.85% 11.60%
2600. offend 0.0030% 82.85% 11.60%
2601. violently 0.0027% 82.85% 11.60%
2602. talent 0.0026% 82.86% 11.60%
2603. dried 0.0020% 82.86% 11.60%
2604. shore 0.0056% 82.86% 11.57%
2605. jacket 0.0036% 82.87% 11.57%
2606. angrily 0.0030% 82.87% 11.57%
2607. invitation 0.0027% 82.87% 11.57%
2608. hid 0.0027% 82.87% 11.57%
2609. armed 0.0026% 82.88% 11.57%
2610. crept 0.0025% 82.88% 11.57%
2611. justify 0.0025% 82.88% 11.57%
2612. raw 0.0018% 82.88% 11.57%
2613. involve 0.0013% 82.89% 11.57%
2614. daylight 0.0038% 82.89% 11.54%
2615. glove 0.0036% 82.89% 11.54%
2616. pillow 0.0035% 82.90% 11.54%
2617. deliberately 0.0026% 82.90% 11.54%
2618. sheer 0.0022% 82.90% 11.54%
2619. filling 0.0018% 82.90% 11.54%
2620. inquire 0.0064% 82.91% 11.51%
2621. indian 0.0062% 82.92% 11.51%
2622. prospect 0.0035% 82.92% 11.51%
2623. horizon 0.0031% 82.92% 11.51%
2624. illness 0.0028% 82.92% 11.51%
2625. haunt 0.0027% 82.93% 11.51%
2626. floating 0.0023% 82.93% 11.51%
2627. alike 0.0021% 82.93% 11.51%
2628. bite 0.0021% 82.93% 11.51%
2629. convince 0.0015% 82.94% 11.51%
2630. cigarette 0.0068% 82.94% 11.49%
2631. candle 0.0056% 82.95% 11.49%
2632. clasp 0.0034% 82.95% 11.49%
2633. counter 0.0029% 82.95% 11.49%
2634. neglect 0.0027% 82.96% 11.49%
2635. sunlight 0.0024% 82.96% 11.49%
2636. weird 0.0015% 82.96% 11.49%
2637. maid 0.0058% 82.97% 11.46%
2638. christian 0.0035% 82.97% 11.46%
2639. riding 0.0034% 82.97% 11.46%
2640. chicken 0.0029% 82.98% 11.46%
2641. purple 0.0028% 82.98% 11.46%
2642. decline 0.0023% 82.98% 11.46%
2643. assemble 0.0020% 82.98% 11.46%
2644. crop 0.0019% 82.99% 11.46%
2645. conflict 0.0018% 82.99% 11.46%
2646. la 0.0074% 82.99% 11.43%
2647. departure 0.0037% 83.00% 11.43%
2648. pig 0.0029% 83.00% 11.43%
2649. warmth 0.0029% 83.00% 11.43%
2650. section 0.0028% 83.01% 11.43%
2651. movie 0.0027% 83.01% 11.43%
2652. pencil 0.0027% 83.01% 11.43%
2653. personality 0.0023% 83.01% 11.43%
2654. melt 0.0022% 83.02% 11.43%
2655. fascinate 0.0016% 83.02% 11.43%
2656. worthy 0.0042% 83.02% 11.40%
2657. sin 0.0041% 83.03% 11.40%
2658. beard 0.0039% 83.03% 11.40%
2659. astonishment 0.0035% 83.03% 11.40%
2660. dispose 0.0033% 83.04% 11.40%
2661. shouting 0.0032% 83.04% 11.40%
2662. faintly 0.0028% 83.04% 11.40%
2663. ash 0.0027% 83.05% 11.40%
2664. loudly 0.0025% 83.05% 11.40%
2665. thumb 0.0023% 83.05% 11.40%
2666. stole 0.0023% 83.05% 11.40%
2667. ringing 0.0022% 83.06% 11.40%
2668. lake 0.0066% 83.06% 11.37%
2669. cries 0.0039% 83.07% 11.37%
2670. hush 0.0033% 83.07% 11.37%
2671. column 0.0030% 83.07% 11.37%
2672. restless 0.0029% 83.07% 11.37%
2673. scheme 0.0028% 83.08% 11.37%
2674. steam 0.0026% 83.08% 11.37%
2675. considering 0.0025% 83.08% 11.37%
2676. chat 0.0019% 83.08% 11.37%
2677. damned 0.0043% 83.09% 11.34%
2678. liberty 0.0037% 83.09% 11.34%
2679. curiously 0.0027% 83.10% 11.34%
2680. starve 0.0022% 83.10% 11.34%
2681. recommend 0.0022% 83.10% 11.34%
2682. elsewhere 0.0019% 83.10% 11.34%
2683. fascinating 0.0013% 83.10% 11.34%
2684. necessity 0.0035% 83.11% 11.32%
2685. parted 0.0030% 83.11% 11.32%
2686. fatal 0.0027% 83.11% 11.32%
2687. romantic 0.0024% 83.11% 11.32%
2688. traffic 0.0020% 83.12% 11.32%
2689. reassure 0.0020% 83.12% 11.32%
2690. target 0.0019% 83.12% 11.32%
2691. lined 0.0018% 83.12% 11.32%
2692. overlook 0.0017% 83.12% 11.32%
2693. appropriate 0.0015% 83.13% 11.32%
2694. creation 0.0015% 83.13% 11.32%
2695. beast 0.0047% 83.13% 11.29%
2696. sorrow 0.0044% 83.14% 11.29%
2697. yell 0.0041% 83.14% 11.29%
2698. damp 0.0030% 83.14% 11.29%
2699. glory 0.0028% 83.15% 11.29%
2700. ache 0.0028% 83.15% 11.29%
2701. bowl 0.0025% 83.15% 11.29%
2702. outline 0.0022% 83.15% 11.29%
2703. extend 0.0017% 83.15% 11.29%
2704. split 0.0017% 83.16% 11.29%
2705. treasure 0.0029% 83.16% 11.26%
2706. cow 0.0028% 83.16% 11.26%
2707. wrist 0.0028% 83.17% 11.26%
2708. british 0.0024% 83.17% 11.26%
2709. co 0.0020% 83.17% 11.26%
2710. organ 0.0019% 83.17% 11.26%
2711. conference 0.0019% 83.17% 11.26%
2712. reduced 0.0018% 83.18% 11.26%
2713. alternative 0.0015% 83.18% 11.26%
2714. spectacle 0.0033% 83.18% 11.23%
2715. tragedy 0.0023% 83.18% 11.23%
2716. preferred 0.0021% 83.18% 11.23%
2717. temporary 0.0021% 83.19% 11.23%
2718. unnecessary 0.0019% 83.19% 11.23%
2719. stress 0.0017% 83.19% 11.23%
2720. deceive 0.0036% 83.19% 11.20%
2721. wedding 0.0036% 83.20% 11.20%
2722. mask 0.0029% 83.20% 11.20%
2723. vivid 0.0024% 83.20% 11.20%
2724. bewilder 0.0024% 83.20% 11.20%
2725. feather 0.0022% 83.21% 11.20%
2726. rattle 0.0022% 83.21% 11.20%
2727. salt 0.0021% 83.21% 11.20%
2728. holy 0.0039% 83.22% 11.17%
2729. basket 0.0033% 83.22% 11.17%
2730. bolt 0.0027% 83.22% 11.17%
2731. amusement 0.0025% 83.22% 11.17%
2732. bored 0.0024% 83.23% 11.17%
2733. customer 0.0023% 83.23% 11.17%
2734. mid 0.0014% 83.23% 11.17%
2735. virtue 0.0035% 83.23% 11.15%
2736. holiday 0.0028% 83.24% 11.15%
2737. panic 0.0025% 83.24% 11.15%
2738. spark 0.0018% 83.24% 11.15%
2739. media 0.0015% 83.24% 11.15%
2740. carriage 0.0095% 83.25% 11.12%
2741. rat 0.0041% 83.26% 11.12%
2742. swung 0.0035% 83.26% 11.12%
2743. suicide 0.0026% 83.26% 11.12%
2744. extended 0.0023% 83.26% 11.12%
2745. alert 0.0020% 83.27% 11.12%
2746. failing 0.0014% 83.27% 11.12%
2747. scarcely 0.0073% 83.27% 11.09%
2748. sweat 0.0032% 83.28% 11.09%
2749. mud 0.0030% 83.28% 11.09%
2750. modest 0.0024% 83.28% 11.09%
2751. reserve 0.0022% 83.29% 11.09%
2752. wrinkle 0.0022% 83.29% 11.09%
2753. elderly 0.0022% 83.29% 11.09%
2754. consent 0.0037% 83.29% 11.06%
2755. rob 0.0031% 83.30% 11.06%
2756. lab 0.0016% 83.30% 11.06%
2757. minister 0.0034% 83.30% 11.03%
2758. curse 0.0031% 83.30% 11.03%
2759. mounted 0.0028% 83.31% 11.03%
2760. awaken 0.0028% 83.31% 11.03%
2761. sincere 0.0027% 83.31% 11.03%
2762. idiot 0.0024% 83.32% 11.03%
2763. freely 0.0021% 83.32% 11.03%
2764. temperature 0.0020% 83.32% 11.03%
2765. bubble 0.0018% 83.32% 11.03%
2766. adult 0.0017% 83.32% 11.03%
2767. application 0.0015% 83.32% 11.03%
2768. quiver 0.0032% 83.33% 11.00%
2769. grim 0.0025% 83.33% 11.00%
2770. disappointment 0.0025% 83.33% 11.00%
2771. tax 0.0018% 83.33% 11.00%
2772. distinct 0.0018% 83.34% 11.00%
2773. volunteer 0.0018% 83.34% 11.00%
2774. prime 0.0016% 83.34% 11.00%
2775. debate 0.0014% 83.34% 11.00%
2776. agony 0.0033% 83.34% 10.98%
2777. portion 0.0026% 83.35% 10.98%
2778. hunger 0.0026% 83.35% 10.98%
2779. chatter 0.0023% 83.35% 10.98%
2780. gravity 0.0023% 83.35% 10.98%
2781. consult 0.0022% 83.36% 10.98%
2782. renew 0.0022% 83.36% 10.98%
2783. formal 0.0020% 83.36% 10.98%
2784. amaze 0.0019% 83.36% 10.98%
2785. disorder 0.0019% 83.36% 10.98%
2786. measured 0.0015% 83.37% 10.98%
2787. evolve 0.0011% 83.37% 10.98%
2788. bye 0.0040% 83.37% 10.95%
2789. downstairs 0.0039% 83.37% 10.95%
2790. district 0.0037% 83.38% 10.95%
2791. wicked 0.0035% 83.38% 10.95%
2792. bay 0.0032% 83.39% 10.95%
2793. endure 0.0030% 83.39% 10.95%
2794. trifle 0.0029% 83.39% 10.95%
2795. domestic 0.0025% 83.39% 10.95%
2796. goods 0.0019% 83.40% 10.95%
2797. threatening 0.0019% 83.40% 10.95%
2798. proportion 0.0018% 83.40% 10.95%
2799. chemical 0.0016% 83.40% 10.95%
2800. engage 0.0013% 83.40% 10.95%
2801. engagement 0.0031% 83.41% 10.92%
2802. coal 0.0031% 83.41% 10.92%
2803. resolution 0.0029% 83.41% 10.92%
2804. fury 0.0028% 83.41% 10.92%
2805. genuine 0.0022% 83.42% 10.92%
2806. depression 0.0016% 83.42% 10.92%
2807. topic 0.0016% 83.42% 10.92%
2808. commercial 0.0015% 83.42% 10.92%
2809. estate 0.0041% 83.42% 10.89%
2810. abroad 0.0033% 83.43% 10.89%
2811. contempt 0.0029% 83.43% 10.89%
2812. glitter 0.0029% 83.43% 10.89%
2813. glare 0.0024% 83.44% 10.89%
2814. punish 0.0024% 83.44% 10.89%
2815. graceful 0.0023% 83.44% 10.89%
2816. sole 0.0022% 83.44% 10.89%
2817. awe 0.0019% 83.45% 10.89%
2818. blown 0.0017% 83.45% 10.89%
2819. extract 0.0016% 83.45% 10.89%
2820. misery 0.0037% 83.45% 10.86%
2821. fever 0.0032% 83.46% 10.86%
2822. resemble 0.0027% 83.46% 10.86%
2823. defeat 0.0024% 83.46% 10.86%
2824. pretended 0.0021% 83.46% 10.86%
2825. retain 0.0021% 83.46% 10.86%
2826. briefly 0.0019% 83.47% 10.86%
2827. ghost 0.0043% 83.47% 10.83%
2828. praise 0.0031% 83.47% 10.83%
2829. preparation 0.0026% 83.48% 10.83%
2830. needle 0.0022% 83.48% 10.83%
2831. author 0.0022% 83.48% 10.83%
2832. triumphant 0.0021% 83.48% 10.83%
2833. intellectual 0.0021% 83.49% 10.83%
2834. site 0.0018% 83.49% 10.83%
2835. determine 0.0013% 83.49% 10.83%
2836. corridor 0.0051% 83.49% 10.81%
2837. fence 0.0034% 83.50% 10.81%
2838. elder 0.0032% 83.50% 10.81%
2839. doubtful 0.0029% 83.50% 10.81%
2840. stable 0.0027% 83.51% 10.81%
2841. fled 0.0024% 83.51% 10.81%
2842. clap 0.0022% 83.51% 10.81%
2843. fragment 0.0021% 83.51% 10.81%
2844. enthusiasm 0.0021% 83.51% 10.81%
2845. transport 0.0020% 83.52% 10.81%
2846. lung 0.0018% 83.52% 10.81%
2847. resistance 0.0018% 83.52% 10.81%
2848. shatter 0.0018% 83.52% 10.81%
2849. ending 0.0013% 83.52% 10.81%
2850. wretched 0.0039% 83.53% 10.78%
2851. slave 0.0038% 83.53% 10.78%
2852. crown 0.0031% 83.53% 10.78%
2853. distress 0.0028% 83.54% 10.78%
2854. seldom 0.0028% 83.54% 10.78%
2855. eternal 0.0026% 83.54% 10.78%
2856. quantity 0.0020% 83.54% 10.78%
2857. employe 0.0026% 83.55% 10.75%
2858. ticket 0.0025% 83.55% 10.75%
2859. hesitation 0.0022% 83.55% 10.75%
2860. joint 0.0017% 83.55% 10.75%
2861. gown 0.0040% 83.56% 10.72%
2862. straw 0.0027% 83.56% 10.72%
2863. apparent 0.0021% 83.56% 10.72%
2864. shaken 0.0021% 83.56% 10.72%
2865. seed 0.0021% 83.57% 10.72%
2866. backed 0.0017% 83.57% 10.72%
2867. quit 0.0037% 83.57% 10.69%
2868. feeble 0.0029% 83.57% 10.69%
2869. summon 0.0026% 83.58% 10.69%
2870. obscure 0.0023% 83.58% 10.69%
2871. punishment 0.0023% 83.58% 10.69%
2872. delicious 0.0020% 83.58% 10.69%
2873. honestly 0.0017% 83.59% 10.69%
2874. mist 0.0034% 83.59% 10.66%
2875. immense 0.0032% 83.59% 10.66%
2876. jealous 0.0030% 83.59% 10.66%
2877. evident 0.0029% 83.60% 10.66%
2878. shriek 0.0029% 83.60% 10.66%
2879. hatred 0.0029% 83.60% 10.66%
2880. bullet 0.0029% 83.61% 10.66%
2881. belt 0.0025% 83.61% 10.66%
2882. convey 0.0023% 83.61% 10.66%
2883. practically 0.0023% 83.61% 10.66%
2884. arouse 0.0022% 83.62% 10.66%
2885. southern 0.0019% 83.62% 10.66%
2886. privilege 0.0017% 83.62% 10.66%
2887. indicate 0.0017% 83.62% 10.66%
2888. visiting 0.0015% 83.62% 10.66%
2889. text 0.0015% 83.62% 10.66%
2890. combined 0.0013% 83.63% 10.66%
2891. inquiry 0.0044% 83.63% 10.64%
2892. monster 0.0034% 83.63% 10.64%
2893. pole 0.0030% 83.64% 10.64%
2894. pinch 0.0030% 83.64% 10.64%
2895. yield 0.0029% 83.64% 10.64%
2896. examination 0.0026% 83.64% 10.64%
2897. sang 0.0025% 83.65% 10.64%
2898. assistance 0.0024% 83.65% 10.64%
2899. luxury 0.0020% 83.65% 10.64%
2900. pulse 0.0018% 83.65% 10.64%
2901. yourselves 0.0015% 83.65% 10.64%
2902. educated 0.0015% 83.66% 10.64%
2903. translate 0.0013% 83.66% 10.64%
2904. cycle 0.0012% 83.66% 10.64%
2905. generate 0.0010% 83.66% 10.64%
2906. brisk 0.0024% 83.66% 10.61%
2907. screaming 0.0024% 83.66% 10.61%
2908. mock 0.0023% 83.67% 10.61%
2909. whirl 0.0023% 83.67% 10.61%
2910. pursuit 0.0022% 83.67% 10.61%
2911. idle 0.0022% 83.67% 10.61%
2912. pant 0.0021% 83.68% 10.61%
2913. cling 0.0020% 83.68% 10.61%
2914. sweep 0.0018% 83.68% 10.61%
2915. injury 0.0018% 83.68% 10.61%
2916. rarely 0.0017% 83.68% 10.61%
2917. reject 0.0017% 83.68% 10.61%
2918. speaker 0.0030% 83.69% 10.58%
2919. halt 0.0030% 83.69% 10.58%
2920. bath 0.0029% 83.69% 10.58%
2921. fasten 0.0026% 83.70% 10.58%
2922. gratitude 0.0026% 83.70% 10.58%
2923. furnished 0.0022% 83.70% 10.58%
2924. belonging 0.0021% 83.70% 10.58%
2925. sixteen 0.0020% 83.71% 10.58%
2926. shower 0.0020% 83.71% 10.58%
2927. advise 0.0019% 83.71% 10.58%
2928. emergency 0.0017% 83.71% 10.58%
2929. zero 0.0016% 83.71% 10.58%
2930. darling 0.0064% 83.72% 10.55%
2931. thunder 0.0029% 83.72% 10.55%
2932. accent 0.0022% 83.72% 10.55%
2933. anxiously 0.0022% 83.73% 10.55%
2934. contract 0.0021% 83.73% 10.55%
2935. leaf 0.0018% 83.73% 10.55%
2936. whereas 0.0017% 83.73% 10.55%
2937. recognition 0.0015% 83.73% 10.55%
2938. layer 0.0015% 83.73% 10.55%
2939. lighting 0.0014% 83.74% 10.55%
2940. ton 0.0014% 83.74% 10.55%
2941. convert 0.0013% 83.74% 10.55%
2942. creative 0.0013% 83.74% 10.55%
2943. grey 0.0078% 83.75% 10.52%
2944. plainly 0.0032% 83.75% 10.52%
2945. flag 0.0025% 83.75% 10.52%
2946. horn 0.0023% 83.76% 10.52%
2947. gotten 0.0022% 83.76% 10.52%
2948. indicated 0.0021% 83.76% 10.52%
2949. relate 0.0020% 83.76% 10.52%
2950. actor 0.0020% 83.76% 10.52%
2951. pouring 0.0016% 83.77% 10.52%
2952. aunt 0.0128% 83.78% 10.49%
2953. diamond 0.0043% 83.78% 10.49%
2954. veil 0.0029% 83.79% 10.49%
2955. factory 0.0028% 83.79% 10.49%
2956. lecture 0.0020% 83.79% 10.49%
2957. coin 0.0019% 83.79% 10.49%
2958. sport 0.0017% 83.79% 10.49%
2959. tradition 0.0017% 83.80% 10.49%
2960. reader 0.0038% 83.80% 10.47%
2961. breeze 0.0024% 83.80% 10.47%
2962. absent 0.0024% 83.80% 10.47%
2963. chuckle 0.0023% 83.81% 10.47%
2964. knot 0.0021% 83.81% 10.47%
2965. risen 0.0020% 83.81% 10.47%
2966. flowing 0.0015% 83.81% 10.47%
2967. associated 0.0013% 83.81% 10.47%
2968. technical 0.0012% 83.81% 10.47%
2969. em 0.0084% 83.82% 10.44%
2970. earnest 0.0034% 83.83% 10.44%
2971. saturday 0.0033% 83.83% 10.44%
2972. pit 0.0028% 83.83% 10.44%
2973. waist 0.0027% 83.84% 10.44%
2974. objection 0.0026% 83.84% 10.44%
2975. persist 0.0021% 83.84% 10.44%
2976. pet 0.0020% 83.84% 10.44%
2977. lazy 0.0020% 83.84% 10.44%
2978. noisy 0.0019% 83.85% 10.44%
2979. production 0.0013% 83.85% 10.44%
2980. concept 0.0012% 83.85% 10.44%
2981. clerk 0.0053% 83.85% 10.41%
2982. jewel 0.0034% 83.86% 10.41%
2983. distinguished 0.0025% 83.86% 10.41%
2984. vehicle 0.0023% 83.86% 10.41%
2985. amusing 0.0021% 83.86% 10.41%
2986. o’clock 0.0072% 83.87% 10.38%
2987. motionless 0.0034% 83.87% 10.38%
2988. admiration 0.0033% 83.88% 10.38%
2989. assistant 0.0030% 83.88% 10.38%
2990. stout 0.0026% 83.88% 10.38%
2991. moan 0.0025% 83.89% 10.38%
2992. powder 0.0023% 83.89% 10.38%
2993. drum 0.0021% 83.89% 10.38%
2994. inform 0.0021% 83.89% 10.38%
2995. envy 0.0020% 83.89% 10.38%
2996. grip 0.0020% 83.90% 10.38%
2997. washing 0.0019% 83.90% 10.38%
2998. nightmare 0.0018% 83.90% 10.38%
2999. campaign 0.0018% 83.90% 10.38%
3000. fuel 0.0017% 83.90% 10.38%


Last updated:

February 1, 2023

Have you ever heard someone say an English word you didn’t understand?

A lot of English words come from other cultures and languages, so English has a ton of interesting words that you may not be familiar with yet.

The words in this post are considered unique because they have unusual spelling, pronunciation and meanings.

For each word, there is a pronunciation guide from Merriam-Webster, as well as our own audio, plus a definition and an example sentence.

So, let’s look at 16 unique words in English that you can add to your vocabulary lists!


  • 1. Flummox
  • 2. Dowdy
  • 3. Howdy
  • 4. Nincompoop
  • 5. Muesli
  • 6. Phlegm
  • 7. Baloney
  • 8. Myopic
  • 9. Bamboozle
  • 10. Phyllo
  • 11. Thwart
  • 12. Brouhaha
  • 13. Zeal
  • 14. Pneumatic
  • 15. Noxious
  • 16. Flimflam
  • Why Learn Unique Words in English?

This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you
can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)

1. Flummox

Pronunciation: ˈflə-məks

When you read this word, does it jump out and make you a little confused?

If so, you were right to be confused and puzzled! That’s exactly what flummox (verb) means.

Whenever you see an unusual English word, you’re likely to be flummoxed for a bit until you check your dictionary and find out that its meaning is really quite simple.

2. Dowdy

Pronunciation: ˈdau̇-dē

This word looks simple but it’s unique in that it’s a pretty old word that’s not used often these days.

Dowdy (adjective) is used to describe something that’s old and shabby, not modern or stylish.

Maybe she’s having a bad day. I’ve never seen her wearing anything so dowdy before.

3. Howdy

Pronunciation: ˈhau̇-dē

This word rhymes with the previous word but means something completely different.

Howdy is a casual greeting that is not commonly used, but can add some flavor to your English.

4. Nincompoop

Pronunciation: ˈnin-kəm-ˌpüp

Here’s a word that not only looks funny but sounds funny too. Try saying it out loud!

What’s even funnier is that nincompoop (noun) means a silly person and is sometimes used jokingly to refer to someone who is not very smart.

My house is just down the road from the bus stop. I don’t understand how those nincompoops managed to lose their way.

5. Muesli

Pronunciation: ˈmyüs-lē

Notice the unusual spelling and pronunciation of this word, which was first used in 1939.

Muesli (noun) is a cereal consisting of rolled oats, fruits and nuts. It’s a popular breakfast food in Switzerland.

Eating a bowl of muesli in the morning is a healthy way to start your day.

6. Phlegm

Pronunciation: ˈflem

This word is unusual in that its spelling doesn’t reflect how it’s pronounced.

Phlegm (noun) is the viscous (thick) fluid that blocks your nose and throat when you have the flu.

Phlegm and a runny nose can really make you feel uncomfortable, so it’s best to take the day off and stay home till you feel better.

7. Baloney

Pronunciation: bə-ˈlō-nē

According to Merriam-Webster, this word was first used almost 100 years ago! Do you know what it means? Hint: It has nothing to do with balloons. 

Baloney (noun) simply means nonsense and is often used when you disagree with someone.

That’s baloney! Don’t believe a word that he says!

8. Myopic

Pronunciation: mī-ˈō-pik

You may find this word unique because of its unusual spelling.

Myopic (adjective) is the scientific word for nearsightedness, an eye condition in which you’re unable to see objects or images that are far away from you.

I’m myopic. I really need my eyeglasses. I can’t see without them.

9. Bamboozle

Pronunciation: bam-ˈbü-zəl

This word was first used around 300 years ago. That’s really old! Any idea what it means? Hint: It’s not related to bamboo.

To bamboozle (verb) someone means to trick or confuse them.

I went to buy a TV that was on sale but ended up being bamboozled into buying a more expensive unit.

10. Phyllo

Pronunciation: ˈfē-(ˌ)lō

Now, this is a pretty unique word not only because of the way it’s spelled but also because of how it’s pronounced.

Phyllo (noun) is a very thin dough that pastry chefs layer together to form a flaky pastry.

The orange-pecan baklava pie I had yesterday was made with phyllo pastry. Yummy!

11. Thwart

Pronunciation: ˈthwȯrt

This word dates back to the 13th century. Indeed, its spelling is similar to how some old English words are spelled, and it’s unique because it’s still used quite often today.

To thwart (verb) means to ruin (spoil) someone’s efforts or to prevent a plan from becoming successful.

We spent months preparing to climb Mount Everest. Who knew the weather would thwart our plans at the last minute?

12. Brouhaha

Pronunciation: ˈbrü-ˌhä-ˌhä

Here’s an old-fashioned, informal word with a funny pronunciation that was taken directly from French. Are you laughing now? I bet you are. Ha-ha!

Brouhaha (noun) simply means an uproar (upset) or a lot of anger and complaining.

What’s with all that brouhaha? I think he did the right thing by resigning from his position.

13. Zeal

Pronunciation: ˈzēl

Words that begin with the letter “z” are always interesting. This one is also unique because it comes from Latin and Greek and was first used in the 14th century.

Zeal (noun) refers to a strong interest or eagerness in pursuing something.

Her zeal for handmade designer shoes and handbags has made her the talk of the town.

14. Pneumatic

Pronunciation: nu̇-ˈma-tik

Does this word look unusual to you? I find the spelling very interesting. It’s not common for the letter “p” to be followed by “n.”

Pneumatic (adjective) is used to describe something that’s filled with air or gas or that uses air pressure.

Can you think of an example of something that’s pneumatic? That’s right. Car tires, bicycle pumps and vacuum cleaners are all pneumatic.

15. Noxious

Pronunciation: ˈnäk-shəs

Words with the letter “x” are also quite interesting. Note the pronunciation of this word, as it’s not usually how you would pronounce the letter “x.”

Noxious (adjective) often refers to something that’s dangerous, harmful or destructive to living things.

You shouldn’t be standing behind that bus and breathing in all those noxious fumes. It’s bad for your health.

16. Flimflam

Pronunciation: ˈflim-ˌflam

Now here’s a cute and funny word that’s been around since the 16th century, according to Merriam-Webster. Can you guess its meaning?

Flimflam (noun) refers to a trick or a ploy to deceive someone.

If you’re going to buy a used car online, you must be able to separate the flimflam from the facts.

Why Learn Unique Words in English?

Because unique and unusual words are so interesting, they can be both good fun and challenging to learn.

When you look at a unique English word, you may be puzzled about how to pronounce it, or you may wonder why it’s spelled the way it is.

Apart from satisfying curiosity and challenging yourself, it’s easy to see why knowing unique words can be useful if you’re someone who loves playing word games. Many of these words may not be used very often, which may put you at an advantage to win!

Finally, because unusual English words are used less often, using them will make you sound smart.

Remember, the more you practice with these unique English words the more fluent you’ll sound, and you’ll surely impress a lot of people! Learning unique words is one path to becoming an advanced English learner.

So there you have it—a list of unique English words you can add to your vocabulary!

To learn more unusual words by hearing them in context, watch an English-language movie or try a virtual immersion program. FluentU, for example, teaches English vocabulary using web videos enhanced with interactive captions.

So, go out there, have fun and impress everyone!

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can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)

тематический словарь английского языка

В этом словаре собраны 3000 употребительных английских слов — это ядро словарного запаса, самые нужные слова, которые нужно стремиться выучить в первую очередь. Слова распределены по частям речи и темам. Вы также можете скачать весь словарь одним файлом.

Содержание Словаря 3000

  • Английский алфавит
  • Правила чтения


  1. Природа
  2. Животные, растения
  3. Время
  4. Человек
  5. Математика
  6. Физические явления, характеристики
  7. Материалы
  8. Техника
  9. Пространство
  10. Логика
  11. Мышление
  12. Психология, чувства
  13. Семья
  14. Взаимоотношения
  15. Сотрудничество
  16. Живопись, фотография
  17. Кино, театр, музыка
  18. Литература
  19. Религия
  20. Спорт
  21. Общение
  22. Учеба
  23. Наука
  24. Государство и общество
  25. Армия
  26. Экономика, бизнес
  27. Промышленность
  28. Работа, карьера
  29. Профессии, должности
  30. Город
  31. Транспорт
  32. Закон
  33. Дом, быт
  34. Еда
  35. Одежда
  36. Медицина
  37. Информационные технологии

Если вам кажется, что 3000 слов — это слишком много, рекомендую начать со Словаря 500 — это краткая выжимка из Словаря 3000 для начинающих, выбрано основное из основного.

Почему в словаре именно 3000 слов?

Лингвисты считают, что основа словарного запаса в английском языке — это примерно 2000 — 3000 слов.

  • 1000 самых распространенных слов перекрывает 78-81% письменного текста.
  • 3000 слов – около 85% текста.
  • 6000-7000 слов – 90% текста.

Выходит, что первые по частоте употребления 3000 слов дают понимание 85% текста, а вторые 3000 – прибавляют всего 5%. Каждая следующая тысяча слов добавляет намного меньше предыдущей. Это связано с тем, что менее распространенные слова (не входящие в самые частые 3000) встречаются редко. Поэтому считается, что для скорейшего изучения языка эффективнее всего выучить самые употребительные 2000-3000 слов, а затем пополнять словарный запас, читая и слушая оригинальные материалы: новости, художественную литературу, фильмы, радио и т. д.

Что считается за одно слово в английском языке?

Говоря о словарном запасе, ученые понимают под одним словом не отдельное слово, а словарную семью (word family) – центральное слово (headword) плюс его производные, которые образуются с помощью окончаний, приставок и суффиксов.

пример семьи словДостаточно знать основы грамматики и закономерности словообразования, чтобы из слова burn (жечь) сделать burner (горелка) или burnable (горючий). Словарь 3000 содержит 3000 центральных слов. Зная особенности словообразования, вы будете понимать не только эти 3000 слов, но и все их производные.

Буду ли я свободно владеть английским языком, выучив эти 3000 слов?

Словарный запас – очень важная, но не единственная составляющая владения языком. Знание слов само по себе даст вам только знание слов. Для владения языком нужно знание основ грамматики и практика в речевой деятельности (она включает чтение, слушание, устную и письменную речь).

В своей книге «Как выучить английский язык» я называю это сочетание формулой языка:

Владение языком = (словарный запас + грамматика) × практика в 4-х видах речевой деятельности.

Словарь 3000 – краткий способ заложить основы словарного запаса. На большее он не претендует.


Здравствуйте! Меня зовут Сергей Ним, я автор этого сайта, а также книг, курсов, видеоуроков по английскому языку.

Подпишитесь на мой Телеграм-канал, чтобы узнавать о новых видео, материалах по английскому языку.

У меня также есть канал на YouTube, где я регулярно публикую свои видео.

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