Word ball on his what


  • Mordecai as Hector
  • Margaret as Jessica
  • Rigby as Marcus


Mordecai: I was nine years old, and I thought I was great
I had just got the power

Margaret: But he couldn’t get it straight
He took his wordball and thought didn’t know where it landed

Mordecai: So I tried to play course and I had it left-handed
Margaret: So he kept showing my feet, and started to strut
Mordecai: And no one ever told me I had my wordball on my…
Rigby: WHAT?!
Margaret: You know what?
Rigby: His WHAT?!
Margaret: His you know what?
Margaret and Rigby: His you know WHAT?!
Margaret: That’s right he had wordball on his
Wordball on his

Mordecai: What I didn’t know and it was there all day
So he was started pointing when I come in way
So I found myself a mirror, and I felt like a nut!</

Margaret: He’s finally he saw it
The wordball on his…

Rigby: WHAT?!
Margaret: You know what?
Rigby: His WHAT?!
Margaret: His you know what?
Margaret and Rigby: His you know WHAT?!
Margaret: That’s right he had wordball on his
Wordball on his

Rigby: WHAT?!
Margaret: You know what?
Rigby: His WHAT?!
Margaret and Rigby: His you know WHAT?!
Margaret: That’s right he had wordball on his
Wordball on his

Mordecai: Anyway, that’s the story.

Princeton’s WordNetRate this definition:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. ballnoun

    round object that is hit or thrown or kicked in games

    «the ball travelled 90 mph on his serve»; «the mayor threw out the first ball»; «the ball rolled into the corner pocket»

  2. musket ball, ballnoun

    a solid projectile that is shot by a musket

    «they had to carry a ramrod as well as powder and ball»

  3. ball, globe, orbnoun

    an object with a spherical shape

    «a ball of fire»

  4. ballnoun

    the people assembled at a lavish formal dance

    «the ball was already emptying out before the fire alarm sounded»

  5. testis, testicle, orchis, ball, ballock, bollock, nut, eggnoun

    one of the two male reproductive glands that produce spermatozoa and secrete androgens

    «she kicked him in the balls and got away»

  6. ballnoun

    a spherical object used as a plaything

    «he played with his rubber ball in the bathtub»

  7. Ball, Lucille Ballnoun

    United States comedienne best known as the star of a popular television program (1911-1989)

  8. ball, clod, glob, lump, clump, chunknoun

    a compact mass

    «a ball of mud caught him on the shoulder»

  9. ball, formalnoun

    a lavish dance requiring formal attire

  10. ballnoun

    a more or less rounded anatomical body or mass

    «the ball at the base of the thumb»; «he stood on the balls of his feet»

  11. ballnoun

    the game of baseball

  12. ballverb

    a pitch that is not in the strike zone

    «he threw nine straight balls before the manager yanked him»

  13. ballverb

    form into a ball by winding or rolling

    «ball wool»

Samuel Johnson’s DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. Ballnoun

    Etymology: bol, Dan. bol. Dut.
    Bel, diminutively Belin, the sun, or Apollo of the Celtæ, was called by the ancient Gauls Abellio. Whatever was round, and in particular the head, was called by the ancients either Bâl, or Bel, and likewise Ból and Biil. Among the modern Persians, the head is called Pole; and the Flemings still call the head Bolle. Πόλος is the head or poll, and πολεῖν, is to turn. Βολος likewise signifies a round ball, whence bowl, and bell, and ball, which the Welch term bêl. By the Scotch also the head is named bhêl; whence the English bill is derived, signifying the beak of a bird. Figuratively, the Phrygians and Thurians, by βάλλην understood a king. Hence also, in the Syriack dialects, βαάλ, βήλ, and likewise βῶλ, signifies lord, and by this name also the sun; and, in some dialects, Ἤλ and Ἲλ, whence Ἲλος, and Ἥλιος, Ϝήλιος, and Βηλιος, and also in the Celtick diminutive way of expression, Ἕλενος, Ϝέλενος, and Βέλενος, signified the sun; and Ἑλένη, Ϝελένη, and Βελένη, the moon. Among the Teutonicks, hol and heil have the same meaning; whence the adjective holig, or heilig, is derived, and signifies divine or holy; and the aspiration being changed into s, the Romans form their Sol. William Baxter

    1. Any thing made in a round form.

    The worms with many feet, which round themselves into balls under logs of timber, but not in the timber.
    Francis Bacon.

    Nor arms they wear, nor swords and bucklers wield,
    But whirl from leathern strings huge balls of lead.

    Like a ball of snow tumbling down a hill, he gathered strength as he passed.
    James Howell, Vocal Forest.

    Still unripen’d in the dewy mines,
    Within the ball a trembling water shines,
    That through the chrystal darts.
    Joseph Addison, Rem. on Italy.

    Such of those corpuscles as happened to combine into one mass, formed the metallick and mineral balls, or nodules, which we find.
    John Woodward, Natural History.

    2. A round thing to play with, either with the hand or foot, or a racket.

    Balls to the stars, and thralls to fortune’s reign,
    Turn’d from themselves, infected with their cage,
    Where death is fear’d, and life is held with pain.
    Philip Sidney.

    Those I have seen play at ball, grow extremely earnest who should have the ball.
    Philip Sidney.

    3. A small round thing, with some particular mark, by which votes are given, or lots cast.

    Let lots decide it.
    For ev’ry number’d captive put a ball
    Into an urn; three only black be there,
    The rest, all white, are safe.
    John Dryden, Don Sebastian.

    Minos, the strict inquisitor, appears;
    Round in his urn the blended balls he rowls;
    Absolves the just, and dooms the guilty souls.

    4. A globe; as, the ball of the earth

    Julius and Antony, those lords of all,
    Low at her feet present the conquer’d ball.
    George Granville.

    Ye gods, what justice rules the ball?
    Freedom and arts together fall.
    Alexander Pope.

    5. A globe borne as an ensign of sovereignty.

    Hear the tragedy of a young man, that by right ought to hold the ball of a kingdom; but, by fortune, is made himself a ball, tossed from misery to misery, and from place to place.
    Francis Bacon, Henry VII.

    6. Any part of the body that approaches to roundness; as the lower and swelling part of the thumb, the apple of the eye.

    Be subject to no sight but mine; invisible
    To every eye ball else.
    William Shakespeare, Tempest.

    To make a stern countenance, let your brow bend so, that that it may almost touch the ball of the eye.
    Henry Peacham.

    7. The parchment spread over a hollow piece of wood, stuffed with hair or wool, which the printers dip in ink, to spread it on the letters.

  2. Ballnoun

    An entertainment of dancing, at which the preparations are made at the expence of some particular person.

    Etymology: bal , Fr. from ballare , low Lat. from βαλλίζειν, to dance.

    If golden sconces hang not on the walls,
    To light the costly suppers and the balls.

    He would make no extraordinary figure at a ball; but I can assure the ladies, for their consolation, that he has writ better verses on the sex than any man.
    Jonathan Swift.

WikipediaRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. BALL

    BALL (Biochemical Algorithms Library) is a C++ class framework and set of algorithms and data structures for molecular modelling and computational structural bioinformatics, a Python interface to this library, and a graphical user interface to BALL, the molecule viewer BALLView.
    BALL has evolved from a commercial product into free-of-charge open-source software licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). BALLView is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) license.
    BALL and BALLView have been ported to the operating systems Linux, macOS, Solaris, and Windows.
    The molecule viewer BALLView, also developed by the BALL project team, is a C++ application of BALL using Qt, and OpenGL with the real-time ray tracer RTFact as render back-ends. For both, BALLView offers three-dimensional and stereoscopic visualizing in several different modes, and applying directly the algorithms of the BALL library via its graphical user interface.
    The BALL project is developed and maintained by groups at Saarland University, Mainz University, and University of Tübingen. Both the library and the viewer are used for education and research. BALL packages have been made available in the Debian project.

Webster DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. Ballnoun

    any round or roundish body or mass; a sphere or globe; as, a ball of twine; a ball of snow

  2. Ballnoun

    a spherical body of any substance or size used to play with, as by throwing, knocking, kicking, etc

  3. Ballnoun

    a general name for games in which a ball is thrown, kicked, or knocked. See Baseball, and Football

  4. Ballnoun

    any solid spherical, cylindrical, or conical projectile of lead or iron, to be discharged from a firearm; as, a cannon ball; a rifle ball; — often used collectively; as, powder and ball. Spherical balls for the smaller firearms are commonly called bullets

  5. Ballnoun

    a flaming, roundish body shot into the air; a case filled with combustibles intended to burst and give light or set fire, or to produce smoke or stench; as, a fire ball; a stink ball

  6. Ballnoun

    a leather-covered cushion, fastened to a handle called a ballstock; — formerly used by printers for inking the form, but now superseded by the roller

  7. Ballnoun

    a roundish protuberant portion of some part of the body; as, the ball of the thumb; the ball of the foot

  8. Ballnoun

    a large pill, a form in which medicine is commonly given to horses; a bolus

  9. Ballnoun

    the globe or earth

  10. Ballverb

    to gather balls which cling to the feet, as of damp snow or clay; to gather into balls; as, the horse balls; the snow balls

  11. Ballverb

    to heat in a furnace and form into balls for rolling

  12. Ballverb

    to form or wind into a ball; as, to ball cotton

  13. Ballnoun

    a social assembly for the purpose of dancing

FreebaseRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. Ball

    A ball is a formal dance.
    Attenders wear evening attire, which is specified on the invitation as black tie or white tie. Social dance forms a large part of the evening; actual ballroom dancing may or may not occur.

Chambers 20th Century DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. Ball

    bawl, n. anything round: any celestial body, esp. the ‘globe:’ the golden orb borne with the sceptre as the emblem of sovereignty: a globular body to play with in tennis, football, golf, billiards, &c.: any rounded protuberant part of the body: a bullet, or any missile thrown from an engine of war: a rounded mass of anything: a throw or delivery of the ball at cricket: a well-known game played with a ball.&mdamdash;v.i. to gather itself into a ball, become clogged.—ns. Ball′-cart′ridge, a cartridge containing both powder and ball [Ball and Cartridge]; Ball′-cock, the stopcock of a cistern, attached to one end of a lever, at the other end of which is a hollow metal ball which rises and falls with the water, thus regulating the supply; Ball′-flow′er, an ornament of the decorated style of Gothic architecture, resembling a ball placed in a circular flower.—adj. Ball′-proof, proof against balls discharged from firearms.—Ball and socket, a joint formed of a ball partly enclosed in a cup, thus insuring great strength; Ball of the eye, the eye within the lids and socket.—No ball, a ball unfairly bowled.—Three golden or brass balls, the sign of a pawnbroker.—To have the ball at one’s feet, to have a thing in one’s power; To keep the ball up or rolling, to keep from flagging; To take up the ball, to take one’s turn in anything.—Wide ball, one out of the batsman’s reach. [M. E. bal, Scand. böllr; cog. with Old High Ger. ballo, pallo.]

  2. Ball

    bawl, n. an entertainment of dancing.—n. Ball′room.—To open the ball, to begin the dancing, to begin operations. [O. Fr. bal, baller, to dance—Low L. ballare, referred by some to Gr. ballizein.]

Dictionary of Nautical TermsRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. ball

    In a general sense, implies a spherical and round body, whether
    naturally so or formed into that figure by art. In a military view it
    comprehends all sorts of bullets for fire-arms, from the cannon to the
    pistol: also those pyrotechnic projectiles for guns or mortars, whether
    intended to destroy, or only to give light, smoke, or stench.

Military Dictionary and GazetteerRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. ball

    Is a general term applied to every kind of spherical shot fired from a musket, rifle, or cannon. Leaden balls are chiefly used for the small-arms and iron for the artillery. See Cartridge, Shot, Shells.

Editors ContributionRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. ball

    A type of product created for a specific sport.

    A ball is used for football, Rugby, Tennis etc.

    Submitted by MaryC on February 13, 2020  

Suggested ResourcesRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. ball

    Song lyrics by ball — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by ball on the Lyrics.com website.

  2. BALL

    What does BALL stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the BALL acronym on the Abbreviations.com website.

  3. Ball

    Ball vs. Bawl — In this Grammar.com article you will learn the differences between the words Ball and Bawl.

Etymology and OriginsRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. Ball

    A dancing party received this name primarily from the curious ancient Ball Play in Church by the Dean and choir boys of Naples during the “Feast of Fools” at Easter. While singing an antiphon the boys caught the ball thrown by the Dean as they danced around him. At private dancing parties the dancers always threw a ball at one another as, to the sound of their own voices, they whirled around in sets, the pastime consisting in loosening hands in time to catch it. Afterwards the ball was discarded, but the dance time received the name of a Ballad, from the Latin ballare, to dance.

Surnames Frequency by Census RecordsRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. BALL

    According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Ball is ranked #508 in terms of the most common surnames in America.

    The Ball surname appeared 66,059 times in the 2010 census and if you were to sample 100,000 people in the United States, approximately 22 would have the surname Ball.

    82.3% or 54,380 total occurrences were White.
    12% or 7,927 total occurrences were Black.
    2.3% or 1,552 total occurrences were of Hispanic origin.
    1.7% or 1,176 total occurrences were of two or more races.
    0.9% or 634 total occurrences were Asian.
    0.5% or 383 total occurrences were American Indian or Alaskan Native.

Matched Categories

    • Actress
    • Agglomeration
    • Comedienne
    • Dance
    • Game Equipment
    • Gonad
    • Male Reproductive Gland
    • Plaything
    • Shot
    • Sphere
    • Structure
    • Wind

British National Corpus

  1. Spoken Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘ball’ in Spoken Corpus Frequency: #1532

  2. Written Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘ball’ in Written Corpus Frequency: #879

  3. Nouns Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘ball’ in Nouns Frequency: #520

How to pronounce ball?

How to say ball in sign language?


  1. Chaldean Numerology

    The numerical value of ball in Chaldean Numerology is: 9

  2. Pythagorean Numerology

    The numerical value of ball in Pythagorean Numerology is: 9

Examples of ball in a Sentence

  1. John Cornyn:

    I think the President tends to conflate collusion and meddling, and fairly there is overwhelming evidence in meddling and no evidence in collusion, i think The ICA by and large was well done. I do think they dropped the ball with respect to crediting the Steele dossier — I think it gave rise to a lot of rumors and gave rise to a lot of unverified information, which should not have been part of it.

  2. Bryce Harper:

    My team gave me an opportunity in the ninth to put us ahead, i just missed that ball. It’s kind of devastating for me personally.

  3. Matthew Stafford:

    We came from Detroit, and there are a lot of good traveling teams there, but that was wild, matthew was on a silent count, and for those of you who don’t know what that is … when he hikes the ball, it’s either a loud count when you can hear him, and that’s what usually quarterbacks are on when they’re at home or a silent count. Matthew was on a silent count, Jimmy Garoppolo was not, who is the opposing quarterback.

  4. Haley Jones:

    ( My teammates) just kept instilling me with their confidence that they had, down the stretch I just knew if the ball came to me, I knew I had to shoot it.

  5. The King:

    Maybe this week or next week I’m going to start hitting the ball.

Popularity rank by frequency of use

Translations for ball

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • ампылAbkhaz
  • ضرة, كبة, كرةArabic
  • торгӏоAvaric
  • яйцо́, мяч, яе́чка, я́йка, шарBelarusian
  • кълбо́, бал, удрям едно мадо, възглавничка, сфе́ра, ташак, гюле, то́пкаBulgarian
  • པོ་ལོTibetan Standard
  • balBreton
  • bola, pilota, pilotesCatalan, Valencian
  • буьркChechen
  • koule, klubko, ples, míč, bál, vejceCzech
  • bold, bal, kugleDanish
  • Kugel, Ball, Fußballen, Mist, Knäuel, EiGerman
  • σφαίρα, χορός, μπάλαGreek
  • bulo, sfero, pilko, globo, baloEsperanto
  • [[coger]] con, tirada, pelota, huevos, esfera, bola, cojones, balón, círculo, agallas, baile, [[tirarse]] a, [[follar]] con, bala, pelotasSpanish
  • pall, ballEstonian
  • گوی, توپ, کرهPersian
  • panna, palli, pallo, tanssiaiset, paska, nussia, kuula, lankakerä, päkiä, kerä, muna, naida, paskapuheFinnish
  • dansur, dansiveitsla, ballFaroese
  • boulet, balle, boule, couille, conneries, bal, couilles, peloteFrench
  • bal, bolWestern Frisian
  • liathróid, róidlianna, cuachIrish
  • crig, bluckan, daunseManx
  • dunkulenHausa
  • כדורHebrew
  • गोला, नृत्यसभा, गेंदHindi
  • boulHaitian Creole
  • mogyoró, gömb, gombolyag, golyó, tök, labdaHungarian
  • գնդոլորտ, գունդ, պարահանդես, գնդիկArmenian
  • bolaIndonesian
  • baloneto, baloIdo
  • kjarkur, kjaftæði, bolti, rugl, kúlaIcelandic
  • palla, scopare, pallone, trombare, gomitolo, ballo, boiateItalian
  • כַּדוּרHebrew
  • 球, 玉, 鞠, 正球, 金玉, 毬, 舞踏会, 睾丸, まり, ボールJapanese
  • კვერცხები, მეჯლისი, სფერო, წვეულება, ბურთი, ბალიGeorgian
  • ಚೆಂಡುKannada
  • 球, 공, 무도회, 볼, 불알, 舞蹈會, 구, 불Korean
  • gun, tepik, hol, تۆپ, top, gogKurdish
  • пас берүү, түйүнчөк, түйдөк, шар, топ берүү, пас, түрмөкKyrgyz
  • pilaLatin
  • Ball, BalLuxembourgish, Letzeburgesch
  • ບານLao
  • kamuolys, kiaušasLithuanian
  • bumba, lodeLatvian
  • сфе́ра, кло́пче, то́пка, бал, ма́диња, ма́де, та́шак, ја́болко, то́пки, ја́јце, ѓу́ле, то́пчеMacedonian
  • പന്ത്, ഗോളംMalayalam
  • бөмбөгMongolian
  • bola, majlis tarian, telur, korah, pesta tarianMalay
  • ballunMaltese
  • ballNorwegian
  • kloten, bal, kluwen, bolletje, bolleke, [[kloten]] aan z’n lijf, kloot, bol, ballen, kogelDutch
  • ballNorwegian Nynorsk
  • ballNorwegian
  • портиOssetian, Ossetic
  • kula, kłębek, bal, jaja, piłka, jajoPolish
  • پنډوس, ټوپکیPashto, Pushto
  • comer, bolas, colhões, círculo, bola, baile, bala, bola do pé, besteira, sacoPortuguese
  • bura, balla, boraRomansh
  • bilă, minge, ghem, coiRomanian
  • поду́шечка, яи́чко, шарик, мяч, яйцо́, шар, бал, ядри́ть, сфе́ра, бол, сфера, ядро́, мудёж, клубо́к, я́йцаRussian
  • गुड, कन्दुक, पिण्डSanskrit
  • лопта, ples, плес, klupka, klupko, lopta, bal, балSerbo-Croatian
  • බෝලයSinhala, Sinhalese
  • gule, lopta, guľa, ples, bálSlovak
  • jajca, krogla, žoga, plesSlovene
  • topAlbanian
  • kula, boll, trampdyna, knulla, klot, skitsnack, stake, bal, balle, nystanSwedish
  • mpiraSwahili
  • பந்துTamil
  • ఉండ, బంతిTelugu
  • ลูกบอลThai
  • bola, bayag, itlogTagalog
  • fo’i puluTonga (Tonga Islands)
  • top, haya, küre, gülle, taşak, mermi, yumak, balo, yumurtaTurkish
  • яйце́, м’яч, ядро́, ку́ля, яє́чкоUkrainian
  • گولا, گیندUrdu
  • toʻpiUzbek
  • bóng, vũ hội, banh, 舞會Vietnamese
  • באַל, פּילקעYiddish
  • Chinese

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На данной странице находятся упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из рабочей тетради (Workbook) 8 класса УМК Spotlight. Упражнения из 6f.

Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with the phrasal verb set.
Упражнение 1. Правильно использoвать фразовый глагол set.


1) What time will we have to leave for the airport tomorrow?
What time will we have to __ for the airport tomorrow?

2) Perhaps you should save some money in case you want to buy a car or a house.
Perhaps you should __ some money in case you want to buy a car or a house.

3) The opening of the new sports centre has been delayed for a few weeks.
The opening of the new sports centre has been __ a few weeks.

4) I must have those tulip bulbs planted before the cold weather begins.
I must have those tulip bulbs planted before the cold weather __ .

1) What time will we have to leave for the airport tomorrow?
What time will we have to set off for the airport tomorrow? – В какое время нам надо отправляться в аэропорт завтра?

2) Perhaps you should save some money in case you want to buy a car or a house.
Perhaps you should set aside some money in case you want to buy a car or a house. – Наверное, тебе следует откладывать деньги, если ты хочешь купить машину или дом.

3) The opening of the new sports centre has been delayed for a few weeks.
The opening of the new sports centre has been set back a few weeks. – Открытие нового спортивного центра отложено на несколько недель.

4) I must have those tulip bulbs planted before the cold weather begins.
I must have those tulip bulbs planted before the cold weather sets in. – Я должен посадить те луковицы тюльпанов, до того как наступит холодная погода.

Exercise 2. Choose the correct word.
Упражнение 2. Определить правильное слово.


1) What time does the plane __ in Tokyo?
a. get
b. reach
с. arrive

2) Ben threw the ball for his dog to __.
a. deliver
b. fetch
с. bring

3) Helen is going on a business __ to Japan next week.
a. trip
b. journey
с. voyage

4) We went on a guided __ of the museum.
a. tour
b. expedition
с. excursion

5) This would be a nice __ for a picnic.
a. gap
b. room
с. place

6) Do you speak any __ languages?
a. strange
b. foreign
с. curious

1) What time does the plane arrive in Tokyo? – В какое время самолет прибывает в Токио?

2) Ben threw the ball for his dog to fetch. – Бен кинул мяч собаке, чтобы она принесла его.

3) Helen is going on a business trip to Japan next week. – На следующей неделе Хэлен собирается в командировку в Японию.

4) We went on a guided tour of the museum. – Мы отправились на экскурсию в музей.

5) This would be a nice place for a picnic. – Это было бы хорошее место для пикника.

6) Do you speak any foreign languages? – Ты говоришь на каких-нибудь иностранных языках?

Exercise 3. Fill in with the correct preposition.
Упражнение 3. Вставить правильный предлог.


1) Jason is spending a few days __ the seaside.

2) You should book your tickets at least a month __ advance.

3) Please send me the information __ delay.

4) The plane crashed with 150 passengers __ board.

5) There are many boats __ hire at Heritage Port.

6) Hotels offer special rates if you travel __ season.

1) Jason is spending a few days at the seaside. – Джейсон проводит несколько дней на берегу моря.

2) You should book your tickets at least a month in advance. – Вам нужно забронировать билеты по меньшей мере за месяц вперед.

3) Please send me the information without delay. – Пожалуйста, отправь мне информацию без задержек.

4) The plane crashed with 150 passengers on board. – Самолет рухнул со 150 пассажирами на борту.

5) There are many boats for hire at Heritage Port. – В порту Хэритидж есть много лодок для аренды.

6) Hotels offer special rates if you travel off season. – Гостиницы предлагают специальные цены, если ты путешествуешь не в разгар сезона.

Exercise 4. Form nouns from the adjectives and verbs, then use them to complete the sentences.
Упражнение 4. От данных слов образуйте существительные и вставьте их в предложения.


a. amaze
b. happy
с. aware
d. agree
e. achieve
f. announce
g. nervous
h. enjoy

1) There is greater __ about global issues these days.
2) Unfortunately, the two sides failed to reach an __ .
3) When the young girl entered the room, she tried to hide her __ .
4) Judy wished the bride and the groom every __ in the world.
5) The Prime Minister made an __ concerning unemployment at the press conference.
6) Coming top of the class is quite an __ .
7) He looked at me in __ .
8) She spoilt my __ of the film by talking the whole time.

a. amaze (удивлять) – amazement (удивление)
b. happy (счастливый) – happiness (счастье)
с. aware (осознающий) – awareness (осознание, понимание)
d. agree (соглашаться) – agreement (соглашение)
e. achieve (достигать) – achievement (достижение)
f. announce (объявлять) – announcement (объявление)
g. nervous (нервный) – nervousness (нервозность)
h. enjoy (наслаждаться, получать удовольствие) – enjoyment (наслаждение, удовольствие)

1) There is greater awareness about global issues these days. – Сегодня имеется лучшее понимание глобальных проблем.

2) Unfortunately, the two sides failed to reach an agreement. – К сожалению, двум сторонам не удалось достичь соглашения.

3) When the young girl entered the room, she tried to hide her nervousness. – Когда молодая девушка вошла в комнату, она пыталась скрыть свою нервозность.

4) Judy wished the bride and the groom every happiness in the world. – Джуди пожелала невесте и жениху счастья в мире.

5) The Prime Minister made an announcement concerning unemployment at the press conference. – На пресс-конференции премьер-министр сделал объявление, касающееся безработицы.

6) Coming top of the class is quite an achievement. – Стать первым в классе – это достижение.

7) He looked at me in amazement. – Он посмотрел на меня в удивлении.

8) She spoilt my enjoyment of the film by talking the whole time. – Она испортила мое удовольствие от фильма, все время разговаривая.


  • #1

Hi everyone
"I get a ball on hand"
here are my guesses
1.There is a ball on my hand
2. I get a ball which is on my hand
3.I take/put a ball on my hand
which one is the correct meaning of that sentence?

  • JamesM

    • #2

    Hello, Caesats. We need more context to understand the original sentence. It doesn’t make a lot of sense by itself. Where did you read or hear this? What was happening at the time? Do you have a line of text before or after this that would help us understand the statement?


    • #3

    «I get a ball on hand» makes no sense, Cesats. Where did you see this sentence, and in what context?

    [Cross-posted with JamesM]


    • #4

    «I get a ball on hand» makes no sense, Cesats. Where did you see this sentence, and in what context?

    [Cross-posted with JamesM]

    I heard the sentence in David Beckham’s television interview ,he was looking back on what had happend to him in World Cup。His teammate had got a penalty for him, he was going to take that penalty ,and then he said "I got a ball on hand"(I change the tense ,but that’s not the issue)These words was his actions to take that penalty,maybe he would put that ball down next。

    Last edited: Apr 21, 2014


    • #5

    I heard the sentence in David Beckham’s television interview ,he was looking back on what had happend to him in World Cup。His teammate had got a penalty for him, he was going to take that penalty ,and then he said "I got a ball on hand"(I change the tense ,but that’s not the issue)These words was his actions to take that penalty,maybe he would put that ball down next。

    No, that still doesn’t make sense. Maybe you misheard it. Is the interview online. What is it called?

    You cannot give links to videos but I believe you can give the names of videos and say at what minute the phrase occurs.


    • #6

    No, that still doesn’t make sense. Maybe you misheard it. Is the interview online. What is it called?

    You cannot give links to videos but I believe you can give the names of videos and say at what minute the phrase occurs.

    here is the link <—-Video link removed—->the words begin at 1:12:39

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 21, 2014


    • #7

    No, that still doesn’t make sense. Maybe you misheard it. Is the interview online. What is it called?

    You cannot give links to videos but I believe you can give the names of videos and say at what minute the phrase occurs.

    "It was a bravo move,but it was the one that I know I have to take, since I got a peanlty,since I got a ball in my hands"。This is his words,the second"it " refers to that penalty,the first "it" refers to his decision about taking a penalty 。I misheard some words 。Hope these help

    Last edited: Apr 21, 2014


    • #8

    Although it may seem like a small difference, «on my hand» and «in my hands» mean very different things in English. «A ball in my hands» means «I’m holding a ball». «A ball on my hand» means that the ball is somehow resting on top of your hand, like this:


    «I get a ball on hand» doesn’t really communicate anything.


    • #9

    Although it may seem like a small difference, «on my hand» and «in my hands» mean very different things in English. «A ball in my hands» means «I’m holding a ball». «A ball on my hand» means that the ball is somehow resting on top of your hand, like this:


    «I get a ball on hand» doesn’t really communicate anything.

    "I get a ball on hand" is not the question I want to ask,I misheard it。I just want to know what "I got a ball in hands" means,"get" means "take"here?


    • #10

    "I get a ball on hand" is not the question I want to ask,I misheard it。I just want to know what "I got a ball in hands" means,"get" means "take"here?

    "I get a ball on hand"and "I got a ball in hands" are both incorrect. No native English speaker would say or understand them. David Beckham could not have said either.

    What match was Beckham talking about?
    Are you certain it was a penalty and not a free kick?
    What date was the match played?
    What TV channel was the interview on?
    Who interviewed him?

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 22, 2014


    • #11

    "I get a ball on hand"and "I got a ball in hands" are both incorrect. No native English speaker would say or understand them. David Beckham could not have said either.

    What match was Beckham talking about?
    What date was the match played?
    What TV channel was the interview on?
    Who interviewed him?

    I did hear he said that words,That interview calls Total Soccer,From CCTV5,maybe you can not see that video。
    I find a similar sentence on BBC
    When he did get the ball in his hands, he scored one and put in the pass for the other try as well.BBC: Ieuan Evans’ column


    • #12

    I did hear he said that words,That interview calls Total Soccer,From CCTV5,maybe you can not see that video。
    I find a similar sentence on BBC
    When he did get the ball in his hands, he scored one and put in the pass for the other try as well.BBC: Ieuan Evans’ column

    Caesats — you may have heard


    those words from Beckham but I am certain that you did not hear exactly those words. As JamesM says, a small difference in the words can make a big difference to the meaning.

    I have found the Ieuan Evans’ column http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/rugby_union/welsh/7879831.stm

    When he did get the ball in his hands makes sense. It is an emphatic version of «When he got the ball in his hands…»

    That sentence means «When the ball arrived in his hands…», «When he was able to hold the ball in his hands…», «When he was able to grasp the ball…»


    • #13

    Caesats — you may have heard


    those words from Beckham but I am certain that you did not hear exactly those words. As JamesM says, a small difference in the words can make a big difference to the meaning.

    I have found the Ieuan Evans’ column http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/rugby_union/welsh/7879831.stm

    When he did get the ball in his hands makes sense. It is an emphatic version of «When he got the ball in his hands…»

    That sentence means «When the ball arrived in his hands…», «When he was able to hold the ball in his hands…», «When he was able to grasp the ball…»

    << Directions to find video removed. >> :)

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 23, 2014

    • #14

    He said «(as) soon as I got the ball in my hands …». It basically means as soon as he received the ball, as soon as it came into his possession. Accurate quoting is essential, because such small variations as you have made often completely destroy the meaning, making the phrase either mean nothing or mean something else.


    • #15

    He said «(as) soon as I got the ball in my hands …». It basically means as soon as he received the ball, as soon as it came into his possession. Accurate quoting is essential, because such small variations as you have made often completely destroy the meaning, making the phrase either mean nothing or mean something else.

    get something in someone’s hands

    only means someone receives something,or in more context ,it could means put something in someone’s hands?

    But as it turns out,the iPad’s appeal is more emotional than rational。Once you get it in your hands,you get caught up in the fascination of manipulation on-screen objects by touching them
    This is another example from my dictionary。 here “get” could mean “put”?

    Last edited: Apr 22, 2014

    • #16

    No. Get is the opposite (or rather complement) of put. If you get something in your hands, then it’s

    someone else

    who puts it there.
    But there isn’t always a putting associated with the getting. It could be that you get it in your hands as a result of your picking it up yourself (


    someone else putting it there).

    There is also the idiom «getting your hands on something», which roughly means «obtain». If we were planning a bank robbery, I might ask you if you could get your hands on some dynamite.


    • #17

    But there isn’t always a putting associated with the getting. It could be that you get it in your hands as a result of your picking it up yourself (


    someone else putting it there).


    What’s pick it up here?Does that mean I pick it up,and then I put it in my hands myself?

    • #18

    «Pick it up» means «take». Once you have taken it, it is in your hands.


    • #19

    «Pick it up» means «take». Once you have taken it, it is in your hands.

    I reach out for it,and hold it,then I get it in my hands,is this correct interpretation?


    • #20

    You reach out for it, and grab it, and then you have it in your hands.


    • #21

    You reach out for it, and grab it, and then you have it in your hands.

    in#19,that sentence is the way I understand "get something in someone’s hands",I don’t know whether it’s correct。What does your sentence refer to?


    • #22

    We don’t usually say «I get it in my hands.» They are usually seen as two separate things. The action is «I get/grab/take the ball». The final state is «I have/I’m holding the ball in my hands.»


    have a ball — пуститься во все тяжкие; хорошо проводить время; повеселиться вовсю
    to have a ball with smth. — насладиться чем-л.
    have no balls — о трусливом человеке; быть трусливым
    have on the ball — обладать способностями; обладать ловкостью; обладать талантом
    have oneself a ball — пуститься во все тяжкие; веселиться вовсю
    have the ball at feet — быть хозяином положения; иметь шансы на успех
    to have (oneself) a ball — а) повеселиться, веселиться вовсю; б) пуститься во все тяжкие
    have the ball at one’s feet — быть господином положения; иметь шансы на успех
    to have the ball at one’s feet — иметь шансы на успех; быть хозяином положения
    they didn’t have enough balls to try it — у них не хватило пороху сделать это

    Автоматический перевод


    Перевод по словам

    have  — иметь, обладать, получать, содержать, обман, мошенничество
    ball  — мяч, шар, бал, шарик, удар, шаровой, свивать, свиваться


    You’ll have a ball. *

    Ты просто балдеть будешь.

    I’ll just fool around and have a ball. *

    Я просто хочу повалять дурака и немного расслабиться.

    You have the ball at your feet.

    Мяч у твоих ног.

    I didn’t have the balls to ask.

    У меня не хватило духу спросить.

    Can we have our ball back, please?

    отдайте нам, пожалуйста, мяч

    She had herself a ball. *

    Она хорошо повеселилась.

    They have balls but not soul. *

    Они люди не робкого десятка, но без души.

    Does he have balls enough to shoot the works? *

    Хватит ли у него мужества пойти на все?

    Does this man have the balls to shoot his wad? *

    Хватит ли у этого человека мужества рискнуть всем?

    I might have played ball just a little but I scorned to. *

    Я мог бы немного уступить, но посчитал это ниже своего достоинства.

    Does the man have real balls? Does he have the balls to risk everything, to run the chance of losing all on a matter of principle? *

    Я хочу знать, насколько он крутой. Хватит ли у него духу рискнуть всем из принципа?

    Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

    Примеры, ожидающие перевода

    He had allowed the ball to slip from his grasp.  

    Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

    Подтянуть английский язык помогает чтение в оригинале: так можно и словарный запас пополнить, и грамматику отработать. Однако часто возникает ситуация, когда все слова вроде и знакомы, но они как будто случайно оказались вместе. Вместе с руководителем онлайн-школы английского языка Wordika Вероникой Генераловой мы нашли самые необычные английские идиомы и разобрались, что они означают.

    To be under the weather — Неважно себя чувствовать

    Буквальный перевод: «быть под погодой».

    Есть несколько версий происхождения выражения, но все они связаны с морем. В основе первой — особенности ведения бортового журнала: в нем капитан судна ежедневно отмечал погодные условия и состав команды корабля. Тех, кто не мог нести службу, записывали в специальную колонку. Во время шторма туда попадали и многочисленные страдальцы, сломленные морской болезнью. В ненастные дни эта секция часто переполнялась, поэтому моряков приходилось записывать в соседнюю колонку, в графу «Погода» (weather), то есть «under the weather».

    Вторая версия связана с местом размещения больных моряков: во время качки всех, кому становилось плохо, отправляли «under the deck and away from the weather», то есть «под палубу, подальше от непогоды». Со временем из этой фразы выпали «палуба» и «подальше» — так появился современный вариант идиомы.

    How did you know I was feeling so under the weather this evening? / Как ты узнал, что мне так нехорошо этим вечером?

    Pot calling the kettle black — Кто бы говорил

    Буквальный перевод: «горшок зовет котел черным (а сам не белее)».

    Много лет назад люди готовили на открытом огне в чугунных горшках и медных котлах, после чего на них оставалась черная сажа. Медные котлы очищали и полировали после каждой готовки до блеска настолько, что стоящий рядом горшок отражался в нем, как в зеркале. Так и появилась идея о том, что горшок обвиняет чистый котел в нечистоплотности, хотя на самом деле именно он весь в саже.

    Both game developers accuse each other for ripping their narratives: it’s like the pot calling the kettle black. / Оба разработчика игр обвиняют друг друга в плагиате сюжета, хотя чья бы корова мычала.

    A hot potato — Щекотливый вопрос

    Буквальный перевод: «горячая картошка».

    Это выражение известно с середины XIX века и связано с другим фразеологизмом — «to drop like a hot potato» (стремительно от чего-либо избавиться). Ассоциация возникла на фоне того, как быстро из рук выскальзывает горячая картошка. Так словосочетание «hot potato» стало самостоятельно обозначать что-то не самое приятное, с чем хочется поскорее расправиться.

    How will this crisis affect cinema production is a hot potato. / Как кризис повлияет на производство кино — щекотливый вопрос.

    Cat got your tongue? — Язык проглотил?

    Буквальный перевод: «кошка схватила тебя за язык?».

    Изначально выражение звучало так: «Has the cat got your tongue?», позже его сократили до «Сat got your tongue». Точное происхождение выражения неизвестно, но есть несколько предположений.

    Так, согласно первой версии, выражение пошло от плетки для наказания заключенных, которая по-английски называется «cat o’ nine tails» (буквально это можно перевести как «девятихвостая кошка»). Страх наказания этой плетью заставлял британских преступников держать язык за зубами.

    Вторая версия отсылает к средневековой боязни ведьм и их верных спутников — черных котов. Поэтому, когда человек терял дар речи от удивления или шока, такую ситуацию сравнивали с проклятием, которое наложила чародейка явно не без помощи своего кота.

    You could be more enthusiastic about the launch! Cat got your tongue? / Мог бы и порадоваться запуску проекта! Ты что, язык проглотил?

    Neck of the woods — Трущобы, глушь

    Буквальный перевод: «лесная шея».

    Эта фраза характерна для американского английского. Впервые она появилась во времена колонистов, но варианты происхождения разнятся. По одной из версий, жители Нового Света старались максимально отстраниться от английских корней и использовали другие слова для обозначения привычных вещей: изначально «шеей» (а вернее, перешейком) называли узкий участок земли, окруженный с двух сторон водой. Американцы начали называть шеей еще и неширокую часть леса или пастбища, а позже и поселение, расположенное в такой местности.

    Вторая версия связана с языком коренных американцев алгонкинов: их слово «naiack» означало «место» или «угол». Поселенцы могли перенять это выражение, но со временем его написание и произношение сблизилось с привычным англоязычным жителям Нового Света «neck».

    Welcome to my neck of the woods. / Добро пожаловать в мою трущобу.

    To go pear-shaped — Пойти наперекосяк

    Буквальный перевод: «приобрести форму груши».

    Одни лингвисты считают, что это выражение придумали пилоты Королевских военно-воздушных сил Великобритании в 1940-х годах: круги в воздухе — достаточно сложная фигура, поэтому часто вместо окружности у пилотов получалась груша. Другие полагают, что фразеологизм отсылает к Первой мировой войне: запуск воздушных шаров, использовавшихся в то время для наблюдения, шел наперекосяк, когда, надуваясь, они приобретали форму груши.

    And when the main cast left, everything with the show went pear-shaped. / А когда основной актерский состав ушел, все в сериале пошло наперекосяк.

    Blue in the face — До изнеможения

    Буквальный перевод: «синее лицо».

    Это выражение часто используется в описании разговоров и дискуссий. Фраза отсылает к ситуации, когда у непрерывно вещающего человека просто заканчивался воздух в легких и его лицо приобретало характерный синий оттенок.

    She can talk about the history of feminism till she is blue in the face. / Она может говорить об истории феминизма до посинения.

    Thick as thieves — Закадычные друзья

    Буквальный перевод: «толстые, как воры».

    Идиома появилась в начале XIX века и действительно имеет криминальное прошлое. В то время воры работали в бандах, и успех их планов зависел от уровня доверия внутри группировки, поэтому преступники знали друг о друге абсолютно все. Слово «thick» («толстый»), в данном случае означало «очень близкий», «тесно связанный». Изначально говорили «thick as two thieves», но позже числительное выпало, и получилось сегодняшнее выражение, которое означает близких друзей.

    Hopper definitely knows Joyce’s whereabouts but he wouldn’t tell us anything — they are as thick as thieves. / Хоппер точно знает, где находится Джойс, но ничего не скажет: они закадычные друзья.

    Wouldn’t touch it with a barge pole — Не приблизился бы и на километр

    Буквальный перевод: «не стал бы трогать и баржевой палкой».

    В XIX веке, когда многие баржи еще не могли плыть самостоятельно, люди использовали для их передвижения специальные толстые и длинные (около 3 м) палки или сучья. Они позволяли безбоязненно исследовать незнакомый или не очень презентабельный предмет, попадавшийся на пути следования, поэтому выражение стали использовать для обозначения чего-то особенно неприятного или опасного.

    They don’t want any bad publicity, so they wouldn’t touch this influencer with a barge pole. / Им не нужны проблемы с репутацией, так что они и на километр не подойдут к этому блогеру.

    Heart in one’s mouth — Сердце в пятки ушло

    Буквальный перевод: «сердце во рту».

    Считается, что впервые это выражение использовал Гомер в «Илиаде», чтобы передать чувство невероятного нервного напряжения. Древнегреческий поэт обратил внимание на ощущение, которое возникает в моменты страха и волнения: сердце бьется так часто, что вибрация начинает чувствоваться в горле.

    When they told me my flight has been postponed, I had my heart in mouth. / Когда мне сказали, что мой рейс отложен, у меня сердце в пятки ушло.

    Go bananas — Слететь с катушек

    Буквальный перевод: «стать бананом».

    Группа Little Big тут ни при чем. Историки и лингвисты полагают, что постарались студенты американских колледжей и обезьяны. Изначально существовал фразеологизм «go ape», который тоже означал сумасшествие и отсылал к образу обезьяны. Устойчивая ассоциация животных с их любимым лакомством в глазах американских студентов стала причиной изменения фразы.

    Everybody went bananas when all the fitness clubs in the city opened again. / Все просто с катушек слетели, когда снова открылись все фитнес-клубы города.

    Cool as a cucumber — Спокоен как удав

    Буквальный перевод: «холодный, как огурец».

    Даже в жару огурец обычно на несколько градусов холоднее воздуха — так и появилось сравнение хладнокровного человека, спокойного при любой ситуации, с плодом травянистого растения семейства тыквенных.

    The passengers worried about possible speeding ticket, yet Victor was as cool as a cucumber. / Пассажиры переживали из-за возможного штрафа за превышение скорости, а Виктор все равно был спокоен как удав.

    Опишите свое состояние одним словом. Игра «РБК Стиль». 

    They took their misfortunes with what grace they could and played ball with what success they could achieve, whether they had their best team in the field or their poorest.

    Cady did not know whether to throw the ball or hold it, and the general exhibition of speed on the bases which was made by New York was characteristic of the team‘s dash in the race for the championship of the National League, and a system which the Boston players could not fathom.

    Lord Lyons gave a beautiful ball at the embassy that season.

    The Giants started bravely in the seventh when Herzog hit the ball for a base and stole second.

    The captain commenced his innings with a heartwarming leg hit, which sent the ball to the boundary, a wave of legs and arms marking its track as the spectators, with a joyous yell, rolled over one another to escape being hit.

    Dave received the ball with a rush of his oldtime fervor and confidence.

    He caught the ball in his hands, and at the same moment Noaks made a fierce rush, meaning to knock him through the goal.

    Graceless Private, having no money, pays for the coinebriation of the entire corps, and while engaged in this praiseworthy occupation is found by the Genial Artist, who makes him promise to attend a ball at a neighboring château.

    The Colonel and the Boy opened the ball by renewing their joint offer of eighty dollars for Red and Spotty.

    A moment later Jack Vance ran into him, and took the ball from between his feet.

    Twilight and firelight Shadows come and go; Merry chime of sleighbells Tinkling through the snow; Mother knitting stockings (Pussy‘s got the ball), Don’t you think that winter‘s Pleasanter than all?

    Presuming that the butter is perfectly free from moisture, and as cool as possible, roll it into a ball, and place this ball of butter on the paste; fold the paste over the butter all round, and secure it by wrapping it well all over.

    That‘s to help out on our surpriseparty; it‘ll carry a ball farther an with truer aim than any other piece in the fort, as I know, havin’ had somewhat to do with all of ’em.

    He rapped a long fly to center field which was perfectly played by Snodgrass, but the center fielder dropped the ball.

    He asked: «You are sure you still had it when you left the ball?« «Yes.

    Sliding was out of the question, and the «House of Lords« having amused themselves for a time by capturing small boys and throwing them into the snowdrift, some one remarked that it would be good fun to build a snow man; which proposition was received with acclamation, and all hands were soon hard at work rolling the big balls which were to form the base of the statue.

    «Each of you pick up a ball.

    She turned her head stealthily for a last glimpse of the portico where a laughing girl tossed a ball to a young fellow on the terrace below.

    A player was bein wheeled this way once, and the «outs« was down onto their marrowbones tryin to find the ball, when a splash! was heard.

    Doyle followed along with a sharp hit to center field for a base and although he was forced out by Becker, the latter drove the ball hard.

    « «Let them sue for that, if they like,« bawled a particularly amiable blackguard, called Peter, who struck his ball as he spoke, quite into the principal street of the village.

    At length, however, the signal was given to «cease fire,« and a general cry of «Hold the ball!«

    Shrieks of horror from the young ladies, who desist from knocking their croquetballs into the orchestra and the proscenium boxes; and triumphant falling of a new actdrop.

    Then is the time to return the ball, not where every one, your opponent included, anticipates, but straight back to the original placethat is, the spot your opponent is just hurriedly leaving.

    With one out Merkle batted the ball over second base for a single and the spectators, who had started toward the exits, halted.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

    свои слова обратно

    вернется к тебе

    вернулся к своему слову

    назад свое слово

    I didn’t even mention he had gone back on his word.

    He constantly goes back on his word.

    But he refused to go back on his word.

    Now the president has gone back on his word.

    He cannot go back on his word.

    He states that he will not go back on his word.

    He cannot now go back on his word and continue to receive international support as if he had not.

    Теперь он не может отказываться от своих слов и продолжать получать международную поддержку, как будто он не брал на себя такого обязательства.

    I have reconsidered the matter, you have changed your mind, he has gone back on his word.

    Я еще раз обдумал свое решение; ты передумал; он изменил данному слову.

    But then he breaks his promise or he goes back on his word.

    Теперь ему придётся либо выполнить обещание, либо забрать свои слова обратно.

    I have reconsidered the matter, you have changed your mind, he has gone back on his word.

    He’ll take a bullet, but won’t go back on his word.

    However, Murphy became so incensed at a piece of racist hate mail that he went back on his word and ate him anyway the following week.

    Тем не менее, Мёрфи был настолько разгневан письмом с расистским содержанием, что он нарушил своё обещание и всё равно съел омара на следующей неделе…

    I’ll teach Hunt to go back on his word.

    Prosecutor Prince went back on his word.

    He never forgets, never fails, never stumbles, never goes back on his word.

    Он никогда не забывает, никогда не ошибается, никогда не оговаривается, никогда не берет назад Свое слово.

    Trust me, whatever he’s promised, he will go back on his word.

    Nicholas replied that he could not go back on his word, and his father, sighing and evidently disconcerted, very soon became silent and went in to the countess.

    Николай отвечал, что он не может изменить своему слову, и отец, вздохнув и очевидно смущенный, весьма скоро перервал свою речь и пошел к графине.

    Either he goes back on his word and gives into his possessiveness, or he genuinely believes that he’s respecting Bella’s agency throughout The Twilight Saga after they decide to pursue their relationship.

    Либо он отступает от своего слова и отдается своему собственническому инстинкту, либо он искренне верит, что уважает свободу действий Беллы на протяжении всей Сумеречной саги после того, как они решат продолжить свои отношения.

    After he captured the Emperor Atahualpa, Pizarro asked for a ransom, but went back on his word and murdered the ancient King.

    После того, как он захватил императора Атауальпы, Писарро попросил выкупить, но вернулся к своему слову и убил древнего короля.

    In his inauguration speech, the President confined that he would not go back on his word: «The current Verkhovna Rada is not in accordance with the moods of society,» he stated, guaranteeing a full government reboot.

    В инаугурационной речи президент подтвердил, что от своих слов не отказывается: «Действующий состав Верховной Рады не отвечает настроениям общества», — заявил он, гарантировав полную перезагрузку власти.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Результатов: 29. Точных совпадений: 29. Затраченное время: 89 мс


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