If you’re looking for a fun word association game or activity, then you’re certainly in the right place. Keep on reading for everything you need to know about fun word association games.
Word Association Activity
This ESL word association activity is an ideal way to help students activate prior knowledge that they might have about a topic. Or, you can use it at the end of a unit to show students how much they have learned!
The key to having a happy ESL classroom is to mix things up in your classes. After all, nobody likes doing the same thing over and over again. Try out some new activities today…here’s a simple vocabulary one you can start with.
Skills: Reading/writing/speaking
Age: 7+ (must be able to read + write)
Materials Required: Workbook or butcher paper and pens
Word Association is an ESL vocabulary activity that can be used to introduce a new topic, lesson, theme, etc. You have to write a single relevant word in the middle of the board or paper and have students take turns adding as many words or images related to that word as possible.
For example…the centre word could be “school.” Some of the other branches could be subjects (Math, English, History, Gym, etc) while another branch could be school supplies (pen, paper, ruler, etc.) Finally, you might have one about recess or break time (play games, tag, climb, jump, swing set). And keep going with more associations from there.
The subject or topic can be whatever you’re teaching that day. Another topic it works well for is body parts. Check out some more parts of the body activities here.
For large classes, have students work in groups with separate pieces of paper taped to the wall or the top of the table/ grouped desks. After a given amount of time (3-5 minutes, or when you see no one is adding anything new), discuss their answers.
It’s also a nice activity for teaching English online so give it a try today!
Teaching Tips for This ESL Vocabulary Activity
For large classes, butcher paper works best, so more students can write at one time. If that isn’t possible, have 5-6 board markers available.
If using butcher paper, prepare in advance, including taping to the wall, unless students will be working at their desks. Finally, if students will be working at their desks, write the word on each table’s page in advance, but don’t hand them out until you have given your instructions.
This activity is often quite a fun way to start off a holiday themed class. For even more ideas, check out: ESL Christmas Activities and Games.
Procedure for Word Association Game
1. Write a single word relevant to your new topic, lesson, or theme on the white board or butcher paper.
2. Have students take turns adding as many words or images related to that word as possible. My rule is that each student has to add at least one word, no matter how small.
3. After 3-5 minutes (or less, if no one is adding anything new), discuss their answers.
4. For larger classes, put students into groups of 4-6 and let them work together on this. You can choose the most well-organized one to show as an example to the rest of the class. And these papers can act as resources for the rest of the class.
Word Associations Activity for ESL
Follow-Up to this Word Association Activity
You may wish to spend quite a bit of time teaching your students how to do mind-mapping, or brainstorming the first time they do it. This is because it can be a very useful skill that they can take with them to all of their classes. It’s often a great first step before doing almost any kind of writing task or project.
Remember to teach your students that they’re not to edit their ideas at this point. Just to write down anything that comes to mind. And that they should also be doing this very quickly.
Word Associations Worksheets
Do you want to give your students some extra practice with this kind of thing? The good news is that there are a ton of great word association exercises online that you can just print off and use in your classes. If that’s not some ESL teaching gold then I’m not sure what it! Here are some of the best options:
ISL Collective
ESL Printables
ESL Galaxy
Did you Like this Word Associations Game?
Do you love this English vocabulary Activity? Then you’re going to love this book over on Amazon: 39 ESL Warm-Ups for Kids. There are almost 40 top-quality ESL warm-ups and icebreakers to help you get your classes started off in style. Help ease your students into using English and get them ready for the main part of the lesson ahead.
English warm-up activities and games are the perfect way to review ESL Vocabulary from previous classes. Do it the tricky way—without students even realizing what you’re doing!
The authors of the book have decades of experience teaching kids, teenagers, university students and adults. Learn from their experience about how to help your students actually learn English.
39 ESL Warm-Ups is available in both print and digital formats. The (cheaper!) digital copy can be ready on any device by downloading the free Kindle reading app. It’s super easy to have fun, engaging ESL warm-ups at your fingertips anywhere you might plan your lessons.
You can check out the book for yourself over on Amazon:
—>39 ESL Warm-Ups: For Kids (7+)<—
Word Association ESL Vocabulary Activity: Join the Conversation
Do you like this activity, or do you have some other favourite word association games? Leave a comment below and let us know your thoughts. We’d love to hear from you about anything word association game!
Also be sure to give this article a share on Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest. It’ll help other busy teachers, like yourself find this useful resource.
Word association game
Last update on 2022-07-17 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
7. Word association
The four words in each group have
something in common. What are they all connected with?
1 |
cell, warder, sentence, bars |
P |
R |
I |
S |
O |
N |
2 |
column, circulation, tabloid, |
W |
P |
3 |
mattress, head, foot, sheet |
B |
4 |
bonnet, mirror, speedometer, |
A |
5 |
zodiac, moon, Mars, |
A |
R |
Y |
6 |
hand, strap, wind, time |
T |
7 |
paw, fur, whiskers, claws |
A |
8 |
lens, shutter, digital, flash |
C |
R |
9 |
wing, tall, engine, flight |
E |
L |
10 |
frame, glass, cleaner, break |
N |
O |
11 |
coffin, flowers, cemetery, |
F |
A |
12 |
pawn, castle, bishop, queen |
H |
13 |
moat, walls, tower, dungeon |
T |
L |
14 |
corner, penalty, pass, |
O |
L |
15 |
cowshed, tractor, barn, |
M |
Full list of words from this list:
a confused multitude of things
be interwoven or interconnected
be interwoven or interconnected
be interwoven or interconnected
travel on the back of (a horse) too hard
counteracting or overriding the effect or force of something
a compensating equivalent
declare null and void
oppose and mitigate the effects of by contrary actions
make no longer acceptable for use
declare invalid
cancel officially
make ineffective by counterbalancing the effect of
Created on March 19, 2009
(updated March 30, 2009)
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There are several techniques that can help you learn and remember vocabulary in the language you are learning. In this post, we will explore techniques that help you remember what a word means by associating it with an image in your mind. Association links new information with old information stored in your memory. If you link a word with an image, it can be linked with other information already stored in your memory and so you will remember it better. For example, to remember a person’s name, you can relate it to a feature of their appearance. Here are a few more examples of using images to help you remember vocabulary.
Linkword Technique
The Linkword mnemonic (memory-aid) technique, developed by Michael Gruneberg, uses an image to link a word in one language with a word in another language. Here are some examples from French vocabulary for English speakers: the word for “rug” or “carpet” in French is “tapis”. To remember this, the Linkword technique says you should imagine an image of an oriental rug with the picture of a tap woven into it in chrome thread. “Tap” is found at the beginning of “tapis” so should help you remember the word when you visualise a rug. Next, the word for “grumpy” is “grognon”, so you should imagine a grumpy man groaning – “groan” sounds like “grognon” so should help you remember it. Other examples from German and Spanish are: to remember “Raupe” (German for “caterpillar”), you should imagine a caterpillar with a rope around its middle. To remember the Spanish word for cat, “gato”, you can imagine a cat eating a chocolate cake, or “gateau”.
Visualisation Technique
It is not always necessary to think of words in your own language in the visualisation. It is also possible to learn vocabulary by associating the word with an image. This technique uses the idea that when you hear a word, you visualise things that are associated with it in your mind. For example, when you hear “bird”, you think of what a bird looks like. When you hear “sweet”, you think of things that taste or smell sweet such as desserts or flowers. This is how we understand the word’s meaning, according to this technique.
Teachers teaching languages can show students a picture representing the meaning of a word they are trying to teach them. Otherwise, they can act out the meaning. They can ask students to think of things that are associated with the word, such as food if the word is “tasty” or a successful or hardworking person if the word is “ambitious” (and abstract concept). If you are learning by yourself, you can draw pictures of the words you are learning or think about images that the word conjures up.
This visualisation technique can also help you learn connotations of words (ideas or feelings that a word invokes beyond its literal meaning).
The Town Language Mnemonic
An extended example of the visualisation technique is the town language mnemonic developed by Dominic O’Brien. It is based on the idea that the core vocabulary of a language relates to everyday things – which can typically be found in a town or village. To use this technique, you should choose a town you are familiar with and use objects there as cues to recall images that link to words in your new language. Here are some examples:
Nouns in the town
Nouns should be associated with locations where you might find them: the word for “book” should be associated with an image in your mind of a book on a shelf in the library. The word for “bread” should be associated with an image of a loaf in a bakery. Words for vegetables should be associated with a greengrocer’s shop. If there is a farm outside the town it can help you remember the names of animals.
Adjectives in the park
Adjectives should be associated with a park in the town: words like “green”, “small”, “cold”. People in the park can help you remember adjectives for different characteristics or hair colour or
Verbs in the gym
Verbs can be associated with a gym or playing field. This allows you to make associations for “lift”, “run”, “walk”, “hit”, “eat”, “swim”, “drive”, etc.
Try It Yourself
As well as being powerful tools for learning and memorising vocabulary, these techniques can be fun and can keep you interested in learning new words. Lists of words can be useful too but images can help jog your memory. You may remember the words better if you write them on a whiteboard too – you are active and moving around when you do this so your brain is stimulated more than when you are sitting at a desk. We hope you find these tips useful. Let us know if they work for you!
Written by Suzannah Young