Word association test and

Carl Jung’s word association test may be able to reveal a great deal about the subconscious. New research shows that words do matter.

Carl Jung's Word Association Test

Carl Jung’s word association test is one of the most fascinating psychological assessments. It’s based on the idea that your subconscious is sometimes capable of controlling conscious will. As such, a single word can unleash past traumas or reveal unresolved internal conflicts.

This instrument was widely accepted for several decades. Experts used it in a broad range of contexts. Nevertheless, we should mention that this is a projective test. Thus, experts must use it along with other resources, assessments, and interviews to reach clearer and more precise conclusions.

Carl Jung created the word association test in the middle of the 20th century to unravel the subconscious. Jung wanted to understand its manifestations and find appropriate channels to analyze it. This would further allow experts to understand it and, ultimately, to bring those problems that hinder the patient’s freedom and well-being to light.

The technique couldn’t be easier. The test administrator says a word to the patient. Then, the patient must respond with the first word that comes to mind. Experts claim that the stimulant concepts tend to almost always drag up emotional burdens.

In addition, the therapist must analyze the physical and emotional responses. Once the test is finished, they’ll then interpret these together with the 100 words. Despite the fact that this test is over a century old, it’s still considered relatively valid.

Words in the word association test.

Carl Jung’s word association test: Objectives, characteristics, and applications

At first glance, it might seem like nothing more than a game to most people. The test consists of someone saying a word and the other responding with the first thing that pops into their mind.

However, it goes beyond just the verbal response. The therapist must also pay attention to the physiological reaction to the stimulant word. As you might be able to see from this description, Jung’s word association test is based on a foundation of different theoretical strands.

The conscious mind and pain points

At the beginning of his career, Carl Gustav Jung worked in the Burghölzli Psychiatric Hospital of the University of Zurich. He worked under Eugen Bleuler. You may remember that Bleuler established many of the concepts we use today in the fields of psychology and psychiatry.

Jung began to study trauma and complexes. According to him, one way to understand them and bring them to light was through dreams. They could also be brought forth through active imagination or fantasy. During his daily work with patients, he discovered that certain words and expressions acted as stimulating impulses on the unconscious mind.

One method of bringing this activation about and achieving contact with the psychological universe of trauma, fears, and conflicts was to evoke a group of key words. In order to test this theory, he developed the word association test.

How do therapists apply it?

First of all, Jung made it clear that this test isn’t useful for everyone. It’s not good for people who resist it excessively or for those who don’t take the test seriously. Patients who don’t have an adequate control of their language faculties won’t benefit from it either. This last category includes people who may have language troubles due to old age, comprehension difficulties, neurological problems, development deficits, or other issues.

The test consists in presenting 100 stimulant words to the patient. When faced with each word, the patient must say out loud the first thing that comes to their mind. They should do this quickly and automatically.

The therapist writes down the term and then has to pay attention to other factors. This includes the time it takes to give the response, the level of discomfort, and the patient’s facial expression. Posture, silences, and repetition of the stimulant word may also be significant.

Reliability of Carl Jung’s word association

Carl Jung discovered that this instrument was excellent for family therapy. When he used it in these situations, he observed similar response patterns. This allowed him to identify the origin of multiple problems.

Jung himself abandoned this test as his interest in experiment psychiatry grew a short time later. Nevertheless, professionals kept using this test until 2005. Now, it’s only used in Jungian therapy programs or as a complementary projective technique.

A man standing and staring at his own brain.

In 2013, Dr. Leon Petchkovsky undertook an interesting study on the topic. Through magnetic resonance techniques, he showed that the words from Jung’s word association test generated very revealing neurological responses in people. Mirror neurons were activated when people heard words such as father, family, abuse, fear, child, etc.

There was also some brain activity in areas such as the amygdala, the insula, the hippocampus, and others. The results were very striking in people with post-traumatic stress.

All of this evidence shows us that words evoke emotions, memories, and thoughts we often tend to ignore. Despite the fact that many people criticize Jung’s word association test, it’s still a relevant resource that several studies support.

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word association

Word Association Test (WAT) 

What is Word Association Test? 

  • In psychological studies, the Word Association Test is one of the projective techniques. 
  • The first person who used the word “Word Association Test” was C.G. Jung (1905). 
  • The main aim of this test is to know the person’s overt behavior. 
  • Later on, this method was improved. Kent and Rosen Off made a list of common words in 1910 to elicit the required responses of the candidate. 
  • In the later stage, Rapport worked on WAT and made this test perfect in 1946. 
  • WAT is very useful to discover the individual’s emotional feelings, attitude, and problematic areas. 
  • This test also provides dynamic clues about the person, which helps to know about the complete personality structure of the individual. 

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What are projective techniques? 

  • In personality assessment, the Word Association Test is one of the projective techniques. In psychology, it is believed that observing different things means having the freedom to choose differently in life. 
  • In projective techniques, people are given some specific responses to assess their personality in a more meaningful way. 
  • It is asked to the people to interpret the things showing different feelings and emotions because of measuring unconscious dimensions of personality. 
  • Some elements are common in personality inventory and projective techniques. But projective techniques have a common methodology to measure personality features. In personality assessment methodology, some of the following techniques have been followed where the individual is permitted for latitude response; 
      • Associative Techniques: In this technique, the subject is asked to react to words like a response to inkblots or to other stimuli with the first associated thinking which comes to mind. 
      • Constructive Techniques: In this technique, the subject is asked to create something like drawing something or drawing a self-picture. 
      • Completion Techniques: In this technique, the subject is asked to complete the sentences or partially filled. Such as the completion of an incomplete sentence. 
      • Choice or Ordering Technique: The subject is asked to choose from something or give some orderly sequence to stimuli. For example, arranging a set of pictures, etc. 
      • Expressive Techniques: In this technique, the subject is asked to use the free expression in some manner, such as in figure painting.

Main Projective Techniques 

There are four projective techniques in which the individual’s personality is assessed. These techniques are given in the following; 

  1. The Rorschach Inkblot Test
  2. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
  3. Word-Association Techniques
  4. Sentence-Completion Techniques

1. The Rorschach Inkblot Test

  • This test was developed by the Swiss Psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach. 
  • It consists of 10 cards, of which half of the cards are in color, and half of the cards are black & white. 
  • All cards are to be shown to the individual at a time, and they are to be asked to describe what has been observed at their end. 
  • In this test, mostly, individuals reply neutrally, neither right nor wrong. 
  • In these tests, the task remains to find the relationship between personality and perception. 
  • Blots on the cards show the individual tendency toward a certain side.
  • After much research, now this test will be used for cognitive testing. Moreover, its norms will be established, and it has been used as a psychometric instrument. 
  • One of the same methods is also being used by Rorschach, which is called the Rorschach test, in which 45 inkblots are to be used, and the individual is asked to answer one response per card. 

2. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

  • In this test, some pictures are shown to the individual engaged with a variety of activities. The individual is asked to imaginative thoughts with high morality and organized visual stimuli as compared to the inkblots. 
  • This test contains 30 different pictures in black & white and one blank card to test the individual about his imagination. 
  • In this test, a picture is shown to the individual, and he is asked to write a complete story showing the feeling or activities shown in the picture. 
  • This test helps to find out the internal behavior of the individual showing verbal communication skills. 
  • In this story, the individual is to fulfill the needs of the people as a hero of the story, even having a lot of external resistance. Overall, it shows the individual’s strong or weak feelings or strengths. 

See here: Solved Picture Stories

3. Word Association Techniques 

  • In this test, the individual is given a series of words in which the individual is asked to make a complete sentence by using that particular word. 
  • A specific time is given to the individual, and during that time, the candidate is to make maximum sentences. 
  • In this, the individual writes that which comes first in mind. 
  • Now, the individual uses his first reactions in the sentences, which truly reflects the individual’s personality. 

See Here: Solved Word Association Tests

4. Sentence Completion Techniques 

  • In this technique, candidates are given some half incomplete sentences, and then they are asked to complete the sentence with meaningful ideas. 
  • Usually, 26 incomplete sentences are given to the candidates, and they are asked to complete all sentences in 6 minutes. 
  • For example, “Most of the girls………..”, “Along the road …………” etc. 
  • Candidates are expected to judge the situations, conflicts, and motives reflected. 

Moreover, students are analyzed by their Behavioral Assessment, cognitive assessment, physical assessment, and personal facts. 

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How can we define Word Association Test? 

  • Word Association Test can be defined as “A type of test related to the personality and mental function in which individual is required to react on each word included in the series which comes first in the individual’s mind. That word may be an antonym of the word, which is also being stated in the phrase. 

Why is WAT conducted in ISSB?

  • Word Association Test is being conducted in ISSB because it reflects the individual regarding their personality from different perspectives of thinking. 
  • It helps to understand the candidate more in-depth, and qualities may be associated with other tests. 
  • In 10 second, the candidate is asked to write a complete sentence that come first to mind. This thing initiates the individual to analyze the mind very clearly. 
  • Word Association Test candidate shows their mind associated with what they have in their mind, which gives a clear picture of introvert personality traits. 
  • This test helps the psychologist see the candidates’ combined reactions for analyzing their personalities from different angles. 
  • The psychologist also observes how a candidate expresses feelings in different situations and how a candidate associates the given the word with certain other associated words. 

Word Association Tests in ISSB 

  • In the ISSB center, Kohat, Gujranwala, or Malir, the candidate is given 100 words in series, and students are asked to write the sentence on each word. If somebody feels that it is difficult to make the sentence somewhere, leave that word and keep continuing on the other words. 

Total time for WAT

  • When instructions are given to the candidates, it is being told clearly that the total time is 10 seconds for each word. 

How should we solve Word Association Test? 

The best ways are there to solve the Word Association Test are; 

  • Always write short sentences. 
  • Always write a natural sentence. 
  • Always focus on the word. 
  • Always try to make a quick response but in a positive sense. 
  • Do not try to cheat the psychologist. 
  • Your performance must show your efforts by writing a complete meaningful sentence. 
  • Always write a neat and clean sentence.
  • Always try to complete all 100 sentences. 

Best tips and techniques to write sentences for the Word Association Test

There are some best tips for improving Word Association Test, which is given below; 

  • While making the sentence, imagine yourself in an excellent environment with your best family, friends, and relatives. 
  • Keep some adventures of your life in mind. 
  • Keep aware of the current happening in the country. 
  • Always write a thoughtful sentence with bigger scope. 
  • Avoid using the word “I,” “me,” or “mine” because it reflects the individual as they live in their world. 
  • Use of such words may lead to your negative approach, so avoid such words. 
  • Make your natural sentences. 
  • Avoid the repetition of the sentence. 
  • Avoid universal truth because it may lead to the individuals lacking their original thoughts. 
  • Avoid too many phrases. 
  • Avoid using “could, would, should, May, might” in the sentences because it indicates the unrealistic approach of the candidates. Psychologists always prefer real-life situations. 
  • Avoid advisory sentences. Like, in which you advise or forbade from something. For example, do not, does not, etc. 
  • Always write the sentences showing good qualities of an officer showing courage, motivation, self-confidence, social relations, social adaptability, and mental courage. 
  • Do not fetch history unless it is related to factual knowledge. 
  • Do not write a sentence in the future tense.
  • Focus on the sentence by using nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs in the sentence. 

100 Best words of Word Association Tests (Solved) for ISSB

The most frequently used words are given below; 





































































































Best solved examples of Word Association Tests for ISSB

Some solved Word Association Test is given below; 



The enemy dropped the weapons.



Snake was black.



The lion is the king of the jungle.



Nishan e Haider was awarded a captain.



He achieved his goals due to hard work.



Student was assisted.



Every action has a reaction.



His friends agreed with his advice.



He avoided too much tea.



When he is alone, he reads books.



His life ambition is to join forces.



He attempted all the obstacles in time. 



His look was appealing.



There is fresh air in the garden.



The new technology arrives.



The bed is made of wood.



Blood is red.



Flowers were beautiful.



Patient was normal. 



He plays cut shots very well.



He wrote the main points in the copy.



His home was decorated.



He is able in computer.



Lame excuses have no value.



He was lucky.

For more solved Word Association Test: Click Here

7 Best ways to prepare Word Association Test

  1. Make a list of words 
  2. Make a complete and short sentence after thoughtful study. 
  3. Make a bank of sentences. 
  4. Practice daily at least one test as given below the video. 
  5. Note your sentences at your register for remembrance. 
  6. Practice at least 50 words daily. 
  7. Analyze your sentences and match the theme with other tests like Urdu or English sentences.
  8. Keep practicing till your ISSB call letter comes. 

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Note: If you want to get more refinement into your psychological tests, then take guidance from Psychologists. 

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WAT also know as Word Association Test is one of the tests conducted in psychological test in ssb interview Stage-II testing. WAT can be challenging as the time limit provided for each word is very less that is 15 seconds. In 15 seconds you are required to look at the word flashed on the screen, think and write a sentence. But, if you know what kind of words can come in WAT, it makes your job easier, here are the most common words that you will face in Word Association Test. To practice more about SSB interview, do not forget to download SSB Interview Study Pack.

Most Common Word Association Test Examples

  1. Fear
  2. Future
  3. Word
  4. Love
  5. Life
  6. Error
  7. Dance
  8. Fruit
  9. Speed
  10. Food
  11. Water
  12. Medicine
  13. Music
  14. Green
  15. Technology
  16. Luxury
  17. Children
  18. Light
  19. Knowledge
  20. Nothing
  21. Discipline
  22. Tackle
  23. Bold
  24. Sorry
  25. Beauty
  26. Faith
  27. Nature
  28. Clock
  29. Family
  30. Frame
  31. Media
  32. Ball
  33. Hate
  34. Cool
  35. Avoid
  36. Comfort
  37. Defeat
  38. Original
  39. Assist
  40. Fear
  41. Future
  42. Word
  43. Love
  44. Life
  45. Error
  46. Dance
  47. Fruit
  48. Speed
  49. Food
  50. Water
  51. Medicine
  52. Music
  53. Green
  54. Technology
  55. Luxury
  56. Children
  57. Light
  58. Knowledge
  59. Nothing
  60. Discipline
  61. Tackle
  62. Bold
  63. Sorry
  64. Beauty
  65. Faith
  66. Nature
  67. Clock
  68. Family
  69. Frame
  70. Media
  71. Ball
  72. Hate
  73. Cool
  74. Avoid
  75. Comfort
  76. Defeat
  77. Original
  78. Assist
  79. God
  80. Colours
  81. Mobile
  82. Gold
  83. Dog
  84. Girl
  85. Encourage
  86. Sacrifice
  87. Happiness
  88. Window
  89. Conflict
  90. Weak
  91. Confuse
  92. Cute
  93. Shadow
  94. Monk
  95. Share
  96. Battery
  97. Mind
  98. Passion
  99. Thoughts
  100. Presentation
  101. Helpless
  102. Marriage
  103. Check
  104. Detect
  105. Book
  106. Art
  107. Change
  108. Advice
  109. Border
  110. Revolution
  111. Study
  112. Dare
  113. Purpose
  114. Missile
  115. Expert
  116. Nude
  117. Blessing
  118. Dream
  119. Failure
  120. Moon
  121. Space
  122. Hungry
  123. Conversation
  124. Quarrel
  125. Ambition
  126. Test
  127. Chief

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  • ISSB Word Association Test is also abbreviated as WAT and is part of ISSB Psychological Test. In this test various words are displayed on a projector and the candidates have to make sentences. This test is a very important tool for the psychologist to assess the personality traits of the candidate. By analyzing the words association of a person, they get to know what kind of person you are, what are your beliefs and dislikes, how do you behave to your surroundings and what is inside you.

Numbers of words:

100 words are displayed on the projector. Each page will have a space for 25 words.


The time devised to this test is very limited. Each word will be displayed for 9-10 seconds. If you’ll not be able to write a sentence in the given time, next word will be displayed.

Some solved Examples of ISSB word association test:

  1. Work:             hard work is a key to success.
  2. Atom:              An atom s the smallest particle.
  3. Country:         I love my country.
  4. Army:             People of our country admire Army very much.
  5. Step:                The chair tutorial has 4 steps.
  6. Company:      He has a good friends company.
  7. Love:               He loves his parents.
  8. Duty:               He was on duty.
  9. Girl:                The girls are playing.
  10. Eat:                 I will eat lunch later.
  11. Decide:            She decided to study further.
  12. Beat:               he beats his friend in chess match.
  13. Fight:              never fight with anyone.
  14. Lie:                  A lie will always be a lie.
  15. Give:               Please give me your address.
  16. Enjoy:             Kids enjoy playing in rain.
  17. Careful:          He is very careful about his future.
  18. Success:          Hard work is the key to success.
  19. Trust:              always trust your family.
  20. Solve:              He solved the puzzle.
  21. Story:              He is good in story writing.
  22. Break:             He enjoys tea at break time.
  23. Fear:               He fears to drive a car.
  24. Defeat:            His team was defeated in cricket.
  25. Enemy:           Make friends not enemies.
  26. Cut:                 Cut the fruits.
  27. Fail:                 Hard work leads to success.
  28. Tension:         Tension takes away energy. 
  29. Idea:               His ideas are innovative.
  30. Machine:        Machine is made by mind.
  31. Brave:             Our soldiers are brave.
  32. Humble:         He is nice and solid.
  33. Excuse:           Father excused him due to his truth.
  34. Short:             Children like short stories.
  35. Cannot;            we cannot succeed without hard work.
  36. Target:           Always set your target.
  37. First:               He is happy to be first in race.
  38. Garden:          Garden is full of flowers.
  39. Rumour:         Media clarify rumours immediately. 
  40. Nature:           Pakistan has a lot of natural resources.
  41. Lain:               A lie is responded by good bye. 
  42. Accident:        Traffic rules avoid accidents.
  43. Spend:            Spend time usefully.
  44. Sympathy:      Sympathy wins hearts.
  45. Old:                 They are old friends.
  46. Accept:           Accept the challenge.
  47. Sink:               Iron sinks but wood floats.
  48. Tense:             Tension takes away energy.
  49. Ditch:              Muslims won the battle of ditch.
  50. Home:             All livings defend their home.
  51. Shy:                 Brave never shy.
  52. Race:               Race with grace.
  53. Success:         Hard work brings success.
  54. Task:               Task is mission.
  55. Young:           Youths are future.
  56. Misery:          Resolve to end misery.
  57. Car:                 Car games are good.
  58. Enjoy:            I enjoy reading.
  59. Impossible:    Efforts overcome impossible.
  60. Last:               He succeeded at last,
  61. Make:              Make best use of the time.
  62. Matching:        I ply cricket match .
  63. Rule:                Follow the rules.
  64. Neglect:           Take care of elderly. 
  65. Offer;               He offers the prayers. 
  66. Sick:                Exercise to remain healthy.
  67. Pressure;          the car has pressure breaks.
  68. Protect:            Protect the nation.
  69. Quick:            Be quick but solid.
  70. Regarded:      He is regarded as a gentleman.
  71. Imagination: Imagination is as valuable as Intelligence.
  72. Truth              Truth overcomes all odds
  73. Admire           Admiration always boosts confidence.
  74. Early              Early decision in life makes a man successful.
  75. Strong            Children are the base of a strong nation.
  76. Curiosity         Curiosity adds to knowledge.
  77. Laughing  Laughter therapy is a new trend to come out from anxiety.
  78. Cry                 A brave man never cries in adversity.
  79. Discuss          Discussion always carries new ideas.
  80. Sympathy       Sympathy is a remedy for ill persons.
  81. Criminal          Criminals are usually reform able.
  82. House             A united house is the strength of the family.
  83. Sorrow            Joy always overcomes sorrow.
  84. Think              Imagination improves thinking.
  85. Character        Good character decides the destiny of a man.
  86. Sad                A company of friends overcomes sadness.

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word association test

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word association test


Word association test is a Psychological test , Where you have to Write anything that comes to your mind when you see a Word on Board.
Purpose of the test:
Candidate responses depict his or her personality and thinking approach.

Tips to prepare:

  1. Practice daily for WAT words making good sentences
  2. Don’t consider write and wrong, Just practice
  3. Evaluate your writing
  4. Increase your speed
  5. Evaluate your own sentences at the end.
  6. If you can’t make a sentence then write a single word which comes to your mind.

Tips to Solve word association Test in ISSB

Each word appear for 9 second on screen and you have to write a sentence. It is better to start your preparation without Time limitation. Jab apki aachi practice ho Jaye, then us k bad, aap time set karen, And solve your WAT within in time.

During start of your preparation, don’t focus on Forceful positivity. Every body want himself to portray as a positive person. But very people show themselves as Natural as they are. …

The beauty of the psych tests, Psychologist can easily catch candidates, Who just hiding their everything and showing the positive side, which they are lacking.

How to solve WAT in issb?

Word association test is an amazing test to analyze someone’s personality. In the following test, 100 words are given. You are advised to kindly fill in the responses as much as you can. In the actual test, every word appears for 9 seconds. You have to write a complete sentence or whatever word comes to your mind. Please, Drag the sidebar to see all the words. Thank you.

If you want to practice the real-time WAT test, each word appears for 09 seconds with sound. Then please visit our page REAL-TIME WAT TEST.

You can Book an appointment for the detailed assessment and evaluation of your psychological tests. Our detailed report about your personality will help you in ISSB test preparation.

Test yourself by a psychologist for ISSB test preparation

Consult a psychologist to evaluate your personality

We have a bunch of psychologists, who evaluate personality with respect to ISSB test preparation. We have evaluated more than 1700 candidates in 2022 only and all of them, Alhamdulillah satisfied from our assessment. Many of them get recommended after improving their weaknesses highlighted in the psych assessment. If you are preparing for ISSB tests, then this is golden opportunity for yourself to assess your test preparation. If you are not satisfied with our assessment process, Your Fee will be returned back to you. Following is the appointment process.

  • Contact through our Whatsapp number
  • We will send some psychological tests and you will fill it in your time.
  • You will return your written psych tests for the assessment
  • After written psychological assessment, your interview will be held on Whats-app call, for some cross questioning.
  • Your detailed result will be shared in form a PDF report highlighting your strengths and weaknesses, Your leadership qualities, ISSB qualities, suggestion for improvements and chances for recommendation.
  • The Normal fee for psych assessment is 1500 PKR, however, It is reduced to 1,000 PKR for the month of Feb and march, 2023.
  • If you are still unable to pay the fee due to your financial background, then don’t worry, We will make sure that your financial background doesn’t hinder your growth and we will do your assessment in half fee. For contact please click on WhatsApp button.

Please wait 05 seconds to load your word association test. If you don’t have any Emails, Kindly Contact us through the Facebook page or our WhatsApp number available on our contact page. We will ensure your results by sending through Facebook page messenger or through Whatsapp conversation. Thanks.

Do you want to prepare best for your coming ISSB tests? We will advise you to please read all posts we have posted for your guidance under the Preparation and Guidance page. You can submit the Incomplete sentence Test by clicking the following button.

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