Word association 2 partnerships




Link each verb on the left with a noun
on the right to make 10 ‘partnerships’. The first one has been done for you
as an example.





an improvement



a baby






the treatment



some infections



an appointment



a sample



the pain



a drug



a cold


Complete these sentences using the
partnerships from Exercise 1. You may have to make some changes to fit the grammar
of the sentences. The first one has been done for you as an example.


The doctor will
administer____ a drug to
the patient.


She was ____________________.


As soon as the
patient reported severe side-effects, the doctor ____________________.


____________________ from one of my colleagues at work.


The laboratory
____________________ of the food and found traces of bacteria.


A healthy body
can ____________________ .


I would like to
____________________ with the dental hygienist for 10.00am tomorrow.


She had an
injection to ____________________ in her leg.


The health
visitor advised the new parents to ____________________ after feeding.


The nurses
_____________________ in the patient’s condition.


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SOME WORDS FORM “partnerships”. For example, we talk about income tax not revenue tax. Both forms are grammatically correct, but only the first is normally used.
Exercise1. Match the verbs on the left with nouns on the right to make ten partnerships. Some verbs will go with more than one noun; different answers are given in the key.
VERBS………………………….. NOUNS
1. break…………………………a case
2. commit………………………a market
3. cross examine……….…….a fee
4. charge……………………….an interest
5. declare………………………a Law
6. enter…………………………a crime
7.evade……………………………a verdict
8. hear…………………………..terms
9. negotiate…………………….a witness
Exercise 2. Complete these sentences using the partnerships from the first exercise. You may have to make some changes to fit the grammar of the sentences. The first one has been done for you as an example.
1. You must know that you are _____breaking the law___ when you park on the pavement.
2. The merger will only go ahead if the two companies can _________ they are both happy with.
3. After two hours deliberating the jury ___________ of not guilty.
4. We are going to ____________ with a revolutionary new product next month.
5. A good accountant can save you money by finding ways to _____________.
6. We have _____________ for the prosecution, which depends on an unreliable identification.
7. When she was ____________ he contradicted his earlier testimony.
8. I am innocent; I did not __________ you accuse me of.
9. During the recent debate on this matter Mr. Allen failed to __________: he is a director of the company bidding for the contract.
10. Most solicitors do not _________ for the first consultation.
Exercise 1:
1.break down
2. commit a crime
3. cross examine a witness
4. charge a fee
5. declare an interest
6. enter a market
7. evade taxes
8. hear a case
9. negotiate terms
10. return a verdict
Exercise 2:
1.breaking the law
2. negotiate terms
3. returned a verdict
4. enter the market
5. evade taxes
6. heard the case
7. cross examining the witness
8. commit the crime
9. declare an interest
10. charge a fee

18.SAD: Seasonal Affective Disorder

19.SIDS: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

20.STI: Sexually Transmitted Infection

21.TB: Tuberculosis

22.TBI: Total Body Irradiation

23.UV: Ultraviolet

24.VDH: Valvular Disease of the Heart

25.WHO: World Health Organization

Symptoms & common illnesses 1 (p. 31)



2. rubella

3. coryza

4. varicella



6. infectious


7. pertussis


allergic rhinitis

Symptoms & common illnesses 2 (p. 32)

Exercise 1.

1.Chickenpox is the same as varicella

2.A cold is the same as coryza

3.The flu is the same as influenza

4.German measles is the same as rubella

5.Hay fever is the same as allergic rhinitis

6.Measles is the same as rubeola

7.Mumps is the same as infectious parotitis

8.Whooping cough is the same as pertussis

Exercise 2.

1. hay fever

2. German measles 3. whooping cough

4. flu

5. mumps

6. chickenpox

Diagnosis (p. 33)

1. epilepsy 2. gangrene

3. cataracts

4. Parkinson’s


5. tuberculosis

6. cystic fibrosis

7. cirrhosis

8. diphtheria

9. cerebral palsy

10. gastroenteritis

How it works (p.34)

1. d)

10. h)

2. k)

11. p)

3. g)

12. q)

4. m)

13. c)

5. r)

14. o)

6. a)

15. l)

7. b)

16. j)

8. f)

17. i)

9. n)

18. e)

Instruments and equipment (p. 35)

1. wheelchair

2. scalpel

3. probe

4. forceps

5. curette

6. pipette

7. tourniquet

8. hook

9. drain

10. gag

11. syringe

12. catheter

13. bandage

14. sling

15. stretcher

16. splint

17. stethoscope

18. thermometer

Chemistry (p. 36)

1.Na, sodium, (e) the basic substance in salt

2.Ca, calcium, (p) metallic element which is the major component of bones and teeth

3.Pb, lead, (l) heavy soft metallic element which is poisonous in compounds

4.Ti, titanium, (n) light metallic element which does not corrode

5.Ba, barium, (d) used as a contrast when taking X-ray photographs of soft tissue

6.Zn, zinc, (s) white metallic trace element

7.Fe, iron, (j) an essential part of the red pigment in blood cells, found in liver and eggs

8.Co, cobalt, (f) metallic element which is the basis of a radioactive isotope used to treat cancer

9.Cl, chlorine, (q) powerful greenish gas, used to sterilise water

10.He, helium, (m) very light gas used in combination with oxygen, especially to relieve asthma or sickness caused by decompression

11.S, sulphur, (t) yellow non-metallic element found in some amino acids

12.Au, gold, (r) soft yellow-coloured precious metal, used as a compound in various drugs, and sometimes as a filling for teeth

13.O, oxygen, (h) colourless gas which is present in air and essential to human life

14.H, hydrogen, (k) gas which combines with oxygen to form water

15.HCI, hydrochloric acid, (a) acid found in the gastric juices which helps to break apart the food

16.N, nitrogen, (o) gas which is the main component of air and an essential part of protein

17.HCN, hydrocyanic acid, (b) acid which forms cyanide

18.C, carbon, (i) one of the common non-metallic elements which is an essential component of living matter and organic chemical compounds

19.N2O, nitrous oxide, (g) colourless gas with a sweet smell, used in combination with other gases as an anaesthetic in dentistry and surgery

20.C10H14N2, nicotine, (c) main alkaloid substance found in tobacco


    MILITARY ENGLISHa workbook for users

    by Richard Bowyer

  • First published in Great Britain 2001

    Published by Peter Collin Publishing Ltd 32-34 Great Peter
    Street, London, SW1P 2DB

    Peter Collin Publishing Ltd 2001You may photocopy the inside
    pages of this workbook (pages numbered 1 to 58) for classroom use
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    record for this book is available from the British Library

    ISBN: 1-901659-58-5

    Text typeset by The Studio Publishing Services, Exeter EX4 8JN
    Printed by Nuffield Press, Abingdon

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    0-948549-96-3Vocabulary for Business, 2nd edition
    1-901659-27-5Vocabulary for Colloquial English
    0-948549-97-1Vocabulary for Computing, 2nd edition
    1-901659-28-3Vocabulary for English: IELTS 1-901659-60-7Vocabulary
    for English: FCE 1-901659-11-9Vocabulary for English: TOEFL
    1-901659-68-2Vocabulary for Hotels, Tourism, Catering
    0-948549-75-0Vocabulary for Law, 2nd edition
    1-901659-21-6Vocabulary for Marketing 1-901659-48-8Vocabulary for
    Medicine, 2nd edition 1-901659-47-XVocabulary for Military Terms

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    1-901659-06-2Dictionary of Accounting 0-948549-27-0Dictionary of
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    0-948549-66-1Dictionary of Banking & Finance, 2nd edition
    1-901659-30-5Dictionary of Business, 3rd edition
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  • IntroductionThe worksheets in this workbook contain a variety of
    exercises appropriate for students requiring a working knowledge of
    English military terminology. The worksheets can be used either for
    self-study or in the classroom and can be completed in any order.
    Several have ‘extensions’: short classroom exercises based on the
    language in the main exercise. All the questions within this
    workbook are based on the Dictionary of Military Terms (published
    by Peter Collin Publishing, ISBN 1-901659-24-0).

    This workbook is aimed at students with at least an intermediate
    level of English. However, many people involved in the military
    have to use English on a regular basis so students with a more
    basic level of English may therefore already have the passive
    vocabulary to handle many of the exercises.

    Specialist vocabularyIt is important to appreciate that
    ‘knowing’ specialist vocabulary involves more than simply
    recognising it.

    You can understand the meaning of a word when reading or
    listening and yet be unable to remember that same word when
    speaking or writing.

    You may remember the word, but use it incorrectly. This can be a
    grammatical problem, like knowing that ‘import’ can be used both as
    a noun and as a verb. Or it may be a question of collocation: we
    use mail-order, not post-order.

    Then there is the question of the sound of the word. Can you
    pronounce it? And do you recognise it when you hear it

    For these reasons — memory, use and sound — it is important that
    students practise specialist vocabulary so that they can learn to
    use it more confidently and effectively. The exercises in this
    workbook will help students to expand their knowledge and use of
    marketing vocabulary.

    Photocopiable materialAll the worksheets can be legally
    photocopied to use in class. If, as a teacher, you intend to use
    most of the book with a class you may find it more convenient for
    the students to buy a copy each. You are not allowed to photocopy
    or reproduce the front or back cover.

    Using the Dictionary of Military TermsAll of the vocabulary
    taught or practised in this workbook is in the Dictionary of
    Military Terms. The Dictionary gives definitions in simple English
    which students can read and understand. Many of the examples and
    definitions in the workbook are taken directly from the dictionary.
    Students should have a copy of the Dictionary of Military Terms to
    refer to when completing the exercises; using the dictionary is an
    essential part of successful language learning.

    Structure of a dictionary entryEach entry within the dictionary
    includes key elements that help a student understand the definition
    of the term and how to use it in context. Each term has a clear
    example, and part of speech. This is followed by example sentences
    and quotations from newspapers and magazines that show how the term
    is used in real life. These elements of the dictionary are used to
    create the questions within this workbook.

    Vocabulary Record SheetAt the back of the book is a Vocabulary
    Record Sheet (p54). Recording useful vocabulary in a methodical way
    plays a key role in language learning and could be done, for
    example, at the end of each lesson.The dictionary is a useful tool
    for ensuring that the personal vocabulary record is accurate and is
    a good source for example sentences to show how words are used, as
    well as for notes about meaning and pronunciation, etc.



  • cont

    ents Contents


    Page Title Content Mode

    WORD-BUILDING1. Word association 1:

    missing linksLinking each set of four words with one other word

    2. Two-word expressions Combining words from two lists to make
    two-word expressions that fit the definitions Self-study

    3. Word formation: nouns Rewriting sentences using noun forms
    instead of verbs Self-study

    4. Word marriages: nouns Completing sentences by combining words
    from two lists to make single words Self-study

    5. Word association 2: partnerships

    Completing sentences by combining adjectives with nouns

    6. Three-word expressions Combining words from three lists to
    make three-word expressions that fit the definitions Self-study

    7. Word association 3: mind maps

    Finding words in a mind map that fit definitions; designing mind

    Self-study Pair work

    PARTS OF SPEECH8. Nouns 1 Sentence completion Self-study

    9. Nouns 2 Identifying natural and man-made features in a
    picture of landscape Self-study

    10. Adjectives Sentence completion Self-study

    11. Verbs: present continuous Matching verbs with pictures of
    activity in progress Self-study

    12. Verbs: present perfect Linking a past action to a present
    effect Self-study

    13. Verbs: mixed tenses Sentence completion Self-study

    14. Verbs: active/passive Changing sentences from active to
    passive using different verbs Self-study

    15. Phrasal verbs 1 Matching phrasal verbs with their
    definitions Self-study

    16. Phrasal verbs 2 Sentence completion Self-study

    17. Prepositions Correcting sentences with deliberate mistakes
    in the prepositions Self-study

    PRONUNCIATION18. Word stress Classifying three-syllable words by

    pronunciation Self-study

    19. Present simple Classifying third person singular forms by
    their pronounciation Self-study

    20. Past simple/past participle Classifying past forms of
    regular verbs by their pronounciation Self-study

    21. Timings Writing timings as one would say them Extension:
    Practising saying timings with a partner


    Pair work

    VOCABULARY IN CONTEXT22. Odd one out Identifying a word that is
    different to others

    in the set Self-study

    23. Multiple meanings Identifying words with multiple meanings

    24. Opposites Identifying pairs of opposite adjectives; matching
    each pair with a frequently associated noun. Extension: working
    with a partner to test one another

    Self-study Pair work

    25. What do I do? Matching officer appointments with their
    descriptions. Extension: working with a partner to write
    descriptions of other appointments

    Self-study Pair work

  • ContentsPage Title Content Mode

    26. Orders 1 Matching sentences with the correct heading
    Extension: writing a set of orders


    27. Offensive and defensive operations

    Classifying verbs as offensive or defensive; completing
    sentences Self-study

    28. Combined operations Text completion Self-study

    29. Radio conversations Placing sentences in the correct order
    Extension: practising the conversations

    Self-study Pair work

    30. Commands and warnings Matching commands and warnings with
    their meanings Self-study

    31. Orders 2 Completing a set of orders by working with a
    partner and asking questions Pair work

    33. Abbreviations Stating what abbreviations stand for
    Extension: working with a partner to test one another


    Pair work

    34. British and American English 1 Identifying British and
    American words by their spelling. Extension: working with a partner
    to test one another using the phonetic alphabet

    Self-study Pair work

    35. British and American English 2 Identifying the American
    equivalents of British terms. Extension: working with a partner to
    test one another

    Self-study Pair wor

    36. Slang Matching slang words with their definitions

    37. Armoured fighting vehicles Matching names with pictures

    38. Positions and locations Matching terms with pictures

    39. Categories 1: armoured fighting vehicles

    Classifying vehicles by type:Extension: working with a partner
    to produce further examples of each type


    Pair work

    40. Categories 2: aircraft Classifying aircraft by
    type:Extension: working with a partner to produce further examples
    of each type


    Pair work

    41. Categories 3: missiles Classifying missiles by
    type:Extension: working with a partner to produce further examples
    of each type


    Pair work

    PUZZLES & QUIZZES42. Communicative crossword 1 Completing a
    crossword by working with

    a partner and defining words Pair work

    44. Word search Finding words hidden in letters and using clues
    listed Self-study

    45. Anagrams 1 Solving anagrams by reading clues and putting
    letters in order Self-study

    46. Military trivia 1 Answering questions Self-study

    47. Communicative crossword 2 Completing a crossword by working
    with a partner and defining words Pair work

    49. Anagrams 2 Solving anagrams by reading clues and putting
    letters in order Self-study

    50. Communicative crossword 3 Completing a crossword by working
    with a partner and defining words Pair work

    52. Military trivia 2 Answering questions Self-study

    53. Military crossword Solving a crossword Self-study

    54. Vocabulary Record Sheet Recording new vocabulary,
    definitions and terms

    ANSWER KEY55. Answer key Answers to all worksheets



  • using





    Using the workbookMost students find it easier to assimilate new
    vocabulary if the words are learned in related groups, rather than
    in isolation. For example, words frequently occur in the same
    context as their opposites and, as such, it makes sense to learn
    the pairs of opposites together (see worksheets on page 24.)
    Similarly, mind maps encourage students to look for connections
    between words (see worksheet on page 7). The exercises and
    activities in this workbook have all been grouped into sections.
    These sections practise different elements of military vocabulary,
    enabling the student to gain a fuller understanding of the words

    The first section, Word-building {pages 1-7), encourages the
    student to identify links between words and to learn words that are
    morphologically related (for example, verbs and nouns which have
    the same stems). Within the Parts of Speech {pages 8-17) section,
    the emphasis is on understanding meanings and how to use terms in
    their correct grammatical forms. The worksheets in the third
    section practise the Pronunciation of military vocabulary {pages
    18-21). The section Vocabulary in Context {pages 22-41) includes
    topic-specific exercises such as those on ‘Radio conversations’ and
    ‘Offensive and defensive operations’. The activities in the last
    section, Puzzles & Quizzes {pages 42-54), expand students’
    knowledge and use of vocabulary in a fun way.

    Communicative crosswordsIncluded in the last section are three
    communicative crosswords. These are speaking exercises where
    students complete a half-finished crossword by exchanging clues
    with a partner. There are two versions of the crossword: A & B.
    The words which are missing from A are in B, and vice versa. No
    clues are provided: the students’ task is to invent them. This is
    an excellent exercise for developing linguistic resourcefulness; in
    having to define words themselves, students practise both their
    military vocabulary and the important skill of paraphrasing
    something when they do not know the word for it.

    Using communicative crosswordsStage 1 — Set-up. Divide the class
    into two groups — A and B — with up to four students in each group.
    Give out the crossword: sheet A to group A, sheet B to group B
    together with a copy of the Dictionary of Military Terms. Go
    through the rules with them. Some answers may consist of more than
    one word.

    Stage 2 — Preparation. The students discuss the words in their
    groups, exchanging information about the words they know and
    checking words they do not know in the Dictionary of Military
    Terms. Circulate, helping with any problems. This is an important
    stage: some of the vocabulary in the crosswords is quite

    Stage 3 — Activity. Put the students in pairs — one from group A
    and one from group B. The students help each other to complete the
    crosswords by giving each other clues.

    Make sure students are aware that the idea is to help each other
    complete the crossword, rather than to produce obscure and
    difficult clues.

    What’s one across?It’s fired when attacking the opposition.A
    type of gun?No, it’s what is loaded into a gun.Ammunition?Yes,
    that’s right

    Alternatively, students can work in small groups, each group
    consisting of two As and two Bs and using the following

    i) defining the wordii) describing what the item looks like

    iii) stating what the item is used foriv) describing the
    person’s rolev) stating what the opposite of the word is

    vi) giving examplesvii) leaving a gap in a sentence for the

    viii) stating what the word sounds like.

    A B A B

    A B A B

    Students work in pairs, co-operating to solve

    their crosswords

    A A B B

    A A B B

    Students work in groups, checking


  • Word association 1:missing linksEach of the sets of four words
    below can be linked by another word. All the words are related to
    military matters. What are the missing words? Write them in the
    centre of the charts. The first one has been done for you as an

    1 Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o f
    Military Terms (1-901659-24-0)


  • Two-word expressionsMake 14 two-word expressions connected with
    military matters by combining words from the two boxes: A and B.
    Then match each expression with the appropriate phrase. Use each
    word once. The first one has been done for you as an example.

    Box A.

    compassionate voice exclusion supply harrassing home shock

    manoeuvre field pincer distress observation static flight

    Box B.

    zone gun defefree signal leave post action dump

    path procedure line fire warfare movement

    1. Defence of a State’s own territory in the event of war.

    ______ Adphc A i^ tn c i__________________

    2. Area or region, which the armed forces or shipping of another
    State are not allowed to enter.

    3. Holiday granted to a service man who has problems at

    4. Standard words and expressions which are used when talking on
    the radio.

    5. Sign or message signifying that a person, ship or aircraft is
    in danger.

    6. Covert position from which an area of ground may be

    7. Temporary store of ammunition, food, fuel, etc., in the

    8. Method used to open a parachute as the parachutist jumps out
    the aircraft.

    9. Tactical manouevre, in which two groupings attack an enemy
    force at the same time, but from different directions.

    10. Random bombardment of a likely enemy location, in order to
    disrupt his activities.

    11. Course taken by an aircraft or missile.

    12. Military doctrine which recommends the use of mobility and
    constant aggression.

    13. Artillery piece designed to be moved easily over all types
    of ground.

    14. Sudden or aggressive attack or counterattack, especially by

    Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o f
    Military Terms (1-901659-24-0)

  • Word formation: nounsA fast way to expand your vocabulary is to
    make sure that you know the different forms of the words you learn.
    Rewrite the sentences below, changing the verbs (which are in bold)
    to nouns. Do not change the meaning of the sentences, but be
    prepared to use some different words if necessary. The first one
    has been done for you as an example.

    1. The enemy have advanced as far as Reichenbach.

    ~Ae Mirny dAvftnci AdS rm ckiA fciichiYifrnch

    2. We should expect to lose at least ten percent of our

    3. The enemy started to withdraw at last light.

    4. I will arrange for the vehicle to be recovered.

    5. They attacked under cover of smoke.

    6. You must register all the targets by 1600 hours.

    7. We will land the troops at night.

    8. The reinforcements were delayed when the bridge was

    9. It took seven hours to fly to Cyprus.

    10. We were not informed that they were retreating.

    11. They are still clearing the route.

    12. 6 Platoon will reconnoitre the enemy position.

    3 Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o f
    Military Terms (1 -901659-24-0)


  • wor


    i~ Word marriages: nouns

    Some nouns are formed by joining two words together to form a
    single word. Fill the gaps in the sentences below by combining a
    word from column A with a word from column B. The first one has
    been done for you as an example.

    Column A












    Column B













    1. He was drowned when the_______ capsized.

    2. There has been an enemy____________________________ to the
    north of Brno.

    3. A series of explosions informed us that a patrol had walked
    into the__________


    4. Th e____________________________will come into effect at 1100
    hours tomorrow.

    5. The missile had been fitted with a
    nuclear____________________________ .

    6. Our next____________________________ is the track junction at
    grid 491370.

    7. The tank used its____________________________ to illuminate
    the target.

    8. The ammunition will be kept in th
    e____________________________for the night.

    9. We found a small____________________________three hundred
    metres downstream.

    10. We couldn’t see the ship, but we heard
    its____________________________ .

    11. We have set up a ____________________________ on every route
    into the town.

    12. As a ___________________________ against ambush, all convoys
    will be escorted by troops.

    Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o f
    Military Terms (1-901659-24-0)

  • Word association 2: partnershipsFill the gaps in the sentences
    below by linking an adjective from the column on the left with a
    noun from the column on the right. The first one has been done for
    you as an example.

    Adjectives Nouns

    chemical information

    high-velocity bombert:mTTT discharge

    air damage

    collateral agent

    negligent image

    interior iron

    multinational bullet

    classified photograph

    corrugated lines

    thermal force

    stealth UlU

    1. All the men are being given training in______p f S t (jiA

    2. These shells contain some sort o f
    ____________________________ .

    3. A ____________________________ is being deployed to the

    4. The airstrike caused some____________________________ to the
    adjoining residential area.

    5. This night-viewing device produces a high
    quality____________________________ .

    6. He was court-martialled for
    passing____________________________ to the media.

    7. A ____________________________ has been shot down over enemy

    8. He was killed when one of his comrades had a
    ____________________________ inside the APC.

    9. He was hit in the chest by a ____________________________

    10. We can use o u r____________________________ to redeploy the

    11. You must revet the trenches w
    ith______________________________________ .

    12. The Ops Officer has asked for an _______
    ____________________ of the area._____________ _ _
    ______________________________ 5O Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For
    reference see Dictionary o f Military Terms (1-901659-24-0)


  • wor



    gThree-word expressionsMake 10 three-word expressions connected
    with military matters by combining words from the three lists: A, B
    and C. Then match each expression with the appropriate phrase. Use
    each word once. The first one has been done for you as an








































    1.Air-force officer or NCO who is attached to ground troops to
    direct close air support.hnvard air cantrstUr____________

    2. Standard procedure to be carried out in the event of
    something going wrong.

    7. Small unmanned radio-controlled aircraft designed to carry
    surveillance equipment.

    8. Pre-determined artillery target, registered on or just in
    front of your own position.

    3. Missile which flies from one continent to another and then
    ends its flight by simply falling onto the target.

    4. Home-made bomb.

    5. Pre-selected position that a unit or sub-unit will occupy in
    the event of war.

    9. Device which projects a laser beam onto a target in order to
    illuminate it for a laser- guided bomb or missile.

    10. Number of aircraft allocated to a unit for the performance
    of its operational role.

    11. Large combined arms grouping involving different branches of
    the armed forces, which is formed for a specific operation or

    6. Mental collapse as a result of a horrific 12 . Damage to an
    aircraft, caused by a loose experience. object being sucked into
    its air intakes.

    Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o f
    Military Terms (1-901659-24-0)

  • Word association 3:mind mapsA mind map is a way of organizing
    vocabulary to show the connections between words. This mind map is
    based on the word ‘headquarters’.

    Exercise 1. Find words in the mind map to fit the follow ing

    1. Department which is responsible for the resupply of
    ammunition. ____________________

    2. Small mobile headquarters used by the commander on the
    battlefield. ____________________

    3. Act of raising a service man to a higher rank.

    4. Group of officers and other ranks who assist the commander.

    5. People who are employed by an organization.

    6. Information about the enemy. ____________________

    7. Moving troops and equipment as part of a planned military
    task. ____________________

    8. Detailed instructions given by a commander to his
    subordinates. ________________ ~

    9. Information obtained by listening to the enemy’s radio t r a
    n s m is s io n s . ____________________

    10. Act of practising the skills which units have to carry out
    on o p e r a t io n s . ______________ ______

    Exercise 2. Design a mind map for one or more of the follow

    the army or navy or air force operations or logistics

    ________________________________________________ 7 Peter Collin
    Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o f Military Terms


  • parts



    ch Nouns 1Ail the nouns in the box relate to military matters.
    Use them to complete the sentences below. The first one has been
    done for you as an example.

    fireplan northing password resistance frontage

    flagship intsum demolition pillbox O Group

    wreckage trace riot interdiction fallout

    1. The sentry shot him because he didn’t give the correct______

    2. This squadron’s primary role is the of the enemy’s supply

    3. The approach to the bridge is guarded by a

    4. Your limit of exploitation is the five — seven

    5. The CO’s is at 1400 hours.

    6. The whole area has been contaminated by

    7. The battle group’s position has a of five kilometres.

    8. All our routes and report lines are marked on the

    9. Tell the battery commander to send us a copy of the

    10. We found of the aircraft scattered across the hillside.

    11. The Admiral’s was hit by an Exocet missile.

    12. The enemy losses were included in the last

    13. The bridge has been prepared for

    14. It started as a peaceful demonstration, but it quickly
    turned into a

    815. The forward units are encountering stiff,

    rearguard.from the enemy

    Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o f
    Military Terms (1-901659-24-0)

  • Nouns 2All the verbs in the box relate to natural and man-made
    features in the landscape. Use your dictionary to find the meanings
    of any which you do not know.

    field church re-entrant wood quarry road railway line mountain
    factory hedge T-junction village bridge summit river forest copse
    hill spur town castle crossroads orchard track pass saddle knoll
    ridge lake farm

    Now look at the picture below, and match the nouns to the


















    21 ..22 ..23..








    Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o f
    Military Terms (1-901659-24-0)

    parts of speech

  • parts



    ch AdjectivesAll the adjectives in the box relate to military
    matters. Use them to complete the sentences below. Each adjective
    should be used once only.The first one has been done for you as an

    non-persistent wire-guided diversionary untenable

    incendiary secure subordinate hostile optical civilian

    unserviceable preparatory multirole combat-effective

    1. All units are equipped with U C H T l radios.

    2. Our battalion carried out a attack on the left.

    3. The enemy shelled the position with a blood agent.

    4. Any movement in that area should be considered

    5. The tank’s instruments were damaged by shrapnel.

    6. There is a gun in the farmyard.

    7. The village was destroyed by bombs.

    8. Less than sixty percent of our units are still

    9. All commanders are to attend the briefing.

    10. Our position became when the enemy captured the hill.

    11. This aircraft is a _fighter.

    12. The attack was preceded by a bombardment.

    13. The radio was after he dropped it in the river.

    14. The enemy have been bombing targets.

    1015. The tank was destroyed by a missile.

    Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o f
    Military Terms (1-901659-24-0)

  • Verbs: present continuousThe present continuous tense is used to
    describe an action which is happening at the moment. First, look at
    the verbs below, and use your dictionary to find the meanings of
    any which you do not understand.

    retreat advance counter-attack form up

    kfie4 withdraw reorganize assault debus

    Now look at the pictures below. They illustrate the sequence of
    an attack. Complete each sentence, using one of these verbs in the
    present continuous tense. The first one has been done for you as an

    He ta 2. They 3. They

    7. They __________________ 8. The en em y_____________ _ 9. The

    Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o f
    Military Terms (1-901659-24-0)

  • parts



    ch Verbs: present perfectThe present perfect tense is often used
    to show how a past action can have an effect on what is happening
    now. The present effect is usually so obvious that it is not
    necessary to mention it. Look at the two columns below and match
    the present effect to the past action. The first question has been
    done for you as an example.

    Past Action Present Effect

    1. The commanding officer has been killed.

    2. We have captured a brigadier.

    3. Our tank has lost a track.

    4. Heavy fog has grounded our fighters.

    5. B Company have withdrawn.

    6. The enemy have captured a copy of the plan.

    7. There has been a chemical . attack at Bingen

    8. All the bridges have been blown.

    9. We have exhausted our ammunition.

    10. We have lost communications with C Company.

    11. The Guards have crossed their line of departure.

    12. The enemy have surrounded D Squadron.

    13. Our engineers have breached the minefield.

    14. The fleet has left the harbour.

    15.1 have not read the orders yet.

    a. The area is contaminated.

    b. We cannot talk to them.

    c. He is dead.

    d. It is at sea.

    e. It is no longer an obstacle.

    f. It is disabled.

    g. He is a prisoner.

    h. They are cut off.

    i. I do not know what the plan is.

    j. They are no longer holding theirposition.

    k. They cannot take off.

    I. We cannot cross the river..

    m. The operation is compromised.

    n. We cannot fire our weapons.

    o. They are advancing.

    12 — . — Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see D
    ictionary o f M ilitary Terms (1-901659-24-0) I

  • Verbs: mixed tensesAll the verbs in the box relate to m ilitary
    matters. Use them to complete the sentences below. You may have to
    change the forms of the verbs to fit the grammar of the sentences.
    (Remember the five forms of English verbs — for example: take;
    takes; took; taken; taking.) The first question has been done for
    you as an example.

    arm relieve interrogate intercept suppress

    replenish commandeer jam bridge insert

    deploy shell strafe camouflage mask

    1. The prisoners were _________ In te r rfig Ate A______ by an
    officer from the Intelligence Corps.

    2. We have an enemy radio transmission,

    3. Enemy fighters the refugee column, in order to clear the

    4. The patrol will by helicopter at 1930 hours.

    5. We managed to a civilian bus.

    6. His weapon because it was rusty.

    7. The position was by small-arms fire.

    8. The battle group is into attack formation.

    9. They are the vehicles with hessian and pieces of foliage.

    10. The enemy have the river between Mistelbach and

    11. That line of hills will our line of retreat.

    12. Rations and water will be at 2130 hours.

    13. You the rocket by pulling out this pin.

    14. The enemy has been C Company’s position for over an

    15. I will you in two hours.

    13e Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o
    f Military Terms (1-901659-24-0)

    parts of speech

  • parts



    ch Verbs: active/passiveWithout changing the meaning, rewrite
    each sentence using a verb from the box in the passive form.
    Remember that it is not always necessary to mention the subject of
    the active sentence. The first one has been done for you as an

    conceal assassinate breach sink shel blow shoot dowftambush
    intercept compromise capture outrange

    1. We destroyed three enemy fighters during the battle.

    Passive: 7 %tee enemy 0gAU t& Py-ctc jk o t m d u rin g tAe

    2. Last night, someone shot the Chief of Police.


    3. They hid the weapons in an old oil drum.


    4. An enemy submarine has torpedoed HMS Brilliant.


    5. The engineers have demolished the bridge at Zemun.


    6. The enemy have taken the airfield.


    7. Enemy artillery is firing at B Company.


    8. Partisans opened fire on the convoy as it was moving through
    the gorge.


    9. We have cleared a lane through the minefield.


    10. The enemy is listening to our radio transmissions.


    11. The enemy tanks can shoot further than ours.Passive:

    12. Some local people have seen our OP.


    Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o f
    Military Terms (1-901659-24-0)

  • Phrasal verbs 1Phrasal verbs are quite common in military
    English. They consist of two words: a verb and a preposition. Match
    each phrasal verb below with its correct definition. The first one
    has been done for you as an example.

    Phrasal Verb Definition

    1. pickup

    2. dig in

    3. stand to

    4. mop up

    5. take off

    6. bomb up

    7. push on

    8. roll up

    9. stand by

    10. give up

    11. fall in

    12. bug out

    13. home in

    14. lie up

    15. hold out

    a. to resupply a fighting vehicle or aircraft with

    b. to abandon a position or location in a hurry

    c. to be ready to do something.

    % d. to collect people or things with an aircraft, boat or
    vehicle, in order to transport them to another location

    e. to move forwards as fast as possible

    f. to be awake and at battle stations, in order to receive
    anenemy attack

    g. to admit that you cannot do something

    h. to be guided towards something

    i. to dig trenches or prepare other field fortifications

    j. to leave the ground

    k. to clear an area of any enemy who remain after theirmain
    force has withdrawn or been defeated

    I. to assault through an enemy position sideways, destroyingor
    capturing it trench by trench

    m. to rest or wait in a concealed position before continuinga
    patrol or other covert operation

    n. to continue to defend or resist

    o. to take your place on a formal parade

    15 Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o
    f Military Terms (1-901659-24-0)

    parts of speech

  • parts



    ch Phrasal verbs 2Use the phrasal verbs from the previous page
    to complete the sentences below. You may have to change the forms
    of the verbs to fit the grammar of the sentence. The first one has
    been done for you as an example.

    1. The squadron____________ took __________ while the airfield
    was being shelled.

    2. W e_______________________________in a small wood and
    observed the road.

    3. B Company are______________________________ around the

    4. If the enemy capture that hill, they will be able t o
    ______________________________ the entireposition.

    5. The installation was destroyed when a missile
    ______________________________ on its radarsystem.

    6. We had t o _______________________________when C Company’s
    position was overrun.

    7. After several abortive assaults, the
    enemy_______________________________and withdrew.

    8. The patrol w as_______________________________by

    9. The men collected their weapons and
    ______________________________ outside companyheadquarters.

    10. W e______________________________ until last light. Then we
    were forced to withdraw.

    11. Sunray says that we must______________________________ and
    capture the position.

    12. D Squadron are still_______________________________their

    13. The company_______________________________ for most of the
    night, after one of the trip-flareswent off.

    14. Two platoons are______________________________ to provide

    15. The battalion has
    been_______________________________isolated groups of guerrillas in
    the hills.

    Don’t forget to keep a record of the words and expressions that
    you have learnt, review your notes from time to time and try to use
    new vocabulary items whenever possible.

    16 Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o
    f Military Terms (1 -901659-24-0)

  • PrepositionsThe sentences in this exercise contain mistakes. The
    mistakes are all in the prepositions and there are three types:

    1. missing preposition: I spoke a him about this last week

    2. wrong preposition: We’re meeting again 4n- Tuesday on

    3. no preposition: I’ll telephone -te- you tomorrow

    Find the mistakes and correct them.

    1. He is currently based at Germany.

    2. Load by sabot!

    3. We debussed in front the enemy position.

    4. They only have enough rounds to one more fire mission.

    5. A Company captured of their objective thirty minutes ago.

    6. The second command is Major Bunbury.

    7. H-Hour is on 0545 hours.

    8. We were unable recover the damaged vehicle.

    9. We moved to the exercise area with bus.

    10. He was charged of cowardice,

    11. The enemy attacked to B Company’s position last night.

    12. We came in fire as we were crossing the town square.

    13. We’ve just received a message by Brigade Headquarters.

    14. USS Nimitz is already on sea.

    15. Captain MacDonald is at leave.

    Don’t forget to keep a record o f the words and expressions that
    you have learnt, review your notes from time to time and try to use
    new vocabulary items whenever possible.

    17 Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o
    f Military Terms (1-901659-24-0)

    parts of speech

  • pron



    on Word stressOne of the keys to English pronounciation is
    stress — one syllable is emphasized more than the others. There are
    three possible pronounciations for three-syllable words:

    A: Stress on the first syllable ( ? ) ( ? ) For example: che —
    mi — cal

    B: Stress on the second syllable ( l ) ( ? ) For example: log —
    ist — ics

    C: Stress on the third syllable ( T ) ( 2) For example: ref — u
    — geeFirst look at the sentences below and find all the three
    syllable-words. Underline them and then classify them by putting
    them in the correct columns in the table on the right. There are
    twenty-four words in total. The first one has been done for you as
    an example.

    1. The whole area is out of bounds to troops.

    2. That information is classified.

    3. The company commander has been wounded.

    4. We must intercept the convoy before it crosses the river.

    5. He was posted overseas.

    6. The saboteurs were shot as they tried to escape.

    7. We have established an OP on that hill.

    8. We still don’t know the enemy’s intentions.

    9. The engineers are preparing to demolish the bridge.

    10. Our position is untenable.

    11. My signaller was unable to repair the radio.

    12. We will try to resupply you tonight.

    13. We are going on exercise next week.

    14. There has been an accident on the range.

    15. The division will start to disembark at first light.

    16. The brigadier had to countermand the order.

    18 ___________________________

    Group A Q ( 2 ) ( 3)

    Group B O

    Group C ( ? ) ( 2) Q

    Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o f
    Military Terms (1 -901659-24-0)

  • Present simpleVerbs in the present tense add an ‘s’ in the third
    person singular: 1 shoot, you shoot, he shoots. There are three
    different ways of pronouncing the ‘s’. Look at these examples:

    A: /s/, for example protects B: /z/, for example moves C: /iz/,
    for example releases

    Find the third person singular present tense verbs in these
    sentences and classify them by their pronounciation. Put them in
    the correct columns in the table on the right. Be careful: some
    sentences have more than one verb. There are 25 examples in total.
    The first one has been done for you.

    1. The red light warns the operator when the device detects
    Group A: /s/a chemical agent.

    2. He commands a squadron of tanks.

    3. Although he discharges his routine duties well, he always
    panics under fire.

    4. In this demonstration, the squad skirmishes onto theobjective
    and then reorganizes.

    Group B: /z/

    5. This vehicle clears obstructions and, if necessary, destroys
    LVATHSthem with its gun.

    6. Sarin attacks the central nervous system.

    7. This lever controls the missile as it flies towards the

    8. CpI Jenkins issues leave passes and travel warrants.

    9. The aircraft usually drops GP bombs in support of

    10. The missile arms itself as it launches.

    11. My platoon practises NBC drills at least once a month.

    12. This vehicle tows a field gun and also carries its
    ammunition. Group C: /iz/

    13. The Queen’s Guard marches down this street every

    14. This chemical disperses after only five minutes.

    15. The company digs trenches whenever it halts.

    16. This missile scatters bomblets over its target area.

    17. This watch-tower covers all three roads into the

    Extension. The same rule applies to plurals: /s/ bullets; /z/
    rounds; /iz/ cartridges. Look at the sentences again, and find four
    plurals in each pronounciation category.

    Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o f
    Military Terms (1-901659-24-0)


  • pron



    on Past simple / past participleRegular verbs have three
    different pronounciations in the past tense (or the past
    participle). The difference is in the sound which you use for the
    ending. Look at these examples:

    A: /t/f for example attacked B: 161, for example ordered C:
    /id/, for example retreated

    Find the past forms of all the regular verbs in these sentences
    and classify them by their pronounciation. Put them in the correct
    columns in the table on the right. Be careful: some sentences have
    more than one verb. There are 25 examples in total. The first one
    has been done for you.

    1. We assaulted the enemy position on foot.

    2. He was based in Germany for five years.

    3. The battle group advanced towards its objectives.

    4. The shell exploded in the middle of the company RV.

    5. He was killed when the lorry crashed.

    6. The enemy mined the entrance to the harbour.

    Group A: /t/

    7. A local shepherd guided us over the mountain.

    8. The crowd dispersed when we used CS gas.

    9. The enemy launched a Scud two minutes ago

    10. We engaged the tank, but missed it with both of our

    11. They were resupplied with ammunition and fuel.12. Last
    night, they bombed the Brigade Administration Area.13. H-Hour has
    been delayed.14. We reorganized in a wadi and then moved back.

    15. They towed the vehicle into the wood and dumped it in a

    Group B: 161

    16. At H+13, the mortars checked firing.17. We covered A Company
    as they withdrew.

    18. I sited the SF on our right flank.

    19. He aimed at the leading vehicle.

    20. They captured the bridge last night.

    Group C: /id/

    Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o f
    Military Terms (1-901659-24-0)

  • TimingsThe tw enty-four hour clock is always used in military
    timings and to avoid confusion, the word ‘hours’ is normally added
    to the end. This is usually written as ‘hrs’.

    For example: The briefing is at 1430 hrs.

    Now write the timings below as you would actually say them. The
    first one has been done for you as an example.

    1 1625 hrs sh cU en t ty in ty -f iv e

    2. 0400 hrs

    3. 1545 hrs

    4. 0910 hrs

    5. 2009 hrs

    6. 1059 hrs

    7. 1330 hrs

    8. 1800 hrs

    9. 0043 hrs

    10. 2000 hrs

    11. 0306 hrs

    12. 2110 hrs

    13. 2218 hrs

    14. 1717 hrs

    15. 0005 hrs ______________

    Extension: Work with a partner to practise saying timings. One
    person writes a timing as numbers (for example: 1625 hrs) and the
    other then says it (for example: sixteen twenty-five hours)

    Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o f
    Military Terms (1-901659-24-0)


  • voca


    y in



    Odd one outIn each set of words, one is the odd one out:
    different from the others. Find the word that is different and
    circle it. For example:

    captain ( ^ T e r g e a n t ^ ) lieutenant major

    ‘sergeant’ is the odd one out. All the others are officers.

    1. frigate destroyer submarine corvette

    2. machine-gun mortar howitzer field gun

    3. guerilla mercenary soldier partisan

    4. minelayer minesweeper mine plough flail

    5. rations fuel reinforcements ammunition

    6. tank APC self-propelled gun lorry

    7. hill bridge embankment church

    8. Phantom Apache Tornado Harrier

    9. midshipman admiral sub-lieutenant colonel


    11. Sarin hydrogen cyanide anthrax mustard

    12. B-1 B-2 F-117A F-22

    13. Forger Foxbat Fantan Fishbed

    14. engineers cavalry artillery infantry

    15. pistol assault weapon light machine-gun cannon

    Don’t forget to keep a record o f the words and expressions that
    you have learnt, review your notes from time to time and try to use
    new vocabulary items whenever possible.

    Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o f
    Military Terms (1-901659-24-0)

  • Multiple meaningsSome words have more than one meaning. For
    example an operation is a planned military task {‘this w ill be a
    covert operation’) but it is also an act of surgery (‘he needed an
    operation to remove the bu llet). Can you identify the follow ing
    eight words? Two or more meanings are given for each word.

    1. This word means:

    a rapid and aggressive movement towards the enemy. He was killed
    leading abayonet________________________. an official accusation of
    a crime or offence. You are on a ________________________
    forinsubordination. an explosive device.
    One________________________failed to detonate. electrical energy.
    None of these batteries have any________________________ left.

    2. This word means: a tactical formation where men or vehicles
    move side by side. The squad advancedin ________________________.
    electrical cable used to connect field telephones. «We must lay
    more______________________backto HQ». a length of rope. He threw a
    ______________________to the men in the lifeboat.

    3. This word means: a moving ridge of water. A
    huge______________________broke over the bows of the ship. one of
    several groupings attacking one behind the other. The f irs
    t_____________________was decimated.

    4. This word means: to complete an exam or test successfully.
    You must______________________the Battle Fitness Test. a document
    allowing someone to do something. Show me your
    leave___________________please. a narrow route through the
    mountains. The_______ ________________ was blocked with snow. an
    aircraft’s approach flight towards its target. We hit the plane on
    its second_______________ .

    5. This word means: a natural or man-made place where ships can
    shelter. The entrance to the______________________was mined. a
    secure area in the field where troops can rest. We set up a
    _____________________ in the wood.

    6. This word means: a sign made by gestures, light or any other
    means. The_____________________ to withdraw is ared flare. a radio
    message. IVeVe just received a ______________________from Brigade
    HQ. electromagnetic waves transmitted by a radio. I’m getting a
    very weak______________________ .

    7. This word means: to block the enemy’s radio transmissions.
    The enemy is trying to -_____________________ us. to stop firing
    because of mechanical failure. Your weapon w
    ill_____________________ if youdon’t clean it.

    8. This word means: detailed instructions for an operation. The
    OC is giving h is___________________ in thirty minutes. formal
    parade where disciplinary matters are dealt with. You will be on
    CO’s_________ ___ today. document showing the day’s programme and
    other information. Have you

    23 Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o
    f Military Terms (1-901659-24-0)

    vocabulary in


  • voca



    in co


    tOppositesGroup 1 consists of adjectives which relate to
    military matters. Group 2 consists of nouns which are frequently
    associated with those adjectives.

    First look at the adjectives in Group 1, and identify pairs of
    opposite meaning. Write these pairs in column A. Then write the
    nouns from Group 2 in column B, matching each one with its
    associated pair of adjectives.

    One line has been done for you as an example.

    GROUP 1

    enemy passive frontal covert strategic magneticfriendly tactical
    mobile active blank air-portableovert live acting mechanized
    forward staticrear substantive wheeled flanking tracked grid

    GROUP 2

    bombing rank vehicle forces defence ammunition bearing operation
    night-viewing device infantry attack area

    Colum n A Colum n B

    f o r c e s

    Extension: Work with a partner to test one another. One person
    closes the book while the other asks questions. For example: What’s
    the opposite o f enemy?»

    24 ____________________________________________ Peter Collin
    Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o f Military Terms

  • What do I do?When you work with other units and formations, you
    may well have to deal with one or more of these officers. Match the
    appointment in column A with the job description in column B. The
    first one has been done for you as an example.

    Column A Column B

    1. Staff Officer (SO) t a. I act as personal assistant to the

    2. Quartermaster (QM) b. I direct close air support.

    3. Public Relations Officer (PRO) c. I assist the battalion
    commander with his administrative work.

    4. Aide-de-camp (ADC) d. I work in a brigade headquarters.

    5. Forward Air Controller (FAC) e. I command a company-sized
    grouping of artillery.

    6. Commanding Officer (CO) f. I am responsible for coordinating
    staff duties within the battalion headquarters.

    7. Intelligence Officer (IO) 9- I command a company.

    8. Liaison Officer (LO) h. I deal with the media.

    9. Forward Observation Officer (FOO)

    i. I direct artillery fire.

    10. Battery Commander (BC) j- I am responsible for the logistics
    of the battalion.

    11. Ammunition Technical Officer (ATO)

    k. I collect and analyse information about the enemy.

    12. Executive Officer (XO) I. I command a battalion.

    13. Officer Commanding (OC) m I act as a link between the
    brigade and the battle groups.

    14. Adjutant n. I dispose of unexploded bombs.

    Extension: Work with a partner to write descriptions of
    appointments within your unit.

    Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o f
    Military Terms (1-901659-24-0)


    vocabulary in


  • voca



    in co


    tOrders 1British and American ground forces use the the same set
    of headings for preparing their operational orders.

    This format can be applied to any type of operation.

    A. Ground.B. Situation. i. Enemy Forces.

    ii. Friendly Forces.ii. Attachments and Detachments.

    C. Mission.D. Execution. i. Concept of Operations.

    ii. Detailed Tasks.iii. Coordinating Instructions.

    E. Administration and Logistics.F. Command and Signal.

    C Company is about to take part in a battalion attack. The
    sentences below have been extracted from the company commander’s
    orders. Match each sentence to the correct heading (and sub-heading
    if necessary). The first one has been done for you as an

    1. The objective is occupied by elements of the 3rd Airborne
    Division. t

    2. If I am hit, Capt Thomas will take over until the 2IC
    arrives. ________

    3. 9 Platoon’s objective is the church at grid 424719.

    4. C Company will capture the village of Pratzen. ________

    5. The company will assault with two platoons forward and one in
    reserve. ________

    6. H-Hour is at 0415 hours. ________

    7. The surrounding area is open farmland.

    8. B Company will be on our left. Their objective is the wood at
    grid 440720.

    9. Each man will carry four anti-personnel grenades and one
    smoke grenade.

    10. Our frequency is 0475 MHz.

    11. G40D is attached to company headquarters for the attack.

    12. Requests for indirect fire support will be made through

    13. The RAP is at grid 435715.

    14. Hunt Ball means that the objective is secure.

    Extension. Write your own set of orders for an imaginary

    26Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o f
    Military Terms (1-901659-24-0)

  • Offensive and defensive operationsExercise 1Some verbs are
    associated primarily with offensive operations, while others are
    more usually associated with defence. Look at the verbs below and
    put them in the relevant columns. The first one has been done for
    you as an example.

    a^aw e attack capture counter-attack . delay

    deny envelop fortify hold outflank

    O ffence



    Exercise 2Now complete each sentence, using one of the verbs
    above. You may have to change the form of the verb to fit the
    grammar of the sentence.

    1. We were still reorganizing on the objective when the enem
    y_____________________________ .

    2. The enemy are trying t o __ _________________ _________us on
    the left.

    3. 7 Corps is _____________________________ towards Minden.

    4, Our mission is to crossed the river.

    the enemy until the other battle groups have

    5. The brigade to withdraw.

    its positions until 1030 hours. Then it was forced

    6. The enemy has

    7. We must

    B Company. They are now completely cut off.

    these routes to the enemy for as long as possible.

    8. We were unable to support the Fusiliers as they of

    the village

    9. Enemy paratroopers have

    10. We had just finished ___

    the bridge at Arnheim.

    our positions when we came under fire. 27 Peter Collin
    Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o f Military Terms

    vocabulary in


  • voca



    in co


    tCombined operationsMost large-scale military operations involve
    a high level of cooperation between the different arms and
    services. It is therefore essential for all servicemen to have a
    wide vocabulary of military terms and expressions.

    Below is a report written about an imaginary combined arms
    operation. Use the words and expressions from the box to fill in
    the gaps in the text.

    air defence naval gunfire support line of defence beachhead

    naval bombardment Engineer sorties airborne deliberate

    forward observation officer close air support landing craft


    Combined arms operation

    On D-1, (1)________________________________________units were
    dropped by parachute to seize

    strategic crossings over the River Dingwezi. All of these
    objectives were achieved, with minimal loss. The

    beach landings on D-Day were preceded by an intensive

    which failed to silence all of the enemy coastal batteries.
    Consequently, ten percent of the

    (3)____________________________________ in the first wave were
    either destroyed or disabled.

    Despite this, all primary objectives were achieved by 1100
    hours, although ground forces continued to rely

    upon (4)______________________________________ until the
    artillery had been fully offloaded.

    (5)_______________________________________ units suffered
    particularly high casualties in the

    breaching of a secondary line of obstacles in the sand dunes.
    The (6)_____________________________

    was fully established by 1900 hours on D-Day. The main enemy
    force has withdrawn to the River Muzenga

    and is now constructing a strong
    (7)_____________________________________ between Tangji and

    Leopoldsville. To date, carrier-based strike aircraft have flown
    a total of 82

    (8)_________________________________ . The enemy

    has been better than anticipated, and 8 allied aircraft have
    been shot down. Owing to a shortage of

    forward air controllers, most
    (10)______________________________________ has been directed by

    (11 )_____________________________________ from the artillery.
    The 4th and 7th Armoured Brigades

    started crossing the River Dingwezi at 1030 hours on D+1 and are
    now preparing to mount a

    (12 )_____________________________________ on the Muzenga
    position at first light on D+2.


    Don’t forget to keep a record of the words and expressions that
    you have learnt, review your notes from time to time and try to use
    new vocabulary items whenever possible.

    Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o f
    Military Terms (1-901659-24-0)

  • Radio conversationsThe lines in these radio conversations are in
    the wrong order. Work out the correct order and write the sequence
    in the boxes. The first line of each conversation has been done for
    you as an example.

    Conversation 1

    I, confirm grid 820049. Over.

    I I , correct. We have three casualties. Two walking wounded and
    one stretcher case. Roger so far? Over.

    Hello 1, this is 11. Request casevac at grid 820049. Over.

    1, roger. Out.

    I, roger. Over.

    I I , LZ will be marked with blue smoke. Over.

    Conversation 2

    2, roger. Move now to grid 479431. Over.

    22, send. Over.

    22, say again grid. Over.

    2, when you get there, go firm and wait for 44C to join you.
    Then continue with your task. Over.

    22, grid 481428. Over.

    2, grid 479431. Over.

    2, what is your location? Over.

    22, roger. Over.

    Hello 22, this is 2. Over.

    22, wilco. Out.

    Extension. Practise the conversations with a partner.

    29 Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o
    f Military Terms (1-901659-24-0)

    vocabulary in


  • voca



    in co


    tCommands and warningsWhen you are operating with
    English-speaking troops, it is essential that you understand the
    various commands and warnings which are used. Your life may depend
    upon it!

    Match the terms and phrases in column A to their correct
    definitions in column B. The first one has been done for you as an

    Column A Column B

    1. Make ready! ^

    2. Take cover!

    3. Unload!

    4. Halt!

    5. Tank action!

    6. Open fire!

    7. Gas! Gas! Gas!

    8. Fire for effect!

    9. Go firm!

    10. Ceasefire!

    11. Abandon ship!

    12. Debus!

    13. Rapid fire!

    14. Make safe!

    15. Incoming!

    16. Action stations!

    17. Adjust fire!

    18. Contact!

    a. Get into a lifeboat; the vessel is about to sink .

    b. A chemical agent has just been used.

    c. Shoot as quickly as possible (infantry).

    d. Cock your weapon.

    e. The enemy has been sighted.

    f. Shoot as quickly as possible (artillery or mortars).

    g. Find yourself some protection from enemy fire.

    h. Stop moving and adopt a position of defence.

    i. Get out of your vehicle.

    j. Remove the magazine from the weapon andcheck that the breech
    is clear of ammunition.Pull the trigger and apply the safety catch,
    then replace the magazine on the weapon.

    k. Start shooting.

    I. Fire one round, so that the fall of shot can beobserved
    (artillery or mortars).

    m. Go to your battle position immediately.

    n. Remove all ammunition from the weapon andensure that it is

    o. Prepare to engage armoured vehicles.

    p. Stop shooting.

    q. Stop moving immediately.

    r. Shells are about to land on our position.

    30 Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o
    f Military Terms (1-901659-24-0)

  • Orders 2Sheet AWork with a partner who has sheet B. You are a
    platoon commander and your call-sign is 31L.

    When the point platoon (call-sign 32) came under fire, the
    company commander went forward on foot to recce the enemy position.
    He also came under heavy fire and cannot move back, but he has just
    sent orders on the radio for a quick attack. Because of the noise,
    you did not hear all the details. Talk to the other platoon
    commander (call-sign 33L) and try to fill in the gaps by asking

    Follow these two rules: 1. Speak only English.2. Don’t show your
    sheet to your partner until you have finished.

    GROUND: The objective

    SITUATION: Enemy Forces:

    is a farm on the ridge, at grid 481245.There are buildings on
    both sides of the road.At grid 480241 there is a crossroads, which
    is in dead ground to the farm. This will b e
    _______________________________________________ _ .

    The enemy is in the farm. Their strength is ________ , but they
    have two ATGW firing postsand at least two medium machine guns.

    Friendly Forces:


    32 are at g rid __Sunray is at grid

    . They have lost one vehicle.

    To clear the enemy from the farm at grid 481245.

    EXECUTION: Concept of Operations: This attack will be made on

    31 and 33 w ill_______________using the road as their axis.The
    move to the FUP will be covered by smoke.32 w

    Detailed Tasks:

    The vehicles will stay where they are until called forward.

    31 — clear the buildings on the right of the road.32 —
    _____________________________________________33 — clear the
    buildings on the left of the road.

    Coordinating Instructions:Indirect Fire Support: 10 minutes of
    smoke on the objective, starting at 1425 hours.Timings: 1425 —
    Smoke on the objective. Assault group move to the FUP.

    H-Hour —
    _____________________________________________________.Route to FUP:
    Move to g rid ______________________ , then follow the road up to



    COMMAND AND SIGNAL: Command:__________ will command the assault
    group. 31M will now command
    31.________________________________________________ 31 Peter Collin
    Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o f Military Terms

    vocabulary in


  • voca



    in co


    tOrders 2Sheet BWork with a partner who has sheet A. You are a
    platoon commander and your call-sign is 33L.

    When the point platoon (call-sign 32) came under fire, the
    company commander went forward on foot to recce the enemy position.
    He also came under heavy fire and cannot move back, but he has just
    sent orders on the radio for a quick attack. Because of the noise,
    you did not hear all the details. Talk to the other platoon
    commander (call-sign 31L) and try to fill in the gaps by asking

    Follow these two rules: 1. Speak only English.2. Don’t show your
    sheet to your partner until you have finished.

    GROUND: The objective is a farm on the ridge, at grid 481245.
    There are buildings on both sides of

    the road.At grid 480241 there is ____________________ _, which
    is in dead groundto the farm. This will be the FUP.

    SITUATION: Enemy Forces: The enemy is in the farm.

    Their strength is not known, but they have

    Friendly Forces: 32 are at grid 478240. They have
    lost______________________ Sunray is atgrid 480239.


    EXECUTION: Concept of Operations: This attack will b
    e_______________ 31 and 33 will make a frontal assault

    on the farm, using the road as their axis. The move to the FUP
    will be_________________ 32 will provide fire support from their
    presentposition. The vehicles w

    Detailed Tasks:31 — clear the buildings on the right of the
    road.32 — provide fire support until the assault reaches the farm,
    then move up to the objective.33 —

    Coordinating Instructions:Indirect Fire Support:
    1425 — Smoke on the objective. Assault group move to the FUP.

    H-Hour — as soon as the assault group is formed up.Route to FUP:
    Move to grid 482241, then_______________________________


    COMMAND AND SIGNAL: Command: 31L will command the assault group.
    31M will now command 31.

    32 Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o
    f Military Terms (1-901659-24-0)

  • AbbreviationsTestyou1.

    your abbreviations. What do the follow ing stand for? The first
    one has been done for as an example.

    FUP l& rm m q -H y yfiint

    2. NCO

    3. ORF

    4. NGS

    5. HF

    6. UN

    7. LMG

    8. MAW

    9. ETA

    10. VCP

    11. MFC

    12. KIA

    13 AWLS

    14. NBC

    15 CAP

    16. GMT

    17, OOB

    18, PT

    19 SOP

    20. FGA

    21. STOVL

    22. IR

    23. ERA

    24. TEWT

    25. FTX

    Extension: work with a partner to test one another. One person
    closes the book, while the other asks questions such as «W hat does
    FUP stand for?»

    Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o f
    Military Terms (1-901659-24-0)

    vocabulary in


  • voca


    y in



    British and American English 1British and American service men
    sometimes spell or write words differently. Look at the pairs of
    words below. Write the British version in column A and its American
    equivalent on the opposite side in column B. The first pair has
    been done for you as an example.

    color / colour haemorrhage / hemorrhage kilometer /

    pickax/ pickaxe armour/armor lieutenant colonel / lieutenant —

    signaller / signaler manoeuvre / maneuver epaulet /

    harbour / harbor fireteam / fire team defence / defense

    Alfa / Alpha reconnoitre / reconnoiter Whisky / Whiskey

    Column A (British) Column B (American)

    co to n r co lo r

    Extension:Work with a partner to test one another, using the
    phonetic alphabet. For example:

    Question: What is the American spelling o f colour?Answer:
    Charlie — Oscar — Lima — Oscar — Romeo

    34 ____________________________________ _ _ Peter Collin
    Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o f Military Terms

  • British and American English 2British and American servicemen
    sometimes use different words and expressions to talk about the
    same thing.

    Look at the words and expressions below. Half of them are
    British and half are the American equivalents. Identify the pairs
    and then write the British word or expression in column A, and its
    American equivalent on the opposite side in column B. One pair has
    been done for you as an example.

    NAAFI furlough gasoline lock and load int petrol foxhole

    bearing PX leave recon squad fire-trench section

    Staballoy make ready azimuth depleted uranium intel recce

    Column A (British) Column B (American)

    ttA ve

    Extension:Work with a partner to test one another by asking
    questions such as:

    «W hat is the British equivalent o f furlough? «

    _________________________________________________ 35 Peter
    Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o f Military
    Terms (1-901659-24-0)

    vocabulary in


  • voca






    Most professions develop their own peculiar vocabulary of slang
    words and the services are no exception. The sentences below each
    contain one example of military slang. Underline the slang words
    and then match them to the definitions in the column on the right.
    The first one has been done for you as an example.

    Sentences containing military slang: Definitions:

    a. What is that civvy doing here? 1. Infantryman

    b. We’ve liberated three bottles of slivovitz from that deserted

    2. To deliberately wound a comrade, giving the appearance that
    he was hit by enemy fire

    c. The shell exploded as the men were lining up for chow.

    3. To steal

    d. I met him while I was still a rookie. 4. To destroy

    e. He got zapped by a sniper this morning. 5. To shoot someone

    f. Watch out! There’s a bandit on your tail! 6. Disorderly
    behaviour leading to violence

    g. I requested a transfer from the Guards, because I couldn’t
    take all the bull.

    7. Someone who is not a member of the armed forces

    c iv v y

    h. There is a rumour going around that Sergeant Ellis was
    fragged during the bombardment.

    8. Food

    i. We took out the lead tank as it was crossing the railway

    9. Cleaning and polishing kit

    j. He is going to be an instructor at boot camp. 10. Recruit

    k. The grunts always get the dirty jobs. 11. Training
    establishment for new recruits

    I. We’re expecting aggro tonight, so bring plenty of baton

    12. Enemy fighter aircraft

    Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o f
    Military Terms (1-901659-24-0)

  • Armoured fighting vehiclesTest your AFV recognition. Match the
    vehicle types in the box with the silhouettes below.

    armoured personnel carrier main battle tank self-propelled

    infantry fighting vehicle light tank armoured car

    multiple rocket launcher self-propelled anti-aircraft gun

    Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o f
    Military Terms (1-901659-24-0)

    vocabulary in


  • voca


    y in



    Positions and locationsMatch the terms in the box with the
    pictures below.

    POL point dressing station vehicle check-point ammunition

    fire-trench firing post bunker command post LZ

    1. 2, 3,

    4, 5.

    387. 8 . 9.

    Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o f
    Military Terms (1-901659-24-0)

  • Categories 1: armoured fighting vehiclesIn this table there are
    18 armoured fighting vehicles and five categories of vehicle.
    Decide which category each vehicle belongs to. The first one has
    been done for you as an example.


    Abbot X


















    Extension: Work with a partner to produce further examples of
    each category.

    Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o f
    Military Terms (1-901659-24-0)

    vocabulary in


  • voca



    in co


    tCategories 2: aircraftIn this table there are 18 aircraft and
    four categories of aircraft. Decide which category each aircraft
    belongs to. The first one has been done for you as an example.

    Fighter BomberAttackHelicopter

    Utility/Transport Helicopter

    Apache X


















    Extension: Work with a partner to produce further examples of
    each category.40 ________________________________________

    Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o f
    Military Terms (1-901659-24-0)

  • Categories 3: missilesIn this table there are 18 missiles and
    four categories of missile. Decide which category each missile
    belongs to. The first one has been done for you as an example.

    ATGW SAM AAM Anti-ship












    Sea Eagle

    Sea Wolf


    Sky Flash




    Extension: Work with a partner to produce further examples of
    each category.

    Peter Collin Publishing 2001, For reference see Dictionary o f
    Military Terms (1-901659-24-0)


    vocabulary in


  • puzz




    es Communicative crossword 1Sheet AThis crossword is not
    complete: you only have half the words. The other half are on sheet
    B. Check that you know the words in your crossword. Then work with
    a partner who has sheet B to complete the two crosswords.

    Follow these three rules:

    1. Speak only in English.2. Don’t say the word in the
    crossword.3. Don’t show your crossword to your partner.

    » What’s 1 across ? «4 across 4 down


    42Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o f
    Military Terms (1-901659-24-0)

  • Communicative crossword 1Sheet BThis crossword is not complete:
    you only have half the words. The other half are on sheet A. Check
    that you know the words in your crossword. Then work with a partner
    who has sheet A to complete the two crosswords.

    Follow these three rules:

    1. Speak only in English.2. Don’t say the word in the
    crossword.3. Don’t show your crossword to your partner.

    » What’s 1 across ? «across 4^ down


    Peter CollirtPublishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o f
    Military Terms (1-901659-24-0)


    puzzles and


  • puzz




    es Word searchFind the 23 military terms hidden in the letters
    below; 10 read across and 13 read down. The first word has been
    found for you as an example. The clues listed beneath will help you
    to find all the words.

    ~D~-E — T — — A — c~~ -M —E -N -T» L H

    A X R N A I R L I F T E

    M F O R M A T I O N Q A

    P I O D P I I N Z D S T

    A L P I D E N T I T Y P

    R T X A R P K E N G I R

    A R M O U R I S S U E E

    D A C R M U B X I W L S

    E T Q B O B R I G A D E

    Z E V A D E O W N F T R

    F D E T A I L W I L D V

    S U R V E I L L A N C E1. Small administrative or tactical
    grouping.2. Official list of personnel in a unit or sub-unit.3.
    Metal container used to store food over long periods.4. Defensive
    covering designed to protect a vehicle from bullets or shrapnel.5.
    Arrangement of aircraft, ships, troops or vehicles for tactical
    purposes.6. Action of assembling at a specific time and place.7.
    Units or sub-units which are held back from an engagement so that
    they can be used as reinforcements.8. Who a person is.9. Small
    group of soldiers assigned to carry out a specific task.

    10. To withdraw in small groups and by different routes through
    enemy-controlled territory.11. To supply a person or unit with
    equipment.12. Cylindrical container.13. Decorative symbol.14.
    Amount of explosive power produced by a nuclear weapon.15. Place
    where people are accomodated in temporary shelter.16. Tactical
    grouping of two or more battalions or regiments.17. Any method
    which can be used to locate or observe the enemy or listen to their
    radio transmissions.18. Platoon-sized armoured grouping.19.
    Movement of men or equipment or supplies using aircraft.20. Order
    of Battle (abbreviation).21. Type of anti-tank warhead.22. To take
    avoiding action.23. Information obtained by monitoring the enemy’s
    electronic transmissions.

    Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o f
    Military Terms (1-901659-24-0)

  • AnagramsSolve the anagrams by reading the clues and putting the
    letters in to form words. Enter the solutions in the table to find
    the mystery term. The first one has been done for you as an

    1. To meet up with someone as he moves from one place to
    another2. Light fast-moving aircraft designed to attack other
    aircraft _____3. Tactical grouping of three or more platoons
    __________________4. Cattle disease used as a biological
    weapon___________________5. Incident where two forces shoot at each
    other________________6. Prolonged engagement involving large
    numbers of troops______7. Specific task assigned to a tactical
    grouping __________________8. Method by which 7 (above) is carried
    o u t____________________9. Armoured equivalent of 3 (above)
    __________________________10. Use of natural and man-made materials
    to disguise an object.___11. Assistance or h e lp
    ________________________________________12. Projectiles formed by
    fragments of an exploding shell__________13. Serviceman who
    specializes in the use of radios________________14. Artillery
    attack (usually lasting some time)____________________15. Designed
    to set things on fire ______________________________16.
    American-designed surface-to-air missile_____________________

    I N T E R C E P T

    ______ RTTEIPNEC________FRITGHE______ OPMNACY______

    Mystery term clue: used for spelling on the radio

    Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o f
    Military Terms (1-901659-24-0)


    puzzles and


  • puzz




    es Military trivia 1See how many of these questions you can

    1. Who is more senior? A lieutenant-general or a major-general?

    2. What is the nickname of the American F-4 fighter aircraft?

    3. What is a

    4. What is Fuller’s earth used for ?

    5. What is

    6. Which service of the British armed forces is senior? The army
    or the navy?

    7. What does ASAP mean?

    8. How do you convert a grid bearing into a magnetic bearing ?

    9. There are 360 degrees in a circle. How many mils are

    10. What is Kevlar?

    11. What is

    12. Which is bigger? A division or a brigade?

    13. What is the equivalent of the Red Cross in Islamic
    countries? __________

    14. What does starboard mean?

    15. What is the main weapon on a British Scimitar light tank?

    16. What does MASH mean? ______________________________
    _________ _

    17. What is a

    18. What is the American equivalent of a British air vice

    19. What is a kukri?

    20. How fast is one knot?

    46 ___________________________________ Peter Collin Publishing
    2001. For reference see Dictionary o f Military Terms

  • Communicative crossword 2Sheet AThis crossword is not complete:
    you only have half the words. The other half are on sheet B. Check
    that you know the words in your crossword. Then work with a partner
    who has sheet B to complete the two crosswords.

    Follow these three rules:

    1. Speak only in English.2. Don’t say the word in the
    crossword.3. Don’t show your crossword to your partner.

    » What’s 1 across ? «across 4/ down


    47 Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o
    f Military Terms (1-901659-24-0)

    puzzles and


  • puzz




    es Communicative crossword 2Sheet BThis crossword is not
    complete: you only have half the words. The other half are on sheet
    A. Check that you know the words in your crossword. Then work with
    a partner who has sheet A to complete the two crosswords.

    Follow these three rules:

    1. Speak only in English.2. Don’t say the word in the
    crossword.3. Don’t show your crossword to your partner.

    » What’s 1 across ? «4 across 4 down


    48 Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o
    f Military Terms (1-901659-24-0)

  • Anagrams 2Solve the anagrams by reading the clues and putting
    the letters in to form words. Enter the solutions in the table to
    find the mystery term. The first one has been done for you as an

    1. Rotary-wing aircraft_______

    2. Act of destroying a structure

    3. To move towards the enemy.

    4. Opposite of 3 (above)_____

    5. Power source for portable electrical equipment

    6. Type of f u e l _____________________________

    7. Relating to infantry equipped with APCs _______

    8. To be able to shoot further than another weapon

    9. Most senior person in a grouping _____________

    10. Warship designed to move and operate under water

    11. Orders or instructions __________________________

    12. Power to direct the actions of people or things

    13. Type of warship__________________________

    14. Danger__________________________________















    H E L 1 C O P T E R

    Mystery term clue: philosophy of w inning the support of the
    civilian population

    Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o f
    Military Terms (1-901659-24-0)


    puzzles and


  • puzz




    es Communicative crossword 3Sheet AThis crossword is not
    complete: you only have half the words. The other half are on sheet
    B. Check that you know the words in your crossword. Then work with
    a partner who has sheet B to complete the two crosswords.

    Follow these three rules:

    1. Speak only in English.2. Don’t say the word in the
    crossword.3. Don’t show your crossword to your partner.

    » What’s 1 across ? «across

  • Communicative crossword 3Sheet BThis crossword is not complete:
    you only have half the words. The other half are on sheet A. Check
    that you know the words in your crossword. Then work with a partner
    who has sheet A to complete the two crosswords.

    Follow these three rules:

    1. Speak only in English.2. Don’t say the word in the
    crossword.3. Don’t show your crossword to your partner.

    » What’s 1 across ? «across 4, down


    Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o f
    Military Terms (1 -901659-24-0)


    puzzles and


  • puzz




    es Military trivia 2See how many of these questions you can

    1. What does reveille

    2. What is a bowser?

    3. What is the twelfth letter of the phonetic alphabet?

    4. What are dragon’s

    5. What does C-in-C mean ?

    6. What are

    7. What is the nickname of the American UH-1 utility helicopter?

    8. What is the main role of a hunter-killer submarine?

    9. What is the name of the officers’ mess on a

    10. What is a Jolly Green Giant?

    11. What is

    12. What is an iron

    13. What is

    14. What is the mechanism which prevents a weapon from being

    15. What does neutral

    16. What is a pontoon bridge?

    17. What does FLOT

    18. What is a Molotov

    19. What is the chief of staff in a British brigade usually

    20. What is the name of the national headquarters of the United
    States Department of Defence?

    52 Peter Collin Publishing 2001. For reference see Dictionary o
    f Military Terms (1-901659-24-0)

  • Military crosswordAll the answers in this crossword are
    connected with military matters.


    1. Place where food is prepared.4. System for detecting
    underwater objects

    through the transmission of sound waves6. Company-si



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Скачай Exercise on word partnership и еще Упражнения и задачи в формате PDF Юридический английский язык только на Docsity! Word-building

Word association 2: partnerships

Exercise 1
Link each verb on the left with a noun on the right to make 10 ‘partnerships’. The first has
been done for you as an example.

ib open dues
2 incur a salary
di instruct data
4. negotiate an account
6 fill an insurance policy
6. ‘underwrite a solicitor
vo release a cheque
8. share a post
si stop costs
10. draw a contract

Exercise 2

Complete these sentences using the partnerships from Exercise 1. You may have to make
some changes to fit the grammar of the sentences. The first one has been done for you as an

1. The company has …incurred… heavy …costs… to implement the expansion programme.

2. Sheigs. … with the building society.

3. Wehadito ipogeo: ene

4. Before we continue, the legal department should start ……………..

5. Your application arrived too late — the ………… « has already been ………….. È

6. We will forward the new stock to the warehouse and then …………. Menpronio .
7. The two companiesare going to ……………………… a

8. Hehadto ………….. eo È

9. The… WAS by the insurance company.

10. The chairman does not ……………

6 Based on the Dictionary of Business, second edition
ISBN 0-948549-51-3
© Peter Collin Publishing Ltd



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Esercizi inglese — word partnership

Загружен 08/21/2020


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