Word associated with law

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Words Related to ~term~

As you’ve probably noticed, words related to «term» are listed above. Hopefully the generated list of term related words above suit your needs.

P.S. There are some problems that I’m aware of, but can’t currently fix (because they are out of the scope of this project). The main one is that individual words can have many different senses (meanings), so when you search for a word like mean, the engine doesn’t know which definition you’re referring to («bullies are mean» vs. «what do you mean?», etc.), so consider that your search query for words like term may be a bit ambiguous to the engine in that sense, and the related terms that are returned may reflect this. You might also be wondering: What type of word is ~term~?

Also check out ~term~ words on relatedwords.io for another source of associations.

Related Words

Related Words runs on several different algorithms which compete to get their results higher in the list. One such algorithm uses word embedding to convert words into many dimensional vectors which represent their meanings. The vectors of the words in your query are compared to a huge database of of pre-computed vectors to find similar words. Another algorithm crawls through Concept Net to find words which have some meaningful relationship with your query. These algorithms, and several more, are what allows Related Words to give you… related words — rather than just direct synonyms.

As well as finding words related to other words, you can enter phrases and it should give you related words and phrases, so long as the phrase/sentence you entered isn’t too long. You will probably get some weird results every now and then — that’s just the nature of the engine in its current state.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used to bring you this list of term themed words: @Planeshifter, @HubSpot, Concept Net, WordNet, and @mongodb.

There is still lots of work to be done to get this to give consistently good results, but I think it’s at the stage where it could be useful to people, which is why I released it.

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  • omniprevalentnoun«
  • abidersnoun«
  • divorciveadj«
  • abidernoun«
  • antimasknoun«
  • aggrievesverb«
  • falcidianadj«
  • circuitaladj«
  • abidancenoun«
  • consuetudinarynoun«
  • criminalisesverb«
  • hubbiesnoun«
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  • saliquenoun«
  • criminalizesverb«
  • antinarcoticadj«
  • criminalisingverb«
  • irrepealableadj«
  • enforcersnoun«
  • fecialadj«
  • disfavorsnoun verb«
  • bolognianadj«
  • criminalizingverb«
  • lauriolnoun«
  • preemptsnoun verb«
  • sultanicadj«
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  • bastillesnoun«
  • restitutiveadj«
  • reauthorizingverb«
  • biogeneticadj«
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  • brehonnoun«
  • salicadj«
  • casebooksnoun«
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  • proscribesverb«
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  • olmstednoun«
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  • violatersnoun«
  • talionnoun«
  • abridgingverb«
  • mishnaicadj«
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  • nonforfeiturenoun«
  • adjudgesverb«
  • shariahnoun«
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  • legalisesverb«
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  • mandatingverb«
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  • evenhandedlyadv«
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  • champertynoun«
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  • legitimizesverb«
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  • mandatedverb«
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  • unescapableadj«
  • violatesverb«
  • mazdeanadj«
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  • parsinoun«
  • burdeningverb«
  • nonsovereignadj«
  • comportsverb«
  • praetoriannoun adj«
  • draftersnoun«
  • rabbinicaladj«
  • condemnsverb«
  • zimbabweannoun adj«
  • contemplatesverb«
  • fredricknoun«
  • interstitiallyadv«
  • seditionnoun«
  • reviewableadj«
  • wtonoun«
  • constrainsverb«
  • starlingnoun«
  • professorsnoun«
  • mohammedannoun adj«
  • expropriatingverb«
  • overzealousadj«
  • protectionsnoun«
  • ecuadoriannoun adj«
  • confiscatingverb«
  • septenarynoun«
  • rescindsverb«
  • ashantinoun«
  • construingverb«
  • vehmicadj«
  • harmonizationnoun«
  • rutgersnoun«
  • restrictingverb adj«
  • practisingverb«
  • toleratesverb«
  • bodesverb«
  • disqualifyingverb adj«
  • constitutiveadj«
  • digestsnoun verb«
  • supernationaladj«
  • vouchsafesverb«

islamitic, insulates, nondiscrimination, decriminalized, exiling, usury, adjudication, mahometan, guardians, convertibility, libra, periclean, deregulating, garnishment, invalidates, supranational, defers, brahmanic, trumps, conscription, librarians, matrimonial, chagga, enjoining, boley, prescribing, mendelian, infringements, procedural, examiners, emption, reporter, visigoth, suits, alemannic, ancienter, dharmic, endows, precedential, emanates, transnational, promulgated, odometer, leaguers, lynch, precludes, naturalisation, prevails, antilabor, infringed, libel, possessory, yale, profs, nolo, facially, baylor, professoriate, sunni, precluding, rwandan, rheology, panamanian, allocates, surinamese, exercent, jordanian, olm, evenhanded, annuls, associative, deems, wooding, agin, exogamic, purports, amnesty, codification, heteronomous, accords, nonmandatory, repealing, ineluctable, amending, naturalization, stipulated, argentinean, vest, undeviating, specifies, bimetallic, reinstates, criminal, ordaining, stetson, exponent, extradition, breaker, executorship, larceny, lombardic, codifying, professionalize, envisions, applicatory, directs, henrys, establishes, facto, quarterly, inviolable, enacted, noachian, presumptions, magdeburg, contravening, manmade, div, prestigious, enforcing, maritime, stationers, refugee, abolishes, reverencing, firms, curfew, respecting, fatimid, furthers, sadducean, evolves, licensure, falloff, lexis, coursebook, exceptive, permits, bankruptcy, intervenes, curie, overrode, potlatch, firm, pharisaic, clerkships, racketeering, litigator, laundering, revision, paraguayan, relating, copyright, requiring, manumission, applicable, willamette, interdicts, malayan, pertaining, jude, impartially, cuneiform, jaywalking, permitting, kuwaiti, dictates, spam, discourages, gabonese, implicates, practiced, conflicted, clarifies, unchangeable, caiaphas, unbreakable, impinges, benelux, dictionary, calculable, review, iniquitous, ascertainment, cyberspace, quantifies, sterilization, reaffirms, zoning, observance, shogunal, indemnifying, associativity, applies, vivien, sanctioning, mozambican, acquits, comitatus, blamelessly, marquette, embodies, loitering, llb, scaling, dooming, slovenian, predicts, trochaic, librarian, shiite, disregards, statutory, curtesy, homoeopathic, sequestrating, mesopotamian, midsize, theorist, demystify, contrives, trite, enounced, psychopath, codes, harvard, treats, malpractice, deprives, bode, underpins, incapacitates, hindoo, felonies, uva, prohibited, constitutional, nullifying, hanking, pronounces, changeless, precedents, jurisprudential, surmounts, logarithmic, frowns, manx, defines, retroactive, secures, creighton, infers, bermudian, enunciated, consolidates, scots, clerk, proscriptive, demodulator, versal, desegregating, electoral, clerkship, septennate, moot, honduran, reform, frisian, jurisprudence, coulombs, undergirds, handgun, connives, situs, remedies, allometric, criminalize, israelite, laban, newtonian, violated, dotal, empowering, bundesbank, absolving, aristocratical, prophesied, parabolic, demarcates, blasphemy, paralegal, ugandan, intrudes, extraterritorial, adjudications, statable, perpetuities, patrimonial, promulged, nonfederal, coexists, tunisian, paralegals, juristic, dovetails, sterilisation, relatable, mandelbrot, decreed, kenyan, confiscates, consistorial, revisited, akron, arbitrations, reman, digest, leash, infractions, unamended, enacts, prairial, erects, togolese, entangles, septennial, inculcates, subtreasury, ethicists, athenian, caucus, lindbergh, courts, unmake, reviews, immigration, pertains, patent, differentiates, evangelic, writs, dui, offends, homeschooling, tenements, shi’ite, enumerates, nonimportation, antedating, multiplicative, nullifies, excludes, exponential, devolves, derogating, evolutional, validly, stanford, enshrined, germanic, exponents, notarial, attaches, disenfranchisement, designates, sentencing, pertained, lambert, miscellanies, cultic, fixes, rsfsr, exempted, singaporean, ousts, agrarian, ratifying, cartel, counterterrorism, defenses, unvarying, restrictively, ecuadoran, graduates, informatics, grantable, delaware, distinguishes, terran, sch, vigilante, theorists, zambian, exams, mauritian, enunciates, mercantile, obliging, lynching, inhered, namibian, appoints, irrefragable, bestows, tanzanian, punishing, harassment, rescinding, omani, requires, prankish, debenture, persic, banishing, ceremonial, impedes, nuisance, predominates, cosmical, negates, jural, presupposes, preexisting, professorships, implicational, violative, hindu, leonel, kirchhoff, professorship, mussulman, discriminated, hartley, superceded, nigerian, inscribes, escheat, precluded, homestead, imposing, liechtenstein, affords, tasmanian, segregating, coulomb, underwrites, legislated, emancipating, administrative, trumped, estonian, impinged, icelandic, libraries, reddening, jurists, pompeian, instituting, yak, superseding, cornell, philomela, hebert, pacta, pleadings, lunacy, marriages, crim, adopts, gag, attorneys, latvian, esteems, colombian, purporting, expropriation, repugnant, notaries, indecency, redefines, lithuania, crackdown, israelitish, allows, cooley, invalidated, samaritan, guarantees, ironclad, repealed, hittite, lords, lankan, pleading, probate, mistreats, belgian, secularizing, liberian, coverture,

albite, instrumentally, unitization, adjudicatory, whittier, dictating, bangladeshi, delineates, admiralty, complies, accredits, collides, lays, ismaili, repeal, maura, delimits, accredited, dower, tulsa, warranting, comparative, fiduciary, undercover, journal, burgundian, represses, frankish, inapplicable, feudal, deposes, abortion, riparian, paribus, predetermines, darcy, banned, castilian, reposes, fbi, restates, frisk, frustrates, antiunion, sakes, theocratic, conferring, international, encompasses, defection, operates, vern, legalized, invariable, expressly, intl, transposing, ch’in, supposes, peonage, eugenic, favors, pontifical, disapproves, baha’i, instructs, metes, biotechnological, burglary, eidetic, yearbook, unmakes, blokes, prc, commissioners, reflexive, ensures, venezuelan, offices, traditionary, faculties, condominium, reformer, malaysian, partner, lien, litigation, uruguayan, prohibitions, polygamic, offenses, yugoslavian, waives, nationality, agricola, practises, denounces, redevelopment, enslaves, collaborative, liens, kellie, draftsman, municipal, mitigates, adelphia, pleaders, clapeyron, grad, unchanging, crassipes, nsw, com, nernst, amendment, dispatching, endorses, tagore, impliedly, nationalization, misdemeanor, karina, legitimised, manorial, contraventions, watercourse, prospectively, ghanaian, ctr, delict, unto, stalking, emanating, adjectival, drafting, nepa, subsumes, insolvent, institute, brady, cosmopolitan, consecrates, decriminalization, encourages, amphictyonic, dictionaries, voluntariness, supremest, encroaches, bolivian, estoppel, recife, preempt, lancelot, merchant, canonical, econ, gauss, arbitration, doctrines, qumran, granting, forum, guatemalan, perpetuates, newtons, creep, takeover, invests, entropy, affirmatively, privatisation, blog, repressive, instantiates, botts, workhouses, kosher, determines, securities, formulates, malus, conforms, zakat, declares, frederick, evidentiary, predated, regulative, provides, moratorium, curtailing, unenforceable, mender, olin, vindicates, bankrupt, diverges, stokes, makers, brahminical, withholds, gatt, imbues, denationalization, naomi, azerbaijani, truancy, incorporates, unjust, certiorari, pareto, purged, hoff, predates, palladian, faculty, cambodian, fraud, langmuir, binds, stricter, inoperative, kabyle, derives, proration, georgina, qing, appoint, ecclesiastical, shies, bigamy, excuses, indefeasible, protecting, telecommunications, copyrights, deputized, annexes, enforceable, school, cosmic, journals, maltese, inheres, yemeni, proscriptions, sinh, outlawed, dealership, validates, practise, limiting, sovran, judges, handcuffing, commission, asylum, embodying, moslem, administrator, licensing, prevents, reimpose, gazette, reciprocity, concedes, bragg, expires, violation, torah, abrogated, hastings, assigns, trespass, triable, spoor, suspends, rubrical, carves, roman, coexisted, salvadoran, professor, wiccan, promulgating, dame, rulings, weiss, enacting, kamba, counterclaim, melanesian, dispenses, environmental, dumping, interpreting, tongan, stipulate, californian, promulgates, tenured, suit, federal, lombard, proscribed, pretorian, stating, harmonised, tightens, corporate, undergirding, desecration, decrees, okie, interacts, redistricting, secant, doth, valerian, underwrote, statute, revokes, minnesota, rev, professionalizing, interferes, reclamation, liberalising, scribal, reforms, citizenship, posits, scout, generalises, columbia, enforcible, muslim, amends, parsee, distorts, chilean, quad, swiss, stemming, procurement, denies, guizot, equates, reapportionment, organises, michigan, regarding, urb, legitimized, argentinian, grinds, infringing, blackbody, crawler, indonesian, depriving, oleomargarine, parlance, cosmetic, articulates, pilotage, finders, pena, regimes, civil, counteroffer, ecuadorean, bringers, unrighteous, accommodates, banking, indemnification, vermont, remarries, imprescriptible, oppresses, thermic, handbook, declaratory, jurist, guinean, negligence, tougher, lexicon, deteriorating, liberalized, eugenics, contradicts, competition, circumscribing, directives, immanent, concerning, remedial, immunities, guardianship, schools, jewish, suspending, libyan, originates, masonic, undermines, tyrannic, reformers, licencing, rhymes, disfavored, eec, enjoined, expatriation, seeks, hammurabi, scrupulously, kyrgyz, exemptions, moroccan, prosecutes, tithing, proclaims, belarusian, scolds, tribal, scriveners, nepalese, holds, louisiana, revoking, corp, reinstating, conservation, reports, excise, deals, nebraska, quadrangle, oklahoma, declaring, burghal, nuisances, divorce, enforced, dynamical, intends, common, reinforces, matriarchal, backfired, barbadian, emphasises, unapproved, aspires, privatization, clinic, europa, fining, testamentary, recoupment, bailout, avenges, albany, fulfills, draft, treatises, severalty, blameless, arkansas, stringently, legalised, magisterial, jeopardizes, biblical, barred, allahabad, directive, abides, malian, harasses, ecclesiastic, transgressed, inquisitorial, goteborg, israeli, ascribes, slave, bulletin, prohibit, impost, newsletter, grossing, ratifies, poisson, lect, congolese,

defining, brooklyn, offences, hasting, liberalizing, conceptualising, murat, rheological, privacy, clauses, leibnizian, wrongful, bailment, fulfils, darwinian, revisions, bioterrorism, directory, upholding, subjecting, inflexible, insists, marcher, lecturer, quarantine, justifies, accountancy, acknowledges, ohms, practitioners, kafir, strategist, dwi, forbode, paternal, divests, discriminatory, reiterates, romanian, adapts, surrogacy, presumption, corporative, subsuming, adamic, library, primal, empowered, sumerian, bolsters, onetime, promotes, permissive, accredit, judge, homicide, entails, unerring, maxim, dictated, aboriginal, penalized, alabama, embodied, philippine, retrospectively, alberta, creates, universal, considers, reestablishing, adversarial, oregon, pursuant, anticommunist, affecting, patriarchal, tomes, warranty, establishing, preventative, transgresses, accommodations, reasserts, hawai’i, trademarks, boutique, impairs, eternal, flouted, tenancy, partnerships, wisconsin, assumes, segregationist, relates, favoring, divine, assures, danish, guardian, nationalisation, taxing, reorganizing, preventive, confides, pennsylvania, permeates, akan, student, idaho, upheld, reputable, allowing, lesotho, mediates, prohibitive, tracts, contract, misdemeanors, lucrative, precedent, secular, ceases, retributive, formalizing, maine, levying, ottoman, homepage, sensu, stringent, taketh, foreclosure, malice, vichy, insofar, causal, broadens, domestic, sanctioned, supervening, reigns, vat, eliminates, hazing, functioned, norwegian, thwarts, wolfs, creon, manitoba, accomplishes, articled, dooms, gaussian, explainer, collide, studying, designating, forestry, practicum, natural, deans, zoroastrian, tradition, churn, compensates, arizona, conceptualizes, florida, cedes, binomial, leaguer, unformulated, fundamentals, brazilian, polices, juridical, spouses, australian, constants, codify, colloquium, connecticut, grants, preexistent, whereby, revises, restitution, relies, fundamental, subsidizes, kazakh, reaffirming, recidivist, prescribe, coercive, inviolate, lebanese, prosecutions, globalizing, careers, hardening, lecturers, guernsey, adjudicative, unbending, paves, ecclesial, docs, uzbek, favours, reestablish, avogadro, harmonising, expounded, bionomic, finder, grenadian, defences, indiana, appropriating, saxon, conduces, practised, emanated, oedipal, stifles, privatizing, reflects, moral, asserts, medicare, singling, luminosity, implies, irrevocable, enactment, ibo, rests, valparaiso, displaces, scottish, lags, tridentine, eschews, shield, punishable, dakota, purportedly, torrens, militated, medicaid, embraces, impressment, genevan, specifying, lsat, fosters, iowa, biding, senegalese, ska, rican, cubed, citations, confiscatory, furnishes, sanctions, thuringian, reimbursing, landmarks, doctrine, carlsbad, appertaining, slovakian, defected, phallic, invalid, pervading, compelling, sine, ignores, saskatchewan, league, prescriptive, explicitly, sotho, propounded, utah, reintroducing, greaser, replaces, maryland, exemplifies, nomothetic, predominated, delimitation, differs, lemon, affirms, laplace, strives, swedish, hatcher, texas, prefigured, sulpician, writ, monomolecular, generalizes, myanmar, doctorates, jurisdictional, entailing, telecommunication, beadles, argentine, expelling, storefront, tramples, probabilistic, kins, bhutanese, conjoins, peruvian, prevailed, existing, deploys, illinois, forbid, expresses, pakistani, frees, motorist, outlaws, overhaul, summaries, cardiff, deviates, narcotics, quibbles, bavarian, prof, studied, comport, landmark, threatens, horatian, mantegna, u.k., detector, planck, rescinded, narcotic, expired, kresge, seminar, residency, honoris, judiciary, delegating, delbruck, advisor, overruling, degree, intergalactic, no., intestate, compliance, forfeiture, conveyances, euthanasia, montgomery, cube, update, queensland, presumptively, aragonese, nugatory, trusts, remedy, furred, fails, cincinnati, providing, bedouin, expects, underived, efficiencies, notifying, treatise, mathematic, adheres, knesset, ensured, emanuel, conspire, threefold, rules, vagrant, irrespective, lithuanian, claims, inheritance, clause, volitional, incites, elder, authorized, dispositive, relaxes, zairian, entitlements, unofficial, authoritatively, tax, stu, pharmacy, recognised, franchising, connotes, napoleonic, precepts, entertainment, coextensive, miami, interfered, juvenile, scriptural, practice, liquor, nullified, sinai, rewrite, periodic, imputable, impersonal, sharpens, uphold, expands, yugoslav, prohibition, divides, finnish, briefs, statewide, guaranteed, ethiopian, commissions,

What are the words associated with law?

Some common synonyms of law are canon, ordinance, precept, regulation, rule, and statute. While all these words mean «a principle governing action or procedure,» law implies imposition by a sovereign authority and the obligation of obedience on the part of all subject to that authority.

How can I improve my legal vocabulary?

7 Ways To Improve Your Legal Writing Skills

  1. Remember Your Audience. Robert Daly/Caiaimage/Getty Images. …
  2. Organize Your Writing. Organization is the key to successful legal writing. …
  3. Ditch The Legalese. …
  4. Be Concise. …
  5. Use Action Words. …
  6. Avoid Passive Voice. …
  7. Edit Ruthlessly.

Can a lawyer advise you to lie?

The American Bar Association’s Model Rules of Professional Conduct states that a lawyer “shall not knowingly make a false statement of material fact.” In other words, lawyers aren’t supposed to lie—and they can be disciplined or even disbarred for doing so.

How is vocabulary different from general vocabulary?

In general, a legal language is a formalized language based on logic rules which differs from the ordinary natural language in vocabulary, morphology, syntax, and semantics, as well as other linguistic features.

What do you call the lawyer who defends?

Defense attorney or public defender: The lawyer who defends the accused person. A public defender is appointed if the accused is unable to pay for an attorney. … Prosecutor: A public official who brings the government’s case against a person accused of a crime and asks the court to convict that person.

Can you sue someone for not paying you?

If you loaned someone money and they refuse to pay, it’s only natural to think, “Can I sue someone who owes me money?” The answer is, yes, you can. That’s why the small claims court exists. It is a specific type of court that hears cases between two parties without the need to have expensive, drawn-out lawsuits.

What happens if a defendant does not appear in court?

WHAT HAPPENS IF THE PERSON I AM SUING (the Defendant) DOES NOT SHOW UP FOR COURT? If the Defendant does now show up for the trial, the Plaintiff can ask for a default judgment against the Defendant. … The Judge may ask the Plaintiff to testify and to briefly present evidence to prove the claim.

Can a case be dismissed without going to court?

The plaintiff can dismiss an action without a court order by filing a notice of dismissal before the defendant serves a motion for summary of judgment, or by filing a stipulation of dismissal — which must be signed by the plaintiff and the defendant.

Can a judge dismiss a case before trial?

There are really three ways cases can be disposed of before trial: 1) new evidence comes out to demonstrate your innocence and the case gets dropped; 2) there are legal issues with your case that are so significant that the judge orders your case dismissed; and 3) you reach some sort of pretrial agreement to plead …

Can a judge dismiss a charge?

As with all other states, a judge normally does not dismiss or drop criminal charges during a California arraignment hearing. If the judge does not dismiss the charges, then a defendant can enter any of the following pleas to the allegations: guilty, not guilty, or.

Can a judge throw out a civil case?

The legal term is “involuntary dismissal.” A judge can dismiss a case without prejudice over the objections of the plaintiff. They can do this for a variety of reasons.

Can a defendant file a motion to dismiss?

It is not true that only a defendant can file a motion to dismiss. A plaintiff can file a motion to voluntarily dismiss the case before the defendant has filed their answer.

How do most civil cases end?

Most civil cases are settled by mutual agreement between the parties. … Part of a dispute can be settled, with the remaining issues left to be resolved by the judge or jury. Criminal cases are not settled by the parties in quite the same way civil cases are. However, not every case goes to trial.

A transfer of a debtor`s assets with the intention of fraud or for which the debtor receives less than the value of the transferred assets. A case brought before the courts by only one party, without notice or dispute by the other party. Invalid trial version caused by a basic error. If a failed trial is declared, the process must begin again with the selection of a new jury. A special condition imposed by the court requiring a person to work – without pay – for a civilian or non-profit organization. A trial without a jury, in which the judge acts as an investigator. A legal process to address individual and corporate debt issues; in particular, a case filed under one of the chapters of Title 11 of the United States Code (the Bankruptcy Code). Justice (n.) – the determination of good/evil and appropriate punishment in society; Fairness A decision of a court in a previous case involving facts and legal issues similar to a legal dispute currently being heard by a court. Judges “generally follow precedents,” that is, they apply the principles established in previous cases to rule on new cases that have similar facts and raise similar legal issues. A judge will disregard precedents if a party can prove that the previous case was tried incorrectly or that it differed significantly from the current case in some way. A bankruptcy case filed either without calendars or with incomplete calendars that list certain creditors and debts. (Facial sheet deposits are often made for the purpose of delaying an eviction or foreclosure, penalty, or other type of enforcement used to ensure compliance with the law or rules and regulations.

9. Office of the Prosecutor ______ When a person is charged with a crime, it is the government or the Crown that initiates the trial and, during a trial, “pursues or attempts to prove the criminal charges in court.” After a guilty verdict in criminal proceedings, the judge decides on the sentence that is ordered to punish the offender. There are a number of possible penalties for each offence in the Criminal Code, and some offences have a minimum and/or maximum sentence. Some examples of sentences are a fine; Return to the community with conditions such as probation, community service or another program; A district court may give each party in a civil or criminal case the right to exclude a certain number of potential jurors without giving reasons. An exemption from a debtor`s personal liability for certain excusable debts. Notable exceptions to excusability include taxes and student loans. Debt relief relieves a debtor of personal responsibility for certain debts known as excusable debts and prevents creditors who owe those debts from taking action against the debtor or the debtor`s assets to recover the debt. The relief also prohibits creditors from communicating with the debtor about the debt, including by telephone, letters and personal contacts. “Like a poor man.” Permission for the court to grant a person to file a case without paying the required court fees because the person cannot pay them. 7. The person who quarreled with his friend and killed him committed __.__ The project must go through a voting process to become law.

A bill may be passed or defeated, with or without amendments during the voting process. A judicial officer with the power to rule on applications before the courts. Used generically, the term judge can also refer to all judicial officers, including judges of the Supreme Court. The parties to a lawsuit resolve their dispute without a hearing. Settlements often involve the payment of compensation by one party to satisfy at least partially the claims of the other party, but generally do not involve the admission of fault. 2. The woman who lied on her income tax forms was charged with __ 5. The teenager who had painted his name on my neighbour`s house was charged with ____ A statement by a debtor under Chapter 7 on plans for the treatment of consumer debts secured by the assets of the estate.

The Sentencing Reform Act 1984 abolished probation in favour of a particular penal system in which sentencing is determined by sentencing guidelines. Now, without the possibility of probation, the prison sentence imposed by the court is the real time that the person spends in prison. A transfer of a debtor`s assets with the consent of the debtor. A function of the federal courts that takes place at the beginning of the criminal justice trial – after a person has been arrested and charged with a federal crime and before being tried. Pre-trial officials are focusing on investigating the backgrounds of these individuals to help the court decide whether to release or detain them pending trial. The decision is based on whether these people are likely to flee or pose a threat to the community. When the court orders release, an investigative officer supervises the person in the community until they return to court. Allegation in an indictment or information accusing an accused of a crime. An indictment or information may include allegations that the accused has committed more than one crime. Each claim is called a statement.

Latin, which means “of your own free will.” It is often a court that acts in a case without either party asking it to do so. an application to a tribunal for formal review of the decision of a court or chamber. Depending on the circumstances, a court may be able to consider whether the decision was unjust or erred in law or fact, and may refer the decision back to the original decision-maker for a new ruling on the case without the original error. As provided for in the Criminal Justice Act, an organization established in a federal judicial district to represent defendants who cannot afford an adequate defense. Each organization is overseen by a federal defense attorney appointed by the District Court of Appeals. Civil Law – Laws dealing with private matters or disagreements In Canada, duty counsel are lawyers who are available in courthouses to provide free legal assistance and advice to people who appear in court without a lawyer and cannot afford to hire a lawyer. Duty counsel can usually help with criminal, family, tenant and mental health issues. Manslaughter – killing another person without intent (without planning) A non-insolvency proceeding in which an applicant or creditor attempts to subject a debtor`s future salary to their claim. In other words, the creditor seeks to have part of the debtor`s future salary paid to the creditor for a debt owed to the creditor. the government`s lawyer in criminal proceedings.

When a person is charged with a crime, it is the government or the Crown that initiates the legal proceedings and pursues or attempts to prove the criminal charges in court. Crown counsel is the lawyer responsible for representing the government and arguing that the accused committed a crime during the trial. In criminal law, a person charged with a crime under the Criminal Code is called a defendant. A person is called a defendant until a trial is being processed and while it is being processed and the case is settled. The chapter of the Bankruptcy Code dealing with cases of cross-border insolvency. another word for lawyer, but not usually used in Canada, except in a particular title, as Attorney General of Ontario, who is the chief legal counsel to the Government of Ontario and a member of Cabinet who oversees the province`s judicial system. 10. I signed my mother`s name on one of her cheques, so I was charged with ___ the process of resolving a dispute in court, where witness evidence is given as true and sworn (or officially promised) and the law is argued and applied to the evidence by each party before a judge (sometimes with a jury). Most trials end with a decision or “judgment” to resolve the case. A trial version can last from one day to several months.

A bailiff of the United States District Court who is the court official with decision-making authority over federal bankruptcy cases. The period within which legal action must be brought or criminal proceedings initiated. The time limit may vary depending on the type of civil proceedings or the offence complained of. 8. The person who killed his boss after several weeks of planning is charged with ___ A civil injustice, not a criminal one. A negligent or intentional breach of a person or property, with the exception of breach of contract. Any way in which a debtor disposes of or separates his or her assets. A judge`s written explanation of the court`s decision. Since a case can be heard by three or more judges of the Court of Appeal, the opinion in appeal decisions can take various forms. If all the judges are in complete agreement on the outcome, a judge will write the opinion for everyone. If not all judges agree, the formal decision is based on the opinion of the majority, and a member of the majority will write the opinion.

Judges who disagreed with the majority may write separately in dissenting or concurring opinions to express their views.

Words associated with Law

  • Constabulary
    Law of nature
    Legal philosophy
    Natural law
    Police force
    Practice of law
  • The word Law is a noun. What are words associated with Law? Here’s a list of associations, synonyms and relating words.

В этом материале мы собрали распространенные юридические термины, которые будут полезны не только для юристов.

Даже если вы работаете в другой сфере, вы наверняка встречаете множество слов из юриспруденции, которые используются настолько часто, что уже вошли в нашу повседневную жизнь.

Отрасли права (Branches of Law):

  • Civil Law – гражданское право
  • Family Law – семейное право
  • Law of succession — наследственное право
  • Property Law – имущественное право
  • Real Estate Law — нормы права о недвижимости
  • Contract Law – договорное право
  • Administrative Law – административное право
  • Constitutional Law – конституционное право
  • Tax Law – налоговое право
  • International Law – международное право
  • Business (Corporate) Law — корпоративное право
  • Criminal Law – уголовное право
  • Intellectual Property Law – нормы права об интеллектуальной собственности


crime преступление
criminal преступник, преступность
investigator следователь
judge [‘ʤʌʤ] судья
justice [‘ʤʌstɪs] правосудие, юстиция
law and order законность и правопорядок
law office юридическая фирма
lawyer [‘lɔɪə], [‘lɔːjə] юрист; адвокат
legislation in force [ˌleʤɪ’sleɪʃ(ə)n] действующее законодательство
notary нотариус
notary office нотариальная контора
procurator [‘prɔkjuəreɪtə] прокурор
procurator’s office прокуратура
public order общественный порядок
punishment наказание
the Bar адвокатура
to commit a crime совершать преступление
to investigate расследовать
to prevent a crime предотвратить преступление
to punish наказывать


annual dividend [‘ænjuəl] годовой дивиденд
block of shares пакет акций
business law / commercial law торговое право
closely held corporation корпорация закрытого типа
controlling shareholder / majority shareholder держатель контрольного пакета акций
de facto corporation юридически не оформленная корпорация
double taxation двойное налогообложение
hostile takeover [‘hɔstaɪl] враждебное поглощение
insider trading покупка (акций) осведомленным лицом
limited liability [ˌlaɪə’bɪlətɪ] ограниченная ответственность
lock-up капитал, помещенный в труднореализуемые активы
mergers and acquisitions (M&A) [ˌækwɪˈzɪʃənz] слияния и поглощения
municipal corporation [mjuː’nɪsɪp(ə)l] муниципальная корпорация
nonprofit organization некоммерческая организация
private corporation частная корпорация
profits and losses прибыли и убытки
public corporation акционерное общество открытого типа
to issue shares [‘ɪʃuː] выпускать акции
to pay taxes выплачивать налоги
to run a business вести дело, управлять предприятием
to transfer property передавать имущество
transnational corporation транснациональная корпорация


acceptance [ək’septən(t)s] акцепт, акцептование
bilateral contract [baɪ’læt(ə)r(ə)l] двусторонний контракт
binding contract [‘baɪndɪŋ] юридически обязательный договор
contractual obligation [kən’trækʧuəl] договорное обязательство
contractual relationship договорные отношения
counteroffer встречное предложение
formal contract оформленный договор; формальный договор
informal contract неоформленный договор
legal consequences [ˈkɔnsɪkwənsɪz] правовые, юридические последствия
legally bound [baund] юридически обязанный
mutual assent взаимное согласие
offer оферта
offeree адресат оферты
offeror оферент; лицо, делающее предложение
rejection отклонение, отказ
to revoke отменять, аннулировать
under seal скрепленный печатью
unilateral contract [ˌjuːnɪ’læt(ə)r(ə)l] односторонняя сделка
valid contract [‘vælɪd] действительный договор


estate имущество
exclusive possession [pə’zeʃ(ə)n] исключительное владение
landlady домовладелица (владелица дома, квартиры или земельного участка, сдаваемых внаём)
landlord арендодатель, домовладелец
lease [liːs] договор об аренде
leasehold владение на правах аренды
licence [‘laɪs(ə)n(t)s] разрешение; лицензия
owner [‘əunə] владелец; собственник
rent арендная плата
sublease [‘sʌbliːs] субаренда; поднаём
tenant [‘tenənt] арендатор
trespass нарушение владения (с причинением вреда)
trespasser [‘trespəsə] лицо, вторгающееся в чьи-л. владения


confirmation patent [ˌkɔnfə’meɪʃ(ə)n] подтвержденный патент
copyright копирайт, авторское право
copyright holder владелец авторского права
copyright offence нарушение авторского права
copyright work произведение, охраняемое авторским правом
government subsidy [‘sʌbsɪdɪ] государственная дотация
industrial application промышленное применение
licence fee лицензионное вознаграждение
patent assignment [ə’saɪnmənt] передача патента
patentee патентовладелец
patent holder патентообладатель
patent in force действующий патент
patent infringement [ɪn’frɪnʤmənt] нарушение патента, нарушение патентного права
patent rights патентные права
patent term срок действия патента
to apply for a patent / to file a patent application подавать заявку на патент
to issue (sb) a licence / to grant a licence предоставить лицензию
to renew a licence обновлять лицензию
trademark товарный знак
void patent утративший силу патент
under licence по лицензии


a criminal case уголовное дело
a criminal court уголовный суд
a grave crime тяжкое преступление
at a trial на суде
charge [ʧɑːʤ] обвинение
court [kɔːt] суд, судебное заседание; участвующие в судебном заседании юристы и присяжные
custody [‘kʌstədɪ] содержание под стражей
defendant [dɪ’fendənt] ответчик, обвиняемый, подсудимый
evidence улика; свидетельское показание
guilty [‘gɪltɪ] виновный
indictment [ɪn’daɪtmənt] обвинительный акт
juror / jury member [‘ʤuərə] присяжный
jury [‘ʤuərɪ] присяжные, суд присяжных
juvenile [‘ʤuːv(ə)naɪl], [‘ʤuːvɪnaɪl] несовершеннолетний
law [lɔː] закон, право, юриспруденция
legal action / suit [‘liːg(ə)l] судебный иск, тяжба
offence преступление, правонарушение
offender преступник, правонарушитель
petty crime [‘petɪ] малозначительное преступление
suspect [‘sʌspekt] подозреваемый
the accused обвиняемый, обвиняемые
the courts судебные органы
to accuse (of) [ə’kjuːz] выдвинуть обвинение, обвинять
to indict somebody [ɪn’daɪt] предъявлять официальное обвинение
to serve / sit on a jury быть членом суда присяжных
to try судить
trial [‘traɪəl] судебное разбирательство; судебный процесс, суд


arson [‘ɑːs(ə)n] поджог
a wrong правонарушение
a wrongdoer [‘rɔŋˌduːə] правонарушитель
breach of the law нарушение закона
bribery [‘braɪbərɪ] взяточничество
burglary [‘bɜːglərɪ] кража со взломом
caution [‘kɔːʃ(ə)n] предупреждение
deterrent [dɪ’ter(ə)nt] удерживающее, сдерживающее средство
endeavour [ɪn’devə], [en-] предприятие; попытка; покушение, посягательство
felony [‘felənɪ] тяжкое уголовное преступление
forgery [‘fɔːʤ(ə)rɪ] подделка; фальшивка
larceny [‘lɑːs(ə)nɪ] воровство, кража
law-abiding [‘lɔːəˌbaɪdɪŋ] законопослушный
misdeed преступление, злодеяние
misdemeanor [ˌmɪsdɪ’miːnə] мелкое правонарушение
murder [‘mɜːdə] убийство
omission [ə’mɪʃ(ə)n] бездействие
penalty [‘pen(ə)ltɪ] наказание, штраф
prohibited запрещенный
rape изнасилование
to betray [bɪ’treɪ] предавать, изменять
to impose punishment [ɪm’pəuz] налагать наказание
treason [‘triːz(ə)n] измена, предательство
vengeance [‘venʤ(ə)n(t)s] месть

Если вам не хватает знаний для работы и карьеры, вы хотите свободно общаться с коллегами и клиентами на английском языке, а, возможно, даже найти новую работу за рубежом, то первое, что вам необходимо сделать – практиковаться в говорении. Но не просто, а именно с использованием специализированной лексики и только нужной грамматики.

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Are you looking for words with law? Then, the following list of over over 60 words is for you. All these words with law are validated using recognized English dictionaries.

A word is a

key element in a language that is used to express something meaningful

. Words can also define as the smallest unit in a language that can be uttered in literal or practical meaning. In theory, a morpheme is the smallest element in the English language but morphemes may or may not stand on its own whereas words are always freestanding. Words make sentences with the help of other words or sometimes even alone. In English language, words are usually shown separated by a space. You can find many words with law from the following list to enhance your English word knowledge.

Wordmom.com is popular among all kinds of English language users including College & University students, Teachers, Writers and Word game players. We are happy to know your story of how this list of words from wordmom.com helped you as a comment at the bottom of this page and also if you know any other ‘words with letter LAW’ other than mentioned in the below list, please let us know.

Words that start with a and contain law

  • attorney-at-law

Words that start with b and contain law

  • birlaw
  • bulawayo

Words that start with c and contain law

  • caperclaw
  • clapperclaw
  • claw
  • clawback
  • clawed
  • clawing
  • clawless
  • coleslaw
  • common-law
  • cypruslawn

Words that start with d and contain law

  • daughter-in-law
  • delaware
  • dewclaw

Words that start with f and contain law

  • flaw
  • flawing
  • flawless
  • flawn
  • flawter
  • flawy

Words that start with i and contain law

  • inlaw

Words that start with l and contain law

  • law
  • law-abiding
  • lawbreaker
  • lawe
  • lawer
  • lawful
  • lawgiver
  • lawgiving
  • lawing
  • lawless
  • lawm
  • lawmaker
  • lawmonger
  • lawn
  • lawnd
  • lawny
  • lawsonia
  • lawsuit
  • lawyer
  • lawyerlike
  • lawyerly
  • longclaw

Words that start with m and contain law

  • malawi

Words that start with o and contain law

  • outlaw
  • outlawing
  • outlawry

Words that start with s and contain law

  • scalawag
  • sister-in-law
  • slaw

Words that start with u and contain law

  • unlaw
  • unlawed
  • unlawful
  • unlawlike

Words that start with w and contain law

  • walaway
  • welaway
  • whiteflaw
  • whitflaw

words that start with

words that end with



Words associated with law

Chapter 7: pgs. 46 -51

Vocab Textbook: pgs. 10 -18

Ex 1, pg 47

Ex 2, pg 48

Ex 3, pg 48

Ex 4, pg 49

Ex 5A, pg 50

Ex 5B , pg 50 – 51

Ex 5C, pg 51

Themis (mother of Dike/Iustitia):

Double-edged sword symbolizes Reason and justice

Scales: she measures the strength of the case’s support and opposition

Origins of law founded in the Greek mythological sphere which then Romans

snatched up as most these civilisations in ancient world did. Shared influence

one anothers spheres, stole religion, ideologies, ideas and went on to

influence each other and stole those same ideas. Romans assimilated a lot of Greek

mythological names and characters. Why Hera (G) become Juno (R) and Zeus (G)

becomes Jupiter or Joe (R)

In law find that Titanness Temis was goddess of divine law and order and actual literal

translation of her name is ‘divine law or custom’. She was one of Zeus’s many brides.

Themis one of his earliest brides and his first councillor. Themis like man women in

mythology bore many children to Zeus. Together they represented the establishment of

natural law and order.

Hessiuds Theogony : ‘birth of the gods’ – 8th century Greek hymn, 1000 lines long,

ancient source of the origin of the world and the creation of the Greek gods. It says:

“Next after Metis (one of Zeus supposed spouses) he (Zeus) led away (married) bright

Themis, divine law who then went on to bear the Horii (seasons) and Eunomia (order),

Diki (justice), and the blooming Eirene (peace) who mined the world of mortal men.

She and Zeus together bore the Moirai (faits) to whom Zeus gave greatest honour.

Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos = give mortal men evil and good to have

Faits NB are 3 goddesses who controlled and determined mankind, humankinds

destinies. Look at and decide what your life be like. Themis on other hand personifies

natural law, abstract concept difficult represent symbolically. Originally Greeks only used

the scales (balance symbol), and the cornucopia (horn of plenty = symbol of abundance

and nurishment = represent Themis). Later Greeks began incorporate more symbols and

objects. Some came from Goddesses who represent concepts, similar to natural law (Diki

= justice) or (Nemesis = revenge). New enriched representation of Themis adopted by

Romans for their Goddess Lustitia and she represents justice.

Today thought we represent Themis as the goddess of justice. She has scales (balance

and order), sword (in right hand, justice is executive and must be respected), and

(blindfold: she is impartial) sometimes find there is a lion: justice must be linked to force

and ferocity.

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