Word and urban dictionary

1) well said

2)said in a agreement

3) can be used as a greeting, hey whats up

1..and 2…Yo u goin to that rocks tanite….word

3) word up

by styne February 22, 2003


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«Word» is the shortened form of the phrase: «my word is my bond» which was originated by inmates in U.S. prisons. The longer phrase was shortened to «word is bond» before becoming «word,» which is most commonly used. It basically means «truth.» Or «to speak the truth.»

«Yo, I fucked twelve bitches last night.»

«Word?» («You speak the truth?»)

«Word.» («I speak the truth.»)

by LBird October 15, 2005


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An arbitrary sequence of sounds used to convey meaning, invented by people a long time ago; can be written as a sequence of letters or as a character.

What is a word?

Something you shouldn’t trust Urban Dictionary to define.

by jjkmvw July 11, 2017


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Type your definition here…

Type an example of how this word is used in a sentence…

by The SQUIP August 17, 2021


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Can also be used as a question, meaning «really?»

«Man, this sucks.»



«I just got a new car!»


by inkdrinker April 25, 2003


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Type your definitions here…

Type an example of how your word is used in a sentence…

by AnalMonster666 May 1, 2016


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a word is a combination of letters to form something to say to another person or thing, here is an example of a word: slut


by pseudonym ツ October 8, 2020


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Urban Dictionary (ненав. – Ueban Dictionary) — словарь правильного английского языка. Без использования этого словаря гарантированно невозможно понять типичного среднего американца.

Для тех, кто только изучает английский, Urban Dictionary — лучший способ сделать свою речь более красочной и драматичной, а также получить незабываемое удовольствие от неожиданных последствий, которые эта речь произвела. Если вы не используете в своём разговоре слова из Urban Dictionary, ваша речь выглядит как унылая вырезка из Большой советской энциклопедии.

В Urban Dictionary для каждого слова имеется не просто скучное определение, но и подробная инструкция с примерами, как этим словом можно ругаться и оскорблять других людей. После долгого курения этого словаря начинаешь понимать, что красиво нецензурно ругаться по-английски можно абсолютно любыми словами.

На самом деле

Википедия говорит, что Urban Dictionary — это всемирный онлайн-словарь сленга и жаргонных слов. Но на самом деле это не совсем так. Смутные сомнения начинают закрадываться, когда мы узнаём, что сайт содержит более 5 миллионов слов и определений. Это при том, что в самом большом словаре английского языка, Oxford English Dictionary, 291 500 записей. А во всём английском — не более 400 000. Получается, что английский сленг на целый порядок шире самого языка.

Сайт существует с 1999 года. Он был когда-то создан неким Aaron Peckham’ом как пародия на онлайн-словарь dictionary.com. Исключительно для лулзов. Сначала он наполнялся самим создателем интернетов и его друзьями, а простые юзеры могли только читать их творчество. Вскоре возможность безудержно постить стала доступна и для простых смертных. Urban Dictionary стал новаторским и весьма полезным
вебдванольным проектом. Однако (к сожалению) со временем владельцы сайта начали понимать, что их прибыль напрямую зависит от количества постов в единицу времени. И средства для постинга начали упрощаться. А вместе с ними начала упрощаться и целевая аудитория. За десять лет Urban Dictionary успел обрасти сервисами сверхскоростного добавления контента, интеграцией со всевозможными социальными сетями, твиттером, ю-тьюбом и пр. Также появилось API для различных SMS-гейтвеев, чтобы можно было вносить свой вклад хоть через СМС. Сейчас типичный editor может невозбранно лить свой поток сознания со скоростью 10 определений в минуту из любого места, где ему внезапно стало нечего делать.


All the definitions on Urban Dictionary were written by people just like you. Now’s your chance to add your own!

Таня не отличается излишней адекватностью

На сайте нет модерации. Да, совсем-совсем нет. Поэтому его уже давно заселили дебилы. Это именно те люди, которые превращают в сраное говно всё, к чему прикасаются. Если 7-8 лет назад это был годный словарь американского сленга, то сейчас urban dictionary — словарь английского языка для имбецилов, написанный такими же имбецилами. Исходя из этого стоит помнить, что перед тем как пытаться понять описываемый сленг, для начала нужно понять сленг.

Сам язык urban dictionary соответствует контингенту авторов: это именно тот язык, которым общаются по асечке едва научившиеся говорить тринадцатилетние американские дети.

Для авторов urban dictionary стало доброй традицией придумывать новый неожиданный смысл для, казалось бы, давно известных слов и выражений. Авторам это кажется смешным и оригинальным. Вследствие ограниченности кругозора большинства этих авторов подобное творчество выглядит как былинная хуита. Даже знатоки английского сленга при виде этого контента фалломорфируют и умирают от когнитивного диссонанса. Вот типичный пример определения для выражения:

1. Going to Narnia

 Buy Going to Narnia mugs, tshirts and magnets 

When a female’s breasts are so large that you could stick your head in between them and have your whole
head disappear. When your head disappears, it ends up in Narnia.

«Whoa that girl could take me to Narnia.»
«I’m going to get to go to Narnia tonight.»
«I’m going to Narnia later today.»

2. Going to Narnia

 Buy Going to Narnia mugs, tshirts and magnets 

Having sex with a whore.

— Dude, I’m going to Narnia
— What the fuck man, you’re gonna screw that chick?

— I went to Narnia the other night.
— Did you see the creatures in the forest?

Если бы Urban Dictionary был на русском, это выглядело бы примерно так:

1. Купить колбасу

 Купи кружку, футболку или магнитик с купить колбасу 

Взять в рот толстый волосатый член у негра.

«Эй ты, шлюха, иди купи колбасу»
«Я сосу-сосу-сосу эту эту колбасу»

2. Купить колбасу

 Купи кружку, футболку или магнитик с купить колбасу 

Подохнуть нафик. Я не знаю, откуда это… хммм… но слышала, как тётя Энни вчера за ужином сказала…

«Если вы не перестанете кормить меня этим дерьмом, я куплю колбасу»

Вот из такого контента словарь состоит на 80%. А теперь представьте, что Urban Dictionary является вроде как авторитетным изданием в своей области. То есть к нему можно обращаться, если значение какого-нибудь слова вам неизвестно, точно так же, как и к какому-нибудь профессиональному словарю. Что повсеместно и происходит. Индусы и китайцы, имея небогатый словарный запас в английском, активно используют этот ресурс при общении и в электронной переписке. Из-за этого общение с ними становится полным лулзов и неожиданных поворотов. Не дай б-г вы употребите какое-нибудь выражение, смысл которого индусу с первого раза не ясен. Угадайте, куда он полезет его искать? И как вы думаете, что он там найдёт? (см. выше)

К счастью, отсутствие модерации в некотором роде компенсируется наличием пользовательских оценок (thumbs up/down), поэтому, как правило, самые абсурдные, выдуманные и неверные определения через некоторое время получают соответствующее количество «пальцев вниз», и, судя по соотношению «вверх/вниз», можно делать логичные выводы о тех или иных определениях.


На какие же гроши существует сайт? Неужели на доходы от продаж футоболок и кружек? Элементарно, мой маленький друг :> Бизнес-модель сайта включает в себя сбор персональных данных школьников, публикующих свои высеры. Чтобы школотрон не смог отказаться, его ставят перед дилеммой: привязать аккаунт гугла или фейсбука с подтверждением разрешений либо поумерить свой понос, что для школоты почти невозможно. Есть ещё один вариант — создать фейковый аккаунт фейсбук и юзать его, но он неудобен, и поэтому большинство школоты юзать его не будет.

См. также

  • Доставляющие определения русских.
  • Обсуждение определений Б-га на форуме философов.
  • Здесь могла бы быть ваша реклама.



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en.w:Urban Dictionary

What is urban dictionary word?

Basically anything i try to post on this dumb website

Idiot: Hey man I’m going to post a definition on urban dictionary.
Smart guy that always gets his perfectly legitimate definitions rejected on urban dictionary: Dude you can try, but don’t be surprised if it ends up on the pile labeled urban dictionary rejected words.

👍63 👎11

urban dictionary word — video

Urban dictionary word — what is it?

words posted on unurbandictionary.blogspot.ca

guy #1: urban dictionary rejected my definition for «George Tabuki»
guy #2: you should just post those urban dictionary rejected words on unurbandictionary.blogspot.ca
guy #1: I definitely will.

👍223 👎21

What does «urban dictionary word» mean?

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii9iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiivfnvfnjnvffnnf iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii fuck u idddnciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii seriously wut did u expect fvmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm:)

OK! That the longest urban dictionary word thing ever! :D

👍27 👎19

Urban dictionary word — what does it mean?

this word is when Urban Dictionary chooses tha best word produced from thee public and makes it word of tha day.

in thee office,

guy one: hey bill this word shud be Urban Dictionary word of tha day

guy 2: yes john make it word of thee day then.

guy 1: ok bill i will do that.

👍49 👎27

Urban dictionary word — meaning

When you’re searching for the most urban dictionary word instead of studying and you clicked on definitions instead.
*Sad pupper noises*

You won’t believe what the most popular urban dictionary words are!!! -Clickbait websites

👍61 👎19

Urban dictionary word — definition

In most cases, a single, lonely person desperately seeking attention and «internet reassurance.» These people are so close to the bottem of the barrel of self esteem, that truely, writing unoriginal and hardly creative definitions for words or phrases — or making new words to define — helps them cope with their daily routine of social awkwardness and unacceptance.

Social outcast John, contemplating a mass homicide at his nearby school while disillusioned with his daily buffet of video games and internet surfing, stumbled upon Urban Dictionary, and was reassured that his life had new found meaning, as he now had perhaps a chance to fit in with other rejects across the world! Maybe, just maybe, John had a chance to become an Urban Dictionary Word Definer, and perhaps even get the coveted Word of the Day honor!!

👍31 👎23

Urban dictionary word — slang

google search urban dictionary new word

when you search urban dictionary word creator you wont be lead to where you’re actually trying to go which is urban dictionary new world

👍27 👎11

Urban dictionary word

A word on urban dictionary that no one has ever used except them. Can usually be defined by a quick google search to check if one of the top three results is the words urbandictionary.com page.

http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=C+Cipher is an example of a fake urban dictionary word.

👍73 👎35

Urban dictionary word


All the definitions on Urban Dictionary were written by people just like you. Now’s your chance to add your own!

Urban Dictionary word creator
Write for a large audience. Lots of people will read this, so give some background information.
Don’t name your friends. We’ll reject inside jokes and definitions naming non-celebrities.
In the boxes below, link to other words with square brackets. For example, booty will become booty.

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Urban Dictionary word creator

👍47 👎13

Urban dictionary word

One of those words that could only be thought of on Urban Dictionary.

Guy 1- «What was that word she said?»
Guy 2- «Oh, it was an Urban Dictionary Word.»

👍37 👎13

Urban Dictionary may have originally started as a joke, but the online authority of all things slang is now a legitimate source on what popular sayings mean — and a ton of the words published in their pages are commonly accepted vernacular.

bad pick-up lines to text apps your partner

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A Cursed Long List of Bad Pickup Lines to Make You Cringe (& Laugh Too)

As raunchy as it can be at times, Urban Dictionary has gone mainstream — I mean, it’s even used in some courtrooms to define culturally acceptable slang terms. Doesn’t get much more legit than that. Of course, being the crowdsourced slang resource that it is, none of the words were actually invented by Urban Dictionary. However, many (including some of the words below) have since been added to more traditional dictionaries — and others may have been in old-school dictionaries first, but the peeps at Urban Dictionary just defined them better.

In honor of our ever-changing English language, here are the big pop culture words we think everyone needs to know.

Warning: Some strong language ahead (NSFW)

1. A crapella — singing (badly) while listening to music through headphones

2. Ann Curry-ed — being fired unexpectedly and/or without cause

3. Askhole — an individual who asks ridiculous, obnoxious or irrelevant questions (this is often chronic behavior)

4. Awesome sauce — something that is more awesome than awesome (awesome topped with awesome sauce)

5. Baby bump — the protruding abdominal region of a woman when she starts to become noticeably pregnant (often creates speculation a woman is pregnant even when it’s the result of bloating or the way clothes fall)

6. Badassery — actions or behavior that are amazing or unbelievable; the act of being a badass

7. Beer me — please, get me a beer (can also be used figuratively to ask for anything to be passed or retrieved for the speaker)

8. Bitchy resting face — the state of a face while not emoting in which the individual looks hostile or judgmental

9. Bitcoin — electronic currency that can be transferred securely without the need of a third party (such as a bank or PayPal)

10. Blamestorming — usually in a business setting, the act of attempting to identify who was to blame for a failure or problem, rather than trying to brainstorm a solution

11. Boomerang child — a child who moves out to start his or her own life, then returns home to live (often as a result of the economy, but possibly due to irresponsibility of some kind)

More: Why Do People Ask for ‘Bump Pics’ on Facebook?

12. Bromance — 1) as a noun or adjective, two heterosexual males with such a close relationship they appear to be romantically involved; 2) as a verb, the act of attempting to become closer to a fellow heterosexual male (usually through acts similar to romancing a woman, such as flattery, gifts and spending alone time)

13. Bropocalypse — a large gathering of adult males with the sole mission of getting drunk (such as at a fraternity party)

14. Bye Felicia — exclamation used when a person announces they are exiting, but other people in the area don’t care; adapted from 2005 film Friday starring Chris Tucker and Ice Cube

15. C-note — a $100 bill (where C stands for centum, the Latin word for 100)

16. Cock block — 1) referring to a slang term for male genitalia, the act of preventing a man from getting somewhere (getting to know, getting a date or having sexual relations) with a man or woman he is interested in; action may be committed by a male or female; 2) in traffic, to cut someone off

17. Cougar — an older woman who prefers the romantic company of much-younger men

18. Crackberry — a slang term for a mobile phone brand (BlackBerry) that implies its user is addicted to the device

19. Crunk — 1) a replacement for foul curse words (popularized by a joke on Conan O’Brien); 2) a combination of crazy and drunk, meaning crazy drunk (may also refer to people who are high); 3) a style of rap music popular in the South; 4) something at a high level (e.g., volume) or something awesome; 5) to have a good time

20. Cyberslacking — using one’s employer’s Internet and email for personal activities during work

Next Up: Words from Urban Dictionary – Designated drunk

A version of this article was originally published in January 2014.

Urban Slang Dictionary: Online Acronyms, Phrases and Idioms

The evolution of language in relation to internet culture

The rise of web-based technologies, online chatting, mobile texting, email and instant messaging have all helped shape the way we communicate. Short-form words, acronyms, phrases, and memes have almost helped contribute to the development of a whole new language that defines Internet culture.

Today, this so-called «Internet language» is as popular as ever and virtually second nature in use amongst Internet users.

Why Do People Use Internet Slang?

Dimitri Otis/Photographer’s Choice RF/Getty Images

Unlike writing an A+ English essay on Shakespeare, Internet slang has two common goals, which often overthrow proper spelling and grammar:

To express emotion: It’s obvious that expressing emotion through written text can be difficult. Internet slang words and acronyms help you tell people that we are happy, sad, amused, angry, confused or surprised. For example, «Wowzers» is a silly term used to convey surprise. The acronym,»LOL,» which stands for «laugh out loud,» is one of the most common acronyms used on the Internet. Often, users will incorporate textual emoticons like «:)» or «:(» to represent expressive human faces and emotions. GPOY is a sarcastic state of self-attention, «Gratuitous Pictures of Yourself.» Playful, if self-aware.

To speed up communication: You live in a busy world, and you don’t have time much time to waste typing out the message you’d like to send to your friends, family or colleagues. Typing a message usually takes longer than saying it verbally, which is why Internet slang and short-form words are used to get the message in writing as quickly as possible. It’s a quick and convenient way to communicate on the web.

The Internet Slang Dictionary of Choice: Urban Dictionary

There are quite a few sites out there that list popular Internet words and phrases, but there’s nothing that quite compares to the Urban Dictionary. The Urban Dictionary is literally an Internet slang dictionary, which can be accessed by anyone online.

Urban Dictionary contains over 10.5 million Internet slang definitions. Anybody can suggest and submit a word and definition, which are reviewed by editors to be published on the site. Once a word is published, visitors can view and rate them.

If you come across any slang words on the web, you can almost be certain that the definition can be found by searching for it on the Urban Dictionary website.

The Most Popular Internet Slang Words and Acronyms

The following lists the most well known and widely used Internet slang words. People all over the world use them on social media sites, email and SMS text messaging. (Please note that a few of these popular acronyms include profanity, which have been replaced with more appropriate wording.)

ASAP: As Soon As Possible

BBIAB: Be Back In A Bit

BBL/BBS: Be Back Later/Soon

BF: Boyfriend

BFF: Best Friends Forever

BFFL: Best Friends for Life

BRB: Be Right Back

CYA: See You

DS: Dear Son

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

FB: Facebook

FITBLR: Fitbit users who run fitness-related blogs

FLBP: Future Lower Back Problems

FML: «F-Word» My Life

FTFY: Fixed That For You

FTW: For the Win

FYI: For Your Information

G2G: Got to Go

GF: Girlfriend

GR8: Great

GTFO: Get the «F-Word» Out

HBIC: Head B**** in Charge

HML: Hit My Line, or Hate My Life

HRU: How are you?

HTH: Hope This Helps

IDK: I Don’t Know

IGHT: Alright

IMO/IMHO: In My Opinion/In My Humble Opinion

IMY: I miss you.

IRL: In Real Life

ISTG: I Swear to God

JK: Just Kidding

JMHO: Just My Humble Opinion

KTHX: OK, Thanks

L8R: Later

LMAO: Laugh My «A-Word» Off

LMFAO: Laugh My «F-ing» «A-Word» Off

LMK: Let Me Know

LOL: Laugh Out Loud

MWF: Married White Female/Monday, Wednesday, Friday

NM: Nevermind

NOOB: Newbie/Newcomer/Amateur

NP: No Problem

NSFW: Not Safe for Work

OOAK: One of a Kind

OFC: Of course

OMG: Oh My God

ORLY: Oh Really?

OTOH: On the Other Hand

RN: Right Now

ROFL: Roll On the Floor Laughing

RUH: Are Your Horney

SFW: Safe for Work

SOML: Story of My Life

SOZ: Sorry

STFU: Shut the «F-Word» Up

TFTI: Thanks for the Invite

TIL: Today I Learned

TMI: Too Much Information

TTFN: Ta-ta for now

TTYL: Talk to You Later

TWSS: That’s What She Said

U: You

W/: With

WB: Welcome Back (also can refer to World Boss)

W/O: Without

WYD: What You Doing

WTH: What the Hell?

WTF: What the «F-Word»

WYM: What You Mean?

WYSIWYG: What You See Is What You Get

Y: Why

YMMV: Your Mileage May vary

YW: You’re Welcome

YWA: You’re Welcome Anyway

Other common Internet abbreviations and symbols include:

  • “I’m @ the store.”
  • “I’m going 2 school.”

Taking the Blame for Bad Grammar and Spelling

Although short-form wording and acronyms help us get the job done faster and more conveniently, time spent communicating through social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and texting on cell phones is being blamed for poor spelling and grammar skills with regards to today’s youth. For example, words like «shawty» (which is an alternative form of «shorty») are spelled more like they sound in casual conversation.

While the link between modern-day Internet lingo and deteriorating grammar skills has not been officially proven on a scientific basis, education institutions in Canada and the U.S. are seeing a sharp drop in proper English writing.

In an article published by the Globe and Mail, an English professor and associated dean at Simon Fraser University stated:

“Punctuation errors are huge, and apostrophe errors. Students seem to have absolutely no idea what an apostrophe is for. None. Absolutely none.”

Abbreviations, lowercase words that should be capitalized and neglectful proofreading are other common mistakes that are blamed on social media and SMS texting.

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