Word and spanish accents

A lot of Spanish words have accent marks – the small diagonal lines, which appear over certain letters when written down – are one of the most instantly notable features of the Spanish language. However, understanding when and where to use them can seem like a daunting task, especially if you are a novice.

Fortunately, there are a few key rules which govern the use of accent marks and stresses within Spanish. That means that, once you understand and learn them, this seemingly confusing aspect of the language suddenly makes a whole lot more sense, and you will have a far greater understanding of how pronunciation works.

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Spanish accent marks explained 

What is a written accent?

Accents, sometimes known as ’tildes’, appear at the top of certain letters in Spanish, and are written as a short diagonal line, from the top right to the bottom left. They can only ever appear over the five vowel letters (á, é, í, ó, ú), meaning you will never see a Spanish word with an accent mark over a consonant.

Written accents have three main functions within the language. The first is to separate words which would otherwise be spelled identically, the second is to signify questions, while the third (and perhaps most important) function is to help indicate which syllable of the word should be stressed, or emphasised, when spoken aloud.

The basics of word stress in Spanish

A stressed syllable can be broadly defined as a syllable that is given greater emphasis, relative to the other syllables around it. This may be signalled through pronunciation in several different ways, including increased vowel length, increased loudness, or a change in pitch. All Spanish words have at least one stress.

Within the Spanish language, stress is functional, meaning that the location of stressed syllables can alter the meaning of the words being spoken. For instance, the words célebre and celebré have different meaning – ‘famous’ and ‘I celebrated’, respectively – and pronunciation is separated only by the location of the stressed syllable.

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Key rules of Spanish stresses

With regards to stressed syllables in Spanish, there are two key rules to remember:

1: If a word ends with a vowel, or the letters ‘s’ or ‘n’, the penultimate syllable is stressed.

2: If a word ends with a consonant other than ‘s’ or ‘n’, the final syllable is stressed.

Words where the penultimate syllable is stressed are said to be paroxytone and a total of 79.5 percent of all Spanish words fall into this category. On the other hand, words where the final syllable is stressed are said to be oxytone. Meanwhile, words which break these two rules, by having the stress on the third-to-last syllable are proparoxytone.

The word camino (path) ends in a vowel, so the penultimate syllable is stressed and it is paroxytone. The word animal (animal) ends in a consonant other than ‘n’ or ‘s’, so the final syllable is stressed and it is oxytone. Both of these words are in-keeping with the two key roles referred to above.

However, the word propósito (purpose) ends in a vowel, but breaks the rule, as the stress is on the third-to-last syllable [pro-PÓ-si-to]. It is, therefore, proparoxytone. This is where we start to see the use of written accents within the Spanish language, in order to mark the location of stresses.

When do you use accents in Spanish?

Once you get to grips with those two basic rules surrounding stresses in the Spanish language, the use of accent marks starts to make much more sense. Essentially, accents are used to indicate the position of the stress in words which break one of the two key rules mentioned above.

For example:

The word exámenes (exams) ends in an ‘s’, so according to rule #1, the stress should be on the penultimate syllable. Instead, the stress is on the second syllable, so an accent mark appears above the ‘a’.

The word compró (buy) ends in a vowel, so according to rule #1, the stress should be on the penultimate syllable. Instead, the stress is on the last syllable, so an accent mark appears above the ‘o’.

The word débil (weak) ends in a consonant other than ‘n’ or ‘s’, so according to rule #2, the stress should be on the last syllable. Instead, the stress is on the first syllable, so an accent appears above the ‘e’.

Now that you understand why they appear, you can start to view accent marks as a helpful pronunciation guide, rather than an alien concept. The important things to remember are that these accents can only appear above vowels, and they indicate the syllable which should be stressed in words which break the two basic stress rules.

Accent marks and homonyms

As stated earlier, a second main use of accent marks within the Spanish language is to help people to distinguish between words which have different meanings, but which would otherwise be spelled and pronounced identically. These words are known as ‘homonyms’ and these relationships are said to be ‘homonymous’.

Take a look at some of the most common homonymous words and look at how accents are used to separate them:

  • mi (my) and  (me)
  • mas (but) and más (more)
  • si (if) and  (yes)
  • solo (alone) and sólo (only)
  • el (the) and él (he)

There are few rules to govern which types of words are given accents in Spanish in order to separate them from their homonyms, so you must simply learn them as different vocabulary. It is also worth noting that not all homonyms within the Spanish language are distinguished from one another through the use of accents.

Question words and accent marks in Spanish

Finally, accent marks are also used to denote question words within the Spanish language. To provide an example of this, the word ‘which’, when used as a connective word, is cual in Spanish. Yet, when the word ‘which’ is used as a question word (i.e. to mean ‘which?’), it is written as ¿cuál? instead.

The exact same pattern can be observed in other question words, as the following examples show:

  • cuando (when) and ¿cuándo? (when?)
  • donde (where) and ¿dónde? (where?)
  • quien (who) and ¿quién? (who?)

So, to summarise, accent marks can help you to pinpoint the location of stresses within words, to understand which version of a homonym is being used, or to identify the presence of a question. They can, therefore, be viewed as a helpful guide for both pronunciation and comprehension purposes.

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Last updated:

December 6, 2022

There it was, a big red strike through my handwritten “el exámen” on my Spanish vocab test.

“There’s only an accent when it’s plural,” my teacher told me. 

I was frustrated, and Spanish accents continued to perplex me until a few years later when I learned the amazing fact that Spanish accent marks follow rules! 

Once you learn two simple rules, all of the accents you see while immersing yourself in Spanish—on Twitter, the news, and everything in between—will make sense. 


  • Spanish Accent Marks
  • Spanish Stress Rules
    • 1. Words ending in a vowel, n, or s.
    • 2. Words ending in a consonant (not n, s)
  • When to Add Spanish Accent Marks
    • Examples of words that break rule #1
    • Examples of words that break rule #2
  • Spanish Homonyms with Accents: Same Pronunciation, Different Meaning
  • Accents on Spanish Question Words
    • Indirect and embedded questions carry accents
    • Question words used as pronouns do not have accents
  • Demonstrative Pronouns
    • Masculine
    • Feminine
    • Neuter
    • Example of demonstrative pronouns:
  • How to Type Spanish Accent Marks
    • Mac: How to change keyboard settings
    • PC: How to change keyboard settings
    • Typing Spanish accents with the international keyboard
    • Type Spanish accents with a website

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Spanish Accent Marks

First let’s cover our basics. Spanish accents (tildes) can only be written over the five vowels (a, e, i, o, u).

The accent is written from lower left to upper right: á, é, í, ó, ú.

Spanish Stress Rules

There are two basic rules in Spanish that tell us where to put the stress of a word. Stress is important, as it can sometimes be the only way to distinguish two words. It’s the difference between “insult” (IN-sult), as in “I couldn’t think of a good insult,” and “insult” (in-SULT), as in “She’s going to insult me now, I just know it.”

1. Words ending in a vowel, n, or s.

For words that end in a vowel, the letter n, or the letter s, the stress is on the next to last syllable.


     todo (to-do) all/every

     inteligente (in-te-li-gen-te) smart

     el examen (e-xa-men) exam

     joven (jo-ven) young

     lunes (lu-nes) Monday

     los calcetines (cal-ce-ti-nes) socks

2. Words ending in a consonant (not n, s)

For words that end in all other consonants (not or s), the stress falls on the last syllable.


     comer (co-mer)  to eat

     la ciudad (ciu-dad)  the city

     el profesor (pro-fe-sor)  the professor/teacher

     el animal (a-ni-mal)  the animal

     Madrid (Ma-drid)  Madrid

And that’s it! Think you can remember those two rules?

If you’re new to the idea of stressing syllables, try this listening/speaking exercise to practice hearing the stress in various Spanish words.

You can also use this handy tool to break any Spanish word into its correct syllables.

Or, try watching a few videos on the FluentU language learning program. This program uses authentic Spanish-language videos like movie trailers, TV show clips, inspirational talks, news segments and more.

You’ll see accent marks in the interactive subtitles and transcripts, which accompany each video. From these, you can click on any word and hear its pronunciation (as well as see example sentences and video clips), and save it as a flashcard for later review.

Using the videos on FluentU will allow you to match up the written words with how they’re actually pronounced by native Spanish speakers. Then, you can practice typing out or speaking Spanish words in the post-video quizzes or through the personalized quizzes that help you study your saved flashcards.

When to Add Spanish Accent Marks

We add accent marks to Spanish words when the stress breaks either of those two rules.

Let’s look at one example in detail first, the word from my vocabulary test: los exámenes. The word ends in an “s”, so according to the first rule, the stress should fall on the next to last syllable: ex-am-en-es. But it doesn’t.

Rather, the word keeps the same stress as its singular form, on what is now the third to last syllable, so we add an accent mark: exámenes (e-xa-me-nes). That’s it!

Examples of words that break rule #1

Here are some examples of Spanish words with accent marks that break rule #1. You’ll notice none of the stresses fall on the second to last syllable, as they normally would.

     la canción (can-cion) song

     también (tam-bien) also

     los crímenes (cri-me-nes) crimes

     jamás (ja-mas) never

     inglés (in-gles) English

     rápido (ra-pi-do) fast

     está (es-ta) is, third person singular of the verb estar – to be

Examples of words that break rule #2

And here are examples of words that break the second rule. These are words that end in a consonant (not “n” or “s”), but whose accent does not fall on the final syllable.

     el árbol (ar-bol)  tree

     la cárcel (car-cel)  jail/prison

     el césped (ces-ped)  grass

     débil (de-bil)  weak

Spanish Homonyms with Accents: Same Pronunciation, Different Meaning

Accent marks are also used in Spanish to differentiate between words that are pronounced (and therefore spelled) the same but that have different meanings: homonyms.

Here are some examples of common Spanish homonyms:

     de (preposition: of, from)
      (third-person singular subjunctive form of dar – to give)

     el (masculine article: the)
     él (he)

     mas (but)
     más (more)

     se (reflexive and indirect object pronoun)
      (I know)

     si (if)

     te (object: you)
     : (tea)

     tu (your)
      (subject: you)

Accents on Spanish Question Words

Spanish accents are also found on all interrogative words when used in a question, indirect question or embedded question.

     ¿Quién? (Who?)

     ¿Qué? (What? / Which?)

     ¿Dónde? (Where?)

     ¿Cuándo? (When?)

     ¿Por qué? (Why?)

     ¿Cómo? (How?)

     ¿Cuál? (Which?)

     ¿Cuánto? (How much/many?)

Regular questions are fairly basic and easy to spot, but let’s take a look at a few of these words in details, along with some examples of indirect and embedded questions.

Indirect and embedded questions carry accents

Whenever the word “cuánto” means “how much/many,” it carries an accent:

     No sé cuántos hay. (I don’t know how many there are.)

When the word “cómo” translates to “how,” it carries an accent – no matter where it falls in the sentence. (Without the accent, “como” means “like” or “as”.)

     No entiendo cómo lo hace. (I don’t understand how he does it.)

Likewise, when “qué” means an interrogative “what,” it must carry an accent.

     No sé qué hacer. (I don’t know what to do.)

Question words used as pronouns do not have accents

When these words are not used in a question or indirect question, but rather as a pronoun, there is no accent mark. Here are three example sentences of this situation:

     El chico que dijo eso es mentiroso. (The boy who said that is a liar.)

     Es el parque donde conocí a tu madre. (It’s the park where I met your mother.)

     No trabajo cuando estoy enferma. (I don’t work when I’m sick.)

Demonstrative Pronouns

Finally, Spanish accents are used in feminine and masculine demonstrative pronouns (this one, that one) to differentiate them from the demonstrative adjectives (this –, that –), which are identical except that they don’t carry an accent mark.*

Remember, pronouns take the place of a noun, while adjectives describe nouns. The example sentences below the following lists of pronouns will help clarify this distinction if you’re a bit rusty on grammar terminology.


     éste (this)
     éstos (these)
     ése (that)
     ésos (those)
     aquél (that over there)
     aquéllos (those over there)


     ésta (this)
     éstas (these)
     ésa (that)
     ésas (those)
     aquélla (that over there)
     aquéllas (those over there)


     esto (this)
     eso (that)
     aquello (that over there)

Example of demonstrative pronouns:

     No quiero comprar este coche; mi novia prefiere ése.
     (I don’t want to buy this car; my girlfriend prefers that one.)

The first “este“, without an accent, is an adjective describing “coche“: Which car? That car. The “ése” at the end of the sentence is a demonstrative pronoun, “that one,” taking the place of the car. Again, it’s these demonstrative pronouns that carry the accent marks (though not the neuter pronouns: esto, eso, aquello.)

     Se me olvidó estudiar ayer. Por eso estoy nerviosa para el examen.
     (I forgot to study yesterday. Because of this, I’m nervous for the exam).

     Este libro es tan interesante como ése.
     (This book is as interesting as that one.)

     Soy editora de estas revistas, pero no de aquéllas.
     (I’m an editor of these magazines, but not those over there.)

* Officially, the Real Academia Española revised the spelling rules in 1959, making the written accent on demonstrative pronouns unnecessary except in cases with ambiguity. However, most grammar sources and many publications (including the Madrid-based newspaper El País) still follow the old format and use the accented pronouns in all instances, which is why it’s included here.

How to Type Spanish Accent Marks

Writing accent marks is easy enough, but how do you type them?

Whether you use a PC or a Mac, the simplest way is to change your keyboard settings to “US – International”.

Mac: How to change keyboard settings

For Mac users, go into your system preferences and select “Keyboard.” Then click “Input Sources” at the menu across the top. If “US – International” is not in your current list, click the + sign, select “US – International” and then click “Add.”

I recommend selecting the checkbox next to “Show input menu in menu bar.” This will add a small icon to the menu bar across the top of the screen (by the date and time). You can click this icon to quickly change between keyboards any time, without going into your system preferences.

Another option that doesn’t involve changing your keyboard is to press and hold letters to see variants with different accent marks, and then choose what you need from there. This is great for the occasional accent mark, but if you’re doing a lot of typing in Spanish, it might be better to change the keyboard.

PC: How to change keyboard settings

If you’re using a PC, head to your start menu and type “intl.cpl” into the search field. Open the result, and click on the third tab, “Keyboards and Languages.” Next click “Change Keyboards,” then the “Add…” button, select “United States – International” and finally click “OK.”

If you’ll be using the international keyboard a lot, select it as your default keyboard from the drop down menu while the keyboard menu is still open. You can also have a small keyboard icon stay on the menu bar at the bottom of the screen. From here you can quickly change between keyboards, without going into keyboard settings.

Typing Spanish accents with the international keyboard

To type a Spanish accent over a vowel, simply press the quotation key (“/ ‘) that’s next to the return key, and then the vowel. It’s really easy!

If you want to accent a capital letter, just press the quotation key before you type the capital vowel as you normally would, holding down the shift key and then typing the letter.

If you want a single or double quotation mark before an unaccented vowel, press the quotation key and then the space bar, and it will leave your vowel alone.

The ñ is also simple to type with the international keyboard. Press shift, followed by the (~/`) key located to the left of “1/!” and you’ll see a floating tilde: ˜. You can let go of the keys right away, and then type “n” to produce a wonderful ñ.

Type Spanish accents with a website

If you aren’t used to typing on a keyboard and you feel confused, you can always use this website with buttons for each accent to type in Spanish. Type in the field, click the correct button when you need an accent, and when you’re finished, copy and paste the text to wherever you need it.

Practice typing Spanish accents and watch your Spanish writing improve as a whole! Now you’re ready to both write and type Spanish accents correctly whenever you may need them – but remember, never on the word “examen”!

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Many people struggle with pronouncing English words, because there’s no way to differentiate them in written language. While “read” (present tense) and “read” (past tense) are written the same, they’re pronounced differently. Luckily, Spanish solves this problem by adding accent marks to certain words. Spanish accent marks help differentiate a word’s meaning and, in many instances, how it’s pronounced. In this article, we’ll help you develop a stronger understanding of how to use Spanish accents.

Spanish Accent Marks

Spanish accent marks are called diacritics, meaning they add an extra symbol to an existing letter. They come in three different categories: the diaeresis (ü), the tilde (ñ), and the acute accent (é, á, í, ó, and ú). Spanish accent marks change the pronunciation of the letter they’re attached to. They’re placed at the top of certain letters and have three primary functions. Spanish accents signify questions, help distinguish words with identical spelling, and provide guidance on which syllable of the word needs to be stressed when spoken.

Spanish Accent Marks: Letters

The letters used in Spanish accent marks are only used on the vowels a, e, i, o, u, and on the consonant n. You will never use accent marks in Spanish on other letters of the alphabet. As mentioned, there are different categories of Spanish accent marks: diaeresis, tilde, and acute accents.


The Spanish diaeresis is only attached to the letter “u” and is designated by adding two dots above, so it appears as ü. This is not to be confused with an umlaut The diaeresis is a rarely used Spanish accent, but when present they always come either immediately after a “g” or immediately before an “e” or “i.” The diaeresis tells the reader that a “u” in a word should be pronounced as a fully articulated vowel, not just used to support the surrounding letters.


This Spanish accent mark is only attached to the letter “n” and is designated by adding a squiggly line above, so it appears as ñ. The n and ñ are technically two different letters in the Spanish alphabet and appear separately in the dictionary. An n without a tilde is pronounced like the English letter “n,” while an ñ with a tilde is pronounced more like “ny” in English.

Acute Accents

Acute accents are the most common accent marks in Spanish and are represented as a short diagonal line that extends from low to high, left to right above vowels: á, é, í, ó, and ú. Acute accents will never occur more than once per word and are used to stress the letter they’re attached to. This means the letter with the acute accent will be pronounced either louder or longer than the other letters in the word.

Understanding Spanish Pronunciation

There are two primary stress rules to help you understand how to pronounce words without Spanish accent marks.

Words ending in a vowel, -n, or -s will be stressed on the second to last syllable. For example:

  • hablo is pronounced as “HA-blo”
  • computadora is pronounded as “com-pu-ta-DO-ra”

Words ending in a consonant (not -n or -s) will be stressed on the last syllable. For example:

  • feliz is pronounced as “fe-LIZ”
  • trabajador is pronounced as “tra-ba-ja-DOR”

Each word has a Spanish accent, regardless of if there’s an accent mark. However, the natural accent is usually easily identified by rules in the language. You add the accent if the stress of the word breaks these rules. Accent marks in Spanish give a specific letter the stressed emphasis, which could either increase vowel length, change the pitch of the word that’s spoken, or increase the loudness of the letter it’s attached to.

Spanish accents

Spanish Accent Marks: Rules

There are four different rules that determine if you need to use a Spanish accent mark or not, all of which depend on the location of the stressed syllable. When you place a Spanish accent mark on a letter in a word, the stress is moved and therefore, breaks the pronunciation rules discussed above. While this can seem confusing, it just takes practice. That’s why Tandem has created a worldwide network of like-minded individuals exchanging language and helping each other achieve fluency. Download Tandem today to get started and continue perfecting your use of Spanish accents.

The four Spanish accent mark rules that will be consistently used throughout the language and are as follows:

Acute accents are required if the word ends in a vowel, -n, or -s and the stress is on the last syllable. A Spanish accent is needed since this directly contradicts one of the general pronunciation rules used in spoken language. Some examples include:

  • canción — song
  • comeré — I will eat

An acute accent is needed if the word ends in a consonant (not -n or -s) or a vowel and the stress is on the second to last syllable. This also directly contradicts one of the general pronunciation rules, so it’s important to
familiarize yourself with some common instances of this Spanish accent rule. Some examples include:

  • árbol — tree
  • débil —weak

Acute accents need to be used if the stress is on the antepenultimate syllable. This means that the stress will be the syllable before the next to last. Some examples include:

  • fantástico — fantastic
  • océano — ocean

Finally, acute Spanish accent marks need to be used if the stress is on the syllable before the antepenultimate. This is often used when you incorporate Spanish pronouns with gerunds, imperatives, or Spanish infinitives. Some examples include:

  • fírmenselo — sign it for him
  • apréndetelo — memorize it

Per usual, there are exceptions to these stress rules, primarily in relation to words that end in -mente. This ending has two stressed syllables as opposed to one, which may make it more difficult to figure out where to place the Spanish accent. You can remove the ending (-mente) and then follow the above rules to determine the correct placement. Once you have written it, add the ending back on and stress both the accented Spanish letter and -MEN-te.

Similarly, all Spanish question words will need an acute accent, even if they don’t have one when used in a declarative sentence. This includes the following:

  • ¿Quién? — Who?
  • ¿Qué? — What?
  • ¿Por qué? — Why?
  • ¿Dónde? — Where?
  • ¿Cuándo? — When?
  • ¿Cómo? — How?
  • ¿Cuál? — Which?
  • ¿Cuánto? — How much/many?

Spanish Accent Marks and Homonyms

Homonyms are words that are spelled and pronounced the same but technically have different meanings. The Spanish accent helps to differentiate homonyms and creates clarity when trying to read or write. Since ñ is its own letter in the Spanish alphabet, they’re not considered homonyms with similar words without the tilde (i.e., año vs. ano). Some examples of homonyms in the Spanish language include the following:

  • si — if
  • sí — yes
  • el — the (masculine singular)
  • él — he
  • mas — but
  • más — more

Spanish accents

Do Spanish Speakers Accent When Writing?

Yes, Spanish speakers will always use the correct accent mark when writing as it can change the entire meaning of a word. Therefore, to make sure that you’re improving fluency across all modes of communication, it’s important to practice including accent marks in Spanish in all of your written work.

Which Months Have Accents in Spanish?

None of the months in the Spanish language have accents when used as nouns. However, a few of the months can be used as Spanish adjectives, which may include the presence of a Spanish accent.

Remember that the months of the year in Spanish are not capitalized like they are in English. March can also be used as an adjective but does not have an accent mark. All the other months of the year can only be used as Spanish nouns.

Spanish Accents on the Keyboard

Most keyboards have shortcuts to Spanish accents that can be accessed by pressing and holding down the letter you want to accent. This is especially true on mobile phones, where using accents is the most accessible. Thankfully, thanks to technological advancements, this means that using Spanish accents on the keyboard is easier than ever. When you’re learning how to use Spanish accents and how to type Spanish accents, you need to be able to find them quickly on your keyboard. Try practicing using Spanish accents or adding a Spanish keyboard to your phone for easier access during writing.

How to Type Spanish Accents on a Mac

You can type Spanish accents on a Mac by finding the letter you want to accent and holding it down until a small box with options appears. You’ll then be able to choose between a variety of different accents by pressing the number that’s listed below. Since some letters have several accents available, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the difference between Spanish accents and those in other languages. For example, if you want to type a Spanish ñ on a Mac, you’ll hold down the “n” key and then press the number that corresponds with the ñ. The other option for an accented “n” is ń, which is only used in the Polish alphabet.

If, for some reason, holding down the letter doesn’t work on your Mac, you can hold down the Option/Alt key and the e key at once. Once you release both keys, you simply type the letter you wish to accent. This works for á, é, í, ó, and ú. For example, to write an a with a Spanish accent, hold down the Option/Alt key and the e key, then release both and type the letter “a.”

To create an ñ, hold down the Option/Alt key and the “n” at once, release, then hit the “n” key. To create an ü, hold down the Option/Alt key and the “u” at once, release, then hit the “u” key. To create an ¡, press down Option/Alt and the “1” key at the same time. To write an ¿, press the Option/Alt key, Shift, and “?” all at once.

How to Type Spanish Accents on a PC

Typing Spanish accents on a PC is a little different, as you’ll need to press down on the Ctrl key and the ‘ key at the same time, then release and press the key of the vowel you want to accent. When writing an ñ, you’ll press down Ctrl and the ~ key, then release and press the “n” key. You may also be able to write Spanish accents using special character codes for each letter.

The codes are as follows and the numbers need to be typed on the numeric keypad located on the right side of your keyboard:

  • á alt + 0225
  • é alt + 0233
  • í alt + 0237
  • ó alt + 0243
  • ú alt + 0250
  • ñ alt + 0241
  • ü alt + 0252
  • ¡ alt+ 0161
  • ¿ alt + 0191

How to Type Accents with a Spanish Keyboard

Typing Spanish accents on a Spanish keyboard is fairly similar to the above, except accented letters have their own shortcuts on the keys. When using a Spanish keyboard, you’ll notice that the only Spanish accent with its own key is the eñe (ñ). You may notice that on the “e” key, there will be a shortcut for é that can be activated by simply pressing Shift and the “e.” This helps increase the speed of which individuals can type in Spanish, so it may be worth it to get if you plan to produce a lot of written work in Spanish.

While learning Spanish accents may seem difficult, the pronunciation and usage is consistent and adheres to specific rules. The best way to become comfortable using them in your written and spoken language is to practice. To support your journey, Tandem offers a unique language learning experience that will help you deepen your understanding and improve fluency.

Our community includes millions of learners who speak languages across the world. All you need to do is download the app, sign up, and find a native speaker of your target language. Once you match, you’ll begin communicating through language exchange and one-on-one teachings. When trying to navigate the complexities that surround learning a new language, connecting with a like-minded native speaker can be extremely beneficial. To join our worldwide community, sign up for Tandem today and get started on your journey towards fluency.

Let go of the confusion and learn some basic rules of dealing with Spanish accents. Learn these rules and Spanish will start making sense to you.

Mastering Spanish accents sometimes become quite confusing, especially if you are a beginner. The good news for the learners is that Spanish accents follow rules and learning those rules can increase your chances of mastering accents and how they are used.

Ranging from Spanish accents to stress rules, this guide will be a great help to you. In this guide, you will learn all the basics of Spanish accents and how they are used.

Spanish accent marks

Let’s start with the fundamentals. Tildes (Spanish accents) can only be written over the five vowels (a, e, i, o, u). From lower left to upper right, the accent is written as: á, é, í, ó, ú.

Spanish stress rules

In Spanish, there are two basic rules that tell us where to place the stress of a word. Stress is important because it is sometimes the only way to tell two words apart. It’s the distinction between “in-sult,” as in “I couldn’t think of a good insult,” and “in-SULT,” as in “She’s going to insult me now, I just know it.”

Words ending in a vowel, n, or s

The next to last syllable is stressed in words that end in a vowel, the letter n, or the letter s. For example:

  • todo (to-do) all/every
  • inteligente (in-te-li-gen-te) smart
  • el examen (e-xa-men) exam
  • joven (jo-ven) young
  • lunes (lu-nes) Monday
  • los calcetines (cal-ce-ti-nes) socks

Words ending in a consonant (not n, s)

The last syllable is stressed in words that end in any other consonant (not n or s). for example:

  • comer (co-mer)  to eat
  • la ciudad (ciu-dad)  the city
  • el profesor (pro-fe-sor)  the professor/teacher
  • el animal (a-ni-mal)  the animal
  • Madrid (Ma-drid)  Madrid

And there you have it! Do you think you remember those two rules?

If you are unfamiliar with the concept of stressing syllables, try to explore italki. With italki, you can learn Spanish online from the best and most highly professional Spanish teachers. These teachers will help you learn Spanish accents and their contextual use in an organized manner.

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When the stress violates either of those two rules, we add accent marks to Spanish words.

Let’s start with a specific example: los exámenes, a word from my vocabulary test. The word ends in a “s,” so the stress should be on the next to last syllable: ex-am-en-es, according to the first rule. However, it does not.

Rather, the word retains the same stress as its singular form, on what is now the third to last syllable, so an accent mark is added: exámenes (e-xa-me-nes). That is all.

Here are some Spanish words with accent marks that violate rule #1. You will notice that none of the stresses fall on the second to last syllable, as is customary.

  • la canción (can-cion) song
  • también (tam-bien) also
  • los crímenes (cri-me-nes) crimes
  • jamás (ja-mas) never
  • inglés (in-gles) English
  • rápido (ra-pi-do) fast
  • está (es-ta) is, the third person singular of the verb estar – to be

If you want to learn how to type Spanish accents, remember these rule breakers. It will help you type Spanish accents effortlessly.

Here are some examples of words that violate the second rule. These are words that end in a consonant (not “n” or “s”) but do not have an accent on the final syllable.

  • el árbol (ar-bol)  tree
  • la cárcel (car-cel)  jail/prison
  • el césped (ces-ped)  grass
  • débil (de-bil)  weak

Spanish Homonyms accents: Same pronunciation, different meaning

Accent marks are also used in Spanish to distinguish between words that sound (and thus spell) the same but have different meanings: homonyms. For example:

  • de (preposition: of, from)
  • dé (third-person singular subjunctive form of dar – to give)
  •  el (masculine article: the)
  •  él (he)
  •  mas (but)
  •  más (more)
  •  se (reflexive and indirect object pronoun)
  •  sé (I know)
  •  si (if)
  •  sí (yes)
  •  te (object: you)
  •  té: (tea)
  •  tu (your)
  •  tú (subject: you)

Accents on Question words

When used in a question, indirect question, or embedded question, all interrogative words have a Spanish accent.

  • ¿Quién? (Who?)
  • ¿Qué? (What? / Which?)
  • ¿Dónde? (Where?)
  • ¿Cuándo? (When?)
  • ¿Por qué? (Why?)
  • ¿Cómo? (How?)
  • ¿Cuál? (Which?)
  • ¿Cuánto? (How much/many?)

Regular questions are relatively simple and easy to identify, but let’s look at a few of these words in greater detail, as well as some examples of indirect and embedded questions.

Indirect and embedded questions having Spanish accents

Whenever the word “cuánto” means “how much/many,” it carries an accent:

  No sé cuántos hay. (I don’t know how many there are.)

When the word “cómo” translates to “how,” it carries an accent – no matter where it appears in the sentence. (Without the accent, “como” means “like” or “as”.)

No entiendo cómo lo hace. (I don’t understand how he does it.)

Likewise, when “qué” means an interrogative “what,” it must carry an accent.

No sé qué hacer. (I don’t know what to do.)

Question words as pronouns don’t hold accents

There is no accent mark when these words are used as a pronoun rather than in a question or indirect question. For example:

  • El chico que dijo eso es mentiroso. (The boy who said that is a liar.)
  • Es el parque donde conocí a tu madre. (It’s the park where I met your mother.)
  • No trabajo cuando estoy enferma. (I don’t work when I’m sick.)

Demonstrative pronouns

Spanish accents are used to distinguish feminine and masculine demonstrative pronouns (this one, that one) from demonstrative adjectives (this -, that -), which are identical except for the absence of an accent mark.

Remember that pronouns replace nouns, whereas adjectives describe nouns. If you are a little rusty on grammar terminology, the example sentences below the pronoun lists will help clarify this distinction.


  •   éste (this)
  •   éstos (these)
  •   ése (that)
  •   ésos (those)
  •   aquél (that over there)
  •   aquéllos (those over there)


  •   ésta (this)
  •   éstas (these)
  •   ésa (that)
  •   ésas (those)
  •   aquélla (that over there)
  •   aquéllas (those over there)


  •   esto (this)
  •   eso (that)
  •   aquello (that over there)

For example:

  • No quiero comprar este coche; mi novia prefiere ése.   (I don’t want to buy this car; my girlfriend prefers that one.)

The first “este” is an adjective that describes “coche” and is written without an accent: Which vehicle? That vehicle. The “ése” at the end of the sentence is a demonstrative pronoun that stands in for the car. Again, the accent marks are placed on demonstrative pronouns (though not the neuter pronouns: esto, eso, aquello.)

  • Se me olvidó estudiar ayer. Por eso estoy nerviosa para el examen. (I forgot to study yesterday. Because of this, I’m nervous for the exam).
  • Este libro es tan interesante como ése. (This book is as interesting as that one.)
  • Soy editora de estas revistas, pero no de aquél   (I’m an editor of these magazines, but not those over there.)

How to type Spanish accents

Whether you use a PC or a Mac, the simplest way is to change your keyboard settings to “US – International”.

For Mac users: Select “Keyboard” from your system preferences. Then, on the top menu, select “Input Sources.” If “US – International” isn’t already on your list, click the + sign, then select “US – International” and click “Add.”

We recommend that you check the box next to “Show input menu in menu bar.” This will add a small icon to the top menu bar of the screen (by the date and time). You can use this icon to quickly switch between keyboards without having to go into your system preferences.

Another non-keyboard option is to press and hold letters to see variants with different accent marks, and then choose what you need from there. This is great for the occasional accent mark, but if you are typing in Spanish frequently, switch to a different keyboard.

For PC users: On a PC, go to the start menu and type “intl.cpl” into the search field. Click on the third tab, “Keyboards and Languages,” to open the result. Then, click “Change Keyboards,” then “Add…”, then “United States – International,” and finally “OK.”

If you intend to use the international keyboard frequently, make it your default keyboard from the drop-down menu while the keyboard menu is still open. You can also keep a small keyboard icon on the bottom menu bar of the screen. You can quickly switch between keyboards from here without having to go into keyboard settings.

To add a Spanish accent to a vowel, press the quotation key (“/ “) next to the return key, followed by the vowel. It’s really simple. To accent a capital letter, simply press the quotation key before typing the capital vowel normally, holding down the shift key, and then typing the letter.

If you want a single or double quotation mark before an unaccented vowel, press the quotation key followed by the space bar, and your vowel will be left alone. The ñ is also simple to type with the international keyboard. Press shift, followed by the (~/`) key located to the left of “1/!” and you’ll see a floating tilde: ˜. You can let go of the keys right away and then type “n” to produce a wonderful ñ.

The accents differ in Spanish-speaking countries and one has to examine the accent used by natives in order to gain practical experience.

Frequently Asked Questions about Spanish Accents

Q. What is the most common Spanish accent?

A. These are Mexican, Caribbean, Central American, Colonial, and Spanglish, with Mexican Being the most common.

Q. What is the strongest Spanish accent?

A. Spanish from Chile is famously different from the standard version.

Q. What is the hardest Spanish accent to understand?

A. Chile, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Cuba, and Andalusia (Spain) are a few of the places considered to speak more difficult Spanish.


Follow the Spanish accent rules to understand Spanish dialects and become a pro at typing Spanish accents. Practice typing Spanish accents and watch your overall Spanish writing improve; you will be ready to write and type Spanish accents correctly whenever you need them.

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Rules of Usage for the Acute Accent in Spanish

  1. If the word ends in a vowel, –n or -s and the stress is on the last syllable, it requires an acute accent:
  2. If the word ends in a consonant or a vowel other than –n or -s, and the stress is on the second-to-last syllable, it requires an acute accent:


  • 1 What is the rule for accents in Spanish?
  • 2 What words use accents in Spanish?
  • 3 What are the rules for accents?
  • 4 What are the 2 main reasons that Spanish accents are used?
  • 5 Does Familia have an accent?
  • 6 Does Bien have an accent?
  • 7 Is a tilde an accent?
  • 8 Does Hola have an accent?
  • 9 How do I type Spanish accents?
  • 10 How do you remember Spanish accents?
  • 11 What are the three rules of Spanish?
  • 12 How do you use an accent in a sentence?
  • 13 What is the accent called é?
  • 14 What’s the dash over a letter called?
  • 15 Does Amor have an accent?
  • 16 What is the difference between qué and Que?
  • 17 What is the difference between Tú and Tu?
  • 18 Do capital letters in Spanish have accents?
  • 19 Is Mexico spelled with an accent?
  • 20 What languages use Ñ?

What is the rule for accents in Spanish?

Spanish accents (tildes) can only be written over the five vowels (a, e, i, o, u), and the accent is written from lower left to upper right: á, é, í, ó, ú. In Spanish, an accent mark over one vowel of some word, indicates that the vowel is stressed.

What words use accents in Spanish?

Finally, here’s a list of some common use words you’ll hear around that all have an accent mark:

  • café (coffee)
  • día (day)
  • sofá (sofa)
  • miércoles (Wednesday)
  • sábado (Saturday)
  • tú (you)
  • él (he)
  • sí (yes)

What are the rules for accents?

Let’s look at the rules for English language accent placements:

  • In a 3 or more syllable words:
  • The first syllable in a 2-syllable word is accented if:
  • The final syllable in a 2-syllable word is accented if:
  • The accent is on the syllable preceding the suffixes:
  • The accent is on the suffixes:

What are the 2 main reasons that Spanish accents are used?

Often students are confused about when to use accent marks when writing Spanish words. There are two reasons accent marks are used:to change the meaning of the word or to “break the rules” as I call it.

Does Familia have an accent?

Because mi familia means “my family,” indicating the possessive, it is not written with an accent. If you want to talk about your things or people, tu is the possessive determiner for you: This is your brother.

Does Bien have an accent?

Bien is a one syllable word pronounced like “byen.” And the first syllable of cuaderno is pronounced like “quad” rather than “coo-odd” because the “u” and the “a” blend together. País is a two-syllable word thanks to the accent mark.

Is a tilde an accent?

Spanish accents are called “tildes” in Spanish. In English, a “tilde” refers to the “mustache” that goes over the “n” (ñ), and all other marks are called “accent marks.” However in Spanish, a “tilde” is used for both accent marks and tildes.

Does Hola have an accent?

“Hola” does not have an accent, it has a stressed syllable. This word literally means “hello” and sticks to the rule that says if a word ends on a vowel, an “s,” or an “n,” the stress falls on the second-to-last syllable.Because we pronounce hola to the rule, we do not spell it with an accent.

How do I type Spanish accents?

Keyboard Shortcuts

  1. For accented vowels, press Ctrl + ‘, then the vowel you want to accent.
  2. For the Spanish ñ, press Ctrl + ~, then the n key.

How do you remember Spanish accents?

In nutshell, those rules go like this:

  1. If the word ends in a vowel, an “n”, or an “s”, stress the last-but-one syllable: hablo = “HA-blo”
  2. If the word ends in a consonant other than “n” or “s”, stress the last syllable:
  3. If the word has an acute accent, ignore the above rules and stress the accented syllable:

What are the three rules of Spanish?

The Three Rules of Written Accents (Another confusion thing about Spanish)

  • Words that end in a vowel or in the consonants –n or –s are stressed on the second to last syllable.
  • Words that end in a consonant other tan –n or –s are stressed on the last syllable.

How do you use an accent in a sentence?

Accent sentence example

  1. Maybe it was the soft accent that held her attention.
  2. His cultured accent made even bad news sound pleasant.
  3. Most words take the accent on the penult.
  4. The accent says otherwise, but I was born in New York.
  5. She sometimes thought his accent sounded Russian, sometimes Irish.

What is the accent called é?

accent aigu
French. The acute is used on é. It is known as accent aigu, in contrast to the accent grave which is the accent sloped the other way. It distinguishes é [e] from è [ɛ], ê [ɛ], and e [ə].

What’s the dash over a letter called?

Diacritics, often loosely called `accents’, are the various little dots and squiggles which, in many languages, are written above, below or on top of certain letters of the alphabet to indicate something about their pronunciation.

Does Amor have an accent?

These are some examples for last-syllable-stress words WITHOUT an orthographic accent: Amor.

What is the difference between qué and Que?

Qué = “What” (at the start of a sentence) lo que = “what” (in the middle of a sentence) Que = that (can also mean which, who, what depending on context).

What is the difference between Tú and Tu?

Tú is a subject pronoun, you informal, the familiar usage as opposed to usted, (sing/ formal.) Tu is a possessive adjective, your, informal, su your (formal). Hope this helps.

Do capital letters in Spanish have accents?

Uppercase letters should be marked with an accent in Spanish whenever necessary.

Is Mexico spelled with an accent?

Because in Spanish is spelled: México (with an accent on the “e”) but the “x” is pronounced like a Spanish “j”. So when you say this word, you should pronounce it as is: “Méjico”. That said, sometimes you can find it written like this too: Méjico.

What languages use Ñ?

Unlike many other letters that use diacritic marks (such as Ü in Catalan and Spanish and Ç in Catalan, French and Portuguese), Ñ in Spanish, Galician, Basque, Asturian, Leonese, Guarani and Filipino is considered a letter in its own right, has its own name (in Spanish: eñe), and its own place in the alphabet (after N).

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