Word and spaces count

Check your texts for plagiarism for free on 1Text.com

Service description

1Text.com Word Count is totally unique without any equivalents on the Web. Highlighting watery fragments, keyword density areas, and keywords in a text make the analysis interactive and easy to interpret.

Word Count includes:

Word count, character count in your text online

The online service count words and characters in your text, including or excluding spaces.

Analysis of keywords and semantic core of a text

Finding keywords and detection of theiк number is extremely useful for writing new texts and improving existing ones. The service arranges keywords in groups and by frequency for fast and simple search. It will also show keyword forms when you click on it.

Detection of watery in the text

Shows the exact percentage of stop-words, idioms and conjunctions it the text. A small percentage of watery in the text is natural, but:

  • to 15% — average amount of watery;
  • from 15% to 30% — exceeded amount;
  • from 30% — high amount of watery in the text.

Detection of keywords density of the text

Keyword density shows a number of keywords in a text. The more the keywords, the higher the keyword density:

  • to 30% — absence or average number of keywords in a text;
  • from 30% to 60% — SEO-optimized text. Search engines consider such texts relevant to the keywords they include in most cases.
  • from 60% — too optimized text with high keyword density.

Search for words with swapped letters

The parameter finds words consisting of letters from different alphabets: for example, the English word «table», where an «a» is taken from the Cyrillic alphabet. Some copywriters swap letters in the texts to pass Plagiarism Check successfully and raise the percentage of originality. Word Count 1Text.com will detect such words easily.

I want to count the words and spaces from a Word document and insert then in a header (or footer) as numbers. I know I can see these statistics (from Tools menu), but how can I insert them in a header?

Todd Main's user avatar

Todd Main

28.9k11 gold badges82 silver badges146 bronze badges

asked Feb 17, 2010 at 17:58

qwerty's user avatar

Maybe this can help you:

Word Count in Word

In Word 2007:

  1. Click the Insert tab on the Ribbon.
  2. In the Text group, click the QuickParts icon.
  3. Click the Fields menu item.
  4. Scroll down to and click on NumWords.
  5. Click OK.

answered Feb 17, 2010 at 18:06

JordyOnrust's user avatar


6521 gold badge6 silver badges16 bronze badges


  1. Insert

  2. Header

  3. Edit header

then go to insert menu

  • click on quick Part
  • then click on field
  • select Numwords for insert word
  • click on ok.

answered Oct 5, 2012 at 14:08

Ashu's user avatar


3,35537 silver badges34 bronze badges


This may be outdated, but I found the following:

Click where you want the word count to
appear. Click on Insert | QuickParts
| Field | Field names: NumWords | OK.
The field will not automatically
update as you add words to the
document, but will be updated when
you open the document or when you
click on Print Preview or when you
select the field and press F9.

Something that will update as you type is impossible, but this should be a close second.

Also, belongs on SuperUser.

answered Feb 17, 2010 at 18:00

Matchu's user avatar


83.1k18 gold badges153 silver badges160 bronze badges

Counting Letters

This TechWelkin Letter Counter free tool counts number of characters (letters), words, paragraphs and spaces in a given piece of text. You can type or copy-paste any text in the above given box and this tool with automatically count characters, words, paragraphs and spaces. You get various counts as you type or paste the text.

Date Difference. Find days between two dates.

Why you need to count letters?

Traditionally, we having been using the word processors like MS-Word. All the word processing software provide the feature of counting characters and other features of the text. With the advent of Internet and mobile smart phones, more and more people are typing text on various websites like Facebook, Gmail, Twitter etc. As all the text submitted online costs bandwidth, many of these websites put a restriction on the number of letters that can be posted. For example, at present the Twitter character limit is 140; which means you can not post a tweet of more than 140 characters.

Character limits of some of the popular online services:

  • Twitter character limit is 140
  • Yelp character limit is 5000
  • SMS (text message) character limit is usually 160
  • LinkedIn summary character limit is 2000
  • Title of a Reddit post is restricted to 300 characters

We need to know how many characters our text contains before posting on these websites. Services like WhatsApp do not put any such restrictions.

There could be any number of different reasons why we would want to count characters, spaces, words and paragraphs. This tool helps you regardless of the reasons!

How does Letter Counter Counts Characters?

Exact online counting of characters is affected by the type of platform and browsers you are using. Also different tools use different logic to come up with the count results. TechWelkin Letter Counter does counting as below:

  • Total characters are counted by walking the entire length of the character string.
  • To count the number of characters without spaces, number of spaces if subtracted from the total number of characters.
  • Words are counted by breaking the entire text by spaces. Then the number of pieces are counted.
  • Paragraphs are counted by counting the number of paragraph breaks (line breaks) in the text.

We will continue to add more features to this tool.

C program: Count word,characters and space of a string

C program: Count word, characters and space of a string

In this article, we will discuss the concept of the C program: Count word, characters and space of a string

In this post, we are going to learn how to count the total number of words, character and Space of the given string in C programming language

C program: Count word,characters and space of a string

Count words, characters and space

C program: Count word, characters and space of a string

 Count words, character and Space using for loop

The program allows the user to enter a String and then it counts and display the total number of words, character and Space of the given string using for loop in C programing language

Program 1

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
    char str[100];//declare and initialize char array
    int i;
    int words=1,characters=0,space=0;//display and initiolize variables
    printf("Please enter the string n");
    gets(str);//stored the string entered by user

    for(i=0; str[i] != ''; i++){

            if(str[i]!=' '){ // check characters
             else if(str[i]==' ' || str[i] != 'n' || str[i] != 't'){ //check words
printf("nTotal words: %d ",words); //display words
printf("nTotal characters: %d",characters);//display characters
printf("nSpace: %d ",(words-1));//display space
    return 0;

When the above code is executed, it produces the following result

Please enter the string
This is C language

Total words: 4
Total characters: 15
Space: 3


  1. Declare a Character array as char str[100];
  2. Declare and initialize integer variables as words=1,space=0,caracters=0;
  3. The user asked to enter a string
  4. The given string is stored in the variable str;
  5. A for loop is used to count total characters of the given string.
  6. It is initialized as i=0, checks the condition whether str[i] != ‘’; and executes the loop until the given condition becomes true
  7. Use an if condition to test if(str[i]!=’ ‘), if it is true,  The characters becomes characters + 1( characters = characters +1);
  8. When it is false, control moves to the else-if part and evaluates the test-expression of else-if. if it is true The words becomes words+1(words=words+1);
  9. Finally, the program displays the total number of the words, characters and Space of the given string

Count word, characters and space using while loop

The program allows the user to enter a String and then it counts and display the total number of words, character and Space of the given string using while loop in C programing language

Program 2

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
    char str[100];
    int i;
    int words=1,characters=0,space=0;
    printf("Please enter the string n");
    gets(str); //store the given string

    while(str[i] != ''){

            if(str[i]!=' '){ // count characters
             else if(str[i]==' ' || str[i] != 'n' || str[i] != 't'){
                words++; // count words
printf("nTotal words: %d ",words);  //display total number of words
printf("nTotal characters: %d",characters);  //display total number of characters
printf("nSpace: %d ",(words-1));  //display total number of space
    return 0;

When the above code is executed, it produces the following result

Please enter the string
code4coding.com C language tutorials

Total words: 4
Total characters: 33
Space: 3


  1. Declare a Character array as char str[100];
  2. Declare and initialize integer variables as words=1,space=0,caracters=0;
  3. The user asked to enter a string
  4. The given string is stored in the variable str;
  5. A while loop is used to count total characters of the given string.
  6. It is initialized as i=0, checks the condition whether str[i] != ‘’; and executes the loop until the given condition becomes true
  7. Use an if condition to test if(str[i]!=’ ‘), if it is true,  The characters becomes characters + 1( characters = characters +1);
  8. When it is false, control moves to the else-if part and evaluates the test-expression of else-if. if it is true The words becomes words+1(words=words+1);
  9. Finally, the program displays the total number of the words, characters and Space of the given string

Count word, characters and space using do-while loop

The program allows the user to enter a String and then it counts and display the total number of words, character and Space of the given string using do-while loop in C programing language

Program 3

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
    char str[100];
    int i;
    int words=1,characters=0,space=0;
    printf("Please enter the string n");
    gets(str); //count characters of a string wit out space


            if(str[i]!=' '){ // checl characters
             else if(str[i]==' ' || str[i] != 'n' || str[i] != 't'){
                words++; //check words
    }while(str[i] != '');
printf("nTotal words: %d ",words); //display total number of words
printf("nTotal characters: %d",characters); //display total number of characters
printf("nSpace: %d ",(words-1)); //display total number of space
    return 0;

When the above code is executed, it produces the following result

Please enter the string
Learn C basic tutorials code for coding

Total words: 7
Total characters: 33
Space: 6


  1. Declare a Character array as char str[100];
  2. Declare and initialize integer variables as words=1,space=0,caracters=0;
  3. The user asked to enter a string
  4. The given string is stored in the variable str;
  5. A do-while loop is used to count total characters of the given string.
  6. It is initialized as i=0, checks the condition whether str[i] != ‘’; and executes the loop until the given condition becomes true
  7. Use an if condition to test if(str[i]!=’ ‘), if it is true,  The characters becomes characters + 1( characters = characters +1);
  8. When it is false, control moves to the else-if part and evaluates the test-expression of else-if. if it is true The words becomes words+1(words=words+1);
  9. Finally, the program displays the total number of the words, characters and Space of the given string

Suggested for you

for loop in C language

while loop in C language

do-while loop in C  language

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Related posts:

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Words Counter online for free!

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Pages calculator

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  • Sentences0
  • Time to read0 secs
  • Time to speak0 secs

Keywords density analysis


Please type your text in editor for analysis.

This tool is an ultimate word counter, sentence counter, and character counter. You need to know the word count if you are writing an article, essay, book, novel, and you mustn’t need to install Office suite to get a word count. If you get it in the book, you will have an idea how much time it will take to read it. This web editor can do also character count with/without spaces, these metrics are good to know to evaluate the volume of your work and its cost.
If you accidentally close the browser or if you visit another site and come back in, your content will not be lost because auto-save is provided.
This application also can measure Reading and Speaking time, it will be very useful if you prepare a speech or presentation where there are relevant limitations for a while.
Our application also provides information about the top 10 keywords in the piece that you are entering. You need this information to prevent the overuse of specific words or their combinations.
If you need to make a post to any social network, then you can also check for compliance with the web standard: For Twitter — 140, Google meta description — 300, Facebook post — 250.

Who will benefit from this tool?

If you are Blogger or Content Writer

For a website or article, there are requirements for words count, and if you want to work on SEO optimization, then you need to achieve effective ranking, for this, your work should have at least 300 words, and its title should have at least 70 characters.

If you are a teacher or student

Students need to write tasks that have requirements for the words count. And if you want to increase your chances of getting a good mark, you need to make sure that the size is optimal: not too small to meet the requirements, but not too large because it will be more difficult for the teacher to check it. Of course, the content of the text is also important, but the golden mean between brevity and volume will make it possible to compose such a piece that conveys the meaning as much as possible.
If you are a teacher, this tool will allow you to check the total words count and their repetition.

You can also get how many words per page: you can calculate the number of pages for your article, while it is possible to choose your goal: required pages count or characters count per page, you can see updated values immediately.
With this feature, you can optimize your future document by the number of pages.

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