Word and life publishing

Spreading God’s Word

Its mother publication is the periodical WORD & LIFE (WL). In addition to this magazine, which is now in its 25th year of existence, WLP is currently publishing the following periodicals: Exploring God’s Word (EGW), Ang Bagong Salita at Buhay, EGW-Teacher’s Notes, WL-Teacher’s Guide, The Word of God, Ang Salita ng Diyos, The Messenger of Divine Love, Pambatang Katekesis, Euchalette, and Patnubay sa Misa.

All these periodicals, except The Messenger of Divine Love, focus on the Word of God as used  in the Sunday liturgical celebrations. They are intended to enable all Catholic faithful, and especially Catholic young people, Catechists, Lectors, Commentators, Lay Ministers of the Eucharist, members of BECs and parish-mandated organizations, to get a good working knowledge of the Biblical readings and themes of every Sunday and all major feast days.

Recently, in a concerted effort to increase the availability of Sacred Scripture in the Philippines, WLP has co-published with other Catholic Publishers the complete Bible in English, Tagalog and Cebuano.

Publishing At the Service of Catechesis

WLP has also been serving the catechetical ministry in the Philippines through the publication of  several catechism, such as the Catechism of the Catholic Church and its Compendium; the Catechism for Filipino Catholicsand its Tagalog version: Katesismo para sa mga Pilipinong Katoliko (both in complete and abridged versions); and the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church. It has also published numerous encyclicals and apostolic exhortations, such as: Evangelium Vitae, Dies Domini, Deus Caritas Est, Sacramentum Caritatis, Spe Salvi, Caritas in Veritate, Verbum Domini, Lumen Fideiand the most recentEvangelii Gaudium. It has enriched these documents of the Magisterium with Subject Indexes and other precious Study Aids.

Nurturing Faith and Devotion

WLP has also greatly contributed to the renewal of popular devotions in the Philippines by publishing a New Way of the Cross, The Trail of Light, and a maze of pamphlets on the Rosary, the Eucharist and the Holy Shroud. All those have been made available in posters, pamphlets, leaflets, stampitas, and DVDs. WLP also published in comics the lives of various saints such as:Pedro CalungsodDon Bosco, and Damien of Molokai.

In addition to these materials, WLP, in cooperation with Word Media Ministry (WMM) and other institutions, has organized exhibits on the Holy Rosary in Glorietta (2003) and on the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Glorietta and the Philippine National Bank head officein Manila (2004).

Reaching Out to the “Forgotten Ones?

Since Easter 1992, WLP has been engaged in an outreach activity called God’s Word to the Lonely? Every two months, more than 600 copies of its periodicals (specifically Word & Life magazine, Ang Bagong Salita at Buhay, and The Messenger of Divine Love) are given – free of charge – to the chaplains of Metro Manila hospitals and more than a dozen prisons nationwide. Because of this, the sick and the prisoners are given hope and inspiration as they read God’s Word, and are also empowered to spread the Good News in their respective environments using these materials from WLP.

Conquering the Airwaves for the Lord

In cooperation with WMM, WLP has also been airing on Radio Veritas (846 kHz) a weekly program entitled “Bisperas sa Veritas? since 2004. The program is broadcast live every Saturday from 5:00 to 6:00 PM with Fr. Sal Putzu, SDB and Fr. Bernard Nolasco, SDB, as co-hosts, together with lay volunteers of WMM. The target audience is the Filipino family. The objective is to help people prepare for the Sunday Mass. 

Expanding God’s Reach throughout the World

Because of the usefulness of WLP’s products in teaching the faith and in inspiring people, some of its products have already been translated and/or published in other countries like India (The Promise, The Acts of the Apostles), China (Way of the Cross), and the US (Litany of the Sacred Heart).

WLP is also spreading God’s Word online. It has Facebook pages (Word & Life Publications / Wordandlife Ph), a youtube channel (WordandLife Barkada) and a website (www.wordandlife.org). The Word & Life website is very popular and essential to Filipinos – as well as missionaries – all over the world because from there they can download the Sunday missalettes for FREE. For many Filipinos overseas (and even non-Filipinos), especially in non-Christian countries, this website is their only lifeline to nurture their faith.

Winning for God’s Greater Glory

Some of the awards that WLP has received are:

  1. Publisher of the Year(1995) from the Catholic Authors Awards (Asian Catholic Publishers, Inc.) – for Word & Life Publications (for publishing the Catechism of the Catholic Church)
  2. Best Youth Magazine(2004, 2013, 2014, 2015) from the Catholic Mass Media Awards (CMMA) – for Word & Life magazine
  3. Special Citation for Youth Magazine(2007) from the CMMA – for Word & Life magazine
  4. Serviam Award – Individual(2008) from the CMMA – for  Salvatore Putzu, SDB
  5. Special Citation for Special Feature (2009) from the CMMA–  for “The Size of a Mother’s Heart? (Glady V. Ramos)  published in Word & Life magazine
  6. Best Entertainment Column Special Citation(2008) from the CMMA – for “Between the Lines? (Fr. Bernard Nolasco, SDB)  published in Word & Life magazine
  7. Best Entertainment Column(2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014) from the CMMA – for “Between the Lines? (Fr. Bernard Nolasco, SDB) published in Word & Life magazine
  8. Hall of Fame for Best Entertainment Column(2015) from the CMMA – for “Between the Lines? (Fr. Bernard Nolasco, SDB) published in Word & Life magazine
  9. Special Citationfor  Children’s Book (2013) from the Cardinal Sin Book Awards – for Johnny’s Big Secret (Br. Mandy Co Dujunco, FSC)
  10. Best Comics Story(2013) from the CMMA – for Pedro Calungsod:Young Catechist & Martyr (Fr. Sal Putzu, SDB / Alden Sarmiento / Jeru Almyr Sarmiento)
  11. Special Citation for Short Story (2015) from the CMMA– for “The Right Girl”? (Fr. Remo Bati, SDB), published in Word & Life magazine
  12. Special Citation for Short Story (2016) from the CMMA – for “How I Found God inside Quezon City Jail”? (Raymund E. Narag), published in Word & Life magazine
  13. Best Entertainment Column(2016) from the CMMA – for “Word & Life Barkada”? (Glady V. Ramos), published in Word & Life magazine

For further inquiries about the profile of WLP and its apostolic activities, you may contact us at:


Don Bosco Compound
A. Arnaiz Ave. cor. Chino Roces Ave
P.O. Box 1820, MCPO 1258 Makati, Philippines
Tel. Nos. (632) 894-5401 * 894-5402
Telefax: (632) 894-5241
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Website: www.wordandlife.org
Youtube: WordandLife Barkada
Facebook: Word & Life Publications

Word & Life Publications

Mezzannine Salesiana Building, A. Arnaiz Avenue Corner, Makati, 1230, Philippines

Как добраться

+63 2 894 5241



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О нас Word & Life Publications is an apostolic activity of the Salesian Society of St. John Bosco. At the Service of Evangelization and Catechesis since 1989.

Word & Life Publications cover

Миссия The specific mission of Word & Life Publications is the preparation, publication, and dissemination of periodicals, books and audio-visuals and any other formation program that can be reproduced or broadcast through the various means of social communication which are and will be made available by Information technology.

These programs will be used for the Christian formation of the people of God in general, and especially of the youth, in faithfulness to the original charism of the Salesian Society of St. John Bosco.

Описание Word & Life Publications is an apostolic activity of the Salesian Society of St. John Bosco in the Philippines. It has been in the service of evangelization and catechesis since 1989, spreading God’s Word through the different forms of Mass Media.

Its field of action is the Ministry of the Word, particularly Evangelization and Catechesis, both formal and informal.

This apostolate is carried out through all the means of Social Communication, especially print media, in response to the needs of the local Church, in coordination with the national and local hierarchy, and with the cooperation of committed Catholic individuals and organizations.

Its publications are characterized by their being rooted in the word of God, and Christ-centered; their faithfulness to the teaching of the Church; and their special emphasis on Philippine culture, values and situations, as well as the condition, needs, and aspirations of the young.

Награды The Catholic Mass Media Awards (CMMA) Hall of Fame awardee as «Best Youth Magazine»
Основана Word & Life Publications (WLP) started operating 1989 (National Bible Year), with the main aim of helping the people of God to know God’s Word better and put it into practice.


Papal Nuncio at 30th Anniversary of Word & Life:

Don Bosco Is Present in Word & Life

By Ms. Glady Ramos

At the 30th Anniversary of the Catholic publisher, the Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines, His Excellency, Archbishop Gabriele Caccia, DD, said that Don Bosco is, in a way, present in Word & Life Publications. St. John Bosco, the founder of the Salesians, heeded the call of Jesus to help people know him and go to him. In the same way, the Papal Nuncio explained, “Word & Life has, as its origin, this desire that people can know Jesus, that people can go to Jesus to find consolation, to find hope, strength, courage, guidance, and inspiration.”

In his homily at the Thanksgiving Mass held at the St. John Bosco Parish in Makati on October 11, 2019, the Papal Nuncio assured Word & Life, and all the Salesian Family, of the gratitude, blessings, and support of Pope Francis, whom he represents.

Also present at the celebration were Bishop Roberto Mallari, DD, Chairman of the Episcopal Commission on Catechesis and Catholic Education, Msgr. Gabriel Viola, First Councilor of the Apostolic Nunciature to the Philippines, and Fr. Gerardo Martin, SDB, Provincial of the Salesian North Province.

Important Contributions

Word & Life Publications was established by Fr. Salvatore “Sal” Putzu, SDB in 1989 as the country was celebrating the National Bible Year. He was inspired by God to start the publishing company, even if he did not have the resources, because he wanted to help Filipinos know the Bible better and help them put God’s Word into practice in their daily lives. Hence, the name: Word & Life.

For the past thirty years, the award-winning publisher has produced Bible study materials like Exploring God’s Word and Ang Bagong Salita at Buhay, missalettes (Euchalette and Patnubay sa Misa), and the very helpful aid for catechists Pambatang KatekesisWord & Life Magazine, its maiden publication, has been elevated to the Catholic Mass Media Awards (CMMA) Hall of Fame for Best Youth Magazine in 2018.

Word & Life Publications also published the definitive sources of what the Catholic Church really teaches like the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) and the Catechism for Filipino Catholics (CFC), which are both available in English and Tagalog, and the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church. It also publishes the Pope’s teachings – encyclicals and apostolic letters, like the most recent Christus Vivit – and enriches them with Subject Indexes and other Study Aids that are very helpful to priests, religious, and lay people in understanding and applying them better.

Word & Life Publications also fulfilled its long-cherished dream of publishing the Bible when it co-published, with the Claretians and St. Pauls, the Christian Community Bible in English, Tagalog, and Cebuano.

Word & Life has also been instrumental in introducing in the Philippines the New Way of the Cross through its innovative leaflets, pamphlets, and posters that highlight the Biblical passages for each of the 14 stations. It was also the first to introduce and promote the Easter counterpart of the Way of the Cross, which is The Trail of Light (Via Lucis), a favorite devotion of Pope (now Saint) John Paul II. Word & Life also contributed greatly in the promotion of the Rosary, with the new Mysteries of Light introduced by Pope John Paul II, through its leaflets, pamphlets, posters, and even PowerPoint and DVD.

Aside from print media, Word & Life Publications, in cooperation with Word Media Ministry (WMM), is also present on radio through its weekly program, Bisperas sa Veritas, which started airing in 2004. It also has a significant presence in the internet with its website (www.wordandlife.org), Facebook page (Word & Life Publications), and YouTube channel (WordandLifeBarkada), which are helpful, especially for Filipinos in other countries.

God’s Inspiration

Reflecting on the contributions of Word & Life, the Papal Nuncio remarked, “This small seed that was planted 30 years ago has become a big tree.” He added that this “initiative that was started many years ago, in very difficult conditions, without any means, has really become a tool not just for this parish, not just for the Salesians, but for all the Church in the Philippines.”

Arch. Caccia asked who could have imagined then what Word & Life Publications would be or could do. But he explained, “God reveals to us our possibilities – that shouldn’t be measured with our meager (imagination) but with the imagination of God.” So he thanked Fr. Salvatore, who was also celebrating his 81st birthday, “because he was listening to the inspiration – following the dream like Don Bosco – of something good for the Church, for the people here in the Philippines.”

Catechetical Superpower

In response, Fr. Sal unveiled his new dream: to see the Philippines really become the leader in evangelization and catechesis in Asia – a challenge previously given by Popes Paul VI, John Paul II, and Francis, when they visited the country. Fr. Sal explained, “We are the third largest Catholic population in the world. We should become a catechetical superpower. Then we’ll see. Miracles will happen!” This is the work he sees not only for Word & Life but for the whole of the catechetical ministry. He concluded, “We will look forward with assuredness because this is the work of God. Let us pray and do it that it may become a reality. The dream has to become a reality.”


DOWNLOADING SUNDAY READINGS, PRAYERS AND REFLECTIONS are now at the tip of your fingers brought to you by our friends from the Salesian Society of Don Bosco in the Philippines:

Their Vision

“Word & Life Publications is an apostolic activity of the Salesian Society of St. John Bosco in the Philippines.

Its field of action is the Ministry of the Word, particularly Evangelization and Catechesis, both formal and informal.

This apostolate is carried out through all the means of Social Communication, especially print media, in response to the needs of the local Church, in coordination with the national and local hierarchy, and with the cooperation of committed Catholic individuals and organizations.

Its publications are characterized by their being rooted in the word of God, and Christ-centered; their faithfulness to the teaching of the Church; and their special emphasis on Philippine culture, values and situations, as well as the condition, needs, and aspirations of the young.”

Their Mission

“The specific mission of Word & Life Publications is the preparation, publication, and dissemination of periodicals, books and audio-visuals and any other formation program that can be reproduced or broadcast through the various means of social communication which are and will be made available by Information technology.

These programs will be used for the Christian formation of the people of God in general, and especially of the youth, in faithfulness to the original charism of the Salesian Society of St. John Bosco.”

“The aim of Word & Life Publications is to help its readers / viewers:

Publisher’s Profile

“Word & Life Publications (WLP) started operating 1989 (National Bible Year), with the main aim of helping the people of God to know God’s Word better and put it into practice.

The name WORD & LIFE, dynamically synthesizes this objective, while the logo (the book of the Bible shedding its light on the Philippines) visualizes the role of God’s Word in the life of the Filipino people.

Its mother publication is the bimonthly magazine WORD & LIFE, now available in Filipino and English, and accompanied by a Teacher’s Guide.

In addition to these three periodicals, WLP has been publishing: Exploring God’s Word and the corresponding Teacher’s Notes, The Word of God, Ang Salita ng Diyos, Euchalette, Patnubay sa Misa and Pambatang Katekesis – a series of periodicals which focus on the Word of God and the Sunday liturgical celebrations.

These periodicals are intended to enable our Catholic faithful, and especially Catechists, Lectors, Commentators, Lay Ministers of the Eucharist, the members of BECs and parish mandated organizations to get a good working knowledge of the Biblical readings and themes of every Sunday and major feast days.

WLP has also been serving the catechetical ministry in the Philippine through the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Catechism for Filipino Catholics, Katesismo para sa mga Pilipinong Katoliko (both in complete and abridged editions), as well as vital Apostolic Exhortations, such as Evangelium Vitae, and Dies Domini, and CBCP Pastoral Letters such as Landas ng Pagpapakabanal.

Finally, WLP has also greatly contributed to the renewal of popular devotions by publishing a New Way of The Cross, The Trail of Light, and a maze of pamphlets, posters, leaflets, and VCDs on the Rosary.”

Visit their website now by clicking this path:


Article taken from the website: http://www.wordandlife.org




email: jp1bc@yahoo.com

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Word Life is part of a not-for-profit social enterprise called Opus Independents which also publishes an arts and culture magazine called Now Then in Sheffield and Manchester, various music events and a promotional and distribution service. Word Life’s regular event series is the most popular and diverse regular poetry event in Yorkshire. Word Life have run events in a range of locations, from pubs to theatres, nightclubs, museums, parks and everything in between.

We’ve featured leading poets from the UK, such as Kate Tempest, Lemn Sissay and Joe Dunthorne, and the best-known poets from the US slam scene, such as Buddy Wakefield and Derrick Brown. We’ve partnered with national organisations like Apples and Snakes, The British Council and The Arts Council alongside long-standing relationships with local festivals such as Off The Shelf Festival of Words. Our events have been featured in The Independent, The Guardian and The Yorkshire Post.

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Microsoft Publisher для Windows

Publisher — это издательская программа, первое поколение которой вышло в 1991-м году. В решении сделан акцент на разметке страницы для создания макетов любой сложности. С помощью этого софта можно готовить к печати буклеты, брошюры, визитные карточки и даже полноценные книги.

Интерфейс Publisher

Интерфейс Publisher

Интерфейс Publisher выполнен в стиле других программ MS Office, поэтому с основными функциями сможет разобраться неподготовленный пользователь.

Между тем, несмотря на многолетнее развитие и то, что программа доступна только в дорогих пакетах Office, Publisher не пользуется спросом в издательской среде и не может на равных конкурировать с решениями от Adobe и Corel.

История версий

Publisher Особенности
2007 Как и другие офисные программы, эта тоже получила новый ленточный интерфейс
2010 Инструмент Design Checker, который проверяет правильность создания макета
2013 Появилась возможность использовать в качестве фона страниц любое изображение
2016 Большой набор инструментов для редактирования растровых изображений
2019 Глубокая интеграция с другими программами MS Office, усовершенствованная функция совместной работы

Функции и возможности

В программе есть весь необходимый набор инструментов для подготовки документа к цифровой и офсетной печати. Благодаря большому количеству шаблонов и тем, Publisher дает возможность создавать документы любой сложности даже неподготовленным пользователям.

Работа с текстом

Набор инструментов для работы с текстом здесь аналогичен знакомому Word. В то же время акцент сделан на сложной разметке, где на одной странице может быть большое множество колонок и блоков, выполненных в разных стилях.

Инструменты Publisher позволяют верстать страницы в сложном журнальном стиле. Удобно также то, что в проект можно импортировать документы Word с сохранением форматирования.

Работа с текстом

Работа с текстом

Вставка изображений

В рабочий проект можно вставлять растровые изображения любых форматов. Новые версии Publisher поддерживают также векторную графику. В версиях 2016 и 2019 стало удобным то, что в документ можно одновременно импортировать большое количество документов, которые вставляются за пределы полей, откуда их легко добавлять в проект. Это нововведение не изменяет форматирования документа при импорте графики. Publisher поддерживает любые виды обтекания текстом, изображения могут накладываться друг на друга в виде слоев, а поверх них легко добавлять текст и самые разнообразные объекты.

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Вставка изображений

Редактирование изображений

В ранних версиях программы при работе с растровой графикой нужно было использовать сторонние решения для их редактирования. В новых версиях обработать графику можно непосредственно в Publisher. С помощью программы удобно обрезать изображение, изменить угол наклона и цветовую схему, отразить по вертикали или горизонтали, быстро отредактировать яркость и контраст. При кадрировании растровой картинке можно придать не только форму прямоугольника, но и круга, треугольника, стрелки и других геометрических фигур.

Редактирование изображений

Редактирование изображений

Готовые шаблоны

Начиная работу над новым проектом, каждый пользователь сам определяется — делать верстку с нуля или на основе готового шаблона. В Publisher присутствуют готовые шаблоны для создания каталогов, наклеек, конвертов, брошюр, открыток, календарей. При этом, например, при выборе шаблона календаря программа предложит огромное множество его вариаций. Publisher также позволяет быстро создавать свои шаблоны.

Готовые шаблоны

Готовые шаблоны

Макет страницы

При работе с документами, состоящими из большого количества одинаково оформленных стариц, параметры можно задать только один раз. Например, если на всех страницах каталога или брошюры планируется использовать одинаковые колонтитулы, рамки, логотип компании в определенном месте и многие другие параметры, это все можно сделать один раз, после чего макет будет использоваться на всех страницах документов. Программа также позволяет создавать разные макеты для четных и нечетных страниц в пределах документа.

Макет страницы

Макет страницы

Преимущества и недостатки

Программа выполнена в привычном интерфейсе, благодаря чему в ней легко разобраться. К другим преимуществам необходимо отнести:


  • Большое количество шаблонов;
  • Встроенный редактор изображений;
  • Инструменты для командной работы;
  • Поддержка и обновления от Microsoft;
  • Встроенный помощник;
  • Импорт данных из других программ Office.

Программа не используется в профессиональной издательской среде, в то же время она поставляется только в продвинутых редакциях Office, поэтому стоимость лицензии можно назвать необоснованно высокой. К другим недостаткам следует отнести:


  • Нет функции цветоделения для подготовки к офсетной печати (требуется сторонний софт);
  • Зависает при работе с большими документами.

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