Word and letter emotions

Find here a list of negative feelings and negative emotions that start with every letter of the alphabet. The negative emotions are arranged from A to Z, in alphabetical order.

Negative emotions are described as any feeling which causes you to be miserable and sad. These emotions make you dislike yourself, other and life in general. They take away your confidence and make your mind unclear. On longer periods the negative emotions can even make your body sick. Emotions that can become negative are hate, anger, jealousy and sadness. Yet, in the right context, and on short periods of time, these feelings are completely natural.

Here are some of the most important negative emotions, but if you want a larger range of negative emotions, check the list of negative words.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with A letter: A Sense Of Loss,   Abominable,   Aching, Afflicted,   Afraid,   Aggressive,   Agonized,   Alarmed,   Alienated,   Alone,   Angry,   Anguish,  Annoyed,   Anxious,   Appalled,   Ashamed, Abnormal.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with B letter: Bad,   Bitter,   Boiling,   Bored, Betrayed.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with C letter:  Cold,   Cowardly,   Cross,   Crushed, Complaining, Cheated, Confused, Crappy.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with D letter: Dejected,   Depressed,   Deprived, Desolate,   Despair,   Desperate, Despicable,   Detestable,   Diminished, Disappointed,   Discouraged, Disgusting, Disillusioned, Disinterested, Dismayed, Dissatisfied, Distressed, Distrustful, Dominated, Doubtful, Doubtful, Dull.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with E letter: Embarrassed, Empty, Enraged, Evil, Excluded, Exiled.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with F letter: Fatigued, Fearful, Forced, Frightened, Frustrated, Fuming.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with G letter: Grief, Grieved, Guilty.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with H letter: Hateful, Heartbroken, Helpless, Hesitant, Hesitant, Hostile, Humiliated, Hurt.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with I letter: In A Stew, In Despair, Incapable, Incensed, Indecisive, Indifferent, Indignant, Inferior, Inflamed, Infuriated, Injured, Insensitive, Insulting, Irritated.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with L letter: Lifeless, Lonely, Lost, Lousy, Liar, Lame, Livid.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with M letter: Menaced, Miserable, Misgiving, Mournful, Misunderstood, Manipulated.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with N letter: Nervous, Neutral, Nonchalant, Negated.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with O letter: Offended, Offensive, Objected, Overwhelmed, Obstructed.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with P letter: Pained, Pained, Panic, Paralyzed, Pathetic, Perplexed, Pessimistic, Pessimistic, Powerless, Preoccupied, Provoked.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with Q letter: Quaking, Questioned.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with R letter: Rejected, Repugnant, Resentful, Reserved, Restless.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with S letter: Sad, Scared, Shaky, Shy, Skeptical, Sore, Sorrowful, Stupefied, Sulky, Suspicious.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with T letter: Tearful, Tense, Terrible, Terrified, Threatened, Timid, Tormented, Tortured, Tragic.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with U letter: Unbelieving, Uncertain, Uneasy, Unhappy, Unpleasant, Unsure, Upset, Useless, Unloved, Unimportant, Unconnected.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with V letter: Victimized.

Negative feelings and emotions starting with W letter: Worthless, Worthiness, Wary, Weary, Woeful, Worked Up, Worried, Wronged.

If you are looking for more negative words check out the list of negative words that start with letters from A to Z in alphabetical order. After going through this list, check out also our amazing list of positive words.

negative emotions negative words

Feelings Word Puzzles - Free Printable - Tea Time Monkeys

Here are some simple emotions worksheets and word puzzles you can use to practise feelings vocabulary with your little ones! There are three kinds of puzzle – beginning letter match, word search and word match. I’ve included three levels of difficulty, so you can choose according to the age group you teach. The pack includes 8 PUZZLE SHEETS in total!

These word puzzles are great for reinforcing vocabulary, spelling and phonics. We’ve also got more resources for teaching about emotions and feelings that you can use together with this printable – see the end of the post for more!

How to use the Emotions Worksheets and Word Puzzles:

  • Choose the level of difficulty appropriate for your child. Look for these symbols:
Level 1 (Pre-K):

Appropriate for preschool children (age 3 – 4) who are just starting to learn their letters. Includes four words to practise and very large print. Children match the picture to the beginning letter of the word. Includes upper case and lower case puzzles.

Level 2 (K):

Appropriate for kindergarten children (age 5) who are learning to read, write and spell. Includes six words to practise and large print. There are three kinds of puzzle:

  • word search – includes only horizontal words.
  • word match – children draw a line from the word to the correct picture.
  • beginning letter fill – children must complete the first letter of each word.
Level 3 (First Grade):

Suitable for first grade (age 6). Puzzles include eight words to practise and smaller more “grown-up” print. There are 3 kinds of puzzle:

  • word search – includes both horizontal and vertical words to find.
  • word match – children draw a line from the word to the correct picture.
  • complete and match – children fill in a number of missing letters for each word, then draw a line to the correct picture.
  • When they have finished the puzzles, kids can colour the pictures.
  • Print on normal printer paper and photocopy, or laminate if you want re-usable puzzles!

If you have a problem with your download, please read our FAQ. If the problem continues, contact us at [email protected] so we can fix it!

More FEELINGS related resources:

Mood Meter - Free Printable - Tea Time Monkeys

Emotions Flashcards - Tea Time Monkeys

Feelings Accordion Book - Free Emotions Printable - Tea Time Monkeys

Feelings Bingo - Editable Dice/Spinner Game - Tea Time Monkeys

SUBSCRIBE to our free newsletter for discounts and updates on new resources!

This is a free printable, but please read our FAQ for full info about how you can use our materials.

Reader Interactions

Quiz Answer Key and Fun Facts

1. What letter can be added to the word CREAM to make it mean a word describing a loud cry that is often made in fear?

2. What letter can be added to the word OWN to describe a feeling where you might be feeling a little upset and lonely?

3. What letter can added to the word MILE to describe an expression you might make when you are happy or laughing?

4. What letter can be added to the word LAD to mean a feeling where you are delighted and pleased?

5. What letter can be added to the word AGE to make a word meaning when you might be feeling angry or furious?

6. What letter could be added to the word HOP to mean the feeling that what is wanted can be had?

7. What letter can be added to the word EAR to mean an emotion you might feel when you are really scared?

8. What letter can be added to the word RUST to mean reliance or confidence in a person or thing?

9. What letter can be added to the word LONE to make it mean a time where you are by yourself?

10. What letter can be added to the word SCAR to make a word meaning to fill someone with fear?

Source: Author 1jj2jj3jj4jj5

This quiz was reviewed by FunTrivia editor NatalieW before going online.
Any errors found in FunTrivia content are routinely corrected through our feedback system.

Английские прилагательные, описывающие чувства и эмоции

Прилагательные, выражающие чувства и эмоции (feelings and emotions) в английском
языке, практически неисчерпаемы. Их правда очень и очень много. Поэтому не
будем пытаться объять необъятное. Выделим из всего этого количества те, которые
оканчиваются на –ed. По
крайней мере, у них есть один общий признак))

И прежде, чем смотреть перевод (нетерпеливые мои))),
попробуйте сами догадаться, что это за эмоция.

Situations Feelings and emotions
you go on
vacation, get a pay rise,
win a million dollars
excited, thrilled, delighted
want to know more,
watch a great film,
see something you’ve never seen before
interested, fascinated
have a lot of motivation
to do something
didn’t expect
something to happen
surprised, shocked
everything happed exactly
as you planned
pleased, satisfied
when the
danger is gone
and you’re safe
how you
feel after a workout,
after a long working day
tired, exhausted
when you
have a lot of problems
but no way to solve them
something you wanted
didn’t happen
disappointed, frustrated
work a lot and
have no time to relax
you feel something bad
might happen
when the
facts don’t add up,
when there’s too much information
that you don’t understand
have nothing to do
when you
see a ghost
scared, frightened, terrified
when you
fall over in a public place

Эмоции в картинках

И проверьте себя с помощью эмоций в картинках, ведь лучше
один раз увидеть:

Ну а для тех, кто без перевода на русский не может, вот он,
жмите на кнопку))

Прилагательные с переводом

Feelings and emotions  
excited, thrilled приятно
взволнованный, приятно возбужденный
interested заинтересованный
fascinated очарованный, заинтересованный, восхищенный
delighted восхищенный, очарованный, радостный
inspired вдохновленный
surprised удивленный
shocked шокированный, удивленный
pleased довольный, удовлетворенный
satisified довольный, удовлетворенный
relieved испытывающий облегчение (эмоциональное)
tired уставший, усталый
exhausted вымотанный, уставший, усталый
depressed в депрессии, подавленный
disappointed разочарованный
frustrated разочарованный
worried обеспокоенный
stressed испытывающий стресс
confused озадаченный, сбитый с толку, запутавшийся
bored скучающий
surprised удивленный
shocked шокированный
scared испуганный
frightened испуганный
terrified в ужасе
embarrassed смущенный

Не всегда эти прилагательные, описывающие чувства и эмоции,
переводятся на русский дословно. Например:

  • stressed
    — застрессованный испытывающий стресс, находящийся в состоянии стресса

И не всегда в русском им будет соответствовать

  • I was
    terrified – Я был в ужасе

Positive and negative emotions

Давайте как-нибудь упорядочим все эти прилагательные?
Например, разделим их на приятные и неприятные эмоции:

Positive emotions Negative emotions
excited =
thrilled = delighted   
scared =
frightened = terrified
= fascinated
bored, depressed
surprised =
surprised =
pleased  = satisfied disappointed  = frustrated
relieved worried, stressed
inspired tired =
  confused, embarrassed

Прилагательные, между которыми стоит знак (=), близки по
значению или вовсе синонимы. Отличаются они накалом эмоций. Есть нейтральные
прилагательные (gradable adjectives),
а есть сильные, эмоциональные (non-gradable).

Very или absolutely?

С нейтральными прилагательными можно использовать very, а с сильными – absolutely. И никак не наоборот.
Но возрадуйтесь!)) Есть универсальное really – его можно использовать с любыми прилагательными.

Gradable adjectives
Very, really
Non-gradable adjectives
Absolutely, really


thrilled, delighted

interested fascinated
surprised shocked
tired exhausted
scared, frightened terrified

pleased, satisfied, relieved, inspired,

bored, depressed, disappointed,

frustrated, worried, stressed

confused, embarrassed



Употребление прилагательных

Но одними прилагательными сыт не будешь. В смысле, не
получится разговаривать одними только прилагательными. Нужно их как-то оформить
в осмысленные словосочетания. Вот в таких самых типичных шаблонах используются
все эти прилагательные, описывающие feelings and emotions:

употребление прилагательных

Что все это значит?

Это значит, что прилагательные, описывающие чувства и эмоции,
в английском языке сочетаются с определенными словами и встречаются в
определенных шаблонах.

Возьмем для примера прилагательное tired. Вот какие фразы и предложения
можно с ним составить (а также с любым прилагательным, описывающим эмоции):

Шаблон Предложение
am / is / are tired      I am / we
are / he is tired.
so… that I am so tired that I could doze off right here.
getting tired I am / we
are / he is getting tired.
was / were tired I was / we
were tired.
so… that We were so tired that we had to stop.
felt tired I felt
so… that I felt so tired that I had to take a break.
got tired I got tired.
so… that I got so tired that I fell asleep in front of my computer.
look tired You look / he
looks tired.
seem tired You seem /
she seems tired.

Но есть и тонкости.

I am worried или I’m getting worried

Помним, да, что be (am / is / are) – это состояние, а get
это изменения? Тогда получается, что:

  • I am worried
    – Я обеспокоен, я беспокоюсь (уже)
  • I am getting worried
    – Я начинаю волноваться, я начинаю беспокоиться

Подробнее о глаголе to be.

I was disappointed или I got disappointed

Применяем тот же принцип:

  • I was disappointed
    – Я был разочарован (уже в тот момент)
  • I got disappointed
    – Я разочаровался, почувствовал разочарование (после какого-то события)

Don’t be scared или Don’t get scared

Вы не поверите, но и здесь тот же принцип)) Та же разница
между be и get.

  • Don’t be scared – не бойся (ты сейчас
    боишься, но не надо)
  • Don’t get scared – не пугайся (сейчас
    что-то произойдет, но ты не пугайся, все под контролем)

You are worried или You look worried

  • You are worried
    – Ты обеспокоен (констатация факта, безапелляционно так)
  • You look worried
    – Ты выглядишь обеспокоенным (но, может, я не права, и это только видимость)

Примеры прилагательных из фильмов на английском.

Упражнения на прилагательные, описывающие feelings and emotions.

Если остались вопросы, задавайте в комментариях – обсудим!

letter - письмо

  1. Главная
  2. Английские слова по темам. Слова по темам на английском языке.
  3. Эмоции и чувства на английском языке

Эмоции и чувства на английском языке

Количество слов: 25



play Afraid

I was like you once, afraid and unsure. Когда-то я был таким же, как ты, испуганным и неуверенным.



play Amused

There is nothing to be amused. Здесь нечему радоваться.



play Angry

Why are you so angry? Почему ты сердитый такой?



play Annoyed

Why are you so annoyed? Почему ты такой раздраженный?



play Appalled

I am appalled by this situation. Я потрясен этой ситуацией.



play Astonished

I was astonished to see her. Я был ошеломленный, увидев ее.



play Bored

He got bored. Ему стало скучно.



play Brave

A brave soldier. Храбрый солдат.



play Composed

How can you be so composed? Как ты можешь быть таким спокойным?



play Embarrass

You’re embarrassing me. Вы меня смущаете.



play Curious

Sam is curious about this issue. Сэм любопытная в этом вопросе.



play Delight

It’s a delight! Это восторг!



play Depression

How did you get rid of depression? Как ты избавился от депрессии?



play Disappoint

How long are you going to disappoint me? Сколько ты еще будешь меня разочаровывать?



play Disgust

This food disgusts me. Эта еда вызывает у меня отвращение.



play Exhausted

You look exhausted. Ты выглядишь измученной.



play Excited

I am very excited about this situation. Я очень взволнован данной ситуацией.



play Grateful

We should be grateful to him. Мы должны быть ему благодарны.



play Happy

Be happy. Будь счастливым.



play Hate

She hate the cold. Она ненавидит холод.



play Hysterical

I hear his hysterical laughter. Я слышал его истерический смех.



play Hope

I hope I didn’t awoken you. Надеюсь, я тебя не разбудил.



play Indignant

You are so indignant. Вы так возмущены.



play Loathing

He whispered with loathing. Прошептал он с отвращением.


no image

play Psyched

Aren’t you psyched? Разве ты не взволнован?

English story


Random Word

Witchcraft — колдовство 

Some people suspected her of practicing witchcraft.
Некоторые люди подозревали, что она занималась колдовством.

Are you looking for the list of emotions and feelings words? In the below section, you will get a list of words to describe emotions and feelings

The feeling is the normalization of the verb that represents the feeling. It is used to describe the physical sensation of touch or the experience of the feeling of perception.

list of emotions and feelings

Types of feelings

  1. Happiness
  2. Anger
  3. Caring
  4. Depression
  5. inadequateness
  6. Fear
  7. Confusion
  8. Hurt
  9. Loneliness
  10. Remorse
  11. Energy
  12. Confidence
  13. Tired

List of Emotions and Feelings


Happiness is applied in the connection of mindset, and mental or emotional states, which includes positive emotions extending from contentment and intense joy. It expresses the satisfaction of well-being.

  • Aglow
  • Amused
  • Animated
  • Aroused
  • Bold
  • Brotherly
  • Buoyant
  • Calm
  • Celebratory
  • Charmed
  • Cheerful
  • Cheerful
  • Confident
  • Contented
  • Cool
  • Delighted
  • Ecstatic
  • Elated
  • Elated
  • Elevated
  • Energetic
  • Engrossed
  • Enthusiastic
  • Esteemed
  • Euphoric
  • Exhilarated
  • Festive
  • Fine
  • Frisky
  • Glad
  • Gleeful
  • Glorious
  • Good
  • Good-natured
  • Grateful
  • Gratified
  • Happy
  • Happy
  • Hopeful
  • In high spirits
  • Jovial
  • Joyful
  • Jubilant
  • Keen
  • Kind
  • Light-hearted
  • Lively
  • Loving
  • Marvelous
  • Merry
  • Okay
  • Optimistic
  • Overjoyed
  • Playful
  • Pleasant
  • Pleased
  • Provocative
  • Receptive
  • Safe
  • Secure
  • Serene
  • Satisfied
  • Sparking
  • Supported
  • Thrilled
  • Touched
  • Trusting
  • Up
  • Vibrant
  • Vigorous
  • Warm
  • Zippy


Anger is also known as rage, which is an intense emotional state of a strong and uncomfortable response to a perceived provocation. Anger is also an emotion that shows a feeling of fighting or taking action immediately.

  • Affronted
  • Aggravated
  • Agitated
  • Annoyed
  • Antagonistic
  • Belligerent
  • Bitter
  • Bugged
  • Cranky
  • Critical
  • Disgusted
  • Dismayed
  • Enraged
  • Exasperated
  • Fed up
  • Fuming
  • Furious
  • Galled
  • Grim
  • Grouchy
  • Heated
  • Hostile
  • Ill-tempered
  • Impatient
  • Infuriated
  • Intense
  • Irate
  • Irked
  • Irritated
  • Livid
  • Mad
  • Offended
  • Outraged
  • Petulant
  • Provoked
  • Raging
  • Resentful
  • Seething
  • Sore
  • Spiteful
  • Storming
  • Sullen
  • Testy
  • Ticked off
  • Uptight
  • Vengeful
  • Vindictive


The feeling of caring is personal behavior that shows healing or social work. It involves looking after people who are ill or who need help in coping with their lives.

  • Accepted
  • Admiring
  • Adoring
  • Affectionate
  • Appreciated
  • Appreciative
  • Attached
  • Attentive
  • Befriended
  • Blessed
  • Cherished
  • Cherishing
  • Commended
  • Compassionate
  • Considerate
  • Devoted
  • Doting
  • Empathetic
  • Esteemed
  • Fervent
  • Fond
  • Friendly
  • Healed
  • Idolizing
  • Infatuated
  • Interested in
  • Kind-hearted
  • like
  • Loved
  • Made whole
  • Partial
  • Passionate
  • Reassured
  • Respectful
  • Saved
  • Sympathetic
  • Taken care of
  • Tender
  • Thoughtful
  • Tolerant
  • Trusting
  • Understood
  • Warm toward
  • Warm-hearted
  • Worship
  • Yielding
  • Zealous


Depression is a mood disturbance that generates a determined sensation of sadness and lack of interest.

  • Afraid
  • Alienated
  • Ashamed
  • Awful
  • Barren
  • Beaten
  • Blah
  • Cowardly
  • Crestfallen
  • Crushed
  • Dejected
  • Demoralized
  • Depressed
  • Desolate
  • Despondent
  • Devalued
  • Disappointed
  • Discouraged
  • Dismal
  • Dispirited
  • Distressed
  • Downcast
  • Empty
  • Fed up
  • Funk
  • Gloomy
  • Glum
  • Grieved
  • Grim
  • Harassed
  • Haunted
  • Hopeless
  • In despair
  • Lost
  • Low
  • Melancholy
  • Menaced
  • Miserable
  • Moody
  • Morose
  • Regretful
  • Somber
  • Sorrowful
  • Subdued
  • Suspicious
  • Tearful
  • Tragic
  • Uncomfortable
  • Unhappy
  • Upset
  • Woeful
  • Worried


An inadequateness is a feeling which is a state of being inadequate or a condition of insufficiency.

  • Blemished
  • Blotched
  • Broken
  • Cripped
  • Damaged
  • Defeated
  • Deficient
  • Dry
  • Feeble
  • Finished
  • Flawed
  • Helpless
  • Impaired
  • Imperfect
  • Impotent
  • Incapable
  • Incompetent
  • Incomplete
  • Ineffective
  • Inept
  • Inferior
  • Insignificant
  • Invalid
  • Lacking
  • Lame
  • Meager
  • Overwhelmed
  • Powerless
  • Puny
  • Small
  • Substandard
  • Tenuous
  • Tiny
  • Uncertain
  • Unconvincing
  • Unimportant
  • Unsure
  • Useless
  • Weak
  • Wishful
  • Worthless


Fear is a sensation caused by sensed danger or threat, physiological changes, and ultimate expression like hiding, or freezing from certain events.

  • FEAR
  • Afraid
  • Alarmed
  • Anxious
  • Appalled
  • Apprehensive
  • Awkward
  • Anxious
  • Careful
  • Cautions
  • Cautious
  • Defensive
  • Desperate
  • Disquieted
  • Distressed
  • Fearful
  • Fidgety
  • Forced
  • Fretful
  • Frightened
  • Horrified
  • Intimidated
  • Jumpy
  • Nervous
  • Panicky
  • Paralyzed
  • Petrified
  • Pressured
  • Scared
  • Shaky
  • Shocked
  • Shy
  • Skittish
  • Spineless
  • Stressed
  • Tense
  • Terrified
  • Threatened
  • Timid
  • Troubled
  • Ugly
  • Uneasy
  • Watchful
  • Weak
  • Wrecked


Confusion is an act or a feeling of disturbance in the mind or thought because of specific issues.

  • Adrift
  • Ambivalent
  • Baffled
  • Befuddled
  • Bewildered
  • Chaotic
  • Confused
  • Confounded
  • Disordered
  • Disorganized
  • Distracted
  • Disturbed
  • Dizzy
  • Doubtful
  • Embarrassed
  • Flustered
  • Foggy
  • Frustrated
  • Hesitant
  • Indecisive
  • Misled
  • Mistaken
  • misunderstood
  • Perplexed
  • Pessimistic
  • Puzzled
  • Shy
  • Speechless
  • Startled
  • Stumped
  • Stunned
  • Taken-aback
  • Thrown
  • Trapped
  • Uncertain
  • Undecided
  • Unsettled


Hurt is just a feeling of pain from any part of our body or the harsh feeling inside the heart that may cause it.

  • Abused
  • Aching
  • Anguished
  • Annoyed
  • Belittled
  • Cheapened
  • Criticized
  • Crushed
  • Cursed
  • Degraded
  • Depreciated
  • Desperate
  • Despised
  • Destroyed
  • Devastated
  • Discarded
  • Discredited
  • Disgraced
  • Distressed
  • Forgotten
  • Forsaken
  • Hateful
  • Heavy
  • Humiliated
  • Ignored
  • Injured
  • Judged
  • Let down
  • Marred
  • Minimized
  • Mistreated
  • Mocked
  • Mournful
  • Neglected
  • Punished
  • Put away
  • Put down
  • Rejected
  • Ridiculed
  • Rueful
  • Tortured
  • Touched
  • Used
  • Victimized
  • Weepy
  • Wounded


Loneliness is a feeling of being alone, spending life without appreciation, enjoyment, or other happy moments with others. Life is being in the darkness in case of loneliness.

  • Abandoned
  • Alone
  • Apart
  • Blue
  • Cheerless
  • Companionless
  • Cut off
  • Despondent
  • Deserted
  • Distant
  • Estranged
  • Excluded
  • Insulated
  • Isolated
  • Left out
  • Lonely
  • Marooned
  • Melancholy
  • Oppressed
  • Ostracized
  • Outcast
  • Rejected
  • Remote
  • Separate
  • Shunned
  • Uncherished
  • Withdraw


The word remorse is a distressing emotional experience felt by an individual who regrets whatever it may have happened in the past life. It is closely related to guilt or a feeling of being ashamed.

  • Abashed
  • Apologetic
  • Ashamed
  • Bashful
  • Blushing
  • Chastened
  • Contrite
  • Culpable
  • Debased
  • Delinquent
  • Demeaned
  • Depraved
  • Evil
  • Exposed
  • Flustered
  • Guilty
  • Humble
  • Meek
  • Mortified
  • Reluctant
  • Remorseful
  • Repentant
  • Shamed
  • Sheepish
  • Sinful
  • Sorry
  • Wicked
  • Wrong


Energize is something that means to give the energy of passion and perception to do something full of energy.

  • Alert
  • Ambitious
  • Animated
  • Bold
  • Certain
  • Confident
  • Creative
  • Determined
  • Dynamic
  • Empowered
  • Enlivened
  • Focused
  • Hardy
  • Healthy
  • Inspired
  • Invigorated
  • Motivated
  • Powerful
  • Refreshed
  • Rejuvenated
  • Renewed
  • Secure
  • Strengthened


The feeling of confidence in our heart or our mindset makes us feel confident from the inside helps to show abilities or qualities.

  • Assured
  • At ease
  • Beautiful
  • Brave
  • Comforted
  • Encouraged
  • Forgiven
  • Peaceful
  • Prepared
  • Relaxed
  • Successful
  • Valuable
  • Sure
  • Tenacious
  • Unique
  • Vibrant


If you are feeling tired, then you have to take sleep or rest for some time. Tired means someone who is being so bored with something or alone.

  • Bored
  • Burned out
  • Drained
  • Dull
  • Exhausted
  • Fatigued
  • Indifferent
  • Listless
  • Sick
  • Stale
  • Weary

Read Also:

  1. Small Letters A To Z
  2. A Sound Words in English
  3. Words to Describe Yourself
  4. Simple Opposite Word
  5. Action Words
  6. Noun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb List

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