Word and definition test

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  • bink_b

    10/10 in 11 seconds on intermediate.
    I am 7 and half years old and legally blind. My first language is Navajo. I am just learning English in girl scouts camp.

    LikeReply 61 month ago

  • diesal848

    I only got the first one wrong because I didn’t know exactly how I was supposed to respond….Otherwise a lot of fun with most words being of mid-level difficulty, but with a few that were truly obscure…

    LikeReply1 month ago

  • sapnam.32722

  • madrona

    7th grade, Advanced quiz, 8/10, 55 seconds. Not too bad.

    LikeReply 11 month ago

  • justfranc

    10/10 but I didn’t think about time … now I know … otherwise easy-peasy …

    LikeReply 12 months ago

  • rathi_s

    These quizzes come with nice topics to pick and when I tried them out, I got to learn some new things too. This app is stunning and I hope everyone will try out this app!

    LikeReply 12 months ago

  • EZReader

    10/10 twice in 1:21. For all HS students taking 8/10, I’m impressed.

    LikeReply2 months ago

  • EZReader

    10/10 in 1:21 (2X’s) as an English speaker 1st w/ a Master’s. So, HS students who took 8/10… I’m impressed!

    LikeReply2 months ago

  • carolyn_v

  • fqdez

    10/10 in 44 seconds as a 10th grader… not bad

    LikeReply 23 months ago

  • emilyp.40377

    lets do a competition to see how many answers you can get right on a quiz
    lets start it tomorrow ok
    if ya’ll agree then lets do it

    LikeReply 33 months ago


    The basic quiz is great. Sufficed for English learners.

    LikeReply 13 months ago

  • Ikker19

    10 out of 10…wonder how good I could do if in I done ever learnt to read or is it read or reed or red???

    LikeReply3 months ago

  • Yuzu

    Got 9 out of 10, I guess not bad for a 12th grader

    LikeReply 33 months ago

  • steffanie_b

  • Cmilz23

    10/10 in 93 seconds. Not bad for a kindergartner.

    LikeReply 23 months ago

  • eliel_a

    5/10 for a begginer, in 5 minutes and 33 seconds. I’m brazilian. I am not latino, thank you.

    LikeReply 33 months ago

  • emilyp.40377

  • Pericles21

  • Sandee956

    Didn’t know it was timed! Had fun!

    LikeReply 34 months ago

  • maverick.24073

    20/10 in -59 seconds, commendable for a really high person.

    LikeReply 34 months ago

  • Destination

    Auto generate quizzez from my word list, is it possible?

    LikeReply4 months ago

  • emilyp.40377

    well this really fun I guess

    LikeReply 35 months ago

  • bo44

    Not sure they (it?) understand ‘lucubrate’ properly lol…

    LikeReply 25 months ago

  • marionette_w

    awsome way to get a general education diploma

    LikeReply 25 months ago

  • Star527

    10/10 in 44 sec, pretty good for a middle schooler.

    LikeReply 66 months ago

    • estellad

      Just did it again and I got a 10/10 in 34 seconds

      LikeReply 13 months ago

  • Star527

    10/10 in 1 min 14 sec, I’m pretty good!

    LikeReply 76 months ago

  • Erik684

    10 out of 10, not bad i think. Considering english is not my native language.

    LikeReply 76 months ago

  • patriciah.03043

    Haha! 10 out of 10, try to beat that!!

    LikeReply 56 months ago

    • TexasRedux

    • acronimous

    • isabellec.06972

    • phoebedmorgan

      infinity symbol out of 10…

      LikeReply 24 months ago



    LikeReply 26 months ago

  • oliviar.55547

    I like it, it keeps you on top of the game of vocabulary

    LikeReply 116 months ago

  • Karlakatz

    The Advanced category should be just a bit more challenging; Much too easy.

    LikeReply 56 months ago

  • medavies

  • medavies

    I’m seventy and this is child’s play

    LikeReply 127 months ago

  • SisuGirl

    I enjoyed this very much. I am 52 & I suffered two strokes a few months ago. I guess I’m trying to rework my brain by doing tests like these & puzzles, as well. I will certainly continue to do these I do want to mention that this quiz is not a 5th Grade Level. I read a lot & my grammar/spelling were always spot on. I highly doubt that everyone here believes this is easily a 5th Grader’s Level. Perhaps the X-Men’s Xavier Institute but not in public schools. more »

    LikeReply 127 months ago

    • yodabruh

      i am very happy youre recovering well, the road to recovery is long but youve got thiss. wishing nothing but wellness and safety to u. enjoy yourself.

      LikeReply 76 months ago

    • SisuGirl

  • dsung

    we need know of grammar to be unite globally amen=

    LikeReply 47 months ago

  • carries.80498

  • epitaciob1

    Intersting and thought provoking

    LikeReply 38 months ago

  • hero2000

  • LindaC49

    changed my level to advanced and missed 2, / 1 was a British measurement and another was a corn cob

    LikeReply 48 months ago

  • moochiesmomma

    I found the quiz rather easy. The words are grammar school vocabulary words. I would assume most fifth graders would be able to make a go of this quiz without much difficulty. I didn’t know the quiz was timed so I took my time. It was a fun diversion for a few minutes though. more »

    LikeReply 18 months ago

    • hero2000

      Bet you did the beginner test!

      LikeReply 48 months ago

    • jake_d

      I did the advanced test, and I can honestly say I knew nine of the ten words by the time I was in THIRD grade.

      LikeReply 17 months ago

  • LindaC49

    10/10 fun nourishment for the brain!

    LikeReply 38 months ago

  • Soloke

  • imphirophir

    Very funny and intuitive.

    LikeReply 18 months ago

  • maxj.43868

    Fun. Good standard too, I definitely squinted up and off into nowhere so my brain could change gears and even pursed my lips to another question. A challenge unlikely to cause an aneurysm, my favourite kind. more »

    LikeReply 18 months ago

  • socratesredux

    I’d like it if the (Wrong) or Correct Answer were both linked to a Correct one within the Summary. this would help people who «guessed» the Correct answer also learn. MANY OF YOUR WORDS CAN BE DETERMINED BY A PROCESS OF ELIMIMATING INCORRECT ANSWERS THROUGH KNOWING THAT THE DEFINITIONS OF THE OTHER WORDS DOESN’T SUIT. more »

    LikeReply 48 months ago

    • rinat

      Thank you for your constructive comments, we will certainly consider it.

      LikeReply 58 months ago

  • rosar.39021

  • marsha_c

  • epacardo

  • doglover11

    An awesome exercise for your mind!

    LikeReply 49 months ago

  • alvan_n

  • tj_f

    Quizzes are getting easier

    LikeReply9 months ago

  • tommyj.44488

    BOGUS! Using a word to «define» that same word is VERBOTEN!

    LikeReply 410 months ago

    • dawng.51911

      Actually, verbotem means prohibited or forbidden (as translated across numerous languages). I think that you may be thinking of the word verbatim, which
      means being in or following the exact words or repeating something word for word (like a poem, Bible verse, or lyrics to a song). more »

      LikeReply8 months ago

    • joed.06654

      Seems «verbotem» may not be a word at all. tommyj.44488 is correct when saying «
      Using a word to «define» that same word is VERBOTEN!» «Verbatum» here makes no sense at all. The point tommyj makes is well known and accepted and true. thank you more »

      LikeReply 18 months ago

  • EdofTexas

    Didn’t realize I was being timed, no worries though. Neat testing application.

    LikeReply 310 months ago

    • gent

      me neither. I had to use the john!

      LikeReply 29 months ago

  • GavinDunce

  • dane_e

    6. based on or subject to individual discretion or preference or sometimes impulse or caprice
    Solution: arbitrary

    Might not the question be better described thus: based on or subject to another’s diktat or preference or sometimes impulse or caprice? more »

    LikeReply 311 months ago

  • Genius0001

    I completed this quiz in 59 seconds.

    LikeReply 611 months ago

    • gent

  • Levels

  • rhonda_w

    Could have been quicker to complete had I had my glasses with me.

    LikeReply 612 months ago

  • Femmesusan

    Proud of myself! Process of elimination and deep concentration works well.

    LikeReply 1512 months ago

  • tami_v

  • rhythmosaur

    When English is not your native language and you’ve spoken it for decades, you’ll find you can still learn something from the quiz. Thumbs up!

    LikeReply 51 year ago

  • AshFal-125

    10/10 — 1st try, 1 min 26 sec (minus time spent having to scroll back down to SEE & answer each new question) not too bad.

    LikeReply 71 year ago

  • RadicalRick

    I still got it. I got a perfect score on my High School SAT back in 82. So It’s nice to see that I haven’t lost all my marbles yet.

    LikeReply 141 year ago

    • brucek.01334

      I missed aceing the asvab by 2. Those «fold on the lines and what do you get» questions are tough. The USMC took full advantage and so did I. It came in the form of bonuses and the veap program. Skate duty and hi-viz. Expert rifleman,SEER, overseas, and more @about the same year. IE(scream it phonetically) old Indian war cry. IEeee more »

      LikeReply 131 year ago

    • brucek.01334

      now if I could find my marbles…

      LikeReply 101 year ago

    • SisuGirl

      I took the ASVAB
      when I was 20. I didn’t take it as a Junior in HS. It was a skip day for me…Like I would ever enlist! Then real life knocked some sense into me & went into the Navy in 1990. Top score but I am a female & they didn’t allow us to become Nukes. I became a Torpedoman (My Grampa told me that it was the Rate of really good, very tight, and a little crazy bunch of people. He wasn’t wrong! I had to take it again before I went into the Reserves. I received a massive incentive check but I had to change Rate to Mineman. I had to take it again when I went into the AF Reserves. The Army National Guard did not require me to take it a 4th!  more »

      LikeReply 17 months ago

  • Lorrilee

  • jenki017

  • Mercypat33

    Educative and interesting

    LikeReply 101 year ago

  • rooney_l

  • emmanuela.08362

  • indumukho

    Interesting and informative.

    LikeReply 71 year ago

  • rhumster_g

    It appears their definition of «Decline» is different from mine. Or anyone else’s for that matter.

    LikeReply 61 year ago

  • myras.02346


    10/10 ….. YEP! This one was waaaay too easy. I’ll try the next level for more of a challenge.

    LikeReply 101 year ago

  • im_ruth

    i thought i knew what ‘gloat’ meant, i guess not lol

    LikeReply 81 year ago

  • sc.89684

    9 out of 10 with some best guesses. Trivia can be a nice waste of time.

    LikeReply 101 year ago

  • danielle_z

  • mikem.41134

    I tend to be very articulate and Excel at langistics and yet I still only managed to get 5 out of 10 right on advanced level so I’m going to say it’s quite a challenging quiz in my opinion

    LikeReply 51 year ago

    • wendy_a

      The correct term is «linguistics», not «
      langistics», if you’re referring to the study of language & it’s structure.

      LikeReply 171 year ago

    • OneBigFig

      One is either “very articulate” or they are not. There is no “…tend to be…”. This is like stating “I tend to be tall” or “I tend to be blue-eyed”.
      “Excel” should not be capitalized.
      The last thought is expressed redundantly. “…so I am going to say…” and “…in my opinion.” express the same thought. Pick one and lose the other. Eloquence is inversely proportional to how many words one uses. more »

      LikeReply 131 year ago

    • Laika

      I realise this is semantics but since your ability to be articulate can, on occasions, vary depending on specific situations the use of “tend” isn’t wholly incorrect IF in most circumstances you are articulate whereas characteristics such as height and eye colour are generally unchanging in an adult individual and thus exempt. Just my thoughts on the subject  more »

      LikeReply 91 year ago

    • OneBigFig

    • ShanonaWriter

      …. someone who is usually very articulate would likely be less so when they’re sick….or drunk….extremely tired! There are various situations in which an articulate person may not be so articulate.

      LikeReply 101 year ago

    • OneBigFig

      O.K. Fair point. If I were writing about such a situation, however, I don’t think that “tend” would be my first choice of adverb. I think “usually” or “normally” better describes articulation that has been impaired by some extraordinary influence. more »

      LikeReply 81 year ago

    • wendy_a

      You are absolutely correct. Typo on my part. Don’t know how I could have transposed an «a» for an «i» as they are not near each other & I did not proofread what I wrote. The keyboard ON my laptop is dead, more or less, so I have a separate keyboard plugged in and am not always facing the monitor when I type. Thanks for the correction. more »

      LikeReply 51 year ago

    • RadicalRick

      I was going to point out some errors on your part. But seeing the comments below, You have already been corrected.
      I Feel like I’m watching «Finding Forrester» again.

      LikeReply 61 year ago

  • franka.36488

    This something which should be embraced by every school system & teacher in ALL of America, regardless of taxonomy , socioeconomic background, or age level. The beauty of this is being able to taylor it to any age level or occasion & like anything newly started, it can always be improved upon…the hardest part is just giving it a try…critics & detractors are never hard to find! I am not an English teacher, but for nearly 50 years of teaching on the high school, vocational, and college levels, I have stressed the importance of speaking succinctly & expeditiously as possible…it may be the difference between landing the job or position one is striving for or working for a «nickel ninety-eight» in a job you HATE. more »

    LikeReply 91 year ago

    • MS.RUBY

    • RadicalRick

      You have to give him some leeway. He said he’s been teaching for nearly 50 years. He might have a
      loss of cognitive functioning — thinking, remembering, and reasoning (Dementia)by now.

      LikeReply 41 year ago

  • UselessFemaleBrain

    Too easy, but still fun to use. Seems like it is developed to be advanced level for non-native English speakers rather than foreighn people.

    LikeReply 31 year ago

    • OneBigFig

      What is the difference b/t “non-native English speakers” and “foreighn (sic) people?”

      LikeReply 91 year ago

  • Martha001

  • joebr60

  • lorraine_r

  • ClockworkBastard

    The questions is a bit hazy… Needless to say — I had a 33% of questions with words in it I don’t know! I’m not a native English speakng person, nor speakin it IRL!

    LikeReply 31 year ago

  • laye_m

    It gives a chance to my brain to over think.

    LikeReply 21 year ago

  • kirsten_m

  • donnies.34742

    Who’s up to challenge public Post in not cheating … .

    Intelligence challenge

    LikeReply 31 year ago

    • UselessFemaleBrain

  • marilena_f

    It s an interesting way to learn new words

    LikeReply 71 year ago

  • deedee_m

    Nice quiz site.Could be really helpful to build someone`s vocabulary

    LikeReply 31 year ago

  • venet_c

    10/10 !! I like this quiz!

    LikeReply 21 year ago

  • laye_m

  • ImALogophile

    Was so exhilarating to stumble across this quiz this morning! Subscribed immediately and love the comment section, too!

    LikeReply 21 year ago

  • Adesuwa

  • billw.75685

  • lad.20458

    This quiz is okay for people from middle to high school. Good Job!!

    LikeReply 61 year ago

  • elie_l

    took basic in french, 3 mistakes, thought quiz was wrong, processed my mistakes, feelsgreatman! this method is pure genius IF people reflect on why the mistake! thx much ( je suis français, 3 erreurs sur du basique, dur à accepter.J’ai compris la source de mon soucis) more »

    LikeReply 51 year ago

  • derekong6


    10/10 ….. HOT DANGIT!! I’M A GENIUS!! Don’t know how I stumbled across this WORD QUIZ, but I’m glad I did. ME LIKE IT!

    LikeReply 131 year ago

  • Redherring

    looking at my mistakes, it seems obvious now !

    LikeReply 81 year ago

  • jamese.84732

    I love your forums, as they materially contribute to the possibility that “Man” may yet succeed to becoming more than a footnote in the annals of post-Singularity (Big Bang) history.
    Thank you for your contribution!
    -James E. Ivory, III
     more »

    LikeReply 81 year ago

  • spyros_s

    This quiz expanded my knowledge!

    LikeReply 61 year ago

  • stroea

    • jamese.84732

      Yes. while I feel your pain (or, at least, am somewhat empathetic) as to your expressed dismay toward a lexical simplicity, we should give due consideration the population of neophytes, perhaps not being quite up to speed, or as proficient in (as we find ourselves), the evolution of one of man’s Greatest Achievements (the one Noem Chomsky had a facility for… and gravitated to… earning him the title “the Father of modern linguistics”), the written word.
      -James more »

      LikeReply 111 year ago

    • charlesa.50205

    • peterc.25512

      Yeah well while I reckon old Noam was shithot in his time mate he’s rilly lost the plot now. He thinks he is an expert on virology and he is doddering, poor bugger

      LikeReply 41 year ago

  • Larbi

  • Deltagaurav

  • carol.00346

    Love the Quiz! My brain gets massaged, and a couple of cobwebs lifted.

    LikeReply 101 year ago

  • Assan

  • kes_s

    In spite of advanced age and two types of chemotherapy running concurrently, there’s still one small functional part of my brain left. I’m going to name it «Webster.»

    LikeReply 271 year ago

    • Bibb3

    • kes_s

    • jamese.84732

      The Merriam of your mind’s eye is a confidant and friend of this discriminating author, too.
      God Speed in your struggle with one of the many banes to Man’s existence on the Temporal plane. My beloved first cousin (a published Professor (and once practicing in…) of Neonatology, Baylor University Medical Center), recently completed what was a third regimen of chemotherapy pursuant to the protocols involved in fighting non-basal carcinomas in general, and her specific disease- metastatic breast cancer.
      -James more »

      LikeReply 111 year ago

    • kes_s

      Thank you for such a comforting and beautiful comment. Your cousin’s journey sounds like a familiar one, unfortunately, for far too many of us. I wish her all the best. (I worked in the medical field as well.) She’s very fortunate to have a kind and loving person like you with her on this journey. That means so much. more »

      LikeReply 81 year ago

    • Alliew

  • sarah.83422

  • JennplZ76

  • las_g

    wish could have this all day interesting indeed

    LikeReply 51 year ago

  • blessing_o

    Great test of my knowledge. I am happy I have gathered much word-sense

    LikeReply 91 year ago

  • joans.41483

    I love taking the word quiz every day. It’s brain training and fun.

    LikeReply 131 year ago

  • Shirin

  • frither

    Makes one think, employees varied meta-knowledge and applies to logical reasonings, sound and sense.

    LikeReply 61 year ago

  • Rextrent

    Like a press conference for the Squatter-in-Chief. Thanks.

    LikeReply 61 year ago

  • Cookinup69

    I’m not as stupid as people think

    LikeReply 51 year ago

  • annam.54845

  • matthewd.32528

    Love this website: First place I go in the a.m.

    LikeReply 21 year ago

  • stuk.25702

  • keys.57410

    Easy and antiquated words. 10/10 in 57s first try. Have yet to miss a word out of 6 plays.

    LikeReply 101 year ago

    • Braggingisnarcissistic

      Now try moving up to the intermediate level.

      LikeReply 71 year ago

    • Luckyducky

      I agree with your thought.

      LikeReply 41 year ago

  • Bnunez

  • Tank_Rules_Anyone_Who_Says_Otherwise_Is_Wrong

    Loved it nto too hard really but i guess that shows me i am a 12 year old walking dictionary haha

    LikeReply 51 year ago

    • kes_s

      The very long words are pretty easy. It’s the little ones like «not» (or in some cases «nto») that’ll trip you up.

      LikeReply 51 year ago

  • tanyam.50851

    Have often been called a ‘walking dictionary ‘.Got 10/10.A little disappointed that it wasn’t more challenging. Good fun though.

    LikeReply 61 year ago

  • mrk.71182

    a British imperial capacity measure (liquid or dry) equal to 4 quarts or 4.545 liters is a gallon, not a congius which was a measure in ancient Rome!

    LikeReply 31 year ago


  • SashaFierce

  • ena

  • aaron_p

    An answer that says fancy, should be fantasy.
    The question was something about, ‘something that a collective of people know to be false.’ or something along those lines.

    LikeReply 111 year ago

    • Springwater

      but there is ‘flight of fancy’ def; imaginative but not real, can also be ‘flight of fantasy’

      LikeReply 31 year ago

  • desmondd.30258

    Helpfull in teaching yourself

    LikeReply 41 year ago

    • annam.54845

      It’s ‘helpful’, which is what I’m trying to be :-)

      LikeReply 41 year ago

  • nafisa_r

  • nafisa_r

    10 points in just 54 minutes!!!

    LikeReply 61 year ago

  • carlab.22780

  • CherieAmour64

    The love of words is the base of communication, you can never know too many words.

    LikeReply 131 year ago

  • alexisr.87973

    it was so wonderfully just to get it right. :)

    LikeReply 121 year ago

  • PrinceA2U

    Highly enjoyable cuz in scored 90%…if I had answered only 2 correctly, I would’ve called it rigged.

    LikeReply 61 year ago

  • RichardR

    10/10 Advanced in 1min 18secs… :-)

    LikeReply 51 year ago

  • benbulu

    Highly enjoyable. I scored 10/10. Great!

    LikeReply 61 year ago

  • ngerikl_b

    Brilliant app! Really helps..

    LikeReply 41 year ago

  • ClearestTape

    8/10 advanced 1:01 13yr old in high school

    LikeReply 71 year ago

  • Chißom2018

  • c4tm1lq

    Intermediate 9/10 in 1.18 mins; as a middle school student. :]

    LikeReply 111 year ago

  • jjmoore122874

    Advanced 10/10 in 58 seconds. I thought this was supposed to be difficult.

    LikeReply 81 year ago


  • beverlyd.89622

    It was enjoyable for me! It made me think about my school days.

    LikeReply 71 year ago

  • kryten

    10/10 in 1 minute 10 seconds I am not that bright either :0)

    LikeReply 91 year ago

    • doni_t

      Impressive score and time that you achieved, please don’t say that you’re not that “bright”, I’m jealous of your score/time

      LikeReply 71 year ago

    • kryten

      Thank you for the compliment. I am very good with English vocabulary, but not much else ;o)

      LikeReply 51 year ago

    • k.or.g

      ☕ WOW! Great job. Mine was double that time and I did not get them all right. The ding dong sound scared me!

      LikeReply 81 year ago

  • Shadycrow41

  • aisha_a

  • connieh.50293

  • jamese.84732

    Par excellent. Consistently running 10/10, 9/10 Intermediate. I haven’t tried Advanced as yet.

    LikeReply 72 years ago

  • barb_b

    Advance =10/10 in 55 seconds
    disappointed the celebration/ fireworks is the same on all tests

    I would of liked a gold star

    LikeReply 82 years ago

    • jamese.84732

      I’ll award you a “Gold Star” in the absence of any other for time completion for my 10/10’s are hamstrung at 70-80 sec. for want of screen delays betwixt queries. And I am using an iPhone 11 w/14.4 iOS Operating Systems. more »

      LikeReply 52 years ago

  • OdehCJ

    it seemed at first like it was all guess work, but I learnt a lot

    LikeReply 52 years ago

  • victorm.41045

    Quiz getting more interesting at intermediary

    LikeReply 62 years ago

  • EeshaMaryam

    10 points in just 1 minute and 4 seconds. Yayyy!!

    LikeReply 92 years ago

  • EeshaMaryam

    I got 4 marks at first, but didn’t gave up. Now I have 10 marks! It seems hard work really is rewarded, after all. I’m so happy!

    LikeReply 92 years ago

  • tomfredjames

  • jamese.84732

    Fun and engaging, while didactic.

    LikeReply 32 years ago

  • Kimgold596

  • TheSeekerofallknowledge

    I enjoyed taking it. Even though I got one of the questions wrong. The added pressure of it being timed. played a factor in that. I’m sure

    LikeReply 92 years ago

  • beverley_j

    Love the word quiz, I scored 10/10 feeling pleased with myself

    LikeReply 62 years ago

  • Gengen

    I got 10 out of 10 in 1:58 and was dead chuffed until I saw SnipersNest’a time of 1:32!!! Touché Mr Bond (stroking cat…)

    LikeReply 32 years ago

  • SnipersNest

    Interesting quiz. Thanks for making it freely available. I had not realised the quiz was timed. After I noticed, I found the time taken to load the questions enormously frustrating. I did get 10/10. Although, looking at the triumphant comments, 1m 32s is far too slow for my liking. Could Do Better… more »

    LikeReply 82 years ago

  • SnipersNest

    This definition, along with the answer: ‘5. causing disapproval or protest
    obnoxious’ is an inappropriate definition (sorry, but for unknown reasons all text after ‘obnoxious’ is in green).

    LikeReply 22 years ago

  • len_m

    7/10 — 01:43 — Advanced

    That was a pretty good quiz, thanks!

    LikeReply 22 years ago

  • nadezhda_v

  • TheSaxophoneChiwawa

    • EeshaMaryam

      Nice try! I got 10/10 in 1 min and 4sec, though. ;)

      LikeReply 62 years ago

  • donnab.35082

    Fun for the brain & I like your name «acronimous». Thank you!

    LikeReply 92 years ago

  • sarath_b

    MANY thanks for timely opportunity!!!

    LikeReply 122 years ago

  • DeanSJ

    Great breather for toxic moments at work! Great pastime when not busy! Great game!

    LikeReply 102 years ago

  • Shatzee

    Please continue…stimulating

    LikeReply 82 years ago

  • lanz_d

    10/10! I finally appreciate having to copy up to 25 pages of the dictionary as punishment in the 5th grade — 56 years ago. Thank you, Ms. Moody!

    LikeReply 172 years ago

    • jamese.84732

      A big 10-4, from a 10/10, on extracurricular activities. A few times, I found myself at the chalkboard after 1505 hrs when school let out. A “Moody Bloom” ✍

      LikeReply 62 years ago

    • EeshaMaryam

  • crystalm.05260

    That was intense but fun!

    LikeReply 82 years ago

    • jamese.84732

      Funny that you mention this as I feel the same intensity yet calm at once at both sites, Facebook’s “Quiz Planet” and definitions.net’s perfectly structured (formatted) vocab., an odd blend, I know. more »

      LikeReply 42 years ago

  • vernisha_l

  • Roxyiam

  • Kellybeme

  • mk90sha

  • david5372

    So far, So good. I am here to LEARN as well as participate

    LikeReply 42 years ago

  • Bantaramrajesh333

  • MochaC.1

    I need to start back reading the dictionary

    LikeReply 72 years ago

  • slg2015rs

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    10000+ результатов для ‘word definitions’

    Word definitions

    Word definitions
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    от Marmilana

    word building ЕГЭ 3 definitions

    word building ЕГЭ 3 definitions

    от Egreenko

    crossword word building ЕГЭ 3 definitions

    crossword word building ЕГЭ 3 definitions

    от Egreenko

    cat cafe - word definitions

    cat cafe — word definitions

    от English7

    Solutions elementary 5G

    Solutions elementary 5G
    Случайные карты

    от Katerinatrizna

    Solutions elementary

    OGE/EGE Word formation

    OGE/EGE Word formation
    Пропущенное слово

    от Ma1204

    9-й класс
    10-й класс
    11 класс
    Средняя школа
    Word formation

    match word and definitions

    match word and definitions

    от Julia14mayn

    Explain the word

    Explain the word
    Случайные карты

    от Katerinatrizna


    Crossword word building ЕГЭ 3 definitions

    Crossword word building ЕГЭ 3 definitions

    от Elenanadtocheva

    Words about nature. Solutions 6G

    Words about nature. Solutions 6G
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    от Katerinatrizna

    Solutions elementary

    Animals. Solutions unit 6

    Animals. Solutions unit 6
    Случайные карты

    от Katerinatrizna

    Solutions elementary


    Случайное колесо

    от Katerinatrizna

    relative clause

    Match the word combination with the definitions.

    Match the word combination with the definitions.

    от Dgafshin

    Transport and Travelling

    Word order (предложения БЕЗ глагола действия)

    Word order (предложения БЕЗ глагола действия)
    Привести в порядок

    от Babrasin

    Sentence word order


    Групповая сортировка

    от Puchkovadn90


     body language word formation

    body language word formation
    Случайное колесо

    от Alnikat

    word formation RNE

    Word order (предложения с глаголом действия)

    Word order (предложения с глаголом действия)
    Привести в порядок

    от Babrasin

    Sentence word order

    Personality adjectives

    Personality adjectives
    Случайные карты

    от Katerinatrizna


    Unit 13 p. 116-117 Word definitions

    Unit 13 p. 116-117 Word definitions

    от Light

    Outcomes Upper-Intermediate

    verbs and adverbs

    verbs and adverbs
    Групповая сортировка

    от Ulyana4

    word formation

    Feelings (adjectives)

    Feelings (adjectives)
    Случайные карты

    от Katerinatrizna


    Word formation nouns & adjectives _ 2

    Word formation nouns & adjectives _ 2
    Групповая сортировка

    от Tanya2

    Word Formation
    word formation adjectives nouns

    adverbs oge

    adverbs oge

    от Fireflyeltresources




    от Fireflyeltresources


    огэ макмиллан u3 word formation

    огэ макмиллан u3 word formation
    Пропущенное слово

    от Truthisoutthere

    word formation

    -less -able/ible adjectives oge

    -less -able/ible adjectives oge

    от Fireflyeltresources




    от U62717981



    от Vikworsnop



    от Ekaterina32



    от Bsubbotina



    от Mary40

    2-й класс


    Откройте поле

    от Kira3



    от Ksksenglish



    от Aserezhka


    Найди пару

    от Brazilia06


    Откройте поле

    от Alice51



    от English7



    от Coeurvaincu



    от Egarminainna



    от Intouches


    Привести в порядок

    от Kkkxnd



    от Sara262


    Случайные карты

    от Forget

    -tion -sion nouns oge

    -tion -sion nouns oge

    от Fireflyeltresources


    EF Pre-Inter 1B Personality: definitions

    EF Pre-Inter 1B Personality: definitions
    Пропущенное слово

    от 4upikova




    от English7



    от Lattelegs


    Откройте поле

    от Platkova1

    Техническое / профессиональное образование



    от Pronichevap

    ОГЭ 26-31

    ОГЭ 26-31
    Пропущенное слово

    от Puchkovadn90


    Gateway B1, Unit 1. Suffixes -ment,-ion, -ence

    Gateway B1, Unit 1. Suffixes -ment,-ion, -ence

    от Volginaksenia

    Gateway B1
    word formation


    Случайные карты

    от Sugarysmell


    Откройте поле

    от Tanagoria



    от Kattylitvinova



    от Noname264



    от English7


    Случайные карты

    от Roxanne234


    Откройте поле

    от Alexandraulet



    от English7



    от Kittya88kittya

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