Word add in 2010

QuanTriMang — Многие люди используют текстовый редактор, в котором используются надстройки. Сделают ли они Word более громоздким или помогут расширить возможности этого текстового редактора? Фактически, это зависит от типа надстройки, которую выбирает пользователь. В этой статье мы найдем несколько бесплатных или недорогих надстроек Word, которые вы можете использовать.

1: Надстройка Microsoft Mathematics

Возникли проблемы с уравнениями и вычислениями в данных Word? Если вы устали сталкиваться с указанными выше индикаторами и индикаторами ниже, чтобы получить хороший расчет, попробуйте использовать надстройку Microsoft Mathematics, предоставляемую Центром загрузки Microsoft. Эта надстройка работает как с Word, так и с OneNote и предоставляет пользователям набор математических символов. Вы можете добавить их в свое уравнение, чтобы завершить расчет. Кроме того, эта надстройка предоставляет пользователям функции, которые помогут вам вычислять сложные функции, работать с алгебраическими выражениями, а также вместе с двухмерными и трехмерными графиками. Другие полезные функции.

Изображение 1 из 5 полезных надстроек для Word 2010

Если вам жалко старый интерфейс Word, и когда вы находите то, что вам нужно в Word, нужно просто открыть какое меню, то вы можете вернуться во время, добавив классическое меню для Word 2010. Новые функции, включенные в Word 2010, были включены в Классический интерфейс. Таким образом, пользователи могут получить доступ ко всем новым функциям, которые предлагает последняя версия, благодаря удобному интерфейсу, дизайну и комфорту. Эта надстройка предоставляет пробную версию в течение 30 дней. Затем вам придется заплатить 15 долларов, если вы решите продолжить использование.

3. Дополнительные надстройки 4.2

Хотите более простой способ прикрепления содержимого к данным Word? Например, предположим, что вы создаете обучающие данные и хотите, чтобы они были как можно более краткими и краткими, но при этом не хотите игнорировать информацию, которую получают новые пользователи. В таком случае вы можете использовать надстройку надстройки 4.2 для создания прокручиваемого содержимого в данных Word. Информация будет скрыта, пока пользователь не нажмет на нее, чтобы отобразить дополнительную информацию, когда это необходимо. Дополнительные надстройки предоставляют пользователям пробную версию, позволяющую использовать ее 10 раз. После этого, если вы хотите продолжить использование этой надстройки, вам нужно будет приобрести онлайн-лицензию за 19,99 долларов США.

4. Надстройка химии для Word

Это еще одна надстройка для людей, которые используют Word для выполнения химических расчетов. Надстройка Chemistry для Word предоставит пользователям необходимые символы для добавления и работы с химической информацией, содержащейся в данных. Он включает формулы, молекулярные символы и т. Д. Пользователи также могут создавать химические 2D-диаграммы и отображать прямую таблицу «химической площади», чтобы вы могли быстро увидеть химические описания прямо в моих данных. Пользователи могут бесплатно добавить надстройку химии для Word из Microsoft Education Labs.

Изображение 2 из 5 полезных надстроек для Word 2010

5: PowerWord 1.0

Если вы «охотник» и собираете информацию, вам может понравиться PowerWord 1.0. Эта надстройка помогает упростить поиск в ваших любимых источниках — Википедии, Google, YouTube,. — при поиске новых статей, фотографий и рассказов, связанных с введенными вами ключевыми словами. Пользователи также могут использовать Диспетчер списков дел для создания списка задач, которые необходимо выполнить, прежде чем данные будут завершены. Это отличная функция, независимо от того, работаете ли вы в одиночку или в группе.

Еще одна особенность этого программного обеспечения: в группе Easy Research в карточке PowerPack есть орфографические ошибки (Reference Search с ошибкой написан как Reference Serach). Однако его функциональность по-прежнему остаётся неизменной. К тому же этот инструмент бесплатный. Итак, мы можем полностью игнорировать эту орфографическую ошибку.

Какие бесплатные / дешевые надстройки вам нравятся?

Итак, мы представили 5 надстроек для текстового редактора Word 2010. Какой вам нравится больше всего? У вас есть другие бесплатные / дешевые надстройки? Пожалуйста, поделитесь с другими читателями QuanTriMang в разделе комментариев.

Надстройки — это подключаемые модули, которые расширяют возможности приложения, в данном случае Microsoft Word. Существуют разные виды надстроек, остановимся пока на надстройках, основанных на шаблонах. Что такое шаблон в Word? Шаблон — это специальный файл, в котором содержатся различные сведения о стилях, структуре, параметрах страниц, содержащихся макросах и так далее, на основе которого можно создавать новые документы.

Существует два вида шаблонов — общие и шаблоны конкретных документов. Файлы шаблонов имеют расширение «.dot» или «.dotm». Общие шаблоны, в том числе и шаблон Normal.dot, в который по умолчанию сохраняются макросы записываемые макрорекордером, содержат настройки, доступные всем документам MS Word. Шаблон конкретного документа содержит настройки, доступные только для документов, основанных на этом шаблоне. В Word имеется ряд встроенных шаблонов документов, например шаблоны писем, контрактов, резюме и прочее. Выбрать нужный шаблон можно при создании нового документа.

выбор шаблона в Word

Кроме этого пользователи могут сами создавать шаблоны для своих документов. Один и тот же шаблон может использоваться и как общий шаблон и как шаблон документа. Теперь рассмотрим сам процесс загрузки и подключения шаблонов. Чтобы не возникало путаницы, условно разделим шаблоны на «загруженные» и «подключенные». Загруженными будем считать шаблоны, ставшие доступными приложению MS Word, а подключенными будем считать шаблоны, которые не только загружены, но и сделаны активными (в списке шаблонов и надстроек перед ними проставлены флажки). Глобальный шаблон Normal.dot по умолчанию всегда и загружен и подключен. Обратите внимание на скриншот ниже, загружено три шаблона, а подключен из них один (не считая шаблона Normal). 

Список надстроек Word

В зависимости от того насколько часто шаблон будет использоваться, расположить его можно в разных папках. Для того, чтобы шаблон автоматически загружался и также автоматически подключался при каждом запуске MS Word, расположить его нужно в папке по адресу Documents and Settings/Ваше имя/Application Data/Microsoft/Word/Startup.

Если шаблон разместить в папке Documents and Settings/Ваше имя/Application Data/Microsoft/Шаблоны, то загружать и подключать его нужно будет вручную (об этом чуть позже), кроме того при каждом следующем запуске приложения Word, этот шаблон будет в списке загруженных шаблонов и надстроек, но снова будет выключенным. В этом списке отображаются не только общие шаблоны из папки «Шаблоны», но и шаблоны, автоматически загружаемые при запуске MS Word. 

Еще один типичный случай, когда шаблон расположен в совершенно произвольной папке. Подключение рассмотрим в разных версиях в отдельности.

Microsoft Word 2003

Запускаем приложение, заходим в меню Сервис/Шаблоны и надстройки…

Меню шаблоны в Word 2003

В появившемся диалоговом окне «Шаблоны и надстройки» нажимаем кнопку «Добавить…» 

Список надстроек в Word 2003

Через открывшееся окно проводника находим папку с нужным шаблоном. После добавления этот шаблон появится в списке шаблонов и надстроек, слева от него будет установлена галочка. Шаблон (надстройка) загружен и подключен.

Microsoft Word 2007

В запущенном приложении нажимаем кнопку Office Knopka_Office и переходим в «Параметры Word». В диалоговом окне «Параметры Word» выбираем раздел «Надстройки». В поле «Управление» выбираем пункт «Надстройки Word» либо «Шаблоны» без разницы, после чего нажимаем кнопку «Перейти…».

Меню шаблоны в Word 2007

Появляется диалоговое окно «Шаблоны и надстройки», в нем нажимаем кнопку «Добавить…» и добавляем нужный шаблон.

Список надстроек в Word 2007

Это же диалоговое окно можно вызывать нажатием кнопки «Шаблон документа» на вкладке «Разработчик».

Шаблон в Word 2007

Если такая вкладка в Вашем приложении отсутствует, ее необходимо предварительно отобразить, это упростит и ускорит доступ к окну управления шаблонами и надстройками. 

Microsoft Word 2010

В запущенном приложении переходим на вкладку «Файл», окрашенную в синий цвет, после чего переходим в «Параметры Word». В диалоговом окне «Параметры Word» выбираем раздел «Надстройки». В поле «Управление» выбираем пункт «Надстройки Word» либо «Шаблоны» без разницы, после чего нажимаем кнопку «Перейти…».

Меню шаблоны в Word 2010

В появившемся диалоговом окне «Шаблоны и надстройки» нажимаем кнопку «Добавить…» и выбираем шаблон, который собираемся установить.

Список надстроек в Word 2010

Тоже самое можно проделать еще быстрее, просто нажать кнопку «Шаблон документа» на вкладке «Разработчик».

Шаблон в Word 2010

Но есть один нюанс, вкладка «Разработчик» по умолчанию в приложении отсутствует, ее необходимо предварительно отобразить, на вкладке собраны инструменты для работы с макросами и надстройками и отображение этой вкладки упростит и ускорит доступ к окну управления шаблонами и надстройками.

Microsoft Word 2013

Также как и в Word 2010, в Word 2013 надстройки (шаблоны) можно установить двумя способами:

1. Через вкладку «Файл»/Параметры/Надстройки, в поле «Управление» из выпадающего списка выбрать пункт «Надстройки Word» либо «Шаблоны» и кликнуть по кнопке «Перейти». В появившемся окне менеджера надстроек «Шаблоны и надстройки» при помощи кнопки «Добавить» выбрать файл устанавливаемой надстройки и нажать «ОК».

2. Отобразить на ленте вкладку «Разработчик» и кликнуть по кнопке «Надстройки» в группе кнопок «Надстройки» либо по кнопке «Шаблон документа» в группе кнопок «Шаблоны».

Шаблон в Word 2013

После этого в появившемся окне «Шаблоны и надстройки» кликнуть по кнопке «Добавить» и выбрать файл надстройки, которую необходимо установить.

Процесс установки надстроек (шаблонов) для Word, на примере Word 2013 записан на видео и выложен в youtube (смотреть видео по установке надстроекsmotret-video).

Microsoft Word 2016

В Word 2016 установить надстройку/шаблон можно также, как и в предыдущих версиях, либо через вкладку «Файл»/Параметры/Надстройки с выбором пункта «Надстройки для Word» в поле «Управление», либо отобразить на ленте вкладку «Разработчик», кликнуть по кнопке «Надстройки» либо «Шаблон документа» и при помощи кнопки «Добавить» выбрать файл надстройки, которые требуется установить.

Шаблон в Word 2016

Автозагрузка надстроек в Microsoft Word

Чтобы надстройка автоматически загружалась и подключалась при запуске Word, её необходимо разместить в определенной папке по адресу …/Microsoft/Word/Startup. Если в папке …/Microsoft/Word нет папки Startup, то её можно создать вручную. Та часть пути к папке, которая обозначена многоточием, может различаться в зависимости от версий Windows и Office. Универсальный способ при помощи которого можно определить весь путь к папке автозагрузки, независимо от версий операционной системы и Office — найти место расположения шаблона Normal.dot или Normal.dotm, подняться на один уровень вверх, это будет папка «…/Microsoft» найти и перейти в папку «Word». Путь к папке автозагрузки должен выглядеть примерно так:


Другие материалы по теме:

J. Peter Bruzzese

By ,




Make Microsoft Office even more capable by using these plug-in tools

Office 2010 comes with a ton of great features, especially in its ability to connect with SharePoint 2010 and provide the collaboration capabilities that modern Office users need. However, that doesn’t mean there isn’t room for improvement. Here are seven great add-ins (or add-ons — what’s the difference anyway?) you should consider for Office.

Power Word for Word 2010: This add-in creates a new ribbon in Word that adds a variety of features, grouped into categories such as Research, Translation, and Task List. With Power Word, you can select any text in your Word document, then choose an option to search the Internet for that text (through a scientific article search, Google, YouTube, Wikipedia, and so on) or translate the text into any of 32 languages using Bing translation services.

[ Get familiar fast with Office 2010’s key applications — Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook — with InfoWorld’s set of Office 2010 QuickStart PDF guides. | Stay abreast of key Microsoft technologies in our Technology: Microsoft newsletter. ]

KuTools for Excel 2010: This add-in offers a variety of features to help you view data differently in Excel (which is especially handy when working with large workbooks), maximize your working area, merge multiple Excel workbooks, and perform batch renaming of worksheets.

VisualBee for PowerPoint: This add-in, which has three versions (free, premium, and enterprise), helps you take a presentation and spruce it up in a few clicks. VisualBee does more than apply templates to a presentation; it analyzes the content of the slide deck and tries to enhance the presentation itself, especially through the use of images, of which there are thousands in VisualBee’s visual bank. After VisualBee has done its thing, you can tweak the presentation so that it’s perfect.

More Add-in for Word 2010: This add-in allows you to make expandable segments in Word documents. This is especially helpful if you work with long documents composed of the same blocks of text because it reduces the file space taken by the repetitive data. It also helps reduce clutter in your documents by letting you hide the items you don’t want to print (such as graphics), which can also make navigation easier.

The common way to develop new functionality or custom functionality to outlook, word, excel is to develop COM addins. There are many different different technologies for making these types of addins such as Visual Basic 6.0, Delphi, C++ and .net etc.

If we talk about .NET Then there are two main ways for develop addin:

(a) With thew help of IDTExtensibility interface and other
(b) With the help VSTO(Visual studio tools for office) technology.

VSTO supports both languages VB.net and C# and office 2003 and later version.

this article demonstrate that how to make wordaddin for word 2010 by using vsto 2010.


Showing Welcome message on word application start up

Start project:

Start vsto project File — > New project — > installed Template — >  Visual C# — >  office — > 2010

Select Word 2010 add-in

Start the Word Add In

Visual studio automatically generate thisAddin.vb class( thisaddin.vb in vb.net and thisaddin.cs in C#.). we can see this class in our project. We can use this class to perform various task such as customizing the user interface of the word application , accessing object model of office host application(ih this project microsoft is the host application) etc. this type of addin is also called by ‘application label addin’.

There are two default event handlers in this class one is ThisAddin_Startup and other is ThisAddin_ShutDown.

Vsto addin use object model of host application, means if we are working for outlook addin in vsto then addin will use outlook object model or if we are working in word addin project then addin application will use word object model so our addin application will use Word Object Model.

So right now  I am telling about some important  things about word object model

Word object model consists of classes and interfaces that are provided in the primary interop assembly for Word, and are defined in the Microsoft,office,Interop.Word namespace.

The following sections briefly describe the top-level objects of word object model and how they interact with each other. These objects include the following five:

  • Application object
  • Document object
  • Selection object
  • Range object
  • Bookmark object

Application Object

The Application object represents the Word application, and it is root object of other objects. We can use its properties and methods to control the Word application.

Document Object

Document object represents a document and all of its contents. When you open a document or create a new document, you create a new Microsoft,office,Interop.Word.document object, which is added to the Documents collection of the Application object. The document that has the focus is called the active document. It is represented by the ActiveDocument property of the Application object.

Selection Object

The Selection object represents the current selected area. When you perform an operation in the Word user interface, such as bolding text, you select, or highlight the text and then apply the formatting

Range Object

The Range object represents a contiguous area in a document, and is defined by a starting character position and an ending character position.

Content Control Objects

A Microsoft,office,Interop.Word.ContentControl provides a way for you to control the input and presentation of text and other types of content in Word documents. Such as richtext contentcontrol,plaintext content control…

And Now edit the ThisAddIn class for showing welcome message on the add in start up routine.

public partial class ThisAddIn
Private void ThisAddIn_Startup(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show("Welcome to My Word Add-in");
private void ThisAddIn_Shutdown(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

Run Addin:

Download attached project and build project

Download Source code

For many writers and bloggers most of their time goes in working with Microsoft Office Word like tools. What if you can have Google Search & Wikipedia like powerful service integration within Office world itself, do you think it will increase your productivity and save your time in researching for articles. If you answer is yes then we are here with excellent Microsoft Office Word 2010 add-in for writers.

Power Word is Microsoft Office 2010 Word add-in which adds options to Office 2010 ribbon for the easy access to scientific article search, Google, News, Image, Youtube Video and Wikipedia search. It also has a todo list manager and it can translate text into 32 different languages using Bing translation service.

Power Word Add-in for Microsoft Office 2010 Word in Action

Power Word Office 2010 Addin

Download Power Word Add-in.

You will need to install Office runtime support for .Net Framework 4.0, which you can download using below link.


Image of kmurray230-sbcglobal


December 6, 2011, 9:50 PM PST

Five handy add-ins for Word 2010

Add timesaving functionality without bogging Word down. These free (or free-to-try/dirt-cheap) tools will help you knock out a variety of tasks.

Many people seem to have a love-hate relationship with add-ins. Do they make Word clunkier or extend its functionality? In part, that depends on the add-ins you choose. This article takes a look at a few free or inexpensive Word add-ins you may want to consider.

1: Microsoft Mathematics Add-in

Do you struggle with getting equations and formulas to look right in your Word documents? (Are you, like Nicolas Cage, saving the world with math?) If you’re tired of struggling with using superscript and subscript to give you just the right look, consider using the Microsoft Mathematics Add-in from the Microsoft Download Center. This add-in works for both Word and OneNote and gives you a huge collection of mathematical symbols you can insert in your equations, as well as features that help you calculate sophisticated functions, work with algebraic expressions, plot 2-D and 3-D graphics, and much more.

2: Classic Menu for Word 2010

If you long for the good-old days, when finding what you needed in Word was just a matter of knowing which menu to open, you can go back in time by adding the Classic Menu for Word 2010. The new features available in Word 2010 have been included in the classic interface, so you’ll be able to get to all the new functionality the latest version offers, but in a comforting, familiar screen design. This add-in offers a free 30-day trial, and then you’ll pay $15 if you decide you’d like to keep it.

3: More Add-in 4.2

Do you wish there were a simple way to embed optional content in your Word documents? For example, suppose you’re creating a training document, and you want it to be as concise as possible, but you also don’t want to skip information that new users might need. You can use the More Add-in 4.2 to create collapsible content in your Word document. The information remains hidden unless users click to display the additional text they need. The More Add-in offers a free trial download, which allows you 10 uses of the software. After that, if you think it’s a keeper, you’ll need to purchase a licensed copy online for $19.99.

4: Chemistry Add-in for Word

Here’s another add-in for those using Word to accomplish left-brain functions. The Chemistry Add-in for Word gives you the symbols you need to add and work with chemical information in your documents, which could include formulas, element labels, and more. You can also create 2-D diagrams of chemicals and view a panel of inline “chemical zones” so that you can see at a glance the various chemical depictions in your document. (I hope this is enough detail for you, because writing this way makes my right brain hurt.) You can download the Chemistry Add-in for Word for free from Microsoft Education Labs.

5: PowerWord 1.0

If you are an information hunter-and-gatherer, you may enjoy PowerWord 1.0. This add-in makes it easy to do a quick search using of your favorite sources — Wikipedia, Google, YouTube, etc. — for articles, photos, and news stories related to specific keywords you enter. You can also use the To-Do List Manager to create a task list of items you need to finish before the document is ready to be finalized, which is a cool feature whether you’re working solo on the file or you’re collaborating with a team.

One odd quirk about this freeware: There’s a misspelling in the Easy Research group of the PowerPack tab (Reference Search is misspelled as Reference Serach). But the functionality is there and the tool is free. Now, on to saving the world with spelling!

What free/cheap Word add-ins do you like?

What are your favorite free Word add-ins? Share your recommendations with TechRepublic readers.

  • Software

Microsoft Word is without a doubt among the most used software in the entire world, used to write simple letters, create contracts, write academic papers or reports and many other uses. As other Office applications, Word is open to third-party tools adding features to it to make the Word experience easier and more complete. Here is a list of 60+ add-ins, plugins and apps that will save you time and effort when working on Word documents.

1. Power-user l Our add-in for Word, PowerPoint and Excel will give you some great superpowers to save countless hours. Here are some of the main features it offers:

  • 1+ million high-quality pictures and company logos

Power-user add-in for PowerPoint, Excel and Word l Pictures and logos library
  • 7,000 icons and flags

  • Hundreds of templates

Power-user add-in for PowerPoint, Excel and Word l Word templates CV resume
  • 350 maps

Power-user add-in for PowerPoint, Excel and Word l Data maps
  • Advanced charts: Waterfall, Mekko, Sankey, Tornado and Gantt charts

Power-user add-in for PowerPoint, Excel and Word l Sankey charts
  • Smart diagrams like value chains, relationship, pyramids

  • Harmonize fonts and colors

  • Automate basic formating

  • Create Agenda pages in PowerPoint

  • Advanced Excel functions like SumColor, CountColor, CountVisible, CAGR, etc.

  • … and more

2. Grammarly — Free but subscription may be required l Grammarly is one of the most famous solution for helping you improve your writing process. It will check your text’s grammar, spelling but also suggest alternatives to improve the style, clarity and precision of your speech. It works with Word on Windows, Mac iOS or the web.

3. ProWritingAid — $0 to $140 l ProWritingAid is an interesting tool that lets Word users improve their writing. The add-in needs an Internet connection to work, and highlights overused words, displays a grammar report and sentence length report, analyzes your writing style, and other useful feedback for you to improve your writing. Starting with $40 a year (or $140 for a lifetime license), the premium version will let you also improve on writing with Gmail, WordPress, Google Documents, etc. and will work faster. This add-in is not available on Mac.

Word add-in l ProWritingAid

4. Link Checker — €7.95 l This add-in helps you manage internal and external links within your documents. It provides you with a tree view of those links, can find suspicious links, and let you edit or remove them. Link Checker works with Word 2003 to 2013 on Windows, but is not available for Mac.

Word add-in l Link checker

5. QuillBot — Free but subscription may be required l This add-in helps write faster thanks to the AI’s capability to rewrite sentences and paraphrase in order to improve your writing style and clarity, find synonyms, improve your vocabulary and more. QuillBot works on Windows 2013 and above on PC, Mac and Word online.

6. Proposal Pack Wizard — $69 l This add-in works as a contract and proposals assistant for Word. It helps you manage business documents such as proposals, quotes, bids, contracts, etc. It also provides some features to help you manage multiple proposals. The software works on Word for Windows 2003 to 2019, but is not available on Mac computers.

7. NXPowerLite Desktop 8 — $50 l This tool works with Word as well as PowerPoint, Excel, and and JPEG or PDF files. NXPowerLite compresses files and optimize them for screen, print or mobile devices. You can also enable it to automatically compress your email’s attachment files. NXPowerLite works on Windows but not on Mac iOS.

Word add-in l NXPowerLite Desktop 7

8. Selection Diff Tool — €3.99 l How often do you need to compare several Word documents, or multiple versions of a document? Well, this add-in lets you compares two strings of text and will show you what the differences are. If you are working on a document where someone did not use Track Change, you will still be able to avoid the terrible pain of manually identifying the differences. Selection Diff Tool works on Word and Excel 2013 and later. It is not supported by Mac computers.

Word add-in l Selection Diff Tool

9. Pro Word Cloud — Free l Use this tool for Word and PowerPoint to create word cloud images in your document or presentation. Word clouds are a great solution to introduce a word into a conversation by showing how it is related to other ideas. The more frequent a word is, the more prominent it will be on the image. There are multiple size, fonts, layouts and colors you can use. Word cloud are based on your own text, and can be used and shared freely. Pro Word Cloud works on Word and PowerPoint 2013 and later for Windows. It does not work on Mac computers.

Word add-in L Pro Word Cloud

10. IconScout — Free but subscription required l This app gives you access to millions of icons, graphics, illustrations etc. to insert in your Word documents. It runs on Word and PowerPoint 2013 and later on PC, Mac or Online.

Microsoft Word add-in l IconScout

11. Office Tabs — Free l If you are tired of moving between your Office windows this add-in is made for you. Office tabs creates a simple interface to switch between open windows of a Microsoft Office application. It creates a tab bar on your standard Word, Excel or PowerPoint window, with all the currently open documents of the same kind. You can click on a document’s title and it will switch the window to this document. Also, you can save all currently open documents with just 1 click, instead of saving them one by one. Office Tabs works on Office 365 and all versions of Office from 2003 to 2019, but does not work on Mac.

Nota Bene: this is comparable to the Tab Explorer feature included in the Power-user add-in alongside dozens of other tools for PowerPoint, Excel and Word.

Word add-in l Office tabs

12. Microsoft Dynamics — Free l Microsoft Dynamic is a great CRM solution provided by Microsoft. You can use this add-in to work on Word templates that will be updated with data directly coming from Microsoft Dynamics. You can also connect your Excel spreadsheet to your Microsoft Dynamics data, read it, analyze it or feed your dashboard, and publish data changes back into Microsoft Dynamics. If your company uses Dynamics, you will probably enjoy this app. It works for Word and Excel 2016 and later, on Windows computers only.

Word add-in l Microsoft Dynamics

13. Epsillion — $400 | Epsillion helps you create reports with a professional design in very little time. Upload some unformatted text with Epsillion, define a few parameters like the number of columns, do the same with some charts and get a great-looking PDF or HTML. This tool also lets you sync figures with Excel to save time refreshing your reports. It integrates with Word and Excel.

14. vIcons — $99 l Insert icons directly into your documents with this add-in. It provides 600 icons for you to illustrate your words. Icons can be searched using keywords you can just pick them up from the library. vIcons works with Word, PowerPoint and Excel 2007, 2010 and 2013 for Windows. It is not available on Mac.

Word add-in l vIcons

15. Excel-to-Word Document Automation — Free | This great plugin for Word allows you to update content from Excel in Word and PowerPoint, such as text, tables, charts, pictures and lists. It can save you a considerable amount of time, sparing you the effort of manually copy-pasting your content in Word every time you need to update. It works with Word 2016 and later on Windows, Mac and Online.

Word add-in l Excel-to-Word Document Automation

16. Vertex42 Templates Gallery — Free l Access the Vertex42 library of over 150 professionally designed templates for Word and Excel. Those templates include calendar, planners, budgeting, inventory, invoices or financial statements. The Vertex add-in works on Word and Excel versions 2013 and later for Windows. It is not available for Mac.

Word add-in L Vertex42 Templates Gallery

17. Decisions Meeting Documents Manager — Free but subscription required l Everyone in an organization has been in one of those countless meetings and needed to write minutes. This tool actually offers a solution to generate minutes from the meeting agenda, access minutes templates, create and assign tasks synced with Planner, To Do or Excel and share minutes for review. It works on Word 2013 and later on PC, Mac and Online.

18. QR4Office — Free l Create QR codes on your documents or slides with this app. The QR code will open a url of your choice. You can use QR4Office to make more engaging and interactive documents or presentation, have your audience use their smartphone to check a website or vote for a poll, for instance. QR4Office is available for versions of Word, PowerPoint and Excel later than 2013 on Windows. It is also available on Mac starting with version 2016.

Word add-in l QR4Office

19. Template Chooser — €20.28/y l This add-in for the Office suite provides a cloud template management solution for organizations. Templates are stored online on a SharePoint website. Template Chooser requires an Office 365 subscription and works with Word, PowerPoint and Excel for Windows. It is not available on Mac iOS.

Word add-ins l Template Chooser

20. Handy Calculator — Free l If you often need to make some quick calculation aside from your work, you might love this add-in. It provides a calculator next to your Word, PowerPoint and Excel documents. It even makes it easy for you to directly insert the the results in your documents with a Select button. Handy Calculator is available on Office applications starting from version 2013. It also works on the Mac 2016 version.

Word add-in l Handy Calculator

21. Sticky Text — Free l This Office plugin lets save words, sentences or paragraphs that you believe you will use frequecalcuntly. It also enables web searches without opening a browser, directly from your document. Sticky Text is available with Word and PowerPoint 2013, 2016 and 2019for Windows and 2016 on Mac.

22. Intento Translator — Free but subscription required l This tool lets you translate documents in Microsoft Word or Excel. You can select words and sentences, and then use it to understand content from another language or insert the translation in your document. This app can integrate with DeepL, Google, Baidu and other services so you can choose the best translation. It works with Word 2013 or higher, as well as Word on Mac, iPad or Online.

23. Translation by Text United — Variable l This is an interesting add-in that allows you to send files to a network platform of freelance translators to review or translate your documents. Once your account is created, you just need to select a language and level for the translation, and copy-paste your text. Professionals will make the translation at a given price. You can then ask them to make changes if you need before validating the order. The plugin allows you is available directly from SharePoint so you can send any file directly.

Word add-in l TextMaster

24. Spreadsheet123 — Free l Although initially designed for Excel, Spreadsheet123 is now a Word add-in as well. Instead of starting a document from scratch, pick up a template in their library. The templates include financial statements, budgeting, payroll, invoicing, time sheets, checklists or inventory management templates. Spreadsheet123 works with Word and Excel 2013 Service Pack 1 or later as well as Word and Excel online. This add-in is however not supported on Mac computers.

Word add-in l Spreadsheet123

25. Document Wizard — $4.99/mo l This Word add-in lets you update information such as author, brand name, organizational unit or legal disclaimer of a document with just a click. Documents need first to be configured for working with the Document Wizard. This tool works only on Word 2016 and later versions, for Windows and for Mac., as well as Word online.

Word add-in l Document Wizard

26. DocuSign for Word — OnQuote l DocuSign lets you send documents for eSignature. You can securely sign yourself documents, or send it for a colleague or client to sign it. You can also store all your signed documents in a dedicated OneDrive folder. DocuSign meets legal standards. Although DocuSign claims to be an Office App Award 2015 Winner of the Most Business Value, the reviews for this app are really negative and people complain about errors when trying to connect. DocuSign is compatible with Word 2013 and later on Windows, Word 2016 on Mac, Word for iPad and Word Online.

Word add-in l DocuSign

27. Mendeley Citation Plugin — Free l As the name suggests, this add-in lets you search for citations without leaving your Word document. If you are writing academic documents such as thesis or publications, you will love this tool. Just type your keywords and the add-in will search in your Mendeley Library. This tool works with Word and LibreOffice on Windows, Mac and Linux.

28. ImageVault Connect for Office — $2.99/mo l The Image Vault Connect for Office add-in lets you search or browse in your existing media library with ImageVault. You can then insert your resources in your document with a single click. You need an existing ImageVault server and credentials before you can use it. This app works with Word and PowerPoint 2013 and later on Windows, as well as Word Online.

Word add-in l ImageVault Connect for Office

29. Wikipedia — Free l This app for Office lets you quickly access Wikipedia content for your Office documents. It also makes it simpler to reference text and images. Search results will appear in a task pane, and you can choose to show text and images, or just images. The Wikipedia app works with Word and Excel 2013 or later, on Word and Excel 2016 for Mac, on Word and Excel for iPad as well as on Word and Excel Online.

Word add-in l Wikipedia

30. RefWorks for Word — £11.99/y l The RefWorks app lets you insert in-text citations directly from your Word documents, move and remove citations and auto-generate or update your bibliography. This is clearly meant for students, academics or researchers who are writing papers with many references. You need to be a subscriber of RefMe Plus and RefMe Institute before you can actually use it. The app is available on Word 2016 on Windows and Word for iPad.

Word add-in l RefMe for Word

31. CRM Word Interface — Free l This app can be used to generate Word documents from Microsoft CRM. Typically, you can use it to bring customer data from your CRM into a mail or contract template in Word.

Word add-in l CRM Word Interface

32. Adobe Sign — Free but a subscription is required l With this Adobe add-in, you can electronically send Word and PowerPoint documents for electronic signature to colleagues, partners or clients. A subscription is required to use the service. It does not work on Mac and is available for Word and PowerPoint 2013 or later on Windows.

Word add-in l Adobe Document Cloud eSign services

33. Qorus — Free but a subscription is required l The Qorus add-in lets you save time when working on Word documents, with features to automatically generate new documents, searching and inserting existing content from your SharePoint site, ensuring documents are up to date or cleaning them before sending. Qorus requires a subscription to use the service. It is available on Word 2013 or later for Windows. Qorus is not available on Word for Mac.

Word add-in l Qorus Document Builder for Word

34. Lexis for Microsoft Office — Free l This add-in from the famous law services firm LexisNexis helps create and review legal documents. You can use this tool to make searches, get cited documents, verify quotes, manage citations format and more. It works with Word 2016 and 2019 on Pc, Mac, iPad and Online.

Word add-in l Lexis for Microsoft office

35. Read my Document — Free l This tool can read your Word documents, using text-to-speach technology so you can hear the content of your file without even looking at it. The app works with Word 2013+, Word Online and Mac iOS.

36. Pickit Presentation Images — Free but a subscription is required for HD images l Pickit Presentation Images is an add-in that lets you browse for images from Word and PowerPoint. Images can be previewed from a task pane, and you can search pictures, icons, 3D or moving images without leaving your application. Although the app is free, you will need a subscription if you want pictures to be in HD. Pickit works with Word and PowerPoint 2013 and later on Windows, as well as Word and PowerPoint 2016 on Mac and Word and PowerPoint Online.

Nota Bene: A feature comparable to this tool also exists within the Power-user suite, allowing you to browse over 100,000+ high-quality pictures and it’s 100% free, without requiring a subscription.

Word add-in l Pickit Presentation Images

37. Symbols and Characters — Free l This Office add-in helps you insert special characters and symbols in your Word documents. Contrary to the native Symbols button in Office, it uses contextual information to suggest relevant symbols based on your selection. It can be very convenient to easily find currency, mathematical, copyright or language-specific symbols. The app works with Word, PowerPoint and Excel 2013+, on PC, Mac and Online.

Word add-in l Symbols and Characters

38. Rhymes.net — Free l If you have the mind and soul of a poet, this app is definitely made for you. It lets you go through a rhyming dictionary to find the rhymes that will sound just right with your words. You can search by senses as well. Rhymes.net works with Word 2013 and later on PC, and 2016 on Mac.

Word add-in l Rhymes.net

39. Easy Code Formatter — Free l With this app you can easily format your text as code in Word 2013 on PC or Mac iOS.

40. Sciwheel — Free but subscription required l This Word add-in is great for citing easily in research papers. This tool will help you manage references, can suggest citations and will easily format your bibliography. It works for Word 2016 or later on Windows, Mac or Word Online.

Sciwheel Word add-in

41. Microsoft Mathematics — Free l Microsoft Mathematics is an add-in that lets you plot charts, solve equations or inequalities in Word and OneNote. The add-in works with Microsoft Word 2007 and 2010, as well as OneNote 2010 on Windows.

42. Adobe Document Generation — Free l This ADobe add-in lets you easily create templates for documents with consistent branding using Adobe Document Generation API. Such templates can be invoices, contracts, reports and more. It works on Word 2016 and later on Windows, Mac and on the Online version.

43. Word Training and Tips — Free l If you are beginning with Word, this GoSkills add-in will help you learn some tips & tricks to improve your command of the software with Word cheat sheets. Subscribing will give you access to training as well. The plugin works with Word 2013 or later on Windows, as well as the 2016 Mac version and Word Online.

Word add-in l Word Training and Tips

44. Writer — Free but subscription may be required l Writer is meant for companies wanting a
unified style, voice and terminology on all their documents. It can check the usual grammar and, but also approved terms, pronouns, compliance and more. It is compatible with Word 2016 and later on Windows, Mac and Online.

45. PROMT Dictionary and Translator — Fee l Make sure you don’t use an unwise word that will cause some incident, by getting the exact definition with this add-in. The dictionary also provides translations with multiple choices of words, and translations can be inserted in your documents with just a click. The app supports English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Russian and Spanish. It requires an Internet connection to work, as well as Word, Excel, PowerPoint or Project version 2013 or later, or the 2016 Mac version.

Word add-in l PROMT Dictionary and Translator

46. vLex — Free but subscription may be required l This add-in is made for legal teams and can help drafting legal advice, identify legal citation and case law validity, get recommendation and more. The app works on Word 2013 and later on Windows, Mac, iPad and Word Online.

47. Easy Code Formatter — Free l If you are developer, this plugin will let you edit your code in a Word document following the properly formatted syntax. Highlight your code and select the coding language, and your code will be formatted to look just like in any code editor. This app works with Word 2013 on Windows, and on the 2016 version for Mac and Online.

48. Pictographr — Free l Insert visual content to your Office documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook). Use this to add a design layer to your work and illustrate it with vivid visuals. Pictographr works with Office 2016 and later on Windows and Mac.

Word add-in l Graph Plotter

49. Pixabay Images — Free l The Pixabay add-in lets you search for online pictures available on Pixabay, without leaving Word or PowerPoint. And the best of it is that all pictures are available under Creative Common CC0, i.e. they are in the public domain and you don’t have to pay nor to give attribution to the author. Pixabay Images works with Word and PowerPoint 2013 or later on Windows as well as Word and PowerPoint 2016 on Mac and Online.

Nota Bene: this is comparable to the Pictures library included in the Power-user add-in alongside other tools and which includes over 100,000 pictures.

Word add-in l Pixabay Images

50. IMG Effector — Free l Once you have inserted images in your document, you might want to rework them a bit to give them nice visual effects. This free tool can apply 15 different effects to images in your documents. It works on Word 2013 or later on Windows only.

Word add-in l IMG Effector

51. Spell checker and Grammar checker by Scribens — Free or Premium l This plugin lets you detect and correct 250 types of grammar mistakes within Word documents, but also improve your style by avoiding repetitions for instance. The app works with Word 2016 or later on Windows and on Word 2016 on Mac.

Word add-in l Scribens Grammar Checker

52. PDFfiller — Free l This tool lets you open and edit files stored on OneDrive as printable PDFs. This add-in requires Word 2013 or later on Windows or Word Online. It is not supported by Mac iOS.

53. Resume CV Template Builder & Optimizer — Free l Let this app guide you into designing your resume. Enter your data and let it make the design part for you. You can also import your Linkedin profile to get a CV in a matter of minutes. This Word app requires version 2016 or later on Windows or Word 2016 on Mac.

Word add-in l Curriculum Vitae Builder

54. Semrush SEO Writing Assistant — Free but subscription may be required l This app designed by famous SEO website Semrush will help you optimize your Word content for high performance on search engines. It will offer suggestions based on best performing content on Google’s SERPs, based on competitors and defined target audience and keywords. This is a great idea for copywriters and anyone writing on Word content that will end up on a website. This tool works with Word 2013 or later on Windows, Mac and Word Online.

55. Woodpecker — Free l Woodpecker is a Word app made to help small businesses save time by providing a templates creation and management solution. Templates can be shared with a team so that people can collaborate on it and Woodpecker provides automated formatting. Woodpecker works on Microsoft Word version 2013, 2016 and 2019 for PC, Word 2016 on Mac and Word Online.

Word add-in | Woodpecker

56. Emoji Keyboard — Free l This funny app lets you insert smileys for various emotions in your word document with a single click. The app works with Word, PowerPoint and Excel 2013 and later on Windows, as well as the 2016 Mac version.

57. 300Editors — Free l This add-in will let you hire professional editors around the globe to proofread your text. You can get your document read in real time. The app requires a Microsoft account attached to OneDrive, and works on Word 2013 or later on Windows or Word Online.

Word add-in l 300Editors

58. Consistency Checker — Free l This add-in scans your document and detects consistency mistakes in your text. It looks into hyphenation (e.g. ‘part time’ and ‘part-time’), spelling (e.g. ‘color’ and ‘colour’), use of numbers in sentences, etc. It’s always good to run a little consistency check before you submit your document! The app works on Word and Excel 2013 or later, the Mac 2016 and the Online versions.

Word add-in l Consistency Checker

59. Lucidchart Diagrams — Free but requires subscription l This add-in lets you insert HTML5 diagrams, flowcharts, UML, wireframes, Mind maps, org charts, etc. The app works on Word 2013 or later on Windows and on Word 2016 on Mac.

60. Dolphin Compose — Free l Dolphin Compose is a common phrase library. The idea behind it is great: you or your organization often use and reuse the same phrases, contract clauses or commercial arguments. This add-in will let you search, edit or reuse such phrases, ensuring correctness, brand consistency and up to date content. You will need to host your library on SharePoint, OneDrive or Dolphin365, and the app will run on Word 2013 or later on Windows, as well as the Mac 2016 and the Online versions.

Word add-in l Dolphin Compose


Although not exhaustive, this list of add-ins for Microsoft Word provides a wide range of useful tools that will enhance you experience of working with Word. Add-ins have the potential to save you a tremendous amount of time and give you new perspectives.

If you are interested in PowerPoint add-ins as well, check our list of 40+ add-ins, plugins and apps for Microsoft PowerPoint.

If you are also interested in Excel add-ins, check our list of 75+ add-ins, plugins and apps for Microsoft Excel.

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