Word about missing someone

Check out this list of missing you quotes if you’re longing to see and hold the person you love!

In any relationship—romantic, familial, between friends, or otherwise—we can’t avoid being separated because of different circumstances.

It might be because of our busy lives or even the distance.

But, in one way or another, we’re left with no choice but to separate or lose touch.

However, we shouldn’t let time or distance break the bonds we’ve built with people.

They’ll know you’ve kept them in your heart if you send them a simple “I miss you” text or message. Through this, we keep the love and bond alive.

Some people may be vocal about their feelings, but others are not.

Thankfully, we have a list of missing you quotes that will give you the boost you need to send a quick note of love to your sweetheart, family, or friends.

Scroll through to the end and find your favorites!

Continue to the list below.

1. “I miss you in ways that not even words can understand.” – Gemma Troy

2. “Love is missing someone whenever you’re apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you’re close in heart.” – Kay Knudsen

3. “You know someone is very special to you when days just don’t seem right without them.” – John Cena

4. “Thinking of you every second, minute, hour, day, is medication to my illness of missing you.” – Zawad Karim

5. “Whenever I miss you, I look at my heart. Because it’s the only place I can find you.” – Kaushal Singh

6. “If I could plant a flower for every time I miss you, I could walk through my garden forever.” – Anonymous

7. “Sometimes, when one person is missing, the whole world seems depopulated.” – Lamartine

8. “I miss your voice because it is a symphony; your scent because it is a treasure; your smile because it is a jewel; your hug because it is a masterpiece; and your kiss because it is a miracle.” – Matshona Dhliwayo

9. “You can love someone so much, but you can never love people as much as you can miss them.” – John Green

10. “They say that time heals all wounds but all it’s done so far is give me more time to think about how much I miss you.” – Anonymous

Famous Quotes About Missing Someone

11. “Missing someone and not being able to see them is the worst feeling ever.” – Anonymous

12. “You know you really miss someone when you crave something so simple such as the sound of their voice.” – Anonymous

13. “It’s strange how many ways there are to miss someone. You miss the things they did and who they were, but you also miss who you were to them. The way everything you said and did was beautiful or entertaining or important. How much you mattered.” – Robin Roe

14. “Missing someone enlightens how the person means to you and broadens the feelings shared.” – Unarine Ramaru

15. “Missing someone is a part of loving them. If you’re never apart, you’ll never really know how strong your love is.” – Helen Fielding

16. “When we miss someone, often, what we really miss is the part of us that with this someone awakens.” – Luigina Sgarro

17. “Missing someone is your heart’s way of reminding you that you love them.” – Anonymous

18. “When you miss someone, it’s weird. Your body doesn’t function normally as it should. Because I miss you, and my heart—it’s not steady. My soul—it sings numb. Fingers are cold—like you, your soul.” – Coco J. Ginger

19. “How you can already miss someone when you are in the same room with them, I have no idea. But I do.” – Karen Harrington

20. “Missing someone isn’t about how long since you’ve seen them or the amount of time you’ve talked to them. It’s about that very moment when you’re doing something and wishing they were right there with you.” – Anonymous

Missing You Quotes for Your Sweetheart

21. “I miss you every second of every minute, every minute of every hour, every hour of every day.” – Shanece

22. “Time goes by a lot slower when you miss the one you love.” – Anonymous

23. “I miss you more than the sun misses the sky at night.” – Taylor Swift

24. “Poets use countless words to describe their pain, but I only need three: I miss you.” – Caroline George

25. “Words can’t describe the ache that runs through my body when I’m missing you.” – Anonymous

26. “Hearing the words, ‘I miss you,’ from the right person is an amazing feeling.” – Anonymous

27. “Someone asked me if I missed you. I didn’t answer. I just closed my eyes and walked away and whispered, ‘So much.’” – Anonymous

28. “I heard someone whisper your name. When I turned around to see who it was, I found myself alone. Then I knew, it was my heart missing you.” – Anonymous

29. “I miss you like the sun misses the flowers, like the sun misses the flowers in the depths of winter, instead of beauty to direct its light to, the heart hardens like the frozen world which your absence has banished me to.” – A Knight’s Tale

30. “Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling in at night. I miss you like hell.” – Edna St Vincent Millay

Missing You Quotes for Him

31. “If I miss you any harder, my heart might come looking for you.” – Gemma Troy

32. “A hug for you means I need you. A kiss for you means I love you. A call for you means I’m missing you.” – Beth Obedoza

33. “I’ve missed you every single day we weren’t together since the moment I met you.” – Colleen Hoover

34. “I miss everything about him. I miss the talks that we used to have. I miss his friendship, his smile, and his kindness. But most of all, I miss his love.” – Annette Evans

Missing You Quotes for Her

35. “I miss you a little. A little too much, a little too often, and a little bit more every day.” – John Michael Montgomery

36. “I miss you and I want to be with you. It’s as simple and as complicated as that.” – Charles Bukowski

37. “I miss you deeply, unfathomably, senselessly, terribly.” – Franz Kafka

38. “The pain of missing you is a beautiful reminder of the joy of loving you.” – Dean Jackson

39. “Yes, the nights are the worst part of missing you. Too much time and not enough to keep me occupied. So my thoughts travel to you, to missing you.” – Donald D. Grasham

40. “He kisses me like he misses me, even before I have to go.” – C.J. Carlyon

41. “Missing you comes in waves, and tonight I’m drowning.” – Chris Young

42. “There’s solace in the thought that I will never finish missing her.” – Jim Crace

43. “For when the cold winds blow, I will close my eyes calmly knowing I am anchored to you.” – Tyler Knott Gregson

44. “But I must admit, I miss you quite terribly. The world is too quiet without you nearby.” – Lemony Snicket

Short Quotes About Missing Your Partner

45. “I only miss you when I’m breathing.” – Jason Derulo

46. “I love you past the moon and miss you beyond the stars.” – JmStorm

47. “But nothing makes a room feel emptier than wanting someone in it.” – Calla Quinn

48. “I started missing you the moment you said goodbye.” – Anonymous

49. “Have you ever missed someone so much you feel physically sick?” – Anonymous

50. “I did three things today—miss you, miss you, and miss you.” – Anonymous

51. “I pretend to ignore you, but I really just miss you.” – Anonymous

52. “His eyes missed her as much as the rest of him.” – Rainbow Rowell

53. “I would prefer to be kissing you rather than missing you.” – Anonymous

Sweet Missing You Quotes to Express What You Truly Feel

54. “Missing you is my hobby, caring for you is my job, making you happy is my duty, and loving you is my life.” – Anonymous

55. “My world is thinning and it’s all because of one person I’m missing.” – Sanober Khan

56. “I miss you when something really good happens because you are the one I want to share it with.” – Anonymous

57. “And they can’t understand what hurts more—missing the other person, or pretending not to.” – Khadija Rupa

58. “I think of you with every waking moment of my life and dream of you with every dream that I have; I miss you.” – Kong Moua

59. “After all the time that has passed, I still find myself missing you every minute of each hour, each hour in a day, every single day of each week, every week of the month, and every month of the year.” – Anonymous

60. “My heart never knew loneliness until you went away. I’m missing you.” – Anonymous

61. “I miss those kisses and the way I used to sleep in your warm hug. I miss the way you made me eat breakfast and I miss the way you made me laugh. I miss you.” – Himmilicious

Missing You Quotes That Everyone Can Relate To

62. “The scary thing about distance is you don’t know whether they’ll miss you or forget you.” – Nicholas Sparks

63. “They say that time heals all wounds but all it’s done so far is give me more time to think about how much I miss you.” – Elizabeth Wilder

64. “I miss our conversations. I miss how we used to talk every minute of every day and How I was able to tell you everything that was on my mind.” – Anonymous

65. “You realize how much you truly miss someone when something happens, good or bad, and the only person you want to tell is the one person who isn’t there.” – Anonymous

66. “You never really stop missing someone—you just learn to live around the huge gaping hole of their absence.” – Alyson Noel

Missing Quotes for Friends

67. “There are friendships imprinted in our hearts that will never be diminished by time and distance.” – Dodinsky

68. “I miss you. Not in some cheesy, ‘Let’s hold hands and be together forever kind of way.’ I just miss you, plain and simple. I miss your presence in my life. I miss you always being there for me. I miss you best friend.” – Anonymous

69. “No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other’s worth.” – Robert Southey

70. “I am proud to call you my best friend and it doesn’t matter what happens in life, I can always count on you. I am feeling blessed thanks to you. I miss my best friend very much.” – Anonymous

71. “True friends are never apart. Maybe in distance, but never in heart.” – Helen Keller

72. “There should be a little gap between you and your friends, though you’ll miss their companionship and you’ll also miss their disrespect.” – Michael Bassey Johnson

Quotes About Missing Your Family

73. “I miss my family. It hurts not having them close, but it would hurt even more if I didn’t have them at all.” – Anonymous

74. “Remembering our loved ones is breathing life into their fading images, that we might once more see their faces and pass along a tearful, ‘I miss you.’” – Richelle E. Goodrich

75. “It’s hard when you miss people. But you know if you miss them, that means you’re lucky. It means you had someone special in your life, someone worth missing.” – Nikki Schiefelbein

76. “Even though I miss you so much, it comforts me to know that we are at least both under the same sky.” – Anonymous

More Missing Quotes That You Will Love

77. “I dropped a tear in the ocean. The day you find it is the day I will stop missing you.” – Anonymous

78. “When you are missing someone, time seems to move slower, and when I’m falling in love with someone, time seems to be moving faster.” – Taylor Swift

79. “To miss is not to suffer, but is to end suffering. Missing is the essence of need. It’s good to miss and be missed. That means you exist. Now you just have to also live.” – Codrin Tapu

80. “I miss you. I might not always show it, might not always tell people, but on the inside, I miss you like crazy.” – Anonymous

Do You Ever Miss Someone So Much That You Find It Hard to Breathe?

Loving someone gives us all great pleasure and happiness. On the flip side, it may also cause extreme despair and sorrow. When we’re separated from the ones we love, we feel incomplete and sometimes even think we’ve lost who we’re living life for.

The good thing is, with all the technological advancements we’re presented with now, it’s so easy to reach out and get in touch with the people who give us purpose. Everyone’s just a quick chat, e-mail, or call away. We might be busy with our own lives, and they might be too, but at least the tools are there for us to use whenever we want to reconnect with the people we miss.

So, what are you waiting for? We’re sure you were able to gather a couple of quotes that you can send your partner, parents, or friends! Send them a quick note of appreciation and love after you’re done with this collection.

Which quotes will you send your loved ones? Did these quotes unravel some pretty intense emotions? Comment below.

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Quotes tagged as «missing-someone»
Showing 1-30 of 297

“That’s the worst way to miss somebody. When they’re right beside you and you miss them anyway.”

I Am Number Four

Ranata Suzuki

“Your memory feels like home to me.
So whenever my mind wanders, it always finds it’s way back to you.”

Ranata Suzuki

Ranata Suzuki

“…the sad part is, that I will probably end up loving you without you for much longer than I loved you when I knew you.
Some people might find that strange.
But the truth of it is that the amount of love you feel for someone and the impact they have on you as a person, is in no way relative to the amount of time you have known them.”

Ranata Suzuki

“But nothing makes a room feel emptier than wanting someone in it.”

Calla Quinn,

All the Time

Ranata Suzuki

“There is an ocean of silence between us… and I am drowning in it.”

Ranata Suzuki

Ranata Suzuki

“If you cannot hold me in your arms, then hold my memory in high regard.
And if I cannot be in your life, then at least let me live in your heart.”

Ranata Suzuki

Rainbow Rowell

“You think that holding someone hard will bring them closer. You think that you can hold them so hard that you’ll still feel them, embossed on you, when you pull away.
Every time Eleanor pulled away from Park, she felt the gasping loss of him.”

Rainbow Rowell,

Eleanor & Park

Ranata Suzuki

“If you’re searching for a quote that puts your feelings into words – you won’t find it.
You can learn every language and read every word ever written – but you’ll never find what’s in your heart.
How can you?
He has it.”

Ranata Suzuki

Ranata Suzuki

“When you experience loss, people say you’ll move through the 5 stages of grief….
Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance
….. What they don’t tell you is that you’ll cycle through them all every day.”

Ranata Suzuki

Ranata Suzuki

“I think perhaps I will always hold a candle for you – even until it burns my hand.
And when the light has long since gone …. I will be there in the darkness holding what remains, quite simply because I cannot let go.”

Ranata Suzuki


“I could’ve sworn I was telling the truth when I told you I didn’t miss you.”


I Wrote This For You

Sarah Dessen

“The worst thing you can do if you miss or need someone is let them know it.”

Sarah Dessen,

Lock and Key

Ranata Suzuki

“It’s painful, loving someone from afar.
Watching them – from the outside.
The once familiar elements of their life reduced to nothing more than occasional mentions in conversations and faces changing in photographs…..
They exist to you now as nothing more than living proof that something can still hurt you … with no contact at all.”

Ranata Suzuki

Ranata Suzuki

“I had someone once who made every day mean something.
And now…. I am lost….
And nothing means anything anymore.”

Ranata Suzuki

Coco J. Ginger

“Growth in love comes from a place of absence, where the imagination is left to it’s own devices and creates you to be much more then reality would ever allow.”

Jamie Weise

Ranata Suzuki

“I miss that feeling of connection.
Knowing he was out there somewhere thinking about me at the same time I was thinking about him.”

Ranata Suzuki

Ranata Suzuki

“He was both everything I could ever want…
And nothing I could ever have…”

Ranata Suzuki

Ranata Suzuki

“Though these words will never find you, I hope that you knew I was thinking of you today….. and that I was wishing you every happiness.
Love Always,
The girl you loved once.”

Ranata Suzuki

Coco J. Ginger

“I want your most vital organ. I want it to be mine.”

Jamie Weise

Sara Teasdale

“I thought of you and how you love this beauty,
And walking up the long beach all alone
I heard the waves breaking in measured thunder
As you and I once heard their monotone.

Around me were the echoing dunes, beyond me
The cold and sparkling silver of the sea —
We two will pass through death and ages lengthen
Before you hear that sound again with me.”

Sarah Teasdale

Ranata Suzuki

“I raised you so high that every other man on earth is now doomed to live in your shadow.”

Ranata Suzuki

Ranata Suzuki

“It’s difficult for me to imagine the rest of my life without you. But I suppose I don’t have to imagine it… I just have to live it”

Ranata Suzuki

Ranata Suzuki

“The last time I felt alive – I was looking into your eyes.
Breathing your air…. touching your skin…
… Saying goodbye….
The last time I felt alive…. I was dying.”

Ranata Suzuki

Stuart Dybek

“Our plans for the future made us laugh and feel close, but those same plans somehow made anything more than temporary between us seem impossible. It was the first time I’d ever had the feeling of missing someone I was still with.”

Stuart Dybek,

The Coast of Chicago

Ranata Suzuki

“I didn’t love you to seek revenge.
I didn’t love you out of loneliness or unhappiness.
I didn’t love you for any of the misguided reasons that time might convince you I did.
I just loved you because you’re you.”

Ranata Suzuki

Ranata Suzuki

“Your smile and your laughter lit my whole world.”

Ranata Suzuki

“I can’t take not knowing what the next day will bring- the uncertainty is sawing me in two. The room is dark. A flickering candle burns on the window ledge a few feet away. I take a deep breath, which is to say, as deep a breath as I can take.

«Are you okay?» Sarah asks.

I wrap my arms around her. «I miss you,» I say.

«You miss me? But I’m right here.»

«That’s the worst way to miss somebody. When they’ re right beside you and you miss them anyway.”

Pittacus Lore,

I Am Number Four

“The absence of a message sometimes is a presence of one.”

Hasse Jerner

Ranata Suzuki

“It’s times like this…. when it’s over a year later and I’m still crying over you that I want to turn to you and say: See…. This is why I asked you never to kiss me.”

Ranata Suzuki

Renée Ahdieh

“A trickle of blood slid down his arm.
He felt nothing. He only saw it.
Because nothing hurt like missing her.
He suspected nothing ever would”

Renee Ahdieh,

The Rose & the Dagger

There are many reasons why we miss someone. They have moved away, they have passed away, or for whatever reason you just do not associate with them anymore. Whatever the reason, it is very hard to miss someone, isn’t it? You can go through bouts of depression, anxiety, anger, and many other feelings in dealing with the loss. Every individuals deals with loss and missing someone in their own way. Maybe the do destructive things, binge eat, cry a lot, or just hide out away from everyone. No matter how you handle missing someone, it is not wrong.

There is no right way to deal with missing someone. Take your time, work through whatever caused the person to go away, and everything will be ok in time. The feelings are not going to disappear overnight, but they will eventually lessen.

I am going to provide you with some quotes that will hopefully help you get over your feeling of missing that special someone. I have done my best to find positive quotes to help you through this difficult time.

1. “Your memory feels like home to me.So whenever my mind wanders, it always finds it’s way back to you.”― Ranata Suzuki

2. “You think that holding someone hard will bring them closer. You think that you can hold them so hard that you’ll still feel them, embossed on you, when you pull away. Every time Eleanor pulled away from Park, she felt the gasping loss of him.” ― Rainbow Rowell

3. “Growth in love comes from a place of absence, where the imagination is left to it’s own devices and creates you to be much more then reality would ever allow.” ― Jamie Weise

4. “Our plans for the future made us laugh and feel close, but those same plans somehow made anything more than temporary between us seem impossible. It was the first time I’d ever had the feeling of missing someone I was still with.” ― Stuart Dybek

5. “It’s hard when you miss people. But you know if you miss them, that means you’re lucky. It means you had someone special in your life, someone worth missing.” ― Nikki Schiefelbein

6. “It’s strange how many ways there are to miss someone. You miss the things they did and who they were, but you also miss who you were to them. The way everything you said and did was beautiful or entertaining or important. How much you mattered.” ― Robin Roe

7. “And yet I want to be human; I want to be thinking of him because then I feel he is alive somewhere, if only in my head.”
― Sally Green

8. “you can never love someone as much as you miss them” ― John Green

9. “Do our dreams carry messages from the great beyond, sent by the people we have lost, or are they a reflection of our desperation and wishful thinking?” ― Zeina Kassem

10. “Everyone we meet has wounds upon their heart. Everyone is waiting for someone to scatter the seeds of love amongst their  tears and to be patient enough to wait for their beautiful fragrance of dreams to awaken once more.” ― Mimi Novic

11. “And I think missing you hurts the most when something funny happens. Because in that one moment I find myself laughing, and within the next second I want to tell or text you what happened. And then it hits me again, every single time, that you aren’t there anymore. That I lost that one thing that mattered to me.” ― Elisabeth Van den Abeele

12. “Aloneness and all-oneness is our authentic nature. We are always alone and all-one. We came into this planet alone and all-one. We will leave alone and all-one. And also during our whole staying in this world, no matter how we engage in relationships, we continue to be alone and all-one, though we may forget about it or pretend it is not the case.
True love has nothing to do with the idea that someone is the other half of my soul and that I need him or her in order to be whole and feel complete. Only when we can be alone and all-one with someone there is true love, regardless of whether that someone is still with us or not. And yet… I miss you…” ― Franco Santoro

13. “I thought I was over him! So why did my heart still rip? Why did I still feel this sorrow? I got this strange sensation that God was with me. And he was angry. He was very angry–not at me and not at Jack. God was angry at the pain I was going through. I wondered if that was why God hated sin, because of the destruction it caused. For a moment I felt awe for a God who loved me enough to hate the things that hurt me without hating me for causing them.” ― Susan E. Isaacs

14. “I’m awful about your name. I still jump when I hear it. I still feel it rattling somewhere in my stomach. I think I’m jealous of anyone that gets to say it because it’s not my right anymore. Years from now I’ll be standing in a supermarket and someone will casually brush past me, your name falling from their mouth like confetti. I’ll drop everything that I’m holding. My knees will wobble in the way they only did when I was with you. Years from now I’ll still remember how your name tasted in my mouth and I’ll have to start missing you all over again.” ― Azra.T

15. “She’d missed the way he walked, the way he shoved his hands into his pockets when he was nervous, the way his dark hair fell into his mismatched eyes. The way a smile would flicker across his face before he committed to it, the way he looked at her like she was the only person in the world.” ― Kate Lattey

16. “Its been a long time we both talked properly. I guess its because many thing went wrong between us and ik that ab its difficult to get back on the road; road on which we used to travel before. You know every time I open my messenger the first thing that i check is that whether you’re online or not. Let’s begin again and try not to discuss on old shits.. Love you” ― Taimoor Madni

17. “There will always be a part of you that misses her. You’ll see something that reminds you of her and want to tell her about it, only to realize she’s not there anymore. Then you’ll feel her loss all over again. (Ravyn)
You’re not helping me, Ravyn. (Jack) I know, buddy. But you will eventually make peace with yourself, and that’s the most important thing. Eventually, you’ll even be able to smile again when you think about her. (Ravyn)” ― Sherrilyn Kenyon, Dark Side of the Moon

18. “For when the cold winds blow, I will close my eyes calmly, knowing I am anchored to you.” — Tyler Knott Gregson

Related: Missing a Friendship Quotes

19. “You know someone is very special to you when days just don’t seem right without them.” — John Cena

20. “I miss you. Not in some cheesy “Let’s hold hands and be together forever kind of way”. I just miss you, plain and simple. I miss your presence in my life. I miss you always being there for me. I miss you best friend.” — Unknown

21. “When you miss someone….it’s weird…your body doesn’t function normally..as it should. Because I miss you, and my heart…it’s not steady…my soul it sings numb. Fingers are cold…like you…your soul.” – Coco J. Ginger

22.  “Sometimes I wish that I could have said I love you one more time before you left from my life. I really miss you!” — Unknown

23. “I miss our conversations. I miss how we used to talk every minute of every day and How I was able to tell you everything that was on my mind.” — Unknown

24. “If you wanna know how much I miss you, try to catch rain drops, the ones you catch is how much you miss me, & the other you miss is how much I miss you!” — Unknown

25. “A thousand words couldn’t bring you back… I know this because I tried, neither could a thousand tears… I know this because I cried, you left behind a broken heart and happy memories too… but I never wanted memories… I only wanted you.” — Unknown

When You Miss Someone

Related: Can’t Get You Off My Mind Quotes


Missing someone is never easy. It takes each of us time to grieve in our own way, no matter why we are missing someone. There is no time-frame, no perfect or right way, we just know we miss the person and we need time and space. Whether they have moved away, you broke up, they have passed on … there are many reason to miss someone.

Keep your chin up and do the best that you can to go on with your life. Do NOT give up or give in to the pain and loneliness. In time, it will become easier and things will begin to make sense again, and a new ‘normal’ will happen.

Related: You’re Gonna Miss Me Quotes

Alice Judy

I’m Alice Judy and AnQuotes is a fun hobby for me. We know that everyone loves a great quote and our mission here is simple – to be the best and most interesting quote site in the world! If you have quotes you would like us to cover, please contact us.

Listen to article 4 minutes

The missing someone quotes below are here to provide you with comfort, reassurance, and a brand new perspective. 

Missing someone is one of the most heart-wrenching emotions that you can experience.

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  • Missing Friends Quotes
  • Getting Over Someone Quotes
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According to a YouGov survey, 62% of Americans have used text messages to express their feelings of missing someone, demonstrating that sending such messages is common.

If you are looking for a way to express your feelings of missing someone, send them missing you quotes as an effective way to communicate your emotions and connect with someone far away.

Are you missing someone right now? 

Despite the circumstance, missing someone can make you feel isolated.

When you’re in the trenches of this emotion, it sticks with you, and it can feel like there is nothing worse than it.

From TV personalities to authors, the people below have gone through the same things that you are right now.

If you’re having trouble expressing your feelings, you’ll find exactly what you’re looking to say in the quotes below. 

Remember it is also ok to not be ok.

Enjoy the beautiful, poetic collection of quotes below!

Also, check out these I miss you quotes for him and her.

Check out our most popular quote article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily inspiration.

Check out our entire collection of motivational quotes here. 

Relatable missing someone quotes

A report by the American Psychological Association showed that verbalizing emotions can have therapeutic benefits, reducing stress and promoting mental well-being.

So, if you’re feeling down or missing someone, expressing your feelings through words, whether it’s in person or through messages, can help you feel better and improve your emotional health.

1. “It’s better for people to miss you than to have seen too much of you.” – Edward Norton

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2. “Missing someone and not being able to see them is the worst feeling ever.” – Nathanael Richmond

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You will also enjoy our article on quotes about losing a loved one.

3. “It’s strange how many ways there are to miss someone. You miss the things they did and who they were, but you also miss who you were to them. The way everything you said and did was beautiful or entertaining or important. How much you mattered.” – Robin Roe

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4. “No matter where you go you will always be in my heart.” – Anthony T. Hincks

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5. “And they can’t understand, what hurts more—missing the other person, or pretending not to.” – Khadija Rupa

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6. “When we miss someone, often, what we really miss is the part of us that this someone awakens.” – Luigina Sgarro

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7. “I wish I had done everything on Earth with you.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

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8. “I miss you in ways that not even words can understand.” – Gemma Troy

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9. “It is lonely here and I miss your light.” – Ranata Suzuki

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10. “In case you ever foolishly forget: I am never not thinking of you.” – Virginia Woolf

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11. “It’s so much darker when a light goes out than it would have been if it had never shone.” – John Steinbeck 

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You will also enjoy our article on best relationship quotes.

12. “I should know enough about loss to realize that you never really stop missing someone-you just learn to live around the huge gaping hole of their absence.” – Alyson Noel

missing someone quotes about loss

You will also enjoy our article on missing mom quotes.

13. “There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition, and of unspeakable love.” – Washington Irving

deep missing someone quotes

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14. “I miss you in waves and tonight I’m drowning.” – Denice Envall

sad missing someone quotes

You will also enjoy our article on feeling lost quotes.

15. “How strange to dream of you even when I am wide awake.” – D.J.

missing someone quotes that will make you cry

You will also enjoy our article on fog quotes.

16. “If you want someone to miss you, go secretly and spray your fragrance somewhere.” – Blake Lively

miss someone quotes and sayings

Missing someone quotes about love

According to a study published in the Journal of Communication, expressing affection through text messages can increase relationship satisfaction and commitment.

Thus, if you’re missing someone, sending them a heartfelt message can help strengthen your bond and show them that you value and cherish your relationship.

17. “I think that one of the reasons why people look towards the end of humanity is that people are afraid to die alone. If you die alone, the people you love will miss you, or if they die, you miss them – the sorrow is inevitable. When you truly love someone, the thought of losing them forever is horrible.” – Joe Rogan

long missing someone quotes and sayings

You will also enjoy our article on Arthur Morgan quotes.

18. “A key to keeping your husband is getting him to miss you. That keeps a marriage fresh.” – Tori Amos

missing someone quotes about marriage

You will also enjoy our article on feelings quotes.

19. “Among men and women, those in love do not always announce themselves with declarations and vows. But they are the ones who weep when you’re gone. Who miss you every single night, especially when the sky is so deep and beautiful, and the ground so very cold.” – Alice Hoffman

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You will also enjoy our article on Taylor Swift quotes.

20. “You know someone is very special to you when days just don’t seem right without them.” – John Cena

special missing someone quotes

You will also enjoy our article on ride or die quotes.

21. “Missing someone is a part of loving them. If you’re never apart, you’ll never really know how strong your love is.” – Gustave Flaubert

missing someone quotes about love

22. “Perhaps one day we will meet again as characters in a different story, may we’ll share a lifetime then.” – Pavana

missing someone quotes to give you hope

23. “When something you love gets taken away, it hurts you.” – Frank Gore

missing someone quotes that hurt

24. “The air I breathe in a room empty of you is unhealthy.” – John Keats

profound missing someone quotes and sayings

25. “I left the light in my heart on in case you ever wanted to come back home.” – Lennon Hodson

Relatable missing someone quotes and sayings

26. “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” – Winnie the Pooh

27. “The pain of missing you is a beautiful reminder of the joy of loving you.” – Dean Jackson

Don’t forget to also read these Bonnie and Clyde quotes for the ultimate ride or die couple.

Missing someone quotes about grief

28. “Grief is never something you get over. You don’t wake up one morning and say, ‘I’ve conquered that; now I’m moving on.’ It’s something that walks beside you every day. And if you can learn how to manage it and honour the person that you miss, you can take something that is incredibly sad and have some form of positivity.” – Terri Irwin

29. “There is no cure for grief which time does not lessen and soften.” –  Cicero

30. “So don’t lose heart if you grieve. Every healthy human being grieves in their own way and at their own time.” – Michael Dunsmore

31. “Remembering our loved ones is breathing life into their fading images, that we might once more see their faces and pass along a tearful “I miss you.” – Richelle E. Goodrich

32. “What we once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose, for all that we love deeply becomes part of us.” — Helen Keller

33. “Grief is the agony of an instant; the indulgence of grief the blunder of a life.” – Benjamin Disraeli

34. “The risk of love is loss, and the price of loss is grief – But the pain of grief is only a shadow when compared with the pain of never risking love.” – Hilary Stanton Zunin

35. “Grief at the absence of a loved one is happiness compared to life with a person one hates.” – Jean de la Bruyère

36. “Grief can’t be shared. Everyone carries it alone. His own burden in his own way.” – Anne Morrow Lindbergh

37. “Grief is like mending a knee. You can mend the knee and make it function, but the knee never actually heals.” – Jason Reynolds

38. “People in grief need someone to walk with them without judging them.” – Gail Sheehy

39. “Tearless grief bleeds inwardly.” – Christian Nestell Bovee

40. “While grief is fresh, every attempt to divert only irritates. You must wait till it be digested, and then amusement will dissipate the remains of it.” – Samuel Johnson

41. “Grief and loss happen to everyone. We’ve all felt misunderstood during times of great pain. We’ve also stood by, helpless, in the face of other people’s pain. We’ve all fumbled for words, knowing no words can ever make things right.” – Megan Devine

42. “Grief is like a moving river, so that’s what I mean by it’s always changing. It’s a strange thing to say because I’m at heart an optimistic person, but I would say in some ways it just gets worse. It’s just that the more time that passes, the more you miss someone.” – Michelle Williams

43. “Grief is the price we pay for love.” – Queen Elizabeth II

Missing someone quotes about letting go

44. “I wish for you the wisdom to realize that it’s okay to miss something, but not want it back.” – Steve Maraboli

45. “People have a hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of a fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

46. “Relationships are eternal. The ‘separation’ is another chapter in the relationship. Often, letting go of the old form of the relationship becomes a lesson in pure love much deeper than any would have learned had the couple stayed together.” – Marianne Williamson

47. “Letting go helps us to live in a more peaceful state of mind and helps restore our balance. It allows others to be responsible for themselves and for us to take our hands off situations that do not belong to us. This frees us from unnecessary stress.” – Melody Beattie

48. “Nothing in the universe can stop you from letting go and starting over.” – Guy Finley

49. “I think that what makes you cool at the end of the day is letting go, not being superficial or uptight, and being different.” – Peyton List

50. “There’s a victory in letting go of your expectations.” – Mike White

51. “Sometimes, only one person is missing, and the whole world seems depopulated.” – Alphonse de Lamartine

52. “Love is missing someone whenever you’re apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you’re close in heart.” – Kai Knudsen

Other Missing someone quotes and sayings

53. “I miss you more than the sun misses the sky at night.” – Taylor Swift

54. “It’s hard when you miss people. But you know if you miss them, that means you’re lucky. It means you had someone special in your life, someone worth missing.” – Nikki Schiefelbein

55. “If you don’t think every day is a good day, just try missing one.” – Cavett Robert

56. “Anyone who says he can see through women is missing a lot.” – Groucho Marx

57. “I suppose the things that you always take for granted, that you don’t even notice, are what you miss the most.” – Sarra Manning

58. “For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

59. “You left , and my heart is a ceaseless sermon of loneliness.” – Jesse Tyler Ferguson

60. “Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.” – Robert A. Heinlein

More insightful missing someone quotes

61. “That’s the worst way to miss somebody. When they’re right beside you and you miss them anyway.” ― Pittacus Lore

62. “But nothing makes a room feel emptier than wanting someone in it.” ― Calla Quinn

63. “Your memory feels like home to me. So whenever my mind wanders, it always finds it’s way back to you.” ― Ranata Suzuki

64. “The worst thing you can do if you miss or need someone is let them know it.” ― Sarah Dessen

65. “No, I don’t miss you… Not in a way that one is missed.
But I think of you.
In the way that one might think of the summer sunshine
On a winter night…”
― Sreesha Divakaran

66. “How you can already miss someone when you are in the same room with them, I have no idea. But I do.” ― Karen Harrington

67. “His eyes missed her as much as the rest of him.” ― Rainbow Rowell

68. “I missed her, the idea of her.” ― Cecelia Ahern

69. “It’s wild to miss someone so much, and yet in order to care for them you have to constantly say goodbye.” ― Elizabeth Acevedo

70. “But as the years passed, he missed her more, not less, and his need for her became a cut that would not scar over, would not stop leaking.” ― Dennis Lehane

Missing Someone Quotes That Will Make You Emotional

71. “There’s solace in the thought that I will never finish missing her.” ― Jim Crace

72. “I just wanted to tell you how beautiful you were; that day, that night, that life.” ― Anthony Liccione

73. “She sits there and feels the loneliness and the lack of him.” ― Maggie O’Farrell

74. “I remember his eyes. They are just like mine. Every time I look in the mirror I see him. I try not to look at myself too much.” ― Ida Løkås

75. “Have you loved someone so deep in your heart, you wanted to keep them hidden & all to yourself?” ― Dinesh Kumar Biran

76. “I missed Eve so much I couldn’t be a human anymore and feel the pain that humans feel. I had to be an animal again.” ― Garth Stein

77. “There’s not a day that goes by, without me thinking of you, dying, in someone else’s arms.” ― Anthony Liccione

78. “Missing someone enlightens how the person means to you and broadens the feelings shared.” ― Unarine Ramaru

79. “I would remember how I had wanted her and hated her and wished she would leave me alone and never let me go. And I would miss her.” ― Amy Harmon

80. “I wonder if that’s just how it feels to miss someone so bad – like being stabbed in the gut a little bit, each time you think of them.” ― Kate Ellison

Missing Someone Quotes to Express The Emptiness

81. “When you miss someone you crumble in pieces with love, when you miss someone you have a need to show it.” — Willene Bunting

82. “They say hope springs eternal; my hope in this empty place is for that to be true. Though I cannot bear the emptiness that comes from missing you.” — Gary Price

83. “Life has been good and life has been miserable, but life without you would be no life at all.” — Beverly Marshaw

84. “You dance in my mind throughout the day and I struggle to sleep at night because of you. I miss you.” — Stephanie Thom

85. “Her wild side. Her soft side. I missed everything.” — Shari Low

86. “There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from where they are and hug them for real.” — Diana Elmessiri

87. “I hope you are dancing with the angels and watching over us. I miss you and forever will you be in our hearts.” — Becky Fairbanks

88. “I am continually thinking about you, and I miss you very much. Oh, when shall we meet again?” — Blanche Remington Eby

89. “Missing you is one of the highlights of my existence.” — William Wallace Tara

90. “I’m really learning what it is to truly miss someone.” — Karen Lynne Duffie

Missing Someone Quotes To Express The Empty Space Perfectly 

91. “When you are missing someone, time seems to move slower, and when I’m falling in love with someone, time seems to be moving faster.” — Taylor Swift

92. “Missing you comes in waves, and tonight I’m drowning.” — Chris Young

93.“Missing you is flashes of our past and fantasies of our future with the hard irony of the absence of our present as present occurs.” — Zhi

94. “Missing someone, they say, is self-centered. I self-center you more than ever.” — Sasa Stanisic

95. “I think part of me doesn’t want to remember him, for fear of missing him too much.” — Francesca Marciano

96. “Must I wonder if your thoughts are of me? If you are missing me, wanting me, creating heart beats and poet-less words for me?” — N’Zuri Za Austin

97. “If you never left again, I would still spend the rest of my life missing you.” — Tessa Bailey

98. “My world is thinning and it’s all because of one person I’m missing.” — Sanober Khan

99. “Missing someone doesn’t always mean you need to have them back in your life. Sometimes you just feel their absence in present.” — Anurag Prakash Ray

100. “Whenever I am missing you, I also remember how fortunate I was that you were in my life. I wouldn’t trade those moments for the world.” — Cindy Adkins

Missing Someone Quotes To Show Power Of Genuine Love

101. “It may happen that we miss the people we took care of more than we miss those who took care of us because the desire to love and the search for meaning are stronger than the desire to be loved.” ― Luigina Sgarro

102. “When you miss your loved one, remember the beautiful moments you’ve had with them. And when your heart swells, cuddle your pillow and let your tears soothe the pain.” ― Anoir Ou-Chad

103. “Poets use countless words to describe their pain, but I only need three: I miss you.” ― Caroline George

104. “You are the someone in my life whom I will miss always!” ― Avijeet Das

105. “Missing someone is the same as breathing, I suppose. It continues until the end.” ― Caroline George

106. “I miss him for all the things he forgot to see in himself & if im lucky fate will help us rekindle a flame that never got set alight in the first place.” ― Nikki Rowe

107. “You’ll fight. You’ll die. And I’ll miss you.” ― Brent Weeks

108. “As a child, I was very careful not to erase my mother’s writing on the chalkboard because I would miss her.” ― Joyce Rachelle

109. “Missing someone is the reverberating echo of everything beautiful about her—her laugh, her song, her touch, her smell, the power of her words, and the constant shadow that lingers on as her perfect image in your memory.” ― Richelle E. Goodrich

110. “What a wonderful sadness to miss the one you have loved forever, it seems, and know that she is waiting at home.” ― Dan Groat

Heartfelt Quotes on Missing Someone Quotes 

111. “I miss you. A little too much, a little too often, and a little more every day.” ― Ed Sheeran

112. “I miss you like hell.” ― Ernest Hemingway

113. “The thing that hurts the most is not being able to see you again. I miss you.” ― Nicholas Sparks

114. “The worst thing about missing you is that I can’t do anything about it.” ― J.A. Redmerski

115. “That’s how you know you love someone, I guess, when you can’t experience anything without wishing the other person were there to see it, too.” ― Kaui Hart Hemmings

116. “The scariest thing about distance is that you don’t know whether they’ll miss you or forget you.” ― Nicholas Sparks

117. “The worst part of getting close to someone is the part when you have to miss them.” ― Yasmin Mogahed

118. “You never stop loving someone. You just learn to live without them.” ― Tupac Shakur

119. “It’s weird to feel like you miss someone you’re not even sure you know.” ― David Foster Wallace

120. “Just because you miss someone doesn’t mean you need them back in your life. Missing is just a part of moving on.” ― Macklemore

Have you let go of someone recently? 

Letting go is a very difficult thing to do.

This is especially true if the person in question has become an important part of your life.

What I’ve learned is that what usually comes after the hard process of letting go is peace. 

The tug of war of whether to keep someone in your life or not can clog your daily thoughts.

Where you used to have mental clarity, whether during school or work, you are constantly going through a fog.

Finally letting go can give you the clarity that you have always been searching for. 

What’s your favorite missing someone quotes and saying above?

Are you planning on sharing it with a loved one?

Let us know your thoughts below!

Everyday Power

Quotes About Missing Someone Who Has Passed Away

If you are searching for quotes about missing someone who has passed away? You have come to the right place. Here is the collection of the best quotes about missing someone who died to get you inspired.

When someone you love has passed away, there’s a feeling of missing a part of yourself. Sometimes you feel a little better about the situation, when you could read some quotes about missing someone who died. Check out the following best quotes about missing someone who has passed away.

Inspirational Quotes About Missing Someone Who Has Passed Away

1. What is lovely never dies, but passes into another loveliness, Star-dust or sea-foam, Flower or winged air. — Thomas Bailey Aldrich

2. Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal. — Anonymous

3. The sorrow we feel when we lose a loved one is the price we pay to have had them in our lives. — Rob Liano

4. Those we love never truly leave us. There are things that death cannot touch. — Jack Thorne

Quotes About Missing Someone Who Has Passed Away

5. We never truly get over a loss, but we can move forward and evolve from it. — Elizabeth Berrien

6. After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure. — Albus Dumbledore

7. Death wasn’t a movie where the pretty star faded away with a touch of pale makeup and every hair in place. — Soheir Khashoggi

8. Lucky is the spouse who dies first, who never has to know what survivors endure. — Sue Grafton

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9. Love doesn’t die with death. Love is like liquid; when it pours out, it seeps into others’ lives. Love changes form and shape. Love gets into everything. Death doesn’t conquer all; love does. Love wins every single time. — Kate O’Neill

10. Those we love and lose are always connected by heartstrings into infinity. — Terri Guillemets

11. Unables are loved to die. For love is immortality. — Emily Dickinson

12. If the people we love are stolen from us, the way to have them live on is to never stop loving them. — James O’Barr

Quotes About Missing Someone Who Has Passed Away

13. Missing someone and not being able to see them is the worst feeling ever. — Anonymous

14. They that love beyond the world cannot be separated by it. For death is no more than a turning of us over from time to eternity. Death cannot kill what never dies. — William Penn

Famous Quotes About Missing Someone Who Has Passed Away

15. What we have once enjoyed we can never lose; all that we deeply love becomes a part of us. — Helen Keller

16. Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It’s the transition that’s troublesome. — Isaac Asimov

17. On the death of a friend, we should consider that the fates through confidence have devolved on us the task of a double living, that we have henceforth to fulfill the promise of our friend’s life also, in our own, to the world. — Henry David Thoreau

18. Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened. — Dr. Seuss

19. Never. We never lose our loved ones. They accompany us; they don’t disappear from our lives. We are merely in different rooms. — Paulo Coelho

20. Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form. — Rumi

Famous Quotes About Missing Someone Who Has Passed Away

21. If there ever comes a day when we can’t be together, keep me in your heart, I’ll stay there forever. — A.A. Milne

22. For life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one. — Khalil Gibran

23. A great soul serves everyone all the time. A great soul never dies. It brings us together again and again. — Maya Angelou

24. There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart. — Mahatma Gandhi

25. Give sorrow words. The grief that does not speak whispers the o’er-fraught heart and bids it break. — William Shakespeare

Missing Quotes For Someone Who Has Passed Away

26. If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever. — Alfred Lord Tennyson

27. Sadly enough, the most painful goodbyes are the ones that are left unsaid and never explained. — Jonathan Harnisch

28. All deaths are sudden, no matter how gradual the dying may be. — Michael McDowell

29. Death, like fiction, is brutal in its symmetry. Take this story and strip it down -all the way back- until you are left with two points. Two dots on a vast, blank canvas, separated by a sea of white. — Lang Leav

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30. Remember that people are only guests in your story — the same way you are only a guest in there’s — so make the chapters worth reading. — Lauren Klarfeld

31. The only way to get over a death is by seeing it as a life completed, instead of a life interrupted. — Anonymous

Quotes For Someone Who Has Passed Away

31. There is no greater sorrow than to recall happiness in times of misery. — Dante

32. When we lose someone we love we must learn not to live without them, but to live with the love they left behind. — Anonymous

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33. You can’t truly heal from a loss until you allow yourself to really feel the loss. — Mandy Hale

34. We understand death only after it has placed its hands on someone we love. — Anne L. de Stael

35. Whoever said that loss gets easier with time was a liar. Here’s what really happens: The spaces between the times you miss them grow longer. Then, when you do remember to miss them again, it’s still with a stabbing pain to the heart. And you have guilt. Guilt because it’s been too long since you missed them last. — Kristin O’Donnell Tubb

Best Quotes About Missing Someone Who Has Passed Away

36. Your absence makes the whole world seem empty. No words can explain the sadness in the depths of my soul. For as long as the world keeps spinning, I will miss you. — Anonymous

37. The mightiest power of death is not that it can make people die, but that it can make the people you left behind want to stop living. — Fredrik Backman

38. Love wins by lasting through death. Love wins by loving more, loving again, loving without fear. — Kate O’Neill

Quotes About Missing Someone Who Has Passed Away

39. For death is no more than a turning of us over from time to eternity. — William Penn

40. The tragedy of life is in what dies inside a man while he lives. — Norman Cousins

41. The only way to get over a death is by seeing it as a life completed, instead of a life interrupted. — Anonymous

42. The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost. — G.K. Chesterton

43. To have been loved so deeply, even though the person who loved us is gone, will give us some protection forever. — J.K. Rowling

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44. Death is tough for the people left behind on earth. — Prateeksha Malik

45. Those we have held in our arms for a short while we hold in our hearts forever. — Anonymous

46. What we have once enjoyed deeply we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us. — Helen Keller

47. Seeing death as the end of life — is like seeing the horizon as the end of the ocean. — David Searls

Quotes About Missing Someone Who Has Passed Away

48. You can never forget the person who died. It’s impossible. You can, however, release the pain and remember the deep love. You can continue to love the deceased while living. — Chelsea Hanson

49. When we lose one we love, our bitterest tears are called forth by the memory of hours when we loved not enough. — Maurice Maeterlinck

Quotes About Missing Someone Who Died

50. The dead are held in such high esteem that we only remember the good things, and we not only forgive their faults but we forget them. — Jen DeLuca

51. The pain passes, but the beauty remains. — Pierre Auguste Renoir

52. Time doesn’t heal all wounds. We both know that’s bullshit; it comes from people who have nothing comforting or original to say. — Adam Silvera

53. I still love Granny. It flowed out of my chest. With Granny gone, where would my love go? — Jessica Maria

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54. Because death is the only thing that could have ever kept him from you. — Ally Carter

55. Though lovers be lost, love shall not; And death shall have no dominion. — Dylan Thomas

Quotes About Missing Someone Who Died

56. The mightiest power of death is not that it can make people die, but that it can make the people you left behind want to stop living. — Fredrik Backman

57. Tears shed for another person are not a sign of weakness. They are a sign of a pure heart. — José N. Harris

58. If you ever lose someone dear to you, never say the words they’re gone. They’ll come back. — Anonymous

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59. The dead never truly die. They simply change form. — Suzy Kassem

60. He spoke well who said that graves are the footprints of angels. — Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

61. I am always saddened by the death of a good person. It is from this sadness that a feeling of gratitude emerges. I feel honored to have known them and blessed that their passing serves as a reminder to me that my time on this beautiful earth is limited and that I should seize the opportunity I have to forgive, share, explore, and love. I can think of no greater way to honor the deceased than to live this way. — Steve Maraboli

Memories Quotes About Missing Someone Who Has Passed Away

62. The things that his death gave rise to are still there, bright and clear, inside me, some of them even clearer than when they were new. — Haruki Murakami

63. Only a moment you stayed, but what an imprint your footprints have left on our hearts. — Dorothy Ferguson

64. As long as there is love and memory, there is no true loss. — Cassandra Clare

Quotes About Missing Someone Who Has Passed Away

65. The memories we have for those who left are our ultimate consolation. — Anoir Ou-Chad

66. Love is stronger than death even though it can’t stop death from happening, but no matter how hard death tries it can’t separate people from love. It can’t take away our memories either. In the end, life is stronger than death. — Anonymous

67. Like a bird singing in the rain, let grateful memories survive in times of sorrow. — Robert Louis Stevenson

68. Memories are all that you have, which help you survive the storms and struggles of your daily life after you lose someone! — Nikita Dudani

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69. Simply touching a difficult memory with some slight willingness to heal begins to soften the holding and tension around it. — Stephen Levine

70. There are memories that time does not erase. Forever does not make loss forgettable, only bearable. — Cassandra Clare

71. Only a moment you stayed, but what an imprint your footprints have left on our hearts. — Dorothy Ferguson

72. When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure. — Anonymous

Quotes About Missing Someone Who Has Passed Away

73. When I close my eyes I see you; When I open my eyes I miss you. — Anonymous

74. Death does that to us, it’s like a phone call, you always remember exactly what you should have said the moment you hang up. Now there’s just an answering machine full of memories on the other end, fragments of a voice that are getting weaker and weaker. — Fredrik Backman,

Short Quotes About Missing Someone Who Has Passed Away

75. Closed eyes, heart not beating, but a living love. — Avis Corea

76. I love you everyday. And now I will miss you every day. — Mitch Albom

77. The death of a beloved is an amputation. — C. S. Lewis

78. Everyone for whom I would have cried has already died. — Kathryn Orzech

79. Death, the last sleep? No, it is the final awakening. — Sir Walter Scott

80. Grief is the price we pay for love. — Queen Elizabeth II

81. Come back. Even as a shadow, even as a dream. — Euripides

Short Quotes About Missing Someone Who Has Passed Away

82. Loss is only temporary when you believe in God! — Latoya Alston

83. Death” is never an end, but a To Be Continued! — Renée Chae

84. I will not say: do not weep; for not all tears are an evil. — J.R.R. Tolkien

85. Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality. — Emily Dickinson

86. Because death is the only thing that could have ever kept him from you. — Ally Carter

87. To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die. — Thomas Campbell

88. Loss can remind us that life itself is a gift. — Louise Hay and David Kessler

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Deep Quotes About Missing Someone Who Has Passed Away

89. Deep down inside we always seek for our departed loved ones. — Munia Khan

90. You cannot stop the birds of sorrow from flying over your head, but you can stop them nesting in your hair. — Eva Ibbotson

91. And where does that minute go, that minute that separates life from death? I want those sixty seconds back. — Carmen Rodrigues

Quotes For Someone Who Has Passed Away

92. The whole world can become the enemy when you lose what you love. — Kristina McMorris

93. Death is a pigeon flying off with straw in its beak, romance riding its shoulder as it heads for home. — Karl Wiggins

94. The most painful thing in life is to watch the people you love wither away. — Oliver Markus Malloy

95. I’m not afraid of my death, I’m afraid of losing loved ones. — Efrat Cybulkiewicz

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96. So I wasn’t there when he died, which I regret. But after a certain point in life a person has to dunk her regrets in the morning coffee, just like biscuits. — Natalia Ginzburg

97. You gave me a forever within the numbered days, and I’m grateful. — John Green

98. You don’t know how easy death is. It’s like a door. A person simply walks through it, and she’s lost to you forever. — Eloisa James

99. The hardest thing to do is forget someone who was the reason for your smile. — Anonymous

Quotes About Missing Someone Who Has Passed Away

100. You don’t know who is important to you until you actually lose them. — Mahatma Gandhi

101. When he died, all things soft and beautiful and bright would be buried with him. — Madeline Miller

Missing Parents Who Passed Away Quotes

102. But she wasn’t around, and that’s the thing when your parents die, you feel like instead of going into every fight with backup, you are going into every fight alone. — Mitch Albom

103. We shall find peace. We shall hear angels, we shall see the sky sparkling with diamonds. — Anton Chekhov

104. I wonder if my first breath was as soul-stirring to my mother as her last breath was to me. — Lisa Goich-Andreadis

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105. Remember that everyone you meet is afraid of something, loves something, and has lost something. — Jackson Brown Jr.

106. The sun can break through the darkest cloud; love can brighten the gloomiest day. — William Arthur Ward

Missing Parents Who Passed Away Quotes

107. Mother was comforted. Mother was home. A girl who lost her mother was suddenly a tiny boat on an angry ocean. Some boats eventually floated ashore. And some boats, like me, seemed to float farther and farther from land. — Ruta Sepetys

108. The Lord gives a good many things twice over, but he doesn’t give ye a mother but once. -Harriet Beecher Stowe

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109. In the night of death, hope sees a star, and listening love can hear the rustle of a wing. — Robert Ingersoll

110. What kind of wife would I be if I left your father simply because he was dead? — Jess Walter

111. I don’t see my father’s death as an absence, rather as a different existence. — Anoir Ou-Chad

Missing You Quotes For Someone Who Passed Away

112. I’d give in to the grief but make sure I wasn’t loud enough to draw attention from those who think words will make me feel better. — Adam Silvera

113. Death had touched her, hurt her, and left her to deal with its disagreeable aftermath. — Zoe Forward

114. Your absence kills me every second. No matter how long I live, time can never heal the agony brought on by your demise. — Anonymous

115. I should know enough about loss to realize that you never really stop missing someone-you just learn to live around the huge gaping hole of their absence. — Alyson Noel

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116. His death brings new experience to my life that of a wound that will not heal. — Ernst Jünger

117. We don’t forget, but something vacant settles in us. — Roland Barthes

Missing You Quotes For Someone Who Passed Away

118. Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near; still loved, still missed and very dear. — Anonymous

119. When I saw your strand of hair I knew that grief is love turned into an eternal missing. — Rosamund Lupton

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120. Remember me with smiles and laughter, for that is how I will remember you all. If you can only remember me with tears, then don’t remember me at all. — Laura Inglés Wilder

121. We need to grieve the ones we have loved and lost in this lifetime — not to sustain our connection to suffering, but to sustain our connection to love. — J. W.

122. If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger. — Emily Bronte

Grief Quotes About Missing Someone Who Has Passed Away

123. There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are messengers of overwhelming grief and unspeakable love. — Washington Irving

124. Grief, no matter how you try to cater to its wail, has a way of fading away. — V.C. Andrews

125. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. — Matthew 5:4

Quotes About Missing Someone Who Has Passed Away

126. Grief and loss have a special way of revealing your true support system. Take note. — Mitta Xinindlu

127. There is one thing I can say for certain about grief: it will change you. Whether you choose to defeat grief or be defeated, you will be changed. — Glenn Cameron

128. Grief is in two parts. The first is loss. The second is the remaking of life. — Anne Roiphe

129. It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived. — George S. Patton Jr.

130. Grief is existential testimony to the worth of the one loved. That worth abides. So I own my grief. I do not try to put it behind me, to get over it, to forget it. Every lament is a love-song. — Nicholas Wolterstorff

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131. When you lose what you love remember to stay strong. Look out the window and remember life goes on. — Drew Chadwick

132. Say not in grief ‘he is no more’ but in thankfulness that he was. — Hebrew Proverb

133. The risk of love is loss, and the price of loss is grief But the pain of grief is only a shadow when compared with the pain of never risking love. — Hilary Stanton Zunin

134. Grief is NOT a mental illness or an emotional disorder. Anyone who tells you otherwise has never experienced it for themselves. — Rebecca McNutt

135. In your time of grief remember that none of us really die — we are kept alive by living in the memories that we made with them while we were here. Hold onto those memories. It is the key to living forward. — Anonymous

136. Grief and love are conjoined, you don’t get one without the other. — Jandy Nelson

Quotes About Missing Someone Who Has Passed Away

137. The very worst part of grief is that you can’t control it. The best we can do is try to let ourselves feel it when it comes. And let it go when we can. — Grey’s Anatomy

138. Grief is like the ocean, it comes in waves ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim. — Vicki Harrison

Wise Quotes About Missing Someone Who Has Passed Away

139. There is no new beginning. No second chance. You turned to me and I wasn’t there. You are dead. If I had taken your call, you would be alive. It’s as blunt as that. I’m sorry. — Rosamund Lupton

140. I don’t think of all the misery, but of all the beauty that remains. — Anne Frank

141. If you have a sister and she dies, do you stop saying you have one? Or are you always a sister, even when the other half of the equation is gone? — Jodi Picoult

142. And yet I want to be human; I want to be thinking of him because then I feel he is alive somewhere, if only in my head. — Sally Green

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143. As long as we live, they too will live, for they are now a part of us, as We remember them. — Proverb

144. Though we are terrorized by death, it’s not different from birth, it just happens. — Bangambiki Habyarimana

Quotes About Missing Someone Who Has Passed Away

145. The deeper that sorrow carves into your being,the more joy you can contain. — Kahlil Gibran

146. Never take life for granted. Savor every sunrise, because no one is promised tomorrow or even the rest of today. — Eleanor Brownn

147. Loss is nothing else but change, and change is nature’s delight. — Marcus Aurelius

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148. Everyone copes differently, some cry for the loss of a loved one others smile because they know they’ll see them again. — Anonymous

149. Your end, which is endless, is as a snowflake dissolving in the pure air. — Anonymous

150. You will lose someone you can’t live without, and your heart will be badly broken, and the bad news is that you never completely get over the loss of your beloved. But this is also the good news. They live forever in your broken heart that doesn’t seal back up. And you come through. It’s like having a broken leg that never heals perfectly-that still hurts when the weather gets cold, but you learn to dance with the limp. — Anne Lamott

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