Wool air airship word aviation

Повторение грамматики

Упражнение 1.

Поставьте следующие существительные во множественное число (обратите внимание на артикли: неопределенный артикль во множественном числе опускается, определенный артикль сохраняется).

A baby, a plant, a lemon, a peach, a banana, abrush, a star, a mountain, a tree, a shilling, a king, the waiter, the queen, a man, the man, a woman, the woman, an eye, a shelf, a box, the city, a boy, a goose, the watch, a mouse, a dress, a toy, the sheep, a tooth, a child, the ox, a deer, the life, atomato, a secretary, a crowd, the airport, a theatre, the tornado, a shop, the tragedy.


Скрытый текст

Babies, plants, lemons, peaches, bananas, brushes, stars, mountains, trees, shillings, kings, the waiters, the queens, men, the men, women, the women, eyes, shelves, boxes, the cities, boys, geese, the watches, mice, dresses, toys, the sheep, teeth, children, the oxen, deer, the lives, tomatoes, secretaries, crowds, the airports, theatres, the tornadoes, shops, the tragedies.

 Упражнение 2.

Поставьте следующие словосочетания во множественное число.

This magazine, that sticker, this stamp, that sandwich, this poster, this teacup, this egg, that wall, that picture, this foot, that mountain, this lady, that window, this man, that match, this knife, this book, this family, this pie, that answer, that apartment, that teacher, that comedy.


Скрытый текст

These magazines, those stickers, these stamps, those sandwiches, these posters, these teacups, these eggs, those walls, those pictures, these feet, those mountains, these ladies, those windows, these men, those matches, these knives, these books, these families, these pies, those answers, those apartments, those teachers, those comedies.

Упражнение 3.

Поставьте следующие существитель­ные во множественное число (обратите внимание на артикли: неопределенный артикль во множе­ственном числе опускается, определенный артикль сохраняется).

A star, a mountain, a tree, a shilling, a king, the waiter, the queen, a man, the man, a woman, the woman, an eye, a shelf, a box, the city, a boy, a goose, the watch, a mouse, a dress, a toy, the sheep, a tooth, a child, the ox, a deer, the life, a tomato.


Скрытый текст

stars, mountains, trees, shillings, kings, the waiters, the queens, men, the men, women, the women, eyes, shelves, boxes, the cities, boys, geese, the watches, mice, dresses, toys, the sheep, teeth, children, the oxen, deer, the lives, tomatoes. 

Упражнение 4.

Выпишите исчисляемые существительные в одну колонку, а неисчисляемые существительные в другую колонку. При исчисляемых существительных поставьте артикль а или аn *):

Wool, fir, airship, word, aviation, assistance, assistant, paper (бумага), paper (газета), honr, bread, darkness, water, sea, cheese, happiness, event, glass (стекло), glass (стакан), hero, sand, music, piano, friend, friendship, quickness, tobacco, cigarette, copper, armchair, coffee, ship, coin, university, money, ink, banknote, meat, silver, watch, timber, tree, idea, ice, furniture, chalk, heat, cow, milk, butter, horse, obligation, machine, equipment, instrument, speed, umbrella.


Скрытый текст

an airship

a word

an assistant

a paper (газета)

an hour a sea

an event

a glass (стакан)

a hero

a piano

a friend

a cigarette

an armchair

a ship

a coin

a university

a banknote

a watch

a tree

an idea

a cow a horse

an obligation

a machine

an instrument

an umbrella





paper (бумага)






glass (стекло)





















Упражнение 5.

Напишите выделенные существительные во множественном числе, сделав, где необходимо, соответствующие изменения в предложении:

1. Put the box on the shelf.

2. I have hurt my foot.

3. This is an English dictionary.

4. Where is the knife?

5. This factory has a good laboratory.

6. The last leaf fell from the tree.

7. This story is very long.

8. The speech was very interesting.

9. He left the key on the table.

10. Where is the brush?

11. I like his new play.

12. The roof of the house was covered with snow.

13. The wife of the sailor came to the shore.

14. A copy of the contract was sent to Leningrad.

15. The cargo of the steamer consists of different raw materials.


Скрытый текст

1. Put the boxes on the shelves.

2. I have hurt my feet.

3. These are English dictionaries.

4. Where are the knives?

5. These factories have good laboratories.

6. The last, leaves fell from the tress.

7. These stories are very long.

8. The speeches were very interesting.

9. He left the keys on the table.

10. Where are the brushes?

11. I like his new plays.

12. The roofs of the houses were covered with snow.

13. Hie wives of the sailors stood on the shore.

14. Copies of the contract were sent to Leningrad.

15. The cargoes of the steamers consist of various raw materials.

Wool, air, airship, word, assistance, assistant, paper (бумага), paper (газета), hour, bread, darkness, water, sea, cheese, happiness, event, glass (стекло), glass (стакан), hero, music, piano, friend, friendship, quickness, tobacco, cigarette, armchair, coffee, ship, coin, university, money, ink, banknote, meat, silver, watch, tree, idea, ice, furniture, heat, cow, milk, butter, horse, machine, instrument, speed, umbrella.

Исчисляемые Неисчисляемые
an airship – дирижабль, воздушный корабль
a word – слово
an assistant – помощник, ассистент
a paper – газета
an hour – час
a sea – море
an event – событие
a glass – стакан
a hero – герой
a piano – пианино
a friend – друг
a cigarette – сигарета
an armchair – кресло
a ship – корабль
a coin – монета
a university – университет
a banknote – банкнота
a watch – часы (наручные)
a tree – дерево
an idea – идея, мысль
a cow – корова
a horse – лошадь
a machine – машина
an instrument – инструмент
an umbrella – зонт
wool – шерсть
air – воздух
assistance – помощь
paper – бумага
bread – хлеб
darkness – темнота
water – вода
cheese – сыр
happiness – счастье
glass – стекло
music – музыка
friendship – дружба
quickness – быстрота, скорость
tobacco – табак
copper – медь
coffee – кофе
money – деньги
ink – чернило
meat – мясо
silver – серебро
ice – лед
furniture – мебель
heat – тепло
milk – молоко
butter – масло
speed – скорость

Примеры неисчисляемых существительных:


salt, pepper, fish, etc.

Material: paper, wood,
stone, glass, chalk, silver, gold, iron, silk, cotton,


Abstract nouns: peace,
love, beauty, work, sleep, courage, honesty, youth,

anger, trouble, darkness, history, physics, music, etc.

Many others: time,
money, furniture, police, information, news, progress,

(luggage), advice, accommodation, scenery, weather,

rain, soap,

traffic, travel, etc.

3. Некоторые
вещественные существительные могут
употребляться для обозначения предметов
из данного вещества или материала; в
этом случае они переходят в исчисляемые
существительные, например:

= material)


bought a
(countable = a newspaper)

has beautiful hair.


is a

in my soup. (countable = one single hair)


house is built of
дом построен из кирпича.

Он нес
два кирпича в каждой руке.

существительные могут употребляться,
как и в русском языке, для обозначения
разных сортов и видов вещества и тогда
они переходят в исчисляемые существительные,

– wines; fruit – fruits; glass – glasses; ice — ices

prefers Caucasian
to Crimean ones.

4. Абстрактные
имена существительные переходят в
исчисляемые, когда они конкретизируются,
например: speech


are always interesting.


(выступления) всегда интересны.

do not possess the power of

Животные не




the countable and uncountable nouns into two different columns

Wool, air,
airship, word, aviation, assistance, assistant, chalk, picture,
water, tea, hour, time, river, friend, friendship, copper, darkness,
sea, happiness, event, hero, sand, cheese, teacher, glass (стакан),
glass (стекло),
music, coffee, armchair, university, watch, timber, tree, idea, ice,
furniture, heat, ship, ink, money, coin, banknote, machine,
equipment, instrument, speed, umbrella.


Complete the sentences, using the words in brackets.

1. Sue
….. . (advice,

2. There weren’t …..
people at the party I had seen before. (many, much)

3. The man was badly
injured in the accident. He lost ….. blood. (many, much)

4. He
doesn’t speak much English, only ….. words. (few, a

5. We
had …..
we were on holiday. ( fine weather, a fine weather)

6. Tom
wants something to read, he is going to buy…..
(some paper, a paper)

7. I’m
writing letters to my English friends, I need …. writing paper. (a,

8. The
flat is empty. We haven’t got any …… yet. (furniture,

9. It’s
too difficult to find …… at the moment.(a work, a job)

Be careful! There is ……on the road. (broken glass, a broken

11. I
need two clean ….. .
(glass, glasses)

12. There are a lot of …..
in the children’s park. (amusement, amusements)


the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the words in
bold type.

1. The
windows in his car are made of unbreakable glass.
2. He gave me a glass
of water.
3. There
are the works
of Shakespeare in this library. 4. Her work
is rather dull, she thinks. 5. I spilled the water; give me a cloth,
please. 6. Have you bought cloth
for draperies? 7. We need an iron
to press our clothes. 8. These items are made of iron.
9. There is neither salt nor pepper
on the table. 10. He planted several peppers
the hothouse. 11. Would you like some chocolate?
12. She took a chocolate
out of the box. 13. They run a very profitable business
somewhere in South Africa. 14. Business
is an essential part of modern life.


Translate into English.

1. Я художник, и я
могу оценить красоту. 2. Эта девушка –
настоящая красавица. 3. Дом построен из
камня. 4. Мне в ботинок попал камешек.
5.Язык обладает великой силой. 6. Японский
– очень трудный язык. 7. У нее способность
видеть будущее. 8. Лимон богат витамином
С. 9. Купи лимон к чаю. 10. Природу нужно
охранять. 11. У Эмиля очень романтичная
натура. 12. Свет необходим для жизни. 13.
Вдалеке мы увидели огонек. 14. Дания,
Голландия, Швейцария славятся своими
сырами. 15. Фруктовые и овощные соки очень
полезны. 16. На завтрак у меня обычно
тосты с сыром и апельсиновый сок. 17.
Италия и Франция знамениты своими
винами. 18.Август.

На Сицилии начался
сбор цитрусовых фруктов.

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Тренировочные упражнения по английскому языку , на тему Имя существительное

Международные дистанционные “ШКОЛЬНЫЕ ИНФОКОНКУРСЫ”

для дошкольников и учеников 1–11 классов

Оргвзнос: от 15 руб.

Тренировочные упражнения по английскому языку на тему Имя существительное.

Подготовила учитель английского языка Алиева Зумруд Хайбуллаевна

1. Выпишите исчисляемые существительные в одну колонку, а неисчисляемые в другую колонку. При исчисляемых существительных поставьте артикль ( а или а n ).

Wool, air, airship, word, aviation, assistance, assistant, paper- бумага , paper- газета , hour, bread, darkness, water, sea, cheese, happiness, event, glass- стекло , glass- стакан , hero, sand, music, piano, friend, friendship, quickness, tobacco, cigarette, copper, armchair, coffee, ship, coin, university, money, ink, banknote, meat, silver, watch, timber, tree, idea, ice, furniture, chalk, heat, cow, milk, butter, horse, speed, umbrella, instrument, machine, obligation, equipment.

Шерсть, воздух, дирижабль, слово, авиация, помощь, помощник, бумага-бумага, бумага-газета, час, хлеб, темнота, вода, море, сыр, счастье, событие, стекло-стекло, стекло-стакан, герой, песок, музыка, фортепиано, друг, дружба, быстрота, табак, сигарета, медь, кресло, кофе, судно, монета, университет, деньги, чернила, банкнота, мясо, серебро, часы, древесина, дерево, идея, лед, мебель, мел, тепло, корова, молоко, масло, лошадь, скорость, зонтик, инструмент, машина, обязательство, оборудование.

2.Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе и прочитайте их:

Place, library, language, dress, fly, watch, clock, country, eye, bus, bush, party, ray, thief, company, Negro, mass, leaf, wolf, glass, key, fox, half, life, day, play, factory, city, colony, roof, month, opportunity, journey, shelf, hero. Man, woman, tooth, foot, goose, child, mouse. Postman, son-in-law, editor-in-chief, fisherman, schoolgirl, sister-in-law, text-book, pocket-knife, passer-by, statesman.

Место, библиотека, язык, платье, муха, часы, часы, страна, глаз, автобус, кустарник, сторона, луч, вор, компания, негр, масса, лист, волк, стекло, ключ, лиса, половина, жизнь, день, игра, фабрика, город, колония, крыша, месяц, возможность, поездка, полка, герой. Человек, женщина, зуб, нога, гусь, ребенок, мышь. Почтальон, зять, главный редактор, рыбак, школьница, невестка, учебник, карманный нож, прохожий, государственный деятель.

3.Переведите на английский язык.

1. Дверь комнаты закрыта. 2 Дайте этот словарь студенту. 3 Я выпил стакан молока. 4 Этот дом был построен известным архитектором. 5 Разрежьте бумагу ножом. 6 Письмо было подписано директором. 7 Я вымыл лицо теплой водой. 8 Он послал телеграмму своему товарищу. 9 Покажите это письмо заведующему.

Источник статьи: http://infourok.ru/trenirovochnie-uprazhneniya-po-angliyskomu-yaziku-na-temu-imya-suschestvitelnoe-1880805.html

упражнения на имя существительное и артикли
учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку на тему

упражнения на имя существительное и артикли


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Предварительный просмотр:


Упр. 76. Дайте соответствующие существ и тельные женского рода.

A lion, a tiger, an actor, a poet, a man, an u n cle, a husband, a brother, a grandfather, a son, a master, a baron, a count, a shepherd, a host.

Упр. 77. Дайте соответствующие существ и тельные мужского рода.

A lady, a girl, a niece, Mrs. Smith, a widow, a stewardess, a French woman, a cow, a queen, a princess, a duchess, a hen, a mother.

Образование множественного числа существ и тельных

a dress — dresses a dish — dishes a box — boxes

a boy — boys a city — cities

a potato — potatoes a leaf — leaves

Упр. 78. Поставьте следующие существител ь ные во множественное число (не забудьте, что перед множественным числом неопределенный артикль нужно опустить),

A table, a plate, a fox, a room, a lady, a knife, a chair, a bus, a Negro, a match, a way, a house, a family, a flag, a town, a wolf, a country, a lion, a park, a play.

Запомните форму множественного числа след у ющих существительных:

a man — men a goose — geese

a woman — women a tooth — teeth

a child — children a fool — feet

a mouse — mice an ox — oxen

an Englishman — Englishmen a Frenchman — Frenchmen a German — Germans

Запомните три существительных, имеющих во множественном числе ту же форму, что и в единственном:

a sheep — sheep a deer — deer

Упр. 79. Поставьте следующие существител ь ные во множественное число (обратите внимание на артикли: неопределенный артикль во множ е ственном числе опускается, определенный артикль сохраняется).

A star, a mountain, a tree, a shilling, a king, the waiter, the queen, a man, the man, a woman, the woman, an eye, a shelf, a box, the city, a boy, a goose, the watch, a mouse, a dress, a toy, the sheep, a tooth, a child, the ox, a deer, the life, a tomato.

Упр. 80. Поставьте следующие словосочет а ния во множественное число.

This tea-cup, this egg, that wall, that picture, this foot, that mountain, this lady, that window, this man, that match, this knife.

this is — these are that is — those are there is — there are it is — they are

Упр. 81. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число.

1. This is a star. 2. This is a boy. 3. This is a baby. 4. That is a plate. 5. That is a flower, j 6. That is a bookshelf. 7. Is this a sofa? 8. Is this a bookcase? 9. Is this a man? 10. Is that a ball? 11. Is that a train? 12. Is that a plane? 13. Is the window open? 14. Is the door closed? 15. Is the boy near the window? 16. That is not a king, 17. That is not a queen. 18. That is not a bus. 19. This isn’t a mountain. 20. That isn’t a goose. 21. This isn’t a mouse. 22. It is a sheep. 23. It is a cigarette. 24. It is a cat. 25. It is not a girl. 26. It isn’t a bag. 27. It isn’t a tree. 28. It is not a bad egg. 29. It is a good egg. 30. Is that a flower?

Упр. 82. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число.

1. This man is an engineer. 2, That woman is my sister. 3. This child is my son, 4. That goose is big. 5. This mouse is white. 6. This man is a do c tor. 7. That woman is my cousin. She is a teacher 8. That girl is my niece. She is a pupil. 9. This girl has a blue sweater. 10. This boy has a good coat. 11. My uncle has a large flat. 12. There is a table in the room. 13. I have a good pen. My pen is in my pocket. 14. There is a flower in the vase. 15. This child’s foot is sore.

Упр. 83. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число.

1. This room is very large. 2. There is a match in the box. 3. Has this lady a knife? 4. There is a man and a woman in the street. 5. This lady is that ge n tleman’s wife. 6. This shoe is too large for my foot. 7. The child is sitting on a bench. 8. My tooth is white. 9. This key is made of steel. 10. A potato is a vegetable and a cherry is a fruit. 11. This.is my friend’s study.

Упр. 84. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число.

1. What is that child’s name? 2, The cat has caught a mouse. 3. There was a lady, a gentleman, a boy and a girl in the room. 4. In the farm-yard we could see an ox, a sheep, a cow and a goose. 5. Is this worker an Englishman or a German? -He is a Frenchman. 6. Why don’t you eat this p o tato? 7. This strawberry is still green. 8. The wit h ered leaf has fallen to the ground. 9. Can you see a bird in that tree? 10. Does your tooth still ache? 11.1 held up my foot to the fire to warm it. 12. His child studies very well. 13. This man works at our office. 14. There is a new house in our street. 15. This story is very interesting. 16. I have hurt my foot. 17. The wolf has been shot. 18. He keeps his toy in a box. 19. Put this knife on that table.

Упр. 85. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число.

1. This is my stocking. 2. He has a new suit. 3. This metal is very hard. 4. That ship is a Ru s sian one. 5. I heard her voice. 6. His dog does not like bread. 7. The plate was on the table. 8. This town is very large. 9. I was talking to her at the tram stop yesterday. 10. Is that girl your sister? 11. I shall give you my book. 12. This story will be a good one. 13. Is this a good match? 14. The boy put his book on the desk. 15. She took off her hat.

16. That house is new. 17. The young man put his hand in his pocket. 18. Is this student coming with us, too? 19. The woman didn’t say anything. 20. Does she speak English?

Упр. 86. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число.

1. This is a bird. 2. Is that also a bird? — No, it isn’t. That is a cat. 3. Is that a good horse? — Yes, it is. 4. Is that cow big or small? – It is big. 5. This is an apple and that is a flower. 6. Where is the coin? It is in the box. 7. What colour is the box? – It is green. 8. What is it made of? – It is made of wood. 9. What is that man? – – He is a clerk. 10. Is he in the office? – – Yes, he is. 11. Is that woman a typist? — No, she isn’t. – – What is she? — She is a doctor. 12. Is his brother at home? – Yes, he is. 13. This house has a balcony looking out on the street. 14. The architecture of this buil d ing is quite modern. 15. This is a new district of St. Petersburg. 16. There is a shop, a cinema and a theatre in the new district. 17. He is a retired worker. 18.1 am a doctor. 19. We hear the sounds of a child’s voice. 20. She is a nice girl.

Притяжательный падеж существительных

The child’s toys — The children’s toys The boy’s books — The boys’ books

Упр. 87. Перефразируйте следующие слов о сочетания и предложения, употребляя прит я жательный падеж.

1. The room of my friend. 2. The questions of my son. 3. The wife of my brother. 4. The table of our teacher. 5. The poems of Pushkin. 6. The voice of this girl. 7. The new club of the workers. 8. The letter of Pete. 9. The car of my parents. 10. The life of this woman. 11. The handbags of these wo m en. 12. The flat of my sister is large. 13. The chi l dren of my brother are at home. 14. The room of the boys is large. 15. The name of this girl is Jane. 16. The work of these students is interesting.

Упр. 88. Переведите на английский язык, упо т ребляя притяжательный падеж.

1. Он показал мне письмо своей сестры. 2. Она взяла коньки своего брата. 3. Дайте мне тетради ваших учеников. 4. Принесите вещи детей 5. Вчера дети нашли птичье гнездо. 6. Это семья моего друга. Отец моего друга инженер. Мать моего друга преподаватель. 7. Чья это сумка? -Это сумка Тома. 8. Чьи это словари? – – Это сл о вари студентов. 9. Вы видели книгу нашего уч и теля? 10. Мне нравится почерк этого мальчика. 11. Я слышу голос моей сестры. 12. Она откр ы ла окно и услышала смех и крики детей. 13. Она поставила мокрые сапоги мальчиков к печке. 14. Это бабушкино кресло.

Запомните следующие правила.

Перед каждым нарицательным существител ь ным должен стоять артикль.

Если вы не употребляете перед существител ь ным артикль, вы должны уметь объяснить, п о чему.

Артикль не употребляется, если перед существ и тельным стоит притяжательное или указател ь ное местоимение, другое существительное в притяжательном падеже, количественное числ и тельное или отрицание “по” (не “not”).

Упр. 1. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1.This is . book. It is my . book. 2. Is this your . pencil? — No, it isn’t my . pencil, it is ray sister’s . pencil. 3. I have . sister. My . sister is . engineer. My sister’s . husband is . doctor. 4. I have no . handbag. 5. Is this . watch? — No, it isn’t . watch, it’s . pen. 6. This . pen is good, and that . pen is bad. 7. I can see . pencil on your . table, but I can see no . paper. 8. Give me . chair, please. 9. They have . dog and two . cats. 10. I have . spoon in my . plate, but I have no . soup in it.

Упоминая предмет впервые, мы употребляем п е ред ним неопределенный артикль а(аn

). Упом и ная этот же предмет вторично, мы ставим п е ред ним определенный артикль the.

E.g. This is a book. The book is interesting.

Упр. 2. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. This is . tree. . tree is green. 2. I can see three . boys. . boys are playing. 3. I have . bicycle. . bicycle is black. My . friend has no . bicycle. 4. Our . room is large. 5. We wrote . dictation yesterday. . dictation was long. 6. She has two . daughters and one . son. Her . son is . pupil. 7. My . brother’s . friend has no . dog. 8. This . pencil is broken. Give me that . pencil, please. 9. She has . ball. . ball is . big. 10. I got . letter from my . friend yesterday. . letter was interesting.

Неопределенный артикль a (an) может употре б ляться только с исчисляемыми существител ь ными, стоящими в единственном числе. Перед неисчисляемыми существительными или сущ е ствительными во множественном числе неопр е деленный артикль опускается. Определенный артикль the употребляется как с исчисляемыми, так и с неисчисляемыми существительными, как с единственным, так и с множественным числом.

E.g. This is a book. The book is interesting.

исчисляемое в единственном числе

This is S meat. The meat is fresh.

These are S books. The books are good.

Упр. 3. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. This is . pen. . pen is red. 2. These are pencils. . pencils are black. 3. This is . soup. . soup is tasty. 4. In the morning I eat . sandwich and drink . tea. 5. She gave me . coffee and . cake. . coffee was hot. . cake was tasty. 6. Do you like . ice-cream? 7. I see . book in your . hand. Is . book interesting? 8. She bought. meat, . butter and . potatoes yesterday. She also bought . cake. . cake was very . tasty. We ate . cake with . tea. 9. This is my . table. On . table I have . book, two . pencils, . pen and . paper. 10. This is . bag. . bag is brown. It is my si s ter’s . bag. And this is my . bag. It is . yellow.

Запомните следующие словосочетания, в кот о рых артикль не употребляется:

at S school at S home at S work

Упр. 4. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. I have two . sisters. My . sisters are . students. 2. We are at . home. 3. My . brother is not at . home, he is at . school. 4. My . mother is at . work. She is . doctor. 5. I am not . doctor. 6. I have no’. sister. 7. He is not . pilot. 8. I have thirty-two . teeth. 9. He has . child. 10. She has two . children. Her children are at . school. 11. Is your father at . home? — No, he is at . work. 12. Where is your . brot h er? — He is at . home.

Если перед существительным употребляется прилагательное, оно стоит между артиклем и с у ществительным.

E.g. This is a book. This is a good book.

Упр 5. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. We have . large . family. 2. My granny often tells us . long . interesting .. stories. 3. My . father is . engineer. He works at . factory. . factory is large. 4. My . mother is . doctor. She works at . large . hospital. She is at . work now. 5. My . aunt is . teacher. She works at . school. . school is good. My . aunt is not at . school now. She is at . home. She is drinking . tea and eating . jam. . jam is sweet. I am at . home, too. I am drinking . tea and eating . sandwich. . sandwich is tasty. 6. My sister is at . school. She is . pupil. 7. My cousin has . big . black . cat. My cousin’s . cat has two . kittens. . milk, too. cat likes . milk. . kittens like

Упр. 6. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. I am . engineer. 2. My . son is . pupil. 3. He is . good . pupil. 4. This is . house. 5. This is my . pencil. 6. You have some . pe n cils, but I have no . pencil. Give me . pencil, please. 7. I like your . beautiful . flower. Give me . flower, please. 8. My . mother is at . home. She is reading . interesting . book. 9. My . father is not at . home. He is at . work. He is . doctor. He is . good . doctor. He works at . hospital. . hospital is large.

Часто, даже упоминая предмет впервые, мы тем j не менее употребляем перед ним определенный артикль:

а) если упоминаемый предмет является еди н ственным в мире

E.g. The sun is shining brightly.

в) если этот предмет является определенным по ситуации

E.g. Put the book on the table.

Упр. 7. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. What’s . weather like today? — . weather is fine. 2. . sun is yellow. 3. . sky is grey today. 4. . earth is . planet. 5. We had . English lesson yesterday. . teacher asked me many . questions. . questions were difficult.

4. Where is your . brother? — He is at . home. He is in his . room. He is sitting at . table. He is doing his . homework. . homework is difficult. 5. Our . cat is sitting on . sofa. 6. It is very dark in . room. Turn on . light, please. 7. Nick went into . bathroom, turned on . water and washed his . hands.

Упр. 8. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. This is . good . book. Take . book from . table. Put this . book into . bookcase. 2. . weat h er is fine today. . sky is blue. . sun is shining brightly in . blue . sky. 3. This is . boy. . boy is at. school. He is . pupil. This . boy is my . brother’s . friend. He has . cat, but he has no . dog. He likes his . cat. He gives . cat . milk every day. 4. Yesterday I received . letter from my . friend. . letter was interesting. 5. We live in. big house. I like . house very much. 6. Are you . worker? — No, I am . student.

Кроме того существует огромное количество так называемых “застывших словосочетаний,” в к о торых артикль употребляется или отсутствует традиционно. Эти словосочетания приходится заучивать наизусть.

Запомните следующие конструкции.

There is a . Where is the . ?

Запомните также следующие предложения:

The (book) is on the (table). Ho: The (book) is on a little (table) 1

Упр. 9. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. Where is . cat? —.. cat is on . sofa. 2. Where is . book? — .. book is on . shelf. 3. Where are . flowers? — . flowers are in . beautiful vase. 4. Where is.. vase? — . vase is on . little table near . window. 5. Open . wi n dow, please. . weather is fine today. I can see . sun in . sky. I can see . nice little bird. . bird is sitting in . big tree. . tree is green. 6. There is . little white cloud in . sky. 7. We have . large room. There is . big sofa in . room and . little lamp on . wall over . sofa. I like to sit on . sofa and read . good book.

1 Существительное, стоящее в скобках, может быть любым. Прилагательное также может быть любым. Вместо предлога “on” может быть любой другой предлог иди заменяющее его слов о сочетание, напр, “in front of”.

Запомните следующее застывшее словосочет а ние:

Упр. 10. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. Where is . soup? — . soup is in . big saucepan on . gas-cooker. 2. Where are . cu t lets? — . cutlets are in . refrigerator on . li t tle plate. 3. There is no . bread on . table. Where is . bread? 4. There is . little brown coffee-table in our . room in . front of . sofa. 5. Where is . table in your . room? 6. There is . thick carpet on . floor in my mother’s . room. 7. Is your brother at . home? — No, he is at . work. He works at . big factory. He is . engineer. 8. My sister has many . books. . books are in . big bookcase. 9. . weather is fine today. Let’s go and play in . yard. There are many . children in . yard. They are playing with . ball.

Запомните следующие конструкции, требующие неопределенного артикля:

I have a . This is a . I am а. Не has а . That is а . Не is а . I see а . It is а . She is а .

Упр. 11. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1, We have . big dog. . dog is very clever. 2. My friend has . very good computer. 3. This . boy is big. He is . student. 4. There is . very big piano in . hall. 5. This is . tree and that is not . tree. It’s . bush. 6. I am . boy. I am . pupil. I learn at . school. 7. My sister is at . work. She is . secretary. She works at . large office. 8. This is . very difficult question. I don’t know . answer to it. 9. Do you see . little girl with . big ball in her . hands? She is . pupil of our . school. 10. There was . beautiful flower in this . vase yesterday. Where is . flower now?

Запомните следующие застывшие словосочет а ния:

in the middle in the corner to the right to the left

Упр. 12. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

There is . thick red . carpet in my . room. . carpet is on . floor in . front of . sofa. 2. Where is . table in your brother’s . room? — His . table is near . window. 3. I can see . fine . vase on . shelf. Is it your . vase? 4. We have no . piano in our . living-room. 5. My . uncle is . married. He has . beautiful wife. They have . son, but they have no . daughter. 6. I can see . nice . coffee-table in . middle of . room to . right of . door. It is . black and . red. I like . coffee-table. 7. Our . TV-set is on . little . table in . corner of . room. 8. There is. beaut i ful picture in my father’s . study, . picture is on . wall to . left of . window.

Упр. 13. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

My aunt’s flat is in . new house. There is . living-room, . bedroom, . study, . bathroom and . kitchen in . flat. . bedroom is . large room with . two windows. . room is light as . windows are large. There are . white curtains on . windows. There are . two beds with . large pillows on them. There are . small tables near . beds. There are . lamps on them. To . left of . door there is . dressing-table with . looking-glass on it. There is . low chair at . dressing-table. There are . several pictures on . pale green walls. There is . thick carpet on . floor. . ca r pet is dark green. . room is very cosy.

Если после конструкции there is (there are) ст о ит неисчисляемое существительное или сущ е ствительное во множественном числе, вместо опущенного неопределенного артикля часто (не обязательно) употребляется слово “some.”

Упр. 14, Вставьте артикль, где необходимо .

There is . sofa in . corner of . room. 2. There are . cushions on . sofa, 3. There are . books on . shelf. Give me . book, please. 4. Look into . refrigerator. What can you see on . shelves? — There is . butter in . butter-dish. There is . sausage, but there is no . cheese. There are . eggs and . apples. There is . orange, . lemon, and . jam in . little vase. 5. There is . juice in this . cup. May I drink . juice? 6. There are . girls in . yard, but I can see no . boys. Where are . boys? — Oh, all . boys are playing football at . stadium.

Упр. 15. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

I have . colour TV-set. . TV-set is on . little table in . corner of . room. 2. There is . book, . pen, and . paper on my . writing-desk. 3. My . brother is . teacher. He works at . school. He has . very good books. His . books are in . big bookcase. 4. There is . tea in my . glass. There is no . tea in my . friend’s . glass. His . glass is empty. 5. Where is . coffee-table in your . room? — . coffee-table is in . front of . sofa. There is . cup on . coffee-table and . newsp a pers. There is . coffee in . cup.

Запомните следующие застывшие словосочет а ния:

in the morning in the afternoon

in the evening at s_ night

to go to S bed to go to S_ work

to go to S_ school

Упр. 16. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. My . friend has to get up early in . mor n ing because he goes to . school. That’s why he usually goes to . bed early in . evening. 2% . weather was very bad in . morning yesterday. . sky was grey and it was raining. But in . middle of . day . weather began to change. . rain stopped and . sun appeared from behind . clouds. In . afternoon it was very warm. I did not want to stay at . home and went into . yard. There were . boys and . girls in . yard. We played in . yard till late in . evening. When I came . home, I drank . tea, ate . sandwich and went to . bed at once. I slept very well at . night.

Запомните следующие застывшие словосочет а ния:

to go S_ home to come S_ home

to leave S home for S_ work (for S_ school) at S_ half past five at a quarter past five

Упр. 17. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. My brother is . pupil. He goes to . school.He goes to . school in . morning. He has five or six . lessons every day. In . afternoon he goes . home. At . home he does his . homework. In . evening he reads . books. He usually goes to . bed at . half past ten. At . night he sleeps. 2. My father goes to . work in . morning and

comes . home in . evening. 3. I get up at . half past seven in . morning and go to . bed at . quarter to eleven in . evening. 4. When does your mother leave . home for . work? — She leaves . home for . work at . quarter past eight. 5. When do you leave . home for . school? — I leave . home for . school at. half past. eight.

Перед названиями месяцев и дней недели а р тикль не употребляется.

School begins in S_ September. We rest on S_ Sunday.

Перед порядковыми числительными обычно употребляется определенный артикль.

Our classroom is on the second floor. Today is the tenth of May.

Упр. 18. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо .

1. There are three rooms and . kitchen in our new flat. 2. My new dress is made of . silk. 3. If you want to write something on . blackboard, you must have . piece of . chalk. 4. Are there any pupils in . classroom? 3. I have . new English book. . book is very interesting. 6. There is . garden in . front of our school. . garden is not large, but it is very nice. 7. . May is . fifth month of the year. 8. . Saturday is . sixth day of the week. 9. . Sunday is . day off.

Запомните следующие застывшие словосочет а ния:

after S_ work from -S work

after S_ school from S school

Упр. 19. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо .

1. My friends live in . small town. It is . new town. . streets in . town are broad and straight. There are . beautiful buildings in them. . town is very green, and so . air is fresh. There are . beautiful parks and gardens in . town. . people like to go there after . work. In . evening you can hear . sounds of . music from . parks. There are . schools, . libraries, . hospital, . theatre, . cinemas, . polyclinics and . kindergartens in . town. 2. This is . classroom. . classroom is large and light. 3. There is . picture on . wall. 4. What is . date today? It is . seventh of . December. 5. . third lesson today is . lesson of English. 6. Pete, go to . blackboard. 7. After school I usually go . home. 8. My father always comes from . work late: at eight o’clock or at . half past eight. But on . Friday he comes . home early: at half past four or at . quarter to five. On . Satu r day and on . Sunday he does not go to . work.

Запомните следующие застывшие словосочет а ния:

to have (cook, make, prepare) S_ breakfast

S_ tea S_ dinner S_ supper

Упр. 20 Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

I go to . school in . morning, so I get up early. I usually get up at . quarter past seven. I go to . bathroom, turn on . water and wash my face and hands. My father and mother also get up early in . morning. My mother works at . o f fice. She is . typist. My father is . doctor. He works at . polyclinic. We have . breakfast in . kitchen. We eat. porridge and . eggs. We drink . tea. My father and mother leave . home for . work at . half past eight. My father goes to .. polyclinic, and my mother goes to . office. I don’t leave . home with my parents: . school where I learn is near our house. I leave . home for . school at . quarter to nine. My granny stays at . home and cooks . dinner. I have . lunch at . school after . third lesson. My father and mother have . lunch at . work. When we come . home, we have . dinner.

Упр. 21. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. Every day my husband goes to . work, my son goes to . school and I go to . institute.

2. There is . new school at. corner of our street.

3. My daughter came . home from . school on . Monday and said to me: “There will be . parents’ meeting on . tenth of February at six o’clock in . evening.” 4. . teacher told us . very interes t ing story at . lesson. 5. When . bell rang, . pupils went into . classroom. 6. We are usually at . school from nine o’clock in . morning till two o’clock in . afternoon. 7. We don’t go to . school on . Sunday.

Запомните следующие застывшие словосочетания:

before S breakfast

Упр. 22. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо,

1. What do you do after . breakfast? — After . breakfast I go to . school. 2. My granny likes • to read . book after . lunch. 3. . people usually have . breakfast in . morning. They have) . dinner in. afternoon. In . evening . people have . supper. 4. There is a proverb: “After . dinner sleep awhile, after . supper walk . mile. 5. Who cooks . dinner in your family? 6. Yesterday l a ther told us . very interesting story at . brea k fast. 7. What did you have for . lunch at. school on . Wednesday? — We had . salad and . tea. 8. My mother never has . supper with . family because she does not like to eat in . evening. 9. When do you clean your teeth in . morning: before . breakfast or after . breakfast?

Упр. 23. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо,

For . breakfast I have . coffee with . milk and . sugar. I have . jam, too. There are . different things on . dinner-table. There is . bread, . butter and . ham. There are . cups and . glasses there. There is . jug on . table. . milk in . jug is hot. There is . tea-pot on . table. There is . tea in . tea-pot. . tea is hot, too. There are . plates, . forks and . knives on . table. 2. . lamp is on . table. 3. There is . lamp on . table. 4. Is there . lamp on . table? 5. Is . lamp on . table? 6. Is there . clock on . wall? 7. There are two . shelves on . wall. 8. Where are . shelves? — . shelves are on . wall. 9. They have . large flat. There are . four rooms in . flat. 10. Is . newspaper on . table? 11. Is there . newspaper on . table? 12. There is . butter on . plate. 13. Where is . butter?

. butter is on . little plate. 14. There is . white and . brown bread on . table.

Запомните следующее застывшее словосочетание

Упр. 24. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. My . aunt and my . uncle are . doctors. They work at . hospital. They get up at seven o’clock in . morning. They go to . bed at eleven o’clock. 2. I work in . morning and in . afte r noon. I don’t work in . evening. I sleep at . night. 3. When do you leave . home for . school? – I leave . home at . quarter past eight in . morning. 4. What does your mother do after . breakfast? — She goes to . work. 5. Is there . sofa in your . living-room? — Yes, there is . cosy little . sofa in . living-room. — Where is . sofa? — It is in . corner of . room to . left of . door. I like to sit on this . sofa in . front of . TV-set in . evening. 6. There is . nice coffee-table near . window. There are . newspapers on . coffee-table. 7. There is . tea in . glass. 8. When do you watch . TV? — I watch TV in . evening. We have . large colour TV-set in our . room. There is . beautiful vase on . TV-set. There are . flowers in . vase. 9. I have . large wri t ing-desk in . study. There is . paper on . wri t ing-desk. My . books and . exercise-books are on . writing-desk, too.

Упр. 25. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. Pete has . small family. He has . father and . mother. He has no . brother, but he has . sister. His sister is . pupil. She is . good girl. She has . many Russian books, but she has no . English books. 2. There is . writing-desk in . room. . writing-desk is good. There is . lamp on . writing desk. 3. My uncle has . large family. They are six in . family. 4. My father is . eng i neer. He works at . big factory. 5. We have . good library. Our books are in . big bookcase. 6. Is your sister . married? 7. What do you do after . breakfast? — I go to . school. 8. When do you come . home? — I come . home at . half past two. 9. Do you like to watch TV in . evening?

Если перед существительным стоит вопрос и тельное или относительное местоимение, а р тикль опускается

E.g. What S_ colour is your cat?

I want to know what S_ book you are reading.

Упр. 26. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. What . colour is your new . hat? — It’s . red. 2. Is there . refrigerator in your . kitchen? 3. Where is . refrigerator in your . kitchen? —• It is in . corner of . kitchen. 4. There are . flowers in our . living-room. . flowers are in . beautiful vase. 5. I have . tea in my . cup. 6. He has no . coffee in his . cup. 7. What . book did you take from . library on . Tuesday? 8. I have . books, . exercise-books and . pens in my .

bag. 9. I am . engineer. I work at . office. I go to . office in . morning. As . office is far from . house I live in, I take . bus to get there. 10. What . bus do you take to get to . work? 11. Whose . pen is this?

Упр. 27. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

My friend’s . flat is very comfortable. There are . three rooms in . flat: . living-room, . study and . bedroom. . living-room is not very large. . walls in . living-room are blue. There are . pictures on . walls. There is . table in . middle of . room with some chairs around it. To . left of . door there is . sofa. Near . sofa there are . two large armchairs. They are very comfortable. There is . piano in my friend’s liv-irg-room. . piano is to . right of . door. . bedroom and . study are small. . furniture in . flat is brown.

Упр. 28. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

Here is . large window. Through . window we can see . room. Opposite . window there is . door. On . door there is . curtain. In . corner of . room there is . round table. On it we can see . books and . telephone. There is . bookshelf over . table. On . bookshelf we can see . newspapers and . book by . Jack London. There are . two . pictures in . room. One . picture is small, . oilier picture is very large. There are . two boo k cases in . room. . bookcases are full of . books. There is . large sofa in . room. On . sofa we can see . bag. Whose . bag is that? There is no . bed in . room. On . small table near . window there are . flowers and . glass of . water. In . front of . window we can see . armchair.

Перед названиями наук, учебных предметов и языков артикль не употребляется.

E.g. He studies S_ chemistry. I speak S_ English.

Упр. 29. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. When my grandfather was . young man, he studied . physics. 2. Do you speak . Spanish? 3. My uncle is . great specialist in . biology. 4. . Japanese is more difficult than . French. 5. We listened to . very interesting lecture on . English literature yesterday. 6. Yesterday at . lesson of . geography . teacher told us . very interesting things about . famous travellers. 7. My father speaks . English and . French, but he does not speak . German. 8. We had . lesson of . mathematics yesterday. We wrote . test-paper in . mathematics. . teacher said: “I shall correct. test-papers in . evening. Tomorrow you will know . results”.

Упр. 30. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. I study . English. I attend . English classes in . evening. On . days when I have no . classes, I stay at . home and do some work about . house. I have . dinner with my . family. After . dinner I talk to . members of my . family, watch . TV and read . books, . newspapers and . magazines. I go to . bed late at . night. 2. I am thirsty. Give me . water, please. 3. There is . book on . table. Give me . book, please.

Если после названия языка hp стоит слово “language”. В противном случае употребляется определенный артикль. E.g. . Chinese is difficult.

The Chinese language is difficult.

Запомните следующие застывшие словосочет а ния:

to play S_ chess to play S_ football

to play the piano to play the guitar

Упр. 31. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо

1. Do you play . piano? 2. There is . big black piano in our living-room. It is at . wall to . left of . door opposite . sideboard. My mother likes to play . piano. She often plays . piano in . evening. 3. . boys like to play . football. 4. What do you do in . evening? — I often play . chess with my grandfather. 5. Where are . children? — Oh, they are out of . doors. . weather is fine today. They are playing . badminton in . yard. 6. What . games does your sister like to play? — She likes to play . tennis. 7. Do you like to play . guitar? 8. What . colour is your guitar?

Упр. 32. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

When we want to write . letter, we take . piece of . paper and . pen. We first write our-. a d dress and . date in . right-hand corner. Then on . left-hand side we write . greeting. We may write, for instance, “My dear brother,” “Dear Henry,” etc., and then on . next line we begin . real letter. We must not forget to leave . margin on . left-hand side of . page. At . end of . letter we write “Yours,” and then we sign our name. We put . letter into . envelope and close . envelope. On . envelope we write . name and address of . person who will receive it. We stick . stamp in . top right-hand corner, and then we post . letter.

Запомните, что перед обращением артикль опу с кается.

E.g. What are you doing, S_ children?

Запомните следующие застывшие словосочетания:

Упр. 33. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо .

It was. hot day. . sun was shining brightly in . blue sky. . wolf and . lamb met at . stream. . water in . stream was cool and clear. . wolf saw that . lamb was fat and wanted to eat it. He began to shout: “You, . fool, you are making . water dirty!” . lamb was afraid. It looked at . wolf and said in . thin voice: “But, . Mr. Wolf, I cannot make . water dirty for you from . place where I am standing, because . stream runs from you to me.” “Stop talking!” shouted . wolf in . angry voice. “I know you! I met you six months ago, and you were very rude to me.” “You are wrong, . Mr. Wolf,” cried . lamb, “you could not meet me six months ago: I am only four . months old.” “Never mind,” said . wolf, “if it wasn’t you, it was your brother.” And with these . words he seized . poor lamb and carried it into . wood.

Запомните, что перед превосходной степенью прилагательных употребляется определенный артикль.

E.g. Asia is the largest continent.

My brother is the best pupil in his class.

Упр. 34. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. Bill Robins was . very rich man. He was . richest man in . village. 2. Pete is . tallest boy in our class. Nick is . shortest boy, but he is very . strong. He is . stronger than many boys who are . taller than he. I think Nick is . strongest boy in . class. 3. Granny often tells us . long stories. Today her story was still. longer. It was . longest story. She began telling it after . dinner and finished only before . supper. But . story was very interesting. I think it was . most interesting of Granny’s st o ries. 4. Which was . most difficult exercise in . test-paper? 5. Which is . best season of the year? 6. February is . shortest month of the year. 7. Do you know . longest river in our country? 8. In . May . days are . longer than in . April.

Запомните правила употребления артикля с ге о графическими названиями.

Определенный артикль употребляется перед н а званиями рек, каналов, морей, заливов, прол и вов, океанов, архипелагов, горных цепей.

Артикль не употребляется перед названиями озер, гор, островов, континентов, городов, стран.

the United States of America

the United Kingdom of Great Britain and

Northern Ireland the Netherlands the Ukraine the Crimea the Congo.

Упр. 34. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. Moscow is situated on . Moscow River. . Moscow is a river that moves very slowly. There is . canal called . Moscow-Volga Canal which joins . Moscow to . Volga. . Volga runs into . Ca s pian Sea. 2. Several rivers run into . sea at. New York. . most important is . Hudson River which empties into . Atlantic Ocean. Besides . Hudson there are . two other rivers: . East Ri v er and . Harlem River. 3. In . Siberia there are many long rivers: . Ob, . Irtysh, . Yenissei, . Lena and . Amur. 4. . Altai Mountains are . higher than . Urals.

Запомните следующие застывшие словосочет а ния:

in the north in the south in the east in the west

to the north to the south to the east to the west

Упр. 36. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. . Neva flows into . Gulf of . Finland. 2. . Pacific Ocean is very deep. 3. . Urals are not very high. 4. . Kazbek is . highest peak of . Cauc a sus. 5. . Alps are covered with . snow. 6. . She t land Islands are situated to . north of . Great Britain. 7. . USA is . largest country in . Ame r ica. 8. . Crimea is washed by . Black Sea. 9. . Lake Baikal is . deepest lake in . world. 10. . Paris is . capital of . France. 11. Lomonosov was born in . small village on . shore of . White Sea. 12. Gogol was born in . Ukraine in 1809. 13. . Caucasus separates . Black Sea from . Caspian Sea. 14. . Europe and . America are se p arated by . Atlantic Ocean. 15. . Baltic Sea is stormy in winter. 16. There are many small islands in . Pacific Ocean. 17. . North Sea separates . British Isles from . Europe. 18. . Balkans are old mountains. 19. . Nile flows across . north-eas t ern part of . Africa to . Mediterranean Sea. 20. Which are . highest mountains in . Russia?

Упр. 37. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

. Thames is . short river. 2. . Russia is washed by . Arctic Ocean in . north. 3. Kiev is to . south of . Moscow. 4. . Europe is . cont i nent. 5. . Moscow is . capital of . Russia. 6. Is . Asia . island or . continent? 7. . Black Sea is in . south of our country. 8. . White Sea is in . north of our country, 9. This is . map of . world. What can you see on . map? What . co l our are . valleys on . map? 10. Petrov is . architect. He is . experienced architect. He is in . Far East. He has . wife. His wife is . typist. They have . son and . daughter. 11. . Phili p pines are situated to . south-east of . Asia.

Упр. 38, Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. This is . pen. It is . good pen. . pen is black. It is on . table. 2.1 have got. dog. . dog’s name is Spot. He is . big grey dog. . dog is very strong. 3. My friend has . sister. Her name is Ann. . girl is. pupil. 4. We have . picture in . living-room. . picture is very good. It is on . wall. 5. . Irish Sea is between . Great Britain and . Ireland. 6. There is . map on . wall of . classroom. It is . map of . world. There are many seas and lakes on . map. This is . Mediterranean Sea and that is. Red Sea. These are . Himalayas. They are . highest mountains in . world. 7. We live in . St. Petersburg. . St. Petersburg is . very large city. It is one of . largest cities in . Russia. 8. My brother is . doctor. His flat is in . centre of . city. It is in . new house. There are three rooms in. flat. . living-room is .. largest of all. It is . nice light room. There are . pictures on . walls. There is . round table in . middle of . room. There is . sofa at . wall with . large thick ca r pet in . front of it. . study and . bedroom are small, but very comfortable.

Упр. 38.a Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. . Russia occupies . eastern half of . E u rope and . northern third of . Asia. 2. . climate of . northern part of . Russia is severe. 3. This winter is . true Russian winter with . hard frosts. 4. It is warm in . Crimea and . Ca u casus. 5. . Washington is . capital of . United States of America. 6. I want to go to . New York some day. 7. . best way to know and understand . people of . other countries is to meet them in their own homes. 8. Is . Australia . island or . continent? 9. . Red Sea is between . Africa and . Asia. 10. There are six continents in . world, 11. . France is to . north of . Italy.

Запомните следующие застывшие словосочет а ния:

to have a good time

from S_ morning till S _ night

Упр. 40. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо .

1. Did you have . good time in the country? — Oh yes. . weather was fine. We were out of . doors from . morning till . night. We played . football, . volley-ball and . other games. We came . home late at . night and went to . bed at once. 2. Look at . clock! It is . quarter past ten. Go to . bed at once. 3. . sun rises in . east and sets in . west. 4. We spent last summer in . Ukraine, in . little village on . bank of . big river with . very warm water. There was . wood on . other side of . river. We often went to . wood and gathered . lot of . mushrooms. 5. My friend likes to play . chess. He is ready to play . chess all . day long. He is . best chess player in our school.

Перед названиями университетов артикль не употребляется.

E.g. I shall study at S_ St. Petersburg University.

My grandfather graduated from S_ Oxford University

Упр. 41, Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. Teckle comes from . very old country on . Nile. It is called . Ethiopia. . Ethiopia is . bea u tiful mountainous country. Teckle is . young man. He wants to become . engineer. He is very happy to be . student of . St. Petersburg University. He spends . lot of time at . library reading and studying different subjects. Very often in . evening his new friends and he walk about . city talking about their native countries. 2. Galina lives in . Ukraine. She lives in . small village near . Odessa. She is . librarian. In summer she has . lot of . work: she takes . newspapers and . magazines to . people who work in the fields. Galina wants to enter . Moscow University and now she is preparing for . entrance examinations. 3. My friend lives in . America. He is . student. He studies . history at . Harvard University.

Запомните следующее застывшее словосочет а ние:

Упр. 42. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

Once there lived . man who was very fond of . gold. He used to say: “While I have my gold, I am . happiest man in . world.” And so all his life he saved . money. One day he was travelling in . desert of . North Africa. He lost his way. He had no . food or . water. He was almost dying of . hunger. He was so weak that he could not walk, he could only crawl. . heat was terr i ble. There were only . stones and . sand around. Just then he saw . bag lying on . sand. He hoped that he would find . food in it and . water, too, He crawled up to . bag and opened it. He saw that . bag was full of . gold. What is . use of . gold to . hungry man in . desert? He left . bag on . hot sand, crying bitterly: “I am . most unhappy man in . world.”

Запомните следующие застывшие словосочет а ния:

to the cinema to the theatre to the shop to the market

at the cinema at the theatre at the shop at the market

Упр. 43. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. Let’s go to . shop. I must buy . bread and . milk. 2. I was at . cinema yesterday. — What . film did you see? — Oh, I saw . very good film. I think it is . best film of . year. 3. Do you often go to . theatre? — No, I don’t. I like to go to . theatre, but I am very busy. I work from . mor n ing till . night. I even have no . time to play . piano. 4. Oleg has . lot of . interesting books at . home. 5. . lot of . tourists from . different countries come to . St. Petersburg. They want to see one of . most beautiful cities in . world. 6. My new friend said to me: “I am . student of . first course.” 7. We went to . cinema in . evening. 8. What . foreign languages does your father speak? — He speaks__English. He studied . En g lish at . school. 9. I am interested in . history.

10. We played . tennis at . lesson of . physical training yesterday. We had . good time. 11. Did you go for . walk yesterday? — No, we didn’t. . weather was bad, and we went to . cinema. 12. What are your friends doing? — Mary is pla y ing . piano. Tom and Nick are playing . chess.

Упр. 44. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

Once there lived . king. His name was Midas. He had . little daughter. They lived in . beaut i ful palace with . wonderful garden around it. Now . king was very fond of . gold. He loved . gold more than anything else in . world. One day, when . king was looking at his gold, . young man appeared before him. “You are . very rich man, Midas,” said . young man. “Yes,” said . king, “but I would like to be richer. I would like to have . golden touch. I want everything that I touch to turn into . gold.” . young man was . magician, and he gave . king . golden touch which he wan t ed to have. . king was very happy. He touched . table, and . table became gold. He went into . garden. There were . beautiful roses in . ga r den. He touched . roses, and they also became gold. . king’s daughter, who loved . roses very much, saw it and began to cry. “Don’t cry, . dear daughter,” said . king and touched his daug h ter’s head. . next moment . girl turned into . beautiful gold statue.

Упр. 45. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

Three men came to . New York for . holiday. They came to . very large hotel and took . room there. Their room was on . forty-fifth floor. In . evening . friends went to . theatre and came back to . hotel very late. “I am very sorry,” said . clerk of . hotel, “but . lifts do not work t o night. If you don’t want to walk up to your room, we shall make . beds for you in . hall.” “No, no,” said one of . friends, “no, thank you. We don’t want to sleep in . hall. We shall walk up to our room.” Then he turned to his friends and said: “It is not easy to walk up to . forty-fifth floor, but we shall make it easier. On . way to . room I shall tell you some jokes; then you, Andy, will sing us some songs; then you, Peter, will tell us some interesting stories.” So they began walking up to their room. Tom told them many jokes; Andy sang some songs. At last they came to . thirty sixth floor. They were tired and decided to have . rest. “Well,” said Tom, “now it is your turn, P e ter. After all . jokes, I would like to hear . sad story. Tell us . long and interesting story with . sad end.” “. story which I am going to tell you,” said Peter, “is sad enough. We left . key to our room in . hall.”

Запомните следующие конструкции:

The famous English writer Dickens lived in the 19th century. Dickens, a famous English writer, lived in the 19th century.

Запомните следующие застывшие словосочет а ния:

on S_ horseback on S_ board a ship

Упр. 46. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

Swift, . famous English writer, was travelling one day on . horseback with his servant. . weat h er was bad, it was raining, and . roads were mu d dy. In . evening the two 1 men came to . inn. Before going to . bed Swift told his servant to clean his boots. But . servant was lazy and did not do it. In . morning Swift asked . servant why he had not cleaned . boots. “What’s . use cleaning . boots now?” said . servant. “. roads are muddy, and . boots will soon be dirty again.” “All right,” said . writer. “Let’s go. We must continue . journey.” “But I haven’t had . brea k fast,” said . displeased servant.” “Well, what’s . use giving you . breakfast now?” said Swift: •’You will soon be hungry again.”

Запомните следующие застывшие словосочет а ния:

Запомните употребление артикля в восклицател ь ных предложениях, начинающихся со слова “what”:

What a good boy! What a long story! What a day!

1 Обратите нниманик на употребление определенного арти к ля перед количественным числительным. В этом случае опр е деленный артикль имеет значение “эти”: “Эти двое мужчин;” “Эти дна человека”.

Упр. 47. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

In . small town in . East there was once . man who had . parrot. . parrot was taught to say . words: “There is no doubt about it.” It used to repeat these words all . day long. Every time it was asked . question, it gave . same answer, “There is no doubt about it.” One day . man decided to sell . bird; so he put . parrot into . cage and went to . market with it. “Twenty pounds for . very clever parrot!” he cried. . man who was passing by heard this and turned to . parrot “Are you worth twenty pounds?” he asked. “There is no doubt about it!” answered . parrot. “What . clever parrot!” said . man and bought . bird, He took . parrot home and invited his friends to look at . clever bird. . friends came and looked at . parrot and talked to it. Now you must know that . man was not rich. In . fact, he was often short of . money. So . week or two later, sitting in . armchair and looking at . parrot, he said: “What . fool I was to throw away such . lot of . money!” “There is no doubt about it!” cried . parrot. And this time . bird was right.

Запомните следующие застывшие словосочет а ния:

it’s S_ high time to take S_ care of to take S_ aim such a .

Упр. 48. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

. crow once said to her children: “It’s . high time for you to look for . food.” With these words she turned them out of . nest and took them to . field. But . crow’s children did not like . idea. “We’d rather go back to . nest,” they cried. “It’s so nice when you bring . food to us!” “Indeed!” said their mother. “You are big enough to feed yourselves. My mother turned me out of . nest when I was much younger, and I had to take . care of myself.” “But . people will kill us with their guns,” said . young crows. “No . fear of that,” answered their mother. “Before . people shoot, they take . aim, and that takes . time. When you see . man raising . gun to his face, you must just fly away.” .”That’s . si m ple thing to do,” said . children, “but supposing . man or. boy wants to throw . stone at us: in such . case he won’t have to take . aim.” “Well, then he will have to bend down to pick up . stone,” said . crow. “But what if he carries . stone in his hand ready?” “Why, if you are clever enough to think of that,” said . mother, “you are clever enough to take . care of yourselves.” And she flew away leaving . young crows in . field.

Упр. 49. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. Is this . interesting book? Is this . very interesting book? Is this . very interesting book you have spoken about so much? It is such . i n teresting book. Is it . same book you have reco m mended to us? 2. She is . teacher. She is . good teacher. She is . teacher of our school. She is . teacher of . English. Here is . teacher, ask her about . question which interests you. 3. There is . word in . text which I cannot understand. There is. very difficult word, too, which I cannot pro nounce. Here is . word I was looking up in the dictionary. This word is . adverb. 4. . first men wore vegetarians. 5. Serfdom was abolished in . Russia in . 19th century. 6. Columbus, who di s covered . America, was . native of . Genoa, 7. . Rome is . ancient town. 8. . Ireland, . Scotland and . Wales are parts of . United Kin g dom.

Упр. 50. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо .

. Russia is such . large country that when it is night in one part of . country, it is day in another part, when it is winter in one part of . country, it is already summer in another. Imagine it is . beginning of . May now. It is spring in . St. Petersburg. . weather is fine. It is still cool at . night, but it is quite warm in . afternoon. It sometimes rains, but. rain is warm, too. . ground is covered with . soft green grass, and . trees are covered with . green leaves. But while it is spring in St. Petersburg, it is still winter in . north of our country at . beginning of . May, Here it is cold and sometimes frosty, . rivers and . seas are covered with . ice. . ice does not melt in some places even in summer. . ground is covered with . deep snow. In . south of our cou n try . weather is quite different. It is already su m mer in . Caucasus and in . Crimea. It is much warmer than in St. Petersburg. It is sometimes even hot. . sky is usually cloudless and it seldom rains here. People wear . summer clothes.

Источник статьи: http://nsportal.ru/shkola/inostrannye-yazyki/angliiskiy-yazyk/library/2013/07/09/uprazhneniya-na-imya-sushchestvitelnoe

Тренировочные упражнения по английскому языку на тему Имя существительное.

Подготовила учитель английского языка Алиева Зумруд Хайбуллаевна

1. Выпишите исчисляемые существительные в одну колонку, а неисчисляемые в другую колонку. При исчисляемых существительных поставьте артикль ( а или аn).

Wool, air, airship, word, aviation, assistance, assistant, paper-бумага, paper-газета, hour, bread, darkness, water, sea, cheese, happiness, event, glass-стекло, glass-стакан, hero, sand, music, piano, friend, friendship, quickness, tobacco, cigarette, copper, armchair, coffee, ship, coin, university, money, ink, banknote, meat, silver, watch, timber, tree, idea, ice, furniture, chalk, heat, cow, milk, butter, horse, speed, umbrella, instrument, machine, obligation, equipment.

Шерсть, воздух, дирижабль, слово, авиация, помощь, помощник, бумага-бумага, бумага-газета, час, хлеб, темнота, вода, море, сыр, счастье, событие, стекло-стекло, стекло-стакан, герой, песок, музыка, фортепиано, друг, дружба, быстрота, табак, сигарета, медь, кресло, кофе, судно, монета, университет, деньги, чернила, банкнота, мясо, серебро, часы, древесина, дерево, идея, лед, мебель, мел, тепло, корова, молоко, масло, лошадь, скорость, зонтик, инструмент, машина, обязательство, оборудование.

2.Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе и прочитайте их:

Place, library, language, dress, fly, watch, clock, country, eye, bus, bush, party, ray, thief, company, Negro, mass, leaf, wolf, glass, key, fox, half, life, day, play, factory, city, colony, roof, month, opportunity, journey, shelf, hero. Man, woman, tooth, foot, goose, child, mouse. Postman, son-in-law, editor-in-chief, fisherman, schoolgirl, sister-in-law, text-book, pocket-knife, passer-by, statesman.

Место, библиотека, язык, платье, муха, часы, часы, страна, глаз, автобус, кустарник, сторона, луч, вор, компания, негр, масса, лист, волк, стекло, ключ, лиса, половина, жизнь, день, игра, фабрика, город, колония, крыша, месяц, возможность, поездка, полка, герой. Человек, женщина, зуб, нога, гусь, ребенок, мышь. Почтальон, зять, главный редактор, рыбак, школьница, невестка, учебник, карманный нож, прохожий, государственный деятель.

3.Переведите на английский язык.

1. Дверь комнаты закрыта. 2 Дайте этот словарь студенту. 3 Я выпил стакан молока. 4 Этот дом был построен известным архитектором. 5 Разрежьте бумагу ножом. 6 Письмо было подписано директором. 7 Я вымыл лицо теплой водой. 8 Он послал телеграмму своему товарищу. 9 Покажите это письмо заведующему.

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