Women in the word book

Women in THE WORD: Ordinary Women in God’s Extraordinary Story Paperback – August 15, 2020

Perfect for an individual or small group study! Women in THE WORD delves deep into women of the Bible, some who are unlikely to be searched but were used by God for His own creative purposes. There are over thirty messages on familiar women such as Sarai & Hagar, Hannah, Jezebel, Gomer, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, as well as the unfamiliar (and unknown) names of Widow of Zarephath, Gentile Mother of Faith, and Pontius Pilate’s Wife. Not all of them wore halos, but there is much to be learned from each. Unfortunately, many young and older women do not understand the historical context of passages and find the Bible boring which is the writer’s fuel to write. The devotions are quick, easily understood, powerful short studies written for young women ages 13 thru 99 to get fired up about THE WORD. No more yawning! Each chapter ends with “Going Deeper” for the reader to explore and ponder the study a little more. The final chapter wraps up with “You” — a surprise twist life challenge.

2014 is proving to be a good year for newly published Christian women’s books, a genre whose weaknesses and shallowness I and many others have oft lamented.

Without even using the word hermeneutics, this book is a guide to exactly that. (But no worries, lovers of and trained students in hermeneutics, the author still pulls out and articulately teaches words and concepts such as metanarrative, exegesis, and Bible literacy.)

Women of the Word: How to Study the Bible with Both Our Hearts and Our Minds
 is a clarion call to today’s Christian women to lay aside poor Bible study habits and to dig deeply into patient, purposeful intake of the full scope of Scripture, examining God’s Word word-by-word, and within context of The Big Story. Just like our culture is currently learning that this the case with food, the more processed your Bible study is, the less healthy it is for you.

Jen Wilkin encourages women to «put the ruffles in the back,» (you’ll have to read the book to learn the specific meaning of this one :)), to put away flaky bible study, and to realize that simply «doing devotions» or a «spending time in the Word» are often merely buzzwords that have not been further elaborated or adequately demonstrated.

Yet she writes without intimidation; her own words are neither lofty nor inaccessible. Instead, Jen writes as a skilled teacher, articulating with precision and simplicity, giving her readers a helpful framework for studying God’s word. This guide gives the reader specific steps to follow while simultaneously allowing freedom for individual seasons of life, speeds of learning, and the relinquishing of poor study habits.

Framework for Studying the Bible

After addressing the need for Bible study, Jen dissects several common, yet ineffective, ways we tend approach Scripture within the American Christian subculture: the Xanax Approach, the Pinball Approach, the Magic Ball Approach, the Personal Shopper Approach, the Telephone Game Approach, and the Jack Sprat Approach. (Check out this article for a more in-depth examination of each of these approaches.)

In going through each of these mistaken ways to approach God’s Word, Jen not only discusses how easy it is to treat Scripture carelessly, but how important it is that we take a careful, studious approach.

(While this is certainly not a diatribe-focused book, it is nonetheless important to address these errors. Because these approached have subtly become the standard and accepted methods, extra time and explanation must be given to evaluating each of them. Many of us have habitualized these methods to the point of needing extra effort to eliminate them from our Bible study methods.)

Jen builds a framework for good Bible study using her alliterated five-point outline. She urges her readers to study with:


Although alliteration is occasionally symbolic of shallow Bible study, in this case it’s a well-crafted pneumonic device.

Under these five foci, Jen addresses the importance of understanding metanarrative (the big-picture story of the Bible) and understanding the Bible as literature (focusing on an understanding of specific authors, the time of writing, the intended audience, the style of writing, and the purpose of writing).

As she explains within the section on Study with Process,  Jen then gives the reader specific steps for approaching a passage and studying it in detail, listing the three main stages as:

Comprehension — «What Does It Say?»

A Printed Copy of the Text
Repetitive Reading
An English Dictionary
Other Translations of the Bible

Interpretation  — «What Does It Mean?»


Application — «How Should It Change Me?»

What does this passages teach me about God?
How does this aspect of God’s character change my view of self?
What should I do in response?

While she does give specific instructions, Jen nonetheless is teaching her readers to fish, rather than simply handing them pre-selected fishes. Or in the words of Jen’s opening analogy, she gives her readers a spoon to move their «mountains of Biblical ignorance.»

At the end of the book, Jen walks through James as an example of studying a smaller book of the Bible. (This is extremely beneficial, particularly for those who may not have had previous exposure to this type of Bible study.)
For the Hungry
Women of the Word
is easy to read (can be read in just a few hours), but is also valuable as a Bible study companion — using it as a reference and tool as you learn to navigate exegesis of individual passages.

Christian women are hungry for God’s Word. In the absence of being taught how to feed ourselves or where to find the healthy food, women are turning to the ineffective approaches listed above, to false teachers, or to anyone who will claim to feed them. Others have been told that «spiritual meat» isn’t food for women, and some have become content with a diet of milk and watered-down Word. Yet we can’t expect a quick-fix: studying God’s Word takes discipline, persistence, and patience. And as we labor through the text, we soon realized we are being filled, we are growing, and our hunger is increasing.

Regardless of where you are in your spiritual journey or how much Bible study training you have under your belt (or your fluffy tights :)), I can guarantee that anyone who has a desire to study God’s word will walk away from this book better equipped to do so.
Does Every Passage Have Personal Application? 
One minimal concern with Jen’s instructions for Bible study is found in the final step of making application. 

(Specifically, my concern is grown out of the application she draws from Genesis 1-6. It would seem that her particular application from that specific text is a bit forced: «A person who applies the creation story can tell you that because God creates in an orderly fashion, we too should live well-ordered lives…» While we may indeed be called to live well-ordered lives, I do not believe this is something that can be drawn out as specific application from this text.)

Because her teaching is so specific and corrective elsewhere in the book, I think further clarification on this particular detail is warranted. Not every passage is going to contain specific personal application or even merit a specific, immediate response. Sometimes, the most specific application that can be wrestled out of certain texts will be to simply step back in awe of Who God is. Sometimes, and Jen does address this elsewhere (also listed in excerpts below), we are simply storing up a savings account of Biblical literacy for the Spirit to apply specifically at a later time.

Jen is careful to repeatedly point out that Scripture is not a book about finding ourselves, but about learning who God is. She is even careful to note that while, yes, we will learn more about ourselves the more we study God’s Word, it is only under the umbrella of coming to know who God isWhen I understand who He is, I can begin to understand who I am in light of that.

And so, teaching or believing that personal application can be made from every passage can potentially lead to forcing the Scripture into a mold it wasn’t intended to be in, going back to the very error Wilkin is so concerned about in the first place.(The particular example that stands out as forced; I think Wilkin would agree with the previous sentence, but perhaps could do a better job in articulating this, especially in light of the ineffective approaches she lists.)
The Truth Will Set Us Free
This book is empowering for women who have been told that theology is the man’s work, or who have been relegated to studying only the «pink passages.» (Hannah Anderson’s Made for More, review here, also has a great, in-depth examination on this subject.)

The truth is that God desires all people — male or female — know Him for who He is.

A proper understanding of Scripture (and how to study Scripture) is absolutely essential for Christian women. Why? Because our Biblical theology affects our practical theology — how we live out what we believe before God and humankind.

Our understanding of who God is directly affects our understanding of the world around us, of ourselves, and how we view and treat the countless other people created in God’s image. And until we can dig deeper to understand who God is, we often leave ourselves with a very shallow interpretation of each of those areas.

If we’ve been taught that it’s okay to cherry pick the Scriptures, we end up twisting the Bible to say whatever we want it to say. If we haven’t understood the metanarrative of the Bible, we are unable to discern what is truth when we hear Bible teachers teach opposite positions.

It would behoove those in a position of teaching God’s word to others or leading a Bible study to read this book. In fact, Jen devoted her last chapter to addressing the particulars of teaching Bible study.

While this book is addressed particularly for women, this would also be a valuable resource in any man’s toolkit for studying Scripture. Given the dearth of Bible study teaching for women, my hope is that many pastors and other men would seriously consider reading this book, both to sharpen their own understanding of being people of The Word and for increasing their knowledge of available resources.

For those who are in a season of life that allows for only minimal (or, even no) interaction with the Bible, the author empathizes and is careful not to make rules that Scripture itself does not make. Rather, she writes with encouragement to endure and wait during such seasons. (A portion of such encouragement is included below, as the final excerpt.)

After reading this book, my hunger for further and deeper Bible study grew. This is a book I have long hoped would be written, and am thankful for this important resource in 
Women of the Word

Assorted Excerpts:

«It seemed obvious that if God had given us his revealed will in the Bible, I should be spending more time trying to know and understand it. But the task seemed overwhelming. Where was I supposed to start? And why weren’t the things I was already doing making the problem discernibly better? How was I supposed to move my mountain of biblical ignorance?

The answer, of course, was gloriously simple. The answer was ‘one spoonful at a time.’ Thankfully, someone gave me a spoon…

On the other side of the mountain of my biblical ignorance was a vision of God high and lifted up, a vision stretching Genesis to Revelation that I desperately needed to see. I have by no means removed that whole mountain from my line of sight, but I intend to go to my grave with dirt beneath my nails and a spoon clutched in my fist. I am determined that no mountain of biblical ignorance will keep me from seeing him as clearly as my seventy or eighty years on this earth will allow.»

«Within our Christian subculture we have adopted a catch-all phrase for our regular habit of interacting with Scripture: ‘spending time in the Word.’ Church leaders urge us to do so. Authors and bloggers exhort us to value it. But what should take place during our ‘time in the Word’ can remain a vague notion, the specific habit it represents varying widely from person to person.

The potential danger of this vagueness is that we may assume that our version of ‘spending time in the Word’ is moving us toward Bible literacy simply because we have been obedient to practice it. Not all contact with Scripture builds Bible literacy. Learning what the Bible says and subsequently working to interpret and apply it requires quite a different practice than many of those we commonly associate with ‘spending time in the Word.’ We cannot afford to assume that our good intentions are enough.»

«For years I viewed my interaction with the Bible as a debit account: I had a need, so I went to the Bible to withdraw an answer. But we do so much better to view our interaction with the Bible as a savings account: I stretch my understanding daily, deposit what I glean, and patiently wait for it to accumulate in value, knowing that one day I will need to draw on it. Bible study is an investment with a long-term payoff. Rather than reading a specific text to try to meet an immediate need, give the benefits of your study permission to be stored away for future use. What if the passage you are fighting to understand today suddenly makes sense to you when you most need it, ten years from now? It has been said that we overestimate what we can accomplish in one year and underestimate what we can accomplish in ten. Are you willing to invest ten years in waiting for understanding? Are you willing to wait a decade for an application point to emerge? Be encouraged that you are storing up treasure, eve if you don’t see or feel it in the short term.»

«For me, these seasons [of not being able to devote long periods of time to Bible study] have sometimes lasted for years — sermons and podcasts were a lifeline. Having a structured group study to go to helped keep me in contact with the Bible, but some months even that was too much to take on. Some months, just keeping body and soul together for myself and my family seemed to occupy almost every waking moment. I don’t consider those months to have been lost time or setback to my growth. They were times to employ patience, not with active learning of the Scriptures, but with waiting on the Lord. They deepened my desire for study. Some of my most fruitful times of teaching and writing occurred immediately after just such a period of waiting.»

Table of Contents


Disclaimer: I received an electronic advanced reader’s copy of this book in exchange for my review. But all opinions are my own. 

Original review posted here: http://wp.me/p26dwz-256

I remember the first time I studied a Bible book. It was two years after I was saved, and I felt a burden to abandon my superficial readings to dig deeper into the Word. Never having received training in Bible study, I made a few mistakes that hindered my progress. The most detrimental one was treating the Bible as a manual about me instead of a story about Jesus. It is an error Jen Wilkin and I share.

She spent years studying the Bible backward before learning how to handle the Word of God rightly. And she wrote Women of the Word: How to Study the Bible with Both Our Hearts and Minds to teach women to do the same.

She said, “This book intends to teach you not merely a doctrine, concept, or storyline, but a study method that will allow you to open up the Bible on your own. It intends to challenge you to think and to grow, using tools accessible to all of us, whether we hold a high school diploma or a seminary degree, whether we have minutes or hours to give to it each day. This book intends to change the way you think about Bible study.”

Though Women of the Word will benefit all genders, its primary audience is women. That’s probably because of the disastrous state of women’s ministries. Most female Bible teachers today emphasize emotion over logic and self over Christ. Studies always revolved around our feelings, what we should do, our identity, what Scriptures meant to us, etc. This is wrong because the Bible is not about us, and our minds, not our hearts, must guide our studies.

This realization encouraged Wilkin to develop a framework for an efficient Bible study in what she calls the Five Ps of Sound Study. A technique designed to help women grow in biblical literacy and consequently in their knowledge of God.

The five Ps stand for purpose, perspective, patience, process, and prayer, and Wilkin expounds on each of these elements in five chapters featuring illustrations in using them. She concludes the book with a sample of the five Ps in action and useful pieces of advice for aspiring female Bible teachers.

Women of the Word has many strengths. The most notable one is that it teaches us how to feed ourselves from the Word. Many female teachers write studies that spoonfeed us and make us depend on the milk they give us. But a mark of spiritual growth is graduating from milk to solid food, and Wilkin provides us with spoons to feed ourselves. She gives several helpful information not only to study God’s Word rightly but also to deepen our love for it.

The five Ps method is straightforward and easy to apply. It doesn’t overwhelm you with advanced techniques like reading different genres of the Bible, or word studies in the original language. Depending on your needs, it could be a drawback or an advantage.

If you have taken a hermeneutics class before, you might be familiar with several of the things she mentions in the book. But you will still benefit from it. I got many wonderful insights from her book, particularly the prayer section. I loved how she used the ACTS model of prayer and applied it before, during, and after study. It encouraged me to saturate my time in the Word with prayer, not just a few words at the beginning.

Reading Women of the Word motivated me in my current study of Genesis and made me consider new things during study time. It’s a book that will benefit any woman looking to grow in her knowledge of the Bible. I highly recommend it!

Favorite Quotes

The knowledge of God and the knowledge of self always go hand in hand. In fact, there can be no true knowledge of self apart from the knowledge of God. He is the only reference point that is reliable.

Jen Wilkin, Women of the Word

Any study of the Bible that seeks to establish our identity without first proclaiming God’s identity will render partial and limited help.

Jen Wilkin, Women of the Word

It has been said that we become what we behold. I believe there is nothing more transformative to our lives than beholding God in his word. After all, how can we conform to the image of a God we have not beheld.

Jen Wilkin, Women of the Word

The heart cannot love what the mind does not know… We must love God with our minds, allowing our intellect to inform our emotions, rather than the other way around.

Jen Wilkin, Women of the Word

Bible literacy matters because it protects us from falling into error. Both the false teacher and the secular humanist rely on biblical ignorance for their message to take root, and the modern church has proven fertile ground for those messages.

Jen Wilkin, Women of the Word

A well-rounded approach to Bible study recognizes that the Bible is always more concerned with the decision-maker than with the decision itself. Its aim is to change our hearts so that we desire what God desires, rather than to spoonfeed us answers to every decision in life.

Jen Wilkin, Women of the Word

We can’t fully appreciate the sweetness of the New Testament without the savory of the Old Testament.

Jen Wilkin, Women of the Word

The God of the Bible is too lovely to abandon for lesser pursuits.

Jen Wilkin, Women of the Word

Our study of the Bible is only beneficial insofar as it increases our love for the God it proclaims. Bible study is a means to an end, not an end in and of itself. It is a means to love God more, and to live differently because we have learned to behold him better. And it is a means to become what we behold.

Jen Wilkin, Women of the Word

If we want to feel a deeper love for God, we must learn to see him more clearly for who he is. If we want to feel deeply about God, we must learn to think deeply about God.

Jen Wilkin, Women of the Word

  Grace and peace to you!

“How do you move a mountain?” the Chinese proverb asks. “One spoonful of dirt at a time.” Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin is a book about moving mountains—mountains of biblical ignorance.

You might not think you have a mountain of biblical ignorance to move. When Jen was a teen, she didn’t think she had a mountainous problem either. After all, she was a regular church attender, had a “quiet time,” memorized Bible verses, read devotional books, and attended Bible studies.

But when she was asked to lead a Bible study as a senior in college, Jen suddenly realized she had a problem: a problem of biblical ignorance. She writes,

I carried a secret not uncommon to people with my background: I didn’t know my Bible. Sure, I knew parts of it—I remembered stories from vacation Bible school and I could quote verses from all over the New Testament and Psalms—but I didn’t know how the parts that I knew fit with each other, much less how they fit with the parts I didn’t know yet.

So what did she do? She took the “spoon” someone handed her and began to dig and move that mountain “one spoonful at a time.” Listen to her tenacity:

I intend to go to my grave with dirt beneath my nails and a spoon clutched in my fist. I am determined that no mountain of biblical ignorance will keep me from seeing him [God] as clearly as my seventy or eighty years on this earth will allow.

Did you catch that? Her goal is not to master this Book so she can feel good about all she knows. Her goal is to see God, to know God, to enjoy God. In her words,

Our study of the Bible is only beneficial insofar as it increases our love for the God it proclaims.

As her subtitle indicates, this book is about learning how to study the Bible with both our hearts and our minds. Because, as Jen writes,

If we want to feel deeply about God, we must learn to think deeply about Him. The heart cannot love what the mind does not know.

If you’d like Jen to hand you a spoon so you, too, can start digging, pick up her book, Women of the Word. Among other things, you’ll learn some unhelpful habits of spending time in the Word like:

  • The Xanax approach
  • The Pinball approach
  • The Magic 8 Ball Approach
  • The Personal Shopper Approach
  • The Telephone Game Approach

Then you’ll learn how to study the Bible with:

  • Purpose
  • Perspective
  • Patience
  • Process, and
  • Prayer.

Let’s move some mountains, girls.


  • Women of the Word

Women of the Word will help all who read it to find their way deeper into the word of God without having to be seminary educated, a genius, or even an especially good student.”
Kathy Keller

We all know it’s important to study God’s word. But sometimes it’s hard to know where to start. What’s more, a lack of time, emotionally driven approaches, and past frustrations can erode our resolve to keep growing in our knowledge of Scripture. How can we, as Christian women, keep our focus and sustain our passion when reading the Bible?

With over 250,000 copies sold, Women of the Word has helped countless women with a clear and concise plan they can use every time they open their Bible. Featuring the same content as the first edition, and now with added study questions at the end of each chapter, this book equips you to engage God’s word in a way that trains your mind and transforms your heart.

Read Chapter 1


Jen Wilkin

Jen Wilkin is a Bible teacher from Dallas, Texas. As an advocate for biblical literacy, she has organized and led studies for women in home, church, and parachurch contexts and authored multiple books, including the best seller Women of the Word. You can find her at JenWilkin.net. 


Bible Studies & Devotionals

Christian Living


Format: Paperback
Page Count: 176
Size: 5.25 in x 8.0 in
Weight: 6.71 ounces
ISBN-10: 1-4335-6714-8
ISBN-13: 978-1-4335-6714-8
ISBN-UPC: 9781433567148
Case Quantity: 10
Published: August 06, 2019

Foreword by Matt Chandler

  1. Turning Things Around
  2. The Case for Bible Literacy
  3. Study with Purpose
  4. Study with Perspective
  5. Study with Patience
  6. Study with Process
  7. Study with Prayer
  8. Pulling It All Together
  9. Help for Teachers

Conclusion: Seek His Face
Recommended Resources
Scripture Index

“Wilkin’s challenges to the status quo, grounded in years of observation, ring with gentle wisdom and guide readers in how to study the Bible with greater depth.” (July 14, 2014)

Publishers Weekly

“I found Women of the Word to be so practical in the way it demystifies serious Bible study. Too many people—men and women—opt for just reading a few verses and hoping for some inspiration, rather than discovering the meaning of the text in the sweep of God’s redemptive plan. Women of the Word will help all who read it to find their way deeper into the Word of God without having to be seminary educated, a genius, or even an especially good student. My only caveat is that I wish the title didn’t make it hard for men to read . . . they need it, too.”

Kathy Keller, Assistant Director of Communications, Redeemer Presbyterian Church, New York City, New York

“I’ve seen eyes misty with tears as women come to understand for the first time that the Bible is actually, literally God’s Word. What great mercy we have been shown—that the Creator who spoke everything that ever was into existence would give us his Word. Jen Wilkin knows this mercy in the core of her being. She has tasted and seen God’s goodness in his Word, and she doesn’t want a single woman to miss it. Read Women of the Word with your Bible open and your friends alongside you. Think of this book as a maître d` of a Bible study banquet—have a seat, here are your utensils, dig in, and enjoy.”

Gloria Furman, author, Alive in Him and Labor with Hope

“Jen lives what she teaches. Her servant heart in unpacking the Scriptures as well as her affection for the women she is teaching is evident the moment you meet her. I’m so glad she was obedient to the Lord’s call to write this book! It has served to clear the fog in my heart and mind when it comes to studying God’s Word, and I absolutely cannot wait to purchase many more copies for the women in my life who I know will love it too!”

Bethany Barnard, singer/songwriter

“This book responds to the feelings-driven, me-centered approach that has too often dominated our study of the Scriptures. Jen encourages women to grow in knowledge of the Word in order to know our Lord. She speaks out of her own joyful and growing experience of learning to dig in. May her voice be joined by many others!”

Kathleen Nielson, author; speaker

“Reading the Bible can sometimes seem daunting. There are difficult passages, many interpretations, and often so little time to read thoroughly. Jen Wilkin recognizes this and provides tools to help us navigate it all. Women of the Word gives us a blueprint for Bible literacy. If we want to know the God we love, we must engage our minds and know his Word where he reveals himself. Wilkin’s tools may be new for some, but the effort will be worth the reward. Ultimately, it’s about seeing and savoring our Savior.”

Trillia Newbell, author, If God Is For Us: The Everlasting Truth of Our Great Salvation

“Jen Wilkin’s book is written with a winsomeness and warmth, which makes it easy to read. But she also writes with clarity of purpose that rightly pushes the reader to want to read God’s Word well. The bottom line: this book encourages women to know God better by developing good habits of reading his Word. Amen, sister!”

Jenny Salt, Associate to Archdeacon Women’s Ministry, Sydney Anglican Diocese; Host, Salt—Conversations with Jenny

“How can we go deeper than a little dabbling in the Bible for inspiration? Jen Wilkin shows us how in this must-read for every woman interested in teaching and leading Bible discussion groups in your church.”

Nancy Guthrie, Bible teacher; author, Even Better than Eden

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