With the word elementary my dear watson

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Text 2
With the words” Elementary, my dear Watson…”, the most famous detective of all times, Sherlock Holmes, starts to explain something to his friend., Dr.Watson. That phrase has now entered the English language. Sherlock Holmes first appeared in 1882. He became famous in “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes”. After that came the whole series of books about him.Many thousands of books about Sherlock Holmes are still sold every year. Who invented Sherlock Holmes? Arthur Conan Doyle was his inventor. He was a doctor. In 1882 he moved from Scotland to England to set up a practice. One of the doctors he worked with, Dr. Joseph Bell, was the model for Sherlock Holmes’s friend, Dr.Watson. Conan Doyle’s medical knowledge was a great help to him in his detective stories. Conan Doyle started the fashion of the detective story, which goes on. And what sort of man is Sherlock Holmes? We learn a lot about him from the stories in which he appears. He is a quiet man, who only speaks when he has something to say. He smokes a pipe (he has a collection of them). He plays the violin. He carries a large magnifying glass. He lives at 221B Baker Street in London. If you go to London, you will not be able to find 221B Baker Street. But instead, you can go to a pub called the “Sherlock Holmes”. In that pub there is a room exactly like Sherlock Holmes’s room at 221B Baker Street as described in Conan Doyle’s stories.
Level 1
1. Выбери подходящий заголовок к тексту.
A. Doctor Watson and Sherlock Holmes.
B. Conan Doyle and Dr. Joseph Bell.
C. Conan Doyle’s Family.
D. Conan Doyle and his characters.
2. Переведи с английского.
3. Закончи предложения, используя текст.
1)Arthur Conan Doyle invented…. .
2) Conan Doyle started the fashion of … .
3) Dr. Joseph Bell was… .
4) Sherlock Holmes is a quiet man … .
Level 2
1. Выбери предложение, соответствующее содержанию текста.
A. Dr. Watson was Dr. Bell’s assistant.
B. Dr. Watson was Conan Doyle;s friend.
C. Dr. Watson was Conan Doyle’s book character.
D. Dr. Watson was Sherlock Holmes’s relative.
2. Найди неверное утверждение.
A. Dr. Watson was Sherlock Holmes’s friend.
B. Conan Doyle was a doctor.
C. There is 221B Baker Street in London.
D. The fashion of the detective stories goes on.
3.Найди в тексте глаголы в
Present Simple Tense______________
Past Simple Tense ________________
Level 3
1) Задай три вопроса к тексту.
2) Расставь предложения по порядку и перескажи текст.
1. Conan Doyle started the fashion of the detective story.
2. Sherlock Holmes lives in Baker Street in London.
3. Sherlock Holmes first appeared in 1882.
4. In London there is a pub called the “ Sherlock Holmes”.
5. Arthur Conan Doyle wrote the stories about Sherlock Holmes. He was a doctor. 6. Sherlock Holmes was a quiet man, he smokes a pipe and plays the violin.

Ответе на вопросы , плз
Раздел 1. Чтение
Read the text and do tasks after it
With the words “Elementary, my dear Watson…” the most famous detective of all times, Sherlock Holmes, starts to explain something to his friend, Dr. Watson. That phrase has now entered the English language
Sherlock Holmes first appeared in 1882. He became famous in ‘The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes”. After that came the whole series of books about him: “The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes”, “The Return of Sherlock Holmes”, “The Hound of the Baskervilles” and many others. Many thousands of books about Sherlock Holmes are still sold every year.
Who invented Sherlock Holmes? Arthur Conan Doyle was his inventor. He was a doctor. In 1882 he moved from Scotland to England to set up a practice. One of the doctors he worked for, Dr. Joseph Bell, was the model for Sherlock Holmess friend, Dr. Watson. Conan Doyles medical knowledge was a great help to him in his detective stories.
Conan Doyle started the fashion of tile detective story. Today the fashion goes on.
And what sort of man is Sherlock Holmes? We learn a lot about him from the stories in which he appears. He is a quiet man, who only speaks when he has something to say. He smokes a pipe (he has a collection of them). He plays the violin. He carries a large magnifying glass. He lives at 221B Baker Street in London.
If you go to London, you will not be able to find 221 B Baker Street. But instead, you can go to a pub called the “Sherlock Holmes”. In that pub there is a room exactly like Sherlock Holmess room at 221B Baker Street as described in Conan Doyle’s stories. On the walls there are drawings from the original editions about Sherlock Holmes.
magnifying glass – увеличительное стекло
I. The text is about …
1) Sherlock Holmess work.
2) the most famous detective and his inventor.
3) Dr. Watsons medical practice.
4) Conan Doyles education.
II. Choose the right sentence.
1) Dr. Watson was Dr. Bells assistant.
2) Dr. Watson was Conan Doyles friend.
3) Dr. Watson was Conan Doyles book character.
4) Dr. Watson was Sherlock Holmess relative.
III. Find the wrong statement.
1) Dr. Watson was Sherlock Holmess friend.
2) Conan Doyle was a doctor.
3) There is 22l B Baker Street in London.
4) The fashion of the detective stories goes on.
IV. Complete the sentence.
Conan Doyle is known to everybody as…
1) the author of books about Sherlock Holmes.
2) a talented doctor.
3) a good friend of Dr. Joseph Bell.
4) a man who opened a pub in Baker Street.
V. Answer the question.
When did Sherlock Holmes use the phrase “Elementary, my dear Watson “?
1) after he gave Watson the explanation of his guess
2) if he wanted Watson to investigate the crime himself
3) before he began to explain something to Watson
4) if Watson asked him how to find the criminal
VI. Choose the title to the text.
1) Doctor Watson and Sherlock Holmes
2) Conan Doyle and Dr. Joseph Bell
3) Conan Doyles Family
4) Conan Doyle and His Characters

1) 2

2) 3

3) 4

5) 3

6) 4

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With the words «Elementary, my dear Watson …», the most famous detective of all time, Sherlock Holmes, starts to explain a crime to his friend, Dr.


That phrase has now entered the English language.

Sherlock Holmes first appeared in a book called ‘Study in Scarlet’.

He became famous in ‘The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes’, first published in the ‘Strand Magazine’.

After that came a whole series of books about him : ‘The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, ‘The Return of Sherlock Holmes’, ‘The Hound of the Baskervilles’, and many others.

Many thousands of the Sherlock Holmes books are still sold every year.

Who invented Sherlock Holmes?

Arthur Conan Doyle was his inventor.

Arthur Conan Doyle was born in Scotland, of Irish parents.

He was a doctor.

In 1882 he moved from Scotland to England, to Southsea near Portsmouth, to set up a practice.

One of the doctors he worked for, Dr.

Joseph Bell, was the model for Sherlock Holmes’s friend, Dr.


Conan Doyle’s medical knowledge was a great help to him in his detective stories.

Conan Doyle started the fashion of the detective story.

Today the fashion goes on — with Simenon’s Inspector Maigret stories and the stories of other writers.

And what sort of man is Sherlock Holmes?

We learn a lot about him from the stories in which he appears.

He has a thin face and intelligent eyes.

He speaks when he has something to say.

He smokes a pipe (he has a collection of them).

He plays the violin.

He lives at 221 ‘B’ Baker Street in.

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With the words «Elementary, my dear Watson …», the most famous detective of all time, Sherlock Holmes, starts to explain a crime to his friend, Dr. Watson. That phrase has now entered the English language.
Sherlock Holmes first appeared in a book called ‘Study in Scarlet’. He became famous in ‘The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes’, first published in the ‘Strand Magazine’. After that came a whole series of books about him: ‘The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, ‘The Return of Sherlock Holmes’, ‘The Hound of the Baskervilles’, and many others. Many thousands of the Sherlock Holmes books are still sold every year.
Who invented Sherlock Holmes? Arthur Conan Doyle was his inventor. Arthur Conan Doyle was born in Scotland, of Irish parents. He was a doctor. In 1882 he moved from Scotland to England, to Southsea near Portsmouth, to set up a practice. One of the doctors he worked for, Dr. Joseph Bell, was the model for Sherlock Holmes’s friend, Dr. Watson. Conan Doyle’s medical knowledge was a great help to him in his detective stories.
Conan Doyle started the fashion of the detective story. Today the fashion goes on — with Simenon’s Inspector Maigret stories and the stories of other writers.
And what sort of man is Sherlock Holmes? We learn a lot about him from the stories in which he appears. He has a thin face and intelligent eyes. He speaks when he has something to say. He smokes a pipe (he has a collection of them). He plays the violin. He lives at 221 ‘B’ Baker Street in

   Probably the most famous of Sherlock Holmes quotes, “Elementary, my dear Watson,” was never spoken by Sherlock Holmes.  That is to say that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle never wrote those exact words for his fictional detective Sherlock Holmes.  However, Sherlock Holmes does say the words “elementary” and “my dear Watson” quite often. Below are a just few examples.

   In the short story, The Crooked Man, we find this exchange between Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson:

‘I have the advantage of knowing your habits,my dear Watson,’ said he. ‘When your round is a short one you walk, and when it is a long one you use a hansom.  As I perceive that your boots, although used, are by no means dirty, I cannot doubt that you are at present busy enough to justify a hansom.’

‘Excellent!’, I cried.

Elementary,’ said he. ‘It is one of those instances where the reasoner can produce an effect which seems remarkable to his neighbor, because the latter has missed the one little point which is the basis of the deduction.’

“My Dear Watson”

‘You know my powers, my dear Watson, and yet at the end of three months I was forced to confess that I had at last met an antagonist who was my intellectual equal.’

Sherlock Holmes Quote

-The Final Problem

Со словами «элементарно, мой дорогой Ватсон …», самый знаменитый сыщик всех времен, Шерлок Холмс, начинает объяснять преступление, чтобы его друг, доктор Ватсон. Эта фраза уже вошла в английский язык.
Шерлок Холмс впервые появился в книге под названием ‘этюд в багровых тонах’. Он стал известным в ‘Приключения Шерлока Холмса’, впервые опубликованный в журнале «Strand»‘. После этого вышел целый ряд книг о нем: ‘возвращение Шерлока Холмса ‘Возвращение Шерлока Холмса’, ‘собака Баскервилей’, и многие другие. Многие тысячи книг Шерлока Холмса по-прежнему продаются каждый год.
Кто придумал Шерлока Холмса? Артур Конан Дойл был его изобретателем. Артур Конан Дойл родился в Шотландии, ирландские родители. Он был доктором. В 1882 году он переехал из Шотландии в Англию, в Портсмут возле Портсмута, чтобы создать практику. Один из врачей работал, Доктор Джозеф Белл, был моделью для друга Шерлока Холмса, доктора Ватсона. Медицинских знаний Конан Дойль был большим подспорьем ему в его детективы.
Конан Дойль начал моды детектив. Сегодня мода продолжается — с инспектором рассказы Сименон Мегрэ и истории других писателей.
И какой мужчина Шерлок Холмс? Мы узнаем много нового о нем из рассказов, в которых он появляется. Он обладает тонким лицом и умными глазами. Он говорит, когда ему есть что сказать. Он курит трубку (он имеет коллекцию из них). Он играет на скрипке. Он живет в 221 Б Бейкер-стрит в Лондоне.
Если…                                                     интересно и что здесь,я не правильно перевела,это 100% перевод из книги

Задайте 3 вопроса к тексту: With the words”Elementary, my dear Watson…” , the most famous detective of all times, Sherloc Holmes, starts to explain something to his friend., Dr.Watson. That phrase has now entered the English language. Sherlok Holmes first appeared in 1882. He became famous in “The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes”. After that came the whole series of books about him. Many thousends of books about Sherlock Holmes are still sold every year. Who invented Sherlock Holmes? Arthur Conan Doyle was his inventor. He was a doctor. In 1882 he moved from Scotland to England to set up a practice. One of the doctors he worked with, Dr. Josept Bell, was a great help to him in his detective stories. Conan Doyle started the fashion of the detective story, which goes on. And what sort of man is Sherlock Holmes? We learn a lot about him from the stories in which he appears. He is a quiet man, who only speak when he has something to say. He smokes a pipe (he has a collection of them). He plays the violin. He carries a large magnifeing glass. He lives at 221B Baker Street in London. If you go ti London, you will not be able to find 221B Baker Street. But instead, you can go to a pub called the “Sherlock Holmes”. In that pub there is a room exactly like Sherlock Holmes’s room at 221B Baker Street as described in Conan Doyle’s stories.

Со словами «элементарно, мой дорогой Ватсон …», самый знаменитый сыщик всех времен, Шерлок Холмс, начинает объяснять преступление, чтобы его друг, доктор Ватсон. Эта фраза уже вошла в английский язык.

Шерлок Холмс впервые появился в книге под названием ‘этюд в багровых тонах’. Он стал известным в ‘Приключения Шерлока Холмса’, впервые опубликованный в журнале «Strand»‘. После этого вышел целый ряд книг о нем: ‘возвращение Шерлока Холмса ‘Возвращение Шерлока Холмса’, ‘собака Баскервилей’, и многие другие. Многие тысячи книг Шерлока Холмса по-прежнему продаются каждый год.

Кто придумал Шерлока Холмса? Артур Конан Дойл был его изобретателем. Артур Конан Дойл родился в Шотландии, ирландские родители. Он был доктором. В 1882 году он переехал из Шотландии в Англию, в Портсмут возле Портсмута, чтобы создать практику. Один из врачей работал, Доктор Джозеф Белл, был моделью для друга Шерлока Холмса, доктора Ватсона. Медицинских знаний Конан Дойль был большим подспорьем ему в его детективы.

Конан Дойль начал моды детектив. Сегодня мода продолжается — с инспектором рассказы Сименон Мегрэ и истории других писателей.

И какой мужчина Шерлок Холмс? Мы узнаем много нового о нем из рассказов, в которых он появляется. Он обладает тонким лицом и умными глазами. Он говорит, когда ему есть что сказать. Он курит трубку (он имеет коллекцию из них). Он играет на скрипке. Он живет в 221 Б Бейкер-стрит в Лондоне.

Если…                                                     интересно и что здесь,я не правильно перевела,это 100% перевод из книги

Со словами «элементарно, мой дорогой Ватсон …», самый знаменитый сыщик всех времен, Шерлок Холмс, начинает объяснять преступление, чтобы его друг, доктор Ватсон. Эта фраза уже вошла в английский язык.

Шерлок Холмс впервые появился в книге под названием ‘этюд в багровых тонах’. Он стал известным в ‘Приключения Шерлока Холмса’, впервые опубликованный в журнале «Strand»‘. После этого вышел целый ряд книг о нем: ‘возвращение Шерлока Холмса ‘Возвращение Шерлока Холмса’, ‘собака Баскервилей’, и многие другие. Многие тысячи книг Шерлока Холмса по-прежнему продаются каждый год.

Кто придумал Шерлока Холмса? Артур Конан Дойл был его изобретателем. Артур Конан Дойл родился в Шотландии, ирландские родители. Он был доктором. В 1882 году он переехал из Шотландии в Англию, в Портсмут возле Портсмута, чтобы создать практику. Один из врачей работал, Доктор Джозеф Белл, был моделью для друга Шерлока Холмса, доктора Ватсона. Медицинских знаний Конан Дойль был большим подспорьем ему в его детективы.

Конан Дойль начал моды детектив. Сегодня мода продолжается — с инспектором рассказы Сименон Мегрэ и истории других писателей.

И какой мужчина Шерлок Холмс? Мы узнаем много нового о нем из рассказов, в которых он появляется. Он обладает тонким лицом и умными глазами. Он говорит, когда ему есть что сказать. Он курит трубку (он имеет коллекцию из них). Он играет на скрипке. Он живет в 221 Б Бейкер-стрит в Лондоне.

Если…                                                     интересно и что здесь,я не правильно перевела,это 100% перевод из книги

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