Wisdom from the word

«I’ve had the privilege to preach the Word for over forty years and to counsel numerous people. Dr. Robert Gullbergs’ Wisdom from the Word is an accurate, comprehensive, and useful tool for any type of Bible study- personal devotions, life group, class, or sermon preparation. It is also a valuable tool for Biblical counseling.” — Pastor Jerry Worsham, former Senior Pastor, Grace Church, Racine Wisconsin, and graduate of Wheaton College, MA in Biblical Studies; as well as Loyola University, MA in Counseling Psychology in Marriage and Family.

Wisdom from the Word is much more than a concordance that you can find in most Bibles. It is a compilation of vital study notes from three decades of Bible study. It contains detailed sections on end times and on the book of Revelation. In over 700 pages, Wisdom from the Word discusses over 700 important topics carefully selected for use in Bible study and teaching. There are hundreds of pertinent stories, quotes, illustrations and examples that help to elucidate these relevant topics. Done in an alphabetical manner, it is easy to find any subject quickly.
Dr. Gullberg has been an active member of an evangelical Christian church throughout his life and has taught small group Bible Studies continually during that time span over many decades. He thrives on teaching Scriptural truths to students (no matter what age) who want to delve into God’s word. Robert has “sat at the feet” of numerous and highly educated pastors over the years including Pastor Jerry Worsham, Pastor Rusty Hayes, Reverend John Schindler, and Pastor Joel Lindsey. Wisdom from the Word is a great addition to your library, and an excellent resource for the Bible student and the Bible teacher.

95 episodes

The Journey through the Bible podcast is recorded live each week in our adult Sunday School class. We are committed to in-depth, verse-by-verse study of the Scriptures. By studying only a few verses at a time, our slow pace allows us the chance to dig into history, geography, customs, archaeology, and more to gain a clear understanding of the text. Focal passages sometimes overlap due to the fact that the class is interactive and taught in a discussion format. Some weeks we get farther than others depending on the number of questions. We believe that *all scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.* (2 Tim. 3:16)

The Journey through the Bible podcast is recorded live each week in our adult Sunday School class. We are committed to in-depth, verse-by-verse study of the Scriptures. By studying only a few verses at a time, our slow pace allows us the chance to dig into history, geography, customs, archaeology, and more to gain a clear understanding of the text. Focal passages sometimes overlap due to the fact that the class is interactive and taught in a discussion format. Some weeks we get farther than others depending on the number of questions. We believe that *all scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.* (2 Tim. 3:16)

    • JAN 23, 2020

    Acts 11:27-30 ~ Famine Felt ‘Round the World

    Acts 11:27-30 ~ Famine Felt ‘Round the World

    This week we discussed various topics related to the church in Antioch, Syria. We learned the first instance a disciple was called “Christian” was in Antioch. A prophet came down from Jerusalem and predicted a severe famine that would spread over the entire Roman Empire, and we were able to pinpoint almost exactly when this was with the provided information.

    The disciples decided to provide help for other Christ-Followers in Judea, sending their gifts with Barnabas and Saul.

    We also debunk a myth about the early Christians being poor people, as many were well off.

    >> Click to read this week’s passages in KJV, CSB, ESV, NIV: Acts 11:27-30 

    Acts 11:27-30 ~ Famine Felt ‘Round the World

    This week we learn more about the prophecy of a famine and what the disciples in Antioch, Syria decide to do.

    * Recorded: LIVE. This audio has been HEAVILY REDACTED  for class member privacy, time, and content.


    PowerPoint Presentation:

    Charts & Maps:

    Map of the Regions

    New Testament Chronological History

    • JUL 30, 2019

    Acts 11:19-26 ~ Barnabas and the Hellenists

    Acts 11:19-26 ~ Barnabas and the Hellenists

    This week we reviewed the previous lesson about the expansion of the gospel into Phoenicia, Syria, and Cyprus. This section, though less than ten verses, fills in the gap in Luke’s narrative of how Christ followers ended up so far north. This timeline is concurrent with that of the previous three chapters. 

    From the earliest days of the church, there has been one message uniting people across all human-made divides: love. That’s the core of the gospel. Barnabas was sent to Antioch to make sure they were in compliance with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

    In other words, Barnabas is sent to check up on a group of Christ followers who were already in Antioch teaching non-Jews about Jesus. We also discussed how Luke coined his own term “Hellenistas” to describe the Greek-speaking Jews who were living in areas far-removed from Jerusalem…or were they Greek-speaking non-Jews? This is a mystery.

    >> Click to read this week’s passages in KJV, CSB, ESV, NIV: Acts 11:19-26 

    Acts 11:19-26 ~ Barnabas and the Hellenists

    Barnabas is sent to verify what is being taught in Antioch is accurate.

    * Recorded: LIVE. This audio has been HEAVILY REDACTED  for class member privacy, time, and content.


    PowerPoint Presentation:


    ? Click to enlarge

    ? Click to enlarge

    A Map of the Region Discussed


    «Ancient Roman road near Tall Aqibrin in Syria,» photo by Bernard Gagnon

    • MAR 30, 2019

    Acts 11:19-26 ~ Meanwhile in Phoenicia, Cyprus & Antioch

    Acts 11:19-26 ~ Meanwhile in Phoenicia, Cyprus & Antioch

    This week we studied how the gospel spread north beyond Palestine into less Jewish-centric communities including Phoenicia, Antioch (in Syria) and the island of Cyprus. This section introduces us to the city of Antioch which will become the center of Christianity after the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 and to the church who sends out Paul and his partners on their missionary journeys.

    We also discussed how Luke coined his own term “Hellenistas” to describe the Greek-speaking Jews who were living in areas far-removed from Jerusalem.

    >> Click to read this week’s passages in KJV, CSB, ESV, NIV: Acts 11:19-26 

    Acts 11:19-26 ~ Meanwhile in Phoenicia, Cyprus & Antioch

    Luke coins a term to distinguish this particular people group

    * Recorded: LIVE. This audio has been HEAVILY REDACTED  for class member privacy, time, and content.


    PowerPoint Presentation:


    ? Click to enlarge

    PHOTO CREDITS:Banner photo courtesy of the LUMO Project (https://www.LumoProject.com)

    • FEB 21, 2019

    Acts 11:1-18 ~ Clean.

    Acts 11:1-18 ~ Clean.

    In our final discussion on this passage, we got down to where the rubber meets the road. As we focused on Peter’s defense of his experience in Acts 11, we learned that he had become convinced his vision had nothing to do with food and everything to do with people. 

    And so the real question is this: Was the message of Peter’s vision limited to the first century and the Jew/Gentile situation? OR does it carry implications for us as Christ followers TODAY in the 21st century? How should we understand and/or apply Peter’s words to our own lives?

    >> Click to read this week’s passages in KJV, CSB, ESV, NIV: Acts 11:1-11:18 

    Acts 11:1-11:18 ~ Clean vs. Unclean*

    Modern-Day Implications of Peter’s Vision and Experience with Cornelius

    * Recorded: LIVE. This audio has been HEAVILY REDACTED  for class member privacy, time, and content.


    PowerPoint Presentation:

    There was no PowerPoint this week.

    PHOTO CREDITS:Dirty Window with Heart — Gaelle Marcel @gaellemarcel on UnsplashDirty Hands with Light — Riccardo Annandal @pavement_special on Unsplash

    • FEB 21, 2019

    Acts 10:1-11:18 ~ The Core of the Gospel Message (Kerygma)

    Acts 10:1-11:18 ~ The Core of the Gospel Message (Kerygma)

    As part of our continuing discussion about Peter’s speech(es) in Acts 10 and 11, we stepped back to look at how Peter and the apostles adjusted their presentation of the gospel message to each audience based on their knowledge of the Scriptures and Jewish religious traditions.

    Through comparison and contrast, we identified key elements of his preaching that were present in each sermon. When everything else is stripped away, what is left? What is at the core (a.k.a. kerygma) of the gospel message?

    >> Click to read this week’s passages in KJV, CSB, ESV, NIV: Acts 10:1-11:18 

    Acts 10:1-11:18 ~ The Core of the Gospel

    Common elements in gospel sermons preached by Peter in Acts 1-11.

    * Recorded: LIVE. This audio has been edited for class member privacy, time, and content.


    PowerPoint Presentation:

    There was no PowerPoint this week.

    White Board Notes:

    More on Kerygma

    In his abstract on Kerygma (below), B. Scott Lewis explains the term and its usage by theologians:

    “The descriptive term ‘kerygmatic’ comes from the Greek word kerygma, meaning to preach or proclaim. The term is frequently used by kerygmatic theologians (e.g. Rudolf Bultmann, Karl Barth) to describe the act of preaching that calls for an existential faith in the meaning of Jesus. The term kerygma was used by theologians to denote the content of apostolic preaching which consisted of historical facts about Jesus’ life and ministry (e.g. death, burial, resurrection, and ascension) for understanding the meaning Jesus (e.g. C. H. Dodd). According to kerymatic theologians, when the content of the primitive kerygma is preached today (i.e. Jesus’ death and resurrection) it is understood that God calls upon hearers to believe in God’s act in Christ, so that hearers recognize their judgment of sin and receive grace in the present. In other words, this ‘proclaimed word’ is an existential encounter with Jesus where the saving event of God — as described in the historical content of the kerygma — reoccurs in the proclaiming act in the present. Although less concerned with the historical sources for understanding the meaning of Jesus, kerygmatic theologians understand the proclaiming act to be God calling upon unbelievers to encounter the meaning of Jesus in an existential manner. This kerygmatic theology as articulated by Karl Barth, Rudolf Bultmann, and others became a unified theological position during the 20th century. ”

    Banner Photo Credit: Carlos de Almeida @carlosriba on Unsplash

    • FEB 20, 2019

    Acts 10:1-11:18 ~ Everyone Is Welcome. Every. One.

    Acts 10:1-11:18 ~ Everyone Is Welcome. Every. One.

    Who is “welcome” to join us in following Jesus? Who is not? Where do we draw the line? Should we even draw one? How do we know? 

    During the week prior to the Sunday when this lesson was originally taught, American citizens were mesmerized by two very different and highly publicized funerals: John McCain’s in Arizona, and Aretha Franklin’s in Michigan. We spent the first few minutes of class discussing the similarities and differences in the guest list, the funeral services, and how they were covered in the media.

    The recording starts there as we observed that the diversity and inclusion in each audience was modeled by Jesus and prompted by the Holy Spirit in Acts. This  provided the perfect backdrop to our discussion of Peter’s experience with Cornelius in Caesarea Maritima.

    >> Click to read this week’s passages in KJV, CSB, ESV, NIV: Acts 10:1-11:18 

    Acts 10:1-11:18 ~ Everyone Is Welcome. Every. One.

    The good news of Jesus is for everyone—Jew and Gentile alike.

    * Recorded: LIVE. This audio has been edited for class member privacy, time, and content.


    PowerPoint Presentation:

    There was no PowerPoint this week.

    Banner Photo Credit: Katie Moum @katiemoum on Unsplash

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The expository preaching and teaching ministry of Pastor James Ford, Jr.




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888 268 7465





This program will be available tomorrow at 8:30PM.


Alternative forms[edit]

  • wisedome (obsolete)
  • wisdome (obsolete)


From Middle English wisdom, from Old English wīsdōm (wisdom), from Proto-Germanic *wīsadōmaz (wisdom), corresponding to wise +‎ -dom or wise +‎ doom (judgement). Cognate with Scots wisdom, wysdom (wisdom), West Frisian wiisdom (wisdom), Dutch wijsdom (wisdom), German Weistum (legal sentence), Danish/Norwegian/Swedish visdom (wisdom), Icelandic vísdómur (wisdom).


  • (Received Pronunciation, General American) enPR: wĭzʹdəm, IPA(key): /ˈwɪzdəm/
  • Rhymes: -ɪzdəm
  • Hyphenation: wis‧dom


wisdom (countable and uncountable, plural wisdoms)

  1. (uncountable) An element of personal character that enables one to distinguish the wise from the unwise.
  2. (countable) A piece of wise advice.
  3. The discretionary use of knowledge for the greatest good.
  4. The ability to apply relevant knowledge in an insightful way, especially to different situations from that in which the knowledge was gained.
  5. The ability to make a decision based on the combination of knowledge, experience, and intuitive understanding.
  6. (theology) The ability to know and apply spiritual truths.
    • 1652, Eugenius Philalethes, The Fame and Confeſſion of the Fraternity of…the Roſie Croſs, pages 1–2 of the preface
      Wiſdom…is to a man an infinite Treaſure, for ſhe is the Breath of the Power of God, and a pure Influence that floweth from the Glory of the Almighty; ſhe is the Brightneſs of Eternal Light, and an undefiled Mirror of the Majeſty of God, and an Image of his Goodneſs; ſhe teacheth us Soberneſs and Prudence, Righteouſneſs and Strength; ſhe underſtands the Subtilty of words, and Solution of dark ſentences; ſhe foreknoweth Signs and Wonders, and what ſhall happen in time to come.
  7. (rare) A group of wombats.
    • 2007 April 16, Tony Cooper, “Ebay is Unfair!”, in rec.collecting.coins, Usenet[1], retrieved 2022-09-05:

      It would also be difficult to get to the bottom line accurately if a wisdom of wombats ate your working papers. Both scenarios are equal in probability.

    • 2017, Peggy A. Wheeler, The Splendid and Extraordinary Life of Beautimus Potamus[2]:

      Beautimus strolled to the river for her morning bath. She looked one direction, then the other to search the landscape for anything or anybody who might offer a clue as to what could be coming her way. She passed a pond where a congregation of alligators and a wisdom of wombats engaged in a heated argument over economics. Nothing unusual in that.

    • 2020, Graham Jackson, The7th Victim[3], page 160:

      Banyule means hill, another voice whispers from the swamp, and as I turn to ask a question I see kangaroos lying in the shade of a low tree by the shining water. Yes, the water has returned, along with giant earth-eating creatures boring holes far below, linking wisdoms of wombats with wastelands of Winthers.

  8. (rare) A group of owls.
    Synonym: parliament
    • 1974, Margery Weiner, Answering Any Questions: How to Set Up an Information Office, Newton Abbot : David and Charles [for] the «Daily Telegraph»:

      What he expected to find I cannot imagine , unless it was a wisdom of owls. What he did see and hear were telephones ringing, assistants answering them, getting up from their seats to take a book or a card from a file, returning []

    • 2016, Gary Barwin, Yiddish for Pirates: A Novel, →ISBN, page 91:

      All of us, whether we gather into a wisp of snipes, a wisdom of owls, a wing of plovers, or remain like a single regretful priest on his knees before his God, we are one and it is not for us to decide another’s fate.


  • (ability to make a decision): See Thesaurus:wisdom


  • foolishness
  • folly

Derived terms[edit]

  • conventional wisdom
  • pearl of wisdom
  • wisdomless
  • wisdom tooth


  • wise
  • wisehead
  • wiseness


element of personal character

  • Albanian: urtësinë
  • Arabic: حِكْمَة‎ f (ḥikma)
    Egyptian Arabic: حكمة‎ f (ḥikma)
  • Armenian: իմաստություն (hy) (imastutʿyun)
  • Aromanian: mintiminilji f
  • Asturian: sabencia f, sabiduría f
  • Atayal: kinbaqan
  • Azerbaijani: hikmət
  • Belarusian: му́драсць f (múdrascʹ)
  • Bulgarian: мъ́дрост (bg) f (mǎ́drost)
  • Burmese: ဉာဏ် (my) (nyan), ဉာဏ (my) (nyana.), ဝိဇ္ဇာ (my) (wijja)
  • Catalan: saviesa (ca) f
  • Chechen: хьекъалалла (ḥʳeqʼalalla)
  • Cherokee: ᎠᎦᏙᎲᏍᏗ (agadohvsdi)
  • Chichewa: nzeru
  • Chinese:
    Cantonese: 智慧 (zi3 wai6)
    Mandarin: 智慧 (zh) (zhìhuì)
    Min Nan: 智慧 (zh-min-nan) (tì-huī)
  • Czech: moudrost (cs) f
  • Danish: visdom c
  • Dutch: wijsheid (nl) f
  • Esperanto: saĝeco
  • Estonian: tarkus
  • Faroese: vísdómur m
  • Finnish: viisaus (fi)
  • French: sagesse (fr) f
  • Galician: sabedoría f, sabenza f
  • Georgian: სიბრძნე (sibrʒne)
  • German: Weisheit (de) f
  • Gothic: 𐌷𐌰𐌽𐌳𐌿𐌲𐌴𐌹 f (handugei), 𐍆𐍂𐍉𐌳𐌴𐌹 f (frōdei)
  • Greek: σοφία (el) f (sofía)
    Ancient: σοφία f (sophía)
  • Hebrew: חוכמה חָכְמָה‎ f (khokhmá)
  • Hindi: बुद्धिमत्ता (hi) (buddhimattā), पांडित्य (hi) (pāṇḍitya), प्रज्ञता (hi) (pragyatā)
  • Hungarian: bölcsesség (hu)
  • Icelandic: viska f, vísdómur (is) m
  • Ido: sajeso (io)
  • Indonesian: kebijaksanaan (id)
  • Irish: eagna f, críonnacht f
  • Italian: saggezza (it), senno (it) m, discernimento (it) m, criterio (it) m, avvedutezza (it) f
  • Japanese: 知恵 (ja) (ちえ, chie)
  • Kashmiri: گاٹہٕ جار(gāṭhụ jār), بۄد(bọd)
  • Khmer: គតិបណ្ឌិត (km) (kĕəʼteʼ bɑndɨt)
  • Korean: 지혜(智慧) (ko) (jihye), 지혜(知慧) (ko) (jihye), 슬기 (ko) (seulgi)
  • Latin: sagacitas f, sapientia f
  • Latvian: gudrība f
  • Lingala: bwányá class 14
  • Lithuanian: išmintis f
  • Macedonian: мудрост f (mudrost)
  • Malay: kebijaksanaan
  • Middle English: wisdom, sapience
  • Navajo: ił ééhózin
  • Norwegian: visdom (no) m
  • Occitan: saviesa (oc) f
  • Old Church Slavonic:
    Cyrillic: мѫдрость f (mǫdrostĭ)
  • Old Occitan: sapiencia, razon
  • Persian: خردمندی(xeradmandi), خرد (fa) (xerad)
  • Polish: mądrość (pl) f
  • Portuguese: sabedoria (pt), sagacidade (pt), sapiência (pt)
  • Romanian: înțelepciune (ro) f, judecată (ro) f
  • Russian: му́дрость (ru) f (múdrostʹ)
  • Sanskrit: प्रज्ञा (sa) f (prajñā)
  • Scottish Gaelic: gliocas m
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: múdrōst (sh) f
    Roman: му́дро̄ст f
  • Slovak: múdrosť f
  • Slovene: modróst (sl) f
  • Spanish: sabiduría (es) f
  • Swahili: mwanafalsafa
  • Swedish: visdom (sv) c
  • Thai: ภูมิปัญญา (th) (puum-bpan-yaa)
  • Turkish: bilgelik (tr), hikmet (tr)
  • Ugaritic: 𐎈𐎋𐎎𐎚 (ḥkmt)
  • Ukrainian: му́дрість (uk) f (múdristʹ)
  • Urdu: عقل (ur) f
  • Vietnamese: khôn ngoan (vi)
  • Welsh: doethineb
  • Yiddish: חכמה‎ f (khokhme)

piece of wise advice

  • Arabic: حِكْمَة‎ f (ḥikma)
  • Armenian: իմաստություն (hy) (imastutʿyun)
  • Bulgarian: мъдър съвет m (mǎdǎr sǎvet)
  • Cherokee: ᎠᎦᏙᎲᏍᏗ (agadohvsdi)
  • Chichewa: nzeru
  • Danish: visdom c
  • Dutch: wijsheid (nl) f
  • Estonian: tarkus
  • Finnish: viisaus (fi)
  • French: sagesse (fr) f
  • Galician: consello m
  • Georgian: სიბრძნე (sibrʒne)
  • German: Weisheit (de) f
  • Hausa: hikima
  • Hungarian: bölcsesség (hu)
  • Ido: sajeso (io)
  • Italian: saggezza (it) f
  • Japanese: 知恵 (ja) (ちえ, chie)
  • Latin: scientia (la) f, sapientia f, sapientia f
  • Latvian: gudrība f
  • Maori: whakaaronui
  • Norwegian: visdom (no) m
  • Portuguese: orientação (pt) f
  • Russian: му́дрость (ru) f (múdrostʹ)
  • Turkish: hikmet (tr)

discretionary use of knowledge for the greatest good

  • Armenian: խոհեմություն (hy) (xohemutʿyun)
  • Bulgarian: мъдрост (bg) (mǎdrost)
  • Danish: visdom c
  • Dutch: wijsheid (nl) f
  • Finnish: viisaus (fi)
  • French: sagesse (fr) f
  • Galician: sabenza f, sabedoría f
  • Georgian: სიბრძნე (sibrʒne)
  • German: Weisheit (de) f
  • Hebrew: חוכמה חָכְמָה‎ f (khokhmá)
  • Hungarian: bölcsesség (hu)
  • Ido: sajeso (io)
  • Italian: (buon) senso (it), senno (it) m, discrezionalità (it) f, buon senso m
  • Japanese: 知恵 (ja) (ちえ, chie)
  • Latvian: gudrība f
  • Norwegian: visdom (no) m
  • Persian: حکمت (fa) (hekmat)
  • Portuguese: bom senso (pt) m
  • Romanian: înțelepciune (ro) f, sapiență (ro) f
  • Russian: му́дрость (ru) f (múdrostʹ)
  • Scottish Gaelic: gliocas m
  • Swahili: hekima (sw)
  • Turkish: hikmet (tr)
  • Yiddish: חכמה‎ f (khokhme)

ability to apply relevant knowledge in an insightful way

  • Cherokee: ᎠᎦᏙᎲᏍᏗ (agadohvsdi)
  • Danish: visdom c
  • Dutch: wijsheid (nl) f
  • Estonian: tarkus
  • Finnish: viisaus (fi)
  • French: sagesse (fr) f
  • Galician: sabedoría f
  • Georgian: სიბრძნე (sibrʒne)
  • German: Weisheit (de) f
  • Greek: σοφία (el) f (sofía)
  • Hebrew: חוכמה חָכְמָה‎ f (khokhmá)
  • Hungarian: bölcsesség (hu)
  • Ido: sajeso (io)
  • Italian: saggezza (it) f
  • Japanese: 英知 (ja) (えいち, eichi), 知識 (ja) (ちしき, chishiki)
  • Latin: sapientia f, scientia (la) f
  • Latvian: gudrība f
  • Maori: whakaaronui
  • Norwegian: visdom (no) m
  • Portuguese: sabedoria (pt) f
  • Russian: му́дрость (ru) f (múdrostʹ)
  • Scottish Gaelic: gliocas m
  • Swahili: hekima (sw) class 9
  • Turkish: hikmet (tr)
  • Yiddish: חכמה‎ f (khokhme)

ability to know and apply spiritual truths

  • Armenian: իմաստություն (hy) (imastutʿyun)
  • Cherokee: ᎠᎦᏙᎲᏍᏗ (agadohvsdi)
  • Danish: visdom c
  • Dutch: wijsheid (nl) f
  • Estonian: tarkus
  • Finnish: viisaus (fi)
  • French: sagesse (fr) f
  • Georgian: სიბრძნე (sibrʒne)
  • German: Weisheit (de) f
  • Hebrew: חוכמה חָכְמָה‎ f (khokhmá)
  • Hungarian: bölcsesség (hu)
  • Ido: sajeso (io)
  • Italian: saggezza (it) f
  • Japanese: 英知 (ja) (えいち, eichi), 知識 (ja) (ちしき, chishiki)
  • Latvian: gudrība f
  • Norwegian: visdom (no) m
  • Portuguese: sabedoria (pt) f
  • Russian: му́дрость (ru) f (múdrostʹ)
  • Spanish: sabiduría (es)
  • Swahili: hekima (sw)
  • Turkish: hikmet (tr)

Translations to be checked

  • Albanian: (please verify) mençuri (sq)
  • Azerbaijani: (please verify) fәrasәt
  • Cherokee: (please verify) ᎠᎦᏙᎲᏍᏗ (agadohvsdi)
  • Dutch: (please verify) wijsheid (nl)
  • Esperanto: (please verify) saĝeco
  • Fula: (please verify) ndimaagu
  • Georgian: (please verify) ცოდნა (codna)
  • Indonesian: (please verify) kebijaksanaan (id)
  • Irish: (please verify) eagnaíocht f
  • Italian: (please verify) saggezza (it) f
  • Latin: (please verify) sapientia f
  • Malayalam: (please verify) ജ്ഞാനം (ml) (jñānaṃ), (please verify) അറിവ് (ml) (aṟivŭ)
  • Mandarin: (please verify) 智慧 (zh) (zhìhuì), (please verify) 才智 (zh) (zhìhuì)
  • Middle Low German: (please verify) wysheit ((please verify) Wysheit)
  • Persian: (please verify) عقل (fa) (‘aqal)
  • Romanian: (please verify) sfătoșenie (ro)
  • Slovak: (please verify) rozum
  • Slovene: (please verify) modrost (sl) f
  • Spanish: (please verify) sabiduría (es) f
  • Swedish: (please verify) visdom (sv) c
  • Turkish: (please verify) âkil
  • Uyghur: ئەقىل (ug) (eqil)
  • Welsh: (please verify) callineb


  • (group of wombats): Woop Studios, Jay Sacher. A Compendium of Collective Nouns: From an Armory of Aardvarks to a Zeal of Zebras. Chronicle Books, 2013. p. 213

See also[edit]

  • morality

Middle English[edit]


From Old English wīsdom. Equivalent to wys +‎ -dom.


  • IPA(key): /ˈwizdoːm/


wisdom (plural wisdomes)

  1. wisdom
    • c. 1395, John Wycliffe, John Purvey [et al.], transl., Bible (Wycliffite Bible (later version), MS Lich 10.)‎[4], published c. 1410, Apocalips 17:9, page 123r, column 2; republished as Wycliffe’s translation of the New Testament, Lichfield: Bill Endres, 2010:

      ⁊ þis is þe wit who þat haþ wiſdom / þe ſeuene heedis ben ſeuene hillis .· on which þe womman ſittiþ

      And the mind that has wisdom thinks: «The seven heads are the seven hills that the woman sits on []


  • unwisdom


  • English: wisdom
  • Scots: wisdom, wysdom

Old English[edit]


From Proto-Germanic *wīsadōmaz. Cognate with Old Frisian wīsdom, Old Saxon wīsdom, Old High German wīstuom, Old Norse vísdómr. Equivalent to wīs +‎ dōm.


  • IPA(key): /ˈwiːsˌdoːm/, [ˈwiːzˌdoːm]


wīsdōm m

  1. wisdom


Declension of wisdom (strong a-stem)


  • Middle English: wisdom
    • English: wisdom

Fr. Larry Richards is the founder and president of The Reason for our Hope Foundation, a non- profit organization dedicated to ”spreading the Good News” by educating others about Jesus Christ. His new homilies are posted each week.

The Village Church exists to bring glory to God by making disciples through gospel-centered worship, gospel-centered community, gospel-centered service and gospel-centered multiplication.

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Love Worth Finding’s purpose is to bring people to Christ and mature them in the faith. This happens primarily through efforts in publishing and broadcasting biblical truth.Love Worth Finding began in 1987, as a response to several requests for tapes of messages by pastor and Bible teacher Adrian Rogers. He relates that «soon the requests began to grow to the point that we knew God was leading us into a wider ministry.» As an extension of Dr. Rogers’ pulpit ministry Love Worth Finding provid …

Mormon Stories is an attempt to build understanding between and about Mormons through the telling of stories in both audio and video formats.

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