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Ready, Willing and Able
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Ready, Willing and Able
ˈwɪlɪŋ прил.
1) готовый (сделать что-л.) ;
охотно делающий что-л. Syn: compliant, ready
2) добровольный willing help ≈ охотно оказанная помощь she is willing to help ≈ она охотно поможет Syn: voluntary, free-will
3) исполнительный, старательный, усердный willing worker ≈ старательный работник Syn: assiduous, diligent ∙ willing horse
готовый, склонный, расположенный, согласный( сделать что-л.) ;
не возражающий (против чего-л.) — * to oblige услужливый, обязательный, любезный — * or not волей-неволей, хочешь не хочешь — I am quite * to come with you я согласен /готов/ пойти с вами — I am quite * that you should come /for you to come/ я не возражаю против вашего прихода старательный, усердный;
охотно делающий (что-л.) — * hands усердная работа, усердие, рвение — to lend a * hand подать руку помощи — to be able and * иметь возможность и желание — to give * service охотно оказать услугу добровольный, невынужденный — * sacrifice добровольная жертва — * obedience добровольное повиновение, сознательная дисциплина( философское) волевой;
относящийся к( свободной) воле — * horse работяга — to spur /to flog/ a * horse подгонять того, кто и так старается изо всех сил;
заниматься бесполезным делом — * ear благосклонное внимание, желание выслушать — God * если богу угодно, с божьей помощью — nothing is impossible to a * heart /mind/ (пословица) очень захочешь — непременно добьешься;
терпение и труд все перетрут
be ready and ~ быть готовым и не возражать
willing pres. p. от will ~ готовый (сделать что-л.) ;
охотно делающий (что-л.) ~ готовый ~ добровольный;
willing help охотно оказанная помощь ~ расположенный ~ склонный ~ согласный ~ старательный;
willing worker старательный работник;
willing horse работяга
~ добровольный;
willing help охотно оказанная помощь
~ старательный;
willing worker старательный работник;
willing horse работяга
~ старательный;
willing worker старательный работник;
willing horse работягаБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > willing
1. готовый, склонный, расположенный, согласный (); не возражающий ()
willing to oblige — услужливый, обязательный, любезный
willing or not — волей-неволей, хочешь не хочешь
I am quite willing to come with you — я согласен /готов/ пойти с вами
I am quite willing that you should come /for you to come/ — я не возражаю против вашего прихода
2. старательный, усердный; охотно делающий (
willing hands — усердная работа, усердие, рвение
3. добровольный, невынужденный
willing obedience — добровольное повиновение, сознательная дисциплина
волевой; относящийся к (свободной) воле
to spur /to flog/ a willing horse — подгонять того, кто и так старается изо всех сил; заниматься бесполезным делом
willing ear — благосклонное внимание, желание выслушать
God willing — если богу угодно, с божьей помощью
nothing is impossible to a willing heart /mind/ — очень захочешь — непременно добьёшься; ≅ терпение и труд всё перетрут
НБАРС > willing
1) склонный, расположенный, готовый, согласные что-либо сделать
He is willing to take the job. — Он согласен на эту работу.
He is willing to let us use the hall. — Он охотно предоставит зал в наше пользование.
He is not very willing to help. — Он не рвется помогать.
2) усердный, старательный, охотно делающий что-либо
There are plenty of willing hands. — Охотников хоть отбавляй
— willing worker
— class of willing students
— lend a willing handEnglish-Russian combinatory dictionary > willing
be able and willing
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > be able and willing
to be able and willing
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > to be able and willing
to be able and willing
English-Russian combinatory dictionary > to be able and willing
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > RWA
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Rwa
make the grade
преуспеть , добиться успеха, добиться своего; быть на должной высоте [, ж.-д. взять подъём;
It’s not good trying to stop us from becoming human beings at this stage of the game because some day one of us is going to make the grade. I know It’s not going to be me. Maybe It’s not going to be you — but it may be your son. (W. Saroyan, ‘The Adventures of Wesley Jackson’, ch. 19) — Мы хотим стать людьми, и теперь уже бесполезно мешать нам. Потому что рано или поздно один из нас пробьет себе дорогу. я знаю, что не я. И возможно, что не ты. Но, может, это будет твой сын.
They could not make the grade together. She was prepared to shoulder some of the blame. (S. Bellow, ‘Herzog’) — Семейная жизнь у них не ладилась. Мадлен и себя винила в этом.
I’m willing to take Max’s word that you might be able to make yourself useful in a year or two… There’s only one proviso and that’s a big one: you’ve got to satisfy me when I get back that you can make the grade. (M. Wilson, ‘Live with Lightning’, book I, ch. II) — я охотно верю Максу, что через год-два вы можете стать отличным помощником. Я ставлю только одно условие, и очень важное: когда я вернусь, вы должны будете доказать мне, что годитесь для этой работы.
Large English-Russian phrasebook > make the grade
См. также в других словарях:
willing and able — adjective not reluctant • Similar to: ↑willing … Useful english dictionary
Ready, Willing, and Able — can refer to:* Ready, Willing, and Able (film), a 1937 movie ** Ready, Willing, and Able (1937 song), a song by composer Richard Whiting and lyricist Johnny Mercer, introduced in the movie * Ready, Willing, and Able (1954 song), a song by Floyd… … Wikipedia
ready, willing, and able — phrase willing to do something and capable of doing it Thesaurus: willing to do or accept somethingsynonym Main entry: ready … Useful english dictionary
Ready, Willing, and Able (1954 song) — Ready, Willing, and Able is a popular song written by Al Rinker, Floyd Huddleston, and Dick Gleason and published in 1954.The song was performed by Doris Day in the 1954 musical film Young at Heart and is included on the soundtrack album from the … Wikipedia
Ready, Willing, and Able (film) — Ready, Willing, and Able is a 1937 musical film starring Ruby Keeler and Ross Alexander. It also featured the talents of Lee Dixon, Allen Jenkins, Winifred Shaw, Louise Fazenda, and Carolyn Hughes.The director was Ray Enright.Songs in the movie… … Wikipedia
ready, willing, and able — Fully prepared to act, as in prepared to perform the services required under a contract. Category: Business, LLCs & Corporations Category: If, When & Where to File a Lawsuit Category: Mediation, Arbitration & Collaborative Law Category: Small… … Law dictionary
ready, willing and able — adj. fully prepared to act, as in performing a contract. Law dictionary. EdwART. 2013 … Law dictionary
ready, willing, and able customer — A customer, found by a broker for his client, who is ready and willing to contract and able to complete the contract … Ballentine’s law dictionary
Willing and Abel — infobox television show name = Willing and Abel caption = format = Sitcom runtime = 50 minutes creator = Lynn Bayonas Shane Withington Tom Roberts starring = Grant Dodwell Shane Withington Martin Vaughan Rebecca Rigg Lucius Borich Simon Chilvers… … Wikipedia
ready, willing, and able — willing to do something and capable of doing it … English dictionary
Ready, Willing, and Disabled — Эпизод «Гриффинов» «Ready, Willing, and Disabled» … Википедия
References in periodicals archive
While the owner had the right to terminate the broker’s employment, the jury found he had not, and the broker was held to have been justified in continuing his efforts and entitled to a commission for ultimately finding a ready, willing and able purchaser.
The judge ruled that although the broker is entitled to a commission because it produced a buyer ready, willing and able to purchase the seller’s property on the seller’s terms and at the sale failed to go forward as a result of the seller’s own default, still a trial was required because of the fact that the broker entered into a second binder agreement with the seller for the same property.
Idioms browser
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- will eat for breakfast
- will go a long way
- will have none of (something)
- will have none of something
- Will I see you again?
- Will it play in Peoria?
- will never fly
- will not hear of
- will not stand for (something)
- will o’ the wisp
- will on
- will stop at nothing
- Will that be all?
- will the real (someone) please stand up
- will the real someone please stand up
- will to
- will to win
- will wonders never cease
- Will you excuse us, please?
- Will you hold(, please)?
- Will/Would you excuse me(, please)?
- willed
- willful ignorance
- willies
- willing
- willing and able
- willing horse
- will-o’-the-wisp
- willow
- willow in the wind
- willy
- willy-nilly
- willy-nilly, to do something
- Wilma
- wimp
- wimp out
- wimp out (of something)
- wimp out of something
- wimpy
- win
- win (one) over
- win (one’s) heart
- win (one’s) spurs
- win (someone or something) away from (someone or something)
- win (something) by a hair
- win (something) by a neck
- win (something) by a nose
- win (something) by a whisker
- win (something) in a breeze
- win (something) in a walk
- win /beat somebody hands down
- ▼
Full browser
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- Willie Nelson
- Willie Nelson
- Willie Nelson
- Willie Pete
- Willie Shoemaker
- Willie Sutton Rule
- Willie Wagtail
- Willie Wagtail
- Willie Wolfe
- Willier
- willies
- willies
- willies
- williewaught
- willikers
- Willimantic
- Willimantic (CT)
- Willimantic Camp Meeting Association
- Willimantic Orchestra
- Willimantic, Connecticut
- Willimantic, CT
- willin
- willing
- willing
- willing
- willing
- willing
- willing
- willing
- willing
- willing and able
- willing away
- willing buyer
- Willing Hearts Dalmatian Rescue
- Willing Hearts International Society Canada
- Willing Hearts, Helping Hands
- willing her on
- willing her to
- willing him on
- willing him to
- willing horse
- willing horse
- willing horses
- Willing Inmates of Nevada Gaining Sobriety
- willing it away
- willing it on
- willing it to
- willing me on
- willing me to
- willing on
- willing one to
- willing someone on
- willing someone to
- willing something away
- willing something on
- willing something to
- Willing suspension of disbelief
- willing that away
- willing that on
- willing them away
- willing them on
- ▼
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
готовы и способны
хотят и могут
хочет и может
готов и способен
готовы и могут
готова и способна
желает и может
желание и возможность
желают и могут
готовых и способных
готовы и в состоянии
хотите и можете
желание и возможности
желающих и способных
желает и способен
Facebook started to look for partners who are willing and able to create their own content, in the last year.
Facebook начала искать партнёров, которые готовы и способны создавать собственный контент, ещё в прошлом году.
There are, however, plenty of anecdotes suggesting that swine are willing and able to kill humans.
Однако ходит много слухов, что свиньи готовы и способны убивать людей.
And in countries where women are willing and able to join your company, there really is no excuse.
И в странах, где женщины хотят и могут присоединиться к вашей компании, действительно нет оправдания.
Your agency must have an extensive database of qualified people who are willing and able to provide social care services.
Центр должен иметь обширную базу данных квалифицированных людей, которые хотят и могут заниматься социальным патронажным обслуживанием.
Corruption breeds distrust of public institutions, undermines ethical principles by rewarding those willing and able to pay bribes, and perpetuates inequality.
Коррупция порождает недоверие к государственным учреждениям, подрывает моральные принципы, награждая тех, кто хочет и может давать взятки, и усиливает неравенство.
Every man here gives only as he is willing and able.
Каждый здесь жертвует лишь столько, сколько хочет и может.
They are willing and able to discuss feelings with others.
The only catch is you need to be willing and able to acquire the technical skills necessary to either analyze or work with big data.
Единственный улов — вы должны быть готовы и способны приобрести технические навыки, необходимые для анализа или работы с большими данными.
Therefore, you have to decide on the services that you are willing and able to provide to your clients.
Следовательно, вы должны определиться с услугами, которые вы готовы и способны предоставить своим клиентам.
Set limits on what you’re willing and able to do, and stick to them.
Установите ограничения на то, что вы готовы и способны делать, и придерживайтесь их.
Educators are willing and able to teach whatever Americans want.
Педагоги готовы и способны научить американцев всему, что они захотят.
For the first time in Ukraine’s post-Soviet history, it has a government that is willing and able to carry out real reform.
Впервые в постсоветской истории Украины у страны есть правительство, которые хочет и может провести реальные реформы.
They were willing and able to direct the Secretariat members in their work rather than the other way round.
Они готовы и способны ориентировать сотрудников Секретариата в их работе, а не наоборот.
New members should be willing and able to participate in the implementation of decisions taken by the Security Council in accordance with the Charter.
Новые члены должны быть готовы и способны участвовать в осуществлении решений, принятых Советом Безопасности в соответствии с Уставом.
Most are willing and able to be rehabilitated.
Everyone who is willing and able, please join in!
And they are increasingly willing and able to circumvent global institutions by creating alternative arrangements.
И они все больше стремятся и способны обойти глобальные институты путем создания собственных.
But workers willing and able to make that investment see it pay dividends in the form of high salaries and ample opportunities.
Но работники, желающие и способные сделать это вложение, видят, что они платят дивиденды в форме высоких зарплат и широких возможностей.
democracies willing and able to assume the responsibilities and obligations of membership.
открытой для европейских демократических государств, которые хотят и могут принять на себя ответственность и обязанности членства.
We were lucky that they were willing and able to do it.
Нам действительно повезло, что она была доступна и могла сделать это.
Предложения, которые содержат willing and able
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When we talk about future plans in English, the construction “to be willing to do” can be used with a few different adjectives (in place of willing), such as ready, prepared and able. In some contexts these can be used interchangeably with almost no difference in meaning, roughly meaning to be prepared to do something. The idiomatic expression ready, willing and able to … means to be incredibly eager / prepared to do something. It makes use of these multiple words reinforcing the idea of readiness/eagerness by repeating adjectives that with almost the same meaning (similar to a construction such as I am well and good). However the use of such a phrase does demonstrate there is some difference between these words, and in certain contexts the different forms of to be willing to do can have distinct meanings.
The different meanings of ready, willing, and able
In a neutral form, these three adjectives each say that you are prepared to do something, but from a slightly different perspective.
- willing – prepared to do something as a choice, demonstrating eagerness
- ready – prepared to do something in either a physical or mental state, demonstrating either physical or mental capacity or eagerness
- able – prepared to do something as a possibility, demonstrating capacity to do it, not eagerness
In some contexts, ready and willing can demonstrate a meaning so similar that the difference is not noteworthy, such as in different forms of the sentence “I am willing to meet with you.” Although we could analyse a different meaning in the following three sentences, the understood meaning would be the same: I am prepared to meet with you.
- I am willing to meet with you.
- I am ready to meet with you.
- I am able to meet with you.
The differences only become clear if there is a context that makes the meanings distinct.
- I do not think you will get the job, but I am willing to meet with you because you have good references. (i.e. I have chosen to meet with you.)
- I have finished interviewing the other candidates, so I am ready to meet with you now. (i.e. I am now capable of meeting you.)
- I am able to meet with you today at 4pm, when I am free. (i.e. It is possible to meet you.)
The idea of possibility makes ready and able very similar here, although ready suggests more preparedness while able is simpler possibility. Note, though, that even in these contexts there is flexibility; to say “I am ready to meet with you because of your good references” would be understood the same way as willing.
When the differences become more distinct
In another context, the meanings would be quite clearly different. This is usually when we are talking about a task where the type of preparedness could be interpreted differently, for example when taking a test.
- I am willing to take this test. (I have chosen to do so.)
- I am ready to take this test. (I have prepared for it.)
- I am able to take this test. (I have the ability to take it. / It is possible.)
The nature of preparedness may also be important if we are talking about a physical plan or action, where willing shows a choice/eagerness and ready or able shows possibility:
- I am willing to go to lunch now because the queue will get very long later.
- I am ready to lunch now as I have finished writing my report.
Willing is often used in this sense to show a choice that may be surprising or otherwise noteworthy – it emphasises that the action is being done as a result of a choice. This is the key difference, as ready and able emphasise that the action results from more basic preparedness or possibility. Again, in some contexts this emphasis does not make a difference, in other contexts it the meaning is important. It is to be especially emphatic, though, that we combine all three in the idiom, ready, willing and able:
- I am ready, willing and able to take this test!
able | willing | As adjectives the difference between able and willingis that able is easy to use while willing is ready to do something that is not (can’t be expected as) a matter of course. As verbs the difference between able and willingis that able is to make ready while willing is present participle of lang=en. As nouns the difference between able and willingis that able is a word that is used in place of the letter «A» during communication.Wpwilling is the execution of a will. Other Comparisons: What’s the difference?