Why used the word when

The word “when” has multiple functions. It can be used as an adverb, conjunction,  pronoun, and noun.

  1. Adverb

This word is categorized as an adverb because it modifies a verb, and adjective, or another adverb by indicating the time. For example, in the sentence below:

Sunday is the day when I get my hair done.

The word “when” is used to denote the time (Sunday) when the verb is performed.


a. at what time

  • Example:
  • When did you last see Carlo?
  1. Conjunction

In some cases, it is also considered as a conjunction because it can join two clauses or phrases together by suggesting the time. Furthermore, it can also substitute the words “whereas” or “although.” In the sample sentence below:

Raise your hand when you’re finished.

The word “when” connects “raise your hand” with “you’re finished.”


a. at or during the time that.

  • Example:
  • I loved math when I was in middle school.

b. after which; and just then

  • Example:
  • She had just drifted off to sleep when the doorbell buzzed.

c. although; whereas

  • Example:
  • I’m saying it now, when I should have told you long ago.
  1. Pronoun

Other times, the word “when” is classified under pronouns if it is used to represent an unknown or unspecified time. For instance, in the example:

You need the report by when?

The word “when” is considered as a pronoun because it represents the unknown time when the report is needed.


a. what or which time

  • Example:
  • I have lived here, since when I was born.
  1. Noun

Sometimes, the word “when” is also used as a noun which refers to the time when something happened or is done. For example, in this sentence:

He is troubled by the how and when of life.

When” is the noun, it is a particular period of life and is the doer of an action- it “troubled” the subject “He.”


a. the time in which something is done or comes about

  • Example:
  • The confusion is over the when of the statement.


When did the American Civil War begin?

The detective asked me when I last saw her.

When is the next performance?

It was a time when people didn’t have to lock their doors.

the happy days when we were together

We’re still waiting for the test results, when we’ll decide our next move.


When he finally showed up, he was drunk.

When I was in school, we didn’t have computers.

You can go when the bell rings.

Call me when you get home.

Things were better when he got a job.

When he watches television, he falls asleep.

She quit politics when she might have had a great career in it.


He retired in 1998, since when he has been devoting his time to gardening.

You need the report by when?

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Recent Examples on the Web

In the audience, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) beamed when Mr. Biden referred to him as the longest-serving Senate leader; that was an important personal milestone for Mr. McConnell.

Siobhan Hughes, WSJ, 8 Feb. 2023

What isn’t known for certain is when the family was killed.

Jim Salter, ajc, 8 Feb. 2023

Denis McCarville, 70, was arrested on Jan. 29 when the flight landed in Anchorage.

Tess Williams, Anchorage Daily News, 8 Feb. 2023

As when a little kid gets to run herself ragged to make her sleep better, there’s value in working the energy out.

Vulture, 8 Feb. 2023

The president is taking the House rostrum at a time when just a quarter of U.S. adults say things in the country are headed in the right direction, according to a new poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.

Zeke Miller And, BostonGlobe.com, 7 Feb. 2023

Russell and his Black teammates also took a stand when the Celtics journeyed South, sitting out a game in Kentucky after a Whites-only hotel denied them service.

Brian Lowry, CNN, 7 Feb. 2023

However, the rumor was quickly put to rest when Lizzo shared a video on February 6 of the moment Harry won, including a shot of Adele cheering him on before realizing she was being recorded.

Amanda Curran, Glamour, 7 Feb. 2023

Seven of the final eight teams this year featured an offensive-minded head coach, and the one that didn’t was the Bills with Sean McDermott, whose offense fell off when Brian Daboll left for the Giants.

Nate Atkins, The Indianapolis Star, 7 Feb. 2023

Ordinarily, sussing out the who-knows-what-and-when of damaging revelations is a Beltway parlor game.

Alex Shephard, The New Republic, 26 Apr. 2022

Bumblefest and normalcy are not words that often appear in the same sentence, but the Sept. 17 return of Steve Rullman’s modern-rock hootenanny in downtown West Palm Beach now feels like a comforting symbol of back-when.

Ben Crandell, sun-sentinel.com, 6 Aug. 2021

Frankly, the question was never an if, but a when and a how.

Nicholas Quah, Vulture, 30 Mar. 2021

How about a streaming product versus a must-see-when-and-where-cable-event?

Ars Staff, Ars Technica, 26 Dec. 2020

Williams, in short, paired all her how-to with a when-to wherewithal sometimes absent in her first two seasons.

Mike Anthony, courant.com, 20 Dec. 2020

Dan Marino lost his first game as a rookie starter way-back-when to Buffalo in overtime 38-35.

Dave Hyde, sun-sentinel.com, 22 Oct. 2020

These squishable-when-they’re-not-spitting camelids hold antibodies that could hold the key to treating COVID-19, scientists suggested in a study published Tuesday in the journal Cell.

TheWeek, 6 May 2020

Saturday’s 38-31 win at Nebraska put to bed a lot of since-whens and last-times in Bloomington.

Zach Osterman, Indianapolis Star, 28 Oct. 2019

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘when.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Have you ever wondered how to use these words correctly? Have you ever thought, “Oh, either of these words will do”? Let’s have a closer look.

Rule 1 – If an event is unique or its date or time is known, use when.

The game will begin Friday evening when the clock strikes seven.

When I told you I wanted a vacation, I meant a cabana by the beach, not a ticket to the Super Bowl!

She loved to play baseball with the neighborhood kids when she was a youngster.

Rule 2 – Whenever is best used for repeated events or events whose date or time is uncertain. If you can substitute every time that or at whatever time that in your sentence, then whenever is preferred.

Whenever I get in the shower, the phone rings.

Whenever you decide to begin eating healthier foods, I’ll help you come up with new recipes.

Note: When can often substitute for whenever but generally not the other way around. The exception is using whenever as an intensive form of when in questions: Whenever will that dog stop barking?


When I get in the shower, the phone rings. (When is acceptable but whenever is preferred for conveying the meaning every time that.)

When you decide to begin eating healthier foods, I’ll help you come up with new recipes. (When is acceptable but whenever is preferred for conveying the meaning at whatever time that.)

Whenever are you going to finish cleaning the garage? (intensive form in a question)

The game will begin Friday evening whenever the clock strikes seven.

Pop Quiz
1. Do you know when/whenever we’re supposed to arrive at your mother’s house?
2. Let me know when/whenever you’ll be arriving at the airport next week so I can pick you up.
3. When/Whenever the baby cries, she clenches her little fists.
4. I lived in a small town when/whenever I was seven years old.
5. Do you recheck your math when/whenever you have difficulty balancing your checkbook?

1. Do you know when we’re supposed to arrive at your mother’s house?
2. Let me know when you’ll be arriving at the airport next week so I can pick you up.
3. Whenever the baby cries, she clenches her little fists. (When could also be used but whenever better conveys the meaning every time that the baby cries.)
4. I lived in a small town when I was seven years old.
5. Do you recheck your math whenever you have difficulty balancing your checkbook? (When could also be used but whenever better conveys the meaning at the time that or every time that you have difficulty balancing your checkbook.)


If the article or the existing discussions do not address a thought or question you have on the subject, please use the «Comment» box at the bottom of this page.

В заключительной статье из цикла материалов о вопросительных словах я познакомлю вас с нюансами использования слов where, when и how.

Если вы пропустили две первые статьи из цикла, в которых я рассказывала о словах who, whom, whose и what, which, why, то вы всегда можете найти их в блоге.

Итак, давайте перейдем к нашей теме.

Where? – Где?

Вопросительное слово, которое используют, когда говорят о месте:

Where do you live? – Где вы живете?

Where is my coat? – Где мое пальто?

В некоторых контекстах, в сочетании с глаголами движения (go, fly, run, drive и другими), where может обозначать «куда»:

Where are you going? – Куда вы идете?

Where did he fly? – Куда он улетел?

Кроме того, слово where, сочетаясь с предлогом from, который ставится в конец вопроса, может менять свое значение на «откуда»:

Where are you from? – Откуда вы?

Where did he come from? – Откуда он пришел?

Если в конце предложения стоит предлог from, то вам нужно сразу обращать на это внимание и начинать вопрос словом «откуда».

When? – Когда?

Это слово используется в вопросах о времени:

When did he finish school? – Когда он закончил школу?

When will you visit us? – Когда вы навестите нас?

На вопрос с when можно ответить по-разному: указать точное время, день, месяц или год. В том случае, если вам нужен конкретный ответ – уточняйте вопрос:

What is the date of your birthday? – Какая дата твоего рождения?

What year did you move to London? – В каком году вы переехали в Лондон?

Если вы хотите спросить «Который час?» или «В котором часу?», то следует использовать What time?:

What time is it? – Который час?

What time does the train arrive? – В котором часу прибывает поезд?

Кстати, я заметила, что многие не умеют правильно говорить о времени на английском языке, долго думают перед тем, как сказать который час. Если вы тоже не уверены, что помните как говорить о времени на английском языке, то рекомендую вам изучить материалы Как указывать время на английском и Предлоги времени.

Когда ваш вопрос не о точном времени, а о том, насколько часто совершается/совершалось действие, то начинайте вопрос не с When, а с How often:

How often do you go to the gym? – Как часто вы ходите в спортзал?

How often did he call you? – Как часто он вам звонил?

И в ответе, конечно же, вам понадобится наречие частоты или adverb of frequency, одно слово или целая фраза. О них я подробно рассказываю в статье Наречия частоты.

How? – Как? Каким образом?

Одно из самых «продуктивных» вопросительных слов. How – это о том, как происходит действие:

How did you make it? – Как вы это сделали?

How do you use this thing? – Как использовать эту штуку?

Имея изначальный перевод «как», слово how образует много разных сочетаний с другими словами: наречиями и прилагательными.

Выше я уже упоминала сочетание How often (Как часто?):

How often do you travel? – Как часто вы путешествуете?

How often did you see her? – Насколько часто вы виделись с ней?

How many и How much (Сколько?). How many – для исчисляемых существительных, How much – для неисчисляемых существительных:

How many days will you spend with us? – Сколько дней вы проведете с нами?

How many people were in the room? – Сколько людей было в комнате?

How much money did you spend? – Сколько денег вы потратили?

How much sugar did she buy? – Сколько сахара она купила?

Об особенностях использования слов many и much вы можете узнать из статьи Слова many, much, a lot of в значении «много».

Другие наречия, которые можно встретить с how: well, quickly, fast:

How well can you swim? – Насколько хорошо вы плаваете?

How quickly do they work? – Как быстро они работают?

How fast are you driving? – Насколько быстро ты едешь?

How образует вопросительные сочетания с прилагательными far, big, long, deep, wide, old и другими. На русский эти сочетания переводятся по-разному:

How far is to the nearest town? – Насколько далеко до ближайшего города?

How big is your house? – Насколько большой твой дом?

How long is the lesson? – Сколько длится урок?

How deep is this well? – Какая глубина этого колодца?

How wide was the road? – Какая была ширина дороги?

How old are your parents? – Сколько лет твоим родителям?

Говорят, что тот, кто умеет правильно построить вопрос, тот умеет и правильно на него ответить. Теперь вы знакомы с большинством вопросительных слов и сможете построить и, соответственно, ответить на любой вопрос.

Еще три вопросительных слова со всеми нюансами отправляются в ваш запас. Используйте и не допускайте ошибок!

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What’s the difference between the subordinate conjunctions when and while?

When & While: The Short Answer

In some sentences, you can use either without a great change in meaning. Generally, if you want to focus on an action that has a duration being in progress, use a while + a progressive tense.

While I was washing the dishes, my wife came home.(Washing the dishes has a duration, e.g. 4 minutes.)

(*Note you can also use when here, but as a general rule, while is suitable.)

In other cases when you don’t need to emphasize that an action was in progress or the action is short and without a significant duration, use when and a simple tense.

When it started to rain, we went inside. (The action started is short; it is not something in progress).

Raindrops on glass

When it started to rain, we went inside.

Here are some tips on the use of these two conjunctions.

Tip #1: Use a Progressive (Continuous) Tense with While to Show Focus

Progressive tenses use the BE verb + a verb in ~ing form.

While I was cooking dinner, the phone rang.

I will be sleeping at 11:00 p.m. tonight, so don’t phone me.

We use while to focus on an action happening at a specific time. Therefore, the most natural verb tense to use is a progressive tense, which shows that an action is in progress at a certain time.

It is common to use while with actions happening at a specific time (e.g. at 11 p.m.). Also, we use while to show that a shorter action (usually in the past simple, e.g. the phone rang) happened during as a longer action (usually in past progressive, e.g. I was cooking dinner). Often this shorter action interrupts the longer action.

Past progressive timeline with while

A sensible rule is to use while with the progressive tenses and when with the simple tenses.

Tip #2: Use While with Actions that have a Limited Duration

  1. When I was a child, I played soccer. (Correct)
  2. While I was a child, I played soccer. (Not natural)

Why is #2 not natural? Well, when an action is too long (e.g. I was a child), we lose focus. The period of twelve years when you were a child is too long to use a progressive tense. We don’t use ‘while’ to talk about long periods of our lives. Instead, we use when and past simple. There’s another reason.

Tip #3: Use While with Action Verbs

Also, «While I was a child» is unnatural because the BE verb (was a child) is a state verb. State verbs are not action verbs (e.g. jump, kick, shower, drink). Instead, state verbs describe states or conditions (e.g. BE, live, understand, know, exist). We do not use progressive tenses with state verbs. As a result, we generally don’t use while with state verbs.


While she was driving, I played with the radio. (Natural)

This is correct. Driving is an action verb and the action is limited in duration. In other words, driving is a short activity that has a clear start and end.

While When I lived in my hometown, my mother made me dinner. (While is not natural)

Live is a state verb, and also, the action of living in my hometown probably had a duration of 18 years. This is too long to focus on.

Exception: Focusing on a Verb in Progress

You could use while with a state verb like ‘live’ if you really want to focus on the fact that an action was in progress at a specific time. For example:

While I was living in India, there was a big earthquake.

Although it would probably be more common to use When I lived in India, this sentence is correct. The speaker chooses to use ‘While’ + present progressive’ to focus on an action being in progress (living) when another action happened.

Remember: While Means an Action Had a Start and an End (a Duration)

If a sentence uses while, it suggests that the action happened over a period of time. Here’s are two better examples to show what I mean:

When the phone rang, I was making lunch.

The longer action (making lunch) was happening when a shorter action happened (phone rang).

Key question: How many times did the phone ring? Because we’re using when, we don’t know. The use of when doesn’t suggest it was an ongoing action. The phone may have rang once and stopped.

While the phone was ringing, I was making lunch.

How many times did the phone ring here? More than once. Because we are using While + present progressive, we are focusing on duration. This means that the action (ring) happened over a period of time that had a start and end. When we say ‘the phone was ringing’ in the progressive, we are saying that this happened for some time. (Thanks to Clive at Englishforums for this point.)

While vs. When: In Conclusion

We can conclude the following:

  1. To emphasize (focus) that an action was in progress at a specific time, use while + a progressive tense ( = While I was eating, …)
  2. Otherwise, use when + a simple tense. (= When I ate, …)
  3. Verbs with while have a duration. The period of the verb cannot be too long or we lose focus.  (= While I was a child = When I was a child)
  4. Progressive tenses use action verbs, so use while with an action verb (While I was dancing) and not a state verb (While I was hungry)

I hope these ideas have been useful. Remember, these are general tips (not fixed rules). There will be exceptions depending on what the speaker wants to emphasize. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below.

— Matthew Barton / Creator of Englishcurrent.com

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