Why does the author use or drop the definite article before the word bed


why does the author use or drop the definite article before the word bed in sentences:
» we were still in bed» » you’d better go back to bed » » i sat at the foot of the bad»

Answers · 1

«We were in bed» means that the speaker was in a bed — it could be any bed.
You had better go back to bed = You had better go back to sleep (in your bed).
In the third sentence, it is important to know which bed.
In the first two, «in bed» is a general term for being in a bed (any bed) and either resting or trying to sleep.

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It is correct (read «grammatical»). Though bed is normally used as a countable noun, it’s better to think of it in in bed as uncountable.

This is common in common fixed expressions about place, time, and movement.

Here are examples of such expressions (according to Practical English Usage by Michael Swan, 70.1 common expressions without articles):

to/at/in/from school/university/college
to/at/in/into/from church
to/in/into/out of bed/prison
to/in/into/out of hospital
to/at/from work
to/at sea
to/in/from town
at/from home
leave home
leave/start/enter school/university/college
by day
at night
by car/bus/bicycle/plane/train/tube/boat
on foot
by radio/phone/letter/mail

Also note that even though these fixed expressions are commonly used without any article, you can use an article if it’s appropriate in your context.

In other words, you can use such a noun with a/an or the, or even in the plural (e.g. I’ve lived in several towns), but keep in mind that it will convey a subtly different meaning.

For example,

  • Have you tried the new bed yet?
  • (a department store trainee asking the manager) What should I do if a customer wants to sleep in a bed?
  • (an example of such fixed expressions) «Where’s your sister?» «She’s still in bed.» «Wake her up!»

The main factor for choosing the right article or omitting the article is, as always: context!

Bonus: Some dictionaries that keep English language learners in mind may make it a little clearer by defining these nouns in common fixed expressions as both «countable» and «uncountable». For example, here is the first definition of bed given by Macmillan Dictionary:

[countable/uncountable] a piece of furniture that you sleep on, consisting of a soft comfortable part called a mattress and a base
double/twin/single bed: The room had two single beds in it.
out of/in bed: It’s midnight – why aren’t you in bed?
get out of bed (=get up): I never get out of bed before 10 a.m.
go to bed: I’ll get home at 11 p.m. and go straight to bed.
put someone to bed: Sam was upstairs putting the children to bed.
make the/my/your etc. bed (=make its covers straight after you have slept in it): Why can’t you kids make your own beds?

You can use these dictionaries to verify the noun in a fixed expression you may find while reading or listening to your materials.

Space in the meaning of «space» is used without an article. Would you like to travel in space?
«About midnight Napoleon went to bed», — the article is not needed, since the noun «bed» is used in an abstract sense, and we remember that they are uncountable and do not take the indefinite article «a» in front of them, we put «the» in a special way rules.

As a rule, the preposition TO and articles are not used with the word home: go home / come home / get home. This is due to the fact that home is not a specific place, and not a building (house), but rather an atmosphere in which a person feels good and comfortable.

In what case is the article not used?

The article is not used in the following cases: If the noun is preceded by a possessive pronoun — my, your, his, her, our, their. If a noun is preceded by a cardinal number — one, two, three, etc. … If a noun is preceded by a demonstrative pronoun — this, that, these, those.

Why in front of University a?

For example, let’s take the word university. The first letter u conveys two sounds: [ju:]. The first one, as you can see [j]. It is a consonant, so the article a should be used before univercity.

Why Go To School without an article?

With the words school, college, university, hospital, prison, church and some others, the article is not used if we are talking about a general idea, about the general purpose for which these institutions are used.

When is the always put?

The definite article the is placed before both countable and uncountable nouns, singular and plural. What are countable nouns? These are the ones that can be counted. For example: books, animals, people, objects, etc.

What words in English are spelled without an article?

Uncountable nouns

In a general sense, the uncountable nouns water (water), milk (milk), sugar (sugar), tea (tea), snow (snow), wool (wool), meat (meat), are used without an article.

When is is used in English?

If the noun is in the singular, then is is, and if in the plural, are. For example: The dog is eating his food.

When should you not use articles in English?

In English, there are nouns with which the article is not used, such an article is called zero. The article is not used in the following cases: With uncountable nouns that denote food, substances, liquids, gases and abstract concepts.

When is the indefinite article not used?

indefinite a or an (indefinite article) — are used with countable nouns in the singular; … zero (zero article) — that is, the article is not used with uncountable nouns in the singular or countable in the plural.

When is A an not placed?

Articles are not put (that is, the zero article is used): Before the plural of nouns of an indefinite, non-specific plan, in the singular which would have the articles «a, an», for example: (some indefinite) fox — a fox — foxes.

When not to put A an?

The article a (an) is used only before countable singular nouns — i.e.

The indefinite article is not used in the plural.

  1. At the first mention …
  2. General situation (some one, some, any) …
  3. We are talking about a representative selected from a number of similar

Do I need to put The before the name of the university?

The names of schools, colleges and universities, which include proper names, are used without an article: … But, if the designation of the educational institution is put in the first place, then the definite article is possible: London University — The University of London.

What is the difference between a and the?

The concept of the article in English grammar is associated with the category of certainty. Simplified, the rule of articles sounds like this: If we are talking about an unknown subject, then the indefinite article A / An. If we are talking about something specific, then the article The is placed in front of it.

1. Read the text and the Notes on Lexicology and Style and talk on the following points (a. Grammar, b.Word usage, c. Style):

Why does the author use or drop the definite article before the word
the sentences: «We were still in bed.» «You’d better
go back to bed,» «I sat at the foot of the bed.»

Why is the Infinitive used with or without the particle to
the sentences: «Do you want me to read to you?» «I
heard him say a hundred and two.»

In the sentence «It’s nothing to worry about» ft is a
personal pronoun. What noun does it stand for? (Note: The English for
would be «There is nothing to worry about.»)

Tick off the sentences with the Infinitive used as an attribute.

Tick off all the complex sentences with clauses joined without the
conjunction that,
know (that) he is ill.»

1. What did the father mean when he said «You’d better go back
to bed»? (Add some words to show the implication.)

Paraphrase the sentences: «I’d rather stay awake» and «just
take it easy.»

What is the difference between the boy’s words «…if it bothers
you» and «…if it’s going to bother you.» (Translate
the sentences with these phrases into Russian.)

How and why did the boy paraphrase his question «about what
time… I’m going to die?»

The boy lay with his eyes fixed at the foot of the bed. What synonyms
and why did the author use to describe the situation? (See Vocabulary
Notes in Unit One.)

1. Comment on the choice of words in Hemingway’s story from the point
of view of their stylistic colouring. What style prevails, formal or

What can you say about the dialogues in the story and their stylistic

Comment on the syntax of the story and the stylistic effect achieved
by it.

What is the general atmosphere of the story? Is the tension gradually
increased? How is the effect achieved? What is the point of the
highest tension (climax) ?

II. A) Choose the best translation of each English sentence below (or give your own variant) and reason oat your choice;

I’d rather stay awake, 1. Я
предпочитаю бодрствовать. 2. Я лучше не
буду спать.

…as though it ached to move. 1.
…как будто ему было больно двигаться.

He seemed very detached from what was going on. 1. Казалось,
окружающее его не интересует. 2. Он
казался полностью отрешенным от всего
происходящего. 3. Он, казалось, не замечал
того, что происходит вокруг.

But his gaze at the foot of the bed relaxed slowly. 1.
Его взгляд становился все менее
напряженным. 2. Он уже не с таким напряжением
смотрел перед собой. 3. Его взгляд,
устремленный на спинку кровати, постепенно
терял свою напряженность.

The hold over himself relaxed too, finally, and the next day it was
very slack. I.
Сдержанность его тоже, наконец, ослабла
и на следующий день была очень
незначительной. 2. Он перестал держать
себя в руках и на следующий день был
совсем вялым. 3. В конце концов его
контроль над собой тоже стал слабеть,
и на следующий день он совсем раскис.

B) Translate the description of the father’s walk.

a) Copy, transcribe and give Russian equivalents of these words:

fever, medicine, capsule, purgative, germ, acid, influenza, various,
pneumonia, area, pirate, natural, bother, prescribe, bush, brush,
worry, thermometer, absolutely, relax.

Give the four forms of the verbs:

overcome, lie (лежать),
lay (класть),
wake, freeze, worry, die,

Make four columns and write numbers I, П,
III and IV at their tops to represent four types of syllables. Then
pick out from the list above (‘a’ and ‘b’) words with vowel sounds
illustrating different types of syllables and place them in right

Try your hand at teaching.

up the words and phrases you may need to do the task in «Classroom
English», Sections IV, VIII.)

Pick out from the text and from the introduction to it words with the
letter с
in them. Divide a sheet of paper into ten columns with the following
letters at the top of each column: 1) с+е,
2) c
+ i,
+ a,
+ o, 5)
6) c+a consonant, 7) с
in the ending -ic,
8) c + h =
c+h= [k], 10) c+k=[k].

the words under each heading.

Make up your own list of words to illustrate the same rules.

Work in Class.
Show the table with 10 columns to your fellow-students and explain
how с
should be pronounced in each case.

Dictate the words from your list to the students and ask one of them
to spell them on the blackboard. Correct the mistakes.

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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Настройки текста:



so far

to bring down the fever

at the foot (head) of the bed

to be in (a) good (bad)

to read to oneself (aloud)


to go to sleep (cf.: to fall asleep)

to live (work) under good

to stay (be) awake

(bad) condition (s)

flushed by the fever (anger,

to be in no condition to do smth.

excitement, etc.)

on condition that

to flush with

to write (put) smth. down

to take smth. easy


1. Read the text and the Notes on Lexicology and Style and talk on the

following points (A. Grammar, B.Word usage, C. Style):

A. 1. Why does the author use or drop the definite article before the word bed in the

sentences: «We were still in bed.» «You’d better go back to bed,» «I sat at the foot of the bed.»

2. Why is the Infinitive used with or without the particle to in the sentences: «Do you want

me to read to you?» «I heard him say a hundred and two.»

3. In the sentence «It’s nothing to worry about» ft is a personal pronoun. What noun does it

stand for? (Note: The English for «Нечего беспокоиться.» would be «There is nothing to worry


4. Tick off the sentences with the Infinitive used as an attribute.

5. Tick off all the complex sentences with clauses joined without the conjunction that, е.g. «I

know (that) he is ill.»

B. 1. What did the father mean when he said «You’d better go back to bed»? (Add some

words to show the implication.)

2. Paraphrase the sentences: «I’d rather stay awake» and «just take it easy.»

3. What is the difference between the boy’s words «…if it bothers you» and «…if it’s going to

bother you.» (Translate the sentences with these phrases into Russian.)

4. How and why did the boy paraphrase his question «about what time… I’m going to die?»

5. The boy lay with his eyes fixed at the foot of the bed. What synonyms and why did the

author use to describe the situation? (See Vocabulary Notes in Unit One.)

C. 1. Comment on the choice of words in Hemingway’s story from the point of view of their

stylistic colouring. What style prevails, formal or informal?

2. What can you say about the dialogues in the story and their stylistic peculiarities?

3. Comment on the syntax of the story and the stylistic effect achieved by it.

4. What is the general atmosphere of the story? Is the tension gradually increased? How is the

effect achieved? What is the point of the highest tension (climax) ?

II. a) Choose the best translation of each English sentence below (or give your

own variant) and reason oat your choice;

I. I’d rather stay awake, 1. Я предпочитаю бодрствовать. 2. Я лучше не буду спать.

II. …as though it ached to move. 1. …как будто ему было больно двигаться. 2. …как будто

движения причиняли ему боль,

III. He seemed very detached from what was going on. 1. Казалось, окружающее его не

интересует. 2. Он казался полностью отрешенным от всего происходящего. 3. Он, казалось, не

замечал того, что происходит вокруг.

IV. But his gaze at the foot of the bed relaxed slowly. 1. Его взгляд становился все менее

напряженным. 2. Он уже не с таким напряжением смотрел перед собой. 3. Его взгляд,

устремленный на спинку кровати, постепенно терял свою напряженность.

V. The hold over himself relaxed too, finally, and the next day it was very slack. I.

Сдержанность его тоже, наконец, ослабла и на следующий день была очень незначительной.

2. Он перестал держать себя в руках и на следующий день был совсем вялым. 3. В конце

концов его контроль над собой тоже стал слабеть, и на следующий день он совсем раскис.

b) Translate the description of the father’s walk.

III. a) Copy, transcribe and give Russian equivalents of these words:

ache, fever, medicine, capsule, purgative, germ, acid, influenza, various, pneumonia, area,

pirate, natural, bother, prescribe, bush, brush, worry, thermometer, absolutely, relax.

b) Give the four forms of the verbs:

shut, overcome, lie (лежать), lay (класть), wake, freeze, worry, die,

c) Make four columns and write numbers I, П, III and IV at their tops to

represent four types of syllables. Then pick out from the list above (‘a’ and ‘b’) words

with vowel sounds illustrating different types of syllables and place them in right


IV. Try your hand at teaching.

(Look up the words and phrases you may need to do the task in «Classroom

English», Sections IV, VIII.)

A. Preparation. a) Pick out from the text and from the introduction to it words with the letter

с in them. Divide a sheet of paper into ten columns with the following letters at the top of each

column: 1) с+е, 2) c + i, 3) c + a, 4) c + o, 5) c+u, 6) c+a consonant, 7) с in the ending -ic, 8) c + h

= [t f], 9) c+h= [k], 10) c+k=[k].

Classify the words under each heading.

b) Make up your own list of words to illustrate the same rules.

B. Work in Class. a) Show the table with 10 columns to your fellow-students and explain

how с should be pronounced in each case.

b) Dictate the words from your list to the students and ask one of them to spell them on the

blackboard. Correct the mistakes.

V. Answer the questions:

1. What were the symptoms of the boy’s illness? 2. Why did it seem to the father that the

doctor knew all about influenza? 3. What worried the boy? Since when? 4. Why did the boy prefer to

stay awake? 5. What were the symptoms of the boy’s nervous strain that the father took for the

symptoms of his illness? 6. Wouldn’t it have been more natural if the boy had told his father about

his fears? Why? 7. Do you like the boy’s behaviour? How does it characterize him? 8. How would

you explain the contrasts in the boy’s behaviour on the first and the second day of his illness? 9. Why

did the author introduce the description of the father’s walk? 10. Do you find the situation described

in the story true to life? (Give your reasons.) 11. Do you think you would have behaved in the same

way in the boy’s place? 12. What do you consider to be the point of the story?

Begin when possible your answers with:

I believe; I think; I’d like to say; In my view; As I see it; I don’t think it would…; This is my


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