Why bird is the word

Why is bird the word?

The song was inspired by two contemporary songs by the doo-wop group The Rivingtons: “Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow” and “Bird is the Word.” The bird refers to a dance craze in the 1960s. The Trashmen noticed the two songs sounded alike, so they mashed them together in a live performance.

What is the bird?

In Western culture, “the finger” or the middle finger (as in giving someone the (middle) finger or the bird or flipping someone off) is an obscene hand gesture. It is performed by showing the back of a hand that has only the middle finger extended upwards, though in some locales, the thumb is extended.

Why is a bird trying to get in my window?

Birds fly into windows for three reasons: They fly into a reflection of a tree or plant thinking its real. When birds see reflection of vegetation or they see through the glass to indoor plants, they fly straight for it at full speed. Male birds attack their own reflections to defend their territory.

What are 3 crows called?

A group of crows is called a “murder.” There are several different explanations for the origin of this term, mostly based on old folk tales and superstitions.

Do birds remember humans?

New research suggests that some birds may know who their human friends are, as they are able to recognize people’s faces and differentiate between human voices. Being able to identify a friend or potential foe could be key to the bird’s ability to survive.

Do birds have memory?

Basic anatomy reveals an easy answer: They have a large hippocampus, a part of the brain associated with spatial memory. Figuring out how they use that mental capacity, though, is tricky. Many of the tests have established what caching birds don’t do. They don’t heed markings on the ground.

Do parrots get attached to their owners?

Parrots can be very rewarding pets to the right owners, due to their intelligence and desire to interact with people. Many parrots are very affectionate, even cuddly with trusted people, and require a lot of attention from their owners constantly. Parrots are prey animals and even the tamest pet may fly off if spooked.

How intelligent is a parrot?

Parrots are intelligent birds capable of complex cognition, and it turns out that the genes that play a role in their brain development are similar to those that evolved to give humans large brains. Parrots can produce complex vocalisations and they’re highly social, a lot like humans.

How do you get a parrot to like you?

6 Ways to Show Your Pet Parrot Love

  1. Let them make the first move. As it is with many other animals, parrots unaccustomed to their surroundings, a new routine, strange noises, or a new owner might be skittish and nervous.
  2. Share a Meal.
  3. Talk and sing softly to them.
  4. If they like music, try dancing.
  5. Give them treats.
  6. Hold and pet them.

Can parrots really talk?

Songbirds and parrots are the two groups of birds able to learn and mimic human speech. Pet birds can be taught to speak by their owners by mimicking their voice. If then introduced to wild birds, the wild birds may also mimic the new sounds.

  • Examples

  • Origin

  • Usage

Pop Culture dictionary

[burd iz th uh wurd]

Published March 19, 2018

What does bird is the word mean?

Bird is the word is a reference to the main lyric of the 1963 hit single “Surfin’ Bird” by the Trashmen, notably featured in the plot of a 2008 episode of the cartoon Family Guy.

Where does bird is the word come from?

bird is the word

wimpy kid

In their 1963 single “Surfin’ Bird,” surf-rock garage band The Trashmen sing repeatedly:

“A well a don’t you know about the bird?
Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word!
A well a bird, bird, b-bird’s the word.”

The song was inspired by two contemporary songs by the doo-wop group The Rivingtons: “Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow” and “Bird is the Word.” The bird refers to a dance craze in the 1960s. The Trashmen noticed the two songs sounded alike, so they mashed them together in a live performance. A DJ at the show brought them into the studio to record the mashup under the title “Surfin’ Bird.”

While The Trashmen’s inspiration for “Surfin’ Bird” is well-documented, the exact origin and meaning of the saying bird is the word is less clear. Bird has carried many slang connotations throughout its history, from “prostitute” to “the middle finger.” In the context of the song, and in subsequent contexts, bird is the word characterizes something as good, cool, or new and revolutionary.

The Trashmen’s “Surfin’ Bird” peaked at #4 on the Billboard charts, later inspiring fun or ironic covers by popular performers from The Ramones to Pee-wee Herman. The song, and phrase, rose to new prominence in 2008 when it was featured on an episode of animated TV show, Family Guy.

In the “I Dream of Jesus” episode of Family Guy, the main character Peter Griffin hears “Surfin’ Bird,” his favorite song from childhood, playing from a jukebox at a 1950s-themed diner. The owners plan to throw away the vinyl record, but Peter takes it home with him instead. He becomes annoyingly obsessed, crafting conversations to end with the song as the punchline. He dances and sings to the song at every opportunity and even films a commercial based around the song. His dog Brian and baby Stewie destroy the record in hopes that it will curb Peter’s obsession, to no avail.

Examples of bird is the word

Hi, I’m Peter Griffin. According to Gallup Polls one in 12 Americans is unaware that the bird is the word. I dream of an America where everybody knows that the bird is the word.

@JDFXs, February, 2018

Bird is the word for residents in the Coeur d’Alene area this month…After just a week of breaking the record amount of bald eagles counted on Lake Coeur d’Alene, the record was broke again Thursday.

Tasha Cain, KREM, December, 2017

«The box has everything they need to make a Thanksgiving dinner, so it’s a little different than your average food box, and a lot of our families that we serve have really, really big families, so a turkey goes a long way,» Nicole Pena said…Even though right now bird is the word, Nicole says they hope their help can extend beyond the Thanksgiving table.

Marcy Jones, KSAZ, November, 2017

Who uses bird is the word?

The vast majority of contemporary usage of bird is the word is a direct reference to either the contagiously but obnoxiously repetitive lyrics of the original song or, more so, to the Family Guy episode, which mocks its infectious repetition. Much common usage of the phrase mirrors Peter’s jokes from the popular Family Guy episode, with people contriving conversations to deliver bird is the word as the punchline.

Bird is the word is also used in wordplay. For instance, articles about New York Yankees player Greg Bird pun on his last name: “Yankees fans already know that Greg Bird is the word.” The 2017 film Lady Bird also invited the connection: “Lady Bird is the word this awards season.”

Food writers and restaurant critics also use the phrase bird is the word when describing a delicious dish that contains chicken or other poultry. Writing about actual birds (e.g, bird-watching, avian research) may also use the recognizable phrase.


This is not meant to be a formal definition of bird is the word like most terms we define on Dictionary.com, but is
rather an informal word summary that hopefully touches upon the key aspects of the meaning and usage of bird is the word
that will help our users expand their word mastery.

Last Updated: April 8, 2022 | Author: John Curl

Where did the song bird is the word come from?

The song was inspired by two contemporary songs by the doo-wop group The Rivingtons: “Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow” and “Bird is the Word.” The bird refers to a dance craze in the 1960s. The Trashmen noticed the two songs sounded alike, so they mashed them together in a live performance.

When did bird is the word first come out?

The Rivingtons followed up their 1963 Billboard Hot 100 hit “Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow” with the similar “The Bird’s the Word” in 1963. The Trashmen had not heard this version but saw a band called the Sorensen Brothers playing it.

What is the word bird?

1 archaic : the young of a feathered vertebrate. 2 : any of a class (Aves) of warm-blooded vertebrates distinguished by having the body more or less completely covered with feathers and the forelimbs modified as wings. 3 : a game bird. 4 : clay pigeon.

Are the Trashmen still alive?

The Trashmen were an American rock band formed in Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States, in 1962. The original line-up of the group featured guitarists Tony Andreason and Dal Winslow, bassist Bob Reed, and drummer Steve Wahrer.

The Trashmen
Years active 1962–1967, 1982–2016
Labels Soma, Major Label Records

Who sang the bird?

Morris E. Day is an American musician, composer, and actor. He is best known as the lead singer of The Time.


How do you spell Amphibia?

any cold-blooded vertebrate of the class Amphibia, comprising frogs and toads, newts and salamanders, and caecilians, the larvae being typically aquatic, breathing by gills, and the adults being typically semiterrestrial, breathing by lungs and through the moist, glandular skin. an amphibious plant.

Why is a bird called a bird?

From Middle English brid, from Old English bird, brid, bridd (“young bird, chick”), of uncertain origin and relation; but its stock root is possibly onomatopoeic. Gradually replaced fowl as the most common term starting in the 14th century.

Is a duck a bird?

Ducks are birds.

Ducks are also called ‘waterfowl’ because they are normally found in places where there is water like ponds, streams, and rivers.

Is a turtle a reptile?

Reptiles are turtles, snakes, lizards, alligators and crocodiles. Unlike amphibians, reptiles breathe only through their lungs and have dry, scaly skin that prevents them from drying out. Amphibians and reptiles are together called herpetofauna, or “herps” for short.

Do amphibians lay eggs?

Amphibians reproduce by laying eggs that do not have a soft skin, not a hard shell. Most females lay eggs in the water and the babies, called larvae or tadpoles, live in the water, using gills to breathe and finding food as fish do. As the tadpoles grow, they develop legs and lungs that allow them to live on land.

Can amphibians breathe underwater?

Amphibians breathe under the water through their gills and their skin. When in a larval stage, all aquatic and terrestrial amphibians breathe underwater, for example, frogs, toads, and salamanders.

Is an alligator a lizard?

They’re both under the class Reptilia, but alligators, crocodiles, and caimans are in the Order Crocodilia, and lizards are in the order Squamata along with snakes and worm lizards. Response last updated by gtho4 on May 13 2021.

Are turtles dinosaurs?

The DNA hypothesis suggests that turtles were a sister group to the archosaurs (the group that contains the dinosaurs and their relatives, including crocodiles and their ancestors and modern birds and their ancestors). A second hypothesis posits that turtles were more closely related to lizards and tuataras.

Do turtles have cold blood?

Turtles are a type of reptile and belong to the taxonomic order Chelonia. Like other reptiles, they are cold-blooded, or ectothermic, and poikilothermic. That means that they cannot maintain their body temperature. Creating the right temperature gradients in captivity is important and crucial to the health of turtles.

Is iguana a lizard?

Green, or common, iguanas are among the largest lizards in the Americas, averaging around 6.5 feet long and weighing about 11 pounds.

Are dinosaurs lizards?

Just as you thought, the quick answer is yes, dinosaurs are reptiles.

Are crocodiles dinosaurs?

As far as reptiles go, crocodiles are closely related to dinosaurs. But they’re incredibly complex biological organisms that survived the meteor impact that ended the Cretaceous period roughly 66 million years ago — and did in their dinosaur relatives.

Do lizards have 3 eyes?

A series of clever experiments into the reptilian “third eye” has confirmed that lizards use this patch of light-sensitive cells as a sun-calibrated compass.

Who is Gecko?

gecko, (suborder Gekkota), any of more than 1,000 species of lizards making up six families of the suborder Gekkota. Geckos are mostly small, usually nocturnal reptiles with a soft skin. They also possess a short stout body, a large head, and typically well-developed limbs.

Do iguanas have 3 eyes?

Iguanas have a so-called “third eye” on the top of their heads. Known as the parietal eye, it looks like a pale scale and can’t discern shapes or color—but does sense light and movement, helping iguanas anticipate predatory birds from above.

What type of animal has green blood?

BATON ROUGE – Green blood is one of the most unusual characteristics in the animal kingdom, but it’s the hallmark of a group of lizards in New Guinea. Prasinohaema are green-blooded skinks, or a type of lizard.

The exact origin (or «etymology») of the word Bird is unknown,
but in the word can be equated to the Old English word Brid, originally
the general name for the young of animals, as in Wyclif’s translation of
xxiii. 33, «eddris, and eddris briddis»
(A. V. «serpents» and «generation
of vipers»); Trevisa, Barth de P. R. :xii. v. 415 «In temperat yeres
ben fewe byrdes of been» [= bees], and op. cit. xiii. xxvi. 453
«All fyssh…fede and kepe theyr byrdes»;  Scots Acts, 7 Jac. 1. «The
Woolfe and Woolfe-birdes [i.e. cubs] suld be slaine.» The connection
formerly thought to exist between bird and breed
or brood
now denied (New English dictionary sub voce),
but no approach
to the derivation of the first has been made.

Then, as the ancient word FOWL became specialized
in meaning, taking its place to signify what cannot be more tersely expressed
than by the saying that «A bird is known by its feathers.» This proverb
is, according to our present knowledge, also a scientific definition, for
no other group in the Animal Kingdom has the same kind of clothing (see
FEATHERS), though, regarding as almost certain the evolution of Birds from
Reptiles, it must be that at one time there existed creatures intermediate
between them, and it may be that remains of some of them will yet be discovered,
showing that plumage was worn by animals which had not yet dropped all
the characters that now distinguish Reptiles from Birds. The two Classes
(Reptilia and Aves)
were brigaded together in the 19th Century
by Professor T.H. Huxley under the name of Sauropsida,
and there
can be no doubt that they are essentially much more closely allied to each
other than either is to the rest of the Vertebrates.

Among Reptiles the forms which have been discovered
to approach particularly close to Birds were the dinosaurs (Dinosauria);
and certain parts of the skeleton, and particularly of the pelvic arch,
present a remarkable resemblance to the corresponding parts of certain
Birds, of the RATITAE especially. On the other hand, the earliest known
Bird, Archaeopteryx, is less like the Dinosaurs than are the modern
Ratitae. The gulf between Birds and Mammals is much wider than between
Birds and Reptiles, notwithstanding that the simplest of existing Mammals,
the Monotremes (scientific order Monotremata), possess several bird-like
characters in their structure, and is now proved, lay eggs (see Anatomy

From Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia.

“Brian, DON’T!”


Bird is the Word is a splinter group from the Prostestant-Reformist Church. They believe that Jesus reincarnated in the form of a bird in 1863 A.D. in Pella, Iowa. The church they founded is based on the teachings of the Holy Bird. Joining the cult of the Bird is only possible by overcoming several trials including worshipping pidgeons and jumping from a hilltop wearing a chicken costume, because the Almighty Bird will save you if you are truly devoted to the Holy Bird. Of course, if the Bird doesn’t save you, the pillows that you’ll land on surely will. They’re not filled with feathers, of course.

Version of Scripture[edit]

Some scribblings of the bird, re-drawn and later printed on paper. When you look closely at the red circle, the line ‘Have you heard’ can be read.

When the people from Pella had caught the bird inside the local church, they put grain in His cage to eat. When they returned the next morning, the Bird had not eaten, but rearranged the grains into scribblings. The peasants then sought help into interpreting this language, and still, a certain section of the Cult is studying various patterns in those scribblings. So far none of them has found any pattern or logical interpretation, but maybe someone enlightened enough can shed light on the mystery.

The cult has rejected Scripture since then and replaced it with the scribblings the Holy Bird made during his visit on earth. Between what is mostly (seemingly?) random patterns one sentence can be read, with a little imagination: ‘Have you heard?’

History of the Cult of Bird is the Word[edit]

One day, a certain Irish migrant with the name Peter O’Reilly (may pidgeons fly over his home) was thrown out of his house for coming home drunk again. After being thrown out after midnight, completely shit-housed, he met up with his best friend Alan de Courtlemagne. They decided to go to a cathouse, but found all women of pleasure were on strike for better working conditions.

The two then went to their secret drinking location, hidden deep in the forests of Iowa. They took a bottle of liquor from a hollow tree that they hid there before, and after drinking a couple of gulps He appeared to them.

From the top of the tree, a white dove flew down to the two, and started speaking.

Fear not, for it is I, the Savior, who has come again to save thee. Take me to your local house of prayer, wake the town, and let them know that I have returned!

Kneel before Him, and rejoice.

Stunned, the two kneeled down and sung in prayer. Then they did as the Bird told them and, after almost getting lynched for waking everyone in the dead of night, convinced the town to gather in the church. There the Bird seemed to have stopped talking, but his inspiring presence was enough to convince the town to start the Cult of the Bird is the Word. This name was chosen as a reaction to the cult two forests north; The Cult of the Bird is the Lord.

Now came a question of leadership: who would be the leader of the newly formed Cult? Peter O’Reilly (may pidgeons fly over his home) claimed he should be, because it was his idea to go to their not-so-secret-anymore drinking location, but Alan claimed is was his liquor, and if there hadn’t been any liquor in a hollow tree there, they would have gone to a different secret drinking location.
Alan quickly stopped claiming leadership after Peter O’Reilly (may pidgeons fly over his home) had smashed an axe in Alan’s forehead.
Lastly, Peter O’Reilly (may pidgeons fly over his home)’s wife also claimed leadership, but she was a woman, so nobody listened to her complaints.

After a new church (The Broodnest) had been built on the not-so-secret-anymore drinking location, Peter O’Reilly (may pidgeons fly over his home) proclaimed himself Leader of the Cult of the Bird is the Word, and renamed himself Avian. He decided that the Cult of the Bird is the Lord became too threathening for his own Cult, and the best option for them would be to exterminate them. The Cult took up arms against the other Cult and, due to supreme airforces, completely obliterated the Cult of the Bird is the Lord. Then the peaceful nature of the Cult of the Bird is the Word returned, and they have not waged war ever since. After this complete and utter destruction of his enemy, Avian took on the title of General, to thank the Bird for the granted victory. They renamed the claimed part of the forest Cleaveland, in memory of all the cleaving that was done on that ground.

General Leader Avian then made a trip to Rome, to tell in the Vatican about the Second Coming of Jesus. After he arrived in Antwerp, he added Voyager to his title, to thank the Bird for the save travel. Voyager General Leader Avian then travelled to Rome, but didn’t make it past the tollways in Swiss.
He returned to Amsterdam to take a quick boat back to America. However, he missed the Pewtersailer, the boat he was travelling on, and took up his old drinking habit. During that time, he had visions about Ten Commandments he needed to tell his people about. Thankful for these visions, he added Visionair to his list of titles.

When Visionair Voyager General Leader Avian returned with his new found wisdom, the rest of the Cult had throughlived a great blossoming. The Cult was wealthy and they prospered. To thank the Bird for this, Visionair Voyager General Leader Avian took the title of Prophet.

Pierre, leader of the rebels, leading his airforce into battle. Note how the rest of his army has surrendered already.

Later in his life, Prophet Visionair Voyager General Leader Avian sent a letter to the Catholic Church. Because the Church denied the Second Coming, he changed his title to Pope, to rebel against the current Pope. And because he wanted to thank the Bird.

Pope Prophet Visionair Voyager General Leader Avian (abbreviated to Pope, for modesty reasons; and because the title wouldn’t fit on nameplates on statues) gave his position to his son when he died, Pope Avian II, because he was such a family man. Pope Avian II led his people through a great corn crisis and a horrible thunderstorm. When he died Pope Avian III rose to power, and then a subcult started to rebel against the Pope.

The subcult thought Alan should have gained leadership of the Cult instead of the current Pope. The uprising was led by Alan’s eldest grandson, Pierre. During this internal conflict to power, many lives were lost, but Pierre quickly surrendered to the Pope’s overwhelming airforce, and of course, because he was French, and that is what French people do.

Recently, several atheist artists has parodied the Cult. As a reaction to that, the Cult retracted in the Forests of Iowa, their Promised Land, protecting themselves from the dangerous influence of the outer world. After this big retreat, Pope Avian IV renamed himself ‘Great Leader’, and insisted that every member of the Cult would call other members ‘comrades’

The Ten Commandments[edit]

During his visit to Amsterdam Pope Avian I had a vision about the rules the Bird had forgotten to mention during his visit on Earth. He quickly wrote them down, using his own blood because he refused to write with something that holy as a quill.
The Ten Commandments are as follows:

  1. The Pope of the Cult of the Bird is the Word is always right.
  2. Thou shalt eat only meat and large fruits, so that thou shalt not eat anything of the Bird’s liking.
  3. Thou shalt not celebrate Easter.
  4. Thou shalt not have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.
  5. Thou shalt not wear sweaters on a sunny day.
  6. Thou shalt force thy women to do the housekeeping.
  7. Thou shalt not steal, for I am watching thou.
  8. Thou shalt not eat things that move while thou attemptst to eat it, for it will angry the Bird thy Lord.
  9. The sentence below is true.
  10. The sentence above is false.

Interpretation of the Ten Commandments[edit]

Do not let his cute appearance deceive you. He propagates a celebration invented by the Devil!

Over several decades, many researchers have studied the Commandments to find their deeper meanings. Listed are a couple of their ideas that are most likely to be true.

The Pope of the Cult of the Bird is the Word is always right.

Most likely a Commandment to avoid uprisings, but it could also refer to the Republican ideas the Popes have propagated.

Thou shalt eat only meat and large fruits, so that thou shalt not eat anything of the Bird’s liking.

Most likely a clarification of Man’s position in life. One only lives to please the Bird.

Thou shalt not celebrate Easter.

A prohibition to avoid placing fake birds as a decoration, what may insult the real Bird. This could also be a Commandment to ensure all hard work on the land would be done and that people were not celebrating during these periods of hard labor.

Thou shalt not have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.

This is one of the Commandments that makes Pope Avian I a true Visionair and Prophet. One can only hope to understand a fraction of his farseeing gifts.

Thou shalt not wear sweaters on a sunny day.

Pretty self-explainatory. When it’s sunny, it’s way too warm to wear a sweater.

Thou shalt force thy women to do the housekeeping.

Pretty unnessecary, because everyone was doing that anyway. But this Commandment was probably created to get to the 10. Nine Commandments just sounds stupid.

Thou shalt not steal, for I am watching thou.

This Commandment is for keeping peace and quiet amongst the Cult. One could also say that the Pope only tried to protect his own riches, but this Commandment is more for the greater good.

Thou shalt not eat things that move while thou attemptst to eat it, for it will angry the Bird thy Lord.

Because it is very unhealthy and also disgusting to eat things that move when you attempt to eat it, the Bird has prohibited it to protect His followers.

The sentence below is true. and The sentence above is false.

One can only hope to understand these Commandments. They probably have a very deep meaning we cannot even begin to understand.

Reaction of the Catholic Church[edit]

After Peter O’Reilly (may pidgeons fly over his home) had sent a letter to the Pope to inform him about the second coming of Jesus, the Pope answered by writing that he ‘did not approve of the breaking with the Catholic Church’ and asked ‘to deny the tricks of Satan, and to come back to the Church because birds of the same feather flock together’. He also demanded that, in order to adopt the Cult back in the Church again, ‘some rituals must be banned, for one cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs.’

Peter O’Reilly (may pidgeons fly over his home) was shocked to see the Holy Name used in vain, and reacted to this blasphemic response by renaming himself anti-Pope. Also, in an attempt to prove the Pope wrong, he organized an annual Omelet-Baking Contest in the Cult, but so far, no member of the Cult has managed to actually make an omelet without breaking eggs.

On a side note, the eggs used for the contest are chicken eggs, which are not considered Holy by the Cult, for their lack of Holy Spirit, but mostly for practical reasons.


Heretics! They will suffer!

Recently, a band called The Trashmen had recorded a single called ‘The Bird is the Word’. Despite various threathenings to the address of their wives and mothers, they refused to take the single back. Later, some awful programme has adopted the sacred name of the Cult as a running gag in their episodes. Also, the song ‘Why Do Birds Suddenly Appear’ has causes quite some uprising in the Cult.
Pope Avian IV responded on this blasphemy with an official cult message: ‘It seems today that all you see is violence and movies and sex on tv.’ After that, tv’s were banned from the Cult.
The Cult has also come into disrepute by various bombings on eggnog factories. The Cult denies any bonds with the attackers, even though they have proclaimed to symphatize with heir actions.

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