Who can spell this word

  • by
  • – on Jul 26th
  • in Lifestyle

Who could ever forget those awful high school spelling tests that we were forced to take constantly while in school (and some of us may still be taking them)? We all dreaded them immensely and considered them pointless. The words that we were asked to spell almost always seemed ridiculously hard and most of us believed that we would never use them again, at least not in our everyday lives.

Of course, now that we look back on these spelling tests we can see their merit: they improved our vocabulary greatly and they taught us how to spell some seriously important words. After all, who wants to be accused of being a poor speller? No one! It is so embarrassing to be told that a simple word we spelled on one of our social media platforms is incorrect and it is even more embarrassing to go around pronouncing a word (that we think makes us look more intelligent than we are) completely wrong.

Indeed, knowing how to spell words correctly can actually help us pronounce them too. Luckily, nowadays auto-correct almost always saves us from embarrassing mistakes but let’s not rely on technology to correct our spelling all the time.

Question 1

Who can spell this word?





This word usually refers to a person who works as an official and who is sent to a foreign country to represent his own country. This diplomat is usually of a very high rank and more often than not ends up working in an embassy (the diplomat’s official residence in the foreign country). Other times, this official may be sent on short missions or special diplomatic assignments.

Question 2

Spell this word.





As far as words go, no one really wants to ever hear this one. This word usually means a situation in which a person cannot repay his or her debts to creditors. Usually, this unpleasant situation is declared by a court order. Few people know that this particular word has been borrowed from Italian, and more specifically, from the Republic of Genoa (or so it is said), which was once an independent Italian state but which today is just another Italian city (located in Liguria).

Question 3

Match the word to the correct spelling.





There’s probably no better person to represent this word than Sigmund Freud, the Austrian founder of psychoanalysis. This word refers to a science that studies a person’s behavior and mind, including feelings and thoughts, whether they are conscious or unconscious. This science can be used to treat mental health problems but at the same time can be simply used to help people understand their behavior better and to help them break their toxic habits. Freud’s psychoanalysis is still relevant in this particular field today.

Question 4

How does one spell this word?





This word basically means a group of people who have come together to work in reaching a common goal or purpose. This word can refer to companies, government departments, clubs, secret societies, charities, voluntary associations and other institutions. This word has been around in the English language for quite a while and according to linguists it comes from the Greek language, and more specifically from the Greek word «organon» which basically means the exact thing that most of us would think it means — «organ».

Question 5

Spell this word.





This word can have a couple of meanings. For example, it can mean a person who has not been identified by his or her name or other personal and identifiable information. There are plenty of such people on the internet — on forums and in comment sections — and historically, some people chose to write great works of literature without identifying themselves. However, this word can also mean something that has no unique features. In the latter case, this word is often used to refer to inanimate objects.

Question 6

Who can spell this word correctly?





This word here also has a couple of meanings. The first, and most popular meaning refers to a place of dwelling — the place where a person lives — or a temporary place of dwelling — such as a room at a hotel, a room at a motel, a bed at a hostel, a room at a bed and breakfast, or even a room at a friend’s house. The second meaning refers to reaching a suitable arrangement or compromise between different people or different parties.

Question 7

Who knows how to spell this word?





As far as words go, this one is not very popular. Indeed, instead of using this particular word most people would simply say «a Christmas ornament» which is what it means, although to be more specific it means a round Christmas ornament or decoration. However, this word could also refer to a small trinket and even jewelry. Historically, this word used to refer to a baton or a carved scepter used by jesters. Of course, nowadays the latter meaning is no longer relevant for we no longer have jesters!

Question 8

Match the word to the correct spelling.





As is probably obvious from the image to the right, this word means an open and circular building that comes with an open space in the center where people can perform as the crowd watches on. This building is used for entertainment purposes, such as for sporting events. These buildings were incredibly popular in ancient times, especially in ancient Rome and ancient Greece. In ancient Rome, these very distinctive buildings were often used for gladiator combats, animal hunting and chariot races.

Question 9

Spell this word.





This is one of those words that we all use pretty often. Basically, it means that something — a TV show or a reservation for example — is not going to go ahead as was planned. Sometimes this word is also used when friends have to take a rain check and re-schedule a coffee or a dinner date for another time. However, this word can also have another meaning — it can refer to the neutralization of a specific effect and is often used in scientific circles.

Question 10

Match the word to the spelling.





This word is certainly not as popular as it once was but it is still used by people once in a while nowadays. As most will probably know, this word refers to the insulting of a God, a religious deity or sacred things in general. One can insult the above either through action or through sacrilegious words. In some religions around the world — especially religions of the Middle East and North Africa — this offence is rather serious and is actually considered to be a religious crime.

Question 11

Who can spell this word?





This word refers to a number of organized people (or vehicles) moving in an organized fashion, usually as part of a ceremony, a festival or even a strike. People have been forming these neat «parades» ever since ancient times, especially in ancient Greece and in ancient Rome where these «parades» were religious in nature. Certain elements — such as fancy costumes, music, ceremonial transport, performers, banners and icons, as well as flower bearers — may be added to make these «parades» look even more special and awe-inspiring.

Question 12

How does one spell this word?





This particular word here — which is, as most people will undoubtedly agree, very difficult to spell — refers to the noble desire to help others, usually through the donation of money. Some people may say that this word basically means charity, but linguists tend to disagree. According to them, this word and the word «charity» have one big difference: whereas charity attempts to help relieve a specific social difficulty or problem, this word tries to eliminate the actual root of the problem so as to prevent it from happening again.

Question 13

Match the word to the spelling.





This word is just another word that can be used to call someone lively, energetic and high-spirited. People who are described as such are generally well-liked by others and have no difficulty in making friends and navigating social situations. However, depending on the situation this word can also be interpreted negatively and can mean someone who is constantly seeking undeserved attention. Another rather different meaning of this word refers to weather conditions — if someone uses this word to describe the weather, they mean that the weather is incredibly stormy.

Question 14

Pick the correct spelling.





This word once again has two meanings, but both are rather similar to one another. The first meaning refers to something being correct, precise or exact in the details provided. The second meaning is illustrated by the image to the right and refers to successfully reaching the target. This word is used by many people on a daily basis and has been around for quite a while. Indeed, linguists believe that this word originated from Latin sometime in the 16th century.

Question 15

Who can spell this word?





This is a word that one doesn’t hear used very often although in our opinion, it should for it is rather pleasant to the ear. This word basically refers to something that is proper, tasteful, polite and restrained. Basically, if someone behaves politely and in a restrained manner, you could use this word to describe them (and even the situation). This word has been around ever since the 17th century and just like many others, has been derived from Latin.

Question 16

Match the word to the spelling.





Is there a better person to illustrate this word than the world famous writer William Shakespeare? We don’t think so! As is probably obvious by now, this word refers to someone who writes plays. Another word that could be used instead of this one is «dramatist». This word is spelled rather funnily but there is a reason for that. As is the case with most words, this one has also been around for quite a while. Indeed, it first appeared in written form in the early 17th century.

Question 17

Spell this word.





This word is often used to describe people who appear calm, relaxed and not very interested in those around them or the situation that they find themselves in. Indeed, these people seem to lack enthusiasm and are often described as quite cold. Unlike the two previous words we have asked you to spell, this one doesn’t come from Latin but rather from a French word that is used to describe something that is lacking warmth. According to linguists, this word emerged sometime in the early 18th century.

Question 18

Pick the right spelling.





As the image to the right probably makes clear, this word refers to something that is not clear or something that is not transparent. The frosted window in the image is the perfect example of this word. However, this word is also used to describe situations or things that are difficult to explain. For example, this word could be used in situations where one doesn’t understand the motives behind a person’s actions or when things are not clear, for example if the meaning in a poem makes no sense.

Question 19

Who can spell this word correctly?





This word means something that is done before the main — and more important — event. For example, it is said that before you exercise you should do a few warm-up exercises so as to prepare for the strenuous exercise that is going to follow. According to linguists, this word comes from both a French word and a Medieval Latin word. It is said that this word was first used in the English language sometime in the 17th century when it was used to describe the diplomatic negotiations that marked the Thirty Years’ War.

Question 20

Who knows the spelling of this word?





This word describes people who do not trust others and their motives. Indeed, these people think that humans are only motivated by greed, selfishness, and materialism and thus these people generally have very little faith in humanity and believe that humans — and their meaningless goals — deserve to be ridiculed. This word is not a new word. Indeed, it comes from ancient Greece where people whom this word described believed in a specific philosophy that said that people need to reject things such as wealth and fame and instead live a simple life of virtue.

Question 21

Match the word to the spelling.





This word describes something that lasts only a very short amount of time. For example, one could use this word to describe sand art for there is no way it can last a long time: the sea will eventually come in and wipe the sand clean. More often than not, this word is used to describe things in nature but it can also describe man-made objects. For example, some man-made objects may be built to purposefully only last a very short amount of time (which might make them more valuable than they would otherwise be!)

Question 22

Choose the correct spelling.





This word describes something that is deemed to be remarkable, extraordinary or exceptional. While one couldn’t use this word to describe a situation in which a studious student received an A plus you could use this word to describe a situation in which a student who is always failing finally received an A plus. However, this word can also refer to something that is detectable through the senses. This word is once again not at all new but while it sounds ancient it actually has only been around since the 19th century.

Question 23

How does one spell this word?





As is no doubt obvious from the image to the right, this word refers to a person who is a qualified doctor and who performs surgical operations on other people as part of his or her job. This word is rather old. Indeed, it first emerged in the 13th century from Anglo-French, Old French and Latin. However, people have been performing this job for much older (some say since at least 6th century B.C, which is when the first surgical operation was documented)

Question 24

Spell this word.





This word is often used to refer to peaceful, picturesque and happy moments and places. For example, one could use this word to describe the place that can be seen in the image to the right — what could be more picturesque and peaceful than a golden sandy beach, a palm tree and no one else in sight? As far as words go, this one is also rather old. It has been in use ever since the 18th century and according to linguists, comes from French.

Question 25

Match the word to the spelling.





This word here is very similar to the very first word we asked you to spell on this quiz. This word refers to a group of people who have joined their forces so as to reach a specific, common goal. Synonyms of this word include alliance, league, cooperative and partnership among many others. Still, this word also has another meaning. Indeed, this word can also refer to the relationship or the connection that exists between people and their different alliances.

Question 26

Spell this word.





This word here has two meanings. Firstly, it can refer to a very skilled trade or craft person, especially one that specializes in making things by hand. These things could include furniture, jewelry, clothing and decorative pieces such as sculptures and the like. This word can also refer to food or drink that has been made in a traditional way without using additives but rather by using high-quality and local ingredients. There has been a great increase in such food and drink products lately.

Question 27

Choose the correct spelling for this word.





This word here also has a couple of meanings, although one of them is more popular than the others. This word is most commonly used to refer to a public entertainment event during which a number of people exhibit themselves and their talents in the hopes of being crowned as the winner by the judges. This word however can also refer to a pretentious display. No one is sure as to where this word exactly comes from — Middle English, Anglo-French or Medieval Latin, but it is known that this word was first used sometime during the 14th century.

Question 28

Who can spell this word?





This word here also has numerous meanings. The first meaning we will look at is illustrated by the image to the right. As you’ve probably guessed already, this word can refer to a liquid — or icing — made from either eggs and milk or from powdered sugar and butter which is then spread onto food, usually baked goods. This word however can also refer to a substance that is spread on pottery to make it more decorative as well as to the action of installing panes of glass into windows.

Question 29

Spell this word.





This word refers to a person who is considered to be extremely greedy and insatiable in all regards of life, but especially when it comes to food and drink. Most people will probably agree that this word sounds rather old and indeed it has been around for quite a while. According to some linguists it dates back all the way to the 14th century and comes from a Middle English word. Nowadays this word is not as popular as it once was but is still used by some people.

Question 30

Who can spell this word?





Those who love travelling will no doubt know how to spell this word correctly. This word refers to an object that has been purchased or taken with the intent of remembering the place, event, or even person forever. Synonyms for this word include memento, keepsake or token. Examples of this include tacky tourist objects such as fridge magnets, t-shirts, tote bags and key rings in the shape of little Eiffel Towers (see the image to the right) but also pictures, hair locks, dried flowers, and the like.

Question 31

Pick the correct spelling for this word.





This is another word that at first glance appears to be simple but one that most people find incredibly tricky to spell. This word refers to someone who is ready to confront or attack someone at a moment’s notice. Generally, people who possess this particular personality trait are self-assertive and not well-liked. However, this word can also mean something that has been done in a forceful way. This word has been around ever since the late 18th century and was first used in psychology in the early 20th century.

Question 32

How does one spell this word?





Everyone knows the meaning of this word — it refers to a dining establishment. Basically, it is a place where people can come to sit down and eat. The best thing about these places is the fact that one doesn’t need to cook and that one is served by others. In addition, these places allow one to try out new and exotic dishes. Many people visit these places on special occasions such as birthdays and anniversaries. People also often visit these dining establishments during their travels.

Question 33

Choose the correct spelling.





This word refers to something that in unconventional and uncommon. In other words, it refers to something that society does not expect (and indeed, something that society might even frown upon). The image that we use to describe this word is that of none other than entertainer and incredible musical artist, Lady Gaga. Anyone who has seen her performances or attire will agree that she is the perfect representation of eccentricity. Original, unique, different…that’s her alright.

Question 34

Who knows how to spell this word?





This word refers to the practice of trying to seek information on future events or unknown matters by supernatural means. It is different from fortune-telling in that it is more ritualistic. Of course, most scientists deem this practice as a mere superstition although it is still practiced by some people in the world. As is the case with most words on this quiz, this word has been around for quite a while. Indeed, it first appeared in the English language sometime in the late 14th century.

Question 35

Spell this word.





Most of us have been victims of this state at least once in our lives. This word refers to a lack of energy. Its synonyms include words such as inertia, sleepiness, dullness, apathy, laziness and idleness to name just a few. Most of us end up in this state when we don’t get enough sleep, when we work to much, when we don’t eat or exercise properly, when we are stressed and when we don’t have anything to look forward to.

Questions Left

Current Score



Presentation on theme: «adverbs and adverbial phrases»— Presentation transcript:


adverbs and adverbial phrases
Types of adverbs: Time: immediately, Manner: Frequency: Degree: Comment:


adverbs and adverbial phrases
Types of adverbs: Time: immediately, early, five minutes later, last year Manner: angrily Frequency: always Degree: unbelievably, increasingly Comment: unfortunately


Where should you put an adverb?
At the beginning or end of the phrase / sentence, or in the middle (usually before the main verb) He speaks three languages fluently. I hardly ever have breakfast during the week. My brother was in a car crash, but fortunately he wasn’t hurt. It’s often extremely hot in Greece in July and August. When I know the date, I’ll call you straight away.


Incredibly stories bad careful correct hard fast brilliant happy safe extreme
Jack won the tennis final because he played ____ My brother had an accident because he was driving too ___ You’ll have to think very ___ before you decide whether to accept the job. I speak French very ___ No one can understand me. Who can spell this word ___? Although the weather was awful, the plane landed ___ His parents have been ___ married for nearly forty years. She works ___ ___ ambitious as well.


Incredibly stories bad careful correct hard fast brilliant happy safe extreme
Jack won the tennis final because he played brilliantly. My brother had an accident because he was driving too fast. You’ll have to think very carefully before you decide whether to accept the job. I speak French very badly. No one can understand me. Who can spell this word correctly? Although the weather was awful, the plane landed safely. His parents have been happily married for nearly forty years. She works extrememly hard ambitious as well.


Order the words to make sentences
tall / son / incredibly / has / your / grown ill / hardly / daughter / is / my / ever parents / next / are / his / retiring / year body / rude / teacher / was / the / extremely / his we / umbrella / an / had / luckily / taken at / police / immediately / bank / arrived / the / the is / James / apparently / divorced / getting


tall / son / incredibly / has / your / grown
Your son has grown incredibly tall. ill / hardly / daughter / is / my / ever My daughter is hardly ever ill. parents / next / are / his / retiring / year His parents are retiring next year. boy / rude / teacher / was / the / extremely / his / to The boy was extremely rude to his teacher. we / umbrella / an / had / luckily / taken Luckily we had taken an umbrella. at / police / immediately / bank / arrived / the / the The police arrived immediately at the bank. is / James / apparently / divorced / getting Apparently James is getting a divorce.

Закончи предложения, вставив предлоги там,где это необходимо.
1) Do you often write _ your grandparents?
2) Can these children write _ English?
3) When does Mary come _ home after classes?
4) Can you give _ me you address?
5) Who can spell “understand” _ English?
6) Don’t put the plant _ the windowsill?
7) Go _ bed, John, it’s your bedtime.
8) Give that box _ me, Jerry.
9) Meet me _ the bus stop.


Английский язык 4 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Афанасьева. Unit Four. Step 6. Номер №3


Перевод задания
Закончи предложения, вставив предлоги там,где это необходимо.
1) Вы часто пишете _ своим бабушке и дедушке?
2) Могут ли эти дети писать _ английский?
3) Когда Мэри приходит _ домой после занятий?
4) Можете ли вы дать _ мне свой адрес?
5) Кто может произносить слово «понимать» _ английский язык?
6) Не кладите растение _ подоконник?
7) Иди _ кровать, Джон, тебе пора спать.
8) Дай _ мне эту коробку, Джерри.
9) Встретимся _ автобусной остановке.

1) Do you often write to your grandparents?
2) Can these children write in English?
3) When does Mary come home after classes?
4) Can you give me you address?
5) Who can spell “understand” in English?
6) Don’t put the plant on the windowsill?
7) Go to bed, John, it’s your bedtime.
8) Give that box to me, Jerry.
9) Meet me at the bus stop.

Перевод ответа
1) Вы часто пишете своим бабушке и дедушке?
2) Могут ли эти дети писать по−английски?
3) Когда Мэри приходит домой после занятий?
4) Можете ли вы дать мне свой адрес?
5) Кто может произносить слово «понимать» на английском языке?
6) Не кладите растение на подоконник?
7) Ложись спать, Джон, тебе пора спать.
8) Дай мне эту коробку, Джерри.
9) Встретимся на автобусной остановке.

With spell-check and autocorrect built-in on the computers and mobile devices we use every day, it seems that knowing the correct spelling of a word is a skill that is getting harder and harder to nurture these days. But it’s still a good skill to have!

English is a weird language. It’s hard for kids to learn it, and it’s hard for adults who have already learned it to remember how to do it right, especially with technology automatically correcting our misspelling. It would be nice to have some consistent, general rules to go by, but alas, there are few. Even the one general rule that most people remember from grade school is not a very good rule at all: I before E except after C. Well, except in «concierge,» or «conscience,» or «efficient,» or «glacier,» etc.

This quiz will test whether you can spell some common English words. And with this, you will know whether you are a spelling mastermind or whether your spelling needs some polishing!

Are You One Of The 3% Of Americans Who Can Spell These 16 Words Correctly?

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By: Isadora Teich

Estimated Completion Time

1 min

Can You Spell These Words Correctly?

Image: shutterstock

About This Quiz

When it comes to spelling do you get it right every single time? There is a reason that people have been entertained by spelling bees for decades. It’s not because spelling and the English language are a walk in the park. While some languages are phonetic, which means that their words are spelled almost exactly as they sound, that is rarely the case in the English language. This is a bigger part of what can make spelling so tricky: Sometimes two words that look exactly the same on paper sound totally different. Occasionally, you even get small groups of words that sound exactly the same when you hear them spoken, but can look very different on paper. And in different cases these words can mean the same thing or entirely different things. 

English has roots in many other languages, which is part of what can make the spelling so confusing. Different words come from different backgrounds and therefore might follow totally different rules. This is a big part of the reason why editing writing is often a job all of its own. 

If you are a master speller who knows English and its many exceptions and rules inside out, then put your brain to the ultimate spelling test with this difficult spelling quiz! 

This jacket has:

Sequins is a plural noun. This is considered a basic 8th-grade level spelling word.

Sequins is a plural noun. This is considered a basic 8th-grade level spelling word.

Don’t _______ her.

Abandon is a 7th-grade level spelling word. It is a verb which means to desert someone either physically or emotionally.

Abandon is a 7th-grade level spelling word. It is a verb which means to desert someone either physically or emotionally.

He gave me bad:

Advice is a noun. Advise is a verb. English is quite tricky.

Advice is a noun. Advise is a verb. English is quite tricky.

I’ll have a:

Biscuits refer to small cake like treats in the US. However, in the UK, cookies are called biscuits.

Biscuits refer to small cake like treats in the US. However, in the UK, cookies are called biscuits.

I don’t eat:

Celery is a green vegetable. This is a 7th-grade level spelling word.

Celery is a green vegetable. This is a 7th-grade level spelling word.

_____________ is one of the symptoms.

Congestion is a noun. It is the state of being congested.

Congestion is a noun. It is the state of being congested.

Who is your favorite________?

Character is a noun. It can refer to a fictional person or the distinctive nature of something or someone.

Character is a noun. It can refer to a fictional person or the distinctive nature of something or someone.

Don’t __________ yourself.

Embarrass is a verb. This is a 7th-grade level spelling word.

Embarrass is a verb. This is a 7th-grade level spelling word.

He saw a:

Phantom is a noun. A phantom is a ghost or apparition.

Phantom is a noun. A phantom is a ghost or apparition.

Don’t touch the ________ of the fire.

Embers is a plural noun. It refers to the glowing coal or wood burning in a dying fire.

Embers is a plural noun. It refers to the glowing coal or wood burning in a dying fire.

The ________ is dormant.

Volcano is a noun. This is a 7th-grade level spelling word.

Volcano is a noun. This is a 7th-grade level spelling word.

He studies:

Language is a noun. It is a method of spoken or written communication.

Language is a noun. It is a method of spoken or written communication.

She is an ________ magician.

Amateur is a noun. It means non-professional.

Amateur is a noun. It means non-professional.

He’s a real life:

Villain is a noun. This is an 8th-grade level spelling word.

Villain is a noun. This is an 8th-grade level spelling word.

This tastes:

Weird is an adjective. It is an 8th-grade level spelling word.

Weird is an adjective. It is an 8th-grade level spelling word.

It’s an ________ club.

Elite is an adjective meaning best. It is an 8th-grade level spelling word.

Elite is an adjective meaning best. It is an 8th-grade level spelling word.

The weather is so:

Humid is an adjective. It is a 7th-grade level spelling word.

Humid is an adjective. It is a 7th-grade level spelling word.

There is ______ evidence.

Scant is an adjective. It means barely sufficient.

Scant is an adjective. It means barely sufficient.

I got a:

Manicure is a noun. It is a cosmetic treatment for the hands and nails.

Manicure is a noun. It is a cosmetic treatment for the hands and nails.

She wants a ________.

Telescope is a noun. It is a tool used to see things that are far away.

Telescope is a noun. It is a tool used to see things that are far away.

He has no respect for:

Authority is a noun. This is considered a challenge word at the 8th grade level.

Authority is a noun. This is considered a challenge word at the 8th grade level.

The wolf was ______ of people.

Wary is an adjective. It means to feel or show caution of potential danger.

Wary is an adjective. It means to feel or show caution of potential danger.

It had been a ______ day.

Chaotic is an adjective. It is considered a 9th-grade level spelling word.

Chaotic is an adjective. It is considered a 9th-grade level spelling word.

_______ Indian food is delicious.

Authentic is an adjective. This is considered a 9th-grade level spelling word.

Authentic is an adjective. This is considered a 9th-grade level spelling word.

She won the:

Pageant is a noun. While it can refer to any procession of costumed people, in modern English it usually applies specifically to beauty pageants.

Pageant is a noun. While it can refer to any procession of costumed people, in modern English it usually applies specifically to beauty pageants.

Can you name a:

Philosopher is a noun. This is considered a 9th-grade level spelling word.

Philosopher is a noun. This is considered a 9th-grade level spelling word.

I can ________ swim.

Basically is an adverb. It means fundamentally or in the most essential respects.

Basically is an adverb. It means fundamentally or in the most essential respects.

He works as a _______ stylist.

Personal is an adjective. Something personal is either private, unique, particular or belonging to a single person.

Personal is an adjective. Something personal is either private, unique, particular or belonging to a single person.

Take me to:

Paradise is a noun. It refers to an idealized place or state.

Paradise is a noun. It refers to an idealized place or state.

Check the:

Calendar is a noun. This is considered a 9th-grade level spelling word.

Calendar is a noun. This is considered a 9th-grade level spelling word.

can spell — перевод на русский

Yes, I can spell, young man.

Я умею писать, молодой человек.

What is it about girls who can spell?

И чего такого в девчонках, которые умеют писать?

Well, at least you can spell.

Ну, по крайней мере, ты умеешь правильно писать.

He can spell good, too.

Видишь, он и по буквам произносить умеет.

You can spell, can you?

Ты можешь произносить слова по буквам?

I think I can spell…

— Я думаю, можно ещё сложить…

I can spell.

— Я пишу без ошибок.

Показать ещё примеры…

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speak a word

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Anyone who can only think of one way to spell a word obviously lacks imagination.

Тому, кто может придумать только один вариант правописания слова, очевидно не хватает воображения.

You can spell a word that means nothing.

The child may learn how to spell a word today, and completely forget the next day.

Они могут научиться писать слова и совершенно забыть на следующий день.

You can use other letters to spell a word.

He will never spell a word which may hurt anyone.

Поэтому, он никогда не скажет слово, способное обидеть.

If you don’t know how to spell a word, use a dictionary.

One is semantic memory, which allows us to remember how to spell a word like say, autonoetic.

Одна — семантическая, которая позволяет нам помнить, как пишется, скажем, аутоноэтический.

Human DNA consists of more than 3 billion building blocks whose sequences form genes, just like letters spell a word.

ДНК человека состоит из более чем З млрд «кирпичиков», сочетания которых образуют гены так же, как буквы образовывают слова.

&Nbsp;- &Laquo; Spell a word» — General concepts — classification of the pictures, listening.

«Назови одним словом» — обобщающие понятия — классификации по картинкам, на слух.

The random characters that happened to be shown to the user were W, A, I, T, which, of course, spell a word.

Случайные символы, которые видел пользователь, оказались Ш, А, I, T [подожди], и сложились в слово.

In other words, you may not know how to correctly spell a word until all of the names have been indexed — at which point it’s too late unless you implement a two-pass indexing algorithm.

Другими словами, вы можете не знать, как правильно произнести слово до тех пор, пока все имена не будут проиндексированы — в этот момент еще слишком поздно, если вы не реализуете алгоритм индексации с двумя проходами.

This has been used by many researchers worldwide to create BCI-based applications that allow users to spell a word, identify images, select buttons in a virtual environment and more recently, even play in an orchestra or send a Twitter message.

Эта характеристика мозга использовалась многими исследователями во всем мире для создания BCI-приложений, которые позволят произносить слова, узнавать изображения, выбирать кнопки в виртуальной среде и, в последнее время, выполнять даже такие сложные вещи как игра в оркестре или публикация сообщений в Twitter.

A domain hack is using the full domain name at all levels to spell a word or phrase. This is typically accomplished by combining generic terms with a country code top level domain (ccTLD).

Доменная комбинация — это домен, в котором доменное имя и домен верхнего уровня (TLD) объединяются в одно слово или выражение, например ComeWith.ME.

Did I spell a word incorrectly?

Другие результаты

A poem where the first letter of each line spells a word.

Форма стихотворения, в которой первые буквы каждой строки составляют слово.

Expect to be asked to spell a few words or do some simple arithmetic.

Больному предлагают списать несколько простых слов или решить простые арифметические примеры.

It is recommended that students also spell a few words with each new pattern.

But only one of them’s spells out a word.

Peculiarly, it is simply impossible to spell out a word in Chinese language.

В частности, просто невозможно изложить слово на китайском языке.

Plus, LGBTQ just sounds like a dyslexic kid trying to spell a big word.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 26015. Точных совпадений: 14. Затраченное время: 444 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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