Who are you spoken word

A rhetorical question, generally in the form of an insulting chant, accompanied by finger-pointing; meant as abuse to a single person or team performing in front of a crowd, by indicating that they are unknown and insignificant.

Abuse is aimed at two groups:

1) An unknown competitor, whose relative anonymity is highlighted even further.

2) Paradoxically, a well-known competitor whose high credibility and status is undermined in an act of defiance by pretending to regard the competitor as unknown or insignificant.

Abuse is aimed in two ways:

1) When the competitor is announced.

2) When the competitor is performing badly.

The phrase is often used in sport, particularly at football matches in the UK.

«Who are you?» is usually pronounced «Who are ya?!», with emphasis on the word «are».

1) Liverpool (big football club) v Grimsby (small football club):

Announcer : «On to the pitch comes…Grimsby»

Liverpool fans : «Who are ya?! Who are ya?! Who are ya?!…»

2) Leyton Orient (small football club) v Chelsea (big football club)

The Chelsea player, Didier Drogba, misses a clear chance of scoring a goal and falls over badly, clutching his knee in agony.

Leyton Orient fans : «Who are ya?! Who are ya?! Who are ya?!…»

by JezGex November 17, 2007

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a rhetorical phrase that insinuates that the person who is being spoken to is either strange or a moron.

the person being spoken to with usualy reply with their full name but you’re never actually looking for an answer, hence it being rhetorical.

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Who are you speaking to Clint?

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  • #1

Recently I have encountered a rule saying that when the anser for the question is «him», «them», «us» then the qestion should start with «whom» (instead of «who»).
But above question doesn’t stick to this rule. Is it a some exception or the my rule is wrong?


  • #2

Recently I have encountered a rule saying that when the anser for the question is «him», «them», «us» then the qestion should start with «whom» (instead of «who»).
But above question doesn’t stick to this rule. Is it a some exception or the my rule is wrong?

Your rule is not wrong, it’s just that hardly anyone uses «whom» in modern English.

  • #3

Recently I have encountered a rule saying that when the anser for the question is «him», «them», «us» then the qestion should start with «whom» (instead of «who»).
But above question doesn’t stick to this rule. Is it a some exception or the my rule is wrong?

In formal English (at least in AmE), «whom» is used whenever the pronoun is the object of a verb or preposition. In less formal English, some people still follow that rule, but many use «whom» only when the word directly follows a preposition. In your sentence, the preposition is separated from «who/whom» and appears at the end of the sentence.

  • #4

In formal English (at least in AmE), «whom» is used whenever the pronoun is the object of a verb or preposition. In less formal English, some people still follow that rule, but many use «whom» only when the word directly follows a preposition.

As in «For Whom the Bell Tolls» (Both Hemingway’s novel and Metallica’s song!) :cool:

  • #5


When a native-speaker hears someone saying «To whom are you talking?» , what would they think of the speaker? I mean, would they think about the speaker as outdated, pompous or just as a good user of the English Language?

Thanks for your answers in advance

  • #6


When a native-speaker hears someone saying «To whom are you talking?» , what would they think of the speaker? I mean, would they think about the speaker as outdated, pompous or just as a good user of the English Language?

Thanks for your answers in advance

If it was spoken with a foreign accent, I’d assume that the speaker was hypercorrecting, and was not familiar with colloquial English. Otherwise, I’d need some context to tell why they are speaking that way. There are other reasons: mock-pompous, attempted humour, clarification…

  • #7

If it was spoken with a foreign accent, I’d assume that the speaker was hypercorrecting, and was not familiar with colloquial English. Otherwise, I’d need some context to tell why they are speaking that way. There are other reasons: mock-pompous, attempted humour, clarification…

But it’s okay in writing I assume, isn’t it? Or is it still bit of odd to use that even in writing?

  • #8

But it’s okay in writing I assume, isn’t it? Or is it still bit of odd to use that even in writing?

I’m trying to think of why you’d write «To whom are you talking?» If it’s dialogue, then all the considerations for speaking are relevant.

  • #9

I’m trying to think of why you’d write «To whom are you talking?» If it’s dialogue, then all the considerations for speaking are relevant.

I’m just asking because as far as I know this would be the most prescriptive way of saying or writing it, and some who are proponent of the prescriptive approach to the language would still expect that the sentence should be worded that way.

Apart from what I mentioned above I believe, which doesn’t mean I’m right, in formal correspondences, it is the proper way one should write.

  • #10

Apart from what I mentioned above I believe, which doesn’t mean I’m right, in formal correspondences, it is the proper way one should write.

I don’t think so. «To whom are you talking» isn’t any more proper than «Whom are you talking to?» It’s entirely acceptable to end a sentence with a preposition.

  • #11

I don’t think so. «To whom are you talking» isn’t any more proper than «Whom are you talking to?» It’s entirely acceptable to end a sentence with a preposition.

I don’t think that the preposition was ever the problem. It’s the who/whom distinction that euncu talking about, I believe.
But since you’ve brought up «Whom are you talking to?», I’d call that bizarre, while «To whom are you talking» is just unusual (and all those other descriptions above).

The correct way of expressing in formal writing something that only occurs in speech obviously depends on the context in which you’d want to do that.

  • #12

… «To whom are you talking» is just unusual (and all those other descriptions above).

Hello Raymott,

From what I understand from your words, «To whom are you talking?» is virtually obsolete and in speech or in writing the only way that the sentence can be worded is «Who are you talking to?. Is my interpretation of what you have said on this thread so far correct?

  • #13

Hello Raymott,

From what I understand from your words, «To whom are you talking?» is virtually obsolete and in speech or in writing the only way that the sentence can be worded is «Who are you talking to?. Is my interpretation of what you have said on this thread so far correct?

I would agree that «to whom are you talking?» is obsolete, or at least extremely outdated. «Whom are you talking to?» sounds more usual, only because Americans tend to always put prepositions at the end of sentences. I don’t think it necessarily sounds unusual to say «whom», just that the speaker speaks very proper English (which may or may not be unusual depending on who(m) you ask). But by and large, modern speakers tend to say «who are you talking to?»

As a side note, I’ve been noticing more and more people lately trying to sound smart or proper and incorrectly use «whom» by saying something like «whom was at the door?» which drives me insane. It’s the same as when they say «John went with she and I to the movies,» because they learned that their natural tendency to say «me and her went with John to the movies» was incorrect. So annoying!

(not a teacher, just a language lover)

  • #14

Hello Raymott,

From what I understand from your words, «To whom are you talking?» is virtually obsolete and in speech or in writing the only way that the sentence can be worded is «Who are you talking to?. Is my interpretation of what you have said on this thread so far correct?

Yes, it’s virtually obsolete. But I did not say that this was the only way to say it. You can say «To whom are you talking?» if you have a reason to. We’ve agreed that the ‘whom’ version can be pompous, mock-pompous, or for attempted humour, or clarification, to mention a few.
But I can’t think of any place where «Who are you talking to?» would be wrong.
The point is, why not just use what people say? — «Who are you talking to?»

Last edited: Jul 29, 2013

Special question in English — construction examples

кто ты по профессии на английском

There are several types of questions in English. For correct oral speech and competent construction of dialogues, it is very important to be able to ask different types of questions. Special questions in English are studied next to general questions.

General question: Did he remember a lot of old songs? — Did he remember many old songs?

Special Question: How many songs did he remember? — How many songs did he remember?

What is a special question

A special question is a type of interrogative sentence, the purpose of which is to obtain additional information. Such questions are varied in meaning, but have a clear structure. You can ask one general question for one sentence, and several special ones.

Lima bought a new laptop in Japan last weekend, because Tom had broken her old one. — Lima bought a new laptop in Japan last weekend because Tom broke her old one.

What did Lima buy in Japan last weekend? — What did Lima buy in Japan last weekend?

Where did Lima buy a new laptop last weekend? Where did Lima buy her new laptop last weekend?

When did Lima buy a new laptop in Japan? — When did Lima buy a new laptop in Japan?

Why did Lima buy a new laptop in Japan last weekend? Why did Lima buy a new laptop in Japan last weekend?

How to ask a specific question in English

General and special questions in English have the same construction principle. The subject must be preceded by an auxiliary verb. This verb depends on the temporal form of the predicate.

The construction of special questions in English has certain peculiarities. For more information, you need to put a question word before the auxiliary verb. It is it that shows what information you need to find out. Further, in order, the subject, the predicate (semantic verb), and, if necessary, other members of the sentence are put.

Let’s analyze one of the previous questions (Where did Lima buy a new laptop last year?) By structure:

  • Question word: Where
  • Auxiliary verb: did
  • Subject: Lima
  • Predicted: buy

Question words for special questions

For the correct compilation of special questions, it is imperative to learn the basic interrogative words. Let’s list the most common ones.

What jeans have you chosen? — What jeans did you choose?

This word has variants — phrases

  • What kind

What kind of chocolate does your son prefer? — What kind of chocolate does your son prefer?

  • What color (what color)

What color was your hair in the childhood? — What color was your hair as a child?

In addition, this word can be combined with prepositions:

  • What for

What have you taken the rabbit to the shop for? — Why did you take the rabbit to the store?

What were they talking about all morning? — What were they talking about all morning?

Unlike the Russian version, the preposition in such a sentence appears after the predicate or at the very end of the question.

It is important to know that the interrogative word «what» in English is used in a quality that is unusual for the Russian language. They resort to it when you need to find out who a person is by occupation, profession. In such cases it is translated not “what”, but “who”. This is what confuses students who are used to translating the word «who» as «who.»

Compare the special question in English: examples with «who» and «what»:

Who is that strange guy? He is my big brother. — Who’s that weird guy? He is my older brother.

What is that strange guy? He is our new surgeon. — Who’s that weird guy? He’s our new surgeon.

How did Tom manage to win the game? — How did Tom manage to win the game?

Also has «followers»:

How old is Mrs. Stone? — How old is Mrs. Stone?

  • How many (much)

How much yeast should we add to the dough? — How much yeast should be added to the dough?

The difference in variants is the same as in the words many / much. When asking about countable nouns, start the question with “How many”. If about the uncountable — «How much».

  • How long (how long, how long)

How long is the river in youг town? — How long is the river in your city?

How long did it take you to lose weight last year? — How long did it take you to lose weight last year?

How often do you have your hair cut? — How often do you cut your hair?

Which present would you choose? — Which gift would you choose?

Whom did you phone a few minutes ago? — Who did you call a few minutes ago?

Whose car are you driving tonight? — Whose car are you driving tonight?

Where is Mr. Stone flying in the evening? — Where is Mr. Stone flying in the evening?

Sometimes you can see where combined with a preposition:

Where have Rebecca come from? — Where did Rebecca come from?

Why was Lima crying? — Why did Lima cry?

When did the Stones return from Canada? — When did the Stones return from Canada?

What and which

As you can see from the above examples, some words have a similar meaning. For example, the pair what and which can translate as «which of», «which». The difference between the two can only be understood by knowing the context of the question. What is used when you need to choose from an unlimited number of options, and which is used when the choice is clearly limited.

What and what kind of

Another pair of question words, the difference between which may not be obvious at first glance. Both of them have the translation «what». Nevertheless, if you need to know about the quality, properties and characteristics of an item, then you should use What kind (a question to the definition). If you need to clarify what the subject is (a question to the nominal part of the predicate) — «what the ..», then What is used.

Source: https://lim-english.com/pravila-anglijskogo-yazyka/postroenie-specialnykh-voprosov-v-anglijskom/

Lesson 5. Professions. Etiquette

кто ты по профессии на английском

In this lesson we will work out basic phrases related to professions.

These phrases will answer the following questions:

  1. Who are you studying for?
  2. Where and who do you work?
  3. What is your specialty?

The following words are used in the lesson:

  • accountant — accountant
  • actor — actor
  • artist — artist
  • company — company
  • consultant — consultant
  • dentist — dentist
  • designer — designer
  • doctor — doctor
  • driver — driver
  • engineer — engineer
  • guide — guide
  • historian — historian
  • hospital — hospital
  • hotel — hotel
  • interpreter — translator
  • magazine — magazine
  • manager — manager
  • museum — museum
  • musician — musician
  • programmer — programmer
  • school — school
  • teacher — teacher
  • theater — theater
  • writer — writer


Indefinite article а Is an abbreviated form of the word oneone… Used when it comes to about one of subjects, and not about a specific subject.

Definite article the Is an abbreviated form of the word thisthis or according to another version of the word Thatthat, Thesethese, Thosethose… Used when it comes to specific object or objects, specific person or specific people.

In the fifth lesson, only the indefinite article is used, because all phrases are structured in such a way that they indicate not a specific position, but a profession.

Therefore, consider the rules for using the indefinite article a (an).

Indefinite article

1. Used when we name an object

  • I bought it because.I bought a car. (any car, but not a motorcycle, bus, etc.)
  • It is a cat.This is a cat. (not a dog, etc.)
  • She is to teacher.She is a teacher.

2. Indicates a number one

  • I will call you in an hour. I’ll call you in (one) hour.
  • He will live here see you week.He will live here (one) week.

Article a used before nouns beginning with consonant sound. Article an used before nouns beginning with vowel sound.

  • I bought it a bicycle.
  • I want an orange.

Attention! The articles are not used if you say:

  • My / his / her car
  • This / that car
  • 1/2/3 cars
  • Some / any / no cars

In plural indefinite article not usedsince its original value is one

Not to be confused with the definite article the. The definite article can be used with plural nouns.

Who are you studying for?

You can answer this question like this: I am studying to be a doctor.

It will sound differently: I am learning to be a doctor.

Not quite in Russian, but literally translated into English:

  • I study to be a doctor. — I’m studying to be a doctor.

Pay attention to the indefinite article a standing in front of the word doctor… It is used because To be a doctor means to be one of those who are a doctor.

  • They will study to be doctors — They will study to be doctors.

In this phrase, the indefinite article is absent, because it is not plural.

Where and who do you work?

You can answer this question like this: I work as a doctor in a hospital.

Let’s rephrase this so that we can say literally in English:

  • I work in a hospital as a doctor. — I work in a hospital as doctor (as a doctor).

Note the two indefinite articles. The first article says I work in one of hospitals (the interlocutor does not know which one).

The second article again says that I am a representative of the profession, i.e. one of doctors.

What is your specialty?

You can answer this question like this: I am a doctor.

Let’s rephrase this so that we can say literally in English:

  • I am a doctor. — I AM Yes doctor.

The indefinite article is used here again.


hello; Hi — Hey
Good morning — Good morning (until 12:00)
good afternoon — Good afternoon (after 12:00)
Good evening — Good evening (~ after 18:00)
Good night — Goodnight


bye; goodbye — Bye
See you — See you; while
Farewell — Goodbye


thank you; thanks — Thanks
Please — Please (request)
Welcome — Please (answer to thank you)
Welcome — Welcome
Nice to meet you — Nice to meet you
Good night — Goodnight
I apologize for — I apologize for
I regret — I regret
I am sorry — I’m sorry; I’m sorry
Excuse me — Sorry; to blame
forgive me — Sorry

Source: https://polyglotmobile.ru/polyglot-english-base/lesson-5/

Interview in English

кто ты по профессии на английском

“Victory loves preparation”: Preparing ahead of time for a job interview can have a decisive effect on your results. And it’s not just about learning English. For example, many HR managers complain that candidates come to interviews with little to no knowledge of the firm they intend to work for.

Pay due attention to collecting information about the hiring company. Google her, study her website, mission, products, location, management team. Check out the latest company news, employee reviews, and interviewees (if you’re applying for a super spy job, this will be a good test of your qualifications).

Not only will it be easier for you to pass the interview, but it will also be easier to make your choice when several companies are interested in your candidacy.

Define the goals of the hiring company and be ready to meet them

The secret to a successful interview is to prove to the employer that your knowledge, skills and experience are exactly what they desperately need. To do this, carefully study the job description and from the arsenal of your merits, select those that will come to the court in this company: during the interview, you will put special emphasis on them.

Google yourself, correct your online image

To find out what your online employer might find out about you, do your own self-investigation.

If something does not look perfect somewhere, try to either fix it (for example, replace the provocative Facebook cover with a neutral one), or prepare a decent answer about why this or that information discrediting you appeared on the Internet.

It is not recommended to dwell on such moments during the interview — do not hesitate, briefly outline the situation and move on to the next question.

Try to stand out from the crowd

Before each interview, ask yourself: «What is the reason I am suitable for this position?» Determine which of your qualities will set you apart from the crowd of candidates.

Are you incredibly talented? Brilliantly educated? Are you unusually hardworking? Whatever your super-power is, it is your task to boldly declare it. But be prepared to show evidence!

Be friendly and positive

During the interview, try to structure your story in such a way as not to drag the interlocutor into the abyss of hopeless pessimism, even if you have an unusually, extremely black streak in your life.

Optimism wins hearts! If cats are scratching their hearts, well, you will have to play a positive attitude (at least for those 40 minutes, which, according to statistics, the interview lasts on average).

And never — never! — do not speak badly about previous employers. A story tinged with resentment and aggression tells the interviewer more about your attitude than about the personality of your former boss.

And besides: suddenly the HR manager sitting opposite you is the best friend of your former angry and picky boss? The world is small, but «Silence is golden».

Make a list of the most likely questions and prepare the answers to them

This is not so difficult: articles on the topic of ten, twenty, or even a hundred questions that you most often hear in an interview can be easily found on the Internet (further in the article we offer a selection of such popular questions — both serious and not very).

At the same time, you do not need to memorize the answer to each question by heart, but you should undoubtedly remember the general meaning and strategy of answers.

What are your strengths and weaknesses? — What are your strengths and weaknesses?

We have analyzed the answers to these questions in detail in the article Preparing for an interview: a story about yourself in English.

Where do you want to be five years from now? — Where would you like to be in five years?

In fact, this question replaces several at once: How realistic are your expectations regarding our vacancy? Have you considered your career long term? Maybe in a year or two you are going to quit?

Show that you have planned a career and see things realistically. Of course, no one is able to predict the future, but personnel officers do not need a 100% reliable forecast: it is important for them to understand how you associate your future with your profession in general and with this company in particular. If you make it clear that the current position is just a temporary solution for you, you are unlikely to get a job.

Please give me an example of a time when you had a problem with a supervisor / co-worker and how you approached the problem. —Please provide an example of how you solved the problem you encountered in communicating with your boss / employee

Sadly, but true: conflicts in the work collective are a fairly common thing. And the way a person approaches the resolution of such conflicts characterizes him very accurately.

And if you can describe a real-life example of a successful solution to a problem that has arisen in a team (between you and your boss, for example), your chances of success will increase significantly.

What are your salary requirements? — What are your salary requirements?

The employer wants to know if your needs match their capabilities.

However, at the first interview, this question is best answered vaguely. Tell them that you will only be ready to discuss the salary issue in more detail if the first interview is successful.

Ideally, find out from the employer what level of salary this vacancy provides, so that later, if there is a question of choosing between several companies, you could agree to a more advantageous offer.

Why are you leaving your current job? — Why are you leaving your current job?

Maybe you are an uncomfortable and quarrelsome type (civilian appearance)? Or chasing a long ruble? Or are you really “following your dream”, intending to devote your life to your chosen profession?

No matter what kind of nuisance forces you to “look for where it is better,” at the interview, the wording of the reason for your departure should be relaxed as much as possible.

Source: https://skyeng.ru/articles/gotovimsya-k-sobesedovaniyu-na-anglijskom-yazyke-top-50-voprosov-soiskatelyu

Professions in English

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Even as a child, they tried to instill in us respect for the phrase «All professions are needed, all professions are important.» Indeed, any profession (profession) is significant and the absence of workers in one area or another affects the population. Who among us in childhood has not dreamed of becoming an astronaut (cosmonaut) or pilot (pilot)? We have grown up, dreams are a thing of the past.

Although if someone managed to make a dream come true, he deserves only approval and praise. Now we choose a profession, focusing on its demand in society and sufficient pay. And the best option is a combination of these two reasons and satisfaction with what you are doing (job satisfaction).

If you have already started learning English, you probably already know that work is called work and job. The first is a word of a broader meaning, denoting regular labor activity for various purposes, and the second word denotes a specific activity, the Russian translation “work, service, position” is closer to him.

Many people decide to go to study a profession in a foreign university, therefore, the need for knowledge of professions in English is currently very relevant.

Basic concepts of work

Before starting directly with the study of professions in English, consider a few points regarding the search for a job and the work process itself. People either get jobs on their own or use employment offices. Do not confuse the name of the employer and the applicant. In English, they sound almost the same — employer and employee.

You can be hired (hire) and fired (fire). You can work full-time, part-time, work overtime. Nowadays, membership in a free profession is also very popular (translators — interpreters / translators, artists — painters / artists, journalists — journalists, etc.). Such people are called self-employed or freelancer. They choose who to work with and how much.

Major professions in English

As well as in Russian, there are a great many professions in English. It will not be possible to study everything, so we will recall only those that were mentioned at school, as well as modern ones that appeared during the period of intensive technical development. Every day we run into drivers, salesmen / shop-assistants, clerks.

At school, teachers are waiting for children, and at the institute, teachers (professors). Medical assistance is provided by doctors and nurses. We spend our free time in the theater, watching the actors (actor / actress) or at concerts, listening to musicians (musicians), singers (singers) or evaluating the performance of dancers (dancers).

Our houses are designed by architects, erected by builders and carpenters, and serviced by engineers, electricians and plumbers. In beauty salons we are served by hair-dressers and dentists. Our rights are protected by policemen and lawyers.

And in the restaurant we are served by waiters (waiter / waitress), offering dishes from the chef (cook, chef). Nowadays such professions as economist, secretary, programmer, IT manager are very popular.

And such professions in Englishas a supervisor and merchandiser have become part of our conversation! This is just a small part of the professions in English! If you wish, you can continue this list!

Source: https://engblog.ru/professions-in-english

Lesson 5: Professions in English

We have already met the question How do you do? Now we will find out how to ask about the profession in English, and what do the English mean when they ask “What do you do? « These two questions look very similar, but their meaning is completely different.

After studying this lesson, you will be able to: — ask the question «about the profession in English»And respond to it in different ways; — learn the name of some professions;

— do reinforcement exercises on the topic.

New words

doctor [ˈDɒktə] — doctor secretary [ˈSɛkrətri] — secretary  electrician [ɪlɛkˈtrɪʃən] — electrician
photographer [fəˈtɒgrəfə] — photographer engineer [ˌƐnʤɪˈnɪə] — engineer student [ˈStjuːdənt] — student
between jobs [bɪˈtwiːn ʤɒbz] — between works plumber [ˈPlʌmə] — plumber architect [ˈⱭːkɪtɛkt] — architect
scientist [ˈSaɪəntɪst] — scientist artist [ˈⱭːtɪst] — artist  Farmer [ˈFɑːmə] — farmer
copper [ˈBeɪkə] — baker accountant [əˈkaʊntənt] — accountant  designer [dɪˈzaɪnə] — designer
housewife [ˈHaʊswaɪf] — housewife dentist [ˈDɛntɪst] — dentist shop assistant [ʃɒp əˈsɪstənt] — seller

Translation of «What do you do?» in Russian and answers

If you translate the question “What do you do? » literally, it will be: «what are you / are you doing / doing?» In fact, in Russian it would be more correct to say: «what are you doing?»referring to a profession or a real job. There are various ways to answer this question. The simplest 3 ways are as follows:

1) name your profession. I’m an accountant — I’m an accountant I am a nurse — I’m a nurse

2) name the area in which you operate:

I’m in finance — I work in finance I’m in education — I work in education

3) indicate the company you work for:

I work for Gazprom — I work for Gazprom

I work for Megaphone — I work in Megaphone

Variants of the question with other pronouns:

What does she do? — She is a doctor. What does he do? — He is an artist.

What do I do? — I’m an engineer.

Source: https://lingvana.ru/profession.html

What is your profession?

The acquaintance situation is one of the first topics for beginners at the beginner level. Of course it is interesting when meeting a person who he is by profession. The choice of topics for conversation depends on this. An uneducated pizza delivery man and a professor will behave differently and use different vocabulary. Knowing the profession, your brain already prepares a suitable communication style in advance, although you may not be aware of it.

To find out a profession, it is logical that you first need to ask about it. How to do it in English? Let’s consider the options.

We ask

What do you do? What are you doing? It turns out that we are asking what a person is doing at all. This implies his work. Common mistake: What are you doing? If you ask such a question, the interlocutor will answer what action he is doing right now.
What’s your job? What is your job?
What’s your profession? What is your profession? This question should be asked if you want to inquire who the person is by education, diploma. After all, according to the diploma, a person can be a teacher, but work as anyone! Russian-speaking students quite often use this question when meeting, because in Russian, the question is often used: «Who are you by profession?»
What do you do for living? What do you do for a living? This option is best used for interviewing young people, students. The question does not imply serious, permanent earnings. Adults who have already taken place in the profession are better off not asking this question.

We answer

In speech, there are two ways of answering. The first is easier I’m a The second is a little more difficult: I work as a

Note that in both cases, the profession is preceded by an indefinite article. The article a is always used before the profession — this must be remembered!

Kaleidoscope of professions

The article is followed by an infinite number of answers. Now in the world of people there are: disappeared, modern, fashionable, popular, profitable, innovative, in demand, modern, just emerging professions.

Let’s start from the very beginning.

Man starts looking for a job seekforajob… To do this, he writes a resume curriculumvitae (CV)where it indicates:

Source: https://englishfun.ru/leksika/kakaya-u-vas-professiya

Top 18 professions where English is badly needed

Today it is very difficult to find a job without knowledge of the English language, but there are professions where you simply cannot do without it. We bring to your attention the TOP-18 of such specialties!

Programmers and mobile developers

IT professionals should have an ideal knowledge of both spoken and technical English. There are several reasons for this:

  • good understanding of the development environment;
  • maintaining technical documentation;
  • work with English-language interfaces, sources and literature. At the moment, no more than 10-15% of all useful books for programmers have been translated into Russian;
  • cooperation with foreign colleagues, communication at international forums;
  • attending international conferences, webinars;
  • obtaining a prestigious education in foreign online courses.

When studying, it is worth focusing on the technical part, the recommended level is Upper Intermediate.

Web designers

A creative profession for people who want to earn a solid salary. The specialist is engaged in the design of user interfaces for mobile applications, websites, programs. Web designers are required to be not only creative, but also well-educated people who want to learn foreign languages. This knowledge is necessary to solve the following tasks:

  • use of high-quality English-language software;
  • search and communication with foreign customers who are willing to pay large fees for the work of web designers;
  • search and analysis of information;
  • work with technical specifications.


Before writing an article or creating a report, journalists carefully study the material, because they cannot provide people with inaccurate data. Their duties include studying the press, communicating with colleagues, foreign stars, politicians and other media persons.

In this profession, knowledge of English is simply necessary, if the pen master does not speak the language in question, then the result is a game with a damaged phone. The level of English among journalists must be at least C1-C2, otherwise the specialist will never get a good job and popularity.


The tourist segment is a fairly profitable sector of the economy, so any specialized company is interested in attracting a good guide. This specialist must perfectly know the spoken English language, which he uses to communicate with foreign tourists.


Engineers work with foreign partners, technical literature, are responsible for the purchase of equipment and auxiliary materials, so they need English to work. Often, experienced engineers who have proven themselves are invited to foreign companies, in this case, impeccable knowledge of a foreign language becomes a huge plus, which has a positive effect on the salary and position.

Air transportation industry

Flight attendants, pilots and other flight crew members receive substantial salaries, while working on international routes, they manage to see most of the world. Representatives of these professions communicate directly with aircraft passengers using the international language of communication — English. If you gravitate towards flights and travel, then you need to be fluent in English, as well as to know «fluent speech» — free speech.


A marketer is a broad-based professional who works with different sources, like journalists or correspondents. He is engaged in the analysis of information, bringing products to the international market, conducting opinion polls, therefore he must know English at the Advanced level.

Another problem for marketers of various specializations is the lack of high-quality literature translated into Russian. Many books need to be read when they are just on sale, and waiting for the Russian version is a waste of time. No training — no experience and knowledge, so an English textbook should be the reference book of every marketer.

Doctors with a narrow specialization

Cosmetologists, plastic and other surgeons, dentists also need to know English. Firstly, they need it for training, secondly, for communicating with patients, and thirdly, for advanced training. Here are some more reasons why a doctor should learn a foreign language:

  • the opportunity to continue studying abroad;
  • obtaining a position in an international clinic;
  • increasing the professional level, which allows you to help even more patients;
  • the doctor will be able to take part in international conferences.

Knowledge of English is the main factor influencing professional growth, prestige and popularity of a doctor.


The highly paid economist is engaged not only in the internal audit of the company’s performance, but also in the analysis of the international economic market. Therefore, the level of knowledge of English among economists must be at least Upper-Intermediate, otherwise he will not be able to fulfill his duties in full: the foreign exchange market, the securities market and others. This is due to the fact that a large number of economic concepts, laws and theories were created in foreign countries.


Diplomats represent the interests of their native state and its citizens in other countries, being able to skillfully negotiate. These specialists are required to know a foreign language at the Mastery level, because it is he who is the main tool of communication in the diplomatic fields. They improve their conversational skills throughout their careers; many diplomats are polyglots who know more than 3-4 foreign languages.


Models demonstrate clothes, makeup, hairstyles, participate in photo shoots, and appear in advertisements.

A successful model is invited to work in Japan, China, the USA and other countries, where she has to communicate with makeup artists, photographers, employers in English.

Also, the models are constantly studying thematic literature, watching fashion-tv, blogging, using a foreign language everywhere. For people who have chosen this area, knowledge of English at the Intermediate or Independent User level is important.


Simultaneous interpreters, referents, generalists and others must have excellent command of the English language, knowledge of it at the Mastery or Advanced level. The work of translators is very well paid, the level of knowledge of the language directly depends on the field of activity. Synchronists must be fluent in colloquial speech, literary translators must know grammar, syntax, and the field in which they work (medicine, jurisprudence, etc.).


Lawyers specialize in providing professional legal assistance, defending the interests of individuals and organizations, defending their rights in court. There is high competition in this segment, so many companies put forward serious requirements for lawyers, one of the main ones is knowledge of English at the Upper-Intermediate level and above.

Also, lawyers are recommended to regularly attend thematic courses designed for lawyers, which will allow you to thoroughly study specific terms, concepts, rules for their use and the subtleties of translation. It is necessary to improve both conversational and grammatical skills, which will automatically increase the importance of a specialist as a professional.


Every teacher should know foreign languages, because the skills of speaking and writing open up wide opportunities for this specialist:

  • employment in a private school, which guarantees a high salary;
  • travel to international conferences;
  • exchange work in other countries;
  • Skype lessons.

Knowledge of English allows the teacher to develop new methods for working with students. Active labor activity gives a chance to gain fame, to win prestigious competitions.

Film critics

Film critics work in the field of art, studying, analyzing a variety of films and cartoons. They write reviews, take part in talk shows, publish articles in the press, maintain their own vlogs and blogs. Film critics must study and know foreign languages ​​in order to be able to watch films, to receive information from sources that have not been translated into Russian. Knowledge of English opens the door to the international art market for film critics.


The copywriter fills the Internet space with content, creates unique sales offers, slogans, informational articles. Not all copywriters know English, but those who learn it raise their income by at least 40-50%. By reading English-language sources, a competent freelancer can translate news, draw ideas for inspiration, and work with foreign customers. The recommended level is Intermediate, but the higher the better.


Fixers are representatives of a rare profession who specialize in helping people working in their country: the military, photographers, journalists, volunteers and others. They are required to know their native language and English, which they need to communicate with different specialists. The work cannot be called stable and highly paid, but the activity of fixers is of high social importance.


The governess not only watches over other people’s children, but also teaches them. Modern parents strive to hire governesses who are fluent in English. Such a specialist is able to improve the pronunciation of a child, expand vocabulary, improve spelling, so his salary is quite solid. English speaking governesses and tutors are elite educators.

Source: https://www.profguide.io/article/top_18_professiy_gde_ochen_nuzhen_angliyskiy.html

My future profession or My future profession — how to write a report

›Learning a language› Vocabulary ›Writings and Essays› Writing an essay on the topic My future profession — recommendations, samples

In today’s world, it is extremely important to be fluent in spoken English. It is useful when traveling abroad, in employment, in the educational process and in a variety of life situations. Today we will consider the most important topic “My future profession”, which translates as “My future profession in English”.

In this lesson, we will do the following: we will study vocabulary that will help to compose a story about a future profession in English, we will learn how to write an essay on the topic «My future profession» in English, we will give examples of essays about professions for pupils of childhood and older. If you need to talk about future plans related to your professional affiliation, but you do not know where to start or how to develop the topic, this lesson will help you achieve your goal! Let’s get started.

How to write an essay about a future profession in English

The most common difficulty for beginners in learning English is starting a story and being able to develop it consistently. Therefore, we need to familiarize ourselves with the recommendations that will facilitate the writing of the text on the topic «My future profession» in English.

First of all, you need to make a plan for the story in Russian — list the main theses that we will adhere to when writing. This step will help shape thoughts and ideas without difficulty. There are several principles to follow when drawing up your plan.

  1. Divide future text into thematic paragraphs. With this rule, you can concentrate on the subtopic and not «jump» from one thought to another. Talking about your future profession, try to structure ideas, for example, start with a background, tell why this particular profession attracted you. Perhaps the opinion of parents or friends played a role. Mark which professions you chose, and in the next paragraph, for example, list the advantages of the desired profession.
  2. Don’t make complicated sentences and heavy constructions. Don’t use a lot of participles and participles. Express your thoughts succinctly, talk about simple things — your skills, qualities, dreams and plans.
  3. If you give examples from real life, choose short and simple stories. It is easier to formulate such ideas, so there will be less risks of making mistakes of syntactic and logical type.
  4. Emphasize the quality of information and literacy, not quantity. It is better to write less, but be confident in the correctness of the sentence structure and spelling of words.
  5. Indicate an introductory thought, theses that will help develop the narrative and the closing sentence. Such techniques will give the text integrity and formatting.

You can open the story with general phrases like “there are many different professions in the world ..” or “choosing a business / profession / specialty that you want to do all your life is very important for a person ..”.

You can develop a thought with examples from life, listing the personal qualities that you will need for your future work, the reasons that prompted you to make such a choice, etc. You can finish writing with a story about the importance of this profession in the modern world or with a laconic but capacious generalization of everything said in the work.

If you adhere to the rules discussed, it will take about 5-10 minutes to create an essay in Russian. All that remains is to arrange the translation of the text on the topic “My future profession”. So that there are no difficulties with the translation, we will study the vocabulary that we need.

Vocabulary for the topic «My future profession»

The English language is replete with vocabulary and phrases on the topic «My future profession», but we need the most «popular» ones — those that are found most often in oral and written speech. The words and phrases that we will consider will help you easily compose a story in English on the topic «My future profession» and in the future freely talk about various specialties and plans for the future.

Variety of professions

First, we will study how to translate popular specialties for writing an essay about a profession in English. Specialties similar in direction are combined in one line.

Vocabulary Transcription Transfer
actor / actress [ˈAktər] / [ˈaktris] actor / actress
athlete / coach [‘æθli: t] / [‘ kəutʃ] athlete / coach
author / authoress [‘ɔ: θə] / [‘ ɔ: θərəs] writer / writer
ballet dancer [ˈBaleɪ dɑːnsə] ballerina / ballet dancer
beautician / visagiste [bju: ‘tiʃn] / [‘ vɪzɪdʒɪst] cosmetologist / makeup artist
biologist / research scientist [bai’ɔləʤist] / [‘risɜtʃ’ saiəntist] biologist / researcher
cook / confectioner [kʊk] / [kən’fekʃnə] chef, cook / pastry chef
doctor / dentist / vet [ˈDäktər] / [ˈdentist] / [vet] doctor / dentist / veterinarian
fashion model [ˈFaʃ (ə) n ˈmɒd (ə) l] model / fashion model
hairstylist / hairdresser [ˈHe (ə) rˌstīlist] / [‘heədresə] the hairdresser
manager / secretary / director [ˈManɪdʒə] / [ˈsɛkrɪt (ə) ri] / [dɪˈrɛktə] Manager / secretary / director, chief
programmer / engineer [ˈPrəʊɡramə] / [ɛndʒɪˈnɪə] programmer / engineer
police officer / policeman [pəˈliːs ˈɒfɪsə] / [pəˈliːsmən] police
singer / musician / pianist / painter [ˈSɪŋə] / [mjuːˈzɪʃ (ə) n] / [ˈpɪənɪst] / [ˈpeɪntə] singer / musician / pianist / artist
teacher teacher
waiter / waitress [ˈWeɪtə] / [ˈweɪtrəs] waiter / waitress

Expressions that will help in writing the essay «Profession of my dreams» in English

Let’s study some fixed expressions and phrases, as well as examples of ready-made structures that will help us compose the text. Here we will consider how to talk about plans for the future, present several options for statements about the place of work and character traits (personality traits) that will help in getting a job.

I’d to be / I am hoping to become I would like to become / I hope to become
I think I could do a good job as I guess I could (la) be great (oh)
my dream job is a my dream job is
As a child, I dreamed to become a / when I was little, I wanted to be a As a child, I dreamed of becoming
My parents wanted me to become a / my parents expected me to be a My parents wanted me to become / my parents expected me to become
I’ve already chosen my future profession I have already chosen my future profession
I want to work hard / all day long I would like to work hard / all day long
This job is very important This profession is very important
I dreamed about this job from school I have dreamed about this job since my school days.
I want to be a teacher, as my father I would like to become a teacher like a father
I’d to work in a big office I want to work in a big office
A well-paid job is my dream Highly paid job is my dream
I want to work in a company / in a bank / in a hospital I want to work in a company / bank / hospital
portfolio portfolio
I am responsible / reliable / punctual / conscientious / polite I am responsible / reliable / conscientious / polite

We’ve looked at useful examples of phrases and sentences. Now we are ready to compose large topical texts in English on the topic “My future job”. Here are examples of ready-made texts for different age categories of students. Topics on the topic «My future profession» will be presented in English with subsequent translation.

Topic «My future profession» and examples of essays in English

The topics we are considering are relevant for study both in primary school and in the final grade, and even during the years of study at the university. Therefore, we will consider options for gradation from the simplest to the most complex.

A story about professions for the little ones (3-6 years old)

At this age, it is enough for a child to use the simplest uncommon sentences. You can introduce yourself, list a few simple personal qualities and say who the child wants to be in the future.

It is not necessary to complicate the designs, the sentences should be as short and understandable as possible.

My name is Ekaterina. I am 6 years old. I am good and responsible. I want to be a model. Models are beautiful, they can travel everywhere. My mother is Lilya, she wants me to be a doctor. My mom says that a doctor is a very important profession. My father wants me to become a teacher in the future. Teachers help children to read, to count and to write. My name is Ekaterina. I am six years. I am good and responsible. I would like to become a model. The models are beautiful and travel everywhere. My mother’s name is Lilya, she wants me to become a doctor. Mom says that a doctor is a very important profession. My dad wants me to be a teacher in the future. Teachers help children read, count, and write.

Some constructions and phrases can be learned by heart with the child, to make it easier for him to make sentences, adding only the necessary words.

For students in lower grades — early middle management

Pupils of elementary school and grades 5-6 are suitable for more complex texts, an example is given below. It is already permissible to use more complex and longer sentences here. For elementary school, fewer introductory words and highly specialized vocabulary can be used in speech.

Consider an example of such a story about a future profession in English with translation.

My name is Ivan and I’m 11 years old. I understand there are lots of good and useful professions in the world, but personally, I want to become a doctor.A lot of people think it’s not an easy profession and I agree with them. But I to help people, it’s really important for me. I am a very reliable and conscientious person. I think it will help me in my future job. Moreover, I to study biology. I know that I will need to learn a lot to become a good doctor. I’m a straight-A student, so I don’t have problems with self-discipline. I also know that this job requires big responsibility because people’s health depends on me.My mother is a doctor; she works as a surgeon in a hospital. Mom dreamed of becoming a doctor from the very childhood, just me. She graduated from the medical university. She always listens to what her patients say and always ready to help. She often gets tired, but the most important thing for her is the happiness and health of her patients. I want to be as brave as my mother and to help people as a doctor even when they have no hope. I hope I will succeed. My name is Ivan, I’m 11 years old. I understand that there are many good and useful professions in the world, but personally I would like to become a doctor. Many people think that this is not an easy profession, and I agree with them. But I love helping people, it really matters to me. I am a very reliable and conscientious person. I think this will be useful to me in my future profession. Moreover, I enjoy studying biology. I realize that I will have to learn a lot to become a good doctor. I am an excellent student, so I will not have problems with self-discipline. I also know that this work requires a lot of responsibility, because people’s health depends on me. My mother is a doctor, she works as a surgeon in a hospital. Since childhood, my mother dreamed of becoming a doctor, like me. She graduated from the Medical University. She always listens to what her patients say and is always ready to help. She often gets tired, but the main thing for her is the happiness and health of her patients. I want to be as brave as my mother and help people, even if they have no hope. I hope that I will succeed.

Example essay on the future profession for senior management

Source: https://speakenglishwell.ru/kak-pisat-sochinenie-my-future-profession/

Professions that require knowledge of foreign languages

Knowledge of one more (or maybe two or even three) languages ​​is very an important bonus for your resume and career. It is not so important where and how you learn a foreign language — at school, university or on your own, the main thing is the very opportunity to communicate with people from different countries and cultures in their native language.

With Germans in German, with British in English, with Italians in Italian — this is very important for the workflow! We often associate language professions only with something obvious and not always attractive — translators, proofreaders, foreign language teachers. In fact, these are interesting and multifaceted professions, but the list is not limited to them.

We decided to think outside the box and find really interesting professions for multilingual readers. Here is a list of 10 professions for which knowledge of a foreign language is useful!

1. Diplomats

Diplomats work in the field of international relations with one or more countries or international organizations. This is a very important and truly prestigious job, in which knowledge of a foreign language and culture of another country is important.

 It is almost impossible to understand the culture (including the culture of conversation, norms of behavior, manners and other important moments for diplomacy) without language, therefore language skills are a must-have in diplomatic missions.

It is unlikely that anyone will be surprised by the fact that diplomats speak several languages ​​at once!

2. Human rights lawyers

If your specialization is international human rights protection, a second language is required. If you dream of working for the UN, then you most likely have to learn 3 languages.

These include French and English (the working languages ​​of the UN) and one optional additional language such as Spanish, Arabic or Mandarin Chinese.

 You will not only have to communicate with colleagues in different languages, but also understand legal documents and peculiarities of the legislation of other countries, which are sometimes difficult to understand even in your own language.

3. Teachers

In addition to teaching foreign languages, multilingualism gives you the opportunity to teach any other subjects abroad. If you work in an international school or university, you will be able to communicate with some students in their native languages, which will add a couple of benefits to your resume. Even if you teach in your home country, knowledge of foreign languages ​​can be very useful for teaching.

4. Journalists

With the advent of the Internet in our life, knowledge of foreign languages ​​has become more than ever an important skill for journalists, because their work has become even more trips abroad, reports and interviews in other languages, and at the same time readers from other countries.

Media strives to reach as large an audience as possible and enter several markets at once, cover as many countries as possible. Reporters, journalists, editors try to create content for different countries, with the widest possible coverage.

It also opens the door to interesting overseas business trips and reporting.

5. Managers in the hotel business

Knowledge of foreign languages ​​is essential in the tourism sector. The most famous hotels always indicate knowledge of several languages ​​in the requirements for potential employees. This profession will give you the opportunity to visit and work in different parts of the world, as well as meet interesting people. If you only know one language, most likely a hotel will be waiting for you only in your own country and without foreign tourists.

6. Marketers

Companies are going international, marketing is also becoming global. A marketer with knowledge of several languages ​​can work in several markets at once, replacing several people.

Many companies go beyond Europe and the United States to China, India, Brazil, Russia and other countries.

Marketers with knowledge of English, their native language and anything else in the appendage are professionals worth their weight in gold! For example, when it comes to Brazilian Portuguese or Chinese.

7. Opera singers

Unexpected, right? Most of the popular opera singers speak multiple languages ​​as they have to sing in different languages. The most popular and demanded languages ​​are French, German and Italian. Try to sing a song without knowing the language and you will understand how difficult it is, something like «yak tsup tsop korvi corridol» will come out from the famous Finnish polka.

8. Airline employees

What better goal for practicing languages ​​than helping people fly around the world? Airlines are international in nature, so knowledge of multiple languages ​​can be very helpful in communicating with colleagues and passengers. Language is especially important for pilots (remember the speeches in different languages ​​at the end and at the beginning of the flight?), As well as for the rest of the crew, who have to solve passenger problems in completely different languages. Despite the fact that there are many domestic flights in Russia, it is much more interesting (and more profitable) to fly not Irkutsk — St. Petersburg, but, for example, Moscow — Tokyo, and then Novosibirsk — Prague and somewhere else. 

Source: https://www.tandem.net/ru/careers-with-foreign-languages

Polyglot English 4 Lesson with Exercises | story about myself and articles

Full video version of lesson number 4 from TV Culture

Polyglot (cropped) — shortened video lesson number 4

In addition to parsing structures for building sentences, which were discussed in lesson 3, we will learn how to talk about ourselves, talk about professions and learn the rules for using articles in English.

In lesson 4, we will learn new phrases and words related to professions and etiquette. Telling yourself about yourself is one of the first things that begin to be taught in English courses, and this topic is very important in learning any language.

Self-story in English

One of the first tasks that you should set yourself when learning a language is the ability to present yourself in English. It is from the dialogues about yourself that the fireproof stock is formed, which was mentioned in the previous lessons.

When you meet someone, you start communicating and you just need to be able to tell about yourself. And the basic structures mastered earlier will be enough for a conversation.

When starting a conversation, it is worth remembering that you do not need to strain. Better, relaxing as much as possible, to think, and what would you answer in Russian? It happens that it is difficult to say about yourself in your native language.

As a rule, when meeting people, the following phrases are used in conversation:

What do you do? — What do you do?

Where do you work? — Where do you work?

What is your profession? — Your profession?

Profession name in English

As a rule, in English, the names of professions and specialties are formed by adding suffixes to nouns, verbs or adjectives corresponding to the field of human activity.

The most common vocational suffixes are:

Although, of course, there are exceptions, for example: nurse is a nurse or stewardess is a stewardess, and the word judge means a judge and judge at the same time.

Suffix Education Transfer
-R dance — dancerbuild — builderwrite — writer dance — dancer build — builder write — writer
-gold act — actorinvent — inventoredit — editor play a role — actor invent — inventor edit — editor
-ist journal — journalisttattoo — tattooistphysics — physicist magazine — journalist tattoo — tattoo artist physicist — physicist
-ian logistics — logisticianmusic — musicianelectric — electrician logistics — logistics music — musician electric — electrician

In fact, we learned a few hundred more English words, by analogy with the topic from the second lesson 50000 words per minute.
We have dealt with the professions and now we can continue the conversation by naming our specialty to the interlocutor.

Prepositions in English


Speaking about the place of our work, we most often have to use the preposition in, in Russian it can be translated as в.

  • I work in Baker Street I work in Baker Street
  • She works in Moscow
  • He works in a big company He works in a big company


And if we need to say about the profession in general, then we use the preposition as + profession name, applied when someone does something, as someone.

  • I work in a school as a teacher
  • You are really good as a manager.
  • He works as an engineer


Speaking about a location with a specific purpose, we put at, if translated into Russian, then this is the equivalent of the preposition at or in, but here we mean not just a place. For example, when we say we are at work, we are not just in some kind of room or place of work, but we are engaged in some kind of activity there.

  • I am at the airport I’m about to fly away
  • They are at school They study there
  • He is at work He works there

That is, here we use at when we are somewhere, for a specific purpose, and not just in a building.

Articles in English

In the previous phrases, you probably noticed the articles a, an and the before nouns. They are very important for a real conversation. Let’s see what they are for.

English articles cause difficulties for our compatriots. This happens because in the Russian language they simply do not exist, and for English-speaking people it is difficult to understand the meaning of the sentence without using the article. There, articles are required for use in colloquial speech.

But in fact, their use is not so difficult to understand, if you know where they came from. Knowing the history of their occurrence, you will immediately understand this topic and understand the rules for using articles.

Articles in English are just truncated words This and One. Lazy Englishmen have shortened them so as not to pronounce them completely. That is, the article The this is an abbreviation of the words This / That is / this, and the article A or An abbreviated as One — one.

A, AN — indefinite article

The forms of the articles an and a are used only with nouns in the singular, if it is a plural, then no article is needed.

It is worth remembering that the article An is used only before words starting with vowels letters of the English alphabet, and the article A placed in all other cases, that is, before words starting with consonants.

  • I work in a factory We are talking about some kind of factory
  • You need a doctor Need some, some doctor
  • He is an actor He is a kind of actor and actor begins with a vowel

THE — definite article

The — a definite article and it is used when it comes to a specific object or person.

  • I work in the factory We are talking about some specific plant
  • You need the doctor I need a certain doctor
  • Where is the writer? That is, a certain, the same writer
Use of articles
A, An we are talking about something not definite only in the singular
The talking about something specific or if it is something unique

IMPORTANT! Unlike articles A and AN, which stand for ONE and are used with singular nouns, THE article can be used with plural words when it comes to specific objects!

  • I want apples It doesn’t matter which one, I just want to eat apples
  • I want the apples I see a vase of apples and I mean these apples

There are some more rules for articles, but in order not to bother, we will not mention them in this lesson.

Memorized words from the lesson

Novel — novel

Cinema — cinema

Order — order, order

Jewel — a gem

Fiction — fiction

Character — character

Film director — film director

Public Relations (PR) — public relations

To play a role — play a role

You know what I mean — you know what I mean

Source: https://poliglot16.ru/en/urok4/

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What do we usually ask when meeting a person? Of course, what he does in life. The question “What do you do?”, Which literally we could translate as “What are you doing?”, Is used in English to ask who a person is by profession. Usually this is by no means idle curiosity. When we ask a stranger such a question, we are looking for common points of contact. Information about a person’s career allows you to take the conversation beyond a generic greeting.

When you learn English, professions “spring up” all the time. Already at the very first level of training, it becomes necessary to remember the names of at least some of the demanded specialties.

Otherwise, how can you build a short story about your loved ones and friends? Of course, first of all, you will need to learn the names of specialties from your field.

For example, if you work in a theater, it makes sense to memorize not only the word «actor», but also the English names of the lighting, director, make-up artist and other professions. This will allow you to build more extensive monologues in conversations about your own specialty.

At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to memorize all professions in English with translation. You can guess the name of many specialties if you know some of the rules for the formation of the names of professions.

As a rule, in English, the name of a specialty is formed using a noun or verb denoting a field of activity, and the suffixes -er / -or, -ist, -ian. For example, if a person is a dancer, then he is engaged in dancing. In English, dance (just like the verb «to dance») sounds like «dance».

In order to get the word «dancer», we add the suffix -er to the stem of the dance and get the dancer.

In a similar way, the following profession names are formed from verbs:

  •    paint — painter
  •    write — writer
  •    translate — translator
  •    act — actor (to play a role, to act — an actor).

And here are examples of professions formed from nouns using the -ist / -ian suffixes:

  •    art — artist (art — artist)
  •    beauty — beautician (beauty — beautician).

Of course, not every profession name is formed in this way. It is difficult to determine the origin of some names of specialties. For example, the word nurse is easy to remember. As a rule, professions in English do not change by gender, but there are exceptions.

For example, actor / actress or steward / stewardess. For some profession names, the nouns man (man) or woman (woman) can be added to indicate gender.

A classic example, borrowed into the Russian language, is a businessman / businesswoman (businessman / businesswoman).

Some names of professions in English are obtained by adding the suffix -ee to the stem. For example, employee from employ.

How to ask a person about his profession in English?

«Profession» in English sounds like profession. However, in order to ask a person about his specialty, this word is hardly useful to you. Most often, in order to ask the interlocutor about his occupation, two questions are used in English:

  •   What do you do?
  •   What do you do for a living?

If instead of “What do you do” you ask “What are you doing”, then the English-speaking person will not answer your question about the profession, but will start talking about what he is doing at the time of the speech.

To answer a question about a profession in English, the verb to be is used. We simply select the desired form of this verb, depending on the person in question. That is, about yourself, for example, you say I am a teacher.

As for the question “What do you do for a living”, it is better to ask young people or students, rather than mature adults. The answer to this question is usually: I work as a and hereinafter referred to as a profession.

After you have found out the name of the specialty, to develop the conversation, you can ask what kind of work the interlocutor does: What sort of work do you do? The answer to this question is to enumerate actions. For example:

  • I am a journalist and I write articles. — I am a journalist and I write articles.
  • I am a teacher, I teach Spanish at school. — I am a teacher, I teach Spanish at school.

If you want to clarify in what area the interlocutor works, then you can use the question: What line of work are you in? And in order to find out the name of the company, they use the phrase Whom do you work for? The answer to such a question is as follows: I work for CNN (I work for CNN).

Common professions in English

At the initial stage of the study, it is necessary to remember the names of the most common specialties, such as a driver, teacher, hairdresser, doctor, etc. This knowledge will be useful in order to understand elementary texts and be able to build at least a little conversation. Below we have compiled a list of professions in English with translation.

  • Accountant — accountant
  • Builder — builder
  • Cashier — cashier
  • Cook — chef
  • Designer — designer
  • Doctor — doctor
  • Driver — driver
  • Engineer — engineer
  • Fireman — firefighter
  • Hairdresser — hairdresser
  • Journalist — journalist
  • Judge — judge
  • Lawyer — lawyer
  • Locksmith — Locksmith
  • Marketer, marketing specialist — marketer
  • Mechanic — mechanic
  • Nurse — nurse
  • Photographer — photographer
  • Plumber — plumber
  • Policeman, police officer — police officer
  • Taxi driver — taxi driver
  • Teacher — teacher
  • Translator — translator
  • Welder — welder

Medical professions

The names of medical specialties are useful not only for those working in medicine. For those who often travel or plan to live in an English-speaking country, a list of professions in English in the field of medicine is necessary in order to make an elementary appointment with the right doctor.

  •       Allergist — allergist
  •       Ambulance doctor / emergency paramedic — ambulance doctor
  •       Anesthesiologist — anesthesiologist
  •       Cardiologist — cardiologist
  •       Chiropractor — chiropractor
  •       Dentist — dentist
  •       Dermatologist — dermatologist
  •       Endocrinologist — endocrinologist

Source: https://puzzle-english.com/directory/professions

Вопросительные местоимения в английском языке

В английском языке есть несколько видов местоимений. Каждый из этих видов имеет свои функции и свою речевую окраску в языке. Следовательно, каждый тип местоимений нужен и важен в английском языке.

На нашем сайте мы уже обсуждали некоторые виды местоимений. Сегодня же мы подробно рассматриваем вопросительные местоимения в английском языке.

Из самого названия местоимений следует то, что они служат для образования вопросов. О том, как это делается, какие еще функции у вопросительных местоимений, мы и поговорим сегодня.

Учим вопросительные местоимения

Друзья, вы хорошо знаете эти словечки, без которых невозможно сформировать вопрос на английском. Просто, вполне возможно, что вы не отдавали себе отчет в том, что эти слова называются вопросительными местоимениями или Interrogative Pronouns. Внимание, вот они:

  • Who? — Кто?
  • What? — Что?
  • Where? — Где? Куда?
  • When? — Когда?
  • Why? — Почему?
  • How? — Как?

Вопросительные местоимения помогают сформировать специальный вопрос или Special Question в английском языке. А теперь рассмотрим каждое местоимение по отдельности.

Who? — Кто?

Данное местоимение относится к людям, и в вопросе оно выступает в качестве подлежащего. В этом случае, образуя вопрос, мы не используем вспомогательный глагол Do. К тому же, глагол, который стоит сразу после Who? Должен быть в третьем лице единственного числа. Обратите внимание:

  • Who knows the answer? — Кто знает ответ?
  • Who are these women? — Кто эти женщины?
  • Who wrote this letter? — Кто написал это письмо?

What? — Что?

Местоимение What? Относится к неодушевленным предметам. С ним мы строим вопрос тогда, когда хотим узнать что-либо о предмете, действиях или обстоятельствах. C этим местоимением мы используем вспомогательный глагол Do в вопросе (если речь не идет о глаголе to be). Например:

  • What did you answer him? — Что ты ему ответил?
  • What is your name? — Как тебя зовут? (Как твое имя?)
  • What do you wish for your help? — Что ты желаешь за свою помощь?

Where? — Где? Куда?

Это местоимение мы употребляем, когда хотим спросить о месте положения, нахождения и т. д. С этим местоимением мы также употребляем глагол Do, если речь не идет о глаголе to be:

  • Where did you meet Sam? — Где вы встретили Сэма?
  • Where does Suzy go every morning? — Куда ходит Сьюзи каждое утро?
  • Where did they bring the TV-set? — Куда они понесли телевизор?

When? — Когда?

Местоимение When? Употребляем тогда, когда хотим спросить о времени. Мы также употребляем глагол Do, если речь не идет о глаголе to be:

  • When do you go to bed? — Когда ты ложишься спать?
  • When does Alex get up? — Когда Алекс просыпается?
  • When did you see him for the last time? — Когда ты видел его в последний раз?

Why? — Почему?

Данное местоимение помогает задать вопрос о причине или цели. Чтобы сформировать вопрос с этим словом, употребляем глагол Do, если речь не идет о глаголе to be:

  • Why did you get up so early? — Почему ты проснулся так рано?
  • Why is Andrew so tired? — Почему Эндрю такой уставший?
  • Why do the children cry? — Почему дети плачут?

How? — Как?

Данное местоимение помогает задать вопрос об образе действия, а также участвует в вопросе «Сколько? — How many?». Мы также следуем правилу вспомогательного глагола Do, если в вопросе не участвует глагол to be:

  • How ere your parents? — Как поживают твои родители?
  • How did you get all these things?
  • How many tickets did you get for tomorrow?

Как ориентироваться в вопросительных местоимениях?

Для того, чтобы скорее выучить и хорошо ориентироваться в английских вопросительных местоимениях, нужно как можно больше тренироваться задавать специальные вопросы на английском языке.

Выбирайте для себя длинные предложения, в которых содержится как можно больше информации и к которым можно задать максимум специальных вопросов. Такие предложения можно найти в текстах учебников или в художественной литературе на английском языке. К примеру:

Alex studies English, because he goes to London next year.

  • Who studies English?
  • Who goes to London next year?
  • What language does Alex study?
  • Why does Alex study English?
  • What does Alex do next year?
  • Where does Alex go next year?
  • When does Alex go to London?

Как видите, к достаточно короткому предложению мы задали семь вопросов. Попробуйте и вы! Задавайте мысленно вопросы ко всему, что видите вокруг, ко всему, что происходит. Используйте вопросительные местоимения как можно чаще, и вы обязательно с ними подружитесь! Желаем вам удачи!


Источник: https://EnglishFull.ru/grammar/voprositelnye-mestoimeniya.html

Вопросительные местоимения в английском языке

Вопросительные местоимения

Когда говорящий задает вопрос о неизвестных ему лицах или объектах, он заменяет эти слова местоимениями who, whom, whose, what и which.

Вопросительные местоимения в английском языке применяются только в вопросах специального типа. Они ставятся в начале предложения перед глаголом.

Эти местоимения принадлежат к классу вопросительных слов, известных также, как wh-words, так как почти все они начинаются с букв wh.

Местоимение who и его формы

Who используется только по отношению к лицам.

Who is that old lady?— Кто эта пожилая женщина?

У него нет формы множественного числа. Если из предложения непонятно число, глагол следует употребить в единственном числе:

Who is here? (неизвестно, о скольких людях идет речь) — Кто здесь?

Who are these children? (точно известно о множественном числе – children) — Кто эти дети?

Местоимение who изменяется по падежам, формируя еще два варианта – whose и whom.

Именительный (кто?) Объектный (кому, кого, о ком?) Притяжательный(чей?)
Форма местоимения Who Whom Whose
Примеры Who is ready to answer?Кто готов отвечать? Whom do you ask this question?Кому вы задали этот вопрос? Whose answer is it?Чей это ответ?

Whom чаще используется в книжной речи, чем в разговорной. В устной речи он выражает более формальный оттенок разговора.

Excuse me, may I ask whom do you phone?— Извините, могу ли я спросить, кому вы звоните?

Если есть предлог, он всегда ставится на первое место перед whom.

Of whom is your mother thinking? — О ком твоя мама думает?

В разговоре whom часто заменяется на who, чтобы речь не казалась слишком официальной.

Who did you see in the theatre? — Кого ты видел в театре?

Обратите внимание

В последнее время whom практически выходит из употребления в устной речи, заменяясь на более удобный и универсальный разговорный вариант who. Но знание правил использования местоимения whom считается признаком образованного и грамотного человека. Кроме того, whom до сих пор довольно широко используется в письменной речи.

Whose – вопросительный аналог притяжательных местоимений. Он применяется, когда нужно выяснить принадлежность лица или предмета.

Whose bag is this? -Чья эта сумка?

Местоимение what

What отличается от who тем, что используется по отношению к неодушевленным объектам и абстрактным понятиям. Оно переводится на русский, как «что», «какой», «каков».

What is in this box?— Что в этой коробке?

What color is your dress? — Какого цвета твое платье?

Исключение – вопросительное местоимение английского языка what может относиться к людям, если имеется в виду их профессия или род занятий. В такой форме вопрос можно задавать только о других людях, но не о собеседнике, это считается невежливым.

What is your brother? — Кем работает твой брат?

What используется для обоих чисел. Если число точно неизвестно, глагол ставится в единственном.

What was lying on the table? (неизвестно – был ли это один предмет или несколько) — Что лежало на столе?

What were his questions? (известно, что существительное стоит во множественном числе – questions)- Какие у него были вопросы?

Местоимение which

Which относится как к лицам, так и к объектам. Это местоимение по-разному переводится – «кто», «что», «который», в зависимости от ситуации. Его отличие от остальных вопросительных местоимений в английском языке в том, что оно используется, когда есть выбор из нескольких вариантов.

Which of you want to sing? — Кто из вас хочет спеть?

Во многих случаях одинаково возможно использовать местоимение which или what – например, когда количество вариантов ответа ограниченное, но очень большое. При этом носители языка в устной речи чуть чаще выбирают вариант what.

What (which) country do you want to live? — В какой стране ты хочешь жить?

Правила использования вопросительных местоимений

При использовании глагола в форме Past Simple не нужно выносить вперед вспомогательное слово did, если вопрос задается к подлежащему.

Who came to the dinner? — Кто пришел на обед?

What made that noise?— Что издало этот звук?

В остальных случаях, когда вопрос задан к другим частям предложения, did нужно использовать.

What did he ordered in the restaurant? — Что он заказал в ресторане?

В предложениях с вопросительными словами предлог желательно ставить в конце (кроме вопросов с whom, смотрите выше). Так речь звучит более непринужденно.

Who did you sent a present to?— Кому ты послал подарок?

Which floor does your sister live on?— На каком этаже живет твоя сестра?

Если местоимения what и which используются в качестве определения к существительному (то есть отвечают на вопрос «какой?), артикли не ставятся.

What music do you listen? — Какую музыку ты слушаешь?

Источник: https://lingua-airlines.ru/kb-article/voprositelnye-mestoimeniya-v-anglijskom-yazyke/

Interrogative pronouns (Вопросительные местоимения)

who, what, which, whose, whoever, whatever, whichever

Как мы уже знаем английский язык богат местоимениями, и сегодня мы рассмотрим Interrogative pronouns (Вопросительные местоимения). Этот вид местоимений выполняет функцию некоторых вопросительных слов.

Они используются для обозначения одушевленных существительных [who?] — кто?, или указывают на предметы, явления, признаки [what?] — что? Благодаря им можно образовывать специальные вопросы.

Вопросительные местоимения никогда не меняют свою форму, и работают как с множественным числом, так и с единственным числом. К ним относятся:

  • Who? — Кто?
  • What? — Что? Какой?
  • Whose? — Чей?
  • Which? — Который? Какой?
  • Whom? — Кому? Кого?

Примеры употребления:

— Who was supposed to make a report on the English language for today? — Кто на сегодня должен был сделать доклад по английскому языку?

— What do you see on that slope? — Что вы видите на том склоне?

— Whose papers are on the table? — Чьи это бумаги на столе?

—  Which of them was that day at work? — Кто из вас [который] был в тот день на работе?  

  • Вопросительное местоимение who (whom)
  1. Местоимение who в английской речи работает в двух падежах: Nominative case (Именительный падеж) и Objective case (Объектный падеж)

Если who используется в именительном падеже, то оно выполняет следующие функции:

1) подлежащего (употребляется с глаголами в форме ед-ого числа);

2) части сказуемого (подлежащее сочетается с глаголом to be во множественном и единственном числах).

Примеры употребления:

  • Who has drown this picture? – Кто нарисовал эту картину? (выражено в роли подлежащего)
  • Who are they? – They are my new neighbors – Кто они? Они– мои новые соседи. (выражено а роли части сказуемого)
  • Who is this tall man? — He is our new priest. — Кто этот высокий мужчина? — Это наш новый священник. (в роли именной части сказуемого)

В объектном падеже местоимение who приобретает форму (whom) и выступает в роли дополнения:

Примеры употребления:

  • Whom do you want to invite to your anniversary? — Кого вы хотите пригласить на ваш юбилей?
  • Whom are you going to write a letter ? — Кому вы собираетесь писать письмо?

Важно запомнить! На сегодняшний день в английской речи, все чаще, whom заменяется who.

Очень часто, вопросительные местоимение who /whom предполагают а своем употреблении наличие предлога, который выносится в конец предложения.

Примеры употребления:

  • Whom are you afraid of? = Who are you afraid of? — Кого вы боитесь?
  • Английские вопросительные местоимение what и whose

1) Вопросительное местоимение [what] используется вместо существительного, в переводе означает — что, а также используется как замена прилагательному и в переводе означает — какой (-ая; — ое; — ие).

Примеры употребления:

  • What do you have in the suitcase? — Что у вас лежит в чемодане?
  • What do you think about it? — Что вы думаете по этому поводу?
  • What are your plans for the next weekend? — Какие у тебя планы на следующие выходные?

2) В случае, когда местоимения what / whose используются в качестве прилагательных, употребление артикля перед существительным, не требуется.

Примеры употребления:

  • What (brush) brushes do you need to purchase for painting? — Какую кисть (какие кисти ) тебе нужно приобрести для рисования?

Источник: https://s-english.ru/grammatika/mestoimeniya/interrogative-pronouns

Полная таблица вопросительных местоимений в английском языке. Примеры и особенности


Здравствуйте, мои дорогие читатели.

Если вы тот еще любитель позадавать вопросы, то тема «Вопросительные местоимения в английском языке» может стать одной из ваших любимых.  В ней мы с моими учениками подробно разбираем, что и для чего используется. Поэтому сегодня ждите примеры, правила и упражнения.

Что же это такое?

Вопросительные местоимения обычно начинают специальные вопросы. То есть, их используют, чтобы определить лицо или предмет действия. К основным таким словам относятся who, what, which, whose. Но мы разберем и еще парочку не таких популярных.

Тотальный разбор

У меня есть для вас таблица с переводом и с транскрипцией всех местоимений, которые вы можете использовать в вопросительных предложениях. Она будет понятна и для детей, и для взрослых, которые только начинают обучение.

Местоимение Пример
Who — Кто Who was that man who called you so late? — Кто этот мужчина, который звонил тебе так поздно?
What — Что What is the problem? — Что за проблема? What did you buy? — Что ты купила?
Which — Который, какой Which answer is correct? — Какой ответ правильный?
When — Когда When are you planning to finish the presentation? – Когда ты собираешься закончить презентацию?
Whose — Чей, чья Whose car is this? — Чья это машина?
Whom — Кому Whom are you writing to? — Кому ты пишешь?
Why — Почему Why didn’t you call me? — Почему ты не позвонила мне?
Where — Где, Куда Where did your brother go? — Куда пошёл твой брат?
How — Как How did you manage to do it in time? — Как ты справился с этим вовремя?

Tips to learn

Конечно, в целом все достаточно просто. Но есть еще несколько особенностей, которые вам необходимо запомнить.

  • Предлог в современном английском вопросе чаще всего ставится по окончании предложения.
  • Если вы не знаете, что поставить: which или what — проверьте, есть ли у вас выбор. Если, например, нужно выбрать из 2 цветов, тогда используйте which. Если выбора нет — используйте what.
  • Очень часто в языке можно встретить формы how much или how many. И оба варианта имеют значение «сколько». Разница заключается исключительно в том, что первая форма используется с предметами, которые нельзя сосчитать. Например, time — время. Вторая же форма — с предметами, которые счету поддаются. Например, pictures — картины.
  • Местоимение whose используется больше как прилагательное. А за ним обычно следует существительное.

Ну что же, мои дорогие, я надеюсь, что закрыла все существующие у вас неясности в этой теме. Конечно, как же без практики. Это была бы не я, если бы забыла о такой важной части. Поэтому дальше вы найдете упражнения на закрепление нового урока. И конечно же я не оставлю вас в неведении — с ответами вы сможете ознакомиться, когда все закончите.

Делитесь в комментариях, возникли ли у вас какие-нибудь неясности в этом уроке и какие у вас появились вопросы. Я обязательно на все-все-все отвечу.

А пока время прощаться.

До встречи, мои хорошие.

Источник: http://lizasenglish.ru/grammatika/tablitsa-voprositelnyh-mestoimenij.html

Вопросительные местоимения в английском языке (Interrogative pronouns) и question words: примеры предложений


Среди многочисленных категорий местоимений английского языка одной из самых простых и понятных является категория вопросительных (interrogative pronouns). Эти части речи довольно легко идентифицировать, так как их суть понятна из самого названия: они задают вопрос и всегда стоят в начале предложения.

Безусловно, вопросительные местоимения в английском языке имеют определенные нюансы и тонкости использования, но по сравнению с другими типами pronouns они вполне понятны и различимы.

Поэтому следует привести соответствующие примеры этих частей речи с переводом, а также отметить, что вопросы могут задавать не только interrogative pronouns, но и другие слова и фразы, которые не стоит с ними путать.

Виды и использование interrogative pronouns

Вопросительные местоимения в английском языке, как уже упоминалось, немногочисленны. Их также еще называют wh-pronouns, так все они начинаются именно с этого буквосочетания (кроме how, которое тоже иногда относят к этой группе. В нем также есть буквы w и h, просто с них слово не начинается) К ним относятся следующие слова:

·      Who? – Кто? – используется по отношению к одушевленным объектам; ·      What? – Что? Какой? – применяется для неодушевленных объектов, реже – для людей; ·      Which? – Какой из? Который? – необходимо для выделения одного или нескольких объектов из группы; ·      Whose? – Чей? – притяжательная форма who;

·      Whom? – Кому? Кого? – косвенная форма pronoun who.

Нижеприведенная таблица наглядно демонстрирует типы interrogative pronouns и примеры их употребления:

На первый взгляд, разница между этими структурами довольно очевидна. Например, несложно отличить who и what, так как первое обычно употребляется для людей, а второе – для неживых существ.


У разницы who и whom также вполне логичное объяснение: второй вариант представляет собой дополнение.

Не возникает обычно проблем и с парой which и whose, так как вторая форма является притяжательной и легко отличимой.

Некоторые сложности могут возникнуть с тем, что выбрать – who или which, так как обе формы несут схожий смысл.

Однако стоит помнить, что, во-первых, грамматически первое слово образует вопрос к подлежащему, а во-вторых, which используется для выделения объекта или ряда объектов из группы и переводится «который».

Предложения с вопросительными местоимениями представляют собой специальные вопросы; исключение составляют лишь who и what, образует subject questions.

Кроме того, важно помнить и об использовании некоторых уникальных случаев с interrogative pronouns. Отличие может заключаться в смысле, в то время как сами конструкции будут очень похожи. Например:

·      Who are you? – Кто вы? (говорящий спрашивает имя собеседника); ·      What are you? – Кто вы? (говорящий интересуется родом деятельности, профессией);

·      Which of you? – Который из вас? (говорящий выделяет объект из группы).

Ответ на вопрос о том, как отличить вопросительные и относительные местоимения, ведь некоторые из них пересекаются, будет довольно простым и логичным: interrogative pronouns задают вопрос и не могут стоять нигде, кроме начала фразы.

Вопросительные слова и их отличие от interrogative pronouns

Как известно, вопросы могут задаваться не только с помощью pronouns, но и специальных question words.

Английские вопросительные слова, как правило, представлены отдельными наречиями, а также целыми фразами и конструкциями.

Предложения с вопросительными словами в английском языке также представляют собой special questions.


Эти структуры не несут в себе номинативного значения, то есть не спрашивают о каком-либо предмете или объекте. Ниже представлено то, как могут задаваться типичные вопросы с  question words:

·      Why? – Почему? Зачем? ·      Where? – Где? ·      Where from? – Откуда? ·      When? – Когда? ·      How? – Как? ·      How many/much? – Сколько? Как много?

·      How long? – Как долго? и пр.

Таким образом, и местоимения, и вопросительные слова в английском языке вполне понятны и логично объяснимы. Этих структур не так много для того, чтобы выучить их и запомнить типичные случаи употребления.

Загадочные Wh-pronouns или все о вопросительных местоимениях в английском языке Ссылка на основную публикацию

Источник: https://mcenglish.ru/grammar/voprositelnye-mestoimeniya-v-anglijskom-yazyke

Вопросительные местоимения (Interrogative Pronouns)

Категория: Грамматика

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К вопросительным местоимениям (Interrogative Pronouns) относятся who (кто), whom (кого, кому), what (что, какой), which (который), whose (чей).

Местоимение who употребляется по отношению к лицам и имеет два падежа – именительный who и объектный whom. Who выполняет в предложении функцию подлежащего или именной части сказуемого.

Когда who является подлежащим, глагол-сказуемое после who употребляется в единственном числе:

Who is there? Кто там?
Who did that? Кто это сделал?

Обратите внимание, что со всеми вопросительными местоимениями в Present и Past Indefinite в вопросах к подлежащему вспомогательный глагол не используется:

Who helped you? – Mike helped me. Кто помог тебе? – Майк помог мне.

В остальных типах вопросов (к дополнению, к определению и т.д.) употребляется вспомогательный глагол:

Who did you see? – I saw John. Кого ты видел? – Я видел Джона. (вопрос к дополнению)
What book do you read? – I read an English book. Какую книгу ты читаешь? – Я читаю английскую книгу. (вопрос к определению)

Обратите внимание

Когда who является именной частью сказуемого, глагол-связка согласуется в лице и числе с подлежащим:

Who is this girl? Кто эта девушка?
Who are your friends? Кто твои друзья?

Whom в функции прямого дополнения соответствует в русском языке местоимению «кто» в винительном падеже — кого. В разговорной речи whom обычно заменяется формой who. В функции дополнения местоимение who употребляется в объектном падеже – whom:

Whom (who) did you meet there? Кого вы встретили там?
Whom (who) did you help? Кому вы помогли?

Местоимение whom может употребляться с различными предлогами, соответствуя в русском языке местоимению «кто» в косвенных падежах с предлогами. В разговорном стиле, когда форма объектного падежа whom заменяется формой who, предлог ставится после глагола, а при наличии дополнения — после него, т. е. обычно в конце предложения:

Who are you going to?  вместо  To whom are you going?  К кому ты едешь?
Who do you work with? вместо  With whom do you work?   С кем ты работаешь?
Who is this book for?   вместо   For whom is this book?   Для кого эта книга?
Who is this book written by? вместо By whom is this book written? Кем написана эта книга?
Who did you hear it from? вместо From whom did you hear it?  От кого ты это слышал?
Who are you thinking of?  вместо  Of whom are you thinking?  О ком ты думаешь?
Who are you talking about? вместо About whom are you talking? О ком вы говорите?

Местоимение what употребляется как местоимение-существительное или как местоимение-прилагательное.

1. В качестве местоимения-существительного употребляется в функции:

а) подлежащего со значением what — что (когда вопрос относится к подлежащему). Глагол-сказуемое после what употребляется в единственном числе:

What is it (that)? Что это такое?
What has happened? Что случилось?

б)  прямого дополнения со значением what — что (когда вопрос относится к прямому дополнению):

What did you give him? – I gave him my book. Что ты дал ему? – Я дал ему свою книгу.
What do you mean? Что ты имеешь в виду?


в) именной части сказуемого со значением what — какой, каков (когда вопрос относится к именной части сказуемого), при этом глагол-связка согласуется в числе и лице с подлежащим:

What is the news? Какие новости?
What is your name? Как тебя зовут?

Местоимение what может относиться и к лицам в том случае, если цель вопроса — выяснить профессию или должность человека:

What is your father? – (He is) A doctor. Кто твой отец (по профессии)? – (Он-) Врач.

В отношении второго лица (ты/вы) вопрос What are you? – Кто ты/вы такой (по профессии или должности)? будет звучать не очень вежливо; принято говорить: What is your job? или What do you do (for a living)? Кем работаете?, Чем зарабатываете на жизнь? Если интересуются именем, фамилией или родственными отношениями, то употребляют who:

Who is he? – He is John. Кто он? – Джон.
Who is this man? – He is my father. Кто этот мужчина? – Это мой отец.

Местоимение what может употребляться с различными предлогами в функции предложного косвенного дополнения, соответствуя в русском языке местоимению «что» в косвенных падежах:

About what are you going to ask him? О чем ты собираешься спросить его?

Обычно предлог, как и в случае с who, занимает конечную позицию:

What did you cut it with? вместо With what did you cut it? Чем ты это разрезал?
What are you interested in? вместо In what are you interested? Чем вы интересуетесь?
What did it lead to? вместо  To what did it lead? К чему это привело?
What is it made of? вместо   Of what is it made? Из чего это сделано?
What are you thinking about? вместо About what are you thinking? О чем ты думаешь?
What are you working at? вместо At what are you working? Над чем ты работаешь?
What did she do that for? вместо For what did she do that? Для чего (почему, зачем) она сделала это? (синонимично наречию why: Why did she do that?)

2. В качестве местоимения-прилагательного употребляется со значением what (какой, какая, какие) и всегда стоит непосредственно перед существительным, к которому относится:

What book is it? Какая это книга?
What languages do you know? Какие языки ты знаешь?
What day is (it) today? Какой сегодня день?
What time is it? Который час?

Также используется в устойчивых словосочетаниях:

what kind of – какого рода, какой/какая
what about – как насчет (того, чтобы)
what if – а что если


What употребляется в восклицательных предложениях со значением what (какой; что за). При этом перед исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе после what ставится неопределенный артикль, а во множественном числе и с неисчисляемыми существительными артикль не употребляется:

What a fine picture! Какая прекрасная картина!

Местоимение which (который, кто, что, какой) употребляется в роли местоимения-существительного или местоимения-прилагательного как по отношению к одушевленным, так и неодушевленным предметам. Использование which подразумевает выбор из ограниченного числа лиц или предметов (в иных случаях употребляют what или who):

On which floor do you live? На каком этаже ты живешь?
Which car is yours? Какая машина твоя?

1. При употреблении в качестве местоимения–существительного, за which часто следует предлог of:

Which of you want to go with me? Кто из вас хочет пойти со мной?
Which of you is Mike? Кто из вас Майк?

2. При употреблении в качестве местоимения-прилагательного со значением — какой, который, исключает использование артикля перед существительным, к которому относится:

Источник: https://English4Russians.ru/content/article/272-voprositelnye-mestoimeniya-interrogative-pronouns.html

5 вопросительных местоимений в английском языке: who, what, whom, which, whose

Когда мы хотим уточнить информацию, обычно мы задаем дополнительные вопросы со словами «кто, кому, что, какой»:

«Какой фильм посмотреть? Кто подарил тебе это? Что ты купила? Какое платье мне купить?»

В английском языке мы используем для этого вопросительные местоимения who, what, which, whose, whom. Часто эти местоимения вызывают сложности и непонимание, когда какое слово нужно использовать.

В статье я подробно расскажу про каждое местоимение и дам вам общую таблицу использования этих слов.

Из статьи вы узнаете:

Вопросительные местоимения — это слова, которые указывают на человека, предмет или признаки, не известные говорящему.


Кто испек этот торт? (указываем на человека)

Что ты принесла? (указываем на предмет)

Какие туфли мне надеть? (указываем на признак)

Обратите внимание

Как вы поняли, такие местоимения используются в вопросительных предложениях.

В английском языке самыми распространенными вопросительными местоимениями являются:

  • who — кто, кого
  • whose – чей
  • what – что, какой
  • which – который
  • whom – кого

Давайте подробно рассмотрим каждое из этих слов.

Быстро забываете английские слова? Узнайте на бесплатном уроке, как легко запомнить английские слова навсегда.

Вопросительное местоимение who


Перевод: кто, кого

Произношение: [hu?] / [хуу]

Использование: Мы используем who, когда спрашиваем о людях (иногда домашних животных).

Слово who может:

  • Заменять действующее лицо в предложении

В таком случае мы переводим who как «кто». Задавая такой вопрос, мы узнаем, кто сделал или не сделал определенное действие. Например: Кто пришел?


Who broke the window?
Кто разбил окно?

Who called me?
Кто звонил мне?

Заметьте, что такие предложения строятся как вопрос к подлежащему. То есть мы не используем вспомогательных глаголов (did, does, do и т.д.).

  • Заменять дополнительный член предложения

В этом случае мы переводим who как «кого, кому». Задавая такой вопрос, мы узнаем, на кого было направленно определенное действие. Например: Кого ты поздравил?


Who did you call?
Кому ты звонил?

Who did you invite?
Кого ты пригласил?

Обратите внимание! Такие предложения строятся как специальные вопросы. То есть мы используем вспомогательные глаголы.

Вопросительное местоимение whom


Перевод: кого, кому

Произношение: [hu?m] / [хуум]

Использование: Мы используем whom, когда спрашиваем о людях (иногда домашних животных). В таких предложениях мы узнаем, на кого направлено действие. Например: Кого ты ждешь?


Whom did you meet?
Кого ты встретила?

Whom will you write?
Кому ты напишешь?

Слова who и whom похожи. Давайте рассмотрим разницу между ними, а потом перейдем к остальным словам.

В чем разница между who и whom?

Как вы заметили, оба слова who и whom могут переводиться как «кого» и использоваться в одинаковых ситуациях. Но небольшая разница между ними есть.

Whom чаще всего используется в формальной (официальной) речи или в письменной форме.

Who обычно используется в разговорной форме.

Вопросительное местоимение whose


Перевод: чей, чья, чье

Произношение: [hu?z] / [хууз]

Использование: Слово whose, мы используем, когда говорим о принадлежности кому-то. Мы можем говорить как о принадлежности предмета, так и человека. Например: Чей подарок тебе понравился больше всего?


Whose book is this?
Чья это книга?

Whose friend is he?
Чей он друг?


Перевод: что, какой

Произношение: [?w?t] / [ват]

Использование: Мы используем слово what, когда говорим о неодушевленных предметах, животных или абстрактных понятиях.

Слово what может заменять:

В этом случае мы переводим what как «что». Например: Что ты принес?


What do you read?
Что ты читаешь?

What did she draw?
Что она нарисовала?

В этом случаем мы переводим what как «какой». После what в этом случае идет предмет, про который мы спрашиваем. Например: Какую музыку ты слушаешь?



Источник: https://easyspeak.ru/blog/vsyo-o-grammatike/voprositelnye-mestoimeniya-v-anglijskom-yazyke

Вопросительные местоимения (Interrogative Pronouns)

Ещё видео: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Вопросительные местоимения в английском языке часто называют Wh-questions или Wh-вопросы, так как они начинаются с этих букв. Это такие слова как: What? (Что? Какой?), Who? (Кто?), Where? (Где?), When? (Когда?), Whose? (Чей? Чья? Чьё? Чьи?), Why? (Почему?), How? (Как?), Which? (Который? Которая? Которые?) Примеры в вопросительных предложениях:

What? (Что? Какой?):

What is this? (Что это?)

What are you doing? (Что ты делаешь?)

What color is your car? (Какого цвета твоя машина?)

What size is this shirt? (Какого размера эта рубашка?) и т. д.

Who? (Кто?):

Who is this? (Кто это?)

Who are you? (Кто ты?)

Who (Whom) are you speaking to? (С кем ты разговариваешь?)

Who (Whom) are you going to the cinema with? (С кем ты идёшь в кинотеатр?) и т. д.

Where? (Где?):

Where is it? (Где это?)

Where are you going to? (Куда ты идёшь?)

Where are you from? (Откуда ты?) и т. д.

When? (Когда?):

When is your birthday? (Когда твой день рождения?)

When will you come back? (Когда ты вернёшься?) и т. д.

Whose? (Чей? Чья? Чьё? Чьи?):

Whose pen is this? (Чья это ручка?)

Whose fault is it? (Чья это вина?) и т. д.

Why? (Почему?):

Why is it so? (Почему это так?)

Why are you crying? (Почему ты плачешь?)

Why are you yelling at me? (Почему ты кричишь на меня?) и т. д.

How? (Как?):

How are you? (Как ты?)

How do you do that? (Как ты это делаешь?)

How old are you? (Сколько тебе лет? – дословно: как стар ты?)

How old is this house? (Сколько лет этому дому? – дословно: как стар этот дом?)

How many sisters do you have? (Сколько сестёр есть у тебя? – дословно: как много сестёр?)

How much money do you have? (Сколько денег есть у тебя? – дословно: как много денег?)

How long is the movie? (Сколько по времени фильм? – дословно: (как) насколько длинный фильм?)

How far is it from here? (Как далеко это отсюда?)

How beautiful is that girl? (Насколько красива та девушка? – дословно: как красива?)

How cool is that movie? (Насколько клёвый тот фильм? – дословно: как клёвый?)

How often do you visit your grandmother? (Как часто ты навещаешь свою бабушку?) и т. д.

Which? (Который? Которая? Которые?)

Which is better? (Который лучше?)

Which (one) of you can do it? (Кто из вас может сделать это?)

Which (one) of them is your sister? (Кто из них твоя сестра?)

Which one is your sister? (Которая твоя сестра?)

Which ones are good? (Которые хорошие?) и т. д.

Источник: https://english1000.ru/grammar/pronouns/interrogative-pronouns

Вопросительные местоимения в английском языке

местоимения, которые относятся к лицам: who — кто, whom — кому, whose — чей;

местоимения, которые относятся к неодушевленным предметам: what — что, какой;


местоимения, которые относятся к одушевленным и неодушевленным предметам при ограниченном выборе: which — который, какой, what — кто, что, какой.

Все эти местоимения могут употребляться с формами единственного и множественного числа.


  1. Who (кто), what (что), which (кто, который) функции подлежащего.

    Who took my book? — Кто взял мою книгу?
    Ann took it. — Аня взяла её.

    What took you so long? — Что задержало вас?
    The storm took us so long. — Буря нас задержала.

    Which of them is the eldest? — Кто из них старший?
    Tom is the eldest. Том старший.

  2. Who (кто), what (что, кто) — в функции составного сказуемого. Глагол to be согласуется в числе с подлежащим.

    Who is she? — Кто она?
    She is Ann Smith. — Она Анна Смит.

    Who are these men? — Кто эти люди (мужчины)?
    They are our relatives. — Это наши родственники.

    What is Ann Smith? Кто Анна Смит?
    She is a doctor. — Она врач.

    What are your relatives? — Кто твои родственники?
    They are engineers. — Они инженеры.


     What в предыдущих последних двух примерах употребляется в вопросах о профессии лица. Следует отметить, однако, что такой вопрос не является вежливой формой в отношении второго лица; в последнем случае принято говорить: What is your job?, What do you do?

    Если интересуются именем или родственными отношениями, то употребляют местоимение who.

    Who is this woman? She is my aunt.
    Кто эта женщина? — Это моя тётя.

  3. Who (кого), whom (кого), what (что) — в функции дополнения.

    Who (whom) did you see yesterday? — Кого ты видел вчера?
    I saw the President. Я видел президента (прямое доп.).

    Who did they speak to? (To whom did they speak?) С кем они говорили?
    They spoke to Ann. Они говорили с Анной (косвен, доп.)

    Whom did you give your ticket to? — Кому ты отдал свой билет?
    I gave it to my friend. Я отдал его своему другу.

    What did you give him? I gave him my ticket.
    Что ты ему дал? — Я дал ему свой билет.


    • Из двух местоимений who и whom в функции прямого дополнения в разговорной речи чаще употребляется who, а в письменной — whom:Who did you help? (Whom did you help?) — Кому вы помогли?
    • В обычной разговорной английской речи предлог чаще употребляется не перед местоимением who(m), а в конце предложения, хотя оба варианта правильны:Who do you work with? (With whom do you work?) С кем ты работаешь?
    • Если what употребляется с предлогом, то последний обычно стоит в конце предложения:What did you open the door with? — Чем ты открыл дверь?I opened it with my key. Я открыл ее своим ключом.
  4. What (какой), whose (чей), which (какой, который) — в функции определения:

    What book do you read? — I read an English book.
    Какую книгу ты читаешь? — Я читаю английскую книгу.

    Whose book is it? Чья это книга?
    Which city do you go to, Moscow or Kiev?
    В какой город ты едешь — Москву или Киев?


    What и whose в функции определения являются местоимениями-прилагательными и употребляются перед существительными, которые они определяют; артикли в таких случаях перед существительными не ставятся.

    НО: The film which I saw yesterday was very interesting.
    Фильм, который я смотрел вчера, был очень интересный.

    Заметьте также:

    • Which употребляется вместо who и what, когда выбор ограниченный.Which suit will you take, black or white?Какой костюм вы возьмете белый или чёрный?What will you have to drink? Что вы будете пить?There is whisky, gin and sherry, which will you have? Есть виски, джин и шерри, что будете пить?
    • В вопросительных предложениях, если вопрос ставится к подлежащему, вспомогательный глагол после вопросительного местоимения who, what или which of… не употребляется.Who helped me? — Your friend helped you.Кто помог мне? — Твой друг помог тебе.What helped him to win? Courage and persistence helped him.Что помогло ему победить? — Мужество и настойчивость помогли ему.Which of them won? — Bob won.Кто из них выиграл? — Боб выиграл.
    • В других случаях употребляется вспомогательный глагол.Who did you see? — I saw you.Кого вы видели? — Я видел вас.What did he win? — He won a gold medal.Что он выиграл? — Он выиграл золотую медаль.

Таблица местоимений с переводом

Наклонение в английском языке указывает на отношение говорящего к действительности. В английском языке, как и в русском, различают изъявительное, сослагательное и повелительное наклонения.

Источник: http://CatchEnglish.ru/grammatika/voprositelnye-mestoimeniya.html

Вопросительные местоимения в английском языке: who, whom, what, whose, which

Вопросительные местоимения в английском языке недаром занимают особое место среди остальных местоимений, ведь с их помощью можно образовывать специальные вопросы.

Теперь подробнее поговорим о том, какие же pronouns использовать в разных ситуациях.

“Who” – местоимение по праву занимающее лидирующую позицию, так как употребляется в отношении лиц. Помните, что “who” может выступать в предложении подлежащим, именной частью сказуемого, прямым или косвенным предложным дополнением. Посмотрим на примеры:

Who made this mess? – Кто навел этот беспорядок? (подлежащее)

Who knows why Ann is not here? – Кто знает, почему Анна не здесь? (подлежащее)

Who are these two men in black jackets? – Кто эти двое мужчин в черных пиджаках? (именная часть сказуемого)

Who are you waiting for? – Кого ты ждешь? (дополнение)

Who did you invite to your birthday party? – Кого ты пригласил на празднование дня рождения? (дополнение)

Обратите внимание, что местоимение “whom” в повседневной речи используется все реже и реже. Оно имеет место только в официальном варианте языка:

To whom did you send our report? – Кому вы отослали наш отчет?

Но если Вы приверженец строгих правил, то читайте о разграничении “who” и “whom” в одной из предыдущих статей.

Местоимение “what” используется в том случае, если речь идет о неодушевленных предметах. Обратите внимание на то, что “what”, как и “who”, имеет такие же функции в предложении.

What have you done recently? – Что ты недавно сделал? (дополнение)

What was discussed at that meeting? – Что обсуждали на той встрече? (подлежащее)


What is your favourite dish? – Какой твое любимое блюдо? (именная часть сказуемого)

В отличие от “who” местоимение “what” может выступать определением, например:

What movie did you watch last week? – Какой фильм ты посмотрел на прошлой неделе?

Местоимение “whose” в английском предложении расположено перед существительным и выполняет функцию определения.

Whose van is it? – Чей это фургон?

Whose yellow scarf is over there? – Чей это желтый шарф вон там?

Whose documents did you forget to take? – Чьи документы ты забыл забрать?

Местоимение “which” употребляется в том случае, если мы хотим сделать выбор из какого-либо числа людей (предметов).

Which task was the most difficult? – Какое задание было самым сложным?

Which language are you going to learn next year? – Какой язык ты собираешься выучить в следующем году?

Источник: https://lingvister.ru/blog/voprositelnye-mestoimeniya-v-angliyskom-yazyke-who-whom-what-whose-which

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