Who are you in one word test

Wanna discover the word that sums up your entire being? Take this quiz to find out!


Question 1/10

What type of person are you?



A bit of both!

Question 2/10

Your perfect significant other MUST be…






Question 3/10

What’s your dream job?



Party Planner

Travel Blogger


Question 4/10

What course title interests you most?

Entrepreneurship 101

The Art of Giving

Advanced Party Planning

Around the World in One Semester

Optimistic Thinking Exercises

Question 5/10

What’s your favorite type of social gathering?

Potluck with family and friends

Charity dinner at the soup kitchen

Artsy, cultured gathering

Neighborhood block party

Networking cocktail party

Question 6/10

Which high school stereotype do you fulfill?

The Nice Girl/Guy

Most Popular

Most Likely to Succeed

The Rebel

Question 7/10

What’s your life motto?

Carpe diem (Seize the day)

Live for the nights you can’t remember with the friends you’ll never forget.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

Work hard, play harder.

Question 8/10

Which pet would make you happiest?

Question 9/10

What’s your favorite movie genre?




Romantic Comedy

Question 10/10

Pick a tropical vacation spot!

13 Questions


By Magichobo | Updated: Jul 23, 2022

| Attempts: 23384


Personality Test - In One Word - Quiz

Check out this epic personality test that will describe you in one word only. There are so many words that can describe the nature and character of a human, but sometimes only one word is enough to describe them fully. Based on your traits and personality, let’s find out which word is really meant for you! With the below test, we’ll sum up you with one word. So, are you excited to play this quiz? Go ahead, then! Enjoy!

You May Get


You are always hungry, you’re most likely obese and will eat a lot of food.


You are mostly hungry, you eat a lot of different foods and you eat quite a lot of food.

& many more results.
Start this quiz to find your result.

  • 1. 

    What time do you wake up normally?

    • A. 

      4 AM — 6 AM

    • B. 

      6 AM — 7 AM

    • C. 

      7 AM — 9 AM

    • D. 

      9 AM — 12 PM

    • E. 

      12 PM — 6 PM

  • 2. 

    If a tough guy pushes you, what would be your reaction?

    • A. 

      Think it was a joke and nudge him back.

    • B. 

      Run away.

    • C. 

      Walk away without talking.

    • D. 

      Get annoyed and push him back.

    • E. 

      Start a fight with him.

    • F. 

      Threaten him and walk away.

  • 3. 

    Which animal are you most like?

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 


    • D. 


    • E. 


    • F. 


    • G. 


    • H. 


    • I. 


  • 4. 

    If a person is hurt on the ground, what would be your reaction?

    • A. 

      Help him up.

    • B. 

      Kick him and walk away.

    • C. 

      Make a dumb joke about his «mama» being some what fat, then help him up and push him down again.

    • D. 

      Try making him feel better with a pun.

    • E. 

      Asking him what happened and help him up.

    • F. 

      Walk away

  • 5. 

    What is your favorite food?

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 


    • D. 


    • E. 


    • F. 


  • 6. 

    Complete the following: (7 — 19) + 37 x (9 + 7) =

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 


    • D. 


    • E. 


  • 7. 

    Somebody is beating someone else up! What’s your reaction?

    • A. 

      Look at them, walk away.

    • B. 

      Help the little guy.

    • C. 

      Run away.

    • D. 

      Settle the fight.

    • E. 

      Watch and weep.

    • F. 

      Attract the bully’s attention and make him chase you while the guy gets up.

    • G. 

      Get some help.

  • 8. 

    How many sport games do you play a week?

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 


    • D. 

      3 — 4

    • E. 

      5 +

  • 9. 

    Do you slack off in class? If so, what do you do when slacking off?

    • A. 

      Think about random stuff.

    • B. 

      Doodle over my maths work

    • C. 


    • D. 


    • E. 

      I don’t slack off

  • 10. 

    What do you normally do at lunch?

    • A. 

      Nothing but sit in the corner.

    • B. 

      Wander around.

    • C. 

      Wander around talking to friend

    • D. 

      Run around.

    • E. 

      Play on equipment

    • F. 

      Pick a fight

  • 11. 

    How often do you talk to a friend?

    • A. 

      Screw that.

    • B. 

      Once a day.

    • C. 

      Once a week.

    • D. 

      All the time.

    • E. 


    • F. 

      When I feel like it.

  • 12. 

    When you look at your self, do you think…

    • A. 

      Who is that fat idiot in the mirror?

    • B. 

      *Shrug* and walk away.

    • C. 


    • D. 

      Hello there handsome.

    • E. 

      *takes mirror and run away*

  • 13. 

    Are you annoying?

    • A. 

      Why would you even think that I’m annoying sweetie pie?

    • B. 

      What! NO!

    • C. 

      *BLUSH* no…

    • D. 

      *Clench fists* and walks away.

    • E. 

      No! stop asking me that!

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Who am I

Are you confused about your personality? Is your brain bombarding you with questions like, “Who am I?” This quiz has an accurate answer for you!

A Philosophical Quiz to Answer, “Who Am I?”

We created a set of philosophical questions to stop your identity crisis. Answering all the questions on this page will help us identify who and what kind of person you are—at least to some extent.

An identity crisis is when you are confused about your most characteristic properties. You might start asking, “Who am I?” as if you lost your personality or character. It is also called the Characterization Question by Schechtman.

Who Are You? (Test Results’ Preview)

Since it is a philosophical Who Am I Quiz, the results are metaphysical as well. There are four possibilities in this test. You are either a humanist, pantheist, objectivist, or relativist. Each of the said results explains why you act, behave, or think in a particular way. None of them is the ultimate answer to the “who am I?” question, though—because such an answer does not exist.

· Humanist

Humans and their values, welfare, and dignity are your priority. A Humanist considers people as the source of morality.

· Pantheist

According to Britannica, Pantheism suggests the idea that there is no God. And God is the whole universe. More accurately, God is the combined substance, forces, and laws manifested in the existing universe.

· Objectivist

Objectivity suggests that the ideas exist independently from the individual.

· Relativist

According to QCC, “Relativists often do claim that an action/judgment, etc., is morally required of a person.” So, it is opposing to the Objectivity theory.

Which Version of “You” Is Actually “You?”

One of the primary issues with the Who Am I question is persistence. The problem is that humans grow older and change. So, which version of you is the actual you? Think of your childhood memories. Are they a proper representation of your character? What about the person you are right now? And what if you changed drastically soon?

John Locke, a well-known English philosopher, says, “Personal identity is made of sameness of consciousness.” So, the version of you who carries on the same consciousness is you.

3 “Who Am I?” Quotes That Are Absolutely Unhelpful

The Who Am I Quiz is our attempt to help you with your identity crisis. However, such an issue is way deeper than that. To prove that, here are some unhelpful and mind-bending quotes that will double your struggle.

  • Who am I? Not the body, because it is decaying; not the mind, because the brain will decay with the body; not the personality, nor the emotions, for these, also will vanish with death. (Ramana Maharshi).
  • What a liberation to realize that the ‘voice in my head’ is not who I am. ‘Who am I, then?’ The one who sees that. (Eckhart Tolle).
  • Who am I, really? I prefer to leave that up to the observer because I will never finish answering that. (Julie Newmar).

3 Questions Like “Who Am I?” for Your Next Deep Convo

Maybe an identity crisis is not why you are here looking for a Who Am I Quiz. In that case, we assume you are up for some deep conversations rather than anything else. So, here are some similar topics for you to burn your brain cells over.

Can you really experience anything objectively?

We observe the world through our brains. And each person’s brain has its unique subjective way to do so. The question is, will you ever be able to perceive something objectively while your brain (the tool you use to understand things) is subjective?

Now, think of it this way, is there any way to objectively identify who you are? Probably not.

Is our universe real?

You are questioning your identity. But what about the whole universe? The “brain in a vat” problem wonders how we can be sure that we are living in a real universe. So, the big question might not even be “Who am I?” and rather “Am I even real?”

Do we have free will?

Some scientific evidence proves that our brain makes decisions even before we are aware of them. So, it happens in an unconscious state. With that in mind, how can we be sure that all our decision, actions, and thoughts are conscious? Do we really have free will? I not, then how could we explain who we are? Who are you if your actions are random and unintentional?

Take the Who Am I Quiz for a Short-Term Relief

You came here with a question in mind. And now we gave you even more! So, here is what to do. Take our philosophically deep Who Am I Quiz so that you have a break. We will do our best to offer a remedy for your personal identity crisis—even though it is not going to be the ultimate cure. Here is what you learn after taking the test.

It helps you understand what type of person you are.

Oftentimes, the question of Who Am I arises when we feel like our actions do not match our self-perception. However, our quiz offers a third-person analysis of who you MIGHT be according to your responses. And it can help you learn about yourself even more.

It tells you what famous people are similar to you.

While it is not a genuine famous person type of Who Am I Quiz, it suggests some similar people. So, by the end of the self-assessment test, you will also get to know which famous person’s personality resembles you.


Quiz By

A lifestyle journalist, Michele loves researching and writing about health-related topics. Her career as a quiz maker, however, started in early 2019 when her friend made her take an online diet test. She believes that online quizzes can be more than fun—they can help you change your lifestyle for the better.

How to Play?

Playing personality quizzes is straightforward: Choose the option that’s true about you—or you relate to—and select “Next.”
Unlike trivia quizzes, personality tests have no right or wrong answers. But the questions are in forced-choice format. The point is to push you to choose an option that makes the most sense, not the one that’s 100% true.
For the most accurate results, don’t overthink your responses. Go with options that you “feel” are the best.

How many questions does this quiz have?

20 questions

How long does it take to complete this quiz?

4 minutes

Questions of the quiz

  • Question 1

    You should always save women and children first in a critical situation. Do you agree?

    Who am I Quiz! Find Your 100% True Character 1

    • Yes

    • No

    • Not sure

    • It depends

  • Question 2

    Do you believe in the afterlife?

    Who am I Quiz! Find Your 100% True Character 2

    • Yes

    • No

    • Not Sure

    • It depends

  • Question 3

    Is there any moral way of killing another being?

    Who am I Quiz! Find Your 100% True Character 3

    • No

    • Yes

    • Not Sure

    • It depends

  • Question 4

    What distinguishes humans from other beings?

    Who am I Quiz! Find Your 100% True Character 4

    • Feelings

    • Thinking

    • Morals

    • Language

  • Question 5

    Which one describes your views on sexuality better?

    Who am I Quiz! Find Your 100% True Character 5

    • Accepting and respecting all the orientations

    • Stop fighting diversities

    • Sexuality requires regulations like anything else

    • It’s a need and nothing more

  • Question 6

    Money is the source of evil. Do you agree?

    Who am I Quiz! Find Your 100% True Character 6

    • Yes

    • No

    • Not Sure

    • It depends

  • Question 7

    Do you believe in God?

    Who am I Quiz! Find Your 100% True Character 7

    • Yes

    • No

    • Not Sure

    • It depends

  • Question 8

    Do you think that life is fair?

    Who am I Quiz! Find Your 100% True Character 8

    • Yes

    • No

    • Not Sure

    • It depends

  • Question 9

    Can the ends justify the means? (Do results matter more than the action?).

    Who am I Quiz! Find Your 100% True Character 9

    • No

    • Yes

    • Not Sure

    • It depends

  • Question 10

    Can a society survive without policing and law enforcement?

    Who am I Quiz! Find Your 100% True Character 10

    • Yes

    • No

    • Not Sure

    • It depends

  • Question 11

    Fill in the blanks. Humans should ______ nature.

    Who am I Quiz! Find Your 100% True Character 11

    • Relate to

    • Worship

    • Respect

    • Preserve

  • Question 12

    What is the hardest thing about being a human?

    Who am I Quiz! Find Your 100% True Character 12

    • Responsibilities

    • Confusion

    • Decisions

    • Remaining Rational

  • Question 13

    Do you think humans have free will?

    Who am I Quiz! Find Your 100% True Character 13

    • Yes

    • No

    • Not Sure

    • It depends

  • Question 14

    What is the most interesting way of communication?

    Who am I Quiz! Find Your 100% True Character 14

    • Verbal

    • Non-verbal

    • Visual

    • Written

  • Question 15

    Do you think humans should stop killing animals for food?

    Who am I Quiz! Find Your 100% True Character 15

    • Yes

    • No

    • Not Sure

    • It depends

  • Question 16

    Do you feel guilty when you come across a homeless?

    Who am I Quiz! Find Your 100% True Character 16

    • Yes

    • No

    • Not Sure

    • It depends

  • Question 17

    Do you think powerful countries should help the developing ones?

    Who am I Quiz! Find Your 100% True Character 17

    • Yes

    • No

    • Not Sure

    • It depends

  • Question 18

    What is your opinion about the war?

    Who am I Quiz! Find Your 100% True Character 18

    • It’s a crime

    • It’s inevitable

    • It’s unnecessary

    • It depends on which side I am on

  • Question 19

    Do you think every woman should have abortion rights?

    Who am I Quiz! Find Your 100% True Character 19

    • Yes

    • No

    • Not Sure

    • It depends

  • Question 20

    Choose one word.

    Who am I Quiz! Find Your 100% True Character 20

    • Soul

    • Body

    • Heart

    • Brain

Variant 1 Name_______________________________

1. Match
the words/phrases in column A with the words /phrases in column B.



1) waiting

a) town

2) fixed

b) home

3) sleeping

c) list

4) running

d) kitchen

5) soup

e) water

6) foster

f) bags

7) shanty

g) address

Fill in:  posh, beggar, pedestrianized, make ends meet, vast, well-lit,
fully-furnished, abandoned, self-esteem, industrial
The council is going to renovate this old …………… building.
2. Always walk on …………..streets at night to be safe.
3. He decided to rent a ……………..house.
4. Cars aren’t allowed here. It’s a ……………….area.
5. Wealthy people usually live in a big
6. The ……………. number of cars on the city streets every day causes terrible
traffic congestions.

7. All the warehouses are
in the ………….. area near the port.

8. Mike feels very sad
when he sees a ……………living on the streets.

9. Loosing your job can
have a very bad effect on your ………………

10.  Sally has to works
two jobs to ……………… .

3. Complete the sentences with: must, would, mustn’t, may, should, might, can’t,

don’t have to, can, could
The car ……..fit in that parking place.
2. People …….walk their dogs in this park if they clean up any mess.
3. You …….stop at a red light.
4. You ……….be late for the lessons.
5. You ……….visit your granny. She is ill.

B.    Choose
the correct item.

may/ought to recycle glass. We help the environment this way.

cooker must/can be on. It feels hot.

mustn’t/don’t have to damage the environment.

produce too much rubbish. We should/may try to cut down on waste.

Should/Can I use your phone?

4. Fill in:     at, of (2),   beyond,   in
I’m so tired lately. I’m in need ……………. a long holiday.
2. This vacuum cleaner can’t be fixed. It is …………repair.
3. Our office is within easy reach ……..the bus stop.
4. My computer has shut down again. I’ll ask Jim to take a look ………it .
5. Mike needs to have the car fixed. It’s …………..very bad condition.

5. Fill in:   without, up (2), in  
1. That football match has really done me ……… .I feel like I could sleep for
2. People who live in shanty towns often have to do …………..electricity and
running water.
3. I am doing ……..my old apartment.
4. If you don’t do ………your laces, you are going to fall over.

Choose the correct response.

1. It really gets on my nerves when people push each other to get
on the train.

A. Yes. It’s really annoying.

    B. Hey!    Stop that!

2.  Our noisy neighbours are moving away soon.

A. It’s a disgrace!

     B. What a relief!

3. Putting more rubbish bins on the streets might solve the 
litter problem.

A. Well, actually, I don’t mind it.

    B. That’s a good point.

4.  The bus is late again.

A. That’s annoying!

    B. Sorry about that.

5.   I promise to pay for your broken window.

A. Er…I don’t know.

      B. I appreciate that.

7.     Complete
the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words.

1. It’s not necessary for you to leave

need You

2.You look pale and exhausted. You
had better see a doctor.

You   ………………… a doctor.

3. Cars are not allowed to park on
the grass.

Cars  ……………… on the grass.

4. It’s important for you to be more

ought to      
You …………….. more careful.

5. It’s possible that Jane will come
to the party.

come Jane
…………..to the party.

Variant 2 Name_______________________________

1. Match
the words/phrases in column A with the words /phrases in column B.



1) waiting

a) address

2) fixed

b) home

3) shanty

c) list

4) sleeping

d) kitchen

5) soup

e) water

6) foster

f) bags

7) running

g) town

2. Fill in:  posh, pedestrianized, well-lit, make ends meet, residential, fully-furnished,
beggar, enrich, exterior, run-down
1. Jim wanted to paint the ……………. of his house dark green.

2. Always walk on
…………..streets at night to be safe.
3. This is a ………………area, you won’t find any office space to rent here.

4. Cars aren’t allowed
here. It’s a ……………….area.
5. Beverly Hills is famous for its ………………… mansions of rich Hollywood stars.                            

6. They will demolish the old, ……………..house and build the new one on its place.

7.Education can ………………someone’s
life to a great extent.
8. Kate has to works two jobs to ……………… .

9. John feels very sad
when he sees a ……………living on the streets.

10.He decided to rent a

3. A. Complete the
sentences with: must, would, mustn’t, may, should, might, can’t,

don’t have to, can, could

You ……….be late for the lessons.
2. You ……….visit your granny. She is ill.

3. ………. you hold the door
open for me, please?

4. You ………. use public
transport when you have a car.

5. Tom ………. move to the
country soon because he hates living in the city.

Choose the correct item.

may/ought to recycle glass. We help the environment this way.

cooker must/can be on. It feels hot.

mustn’t/don’t have to damage the environment.

produce too much rubbish. We should/may try to cut down on waste.

10. Should/Can
I use your phone?

4. Fill in:     at, of (2),   beyond,   in
I am really in need …….a new lap-top.
2. This hair-dryer can’t be fixed. It is …………repair.
3. My house is within easy reach ……..new supermarket.
4. My computer is …….really good condition.
5. Can you take a look …… my car?                                                              

5. Fill in:   without, up (2), in  

1. Fixing that car has really done me ………
2. They had to do ……….dictionary at the lesson.
3. Kate is doing…….her living room at the moment. She wants to make it bright
and modern.
4. Do …………your laces or you’ll trip over them.

6. Choose
the correct response.

1. I hate that the bus is so crowded every day.

A. It doesn’t really bother me. I’m used to it.

    B. Yuk! That’s disgusting!

2.  Can I have a word with you?

A. Sure. What is it?

     B. That’s a fair point.

3. It makes my blood boil having to remove all this graffiti.

A. Yes, it’s really irritating.

    B. That’s annoying.

4.  Tom has parked in front of our driveway again.

A. Of course. What do you expect?

    B. It really makes my blood boil!

5.  There are so many beggars in the streets. 

A. Sorry about that.

      B. Yes, it is really awful.

7. Complete the sentences
using the words in bold. Use two to five words.

1. It’s not necessary for you to leave

need You

2.You look pale and exhausted. You
had better see a doctor.

You   ………………… a doctor.

3. Cars are not allowed to park on
the grass.

Cars  ……………… on the grass.

4.It’s important for you to be more

ought to      
You …………….. more careful.

5.It’s possible that Jane will come
to the party.

come Jane
…………..to the party.

Personality tests -» Who Are You?

Who are you? Sounds like an easy question to answer, right?
«I am a girl who loves unicorns and pistachio ice cream.» «I am a guy who’s hardcore into metal music and vintage Camaros.» «I’m a brainiac who gets excellent grades.»
Some «I am» things are obvious. Some are not. We ALL have hidden treasures inside us. And sadly, we ALL have demons inside that we don’t want to suddenly come crawling out.
Knowing yourself is important. These quizzes are meant for self-discovery. Taking them can help you learn what your hidden treasures are, so it’s easier to share them with a weary world that would love to enjoy them. On the flip side, we can also discover darker things about ourselves that are OK (we all have a dark side), but might be better kept to ourselves.
Remember this: No one is perfect. We aren’t here to judge, just to help you find out about YOU. Enjoy the quizzes! And be sure to share with friends who could benefit from taking them.

Take this personally! Test yourself right here!

Site 1 — 9 of 9 matches

My True Self? Quiz - Find out now





Who am I on the inside? Quiz




One Word Substitution Online Test Series 1, English One Word Quiz 2021 Series 1 fro SSC Exams. Take Free English One Word Substitution online quiz 2021 Series 1 and test yourself for English. English Quiz 2021 is free for all the candidates, English One Word Substitution Full online mock test paper is free for all students. Here we provide English Question and Answers. By using this test candidates can check there level of English for free. This Free English online test will give you a general idea of your English level. This English Tests cover all the One Word Substitution.This free online english test will measure your knowledge of the English language and this test is also help you discover your English Level. Now take free English One Word Substitution Online Test Series 1, English One Word Substitution Quiz 2021 Series 1

This paper has 30 questions.

Time allowed is 30 minutes.

English One Word Substitution Online Test Series 1 Exam is Very helpful for all students. Now Scroll down below n click on “Start Quiz” or “Start Test” and Test yourself.

What is the most important thing for you in life?




Helping other people


Choose a picture you like most

Your opion about the Beethoven’s phrase, «The only sign of superiority that I know is kindness»?

Assess this picture

What age do you feel yourself at (type numbers)?

Which of these books do you like most?

War and Peace

Gone with the Wind

American Tragedy

Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage

No one/ Don’t read bookd

What would to choose for having supper?

I feel better when I’m alone

What’s your attitude to collecting?

How do you like the London climate?

Would you do a bungee jump?

Mickey Mouse

You’re Mickey Mouse. You’re very friendly and always have optimistic thinking even if something goes wrong. You like adventures and seek to try something new. Show this quiz to your friends and let’s see who are they from Disney!

Ariel — Little Mermaid

You’re little mermaid Arial — the youngest of sea king Triton’s seven daughters — with mischievous and rebellious character. It’s due to it you always get into adventures. Show this quiz to your friends and let’s see who are they from Disney!


You’re Goofy. Goofy is a good-natured person. Despite his awkwardness and frequent mistakes, you don’t lose heart and always try to push the matter through. Show this quiz to your friends and let’s see who are they from Disney!

Scrooge McDuck

You’re Scrooge McDuck. You’re go-getting and ass-kicking — you can survive in various situations. Show this quiz to your friends and let’s see who are they from Disney!


You’re Aladdin. A smart, brave, kind guy from Agrabah city. Show this quiz to your friends and let’s see who are they from Disney!

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Posted on 20 Apr 2017

Your eyes might deceive you.

BuzzFeed Quiz Party!

Take this quiz with friends in real time and compare results

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For each question, take a look at the image BEFORE scrolling down, and pick out the first word you see. Then scroll down and choose the word you had in mind.

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