White birds on what the word

Песня The White Birds группы Giorgio Rossini из альбома About Yeats была записана в 2014 году лейблом Simpaty Record’s, язык песни английский, ниже вы найдете ее перевод на русском языке, песня исполняется в жанре джаз, вы можете слушать ее, изучить слова или скачать текст бесплатно, прокомментировать, как саму песню так и смысл который она в себе несет.

I would that we were, my beloved, white birds on the foam of the sea!

We tire of the flame of the meteor, before it can fade and flee;

And the flame of the blue star of twilight, hung low on the rim of the sky

Has awakened in our hearts, my beloved, a sadness that may not die

A weariness comes from those dreamers, dew-dabbled, the lily and rose;

Ah, dream not of them, my beloved, the flame of the meteor that goes

Or the flame of the blue star that lingers hung low in the fall of the dew:

For I would we were changed to white birds on the wandering foam: I and you!

I am haunted by numberless islands, and many a Danaan shore

Where Time would surely forget us, and Sorrow come near us no more;

Soon far from the rose and the lily, and fret of the flames would we be

Were we only white birds, my beloved, buoyed out on the foam of the sea!

Перевод песни The White Birds

Я бы хотел, чтобы мы были, мои любимые, белые птицы на пене моря!

Мы устали от пламени метеора, прежде чем он может исчезнуть и убежать; и пламя синей звезды Сумерек, повешенное низко на ободке неба, пробудилось в наших сердцах, любимая моя, печаль, которая не может умереть, усталость приходит от тех мечтателей, испорченных росой, лилии и розы; Ах, не мечтай о них, любимая моя, пламя метеора, что идет, или пламя Синей Звезды, которое задерживается, нависшее низко при падении росы: ибо я бы мы изменились на белых птиц, блуждающих по тебе!

Меня преследуют бесчисленные острова и множество берегов Данаана,

Где время, несомненно, забудет нас, и скорби больше не будет рядом с нами.

Скоро вдали от Розы и лилии, и Лада пламени, будем ли мы?

Мы были лишь белыми птицами, любимыми, купленными на пену моря!

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The symbolism of birds has been prevalent for a long time now. White birds, to be precise, usually hold a consistent meaning, and their appearance should make you wonder what they are trying to tell you.

If you see a white bird such as a dove, think of a spiritual message it is trying to pass.

There is so much that a white bird holds, mainly because you will find them on various occasions such as weddings, funerals, and political congregations. So, this article explains to you what does it mean spiritually when you see a white bird.

You will also understand better the spiritual meanings that they carry.

What does it mean when you see a white bird

If you see a white bird, many things should cross your mind. For so long, seeing a white bird such as a white dove has been linked to spiritual forces.

Also, people believe that seeing the white bird must have a meaning behind it, which is something you cannot dispute.

White bird brings out different means from different cultures. But one most common thing is that people believe in a spiritual connection that the birds bring between heaven and earth. They build a relationship between people and God.

You will see white birds in almost all celebrations and ceremonies. Others may appear as you walk and cross your paths. So what does it mean when you come across one?

Presence of Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit

One major thing that white birds signify, especially when they are white doves, is the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Whether you are seated somewhere, or the white bird appears in your sleep, then it shows that the Holy Spirit is present at that particular moment. The Holy Spirit brings some calmness in your life, and you can always feel his presence.

If you see a white dove, it is trying to pass a message to your soul from the higher realms.

During the Baptism of Jesus, there Holy Spirit came in the form of a dove. So, if the dove was present, then the Holy Spirit was there and was trying to pass a message to Jesus, and it’s the same thing that happens when it appears to us.

Sign of peace and hope

Spiritual peace

White birds may appear when we are facing storms. For instance, there have been several cases where white doves appear during political gatherings. White doves are also pretty common during burials.

Their presence is a sign that one should be hopeful and peace will prevail. If you are going through a tough time and the white birds appear, then it means that there is hope even though the times are hard. When you see them at such a time when you are sick or grieving, they make you feel comforted and uplifted.

If you see a white bird, know you were meant to see it. It is a gift to have it around you at a particular time and therefore focus on the peace it brings to your heart.

Good news will locate you

White dove bringing good news

If you see white birds, it may be a sign of blessings and prosperity. Also, they are a sign that you will find joy and harmony. In short, that little thing that you have always prayed for will see you.

White birds may also signify new beginnings, luck, and prosperity. If you feel anxious and maybe things are not going the right way, white doves may bring some balance to your life, and you will start feeling better.

When the white bird is present around you, it reminds you not to lose yourself. It will help you reconnect with yourself and help in reducing the worries you have. It will remind you that God controls your things and will make your path right.

Sign of Love


Seeing a white bird, especially the dove, means love. White birds are equated to gentleness, kindness, and love and bring positive things in your life. For this reason, you will find white doves in many events that involve love.

In most traditions, the couples will release white doves as a sign of love and fidelity during wedding ceremonies.

Also, the white doves may naturally appear during this time.

Such indicates that the couples will have a long-lasting love and will be happy in their home. The white doves invite the Holy Spirit to intervene amongst the newlyweds and thrive in love, prosperity, hope, and honesty.

White Bird Symbolism

White dove

White birds are a symbol of so much than what you can imagine. Some may appear in real life, while others will come to you in a dream. The different kinds that may occur to you will hold a different meaning that you ought to know.

From long ago, you always know that birds symbolize heaven. They tend to create a connection between heaven and earth. White birds are known to bring good news from heaven.

Typically, the white color in birds symbolizes light from the myths of creations. According to fairy tales, the white color represents the light that appears during the day and indicates the intervention of a kind-hearted force. Therefore, if you see the white bird, it means that you will receive light and good things.

For instance, if you see a white dove, it is a symbol that something good will happen. This bird is generally gentle and kind.

So if you see it, it is a sign of peace, kindness, and forgiveness. You will often see people of different cultures releasing it during various ceremonies.They do so to symbolize new beginnings, prosperity, and forgiveness.

They are also a sign of purity and fidelity in other cultures. Internationally, seeing a white dove is a sign of hope and peace will prevail.

Therefore, if you were living in fear about the future or were not at peace, white birds show that peace is about to find you.

White birds may be a sign that the Holy Spirit is present. They tend to create a strong connection between us and the spirits. Their presence helps assure one that no matter the circumstance, things will be okay.

For this reason, you will find them in areas where people are grieving. Or maybe where people are trying to find peace. Also, they also a sign that change is vital in that particular circumstance.

Therefore if life brings you a new situation, you should not hesitate but live according to the change. Also, if you know that the white birds are present, they bring so much calmness and the ability to live in confidence that the future is bright.

White Bird Spiritual Meaning: 9 Messages

White bird meaning in spiritual world

Birds are close to heaven, and when you see a white one, then there is a spiritual meaning that comes with it. White birds tend to have a significant effect on our lives. They are what most cultures and religions believe helps connect us with the spirits.

White birds bring many spiritual messages to us. They help pass a message from God to people on earth, and most show communion with God. Also, such birds try to send some communication between your soul and the universe.

They act as your guidance in doing things and what you do. The white birds also impact the various happenings of your lives but mainly positively. Here are some of the messages that white birds send:

1) The universe is communicating with you

Seeing a white bird is usually a spiritual message that the universe is trying to tell you. For this reason, you should pay close attention to the things that are going around you. Maybe there are things not going in the right way in your life.

Your response here should listen to what the bird is trying to say. The bird will not speak to you directly, but you can pay keen attention to your thoughts and adjust to the message.

2) There is purity

The primary spiritual meaning that the white doves carry is a sign of purity. From the Bible, the dove was used as an offering during the birth of a child. It was, in particular, an offering for purification. There were also two white pigeons during the presentation of Christ.

The presence of these white birds is a spiritual sign of purity. It appears to represent the presence of the Holy Spirit during various occasions, such as the appointment leaders. In such a case, the white birds prove that that person is the anointed one.

A white dove appeared during the Baptism of Jesus, the Annunciation of Mary, and on Joseph’s rod. On all these occasions, it was an indication that the Holy Spirit chose them to fulfill something.

3) The Holy Spirit is prevailing

White birds will indicate the presence of the Holy Spirit on different occasions. You will see that in the Bible, for instance, the white doves appear at various events. It also happens in real life.

It will appear during weddings, funerals, political gatherings, and other special occasions. In any case, it does; it is a sign that the Holy Spirit is around and gracing the occasion.

4) They show that peace will prevail

Most people internationally use white doves to symbolize peace.

This is the most common narrative that people believe in when they see it. If there is a war going on between maybe tribes or due to political issues, the appearance of white doves shows that there will be peace in the end.

The use of white birds as a symbol of peace has been in practice for most cultures and religions.

It is a sign that many people share globally and brings about love where there are fights. In other cases, white birds will appear to show that you will receive God’s protection.

5) They show enduring love

If white birds appear during weddings, it is a sign of love that will last forever.

Some couples will release them into the air during the wedding, and in other cases, the white birds will appear naturally. No matter the case, they show enduring, slow, and honest love among them. 

6) Let go of some things in life

White birds also come to send a message of hope and leave certain things. If you are going through a tough time, you need to let it go and find your peace. So, make a pause of all the bad happenings in your life. Take a deep breath and move on with life.

7) A change is coming

If you see a white bird and face so many issues in your life, you might be receiving a message that your life is going to change.

It shows that the problems in your life are soon coming to an end. So be ready for new beginnings.

8) Purify your thoughts

Another spiritual message that white birds will send to you is to purify your thoughts.

Maybe you are focusing on negative things in your life. So, you end up attracting what you think, and perhaps you did not want that. 

9) You need to surrender

White birds may signify that you have abandoned the highest in your life. You are doing things your way without putting God first. So, you need to surrender to Him and let Him guide your path.

Are White Birds Good Luck or Bad Luck?

White birds and good luck

White birds are always a sign of good luck. Therefore if you were expecting some news or hoping that things would go right, seeing a white bird is proof that things will indeed turn out well.

If you see a dove or a white seagull around your home, then it is a sign that you will be safe and have peace. They also show that good things will come in your way.

Final Words

White birds will appear randomly in your life, whether on an occasion, a dream, or just around your house. If it does, it always brings some good news to it, and they often try to pass a spiritual message to you.

Therefore, it is essential to look around your surroundings and check the happenings and try to connect to the news that the universe is sending you through the white birds.

So, do you already know what does it mean when you see a white bird or dove? Please, feel free to leave your comment below!

Interesting articles:

  • 7 Spiritual Meanings of Bird Nest at Front Door or Window
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  • Bluebird Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism: What does it mean?

Jorge Silva

Passionate about spirituality, numerology and spiritual accounts. I write about my spiritual experiences to help all those who go through the same.

Произношение white bird (yайт борд) :

wˈaɪt bˈɜːd

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yайт борд транскрипция – 13 результатов перевода

Let isabelle get rested up, Then we’ll push on the rest of the way.

We got enough to make it to white bird?

New car… Trip to the emergency room… It’s going to be close.

Пусть Изабель отдохнёт, тогда мы будем быстрее двигаться.

Нам хватит на самолёт?

Новая машина… авария… скоро это закончится.


Did you see that beautiful white bird?

It wasn’t her fault.

Ух ты!

Ты видел ту красивую белую птицу?

Она не виновата. Это я виноват!

— What is it?

-It’s a large, white bird.

Quite ugly too.

— Что это?

— Большая белая птица.

Жутко уродливая!

We don’t have an American bald eagle.

Oh, I was forgetting, it’s a black and white bird.

What do you want with them?

Чуть не забыла:

эта птица черно-белая… а потом я собираюсь познакомиться с Оливером и Освальдом.

Что тебе от них надо?

I don’t think my reputation can suffer any more than it already has.

I wouldn’t be so sure about that, wearing a white bird after Labour Day.

Well, Karl, you’ve got two choices.

Не думаю, что моя репутация может пострадать сильнее.

Я бы не был так уверен на этот счёт, ведь ты носишь белую птицу после Дня Труда.

Что ж, Карл, у вас есть два варианта.

I’m not ok.

I dreamt that you gave birth… to a white bird and I…

What do you want?

Что-то внутри у меня…

Я видел сон, что ты родила белую птицу

Что скажешь?

Let me tell you something, Bladesey.

Only a white bird who was not right in the fucking head would even think about going with one of them

It wasn’t even a country until 1865.

Давай-ка я тебе кое-что проясню, Блэйдси.

Только совсем уж ебанутой белой цыпе придет в голову связаться с одним из них.

До 1865-го года это была даже не страна.

Hard not to.

You can do a lot worse than White Bird.

It’s quiet.

Это не трудно.

Вы не важно выглядите.

Тут тихо.

The only thing that’s old are the roads… and we’re still on them.

There was a white bird which came by our house and my son wants to see her again.

— Have you seen her around?

Единственная, которая стара — это дороги… и мы все еще идем по ним.

Здесь была белая птица, которая заходила в наш дом, мой сын хочет ее увидеть снова.

— Ты видел ее где-нибудь поблизости?


«Shotgun» is a beautiful white bird.

I suggest playing a game of endurance.


Карабин — это красивая белая птица.

Играем в игру на выносливость.

More wine here, sweetie.

There are even those unwise men who say that a white bird in the southern quadrant is neither indicant

Such are the barbarous innovations of our day.

Еще сюда вина, дорогуша!

Есть такие невежи, которые утверждают, что появление белой птицы в левом квадранте не предвещает ничего — ни плохого, ни хорошего.

Таковы варварские нововведения нашей эпохи.

So, let me get this straight.

You were attacked by a little white bird?

Yes, with this rag.

Значит, я правильно понял.

На вас напала белая птичка?

Да, с этой тряпкой.

Fine, just keep your eye on him.

I’m gonna call over to White Bird, get some backup in here.


Ладно, тогда присмотрите за ним.

Я позвоню в Уайт Бёрд и вызову подкрепление.


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White Birds - The Waterboys

Информация о песне На данной странице вы можете ознакомиться с текстом песни White Birds, исполнителя — The Waterboys.
Дата выпуска: 18.09.2011
Язык песни: Английский

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White Birds


I would that we were, my beloved, white birds on the foam of the sea
Far from the rose and the lily, and fret of the flames would we be
And the flame of the blue star of twilight, hung low on the rim of the sky
Has awakened in our hearts, my beloved, a sadness that may never die,
a sadness that may never die
A weariness comes from those dreamers, dew-dabbled, the lily and rose
Ah, dream not of that, my beloved, the flame of the meteor that goes
Or the flame of the blue star that lingers hung low in the fall of the dew
For I would we were changed, my beloved, to white birds on the foam, I and you,
to white birds on the foam, I and you
Bend low, that I may crown you, flower of the branch
Silver fish my hands have taken from the running stream
Morning star, trembling in the heavens like a white fawn on the border of a wood
Bend that I may crown you, that I may crown you
And the flame of the blue star of twilight, hung low on the rim of the sky
Has awakened in our hearts, my beloved, a sadness that may never die,
a sadness that may never die
I am haunted by numberless islands, and many a Danaan shore
Where Time would surely forget us, and Sorrow come near us no more
Soon far from the rose and the lily and fret of the flames would we be
Were we only white birds, my beloved, white birds on the foam of the sea,
white birds on the foam of the sea

Белые птицы


О, если бы мы были, мои любимые, белыми птицами в пене морской
Далеко ли от розы и лилии, и от пламени пламени мы были бы 
И пламя синей звезды сумерек низко висело на краю неба
Пробудила в наших сердцах, мой любимый, печаль, которая может никогда не умереть,
печаль, которая никогда не умрет
Усталость исходит от тех мечтателей, омытых росой, лилия и роза
Ах, не мечтай об этом, мой возлюбленный, о пламени метеора, летящего
Или пламя синей звезды, что низко висит в падении росы
Ибо я бы хотел, чтобы мы, любимый мой, превратились в белых птиц на пене, я и ты,
к белым птицам на пене, я и ты
Низко наклонись, чтобы я мог увенчать тебя, цветок ветви
Серебряную рыбку мои руки взяли из бегущего ручья
Утренняя звезда, трепещущая в небе, как белый олень на опушке леса
Согнись, чтобы я мог увенчать тебя, чтобы я мог увенчать тебя
И пламя синей звезды сумерек низко висело на краю неба
Пробудила в наших сердцах, мой любимый, печаль, которая может никогда не умереть,
печаль, которая никогда не умрет
Меня преследуют бесчисленные острова и множество данайских берегов
Где Время наверняка забудет нас, и Печаль больше не приблизится к нам
Скоро далеко от розы и лилии и лада пламени мы будем 
Если бы мы были только белыми птицами, моя возлюбленная, белыми птицами в пене морской,
белые птицы в пене морской

Рейтинг перевода: 5

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Голосов: 1

white bird symbolic meaning

White birds are the most symbolic of all birds and have been for centuries. The white bird holds a special place in many religions and cultures as a spiritual symbol.

Generally, a white bird symbolizes peace, both personal peace and global peace.

Some people also say that a white bird is a sign of hope for what is to come. This is based on biblical tradition. More recently, it’s been a symbol of purity, getting in touch with your femininity, and becoming an overall gentler and more nurturing individual.

What do White Birds Symbolize?

white bird spiritual meaning

Remember that symbolism is subjective and always open to interpretation. These are examples of possible interpretations only.

1. Peace

Almost since the beginning of time, the white bird has been symbolic of peace.

Peace for many symbolizes the end of wars, famines, conflicts, or national struggles. However if you are seeing a white bird it may also be a sign of peace within yourself.

One of the earliest symbols of peace is the white dove on Noah’s ark. The dove brought a palm leaf to Noah as a message of peace from God. The message stated that the great flood was over and Noah was safe to head to land.

If you have been facing conflict with a close friend, or even feeling an inner conflict in making a decision or working out your values the white bird might have appeared to let you know peace is coming.

Finding peace in your relationships as well as in yourself is one of the best things you can do for your overall health and wellbeing.

By being at peace with yourself you will allow yourself to simply live the life you want, without fear of judgment or conflict.

Related Article: Bird Trying to Get into House

white bird meaning

If you have been dreaming of a white bird and have been experiencing conflicts in your life take the time to reflect on how you could seek peace.

For example, you could make a journal entry outlining the experience and what you have learned from it. This may help you to work out what your next steps should be.

Perhaps you need to swallow your pride and apologize, or maybe you need to take the plunge and leave a toxic situation to find inner peace.

Whatever it may be, know that by resolving that conflict and finding that peace you may begin to feel at ease.

white bird dream meaning

Related: White Pigeon Symbolism

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2. Femininity

White birds are a symbol of elegance and femininity. If you see a white bird it could be a sign that you are tuning in to your feminine energy.

Femininity is not exclusively for females. It simply means being nurturing, loving, supportive, and gentle. By becoming more in tune with your feminine side you will find that you may be an overall more rounded and introspective person.

Related: Snowy White Owl Symbolism

3. Hope

White birds (in particular, doves) are symbols of hope. Many people report dreaming of white birds after a traumatic or trying time in their lives and take the sighting as a beacon of hope that better things are to come.

If you have been struggling with life events recently, you may find that you see a white bird in your dreams. This could be interpreted as a positive sign and one that you should feel thankful for.

The vision of a white bird may mean that you can take a breath and feel some calm, as it serves as a reminder that life is not always hard.

white bird

If you have been feeling lost or disheartened, know that you need to always maintain a sense of hope and faith in order to get through trying times.

If you have been dreaming of two white birds and find that you are not needing hope yourself, it may be a sign to reach out to a friend or loved one.

Two white birds are a symbol that you may need to spread your wings and reach out to someone close to you as they may be silently struggling.

Be sure to remain positive and motivating to those closest to you in their trying times. Be a voice of reason and a shoulder to cry on but try to maintain hope and positivity to inspire them to keep pushing forward.

Related Article: What does a Flock of Blackbirds Symbolize?

white bird symbolism

See Also: 9 Animals that Symbolize Hope

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4. Purity

White birds are an emblem of purity. This relates to whiteness (which represents purity) and also weddings where white birds are released.

They are symbolic of purity and innocence, of the mind, body, and spirit. If you are seeing a white bird in your dreams it may be a sign that you are connecting with your purest and most kind self.

The symbolism of purity is often misinterpreted to mean the purity of a child; however, that is not always the case. The meaning of purity in this symbolic context is that you have found your highest self and in doing so become pure of spirit and mind.

If you see a white bird, you may find it beneficial to spend some time considering what your values are, as well as why they are important to you. Focus on the purest version of yourself and how you can reach that vision in your life.

In doing so you will be able to see where you have strayed and what the right path is to reach your purse self. It is not uncommon to have a shift in values as you grow up or go through different life experiences.

symbolism of white birds

Related: White Peacock Symbolism

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Cultural Symbolism of White Birds

White birds are very significant in many different cultures and religions.

Multiple different cultures utilize the white bird in ceremonies celebrating life or death. The releasing of white doves in particular is commonly seen at funerals or weddings as a sign of new beginnings and a safe journey.

For example, white doves are connected to Christianity and are often used as a symbol for peace and the Holy Spirit. This interpretation is upheld to this day, and many doves and other white birds are used in religious ceremonies for Christians.

This is due to white bird’s symbolic connection to purity, peace and hope. By seeing the white bird as a true symbol of God’s word, Christians are able to consider it a truly sacred animal worthy of respect, protection and gratitude.

Similarly, white birds are released at weddings as a sign of the purity of the union. The husband and wife have been brought together by god and their relationship has been blessed by hum.

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White birds are generally very positive symbols. They tend to symbolize peace, hope, and joy. This is closely associated with the white dove specifically.

But a vision, encounter, or dream of a white bird could symbolize a range of different things depending on the context. Symbolism is inherently subjective. So don’t forget to journal about it, meditate, and seek a spiritual advisor to figure out the meaning relevant to your life.

A man's face

I’m Chris and I run this website – a resource about symbolism, metaphors, idioms, and a whole lot more! Thanks for dropping by.

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