WHITE Crossword Clue & Answer
‘WHITE’ is a 5 letter
starting with W and ending with E
Clue | Answer |
WHITE (3) |
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WHITE (4) |
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WHITE (15) |
Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for WHITE
We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word WHITE will help
you to finish your
crossword today. We’ve arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find.
WHITE 3 letter words
WHITE 4 letter words
WHITE 5 letter words
WHITE 6 letter words
WHITE 7 letter words
WHITE 8 letter words
WHITE 9 letter words
WHITE 10 letter words
WHITE 11 letter words
WHITE 12 letter words
WHITE 13 letter words
WHITE 14 letter words
WHITE 15 letter words
WHITE 16 letter words
WHITE 17 letter words
Definition of WHITE
- (board games) the lighter pieces; (of coffee) having cream or milk added; a member of the Caucasoid race; a tributary of the Mississippi River that flows southeastward through northern Arkansas and southern Missouri; Australian writer (1912-1990); benevolent; without malicious intent; «that’s white of you»; free from moral blemish or impurity; unsullied; «in shining white armor»; glowing white with heat; «white flames»; «a white-hot center of the fire»; marked by the presence of snow; «a white Christmas»; «the white hills of a northern winter»; of summer nights in northern latitudes where the sun barely sets; «white nights»; restricted to whites only; «under segregation there were even white restrooms and white drinking fountains»; «a lily-white movement which would expel Negroes from the organization»; the quality or state of the achromatic color of greatest lightness (bearing the least resemblance to black); United States architect (1853-1906); United States educator who in 1865 (with Ezra Cornell) founded
Thanks for visiting The Crossword Solver «WHITE».
We’ve listed any clues from our database that match your search for «WHITE». There will also be a
list of synonyms for your answer.
The synonyms and answers have been arranged depending on the number of characters so that they’re easy to
If a particular answer is generating a lot of interest on the site today, it may be highlighted in
If your word «WHITE» has any anagrams, you can find them with our anagram solver or at this
We hope that you find the site useful.
Regards, The Crossword Solver Team
More clues you might be interested in
- tear up
- lumpish
- highly excited
- undermine
- landed property
- arithmetic average
- fall or sit down heavily
- buttocks
- puppets
- act as a go-between
- dissepiment
- 19th greek letter
- of the country
- informant
- treeless plain
- vocabulary
- perish
- black chinese tea
- emerged
- exerted power
- apocalypse
- period of ten years
- made a mistake
- seepage
- immortality
- precipitous
- restraint
- came to a point
- raining intermittently
- kind of card
Score for WHITE
WHITE is an official word in Scrabble with 11 points.
List of Words Formed Using Letters of ‘white’
There are 24 words which can be formed using letters of the word ‘white‘
which can be formed using the letters from ‘white’:
which can be formed using the letters from ‘white’:
which can be formed using the letters from ‘white’:
which can be formed using the letters from ‘white’:
Other Info & Useful Resources for the Word ‘white’
Info | Details |
Points in Scrabble for white | 11 |
Points in Words with Friends for white | 11 |
Number of Letters in white | 5 |
More info About white | white |
List of Words Starting with white | Words Starting With white |
List of Words Ending with white | Words Ending With white |
6 Letter Words Starting with white | 6 Letter Words Starting with white |
7 Letter Words Starting with white | 7 Letter Words Starting with white |
6 Letter Words Ending with white | 6 Letter Words Ending with white |
7 Letter Words Ending with white | 7 Letter Words Ending with white |
List of Words Containing white | Words Containing white |
List of Anagrams of white | Anagrams of white |
List of Words Formed by Letters of white | Words Created From white |
white Definition at Wiktionary | Click Here |
white Definition at Merriam-Webster | Click Here |
white Definition at Dictionary | Click Here |
white Synonyms At Thesaurus | Click Here |
white Info At Wikipedia | Click Here |
white Search Results on Google | Click Here |
white Search Results on Bing | Click Here |
Tweets About white on Twitter | Click Here |
5 letter words! In this article, you will learn a list of common words that have 5 letters in English with ESL pictures to help you broaden your vocabulary words.
5 Letter Words – A
- aback
- abase
- abate
- abaya
- abbey
- abbot
- abets
- abhor
- abide
- abode
- abort
- about
- above
- abuse
- abuts
- abyss
- ached
- aches
- acids
- acing
- ackee
- acorn
- acres
- acrid
- acted
- actin
- actor
- acute
- adage
- adapt
- added
- adder
- addle
- adept
- adieu
- adios
- adits
- adman
- admin
- admit
- adobe
- adobo
- adopt
- adore
- adorn
- adult
- adzes
- aegis
- aeons
- aerie
- affix
- afire
- afoot
- afore
- after
- again
- agape
- agate
- agave
- agent
- aggro
- agile
- aging
- aglow
- agony
- agora
- agree
- ahead
- ahold
- aided
- aider
- aides
- ailed
- aimed
- aimer
- aioli
- aired
- aisle
- alarm
- album
- alder
- aleph
- alert
- algae
- algal
- alias
- alibi
- alien
- align
- alike
- alive
- alkyd
- alkyl
- allay
- alley
- allot
- allow
- alloy
- allyl
- aloes
- aloft
- aloha
- alone
- along
- aloof
- aloud
- alpha
- altar
- alter
- altos
- alums
- amass
- amaze
- amber
- ambit
- amble
- ambos
- amend
- amide
- amine
- amino
- amiss
- amity
- amnio
- among
- amour
- amped
- ample
- amply
- amuse
- ancho
- angel
- anger
- angle
- angry
- angst
- anima
- anime
- anion
- anise
- ankle
- annas
- annex
- annoy
- annul
- anode
- anole
- antic
- antis
- antsy
- anvil
- aorta
- apace
- apart
- aphid
- apnea
- apple
- apply
- apron
- apses
- apter
- aptly
- aquas
- arbor
- ardor
- areal
- areas
- areca
- arena
- argon
- argot
- argue
- argus
- arias
- arils
- arise
- armed
- armor
- aroma
- arose
- array
- arrow
- arses
- arson
- artsy
- asana
- ascot
- ashen
- ashes
- aside
- asked
- asker
- askew
- aspen
- aspic
- assay
- asses
- asset
- aster
- astir
- asura
- atlas
- atman
- atoll
- atoms
- atone
- atopy
- attic
- audio
- audit
- auger
- aught
- augur
- aunts
- aunty
- aural
- auras
- autos
- auxin
- avail
- avers
- avert
- avian
- avoid
- avows
- await
- awake
- award
- aware
- awash
- awful
- awoke
- axels
- axial
- axils
- axing
- axiom
- axion
- axles
- axons
- azide
- azole
- azure
5 Letter Words – B
- babel
- babes
- babka
- backs
- bacon
- baddy
- badge
- badly
- bagel
- baggy
- bails
- bairn
- baits
- baize
- baked
- baker
- bakes
- baldy
- baled
- baler
- bales
- balks
- balky
- balls
- balms
- balmy
- balsa
- banal
- bands
- bandy
- banes
- bangs
- banjo
- banks
- barbs
- bards
- bared
- barer
- bares
- barge
- barks
- barmy
- barns
- baron
- barre
- basal
- based
- baser
- bases
- basic
- basil
- basin
- basis
- basks
- basso
- bassy
- baste
- batch
- bated
- bathe
- baths
- batik
- baton
- batts
- batty
- bawdy
- bawls
- bayed
- bayou
- beach
- beads
- beady
- beaks
- beams
- beamy
- beans
- beard
- bears
- beast
- beats
- beaus
- beaut
- beaux
- bebop
- becks
- beech
- beefs
- beefy
- beeps
- beers
- beery
- beets
- befit
- began
- beget
- begin
- begun
- beige
- being
- belay
- belch
- belie
- belle
- bells
- belly
- below
- belts
- bench
- bends
- bendy
- bento
- bents
- beret
- bergs
- berms
- berry
- berth
- beryl
- beset
- bests
- betas
- betel
- betta
- bevel
- bezel
- bhaji
- bible
- bicep
- biddy
- bided
- bides
- bidet
- bight
- bigot
- bijou
- biked
- biker
- bikes
- biles
- bilge
- bills
- billy
- bimbo
- bindi
- binds
- binge
- bingo
- biome
- biota
- bipod
- birch
- birds
- birth
- bison
- bitch
- biter
- bites
- bitsy
- bitty
- black
- blade
- blame
- bland
- blank
- blare
- blase
- blast
- blaze
- bleak
- bleat
- blebs
- bleed
- bleep
- blend
- bless
- blimp
- blind
- bling
- blini
- blink
- blips
- bliss
- blitz
- bloat
- blobs
- block
- blocs
- blogs
- bloke
- blond
- blood
- bloom
- bloop
- blots
- blown
- blows
- blued
- blues
- bluey
- bluff
- blunt
- blurb
- blurs
- blurt
- blush
- board
- boars
- boast
- boats
- bobby
- bocce
- boche
- boded
- bodes
- boffo
- bogey
- boggy
- bogie
- bogus
- boils
- bolas
- boles
- bolls
- bolts
- bolus
- bombe
- bombs
- bonds
- boned
- boner
- bones
- boney
- bongo
- bongs
- bonks
- bonny
- bonus
- boobs
- booby
- booed
- books
- booms
- boomy
- boons
- boors
- boost
- booth
- boots
- booty
- booze
- boozy
- boppy
- borax
- bored
- borer
- bores
- boric
- borne
- boron
- bosom
- boson
- bossy
- bosun
- botch
- bough
- boule
- bound
- bouts
- bowed
- bowel
- bower
- bowls
- boxed
- boxer
- boxes
- boyar
- boyos
- bozos
- brace
- bract
- brads
- brags
- braid
- brain
- brake
- brand
- brans
- brash
- brass
- brats
- brave
- bravo
- brawl
- brawn
- brays
- braze
- bread
- break
- bream
- breed
- brews
- briar
- bribe
- brick
- bride
- brief
- brier
- brigs
- brims
- brine
- bring
- brink
- briny
- brisk
- brits
- broad
- broch
- broil
- broke
- brome
- bronc
- brood
- brook
- broom
- broth
- brown
- brows
- bruin
- bruit
- brunt
- brush
- brute
- bubba
- bucks
- buddy
- budge
- buffs
- buggy
- bugle
- build
- built
- bulbs
- bulge
- bulks
- bulky
- bulla
- bulls
- bully
- bumps
- bumpy
- bunch
- bunds
- bundt
- bunks
- bunny
- bunts
- buoys
- burbs
- burgs
- burka
- burly
- burns
- burnt
- burps
- burqa
- burro
- burrs
- bursa
- burst
- bused
- buses
- bushy
- busts
- busty
- butch
- butte
- butts
- buxom
- buyer
- buzzy
- bylaw
- byres
- bytes
- byway
5 Letter Words – C
- cabal
- cabby
- caber
- cabin
- cable
- cacao
- cache
- cacti
- caddy
- cadet
- cadre
- cafes
- caged
- cages
- cagey
- cairn
- caked
- cakes
- cakey
- calfs
- calif
- calla
- calls
- calms
- calve
- calyx
- camel
- cameo
- campo
- camps
- campy
- canal
- candy
- caned
- canes
- canid
- canna
- canny
- canoe
- canon
- canto
- caped
- caper
- capes
- capon
- capos
- caput
- carat
- carbo
- carbs
- cards
- cared
- carer
- cares
- cargo
- carob
- carol
- carom
- carps
- carry
- carte
- carts
- carve
- cased
- cases
- casks
- caste
- casts
- catch
- cater
- catty
- caulk
- cause
- caved
- caver
- caves
- cavil
- cease
- cecal
- cecum
- cedar
- ceded
- cedes
- ceili
- celeb
- cello
- cells
- celts
- cents
- chads
- chafe
- chaff
- chain
- chair
- chalk
- champ
- chana
- chant
- chaos
- chaps
- chard
- charm
- chars
- chart
- chase
- chasm
- chats
- cheap
- cheat
- check
- cheek
- cheep
- cheer
- chefs
- chemo
- chert
- chess
- chest
- chews
- chewy
- chica
- chick
- chico
- chide
- chief
- child
- chile
- chili
- chill
- chime
- chimp
- china
- chine
- ching
- chino
- chins
- chips
- chirp
- chits
- chive
- chock
- choir
- choke
- chomp
- chops
- chord
- chore
- chose
- chows
- chubs
- chuck
- chuff
- chugs
- chump
- chums
- chunk
- churn
- chute
- cider
- cigar
- cinch
- circa
- cisco
- cited
- cites
- civet
- civic
- civil
- civvy
- clack
- clade
- claim
- clamp
- clams
- clang
- clank
- clans
- claps
- clash
- clasp
- class
- clave
- claws
- clays
- clean
- clear
- cleat
- clefs
- cleft
- clerk
- click
- cliff
- climb
- clime
- cline
- cling
- clink
- clips
- cloak
- clock
- clods
- clogs
- clomp
- clone
- close
- cloth
- clots
- cloud
- clout
- clove
- clown
- clubs
- cluck
- clued
- clues
- clump
- clung
- clunk
- coach
- coals
- coast
- coati
- coats
- cobia
- cobra
- cocci
- cocks
- cocky
- cocoa
- codas
- codec
- coded
- coder
- codes
- codex
- codon
- coeds
- cohos
- coifs
- coils
- coins
- cokes
- colas
- colds
- coles
- colic
- colin
- colon
- color
- colts
- comas
- combo
- combs
- comer
- comes
- comet
- comfy
- comic
- comma
- commo
- compo
- comps
- comte
- conch
- condo
- coned
- cones
- conga
- congo
- conic
- conks
- cooed
- cooks
- cools
- coops
- coopt
- coped
- copes
- copra
- copse
- coral
- cords
- cored
- corer
- cores
- corgi
- corks
- corky
- corms
- corns
- cornu
- corny
- corps
- costs
- cotta
- couch
- cough
- could
- count
- coupe
- coups
- court
- coven
- cover
- coves
- covet
- covey
- cowed
- cower
- cowls
- coyly
- crabs
- crack
- craft
- crags
- cramp
- crams
- crane
- crank
- crape
- craps
- crash
- crass
- crate
- crave
- crawl
- craws
- craze
- crazy
- creak
- cream
- credo
- creed
- creek
- creel
- creep
- creme
- crepe
- crept
- cress
- crest
- crews
- cribs
- crick
- cried
- crier
- cries
- crime
- crimp
- crisp
- crits
- croak
- crock
- crocs
- croft
- crone
- crony
- crook
- croon
- crops
- cross
- croup
- crowd
- crown
- crows
- crude
- cruel
- cruet
- crumb
- cruse
- crush
- crust
- crypt
- cubby
- cubed
- cubes
- cubic
- cubit
- cuddy
- cuffs
- culls
- culpa
- cults
- cumin
- cupid
- cuppa
- curbs
- curds
- cured
- cures
- curia
- curio
- curls
- curly
- curry
- curse
- curve
- curvy
- cushy
- cusps
- cuter
- cutie
- cutis
- cutup
- cycad
- cycle
- cyclo
- cynic
- cysts
- czars
5 Letter Words – D
- dacha
- daddy
- dados
- daffy
- daily
- dairy
- daisy
- dales
- dames
- damns
- damps
- dance
- dandy
- dared
- dares
- darks
- darns
- darts
- dashi
- dated
- dater
- dates
- datum
- daubs
- daunt
- davit
- dawns
- dazed
- deals
- dealt
- deans
- dears
- deary
- death
- debit
- debts
- debug
- debut
- decaf
- decal
- decay
- decks
- decor
- decoy
- decry
- deeds
- deems
- deeps
- deers
- defer
- deify
- deign
- deism
- deist
- deity
- dekes
- delay
- delft
- delis
- dells
- delta
- delve
- demon
- demos
- demur
- denim
- dense
- dents
- depot
- depth
- derby
- desks
- deter
- detox
- deuce
- devil
- dewar
- dhikr
- dhows
- dials
- diary
- diced
- dices
- dicey
- dicky
- dicta
- diets
- digit
- diked
- dikes
- dills
- dilly
- dimer
- dimes
- dimly
- dinar
- dined
- diner
- dines
- dingo
- dings
- dingy
- dinks
- dinky
- dinos
- diode
- dippy
- direr
- dirge
- dirty
- disco
- discs
- dishy
- disks
- ditch
- ditsy
- ditto
- ditty
- ditzy
- divan
- divas
- dived
- diver
- dives
- divot
- divvy
- dizzy
- docks
- dodge
- dodgy
- dodos
- doers
- doffs
- doges
- doggy
- dogma
- doing
- doled
- doles
- dolls
- dolly
- dolor
- dolts
- domed
- domes
- donee
- dongs
- donna
- donor
- donut
- dooms
- doomy
- doors
- doozy
- doped
- dopes
- dopey
- dorks
- dorky
- dorms
- dosas
- dosed
- doses
- doted
- dotes
- dotty
- doubt
- dough
- doula
- douse
- doves
- dowdy
- dowel
- dower
- downs
- downy
- dowry
- dowse
- doyen
- dozed
- dozen
- dozer
- dozes
- drabs
- draft
- drags
- drain
- drake
- drama
- drams
- drank
- drape
- drawl
- drawn
- draws
- drays
- dread
- dream
- dreck
- dregs
- dress
- dribs
- dried
- drier
- dries
- drift
- drill
- drily
- drink
- drips
- drive
- droid
- droll
- drone
- drool
- droop
- drops
- dross
- drove
- drown
- drugs
- druid
- drums
- drunk
- drupe
- dryad
- dryer
- dryly
- duals
- ducal
- ducat
- duchy
- ducks
- ducky
- ducts
- dudes
- duels
- duets
- duffs
- dukes
- dulls
- dully
- dulse
- dumbo
- dummy
- dumps
- dumpy
- dunce
- dunes
- dunks
- duomo
- duped
- dupes
- dural
- durum
- dusks
- dusky
- dusts
- dusty
- dutch
- duvet
- dwarf
- dweeb
- dwell
- dwelt
- dyads
- dyers
- dying
- dykes
5 Letter Words – E
- eager
- eagle
- eared
- earls
- early
- earns
- earth
- eased
- easel
- easer
- eases
- eaten
- eater
- eaves
- ebbed
- ebony
- ebook
- echos
- eclat
- edema
- edged
- edger
- edges
- edict
- edify
- edits
- eejit
- eerie
- egged
- egret
- eider
- eidos
- eight
- eject
- ejido
- eland
- elbow
- elder
- elect
- elegy
- elide
- elite
- elope
- elude
- elute
- elven
- elves
- embed
- ember
- emcee
- emery
- emirs
- emits
- emote
- empty
- enact
- ended
- endow
- enema
- enemy
- enjoy
- ennui
- enoki
- enrol
- ensue
- enter
- entry
- envoy
- eosin
- epics
- epoch
- epoxy
- equal
- equip
- erase
- erect
- ergot
- erode
- erred
- error
- erupt
- essay
- ether
- ethic
- ethos
- ethyl
- etude
- euros
- evade
- evens
- event
- every
- evict
- evils
- evoke
- ewers
- exact
- exalt
- exams
- excel
- execs
- exert
- exile
- exist
- exits
- expat
- expel
- expos
- extol
- extra
- exude
- exult
- exurb
- eying
- eyrie
5 Letter Words – F
- fable
- faced
- facer
- faces
- facet
- facia
- facts
- faded
- fader
- fades
- faery
- fails
- faint
- fairs
- fairy
- faith
- faked
- faker
- fakes
- fakie
- fakir
- falls
- famed
- fancy
- fangs
- fanny
- farce
- fared
- fares
- farms
- farts
- fasts
- fatal
- fated
- fates
- fatso
- fatty
- fatwa
- fault
- fauna
- fauns
- favas
- faves
- favor
- fawns
- faxed
- faxes
- fazed
- fazes
- fears
- feast
- feats
- fecal
- feces
- feeds
- feels
- feign
- feint
- fella
- fells
- felon
- felts
- femme
- femur
- fence
- fends
- feral
- feria
- ferns
- ferny
- ferry
- fests
- fetal
- fetch
- feted
- fetes
- fetid
- fetus
- feuds
- fever
- fewer
- fiats
- fiber
- fibre
- fiche
- ficus
- fiefs
- field
- fiend
- fiery
- fifes
- fifth
- fifty
- fight
- filch
- filed
- filer
- files
- filet
- fills
- filly
- films
- filmy
- filth
- final
- finca
- finch
- finds
- fined
- finer
- fines
- finis
- finks
- fiord
- fired
- fires
- firms
- first
- fishy
- fists
- fitly
- fiver
- fives
- fixed
- fixer
- fixes
- fizzy
- fjord
- flack
- flags
- flail
- flair
- flake
- flaky
- flame
- flank
- flans
- flaps
- flare
- flash
- flask
- flats
- flaws
- flays
- fleas
- fleck
- flees
- fleet
- flesh
- flick
- flier
- flies
- fling
- float
- flood
- floor
- flour
- flown
- flows
- fluid
- flyer
- focal
- focus
- folks
- fonts
- foods
- force
- forms
- forth
- forty
- forum
- found
- frame
- fraud
- fresh
- fried
- fries
- front
- frost
- fruit
- fuels
- fully
- funds
- funny
5 Letter Words – G
- gains
- games
- gamma
- gases
- gates
- gauge
- gears
- genes
- genre
- ghost
- giant
- gifts
- girls
- given
- gives
- gland
- glass
- globe
- glory
- gloss
- glove
- glued
- goals
- goats
- going
- goods
- grace
- grade
- grain
- grams
- grand
- grant
- grape
- graph
- grasp
- grass
- grave
- great
- greek
- green
- greet
- grief
- grill
- grind
- grips
- gross
- group
- grove
- grown
- grows
- guard
- guess
- guest
- guide
- guild
- guilt
5 Letter Words – H
- habit
- hairs
- halls
- hands
- handy
- hangs
- happy
- harsh
- hated
- hates
- haven
- hawks
- heads
- heard
- heart
- heavy
- hedge
- heels
- hello
- helps
- hence
- herbs
- highs
- hills
- hints
- hired
- hobby
- holds
- holes
- holly
- homes
- honey
- honor
- hooks
- hoped
- hopes
- horns
- horse
- hosts
- hotel
- hours
- house
- hover
- human
- humor
- hurts
5 Letter Words – I
- icons
- ideal
- ideas
- idiot
- image
- imply
- inbox
- incur
- index
- indie
- inner
- input
- intro
- issue
- items
5 Letter Words – J
- jeans
- jelly
- jewel
- joins
- joint
- jokes
- judge
- juice
- juicy
- jumps
Learn more with words that start with J in English.
5 Letter Words – K
- keeps
- kicks
- kills
- kinda
- kinds
- kings
- knees
- knife
- knock
- knots
- known
- knows
5 Letter Words – L
- label
- labor
- lacks
- lakes
- lamps
- lands
- lanes
- large
- laser
- lasts
- later
- laugh
- layer
- leads
- leaks
- learn
- lease
- least
- leave
- legal
- lemon
- level
- lever
- light
- liked
- likes
- limbs
- limit
- lined
- linen
- liner
- lines
- links
- lions
- lists
- lived
- liver
- lives
- loads
- loans
- lobby
- local
- locks
- lodge
- logic
- logos
- looks
- loops
- loose
- lords
- loses
- loved
- lover
- loves
- lower
- loyal
- lucky
- lunar
- lunch
- lungs
- lying
5 Letter Words – M
- macro
- magic
- major
- maker
- makes
- males
- maple
- march
- marks
- marry
- masks
- match
- mates
- maths
- matte
- maybe
- mayor
- meals
- means
- meant
- meats
- medal
- media
- meets
- melee
- menus
- mercy
- merge
- merit
- merry
- messy
- metal
- meter
- metro
- micro
- midst
- might
- miles
- minds
- mines
- minor
- minus
- mixed
- mixer
- mixes
- model
- modem
- modes
- moist
- money
- month
- moral
- motor
- mount
- mouse
- mouth
- moved
- moves
- movie
- music
- myths
5 Letter Words – N
- nails
- naked
- named
- names
- nasal
- nasty
- naval
- needs
- nerve
- never
- newer
- newly
- nexus
- nicer
- niche
- night
- ninja
- ninth
- noble
- nodes
- noise
- noisy
- norms
- north
- notch
- noted
- notes
- novel
- nurse
- nylon
5 Letter Words – O
- oasis
- occur
- ocean
- offer
- often
- older
- olive
- omega
- onion
- onset
- opens
- opera
- opted
- optic
- orbit
- order
- organ
- other
- ought
- ounce
- outer
- owned
- owner
- oxide
5 Letter Words – P
- packs
- pages
- pains
- paint
- pairs
- panel
- panic
- pants
- paper
- parks
- parts
- party
- pasta
- paste
- patch
- paths
- patio
- pause
- peace
- peach
- peaks
- pearl
- pedal
- peers
- penis
- penny
- perks
- pests
- petty
- phase
- phone
- photo
- piano
- picks
- piece
- piles
- pills
- pilot
- pinch
- pipes
- pitch
- pixel
- pizza
- place
- plain
- plane
- plans
- plant
- plate
- plays
- plaza
- plots
- plugs
- poems
- point
- poker
- polar
- poles
- polls
- pools
- porch
- pores
- ports
- posed
- poses
- posts
- pouch
- pound
- power
- press
- price
- pride
- prime
- prior
- prize
- probe
- promo
- prone
- proof
- props
- proud
- prove
- proxy
- psalm
- pulls
- pulse
- pumps
- punch
- pupil
- puppy
- purse
5 Letter Words – Q
- queen
- query
- quest
- queue
- quick
- quiet
- quilt
- quite
- quote
5 Letter Words – R
- races
- racks
- radar
- radio
- rails
- rainy
- raise
- rally
- ranch
- range
- ranks
- rapid
- rated
- rates
- ratio
- razor
- reach
- react
- reads
- ready
- realm
- rebel
- refer
- reign
- relax
- relay
- renal
- renew
- reply
- reset
- resin
- retro
- rider
- rides
- ridge
- rifle
- right
- rigid
- rings
- rinse
- risen
- rises
- risks
- risky
- rival
- river
- roads
- robot
- rocks
- rocky
- rogue
- roles
- rolls
- roman
- rooms
- roots
- ropes
- roses
- rough
- round
- route
- royal
- rugby
- ruins
- ruled
- ruler
- rules
- rural
5 Letter Words – S
- sadly
- safer
- salad
- sales
- salon
- sandy
- satin
- sauce
- saved
- saves
- scale
- scalp
- scans
- scare
- scarf
- scary
- scene
- scent
- scoop
- scope
- score
- scout
- scrap
- screw
- seals
- seams
- seats
- seeds
- seeks
- seems
- sells
- sends
- sense
- serum
- serve
- setup
- seven
- sewer
- shade
- shaft
- shake
- shall
- shame
- shape
- share
- shark
- sharp
- sheep
- sheer
- sheet
- shelf
- shell
- shift
- shine
- shiny
- ships
- shirt
- shock
- shoes
- shook
- shoot
- shops
- shore
- short
- shots
- shown
- shows
- sides
- siege
- sight
- sigma
- signs
- silly
- since
- sites
- sixth
- sized
- sizes
- skies
- skill
- skins
- skirt
- skull
- slate
- slave
- sleek
- sleep
- slept
- slice
- slide
- slope
- slots
- small
- smart
- smell
- smile
- smoke
- snack
- snake
- sneak
- socks
- soils
- solar
- solid
- solve
- songs
- sonic
- sorry
- sorts
- souls
- sound
- south
- space
- spare
- spark
- speak
- specs
- speed
- spell
- spend
- spent
- sperm
- spice
- spicy
- spike
- spine
- spite
- split
- spoke
- spoon
- sport
- spots
- spray
- spurs
- squad
- stack
- staff
- stage
- stain
- stake
- stamp
- stand
- stark
- stars
- start
- state
- stats
- stays
- steak
- steal
- steam
- steel
- steep
- steer
- stems
- steps
- stick
- stiff
- still
- stock
- stole
- stone
- stood
- stool
- stops
- store
- storm
- story
- stove
- strap
- straw
- strip
- stuck
- study
- stuff
- style
- sucks
- sugar
- suite
- suits
- sunny
- super
- surge
- sushi
- swear
- sweat
- sweet
- swept
- swift
- swing
- swiss
- sword
- syrup
5 Letter Words – T
- table
- taken
- takes
- tales
- talks
- tanks
- tapes
- tasks
- taste
- tasty
- taxes
- teach
- teams
- tears
- teens
- teeth
- tells
- tempo
- tends
- tenth
- tents
- terms
- tests
- texts
- thank
- theft
- their
- theme
- there
- these
- thick
- thief
- thigh
- thing
- think
- third
- those
- three
- threw
- throw
- thumb
- tiger
- tight
- tiles
- timer
- times
- tired
- tires
- title
- toast
- today
- token
- tones
- tools
- tooth
- topic
- torch
- total
- touch
- tough
- tours
- towel
- tower
- towns
- toxic
- trace
- track
- tract
- trade
- trail
- train
- trait
- trans
- traps
- trash
- treat
- trees
- trend
- trial
- tribe
- trick
- tried
- tries
- trips
- trout
- truck
- truly
- trump
- trunk
- trust
- truth
- tubes
- tumor
- tuned
- tunes
- turbo
- turns
- tutor
- tweet
- twice
- twins
- twist
- types
- tyres
5 Letter Words – U
- ultra
- uncle
- under
- union
- unite
- units
- unity
- until
- upper
- upset
- urban
- urged
- urine
- usage
- users
- using
- usual
5 Letter Words – V
- vague
- valid
- value
- valve
- vapor
- vault
- vegan
- veins
- vents
- venue
- verse
- video
- views
- villa
- vinyl
- viral
- virus
- visas
- visit
- vital
- vivid
- vocal
- vodka
- voice
- volts
- voted
- voter
- votes
5 Letter Words – W
- wages
- wagon
- waist
- walks
- walls
- wants
- warns
- waste
- watch
- water
- watts
- waves
- wears
- weeds
- weeks
- weigh
- weird
- wells
- welsh
- whale
- wheat
- wheel
- where
- which
- while
- white
- whole
- whose
- wider
- widow
- width
- winds
- wines
- wings
- wiped
- wired
- wires
- witch
- wives
- woman
- women
- woods
- words
- works
- world
- worms
- worry
- worse
- worst
- worth
- would
- wound
- wrath
- wrist
- write
- wrong
- wrote
5 Letter Words – Y
- yacht
- yards
- years
- yeast
- yield
- young
- yours
- youth
- yummy
5 Letter Words – Z
- zones
- zebra
- zests
- zesty
- zetas
- zorse
- zouks
- zowee
- zowie
5 Letter Words from A – Z
Learn more details about 5 letter words with 26 letter of the alphabet in English
5 Letter Words with A
5 Letter Words with B
5 Letter Words with C
5 Letter Words with D
5 Letter Words with E
5 Letter Words with F
5 Letter Words with G
5 Letter Words with H
5 Letter Words with I
5 Letter Words with J
5 Letter Words with K
5 Letter Words with L
5 Letter Words with M
5 Letter Words with N
5 Letter Words with O
5 Letter Words with P
5 Letter Words with Q
5 Letter Words with R
5 Letter Words with S
5 Letter Words with T
5 Letter Words with U
5 Letter Words with V
5 Letter Words with W
5 Letter Words with X
5 Letter Words with Y
5 Letter Words with Z
5 Letter Words Infographic
Related Resources
2 Letter Words
3 Letter Words
4 Letter Words
5 Letter Words
6 Letter Words
7 Letter Words
8 Letter Words
Five letter words. Quick, there’s a dizzy chuff serving pizza with glazy gyoza! Confused? Well, let us introduce to you the guide to words with five letters: Five letter words! Elevate your Scrabble, Words with Friends, or Wordle ability to levels unseen by this world! Words containing five letters can be your bread and butter and are worth educating yourself about! Study our guide and check out these useful lists too: Four Letter Words beginning with Z and Nine Letter Words!
Other than bingos, five letter words are some of the rarest plays in word games like Words With Friends and Scrabble. Most of the time, they have a less-than-average scoring ratio, but players use them to clear their rack of troublesome letters so that they can make easier bingos in later turns.
WHICH are the Most Popular Five-Letter Words?
OTHER, WHICH and THERE are the most common five-letter words. The word WHICH, in particular, is a fine word to ditch both Hs, a W, and a C for decent points and to get more bingo-like letters in your rack. Other and there, however, use up good bingo letters for not a lot of points and so should be avoided.
Strategy for 5-Letter Words
One of the chief strategies for 5 letter words is the use of the S tile to make two words by placing the S on a double or triple square of some sort. Remember, though, that keeping two great letters in your rack after playing a five-letter word is often more important than scoring the most points possible while leaving two troublesome letters in your rack.
For example, if your rack is S, C, O, W, S, A, and T, you could hook scow onto an existing word and keep S, A, and T in your rack. Let’s say you put scow on a double word score. It is certainly not worth the extra two points to play the second S because you will be left with three fantastic letters for making a bingo instead of just two. Other 5 letter words starting with S that form good hooks would be SLOJD, STOOK, and SIZAR.
Another important group of words is 5 letter words starting with C. There are only three Cs in the game, but they are important for five-letter words because they are a three-point tile that cannot be used in any two-letter words. CHYME, CLOZE, and CIVVY are great words to get rid of irritating consonants. CLOZE, specifically, is great because you can hook the Z to an A to make ZA and score at least 27 points even without a premium square.
The 5 letter words starting with E are useful in the end game because E is among the best letters for hooking, with EX, EL, EH, EN, ER, ES, ET, and EF all possibilities. EERIE, EAGLE, and ETHER are all good choices.
Five-letter Words and Wordle
Mastering five-letter words is crucial for solving the daily Wordle puzzle! You’ll need to know how to spell 5-letter words correctly. Then you’ll need to think of specific characters within those words. Finally, you’ll need to find them in your Wordle words. That’s why we created the Word Tips Wordle solver!
5-Letter Words FAQ
How many five-letter words are there?
There are 8,996 five-letter words in the Office Scrabble Player’s Dictionary, Volume 6.
What are five-letter words that start with E?
What are five-letter words that start with S?
A winning Scrabble vocabulary focuses on bingos, but dealing with 5 letter words starting with C, along with 5 letter words starting with S, is essential for maintaining the necessary rack balance to get to those bingos. It should be borne in mind, too, that 5 letter words starting with E can get you out of tight fixes, especially in the end game.
Word games, such as Words with Friends, Scrabble, and now Wordle are very popular. In these games, you unscramble letters to make words for points or to be the first one to find the Wordle daily answer. Using five-letter words offers you the potential to earn a lot of points or share your skills on Twitter.
The WordFinderX Guide to 5-Letter Words
It’s important to find a good word finder list of some of the higher-scoring words you may want to know to bring your word-building skills to new levels for word games like Scrabble and Words with Friends or when you need an answer for 4 pics 1 word 5 letters or the daily Wordle word.
Top-Scoring Words with Five Letters
To get the most points, you’ll want to try to make 5 letter words with these letters:
- J
- Q
- X
- Z
Additionally, you may want to find 5 letter words with these letters due to their mid-range scoring potential:
- F
- H
- K
- V
- W
- Y
Your goal could be to use the highest-scoring letters in your rack in each word you create.
The Most Common Five-Letter Words
Just thinking about some words that you use daily in the course of life can grant you some good options.
Other — Other makes a distinction between objects or people.
About — When talking about approximate size, you might say that the fish that got away was about two feet long.
Which — Choices can be narrowed down depending on which option you choose.
Their — If those are their belongings, they certainly don’t belong to you.
Every — Like the word all, every encompasses the totality of what you’re discussing.
Faith — Faith means something different to everyone, but it’s certainly meant to be a positive word.
Lunch — Whether you decide to eat or not, you’re likely given a lunch break at work.
Maybe — Maybe is a great word to use when you don’t want to get yourself stuck into a commitment.
For example, if you have the letters T W L or O C T W L in your rack, you could form words such as CLOWN, CLOTH, COLTS, OWLET, SCOWL, or TOWEL provided you have the other letters available for use.
Five-letter Word Tip for Wordle
Knowing the most popular five-letter words comes in handy when playing Wordle, the disrupting word game. The most important tip for finding the daily Wordle answer fast is to smartly choose the first word. You should always start with a word made of five different letters three of them being vowels. Some examples above, like ABOUT and MAYBE, fit into this pattern. But using our Wordle solver tool and its advanced search options to uncover other recommended words to start the daily puzzle. VIDEO and PIANO are such examples.