Which word to use книга


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Выбери правильное слово (Which word to use)

, Павлович Р.

Для того чтобы правильно выразить свою мысль на иностранном языке, часто важно правильно выбрать нужное слово из сходных по значению слов.
Данное пособие в доступной и занимательной форме поможет учащимся VI?VIII классов средней школы активно усвоить трудные случаи употребления лексики. Этому помогут занимательные тексты, диалоги, шутки, пересказ по серии картинок, разнообразные упражнения.

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Автор - Михаил Павлович Рожков

Автор - Костенко Г. Д.

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Для того чтобы правильно выразить свою мысль на иностранном языке, часто важно правильно выбрать нужное слово из сходных по значению слов.
Данное пособие в доступной и занимательной форме поможет учащимся VI?VIII классов средней школы активно усвоить трудные случаи употребления лексики. Этому помогут занимательные тексты, диалоги, шутки, пересказ по серии картинок, разнообразные упражнения. Книга «Выбери правильное слово (Which word to use)» авторов Михаил Павлович Рожков, Костенко Г. Д. оцене…

Для того чтобы правильно выразить свою мысль на иностранном языке, часто важно правильно выбрать нужное слово из сходных по значению слов.
Данное пособие в доступной и занимательной форме поможет учащимся VI?VIII классов средней школы активно усвоить трудные случаи употребления лексики. Этому помогут занимательные тексты, диалоги, шутки, пересказ по серии картинок, разнообразные упражнения. Книга «Выбери правильное слово (Which word to use)» авторов Михаил Павлович Рожков, Костенко Г. Д. оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 0.00 из 10.
Для бесплатного просмотра предоставляются: аннотация, публикация, отзывы, а также файлы для скачивания.

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  • Год написания: не указан

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Для того чтобы правильно выразить свою мысль на иностранном языке, часто важно правильно выбрать нужное слово из сходных по значению слов. Данное пособие в доступной и занимательной форме поможет учащимся V — VIII классов средней школы активно усвоить трудные случаи употребления лексики. Этому помогут занимательные тексты, диалоги, шутки, пересказ по серии картинок, разнообразные упражнения.


Костенко Г.Т., Павлович Р.П.




В. И. Чижиков

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  • Мужик и Медведь
    — Виктор Чижиков
  • Площадь картонных часов
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  • Сундучок
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  • Физическое воспитание и развитие дошкольников
    — Светлана Филиппова, Татьяна Волосникова, Октавий Каминский
  • 24 игры из тетради в клетку
    — Виталий Медведь
  • Скала ужаса
    — Дмитрий Тышевич
  • Генезис
    — Рэй Гард
  • Тридцать миллионов слов. Развиваем мозг малыша, просто беседуя с ним
    — Бет Саскинд, Лесли Левинтер-Саскинд, Дана Саскинд


Г. Т. КОСТЕНКО, Р. П. ПАВЛОВИЧ ВЫБЕРИ ПРАВИЛЬНОЕ СЛОВО Пособие для учащихся 6—8-х классов средней школы ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО „ПРОСВЕЩЕНИЕ" Москва 1968
G. T. KOSTENKO, R. P. PAVLOVITCH WHICH WORD TO USE? Book for Pupils of the 6—8th Forms of the Secondary School PUBLISHING HOUSE M oscow 1968 'PROSVESHCHENIYE"
ДОРОГИЕ РЕБЯТА! Чтобы правильно говорить по-английски, очень важно правильно использовать в речи нужное слово. Вы знаете, что в любом языке есть слова, сходные по значению. В русском языке таких слов много, например: рассказывать, сообщать; перемена, передышка; работа, труд, дело; событие, происшествие и много других. Неправильное пользование сходными по значению словами, незнание разницы в их употреблении приведет к неточности в высказывании. Вот, например, группа сходных по значению слов: стучать, бить, колотить, барабанить. Можно ли одно слово употребить вместо другого? Попробуйте это сделать в таких предложениях: «В кузнице стучал молот. Капли дождя стучали в окно». Как вы уже убедились, нельзя сказать: «В кузнице колотил молот. В кузнице барабанил молот». И т. д. А вот еще два сходных по значению слова — облако, туча. Их также нельзя употребить одно вместо другого. Вы знаете, что облака обычно имеют какую-либо форму — легкие, белого цвета; тогда как тучи — темные, густые, грозящие дождем или снегом. Поэтому в предложении «Высоко над нами неслись белые, круглые облака» нельзя употребить слово тучи вместо облака. 4
Сходными словами иностранный, заграничный, зарубежный тоже нужно пользоваться умело. Можно сказать иностранный язык, но нельзя сказать заграничный язык, заграничное слово. Уловить разницу в употреблении того или иного слова в русском языке вам, безусловно, легче. Вы учитесь этому постоянно: читая книги и газеты, посещая кино и театр. А как быть с английским языком? Ведь в английском языке есть тоже много сходных по значению слов, например: small, little-, to speak, to talk food, meal, forest, wood-, big, large-, to go, to come и много других. Вот два из них: tall и high. Оба слова переводятся высокий. Но как правильно сказать: a tall boy или a high boy? Нужно сказать a tall boy, так как слово high не употребляется для обозначения роста человека. А вот еще два слова: bank и shore. Оба слова переводятся берег, но bank означает берег реки, а shore — берег моря. Поэтому нужно говорить on the bank of the Volga, но on the shore of the Black Sea. Слово to swim означает плыть. Вы скажете: "I can swim. We often go to swim in the river. Look! Rex is swimming!" А как перевести на английский «Пароход плывет»? Здесь слово to swim уже нельзя употребить, так как оно значит плыть, передвигать- ся в воде с помощью рук, ног, плавников. По отношению к судам, катерам, лодкам и т. п. употребляется другое слово — to sail. Вот, видите, ребята, как важно знать разницу в употреблении сходных по значению слов, как важно умело пользоваться ими в речи. Научиться выбирать правильное, нужное слово в английском языке поможет вам наша книга.
В книге 36 уроков, которые рассчитаны на три года обучения (в VI, VII и VIII классах). Каждый урок состоит их двух частей: в первой с помощью рисунков или текста поясняется разница в значении сходных слов, во второй — даны упражнения. К выполнению упражнений приступайте только после внимательного прочтения первой части урока. Большинство упражнений устные, а упражнения типа «Составить предложения по указанным образцам» следует выполнять письменно. С картинками работайте так: внимательно посмотрите на серию рисунков и вспомните названия изображенных предметов, действий, затем ответьте на вопросы к данной картинке, после чего, не глядя на эти вопросы, перескажите содержание всего рассказа. Работать с книгой лучше всего с товарищем, а не в одиночку. Так удобнее будет разучивать диалоги, отвечать на вопросы, составлять рассказы по картинке, проводить игры. В этой книге есть шутки, загадки, стихотворения, смешные рассказы и рисунки. Разучивайте стихотворения, отгадывайте загадки — это поможет вам лучше усвоить разницу в значении сходных слов. Занимательный материал вы сможете использовать для проведения конкурсов и школьных вечеров, для стенных газет. Ключ к упражнениям находится в конце книги. О результатах работы сообщите нам по адресу: Москва И-18, 3-й проезд Марьиной рощи, 41, издательство «Просвещение», редакция английского языка. АВТОРЫ
ШЕСТОЙ КЛАСС SMALL, LITTLE This is Steve. He is not a little boy. He is 18 years old. But his brother Mike is a little boy. He is four years old. This dog is not little, it is old, but it is very small. This girl likes to play with her little dog and her little cat. They are little animals, they are only a kitten and a puppy.1 (((№(¦'>'iy!"/1/ Remember: little маленький (по возрасту) small маленький (по росту, по размеру) puppy Грлрт] — щенок 7
Упражнения I. Прочитайте рассказ и объясните употребление слов little и small. MIKE AND NICK GO TO THE CINEMA Mike and Nick are little boys. They come to the cinema to see a new film. But the film is not for children. They are so small that the cashier * doesn't see them. They go home, take their father's coat and hat. And this is what they do. They get the tickets. But because they are small, they don't see the film. II. Вставьте вместо точек слово little или small в следующих предложениях: 1 cashier [каз'Хгэ] — кассир 8
Here are little children. They are four or j^SS5^" <g five years old. But which is the smallest? ko^^L ^ The boy with a little bear is. He is very W small for his age.1 ^ Remember: Which is the smallest? Кто самый маленький? to be small for one's age быть малого роста для своего возраста III. Посмотрите на рисунки и ответьте на вопросы: This is Father-mushroom with his little children. Which is the smallest? Look at the birds and say which is the smallest. Here is the cat-teacher with her little pupils. Which is the smallest? IV. Если вы живете в небольшом городе, в небольшом доме, вы скажете: I live in a small town. I live in a small house. Если там есть небольшая река, вы скажете: There is a small river there. 1 small for one's age — мал для своего возраста
А если там есть небольшое озеро, парк, лес, сад, как вы скажете? There is a small lake there. park there. forest there. garden there. V. Если вы видите красивую игрушку, домик, медвежонка, вы говорите: What a nice little toy! What a nice little house! What a nice little bear! Представьте себе, что вы увидели красивую кошечку, птичку, коробочку* деревце, цветок, яблочко, что вы скажете? What a nice little cat! bird! ... box! tree! flower! apple! VI. Составьте небольшой рассказ о себе или своем друге, используя образец: Nick (I, my friend) lives in a small town (village). He (I, my friend) often plays with his friends in the small garden (fields park) near his house. He has a little sister (brother). Her (his) name is Ann (Pete, Alec). Little Ann has many toys. She has a little bear, a little ball, and a little lorry. She likes to play with them. VII. Дайте ответы на следующие вопросы: 1. Do you have a little sister (brother)? 2. How old is she? 3. Why doesn't she (he) go to school? 4. Is she (he) the smallest in your family? 5. Is she (he) smaller than other girls (boys) she (he) plays with? 6. Is she (he) very small for her (his) age? 7. Does she (he) like to play with other little children? VIII. Переведите вопросы на английский язык: 1. У тебя есть котенок? Он очень маленький? 2. Он меньше, чем мой белый котенок? 10
3. У твоего братишки (сестрички) есть столик и стульчик? Где он любит сидеть, за большим столом или за своим маленьким? 4. Ты живешь в большом или маленьком городе? IX. Посмотрите на рисунки и расскажите на английском языке, что наои- совала Таня. Используйте в описании: to walk to the park; the smallest boy; what a nice little ... ; to have a doll on the arm; a little lorry, a car; a small house; to play with a ball; to sit on a horse. Начните так: I can see little children .... Что нарисовал Коля? Используйте в описании: big head, big ears, small eyes, long arms, a little flower in his hand. Начните так: Nick drewl a little man with .... X. Выучите стихотворение: ГМ NOT SO SMALL I'm not small, I'm so tall, I can carry a tree on my back, When it grows,2 I grow too, That's not very hard to do. I'm not small, I'm so tall, I can carry3 a tree on my back. I'm not small, I'm so tall, I can carry a rabbit 4 on my back. 1 (he) drew [dru:] - 2 to grow — расти 3 to carry — нести 4 rabbit — кролик нарисовал (to draw [dro:] рисовать) 11
When it hops,1 I hop too, That's not very hard to do. I'm not small, I'm so tall, I can carry a rabbit on my back. HUMOUR2 — Why, boy, how is it you are so small for your age? — I am so busy. I have no time to grow. — And now, my little man, suppose 3 we have two pieces of cake on the plate — a large piece and a small one. Which one will you give your brother? — Do you mean my big brother or my little one? OLDER, ELDER These boys are brothers. You know that Mike is a little boy. He is only 3 years old. His brother Nick is 13 years old. He is older than Mike. How much older is he? He is 10 years older than Mike. But Steve is older than Nick. Nick says about his brother: "My brother Steve is 18. He is 5 years older than I am. He's my elder brother. He wants to be an engineer. He is a student now.'' Mike has two cousins4, Alec and Pete. Alec is the elder of them. Mike says: "Alec is one year older than I am. But in a year 5 I shall catch up with him6 and then we shall be of the same age." 7 Will Mike be of the same age as Alec in a year? No! Because Alec will be one year older too. 1 to hop — прыгать 2 humour fhjuirra] — юмор 3 to suppose [sa'pouz] — предполагать 4 cousin — двоюродный брат 5 in a year — через год 6 to catch up with ['kaetj* 'лр] — догонять кого-либо 7 of the same age — одного возраста 12
Remember: older than I am (he, she is) старше меня (его, её) elder brother (sister, children) старший брат ¦ (сестра, дети) Упражнения I. Если у вас есть братья или сестры, скажите, кто из вас старше. Образец: 1. NICK: I have a brother. He is older than I am. 2. ANN: I have a sister. I am older than she is. II. Спросите у вашего товарища, намного ли старше его брат или сестра* Образец: 1. NICK: My brother is older than I am. ANN: How much older is he? NICK: He is five years older than I am. 2. ANN: I am older than my sister. KATE: How much older are you? ANN: I am three years older than she is. III. Вот две сестры, посмотрите на рисунок и прочитайте подпись к нему. Ответьте на вопросы: This is Ann and this is Lizzy. Ann is 15 years old. Lizzy is one year old. 1. Which is older, Ann or Lizzy? 2. How much older is she? 3. Which is the elder sister? Do you answer these questions as we do? 1. Ann is older than Lizzy. 2. She is 14 years older than Lizzy. 3. Ann is the elder sister. IV. Составьте рассказы по Картинкам: 1. Do the children like to play in the yard? 2. Who helps the small children to put on their dresses? 3. Is it a summer day or a winter day in the picture? 13
1. What form is the smallest boy in? 2. How old is he? What do you think? 3. Who helps him to do his lessons? 4. Is the elder brother a pioneer? 1. Is the small girl a pupil? 2. What form is she in? 3. Who takes her to school every morning? V. Прочитайте текст и догадайтесь, сколько лет Лене и Кате: Lena and Kate are sisters. In 1965 Lena went to school for the first time.1 Kate who studied 2 very well was already a tenth- year pupil.3 How old are the sisters now? Which is the elder of the two? How much older is she? HUMOUR BOBBY: How old are you, Kate? KATE: I am five, and Mother says if I am good and eat everything she gives me, I shall be one year older next birthday. BIG, LARGE, GREAT There are three trees near the bench. Which is the biggest? The tree in the middle is. It is higher than the others. ! for the first time — в первый раз 2 to study — заниматься, учиться 3 tenth-year pupil — ученица десятого класса 14
There are three boys on the bench. Which is the biggest? The boy in the middle is. He is taller than the others. The children are reading books. Which book is bigger? The book of the small boy is bigger. It is very big in size.1 Here are two rooms. One of them is larger than the other. You can see many things in it: a table, a sofa, four chairs, a bookcase2 and a wardrobe.3 But you can place only a bed and a chair in the other room. Valya and Tanya are great friends. They often play together. They like to play in Valya's yard, because it is large: it is wide? there is much place there for the girls to run about. Look at the map of the Soviet Union! How large our country is! It occupies a large area.4 Our country is a great country, because it is the first Socialist State5 in the world. 1 in size — по размеру 2 bookcase — книжный шкаф 3 wardrobe ['woidroub] — гардероб 4 to occupy a large area ['еэпэ] — занимать большое пространство (по площади) 6 Socialist State — социалистическое государство 15
Remember: big большой (по объему, размеру, росту) large большой (по площади), широкий, занимающий много места; многочисленный great большой (великий, выдающийся) Упражнения I. Ответьте на вопросы о нарисованных ниже предметах: Образец: What is big in this picture? The stick is big. The table is big. Etc.1 What is large in this picture? The field is large. The room is large. Etc. BBBD What is big? What is large? f^E_X_?_^ 1 Etc. — И так далее 16
What is big? What is large? II. Заполните пропуски в предложениях словами big, large, great: 1. Our pioneer room is ... . There are two ... tables and twelve chairs in it. There are portraits l of our ... scientists 2 on the wall. 2. Mike and Nick are ... friends. 3. The girl has a ... basket3 full of apples. What a . . apple! 4. On the First of May we have a .,. holiday. 5. In autumn many boys and girls work in our ... school garden. 6. This pencil is too ... for this pencil-box. 7. There are ... fields around our village. 8. The Volga is a ... river. 9. London has many squares; some are small and quiet,4 others are ,.. and busy.5 10. There are cars, buses and ... lorries in the ... streets of London almost all hours of the day and night. 1 portrait — портрет 2 scientist ['saisntist] — ученый 3 basket — корзина 4 quiet — тихий 5 busy — зд. оживленный 17
III. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы, употребляя слова big и large: Mike lives in a big white house in Gorky Street. Mike is a big and strong boy. Every morning he does his morning exercises. Mike's father is an engineer. He works at a big factory. Their factory makes buses, cars and big lorries. Mike's family is large. His elder brother studies at an institute. Mike's sister Tanya is small. Mike is 7 years older than she is. Tanya often goes with her grannyl to the large park which is near their house. 1. Where does Mike live? 2. Is Mike a small boy? 3. Where does his father work? 4. What does the factory make? 5. Is Mike's family small? 6. Is Mike's sister bigger than he is? 7. Where does Tanya often go with her grandmother? IV. Таня нарисовала животных — маленьких и великанов, но все перепутала. Помогите разобраться. Составьте вопросы к картинке (на эти вопросы будут отвечать ваши товарищи). Ниже даны названия животных на английском языке. Образец: 1. Is a mouse bigger than a cat? (No, it is not. A mouse is smaller than a cat.) 2. Is a hare smaller than a mouse? (No, it isn't. A hare is bigger than a mouse.) 1 granny — ласк, бабушка, бабуся 18
3. Is a horse as big as a dog? (No, a horse is bigger than a dog.) 4. Is a hare a big animal? (No, it isn't.) mouse [maus] — мышь hare [hm] — заяц animal ['senimol] — животное elephant ['elifent] — сдон giraffe [d3i7ra:f] — жираф V. Сравните размеры: а) частей света, б) морей. Составьте вопросы по указанному образцу, а ваши товарищи ответят на них. Ниже даны названия стран света и морей. А. Образец: 1. Is Asia larger than Europe? (Yes, it is.) 2. Is Australia as large as America? (No, it is smaller.) Europe ['juarop] — Европа Asia ['ei/э] — Азия Africa ['sefriks] — Африка America [o'menks] — Америка Australia [os'treilp]— Австралия 19
Б. Образец: 1. Is the Black Sea larger than the Baltic Sea? (No, the Baltic Sea is larger.) Is the Sea of Asov as large as the White Sea? (No, the White Sea is larger.) The White Sea ['wait 'si:] — Белое море The Baltic Sea ['boiltik 'si:] — Балтийское море The Sea of Azov ['si: qv 'сс:гот] — Азовское море The Black Sea ['blsek 'si:] — Черное море VI. Игра «Употреби правильно слово». square [skwea] — площадь bridge [bnd3] — мост boat [bout] — лодка jet plane ['d3et 'plem] —реактивный самолет 20
Ведущий задает вопрос: "What is big in this picture?" или "What is large in this picture?" Играющие должны быстро назвать все предметы, которые можно определить словом big или словом large. Например: a big ship, a big house, etc. Выигрывает тот, кто правильно назовет большее количество- словосочетаний. (Используйте для игры картины, которые есть в вашем классе.) VII. Вы все, конечно, читали сказку о Машеньке и трех медведях. Попробуйте рассказать ее по-английски. Пользуйтесь словами, которые вы научились правильно употреблять. Эти вопросы помогут вам рассказать сказку: 1. Where did Masha go one day? 2. What did she see there? 3. Who lived in that house? 4. What did she see in the first room? 5. Were all those things big or small? 6. What plate did she eat from? 7. What did she see in the other room? 8. What bed did she like most? l 9. What happened 2 when the bears came back home? VIII. Прочитайте шутки. Объясните, почему в первом случае употреблено слово large, а во втором — big. "The moon is very large/' the father said. "Millions3 of people could live on it." 1 most [moust] — больше всего 2 to happen ['йаерэп] — случаться 3 million ['miljgn] — миллион 21
"But where will they go when it becomes l a half-moon?" son wondered.2 "Uncle Jim, what did you get the little medal3 for in Army?4 asked a little girl. — For singing marching songs 5 in my company.6 — And what did you get that big medal for? — For stopping. IX. Посмотрите на рисунок и ответьте на вопросы. 1 to become — становиться 2 to wonder ['WAiicte] — удивляться 3 medal ['medl] — медаль 4 army ['cr.mi] — армия 5 marching song — походная песня 6 company ['клтрэш] — воен. рота 22
1. Did the man go fishing? 2. What does he tell his friend? 3. Does the man speak about the same fish each time? 4. Does he show the same size each time? 5. Why was Pif very much surprised? 6. Will they really have a whale for dinner? size [saiz] — размер be surprised [so'praizd] — удивляться really fnohy — действительно whale [weil] — кит to exaggerate [гд'гэеЗзэгей] — преувеличивать TO SAY, TO TELL On Saturday Nick says he wants to go to the cinema on Sunday. On Monday he tells his friends about the film. The teacher comes into the classroom and says, "Good morning!" Then she tells you many interesting things. And what do you say when you see your friend in the street? You say "Hello!" and then you tell him about your school life and about the books you read. Remember: to say (said) сказать что-то to tell (told) рассказать, сообщить кому- либо о чем-либо Упражнения I. Заполните пропуски глаголами to say, to tell: 1. He ... that he doesn't know that boy. 2. My father often ... me about his life in the Arctic. 3. Nick ... us about his summer holidays in the Crimea. 4. ... him that he must bring that book today. 5. Our teacher ... we must read many English books. 6. ... me how to write this word. 7. The old man often ... us about the October Revolution. 23
II. а) Прочитайте предложения в левой колонке. Скажите, кто их обычно произносит (используйте слова из правой колонки). The teacher says, "Good morning!" And who says this: Wash your hands before dinner! How are you feeling today? Here is a letter for you! You may cross the street now. Tickets, please. the conductor l the doctor the militiaman2 the postman 3 mother б) А теперь скажите, с какими распоряжениями обращается к вам учитель. Например: The teacher tells us to open the books. to raise our hands, to answer the question, to come up to her table, to go to our desks, to spell a word, to clean the blackboard, to bring her our day-books. в) Ответьте на вопрос, используя предложения из левой и правой колонок. What does your mother usually tell you to do: in the morning? when you come home from school? in the evening? before you go to bed? to do your homework to go for a walk to wash your hands to help her ill. Переведите на английский язык, используя глаголы to say, to tell: 1. Катя говорит, что она любит кататься на коньках. 2. Расскажите нам о вашем городе. 3. Петя рассказал нам о своих рыбках. 4. Скажите мне, где вы живете? 5. Учитель говорит, что мы хорошо поработали в саду. likes to skate about your town about his fish where do you live worked hard in the garden IV. Выучите диалог наизусть: 1. — Ann always tells us something interesting. — What does she tell you? — She tells us about her summer holidays, about the books which she read, about films. 1 conductor [kon'dAkta] — кондуктор 2 militiaman [mi'lijoman] — милиционер 3 postman ['poustman] — почтальон 24
2. — What does Kate say? — Kate says that we must go to the pioneer room. 3. — Alec, I must tell you something. — What is it, Nick? — Come to me, I can show you an interesting thing. V. Посмотрите на картинки и ответьте на вопросы: 1. What does the boy tell his friends? 2. What does the woman say? 3. What does Nelly tell her mother? VI. Выучите стихотворение: WHAT THEY SAID to see the big fish not to play football in the street about her first day at school "It's four o'clock," Said the cock. "It's still dark," Said the lark.1 "What's that?" Said the cat. "I want to sleep," Said the sheep. "A bad habit," Said the rabbit. "Of course," Said the horse. HUMOUR Tommy came home from his first day at school and said: "The teacher spoke to me." "Well," said the father, "what did she say?" "She told me to sit still," answered Tommy. 1 lark [lci:k] — жаворонок 25
TEACHER: Who can tell me what a zebra is? PETE: I can. TEACHER: Well, what is it? PETE: A zebra is a pony l with a sailor shirt2 on. TO SPEAK, TO TALK Kate or talk? KATE: VALYA: KATE: VALYA KATE: VALYA does not know what is the English for говорить — speak She asks Valya to help her. Valya, can you tell me how to use the words speak and talk? I know they mean говорить but I do not know when I must use talk and when speak. Oh, it is very easy. Listen to my story. We have our English lessons three times a week, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. We all like our lessons very much. We read, write and speak English in class. We never talk at the lessons. When the teacher speaks we sit still and listen. We talk during3 the intervals.4 Oh, I see. When your friends are together, you like to talk about many things. You talk about books and games, and about films. Yes, we tell one another 5 many interesting things but we don't talk in the classroom. We don't talk when our teacher speaks to the class. When somebody speaks, others listen to him. Is that so? Yes, yesterday I spoke to the whole class. We had a meeting.6 "We must speak only English when we are at school," I often say to my friends. 1 pony ['pouni] — пони 2 sailor shirt ['seilo'Jait] — тельняшка 3 during ['djuariij] — во время 4 interval f'mtaval] — перерыв, перемена 5 one another — друг другу 6 meeting ['mirtig] — собрание 26
KATE: We do not use the word talk when one speaks to many people at a meeting or on other official occasions.1 VALYA: That's right. KATE: Thank you. It is really very easy. Remember: to speak (spoke) говорить, выступать с речью, выступать на собрании ¦ to talk говорить, разговаривать, беседовать Пословица: Much talk — little work. (Где много разговоров, там мало дела.) Упражнения I. Что рассказала Валя о своих уроках английского языка? Составьте не менее пяти вопросов по тексту, ваши товарищи ответят на них. Образец: 1. What do Valya and her friends do at their English lessons? 2. Do the pupils speak English in class? 3. Do they talk at the lesson? 4. When do the pupils talk to one another? 5. What do they talk about during the intervals? II. Какой глагол to speak или to talk нужно употребить, давая описание к этим картинкам? 1 on an official occasion [a-'fijal ^kei^n] — в официальной обстановке (на собрании, конференции, митинге и т. д.) 27
А вот еще картинки. Какой нужно употребить глагол: to speak или to talk? ill. Заполните пропуски глаголом to talk или to speak. Переведите эти предложения на русский язык: 1. Nick Popov always ... at our meetings. 2. Do you like to ... at meetings? 3. My grandfather l often ... about the life in old Russia. 4. Do not ... at the lesson. IV. Используйте вопросы и слова, которые помогут вам рассказать о том, как у вас проходит собрание: 1. Who often speaks at your meetings? 2. What does he (she) speak about? 3. Who spoke at the meeting you had last week? 4. What did he (she) speak about? our monitor 2 class work, lessons English teacher English-speaking club V. Чтобы сказать, на каком языке вы говорите или говорили, употребляйте глагол to speak. Например: I speak Russian. — Я говорю по-русски. We learn to speak English. — Мы учимся говорить по-английски. 1 grandfather ['graendfc^Sa] — дедушка 2 monitor ['monrte] — староста 28
Ответьте на вопросы, употребляя глагол to speak. Образец: 1. — Do you speak English at your English lessons? — Yes, we speak English at our English lessons? 2. — Do you speak English at Russian lessons? — No, we don't. We speak Russian at Russian lessons. 1. Do you speak Russian at English lessons? 2. Do you speak English at home? 3. Do you speak English during the intervals? 4. Do your parents speak English? 5. Does your brother (sister) learn to speak English? VI. Составьте небольшой рассказ, который будет озаглавлен "Do not talk at the lesson!" Используйте следующие слова и выражения: to speak only English, to read English books, to spell English words, not to talk at the lesson, to speak to the class, to learn to speak English very well. VII. Переведите на русский язык предложения, в которых употреблены глаголы to speak, to talk, to say из следующего текста: LADY: * Can you talk? PARROT:2 Of course, I can. Now let's see you fly.3 Can animals talk to one another? Of course, they cannot talk as people can, but many animals can express4 joy,5 fear,6 and anger7 by the sounds8 they make. 1 lady ['leidi] — дама 2 parrot ['paerat] — попугай 3 to fly — летать 4 to express [iks'pres] — выражать 5 joy [d30i] — радость 6 fear [fio] — страх 7 anger ['аепдэ] — гнев, злость 6 sound [saund] — звук 29
When a dog says "Gr-r-r" or a cat says "F-f-f", we know they are angry. But they cannot say first / and then am and then angry. Only man can do it, only man can speak. VIII. Заполните пропуски глаголами to speak, to talk, to say, to tell: — I do not understand a word that this man .... He does not ... English. What shall we do? — ... him to write what he ... . LITTLE ONE I am the sister of him And he is my brother. He is too little for us To ... to each other. So every morning I show him My doll, my small clock; But every morning he stilll is Too little to ... . After Dorothy Aldis IX. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения, правильно употребляя глаголы to speak, to tell, to say, to talk: 1. Мы умеем немного говорить по-английски. 2. Учитель часто рассказывает нам об английских детях. 3. Мы не разговариваем, когда говорит учитель. 4. «Давайте пойдем в кино!» — говорит Катя. 5. «Здравствуйте!» — говорит нам учительница, когда входит в класс. 6. «Не разговаривайте!» — сказал человек шепотом.2 7. — О чем/они часто разговаривают? — О фильме «Чапаев». Он им очень понравился. 1 still — все еще 2 in a whisper ['wispa] — шепотом 30
X. Посмотрите на рисунок и ответьте на вопросы. 1. Why did the people gather in the room? 2. Who stands at the chair? 3. What does he do? 4. Why do the people leave the room? 5. Is the lecturer a good speaker? 6. Why do you think he is not a good speaker? XI. Отгадайте загадку: In what month do children talk the least? l XII. Выучите стихотворение: A wise2 old owl3 lived in an oak. The more 4 he saw, the less he spoke. The less he spoke, the more he heard. Why can't we all be like that wise old bird? lecture ['lekt/Ъ] — лекция lecturer ['lekt/ora] — лектор chair — кафедра, место для лектора dull [dAl] — скучный to leave (left, left) — покидать 3 the least — меньше всего 2 wise [waiz] — мудрый, благоразумный 3 ewl [aul] — сова 4 the more ... the less — чем больше .... тем меньше 31
HAND, ARM Ann has a basket in her hand. Now she has it on her right arm. Look at this boy. His hands are dirty. He must go to the bathroom and wash his hands. In the street he sees how two men shake hands. We say: the hand of a clock — стрелка часов the arm of a chair — ручка кресла Remember: to wave one's hand махать рукой (при прощании) to raise one's hand поднять руку ¦ to shake hands здороваться Упражнения I. Заполните пропуски словами hand, arm: You see a boy with a dog in his ... . When you do your morning exercises, you raise your .... 32
At the meeting people raise their .... The captains are shaking their ... after the game. This woman has a receiver l in her right ... and her bag on her left .... Don't sit on the ... of the chair. II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы: 1. Do you wash your arms or only your hands in the morning? (before dinner? when you go to bed?) 2. Must people write with their right hand or with their left hand? 3. Do you raise your arm or your hand when you want to answer at lessons? 4. Do you carry your bag in your hand or under your arm? 5. Which hand is stronger, the right or the left? 6. Are your arms tired after you work in the garden? receiver [n'skva] — телефонная трубка 33
III. Посмотрите на рисунки и ответьте на вопросы, употребляя слова arm и hand. Используйте данные предлоги: Where is his box? Where is his hammer? Where are her flowers? Where are her flowers now? Where is her bag? under in on in in IV. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык: Возьми карандаш в правую руку. У тебя грязные руки, пойди и помой их. У маленькой Тани в руках белый котенок. У мамы на руках маленький Коля. Возьми карту под руку, а портфель в левую руку. V. Посмотрите на рисунки и составьте короткие рассказы. 34
A VISIT TO A HOSPITAL 1. Why is Mike in the hospital? 2. Who came to see him? 3. What has the girl in her left hand and in her right hand? 4. What has the boy under his arm? 5. Is Mike glad to see his friends? his arm is broken box of sweets 2 PETE GOES TO A PIONEER CAMP 1. Where do pioneers go every summer? 2. When do they go to the pioneer camp? 3. What do children do there? 4. What has Pete in his hand? 5. Has he anything under his arm? 6. What does his mother do? (to) a pioneer camp in summer to play, to swim, to sing to go to the forest, to the river to read books fishing rod 3 to wave one's hand H UMOUR "I don't know why I must wash my hands before school?^ asked Tommy. "Why not?" said his mother. "I never raise them in class." VI. Отгадайте загадки: 1. What are hands that cannot hold4 anything? 2. What is without hands and without feet, without head or body, but can open a door? 3. A flower planted in the hand, that blossoms5 when it rains. 4. No hands, but waves. What is it? 1 is broken [broukn] — сломана 2 box of sweets — коробка конфет 3 fishing rod — удочка 4 to hold [hould] — держать 5 to blossom — цвести 35
LEGS, FEET, PAWS l A man has two legs. A bird has two legs, too. Do you see the children's legs? No, you don't. You see only their feet. But a dog has four legs. Do you see their feet now? No, you don't. The children keep 2 their feet in the water. In winter people put warm shoes on their feet. Do animals wear 3 shoes on their feet? No, they don't. 1 paw [рэ:] — лапа 2 to keep — держать 3 to wear — носить 36
Why is the elephant screaming?1 A gnat2 stepped3 on his foot. If our shoes are dirty, we leave footmarks 4 on the floor. Wipe5 your feet before you come into the room. Look! The cat is very tidy.6 It washes its paw, too. It never leaves footmarks on the floor. Where is the cat? It sits at Kate's feet. You know now when to say the three words about living beings.7 But do you know how to use these words about things? Look at this girl! Her legs support8 her body. Look at these things, their legs support their bodies. 1 to scream [skri:m] — пронзительно кричать 2 gnat [naet] — комар 3 to step — шагать, ступать 4 to leave [li:v] footmarks ['futmarks] — наследить, оставить след 5 to wipe [waip] — вытирать 3 tidy ['taidi] — опрятный, аккуратный 7 living beings — живые существа (человек, животные и т. п.) 8 to support — поддерживать 37
Remember: leg нога foot (pi feet) стопа paw [рэ:] лапа to wipe one's feet вытирать ноги to step on one's foot наступать на ногу footmark f'futmctrk] след to leave footmarks наследить Упражнения I. Заполните пропуски под рисунками: Note: the legs of a chair the legs of a table the legs of a bed The boy kicksl the ball with his ... . This ... of the chair is shorter than that one. The horse is standing on three .... Pigeons 2 the ... walk among of passers-by.3 1 to kick — бить, ударить 2 pigeon ('pterin] — голубь 3 passer-by — прохожий 38
II. Посмотрите на рисунки из серии «Приключения Пифа», прочитайте рассказ и ответьте на вопросы. This woman cleans the floor of her room every morning. Then she hangs up a notice: l "Wipe your feet." But her family do not like to do it. They do not wipe their feet before they come into the room. What must the woman do? She thinks a little 2 and then she puts a big stick near the notice. Does the stick help? What does Pif do now before he comes into the room? 1 to hang up a notice — вывешивать табличку, объявление 2 a little — немного 39
III. Ответьте на вопросы: How many legs has a bee1 (a fly,2 a caterpillar3)? Are the heron's4 legs short? Whose legs are shorter? (sparrow 5) Are the boy's feet clean? What must he do before he comes into the room? IV. Посмотрите на рисунки и ответьте на вопросы. *х& 1. Why did the mother bring her son to the doctor? 2. Why cannot the boy walk? 3. Does the doctor understand what happened to his patient? 4. Do such things often happen to small boys? What do you think? patient ['pei/ant] — больной, пациент trouser-leg [Чгаигэ,1ед] — штанина 1 bee [bi:] — пчела 2 fly [flai] — муха 3 caterpillar ['kaetepila] — сороконожка 4 heron ['heron] — цапля 5 sparrow ['spaerou] — воробей 40
1. What did the boy make in the yard? I 2. What did he use to make the nose? 3. What did the boy see when he went out in the yard next morning? 4. Who ate the carrot? 5. Why do you think it was a rabbit? | V. Отгадайте: 1. How many people passed1 here? How did you know this? 2. When have birds four legs? 3. What runs for ever 6 without any legs? 4. Has no legs, but goes, has no eyes, but cries. 5. I have legs, One, two, three, four, But I can't walk Across the floor. 6. How can a cat go into a cellar3 with four feet, and come back with eight? TO GO, TO COME, TO WALK The teacher says, "Nick, come here." Nick goes up to the teacher. They talk. Nick answers all the questions. Then the teacher says, "Good, Nick. You speak English very well. Go to your place." 1 to pass [pa:s] (passed) — проходить 3 for ever — вечно, постоянно 2 cellar fselaj — подвал 41 carrot ['kseratj — морковь rabbit ['rsebit] — кролик to eat (ate, eaten) — кушать, есть
Nick and Pete are good friends. Nick comes to Pete at 8 o'clock in the morning and they go to school together. As the school is near their home, they don't go by bus or tram, they always walk there. On their way* to school they see how a boy falls off his bicycle, he cannot walk now. The boys go up to him and help him. Remember: to come (came) приходить, приезжать to go (went) идти, ехать to walk ходить пешком, гулять to go up (to) I to come up (to) } подходить Упражнения I. Прочитайте предложения и ответьте на вопросы: Every day Ann goes to school at 8 o'clock. Does she walk or does she go by tram? At what time does she come home? Pete's father goes to the factory at 7 o'clock. At what time does he come to the factory? On Sunday Pete's sister goes to the theatre. Does she come in time? on their way — по дороге 42
II, Заполните пропуски глаголами to go, to come, to walk в нужной форме. 1. The boy asked his father to ... to the Zoo.1 They did not ... there, they went by the metro. Soon they ... to the Zoo. At first they decided 2 to ... to the bears. Then they ... to see the elephant. At 3 o'clock they ... home. 2. In autumn many birds ... from our country to the warm South. In spring boys and girls ... to gardens and put bird houses in the trees. Now birds ... back to their homes. 3. The doctor says that these boys must ... much. Their camp is far from the forest but every morning they ... there. They ... back in the afternoon. Now the boys are strong and healthy3 because they ... every day. III. Ответьте на вопросы сами, а затем предложите их своим товарищам. 1. Do you go to school in the morning or in the day-time? 2. Do you go to school by tram or by bus, or do you walk? Is it pleasant to walk in the morning? 3. Do you go to your sports club after school? 4. What do you do when you come home? 5. Do you ask your friend to come to you on Sunday? 6. Do you go with him to walk in the park or to play in the yard? 7. Can you walk many hours? IV. Составьте диалоги, используя данные образцы (звездочкой обозначены слова для подстановки): 1. — Let's go to the Pioneer House.* — All right. — Shall we walk or shall we go by bus?** — We had better walk. It is not far from here. * to the park, to the skating- rink, to the cinema, to the forest ** by tram, by trolley-bus, by train, by bicycle, by car 1 the Zoo — зоопарк 9 to decide — решать 3 healthy ['helOi] — здоровый 43
Come to me and we shall go to visit Boris. He is ill.* All right, but I'll come to you at 6 o'clock when my parents come home after work.** Will you come to me tomorrow? * No, I can't. I must go to library.** * he invited l us, he is in the hospital, he broke his leg ** when I finish my homework, when I come home after training,2 when school is over * in the evening, at 5 o'clock, on Monday ** to the Music School, to the sports club, to the doctor V. Составьте рассказ по картинке с помощью вопросов: 1. Is it spring or summer? 2. Is it a warm day? 3. Are the trees green? 4. Do the children have their holidays? 5. Are they in summer clothes or in winter clothes? 6. How. old are they? 7. Which is older, the boy or the girl? _ 8. With whom do they go? 9. Do they like to walk? they tired? pleasant3 to walk in the country? 10. 11. Are Is it VI. Прочитайте шутки и ответьте на вопросы: — Have you a sister, Nick? — Yes, I have a sister six months old. — Can she walk? — No, she is too lazy.4 Is Nick's sister lazy? What do you think? Why cannot she walk? 1 to invite — приглашать 2 training — тренировка 3 pleasant [pleznt] — приятный 4 lasy ['leizi] — ленивый 44
• One absent-minded1 painter2 painted the ceiling3 and said, "Be careful, and don't let anybody walk on it." Can a man walk on the ceiling? Why did the painter say so? JOHN: Do you go to school with your mother? BILL: No, I don't. I am in the second form. I go to school myself. It was in the first form that I went to school with my mother. JOHN: Why? My brother is in the fifth form and the teacher told him not to come to school without mother. Why must John's brother come to school with his mother? Your teacher does not tell you to come to school with your mother, does she? VII. Отгадайте загадки: 1. What is that which can play but cannot walk? 2. What is the animal which walks on two legs? 3. Why do we all go to bed? 4. Three girls walked to school under one umbrella.4 Why didn't any of them get wet? 5 A GOOD RULE After dinner sit a while,6 After supper walk a mile.7 1 absent-minded ['aebsant 'maindid] — рассеянный 2 painter ['peinto] — маляр 3 ceiling — потолок 4 umbrella [лт'Ьге1э] — зонтик 5 to get wet — промокнуть 6 a while [wail] — немного 7 mile [mail] — миля 45
HOME, HOUSE This is the house where Nick lives. It is a new big house made of bricks.1 Nick likes his house and the trees round it. It is his home. In the evening all the family is at home. Birds and animals also have their homes. The home of the Polar bear2 is in the Arctic. Many birds have two homes, one in the South, the other in the North. In summer many birds come to our country and make their homes in trees. R em ember: house дом (само строение) home место, где вы живете, ваш домашний ¦ очаг, родной дом, родина Note: to go home идти домой to come home приходить домой but: to be at home быть дома Proverbs: Make yourself at home. (Будьте как дома.) East or west home is best. (Нет лучше места, чем родной дом.) ! made of bricks — построенный из кирпича 2 Polar bear — северный медведь
Упражнения Прочитайте рассказ, обращая внимание на употребление слов home house. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. Where does Achouna live? 2. What is his home? 3. What is his house made of? 4. Is his house small or big? 5. When does he leave his home? Why? 6. Why couldn't he find his house? AN ESKIMO BOY Achouna is a little Eskimo boy. He lives in the Arctic and he likes it very much. It is his home. His house is made ofl snow. In spring Achouna leaves2 his home and goes hunting. Once he was lost3 in the cold country. He couldn't find his home. Suddenly he saw a small house as white as snow. He was very glad. This house was his dear home. II. Заполните пропуски словом home или house: 1. They walked and walked and came to an old This nice little ... is made of wood. 2. The tree is the ... of this squirrel. 1 is made of — сделан из 2 to leave — покидать 3 he was lost — он потерялся 47
3. Our dog made his ... in an old box. 4. "I must make this island my ...," said Robinson Crusoe. III. Переведите предложения на русский язык и объясните употребление слов home, house: 1. The small house Vladimir Ilyich lived in during his first exile l in Kokushkino is rebuilt2 now. 2. November 7 is a holiday in every Soviet home. 3. My country is my home. 4. My grandmother likes to talk of her home in the country. 5. The old house is dear to him as the home of his childhood. 6. Many birds and wild animals live in the jungle,3 it is their home. IV. Составьте небольшие рассказы: 1) о себе, своих товарищах, знакомых; 2) о птицах, за жизнью которых вы любите наблюдать. Используйте в рассказах следующие фразы: 1) to live in a big (small, old, new) house; the house is made of bricks (stone, wood); not far from the house; behind (in front) of the house; to like one's home; to be at home; to leave home (at 8 o'clock); to come home (at 3 o'clock); 1 exile f'eksail] — ссылка 2 is rebuilt — восстановлен 3 jungle ['a^Arjgl] — джунгли 48
2) to come from the South; summer home of the birdte; to build a nestl; to make a home in (a tree, on the ground, in the grass); to lay eggs2; mother birds; young birds; to give them food. V. Отгадайте загадки: 1. What house I built without hands and an axe3? 2. Who carries his house with him? 3. What house has many people inside, but neither windows nor doors? VI. Выучите стихотворение: The house of a mouse Is a very little house, Is a green little house in the grass, Which big clumsy folk4 May hunt and jnay poke 5 And still never see as they pass This sweet little house in the grass. 1 nest — гнездо 2 to *fay eggs — откладывать яйца 3 axe [aeks] — топор 4 clumsy folk — грубые, неуклюжие люди 5 may hunt and may poke [pouk] — зд. могут разрушать 49
TO DO, TO MAKE These two words are very important.1 In Russian you use them many times a day. You ask your friend when you see him: «Что ты делал вчера вечером? А что будешь делать после урока?» Не answers: «Вчера я делал полку для книг, а сегодня, после того как сделаю уроки, буду играть в шахматы». It is always the word делать in Russian. But there are two words for it in English: to do and to make. What do you usually do in the morning? In the morning you do your morning exercises. What do you usually do at school? At the arithmetic lessons you do sums. At your English lesson you do some exercises. What do you usually do after school? After school you do your homework, you help your mother to do housework. But there are many things which people make with their own 2 hands. 1 important — важный 2 own [oun] — собственный 50
Your mother always makes dinner for you. And, what can you make with your own hands? Can you make a bird-house or a shelf for your books? Of course, you can make something with your own hands. Remember: to do (did) выполнять какую-либо работу, быть занятым какой-то работой to make (made) делать, создавать что-то ¦ своими руками Note: to do homework, housework to do exercises to do morning exercises to do sums to make a house to make a dinner to make a dress Упражнения I. Ответьте на вопросы: What does the carpenter l make? What do little children like to make in winter? What does the girl usually do after school? What does the woman make? What do people make at this factory? What does Nick's mother usually make for his birthday? to make a table to make a snowman to do exercises to make a dress to make shoes to make a cake II. Запомните выражение to make one's bed, которое значит стелить, оправлять постель. Ответьте на вопросы, используя образец: Who makes your * bed? I make my bed myself. carpenter ['kor.pinte] — плотник your sister's bed, your brother's bed, your mother's bed, vour father's bed 51
III. Составьте предложения, употребляя глаголы do и make: Pupils Workers do make their the a homework boxes i morning exercises bird-houses bicycles I sums | snow-man book-shelf lorries IV. Заполните пропуски глаголом to do или to make в нужной форме. ABOUT MY FRIEND PETE In the to do sums, to do exercises, to make chairs, to do one's homework, to do one's morning exercises, to make one's bed, to make breakfast morning Pete ... and .... His mother .... Pete goes to school. At the arithmetic lessons the pupils ... and at the Russian lesson they .... In the workroom the pupils .... After school Pete goes home and .... V. Составьте рассказ о себе, используя упражнение IV и следующие выражения: to make a skating-rink in the yard, to make bird-houses, little t>oats, to be glad to do something useful,1 to do something well. VI. Составьте диалоги, используя образцы: PETE: What do you do after school, Nick? NICK: I go to the Pioneer Palace.* PETE: What do you do there? We make models2 of planes, ships, lorries, and sputniks.** NICK: to the school workshop * to make tools, shelves, rockets 1 useful ['juisful] — полезный 2 model ['modi] — модель 52
Remember: to make fire разводить костер to make tea приготавливать чай PETE: I say, Nick! Why don't you make your bed? And besides we must go to the kitchen * to help, we are on duty today. NICK: What else must we do? PETE: We must also make a fire. And don't forget to take a kettle, we must make tea! ** * to the pioneer room, to the collective farm ** to make benches, to help the farmers, to do useful things ANN: Did you have a camp fire at the pioneer camp? LENA: Of course1, we did. ANN: Who made the fire? LENA: The pioneers of the senior2 groups. ANN: And what did you do round the fire? LENA: We danced and played games.* * to sing (sang) songs, to tell (told) each other stories VII. Составьте рассказ по картинке. 9:3=2. AT THE ARITHMETIC3 LESSON 1. What lesson do the pupils have? 2. What form are the pupils in? 3. What did the boy do at the blackboard? 4. Did he do sums well? 5. Look at the footmarks 4 the boy made. Isn't it the mark 5 he will get? of course [ov 7ko:s] — конечно senior ['siinjo] — старший arithmetic O'nGmatik] — арифметика footmark ['futmark] — след ноги mark [mci.k] — оценка 53
PIF MAKES A ROCKET1 1. What did Pif make? 2. Did he work hard to make the rocket? 3. Can you say that Pif is a clever dog? 4. Can you make such rockets? 5. Do you want to be a spaceman 2 (space- woman)? VII. Посмотрите на рисунки и ответьте на вопросы. 1. Did it snow heavily at night? 2. Was the caretaker glad to see so much snow? 3. Who helped him to sweep the yard? 4. How did they do it? 5. Was it kind of the children to have done so? 6. Is the caretaker grateful? it snowed heavily — шел обильный снег caretaker ['keo,teiko] — дворник to sweep (swept, swept) — мести grateful — благодарный 1 rocket ['rokit] — ракета 2 spaceman f'speisman] — космонавт 54
IX. Отгадайте загадки: The teacher writes on me with chalk; My face is black, I cannot talk; Unlike the boys whose voices l hum 2 I do my work remaining dumb.3 I am not an artist4 with pencil and pen, But I make portraits 5 of women and men, Of all the people that I ever see. Come, tell me truly What can I be? Proverbs: Promise little, but do much. (Обещай мало, но делай много.) Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. (He откладывай до завтра то, что можешь сделать сегодня.) As you make your bed, so you must lie [lai] on it. (Что посеешь, то и пожнешь.) HUMOUR — Mother made a shirt6 for me and I helped her. — What did you do? — I sat still. 1 voice [vdis] — голос 2 to hum [плт] — шуметь 3 remaining dumb [cUm] — оставаясь безмолвным 4 artist — художник 5 portrait — портрет 6 shirt — рубашка и ¦
• UNCLE: Well, Johnny, what will you do when vou grow up.1 JOHNNY: I'll grow a beard.2 UNCLE: What for? JOHNNY: So I won't have so much face to wash. LITTLE TOMMY: The sum that you helped me to do was all wrong,3 Daddy. FATHER: All wrong? Well, I'm sorry. TOMMY: Well, you needn't worry4 about it, because all other daddies were wrong too. HIGH, TALL NICK: Look, Victor, what a tall man is walking there. VICTOR: Why do you say a tall man and not a high man? NICK: If you want to say высокий about people or animals you must always say tall. VICTOR: So we may say that you are a tall boy? NICK: Yes, you are right. And here is a question for you: "Which is the tallest animal?" 1 to grow up — расти (о человеке) 2 beard [biad] — борода 3 wrong [roij] — неправильный 4 you needn't worry — не беспокойся 56
%я&^ VICTOR: Oh, it is not a difficult question. The tallest animal is the giraffe. NICK: Look at the girl. She wants to be taller than she is. VICTOR: Now answer my question: "Which is the highest mountain?" NICK: I think it is Everest. VICTOR: Yes, you are right. NICK: Now look around and say what is high here? VICTOR: Oh, the building of the Moscow University is very high. NICK: Quite right. Now remember this: we can say tall about things too, but about such things which are not very wide, for instance a building, tall grass. tall tree, a tall column1, a tall Remember: tall 1) высокий (о росте человека, животного)] 2) высокий (о здании или предмете). high высокий (о различных предметах, но не о людях и не о животных) Упражнения I. Заполните пропуски словом high или tall: 1. Snowdon 2 is the ... mountain in England and Wales. 2. That ... column over there is Nelson's monument. 3. The tree was so ... that he was afraid 3 to jump down. 1 column ['kolam] — колонна 2 Snowdon [snoudn] — Сноудон 3 to be afraid — бояться (гора в Англии) 57
4. John is ... than other boys in his class. 5. "I want to ring the bell, but it is too ... and I am not ... enough," said the boy. 6. Do you see that ... wall round the Kremlin? 7. I don't know who lives on the other side of that... fence.1 8. Many years ago peoples built ... walls round their cities. II. Правильно соедините слова из колонки А со словами из колонки В. а А high tall boy wall desk girl horse J hill bench В woman table lorry mountain i window 1 door man III. Ответьте на вопросы, используя образцы: Which is taller, your friend or you? * 2. — Which is the tallest boy in your class? * — Steve is. * your sister, your brother, the pupil who sits in front of you, the boy who lives next door to you * in your football team,2 in your yard, in your house, in class В, С, in your link3 IV. Посмотрите на рисунки и ответьте на вопросы: Is the tree as high as the house? 1 fence — забор 2 team [ti:m] — команда 3 link — звено 58
?^л V! Is Mike as tall as Steve? Why cannot the girl get an apple? Why cannot the boy wash himself? wash-basin [Awo/fbeisn] умывальная раковина Why cannot the boy hang his coat? hook [huk] крючок (вешалки) V. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. What building is the highest in your town? 2. Which is higher Elbrus or Kasbek? 3. Did you ever climb l high hills? 4. Which is the tallest boy in your class? 5. What tall animals do you know? VI. Составьте рассказ по картинкам: THEY LOST THEIR WAY2 1. Is it summer or winter? 2. Are the children in the maize- fields? 3 3. Is the maize very tall? 1 to climb [klaim] — взбираться, лазать 2 to lose [luz] one's way — заблудиться 3 maize-field ['meizfi:ld] — кукурузное поле maize — кукуруза 59
4. Why cannot the children see each other? 5. Are the children big or small? BASKET-BALL GAME 1. What game do they want to play? 2. Where do they play basket-ball? 3. Is the captain of the team on the right as tall as all other players? 4. What has the captain in his hand? 5. Which team will win l the one on the right or the one on the left? Why do you think so? a basket — корзина a team — команда field — поле VII. Отгадайте загадки: 1. Higher than a house, 2. What is higher Higher than a tree — Without the head than Oh, whatever can that be? With the head? to win — победить
VIII. Посмотрите на рисунки и ответьте на вопросы. 1. Is the winner tall? 2. What did he do to become taller? 3. Did it help him? 4. Why do you think it did? 5. Is the winner resourceful? winner ['win»] — победитель place of honour ['эпэ] — почетное место stool Jstu:l] — табуретка resourceful [ri/sD:sful] — находчивый IX. Выучите стихотворение: THE BABY GIRAFFE It's very easy for a child, To pick the flowers growing wild.1 But for a child as tall as me, It isn't easy as you ^ee. by Samuel Marshak HUMOUR — Papa, are you growing taller all the time? — No, child. Why do you ask? — Because the top of your head2 is poking through up3 your hair. 1 flowers growing wild — полевые цветы 2 top of the head — макушка головы 3 is poking through up ... — выступает и виднеется над ... 61
FOOD, MEAL Let us look at the table. What can you see on it? You see bread, butter, milk, sugar, eggs. It is our food. People can't live without food. If you go on a hike,1 or to the forest you take food with you. Animals cannot live without food, and you certainly give your dog, cat or fish some food. Look, the boy gives food to his fish every morning. The mother-bird gives food to the little birds every day. Now look at Nick. He has breakfast in the morning. It is his first meal. He has four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper. He has his second meal at school, at 3 o'clock he has his third meal. Supper is the last meal of the day. Remember: food [fu:d] пища, пищевые продукты meal jmi:l] принятие пищи, еда (завтрак, Ш обед, ужин) 1 to go on a hike — идти в поход 62
Упражнения I. Заполните пропуски словом food или meal и запомните эти полезные советы: 1. Wash your hands before each .... 2. Don't talk during the ... . 3. Don't throw ... under the table. 4. Don't put your ... in the other people's plates. 5. Don't make faces when you see ... that you don't like. 6. Say "Thank you" after each .... II. Ответьте на вопросы по картинкам: Why is the girl so stout? 1 Why does the girl make faces? Why is the fish so thin? What do these little children do? Why did the cat jump on the table? 1 stout [staut] - * to steal [sti:I] толстый - воровать to take much food not to like food not to give food to have meal to steal2 food 63
IП. Прочитайте рассказ и ответьте на вопросы: Today is Kate's birthday. Нет mother buys ' much food. Kate comes home from school and helps her mother to lay the table and put the food on the table. The food is good and all guests like it very much. When the meal is over, Kate and her friends sing, dance and play games. 1. Whose birthday is it? 2. What does Kate's mother buy? 3. Where does Kate put the food? 4. Is the food good? 5. What do Kate's friends do when the meal is over? IV. Посмотрите на рисунок и ответьте на вопросы. 1. Why did the woman come to the river on such a frosty day? 2. Can you say that the man is an inveterate fisherman? 3. Why doesn't he have his dinner at home? 4. Did the man catch a lot of fish? 5. Is there any hope for these people that they would eat fish-soup some day? 6. Did the man fish for pleasure? What do you think? fisherman — рыболов inveterate [m'vetent] — заядлый without a break — беспрерывно for pleasure ['р1езэ] — ради удовольствия fish-soup ['fi/suip] — уха to hope against hope — надеяться, не имея для этого оснований 1 to buy — покупать
V. Расскажите о себе, отвечая на следующие вопросы: 1. How many meals a day do you have? 2. Do you wash your hands before each meal? 3. Who cooks the food in your family? 4. Do you help your mother to buy the food? 5. Do you have a good meal in the morning? 6. Do you have your second meal at school or at home? 7. Do you eat your meals in the kitchen or in the living- room? 8. Is your food tasty? 9. Do you put much salt in your food? 10. Do you have a rest after your meal? VI. Переведите вопросы, затем предложите товарищам ответить на них: 1. Ты берешь с собой еду в школу? 2. Какую пищу ты больше всего любишь? 3. Ты моешь тарелки после еды? VII. Отгадайте загадки: 1. What horse needs no food? 2. What animal can go without food and water for a long time? 3. What is it that you have at every meal but never eat?
СЕДЬМОЙ КЛАСС ANOTHER, ELSE Неге are two Russian sentences: 1. Дайте мне еще яблоко. 2. Кто еще хочет яблоко? Please, say it in English. Do you say the sentences as I do? 1. Give me another apple, please. 2. Who else wants an apple? Yes, that's right. The Russian word еще is translated into English differently, sometimes as another, sometimes as else. When do we say another and when do we say else? Victor raises his hand. VICTOR: When I say 'Please, give me another apple', I want to say 'Please, give me one more apple (еще одно яблоко)*. You know that I have a friend who lives in Minsk. His name is Bob. I read his letters to you some days ago. But yesterday I got another letter from Bob, one more letter. Is that right? TEACHER: Yes, that's right, Victor. Remember, that we may use the word another only with things which we can count (apple, letter, pencil) and only in the singular form ' because another means еще один, еще одна, еще одно. singular form — единственное число 66
Remember: another еще один (одна, одно) Упражнения I. Вы видите нарисованные предметы, а ниже — их названия на английском языке. Подберите названия к изображенным предметам и составьте предложения по указанному в рамке образцу: Can you give me another... ? piece ! of bread, pen, apple, sweet, piece of cake, pencil, ball, egg, plate of soup, book, glass of tea, peace of sugar. II. Ответьте на вопросы, употребляя слово another. Образец: — Kate has eaten one apple. What is she doing now? — She is eating another apple. Bob has written one word on the blackboard. What is he doing now? 1 piece [pi:s] — кусок 67
The woman has taken one loaf of brown bread. What is she doing now? Kate raises her hand. She wants another cup of milk. Who else wants another cup of milk? The workers have just made one tractor. What are they doing now? TEACHER: Now we shall speak about the word else. When do we use this word? SASHA: We use else after such words as who, what, where in questions. For instance: Victor has a pen-friend. Who else has a pen-friend? 68
TEACHER: Good. Sasha. We use the word else in questions after who, what, where and we use it in answers to such questions, with indefinite pronouns, like this: — Who else is absent today? — Nobody else. Remember: else еще (употребляется с вопросительными ¦ словами who, what, where) Упражнения I. Составьте короткие диалоги по образцам: a) ALEC: I like to ski. Who else likes to ski? MIKE: I do. ALEC: And who else? STEVE: I like to ski, too. ALEC: Who else? (Silence.) TEACHER: Alec, you like to ski. Who else likes to ski? ALEC: Mike and Steve do. TEACHER: And who else? ALEC: Nobody else. b) c) NICK: ALEC: NICK: ALEC: KATE: NICK: KATE: NICK: KATE: NICK: KATE: 1 to draw [dro:] - You like to ski, Alec. What else do vou like to do? I like to read books. What else? I like to draw.1 I went to the cinema yesterday. What else did you do? I helped my mother to cook dinner. What else? I olayed with my little sister. What else did you do? Nothing else. - рисовать 69
d) ANN: I shall go to school. MIKE: What else will you do tomorrow? ANN: I shall do my lessons. MIKE: And what else? ANN: I shall go for a walk. MIKE: What else? ANN: Something else; perhaps I shall write a letter to my pen-friend. II. Прочитайте тексты к картинкам. Ответьте на вопросы, затем предложите их своему товарищу, пусть он ответит на них, а потом задаст эти же вопросы другому ученику. В ответах используйте сочетание слов, данные ниже. This large square in our town is always full of people l and transport. There are a lot of2 birds here too. Look! They are near the monument. Where else do you see birds? (at the monument, on a roof, on a balcony, at the fence, at a car, in a tree, under a tree, at a child's feet, at a man's feet, on a branch,3 in the sky) 1 full of people — полна народу 2 a lot of — много 3 branch [bra:ntj] — ветка 70
This is a May Day demonstration in the Red Square. People are marching past l the Mausoleum.2 They are carrying3 portraits of our leaders,4 and flags, and slogans.5 Look! There are a lot of stars everywhere. You see them on the Kremlin Towers.6 Where else do you see stars? (on the Kremlin Towers, on a girl's dress, on flags, on a balloon,7 on the Lenin Museum,8 in a girl's hand) III. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. What do you usually do on Sunday? * 2. What else? 3. Where else do you go? 4. Who else goes (plays, etc.) with you? ** * to read books, to play games, to draw, to go to the cinema, to go to the theatre,9 to go to museums, to go out of town,10 to write letters, to go for a walk ** parents, sister, brother, classmates,11 uncle, aunt 1 to march past — проходить 2 the Mausoleum F.mDisa'liiam] — Мавзолей 3 to carry — нести 4 portraits of leaders — портреты вождей 6 slogan — лозунг 6 the Kremlin Towers — Кремлевские башни 7 balloon [ЬУ1и:п] — шар 8 the Lenin Museum [mju'ziam] — Музей Ленина 9 theatre ['Grata] — театр 10 to go out of town — выезжать за город 11 class-mate — одноклассник 71
HEAVY, DIFFICULT Which of these two meir is the strongest? The man on the rightl is. He has lifted 2 three heavy weights.3 Could Mike do it? No, Mike is not as strong as these men. But if he goes in for sports, he will be able to lift such heavy weights and even heavier. Can this girl answer the question? No, the question is difficult. Why cannot the boy do the sum? Because it is difficult. Is it difficult for the men to carry the refrigerator? Yes, it is. The refrigerator is heavy. Is it difficult for the old woman to carry the box? Yes, it is. The box is heavy. 1 on the right — справа 2 to lift — поднимать 3 weight [weit] — штанга, груз 72
Remember: heavy ['hevi] тяжелый (no весу) ¦ difficult трудный (для выполнения) Упражнения I. Заполнить пропуски словом heavy или difficult: 1. Why cannot you lift this stone? Because it is ... . 2. Why cannot you spell this word? Because it is ... . 3. Why cannot you answer this question? Because it is ... . 4. Why cannot you carry this basket? Because it is ... . 5. Why cannot you translate this text? Because it is ... . 6. Why cannot you open the door? Because it is ... . II. Составьте подписи к картинкам. Ниже даны сочетания слов, которые помогут вам сделать это. Образец: It is not difficult for me to do my homework. to get up early in the morning, to carry a box, to plant a tree, to clean the blackboard, to make a dress, to walk to school, to make a bookshelf, to lay the table, to post a letter, to get a book off a shelf, to write a letter to a pen-friend, to ring a bell ?a
III. Составьте подписи к картинкам, употребляя слова heavy и difficult: crane [krem] подъемный кран to lift поднимать to cross the street переходить улицу IV. Составьте рассказы по картинкам: 1. Where is the boy going? 2. What is he carrying? 3. Why is it difficult for him to carry the rucksack? 74
4. Did it become heavier when a butterfly sat on it? Why not? 5. Are butterflies heavy? rucksack ['rukssek] - butterfly ['foteflai] рюкзак бабочка 1. What did the children make? 2. Where did they hang it? 3. Is the tree big and strong? 4. Why did it bend over? bird-house — скворечник to hang (hung, hung) — подвешивать thin [0m] — тонкий to bend over — сгибаться, сог- HVTbCH 1. What form is the boy in? 2. He takes his books with him to school, doesn't he? 3. What else does he take to school? 4. Who gives it to him? 5. Why did the boy bend over? lunch [Ый/] — завтрак (второй), ленч HUMOUR I think it was difficult for you when you were in England. You don't speak English well. Oh, no! It was not difficult for me, but for the English people it was! 75
V. Посмотрите на рисунки и ответьте на вопросы. а) 4. 5. 6. Where is the boy going? Is it difficult for him to carry his bag? Why? What does the boy do to make it lighter? 1 Why did he stop? What happened to the bag? Why did it fly away? to fasten ['fa:sn] — прикреплять balloon [Ьэ'1и:п] — шар to play marbles ['mcr.blz] — играть в мраморные шарики (детская игра) to fly (flew, flown) away — улетать, улететь 1 light — легкий 76
b) 1. What did Granny ask Pif to do? 2. Is it difficult for Pif to lift the bag? Why not? 3. Why did it suddenly become very easy? 4. Did Pif help Granny? potatoes [pa'teitouz] — картофель cellar ['seb] — погреб patch [pset/] — заплата to tear (jW| (tore, torn) — рваться to pour out ['porr'aut] — высыпаться) LIGHT, EASY The boy is light. Is the woman light? No, she is not light, she is heavy. 77
It is easy for the woman to carry this box. The box is light. Is it easy for the boy to walk? No, it is difficult, because his boots are not light, they are heavy. Remember: light [lait] = not heavy = легкий (no весу) easy = not difficult = легкий (для выпол- Ш нения) Упражнения I. Составьте предложения, используя сочетания данных прилагательных и существительных. Образец: It is an easy question. I can answer it. This is a heavy bag. We cannot carry it. Прилагательные: heavy, difficult, easy, light. Существительные: bag, bench, boots, bicycle, boat, ball, word, desk, question, lorry, story, plan, homework, saucer, stone, watch, text, flag, chair, door, language, leaf, life. II. Определите, соответствуют ли подписи под картинками их содержанию. Если подпись не соответствует содержанию, составьте правильный вариант. Образец: It is easy for the children to carry the bag. No, it is not easy for them to carry the bag. The bag is heavy. 78
1. The elephant is light. It's not difficult to weigh l it. 2. It is easy for the boy to open the door. 3. The balloons2 are heavy. It is difficult for the girl to carry them. 4. It is easv for the boy to spell the word birthday. 5. It is difficult for the hedgehog3 to carry leaves on his back. 1 to weigh [wei] — взвешивать 2 balloon [ba'lum] — воздушный шар 3 hedgehog [hed^hog] — ёж 79
IIL Расскажите» что изображено на картинках: 1. What are the children carry- I basket ['baiskit] — корзина ing? 2. Why is it difficult for them to carry it? 3. Why did they sit down to rest — отдыхать under the tree? 4. Did they eat many apples? a lot of — много 5. How many apples are left? 6. Why is it easy for them to empty ['empti] — пустой carry the basket now? I 80
1. What is the girl carrying? 2. Why is it difficult for her to do it? 3. Why did she stop? 4. Is it easier for the girl to carry the pails now? 5. Why did she stop again? 6. Why is it easy for the girl to carry the pails now? 7. Did she really help her grandmother? 1. What does the Negro boy try to do? 2. Why cannot he do it? 3. Where does he run? 4. Does he come back alone? 5. Is it difficult for the three boys to lift the boat? pail [peil] — ведро to pour [рэ:] off — отливать really ['riali] — действительно, на самом деле to» lift [lift] — поднимать boat [bout] — лодка a Negro ['ni:grou] boy — негритянский мальчик alone JVloun] — один 81
HUMOUR — When I joined the Army,1 I made up my mind2 to be a general.3 — You are still a private.4 — Yes, I am. I found that it was easier to change my mind.5 Riddle Why does ice float6 on the surface7 of water? TO BRING, TO FETCH Bring your day-book, Pete. And you, Mike, fetch the chalk, please! Pete has brought his day-book to the teacher. The pupil on duty8 has fetched the chalk. My aunt has brought flowers for me on my birthday. Ann has fetched the doctor for her grandmother. 1 to join the Army — быть призванным в армию 2 tc make up one's mind — решить, задумать 3 general — генерал 4 private — рядовой солдат 5 to change one's mind — изменить решение, передумать 6 to float — плавать 7 on the surface ['sarfis] — на поверхности 6 pupil on duty — дежурный ученик 82
Remember. bring принести, приносить (что-либо) ¦ fetch [fet/] сходить (за чем-либо, кем-либо) Упражнения I. Заполнить пропуски глаголом to fetch или to bring: 1. ... the map of Great Britain from the next room, please. 2. ... me your box of pencils, please. 3. ... another chair, this one is broken.1 4. ... the chalk, there is no chalk in the classroom. 5. ... your small sister from school. 6. ... Valya's notebook, please. 7. ... the bicycle from the yard. II. Игра. Ведущий просит учащихся принести ему какой-либо предмет, например: "Bring me a pencil! Bring me your book!" и т. п. Учащийся, к которому обратился ведущий, берет указанный предмет и приносит его ведущему. Если же ведущий говорит: "Fetch a ball! Fetch the map of Britain!" и т. п., то учащийся должен выйти из комнаты за названным предметом. Если же он этого не делает, то теряет очко. Выигрывает тот ряд, который выполнит все команды правильно. 1 this one is broken — этот сломан 83
III. Составьте рассказ по картинкам. Правильно пользуйтесь глаголами to fetch и to bring: 1. Why can't the old man and 5. the old woman pull out the turnip? 6. 2. What does the old woman 7. do? 3. Can they pull out the 8. turnip? 9. 4. What does the grand- 10. daughter do? Can they all pull out the turnip? What does the dog do? Who helped them to pull out the turnip? Why cannot they carry it? What does the old man do? Is it difficult for the tractor to carry the turnip? to pull [pul] — тащить to pull out — вытащить turnip [Чэ:п~р] — репа mouse [mausl — мышь tractor ['trsekts] — трактор IV. Посмотрите на рисунок и ответьте на вопросы. hunting, 1. The man was wasn't he? 2. What did he shoot at? 3. Did he kill a wild duck? 4. What did the dog do? hunter HiAnta] — охотник to shoot [/u:t] (shot, shot) — выстрелить, стрелять wild duck ['waild 'dAk] — дикая утка 85
1. What does the man always do in the evening? 2. Who watches TV together with him? 3. Does the man like the TV programme? Why do you think so? 4. What did the dog do? to watch TV ['wot/'ti/vi:] — смотреть телевизор programme ['ргоидгэт] — программа telephone receiver [ri'siiva] — телефонная трубка to ring (rang, rung) — звонить V. Заполните пропуски глаголом to fetch или to bring в нужной форме: The pupil on duty has ... the map of the U.S.S.R. Mike has ... a new toy for his little sister. The grandmother always ... Alec from school. The postman ... the morning newspapers at 7 o'clock. GAMES, SPORTS This is a game of football. There are two teams l of football players and they pl"ay football. 1 team команда 86
Swimming is sport but not a game. You just swim, you do not play a game. This is sport. The boys do not play a game. They just skate. But this is a game. The boys do not just skate, there are two teams and they play a game. Remember: game игровой вид спорта (участники организуются в команды и проводят игру) ¦ sport неигровой вид спорта Упражнения I. Игра: «Какими видами спорта вы занимаетесь?» Ведущий задает вопрос: What sport do you go in for? Если вы занимаетесь игровыми видами спорта (футбол, волейбол, теннис, шахматы и т. п.), вы ответите: I play volley-ball (football, tennis, chess, etc.). Если вы занимаетесь неигровыми видами спорта (коньки* лыжи, бег, прыжки и т. п.), вы ответите: I am a runner или I run I am a skater или I skate I am a jumper или I jump, и т. п. Выигрывает тот ряд, у которого будет наибольшее количество правильных ответов. 87
II. Посмотрите на рисунок и скажите, какими видами спорта занимаются эти лесные обитатели. Образец: Squirrels go in for tennis. They like this game. Foxes go in for gymnastics. They like this sport. gymnastics [d3im'nsest-ks] — гимнастика water-polo [/wot3/poulou] — водное поло squirrel f'skwiral] — белка fox [foks] — лиса hare [Ьеэ] — заяц wolf [wulf] — волк wrestling ['reshrj] — борьба frog [frog] — лягушка duck [dAk] — утка hedgehog ['hed3hog] — ёж beaver ['biiva] — бобр high jump — прыжок в высоту 88
III. Игра: «Кто составит больше предложений?» Нужно взять подлежащее из 1-й колонки, сказуемое из 2-й, дополнение из 3-й. Упражнение выполняется письменно. Ведущий подсчитывает количество предложений. Выигрывает тот, кто составит наибольшее количество правильных предложений. My brother We all Many girls Swimming Rowing 1 Boxing The boys of our class Riding2 Climbing3 is (is not) are (are not) go (es) in for play(s) played sport a game summer sports ice-hockey sports dominoes a good jumper good swimmers gymnastics volley-ball BEHIND, AFTER Look! Rex is running after the cat. Where is the cat now? It is behind the door. The pioneers are walking one behind another. Pete wants to go out after Tanya. 1 rowing ['rouing] — гребля 2 riding ['raidirj] — верховая езда 3 climbing ['klaimirj] — альпинизм 8?
The man is running after the train. Where is the train? It is behind the woods.1 Remember: beh'nd за, позади (кого-нибудь, чего-нибудь) after за, после (кого-нибудь, чего-нибудь) Proverb: If you run after two hares, you will catch neither. (За двумя зайцами погонишься, ни одного не поймаешь.) Упражнения I. Допишите предложения: 1. The sun is (за облаком). 2. Close the door (за собой). 3. The boy is standing (за стулом). 4. Misha came into the room (за Таней). 5. The birds are flying2 (одна за другой), b. Steve sits (за Адой). 1 woods — лес 2 to fly — лететь 90
II. Заполните пропуски словом behind или after: 1. Ann was sitting ... two women. 2. The dog is walking ... its master. 3. The man is running ... his cap. 4. This man likes to keep his hands 5. The old man always tucks1 his pencil his back. ... his ear. 6. The camels2 are walking one ... another. III. Посмотрите на рисунок и помогите Коле найти своих друзей. Составьте предложения, указывая, где находятся его друзья. Образец: One boy is behind a kennel. barral ['Ьэегэ1] — бочка kennel f'kenl] — конура porch [po:t/] — крыльцо IV. Составьте небольшие рассказы по этим картинкам, употребляя слова behind и after. 1. What is Sasha looking for? 2. Where is the other boot? 3. Where is his tie? 1 to tuck — прятать, засовывать 2 camel l/kaenil] — верблюд 91
1. Does Pif want to go first? 2. What does he invite l the man to do? 3. Is Pif polite? 2 Why do vou think so? 1. Do these children like birds? Why do you think so? 2. Where are they standing? 3. You like birds too, don't you? What do you do for them? V. Посмотрите на рисунки и ответьте на вопросы. а) 1. Where is the man going? 2. Is his dog accompanying him? 3. Where is it walking? 4. What did the dog do when it saw the hare? to hunt — охотиться to accompany [э'клтрэп'] — сопровождать hare [hea] — заяц to hit (hit, hit) the target ['ta:git] — попадать в цель 1 to invite [m'vait] — приглашать 2 polite [pa'lait] — вежливый -3 lion ['lawn] — лев 4 wild animal ['waUd 'эепипэ!] -— дикое животное 92
5. Is the dog walking in front of his man? 6. Why is the dog limping? 7. Is the man a good shot? to limp — хромать shot [fot] — стрелок b) 1. What do the men say to each other? 2. Are they polite? 3. Did the plane wait for them? 4. Where is it now? to be polite [pa'lait] — быть вежливым to invite [m'vait]— приглашать to disappear Ldisa'pia] — исчезать cloud [klaud] — облако you're frightening them with that rifle - pretend toj be c) 1. What is the man carrying? 2. What does Pif tell him to do? 3. Where does the man put his rifle? 4. What does he pretend to do? rifle ['raifl] — ружье to frighten ['fraitn] — пугать to pretend [pri'tend] — притворяться 93
5. Are the hares really frightened? 6. What do they do? 7. What is the man doing now? 8. Will he catch up with the hares? to catch up (with) (caught, caught) — догнать, догонять TO LEND, TO BORROW /й%? Г?*) Can you lend me your rubber? l I have left2 mine at home. Pete has borrowed the rubber from Steve. Steve is always willing3 to lend Pete his things. Now Steve has lent an interesting book to Pete. Pete has borrowed the book. In two days he will bring it back. 1 rubber ['глЬэ] — резинка 2 to leave (left, left) — оставлять 3 to be willing — желать, охотно делать что-либо 94
Remember: to lend (lent, lent) something to somebody давать взаймы, одалживать to borrow ['borou] something from somebody ¦ брать взаймы Упражнения I. Заполните пропуски глаголом to lend или to borrow в нужной форме: 1. Pete likes to skate. But his skates are not good. He often ... skates from Steve. Steve's skates are very good. He ... them to Pete. 2. — Who did you ... the camera x from? — From Mike. He is always willing to ... me his camera. 3. He was a kind-hearted2 man and gladly ... us money when we were hard up.3 4. — Is it your own 4 book? — No, I've ... it from the library. II. Предложите вопросы своим товарищам, которые должны на них ответить. Образец: PETE: May I borrow your box I hammer, tent, bicycle, map, pin, of pencils for two days? | skies, book, rubber, tool, NICK: Of course, I'll gladly5 textbook, ball, chess, lend it to you. | draughts III. Составьте диалоги по данным образцам: 1. PETE: Lend me your hammer, Sasha. SASHA: Here it is.6 TEACHER: What has Pete done? ANN: He has borrowed the hammer. 1 camera — фотоаппарат 2 kind-hearted — добрый 3 to be hard up — нуждаться, быть в затруднительном положении 4 own [oun] — собственный 5 gladly ['glaedh] — охотно 6 here it is — пожалуйста 95
TEACHER: And what has Sasha done? ANN: He has lent it to Pete. 2. LENA: Where have you got this bicycle, Pete? PETE: I've borrowed it from Steve. 3. LENA: Where is vour bicycle, Steve? STEVE: I've lent it to Pete. IV. Прочитайте сказку. Заполните пропуски глаголом to lend или to borrow. THREE TIMES A DAY Once upon a time1 the Cock2 was the most handsome3 among birds. One day the Peacock4 who was then a very drab5 bird made up his mind 6 to get married.7 As he wanted to be handsome, he asked the Cock to ... him his wonderful plumage.8 "... me your nice dress for only one day, please. I'll get married and bring it back." The Cock was not only a handsome bird, but he was very kind.9 He ... his beautiful dress to the Peacock and took the Peacock's drab dress in exchange.10 The Peacock said, "If I don't return11 in time,12 call13 me. Your voice14 is so loud,15 it can be heard far. Call me in the morning, and I'll return the dress that I .... If I don't return it in time, call again in the afternoon. If I don't return in the afternoon, call me again in the evening. I'll be sure ,6 to return then." A day passed but the Peacodk did not bring back the dress that he had ... from the Cock. 1 once upon a time — давным-давно 2 cock — петух 3 handsome — красивый 4 peacock — павлин 5 drab — некрасивый, одноцветный 6 to make up one's mind — задумать 7 to get married — жениться e plumage ['plu:mid3] — оперение 9 kind — добрый 10 in exchange [iks'tjeinds] — взамен 11 to return [n'b:n] — возвращать (ся) i2 in time — вовремя 13 to caii — звать 14 voice — голос 15 loud - звонкий 16 to be sure [Jua] — зд. непременно 96
Next morning the Cock called, "Peacock! Come back! Bring me my dress, I've ... it to you only for one day." But the Peacock did not come back. The Cock repeated his call in the afternoon. In the evening he called the Peacock again. But the Peacock did not answer. The Cock has never deceived l anyone in his life, and he still believes 2 that one day the Peacock will bring back the beautiful plumage that he has .. . from the Cock. That's why the cock crows 3 loudly three times a day. Riddle What is it that we often return but never borrow? TONGUE, LANGUAGE Nick did not go to school yesterday. He was ill. The doctor came to see him. He asked Nick to show him his tongue. The doctor gave Nick some medicine4 and said that Nick had to stay home for several5 days. Nick was very sad,6 he did not want to miss7 his lessons, especially8 the English lessons, because he likes the English language very much. Remember: tongue [tArj] язык (орган, расположенный в полости рта) ¦ language flserjgwidg] язык (речь) Note: the English language английский язык the Russian language русский язык the mother tongue родной язык 1 to deceive [dr/si:v] — обманывать 2 to believe [biii:v] — верить 3 to crow [krou] — кукарекать 4 medicine f'medsin] — лекарства 5 several — несколько 6 sad — печальный 7 to miss — пропускать 8 especially [is'pejah] — особенно 97
Упражнения I. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. What language do your parents speak? 2. Does anyone in your family know a foreignl language? 3. In what language do you write to your pen-friend? 4. What is his mother tongue? 5. What is the mother tongue of the American people? II. Составьте небольшие рассказы по картинке: 1. What form is the boy in? 2. Can he write? 3. Does he like to write? Why do you think so? to stick out ['stik 'aut] — высовывать This small animal is called a chameleon.2 It lives in Africa. Its food is insects.8 It likes flies 4 very much. But how does it catch them? What does it do when it sees a fly? to shoot [/u:t] — зд. выбрасывать язык (стрелять языком) Н UMOUR "Are you feeling very ill?" asked the doctor. "Show me your tongue." "It's no use, doctor," said the sick man. "No tongue can tell how ill I feel." 1 foreign ['form] — иностранный 2 chameleon [ka'mhljan] — хамелеон 3 inject ['msekl] — насекомое * fly [flaL] — муха 98
— I say, Victor, I read about one Englishman who is very unusual.1 — Why is he unusual? — He does not like to talk. He knows seven languages and can be silent2 in seven languages. A CHATTERBOX3 What a small mouth I have! No wonder,4 all people say I cannot hold my tongue.5 I'VE LOOKED EVERYWHERE FOR IT! "AH right. Professor, stick out your tongue and say "Ah!" "Ah!" said the Professor. "Strange colour for a tongue... Now wait, let me look nearer," exclaimed the doctor. "Oh, it's something stuck on your tongue. A stamp!" 44My God!" shouted the Professor. "And I've looked everywhere for it!" GROUND, EARTH, LAND 1 unusual Un'ju^ual] — необычный 2 can be silent — может молчать 3 chatterbox — болтунья, пустомеля 4 no wonder — не удивительно 5 to hold one's tongue — молчать 6 in this case — в данном случае — Look, the leaves are falling to the earth. — No, Pete, they are falling to the ground. In this case6 you must use the word ground not earth. The earth is the planet on which we live. It's wrong to say as you said. Leaves are falling on the surface of the earth, that is to the ground.
— Look at these women. What are they doing? — They are putting earth in the pots to plant some flowers. — But, Pete, you must know there is another word in English which means земля, суша. It's the word land. When people travel long by sea they are glad to see land again. Remember: the Earth Земля, земной шар, планета earth земля, почва ground земля, поверхность земли land земля, суша Упражнения I. Прочитайте текст и объясните употребление выделенных слов. ROBINSON CRUSOE You remember that Robinson Crusoe took all the things from the ship to the land. Among these things there was a small bag with seeds of corn.1 He threw the seeds on the ground and as the earth on the island was very good in some weeks he saw that green stalks 2 came out of the ground. 1 seeds of corn [ko:n] — зерна 2 stalk [stork] — росток 100
II. Прочитайте рассказ, заполнив пропуски словами earth, land, ground: What is Nick doing? He is digging the ... . Oh, the ... is too dry. It is difficult to dig it. He is making a hole and wants to plant a tree in it. He puts the tree and fills the hole with ... and then waters the .... Will it grow now? You say, "No." Why? — Because the dog pulled the tree out of the .... — Yes, you are quite right. III. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. What is the ground covered with in winter (in autumn)? 2. Why cannot fish live on land? 3. Which do you like better, to travel by sea or by land? 4. What do you know about our Earth? 5. What is the name of the first space woman who travelled round the Earth? 6. Is the earth in your school garden good? snow, leaves to have no lungs l to move round the sun lungs [Iaijz] — легкие 101
IV. Заполните пропуски словами ground, earth, land: Some birds make their nests on the ... . Pete covers the roots of the fruit trees with .... In the eastern part of Britain the sea comes deeplyl into the ... . The ... in this field is good and wheat2 grows well. This ship will soon reach3... . People from all over the world come to Mamayev Kurgan to take some sacred4 ... . V. Составьте рассказ по картинкам. 1. Where is Kate going? 2. Who else is going with her? 3. Is Kate going to the Crimea by land or by air? 4. What is Kate doing when the plane leaves the ground? 5. What does she see? 1 to come deeply — зд. врезаться * wheat — пшеница 3 to reach — достигать 4 sacred ['seLkrid] — священная s the Crimea [krat'mia] — Крым KATE GOES TO THE CRIMEA * 102
6. What is the ground covered with? 7. Can she see land when the plane is flying over the sea? 8. Is Kate glad to see the Crimean land? Riddles 1. How many pounds1 of earth can you take out of a hole which is one foot square2 and one foot deep? 2. Two little boats without any sails,3 with ten passengers4 on board.5 They do not go on river or sea, but travel on dry land. COUNTRY, VILLAGE Ann and Nick live in Saratov. Saratov is a town. There are many houses, shops, and schools in the town. Some people do not live in town. They live out of town. They live in the country. In the country there are fields and many trees. There aren't many houses in the country. When a few houses in the country are together, we call the place a village. Do you live in a village or in a town? If you live in a town, can you tell your teacher the name of a village near your town? Where does your grandmother live? If she lives in the country, can you tell your teacher the name of the village she lives in? Now if you say, "I live in the country", what do you mean? And if you say, "I live in the village of Denisovka", what do you mean? Remember: village деревня ¦ the country сельская местность Note: to the country за город in the country за городом i pound — фунт 2 one foot square — площадь в один кв. фут 5 sail — парус 4 passenger ['paesind33] — пассажир 5 on board [ba:d] — на борту 113
Упражнения I. Составьте и разучите диалоги, используя данные образцы: a) — Kate, would you like to go to the country? — It's wonderfull to be out in the country on such a lovely day!2 — We can take a walk in the wood. b) — Where does your cousin live? — He lives in the country. — In what village does he live? — He lives in the village of Arkhashevo. c) — Were you in the country last Sunday? — Yes, we were in Push- kino. to swim in the river, to sit on the grass, to have a very good time, to pick flowers,, berries your uncle, aunt, grandfather, grandmother, pen-friend in the forest, on the bank of the Volga II. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. Does your grandmother (grandfather, friend, relative3) live in the country or in a town? In what village does she live? Is the village old or new? Does she like her village? Near what town is it? 2. If you live in the country, what is the name of your village? What is your village noted for?4 Is there any forest near the village you live in? 3. Where do you like to spend your holidays, in the country or in town? 4. If you go to the country, do you spend your time in a village or do you go for a walk in the forest (in the corn-fields, to the river)? What do you take with you when you go to the country? 1 wonderful [7WAndaful] — замечательный 2 lovely ['Lvvli] — приятный 3 relative — родственник 4 to be noted ['noutid] for — славиться, быть знаменитым Ж
III. Заполните пропуски словом village или country. 1. М. V. Lomonosov was born in a ... near Kholmogori. 2. Now the ... is called Lomonosovka. 3. When you are in the .. . you can pick berries l or looik for mushrooms 2 in the wood. 4. There are very many vegetables in the ... because they are grown 3 there. 5. We usually spend Sundays in the ..., but we did not go to the ... yesterday as the weather was bad. 6. Valery Chkalov spent his childhood in the ... of Vasilievo. 7. In spring and summer the ... near Moscow is beautiful, it is all green. IV. Составьте рассказ по картинке, используя вопросы: 1. Do these children live in the country or in town? 2. Are there many houses in the village? 3. Are the houses big or small? 4. Is there much snow in the country? 5. Do children ski far from their houses? 6. Is the air fresh in the country? 7. Is the country beautiful in winter? V. Выучите стихотворение: Some people live in the country, Where the houses are very small Some people live in the town, Where the houses are very tall. Riddle I'm a little country lad 4 In a fine red coat, you see. When they meet me, folk5 are glad And always bow low6 to me! 1 to pick berries — собирать ягоды 42 mushrooms — грибы 3 they are grown there — там их выращивают 4 country lad — сельский житель 5 folk [fouk] — люди 6 to bow low — низко кланяться
ВОСЬМОЙ КЛАСС ТО LEARN, TO STUDY, TO TEACH Kate has a brother. His name is Bob. Bob works at a factory and studies at the same time. Kate doesn't work. She is a pupiL She wants to be a teacher of geography. She wants to teach geography at school. She is studying geography now. Bob and Kate study a foreign language. It is English. Bob does not know English well. He sometimes asks Kate to help him. Kate knows a lot of words and she knows grammar very well. She teaches Bob grammar and helps him to learn new words. Bob learns many new words because he wants to speak English very well. This evening, as Kate and Bob have learned their lessons, they want to play a game of chess, and Bob teaches her. Kate learns to play chess and Bob teaches her. Bob is a good chessplayer. Remember: to learn = to get knowledge,l to memorize2 учить, заучивать to study = to make efforts to learn учить, изучать to teach = to give knowledge учить, обучать ¦ (кого-либо) Proverb: Live and learn. (Век живи, век учись.) 1 knowledge f'nolid^] — знания 2 to memorize ['memaraiz] — заучивать 106
Exercises I. Answer the teacher's questions, using the verbs to learn and to study. Model: TEACHER: What do you do at your lessons in physics? l PUPIL: We study heat2, light3, sound4, etc. What do you do at the lessons in: 1) Russian literature 2) mathematics 3) history 4) geography 5) zoology 10 6) handicraft lessons 7) physical training n works of different writers and poets to solve mathematical problems past events,5 growth of nations6 the structure 7 of the Earth, its continents,8 the seas, rivers, mountains, etc., the climate9, plants the structure and forms of animals and animal life to make benches (chairs, bookshelves, toy), to make dresses to play volley-ball, football, ice-hockey, to ski, to skate, to run, to jump, etc. physics — физика heat — тепло light — свет sound — звук event (Yvent] — событие growth of nations ['grou0 af 'neifnz] — образование государств structure ['strktjb] — структура continent ['kontmant] — континент climate — климат zoology [zou'al3d3i] — зоология physical training — физическое воспитание 107
II. Make up short dialogues. Use the words in the column. Model: a) STEVE: I've learned to play hockey. NICK: Who taught you? STEVE: My brother did. b) LENA: I cannot make a dress. KATE: Let me teach you. III. Read the story. Fill in the blanks with the words to study, to learn, to teach in the required form.1 Then retell the story, using the questions below.2 THE ASTROLOGER3 AND THE BLACKSMITH4 The astrologer wished to cross a river which was deep and broad. So he asked the blacksmith to take him across. The blacksmith agreed,5 and they both got into the boat. "Tell mer blacksmith," the astrologer asked, "have you ... the stars?" "No, I haven't, I have never ... them," replied the blacksmith. — Then you've wasted a third of your life.6 Have you .. - history? — I'm afraid not. — Then you've lost half of your life. What about mathematics? — I haven't ... mathematics either. — Then you've lost three-quarters of your life. They rowed7 on till they reached the middle of the river. Just then a big wave8 hit9 the side of the boat and turned it over. 1 in the required form — в нужной форме 2 below — ниже, внизу 3 astrologer [os'troladsa] — астролог 4 blacksmith fblaeksmiG] — кузнец 5 to agree — соглашаться 6 you've wasted a third of your life — ты потратил попусту треть жизни 7 to row [rou] — грести 8 wave [weiv] — волна 9 to hit (hit, hit) — ударять to drive in a nail, to play draughts, to make bookshelves, to dance, to make flowerbeds, to weed, to bind books,, to plant trees 108
"Tell me, astrologer," the blacksmith shouted, "have you ... to swim?" "No," said the astrologer. — Well, then you are going to lose all your life unless you hold on to my shoulder.1 Questions. 1. What did the astrologer wish to do? 2. Did the blacksmith help him? 3. What did they get into? 4. What did they talk about on their way across the river? 5. What happened when they reached the middle of the river? 6. What did the blacksmith shout to the astrologer? 7. Had the astrologer learned to swim? 8. Did the blacksmith help the astrologer to get to the bank? IV. Tell the story of the pictures, using the verbs to learn, to study, to teach: 1. What form are the boys in? 2. What are they taught to do? 3. Why does the boy raise his hand? 4. Is it difficult for the boys to study? 1. Who does the boy meet on his way back from school? 2. What does the boy say to the dog? 3. Does the dog know the answer? 4. But the boy knows the answer, doesn't he? Why do you think so? 1 unless you hold on to my shoulder — если вы не будете держаться за меня 109
V. Look at the pictures and answer the questions. 1. Is the man a good skater? 2. Does he want to learn to skate? 3. Is it easy for the man to learn to skate? 4. How did he become a record holder? 5. What is his job now? 6. Will his pupils be good skaters? beginner [bi'gma] — начинающий record holder ['rekad 'houlda] — рекордсмен trainer [Чгетэ] — тренер Riddle Has leaves, but is not a tree. Is not human but teaches me. HUMOUR Little Jack spent his first day at school and came back disappointed.1 "What did you learn?" Was his aunt's question. "We didn't learn anything/' answered the boy. — Well, what did you do then? — We didn't do anything. There was a woman who didn't know how to spell some very simple2 words and I told her how to do it. BANK, SHORE, COAST PETE: Let's swim to the opposite bank. STEVE: Oh, the banks of the river are very beautiful. 1 disappointed [disa'pointid] — разочарованный 2 simple ['simpl] — простой ПО
PETE: Have you been to the Black Sea? STEVE: Yes, and I like the shores of the Black Sea. PETE: Why did you say the shores of the Black Sea? STEVE: Because we say the bank of the river, but the shore of the sea, lake, ocean. We may also say the coast of the sea, but it means береговая линия, побережье. 4&V The Kremlin stands on the bank of the Moskva River. The children are on the shore of the Black Sea. The ship Rossia sails along the coast of the Crimea. Remember: to sail along the bank (shore, coast) плыть вдоль берега to lie (sit, stand) on the shore (bank) лежать (сидеть, стоять) на берегу the opposite bank (shore) противоположный берег ill
Exercises I. Make up sentences: the Baltic Sea? the Volga-Don Canal? the Amur River? the Lake Ladoga? the Irish Sea? the Thames? the Baikal? the White Sea? II. Ask your classmates where Volgograd, Rostov, Odessa, London, Astrakhan, Vladivostok, Baku, Yalta, Murmansk stand. Make the right use of the words shore and bank in the answers. Model: — Where does Lenin- I the Volga, the Don, the Black grad stand? Sea, the Thames, the Caspian — It stands on the Sea, the Amur River, the banks of the Neva White Sea River. I III. Fill in the blanks with the words bank, shore, coasfc Give the right translation of the words in brackets. Do you know that: the Thames divides London into two parts known as the North (берег) and the South (берег)? the village of Kokushkino, where the Ulyanovs spent their summer, was situated on the high (берег) of the Ushnya River? Dover stands on the south-east (побережье) of Britain? one day Robinson Crusoe found (берег) of his island covered with human bones? during a flood3 all rivers overflow their (берега)? the southern (берег) of the Black Sea has a very warm climate, because it is protected4 from the northern winds by mountains? 1 postcard ['poustkciid] — открытка 2 view [vju:] — вид 3 flood [fUd] — наводнение 4 to protect [pra'tekt] — защищать 112 Did you see the postcards l with the views2 of the bank (shore) of
the (береговая линия) of Denmark1 is greatly indented?2 the crossing between the French (побережье) and English (побережье) takes only an hour and a quarter? when Astrakhan was built, it stood on the (берегу) of the Caspian Sea and now it stands far from the sea? IV* Look at the pictures and answer the questions: 1. The coast of what country is the ship approaching? 2. What building stands on the bank of the Thames? 3. Is the village situated on the bank of a river or the shore of the sea? 4. Why cannot the boy climb the bank? (steep — крутой). 5. Why cannot the little girl walk barefooted along the shore of the sea? ! Denmark — Дания 2 indented — изрезанный 113
HUMOUR A boy laughed when the teacher told the story of the Roman* who swam from one bank of the Tiber2 to the other three times before breakfast. "You do not believe that a good swimmer could do that?" asked the teacher. "Yes, I do, sir," answered the boy, "but I wondered why he didn't make it four3 and get back to the bank where his clothes were." TO SWIM, TO SAIL Can you swim? If you can't you must learn to swim. It is not difficult. Swimming is very pleasant and useful. We often go to the river to swim. We like to lie in the sun and watch ships go by. One day my little sister Tanya said, "How strange it is that ships can swim! They have neither legs nor arms." -r-^-^g^g-^e- "No, they haven't legs or arms," the father "^^^"V'Y"- said, "and you cannot use the word swim C? *dlP ~L* when speaking about ships. People and rfe. льг^гУъь animals swim, but .ships and steamers sail." Long, long ago people used sails,4 which moved 5 their ships on the surface 6 of water with the help of the wind. Now heat and steam7 and atomic energy are used to move ships and yet the word to sail remained. 1 Roman ['rouman] — римлянин 2 Tiber ['taiba] — Тибр {река) 3 1 wondered why he didn't make it four — интересно, почему он не пере* плыл четыре раза 4 sail — парус 6 to move [mu:v] — двигаться 6 on the surface ['saifis] — на поверхности 7 heat and steam — тепло и пар 114
Remember: to swim плыть (о людях, животных, птицах, рыбах, насекомых) to sail [seil] плыть (о судах, катерах, лодках Ш и т. д.) I. Which word to swim or to sail must you use when speaking about these pictures? 2 II. Read and retell the story: use the words to swim and to sail. THE SAILOR'S FRIEND There are very dangerous reefs l near the Northern coast of New Zealand. In the summer of 1871, a ship called the Brindle was moving slowly through a fog near the reefs. Some sailors on the ship suddenly saw a big white dolphin2 in the water. It swam towards them and then turned and swam in front of the 1 reef [ri:fl — риф, подводный камень 2 dolphin ['dolfm] — дельфин И5
ship. The dolphin seemed to lead l the ship, and swam on and on until the ship had passed the dangerous reefs. Then it swam away, and the ship, led by the dolphin into open water, continued its way. From that time on, every ship that sailed to the coast of New Zealand was met by the white dolphin. It continued to serve2 as a ship's pilot3 until 1912. Of course, no one could be sure that it was the same dolphin, and no one has ever discovered 4 what made the white dolphin (or dolphins) pilot ships past the reefs for forty years. III. Speak about these pictures: 1. What did Pif decide to do one day? 2. Did he like it? 3. Why did he get worried? 4. Is he glad to be on land? 5. How does he feel now? 6. Will Pif be a sailor? rough [rAf] — неспокойный, штормовой (о море) to get worried [wArid] — обеспокоиться land [lsend] — земля to feel giddy ['gidi] — чувствовать, головокружение sailor fseita] — моряк 1 to lead (led, led) — вести, идти вперед 2 to serve [s9:v] — служить 3 pilot ['paitat] n — лоцман; v вести, прокладывать путь 4 to discover [dis'kAva] — узнать, обнаружить 116
1. Where is the man? 2. What is he going to do? 3. Why cannot he swim in the Sea of Vapours? l 4. Can one go swimming in other seas of the Moon? Why not? to dive [daiv] нырять IV. Complete the sentences choosing the right word from the middle column: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. We often go I learned Some people can Have you ever Last summer the ship Anadir The boys liked Many beautiful ships Who taught you She has never My brother's ship to swim to sail swim sail swims swam sails swum sailed before supper. at the age of six. across the English Channel. in a salt lake? from Perm to Astrakhan. in the mountain river. from Moscow to Leningrad. so well? in the Black Sea. from Murmansk to Vladivostok. 1 the Sea of Vapours ['veipaz] — Море паров (на Луне)
V. Speak about this picture: <Шк>^~ 1. Why is the boy crying for help? Can he swim? 2. Who is going to help him? 3. When the boy was saved at last, his first words were: "I shall never try to swim again until I learn to swim." Will he learn to swim without swimming? 4. How did you learn to swim? to save [seiv] — спасать to drown [draun] — тонуть FOREST, WOOD Victor Popov had never seen a real forest before he went to the Far East with his parents. There was only a small wood near his village. He liked it, too. But the forest in the Far East is different. It is very large, it covers hills and mountains, it occupies a large area.1 There are a lot of wild animals there. Victor likes to spend time in the forest and to listen to what the age-old2 trees whisper3 to one another. And they do whisper! Remember: forest густой дремучий лес wood небольшой лес (часто употребляется woods) 1 to occupy a large area — занимать большую площадь 2 age-old — вековой 3 to whisper ['wispa] — шептать 118
Do you know that there are almost no forests in England now? The forests were cut down1 in the 18th century, when people needed much charcoal2 for their industries. But there are a lot of woods in England now, and woods are smaller and less wild than forests. In our country forests occupy a great territory. The North, the Urals, the Far East are covered with forests. Forests are the wealth 3 of our country. Exercises l. Look at the pictures and say which animals live in forests and which animals live in woods: 1 to cut down — вырубить 2 charcoal ['tj*a:koul] — древесный уголь 8 wealth [wel0] — богатство 119
II. Fill in the blanks with the word forest or wood: 1. ... stretched for kilometers around. 2. There are a lot of pine l ... in our region. 3. The little children sat themselves down at Granny's feet and she began, "Once upon a time there lived Father Bear, Mother Bear and three little bears in a ... ." 4. There is a small ... near our village; we often go there to gather mushrooms 2 and berries.3 5. Let's plant oak4 trees here; we shall have a beautiful ... in a few years. 6. Dersu Uzala loved ... and knew all its mysteries.5 III. Answer these questions: 1. Have you ever been to the forests of our North? 2. Are there forests or woods in the Urals? 3. Is there a forest or a wood near your place? 4. Was your pioneer camp situated in a forest or in a wood? What animals did you see there? 5. In what season do you like the forest most of all? Describe it. IV. Learn the poem: THE FOREST IN WINTER What a fairy sight6 at night Is the forest still and white; When above us floats the moon, Like a wonderful balloon,7 When on every fir and pine Diamonds 8 and jewels 9 shine ... 1 pine — сосновый - mushroom — гриб 3 berry — ягода 4 oak — дубовый 5 mystery ['mistari] — тайна 6 fairy sight [sait] — сказочный вид 7 balloon — шар 8 diamond ['daigmand] — бриллиант, алмаз 9 jewel [^зи:э1] — драгоценный камень 120
TO COLLECT, TO GATHER, TO PICK PETE: Nick, what is the English for собирать? NICK: There are three words in English which have this meaning. If you are on duty, the teacher may ask you to collect all the copy-books of the pupils and put them on her table. Your class may collect books for your library. How much scrap metal did your class collect? PETE: Oh, we collected more than 500 kilograms and took the first place in our school. NICK: By the way, what is your hobby? l PETE: My hobby is собирать марки. Must I also use the word to collect? NICK: Yes, I see that your hobby is to collect stamps, but mine is to collect match labels.2 PETE: So the English for собирать is to collect. NICK: Not only to collect. If you pick up things which are scattered3 on the ground or on the floor, you must use the word to gather. This is another word which has the meaning собирать. Let's help the girl to gather her things. PETE: Look, Nick, what are the children doing? NICK: They are gathering autumn leaves. It's so nice to be in the open air, let's go to the forest next Sunday. 1 hobby — любимое занятие 2 match label ['leibl] — спичечная этикетка 3 are scattered — разбросаны
PETE: Oh, that's wonderful! NICK: We'll pick flowers and mushrooms there. And do you like to pick berries? PETE: Yes, I like it very much. So to pick is one more word for собирать. I understand it means рвать, срывать, doesn't it? NICK: Quite right. PETE: Last summer we often went to the forest to pick strawberries l and blueberries.2 It gave us a lot of pleasure. Remember: to collect собирать, складывать, коллекционировать to gather собирать предметы (расположенные, разбросанные в разных местах) ¦ to pick рвать, срывать, собирать Exercises I. Fill in the blanks with the words to collect, to gather, to pick in the required form: BOB: This summer we shall go on a hike. Do you know how to make a fire? VICTOR: Yes, I do. To make a fire you must ... dry sticks. We may also ... dry leaves and grass, it will help you to light the fire. 1 strawberry f'strorbari] — земляника 2 blueberry — голубика l?>
BOB: What is it? NICK: It is my collection of coins. Don't you know that I ... old coins? BOB: What is Pete doing? NICK: Don't you see, he is ... raspberries l from the bushes. TEACHER: Kate, ... all the drawings of the pupils and put them into the bookcase. II. Look at the pictures and answer the questions: 3. What are the pupils doing? scrap paper ['skraep 'peipa]— макулатура 4. What are the farmers doing? harvest ['hcc:vist] — 5. "What is the fox doing? | урожай 1 raspberry f'raizban] — малина 123
III. a) Ask your classmates what they like to collect. Model: — Pete, what do you like to collect? — I like to collect postcards. stamps, books, shells, little sea stones, birds' eggs, coins, little boxes, pictures, autographs,1 plants, minerals,2 pictures of spacemen, badges 3 b) Ask your classmates what kind of flowers they like to pick in the forest (in the fields). Model: — Nick, what flowers did you pick in the forest last Sunday? — Oh, I picked many snowdrops. snowdrop — подснежник bluebell — колокольчик buttercup — лютик lily of the valley ['hli av fo 'vaeli] — ландыш violet fvaialit] — фиалка IV. Read the sentences and then ask your classmates to answer the following questions: 1. Our class collects pictures of great Russian painters for the school museum and what do the pupils of the 8th "B" Form collect for it? 2. When we were in the country, I helped the collective farmers to gather ears of wheat4 and what did you gather there? 1 autograph ['o:tagrci:f] — автограф 2 mineral ['mingral] — минерал 3 badge [baed;$] — значок 4 ears [i9z] of wheat — колоски пшеницы 124
3. For the 50th anniversary l of our Motherland we decided to collect postage stamps with pictures of Lenin on them, and what did you decide to collect for this date? 4. Cherries, strawberries, apricots2 are picked in early summer, and when are apples, pears,3 plums4 picked? Tell your classmates: what you have read about people who collect interesting things; about the exhibitions which you visited and what was collected there; what you have read about different collections. Tell about your school museum. What was collected for this museum. Tell your classmates what you have once picked in the forest (in the field). LAZY, IDLE Look at the picture! The animals are laying in stores5 for the winter. Only the dragon-fly6 is doing nothing. It is very lazy. 1 anniversary — годовщина 2 apricot ['eiprikot] — абрикос 3 pear [ргз] — груша 4 plum [pLvm] — слива 5 to lay in stores — запасаться, делать заготовки 6 dragon-fly — стрекоза 125
The antl is not lazy, it works very hard, it is very industrious.2 The squirrels are not lazy either. Even the smallest ones do not want to be idle. They are helping their parents to gather nuts.3 But why are the bears idle? Are they lazy? No, they are not lazy. They are idle now because they need no food for the winter. They sleep all the winter through. All the children are working, but Borya is doing nothing. He does not like to work, he is a lazy boy. Steve is not lazy. There is no spade 4 for him. But he is trying to help the children, he does not want to be idle. Remember: to be lazy = to be unwilling to work лениться, не хотеть работать, увиливать от дела (lazy всегда имеет отрицательный оттенок) to be idle [aidl] = to do nothing, to be not active ничем не заниматься, ничего не де- ¦ лать (иногда по необходимости) Exercises I. Fill in the blanks with the word lazy or idle: All the pupils are very busy reading books. Only Borya is ... . The teacher goes up to him: — Why are you not rea'ding? — I have no book. I have left my book at home. — Borya, Borya. You are again doing nothing. Last time you were ... because you had left your copy-book at home. Today it's a book. I see, you don't like to work. You're .... 1 ant [sent] — муравей 2 industrious [m'dAstnas] 3 nut — орех 4 spade — лопата трудолюбивый 126
Borya is at home. MOTHER: Why are you ..., Borya? Why are you not doing your lessons? BORYA: But today is Saturday, Mum. We have no homework for Mondays. MOTHER: Read a book then. BORYA: I don't want to read. MOTHER: Then go and help your Dad. He is making a shelf. BORYA: I don't feel like working,1 Mum. MOTHER: You are a ... boy, Borya. What did his mother say to Borya? Is there such a Borya in your class? Speak about him. Critisize him! II. Tell the stories in these pictures, using the words lazy and idle: 1. Does the boy get up early in the morning? 2. Is he doing anything at two o'clock? to feel like working — иметь желание, хотеть работать 127
3. Is he busy at 6 o'clock? 4. What can you say about this boy? Does he like to work? 1. What were the children doing in the morning? 2. What were they doing after dinner? 3. Were they busy in the evening? 4. Are the children lazy? HUMOUR III. Read and explain the use of the words lazy and idle. NO IDLE PEOPLE Mr. BROOK: Nobody is idle in my family. My wife gives piano lessons, my son is learning to play the violin l and my daughter takes singing lessons. Mr. BROOK'S FRIEND: And what do you do? Mr. BROOK: Well, I suffer2 in silence. FATHER: Well, Tommy. I talked to your teacher today, and now I want to ask you a question. Who is the laziest person in your class? 1 violin [fvaiQ'lm] — скрипка 2 to suffer ['SAf3] — страдать 128
TOMMY: I don't know, Father. FATHER: Oh, yes, you do! Think! When other boys and girls are reading or writing, who sits in the class and only watches how other people work? TOMMY: Our teacher, Father. Riddle Why is a tall man lazier than a short man? WORK, JOB TEACHER: Now, Pete, what is your job when you are on duty? Do you have much work to do? PETE: Not very much. My job is to wet the duster, to clean the blackboard and to air the classroom. TEACHER: Nick, what was your job at the pioneer camp? NICK: My job was to look after rabbits. TEACHER: Was it an interesting job? NICK: Oh, yes. I liked it very much. Remember: work работа, труд человека (вообще) job = a piece of work (конкретный вид pa- Ш боты) Note: No a before work. 129
Exercises I. Fill in the blanks with the words work and job: TEACHER: Every pioneer in our class is responsible for some kind of ... . Pete, what is your ... ? PETE: My ... is to draw cartoons l for our wall newspaper. TEACHER: Is it an interesting ... ? PETE: It is a very interesting ..., I like it very much. TEACHER: Pete says that he likes that ... very much. It is a useful ..., indeed. And what is your ..., Mike? MIKE: My ... is to help Ann in English but I must say that it is a hard ...! TEACHER: Why is it a hard ... ? MIKE: It is a hard ... because Ann is always very busy. She is responsible for our ... in the school yard. She is always busy. II. Make up short dialogues using the words in the column. Model: a) — Have you much work to do at school? * — Not very much. (Oh, very much.) b) — What is your job at home? * — My job is to look after my little brother.** * in the school garden, in the pioneer room, in the school workshop, at the handicraft lessons * in the library, in the pioneer room, in the field :* to water flowers, to collect newspapers, to bind books III. Here are questions for you. Answer them: 1. What work do you carry out as a pioneer (as a Komsomol member)? 2. Are you responsible for any special job in your class? 3. Do you always do your work in time? 4. Were you given any job by your form mistress yesterday? What was it? 1 to draw cartoons [ka/tuinfc] — рисовать шуточные картинки 130
5. What was your job when your class was working in the school yard (when you went to help the collective farmers)? 6. Does your mother do all the work at home or do you help her? SV. Translate the following: 1. Sister Carrie, Dreiser's first book, describes the life and struggle of Carrie Meeber who goes to Chicago in search of work.1 She applies 2 to many places ready to take any job, but it was difficult for a young unexperienced3 girl to find work in the United States. She is not given a job either in the shoe company or the department store where she applies. 2. After ten days Eugene had spent almost all his money, and decided that any job would do.4 He asked for anything, he was ready to work in a bakery,5 in a candy store.6 At last he found a job, but lost it after three months. All the time he dreamed of great pictures. And one Monday evening in October, armed with several sheets of paperr he began his work. V. Speak about the picture. These questions will help you: 1. What kind of work are the pupils doing? 2. What is the job of each pupil? 3. Is it a hard job? 4. Has every pupil a job? 5. Does each pupil do his job well? 6. Is it a useful job? 7. Do the boys and girls like this work? Ш Щ, 1 in search [s9:tj*] of work — в поисках работы 2 to apply |Vplai] — обращаться 3 unexperienced {'Aniks'piananst] — неопытный 4 would do — зд. устроит 5 bakery ['Ьеькэп] — булочная * candy store ['kaendi 'sto:] — кондитерская 131
VI. Retell the story. THE FARMER AND THE BOY One morning a farmer met a boy and said, "Do you want a job?" "Yes, I do," answered the boy. "Can you give me a good character,1 then?" asked the farmer. "Yes, I can. It is from Mr. Muggs. My last job was with him." "Well," said the farmer. "Go and ask Mr. Muggs to come and speak to me. I'll wait here." Five minutes passed, ten minutes, but Mr. Muggs did not come. Later in the afternoon the farmer saw the boy again. "Mr. Muggs did not come to me with your character," said the farmer. "No, he did not," said the boy, "I did not ask him to come. "Why not?" asked the farmer. "I told him who wanted my character and he gave me yours, I think I'd rather look for work somewhere else." HUMOUR FOREMAN:2 Come on, man, hurry up. We have much work to do. WORKER: Rome was not built in a day. FOREMAN: May be not, but I wasn't foreman on that job. SHOP-GIRL: This machine will do half your work. CUSTOMER:3 All right, I'll take two. 1 character ['kaerikta] — рекомендация 2 foreman — мастер 3 customer ['kAstama] — покупатель 132
ROAD, PATH, WAY — What is the shortest way to the forest? — If you have a car, you may go along this road, but if you want to go on foot, take this narrow path. — Early in the morning you can see many people in the street on their way to work. — Are we on the right road? — No, I am not sure. — Then, we'd better ask someone, I don't want to lose our way. Remember: road дорога path тропинка ¦ way путь 133
Note: to go (run) along the road (path) идти (бежать) по дороге (тропинке) to be (stand) on the road (path) быть (стоять) на дороге (тропинке) to cross the road переходить через дорогу to ask the way спросить дорогу to lose one's way заблудиться on one's way to school (the club, Moscow) на пути в школу (в клуб, в Москву) Exercises I. Look at the pictures and answer the questions: Where are the sportsmen running? What are these men going along? What is the boy asking the man? II. Fill in the blanks with the words road, way, path: 1. It was a rainy day and the ... to the village was terribly muddy.1 2. Look, there is a narrow ... here, and it leads to the hunter's hut.2 3. We were walking along the ... through the woods until we came to the main ... . 4. Do you know the ... to the stadium? 5. They stopped the lorry which was going along the dusty3 ... . 1 muddy — грязный 2 hunter's hut — домик охотника 3 dusty — пыльная 134
6. At last the tourists saw a winding l ..., running through the mountains. 7. When the tourists came to Volgograd, they asked the people to show them the ... to the Mamayev Kurgan. 8. It was so unpleasant to ride along such a bumpy2 ... . III. Make up short dialogues using the words in the column. Model: a) — Can you show me the way to the centre of the town? * — Go along this road. b) — Does this road lead to the nearest village? * — No, it doesn't. You must take another way. c) — Who did you meet on your way to school? * — My friend Nick.*: d) — Did you meet anybody on your way home yesterday? * — Yes, my mother.** * the Palace of Pioneers, the museum, the theatre, the cinema, the shop, the factory * the collective farm, the forest, the town, the industrial centre, the Palace of Pioneers * to the pioneer camp, to the football match, to Moscow, to the collective farm, to the skating-rink ** Nick's sister, Nick's brother, my schoolmate * on Saturday, in the evening my friend^ my father, my uncle, my brother, the boy who lives in our house IV. Learn the dialogues by heart: — Oh, there is no path here. We have lost our way. — What shall we do? — Let's turn to the left. It seems to me that I saw a road not far from here. 1 winding ['waindirj] — извилистая 2 bumpy — ухабистая 135
• — Ann, come for a walk. — All right. Shall we walk along this path first? — No, it is too narrow. — Come this way then, it is so pleasant here. V. Tell the story in the pictures. Riddles Two brothers live across a path, but never see each other. What makes a road broad? l What goes uphill and downhill and always remains in the same place? Proverb: The longest way round is the shortest way home. (Тише едешь, дальше будешь.) 1 broad [bro:d] — широкий 136
HUMOUR The traffic was very heavy in the street. Suddenly a man ran to the policeman who was standing in the middle of the street. MAN: What is the shortest way to the hospital? POLICEMAN: If you just stand where you are standing now, you'll get there immediately.1 This is the shortest and the quickest way to the hospital. ACROSS, OVER, THROUGH The boys are swimming across 2 the river. The mother is taking her little son across the street. The girl is throwing the ball over the fence. The boy is jumping over a stick. The train is going through the tunnel.3 The woman is running the thread through the eye of the needle. 1 immediately [i'mi:djotli] — немедленно, тотчас же 2 (she) is taking ... across .., — переводит ... через .., 3 tunnel [Чапэ1] — туннель 137
Remember: across через (с одной стороны на другую) over через (поверх чего-либо) through через (сквозь что-либо) Exercises I. Complete the sentences by translating the words in the brackets into English. 1. Pete is teaching his dog to jump (через палку). 2. The helicopter l helped us to get (через пропасть2). 3. Sergei Tjulenin quickly climbed (через забор) and disappeared3 in the dark yard. 4. The soldiers were moving (через лес). 5. Do you know the way Englishmen get (через Ла-Манш)? 6. Go (через улицу) only when the traffic lights 4 are green. II. Make up sentences about these pictures using across, over, through. The words in the brackets will help you. (to climb, fence) (to talk, hole, in the fence) (tractor, to move,5 fields) 1 helicopter [heli'kapta] — вертолёт 2 gaP — пропасть 3 to disappear {.disa'pia] — исчезать 4 traffic lights — светофор 5 to move [mu:v] — двигаться 138
^g) № (to look, keyhole1) (people, to build, a dam 2) (to jump, pool) (to bend down, fence) (to look, microscope3) III. Tell the story in the pictures: 1. What sport does the boy go in for? 2. Is he a good jumper? 3. Why did he get frightened? 4. How was he able to break the record? to get frightened ['fraitnd] — испугаться hedgehog ['hedshog] — ёж to break the record ['rekoid] — перекрыть рекорд 1 keyhole ['kiihoul] — замочная скважина 2 dam [daem] — плотина 3 microscope ['maikraskoup] — микроскоп 139
hiker ['haika] — турист to be worried [xWAnd] — быть обеспокоенным giraffe [dsi'rcr.f] — жираф to stretch [stret/1 oneself — потянуться за чем- либо tube [tju:b] — труба to go by — обходить to follow ['folou] — следовать 1. The hen and its chicks are going for a walk, aren't they? 2. What does the mother-hen see on its way? 3. What does the mother-hen do when it sees the tube in its way? 4. The chicks don't follow it, do they? 5. Does the mother-hen recognize its chicks? 6. Why are they so dirty? 1. Why was the hiker worried? 2. What helped him? 3. How did it help? 4. Are all animals friends of people? 140
V. Read the poems. Explain the use of the words across and through. Wee Willie Winkie runs through the town Upstairs and downstairs l in his night gown;2 Rapping3 at the window, crying through the lock,4 "Are the children in their beds? For now it's eight o'clock!" MAD5 MARCH WIND Mad March Wind went out to play "I'll have such fun," said he, "today I'll toss6 the clothes put out to dry7 And chase8 the clouds across the sky." The mad March wind rushed up and down, And whirled 9 through all the streets in town, Until, at last, tired out10 with play He turned and quietly blew away.11 Riddles Why does a chiken go across the road? What circulates12 through our veins 13? TO RAISE, TO PICK UP, TO LIFT When Nick can answer the teacher's question, he raises his hand. 1 upstairs and downstairs — вверх и вниз (по лестнице) 2 night gown [gaun] — ночндя рубашка 3 to rap — стучать 4 lock — замок 5 mad — сумасшедший € to toss — швырять 7 to dry — высушивать, сушить 6 to chase — гнать 9 to whirl [wa:l] — кружить вихрем 10 tired out — усталый 11 to blow away — зд. улетать 12 to circulate — циркулировать 13 vein — вена 141
When Nick sees a sheet of paper on the floor, he always picks it up. But he can't lift things which are as heavy as this bag. Remember: to raise поднять, привести в вертикальное положение to pick up поднять, подобрать ¦ to lift поднять с земли (с трудом) Exercises I. Fill in the blanks with the words to raise, to pick up or to lift in the correct form. 1. Pete bent down1 to ... a stone and threw it at the dog. 2. Pavel Vlasov ... the flag above the heads of his comrades. 3. He ... a sheet of paper from the floor and put it on the desk. 4. The machine is too heavy for you to ... . 5. I've dropped2 my tool, will you ... it ... , please. 6. He asked his father to help him ... this big box. 7. Rex, ... the stick and give it to me. 8. The militiaman ... his hand and the traffic stopped. 9. The boy ... the purse3 and gave it to the old woman who had dropped it. 1 to bend down — наклоняться 2 to drop — уронить 3 purse — кошелек 142
II. Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Use the word combinations given below. What is the boy doing? What are the children doing? What are the sailors doing? (to pick up a pencil, to raise a pole, to lift a sunken ship l) III. Make up short dialogues using the words in the column. Model: a) — Is this your pencil? * I picked it up at your seat (in the corridor, on the floor). — It's mine. Thank you very much. b) — Will you help me to lift this heavy box? * — Of course, I shall. * pen, stamp, book, paper, handkerchief, copybook, pin, map * table, big stone, desk, suitcase, long board, pipe, sofa. IV. Look at the pictures and make up short stories. 1. What did the girl drop?2 (шарф — scarf [skaif]). 2. What is the boy doing? 3. Is he a polite boy? 1 sunken ship — затонувший корабль 2 to drop — уронить $fb 143
1. Where is the father and the child? (демонстрация — demonstration) 2. Where is the child sitting? 3. Who lifted him to his father's shoulder? 1. What is lying on the ground? (труба 2. Can the boy lift the pipe alone? l 3. Why can't he lift it alone? pipe). 4. Whom does he ask to help him? 5. What do the pioneers take this pipe for? (металлолом scrap metal). 1 alone — один, сам 144
V. Read and retell the story. THE BOY AND THE CHERRIES One hot summer day a farmer and his young son were walking along a dusty road to a town several miles from their home. They came upon an old horseshoe l lying by the roadside. "Pick it up," said the farmer. "It may be useful some time." "Oh, Father," replied the boy, "it's not worth while stooping2 to pick up such an old worn horseshoe." The farmer picked it up himself. Reaching the town, he sold the horseshoe for a few cents and bought some cherries. The boy would have liked the cherries but as his father did not offer3 him any, he said nothing. On their way home the sun grew hotter and the boy became very thirsty.4 His father dropped a cherry on the ground. The boy stooped down, picked it up, and eagerly ate it. A few minutes later, the father dropped another, and again the boy stooped, picked up the cherry and ate it. This continued until all the cherries were gone. Then the father said, "My son, if you had stooped once for the horseshoe, you would not have needed to stoop5 twenty times for the cherries." VI. Read the story and answer the question: Two Englishmen were on board the ship. They were going to New York. For two days they had sat side by side without speaking. On the third day one of them fell asleep and his book fell on the deck.6 It broke the ice.7 The other man picked up the book, and the following dialogue took place: 1 horseshoe ['hoisju:] — подкова 2 to stoop — наклоняться 3 to offer — предлагать 4 thirsty ['Gaisti] — томимый жаждой 5 if you had stooped „.. you would not have needed to stoop ... — если бы ты наклонился ..., тебе бы не нужно было наклоняться ... 6 deck — палуба 7 It broke the ice. — зд. Это прервало их молчание. 145
— Thank vou very much. Going across? — Yes. — So am I. Did the men become talkative after one of them picked up rtie book of the other man? Riddle It is small and light but you won't be able to lift it by its tail.1 What is it? EXCURSION, HIKE It is very interesting and useful to go on an excursion. You may go on an excursion to a museum, a historical place, or a place of interest. Many schoolchildren go on an excursion to one of our beautiful canals. Do you like to go on a hike? When you are at the pioneer camp, you often go on an all day hike. Go on hikes in any season. It will give you much pleasure and, besides, it will make you healthy and strong! * tail 146 хвост
Remember: excursion экскурсия, коллективная поездка или прогулка с образовательной или увеселительной целью hike [haik] поход, прогулка, путешествие пешком hiker ['haik»] участник похода, турист, путе- ¦ шествующий пешком Exercises I. Fill in the blanks with the word hike or excursion. 1. Pete's dream is to go on an ... to Moscow and Leningrad. 2. We went on a three-day ... when we were at the pioneer camp last summer. 3. I like to go on ... to museum. One always learns l many new and interesting things. 4. Thousands of people go on an ... to Ulyanovsk — the birthplace of V. I. Lenin. 5. Do not eat salty2 food when you are on ... . 6. Have you ever gone on a ... in winter? II. Посмотрите на рисунок и ответьте на вопросы. 1. Are the man and his dog going on a hike or on an excursion? 2. What are they carrying in their rucksacks? 1 one always learns — всегда узнаешь 2 salty — соленый 147
3. What did they do when they came to the forest? 4. Do you think the man and the dog are tired? 5. Are they having a good rest? rucksack ['rukssek] — рюкзак to pitch a tent — установить палатку III. Speak about these pictures: 1. Why did these people come here? 2. What place did they come from? 3. What other places of interest can one see in Moscow? 4. Have you been to the capital of our country? 5. To what places did you go on excursions there? 1. Why did the train stop? 2. Where are the pioneers going? 3. Do they enjoy hiking? Africa f'sefnko] — Африка Asia Гет/э] — Азия 148
4. Who is greeting them? 5. Do the children in the train go on a hike or on an excursion? railway road — железнодорожное полотно SONG ABOUT THE HAPPY HIKER Words by S. Mikhalkov Translated by 5. Shturman Ascending1 a high and steep2 mountain, Through valleys, past rivers and springs, There went tramping by a young hiker And all through the day he would sing. The boy was not more than eleven, And then lad3 the travelling light. He carried his soap and his towel, And tooth-brush to keep his teeth white. No road can scare 4 us, We'll reach the height5 so bright. When everyone is singing Our pace is firm and light! When everyone is singing Our pace6 is firm and light7! The clouds made a roof up above him That thunder storms shattered and shook 1 to ascend — подниматься 2 steep — крутой 3 lad — юноша, парень 4 to scare — пугать, запугивать 5 height — высота 6 pace — шаг 7 firm — твердый
And everything worthy of knowing He'd write down in his little book. To make his way seem much more easy, As he went a swinging1 along, He'd hum a gay tune2 or he'd whistle 3 And make his words ring with his song. No road can scare us. We'll reach the height so bright. When everyone is singing Our pace is firm and light! TO WAIT (FOR), TO EXPECT These pioneers are waiting for their foreign guest. But they did not expect that he would come with his monkey.4 PETE: Hallo, Nick! You are a bit late. I have been waiting for you for fifteen minutes. NICK: I am sorry I am late. But Bob came to take my fishing rod.5 I didn't expect him at such an early hour. PETE: Why did you say "I didn't expect Bob", but not "I didn't wait for Bob"? NICK: You wait for a person if you have settled 6 that he will come, but to expect a person means only to believe7 that he will come. 1 to go a swinging — идти раскачиваясь 2 to hum a gay tune — напевать веселую мелодию 3 to whistle — насвистывать 4 monkey — обезьяна 5 fishing rod — удочка 6 to settle — договариваться 7 to believe — предполагать 150
You waited for me because yesterday we had decided to meet here and go together to the museum. But I didn't think that Bob could come to me at such an early hour, I didn't expect him so early. Remember: to wait for ждать кого-либо to expect ожидать, надеяться, полагать Exercises I. Fill in the blanks with the word to wait for or to expect in the required form: It is Kate's birthday. She is ... her guests. But she didn't ... that a dog could bring a birthday greeting. It's six o'clock. Where is Ann? We can't ... her any longer. She was to come at five, but it is already six o'clock. But Ann is ... the tram. 151
Why do you think she is here? Finish up the story. to live far from, to go by tram, to be excited, to be late II. Make up sentences using the models: а) Скажите другу, что вы ждали его дома (в вестибюле, на улице и т. д.), но не ожидали его встретить здесь. Model: I was waiting for you at home,* but I didn't expect to see you here. in the hall, in the street, in the yard, in the park, on the playground, in the library, on the bank of the river, at Pete's, at school b) Скажите другу, что не ждали, что он придет сегодня (утром, в 7 часов и т. д.), а ждали его вчера. Model: I didn't expect you to come today.** I waited for you yesterday. ** at such an early hour, at 7 o'clock, in the morning, at night, on Monday, in the evening, on Sunday III. Make up dialogues, using the models: — Why are you so surprised? J Didn't you expect to see me here? — No, I didn't. — Who are you waiting for then? — For Boris.* But I can't wait for him any longer. — How long have you been waiting? — He was to come at three,** but now it is already five o'clock. : my friend, my cousin, my brother, my sister i:* in the morning, in the afternoon 1 to be surprised — удивляться 152
What are you doing, Pete? I am doing my lessons.* What are you going to do afterwards? If you wait for me, we can go out for a walk. * to read a book, to do homework, to write a letter ** to play football, to swim in the river, to work in the garden IV. Look at the picture and tell the story: 1. What is the man doing? 2. Where is he fishing? 3. What has he in his hand? 4. Is it cold or hot? 5. Has the man been long here? 6. Has he caught a fish already? 7. Is he fishing for pleasure? What do you think? 8. Does he expect to catch a fish? 9. Who is sitting round him? 10. What are the cats waiting for? 11. What will the cats do if the man catches a fish? Riddle I am asked to come, I am waited for; But I make them hide, When I come. H UMOUR FATHER: Pete, what do you do at school? PETE: We wait till the bell rings. Willy waited for his music teacher: l "Did you wash your hands?" asked his mother. music teacher — учитель музыки 153
— Yes. — And your face? — Yes, mother. — And did you wash your ears? — I did, only behind my right ear. The teacher sits on my right side. LAST, LATEST THE NEWSPAPER SELLER: That was the last copy. I have no more. THE BOY: How unlucky1 I am! THE BOY: What are these people doing? A MAN: They are listening to the latest news. THE BOY: Who is the last? I'll be after you. командировок космос i 1 unlucky — несчастливый 154
Remember: last (at the end, after all others) последний (в порядке очередности); противополож- ¦ но слову first Note: the last bell последний звонок the last page of a book последняя страница книги the last lesson последний урок latest = most recent самый недавний, толь- ¦ ко что появившийся Note: the latest news последние известия the latest fashion новейший фасон the latest model последняя модель These are the latest fashions of the school uniform. This is the latest model of the Moskvich car. If the author is dead, we can ask, "What is the name of his last book?" If the author is still alivel we can ask, "Have you read X's latest book?" The author is alive and this book may be not his last. He may write others. Exercises I. Fill in the blanks with the word last or latest. — What was the ... film you saw? — It was Great Expectations after Dickens. — Did you like it? — Yes, I did. But I think that the book is more interesting. 1 alive — живой 155
I read pieces from it at our English-speaking club. Was it the ... book that Dickens wrote? No, it was not his ... . After this book Dickens wrote Our Mutual Friend. And his ... was The History of Edwin Drood. II. Make up sentences using these words and word combinations: 1. Do you remember ...? 2. Have you got...? 3. My brother comes home by ... . 4. Tomorrow the tenth- formers will have .... 5. Have you read ... ? 6. When does the Moscow radio broadcastl ... ? 7. Do you like Vanya's ... ? 8. The soldiers fought until .... 9. March is the month of ... . (the) last (the) latest days of your summer holidays, copy of the Pioneer Magazine, electric train, bell, short story by Sholockov, news, model of a jet plane,2 cartridge3 was gone, frosts4 III. Look at the picture and answer the questions. 1. Is the boy fond of birds? 2. Does he often make houses for birds? 3. Why did the boy make the change? 4. Is the house for birds of old model? 5. What are the boy's dreams for the future? 6. Does he dream of becoming a spaceman? J to broadcast — транслировать 2 jet plane — реактивный самолет 3 cartridge — патрон 4 frost — мороз 156
rocket-like — имеющий форму ракеты to look pleased — иметь довольный вид spaceman ['speisman] — летчик-космонавт to dream [dri:m] — мечтать model ['modi] — образец, модель HUMOUR TO THE LAST CARTRIDGE l — Hans, why do you keep firing2 without any pause? There are no enemy men before us. — The captain said to hold3 to the last cartridge, and I'm doing my best to expend4 all the ammunition5 before enemy soldiers appear. TO THE LAST SOLDIER A fascist soldier asked his officer: — Herr Lieutenant Colonel6, how long are we to hold this position? 7 — The order 8 is to hold it to the last soldier. — Then we leave it very soon. 1 cartridge — патрон 2 to keep firing — продолжать стрелять 3 to hold — держаться 4 to expend — тратить, расходовать 5 ammunition — боеприпасы 6 Lieutenant Colonel [lef'tenant 'kainal] — подполковник 7 to hold the position — удерживать позицию 8 order — приказ
KEY TO THE EXERCISES AND RIDDLES SMALL, LITTLE little, small 2. little 3. small 4. small Have you a little cat? Is it very small? Is it smaller than my white little cat? Has your little brother (sister) a little table and a little chair? Do you live in a big town or in a small town? OLDER, ELDER V In 1965 Lena was 7 years old. As her sister was a tenth-form pupil she was ten years older, that is she was 17.. In 1967 Lena was 9 years old and her sister was 19. Kate is the elder sister. She is ten years older. BIG, LARGE, GREAT II 1. large, big, great 2. great 3. large, big 4. great 5. large 6. big 7. large 8. large (or great) 9. large 10. big, large TO SAY, TO TELL II 1. says 2. tells 3. told 4. tell 5. says 6. tell 7. told III 1. Kate says that she likes to skate. 2. Tell us about your town. 3. Pete told us about his fish. 4. Tell me where you live. 5. The teacher says that we worked hard in the garden. II 1. VIII 1. 2. 3. 4.
TO SPEAK, TO TALK Ex. II 1. to speak 2. to talk 3. to talk 4. to speak 5. to talk Ex. Ill 1. speaks 2. speak 3. talks 4. talk Ex. VIII says, speak, tell, says, talk, talk Ex. IX 1. We can speak English a little. 2. The teacher often tells us about English children. 3. We do not talk when our teacher speaks. 4. "Let's go to the cinema," says Kate. 5. "Good morning!" our teacher says to us when she- comes into the classroom. 6. "Don't talk!" the man said in whisper. 7. — What do they often talk about? — About the film "Chapayev". They liked it very much. Riddles: In February. Because it is the shortest month of the year. HAND, ARM Ex. I arms, arms, hands, hands, hand, arm, arm Ex. IV 1. Take the pencil in your right hand. 2. Your hands are dirty, go and wash them. 3. Little Tanya has a little white cat in her hands. 4. Mother has little Nick in her arms. 5. Take the map under the arm and the bag in the left hand. 6. Sportsmen have strong arms. Riddles: 1. The hands of a clock. 2. The wind. 3. An umbrella. 4. A flag. LEGS, FEET, PAWS Ex. I foot, leg, legs, feet Ex. V 1. Three. 2. When there are two of them. 3. A cloud. 4. A river. 5. A table (or a chair). 6. When it has a mouse in its mouth. TO GO, TO COME, TO WALK Ex. II 1. go, walk, came, go, walk, came 2. go, come, came 3. walk, walk, come, walked Riddles: 1. A piano. 2. A penguin. 3. Because the bed doesn't come to us. 4. Because it didn't rain. 159
HOME, HOUSE Ex. II 1. house, house 2. home 3. home Riddles: 1. A nest. 2. A turtle. 3. A cucumber. TO DO, TO MAKE Ex. VIII A blackboard. A mirror. HIGH, TALL Ex. I 1. highest 2. high, tall 3. high, tall 4. taller 5. high, tall 6. high 7. high 8. high Riddles: 1. A star. 2. A pillow. FOOD, MEAL Ex. I 1. meal 2. meal 3. food 4. food 5. food 6. meal Ex. VI 1. Do you take food to school? 2. What food do you like? 3. Do you wash plates after meal? Riddles: 1. An iron horse. 2. A camel. 3. Appetite. HEAVY, DIFFICULT Ex. I 1. heavy 2. difficult 3. difficult 4. heavy 5. difficult 6. heavy LIGHT, EASY Ex. I Heavy, light сочетаются с bag, bench, boots, bicycles, boat, ball, desk, door, chair, flag, watch, leaf; easy, difficult сочетаются с word, question, story, homework, plan, text, language, life. Riddles: Because it is lighter than water. TO BRING, TO FETCH Ex. I 1. fetch 2. bring 3. bring 4. fetch 5. fetch 6. bring 7. fetch Ex. V fetched; brought; fetches; brings BEHIND, AFTER Ex. I 1. behind the cloud 2. after yourself 3. behind the chair 4. after Tanya 5. one after another 6. behind Ada Ex. II 1. behind 2. behind 3. after 4. behind 5. behind 6. after i60
TO LEND, TO BORROW Ex. I 1. borrows, lends 2. borrow, lend 3. lent 4. borrowed Ex. IV lend, lend, lent, borrowed, borrowed, lent, borrowed Riddle: Thanks. GROUND, EARTH, LAND Ex. II ground, ground, earth, earth, ground Ex. IV ground, earth, land, earth, land, earth Riddles: 1. You can't take any earth out of the hole because there is no earth in the hole. 2. Shoes. COUNTRY, VILLAGE Ex. Ill 1. village 2. village 3. country 4. country 5. country, country 6. village 7. country Riddle: A wild strawberry. TO LEARN, TO STUDY, TO TEACH Ex. Ill studied, studied, studied, studied, learned Riddle: A book. BANK, SHORE, COAST Ex. HI bank, bank; bank; coast; shore; banks; shore; coast line; coast, coast; shore TO SWIM, TO SAIL Ex. I 1. to swim 2. to sail 3. to swim 4. to sail 5. to swim 6. to swim 7. to swim Ex. IV 1. to swim 2. to swim 3. swim 4. swum 5. sailed 6. to swim 7. sail 8. to swim 9. swum 10. sails FOREST, WOOD Ex. I hedgehog ['hedghog] — ёж; tiger ['taiga] — тигр; lynx [liijks] — рысь; squirrel ['skwirol] — белка; elk [elk] — лось; wolf [wulf] — волк; wild [waild] boar [Ьэ:] — дикий кабан Ex. II 1. forest 2. woods 3. forest 4. wood 5. wood 6. forest COLLECT, TO GATHER, TO PICK Ex. I gather, gather; collect; gathering; collect 161
Ex. II 1. to collect 2. gathering 3. collecting 4. gathering 5. gathering LAZY, IDLE Ex. I idle, idle, lazy, idle, lazy Riddle: Because he is longer in bed. WORK, JOB Ex. I work, job, job, job, job, job, job, job, job, job, job, job, work ROAD, PATH, WAY Ex. II 1. road 2. path 3. path, road 4. way 5. road 6. path 7. road 8. road Riddles: Eyes. The letter 'B A path. ACROSS, OVER, THROUGH Ex. I 1. over a stick 2. over a gap 3. over the fence 4. through the forest 5. across the English Channel 6. across the street Riddles: To get to the other side. Blood. TO RAISE, TO PICK UP, TO LIFT Ex. I 1. pick up 2. raise 3. picked up 4. lift 5. pick up 6. lift 7. pick up 8. raise 9. picked up Riddle: A ball of wool. EXCURSION, HIKE Ex. I 1. excursion 2. hike 3. excursion 4. excursion 5. hike 6. hike TO WAIT (FOR), TO EXPECT Ex. I waiting for; expect; wait for; waiting for Riddle: Rain. LAST, LATEST Ex. I latest, last, last, last Ex. II 1. last 2. latest 3. last 4. last 5. latest 6. latest 7. latest 8. last 9. last
ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ Предисловие 4 Шестой класс 7 1. Small, little — 2. Older, elder 12 3 Big, large, great .... 14 4. To say, to tell 23 5. To speak, to talk .... 26 6. Hand, arm 32 7. Legs, feet, paws .... 36 8. To go, to come, to walk . 41 9. House, home 46 10. To do, to make 50 11. High, tall 56 12. Food, meal 62 Седьмой класс 66 13. Another, else — 14. Heavy, difficult 72 15. Light, easy 77 16. To bring, to fetch .... 82 17. Games, sports 86 18. Behind, after 89 19. To lend, to borrow .... 94 20. Tongue, language .... 97 21. Ground, earth, land ... 99 22. Country, village 103 Восьмой класс 106 23. To learn, to study, to teach — 24. Bank, shore, coast .... 110 25. To swim, to sail .... 114 26. Forest, wood 118 27. To collect, to gather, to pick 121 28. Lazy, idle 125 29. Work, job 129 30. Road, path, way 133 31. Across, over, through . . . 137 32. To raise, to pick up, to lift 141 33. Excursion, hike 146 34. To wait (for), to expect . 150 35. Last, latest 154 Key to the Exercises and Riddles 158
Костенко Г. Т. и Павлович Р. П. К 72 Выбери правильное слово. Пособие для учащихся 6—8 классов средн. школы. М., «Просвещение», 1968. 163 с. с илл. 40000 экз. 34 к. Для того чтобы правильно выразить свою мысль на иностранном языке, часто важно правильно выбрать нужное слово из сходных по значению слов (например, «сказать», «сообщить», «рассказать», «поведать»). Данное пособие в доступной и занимательной форме поможет учащимся VI—VIII классов средней школы активно усвоить трудные случаи употребления лексики. Этому помогут занимательные тексты, диалоги, шутки, пересказ по серии картинок, разнообразные упражнения. Книга иллюстрирована. 6—6 4И(Англ) 378—68 Галина Титоша Костенко, Розалия Павловна Павлович ВЫБЕРИ ПРАВИЛЬНОЕ СЛОВО Редактор И. С. Степнова. Художник В. И. Чижиков. Художественный редактор Н. М. Ременникова. Технический редактор Г. Л. Татура. Корректор О. С. Захарова Сдано в набор 26/VII 1967. Подписано к печати 19/VII 1968 г. 6QX84Vi6. Печ. л. 9,53 A0,25). Уч.-изд. л. 7,70. Тираж 40 тыс. экз. (Тем. пл. 1968 г. № 378). Издательство «Просвещение» Комитета по печати при Совете Министров РСФСР Москва, 3-й проезд Марьиной рощи, 41 Типография им. X. Хейдеманна. ЭССР, г. Тарту, ул. Юликооли, 17/19. II Заказ № 4900 Цена без переплета 19 к., переплет 15 к.

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