Which word to use earth land or soil

  1. Все правила употребления
  2. The Earth, earth, land, ground, soil

The Earth, earth, land, ground, soil

В английском языке несколько слов, обозначающих «землю».

the Earth – Земля

Правило употребления:

  1. Планета.

    • The Earth goes round the Sun. – Земля вращается вокруг Солнца.

      Пояснение к примеру: В данном случае употребляется именно как планета Солнечной системы.

earth – многозначное слово, соответствует разным существительным в русском языке

Правила употребления:

  1. Земля, земной шар, свет, мир.

    • I dream to travel all over the earth. – Я мечтаю путешествовать по всему миру.

      Пояснение к примеру: Мечтаю объездить всю землю, не планету, а конкретно земной шар.

  2. Земля, грунт.

    • I want some more earth for my flowers. – Мне нужно больше земли для моих цветов.

      Пояснение к примеру: В данном случае по словом «земля» имеется в виду «грунт».

land – многозначное слово, соответствует разным существительным в русском языке

Правила употребления:

  1. Суша, земля.

    • After many months at sea they sighted land. – После многих месяцев в море они увидели землю.

      Пояснение к примеру: Т.е. часть суши.

  2. Страна, местность, территория.

    • I would like to visit distant lands. – Я бы хотел посетить дальние страны.

      Пояснение к примеру: Иными словами — дальние земли.

ground – земля

Правило употребления:

  1. Поверхность земли.

    • Deep snow covered the ground. – Глубокий снег покрывал землю.

      Пояснение к примеру: Имеется в виду верхняя часть почвы.

soil – земля, грунт

Правило употребления:

  1. Наиболее верный перевод на русский — «почва».

    • There is fertile soil in my garden. – В моем саду — плодородная земля.

      Пояснение к примеру: Иными словами «почва».

Use the words from the box to complete the sentences.
earth, land, soil, ground
1) Mrs Willer prepared the … for the flowers she was going to plant.
2) It is snowing now, and beautiful snowflakes are falling down to the … .
3) Is … nearer to the Moon than Mars is?
4) There is water and water around us. When shall we see …?
5) She planted the roses in wet rich … .
6) After working at sea for eight years, I got a job on … .
7) In autumn red and yellow leaves fall to the … and we walk on them.
8) Mr Parson is interested in our planet. He has a good collection of books about … .
9) The captain of the boat wanted to walk on dry … .
10) The … in the pot is very dry. Can’t you water the plant?


ГДЗ Английский язык 7 класс (часть 2) Афанасьева. UNIT 4. Step 4. Номер №3


Перевод задания
земля (планета), земля (суша), земля (почва), земля (поверхность)
1) Миссис Виллер подготовила … для цветов, которые она собиралась посадить.
2) Сейчас идет снег, и красивые снежинки падают на … .
3) … ближе к Луне, чем Марс?
4) Вокруг нас вода и вода. Когда мы увидим …?
5) Она посадила розы во влажной богатой … .
6) После работы на море восемь лет, я устроился на работу на … .
7) Осенью красные и желтые листья падают на … и мы ходим по ним.
8) Мистер Парсон интересуется нашей планетой. У него хорошая коллекция книг о … .
9) Капитан лодки хотел погулять по … .
10) … в горшке очень сухая. Вы не можете полить растение?

1) Mrs Willer prepared the soil for the flowers she was going to plant.
2) It is snowing now, and beautiful snowflakes are falling down to the ground.
3) Is the Earth nearer to the Moon than Mars is?
4) There is water and water around us. When shall we see land?
5) She planted the roses in wet rich soil.
6) After working at sea for eight years, I got a job on land.
7) In autumn red and yellow leaves fall to the ground and we walk on them.
8) Mr Parson is interested in our planet. He has a good collection of books about the Earth.
9) The captain of the boat wanted to walk on dry land.
10) The soil in the pot is very dry. Can’t you water the plant?

Перевод ответа
1) Миссис Виллер подготовила почву для цветов, которые она собиралась посадить.
2) Сейчас идет снег, и красивые снежинки падают на землю.
3) Земля ближе к Луне, чем Марс?
4) Вокруг нас вода и вода. Когда мы увидим землю?
5) Она посадила розы во влажной богатой почве.
6) После работы на море восемь лет, я устроился на работу на суше.
7) Осенью красные и желтые листья падают на землю и мы ходим по ним.
8) Мистер Парсон интересуется нашей планетой. У него хорошая коллекция книг о Земле.
9) Капитан лодки хотел погулять по суше.
10) Почва в горшке очень сухая. Вы не можете полить растение?

Тест на разницу в употреблении слов earth (the Earth), land, soil, ground .

1.Mrs Willer prepared the … for the flowers she was going to plant.
a)earth b)land c)soil d)ground

2.Is the … nearer to the Moon than Mars is?
a)earth b)land c)soil d)ground

3.There is water and water around us. When shall we see the … ?
a)earth b)land c)soil d)ground

4.In autumn red and yellow leaves fall to the … and we walk on them. a)earth b)land c)soil d)ground

5.It is snowing now, and beautiful snowflakes are falling down to the …
a)earth b)land c)soil d)ground

6/She planted the roses in wet rich … .
a)earth b)land c)soil d)ground

7.After working at sea for eight years, I got a job on … .
a)earth b)land c)soil d)ground

8.Mr Parson is interested in our planet. He has a good collection of books about … .
a)earth b)land c)soil d)ground

9.The captain of the boat wanted to walk on dry … .
a)earth b)land c)soil d)ground

10.The … in the pot is very dry. Can’t you water the plant?
a)earth b)land c)soil d)ground

  • #1

When it’s a matter of farming or gardening are all of these words adequate ? What’s the best: «I busy myself gardening, working and improving the soil or the earth or the ground or the land » ? Is there any difference of meaning ?

    • #2

    I would suggest that «the land» is what you own — the geographic entity.
    Improving the «land» would imply major work such as draining it or clearing huge boulders.
    Improving the «ground» would imply clearing it of large rocks and levelling it.
    Improving the «soil» would imply adding fertilisers and feeds, growing/rotating the crops so as not to deplete it of minerals and mulching plants.
    I’m not sure that the word ‘earth’ has much currency in gardening circles.


    • #3

    I would use improving the soil in a gardening or farming context, if you mean that you are augmenting the soil in order to make the plants/crops grow better. You could also say improving the land if you mean that you are building barns on it, draining swampy areas, adding access roads, or other things to make your land more valuable. Earth could be substituted for soil, but it’s usually used in a more poetic context, for example: I love to feel the cool earth under my bare feet when I work in my garden.

    Dirt is what you wash off of your car or wipe off of your shoes, not what you grow plants in—and not something that can be improved. However, dirt is commonly used by non-gardeners to describe what is in a garden or flower pot.


    • #4

    I found this definition of «earth» here (but this is very specific):

    the softer, friable part of land; soil, especially productive soil; the loose soft material that makes up a large part of the land surface; «they dug into the earth outside the church»

    And from Merriam Webster:
    [quote] the fragmental material composing part of the surface of the globe; especially : cultivable soil[/quote]

    • #5

    Thanks so much to all of you for your answers of a great interest.


    • #6

    I would use improving the soil in a gardening or farming context, if you mean that you are augmenting the soil in order to make the plants/crops grow better. […]

    Dirt is what you wash off of your car or wipe off of your shoes, not what you grow plants in—and not something that can be improved. However, dirt is commonly used by non-gardeners to describe what is in a garden or flower pot.

    Would soil also be used in the following context:
    I’m going to replant the anemones today, will you buy me a sack of soil on your way back?
    Would dirt work too?



    • #7

    Would soil also be used in the following context:
    I’m going to replant the anemones today, will you buy me a sack of soil on your way back?
    Would dirt work too?

    For some reason that I can’t explain, I would expect that to be a bag of soil, not a sack, and the stuff that MrsP gets me to buy for this purpose is called compost, not soil. I suspect that allows the garden centre to charge a great deal more for it.

    Dirt would not work in this context, although the stuff we grow things in is sometimes called dirt.


    • #8

    Interesting, I have always understood compost to be dacaying matter, composed of vegetation, made to fertilise soil, which in turn would be different from and more expensive than plain soil.
    What do call what I have just described then? Or could it be the terminology adapted for marketing purposes which has crept into common usage and now encompasses both meanings?

    • #9

    There may be some difference with BE, but here ‘compost’ is, well, composted material. You can also buy a bag of manure that has preferably, but not necessarily, been composted. You can also buy a bag of topsoil, that usually contains composted material, but other stuff as well (peat moss, sand etc. but I’m not sure there is a set composition). There is also potting soil.

    If you said to me to pick up a bag (not sack) of soil, I might ask if you want topsoil, potting soil, compost, manure (cow, sheep, chicken…?) Or I might just go buy you a bag of dirt :)

    • #10

    What’s the correct word for what’s in a flowerpot around the plant? Soil. earth?

    • #11

    Both are correct and both would be used. I personally would say soil, but I know people who say earth.

    Matching Mole

    • #12

    Moderator note:

    I have appended the last two posts to an existing thread on the subject. I found this thread by entering soil earth into the Wordreference Dictionary Look-up box at the top of this page.

    Не всегда легко подобрать правильное слово, когда речь заходит о земле. Дело в том, что одно русское слово в разных его значениях соответствует сразу четырём английским. Попробуем разобраться, в чём разница между «ground», «earth», «land» и «soil».

    Слово «ground» употребляется в тех случаях, когда речь идёт о твёрдой поверхности земли, по которой мы ходим, или о территории. Вот что даёт нам словарь:

    1. (often the ground) the solid surface of the earth
    2. I found her lying on the ground.
      He lost his balance and fell to the ground.
      2 metres above / below ground
      Most of the monkeys’ food is found at ground level.
      He flung his bike to the ground and rushed inside.

    3. soil on the surface of the earth
    4. fertile ground for planting crops
      soft ground

    5. area of open land
    6. a piece of ground where the kids play
      The kids were playing on waste ground behind the school.

    ground.jpgtick-sign_0.jpg«It is apparent that no lifetime is long enough in which to explore the resources of a few square yards of ground.» (Alice M. Coats)

    tick-sign_0.jpg«I refuse to have an emotional attachment to a piece of ground. At one end of the scale it’s called patriotism, at the other end of the scale it’s called gardening.» (Bob Shaw)

    tick-sign_0.jpg«There is nothing pleasanter than spading when the ground is soft and damp.» (John Steinbeck)


    Слово «earth» применимо тогда, когда мы говорим о планете. Вот словарная дефиниция:

    1. (also Earth, the Earth) the world; the planet that we live on
    2. the planet Earth
      the history of life on earth
      the earth’s ozone layer
      The earth revolves around the sun.
      I must be the happiest person on earth!

    3. land; the hard surface of the world that is not the sea or the sky; the ground
    4. After a week at sea, it was good to feel the earth beneath our feet again.
      You could feel the earth shake as the truck came closer.

    Хотя это слово может использоваться и относительно поверхности земли — но не твёрдой её части, а мягкой. Другими словами, оно употребимо, когда речь идёт о выращивании чего-то, особенно в поэтическом контексте.

    earth.jpgtick-sign_0.jpg«To dig in one’s own earth, with one’s own spade, does life hold anything better?» (Beverly Nichols)

    tick-sign_0.jpg«Earth, thou great footstool of our God, who reigns on high; thou fruitful source of all our raiment, life, and food; our house, our parent, and our nurse.» (Isaac Watts)

    tick-sign_0.jpg«The poetry of the earth is never dead.» (John Keats)

    Такое употребление более свойственно британскому английскому, в то время как некоторые американцы (те, которые далеки от садоводства) иногда называют землю в огороде или в цветочном горшке «dirt»:

    We filled a few trays with earth/dirt and planted the seeds.


    Слово «land» уместно тогда, когда речь идёт о суше. Оно также употребляется применительно к пейзажу, ландшафту и участку земли. Вот что говорит нам словарь про него:

    1. the surface of the earth that is not sea
    2. It was good to be back on land.
      We made the journey by land, though flying would have been cheaper.
      In the distance the crew sighted land.
      The elephant is the largest living land animal.

    3. (also lands) an area of ground, especially of a particular type or used for a particular purpose
    4. fertile / arid / stony land
      flat / undulating / hilly land
      agricultural / arable / industrial land
      The land was very dry and hard after the long, hot summer.
      The land rose to the east.
      a piece of waste / derelict land
      Some of the country’s richest grazing lands are in these valleys.

    land.jpgtick-sign_0.jpg«The land is a mother that never dies.» (Maori Proverb)

    tick-sign_0.jpg«The land now desolate will be tilled, instead of lying waste for every passer-by to see. Everyone will say that this land which was waste has now become like a Garden of Eden.» (Ezekiel 36:34-35)

    tick-sign_0.jpg«The farther we get away from the land, the greater our insecurity.» (Henry Ford)


    И, наконец, «soil». Слово применительно в отношении садоводства, когда речь идёт о качестве или типе почвы. «Soil» — это то, что мы покупаем в пакетах, чтобы посадить растения или семена, и то, в чём растут деревья и цветы. Но не только. Цитирую словарь:

    1. the top layer of the earth in which plants, trees, etc. grow
    2. poor / dry / acid / sandy soil
      fertile / rich / productive soil
      the study of rocks and soils
      soil erosion
      These plants prefer alkaline soil.

    3. (literary) a country; an area of land
    4. It was the first time I had set foot on African soil.

    soil.jpgtick-sign_0.jpg«The golden rule of gardening is to pay attention to local conditions of weather and soil.» (Carol Williams)

    tick-sign_0.jpg«Most of all one discovers that the soil does not stay the same, but, like anything alive, is always changing and telling its own story. Soil is the substance of transformation.» (Carol Williams)

    tick-sign_0.jpg«There is a great pleasure in working in the soil, apart from the ownership of it. The man who has planted a garden feels that he has done something for the good of the world.» (Charles Dudley Warner, 1870)

    Таким образом, поверхность земли, которая не является ни морем, ни небом, можно назвать «earth», «land» or «ground»:

    The parachute floated gently down to earth.
    We did not see land again until the ship reached Australia.
    a plane 2 500 feet above the ground.

    tick-sign_0.jpg«The old people came literally to love the soil and they sat or reclined on the ground with a feeling of being close to a mothering power. It was good for the skin to touch the earth and the old people liked to remove their moccasins and walk with bare feet on the sacred earth. Their tipis were built upon the earth and their altars were made of earth. The birds that flew into the air came to rest upon the earth and it was the final abiding place of all things that lived and grew. The soil was soothing, strengthening, cleansing and healing.» (Chief Luther Standing Bear)

    Надеюсь, вы разобрались. Проверим? Winking

    Интересно, какой из четырёх вариантов вы бы употребили в этом предложении:

    The … in the south of Vietnam is very rich and fertile.

    Обсуждение здесь. Кстати, там же вы найдёте ещё примеры употребления интересующей нас лексики.

    А в этом:

    I busy myself gardening, working and improving the …

    Обсуждение здесь, а вот ответ, который мне понравился больше всех:

    I would use improving the soil in a gardening or farming context, if you mean that you are augmenting the soil in order to make the plants/crops grow better. You could also say improving the land if you mean that you are building barns on it, draining swampy areas, adding access roads, or other things to make your land more valuable. Earth could be substituted for soil, but it’s usually used in a more poetic context, for example: I love to feel the cool earth under my bare feet when I work in my garden.

    Dirt is what you wash off of your car or wipe off of your shoes, not what you grow plants in—and not something that can be improved. However, dirt is commonly used by non-gardeners to describe what is in a garden or flower pot.

    Как мы с вами увидели, во многих случаях слова являются взаимозаменяемыми, при этом каждое обладает своей спецификой. Очень многое здесь определяется общепринятостью и частотностью употребления того или иного сочетания слов (см. примеры выше).

    Словарь, на который я ссылалась в этой заметке:

    А здесь вы найдёте целую коллекцию цитат о земле, некоторые из которых я позаимствовала для иллюстрации различий: www.gardendigest.com.

    P.S. Заметка принимает участие в галерее праздников «Earth Day».

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