Which word means ship or boat

Ahoy, me hearties! A true seadog worth their salt would never let aboard a landlubber who calls their ship a boat. That kind of mixup is the talk that gets you walking the plank!

In this article, we’ll sail the seven seas of nautical knowledge to define the difference between the words ship and boat, explain what they refer to in technical and casual use, provide examples of different kinds of both ships and boats, and we’ll even clear up the meaning of the word yacht.

🚢 Quick summary

In casual use, the word boat is often used to refer to any watergoing vessel, regardless of its size or how it’s powered. However, large oceanfaring watercraft—those that use multiple sails or engines—are more properly called ships. In contrast, the word ship isn’t commonly applied to smaller craft. The word yacht is typically used to refer to any larger noncommercial vessel—one used for sailing or other recreation, as opposed to business.

What’s the difference between a boat and a ship?

By definition, a boat is “a vessel for transport by water,” “a small ship,” or “a vessel of any size built for navigation of rivers or inland bodies of water.” In casual use, the word boat is used to refer to any vehicle used to travel on the water—anything from a canoe to an ocean liner.

In this kind of casual and general usage, the word boat is often used to refer to watercraft of all sizes and types, as you can see in the variety of terms that include the word, such as sailboat, motorboat, fishing boat, rowboat, tugboat, paddleboat, and lifeboat.

In contrast, the word ship is typically reserved to refer to a large, ocean-faring vessel propelled by multiple sails or engines.

(Of course, the word ship is also used to refer to large, nonwater craft, such as airship and spaceship.)

In technical, nautical contexts, the word ship sometimes specifically refers to a sailing vessel that has three or more square masts. As is the case with boat, though, the word ship is applied in the name of a variety of large watercrafts, including cruise ship, cargo ship, pirate ship, battleship, longship, and steamship.

In contexts where it’s important to distinguish the difference, the distinction made between ship and boat is typically based on the size of the craft being discussed and if it is used only for ocean or sea travel. Additionally, the word boat can refer to vessels that don’t have any sails or engines, such as a kayak or a rowboat, whereas the word ship usually refers to vessels with many sails or large engines. Even in casual usage, it’s very uncommon for someone to call a small craft a ship, unless they’re doing so jokingly.

One distinction made in nautical contexts is that the word ship often refers to vessels too large to fit inside other vessels. By contrast, the word boat is often used to refer to smaller craft that can fit inside larger ones. For example, a massive cruise ship may have a large number of lifeboats inside it.

What are you sailing? An ocean or a sea? Learn the difference here.

Yacht vs. boat

The word yacht typically refers to a vessel used for private, noncommercial reasons (those other than business), such as sailing or racing. As a general term, the word yacht can refer to any watercraft that isn’t intended to be used to make money, which includes anything from racing sailboats to billionaires’ floating ultra-luxury mansions.

The word yacht is not used to refer to small vessels, such as row boats or canoes. In casual usage, a yacht may be referred to with the more general terms boat or ship, but certainly not all ships and boats are yachts.

All dictionaries try to avoid the dread lexicographic condition known as circular defining. This is when one looks up a word such as dictionary, sees that it is defined as “a lexicon,” and, when looking up lexicon, finds that it is defined as “a dictionary.” Given that we spend a considerable amount of time avoiding this sort of defining, it may come to a surprise to some users to discover that one of the definitions for boat is “ship,” and vice versa.


This is not actually a case of circular defining, as these seeming examples of synonymy are but one of a number of possible meanings for each word. And we do not define the words in this manner out of a desire to annoy people who love to observe the distinction between these two kinds of vessels. The reason we offer the definitions of “ship” for boat and “boat” for ship is that this is the manner in which a large number of people use the words.

‘What is the difference between a ship and a boat?’ has a good number of answers, but unfortunately most of these are not couched in the type of precise language a dictionary aims for. Sample responses to this question include ‘You can put a boat onto a ship, but you can’t put a ship onto a boat,’ ‘a boat is what you get into when the ship sinks,’ and ‘a boat is the thing you put gravy in.’

If you were to look for precision by asking this question of ten nautically-inclined people in ten different areas it is possible that you would get a wide range of answers, for the exact moment at which a boat becomes a ship varies considerably. We define ship in the following ways: “a large seagoing vessel,” “a sailing vessel having a bowsprit and usually three masts each composed of a lower mast, a topmast, and a topgallant mast,” and “boat (especially one propelled by power or sail)”. Boat has a slightly narrower semantic range, including “a small vessel for travel on water,” and “ship.”

Usage writers appear to have been warning people about these words since the late 19th century; boat appears on James Gordon Bennett’s “Don’t List” in the New York Herald, with instruction to avoid “except in describing a small craft propelled by oars.” However, the distinction between boat and ship had been observed by others well before this.

Mr. Barnes then proceeded to state the distinction between a boat and a ship, and contended that all vessels above a certain tonnage, and which were registered, came under the denomination of “ships,” inasmuch as boats had no register.
The Essex County Standard (Colchester, Eng.), 29 Oct. 1841

”What do you think, William, is the next gradation?”

”Why, father, is there any thing between a boat and a ship?”

”We are not come to a ship yet, William; we have only spoken of such sorts of vessels as are moved by paddles or oars.”
— Isaac Taylor, The Ship, or Sketches of the Vessels of Various Countries, 1834

Despite the fact that we’ve been receiving admonitions about boat and ship for over a century now, many people cheerfully insist on using boat for waterborne vessels of any size. However, few, if any, use ship to refer to small crafts. If you find that you are unable to remember the which is the larger between ship and boat it may help to sing the children’s song Row Your Boat (“row, row, row your ship” sounds decidedly odd — small oared crafts are almost always referred to as boats). No matter how many aphorisms we come up with, it seems unlikely that we are going to get much more specific than ‘ships are bigger than boats.’

Considering that our language has hundreds of words for different kinds of things that float on the water it is somewhat odd that we should focus exclusively on the difference between only these two. Should you find yourself beset by an angry sailor who calls you out for using boat when you should have used ship you may turn and ask if they know the difference between a xebec and an umiak, a corvette and a wherry, or an argosy and a garvey (the first ones are all ships and the second ones all boats).

The fact that English usage is messy, and has contributed to a use of boat that is somewhat vague, does not mean that there aren’t settings where precision is called for. For instance, when you are sailing on someone else’s vessel it is polite to always employ the correct terminology. And if you find yourself at a loss about when a boat becomes a ship you should contact your local maritime authority.

Ship and Boat are both sea-going vessels and it is quite easy to get confused with the two, but there is distinct difference between ship and boat, which will be highlighted here. There are many kinds of watercrafts such as kayaks, canoes, catamarans, tugs, ferries, motor boats, submarines, yachts, cruise,etc. which are usually differentiated based on their sizes while categorizing some as ships and others as boats. It is a common belief that the smaller ones are always the boats while the bigger ones are the ships. While this would partly help in determining which is which, it is not entirely correct to assume so.

Primarily, histories and inventions of these sea-going crafts are the main reasons for these confusions but these aspects, as well, can give us an explanation as to how ships and boats differ from one another. For instance, many refer to submarines as ships because of their size. However, the reason for this belief is the first version of the modern submarines being attached to bigger ships in order for them to travel under water. Therefore, people have been used to call submarines as ships since then. However, let us take the definitions of these two terms, ship and boat, below.

What is a Ship?

A ship can be defined as any large buoyant water craft which are used for the transportation of people, goods, warfare, etc. It is a vessel that travels on lakes, rivers and oceans which weighs at least 500 tons. A ship is a strong and sturdy vessel that is made especially robust to travel across deep seas and is operated by well-trained sailors such as marine and naval officers. Historically, what was defined as a ship was a sailing vessel comprised of a full bowsprit and at least three square-rigged masts.

Throughout history, ships have been an integral part of warfare and this practice continues to this very day. Ships have always played a great part in exploration as well as scientific and technological development. Serving humanitarian and scientific needs, ships have also played their part in the colonization as well as in the slave trade.

Ship | Difference Between Ship and Boat

What is a Boat?

Boat is a vessel of a discreet size capable of passing across waters for usual chores. It can be defined as a watercraft of any size that is designed to float or travel on water. Shapes, size and construction of a boat depends upon the intended purpose of the boat. As a result of this, types of boats vary in nature. Human-powered vessels such as kayaks, canoes, punt and gondolas, sailing boats and motor boats like submarines and yachts are some of the boats available in the world. Every sea-going craft that is below 500 tons of weight is categorized as boats. Some other examples are catamarans, tugs and ferries. 

Boat | Difference Between Ship and Boat

What is the difference between Ship and Boat?

Even though definitions are well-explained, the thin line that separates a boat and ship are usually overlooked which makes the topic a lot more complicated. People very easily term small water crafts like kayaks and canoes as boats, but whenever they see large fishing vessels, which, obviously, are ships, they too are referred to as boats as well. However, it is inaccurate to assume so. 

A ship is bigger than a boat, and sophisticated technologies are used in building ships. As such, ships require a very large crew to manage them. Boats can fit be in a ship, and the technologies used are not very sophisticated.  They can be easily managed with fewer crew. Water crafts designed as warfare are ships; boats are not employed as war crafts.


Boat vs Ship

• Boats and ships are both water crafts.

• Boats are smaller compared to ships.

• A ship weighs at least 500 tons, boat weighs lower.

• Ships are normally for deep water navigation, boats can travel in shallow waters as well.

• Ships can carry passengers and cargo. Boats have a very limited capacity.

• Ships must be operated with an approved license from an authority; some boats do, too, but not all like regular small fishing boats.

• Some boats are human-powered, but there is no such thing as a human-powered ship nowadays.

• Ships are designed to carry boats for safeness preparation.

Further Reading:

1. Difference Between Boat and Yacht 

2. Difference Between Ocean Liner and Cruise Ship 

Image Attribution:

1. The Disney Dream Cruise Ship by peddhapati (CC BY 2.0) 

2. Boats waiting to be loaded with traps by Dennis Jarvis (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Confused about whether to call a vessel that sails on a sea a ‘boat’ or a ‘ship’? What makes a ‘boat’ different from a ‘ship’? How do you know whether it’s ‘ship’ or ‘boat’? These kinds of questions seem to bother students a lot. So to ensure that the next time you use these words, they are in the correct context, this article will walk you through how ‘boat’ and ‘ship’ differ.

There is no doubt that the English Language might give people of all ages a hard time since there are quite a few confusing words in this language. Some people use most words without knowing their meanings, which sometimes leads to incorrect language usage. So to make sure that students avoid using these common mistakes regarding words like ‘boat’ and ‘ship’, the following points will be discussed. Let’s have a look at them.

  • Table Summarising the Difference between Boat and Ship.
  • The Difference between Boat and Ship – Meanings
  • Examples of Boat and Ship.
  • Boat and Ship – Conclusion

Table Summarising the Difference between Boat and Ship

Boat Ship
Meaning Boat is used to refer to a small/mid-sized vessel that is used to travel on waterways. Ships are very large vessels that generally travel on seas and oceans and transport people and goods.
Usage It is used as a Noun. It is used as a Noun.
Example We took a boat to reach our next destination. The Titanic was a very large ship.

Though both ‘boat’ and ‘ship’ are used as a means of transportation across waterways, they can’t be treated synonymously or interchangeably, as seen in the table above.

The Difference between Boat and Ship – Meanings

If you see the images of ‘boat’ and ‘ship’, you can easily understand the difference between them. The ‘boat’ is a small/mid-sized vessel that travels small distances through waterways. ‘Boats’ generally travel in small restricted waterways like rivers, lakes, coasts, etc., to transport goods, people, or fish. ‘Boats’ use simple techniques and equipment for navigation. Depending on the size/structure of the boat, one or more people operate it, whereas a ‘ship’ is a reasonably large vessel that travels across large waterways like oceans and seas to transport goods, cargo and people. Many navigators are present in the ‘ship’ collectively known as the crew, and a captain heads them. The navigation equipment and techniques are far more complicated than a ‘boat’. These are some essential differences between ‘boat’ and ‘ship’. Let’s take a look at the examples.

Examples of Boat and Ship

Let us consider the given examples of ‘boat’ and ‘ship’ to understand the concept clearly:

Boat – Gondolas are a type of flat bottomed boat that is found in the Venetian canals. (noun)

Ship – The unsinkable ship sank after it hit an iceberg. (noun)

As soon as the students grasp the difference between the words ‘boat’ and ‘ship’, it becomes easier to understand.

Boat and Ship – Conclusion

So, ‘boat’ and ‘ship’ are both vessels that travel on waterways, but these words can’t be used interchangeably or synonymously. Once students get this concept, it becomes easier for them to understand and use the terms correctly in sentences. Also, BYJU’S provides articles on many such ‘Differences Between Two Words’ that students often get confused with.

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Терминология военно-морской области весьма специфична и имеет свои особенности. Тем не менее, это терминология и неверное ее использование может привести к недопониманию, неверному пониманию или даже искажению, что в военной сфере недопустимо. Разбираемся с основными терминами.

Плавсредство (сокр. от “плавучее средство”) – самоходное или несамоходное плавучее сооружение, используемое для перевозки грузов, багажа и почты, пассажиров, рыбного или иного морского или речного промысла, спасания людей, буксировки иных плавучих объектов, военных, гидротехнических, научных, учебных, спортивных, развлекательных целей и эксплуатирующиеся в условиях водной среды. Таким образом, плавсредством в целом именуется все, что используется для движения на воде или под водой, однако на практике обычно подразумеваются небольшие средства, которые обычно не подпадают под те категории, которые описываются терминами корабль и судно.

Судно (множественное число – суда) – по определению военно-морского словаря, плавсредство, используемое в качестве транспортного средства. Таким образом, плавучие причалы, понтоны и т.п. к судам не относятся. Согласно Международным правилам предупреждения столкновений судов в море (МППСС), судно означает все виды плавучих средств, включая неводоизмещающие суда (на воздушной подушке, экранолеты и т.п.) и гидросамолеты, используемые или могущие быть использованными в качестве средств передвижения по воде.

Военными судами называют суда обеспечения, зачисленные в состав ВМС/ВМФ, носящие флаг, укомплектованные военной, гражданской или смешанной командой во главе с командиром (офицером) или капитаном и предназначенные для снабжения и обслуживания кораблей в пунктах базирования и в море.

Термин корабль близок по значению к понятию судна, но не равнозначен ему. Судно понятие более широкое, не все суда можно назвать кораблем.

В общем смысле кораблями называются только достаточно большие морские суда (в отличие от прибрежных), а в более узком терминологическом значении – это военные корабли.  Парусные суда называются кораблем при наличии не менее трех мачт с прямыми парусами.

Особо следует остановиться на терминосочетании военный корабль – боевого или специального назначения судно, имеющее вооружение и другие технические средства для решения боевых и обеспечивающих задач, входящее в состав ВМС/ВМФ, несущее военно-морской флаг. Согласно Женевской международной конвенции 1958 года об открытом море, военный корабль должен иметь внешние знаки, определяющие его государственную принадлежность, находиться под командой офицера, состоящего на государственной службе, имя которого занесено в список офицеров ВМС/ВМФ, и иметь экипаж, подчинённый регулярной военной дисциплине. Является собственностью государства, подчиняется только его законам и пользуется правом экстерриториальности при официальном нахождении в иностранных водах.

Хотя в повседневной речи понятия судно и корабль употребляются как синонимы, в профессиональном понимании кораблями называются только военные корабли.

Лодка – небольшое судно. В Военно-морском словаре лодка определяется как судно длиной до девяти метров, шириной до трех метров и грузоподъемностью до пяти тонн. Часть лодок оборудованы мотором, если мотор подвесной – это лодка, если встроенный – катер. Есть устоявшиеся терминосочетания: подводная лодка, канонерская лодка.

Все корабли и суда ВМС/ВМФ именуются корабельным составом.

Для обозначения плавучих средств в английском языке используются следующие слова: craft, vessel, ship, boat. В русском языке им могут соответствовать: плавсредство, судно, корабль, катер и лодка. При этом, как правило, прямого соотношения между ними нет, как нет и четко выраженного разграничения значений внутри группы синонимов, что нередко приводит к ошибкам в употреблении и переводе. Следовательно, необходимо четко представлять себе базовые значения каждого термина, а также знать конкретные устоявшиеся случаи употребления.

Наиболее общие и широкие значения имеют craft и vessel, при этом значение первого термина (применительно к области мореплавания) можно передать словом средство, а второго судно. Craft изначально имело смысл ремесло/искусство, что позднее перешло на те средства, с помощью которых создавались продукты ремесла, в том числе и на рыбацкие лодки, которые служили хорошим подспорьем в деле промысла рыбы. Однако были и другие средства, кроме рыбацких. Поэтому, чтобы передать значение именно плавучих средств, используется более определенная форма данного термина watercraft. Хотя в обычной речи используется чаще сокращенная форма. Craft подразумевает как надводные, так и подводные плавсредства, включая и те, которые нельзя передать словами суда, корабли, катера, лодки, такие как плоты, торпеды, подводные аппараты, гидросамолеты и пр. Особенностью данного термина является формальное отсутствие формы множественного числа.

Vessel передает значение судна, производное от сосуд, посудина. При этом подразумевается, что данное средство передвижения по воде достаточно большое, минимум – большая лодка.

Соотношение между ship и boat более определенные. Под ship обычно понимается судно, достаточно большое для использования на водных пространствах с большой глубиной и предназначенное для перевозки людей или грузов. Если речь идет о парусных судах, то ship имеет не менее трех мачт. Еще одним индикатором для использования ship при обозначении судна является то, что это судно должно иметь водоизмещение не менее 450 тонн. Как правило, суда, определяемые термином ship, противопоставляются судам, определяемым термином boat, а основным критерием является размер судна. Как уже говорилось, ship – это достаточно большое судно, а boat – это судно меньше чем ship.

Boat обычно используется на внутренних водоемах и в прибрежных зонах морей. Boat может транспортироваться на борту ship, но boat не может разместить на себе ship. При этом подводные лодки всегда определяются термином boat, а в неформальной речи boat может обозначать ship любого размера и назначения. Однако этого не рекомендуется делать в отношении военного (особенно боевого) ship, такое использование термина boat могут посчитать неуважительным и даже оскорбительным.

На основании всего сказанного выше можно предложить следующие наиболее обобщенные варианты перевода (чаще применяемые выделены курсивом):

craftплавучее средство; судно; корабль; катер; лодка;

vesselсудно, корабль; катер; лодка;

shipкорабль; судно

boatлодка; катер; судно; корабль.

Выбор конкретного варианта перевода, зависит от многих факторов, включая и сведения, изложенные выше. При этом следует помнить, что в просторечии на обоих языках можно встретить любые случаи, даже противоречащие изложенным выше правилам. Однако грамотный переводчик всегда сумеет отличить терминологически правильное использование слов от безграмотного и сделает соответствующие выводы.

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