Which word meaning job are you

В этой статье разберем понятия, относящиеся к работе и карьере. Узнаем, в чем заключается отличие work от job, есть ли разница между profession, career и occupation, а также какие устойчивые выражения существуют со словами post и position.

Разница между job, work, profession, occupation и другими синонимами

1. Job, work, labour и employment

Начнем с разницы между job и work.

Job — работа, труд. Это конкретная работа, которая приносит деньги.

Mike’s job hardly lets him make ends meet. — Работа Майка с трудом позволяет ему свести концы с концами.
I got a job in an advertising agency. — Я получила работу в рекламном агентстве.

Второе значение — задача. Это какое-то дело, которое нужно сделать.

The first job in planning a wedding is to make a list of guests. — Первая задача при планировании свадьбы — формирование списка гостей.
I can spend several hours doing various jobs around the house. — Я могу потратить несколько часов на выполнение разных дел по дому.

Следующее значение — обязанность. Синонимы — duty, responsibility.

My job is to book tickets for our managers in advance. — Моя обязанность — заблаговременно бронировать билеты для наших менеджеров.
I am your mother and my job is to take care of you. — Я твоя мама, и моя обязанность — заботиться о тебе.

Поговорим теперь про work. Его основное значение — работа, за которую платят деньги. Отличие work от job заключается в том, что слово job — исчисляемое, может употребляться во множественном числе, а work — неисчисляемое. Сравните:

A janitor has hard work indeed. — У уборщика действительно трудная работа.
Mike has a hard job as a janitor. — У Майка трудная работа уборщиком.

Другое значение — место, где вы обычно работаете.

Do you have to commute to work? — Тебе приходится ездить на работу в город?

Глагол to work обозначает «работать», «выполнять задачу».

My son wants to work in IT when he grows up. — Мой сын хочет работать в IT, когда вырастет.
Now I’m working on that challenging project. — Сейчас я работаю над этим многообещающим проектом.

Рассмотрим два других похожих слова — labour и employment. Существительное labour (труд) — неисчисляемое, обычно оно используется в отношении физической работы.

He has loved manual labour since he was a child. — Он любил физический труд с детства.

Еще одно значение labour — люди, персонал.

Lots of big companies look for cheap labour. — Многие большие компании ищут дешевую рабочую силу.

Employment — это постоянная занятость, работа, за которую вам регулярно платят.

My neighbour Bill found the employment with a law company. — Мой сосед Билл нашел работу в юридической компании.
Employment has decreased among teenagers recently. — В последнее время занятость среди подростков сократилась.

Еще одно значение слова employment — использование, применение.

The employment of capital punishment is prohibited in many countries. — Применение смертной казни запрещено во многих странах.

Давайте посмотрим на устойчивые выражения со словами labour, employment, job и work.

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
a job seeker соискатель
a permanent job постоянная работа
a temporary job временная работа
a full-time job занятость на полный рабочий день
a part-time job частичная занятость
a well-paid job хорошо оплачиваемая работа
a low-paid job плохо оплачиваемая работа
an odd job подработка, разовая работа
jobs for the boys трудоустройство по блату
job losses сокращение числа рабочих мест
between jobs, jobless безработный
to apply for a job откликнуться на вакансию
to take a job, to accept a job принять предложение по работе
to be out of a job быть без работы
to create jobs создавать новые рабочие места
to shed jobs сокращать количество рабочих мест
to take on a job взяться за какую-то задачу
paperwork работа с документами
all work and no play сплошная работа без отдыха и развлечений
to work for smb сработать кому-то на руку
to work against smb сработать против кого-то
to be at work быть на работе
to get to work on smth, to go to work on smth, to set to work on smth начать работать над чем-то
to be in the works быть в работе, быть в процессе разработки
to have your work cut out for you выполнять сложную работу
to make short work of smth, to make light work of smth, to make quick work of smth быстро справиться с задачей
to work in smth, to work with smth работать с чем-то
to work for a company работать на компанию
to work your socks off много и упорно работать
to work things out разобраться в чем-то
a labour shortage нехватка рабочей силы
sweated labour тяжелая низкооплачиваемая работа
manual labour физический труд
skilled labour квалифицированный персонал
unskilled labour неквалифицированный персонал
casual labour временные сотрудники
organized labour рабочие, которые состоят в профсоюзах
fruits of your labour плоды трудов
labour law трудовое право
forced labour принудительный труд
labour-saving экономящий трудозатраты
labour-intensive трудоемкий
an employment office биржа труда
an employment agency агентство по подбору персонала
an employment agreement, an employment contract трудовой договор
employment rates, employment levels уровень занятости
unemployment безработица
employment conditions условия приема на работу
employment rights права наемного работника
smb’s place of employment чье-либо место занятости
casual employment временная занятость
permanent employment, continuous employment постоянная занятость
employment data, employment figures, employment records статистические данные о занятости
to look for employment, to seek employment искать работу
to take up employment, to gain employment, to secure employment найти работу
to provide employment, to create employment, to generate employment обеспечить занятость
to give smb employment, to offer smb employment предложить кому-то работу
to boost employment, to increase employment повысить уровень занятости

2. Profession, occupation, career, vocation и calling

Перейдем к разнице между profession и occupation. Profession — это профессия.

The medical profession is respected by plenty of people. — Профессию медика уважают многие люди.
People in his profession are committed to their jobs entirely. — В его профессии люди посвящают себя работе целиком.
My father is a vet by profession. — Мой отец ветеринар по профессии.

Второе значение слова — представители профессии.

The legal profession tells us we should know all the laws in order not to break them. — Юристы говорят нам, что мы должны знать все законы, чтобы их не нарушать.

Occupation — это род деятельности, занятость, работа. Это синоним слова job, который используется в формальном языке.

Fill in this form: state your full name, phone number, and occupation. — Заполните эту форму: укажите ваше полное имя, номер телефона и род деятельности.
According to the research, the majority of respondents are in manual occupations. — Согласно исследованию, большинство респондентов заняты физическим трудом.

Еще это существительное используют для обозначения регулярной деятельности или увлечения.

I have to admit that my favourite occupation is lying on the sofa. — Должна признаться, что мое любимое занятие — лежать на диване.
Playing board games is our usual weekend occupation. — Игра в настольные игры — наше обыкновенное занятие по выходным.

Есть слова, синонимичные profession и occupation. Career — это карьера, профессия, которой человек посвящает большую часть своей жизни.

Richard was 25 when he decided on his academic career. — Ричарду было 25, когда он решил строить научную карьеру.

Слова vocation и calling синонимичны и означают «призвание», «дело всей жизни».

Not so many people in the world are lucky enough to find their true vocation. — Не так многим людям в мире везет найти свое настоящее призвание.
I don’t think that management is my calling, I’d rather switch to science. — Не думаю, что менеджмент — мое призвание, я бы лучше переключилась на науку.

Если не удалось найти свое призвание, говорят to miss one’s vocation, а фраза to have a vocation for smth — иметь призвание к чему-либо.

To become an astronaut, you should really have a vocation for it. — Чтобы стать астронавтом, нужно иметь настоящее призвание к этому.

Если вы усвоили разницу между profession, career и occupation, обратите внимание на устойчивые выражения с этими словами.

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
a member of a profession представитель профессии
the caring professions социальные работники; няни; медсестры
to go into a profession, to enter a profession, to join a profession, to enter a profession приобрести профессию
to leave a profession уйти из профессии
to reach the top of your profession, to be at the top of your profession достигнуть вершины в профессии
an occupational hazard риск, связанный с работой
the main occupation основной род занятий
current occupation текущая деятельность
previous occupation предыдущая деятельность
occupational health охрана труда
blue-collar occupations занятость в рабочих профессиях
white-collar occupations занятость умственным трудом
to take up an occupation, to enter an occupation заняться деятельностью
a chequered career карьера с чередой успехов и провалов
a distinguished career, a successful career, a glittering career выдающаяся карьера
the peak of smb’s career, the height of smb’s career пик чьей-либо карьеры
career-minded нацеленный на карьеру
smb’s career takes off чья-то карьера идет в гору
to pursue a career, to embark on a career, to follow a career выбрать карьеру
to launch a career начать карьеру
to end smb’s career, to ruin smb’s career погубить чью-либо карьеру

3. Post и position

Слова post и position переводятся как «пост», «должность» и зачастую взаимозаменяемы. Однако post чаще всего используется в значении, когда человек назначается на должность, которая связана с переездом в другой город или страну и носит временный характер, например a diplomatic post (дипломатический пост). Position же употребляется в отношении должности в какой-то конкретной компании, например the position of the head of human resources (должность начальника отдела кадров).

She was offered a good teaching post in Texas. — Ей предложили хорошую должность учителя в Техасе.
There are three vacant positions in the company. — В компании сейчас три вакантные должности.

Давайте запомним несколько устойчивых выражений со словами post и position:

Слово/Словосочетание Перевод
a senior post/position, a chief post/position, a key post/position руководящая должность
to take up a post/position, to accept a post/position вступить в должность
to hold the post/position, to remain in a post/position занимать должность
to fill a post/position нанять на должность
to advertise a post/position дать объявление о вакансии
to resign from a post/position, to leave a post/position покинуть должность
to be removed from a post/position, to be dismissed from a post/position быть снятым с должности
to appoint smb to a post назначить кого-либо на должность

Надеемся, вы разобрались в отличии work от job, разнице между profession, career и occupation, а также запомнили устойчивые выражения со словами post и position. Предлагаем пройти тест, чтобы закрепить изученное.

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What do you do?

People can ask what job you do in different ways; you can answer in
different ways.


What does
that involve?*

James and
Emma are business consultants
[people who help others in a particular area]. They advise people who want to set
[start] a business, especially in health and fitness. James deals with the marketing [does the
work in marketing; syn handle], while Emma is responsible for [in control of; syn in charge of] products [things that people make/produce] such as towels, equipment,
beauty products, etc.


I have a lot of work to do.
(NOT I have a lot of works to do.)

She advises me. (NOT She advices me.) BUT She gives me advice. (NOT She gives me advise.)

My job involves a lot of
travel. OR My job involves travelling. (NOT My job involves to travel.)

Amy is a
manager in a veterinary surgery. She runs
[organises or controls] the day-to-day
[happening every day] business of the surgery and is in charge of a small
team: three receptionists, an accounts manager and a secretary. Her work
involves a lot of admin [short
for administration] such as buying food, medicine and equipment; she also
handles any complaints that
customers make. [when customers complain
/ say that something is wrong or is not satisfactory]

* What do you
have to do exactly?



Most workers are paid [receive money] every
month; this is called a salary.
Your income is the total amount
of money you receive in a year. This might be money from one job; it might
be money from two jobs. We can express this in different ways:

My income is about £25,000. OR
I earn/make about £25,000 a year [every year]. Some of that
income you can keep, but some goes to the government; in the UK this is
called income tax, e.g. I lose 20% of my income in income tax.


A salary is money paid to professional people, e.g. doctors or
teachers, and to office workers for the work they do, and is usually paid
into a person’s bank account every month. Wages are usually paid for each hour/day/week of work to
people who do more physical jobs, e.g. building or cleaning.



Most people
work fixed hours [always the
same], e.g. 9 am to 5.30 pm. We often call this a nine-to-five job. Other people have to do/work overtime [work extra hours]. Some people get paid for
overtime; others don’t. Some people have good working conditions, e.g. nice
offices, paid holidays, extra time off
[not at work] for a new mother and father when a baby is born, etc. There
is also a minimum wage [an
amount of money workers receive, and employers cannot pay less than this].

* the
situation in which people work or live



Tick () the words which are directly connected with money.


Match the
words on the left with the words on the right.


Rewrite the sentences on the
left starting with the words given. Keep a similar meaning.

1 What do you do? ____________What’s your job?__________________________

2 I’m a marketing assistant.
I work ____________________________________________

3 I’m employed by the
government. I work ____________________________________________

4 I earn £34,000 a year from
my two jobs. My ____________________________________________

5 What do you have to do
exactly? What does your job ____________________________________________

6 I’m responsible for the
reception area. I’m in ____________________________________________

7 What’s your job? What do
you do for ____________________________________________

8 I have to read government
reports. My job involves ____________________________________________

9 I advise clients. I give ____________________________________________

10 I complained about the
service. I made ____________________________________________


Complete the
texts. Put one word in each gap.

Alexander Carpenter works 1_____
in _____ sales, and he’s a
regional manager. He 2_______________ the north-west region and he’s 3_______________
for a small team of five other sales people. His job 4_______________ a
lot of travelling within the region, and he’s in contact with his team on
a day-to- 5_______________ basis. It’s not a nine-to- 6_______________
job: Alexander has to do a lot of 7_______________. Fortunately he can 8_______________
a lot more money by doing this, and his working 9_______________ are
quite good. After income 10_______________ he makes £60,000 11_______________
year. Recently his wife had a baby, but the company gave him extra time
12_______________ to be with her after the birth. Kelly Bradbury is a
financial adviser for a bank. She specialises in mortgages, which means
that she 13_______________ people who want to buy a flat or a house. At
the moment Kelly spends a lot of her time 14_______________ with young
people who are trying to buy a property for the first time, which is not
easy. She works 15_______________ hours – 9 am to 5 pm – and she doesn’t
have to 16_______________ overtime.




The term ‘job‘ can mean 1. A full or part-time position of paid employment. 2. A piece of work, usually at a specific price. 3. A specific task people do as part of the routine of their occupation. 4. A duty or responsibility. 5. A project, as in ‘The airport job took twelve months to complete.’ 5. The performance or execution of a task, as in “She did an excellent job.”

Informally, it can also refer to somebody’s pet going to the toilet. For example “I waited for my dog Tommy to do his job, after which we walked home,” means my dog went to the toilet. A bank job can mean a bank robbery, as in ‘There has been a wave of bank jobs in the suburbs.’

The Cambridge Dictionary has the following definition of the term:

“The regular work that a person does to earn money. A particular piece of work. Something that is your responsibility. A problem or activity that is difficult. A crime in which money or goods are stolen.”

Job types

We need jobs primarily because we have to earn money. Money is a crucial aspect of our lives.

Etymology of ‘job’

According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, the word ‘job’, with the meaning ‘piece of work, something to be done,’ emerged in the English language in Britain in the 1620s, from the phrase Jobbe of Worke (1550s), meaning ‘task, piece of work’.

Some etymologists suggest that it was a variant of Gobbe, which meant ‘mass, lump’, via the sense of ‘a cart-load’.

It was not until the 1650s that the meaning widened to include ‘work people do for pay’.

According to literary records, people first used the term with the meaning ‘a paid, permanent position of employment’ in 1858. From 1795, printers used the word as a slang for ‘piece of work of miscellaneous class’ (handbills, posters, etc.).

In the 1660s, also in Britain, ‘to job’ – as a verb – appeared with the meaning ‘to buy and sell as a broker’.

Confucius job quote

Confucius (551-479 BC) once said: “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” (Image: biography.com)

Types of jobs

In society, most of us have multiple jobs. A person may be an employee, a parent, and homemaker. They are all, in fact, by definition, types of jobs.

People with specialized training in certain types of work, either have a:

Trade: these are manual jobs. Examples include carpenters, auto mechanics, hairstylists, and bakers. Butchers, plumbers, and tree surgeons are also trades.

To become a tradesperson, you usually have to do a course and complete a period of practical work.

Profession: for this type of job you need a university qualification. Examples include lawyers, doctors, dentists, architects, librarians, engineers, and pharmacists. Scientists, physicists, teachers, university professors, and geologists are also professions.

Between trades and professions, there are technical and administration jobs. For some of them, you need a university degree.

We call all other positions unskilled jobs. You do not need any formal qualifications for them. Examples include fruit pickers, maids, janitors, retail assistants, farm laborers, cleaners, etc.

Many CEOs of giant multinationals have no college degrees. In fact, many of them started off at the bottom of the employment ladder and worked their way up. Others went into business and became extremely successful and rich.

Richard Branson, the founder and CEO of the Virgin Group, left school at the age of 16. He has dyslexia and performed badly as a student.

In fact, his Headmaster Robert Drayson predicted that Branson would either end up in jail or become a millionaire. Today he has a net worth of over $5 billion.


Joblessness means unemployment. When somebody does not have a job and is actively looking for one, we say they are unemployed. During a recession, the number of jobs declines, while unemployment increases.

Is a vocation a job?

A vocation is a type of job to which an individual is especially drawn. In other words, they receive a ‘call’ or a summons from a higher entity.

Originally, the term was used just for religious callings. However, today we consider many several non-religious occupations as vocations. For example, teaching or medicine are vocations.

The vocation of a nurse or doctor is probably to be a ‘healer’.

Vocation may refer to work that is outside a person’s money-earning sphere of activity. For example, an entrepreneur might have a vocation as a Sunday school teacher or a youth sponsor.

Since the American engineer, social reformer and public intellectual Frank Parsons (1854-1908) published his Vocational Guidance in 1908, the use of the term ‘vocation’ has widened to include the notion of people using their talents and capabilities to good effect in selecting and enjoying a career.

Definition of a dead end job

According to urbandictionary.com: “(A dead-end job is) employment in a menial job which usually requires minimal skills, offers little pay, and has few or no opportunities for a promotion or advancement within the company.”

Full- and part-time jobs

In a full-time job, people work about thirty-five to forty hours per week. In a part-time job, however, the working week is much shorter.

The number of part-time jobs in the advanced economies has increased considerably since the turn of the century. Specifically, they have increased as a percentage of total jobs.

Jobs can also be categorized as self-employment, consulting, odd jobs, seasonal, temporary, or contract.

Most people receive money for the work they do. However, some don’t. Examples of unpaid jobs include interns, students, homemakers, and caregivers (UK: carers) of family members. Mentors and volunteers are also examples of unpaid work.

There are thousands of different types of jobs. According to the UK’s Office for National Statistics, there are 27,966 different job titles.

Dangerous job

The Daily Mirror surprised its readers with a list of the five most dangerous jobs in Britain: 1. Builders. 2. Farmers. 3. Refuse collectors. 4. Garage Workers. 5. Estate Agents (US: Realtors). Readers had expected that stuntmen, lion tamers, and bomb disposal experts would have been on the list.

What is a day job?

‘Day job’ is a term that typically refers to low-paying work that people have while looking for their dream occupation.

For example, people may wait on tables in a restaurant or serve drinks in a bar while trying to become athletes, actors, musicians, successful authors. Many people also do this type of work while they are studying for a degree.

The implication of ‘day job’ is that the individual would gladly give it up if they managed to make a decent living from their real vocation.

If somebody is told ‘Don’t give up your day job,’ it is a humorous way of telling them that their singing, acting, writing, or artistic ability is bad.

Job Characteristics Theory is a theory of job design developed forty years ago that is widely used today as a framework to study how work outcomes, including employee **satisfaction and productivity, are affected by certain job features.

** Employee satisfaction or job satisfaction is the pleasure we get from doing our job.

Job description

When a company has a job vacancy, it will try to fill it either internally or externally.

It will first write a job description, which includes everything the employee has to do. The description also has details of the salary, bonuses, qualifications required, etc. It will then place the description in a advert.

The advert will appear either on the company’s notice board or externally in newspapers or employment agencies.

Video – What is a good quality job?

According to this OECD video, the quality of the jobs we have matter to our overall well-being.

There are many words which are used by people frequently in their day to day life and two such words are work and job. Most of the time people get confused between these two words.

Key Takeaways

  1. A job is a paid position within an organization or business with specific duties and responsibilities; work refers to any productive activity that creates value, including jobs, volunteer work, or personal projects.
  2. A job provides compensation and benefits in exchange for completing assigned tasks; work can be done for various reasons, including personal fulfilment, community service, or financial gain.
  3. A job is typically performed within a structured organization or business; work can be done independently or as part of a team and may not be associated with a specific employer.

Job is an assigned activity performed by a person. People get paid for the job they do. A job can be assigned by any company to the people. There are different categories of job including full-time job, part-time job and internship. Work is any physical or mental activity done by a person. There is no payment for doing normal activity. People do work for themselves.  

Job vs Work

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Comparison Table

Parameter of Comparison Job Work
Noun It is a countable noun. It is an uncountable noun.
Meaning It refers to the assigned activity done by a person for consideration. It refers to any activity done by an individual either physically or mentally. 
Nature It is specific. It is generic.
Payment In this case, people mostly get paid. In this case, people don’t get paid.
Derivation of name The word ‘job’ is derived from the Middle English word “gobben”. The word ‘work’ is derived from the Old English word “weorc” or “worc”.
Describes This describes the position of an individual in a company. It describes the normal activities done by an individual.

What is Job?

The job often refers to an activity performed by an individual in return for a specified payment, which is also called as salary. It describes the position of a person in a company.

It is also called as occupation, profession, career, or trade. The responsibility of an employee is to fulfill the allotted work by the employer because he is paid for it.

The word ‘job’ comes from the Middle English word “gobben”.

In a job, a person is first asked to sign a contract and complete the required formalities. The goals and targets are assigned by the company and the activities are almost the same every day.

Jobs can be categorized into 3 main types, they are:

  1. Full-Time Job: A full-time job is the one in which the employee works full working hours as specified by the company and he is not supposed to work in any other company simultaneously. The employee gets the status of a permanent employee in the company and it is his main source of income.
    Almost all people except students, housewives and old people prefer full-time jobs.
  2. Part-Time Job: A part-time job is the one in which the employee works half of the working hours as specified by the company and he can also work in any other company simultaneously. The employee might get the status of a permanent employee depending on the company policies.
    This job is often done just for a side income. It is mostly preferred by housewives and students.
  3. Internship: An internship is a type of job done by students for industry experience, certificates, and also stipends. It is mostly of a specified duration from 1 week to 6 months or even more depending on the company.
    Students mostly do internships during their summer break. An intern gets the status of a temporary employee in the company. It is preferred by college students.


What is Work?

Work is an activity, done by an individual that requires physical or mental efforts to accomplish a goal or finish a task for oneself. An individual does the work for his friends, family, employers, or himself.

It basically means that any activity which produces some output and consumes time is considered as work. The word ‘work’ comes from the Old English word “weorc” or “worc”.

Work is mostly done because of interest, need, or responsibility and it doesn’t always include payment. Work doesn’t have any specification it could be of any kind. 

It has been misunderstood by many people that mental efforts cannot be termed as work but actually thinking requires energy and it is work as well.


Main Differences Between Job and Work

  1. Job refers to an assigned activity that an individual does for consideration whereas work is an activity done by an individual for themselves. Also, the job refers to a designated post or position in a company whereas work is not doesn’t describe any position.
  2. The number of activities done by an individual can be calculated in a job because the activities to be done are specified whereas the number of activities done as work cannot be calculated.
  3. People get specified fees or salary for doing jobs but there is no fees or salary for work. Their fees or salary is calculated depending on the output they give to the company.
  4. The word ‘job’ is derived from the Middle English word “gobben” whereas the word ‘work’ is derived from the Old English word “weorc” or “worc”.
  5. The activities done in a job are specific and almost the same every day whereas the activities which are done as work are general and are not the same every day.

Difference Between Job and Work


  1. https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1982-24778-001
  2. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/9781118133880.hop212004

Emma Smith 200x200 1

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.

Word family

job jobless

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishComputers, Crimejobjob /dʒɒb $ dʒɑːb/ ●●● S1 W1 AWL noun
1 work [countable]JOB/WORK the regular paid work that you do for an employer
 Do you enjoy your job?

 It was the first paid job I ever had.

 He’s been in the job for six years.

 I’m looking for a new job.

 Your pension can be affected if you change jobs.
job descriptionRegisterIn everyday English, people usually ask What do you do? or What does she/he do? when asking what someone’s job is.
2 duty [singular]JOB/TASK something that you are responsible for doing
 Raising kids can be a difficult job.

 It’s my job to make sure that the work is finished on time.
the job of somebody/something
 The job of the jury is to assess the credibility of the witness.
the job of doing something
 I was given the job of making sure that everyone had enough to drink.

 All too often councils fall down on the job (=not do what they should) of keeping the streets clean.
RegisterIn written English, people often prefer to use task or duty rather than job, as they sound more formal:Our first task was to prepare the agenda for the meeting.

3 something you must do [countable]JOB/TASK a particular thing you have to do, considered as work SYN task
 My parents were always finding little jobs for me to do.

 Filleting fish can be quite a fiddly job.

 Tiling the bathroom is going to be a big job.

 Sam does odd jobs (=small jobs in the house or garden) for friends and neighbours.
the job of doing something
 The job of choosing the right computer for you is made easy by this magazine.

 We need to get on with the job of finding someone to replace him.
do a good/great/marvellous etc job
 Whoever did the plastering did a brilliant job.
make a good/bad etc job of (doing) something
 She hates doing the cleaning, but she always makes a good job of it.
4 on the job5 I’m only/just doing my job6 it’s more than my job’s worth7 do the job8 job done

9 have a job doing something/have a job to do something10 do a job on somebody/something11 computer [countable]TD an action done by a computer
 a print job
12 crime [countable] informalSCCSTEAL a crime in which money is stolen from a bank, company etc
 a bank job

 Police believe it was an inside job (=done by someone who works for the company where the crime happens).
13 a nose/boob job14 just the job15 type of thing [singular] spokenTHING used to say that something is of a particular type
 Jack’s got a new car – a red two-seater job.
16 jobs for the boys17 job of work18 job lot hatchet job, → (it’s a) good job, → make the best of a bad jobCOLLOCATIONSverbshave a jobMark doesn’t have a job right now.apply for a jobI’ve applied for a job at the university.offer somebody a jobWell, Miss Taylor, we’d like to offer you the job.get/find a job Eventually, Mary got a job as a waitress.land a job (=get a job, especially unexpectedly)My husband finally landed a job in marketing.take a job (=accept a job you are offered)I was so desperate that I took the first job that came along.hold down a job (=keep a job)He had never been able to hold down a job.lose your jobAt least there’s no danger of you losing your job.leave/quit your jobOh, Rick, you didn’t quit your job, did you?be out of a job (=not have a job)If the project fails, we’re all out of a job.adjectivestemporary/permanentThe job is only temporary, but I’m hoping it will be made permanent.part-time/full-timeHe had a part-time job at the pet shop.a steady job (=a job that is likely to continue)I haven’t had a steady job since last March.a dead-end job (=a job with low wages and no chance of progress)He had a series of dead-end jobs.job + NOUNjob satisfaction (=the enjoyment you get from your job)Levels of job satisfaction vary between departments.job security (=how permanent your job is likely to be)As an actor, he has very little job security.job losses/cutsThe factory is closing, with 600 job losses.

THESAURUSjob noun [countable] the regular paid work that you do for an employera full-time jobJohn got a job in a car factory.work noun [uncountable] activities that you are paid for doing – used either when you work for an employer or when you work in your own businessI started work when I was 18.He graduated from college last year and is still looking for work.profession noun [countable] a job for which you need special education and trainingThere are now a lot more women in the legal profession.Many teachers are leaving the profession.occupation noun [countable] formal a job, or a type of job – often used on official documentsPlease give your name, age, and occupation.a traditionally male occupationcareer noun [countable] the work you do or plan to do for most of your lifeI’m interested in a career in journalism.position noun [countable] formal a particular job within an organizationI am writing to apply for the position of technical assistant.We regret that the position has already been filled.Please state the position which you are applying for.post noun [countable] formal a job, especially an important one in a large organizationShe has held the post of managing director for two years.He applied for the post of Senior Manager.vacancy/opening noun [countable] a job that is available for someone to doThe hospital has been unable to fill the vacancy.There are very few openings in scientific research.appointment noun [countable] an important job which someone is asked to doHe took an appointment as US trade ambassador in Geneva.posting noun [countable] a situation in which someone is sent somewhere to do a job for a period of time by the organization they work forThis was his first posting outside the UK. an overseas postingHis next posting took him to the Ministry of Defence. trade noun [countable] a job that involves using your hands, and for which you need special trainingMost of the men had worked in skilled trades such as carpentry and printing.employment noun [uncountable] the fact of having a jobThe factory will provide employment for local people.She was offered employment in the sales office.

Examples from the CorpusjobThe company announced 74,000 job cuts and 21 factory closures.Her son still hasn’t been able to find a job.She’s looking for a job in the music business.Ted got a job as a bartender.If a woman is qualified, she should hold any job in government she wants.Moving all this stuff is going to be a big job.Repairing the roof — that’s going to be the biggest job.Cleaning the car’s one of my least favorite jobs.My first job was in a record store.I always take my car to York Street garage. They’re expensive, but they do a good job.The police are convinced it was an insider job.Most military jobs are essentially desk-bound and technical, clerical, or managerial in nature.Daniel starts his new job on Monday.Irene did a nice job on those clothes didn’t she?He does odd jobs for people in his spare time.Many other jobs get handed out simply because a minister happens to know some one who might fit the bill.She has a well-paid job in the tax department.His new computer’s one of those little portable jobs.I got it all right, but like I told you, it wasn’t a maid’s job.There are groups of employees with specific job specialties, such as cashiers, stock clerks, and meat-cutters.Let’s just concentrate on the job in hand, shall we?We know that their learning curve on the job is less than anybody else that we might bring in.She was upset, and found it difficult to keep her mind on the job at hand.He didn’t complain or criticize, he just got on with the job.The job of the providers is to come up with best combination of service and cost.I had a part-time job while I was in college.

fall down on the jobI’d be falling down on my job if I didn’t take an interest in the welfare of my staff.Every new revelation about those times makes me think I’ve fallen down on the job.make a good/bad etc job of (doing) somethingSometimes, it wondered whether dinosaurs wouldn’t have made a better job of civilisation.Nobody inside or outside the administration is making a good job of selling the tax.I do propose to seek information that will help them to make a better job of rearing those children.When rebuilding a relationship with a superior, the following suggestions will help you to make a good job of it.inside jobIn 1962, he landed an inside job on the Observer sports desk and moved to London.No gallery can be burgled without hints of an inside job.JobJob /dʒəʊb $ dʒoʊb/
1 in the Old Testament of the Bible, a man who continued to have faith in God even though God destroyed his property and his family 2 Job’s comforter3 have the patience of Job
From Longman Business Dictionaryjobjob1 /dʒɒbdʒɑːb/ noun [countable]1JOBthe regular paid work that you do for an employerWhat job do you do?I’ve applied for a job with the BBC.1,200 employees could lose their jobs.tests to measure employees’ levels of job satisfaction (=how satisfied they are with their jobs)The government would also assist the private sector in job creation for school leavers.Work is an uncountable noun describing the job you are paid to do or an activity you do regularly for money What kind of work are you looking for?Employment is a general word meaning work that you do regularly, and which an employer pays you for He’s looking for employment in the banking sector.Position and post are formal words for a job, especially an important one She has been offered a management position.He held the post of company secretary for many years. A profession is a job that needs higher education or special training, such as medicine or law Senior members of the medical profession have criticized the government’s plan.He was a barrister by profession (=that was his job). A trade is a particular skilled job, especially one that you do with your hands, for example carpentry or plumbing He insisted that his sons learn a trade.Her grandfather was a plumber by trade.Occupation is a rather formal word for a job or profession, used especially on official forms or for writing about the job someone does Please state your name and occupation.Teaching can be a stressful occupation. Your career is a job or profession you have trained for and intend to do for your working life, and which gives you the opportunity to be promoted (=move up through different levels)He plans to pursue a career in banking. A vocation is a job, especially one that involves helping people, that you do because you have the strong feeling that it is the purpose of your life to do it I always knew that I had a vocation for nursing.

desk job2on the job while doing a particular jobWorkers are not allowed to drink on the job.on-the-job training3jobs for the boys British English jobs that a powerful person has given to their friends4a particular project or piece of work being done or planned to be doneThe company lost out on several jobs because of the newspaper article.Some firms charge by the hour, others by the job.5COMPUTING an operation performed by a computerYou can cancel any print job in the queue.jobjob2 verb (jobbed, jobbing) job something → outOrigin job (1500-1600) Perhaps from job piece, lump ((15-17 centuries))

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