Which word is different topics

 One of these words is not like the others… In this English vocabulary challenge, we defy you to find the one word in each group that is NOT similar in meaning to the word in the image above. Three will be similar in meaning, and one is not. This quiz will get harder as you progress. Can you find the odd word out?

Find the word that is NOT similar in meaning to the one in the image above

Find the word that is NOT similar in meaning to the one in the image above

Find the word that is NOT similar in meaning to the one in the image above

Find the word that is NOT similar in meaning to the one in the image above

Find the word that is NOT similar in meaning to the one in the image above

Find the word that is NOT similar in meaning to the one in the image above

Find the word that is NOT similar in meaning to the one in the image above

Find the word that is NOT similar in meaning to the one in the image above

Find the word that is NOT similar in meaning to the one in the image above

Find the word that is NOT similar in meaning to the one in the image above

Find the word that is NOT similar in meaning to the one in the image above

Find the word that is NOT similar in meaning to the one in the image above

Perhaps a Second Try?

Not the best attempt, unfortunately, as you only got a few questions right. How about resting a bit, making sure your tummy is full and your head has had a rest before trying again.

Well Done

You definitely have a decent vocabulary and enough understanding of the meaning of these words to find the proper synonyms. That said, you didn’t discover all of the odd ones, so there is still room for you to try again and get an even better score! Alternatively, click on ‘show mistakes’ to see where you went wrong.


Wonderful! Five stars for you! Nicely done, obviously you have a terrific vocabulary and the smarts to understand the true meaning of the word, which is required to find the words similar to it and dissimilar to it. Good show!


Next Quiz

Упражнение: найти лишнее лово

Odd word out
Найдите лишнее слово

1. Which word is different?
a) flat
b) house
c) apartment
d) beach
2. Which word is different?
a) desk
b) briefcase
c) chair
d) table
3. Which word is different?
a) computer
b) screen
c) mouse
d) diary
4. Which word is different?
a) banana
b) apricot
c) cherry
d) sherry
5. Which word is different?
a) walk
b) run
c) sneeze
d) sprint
6. Which word is different?
a) think
b) reflect
c) type
d) consider
7. Which word is different?
a) shaving cream
b) saucepan
c) towel
d) plug
8. Which word is different?
a) eyes
b) hose
c) ears
d) mouth
9. Which word is different?
a) rabbit
b) cow
c) pit
d) goat
10. Which word is different?
a) sales
b) marketing
c) production
d) humans


Organise the words into the topics below. One word can go in two different topics.
Use a dictionary to help you.
add up
branch lay the table
leaf minus butcher
count digv ground
Zero butterfly
het, byen en, t rozentbutter dig​

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Challenge your preschooler and kindergartner with identifying which word is different. Kids read each word ending in «IT» and circle the one different from the others.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]


Which word is different

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]


Which word is different

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]


Which word is different

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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