Which word has a different sound 1 van tram lane van lane tram

Which word has a different sound? Tick (✓) A, B,

or C.

Example: A van ■ B tram ■ C lane ■✓

1 A saw ■ B bought ■ C could ■

2 A asked ■ B enjoyed ■ C liked ■

3 A knew ■ B argued ■ C showed ■

4 A thought ■ B put ■ C took ■

5 A sunbathed ■ B decided ■ C invited ■

b Which words are not stressed in the sentences?

Tick (✓) A, B, or C. (All the unstressed words have

the /ə/ vowel sound.)

Example: We loved the food.

A food ■ B the ■✓ C loved ■

6 They were at a party.

A party ■ B they ■ C were ■

7 I was at work.

A at ■ B I ■ C work ■

8 We went out for dinner.

A dinner ■ B for ■ C went ■

9 It wasn’t a nice hotel.

A a ■ B nice ■ C wasn’t ■

10 What was Charlie doing?

A Charlie ■ B doing ■ C was ■​

  • 0

Помогите пожалуйста..PART 4
I.GRAMMAR: Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
Example: My brother _____ Russian.
A speak B speaks C do speak
1 _____ you ever bought anything in that shop?
A Did B Have C Has
2 He’s never _____ a suit in his life.
A wear B wore C worn
3 _____ finished your homework yet?
A Are you B Have you C Did you
4 I’ve _____ had three meetings this week.
A already B just C yet
5 Jane isn’t here. She has just _____ out.
A go B went C gone
6 I’m _____ in my new job than in my old job.
A busy B busier
C more busy
7 You drive _____ than me.
A more slowly B more slow C more slower
8 My boss isn’t _____ stressed as I am.
A more B as C the
9 It’s the _____ city in the world.
A crowded B most crowded C more crowded
10 This is the _____ summer we’ve ever had.
A worse B baddest C worst
11 Have you ever _____ to New York?
A been B gone C went
12 My mother _____ never flown.
A is B has C was
13 I haven’t finished _____. I need two more minutes.
A already B just C yet
14 Don’t touch that wall. I’ve _____ painted it.
A already B just C yet
15 I’ve already _____ this film three times.
A saw B see C seen
16 Your flat is bigger _____ mine.
A than B then C as
17 I don’t speak German _____ well as my wife.
A than B so C as
18 This car is _____ expensive than that one.
A more B most C the most
19 Venice is _____ beautiful city I know.
A most B the most C more
20 It was the best holiday I’ve _____ had.
A ever B just C yet
a) Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences with words about clothes.
Example: Put your coaton. It’s cold.
A belt B coat C tie
1 My sister can’t wear a short _____ to school.
A skirt B hat C cap
2 He was wearing a baseball _____ on his head.
A hat B cap C scarf
3 I always wear a hat and _____ in the winter.
A top B cap C scarf
4 She’s going to wear her long black _____ to the party.
A dress B shoes C pyjamas
5 I wear _____ on my feet when I go running.
A boots B trainers C shorts
6 I always _____ on new clothes in the shop.
A put B take C try
7 I am going to wear my _____ for my interview.
A suit B tracksuit C scarf
8 _____ off your boots when you come in.
A Put B Take C Try
9 I always wear _____ in bed.
A pyjamas B a suit C a sweater
10 I usually get _____ before I have breakfast.
A dress B wear C dressed
b) Tick () the opposite adjective.
Example: boring
A quiet B empty C exciting 
11 crowded
A empty B noisy C tidy
12 noisy
A modern B tidy C quiet
13 polite
A polluted B rude C noisy
14 safe
A dangerous B exciting C clean
15 clean
A tidy B polluted C polite
c) Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
Example: I need to _____ my room; it’s a mess.
A tidy B make C do
16 Don’t forget to _____ your bed before you go to school.
A make B do C have
17 I always _____ the dog for a walk in the evening.
A make B take C go
18 We were late so we took a taxi to _____ time.
A spend B take C save
19 I _____ half an hour every day answering emails.
A spend B receive C get
20 James is always late. He never arrives _____ time.
A on B for C about
a) Which word has a different sound? Tick () A, B, or C.
Example: A van B tram C lane 
1 A skirt B dirty C fish
2 A dress B already C she
3 A yet B under C uniform
4 A shoulder B crowded C trousers
5 A bridgeB just C forget
b) Which is the stressed syllable? Tick () A, B, or C.
6 A beautiful B beautiful C beautiful
7 A interesting B interesting C interesting
8 A dangerous B dangerous C dangerous
9 A exciting B exciting C exciting
10 A impossible B impossible C impossible

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  • 0

1 _____ you ever bought anything in that shop?
 B Have  
2 He’s never _____ a suit in his life.
C worn 
3 _____ finished your homework yet?
 B Have you  
4 I’ve _____ had three meetings this week.
A already 
5 Jane isn’t here. She has just _____ out.
 C gone 
6 I’m _____ in my new job than in my old job
7 You drive _____ than me.
 C more slower 
8 My boss isn’t _____ stressed as I am.
 B as 
9 It’s the _____ city in the world.
A crowded 
10 This is the _____ summer we’ve ever had.
 C worst 
11 Have you ever _____ to New York?
A been  
12 My mother _____ never flown.
 B has 
13 I haven’t finished _____. I need two more minutes.
 C yet 
14 Don’t touch that wall. I’ve _____ painted it.
B just 
15 I’ve already _____ this film three times.
 C seen 
16 Your flat is bigger _____ mine.
A than 
17 I don’t speak German _____ well as my wife.
 C as 
18 This car is _____ expensive than that one.
A more 
19 Venice is _____ beautiful city I know.
 B the most  
20 It was the best holiday I’ve _____ had.
A ever 
a) Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences with words about clothes.
Example: Put your coaton. It’s cold.
A belt B coat C tie 
1 My sister can’t wear a short _____ to school.
A skirt  
2 He was wearing a baseball _____ on his head.
A hat  
3 I always wear a hat and _____ in the winter.
 C scarf 
4 She’s going to wear her long black _____ to the party.
A dress 
5 I wear _____ on my feet when I go running.
A boots 
6 I always _____ on new clothes in the shop.
 B take 
7 I am going to wear my _____ for my interview.
A suit 
8 _____ off your boots when you come in.
 B Take  
9 I always wear _____ in bed.
A pyjamas 
10 I usually get _____ before I have breakfast.
A dress 

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Опубликовано 29.09.2017 по предмету Английский язык от Гость
>> <<

Помогите пожалуйста PART 3
Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
Example: My brother _____ Russian.
A speak B speaks C do speak
1 Where _____?
A you are going B you going C are you going
2 Do you think _____ tomorrow?
A it’s going to rain B it’s raining C it rains
3 _____ some friends this evening.
A I meet B I’m going meet C I’m meeting
4 Don’t worry. I’m sure you _____ your driving test.
A don’t fail B won’t fail C won’t to fail
5 Do you think _____?
A they’ll come B they come C they’ll will come
6 _____ I phone the restaurant and book a table?
A Will B Won’t C Shall
7 A:It’s very dark here. B: Yes. _____ the light.
A I’ll turn on B I’m turning on C I turn on
8 I broke my leg last month when I _____.
A skiied B was skiing C am skiing
9 I _____ in the evening. I’m too tired.
A never study B am never studying C study never
10 What _____ next Christmas?
A you will do B are you going to do C do you do
11 When are they _____ leave?
A going B going to C to
12 _____ we going by car or by bus?
A Do B Will C Are
13 I haven’t studied at all. I _____ pass the exam.
A won’t B will C am to
14 I _____ think she’ll like him. He’s not her type.
A won’t B am not C don’t
15 I’ll _____ my homework after supper, I promise.
A do B doing C to do
16 _____ I help you with the cooking?
A Will B Shall C Are
17 He’s very lazy. He never _____ any exercise.
A do B is doing C does
18 My cat _____ like milk. It only drinks water.
A does B doesn’t C didn’t
19 What _____ they doing when he took the photograph?
A are B did C were
20 What time _____ you get up this morning?
A did B do C were
a) Tick () the opposite of the verbs.
Example: pass (an exam)
A fail B take C do
1 teach (French)
A learn B read C do
2 leave (at six)
A miss B arrive C catch
3 catch (the bus)
A lose B miss C leave
4 forget (to pay)
A learn B fail C remember
5 find (your glasses)
A lose B miss C fail
6 buy (a house)
A leave B sell C get
7 borrow (money)
A lend B give C lose
8 pull (the door)
A open B push C leave
9 win (a match)
A lose B fail C pass
10 get (an email)
A turn off B receive C send
b) Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences with the correct preposition.
Example: I went toChicago two years ago.
A to B in C from
11 I’m looking _____ my keys. I can’t find them.
A at B for C after
12 We’re leaving on Friday and coming _____ on Sunday.
A forward to B back C after
13 I’m sorry, but I don’t agree _____ you.
A with B about C to
14 I wrote _____ Mike but he didn’t answer.
A for B about C to
15 Would you like to look _____ my holiday photos?
A at B after C for
16 That’s my pen. Give it _____!
A for B after C back
17 What do you think _____ his latest film?
A to B after C of
18 Shh! I’m listening _____ the radio.
A to B about C for
19 Did you speak _____ the boss yesterday?
A of B to C about
20 We never talk _____ politics. It’s boring.
A for B about C to
a) Which word has a different sound? Tick () A, B, or C.
Example: A van B tram C lane 
1 A bike B find C fish
2 A seeB leave C red
3 A think B smile C miss
4 A hereB turn C her
5 A push B school C good
b) Which is the stressed syllable? Tick () A, B, or C.
Example: A afternoon B afternoon C afternoon
6 A injection B injection C injection
7 A pessimist B pessimist C pessimist
8 A eternal B eternal C eternal
9 A probably B probably C probably
10 A positive B positive C positive
Total 50

Ответ оставил Гость

1. c
2. b
3. c
4. b
5. a
6. c
7. b
8. b
9. a
10. b
11. b
12. c
13. a
14. c
15. a
16. b
17. c
18. b
19. c
20. b
1. a
2. b
3. b
4. c
5. a
6. b
7. b
8. a
10. b

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  • Tick — WordPress.com · 3 Quick Test ENGLISH FILE Intermediate PRONUNCIATION a Which word has a different sound? Tick ( ) A, B, or C. Example:A van

1 English File Intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2013 NAME CLASS 3 Quick Test ENGLISH FILE Intermediate 17 There are usually three trains _____ hour during the week. A an B the C – 18 I think women are generally _____ talkative than men. A as B more C most 19 Doesn’t your cousin work as _____ architect? A the B an C – 20 I never go on Facebook when I’m at _____ work. A a B the C – 20 VOCABULARY a Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences with compound nouns. Example: We need to stop at the next petrol _____. A station B rank C lane 1 He was late because of the road_____. A street B traffic C works 2 I try to avoid driving in the _____ hour. A busy B rush C fast 3 Excuse me, is there a taxi _____near here? A rank B queue C line 4 Slow down! The _____ limit here is 40 kph. A driving B traffic C speed 5 We arrived late because there was a terrible traffic _____. A jam B block C lights 6 I had to pay a €50 parking _____! A fine B fee C find 7 I never use public _____. I always go by car. A bus B transport C transports 8 Cycling is fantastic in Amsterdam because of all the cycle _____. A lines B lanes C roads GRAMMAR Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences. Example: My parents _____ in China. A are born B were born C was born 1 That’s _____ fantastic dress. Where did you get it? A the B – C a 2 Riding a motorbike is _____ than driving a car. A most dangerous B as dangerous C more dangerous 3 The teacher told me to close _____ door and sit down. A the B – C a 4 I find it _____ to sleep on a bus than on a train. A difficulter B more difficult C as difficult 5 Let’s eat in this restaurant. It’s _____ than the other one. A less expensive B more cheaper C as expensive 6 I’d like to go to _____ university after I finish secondary school. A the B a C – 7 His latest film isn’t _____ the last one he made. A as good than B as good as C better 8 In most countries motorcyclists have to wear _____ helmets now. A the B a C – 9 What’s the _____ way to get around London? A fastest B most fast C most fastest 10 _____ best month to visit Paris is August – there’s no traffic! A A B The C – 11 I’ve had a male boss and a female boss. _____ female boss was much stricter. A The B A C – 12 _____ children usually like sweets. A – B A C The 13 Your son is _____ driver I’ve ever seen. A the worse B worst C the worst 14 The journey didn’t take as long _____ we thought. A that B than C as 15 I think Germany has the best motorways _____ the world. A of B in C from 16 She loves Rome. It’s _____ beautiful city she’s been to. A the more B the most C most

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  • 1English File Intermediate Photocopiable Oxford University Press


    3 Quick TestENGLISH FILE


    17 There are usually three trains _____ hour during the

    A an B the C 18 I think women are generally _____ talkative than
    men. A as B more C most 19 Doesnt your cousin work as _____
    architect? A the B an C 20 I never go on Facebook when Im at _____
    work. A a B the C



    a Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences with compound

    Example: We need to stop at the next petrol _____. A station B
    rank C lane 1 He was late because of the road_____. A street B
    traffic C works 2 I try to avoid driving in the _____ hour. A busy
    B rush C fast 3 Excuse me, is there a taxi _____near here? A rank B
    queue C line 4 Slow down! The _____ limit here is 40 kph. A driving
    B traffic C speed 5 We arrived late because there was a terrible

    _____. A jam B block C lights 6 I had to pay a 50 parking _____!
    A fine B fee C find 7 I never use public _____. I always go by car.
    A bus B transport C transports 8 Cycling is fantastic in Amsterdam
    because of all the

    cycle _____. A lines B lanes C roads


    Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences.

    Example: My parents _____ in China. A are born B were born

    C was born 1 Thats _____ fantastic dress. Where did you get it?
    A the B C a 2 Riding a motorbike is _____ than driving a car. A
    most dangerous B as dangerous

    C more dangerous 3 The teacher told me to close _____ door and
    sit down. A the B C a 4 I find it _____ to sleep on a bus than on a
    train. A difficulter B more difficult

    C as difficult 5 Lets eat in this restaurant. Its _____ than the

    one. A less expensive B more cheaper

    C as expensive 6 Id like to go to _____ university after I
    finish secondary

    school. A the B a C 7 His latest film isnt _____ the last one he
    made. A as good than B as good as C better 8 In most countries
    motorcyclists have to wear _____

    helmets now. A the B a C 9 Whats the _____ way to get around
    London? A fastest B most fast C most fastest 10 _____ best month to
    visit Paris is August theres no

    traffic! A A B The C 11 Ive had a male boss and a female boss.
    _____ female

    boss was much stricter. A The B A C 12 _____ children usually
    like sweets. A B A C The 13 Your son is _____ driver Ive ever seen.
    A the worse B worst C the worst 14 The journey didnt take as long
    _____ we thought. A that B than C as 15 I think Germany has the
    best motorways _____ the

    world. A of B in C from 16 She loves Rome. Its _____ beautiful
    city shes been to. A the more B the most C most

  • 2English File Intermediate Photocopiable Oxford University Press


    3 Quick TestENGLISH FILE



    a Which word has a different sound? Tick () A, B, or C.

    Example: A van B tram C lane

    1 A chemists B check-in C cheap 2 A catch B coach C crash 3 A
    journey B bridge C adventure 4 A the platform B the traffic

    C the underground 5 A the end B the station

    C the hour

    b Which is the stressed syllable? Tick () A, B, or C.Example: A
    exciting B exciting

    C exciting 6 A motorway B motorway

    C motorway 7 A underground B underground

    C underground 8 A talkative B talkative C talkative 9 A
    multitask B multitask

    C multitask 10 A researcher B researcher

    C researcher 10

    Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 50

    b Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences with phrasal

    Example: Too many cyclists go _____ red traffic lights. A onto B
    on C through

    9 Look _____! Theres a car coming the other way! A up B out C

    10 We have to stop somewhere soon or well run _____ of

    A through B off C out 11 Ill pick you _____ outside the station
    at 10.00.

    A over B out C up 12 What time shall we set _____ for the

    tomorrow? A on B off C up

    13 They were trying to get to Vienna and ended _____ in

    A up B off C out

    c Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences with dependent

    Example: Were both very keen _____ cycling. A at B on C for

    14 Its hard to choose _____ the Channel ferry and the

    A from B between C with 15 What do you spend most of your money

    A for B to C on 16 My sister is really good _____ maths.

    A at B with C after 17 Im afraid _____ flying.

    A from B of C for 18 Let me pay _____ dinner.

    A for B out C up 19 We arrived ____ Frankfurt airport late in

    evening. A in B to C at

    20 Are you worried _____ the interview tomorrow? A about B of C


Tick Tick Boom Script

Tick Tick Boom! Libretto/Melody Score

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Tick Tick Boom — zangprofs.nlzangprofs.nl/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Tick-Tick-Boom-Come-To… · TICK TICK… 21 Bb7 BOOM just when rvebe=gun— Ab(addB b) 24 ses are not— the

p. 26 SB What do you remember? File 2

a Which
word has a different sound? Tick ()
A, B, or C.

Example: A
B tram
C lane

1 A
B plays
C lives

2 A
B nose
C stomach

3 A
B hear
C egg

4 A
B laughs
C works

5 A
B ears
C egg

the words with the same sound.


Example: snake

1 zebra __________

2 egg __________

3 ear __________

4 up __________

5 car


the stressed syllable.

Example: stomach

1 opposite

2 unfriendly

3 grandfather

4 intelligent

5 abroad

is the stressed syllable? Tick ()
A, B, or C.

Example: A
B afternoon
C afternoon

6 A
B comfortable
C comfortable

7 A
B extrovert
C extrovert

8 A
B unfriendly
C unfriendly

9 A
B similar
C similar

10 A
B example
C example


  1. A
    Did they spend their holiday in Spain this year?

Yes, they ______. They went to Granada.

  1. A
    What _______ when Abby arrived in New York?

Someone stole all her luggage.

She ________ her husband when she was working in Milan.

A Who _______ the tennis?

They’re still playing. Come and watch.

Who ________ the answer to this question?

play ________ at the theatre?

A Were you having a shower when I phoned?

Yes, I _______ . I often have a shower before dinner.

Dan _____ his leg when he was skiing.

A Who _____ this song?

It’s by Bruce Springsteen, I think.

A Why did they _______ to leave early?

I think, Joe had an argument with someone.

Paula _______ some lovely souvenirs when she went to Hawaii.

It _______ when I left the office, and I didn’t have an umbrella.

Who did you ___________ to Paris with? You didn’t invite me!

A What ______ when you saw her?

I think she was going to the gym.

File 3 a,b,c,d

to, present continuous
p.130 3A)

21.What expression do we use to talk about future plans and predictions?

ex.3A p,131 SB)

tense do we use for future arrangements?

(see ex.3A p,131 SB)

23.Vocabulary look after,for,forward

do we use will/won’t?

(see ex.3B p.131 SB)

25. What is the future form for there is/there are?

is the future of
(see ex.3A-B p,131 SB)

Pronunciation contractions, /o/,/
(see p.31 ex3SB)

Pronunciation word stress: two-syllable words

(see ex.2 p.32 SB)

What tense do we use for promises, offers, decisions?

(see ex.3C p.131 SB)


ex.4 p.33 SB)

of tenses

What tense do you use when you talk about finished actions in the

(see p.128 2A)

_____ away last weekend?

Did you go     
B Did you went     
C Went you     

_____ you do last weekend?

B did     
C are     

tense do you use to describe an action in progress at a specific
moment in the past?

(see p.128 2B)

A What happened in the film?

I don’t know. I ______ watching. I was asleep.

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