Which word completes the sentence the equipment delivered tomorrow afternoon


What’s the suffix that goes with this word?




What’s the prefix that goes with this word?




  Which word completes the sentence?
Police ___ been informed about the incident.

a) was  

b) is  

c) have

c) have


Which word completes the sentence?
The woman was bitten ___ a snake.

a) for  

b) by  

c) from 

b) by


Which word completes the sentence?
The equipment ___ delivered tomorrow afternoon.

a) will be  

b) will  

c) will been  

a) will be


Which word or phrase CANNOT complete the sentence?
Dogs ___ kept under control.

a) should be  

b) are always  

c) must  

c) must  


A group of sheep is called a______



Transform into causative 

Someone fixes my car every year

I have my car fixed every year


Mention 5 adjectives to describe films or series



Transform into causative

They have stolen my wallet many times

I’ve had my wallet stolen many times


Where’s Clare? Her bag’s here and her computer’s still on so she _____ gone home.

a) must have

b) might have

c) can’t have


Mention 5 people in entertainment 




Who’s the director of Pulp Fiction?

Quentin Tarantino


What’s the prefix that goes with this word?




Mention 5 elements of Mexican cultural heritage



Rewrite the sentences using the passive form so that the sentences have the same meaning. Make sure you use the correct tense.

You must eat this yoghurt before 15th May.

This yoghurt___________before 15th May.

This yoghurt must be eaten before 15th of May.


Sorry, I don’t know if she’s here or not. She was feeling ill so she _____ gone home.

a) must have

b) might have

c) can’t have


I can’t remember my password! But I _____ written it in my notebook as sometimes I do that.

a) must have

b) may have

c) couldn’t have


Mention 5 words with the suffix -ness







Transform into causative 

Someone will cut my hair tomorrow.

I will have my hair cut tomorrow


Mention 5 words with the suffix -able/ible



Mention 5 collective nouns



Rewrite the sentences using the passive form so that the sentences have the same meaning. Make sure you use the correct tense.

We have taken the visitors to the lounge.

The visitors_______ to the lounge.

The visitors have been taken to the lounge.

Click to zoom


Complete the sentence: 
The woman was bitten ___ a snake.



Complete the sentence.
If I had more money, I ______ that television.



Which sentence means: Maybe John went to the shop.

 A) John must have gone to the shop.

 B) John may have gone to the shop.

John may have gone to the shop.  


Which word completes the sentence?
When I turned on the television, my favourite program _______. 

A) had finished nearly

B)  has nearly finished

C) had nearly finished


Free practice tests for learners of English

New school year is round the corner, thought exams are far ahead but the teachers are always aware of preparing the students for successful taking of the exams.

If you visit this site you’ll find free practice for exam preparation:


Here you’ll find practice tests for different levels, what I personally tried are grammar tests, practice with explanation, for example:

Simple passive


The passive voice is used:

a) When the object of a sentence is more important than the subject

The city was destroyed by the volcano.

-_- When the subject of the sentence is unknown.

This cheese was made in Canada.

It is common in formal and scientific writing.


You can use the passive voice in all tenses. Use the correct form of be + the past participle of the verb.

1. Which word completes the sentence?

The equipment ___ delivered tomorrow afternoon.


will be

will been

You will find more for different kind of exams. :)

Spotlight 7 Test 1A (Module 1) + KEY to test — цитаты Теста № 1 A с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК по английскому языку серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 7 класса общеобразовательных организаций. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др./ М.: Просвещение, 2016.


 A Match the words/phrases to their definition.

1 ID ……….. E identification

2 computer games ……….. F fun activities on the computer

3 beach volleyball ……….. В a sport

4 surf the Net ……….. A look for information on the computer

5 alarm system ……….. C a machine that signals danger

В Match the words to form phrases.

6 install …….. E an alarm

7 high-quality …….. D lifestyle

8 high rate of …….. В unemployment

9 feeling …….. C isolated

10 beautiful …….. A landscapes

C Complete the sentences with the correct word.

11 We went for a walk in the country, because we needed some ………………. and quiet. (• peace)

12 She spent the day in London, but found the streets very ……………… (• crowded)

13 In the country you usually meet friendly and people. (• helpful)

14 My father hates driving in ………………… traffic. (• heavy)

15 I love living in the city, but I don’t like the high …………… of living. (• cost)

 D Fill in the correct preposition.

16 If a burglar breaks into your house, always hand………..your valuables. (• over)

17 I ran ……….. an old friend at the supermarket yesterday. (• into)

18 We ran out ……….. milk, so can you buy some when you’re at the supermarket? (• of)

19 My brother and his friends hang………….at the shopping centre on Saturdays. (• out)

20 I saw two policemen running ……………. a robber. (• after)


 E Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

21 We ………………..(feed) the chickens every morning at 6:30. (feed)

22 He…………..(think) of changing his job. (is thinking)

23 I really have to go now. My plane …………….. (leave) at 10:30. (leaves/is leaving)

24 We …………………(go) to the cinema tomorrow afternoon. Would you like to come with us? (are going)

25 I………….(study) in my bedroom at the moment, but I can join you in the park later. (am studying)

26 Hurry up! The play………………….. (start) in ten minutes. (starts)

27 He………………….(leave) early in the morning every Friday. (leaves)

28 I ……………………(cook) dinner this evening, so please don’t be late. (am cooking)

29 She……………..(visit) her grandmother every Sunday afternoon. (visits)

30 He ………………..(write) a book about the high cost of living. (is writing)

 F Use the prompts to give the correct advice, using either should or shouldn’t.

31 A: I lost my red pen. B: (keep/pencil case) You should keep it in your pencil case.

32 A: I feel really sick. B: (play/outside). You shouldn’t play outside.

33 A: I’ve got a toothache. B: (see/dentist) ………… You should see a dentist.

34 A: I’m very worried about my exams! B: (worry so much) …………….. You shouldn’t worry so much.

35 A: I broke my brother’s new camera. B: (tell/tonight)……………….. You should tell him tonight

Everyday English

 G Choose the correct response.

36 I’m always late for school! ….. F Why don’t you buy an alarm clock?

37 My Grandpa doesn’t like living on his own. … В Why doesn’t he get a dog?

38 I’ve got a splitting headache. … A I think you should take a painkiller.

39 I’m getting a bit homesick. … D Why don’t you go home?

40 I’m worried about crime in my area …… C How about joining Neighbourhood Watch?


 H Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

 Safety on the School Bus
Every year, children are injured because they have not learned a few basic rules about school bus safety. Many people believe that children are most often hurt while they are on the school bus. However, this is not true. Most accidents take place when the child is outside the bus, not inside. Of course, some injuries occur because of crashes, but most of them happen when children are in the blind spots around the bus; they occur when the children are hidden from the driver’s view.
 To avoid accidents, children should learn to obey a few simple rules. Firstly, they should always keep a safe distance between themselves and the tyres or the rear of the bus. Secondly, in cases where children need to cross the road when they get off the bus, they should walk at least three metres in front of the bus and then wait for the driver to signal to them that it is safe to cross to the other side of the roadway. In addition, when waiting for their bus to arrive, children should stand well away from the road. Finally, they should never try to get on or off the bus until it has come to a complete stop and the driver has opened the doors.

41 Most accidents happen after the child has got on the bus. F

42 Some children are hurt when their bus hits another vehicle. T

43 All buses have blind spots. T

44 Some children hide from the driver and then get injured. F

45 Children should never go too near the back of the bus. T

46 Children should cross 3 metres behind the bus when they get off. F

47 Before they cross the road, they should look at the bus driver. T

48 Children must wait a certain distance from the edge of the road. T

49 Children shouldn’t try to board a bus until it has stopped moving. T

50 They must wait for the driver to tell them it is OK to get on the bus. F


 I Listen to two friends talking about safety in the home and complete the gaps.

Safety in the Home

  • At night, keep your mobile phone beside your 51) …bed…. (And make sure it’s switched on!)
  • In your 52)….garden….., there should be dusk-to-dawn outside lights, 2.5 metres 53)….high….or more.
  • If a 54) ….stranger…. comes to your door, always ask for ID.
  • Remember, if you’re not 55) ….sure…… don’t let them in!

Вы смотрели: Spotlight 7 Test 1A (Module 1) + KEY to test — цитаты Теста № 1 A с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК по английскому языку серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 7 класса общеобразовательных организаций. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др. Вернуться на страницу «Английский язык 6-9 классы».

Make passive sentences using the word parts and the given tense.
1. The window – open (present perfect simple)
2. Her room – paint (past progressive)
3. He – take – to the airport. (present perfect simple)
4. The bike – repair – at the moment (present progressive)
5. The cows – feed – every morning (present simple)
6. The novel – write – a hundred years ago (past simple)
7. The food – must put – in the fridge (present simple)
8. A press conference – hold – tomorrow afternoon (future simple)
9. Our new house – just – finish (present perfect simple)
10.The thief – see – by the policeman (past perfect simple)
11.The story – often tell – by grandmother (present simple)
12.The package – send – by a good friend (past simple)
13.He – not see – for ages (present perfect simple)
14.My dad – off – a new job – later this week (future simple)
15.The church – not renovate – for two hundred years (present perfect simple)
16.Breakfast – serve – from 7 to 10 (present simple)

A Local Sports Centre
Fill in the blanks with the correct passive form of the verb in brackets .
A new sports and athletic centre _____________________ (OPEN) in our town last week. The facility
____________________ (BELIEVE) to be one of the largest in the country and experts hope that it
________________________ (VISIT) by thousands of amateur and professional athletes over the course
of the next few years. The centre _____________________________ (CONSTRUCT) for over 6 years
before it ______________________ (OPEN) by local authorities last Monday. However, it
_______________________________________ (NOT COMPLETELY FINISH) yet. Workers are making the
final adjustments this week and say that it _____________________ (COMPLETE) by the end of the
month. The centre offers various sports facilities including two indoor swimming pools, three large gyms
and a ball court. They _____________________ (CAN BOOK) online or directly at the administration
desk. The equipment ______________________ (BUY) from local companies, which also provided the
training programs. The new centre _____________________ (FINANCE) by government funds as well as
grants that ________________________ (GIVE) to the region by the European Union. Politicians and
famous athletes from all over the country __________________________ (INVITE) to the official
opening ceremony, scheduled for next Tuesday.
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