Which word can replace while


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22 янв. 2020

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  • Английский (американский вариант)

“Because” can replace “while” in this sentence.

The mans identity was being kept secret because he was helping police with enquiries.

  • Хинди

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The man's identity was being kept secret while he was helping police with enquiries.

Which word we can use (because, when) instead of while?

  • when use s, in the words, as the man’s house
    Why need use this s?


    the s is either to make a word mean more than one or to shorten a word. Instead of «she is», you can use «she’s»

  • ​​when use s, in the words, as the man’s house
    Why need use this s?


    ‘s’ in a word literally have so many reason

    for your question,
    man’s house : it means that the house belong to the man

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Main While vs. Whilst Takeaways:

  • One difference between while vs. whilst is regional.
  • While is dominant in American English but whilst is a British English term.
  • Another difference comes down to the parts of speech. There is some overlap between the two, but these words can have different grammatical functions.
  • While works as a conjunction, noun, verb, or part of an adverb phrase.
  • Whilst functions as a conjunction or part of an adverb phrase.
  • If you use them as a conjunction or an adverb, while and whilst mean the same thing.
  • You can start a sentence with whilst or while if you’re using them as a conjunction.
  • While and when do not have the same meaning.

Much like learn vs. learnt, the difference betweenwhile vs. whilst comes down to two things: regional preferences and the parts of speech. Both are correct, but they aren’t always interchangeable. We’ll give you easy definitions and uses for these two words, plus show you how to use them perfectly.

While vs whilst. An American man standing bseid the word while and a British man stands beside the word whilst.

While works as a conjunction, noun, verb, or part of an adverb phrase. Whilst functions as a conjunction or part of an adverb phrase.

What is the Difference Between While and Whilst?

There are two main differences between while and whilst. One is regional and one is grammatical. First, British English uses whilst as a conjunction synonymous with while, although, and notwithstanding. Conversely, US English considers whilst outdated and even pretentious, so it uses while instead. Second, while can also be a noun (please stay a while) and a verb (we whiled away the months), but whilst can’t.

Therefore, if you’re using them as a conjunction or in an adverb phrase, while and whilst are interchangeable. But, if you need a noun or a verb, you can only use while.

💡 When to Use While vs. Whilst:

  • When your sentence needs a conjunction or as part of an adverb phrase, you can use while and whilst interchangeably.
  • When your sentence needs a verb or noun, you should only use while.

How Do You Use While in a Sentence?

Use while as a conjunction in a sentence to show that two events occur at the same time (I walked while she ran). You can also use while in the same way that you would use although for a contrast or contradiction (While I understand your point, I still disagree with you). Next, use while as a noun to describe an unspecified amount of time (Sit with me for a while). Finally, use while as a verb with the word “away” to describe an enjoyable way of passing time (We whiled away the daysswimming).

Here are examples of how to use while in a sentence:

In the above example, while is acting as an adverb because it is modifies the verbwaiting. In other words, the adverb gives you more information about the verb.

Here, we know while is functioning as a noun because we can replace it with the word “time,” and the sentence still makes perfect sense:

In this example, while connects two contrasting statements to help make the comparison clear.

Finally, while can also show balance. This example of while in a sentence shows that two things are happening at the same time.

When Should You Use While vs. Whilst?

Use while instead of whilst when the word functions as a noun or verb. Although while and whilst can both be conjunctions or part of an adverb phrase, only while can be a noun and a verb. As a noun, while describes a period of time (Rest for a while). As a verb, while means to cause something to pass in an enjoyable way. What’s more, when while is a verb, it’s usually followed by the word “away” (We whiled away the rainy days with games inside).

💡 How to Test if While is a Noun:

  1. Replace the word with “time.”
  2. Does the sentence still make sense?
  3. If yes, then while is acting as a noun. If no, then while may be acting as a conjunction, verb, or part of an adverb phrase instead.

While or whilst. A table showing the functions of while as a conjunction, noun, verb, or part of an adverb phrase, and whilst as a conjunction or part of an adverb phrase.

While works as a conjunction, noun, verb, or part of an adverb phrase. Whilst functions as a conjunction or part of an adverb phrase.

How Do You Use Whilst?

Use whilst as a conjunction to join two independent clauses, especially when describing simultaneous and continuous events (She played the piano whilst I sang). Since whilst is a subordinating conjunction, you can use it to begin a subordinate clause, especially when contrasting or contradicting (Whilst he can go, I prefer for him to stay). As an adverb, whilst describes a verb. Remember, whilst is best suited for British English, as American English speakers tend to find this word outdated and highfalutin.

Here are examples of how to use whilst:

📝 Like while, can use whilst as an adverb or conjunction in a sentence. Unlike while, you can’t use whilst as a noun or a verb.

Can You Start a Sentence With Whilst?

Like while, you can start a sentence with whilst as long as the word is functioning as a conjunction or as an adverb. In fact, both while and whilst are subordinating conjunctions. As a result, you can use these words to begin a subordinate clause.

As mentioned, both while and whilst can function as conjunctions. When they do, their meanings are identical. The only difference is the regional connotation. For example, UK English speakers tend to prefer whilst. On the other hand, US English speakers favor while and may find whilst archaic or pretentious. 

When Should I Use Whilst?

You should use whilst when British English is the standard, and when your sentence requires and adverb or a conjunction. For example, both while and whilst can function as a conjunction or as part of an adverb phrase, but British English speakers prefer whilst. Because American English speakers may find it archaic or pretentious, they tend to use while. Additionally, use whilst to describe the relationship between two events or activities that occur at the same time. Also, you can use whilst to show contrast.

Finally, you can start a subordinate clause with whilst since it is a subordinating conjunction.

We can go deeper into this question, but things become less clear. For example, objective guidelines based on concrete grammar rules become subjective impressions based on what “sounds” best.

Some instruct to use while when discussing two things happening at the same time, but whilst to describe previous simultaneous events:

Furthermore, others say to use while if the next word begins with a consonant, but use whilst if it begins with a vowel.

Similarly, there are British English speakers who caution that while is for parallel events or structures, but whilst is for creating contrast.

Is Whilst Old Fashioned?

In American English, whilst is considered old fashioned and even pretentious. This is because whilst is more common in British English. It’s important to note that when used as conjunctions and as adverbs, while and whilst mean exactly the same thing. Here, the only difference is in the connotation— not the meaning. Ironically, both whilst and while are very old words, but while is actually older.

📝 Keep in mind that while and whilst are only interchangeable sometimes. You can swap these terms if your sentence requires an adverb or conjunction. Choose whilst if you need a UK-friendly version of while.

An old woman knitting in front of her television. She's talking to her granddaughter saying "I love watching the telly whilst getting my knitting done."

British English uses whilst as a conjunction synonymous with while, although, and notwithstanding.

What Does Whilst Mean in a Sentence?

Whilst references something that happens at the same time as another event or contrasts something.

Do While and When Mean the Same Thing?

While and when have different meanings, though both words reference time. Use while when discussing something that happens at the same time as another activity. Choose when if you’re describing a specific point in time.

While vs. Whilst Recap

Since both while and whilst can be conjunctions and adverbs, there is some overlap in the parts of speech that these words can play.

Still, there are clear grammatical and regional differences between these two words.

On one hand, while can also be a noun and a verb, but whilst can’t.

On the other hand, American English speakers prefer while, as whilst is a British English term with a sometimes pretentious connotation. However, it’s important to note that many people in the UK also use while.

The bottom line? Don’t while away your time debating whether to use while vs. whilst. Both terms are okay if you need a conjunction or a word to use as part of an adverb phrase. However, stick with while when your sentence calls for a noun or verb.

Ready to Ace This While vs. Whilst Quiz?

While vs Whilst Question #1


The answer is FALSE. While and whilst mean the same thing when used as conjunctions or part of an adverb phrase.

Whilst vs While Question #2

A. Whilst

B. While

C. Any of the above.


The answer is B. While works as a verb, conjunction, noun, or as part of an adverb phrase.

While or Whilst Question #3

A. Whilst

B. While

C. Any of the above.


The answer is A. Although whilst is a British English term, many people in the UK also use while.

Whilst or While Question #4

A. Whilst

B. While

C. Any of the above.


The answer is B. While functions as a noun in the sentence.

While vs Whilst Question #5

A. Whilst

B. While

C. Any of the above.


The answer is C. You can use while and whilst interchangeably as a conjunction or adverb.

Whist vs While Question #6

A. Whilst

B. While

C. Any of the above.


The answer is B. Since the sentence requires a verb, while is the correct option.

While vs Whilst Quiz Result



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Read More: Among vs. Amongst: The Easiest way to Tell the Difference

While and whilst are simple words that many writers nonetheless don’t understand. Whilst is common in older English, though it seems to have disappeared in modern times.

Since these words are so similar, is there any difference between them? While is a versatile word that can become many parts of speech, depending on context. Is whilst just as acceptable? Continue reading to learn more about these confusing words.

What is the Difference Between While an Whilst?

In this post, I will compare while vs. whilst. I will use each in several example sentences, so you can see them each in context.

Plus, I will show you a memory tool that you can use to help you remember the difference between while or whilst.

When to Use Whilst

Define whilst and define whileWhat does whilst mean? Whilst can either be used to mean at the same time, or to indicate contrast, like the word whereas.

Here are some examples,

  • I shall walk to the parts store whilst you fiddle about with your tools.
  • Samson is a productive member of society, whilst Lady Higginbotham is a vapid socialite, obsessed with the trivialities of courtly life.
  • “We found that whilst the trust had investigated and trialled options, a final decision had not been taken.” –The Guardian

Whilst is an old word. It originates from Middle English, and like many words from this era, was first used in the 14th century.

Whilst is common in formal British English, but in American English, you rarely see this word, even in the most formal occasion.

When to Use While

whilst versus whileWhat does while mean? While can be used as many parts of speech, including a noun, an adverb, and a verb.

In this article, though, I will focus on its use as an adverb and conjunction. In these contexts, while is a synonym of whilst.

For example,

  • While Iliza was in the shower, Louis fried some eggs.
  • Nihilists believe in the inherent meaninglessness of everything, while most theists believe that meaning comes from God.
  • In 10 or 15 years’ time, customers could even decide while they’re at work what they want for dinner and have an MOL car pick them up with the groceries already loaded in the back, he says. –The Wall Street Journal

While is a common word in both American and British English. In American English, it gradually replaced the word whilst long before the 18th century, as the graph below shows.

while versus whilst

This graph charts whilst vs. while across American English books since 1800.

Even in British English, while has replaced whilst in most contexts, although whilst is used more frequently than in American English.

Definition of whilst definition and definition of while definition

Today, whilst seems affected and pretentious, like the speaker should be wearing a monocle while smoking a pipe and wearing a top hat. In most situations, speakers and writers will use while instead.

In some circumstances when formality is desired, one may choose to use whilst. Perhaps a wedding invitation, a graduation ceremony, or a fundraising event.

Trick to Remember the Difference

How should you remember the difference between these words? Let’s look at a memory trick.

These words are synonyms when used as a conjunction or an adverb. Since whilst is chiefly British and largely outdated, you can use the shared S between British and whilst as a clue to remember that while is more common today.


Is it whilst or while? Whilst and while are two spellings of the same word, which can be used as a conjunction or an adverb. It means at the same time or whereas.

Today, whilst is no longer common. Most writers and speakers simply use while instead.


  • 1 What is the Difference Between While an Whilst?
  • 2 When to Use Whilst
  • 3 When to Use While
  • 4 Trick to Remember the Difference
  • 5 Summary

I have this simple function to find and replace text in my textarea message. User will be able to type into the textarea and also be able to find and replace words from the text area they just entered. Currently I’m trying to use a while loop to replace multiple same words found in the textarea that the user keyed in. But every time I run it it seems to freeze the entire html page any idea why this is happening?

find and replace are textbox for user to key in the word they want to find and replace the user is able to key in multiple words to replace as well.

function findText() {
  let find = document.getElementById('find').value;
  let replace = document.getElementById('replace').value;
  let message = document.getElementById('message').value;
  var lmao = message.indexOf(find);

  while (message.indexOf(find) != -1) {
    document.getElementById("message").value = message.replace(find, replace);

lejlun's user avatar


3,8742 gold badges13 silver badges31 bronze badges

asked Oct 1, 2021 at 10:00

Best Jeanist's user avatar

Best JeanistBest Jeanist

1,1093 gold badges12 silver badges34 bronze badges


Replace while loop with a replaceAll.


function findText() {

  let find = document.getElementById('find').value;
  let replace = document.getElementById('replace').value;
  let message = document.getElementById('message').value;
  var lmao = message.indexOf(find);

  document.getElementById("message").value = message.replaceAll(find, replace);

<div>Find <input id="find" value="find" /></div>
<div>Replace <input id="replace" value="replace" /></div>
  <textarea id="message" style="height: 100px">you can find and replace every words just by .replaceAll, example: find 1 find 2 find 3</textarea>
  <button onclick="findText()">Submit</button>

answered Oct 1, 2021 at 10:03

Tuan Dao's user avatar


Just a addition in other answer you can use g for global search and to replace where you find that word .
Read more about regex and //g here

Also you can let the search case-insensitivity using i along with g like this :
message.replace(/find/g, replace)
This way it will also replace Find finD FIND

And instead of using while you can use if loop

function findText() {

  let find = document.getElementById('find').value;
  let replace = document.getElementById('replace').value;
  let message = document.getElementById('message').value;
  var lmao = message.indexOf(find);

  if(message.indexOf(find) != -1) {

    document.getElementById("message").value = message.replace(/find/g, replace);


<div>Find <input id="find" value="find" /></div>
<div>Replace <input id="replace" value="replace" /></div>
  <textarea id="message" style="height: 100px">you can find and replace every words just by .replaceAll, example: find 1 find 2 find 3</textarea>
  <button onclick="findText()">Submit</button>

answered Oct 1, 2021 at 10:21

Rana's user avatar


2,4882 gold badges7 silver badges28 bronze badges

The issue is with your while condition. When all input fields are empty your while condition is true. So inside the while condition the input value keeps on updating to empty string again, which makes loop an infinite loop. Thats why your ui is breaking.

Issue Scenario

console.log(("").indexOf("") !== -1);

To fix this, you have to make sure that your find and replace values are not same. Or else, it will be an infinite loop again.

Fixed Solution

function findText() {
  let find = document.getElementById('find').value;
  let replace = document.getElementById('replace').value;
  let message = document.getElementById('message');
  while (find !== replace && message.value.indexOf(find) != -1) {
    message.value = message.value.replace(find, replace);
<input type="text" id="find">
<input type="text" id="replace">
<textarea name="" id="message" cols="30" rows="10"></textarea>
<button onclick="findText()">Check</button>

answered Oct 1, 2021 at 10:26

Nitheesh's user avatar


18.9k3 gold badges22 silver badges49 bronze badges


My mother almost consistently uses «while» when she means «until», and vice versa. (This is because in her native language, those are the same word.) Obviously, I can’t simply tell her, «whichever word you were about to say, choose the other one», because that would just make her second-guess herself all the time, even when she happened to choose the correct word in the first place (see above about almost consistently). What I need is a mnemonic or other device that will unequivocally help her determine the right word to use in a given situation.

Does anyone here teach English to native speakers who encounter this issue? What device or trick can you suggest for keeping these two words straight?

asked Feb 21, 2013 at 17:28

Martha's user avatar


What about the concise, memorable, and conveniently alliterative expression WHILE YOU WAIT, which is sometimes seen on business signs?

while you wait signs

If someone can remember that three-word phrase (and the pictures I’ve added might help someone do just that), then it might be easier for them to remember how while would be the word that means «during some time interval.»

Once you get one half of a confusing pair straight in your mind, the other half pretty much falls into place by default. But if you wanted something more, you could simply imagine the business owner saying:

I can fix this while you wait; you won’t pay until I’m done.

answered Feb 21, 2013 at 20:23

J.R.'s user avatar


109k9 gold badges160 silver badges288 bronze badges

The key distinction that you need her to recall is that while is used with durations, but until is used with (relatively instantaneous) events. You should be able to replace while with during the time that in most cases:

I can’t help you while my daughter is crying.

is the same as

I can’t help you during the time that my daughter is crying.

Changing from while to until pretty drastically alters the meaning of the sentence….

I can’t help you until my daughter is crying.

is the same as

I can’t help you before my daughter starts crying.

Since «a while» is defined as «a period of time», a possible mnemonic could be «While takes a while; until takes a time.» (I should say, though, that it seems clever, memorable and useful to me as a native speaker, but I have no idea (yet) whether it will help a learner.)

answered Feb 21, 2013 at 19:05

Hellion's user avatar


18.6k3 gold badges48 silver badges80 bronze badges


Just tell her to shift the n a couple of notches along in the alphabet to p

until = up ’til

answered Feb 21, 2013 at 22:16

FumbleFingers's user avatar


64.2k3 gold badges84 silver badges180 bronze badges

«While» refers to an timeline where the starting and ending points are not specified.

I was ironing while watching the TV.
I will read a book while taking the train.

The starting and stopping points are not specified.

«Until» refers to an timeline where the ending point is known.

I was watching TV until my brother came into the room.
I will run until I get tired.

Here the stopping point is specified.

I’m not big on mnemonics or tricks when learning a language, its better to understand the usage based on the situation being described. If she understands whether the situation being described has a starting point, ending point, both or neither, I think she can pick the correct usage.
My mother was not a native English speaker, and made a lot of mistakes while I was growing up, so I can relate to your situation. I just tried to help as much as possible.

answered Feb 21, 2013 at 19:01

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