Which the l word character are you

Find out which lady form The L Word are you…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Only all season characters are included (Bette, Tina, Jenny, Shane, Kit and Alice)………………………………………………………………………..

Created by: Angela Greenberg

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Posted on Mar 11, 2014

This is the way that we liiiive and loooove.

Claire Pires

by Claire Pires

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10 Questions


By Miky4lez | Updated: Mar 29, 2022

| Attempts: 5336


Which L Word Character Are You? Quiz - Quiz

Prepare yourself to take our «Which L word character are you quiz» that we have here for you. The L-word is a show that has amazing characters, and all of them are unique and interesting. First, through these questions, we will judge your personality, and then we will see which character you are from the show. So, are you fully ready to take this fun quiz? Let us go for it!

You May Get

Felicity Adams

Congrats! After reading all your answers and analyzing your choices, we have found out that you are Felicity Adams from the show.

Tyler Adams

Congrats! After reading all your answers and analyzing your choices, we have found out that you are Tyler Adams from the show.

& many more results.
Start this quiz to find your result.

  • 1. 


    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 


    • D. 

      You should guess it!

  • 2. 

    Would you date Shane from The L word?

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 


    • D. 

      Whenever I get a chance

  • 3. 

    Do you like relationships?

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 


    • D. 

      I wish I had a relationship.

  • 4. 

    In a relationship. will you love your partner no matter what?

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 

      I don’t know

    • D. 

      If my partner has money

  • 5. 

    Do you like sports?

    • A. 

      It’s my life:)

    • B. 

      Not really

    • C. 


    • D. 


  • 6. 

    Will you be with someone just for money?

    • A. 

      I need money

    • B. 

      Probably not

    • C. 


    • D. 


  • 7. 

    What type of lesbian are you?

    • A. 

      REAL ONE

    • B. 

      Just a normal one

    • C. 

      I am not!

    • D. 

      Wait! What?

  • 8. 

    Will you date with 3 people at the same time?

    • A. 

      YES…I guess

    • B. 


    • C. 

      That’s my life

    • D. 


  • 9. 

    Do you like marriage?

    • A. 

      I hate it:)

    • B. 

      Yeah! I’m married

    • C. 

      I dunno

    • D. 


  • 10. 

    At last, who will you choose to be from The L word?

    • A. 

      Felicity Adams

    • B. 

      Tyler Adams

    • C. 

      Marcus Allenwood

    • D. 


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The most thorough L Word Quiz on the internet!

Louise Belcher

Created by Louise Belcher

On Mar 29, 2017

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It’s hard to live every day without knowing which L Word character you are. I mean, we all think we know, but there’s only one way to know for sure if you are a Jenny, Tasha, Bette, Tina, Max, Helena, Alice, Dana, Carmen or Shane. It’s taking this quiz.

Which L Word character are you?


Riese is the 40-year-old Co-Founder and CEO of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in California. Her work has appeared in nine books including «The Bigger the Better The Tighter The Sweater: 21 Funny Women on Beauty, Body Image & Other Hazards Of Being Female,» magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3022 articles for us.

Author Timothy Perez

Posted Aug 30, 2022

Reads 1.9K

L-Word characters are always interesting to watch. They’re always so different from one another, yet they all end up in the same place eventually. There are a lot of l-word characters to choose from, but which one are you?If you’re always the life of the party, then you’re probably Shane. She’s always up for a good time, no matter what the consequences may be. She’s also fiercely loyal to the people she loves, even if they don’t always reciprocate that loyalty.If you’re more of a drama queen, then you’re probably Jenny. She’s always stirring up trouble, whether she means to or not. She’s also incredibly passionate, both in her relationships and in her work.

If you’re always the one who’s there for your friends, no matter what, then you’re probably Alice. She’s always ready to lend a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen. She’s also one of the most level-headed people on the show, which is why she’s often the voice of reason.No matter which l-word character you are, you’re sure to be an interesting person. So, embrace your inner l-word character and let the world see the real you.

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What is your favorite color?

There are so many colors to choose from so it’s hard to decide on just one favorite color. I tend to gravitate towards colors that are calming and make me feel happy. For me, favorite colors are usually soft and subdued. I love colors like baby blue, mint green, dusty rose, and light lavender. I also really enjoy jewel tones like amethyst and emerald.

What I love about colors is that they can affect our moods and how we feel. For example, when I’m feeling stressed or overwhelmed, I’ll often reach for colors that are soothing and calming. On the other hand, if I want to feel more energized or lively, I’ll choose colors that are brighter and more vibrant.

Colors also play a big role in our everyday lives and can be used to express ourselves. For example, I might wear a light lavender dress to feel feminine and pretty or I might paint my nails a bright poppy red when I’m feeling confident and bold.

really can’t choose just one favorite color. I love them all for different reasons and enjoy incorporating them into my life in different ways. Whether I’m using colors to boost my mood or to express myself, I always appreciate their beauty and power.

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What is your favorite food?

There are so many incredible foods out there in the world, it’s tough to choose just one favorite. For me, it depends on what mood I’m in and what my cravings are. But if I had to choose just one, it would be pizza.
Pizza is the perfect food. It’s got cheese, it’s got meat, it’s got vegetables, it’s got carbs — it’s got everything you need all in one convenient package. And it’s so versatile! You can have it for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even a snack. There are endless possibilities when it comes to toppings, so you never get tired of it. Plus, it’s easy to make at home or you can buy it pre-made. And it’s relatively cheap, so it’s perfect for those nights when you’re broke and hungry.
There’s just something about pizza that hits the spot every time. It’s my go-to comfort food and always makes me feel better. Whenever I’m having a bad day, a slice (or two) of pizza always makes me feel better.
So that’s why pizza is my favorite food. It’s delicious, it’s versatile, it’s easy to make, and it always hits the spot. What’s not to love?

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Wall-e Toy on Beige Pad

What is your favorite animal?

There are so many animals in the world that it is impossible to choose just one as a favorite. I have always been fascinated by the majesty of elephants, the beauty of tigers, the shyness of deer, and the playfulness of dolphins. However, if I had to choose just one, I would probably go with the gorilla.

Gorillas are one of the most intelligent animals on the planet and are capable of forming strong bonds with each other and with humans. They are gentle giants who are gentle and loving, but can also be fierce protectors. I find their strength and loyalty to be inspiring, and their size is always impressive.

While I have always been interested in gorillas, my love for them really began when I saw the movie «Gorillas in the Mist.» This film tells the story of Dian Fossey, a scientist who dedicated her life to studying and protecting gorillas in Rwanda. After seeing the film, I was even more interested in these amazing creatures and their struggle to survive in a world that is often hostile to them.

I continue to be impressed by gorillas and am always excited to learn more about them. I hope to one day see them in person, and maybe even meet one of these amazing animals.

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What is your favorite hobby?

There are many different things that people like to do in their spare time. Some people are interested in sports, others prefer to read books or watch movies, while others enjoy crafting or spending time outdoors. However, my favorite hobby is none of these things. Instead, I enjoy playing video games.

I have been playing video games for as long as I can remember. When I was younger, my parents would often buy me new games to play on our family computer. I would spend hours upon hours exploring different virtual worlds and completing quests. As I got older, I began to play more and more online Multiplayer games with my friends. We would work together to complete objectives and then compete against one another in order to see who could get the most kills or points.

I find video games to be a great way to relax and unwind after a long day. I also enjoy the challenge that they provide. I like feeling like I am good at something and video games give me a sense of accomplishment when I do well. Additionally, I enjoy the social aspect of gaming. I have made many friends through the years by playing video games together.

In conclusion, playing video games is my favorite hobby. It is a great way for me to relax, have fun, and socialize with friends. I look forward to spending many more hours gaming in the years to come.

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What is your favorite thing to do?

There are many things that I enjoy doing, but if I had to choose just one, it would be spending time with my family and friends. I love being around people and having fun. I enjoy doing things that are new and exciting, but I also like relaxing and doing nothing at all.

Some of my favorite things to do include going on walks, playing games, watching movies, and traveling. I also enjoy cooking and baking, and spending time outdoors. I am always up for trying new things, and I enjoy learning new skills.

No matter what I am doing, I always have a great time when I am with my loved ones. I am so blessed to have such wonderful people in my life. They make me laugh, they support me, and they are always there for me. I cherish each and every moment that I spend with them.

In short, my favorite thing to do is simply spending time with the people I care about. There is nothing that I enjoy more. Whether we are doing something exciting or just hanging out, I always have the best time when I am with my family and friends.

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What is your favorite place to go?

There’s something about my favorite place that I can’t quite put my finger on. It’s not the place itself so much as the feeling I get when I’m there. It’s a feeling of peace and happiness, of feeling at home even though I’m far from it.

It’s a place where I can be myself, without judgement or expectations. I can be whoever I want to be, and no one there knows me well enough to judge me. It’s a place where I can just relax and be in the moment.

My favorite place is the beach. I love the sound of the waves crashing against the shore, and the smell of the salt in the air. I love the feeling of sand between my toes and the warmth of the sun on my skin.

There’s something about being at the beach that makes all of my worries disappear. I can forget about my problems and just enjoy the moment. It’s a place where I can be completely present and in the moment.

I hope to always have a place like this in my life, a place where I can go to escape the stresses of everyday life. It’s a place that I can always come back to, no matter what.

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What is your favorite thing to wear?

There are many things that I enjoy wearing, but my favorite thing to wear is a dress. I love the way that a dress can make me feel feminine and stylish at the same time. I also enjoy the fact that I can dress a dress up or down, depending on the occasion. Whether I am wearing a dress to a wedding or to a casual lunch with friends, I always feel like I look my best.

Another reason why I love to wear dresses is because they are so versatile. I can wear a dress in the summer with sandals and a cardigan, or I can wear it in the winter with boots and a coat. I also love that I can find dresses in any style, from casual to formal. Whether I am looking for a dress to wear to work or to a party, I know that I will be able to find the perfect one.

Finally, I enjoy wearing dresses because they make me feel confident. When I am wearing a dress, I feel like I can take on the world. I know that I look good and that I am ready to face anything that comes my way. Whether I am heading to a meeting or to a date, I always feel like I am ready to take on anything when I am wearing a dress.

Overall, dresses are my favorite thing to wear. I love the way they make me feel and I love the versatility that they offer. No matter what the occasion, I know that I can always find the perfect dress to wear.

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What is your favorite thing to watch on TV?

There are a lot of great things to watch on TV these days. It’s tough to choose just one favorite thing, but if I had to narrow it down, I would say my favorite thing to watch on TV is reality TV.

I love watching reality TV because it’s so real and unscripted. You never know what’s going to happen next and that’s what makes it so exciting. I also enjoy watching reality TV because it’s usually very relatable. I can watch people going through the same things I’m going through and it helps me feel less alone.

Whether I’m watching reality TV about dating, parenting, or even just everyday life, I always find myself entertained and engaged. I can’t get enough of it!

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What is your favorite movie?

My favorite movie is the Shawshank Redemption. It’s a story about a man named Andy Dufresne who is wrongfully accused of murder and sent to Shawshank Prison. He befriends a man named Red, and together they try to figure out a way to escape.

I love this movie because it’s so well-written and acted. The characters are so believable and the story is so suspenseful. I also love the setting of the movie. It’s set in an old, run-down prison which adds to the atmosphere of the film.

This is one of those movies that I can watch over and over again and never get tired of it. It’s just a classic.

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How do you ask someone what their favorite food is?

I love to eat barbecue chicken because it’s really yummy!

What kind of food do you like to talk about?

I like to talk about food that I enjoy, either at home or out with friends. I often enjoy sushi, pizza, and noodles, but would be happy eating any type of food. I also really enjoy trying new international cuisines.

Which foods keep you feeling full longer?

Boiled potatoes, oatmeal and oranges came out as the most satisfying foods, while candy bars, white bread and french fries were found to be the least satisfying. This information may be useful for dieters who want to find foods that will keep them feeling full longer without overeating.

What is the most filling food to eat?

The most filling food for individuals is typically different depending on individual preferences and calorie needs. However, a study that analyzed the eating habits of more than 43,000 people found that oats, fish, boiled potatoes and fruit were the four most filling foods.

What are the most nutritious foods to eat?

There are many nutritious foods to choose from, including fruits and vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, and dairy. Some of the most nutritious foods include eggs, meat, dairy products, and nuts and seeds.

What are the questions to ask about food?

1. What unhealthy food do you love?
2. What is the future of food in your country?
3. What country food do you love?
4. Do you prefer to eat unhealthy or healthy food?
5. How would you describe your country’s food?
6. Do you eat a healthy diet? Why or why not?
7. What kinds of food can you cook?

What do you talk about when talking about food?

-Do you have a food allergy? If so, what are the symptoms?
-What would you say is your worst food experience? Why?
-What kind of food do you like to cook at home the most? Why?
-What is your favorite restaurant and why?
-How do you think food can improve relationships between people?

How do you ask someone to bring food to a party?

To ask someone to bring food to a party, you could say something like «would you be able to bring a dish or drink for everyone to share? We have a bunch of people coming.»

What do you wish you could say when someone asks about food?

It sounds like you genuinely enjoy food! Food is such an important part of our lives, and it’s great to have a friend who enjoys trying new things.

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The L word,

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