Which students work the hardest word

There are so many words with spellings that just don’t appear to make sense in the English language. Many students have many worries when writing an essay or paper with so many hard words to spell. Although we live in an age where autocorrect is the new fad, the importance of spelling correctly can not be denied. It is always hard to spell words that do not appear the way they sound.

To aid school graders, college students, and adults alike, we have some of the hardest words to spell. This list of hard words to spell spans across words that are hard to spell for all categories of students and adults. Are you ready to go through our list of very hard words to spell? Here’s our list of top 100 hardest words to spell. Let’s explore!

Hardest Words To Spell Ever

The English language could be a real pest, even for native speakers. Sometimes, the spelling of some words seems to slip out of our heads the very times we need them, while sometimes, we just don’t know how to spell some words and make funny typos.

There are many hard English words to spell. A word may be difficult to spell for many reasons. It could be because it is from a language very different from the English language, e.g., Afrikaans, Sanskrit, etc., or because the pronunciation is very different from the spelling. A word can also be difficult if it has a silent letter or more or a peculiar double letter. Here’s a list of some super hard word to spell!

  1. Abacaxi
  2. Abgesang
  3. Aitch
  4. Autochthonous
  5. Chiaroscurist
  6. Coelacanth
  7. Kierkegaardian

Long Hard Words To Spell

  1. Antidisestablishmentarianism
  2. Floccinaucinihilipilification
  3. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis
  4. Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism
  5. Psychoneuroendocrinological
  6. Hepaticocholangiogastrostomy
  7. Spectrophotofluorometrically

Easy Words That Are Hard To Spell

Surprisingly, some of the easiest words to spell in the English language often get misspelled. The words are usually so common and have been used so commonly that it’s unbelievable to know that many can’t spell it correctly – including you! So here’s a list of common words that are hard to spell.

  1. Misspell
  2. Pharaoh
  3. Weird
  4. Intelligence
  5. Pronunciation
  6. Handkerchief
  7. Logorrhea

Hard Words To Spell For 6th Graders

If you are looking for a nice spelling challenge for a 6th grader, you’re in the right place. Take a look at these hardest English words to spell for 6th graders.

  1. Noticeable
  2. Vacuum
  3. Recommend
  4. Chaos
  5. Accommodation
  6. Accidentally
  7. Strengthen
  8. Pneumonia
  9. Acknowledgment
  10. Occasion
  11. Descendant
  12. Liaison

Hard Words To Spell For 7th Graders

Looking for a 7th grade selling challenge, here are some really hard words to spell for 7th graders.

  1. Association
  2. Atmosphere
  3. Bicycle
  4. Corollary
  5. Confetti
  6. Defalcation
  7. Bizarre
  8. Braggadocio
  9. Echelon
  10. Gelatinous
  11. Panache
  12. Xylem

Hard Words To Spell For 8th Graders

  1. Condescend
  2. Discernible
  3. Concede
  4. Assuage
  5. Contemptuous
  6. Imprudent
  7. Conscience
  8. Bazaar
  9. Ferocious
  10. Pistachio
  11. Eloquent
  12. Lucrative

Hard Words To Spell For 9th Graders

  1. Stretch
  2. Substantial
  3. Superintendent
  4. Pageant
  5. Pamphlet
  6. Parachute
  7. Nuisance
  8. Omitted
  9. Tyranny
  10. Unanimous
  11. Vengeance
  12. Villain

Hard Words To Spell For 12th Graders

  1. Absolution
  2. Acerbic
  3. Adumbrate
  4. Dearth
  5. Encumber
  6. Expunge
  7. Insidious
  8. Penurious
  9. Resplendent
  10. Saccharine
  11. Scurrilous

Hard Words To Spell For College Students

  1. Arctic
  2. Australia
  3. Caribbean
  4. Euclidean
  5. Presbyterian
  6. Teutonic
  7. Abysmal
  8. Boulevard
  9. Bouillon
  10. Bourgeois

Hard Words To Spell For Adults

  1. Acquiesce
  2. Andragogy
  3. Criterion
  4. Holistic
  5. Incongruous
  6. Juxtaposition
  7. Malapropism
  8. Obfuscate
  9. Onomatopoeia
  10. Soliloquy

There are many spelling rules in the English language that often, it’s difficult to remember which applies. Learning how to spell hard words is a bane to students and adults alike. But don’t fret, we have some proven techniques that will make you conquer most words and spell them with ease.

It may be considered rather unfortunate that the old-fashioned rote memorization method remains the best way to learn how to spell the hardest words. However, memorization techniques have gotten better, making the learning process much more bearable.

There are several mnemonic training techniques and methods used by champion spellers worldwide, such as kinetic learning. This learning technique is the association of mental concepts with a series of movements which make learning much fun and retentive than mere repetition. So here are some tips for learning how to spell hard words!

  1. Trace the Letters

    With one hand, track the letters on your palm as you pronounce them. This method is an easy way to apply kinetic learning. You use three learning pathways that reinforce the words in the memory. These are:

    • The motion of your mouth and lips
    • The movement of the fingers of one hand moving
    • The feeling of the motion on the other palm

    For a more active learning experience, you can engage the larger body. Also, movement makes more blood flow to the brain, making it more active and receptive.

  2. Vocalize the Letters

    Another useful tool is to vocalize the letters of the words as you learn them. Repetition words by vocalization give those words a melodic feel, imprinting them more firmly on your mind, just like nursery rhymes. If used appropriately, this leaning method will help you recall words when other methods fail.

  3. Design Short Study Sessions

    Short study sessions are usually more effective for long-term memorization. When you take breaks, the brain can refresh itself and get ready to take a new set of words without becoming overwhelmed.

  4. Use Repetitive Drills

    It usually takes more than one repetition to get spelling correct consistently. Repeat the words you want to learn many times until it sinks into your mind and becomes melodic.

  5. Group The Words

    This is another effective strategy for learning how to spell hard words. Grouping words imply that you put words that follow the same spelling pattern in a group. For example, words with “-ei-“combinations will follow the same pattern. Learning all similar words at the same time will help you build association and reinforce spellings. This method will help you to categorize words, which makes memorization much more manageable.

  6. Read, Read, Read

    One of the best methods to learn how to spell words is to increase your reading. By merely reading and consuming a wide variety of books like wildfire, you’ll become a spelling champion without knowing it. Reading simply makes all the above rules much less confusing. You’ll also be able to build your intuition level and know just when a spelling looks wrong.

  7. Have Fun

    Learning becomes easier if you can apply fun to it. Take the words you want to memorize and see how you can weave fun into it!

So here we are! 100 hard words to spell and how to learn to spell hard words. Wishing you luck in your spelling bee and life in general! If you need homework help, just contact our English assignment helpers.

  • #1

Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well. I just found this phrase :

Jane is the hardest-working student.

I thought the correct form would be:

Jane is the most hard-working student.

I researched and some people say both are correct, however when you use another compound adjective like WORLD-FAMOUS, what is the correct form? For example:

Certainly, Michael jackson is the most world-famous artist.
Certainly, Michael Jackson is the worldest-famous artist.

  • The Newt

    • #2

    I agree that both forms of the original sentence about Jane are acceptable.

    «The worldest-famous» isn’t one of the possible options for the second sentence; the -est suffix would have to be applied to «-famous»: «the world-famousest.» But we would never say that either; it would have to be «the most world-famous artist.»


    • #3

    Jane is the hardest-working student.
    Jane is the most hard-working student.

    Although both are grammatically correct, «hardest-working» is sort of a set term, so we would always use that to mean that she works harder than anyone else. The late singer James Brown was known as «the hardest-working man in show business.»

    However, «the most» can also be used to mean just «very,» in which case the second one is better.

    Your son is the most thoughtful young man. (= very thoughtful)
    They sent me the most touching letter. (= very touching)

    • #4

    Although both are grammatically correct, «hardest-working» is sort of a set term, so we would always use that to mean that she works harder than anyone else. The late singer James Brown was known as «the hardest-working man in show business.»

    However, «the most» can also be used to mean just «very,» in which case the second one is better.

    Your son is the most thoughtful young man. (= very thoughtful)
    They sent me the most touching letter. (= very touching)


    Header Work Hard Play Hard

    “You must get drunk,” wrote the decadent French poet Charles Baudelaire. “But on what? On wine, on poetry, or on virtue, your choice. But get drunk.”

    This sentiment echoed through the findings of a 2016 study into the work and leisure habits of students at Queen’s University, Ontario. “[B]y far the strongest pairwise relationship was between attraction to accomplishment and attraction to leisure,” wrote the authors. In other words, those who work hard, play hard. Drunk on beer, drunk on studying – the common denominator for success is wholeheartedness.

    Still, ground-level experience tells us that some students favour booze over books, or vice versa. Get enough of the first group together, and you’ve got yourself a party town. Enough of the bookish type, and a school can get an unwelcome reputation for seriousness!

    Ivory Research knows you need to let off steam between study sessions, just as you need a sober environment to hit the books. We collected over 100,000 Instagram posts from around the world with the hashtags #worklife, #working, #partytime, or #partyhard. Then we analysed which countries, states, and cities focus more on work, and which ones prefer to party.

    Key Findings

    • Bolivia and Senegal are tied as the hardest-working countries, with 100% of their work or party-themed posts favouring work.
    • North Dakota is America’s ‘hard work state’ with 90.9% work-themed posts.
    • Vermont is America’s party state, with 72.2% of work/party-themed posts favouring leisure.
    • Bedford and Sheffield are tied as the UK’s hardest-working cities, with an 85.7% work-rate.
    • Colchester is the UK’s party city, with 86.7% of pertinent Instagram posts carrying a party-themed hashtag.

    Workaholics vs. Party Animals: A World Map

    World Map Heat Map

    Tap to see a full-size map

    Of the 121 countries with available data, 57 prefer to party, 60 are focussed on work, and the remaining four have a perfect 50-50 balance. Europe is clearly the ‘party meat’ in the work sandwich, with the stripe of orange through the centre of the map showing the countries with the most party-themed posts. The Americas and Asia are, for the most part, work-oriented Instagrammers.

    However, it is Africa that has the most dramatic divide. The continent is home to three of the top four party nations (Congo, Ghana, and Kenya) as well as the joint top work-oriented country (Senegal – tied with Bolivia and Macao). The UK likes a bit of both and is midway down the list with a 54:46 work:party ratio.

    One-third of Oxford Students Prefer to Party

    Here’s a city-by-city look at the data. Click the tabs to switch between UK/US and workaholic/party cities.

    Several American cities rate 100% for work ethic, but Newburgh takes the title with the highest total posts. This puts Newburgh 43% above the New York state average for workaholic-ism. At the other end of the scale, we found six US cities with a 100% party rate. Of these, Aurora and Syracuse come out on top with the highest number of posts.

    Bedford and Sheffield share the title of the UK’s Workiest City. Both have an 85.7% work-rate. Sheffield’s Student Union is rated the top in the country, meaning you can party hard without wandering far from the seat of learning. Oh yeah, and Oxford? We found 66.7% of posts were work-related, against 33.3% party pics (although perhaps those are all from Oxford Brookes). All things in moderation, people!

    North Dakota Knuckles Down

    State Heat Map

    Tap to see a full-size map

    The US is a sober, hard-working nation, according to our research. Instagrammers in 41 states post more regularly about working than partying, while just 8 go the other way. Of course, it’s a sliding scale – so while North Dakota is the hardest-working state (90.9%), Virginia and Texas are almost evenly split, with 52% and 55% work-rates, respectively.

    South Dakota strikes the perfect 50-50 balance between work and play. And one state stands out as the most party-oriented location: Vermont has the most party posts, with a staggering 11% lead over second-placed Nevada. The University of Vermont regularly appears near the top of lists of America’s party schools.

    Success at university is all about balance. Knowing how to relax will help you study better – and new extra-curricular experiences can be just as valuable as your new qualifications. Party hard, work harder, Instagram in moderation, and don’t worry too much about what the student in the next dorm is getting up to!


    We selected the following Instagram hashtags:

    • #worklife
    • #working
    • #partytime
    • #partyhard

    We collected posts on Instagram tagged with one of these hashtags (totalling 101,527 posts). Then we analysed the location of each post and assigned a status based on the balance of work and party hashtags in each city. Data collected in February 2021.


    the  teachers

    the English Language

    4.2 and 4.3 modules

    1.     «According to
    Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, methodology is…» *a) «“a
    body of methods, procedures, working concepts, rules and postulates employed
    […] in the solution of a problem or in doing something”»

    2.     «Broughton
    specifies the most typicalfeatures of the grammar-translation method, which
    are…» *a) «rules, [its] examples, its paradigms […]
    and related exercises»

    3.     «Give the
    English equivalents for the following Russian/Uzbek words and use them in
    sentences of your own» What is the focus of this task? ~ What skills are
    targeted in this task?
    *a) Focuses on word-for-word translation of
    isolated words and doesn’t not target any skills but simply tests the knowledge
    of one meaning of each Uzbek/Russian word

    4.     «I always
    repeat things aloud for myself. «What is the student’s dominant learning

    *a) Auditory

    5.     «I always use
    colored pens to highlight my notes» What is the student’s dominant
    learning style?

    *a) Visual

    6.     «I like to
    have something in my hand to squeeze or play with during a lesson. «What
    is the student’s dominant learning style?
    *a) Tactile

    7.     «I would
    rather start doing an activity instead of listening to instructions about how
    to do it.» What is the student’s dominant learning style?
    *a) Kinesthetic

    8.     «In which
    method students may create their own story and draw several sequential pictures
    that describe story? *a) Story narrating through the pictures

    9.     «listening,
    speaking, reading, and writing can be classified into which two groups?» *a)
    receptive and productive

    10. … a learning activity which
    involves learners working together in pairs.
    *a) pair work

    11. … are the guiding principles
    (often moral or ethical in nature) that govern behaviour; they are typically
    rooted in tradition, religion or in individual or shared philosophy and in
    education they help to inform decisions at all levels, from national policy
    right through to the classroom.
    *a) values

    12. … is a teacher’s
    detailed description of the course of instruction for one class. *a)
    A lesson plan

    13. … is a teacher’s
    detailed description of the course of instruction for one class. *a)
    A lesson plan

    14. …is the most
    abstract of all three concepts and refers to the linguistic, psycho-and
    sociolinguistic principles.
    *a) approach

    15. .…is teachers detailed description
    of the course of instruction for one class. *a) A lesson plan

    16. _____
    discover the language and familiarize themselves with the sound of English.

    17. _______ a group
    activity in which learners have a free and relatively unstructured discussion
    on an assigned topic as a way of generating ideas.
    *a) Brainstorming

    18. ____________ has
    become the most important tool for delivering distance education. *a)

    19. ____________ has
    become the most important tool for delivering distance education. *a)

    20. ___________________
    is that educational information and instruction is taught to learners who are
    physically distant from the source of that information and instruction *a)
    Distance education

    21. ___________________
    is that educational information and instruction is taught to learners who are
    physically distant from the source of that information and instruction *a)
    Distance education

    22. “______
    between two evils” *a) it’s not worth while choosing

    23. “…. between two evils” *a) it
    is not worth while choosing

    24. “A word doesn’t depend on
    dictionary”. About what approach is this definition correct? *a) Non-
    traditional approach

    the situation with your partner!”,- what method is used in this instruction? *a)

    26. “From practice to rules” is the
    principle of ….*a) inductive learning

    27. “From rule to practice” is the
    principle of … *a) deductive learning

    up a dialogue with your neighbour”. *a)
    Pair work

    29. “Rub” means *a) move
    backwards and forwards

    30. “The use of the
    native language for explanation, retention and checking”. What approach is it
    to foreign language teaching?
    *Traditional approach

    in threes or fours!” ,- this instruction belongs to… *a)
    Group work

    32. … a word or phrase
    used in an imaginative way to describe something else to show that the two
    things have the same Qualities *a)


    is important because it shows what the teacher hopes to achieve in the lesson. *a)

    34. … must be
    comprehensive enough to be a help to the teacher and it must provide all the
    recorder material.

    35. … the system of
    structures at word, sentence and text level in a Language *a)

    36. … the words that
    come just before or after a word or phrase and help you to understand its
    meaning. *a)

    37. … was widely used
    in teaching the classics, namely Latin.
    *Grammar translation method

    38. … which began to
    be widely used in schools in the 1870’s.
    *The direct method

    39. …. a group activity in which learners
    have a free and relatively unstructured discussion on an assigned topic as a
    way of generating ideas. *a) brainstorming

    40. …. all the words a
    person knows or uses *a)

    41. ……are statements of what is to be
    achieved in a course or lesson. They are detailed descriptions of exactly what
    a learner is expected to be able to do at the end of a period of learning.
    *a) Objectives

    42. ……is used at the end of the term,
    semester, or year in order to measure what has been achieved both by groups and

    *a) Summative assessment

    43. …..is the task of grouping a set of
    objects in such a way that objects in the same group are more similar (in some
    sense or another) to each other than to those in other groups
    *a) cluster

    44. …..the study of teaching methods
    and approaches.

    45. ….designed to show what level a
    student has reached at any one time, and are used by employers and
    universities, for example, who want a reliable measure of a student’s language

    *a) Proficiency test

    46. ….enables the learners to interact
    in a better way when giving ideas a) Communicative approach

    47. ….is a day in honor of those
    Americans who have given their lives to their country in all wars *a) Memorial

    are series of connected acts which have become automatic or semi-automatic as
    the result of repetitions. a) Habits*

    49. ………a group activity in which
    learners have a free and relatively unstructured discussion on an assigned
    topic as a way of generating ideas.
    *a) brainstorming

    50. ……….. is intended
    to enable students to give group presentations and assess their performance *b)
    oral presentation

    combination of specific useful habits, serving a definite purpose and requiring
    the application of definite knowledge *a) Skills

    52. ………… assessment of
    language allows teachers to see students using language in context, through
    tasks that require performance of language. *c) direct

    53. …………. are directly
    related to the language courses taught to the examinees *b) Achievement tests

    54. ………….. provides
    valuable information regarding a number of core objectives related to students’
    behavior. *b) observation of students

    55. ……………… is
    agreement between parts of the test *d) Consistency

    56. ……………format means
    that the examinees are given brief notes of a public address and the task is to
    “unfold” these brief entries into full text *c)Contextual

    57. …expose students
    to real language as it is used in real life situations by native speakers? *a)

    58. …is a mini-lesson
    that participants teach to each other *a)

    59. …is a teacher’s detailed
    description of the course of instruction for one class *a) a
    lesson plan

    60. A ___ is a self-contained section
    of the classroom in which students engage in independent and self-directed
    leaning activities. Get information on learning centers and how to incorporate
    them in to your instructional routine using this advice. *a) Learning

    61. A _____is a
    self-contained section of the classroom in which students engage in independent
    and self-directed learning activities. Get information …. *a)
    Learning Centers

    62. A bird in the hand ——— *a)
    is worth two in the bush

    63. A bird in the hand ……….. *a) is
    worth two in the bush

    64. A bird in the hand
    worth two in the bush

    65. A chart to be filled in by learners
    or teacher-participants, often used to summarise ideas or to focus reflection
    *a) grid

    66. A common reference for describing
    language learning, teaching. *a) CEFR

    67. A common reference
    for describing language learning, teaching. *a)

    68. A conversation can consist of up to
    ………. words per minute *a) 220

    69. A generalized set of classroom
    specifications for accomplishing linguistic objectives. Primarily concerned
    with teacher and student roles and behaviors and secondarily with such features
    as linguistic and subject-matter objectives, sequencing, and materials. They
    are almost always thought of as being broadly applicable to a variety of
    audiences in a variety of contexts.
    *a) Method

    70. A good reading lesson has … *а) pre, while
    and post stages

    71. A good reading
    lesson has … *a)
    pre, while and post stages

    72. A good reading
    lesson has… *a)
    pre, while and post stages

    73. A good reading
    lesson has… *a)
    pre, while and post stages

    74. A good writing
    task should have _____, ________ and _________ stages *a)
    pre/ while / post

    75. A group activity
    in which learners have a free and relatively unstructured discussion on an
    assigned topic as a way of generating ideas. *a)

    76. A group of
    activity in which learners have a free and relatively unstructured discussion
    on an assigned topic as a way of generating ideas. *a)

    77. A group of activity in which
    learners have a free and relatively unstructured discussion on an assigned
    topic as a way of generating ideas. *a) Brainstorming

    78. A ——is a
    self-contained section of the classroom in which students engage in independent
    and self-directed learning ac…on learning centers and how to incorporate them
    in to your instructional routine using this advice. *a)
    Learning Centers

    79. A learning activity which involves
    a small group of learners working together. The group may work on a single
    task, or on different parts of a larger
    task. Tasks for group members are often selected by the members of the group.
    *a) groupwork

    80. A learning style …
    a specific way a person learns things.

    81. A session plan is…

    82. A silent period is
    recommended until learners are ready to produce at their own pace in the target
    language. *a)
    Natural Approach

    83. A task which replicates or
    resembles a real-life task, e.g. scanning an article for particular
    information; this may be contrasted with a task which is specifically designed
    for, and only relevant in, the classroom.
    *a) Authentic task

    84. A teacher can make
    listening using the following
    *Asking the questions

    85. A teacher uses
    talk to support vocabulary development by: *a)
    Establishing a
    role play/drama area, developing Stop Rewind activities, asking pupils to
    provide verbal feedback to written pieces and etc

    86. A type of
    co-operative activity in which each member of a group has a piece of
    information needed to complete at reading work. *a)
    jig-saw activity

    87. A type of co-operative activity in
    which each member of a group has a piece of information needed to complete a
    group task.

    88. A type of co-operative activity in
    which each member of a group has a piece of information needed to complete at
    reading work. *a) jig-saw activity

    89. A type of speed reading technique
    which is used when the reader wants to locate a particular piece of information
    without necessarily understanding the rest of a text or passage. For example,
    the reader may read a chapter of a book as rapidly as possible in order to find
    out information about a particular date, such as when someone was born. *a)
    . Scanning

    90. A type of speed reading technique
    which is used when the reader wants to locate a particular piece of information
    without necessarily understanding the rest of a text or passage
    *a) scanning

    91. A type of speed reading
    technique which is used when the reader wants to locate a particular piece of
    information without necessarily understanding the rest of a text or passage.
    For example, the reader may read a chapter of a book as rapidly as possible in
    order to find out information about a particular date, such as when someone was
    born. *a) Scanning

    92. A typical
    communicative activities involve … *a)
    info-gap activities, jigsaw, etc

    93. A typical
    communicative activities involve… *a)
    Role-play, info gap activities,
    jigsaw, etc.

    94. A typical feature
    of association methods in vocabulary instruction is…
    a. Encouraging
    learners to draw connections between what they do know and unfamiliar words

    95. A word family/ a group of related
    words is …. *a) Lexical set

    96. A1 and A2 are…? *a)

    97. A1….. *a) breakthrough

    98. According to ….
    authentic materials are a way to contextualize language learning. *a)

    99. According to CEFR B2 level is
    determined for *a) Vantage

    100.     According to CEFR
    B2 level is determined for *a)

    101.     According
    to CEFR C-2 level is determined for: ________. *a) Mastery

    102.     According to CEFR
    C-2 level is determined for: ________. *a) Mastery

    103.     According to long
    term observations early teaching of foreign languages. It gives an emphasis on
    writing skills rather than ORAL
    *a) It opens a broad way to write
    a better composition.

    104.     According to the
    teachers point of view dictation activities work well in the classroom and such
    kind of activities make better… *
    All answers correct

    105.     Activity – *a)
    a short task which is a part of the lesson

    Activity *a)
    A short task
    which is a part of a lesson

    107.     Advantages of
    using pair and group work – *a) all pupils are active

    108.     Affixes are ….*a)
    prefixes and suffixes

    109.     All advertising
    must …..the right product image. *a) boost

    110.     All the hotel in
    the town was full up so we stayed in a ______village. *a) nearby

    111.     All the words that
    someone knows, learns or uses… *a)

    112.     An activity in
    which a pair or two groups of students hold different information , or where
    one partner knows something that the other doesn’t. *a)
    Information gap

    113.     An activity in
    which a pair or two groups of students hold different information, or where one
    partner knows something that the other doesn’t. This gives a real purpose to a
    communication activity.
    *a) Information gap activity

    114.     An activity in
    which a pair or two groups of students hold different cards, where one partner
    knows something that the other does not *a)
    Information gap

    115.     An activity in
    which a pair or two groups of students hold different information, or where one
    partner knows something that the other doesn’t. *a) Information
    gap activity.

    116.     An activity to
    make learners feel less nervous inhibited when they first meet.

    117.     An activity to
    make learners feel less nervous inhibited when they first meet. *a) Ice-breaker

    118.     An activity which
    involves re-ordering a mixed up text to find its correct order; it helps
    learners see the connections between parts of a written text. *a) jigsaw

    119.     An activity which
    involves re-ordering a mixed up text to find its correct order; it helps
    learners see the connections between parts of a written text. *a) jigsaw reading

    120.     An approach is a
    way of looking at________________ *a) teaching and learning

    121.     An approach is a
    way of looking at________________ *a) teaching and learning

    122.     An approach is a
    way of looking at________________ *a) teaching and learning

    123.     An informal
    interview may improve student`s____ skills

    124.     Another reason for
    using authentic materials is that……..*a)
    they represent an
    unlimited source for planning and organizing teaching and learning activities;

    125.     Anticlockwise is
    the opposite direction to the movement of the hands of a clock.

    126.     Any of
    a wide variety of exercises, activities, or devices used in the language
    classroom for realizing lesson objectives.
    *a) Technique

    127.     Any of a wide
    variety of exercises, activities, or devices used in the language classroom for
    realizing lesson objectives.
    *a) Technique

    128.     Any of
    a wide variety of exercises, activities, or devices used in the language
    classroom for realizing lesson objectives.
    *a) Technique

    129.     Apostrophe is
    used….*a) all answers are correct

    the study of
    second and foreign language acquisition and learning the study of language and
    linguistics in relation to practical problems, such as lexicography,
    translation or speech pathology

    131.     Approach is … *a)
    positions and beliefs about the nature of the language, the nature of language
    learning, and the applicability of both pedagogical settings

    132.     Approach is ….*a theoretical
    positions and beliefs about the nature of the language, the nature language
    learning and the applicability of both pedagogical settings

    133.     Approach is
    defined…..*a) it is theoretical part of teaching foreign language

    134.     Are pair and group
    work effective? *a)

    135.     Are series of connected
    acts which have become automatic or semi automatic as the result of…..
    repetitions. *a)

    136.     Are speaking
    activities successful? *a)

    137.     Ask right questions
    to get needed piece of information from others is … .
    *a) eliciting

    138.     Assesment is …… *a)
    measurement of the ability of a person or the quality or success of a teaching
    course, etc. Assessment may be by test, interview, questionnaire, observation
    and so on.

    139.     Assessment is … *a the measurement
    of the ability of a person or the quality or successes of a teaching course

    140.     Assessment is the
    process of …..*a)
    gathering and evaluating information;

    The measurement
    of the ability of a person or the quality or success of a teaching course, etc.
    Assessment may be by test, interview, questionnaire, observation and so on.

    142.     Association method
    *a) encouraging learners to draw connection between what do
    they know and unfamiliar words

    143.     At the end of a
    term, semester or year, we may want to do a final (sometimes called an exit
    test) to see how well students have learnt everything. Their results on this
    test may determine what class they are placed in next year (in some schools,
    failing students have to repeat a year), or may be entered into some kind of
    school-leaving certificate
    *a) Achievement test

    *a) the way that a person thinks and
    feels about somebody, something; the way that a person behaves towards
    somebody, something that shows how he, she thinks and feels. In a classroom
    this may show itself in a teacher‘s attitude to learners or in a learner‘s
    attitude to a foreign language and the culture associated with it, for example.

    145.     Auditory learner
    is … *a) They learn best through verbal lectures, discussions,
    talking things through and listening to what others have to say. Auditory
    learners interpret the underlying meanings of speech through listening to tone
    of voice, pitch, speed and other tones.

    146.     Auditory learners *a)
    those people who learn in information best by listening

    147.     Auditory learners *a)
    people who learn in information best by listening

    148.     Auditory learners
    prefer to learn by … *a)
    Listening or hearing

    149.     Auditory
    They learn best through verbal lectures, discussions, talking
    things through and listening to what others have to say.

    150.     Auditory learners:
    learn best through verbal lectures, discussions, talking things through and
    listening to what others have to say. Auditory learners interpret the
    underlying meanings of speech through listening to tone of voice, pitch speed
    and other tones.

    151.     Authentic material
    can be used … *a)
    to promote motivation

    152.     Authentic
    materials — nima *a)
    gazeta, jurnal materiallari, audio, video
    materiallari, entsiklopediya materiallari, tarixiy faktlar va hakozolardir

    153.     Authentic
    materials can involve the…………………… *a) students
    to real language as it is used in real life situations by native speakers

    154.     Authentic
    involve the…………………… *a) students to real language as it is used in
    real life situations by native speakers

    155.     Authentic
    materials….. *a) texts from real life sources

    156.     Authentic
    materials….. *a)
    texts from real life sources

    157.     Authentic
    materials…… *a)
    expose students to real language;

    158.     Authentic
    materials…… *a) texts from real-life sources

    159.     Authentic task is…*a)
    task which replicates or resembles a real-life task, e.g. scanning an article
    for particular information; this may be contrasted with a task which is
    specifically designed for, and only relevant in, the classroom.

    task…. a)
    task which replicates or resembles a real-life task, e.g. scanning an article
    for particular information; this may be contrasted with a task which is
    specifically designed for, and only relevant in, the classroom.

    *a) Texts which are taken from
    newspapers, magazines, etc., and tapes of natural speech taken from ordinary radio
    or television programmes, etc.

    162.     Authentic text
    is…. *a)
    which are taken from newspapers, magazines, etc., and tapes of natural speech
    taken from ordinary radio or television programmes, etc. When a teacher
    prepares texts or tapes for use in the classroom, he/she often has to use
    simplified texts as opposed to authentic texts.

    degree to which language teaching materials have the qualities of natural
    speech or writing.

    The process of
    learning without being controlled by anyone else.

    165.     Basic user …? *a) A1,A2

    166.     Beckon – *a)
    to signal with your hand in order to tell that person to come closer

    convictions that a teacher has about teaching or a learner about learning. When
    beliefs become dogma, they may inhibit professional development in a teacher or
    successful learning in a learner

    168.     Benefits of
    dictations … *a)
    all answers are correct

    169.     Bilingual person
    is … *a)
    to speak 2 languages equally well

    Blog *a)
    A shared on-line
    journal where people can post diary entries about their personal experiences
    and hobbies

    171.     Bodily-kinesthetic
    intelligence …

    itself in physical activities and movement: role-play, games, making posters
    and doing projects.

    172.     Brainstorming …. *a)
    encourages learners to produce the idea of solving practical and
    scientific problems individually or in groups

    173.     Brainstorming …. *a)
    learners to produce the idea of solving practical and scientific problems
    individually or in groups

    174.     Brainstorming ….. *a)
    collecting ideas very quickly

    175.     Brainstorming is…*a a group
    activity in which learners have a free and relatively unstructured discussion
    on an assigned topic as the way of generating ideas

    176.     Brainstorming
    is……………. *a) a group activity in which learners have a free and
    relatively unstructured discussion on an assigned topic, a way of generating
    ideas without judging them

    177.     Brainstorming
    its technique for generating new ideas on
    a topic

    178.     Brainstorming
    is……………..*a) its technique for generating new ideas on a topic

    179.     Building friendly
    classroom relationships with and between learners.
    *a) building rapport

    180.     Building Rapport- *a)
    building friendly classroom relationship with and between learners

    181.     Building rapport
    is…. *a)
    friendly classroom relationships with and between learners.

    182.     CALL is…….. *a)
    Assisted Language Learning

    183.     Can handle very
    short social exchanges even though they don’t understand enough to keep the
    conversation going themselves … . What level is it? *a) A2

    184.     Can handle very
    short social exchanges even though they don’t understand enough to keep the
    conversation going themselves…… What level is it? *c) A2

    185.     Case
    study is……………………… *a)
    about a person, group, or situation that
    has been studied over time.

    186.     CEFR is …… *d)
    descriptive document

    187.     CEFR is not…. *b)
    theoretical document

    188.     CEFR is not….. *a)
    theoretical document

    CEFR is……………. *a) Common European Framework of

    190.     CEFRL is……. *a)
    European Framework of Reference for Languages

    191.     Choose an
    appropriate definition to «technique» *a) technique is
    just one single procedure to use in the classroom

    192.     Choose an
    appropriate definition to “ technique” *a) Technique is just
    one single procedure to use in the classroom

    193.     Choose an
    appropriate definition to “technique” *a) technique is just one single
    procedure to use in the classroom

    194.     Choose the amount
    of lexical units the pupils must acquire in a foreign language after finishing
    Grade 4. *a)

    195.     Choose the amount
    of lexical units the pupils must acquire in a foreign language after finishing
    Grade 4. *a)

    196.     Choose the
    appropriate levels of CEFR *a)
    A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2

    197.     Choose the
    appropriate levels of CEFR *a)
    A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2

    198.     Choose the best
    answer to the following. …… draws upon some changes and innovations coming
    mainly from applied linguistics, so I am going to give a summary of changes
    about language nature and its knowledge. Language is considered a social
    phenomenon by this approach, as it is a means of communication and interaction
    between members of a *a) The communicative Approach

    199.     Choose the
    classical method of teaching *a) Grammar translation method

    200.     Choose the
    classical method of teaching *a) Grammar translational method

    201.     Choose the correct
    useful English websites for teaching and learning English language *a) eslpartyland.com,
    eslvideo.com, dictionary.com

    202.     Choose the inputs
    of auditory children *a)
    songs, chants, poems, stories read aloud,
    environment sounds (rains, cars, trucks, animals, vacuum cleaners, computer’s
    printers, people walking)

    203.     Choose the inputs
    of auditory children *a)
    songs, chants, poems, stories read aloud,
    environment sounds (rains, cars, trucks, animals, vacuum cleaners, computer’s
    printers, people walking)

    204.     Choose the inputs
    of auditory children *a) Songs, chants, poems, stories read
    aloud, environment sounds (rains, cars, trucks, animals, vacuum cleaner,
    computer’s printers, people walking)

    205.     Choose the inputs
    of auditory children. *a) like to learn new information by
    hearing it

    206.     Choose the inputs
    of tactile children *a)
    real life objects that children touch can
    as well as toys and puppets (it is important to make sure that the child can
    actually touch the objects and not merely look at them

    207.     Choose the inputs
    of tactile children *a)
    real life objects that children touch can
    as well as toys and puppets (it is important to make sure that the child can
    actually touch the objects and not merely look at them

    208.     Choose the inputs
    of visual children

    *a) pictures such as drawings, sketches, photograph, paintings,
    posters, murals, diagrams

    209.     Choose the inputs
    of visual children

    *a) pictures such as drawings, sketches, photograph, paintings,
    posters, murals, diagrams

    210.     Choose the right
    answer. We communicate orally in different ways…

    211.     Choose the
    strategy which matches the example. — I make notes about how native speakers
    use English in films and TV shows. *a) paying attention to language use

    Choose which unit in a pronunciation resource book listed a-d,
    a teacher could use to help her students with their pronunciation problems.
    Students pronounce each word separately, so their speech doesn’t sound smooth. *a)
    Practicing linking

    213.     Classroom
    activities in which students take the roles of different participants in a
    situation and act out what might typically happen in that situation.
    *a) role play

    management *a)
    way a teacher organizes her classroom and learners (e.g. how the furniture is
    organized, when to start and stop activities )

    215.     Classroom or
    training activities which reproduce or simulate real situations and which often
    involve learners/participants in playing roles and group discussion in order to
    solve a problem or complete a given task.
    *a) simulation

    Clockwise *a) Moving around in
    the same direction as the hands of a clock.

    217.     Cluster
    is……………… *a)
    is the task of grouping a set of objects in such a way
    that objects in the same group (called a cluster) are more similar (in some
    sense or another) to each other than to those in other groups

    218.     Cluster is……………… *a)
    is the task of grouping a set of objects in such a way that objects in
    the same group (called a cluster) are more similar (in some sense or another)
    to each other than to those in other groups

    219.     Cluster methods is
    a type of cooperative activity in which number of a group has a piece pf
    information needed to complete a group task

    220.     Cluster Methods is
    …? *a) the task of grouping a set of objects in such a way
    that objects in the same group are more similar.

    221.     Comments or
    information learners receive on the success of a learning task, either from the
    teacher or from other learners.
    *a) feedback

    222.     Communicating
    in English – nima *a)
    darsning ingliz tilida o’tilishiga

    223.     Communicative
    language teaching makes use of ….. *a) real life situations that
    necessitate communication

    224.     Communicative
    language teaching makes use of… *a) .Role-play situation

    225.     Complete the
    sentence. A good … task should have … purpose, relevant and interesting to
    learners *a)

    226.     Complete the
    sentence. A good writing task should have…., …. and …. stages. *a)
    Pre, while, post

    227.     Complete the
    sentences. A GOOD…. task should have ….purpose, relevant and interesting to
    learners *a) writing, communicative

    *a) Input language which contains
    linguistic items that are slightly beyond the learner‘s present linguistic

    229.     Concerning writing,
    Donald H.Graves makes a notable point: writing is …*a) communication

    230.     Constructivist
    teaching involves …
    and scaffolding

    Context *a)
    The ideas or
    content which occurs before and/or after a word, a phrase or even a longer
    utterance or text.

    232.     Controlled
    writing.. *a) is used for teaching the mechanics of accuracy and
    readiness for the further writing. It is completely controlled by the
    teacher.(text , copying the text, working on handwriting, dictations)

    233.     Correction by a
    learner of her/his own mistakes – usually possible only in the case of
    post-systematic errors.
    *a) self-correction

    234.     Criteria of
    successful speaking activities: *a)
    PW + GW STT > TTT

    235.     Demerits of
    communicative approach_________________ *a) ignores grammar and

    Demerits of communicative approach_________________ *a) ignores
    grammar and structures

    237.     Demerits of
    communicative approach_________________. *a)
    ignores grammar
    and structures

    238.     Designs for
    carrying a particular language program. Features include a primary concern with
    the specification of linguistic and subject-mater objective, sequencing, and
    materials to meet the needs of a designated group of learners in a defined

    239.     Develop vocabulary
    through the use of ICT by: *a)
    all answers are correct

    240.     Diagnostic tests –
    *a) identify students’ strength and weaknesses

    241.     Dictation gives
    pupils …. *a)
    answers are correct

    242.     Dictation makes
    the pupils and the teacher aware of the pupils’ comprehension on ..… errors *a)
    phonological and grammatical

    243.     Dictoglos dictation activity is … *It is such kind of dictation where listener listens twice
    the text and writes some of notes.

    244.     Disadvantages of
    using pair and group work
    *a the class is noisy

    245.     Discussion is … *a)
    sharing ideas

    Discussion is …. *a) an active method of sharing
    opinions on a specific problem individually and freely

    247.     Discussion is….. *a)
    an active method of sharing opinions on a specific problem individually
    and freely

    education a)
    education of students who may not always be physically present at a school.

    education is _______________ the traditional education *a) different from

    250.     Do you know the
    abbreviations TTT and STT mean? *a)
    Teacher Talking Time and Student
    Talking Time

    251.     Dos of developing
    listening skills are… *a) Use visual aids to support listening
    comprehension, brainstorm learners` ideas on the topic

    252.     DUET, as one of
    the intensive teaching training course of the English Language based on: *a)
    two modules; face-to-face, distance module

    253.     Effective learning
    of a foreign language depends on the pupils …

    254.     Effective, modern
    methods of teaching listening skills encompass everything from interactive
    exercises to ………………….. resources *a) multimedia

    EFL is…………. *a) English as Foreign Language

    Elicitation *a) Techniques or
    procedures which a teacher uses to get learners to actively produce a response.

    257.     E-mail is …. *a)
    electronic mail

    258.     E-mail is… *a) electronic mail

    259.     E-mail is… *a) electronic mail

    260.     ESL
    is…………… *a) English as Second Language

    261.     everyday life.

    262.     Exam KET is……………. *a)
    English Test

    263.     Exam KET is……………. *a) Key English

    activities *a)
    activities not falling within the scope of the regular curriculum

    To make a
    learning process possible or easier; to work with a group in order to help them
    to articulate ideas.

    a person
    who helps an individual or a whole group to learn and/or express themselves.

    267.     FCE is………. *a) First
    Certificate in English

    268.     FCE is……….*a) First Certificate
    in English

    Feedback *a)
    (in teaching)
    Comments or information learners receive on the success of a learning task,
    either from the teacher or from other learners.

    270.     Feedback is …. *a)
    Comments or information learners receive on the success of a learning
    task, either from the teacher or from other learners

    271.     Feedback
    is…………. *a) evaluative information derived from such a reaction
    or response

    272.     Fill in the gaps? The case method
    combines _____elements: the case itself and the discussion of that case. *a)

    273.     Fill the gap. …
    has become the most important tool for delivering distance education. *a)

    274.     Fill the gap. …
    has become the most important tool for delivering distance education. *a)

    275.     Fill the gap… has
    become the most important tool for delivering distance education *a) Internet

    276.     Fill the gaps. A
    good writing task should have _____, ________ and ________ stages. *a)
    pre, while and

    277.     Fill the gaps. A
    good writing task should have _____, ________ and ________ stages. *a)
    pre, while and

    278.     Find a word which
    has a prefix and suffix *a) disappearing

    279.     Find correct
    definition for Question Dictation. *a) This fun ESL dictation is
    ideal for reading comprehension practice. Stick numbered questions about your
    target text in different places outside the classroom. Divide the students into

    280.     Find correct definition
    for Running Dictation *a) Here is one of the most popular types
    of ESL dictation. Stick a text on a wall outside the classroom. Divide the
    students into pairs. One student is the ‘reader’ and the other is the ‘writer’.
    The readers run to the text, read a sentence or two, remember it, run back and
    tell their writer.

    281.     Find correct
    definition for Shouting Dictation *a) This ESL dictation helps
    students with their communication and listening skills. Divide the students
    into pairs (A and

    282.     Find correct definition
    for Silent Dictation *a) In this amusing ESL dictation, students
    dictate a text to a partner by whispering. Divide the students into pairs (A
    and B). Put the chairs into two rows with the seats facing each other. Make the
    space between the two rows quite large. The pairs sit opposite each other.

    283.     Find correct tip
    for dictating. *a)
    It`s important to pause to make sense of a text

    group work activity below. *a)
    Role play

    Find out real-situations where people listen the other people in
    their native language.
    *a) Radio, telephone conversation,

    286.     Find out the name
    of A1 level of CEFR *a)
    Basic User

    287.     Find out the name
    of A1 level of CEFR *a)
    Basic User

    288.     Find out the name
    of A1 level of CEFR *a) basic User

    289.     Find out the
    objective of the while stage in listening *a) jigsaw listening

    290.     Find out the
    objective of the while stage in reading *a) students scan the
    text to find the name of the…

    291.     Find speaking
    activity *a) find someone who

    292.     Find strategies of
    reading *a) scanning and skimming

    the advantages of the pair and group work below? *a)
    Group and pair
    work involve learners to the learning process

    294.     Find the aspects
    of speaking? *a)
    accuracy and fluency

    295.     Find the correct
    criteria for successful speaking activities. *a)

    296.     Find the correct
    ways of teaching listening. *a)
    give questions about the passage, preteach
    some unknown words

    the disadvantages of the pair and group work below? *a)
    The class becomes

    298.     Find the
    discription and the purpose of the “Cloze exercise” reading technique *a)
    fill-in-the blank exercise, in which some words are ommited, designing
    to measure how well the reader understands how a text is linked together

    299.     Find the
    discription and the purpose of the “Outlining ” reading technique *a) note-taking
    technique designed to help the reader to see overall organization of the text

    300.     Find the
    discription and the purpose of the “Passage competition ” reading technique *a)
    Finishing a reading passage (orally or in writing): involves predicting
    a logical or suitable conclusion based on a through understanding of a text

    301.     Find the
    discription and the purpose of the “Scrambled stories” reading technique *a)
    The reader re-orders the mixed up pieces of a text to show he
    understands how a text fits together

    302.     Find the effective
    reading strategies *a)
    I look at titles, subtitles, pictures and
    other visuals before reading

    303.     Find the
    equivalent of aural-oral approach *a)
    ) Audio lingual approach

    304.     Find the
    ineffective reading strategies. *a)
    I ask my teacher for help whenever
    I meet a word I don`t know

    305.     Find the purpose
    of the following listening activity: Listen to an announcement in the train
    station and complete the formation about the trains leaving to Manchester. *a)
    for specific information

    306.     Find the purpose
    of the following listening activity: Listen to the story and write a title for
    it. *a)
    for gist

    307.     Find the purpose
    of the following listening activity: Listen to the description of a house and
    draw it *a)
    for details

    308.     Find the readers’
    statements with the ways of reading:“Looking at words around a word you don’t
    understand can help guess its meaning” *a) deducing meaning from
    the context

    309.     Find the stage of
    the lesson: Students read very quickly in order to give answers to one or two
    general questions. *a) -while stage

    310.     Find the stage of
    the task.
    reading the first paragraph/sentence of the text students read several possible
    continuations of the story and then predict which one the author used *a)

    311.     Find the stage of
    the task.
    reading the teacher introduces some new words. *a) pre

    312.     Find the stage of
    the task.
    complete a detailed True/False exercise. *a) while

    313.     Find the stage of
    the task.
    discuss topics related to the content of the text. *a) pre and

    314.     Find the stage of
    the task.
    draw or use pictures from magazines to create an illustration for the story. *a)
    while and post

    315.     Find the stage of
    the task.
    infer the meaning of selected words and expressions from the context. *a)

    316.     Find the stage of
    the task.
    read very quickly in order to give answers to one or two general questions. *a)

    317.     Find the stage of
    the task.
    scan the text to find the name of the main character. *a) while

    318.     Find the stage of
    the task.
    write a paragraph, which could come immediately before the beginning of the
    story. *a) Post

    319.     Find the stage of
    the task.
    teacher draws attention to some of the grammar in the text. *a) while

    320.     Find the statement
    for lesson objective. *a)
    Things that you want to achieve with an
    activity, task, lesson or a session

    321.     Find the
    strategies of reading. *a)
    Scanning and skimming

    322.     Find the
    strategies of reading. *a)
    Scanning and skimming

    323.     Find the teachers’
    comments with the aspects of listening. “ My students find it hard to recognize
    the pronunciation of individual words and sounds when they hear people speak in
    the street”
    with authentic texts

    324.     Find the teachers’
    comments with the aspects of listening.
    “ The first listening task I give my
    students is usually one in which they have to decide on the general meaning of
    the text” *a) listening for gist

    325.     Find the teachers’
    comments with the aspects of listening.
    “It’s nice if learners can just listen to
    a story and enjoy it without doing a task on it.” *a) activating
    students’ knowledge of the world

    326.     Find the types of
    extracurricular activities below? *a)
    debates, sports, drama

    327.     Find the types of
    learning style
    tactile, visual, kinesthetic, auditory

    328.     Find the ways of
    listening. “ When listening some important news we might want to make sense of
    every word to find out what exactly happened and why.” *a) listening

    329.     Find the ways of
    listening.- ” When listening to a train announcement for specific information
    we might simply need to hear some times” *a) listening

    330.     Flash cards can be
    used for…*a) telling a class a story

    Fluency *a)
    In second and
    foreign language teaching, fluency describes a level of proficiency in
    communication, which includes:

    332.     For auditory
    learners I recommend: *a)
    Ask your teacher for oral explanations if
    you do not understand something; read aloud when you study at home; listen to

    333.     For kinesthetic
    learners I recommend: *a)
    draw something on your notes to remember
    information better; move around your room while you are learning at home; take
    frequent breaks.

    334.     For visual
    learners I recommend: *a)
    look at pictures before you read a text;
    look at a person who speaks with you.

    335.     For what it is
    important to know the level of the students before planning the lesson? *a)
    For identifying the role of each activity

    336.     For what purpose
    is used brainstorming? *a)
    (in language teaching) a group activity in
    which learners have a free and relatively unstructured discussion on an
    assigned topic as a way of generating ideas.

    337.     Forms of formative
    assessment *a) individual, pair and group work, homework tasks,
    indirect(implicit)form using different questions or plays

    338.     Forms of formative
    assessment. *a) test, matching, multiple choice

    339.     Forms of formative
    assessment? *a) individual, pair and group work, homework tasks,
    indirect (implicit) form using different questions or plays

    340.     From what is the
    word “Dictation” origin from?
    *From Latin “dicto” to speak

    341.     Games can be
    catagorized differently.

    *a) For dividing large groups into small ones, introduction
    games, grammar games, storytelling games, vocabulary games. They may also be
    differentiated according 4 language skills.

    342.     Games can be found
    to give practice in all__________ (reading, writing, listening and speaking *a)
    the skills

    343.     Give the
    definition of ‘ Group work “ *a) mode of doing a task or
    activity in small groups

    344.     Give the
    definition of “Group work” *a)
    mode of doing a task or activity in small

    345.     Give the
    definition of “Group work” *a)
    mode of doing a task or activity in small

    346.     Give the
    definition of “Pair work” *a)
    mode of doing a task or activity in pairs.

    347.     Give the
    definition of “Pair work” *a)
    mode of doing a task or activity in pairs.

    Good operational command of the spoken language able to handle
    communication in most situations. *a) C1

    349.     Graphic organizers
    guide learners…… *a)
    thinking as they fill in and build upon a
    visual map or diagram;

    350.     Has enough
    language to get by, with sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself with some
    hesitation and circumlocutions on topics such a family hobbies and interests,
    work travel and current events, but lexical limitations cause repetition and
    even difficulty with formulation at times. What level is it? *a) B1

    351.     How can we raise
    our speaking skills? *a)
    all are true

    352.     How do auditory
    learners learn best?
    by hearing

    353.     How do visual learners
    learn best?
    by seeing

    354.     How do visual
    learners learn best? *a)
    By seeing

    355.     How do visual
    learners learn best? *a)
    By seeing

    356.     How is the
    activity called? Give each group a box with buttons. Explain that each group
    will get a picture.
    should describe the picture. Say that in groups participants should make up as
    many sentences describing this picture as possible. Ask them not to pay
    attention to possible mistakes. Ask to choose the most active person in a group
    to be a secretary. The secretary does not make any sentences, but ticks each
    new sentence of other members in a notebook without writing sentences down. Say
    that a participant making up a sentence takes a button from the box, so at the
    end of the activity the contribution of each member of the group is clear by a
    number of buttons s/he has near her/him. It is important that all the
    participants have an approximately equal number of buttons. Give them 4 minutes.
    Picture description.

    357.     How is the test
    must be made on ……..? *a)
    the pervious theme which was learned

    358.     How long should
    the text be for dictations? *a)
    A short text

    359.     How many aspects
    in speaking? *a)

    360.     How many
    challenges will be discussed along with solutions to help teachers using direct
    assessment in language classrooms *a) 3

    361.     How many criteria
    in the CEFR? *a) 5

    362.     How many criterias
    are there in CEFR?

    *a) 6

    How many
    demerits of communicative approach do you know? *a)

    364.     How many distinct
    words the “ Neurolinguistic programming “ can be broken down? *a) 3

    365.     How
    many forms of speaking
    exist in a language? *a) 2

    366.     How many language
    skills are in teaching English? *a)
    4: speaking,reading, writing,

    367.     How many levels
    are there in CEFR? *a)

    368.     How many levels
    are there in CEFR? *a)

    369.     How many levels of
    CEFR are there? *a)

    370.     How many people
    have taken TOEFL test since 1964? *a) 22 mln. People

    many stages does lesson planning have in storytelling lessons? *a)

    372.     How many steps of
    listening activities
    ? *a) 3

    373.     How many types of
    feedback do you know? *a)

    374.     How many types of
    learning styles? *a) 3

    375.     How many types of
    reading are there? *a) 4

    376.     How many types of
    reading do you know? *a)

    377.     How many types of
    vocabulary are there? *a) active and passive

    378.     How the meanings
    of words are given in monolingual dictionary? *a)
    English- English

    How’s called
    an activity to make learners feel less nervous or inhibited when they first
    meet? *a)

    380.     I can write very
    simple personal letters expressing thanks and apology. What level is it? *c) A2

    381.     I like to talk
    when I write.

    382.     I wish he wouldn’t
    keep clicking his pen. It’s getting _________________. *a) on my

    383.     Ice-breaker…. *a)
    activity to make learners feel less nervous or inhibited when they first meet.

    384.     ICT core
    competencies are………*a) searching, creating, teaching and

    385.     Identify the
    technique for presenting vocabulary
    *Real objects, Gestures and acting
    opposite words

    386.     Identify this
    sentence according to its types: “My family came to Germany when I was in grade
    5, but I never learned to speak German well.” *a) compound-complex

    387.     Identify this
    sentence according to its types: “While I was doing my homework and my mother
    was cooking the dinner, my father was asleep in front of the television.” *d)


    388.     IELTS is available
    in two formats –___________________training *a)
    Academic and General

    389.     IELTS is managed
    by University of…… *a)
    Cambridge ;

    390.     IELTS is…….. *a) International
    English Language Testing System

    391.     If a teachers
    bring some real objects into the classroom, he … *a) uses realia

    392.     If the
    PC is physical body of a man, then what is it’s mental body? *b) Software

    393.     Immersion – *a)
    ESL students at school take all subjects in English. They take part in
    class and school activities with native English students their own age

    394.     In dictations we
    use: *a)
    and pictures

    395.     In general, the
    systematic gathering of information for purposes of decision making. It uses
    quantitative methods (e.g. tests), qualitative methods (e.g. observations,
    ratings) and value judgments
    *a) Evaluation

    396.     In inductive
    presentation *a) Pupils work out grammar rules themselves with
    the help of a teacher

    397.     In inductive
    presentation *a) pupils work out grammar rules themselves with
    the help of the teacher

    398.     In modern Method
    grammar must be taught in… *a) context

    399.     In Modern Method
    grammar must be taught in…. *a) context

    400.     In second and
    foreign language teaching, it describes a level of proficiency in
    communication, which includes: the ability to produce written and/or spoken
    language with ease and without significant hesitation;
    *a) fluency

    401.     In teaching
    grammar the teachers follow the … given in Teacher’s books

    402.     In testing or
    teaching: a device in which the learner is presented with a question along with
    four or five possible answers from which one must be selected
    *a) multiple-choice

    In the teaching learning process using TPR method, teacher plays
    ……… and …………..
    *a) an active, direct role

    404.     In traditional
    method teachers do not pay attention to *a) speaking and

    405.     In traditional
    method teachers don’t pay attention to…. *a) Speaking and
    pronunciation practice

    406.     In traditional way
    of presenting grammar is called inductive when…
    *Pupils work out
    grammar rules themselves with the help of teacher

    In traditional way of presenting grammar is called inductively
    when… *a) pupils work out grammar rules themselves with the help
    of teacher

    408.     In which
    activities do pupils use given words for practicing vocabulary?
    *Classifying words
    into lists, filling sentences gaps, filling tables with new words, crosswords
    and puzzles

    409.     In which
    activities do the pupils choose words themselves?
    *Chain drill,
    Snowball, Birthday line

    410.     In which activity
    students are encouraged to act out roles of people in different spheres of
    society? *a) Role play

    411.     In which activity
    students are encouraged to act out roles of people in different spheres of society
    *a) role play-

    412.     In which method
    Good habits are formed by having students produce correct sentences and
    information. By memorizing dialogues and performing drills the chances for
    making mistakes ….. *a) Traditional method

    413.     In which method
    students write and re-tell the stories? *a) Traditional

    414.     In which method
    teaching units are organized following these three methodological points:
    Nothing will be spoken before it has been….. *a) the Audio
    lingual method-

    415.     In which method well
    known for its common use of small colored rods of varying length and color
    coded word charts depicting pronunciation values, vocabulary and grammatical
    paradigms( Fidel Chart, Word Chart, Sound Color Charts) and concentrates on
    cognitive principles in language learning? *a) The Silent way

    416.     Incident
    process…………………. *a)
    This teaching style involves a case study
    format, but the process is not so rigid as a full case study training session.
    The focus is on learning how to solve real problems that involve real people.

    417.     Independent user includes…….
    ……. *c) B1, B2

    418.     Inductive
    presentation *a) pupils work out grammar rules themselves with
    the help of the teacher

    419.     Inferring reading
    is… *a) reading between lines(to understand things which are not
    written in the text)

    420.     Information gap
    activity – *a)
    an activity in which a pair or two groups of students
    hold different 11 information, or where one partner knows something that the
    other doesn’t. This gives a real purpose to a communication activity. An
    information gap activity is an activity where learners are missing the
    information they need to complete a task and need to talk to each other to find

    421.     Information gap is
    …. *a)
    activity in which a pair or two groups of students hold different information,
    or where one partner knows something that the other doesn’t and it gives a real
    purpose to a communication activity

    422.     Information gap or
    info gap activities are…*a)
    They are activities in which a pupil knows
    something that another pupil does not know, so they have to ask questions to
    get the information.

    423.     Integrated skills
    *a) all the language skills together

    skills *a)
    of the language skills (listening, reading, speaking, writing) together.
    Integrated skills activities bring together different language skills (e.g.
    learners discuss a writing assignment, thus practicing listening, speaking and

    425.     Integrated skills
    ….. *a) All of the language skills (listening, reading, speaking,
    writing) together. Integrated skills activities bring together different
    language skills (e.g. learners discuss a writing assignment, thus practicing
    listening, speaking and writing).

    426.     Intensive methods
    in teaching: *a) Games with situations, and imitations,
    audiovisual methods, communicative, interactive communication

    427.     Intensive reading
    *a) reading for finding synonyms and antonyms

    428.     Interaction is….*a)
    The leaners listened to a recording and wrote down the words he did not

    pattern *a)
    of work (individual work, pairwork, groupwork) used in learning or teaching

    A term
    used to describe the state of a learner‘s language – somewhere between being a
    complete beginner and native speaker standard.

    431.     Intrapersonal
    …. *a)
    on silent individual work and self-reflection.

    432.     is a person who
    helps an individual or a whole group to learn and/or express themselves.
    *a) Facilitator

    433.     Is it important to
    know the aim of reading before you start to read? Why, why not? *a)
    It is important to
    know the aim of reading because it influences how we read information.

    434.     Is it important to
    use PW and GW? *a)
    Yes it is important

    435.     It is a strategy
    of teaching students, where a teacher allows students to compare two different
    historical perspectives to the same question.
    *a) true-false

    436.     It is about a
    person, group, or situation that has been studied over time. This method often
    involves simply observing what happens to… *a)
    Case study

    437.     It’s on the top
    shelf, out of _____. a) reach*

    It’s syllabus is organized structurally in sentence patterns,
    gradually sequenced: vocabulary is considered a very important aspect of FLT;
    the teacher is the model, creates the situation and reaches through questioning
    and eliciting the learners’ answers: students are expected to deduce word
    meaning from context, without translations or explanations in the mother tongue
    are the characteristics which approach? *a) Audiolingual Method

    Asher worked in…………………….University *a) Jose State

    440.     Jigsaw – *a) a
    type of co-operative activity in which each member of a group has a piece of
    information needed to complete a group task

    441.     Jigsaw—— *a)
    a type of co-operative activity in which each member of a group has
    piece information………. needed to complete a group task

    KET is……………. *a) Key English Test

    443.     KET is…………….*a)
    English Test

    444.     Kid’s English 2
    for which level is for? *a) A1

    445.     Kid’s English 2
    for which level is for? *b) A1

    446.     Kinesthetic
    learner is . . . . *a) Learn best through a hands-on approach,
    actively exploring the physical world around them. They may find it hard to
    seat still for long periods and may become distracted by

    447.     Kinesthetic
    learner is….. *a) learn best through a hands-on approach,
    actively exploring the physical world around them. They may find it hard to sit
    still for long periods and may become distracted by their need for activity and

    448.     Kinesthetic
    learners *a) Those people who learn information best by doing
    or moving

    449.     Kinesthetic
    learners learn best…*a)
    By moving and doing

    450.     Kinesthetic
    learners prefer to learn by … *a)
    Moving or doing

    acquisition *a)
    up‘a language; not learning it consciously, but by being exposed to it in
    natural situations

    452.     Language is
    considered a social phenomenon because…….. *a)
    all the
    individuals use it to construct interpersonal relations;

    453.     Language learning
    skills- *a) A,B,C

    454.     Learner
    responsibility – nima? *a)

    455.     Learner to learner dictation is… *It is such kind of dictation where a pair could be reader
    and writer and vice versa.

    456.     Learners at the
    age of 7 are called…. *a)

    457.     Learners in the
    modern language classroom often learn through techniques drawn from a variety
    of methods/approaches in what has been labelled an … .*a)
    Eclectic approach

    Learners in TPR have the primary roles of ……….. and ……………. *a) listeners,

    459.     Learning program
    gives chance to study without …….. *a)

    460.     Lesson objective …
    *a) To enable pupils to talk about timetables using simple

    461.     Lesson plan gives
    a Teacher … *a)

    462.     Lessons move from
    the presentation stage to the practice stage to the …stage *a) Production

    463.     LEVEL
    …………Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly
    and clearly and is prepared to help.*a)
    Level A1.

    464.     Level……….Occasionally
    produces inaccuracies and inappropriacies.*a)
    Level C1.

    465.     Lexis – *a) all
    words and word forms in a language with meaning or function

    466.     Linguistic
    intelligence is…. *a)
    revealed through specially designed
    grammar and vocabulary exercises based on pair work in dialogues.

    467.     Listen to the
    description of a house and draw it. *a) listening for details

    468.     Listening and
    reading are ….. *a) receptive skills

    469.     Longitudinal
    studies that show…………; *a)
    long-term effects or that isolate the
    exercise of literacy,

    470.     Main principles of
    CLT: *a)
    mode of work, natural and spontaneous (free) use of language, meaningful
    communication, and meaning has primacy over form,

    471.     Match the level A2
    with explanation. *a)
    Wastage or elementary

    472.     Match the level A2
    with explanation. *a)
    Wastage or elementary

    473.     Match
    while-writing task with definition *a)
    draws on writing

    474.     Match
    while-writing task with definition *a)
    draws on writing

    Method *a)
    The procedures
    and techniques characteristic of teaching

    476.     method is…- *a)
    just the mediator between theory and classroom practice

    Mind map *a)
    A diagram which
    supposedly represents the brain or the mind: topics are clustered on the page
    together as they are believed to be collected in the brain.

    478.     Mind map …. *a)
    A diagram which supposedly represents the brain or the mind: topics are
    clustered on the page together as they are believed to be collected in the

    479.     Mirror is mostly
    used while teaching..*a) pronunciation

    480.     Mode of work
    (individual work, pairwork, groupwork) used in learning or teaching
    *a) Interaction

    481.     Motivation is
    defined as ―

    *a) an interest and enthusiasm for the materials used in class;

    482.     Moving around in
    the same direction as the hands of a clock.
    *a) clockwise

    483.     Multimedia is……………
    *a) Multimedia is content that uses a combination of different
    content forms such as text, audio, images, animations, video and interactive

    *a) choice item will be a question or
    incomplete sentence. This is known as the stem. The different possible answers
    are known as alternatives. The alternatives typically include one correct
    answer and several wrong answers or distractors.

    485.     Native Language
    mostly used in…*a) Traditional Method

    486.     Non-verbal
    communication is … *a)

    487.     Observation of a
    teacher or trainee by a colleague of equal status.
    *a) peer observation

    488.     Offers freedom to
    write the original content, using own language (essay, letters, narrations,
    making up sentences, composition, essay, picture description) ……….. *a) free

    489.     One way of
    presenting grammar is called deductive when…
    *The teacher explains grammar rules

    490.     Over the last …….
    years, many countries have started implementing assessment exercises or
    building on existing assessment systems. *a)

    491.     Pair work is … *a)
    of doing a task or activity in pairs

    Pair work________________________________________ *a) provides
    opportunities for intensive listening and speaking practice

    Pairwork *a)
    a learning
    activity which involves learners working together in pairs.

    Pedagogy *a)
    the study of
    teaching methods and approaches.

    observation *a)
    of a teacher or trainee by a colleague of equal status.

    496.     Phonemic Chart can
    be useful for….*a) improving pupils’ pronunciation

    497.     Phonetics deals
    with *a) vowels, consonants, voiced and unvoiced sounds,

    498.     Planning lesson is
    important for …… *a) for identifying the objectives identifying
    outcomes of the lesson thinking of the essential aspects of the lesson

    499.     PPP stands for … *a)
    Practice, Production

    500.     PPP stands for … *a)
    Practice, Production

    501.     Pre listening…. *a)
    that pre listening tasks help students to predict the content of the recording
    and thus make it easier to understand it.

    502.     Pupils work out
    grammar rules themselves with the help of the teacher.
    *a) Inductive
    presentation of grammar

    503.     Put all the
    language skills in correct order *a) listening, speaking,
    reading, writing

    504.     Read the
    instruction and find the type of the dictation. — Imagine I am a tape-recorder
    (to draw on the board the buttons). I am dictating you the text, If you want me
    to pause you say “pause”, if you want me to continue you say “play”, If you
    want me to stop you say “stop”. *a) Tape-recorder dictation

    505.     Read the
    instruction and find the type of the dictation. — You are listening to some
    interesting sounds. First time you just listen While listening second time you
    are writing some notes. Do not write whole sentences. Create a story in a group
    *a) Sound-effects dictation

    506.     Read the
    instruction and find the type of the dictation. -Listen once(the teacher is
    dictating a story) and choose the best title for this story. Do not write anything.
    -Listen twice and write only some notes. Do not write the whole sentences. *a)

    507.     Read the
    instruction and find the type of the dictation. —Pointing to the board to tell
    pupils that they are going to think of 7 words, № 1-the place ,where people
    might live…….. *a) Wild dictation

    508.     Read the
    instruction and find the type of the dictation. -You have got a passage with
    gaps. Your partner has got the appropriate words. You read it loudly, your
    partner listens to you carefully and helps you to fill the gaps. Then swap the
    roles. *a) Shouting dictation

    509.     Read the listening
    activities in column Activities. In column Purpose write: Listen to a radio
    program and tell what it is about. *a)
    G if it is to
    listen for the gist (general idea) . numbers).

    510.     Read the listening
    activities in column Activities. In column Purpose write: Listen to a telephone
    operator explaining how to find their office and follow the directions on the
    map you have in front of you. *a)
    D if it is to listen for Detail
    (e.g. turning right at a place, the shape of an object)

    511.     Read the listening
    activities in column Activities. In column Purpose write: Listen to two friends
    discussing how to solve the problem and decide whether you agree or disagree
    with the solution. *a)
    MI if it is to listen for Main Ideas (e.g.
    several things a person is describing)

    512.     Read the listening
    activities in column Activities. In column Purpose write: Listen to your
    partner describing a robot and draw it. *a)
    D if it is to
    listen for Detail (e.g. turning right at a place, the shape of an object)

    513.     Read the listening
    activities in column Activities. In column Purpose write: Listen to a crime
    witness and select the picture of the burglar she is describing. *a)
    D if it is to
    listen for Detail.

    514.     Read the listening
    activities in column Activities. In column Purpose write: Listen to a person
    telling about his favourite subjects at school and decide which of them are
    true for you and which are not true. *a)
    MI if it is to
    listen for Main Ideas (e.g. several things a person is describing)

    515.     Read the text and
    choose a title for it. *a) skimming

    516.     Read the text and
    find antonyms to the words in bold. *a) intensive reading

    517.     Read the text and
    write the dates of birth of famous people in the table. *a) scanning

    518.     Reading a text for
    getting specific information is…? *a)

    519.     Reading a text for
    understanding its gist? *a)

    520.     Reading by paying
    attention to wide range of details and ideas in the text. *a) extensive

    521.     Reading is to the
    mind… *a)
    exercise is to the body

    522.     Reading, listening,
    speaking,writing are … *a) the four principal language skills

    523.     Reasons why they
    are effective/ineffective in English lesson.
    I ask my teacher
    for help whenever I meet a word I don’t know. *a)
    Ineffective ,because learner
    becomes dependent on his/her Teacher.

    524.     Reasons why they
    are effective/ineffective in English lesson.
    I look at titles,
    subtitles, pictures and other visuals before reading. *a)
    Effective, it can help to
    prepare a reader for reading.

    525.     Reasons why you
    may need to use warm ups… *a)
    all answers are correct

    526.     Role play — *a)
    activities in which students take the roles of different participants in a
    situation and act out what might typically happen in that situation

    Language Acquisition (SLa)
    *a) (in
    applied linguistics)
    the processes by which people learn or acquire a
    second or foreign language. These processes are often investigated with the
    expectation that information about them may be useful in language teaching.

    by a learner of her/his own mistakes – usually possible only in the case of post-systematic

    529.     Shouting dictation is … *It is
    such kind of dictation where reader reads loudly and partner listens carefully
    and fills the gaps.

    530.     Show the special
    sign of e-mail. *a)

    531.     Show the special
    sign of e-mail. *a)

    or training activities which reproduce or simulate real situations and which
    often involve learners/participants in playing roles and group discussion in
    order to solve a problem or complete a given task.

    533.     Simulation is… *a) a role-play where
    you play yourself in a given situation

    534.     Speaking and
    writing are ….. *a) productive skills

    535.     Speaking has 2
    aspects *a)
    ability to speak correctly, and fluency, an ability to speak confidently.

    536.     Speaking skill
    is… *a)
    answers are correct

    537.     Speaking using
    correct forms of grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation
    *a) accuracy

    538.     Stages of reading
    lesson are… *a) pre reading, while-reading, post-reading

    539.     Students are not
    passive in the assessment process but are engaged in developing the assessment,
    determining what a good performance entails, and learning to score through
    models provided by the teacher. Which key component of Assessment for Learning *b)
    Student involved assessment

    540.     Students sing a
    song “ Head and shoulders, knees and toes “. They touch the correct part of
    their body as they sing the song.
    *a) Total Physical Response

    541.     Students work in
    groups to make five questions about vocabulary from the previous unit. Then,
    they exchange questions with another group and try to answer the questions.
    *a) Communicative
    Language Teaching

    Skills *a)
    techniques, and strategies which are used when reading, writing, or listening
    for study purposes.

    543.     Tactile learners
    like to learn by … *a)
    Touching or holding

    recorder, reading texts aloud; they are… *a)
    Auditory learners

    training and deals with the on-going professional development of teachers,
    particularly in in-service education programmes.

    Education *a)
    field of activity which deals with the preparation and professional development
    of teachers. Within the field of teacher education, a distinction is sometimes
    made between teacher training and teacher development.

    teaching skills and techniques, typically for novice teachers in a pre-service

    548.     Teachers
    are the main authority figure in this model. Students are viewed as “empty
    vessels” whose primary role is to passively receive information (via lectures
    and direct instruction) with an end goal of testing and assessment. It is the
    primary role of teachers to pass knowledge and information onto their students.
    In this model, teaching and assessment are viewed as two separate entities.
    Student learning is measured through objectively scored tests and assessments.
    What is it ? *c) Teacher-Centered Approach to Learning

    549.     Teaching a foreign
    language means the formation and development of pupils …
    *Habits and skills

    550.     Teaching listening
    should be … *a) close to the nature of listening in real life  

    551.     Teaching practices
    have a lasting………*a)
    effect on pupils ability and willingness
    to read;

    552.     The ……..test
    measures how well students use English, not just their knowledge of the
    language. *a)

    553.     The ability to act
    and make decisions without being controlled by anyone else
    *a) Autonomy

    554.     The ability to
    produce language confidently… *a)

    555.     The ability to
    produce language in a correct way… *a)

    the ability
    to produce written and/or spoken language with ease and without significant

    557.     The aim of
    teaching foreign language at all levels of education of the Republic of
    Uzbekistan is…. *a)
    to develop communicative competence (based on its
    composites – linguistic, sociolinguistic, discourse, strategic, sociocultural
    and social competences) of learners to be able to function in the multicultural
    world in everyday, scientific and professional spheres.

    558.     The Audio Lingual
    method of teaching…
    *It is based on the structural view of language

    559.     The Audiolingual
    Approach to language teaching has a lot of _________________with the Direct
    Method. *a)

    560.     The CEFR aims are *a)
    All answers correct

    561.     The
    characteristics of auditory learners … *a) remember better when
    they read something aloud or listen to a tape recorder

    562.     The
    characteristics of kinesthetic learners …… *a) cannot sit still
    for a long class

    563.     The communicative
    approach aim to make all the _________ attain communicative competence *a)

    564.     The development of
    audiolingual skills first, i.e., listening comprehension and speaking are
    called: …

    565.     The dimensions of
    CLIL are…….. *a) The Culture , the Environment, the Language, the
    Content , the Learning

    566.     The Direct Method also
    called……………….. *a) Natural Method

    567.     The Direct Method
    also called………………..*a)
    Natural Method

    568.     The Direct Method
    appeared as an answer to the shortcomings of the…………….. *a) Grammar
    Translation Method

    569.     The direct method
    highlighted the teaching of vocabulary while the audiolingual approach focus on
    _________________. *a)
    grammar drills

    570.     The Direct Method
    was established around …………. *a) 1900

    571.     The Direct Method
    was established around ………….*a)

    572.     The Direct Method
    was established in ……………………… *a)
    Germany and France

    573.     The Direct Method
    was established in ……………………… *a) Germany and France

    574.     The essential
    methods of teaching EFL to young learners are based on …
    *All answers

    575.     The
    four main types of ……techniques are the following: Skimming, Scanning,
    Intensive, Extensive*a)

    576.     The ideas or
    content which occurs before and/or after a word, a phrase or even a longer
    utterance or text. It often helps in understanding the particular meaning of
    the word, phrase, etc.
    *a) context

    577.     The impact of
    authentic materials on students‘ motivation and the results were ….*a)

    578.     The language used
    to analyze or describe a language is called … *a)

    579.     The language you
    first know as a child,your mother tongue. *a)

    580.     The language you
    learn as a foreign language *a)

    581.     The main aim and
    competence of CEFR is… *a)
    learning, teaching and assessment

    582.     The main aim and
    competence of CEFR is… *a)
    learning, teaching and assessment

    583.     The main aim of Student Talking
    Time is… *a)
    give pupils a chance to communicate in English. Pupils should speak more than a

    584.     The main benefits
    of using ICT in teaching English are……. *a) attract the learners
    attention and elevates their interest in learning English language

    585.     The measurement of
    the ability of a person or the quality or success of a teaching course, etc. It
    may be by test, interview, questionnaire, observation and so on.
    *a) Assessment

    586.     The merits of
    communicative approach based on______________. *a)
    the practical

    587.     The merits of
    communicative approach is to develop the________________ among the students. *a)

    588.     The merits of
    communicative approach is to develop the________________ among the students *a)
    speech ability

    589.     The merits of
    communicative approach teaches___________________.*a)
    of different ways
    of expression

    590.     The Method of
    Discussion is…………………………………………………. *a) This type of interactive
    method requires studying and teaching material on the theme before starting

    591.     The Method of Role
    Playing is…………………………………………………. *a) It is also one of the activity
    used in teaching innovative methods. They are made to improve the efficiency of
    teaching. It involves the learners into active work by positively influencing
    on their inner activity.

    592.     The process of
    learning without being controlled by anyone else.
    *a) Autonomous

    593.     The purpose of
    feedback is …… *a)
    to give professional support

    594.     The purpose of the
    feedback in teaching is … *a)
    to give and receive professional support

    595.     The purpose of the
    feedback in teaching is … *a)
    to give and receive professional support

    596.     The role of
    teachers in forming young generation’s attitudes to life… *a)
    is enormous, if we
    say that we believe they can ‘fly high’ – they will

    597.     The teacher tells
    a story about animals. Children make animal noises every time they hear the
    name of the animal.
    *a) Total Physical Response

    598.     The third largest
    country in the world with a population of more than 300 million people…*a)

    599.     The useful methods
    of teaching young learners are… *a)
    TPR, meaningful drilling, frequent
    change of activities

    The way
    which something is offered, shown or explained others. A formal monologue
    presents ideas, opinions or a business proposal. *a)

    601.     The word dictation
    comes from… *a)
    latin verb “dicto”

    602.     Theoretical
    positions and beliefs about the nature of language, the nature of language
    learning, and the applicability of both to pedagogical settings.
    *a) Approach

    603.     There are more
    than……….. IELTS centers including Uzbekistan.*a)

    604.     They like to learn
    new information by touching or holding things. The learners can be taught by
    giving objects (a blue paper, a red paper, a shoe and a sock), writing
    vocabulary words on a card for them to study, or giving them instructions
    written on a card

    605.     This teaching
    style involves a case study format, but the process is not so rigid as a full
    case study training session. What teaching style is it?
    *a) Incident Process

    606.     Those people who
    learn information best by doing and moving it are called *a)

    607.     Those people who
    learn information best by listening it are called. *a)
    auditory learners

    608.     Those people who
    learn information best by seeing it are called. *a)
    visual learners

    609.     To make a learning
    process possible or easier; to work with a group in order to help them to
    articulate ideas.

    610.     To teach a foreign
    language effectively the teacher needs … … and … …
    *Teaching aids and
    teaching material

    611.     TOEFL iBT, what
    does iBT mean?

    *a) Internet-based test

    612.     TOEFL is………….. *a)
    of English as a Foreign Language

    613.     Topic sentence
    is…..*a) this is a main idea of the paragraph the most general
    sentence of paragraph

    614.     TPR built on
    coordination of ……………………*a)
    speech and action

    615.     Traditional way of
    presenting grammar when the teacher explains grammar rules herself/himself is

    *a) Deductive presentation of grammar

    616.     True-false
    activity — *a)
    It is a strategy of teaching students, where a teacher
    allows students to compare two different historical perspectives to the same
    question. It allows students to see differing opinions to the same problem and
    go about doing history. It is designed to add inquiry into the teaching of

    617.     Try to find
    advantages of pair and group work. *a)
    All pupils are

    618.     TTT is … *a) teacher talking

    619.     Types of
    brainstorming…..*a) making a list, free writing, mapping

    620.     Types of listening
    sub-skills are……*a) listening for gist/global understanding,
    specific information, detail or to infer attitude

    621.     United States cost
    less than……. percent of per-pupil spending.*a)

    622.     Unstructured
    discussion on an assigned topic as a way of generating ideas. *a)

    623.     Uzbekistan. IELTS
    is available in ….. formats.*a)

    Values are ….*a) are the guiding principles (often
    moral or ethical in nature) that govern behaviour; they are typically rooted in
    tradition, religion or in individual or shared philosophy and in education they
    help to inform decisions at all levels, from national policy right through to
    the classroom.

    625.     Visual aids are … *a)
    that learners can look at (e.g. a table, a map, a scheme) to help learners
    understand something or remember information

    626.     Visual
    intelligence is *a) developed when pupils do exercises supported
    by pictures or flashcards

    627.     Visual learners
    prefer to learn by … *a)
    Seeing or watching

    628.     Vocabulary is a
    ………………………. of words and phrases in language *a) collection

    629.     Warm up activity
    is used to…*a) all answers are correct

    630.     Wat
    does the MS Office Suite include? *b) Word, Excel, PowerPoint

    631.     We can make
    presentations in … *a)

    632.     We can make
    presentations in … *a)

    633.     We‘ve been ______
    with that firm for many years. *a) dealing

    634.     What abilities
    should have a teacher? *a)
    All answers are correct.

    635.     What activities can
    be used as a warm up? *a)
    all answers are correct

    636.     What are Cases? a)
    are narratives that contain information and invite analysis. Participants are
    put in the position of making decisions or evaluations based on the information

    637.     What are
    extracurricular activities? *a)
    are those that fall outside the real of
    the normal curriculum of school or university education, performed by students.

    638.     What are roles of
    playing games during lessons? *a)
    To keep pupils’ motivation

    639.     What are roles of
    playing games during lessons? *a)
    To keep pupils’ motivation

    640.     What
    are the basic tools of «iSpring» PowerPoint add-on?*a) Composing
    visual dialogues, creating interactive quizzes, embedding video or audio to
    PowerPoint presentation

    641.     What are the
    characteristics of the communicative approach? *a)
    Focuses on learner
    and teacher is just a facilitator; lays less stress on grammar and emphasis on
    language in use rather than language as structure. It stresses on the semantic
    objective of the language, which means the meaning of language in real life
    situation and contexts

    642.     What are the
    components of concepts communicative language teaching? *a)
    Integration of
    skills, info gap activities, authentic materials, groupwork, pairwork, learner
    responsibility, teacher as a classroom manager,communicating in English.

    643.     What are the
    inputs of authentic materials? *a)
    picture, video, cartoons

    644.     What are the main
    aims of the lesson? *a) educational, developing, socio-cultural
    or up bringing

    are the main principles in giving and receiving feedback? *a)
    All answers are

    646.     What are the
    merits of the dictation? *a)
    make the pupils and the teacher aware of
    the pupils’ comprehension errors phonological, grammatical

    647.     What
    are the multimedia components *d) Text, image, audio, animation, video,

    648.     What are the
    multimedia components? *a) text, image, audio, animation, video,

    649.     What are the
    people doing in all the conversations?
    *an exchanging information

    650.     What are the
    problems of authentic materials? *a)
    usually long background noise might
    interfere unknown vocabulary fast speech

    651.     What are the
    problems of non authentic materials? *a)
    usually boring,
    students might be deceived about the nature of the real life listening students
    who are always exposed to nonauthentic listening texts, might find it difficult
    to communicate in real life

    652.     What competence
    did Dell Hymes consider as the main purpose of teaching language?
    *a) Communicative

    653.     What
    device is mostly used to process, edit and create information? *c) PC

    654.     What do PW and GW
    stand for in the first formula? *a)
    Pair work and group work;

    655.     What does
    «pre-writing» mean? *a)
    tasks prepare for writing, arouse
    learners` interest

    656.     What does
    «pre-writing» mean? *a)
    tasks prepare for writing, arouse
    learners` interest

    657.     What does
    “authentic” mean? *a)

    658.     What does “Group
    work” stand for? Find the correct definition. *a)
    mode of doing a
    task or activity in small groups

    659.     What does “Group
    work” stand for? Find the correct definition. *a)
    mode of doing a
    task or activity in small groups

    660.     What does
    assessment include?

    *a) It includes all methods, both formal and informal, used to
    gather information about a pupils’ knowledge, ability, understanding, attitudes
    and motivation

    661.     What does CEFR
    stand for? *a)
    Common European Framework of References

    662.     What does EFL
    as Foreign Language

    663.     What does ICT
    stand for? *a)
    Information and Communication Technologies

    664.     What does ICT
    stand for? *a)
    Information and Communication Technologies

    665.     What does ICT
    stand for? *a) it’s an umbrella term for devices, software,
    methods of storing, processing and sharing information

    666.     What
    does ICT stands for?
    c) Its an umbrella term for devices, software, methods of storing,
    processing and sharing information

    667.     What does IELTS
    stand for? *a)
    International English language testing system

    668.     What does IELTS
    stand for? *a)
    International English language testing system

    669.     What does IELTS
    stand for? *a)
    International English language testing system

    670.     What does IELTS
    stand for? *a)
    International English language testing system

    671.     What does it mean
    pre-writing? *a)
    Tasks prepare for writing, arouse learners` interest

    672.     What does it mean
    prepare for writing, arouse learners` interest

    673.     What does it mean
    pre-wrtitng? *a)
    Tasks prepare for writing, arouse learners` interest

    674.     What does PPP
    stand for? *a) Presentation-Practice-Production

    675.     What does Scanning
    stand for? *a)
    reading a text for getting specific information such
    as dates, names, details, etc.

    676.     What does Skimming
    stand for? *a)
    reading a text for understanding its gist.

    677.     What does the A1
    level mean? a)
    * beginner

    678.     What does the A2
    level mean? a)

    679.     What
    does the acronym ICT mean? *a) Information-Communication Technologies

    680.     What does the B1
    level mean? a)

    681.     What does the B2
    level mean? a)

    682.     What does the
    C.E.F.R. stand for? *a)
    Common European Framework of Reference

    683.     What does the
    C.E.F.R. stand for? *a)
    Common European Framework of Reference

    684.     What does the C1
    level mean? a)
    * upper-intermediate

    685.     What does the C2
    level mean? a)

    686.     What happens in a
    Case Method classroom? *a)
    In classroom discussion, students analyze
    the information in the case and use it to solve the problem set up by the case.

    687.     What helps to develop
    listening skills? *a)
    all are correct

    688.     What helps to
    develop listening skills? *a)
    all are correct

    689.     What is (NAEP)? *a)
    National Assessment of Educational Progress;

    690.     What is ‘extensive
    reading’? *a)
    widely in order to improve reading comprehension, reading speed and vocabulary

    691.     What is ‘intensive
    reading’? *a)
    carefully for complete, detailed comprehension (e.g. main ideas, details,

    692.     What is ‘making
    inference’? *a)
    ‘reading between the lines’; the reader understands
    what is meant but not stated in a passage.

    693.     What is
    ‘Paraphrasing’? *a)
    the ability to say or write ideas in other words;
    measures the reader’s understanding of the main idea of the text

    is “learner- centered” lesson? *a)
    The pupils will be involved
    actively in the lesson.

    695.     What is a cloze
    activity? *a) fill-in-the-blanks exercise in which some words are
    omitted designed to measure how well the pupils understand the text.

    696.     What is a
    intensive technique for reading activity? *a)
    Reading a text for
    finding synonyms, antonyms, some

    697.     What is a
    microteaching? *a)
    a mini-lesson that participants teach to each other in
    order to practice what they have learned

    698.     What is a
    microteaching? *a)
    a mini-lesson that participants teach to each other in
    order to practice what they have learned

    699.     What is a
    pictogramm? *a) a drawing of a word which represents a word

    700.     What is a scanning
    technique for reading activity? *a)
    Reading a text quickly to find
    specific information

    701.     What is a scanning
    technique for reading activity? *a)
    Reading a text quickly to find
    specific information

    702.     What is a scanning
    technique for reading activity?
    *Reading a text quickly to find specific

    703.     What is a skimming
    technique for reading activity? *a)
    Reading a text quickly to get the
    main idea

    704.     What is a skimming
    technique for reading activity?
    *Reading a text quickly to get the main

    705.     What is a STT? *a)
    amount a learner or a student talk during a lesson

    706.     What is a STT? *a)
    amount a learner or a student talk during a lesson

    707.     What is a suggestopedia?
    *a) it is a type of method with using song or music

    708.     What is active
    vocabulary? a)
    * words students can recognize, understand and

    709.     What is an
    information gap?
    one person has information and the other does not, so there is a need to

    710.     What is an
    Information transfer technique for reading activity?
    information into another form of information to check pupils understanding?

    711.     What is an
    Information transfer technique for reading activity? *a)
    information into another form of information to check pupis` understanding?

    712.     What is an
    intensive technique for reading activity?
    *Reading a text for finding
    synonyms, antonyms, some

    713.     What is approach? *a)
    approach is a way of looking at teaching and learning

    714.     What is approach? *An approach is a
    way of looking at teaching and learning.

    715.     What is Bodily
    kinesthetic intelligence?
    *It is an activity that expresses through physical
    activities and movement: roleplay, games, making posters and doing projects.

    716.     What is
    brainstorming? *a)
    a group activity in which learners have a free and
    relatively unstructured discussion on an assigned topic as a way of generating

    717.     What is Case
    Study? *a)
    task that native speakers of a language would do in

    718.     What is CEFR? *a)
    common reference for describing language learning, teaching, and assessment.

    719.     What is CEFR? *a)
    common reference for describing language learning, teaching, and assessment.

    720.     What is Cloze
    exercise? *a)
    in the blank exercise, in which some words are omitted, designed to measure how
    well the reader understands how a text is linked together

    721.     What is CLT? *a) An approach to
    foreign or second language teaching which emphasizes that the goal of language
    learning is communicative competence

    722.     What is CLT? *a)
    language teaching

    723.     What is CLT? *a)
    language teaching

    724.     What is
    Competence-based approach? *a) This approach in the system of
    higher is intended to increase attention to the effective and technological
    formation of professional competences.

    725.     What is contextual
    guessing? *a)
    guesses about the meaning of the words by looking at the surrounding words or

    726.     What is different
    about teaching young learners? *a)
    They learn things slowly but forget

    727.     What is different
    about teaching young learners? *a)
    They learn things slowly but forget

    728.     What is direct
    feedback? *a) teachers should be informed about their mistakes
    and told what to do

    729.     What is Discussion
    method? *a)
    demands that students come to class well prepared. Compelling them to think out
    their arguments in advance and to answer their peers‘ questions and counter
    arguments, it sharpens their powers of reason, analysis and articulation.

    730.     What is distance
    education is that educational information and instruction is taught to learners
    who are physically distant from the source of that information and instruction.

    731.     What is effective
    teacher feedback component of assessment for learning? *c) Students are not
    passive in the assessment process but are engaged in developing the assessment,
    determining what a good performance entails, and learning to score through
    models provided by the teacher. Which key component of Assessment for Learning

    732.     What is ELL? *a) English
    Language Learners

    733.     What is error
    correction? *a)
    Error correction is the process of detecting errors in
    transmitted messages and reconstructing the original error-free data. Error
    correction ensures that corrected and error-free messages are obtained at the
    receiver side.

    734.     What is ETS? *a)
    Testing Service

    735.     What is ETS? *a)
    Testing Service

    736.     What is feedback? *a)
    or information learners receive on the success of a learning task, either from
    the teacher or from other learners

    737.     What is fluency? *a)
    the ability to produce the language easily, communicate quickly, but
    not necessarily with grammatical correctness

    738.     What is Gist?
    *a) b and c

    739.     What is grammar? *a)
    system of structures at word, sentence and text level in a Language

    is important for teachers while doing group work? *a)

    741.     What is important
    while dictating a text? *a)
    The way how a teacher dictates a text

    742.     What is important
    while dictating a text? *a)
    The way how a teacher dictates a text

    743.     What is
    information gap? *a)
    an activity in which a pair or two groups
    of students hold different 11 information, or where one partner knows something
    that the other doesn’t. This gives a real purpose to a communication activity.

    744.     What is
    information transfer? *a)
    change of information (e.g., a text) into
    another form of information (e.g., a table) to check Ls’ understanding

    745.     What is intensive
    reading? *a)
    by concentrating on specific details

    746.     What is intensive
    reading? *a)
    carefully for detailed understanding (e.g., main ideas, vocabulary, details)

    747.     What is intensive
    reading? *a)
    carefully for detailed understanding (e.g., main ideas, vocabulary, details)

    748.     What is
    interaction? *a) patterns of communication (verbal and
    non-verbal) between people

    749.     What is Jigsaw
    activity? *a)
    type of co-operative activity in which each member of a group has a piece of
    information needed to complete a group task.

    750.     What is Jigsaw
    activity? *a)
    type of co-operative activity in which each member of a group has a piece of
    information needed to complete a group task.

    751.     What is LAD? *a)
    Acquisition Device

    752.     What is learner
    based approach? *a) It starts from the belief that the learner is
    at the center of the learning process and not the syllabus and as such they are
    self-directed equals in the learning process along with tutors, teachers

    753.     What is learning
    the way a person learns best, understands best and remembers best

    754.     What
    is lesson integrity?*a) The accordance and relevance of lesson plan,
    materials and activities

    755.     What is linguistic
    competence? *a)
    A type of competence which refers to knowledge of
    language areas (phonetics, vocabulary, grammar) and language skills (listening,
    speaking, reading and writing) to the level sufficient for communication with
    the target culture representatives.

    756.     What is Linguistic
    is a specially designed grammar and vocabulary exercises based on pair work in

    757.     What is listening
    for the specific detail? *a)
    Listen for specific information

    758.     What is listening
    for the specific detail? *a)
    Listen for specific information

    759.     What is MOODLE? *a)
    distance education

    760.     What is Multimedia
    learning? *a) It is the combination of various media types as
    text, audio and video materials by the help of which teacher presents
    information to the learners.

    761.     What
    is multimedia? *b) using more than one medium of expression or communication

    762.     What is one of the
    first steps learners take in English *a)

    763.     What is passive
    vocabulary? a)
    *words students can confidently use in speaking and

    764.     What is post
    writing? *a)
    encourage learners to relate writing to their own life, gives opportunities to
    express own ideas, or do something with the information they have got

    765.     What is post
    writing? *a)
    encourage learners to relate writing to their own life, gives opportunities to
    express own ideas, or do something with the information they have got.

    766.     What is post
    encourage learners to relate writing to their own life, gives opportunities to
    express own ideas, or do something with the information they have got

    767.     What is post-activity?
    is done after an activity, usually the next logical step

    768.     What is
    post-activity? *a)
    what is done after an activity, usually the next
    logical step

    769.     What is PPP? *a)
    Practice and Production

    770.     What is
    presentation? *a)
    The way which something is offered, shown or explained
    others. A formal monologue presents ideas, opinions or a business proposal.

    771.     What is
    punctuation? *a) A unit which teaches to use correctly marks in

    772.     What is
    recommended for auditory learners? *a)
    Participate in
    discussions, read aloud when studying at home

    773.     What is
    recommended for visual learners? *a)
    draw a picture in your head to
    remember the info better, write things down, look at the picture before reading

    774.     What is
    recommended for visual learners? *a)
    draw a picture in your head to
    remember the info better, write things down, look at the picture before reading

    775.     What is
    recommended for visual learners? *a)
    draw a picture in your head to
    remember the info better, write things down, look at the picture before reading

    776.     What is role play?
    and imitation of characters

    777.     What is running
    dictation? *a)
    enables pupils to move a lot; .

    778.     What is scanning
    technique for reading activity? *a)
    reading a text quickly to find
    specific information (names, places, dates, numbers, etc.)

    779.     What is scanning
    technique for reading activity? *a)
    reading a text quickly to find
    specific information (names, places, dates, numbers, etc.)

    780.     What is scanning? *a)
    a passage quickly to find specific form

    781.     What is scanning? *a) reading a text for
    getting specific information such as dates, names, details.

    782.     What is skimming? *a)
    a passage quickly to grasp the main idea

    783.     What is skimming? *a) reading a text for
    understanding its gist (general idea)

    784.     What is some
    advantage of distance education?*a)
    The flexibility it provides to

    785.     What is speaking
    consists of? *a)
    all answers are correct

    786.     What is State
    Educational Standards of Continuous Education of Uzbekistan? *a)
    necessary for content and level of learners on foreign language

    787.     What is strategy? *a)
    set of decisions to achieve an objective that results in plan.

    788.     What is Student
    involved assessment component of assessment for learning? *a) Students
    are not passive in the assessment process but are engaged in developing the
    assessment, determining what a good performance entails, and learning to score
    through models provided by the teacher

    789.     What is Task based
    language learning? *a) it is a method of instruction which
    focuses on the use of authentic language

    790.     What is teaching
    approach? *a) Its one’s viewpoint toward teaching or refers to
    what one believes in, regarding teaching, upon which are based on teaching

    791.     What is Teaching
    with the Case Method? *a) The case method combines two elements:
    the case itself and the discussion of that case. A teaching case is a rich
    narrative in which individuals or groups must make a decision or solve a
    problem. Teaching cases provide information, but neither analysis nor

    792.     What is the
    advantages of authentic materials? *a)
    exposure to
    authentic conversation informal spoken language exposure to different accents

    793.     What is the
    advantages of non authentic materials? *a)
    language is clear,
    language structures are repeated (e.g. can), vocabulary can be taken from the
    textbook good for revising vocabulary and grammar suitable for even elementary

    794.     What is the aim of
    role plays? *a)
    to prepare the task and play

    795.     What
    is the best example of multimedia? *b) Videogames

    796.     What is the
    communicative approach? *a)
    The communicative approach is the
    best-known current approach to language teaching.

    797.     What is the
    communicative language?
    *a language spoken by members of a group or community
    within a majority language context.

    is the definition of the word “feedback”? *a)
    Suggestion or
    advice given to help someone improve weaknesses and emphasize strength and
    support that person.

    What is
    the difference between direct and audio lingual approach? *a)
    The direct method highlighted the
    teaching of vocabulary while the audiolingual approach focus on grammar drills

    800.     What is the
    difference of English lesson from other lessons
    ? *a) it is practical
    and directed to speaking

    801.     What is the
    fluency in speaking? *a)
    To follow norms while speaking

    802.     What is the
    fluency in speaking? *a)
    To follow norms while speaking

    803.     What is the goal
    of CLT? *a) The goal of this teaching method is communication,
    both in classroom and in real life. It encourages pupils to talk more on
    communicative purposes. Teacher has a role of facilitator

    804.     What is the
    importance of using didactic games in the lessons? *a)
    all are true

    805.     What is the lesson
    plan? *a)
    map of lesson

    806.     What is the lesson
    plan? *a)
    map of lesson

    807.     What is the level
    of the 1-4th classes by SES in continuous education system of
    Uzbekistan? *a)

    808.     What is the level
    of the 1-4th classes by SES in continuous education system of
    Uzbekistan? *a)

    809.     What is the level
    of the 5-9th classes by SES in continuous education system of Uzbekistan? *a)

    810.     What is the level
    of the 5-9th classes by SES in continuous education system of Uzbekistan? *a)

    811.     What is the main
    aim of writing? *a)

    812.     What
    is the main reason for listening?
    *a) to get information    

    813.     What is the
    meaning of Anticlockwise? *a)
    the opposite direction to the movement of
    the hands of a clock.

    814.     What is the
    meaning of applied linguistics? *a)
    the study of second and foreign
    language acquisition and learning the study of language and linguistics in
    relation to practical problems, such as lexicography, translation or speech

    815.     What
    is the meaning of clockwise? *a)
    Moving around in the same direction as the
    hands of a clock.

    816.     What is the
    meaning of Incident process?
    *a) This teaching
    style involves a case study format, but the process is not so rigid as a full
    case study training session. The focus is on learning how to solve real
    problems that involve real people. Small groups of participants are provided
    details from actual incidents and then asked to develop a workable solution.

    817.     What is the
    meaning of the word extracurricular activities? *a)
    outside the
    regular program of courses

    818.     What
    is the most common controls for multimedia content? *c)Play/Pause/Stop/
    FFWD/REW (Next/Prev)

    819.     What is the most
    important factors for learning words?
    *a) Context

    820.     What is the name
    of CEFR level A2+ ? *a)
    Basic user enhanced level

    821.     What is the name
    of CEFR level B2? *a)
    Independent user level

    822.     What is the name
    of CEFR level C1? *a)
    Proficient initial user level

    823.     What is the
    objective of the audiolingual method?
    *a) It is an accurate
    pronunciation and grammar

    824.     What is the
    objective of the audiolingual method? *a) It is an accurate
    pronunciation and grammar

    825.     What is the proper
    sequence of bringing knowledge nowadays? *a) Knowledge — ˃
    Teacher — ˃ Student

    826.     What
    is the proper sequence of bringing knowledge nowadays? *c)

    827.     What
    is the purpose of «iSpring» PowerPoint add-on? *b) Creating
    interactive lessons

    828.     What is the
    purpose of Placement Test?
    *a) The purpose of the test is to find
    out not only what students know, but also what they don’t know. As a result,
    they can be placed in an appropriate class.

    829.     What is the
    purpose of pre-reading activities? *a) to prepare pupils for
    reading and understanding

    830.     What is the
    purpose of pre-reading activities? *a)
    to prepare pupils
    for reading and understanding

    831.     What
    is the purpose of tablet? *b) To read, watch video, social networking, casual

    832.     What is the recent
    and latest approach of teaching English? *a)

    833.     What
    is the software that is designed to teach languages called?*a) Computer
    aided language learning (CALL)

    834.     What is the State
    Educational standard? *a)
    Minimized educational standards

    835.     What is the State
    Educational standard? *a)
    Minimized educational standards

    836.     What is the
    structural view to language? *a)
    It is the view behind the audio-lingual

    837.     What is the topic
    about? It is that educational information and instruction is taught to learners
    who are physically distant from the source of that information and instruction *a)

    838.     What is the topic
    about? It is that educational information and instruction is taught to learners
    who are physically distant from the source of that information and instruction *a)

    839.     What is the word
    building? *a)
    make a new word by combining words or adding some suffixation

    840.     What is the word
    building? *a)
    make a new word by combining words or adding some suffixation

    841.     What
    is torrent network?*a) Decentralized data sharing network

    842.     What is TPR? *a)
    Physical Response

    843.     What is TPR? *a)
    Physical Response

    844.     What is VAK? *a)

    845.     What is VAK? *a)
    auditory, kinaesthetic

    846.     What is Visual
    is an activity that develops pupils learning process through exercises
    supported by pictures or use flashcards.

    847.     What is while
    reading? *a)
    draw on writing itself, help to communicate a message

    848.     What is while
    reading? *a)
    draw on writing itself, help to communicate a message

    849.     What is while
    draw on writing itself, help to communicate a message

    850.     What is
    while-activity? *a)
    what learners do while they are doing an activity

    851.     What is
    while-activity? *a)
    what learners do while they are doing an activity

    852.     What kind of
    activity Info-Gap activity? *a)
    It is an activity where learners are
    missing the information they need to complete a task and need to talk to each
    other to find it.

    853.     What kind of
    activity Info-Gap activity? *a)
    It is an activity where learners are
    missing the information they need to complete a task and need to talk to each
    other to find it.

    What kind
    of activity is jig saw activity? *a)
    A type of co-operative activity in which each member
    of a group has a piece of information needed to complete a group task.

    What kind
    of activity is true false activity? *a)
    It is a strategy of teaching
    students, where a teacher allows students to compare two different historical
    perspectives to the same question. It allows students to see differing opinions
    to the same problem and go about doing history. It is designed to add inquiry
    into the teaching of history.

    856.     What kind of
    instructions are possible to give pupils? *a)
    short and simple

    What kind
    of intelligence of Psychological and cognitive concepts of EFL learning do we
    have? *a)
    are correct

    858.     What kind of
    organizer is a “T”-charts? *a) analyzing

    859.     What
    kind of specialists needed to develop a software designed to learn languages? *c)
    Programmers, Designers, Photographers, Language specialists

    860.     What kind of texts
    can be used for dictation? *a)
    all sorts of texts from single words at a
    vocabulary list to sentences to full paragraph

    861.     What language is
    used in grammar translation method? *a) Native language

    862.     What language
    level was the “Keep Chain Story” activity? *a)

    863.     What lessons
    should we use pre-, while-, and post-activities for? *a)
    Reading, speaking,
    writing and listening

    864.     What level is
    called BREAKTHROUGH? *a)
    LEVEL A1

    865.     What level is
    called BREAKTHROUGH? *a)
    LEVEL A1

    866.     What level is
    LEVEL C1

    867.     What level is
    LEVEL C1

    868.     What level is
    called MASTERY? *a)
    LEVEL C2

    869.     What level is
    called MASTERY? *a)
    LEVEL C2

    870.     What level is
    called THRESHOLD? *a)
    LEVEL B1

    871.     What level is
    called THRESHOLD? *a)
    LEVEL B1

    872.     What level is
    called VANTAGE? *a)
    LEVEL B2

    873.     What level is
    called VANTAGE? *a)
    LEVEL B2

    874.     What level is
    called WAYSTAGE? *a)
    LEVEL A2

    875.     What level is
    called WAYSTAGE? *a)
    LEVEL A2

    876.     What method is
    cluster? *a)
    the task of grouping a set of objects in such a way that objects in the same
    group (called a cluster) are more similar (in some sense or another) to each
    other than to those in other groups

    877.     What
    of the following is an mobile operating system? *d) Android, iOS, Symbian

    878.     What
    of the following is physical network? *c) LAN, WAN

    879.     What opportunities
    can students get through TOEFL? *a)
    to demonstrate their ability to
    communicate in English;

    880.     What problems do
    usually teachers have in the lessons when they teach listening to the pupils? *a)
    don’t understand the passage

    881.     What role does the
    facilitator play in the EFL classroom? *a)
    helper of the

    882.     What role does the
    facilitator play in the EFL classroom? *a)
    helper of the

    883.     What should be a
    listening task? *a)
    it should be close to the real life

    884.     What should be a
    listening task? *a)
    it should be close to the real life

    885.     What should be
    done to organize extracurricular activities? *a)
    to prepare the
    plan and scenarios

    886.     What skill is
    firstly taught in direct method? *a) Speaking

    887.     What skills are
    called the active/productive skills?
    *a) speaking and writing

    888.     What skills are
    called the passive/receptive skills?
    *a) reading and listening

    889.     What stages are
    there in the listening lessons? *a)
    Pre-, while- and post listening

    890.     What stages are
    there in the listening lessons? *a)
    Pre-, while- and post listening

    891.     What stages are
    there in the reading lessons? *a)
    Pre-, while- and post reading

    892.     What stages are
    there in the reading lessons? *a)
    Pre-, while- and post reading

    893.     What stages are
    there in the writing lessons? *a)
    Pre-, while- and post writing

    894.     What stages are
    there in the writing lessons? *a)
    Pre-, while- and post writing

    895.     What style is it? For these kinds of
    learners, it is not enough to read or hear information to learn. They have to
    do the information to remember. They learn best through different activities.
    For these learners it may be difficult to sit still for a long class.
    *a) kinaesthetic

    896.     What style is it? These learners
    learn best through hearing information.They enjoy discussions and lectures.
    They like to talk about things they learned. These learners remember better
    when they read something aloud or listen to a tape recorder.
    *a) auditory learners

    897.     What style is it? These learners
    need to see things to learn better. It helps if they see the teacher’s face and
    body language during class. They may think in pictures, and learn best from
    Handouts and videos. During a lesson, these learners like to take notes.
    *a) visual learners

    898.     What techniques
    can be useful and efective for auditory learners?
    *a) Short lectures,
    hearing the information in a song or asking students to repeat information
    aloud help these learners remember new things

    899.     What types methods
    of teaching and learning do we have? *b) methods, activities

    900.     What types of
    assessment do we have? *b) formative and summative assessment

    901.     What types of
    language acquisition do you know? *a) Oral and written

    902.     What usually
    includes itself Principles of Constructive Approaches?

    903.     What VAK stand for
    auditory and kinaesthetic.

    904.     What was the
    objective of the “Chain Story” activity? *a)
    to practise past
    tenses, story telling

    905.     What was the
    objective of the “Keep Talking” activity? *a)
    to develop fluency

    906.     What
    word is used synonymously to the high quality pictures? *b) High-resolution

    907.     What`s CEFR? *a)
    common reference for describing language learning, teaching and assessment

    908.     What’s
    the word «app» stands for? *c) Application

    909.     When
    are mistakes corrected in speaking activities?
    *a) after speaking

    910.     When is it
    appropriate to ask pupils to read aloud in class? *a)
    When pupils do
    exercises on pronunciation, intonation or when pupils role-play.

    911.     When is
    microteaching used? *a) in training situation to concentrate on a
    particular aspect of a teacher’s teaching skills

    912.     When the teachers
    use to check on the progress of their students, to see how far they have
    learnt, and then use this information to modify their future teaching plans.
    *a) Formative

    913.     When was adopted
    the Resolution №1875 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On
    measures to further improve foreign language learning system”? *a)
    December 10, 2012

    914.     When was adopted
    the Resolution №1875 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On
    measures to further improve foreign language learning system”? *a)
    December 10, 2012

    915.     Where the
    conversation is?
    morning. — How can I help you? -Good morning. I’d like to cut my hair *a)
    at the hairdresser

    916.     Where the
    students’ progress is measured as it is happening, and where the measure of a
    student’s achievement is the work done all through the learning period and not
    just at the end

    *a) Continuous Assessment

    917.     Which activities do
    not develop interactive speaking skills? *a) substitution drills

    918.     Which activity dos
    not focus on developing ideas? *a) jigsaw reading

    919.     Which answer can
    be pros of communicative approach? *a)
    It develops the
    speech ability among the students, teaches different ways of expression, it is
    based on the practical effectiveness; it lays more stress on the functional
    value of language; it enables the students to converse their ideas both inside
    and outside the classroom

    920.     Which are
    post-reading activity? *a) reflection summarizing

    921.     Which column
    stands for vocabulary presenting technique? *a)
    All are correct

    922.     Which is correct
    meaning of speaking? *a)
    express feelings orally

    923.     Which is not method
    of teaching young learners
    a) short stories and essay*

    924.     Which of the
    following is not considered a disadvantage of case study? *a) The
    results are not able to be replicated

    925.     Which of the
    international testing system has the formats «academic» and
    «general»? *a)

    926.     Which of the
    international testing system has the formats «academic» and
    «general»? *a)

    927.     Which
    of the listed features belong only to tablets?*a) Shooting photos,
    videos, reading books, social networking

    928.     Which test type
    can be used in the following situation — An English language course has been
    completed? *b)


    929.     Which test type
    can be used in the following situation — Students show signs of de-motivation
    in the lessons *d) diagnostic tests

    930.     Which test type
    can be used in the following situation An applicant is seeking admission to a
    University in the UK. *a) Proficiency tests

    931.     Who are auditory
    learners? *a)
    who learn information best by listening to it

    932.     Who are auditory
    learners? *a)
    who learn information best by listening to it

    933.     Who corrects
    dictations? *a)
    c, d

    934.     Who developed a
    program to increase independent reading among middle school readers?*a)
    Morris and Kaplan;

    935.     Who is
    actively involved in direct method?
    *a) learner

    936.     Who is auditory
    learner? *a)
    learn best by listening

    937.     Who learns best by
    listening? *a)
    auditory learners

    938.     Who like to learn
    new information by seeing it?
    *a) Visual learners

    939.     Who
    was the visionary and the CEO of Apple Corp? *d) late Steve Jobs

    940.     Why CEFR was being
    adapted in Europe? *d) all answers are correct

    941.     Why do people read
    and accept their ideas? *a)
    For pleasure, to find necessary

    942.     Why do we listen
    for the first time? *a)
    To understand the gist

    943.     Why do we listen
    for the second time? *a)
    To understand the details

    944.     Why is it
    important to use pair work and group work in speaking activities? *a)
    It enables a
    teacher to involve all pupils, to give pupils a certain freedom from teacher’s
    control; as a result your pupils will feel more confident to speak English;

    945.     Why should we use
    Icebreaker? *a) it is used to get to know each other

    946.     Why Teach with the
    Case Method? *a)
    Case discussions bring energy and excitement to the
    classroom, providing students with an opportunity to work with a range of
    evidence, and improving their ability to apply the vocabulary, theory and
    methods they have learned in the lesson

    947.     Word stress is *a)
    saying a syllable in the word with a greater energy and higher

    948.     You can
    demonstrate varying …. within a word by stretching rubber bands. *a) vowel

    Week 1: Teach English Now! Foundational Principles Coursera Quiz Answers

    Quiz 1: Welcome Guide

    Q1. Who handles course content issues?

    • ASU
    • Coursera

    Q2. Who handles technical issues?

    • ASU
    • Coursera

    Q3. The deadlines are…

    • to be followed exactly.
    • simply a guide, except the last one at the end of the course.
    • simply a guide.

    Q4. To alert your peers to review an assignment, you should…

    • do nothing.
    • post a request with a shareable link in Discussions.
    • post a request in Discussions.

    Q5. In order to receive the 150 Hour TESOL certificate from ASU, you must…

    • successfully finish the course you are taking right now.
    • successfully complete Part 1.
    • successfully complete Parts 1 and 2.

    Quiz 2: Checkpoint 1

    Q1. Students are constantly judging teacher performance and classroom
    content. Which of the following statements explains how students can so
    quickly judge a teacher’s performance?

    • Students care about how exciting information is, and don’t care about how important that information might be.
    • Students can quickly see teacher technique and ability, which speaks to the need for a teacher to help make meaning clear.
    • Students need to be given motivation by being given cake.
    • Students only pay attention to how a teacher dresses and speaks.

    Q2. Motivation matters in the classroom. Identify the four major factors students need to be intrinsically motivated:

    • Value, knowledge, support, and encouragement
    • Enthusiasm, curiosity, passion, and energy
    • Belonging, power, freedom and fun
    • Autonomy, enthusiasm, mastery, and cheerfulness

    Q3. A teacher who has taken courses on how to teach, but has no control over what they teach would fall into which of these four quadrants?

    • Low technique, low content
    • Low technique, high content
    • High technique, low content
    • High technique, high content

    Quiz 3: Checkpoint 2

    Q1. Part of motivation is a feeling of competence. Both Stephen Krashen and Lev Vygotsky believe students work best just a little above their performance level. Stephen Krashen calls it i + 1 . Leo Vygotsky calls it…

    • zone + 1
    • the zone of proximal development
    • the language development zone
    • the approximate learning zone

    Q2. Vygotsky’s theory of the Zone of Proximal Development has students
    working slightly above their level so they feel comfortable yet
    challenged. To assist students in this
    zone, teachers offer support – scaffolding – as they master a skill. Which of the following scenarios is an
    example of scaffolding?

    • Write an essay based on the science article discussed in class today. Use the model shown at the beginning of class to guide your writing. Also use the essay we created together for further support. Turn it in on Wednesday.
    • Write an essay based on this science article. Look for relationships between it and the
      video we watched in class. Turn it in on
    • Write an essay after reading this article. Remember to use the form discussed in class. Turn it in on Wednesday.
    • Write an essay using this science article. Use your notes from class to support your
      opinion. Turn it in on Wednesday.

    Q3. Dr. Dixon demonstrated the word “p’alante” in order to share how teachers can support language through the use of

    • scaffolding
    • body language
    • teacher talk
    • cake

    Q4. Drs. Ambady and Rosenthal performed a study that demonstrated how quickly and proficiently students can determine the effectiveness of their teachers. One of the reasons that the study is so controversial is that

    • students identified the “good” and “bad” teachers so quickly
    • students weren’t paying attention to all the hard work the teachers put into the syllabus
    • students demonstrated a lack of empathy for the difficulty teachers have in preparing lessons, and their judgment showed how callous learners have become.
    • students weren’t really judging anything except superficial features, so the study’s validity is questionable.

    Q5. Check all the characteristics of teacher talk:

    • repetition
    • elaboration
    • clarification questions
    • common cultural references
    • confusing phrases
    • reduced grammatical forms
    • simplified vocabulary
    • signpost expressions
    • motivational words

    Quiz 4: Module 1 Review Quiz

    Q1. Part of motivation is a feeling of
    competence. Both Stephen Krashen and Leo
    Vygotsky believe students work best just a little above their performance
    level. Stephen Krashen calls this…

    • i + 1
    • approximate learning zone
    • zone of proximal development
    • zone + 10

    Q2. Vygotsky’s theory of the Zone of Proximal
    Development has students working slightly above their level so they feel
    comfortable yet challenged. To assist
    students in this zone, teachers offer support – scaffolding – as they master a
    skill. Which of the following
    scenarios is an example of scaffolding?

    • Write a paragraph about your favorite hero, using the writing frame we practiced together in class.
    • Write a paragraph using six of the vocabulary words from the chapter.
    • Read the excerpt on pg. 19 and answer the multiple choice questions at the end.
    • Write a paragraph summarizing this reading excerpt. Remember to use the paragraph structure we discussed in class.

    Q3. In order to scaffold correctly, a teacher needs to break down difficult concepts by…

    • controlling: giving students information that is modified and simplified for their level
    • adjusting: changing the input to match the students’ current understanding
    • timed repetition: having students learn and process information bit by bit, not all at once
    • guiding: showing students how to create a structure
    • revising: giving students feedback based on their efforts
    • practicing: allowing students to work on what they have done again so that they can get it right
    • supporting: giving students time to process new information
    • diverting: giving students information that is different from the original text
    • converging: taking both the new information and the different information and placing them together to create something interesting
    • modeling: showing both real examples and steps of a process
    • guided practice: working through a process with students so that it is “controlled”
    • independent practice: giving students a chance to do the process on their own

    Q4. Three techniques to help make meaning clear are…

    • elaboration, body language, and repetition
    • the zone of proximal development, i + 1, and high technique/high content
    • body language, teacher talk, and scaffolding
    • high technique/low content, scaffolding, and teacher talk

    Q5. Here is an example of effective teacher talk:

    Before: “Construction on the Panama Canal was halted for a period of time due to engineering problems and high mortality rates from disease.”

    • After: “Engineers stopped construction of the Panama Canal for a period of time because of engineering problems and a high number of worker deaths from disease.”
    • This is an example of which teacher talk strategy?
    • use of cultural references
    • elaboration
    • reduced grammatical forms
    • repetition

    Q6. According to Glasser, the four basic psychological needs of belonging, competence, freedom and fun are the foundation for…

    • scaffolding
    • extrinsic motivation
    • language acquisition
    • intrinsic motivation

    Q7. A Harvard research study showed that students often judge a teacher in the first 6 seconds of class, based on…

    • their content
    • their use of technology
    • their age
    • their teaching technique

    Q8. This illustration shows the importance of finding a balance between technique and content. Your goal should be to fit into which quadrant?

    • High content, high technique
    • Low content, high technique
    • High content, low technique
    • Low content, low technique

    Q9. Which of the following sentences includes a cultural reference that English language learners might not understand?

    • The young couple wanted to make sure they had their family’s approval before walking down the aisle.
    • Language learning is fun!
    • The President’s first priority will be fixing the economy.
    • Mexican culture is known to be very family-oriented.

    Q10. Showing students how to write a sentence in the passive voice is an example of…

    • guided practice
    • i + 1
    • independent practice
    • modeling

    Week 2: Teach English Now! Foundational Principles Coursera Quiz Answers

    Quiz 1: Checkpoint 1

    Q1. Which are examples of
    learning? (Check all that apply.)

    • Using your new language in a
      country that speaks it.
    • Filling in the blanks with the
      proper form of a verb.
    • Studying vocabulary.
    • Practicing a dialogue with a

    Q2. When it comes to
    studying a language, which is the BEST measure of your success at using the

    • Acquisition
    • Learning

    Q3. Which is an example of acquisition?

    • Andrea is in a Japanese grocery store, shopping for supplies. She wants to buy salt, but she doesn’t know the Japanese word for it. She thinks she’s found a bag of salt, but it could be sugar too! She is not able to read the Japanese character for “salt”. She looks up the word for “salt” in her English-Japanese dictionary and asks a store clerk if what she has is indeed salt. It is!
    • Ali studied English for four
      years in high school and got good grades. One day, an English-speaking
      tourist stops him on the street to ask for directions. He struggles to
      find the words to explain.

    Q4. How is language learning like a camera?

    • Like a camera, language learning is about zooming in to focus on the details of a language’s structure as well as zooming out to learn to use language in a wider context.
    • Like a camera, language
      learning is delicate and easily broken.
    • Like a camera, language
      learning is about a single moment in time.

    Like a camera, language learning is complex and difficult to become an expert at.

    Q5. Compare Brown’s and
    Oakley’s metaphors. Choose the correct analogy.

    • Brown’s zoom lens = Oakley’s focused mode
      Brown’s wide-angle lens = Oakley’s diffuse mode
    • Brown’s zoom lens = Oakley’s diffuse mode
      Brown’s wide-angle lens = Oakley’s focused mode

    Q6. Which answer BEST defines your role as a language teacher?

    • You are a photographer, sometimes helping students to focus on a specific language structure, other times providing opportunities for students to use the language and practice the new grammatical or sentence structures in a wider context.
    • You are a telescope, able to bring distant concepts into view.
    • You are a magnifying glass,
      explaining small details about the language.

    Quiz 2: Checkpoint 2

    Q1. TRUE or FALSE: Michael Jordan can teach you to play basketball just like him by teaching you all the rules.

    • TRUE
    • FALSE

    Q2. How is a language teacher like a coach? (Select the BEST answer.)

    • A language teacher is like a coach because he or
      she teaches the rules of the game, makes everyone practice a lot of drills, and
      does a lot of yelling from the sidelines.
    • A language teacher is like a coach because he or she teaches the rules of the game, makes sure everyone gets plenty of opportunity to practice the game in many different ways, and encourages players to take risks and keep trying.

    Q3. What is the 80/20 principle?

    • A language teacher should spend 80 minutes lecturing about the language rules, and then students should spend 20 minutes practicing those rules.
    • A language teacher should plan a lesson so that 20% of the time is used for focusing on the details of the language, and 80% of the time is used for students to practice the language.
    • A language teacher should plan a lesson so that students will learn 80 new vocabulary words and 20 new grammatical structures a week.

    Quiz 3: Module 2 Review Quiz

    Q1. Learning is…

    • the ability to apply concepts in real-world situations.
    • the ability to pass a test.
    • the ability to memorize concepts.
    • the ability to comprehend and recall information.

    Q2. Acquisition refers to…

    • the ability to learn and apply principles in the real world.
    • the ability to remember information for long periods of time
    • the ability to speak another language perfectly
    • the ability to understand another language

    Q3. Which activity represents language learning in the wide-angle or diffuse mode?

    • Practicing scripted telephone dialogues with a partner
    • Role playing a doctor’s appointment
    • Writing paragraphs using a new grammatical structure
    • Using computer software to study vocabulary words

    Q4. According to the 80/20 principle, 80% of class time should be spent on…

    • instruction in the focused mode
    • instruction in the diffuse mode
    • instruction using spaced repetition
    • vocabulary instruction

    Q5. Using a website to study vocabulary and mark words that you still haven’t learned yet is an example of…

    • synthesizing information.
    • focused mode of instruction.
    • the diffuse mode of instruction.
    • a camera.

    Q6. Brown’s zoom lens metaphor is similar to…

    • spaced repetition.
    • the Leitner System.
    • Oakley’s diffuse mode.
    • Oakley’s focused mode.

    Q7. Spaced repetition refers to…

    • studying the same information over and over again
    • putting two unrelated ideas together to synthesize information
    • spending a limited time studying material, then coming back to it later, increasing amounts of time between study sessions
    • practicing items that you haven’t learned yet more frequently than those you have already memorized

    Q8. Which is an example of an activity that helps advanced learners think critically and use language to express ideas.

    • Compare and contrast wedding traditions from two different cultures.
    • Identify key vocabulary words associated with wedding traditions.
    • Use the future tense to write about a popular wedding tradition.
    • Explain a wedding tradition in your culture.

    Q9. Identify the learner that values accuracy over fluency.

    • Gabriel is very open and gregarious and rather indifferent to language structures and cultural conventions. He will not hesitate to speak to people in his new language.
    • Beatriz is very particular about speaking correctly. Before speaking, she spends several minutes quietly thinking to herself, checking her dictionary, and planning how she should best phrase her sentences.
    • Andrea quickly considers what she is going to say, and then asks the nearest person for directions. She is only able to retain small chunks of information, so she must ask several people for help along the way.

    Q10. Considering the descriptions above, which language learner do you think you would be the most like if you were learning a new language?

    • Beatriz
    • Gabriel
    • Andrea

    Week 3: Teach English Now! Foundational Principles Coursera Quiz Answers

    Quiz 1: Checkpoint 1

    Q1. How can self-awareness be a positive thing? Check all that apply.

    • It helps you understand why you feel the way you do.
    • It makes you nervous.
    • You know how you look or feel.
    • You have confidence because you know you look or feel good.

    Q2. How can self-awareness be a negative thing? Check all that apply.

    • You have confidence because you know you look or feel good.
    • It can paralyze you because it makes you feel like everyone is judging what you are doing.
    • In new situations, it causes you to over-think what you are doing and saying.
    • You lose confidence because it feels like everything you do or say is wrong.

    Q3. Which answer BEST describes how language learning is like being on stage?

    • Like being on stage, learning a new language creates a heightened sense of self-awareness, where the learner is afraid to make mistakes and is almost paralyzed with tension.
    • Like being on stage, language learning requires years of practice and effort to be good enough to use it.
    • Like being on stage, language learning requires costumes, scripts, and a huge audience.

    Q4. TRUE or FALSE: The affective filter is the complex set of emotions language learners experience as they try to process new information and produce language.

    • TRUE
    • FALSE

    Q5. Which of these is NOT a good way to lower the affective filter in your students?

    • Relate to your learners in ways that show you understand the challenges of learning a language.
    • Be willing to look silly.
    • Correct errors frequently and as soon as they happen.
    • Use formative evaluation, by giving students practice opportunities where you can guide them with constructive feedback.
    • Describe mistakes as normal part of the process.

    Quiz 2: Checkpoint 2

    Q1. After spending many days in his room studying vocabulary and grammar, why couldn’t Francois Gouin speak German? Check all that apply.

    • He did not practice the language in real-world contexts.
    • He couldn’t see the language with a “wide-angle lens”.
    • He wasn’t using the best dictionaries and grammar books.
    • He did not engage in activities in the diffuse mode.

    Q2. What main point about language learning did the Francois Gouin story illustrate?

    • Even smart men can make mistakes.
    • Learning a language requires many hours of studying.
    • Language learning requires practice and taking risks.
    • Practice makes perfect.

    Q3. Which strategy is NOT associated with successful language learning?

    • Using imagery to remember new information
    • Monitoring language output for accuracy in both form and meaning
    • Predicting meaning from social and contextual clues.
    • Memorizing thousands of words

    Quiz 3: Module 3 Review Quiz

    Q1. Which answer BEST describes how language learning is like being on stage?

    • Like being on stage, language learning requires costumes, scripts, and a huge audience.
    • Like being on stage, learning a new language creates a heightened sense of self-awareness, where the learner is afraid to make mistakes and is almost paralyzed with tension.
    • Like being on stage, language learning requires years of practice and effort to be good enough to use it.

    Q2. Which statement is NOT true about the concept of self-awareness.

    • Self-awareness evolves over time.
    • Self-awareness has nothing to do with language acquisition.
    • Self-awareness has both positive and negative consequences.
    • Self-awareness refers to one’s ability to see themselves as other people do.

    Q3. TRUE or FALSE: A high affective filter leads to successful language acquisition.

    • FALSE
    • TRUE

    Q4. TRUE or FALSE: An instructor describing mistakes as normal helps to lower the affective filter.

    • True
    • False

    Q5. Which classroom environment would most likely lower the affective filter of language learners.

    • The teacher shares stories about making mistakes when communicating in another language.
    • The teacher is quick to correct learner mistakes and has them repeat the correct form.

    Q6. Which of the following statements are true about formative assessments? Check all that apply.

    • Formative assessments measure everything the student has learned during a unit of study.
    • Formative assessments do not lower affective filters.
    • Formative assessments give learners the opportunity to practice and prepare for future testing.
    • Formative assessments are used to provide feedback to the learner.

    Q7. Identify which activities would serve as a formative assessment. (Check all that apply.)

    • The students take a final exam.
    • The students present a final project.
    • The students write about themselves, then conference with the teacher about how to improve their writing.
    • The students study 10 vocabulary words and then play a game with those words.

    Q8. After spending a year in Germany, why wasn’t Francois Gouin able to learn German? Check all that apply.

    • He didn’t engage in meaningful practice.
    • He didn’t spend enough time in the diffuse mode of language learning.
    • He didn’t spend enough time in the focused mode of language learning.
    • He didn’t study hard enough.

    Q9. Identify the strategies used by good language learners. Check all that apply.

    • They prepare in advance and take notes.
    • They pay attention selectively to the most important information.
    • They look everything up in a dictionary.
    • They are not afraid to look ridiculous.

    Q10. TRUE or FALSE: Students who play and experiment with language are typically good language learners.

    • TRUE
    • FALSE

    Week 4: Teach English Now! Foundational Principles Coursera Quiz Answers

    Quiz 1: Checkpoint 1

    Q1. One of the major difficulties in teaching language is the problem of time. As explained in the videos, the problem of time means that…

    • Students have to do extracurricular sports, student council, and many other tasks that get in the way of their language learning.
    • Teachers struggle with time because they are given so many tasks to do, such as lesson planning and assessment.
    • Most schools offer language instruction for one hour a day, meaning that students don’t have enough time to practice language.
    • Parents do not give their children language support by spending time with them on their homework assignments.

    Q2.What are some ways, explained in the video, to help support the learning of English OUTSIDE the classroom? Check all that apply.

    • offer student exchanges
    • select fun readings from a textbook
    • invite students to write down a list of their language resources
    • create English clubs
    • make food from an English-speaking country and bring it to clas

    Q3. As the story of Shane’s 5 years of Spanish suggested, some learners fail to learn language outside of the classroom, even when they have the resources to do it. What did the story suggest about why learners fail?

    • Learners are too busy to learn a language. They are involved in the digital age, so they simply don’t see English as an important goal.
    • Learners fail to see their resources as opportunities. They don’t connect their academic life to the world outside.
    • Learners care about testing and getting grades, so they focus only on textbooks and fail to consider actually acquiring language.
    • Most learners don’t care about learning a language. Learners these days are lazy and don’t think globally.

    Quiz 2: Checkpoint 2

    Q1. Identify the most common ways that students can learn language through the internet. Check all that apply.

    • movies
    • textbooks
    • games
    • music

    Q2. The difference between language learning websites and websites that “happen to be in English” is that…

    • language learning websites are designed for specific levels and needs of students, and websites that “happen to be in English” present real contexts and real information.
    • Language learning websites are more appropriate because they contain modified input
    • language learning websites are boring and unrealistic, and websites that are in real English help students to feel like they are really involved in language learning.
    • websites that happen to be in English are more appropriate because they contain real English in real context.

    Q3. Which of the following strategies might best encourage student autonomy? Check all that apply.

    • empowering students to recognize language learning on the internet
    • emphasizing test scores as the goal of language learning
    • helping students understand the importance of the classroom
    • helping students recognize their language resources
    • inviting students to see themselves as part of a global community

    Quiz 3: Module 4 Review Quiz

    Q1. One of the major difficulties in teaching language is the problem of time. As explained in the videos, the problem of time means that…

    • Teachers struggle with time because they are given so many tasks to do, such as lesson planning and assessment.
    • Parents do not give their children language support by spending time with them on their homework assignments.
    • Students have to do extracurricular sports, student council, and many other tasks that get in the way of their language learning.
    • Most schools offer language instruction for one hour a day, meaning that students don’t have enough time to practice language.

    Q2. Which is NOT a way to support language learners outside the classroom?

    • invite students to write down a list of their language resources
    • create English clubs
    • make food from an English-speaking country and bring it to class

    Q3. As the story of Shane’s 5 years of Spanish suggested, some learners fail to learn language outside of the classroom, even when they have the resources to do it. What did the story suggest about why learners fail?

    • Learners are too busy to learn a language. They are involved in the digital age, so they simply don’t see English as an important goal.
    • Most learners don’t care about learning a language. Learners these days are lazy and don’t think globally.
    • Learners care about testing and getting grades, so they focus only on textbooks and fail to consider actually acquiring language.
    • Learners fail to see their resources as opportunities. They don’t connect their academic life to the world outside.

    Q4. Learners can acquire language through the internet in all of these places EXCEPT:

    • songs
    • textbooks
    • television shows
    • online games

    Q5. Student autonomy means that

    • students join with friends to form associations.
    • students can learn for themselves without the help of another.
    • students must be guided so that they can follow strong examples.
    • students must obey their teachers or they will make too many errors.

    Q6. The metaphor that language is outside a door means…

    • that language learning can’t just happen within the walls of a classroom, but that outside of the classroom there are contexts and experiences that will help students acquire and love language.
    • that language learning is learned through a series of stages. Language learning means that you walk through a lot of different doors in order to progress.

    Q7. A student is an actor means that…

    • students need to use body language and express themselves more than they need to learn vocabulary and grammar.
    • a student is empowered to move about and participate in a global society.
    • a student needs to join the theater.

    Q8. In this module, we learned that language is a…

    • fish…it helps us to see ourselves as part of a larger community, like a school of fish.
    • hammer…it gives us power to share our way of thinking.
    • passport…it gives us access to visit and understand many parts of the world.

    Week 5: Teach English Now! Foundational Principles Coursera Quiz Answers

    Quiz 1:Checkpoint 1

    Q1. According to the lectures, why do language teachers experience high rates of teacher burnout?

    • They care too much about their students.
    • They utilize a learner-centered approach to teaching language, which requires a lot of preparation and a lot of skill.
    • They teach too many hours each day.
    • They have too many students in their classes.

    Q2. What are the benefits of forming a network of teachers? Check all that apply.

    • Take advantage of the expertise of other teachers
    • Share ideas
    • Avoid having to plan lessons
    • Save time

    Q3. In addition to forming networks at school, what are some other ways that teachers can network with other teachers? Check all that apply.

    • Go to coffee shops and ask if there are any teachers there
    • Join TESOL or other teacher organizations
    • Search for teacher forums and communities on the internet
    • Attend professional conferences

    Quiz 2: Checkpoint 2

    Q1. In Skinner and Edge’s book about self-determination, which two factors help people avoid burn-out?

    • forming a network and having a sense of control
    • sharing the workload and taking long vacations
    • changing teaching assignments often and volunteering
    • finding a support group to complain to and working less hours

    Q2. What are some ways that teachers can maintain a sense of control? Check all that apply.

    • Be an agent of change.
    • Find balance between work and life.
    • Cherish the rewards of teaching
    • Focus on the things you can do, not the things you cannot.

    Q3. What is meant by finding your core? Check all that apply.

    • Be sincere. Don’t pretend to believe something you don’t.
    • Know your own teaching philosophy.
    • Find a core group of friends to spend time with.
    • Find a cause or idea that you believe in.

    Quiz 3: Module 5 Review quiz

    Q1. What is the phenomenon known as teacher burnout?

    • Teachers put so much time and energy into their teaching that they become exhausted and leave the teaching profession.
    • Teachers feel bored by teaching the same things day after day, so they leave the profession.
    • Teachers feel burned by low salaries and leave the teaching profession.
    • Teachers feel overwhelmed by the responsibilities that come with teaching, so they leave to find an easier job.

    Q2. What does the following statement mean? Teachers should be like actors, but not act.

    • Teachers should not use their hands, face and body to communicate meaning.
    • Teachers should not make their lessons more exciting or impactful by performing.
    • Teachers should not act, or pretend to believe or feel something they don’t.

    Q3. What are good ways to form a network? Check all that apply.

    • Put out an advertisement.
    • Consult online forums and blogs about ESL teaching.
    • Join professional organizations.
    • Find teachers and other ESL professionals at your school site that are willing to share ideas.

    Q4. What are recommended strategies for maintaining self-control over your career? Check all that apply.

    • Find a balance between work and life.
    • Refuse to teach concepts that are uninteresting to you.
    • Focus on the things you can do, and not the things you cannot.
    • Find your core teaching beliefs.

    Q5. In Skinner and Edge’s book about self-determination, they recommend which two strategies to avoid burnout?

    • work shorter hours and travel
    • volunteer more time and take long vacations
    • form a network and maintain a sense of control
    • don’t over-commit and change teaching assignments often

    Week 6: Teach English Now! Foundational Principles Coursera Quiz Answers

    Quiz 1: Final Assessment

    Q1. In this course, it was stated that a principled teacher must find their core. What is meant by finding your core? Check all that apply.

    • Find a cause or idea that you believe in.
    • Be sincere. Don’t pretend to believe something you don’t.
    • Know your own teaching philosophy.
    • Tell stories about your experiences learning a language.

    Q2. Much like the metaphor “language is cake,” a Harvard research study showed that students often judge a teacher in the first 6 seconds of class, based on…

    • their teaching technique
    • their use of technology
    • their content
    • their age

    Q3. What does the following statement mean? Teachers should be like actors, but not act.

    • Teachers should not use their hands, face and body to communicate meaning.
    • Teachers should not make their lessons more exciting or impactful by performing.
    • Teachers should not act, or pretend to believe or feel something they don’t.

    Q4. According to Glasser, the four basic psychological needs of belonging, competence, freedom and fun are the foundation for…

    • scaffolding
    • intrinsic motivation
    • language acquisition
    • extrinsic motivation

    Q5. Much like an actor, good teachers use which three techniques to help make meaning clear?

    • body language, teacher talk, and scaffolding
    • the zone of proximal development, i + 1, and high technique/high content
    • elaboration, body language, and repetition
    • high technique/low content, scaffolding, and teacher talk

    Q6. Vygotsky’s theory of the Zone of Proximal Development has students working slightly above their level so they feel comfortable yet challenged. To assist students in this zone, teachers offer support, or scaffolding, as they master a skill. Which learning activity includes scaffolding?

    • Read Chapter 4 and answer the chapter review questions on pg. 100.
    • Write a paragraph summarizing Chapter 4. Remember to use the summarizing techniques I mentioned in class.
    • Write a paragraph describing your favorite character from the story, using the writing frame we practiced together in class.

    Write a paragraph using six of the vocabulary words from the chapter.

    Q7. How is language learning like a camera?

    • Like a camera, language learning is complex and difficult to become an expert at.
    • Like a camera, language learning is delicate and easily broken.
    • Like a camera, language learning is about a single moment in time.
    • Like a camera, language learning is about zooming in to focus on the details of a language’s structure as well as zooming out to learn to use language in a wider context.

    Q8. Which activity represents language learning in the wide-angle or diffuse mode?

    • Role playing a job interview
    • Using computer software to study vocabulary words
    • Practicing scripted telephone dialogues with a partner
    • Writing sentences using a new grammatical structure

    Q9. How is a language teacher like a coach? (Select the BEST answer.)

    • A language teacher is like a coach because he or she teaches the rules of the game, makes everyone practice a lot of drills, and does a lot of yelling from the sidelines.
    • A language teacher is like a coach because he or she teaches the rules of the game, makes sure everyone gets plenty of opportunity to practice the game in many different ways, and encourages players to take risks and keep trying.

    Q10. What is the 80/20 principle?

    • A language teacher should plan a lesson so that 20% of the time is used for focusing on the details of the language, and 80% of the time is used for students to practice the language.
    • A language teacher should plan a lesson so that students will learn 80 new vocabulary words and 20 new grammatical structures a week.
    • A language teacher should spend 80 minutes lecturing about the language rules, and then students should spend 20 minutes practicing those rules.

    Q11. Which answer BEST describes how language learning is like being on stage?

    • Like being on stage, learning a new language creates a heightened sense of self-awareness, where the learner is afraid to make mistakes and is almost paralyzed with tension.
    • Like being on stage, language learning requires costumes, scripts, and a huge audience.
    • Like being on stage, language learning requires years of practice and effort to be good enough to use it.

    Q12. In research studies, which strategies were good language learners found to use? Check all that apply.

    • They are not afraid to look ridiculous.
    • They prepare in advance and take notes.
    • They pay attention selectively to the most important information.
    • They find answers in multiple ways.
    • They look everything up in a dictionary.

    Q13. Like a mother bird encourages her baby bird to leave the nest, how can teachers encourage student autonomy? (Check all that apply)

    • helping students recognize their language resources
    • inviting students to see themselves as part of a global community
    • empowering students to recognize language learning opportunities on the internet
    • helping students understand the importance of the classroom
    • emphasizing test scores as the goal of language learning

    Q14. A student is an actor means that…

    • a student needs to join the theater.
    • students need to use body language and express themselves more than they need to learn vocabulary and grammar.
    • a student is empowered to move about and participate in a global society.

    Q15. Which metaphor explains the power that is gained by learning a language?

    • Language is like a passport…it gives us access to visit and understand many parts of the world.
    • Language is like a fish…it helps us to see ourselves as part of a larger community, like a school of fish.
    • Language is like a hammer…it gives us power to establish our authority.


    A. Complete using the correct form of the words in the box.

    prefect • pupil • student

    1   In our school, most classes have about 35 ………………… in them.

    2   Every year, two new ………………… are chosen from the best students in each class.

    3   The university accepts around 2000 new ………………… every year.

    4   When he finally graduated, Victor felt he had ………………… everything he set out to do.

    5   The work we’re doing now will make more sense when you ………………… the sixth.

    6   Who ………………… you how to play the drums like that?

    7   I would love to ………………… a new language I don’t know anything about, like Swedish.

    high • primary • secondary

    8   Children in England go to ………………… school from the ages of five to eleven.

    9   In Britain, grammar schools, public schools and comprehensives are often referred to as ………………… schools.

    10   Americans usually refer to their secondary school as a ………………… school, and there are often separate junior and senior schools.

    degree • certificate • results

    11   The exam ………………… come out today and I’m really nervous. I hope I’ve passed.

    12   I was so proud when my exam ………………… finally arrived in the post.

    13   I would prefer to go to university and do a ………………… in astronomy, rather than start work.


    1 pupils   2 prefects   3 students   4 achieved

    5 reach   6 taught   7 learn   8 primary

    9 secondary   10 high   11 results   12 certificate

    13 degree

    B. Circle the correct word.

     I made a few mistakes in the exam and I don’t think I passed / took it.

     It’s not always easy to count / measure how intelligent someone is.

     Did you know that our French teacher can speak / talk four languages?

     My qualifications / qualities include a degree and an MA in chemistry.

     Our headteacher had had her hair cut and I didn’t know / recognise her at first.

     In design and technology, we were given the effort / task of designing a stadium.

     You’ll find plenty of books on the subject / lesson of business studies in the library.

     You have to read / study hard in order to do well at university.

     Look at what we did in today’s lesson and we’ll have a quick exam / test tomorrow morning.

    10   Our teacher asked us to choose one of our colleagues / classmates to be our partner for the next exercise.


    1 passed   2 measure   3 speak   4 qualifications

    5 recognise   6 task   7 subject   8 study

    9 test   10 classmates

    C. Write one word in each gap.

    1   Just get ……………… with Exercise C and I’ll be back in a minute.

    2   My teacher says that I should sail ……………… the exam, but I’m not so sure.

    3   Dave didn’t understand what Miss Smith was getting ……………… so he asked her to explain it again.

    4   We all tried to convince our teachers to change his mind about the school trip and he finally came ……………… .

    5   If you make a mistake, just cross it ……………… with a single line.

    6   Belinda missed a few months of school because of illness and found it difficult to keep ……………… with her classmates.

    7   The other kids were making fun of me, but I didn’t catch ……………… until heard them laughing.


    1 on   2 through   3 at    4 (a)round

    5 out/through   6 up   7 on

    D. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.

    1   The ideas in your essay need to be organised better.   set

          You need to ……………………………… in your essay better.

    2   Why don’t you consider the college’s offer for a few days and then call them?   over

          Why don’t you ……………………………… for a few days and then call them?

    3   You’ll never pass the exam if you just stop trying like that.   in

          You’ll never pass the exam if you just ……………………………… like that.

    4   When he was at university, Nick just couldn’t handle all the work.   deal

          Nick just couldn’t ……………………………… at university.

    5   I suddenly realised that I had left my homework at home.   dawned

          It ……………………………… that I had left my homework at home.

    6   Ed was very lonely at university and he left after only one month.   out

          Ed ……………………………… after only one month because he was very lonely.


    1 set out the ideas

    2 think the college’s offer over

    3 give in

    4 deal with all the work

    5 suddenly dawned on me

    6 dropped out of university

    E. Choose the correct answer.

    1   If you need to ………… the teacher’s attention, just put your hand up.

            A pull            B attract

            C capture     D draw

    2   Make sure you ………… your homework before you go out.

            A make         B solve

            C write          D do

    3   Could I ………… a suggestion? Why not have piano lessons?

            A have          B do

            C put             D make

    4   I really don’t ………… the point of taking the exam when you’re not ready for it.

            A take           B see

            C have          D mind

    5   I’ll meet you at the school gates during the lunch ………… .

            A break         B gap

            C interval     D pause

    6   Do you think you could pass that book ………… to me, please?

            A under        B through

            C over           D in

    7   Mrs Dawson said that we are ………… our lesson in the library next Monday.

            A having       B making

            C reading     D going

    8   In English yesterday, we had a discussion ………… different cultures.

            A around      B about

            C for              D from

    9   ………… my opinion, maths shouldn’t be a compulsory subject.

            A From         B To

            C At               D In

    10   When you ………… the exam tomorrow, try to stay calm and relaxed.

            A make         B write

            C take           D answer

    11   My dad wants me to go to university, but I’m in ………… minds about it.

            A my             B two

            C some         D different

    12   I still have a lot ………… about the English language.

            A learning    B to learn

            C for learning

            D of learning

    13   If the examiner can’t ………… sense of your writing, you’ll get a low mark.

            A make         B bring

            C take           D understand

    14   I hadn’t studied, so when the teacher asked me I had ………… idea.

            A none          B no

            C even          D not


    1 B   2 D   3 D   4 B   5 A   6 C

    7 A   8 B   9 D   10 C   11 B   12 B

    13 A   14 B

    F. Each of the words in bold is incorrect. Rewrite them correctly.

     I’ve always admired our music teacher from being so patient. …………………

     My new school is quite similar with my old one. …………………

     Mr Wilkins congratulated me for passing the exam. …………………

     I’d better go home and study on tomorrow’s test. …………………

     Ian is capable for doing very well this year if he works hard. …………………

     This course is suitable to students who are considering a career in the media. …………………

     If you don’t get into university, you’ll have to settle with art college. …………………

     After six attempts, Bill finally succeeded with passing his driving test. …………………


    1 for   2 to   3 on   4 for   5 of

    6 for   7 for   8 in

    G. Water has damaged part of this text form a diary. Read it and decide what you think each of the original words was. Write the words in the blank spaces.

    Dear Diary

    Well, my first day at the new school is over. I was able (1) ……………… make a few friends, although I hope (2) ……………… I meet more people tomorrow. I met one girl I didn’t like, who just boasted (3) ……………… her exam results and succeeded (4) ……………… annoying everyone. The teacher asked me what I’d been learning (5) ……………… at my other school and when I told her she said she failed (6) ……………… see how I would be able to catch up with the others. I’ll show her! I’m just as capable (7) ……………… doing the work as the others. I’m really going to study hard (8) ……………… the test.


    1 to   2 that   3 about/of   4 in

    5 about   6 to   7 of   8 for

    H. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals when this is necessary.

    1   I wonder if you could tell me who was awarded the ………………… (SCHOLAR)?

    2   Do you think that you pay enough ………………… (ATTEND) in class?

    3   Could you tell me what the ………………… (SOLVE) to number seven is?

    4   My dad said I’d better spend more time on my ………………… (STUDY).

    5   I would like to know what qualifications ………………… (TEACH) require in your country.

    6   Joshua was suspended from school for a week for bad ………………… (BEHAVE).

    7   I did six hours of ………………… (REVISE) for the test, and I still failed!

    8   Please send photocopies of all your ………………… (CERTIFY) to us at the address below.


    1 scholarship   2 attention   3 solution   4 studies

    6 teachers   7 revision   8 certificates

    I. Complete the text by changing the form of the word in capitals.

    Being unable to read

    It seems (1) ………………… (THINK) today not to provide children with a decent (2) ………………… (EDUCATE). There is such an emphasis on (3) ………………… (ACADEMY) achievement these days that it’s easy to forget what a problem (4) ………………… (LITERATE) used to be. Being unable to read can be (5) ………………… (INTENSE) embarrassing and can make someone feel I like a complete (6) ………………… (FAIL). Someone who can’t read is often (7) ………………… (UNDERSTAND) afraid of certain situations. The problem can seem (8) ………………… (SOLVE). However, given the right teacher, a lot of hard work and a (9) ………………… (REASON) amount of time, anyone can learn. Being able to read can lead to an (10) ………………… (IMPROVE) quality of life.


    1 unthinkable   2 education   3 academic   4 illiteracy

    5 intensely   6 failure   7 understandably   8 unsolvable

    9 reasonable   10 improved

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    Страница 8 из 53

    TEST 4 A (Module 4)

    *A. Fill in the correct word / phrase.  Вставьте правильное слово / фразу.

    • chat show • weather report • interview • documentary • cartoon • news
     • ток−шоу • прогноз погоды • интервью • документальный • мультфильм • новости


    Saturday, 4th November
    Channel 1
    16:30 African Animal Adventure
    Interesting wildlife documentary about animals in Africa
    17:00 Live at 5
    International 1) news programme covering today’s events, business and sport, as well as a complete 2) weather report
    17:30 OK!
    A chance to hear all the gossip about your favourite pop stars, actors and celebrities. Find out the truth as you listen to an 3) interview with Jennifer Lopez
    18:00 Oprah
    4) Chat show with host Oprah Winfrey. Special guest today – Tom Cruise.
    18:30 The Simpsons
    5) Cartoon about the Simpson family.


    Суббота, 4 ноября
    Канал 1
    16:30 Приключения африканских животных
    Интересная дикая природа, например документальный фильм о животных в Африке
    17:00 Прямой эфир в 5
    Международная программа 1) новостей, охватывающая сегодняшние события, бизнес и спорт, а также полный 2) прогноз погоды
    17:30 ОК!
    Возможность услышать все сплетни о любимых поп−звездах, актерах и знаменитостях. Узнай правду, слушая 3) интервью с Дженнифер Лопес
    18:00 Опра
    4) Ток−шоу с ведущей Опрой Уинфри. Специальный гость сегодня − Том Круз.
    18:30 Симпсоны
    5) Мультфильм о семье Симпсонов.

    *B.Complete the sentences with the correct word. Дополните предложения правильным словом.

    • gossip • fashion • music • text messages • horoscopes • article
    • сплетни • мода • музыка • текстовые сообщения • гороскопы • статья

    e.g. I read an interesting article about the media.
    например, Я прочитал интересную статью о СМИ.


    6. My sister buys a popular magazine to read gossip about famous people’s lives.
    7. The music programme plays all the latest hits.
    8. Horoscopes try to tell you what will happen in the future.
    9. Polly likes to send text messages to her friends.
    10. Jane buys Sugar magazine for its fashion advice.


    6. Моя сестра покупает популярный журнал, чтобы читать сплетни о жизни известных людей.
    7. В музыкальной программе звучат все последние хиты.
    8. Гороскопы пытаются рассказать вам, что произойдет в будущем.
    9. Полли любит отправлять текстовые сообщения своим друзьям.
    10. Джейн покупает журнал Sugar за его советы по моде.

    *C. Underline the correct word.  Подчеркните правильное слово.

    e.g. The fireman pulled the baby to safe / safety.
    например, Пожарный вытащил ребенка в безопасное место.


    11. John brave / bravely fought the bear.
    12. The zebra ran off / went off before I could take a photograph.
    13. I was surprised / surprising to hear I won the competition.
    14. It can be difficult to come on / up with new ideas.
    15. Mark was very exciting / excited when he won the writing award.
    16. What does the weather article / report say?
    17. Glossy magazines are attractive / popular* to teenagers.
    18. I like the fashion and beauty advice / strips in this magazine.
    19. In sports, it’s a great achievement to attend / break a world record.
    20. This belt really goes with / on your shoes.


    11. Джон храбро сражался с медведем.
    12. Зебра убежала прежде, чем я успел сделать снимок.
    13. Я был удивлен, узнав, что выиграл соревнование.
    14. Придумывать новые идеи может быть непросто.
    15. Марк был очень взволнован, когда выиграл писательскую премию.
    16. Что говорится в прогнозе погоды?
    17. Глянцевые журналы привлекательны для подростков.
    18. Мне нравятся советы о моде и красоте в этом журнале.
    19. В спорте побить мировой рекорд − это большое достижение.
    20. Этот пояс отлично сочетается с вашей обувью.

    *D. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Continuous.  Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Continuous.

    e.g. Tony was walking (walk) home when it started raining.
    например, Тони шел домой, когда пошел дождь.


    21. We were planning (plan) to go to the zoo, but we stayed home instead.
    22. Jackie was taking (take) notes during the lesson.
    23. The students  were working (work) hard because they wanted a good mark in the exam.
    24. What were you doing (you/do) last night?
    25. He was playing  (play) with his nephew all day Saturday.


    21. Мы планировали пойти в зоопарк, но остались дома.
    22. Джеки делала заметки во время урока.
    23. Студенты усердно работали, потому что хотели получить хорошую оценку на экзамене.
    24. Что ты делал прошлой ночью?
    25. В субботу он весь день играл со своим племянником.

    *E. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.    Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Simple или Past Continuous.

    e.g. She left (leave) school when she was 16.
    например, Она бросила (бросить) школу, когда ей было 16 лет.


    26. Gary was riding (ride) his bicycle while Alan was skateboarding.
    27. The policeman asked, “What were you doing (you/do) at the time of the robbery?”
    28. I passed (pass) the exam without difficulty.
    29. Mum cooked (cook) dinner before dad came home.
    30. She was writing (write) a letter when the lights went out.
    31. They went (go) on holiday in June.
    32. A woman from Vancouver found (find) a bear in her kitchen.
    33. When I was a teenager I played (play) in the school basketball team.
    34. My aunt Jane was driving (drive) to Oxford when I phoned her.
    35. Paul got dressed (get dressed), had breakfast and then went to school.


    26. Гэри катался на велосипеде в то время, когда Алан катался на скейтборде.
    27. Полицейский спросил: «Чем вы занимались во время ограбления?»
    28. Я сдал экзамен без труда.
    29. Мама приготовила ужин до того, как папа вернулся домой.
    30. Она писала письмо, когда погас свет.
    31. Они ездили в отпуск в июне.
    32. Женщина из Ванкувера нашла медведя на своей кухне.
    33. Когда я был подростком, я играл в школьной баскетбольной команде.
    34. Моя тетя Джейн ехала в Оксфорд, когда я ей позвонил.
    35. Пол оделся, позавтракал и пошел в школу.

    *F. Choose the correct response. Подберите правильный ответ.

    e.g. I passed all my exams! F                           A. How dreadful! Was she hurt?
    36. You won’t believe this. I found a wallet in the street. B. What a story! How did they do that?
    37. I broke my leg and can’t play in the match.  C. Wow! How long did it take you?
    38. Listen to this – Helen had a car accident!    D. Oh dear! I hope you get well soon.
    39. Did you hear about the chimpanzees that sailed across the Atlantic? E. Really? Did you take it to the police?
    40. I climbed Mount Everest.                              F. That’s great news. Your parents will be pleased.


    например, Я сдала все экзамены! F А. Как ужасно! Ей было больно?
    36. Вы не поверите. Я нашел кошелек на улице. B. Какая история! Как они это сделали?
    37. Я сломал ногу и не могу играть в матче. С. Вау! Сколько времени это заняло у вас?
    38. Послушай это − Хелен попала в автомобильную аварию! D. О боже! Я надеюсь, что ты скоро поправишься.
    39. Вы слышали о шимпанзе, которые переплыли Атлантический океан? E. В самом деле? Вы отнесли его в полицию?
    40. Я поднялся на Эверест. F. Это отличные новости. Ваши родители будут довольны.


    36 – E, 37 – D, 38 – A, 39 – B, 40 – C.

    *G. Read the text and answer the questions.  Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

    Sun Shines on Fun Run
    On 12th June, a ‘Fun Run’ took place in the town of Sunnyfield. A group of sixteen−year−old students from the local high school came up with the idea and over 500 people of all ages took part.
    Luckily, it was a sunny day. Everyone had fun running, walking or skate−boarding the 10−mile distance. Thanks to the event, £2,346 was raised for the charity ‘Cancer Care’.
    Suzie Hamilton, one of the students who organised the run, said, “We wanted to do something useful for others and this seemed the most fun thing to do.”
    The local headmaster was so proud, he decided to make the event part of the school’s yearly calendar.

    Солнце светит на Веселых бегах
    12 июня в Саннифилде прошли «Веселые бега». Идея пришла в голову группе шестнадцатилетних учеников местной средней школы, в которой приняли участие более 500 человек всех возрастов.
    К счастью, день был солнечный. Всем было весело бежать, гулять или кататься на скейтборде на 10−мильную дистанцию. Благодаря мероприятию было собрано 2 346 фунтов стерлингов для благотворительной организации «Cancer Care».
    Сьюзи Гамильтон, одна из учениц, организовавших забег, сказала: «Мы хотели сделать что−то полезное для других, и это казалось самым интересным занятием».
    Местный директор был так горд, что решил сделать мероприятие частью годового календаря школы.

    e.g. When did the event take place? On 12th June.
    например, Когда прошло мероприятие? 12 июня.

    41. Who planned the event?
    42. How many people took part?
    43. What was the weather like during the ‘run’?
    44. How far did they have to go?
    45. What happened as a result of the event?

    41. Кто спланировал мероприятие?
    42. Сколько человек приняли участие?
    43. Какая была погода во время пробега?
    44. Как далеко им нужно было идти?
    45. Что произошло в результате события?


    41. A group of sixteen−year−old students from the local high school.
    42. Over 500.
    43. It was a sunny day.
    44. 10 miles.
    45. £2,346 was raised for the charity ‘Cancer Care’ . The local headmaster decided to make it part of the school’s yearly calendar.


    41. Группа шестнадцатилетних учеников местной средней школы.
    42. Более 500.
    43. Было солнечно.
    44. 10 миль.
    45. Было собрано 2 346 фунтов стерлингов для благотворительной организации «Cancer Care». Местный директор решил сделать его частью годового календаря школы.

    *H. Listen to the reports. What are they about? Number them in the order you hear them.  Послушайте отчеты. О чем они? Пронумеруйте их в том порядке, в котором вы их слышите.

    e.g. new technology 1
    например, новая технология

    Аудио к заданию:

    1. A new exhibition is opening today at Hillington Science Centre. Come and see the newest British robots. Open from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m., Monday to Saturday. For one week only!
    2. World Number 1 tennis champion Roger Federer won his third title at the US Open in New York on Sunday. The Swiss player won 6−2, 4−6, 7−5, 6−1.
    3. Cravendale Mall opened just three months ago and had become the most popular place for shopping and entertainment. It has helped the local community a lot because many people have found jobs there.
    4. Eight puppies that someone left outside a local supermarket are now safe, thanks to the staff. The pups are around six weeks old and are looking for loving homes. If you can help, call Dogs Trust on 020 7837 006.
    5. The government is planning a new programme worth £280 million to help change school children’s unhealthy eating habits. Children will have the chance to eat healthier foods in school canteens, such as salads and home−cooked meals, and there will be less junk food on offer.
    6. A man in his 40s broke into the Natwest Bank today at 11.30 am and stole £500,000. Were you in Greg Street at this time? If you have any information, please contact your local Police station.

    Перевод аудио:

    1. Сегодня в научном центре Хиллингтона открывается новая выставка. Приходите посмотреть на новейших британских роботов. Открыта с 9:00 до 17:00, с понедельника по субботу. Всего на одну неделю!
    2. Чемпион мира по теннису номер 1 Роджер Федерер выиграл свой третий титул на Открытом чемпионате США в Нью−Йорке в воскресенье. Швейцарский игрок выиграл 6−2, 4−6, 7−5, 6−1.
    3. Торговый центр Cravendale Mall открылся всего три месяца назад и стал самым популярным местом для покупок и развлечений. Это очень помогло местному сообществу, потому что многие люди нашли там работу.
    4. Восемь щенков, которых кто−то оставил у местного супермаркета, теперь в безопасности благодаря персоналу. Щенкам около шести недель, и они ищут любящий дом. Если вы можете помочь, позвоните в Dogs Trust по телефону 020 7837 006.
    5. Правительство планирует новую программу стоимостью 280 миллионов фунтов стерлингов, чтобы помочь школьникам изменить нездоровые пищевые привычки. У детей будет возможность есть более здоровую пищу в школьных столовых, такую как салаты и домашние блюда, и в продаже будет меньше нездоровой пищи.
    6. Сегодня в 11.30 человек в возрасте 40 лет ворвался в банк Natwest и украл 500 000 фунтов стерлингов. Вы были в это время на Грег−стрит? Если у вас есть какая−либо информация, обратитесь в местный полицейский участок.


    46. a new shopping centre 3
    47. a rescue                        4
    48. a bank robbery             6
    49. school meals                5
    50. a sports event               2


    46. новый торговый центр  3
    47. спасение  4
    48. ограбление банка  6
    49. школьное питание  5
    50. спортивное мероприятие  2

    Обучайтесь и развивайтесь всесторонне вместе с нами, делитесь знаниями и накопленным опытом, расширяйте границы знаний и ваших умений.

    поделиться знаниями или
    запомнить страничку

    • Все категории
    • экономические
    • гуманитарные
    • юридические
    • школьный раздел
    • разное

    Популярное на сайте:

    Как быстро выучить стихотворение наизусть? Запоминание стихов является стандартным заданием во многих школах. 

    Как научится читать по диагонали? Скорость чтения зависит от скорости восприятия каждого отдельного слова в тексте. 

    Как быстро и эффективно исправить почерк?  Люди часто предполагают, что каллиграфия и почерк являются синонимами, но это не так.

    Как научится говорить грамотно и правильно? Общение на хорошем, уверенном и естественном русском языке является достижимой целью. 

    When teaching a foreign language, one of the key things that we stumble upon is the introduction of new lexical patterns, new phrases and idiomatic expressions. Ensuring constant vocabulary enrichment with the learners is the key principle to achieve language fluency and coherence. Hence, helping the learners to acquire and grow their word stock in a stress free environment and have fun at the same time is a challenge all of us — educators deal with.

    There are different theories and practices about what the best way of vocabulary presentation is. All of them come not merely from theory but from practice as well. Hence, there is no definite truth here. All we need to know is that if it works for the learner then WELL DONE!

    Existing Theories

    CELTA course gives us a very nice and structured way of vocabulary presentation — meaning, pronunciation, form (MPF). This is explained in the following way — teaching meaning is the first obligatory thing, as the learners should first understand what the word means and then deal with the form and polish its pronunciation. Pronunciation comes next as the word should be articulated properly to be understood by the interlocutors, and the form is the last one in the list, as seeing the word written might hijack its pronunciation, considering the students are not well versed in word stress and the pronunciation of certain letter combinations. This order, however, can be varied according to the language level of the learners, the material presented and the aim of the task. For instance, when working with B2 and higher level of learners we can have the presentation stages in the following order: form, pronunciation, meaning. At this level of language comprehension learners are less likely to make pronunciation mistakes and we can actually show the form and reinstate the pronunciation without working on the meaning first. This technique however, is risky with low level learners, as they might pronounce the word incorrectly or get lost in the form, thus, prolonging the assimilation stage.

    Another theory suggests that having a context for vocabulary presentation is always a must, as a lesson should not be divided into different sections like vocabulary, grammar, listening, reading, writing, but it rather should be a unity where all language skill are intertwined with each other. This, being true, does not negate the fact that sometimes we hold mere vocabulary sessions where having all the aspects included is not a must.

    As we know, there are different types of learners — visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic. Though it is impossible to meet everyone’s needs all the time, we are trying to make sure each session contains material for each type of learner. It is worth mentioning here, that learners don’t have to be of a specific type, but can have certain aspects of each with one dominant type.

    Let’s have a closer look at some practical points and choose the ones that will work well with the type of learners we are currently dealing with.

    • Realia

    Using realia in class when possible increases the chance of students remembering the targeted phrases with more ease and more vividly. This works better with lower level vocabulary where we are working with non abstract notions. Topics like ‘food, everyday objects, etc.’ go well with this method. We can go further and get more creative by using realia to revise/recycle vocabulary by asking the students to name the objects, or bring the objects they want to know how to call in English to class, and mingle. This can get very noisy, fun and educational.

    • Picture

    In case realia is hard to organize, pictures are always there to help thanks to the wide variety of Internet resources available nowadays. What I love pulling off during classes is trying to elicit an abstract phrase/idiom through a situational picture. It gives the students a chance to think longer, use their creativity and result in very interesting phrases.Below there is one of the idiomatic phrases I introduced during the class and students still remember it — Don’t cry over spilt milk.

    First, the students brainstormed different phrases by looking at the picture. The only thing they knew was that it represents an idiomatic expression in English and they had to try to guess it. After the students mentioned the key words the phrase was revealed to them. After that, they started working with the meaning and finding synonymous idiomatic expressions in their L1.

    Similarly, posters and flashcards can be very useful when working with visual learners. We can have a set of words to introduce with picture flash cards (either printed or using slides).

    • Guessing the word from the context

    This has been a great vocabulary introduction practice for quite a long time with different age groups, levels of target language comprehension and interests. One of the ways is to present a text to the students where the context leads to the understanding of the key word. Most textbooks use this technique. Another way, is to show the target word in different sentences to enable the students grasp the meaning. Checking whether the students have actually understood the meaning of the word or not is quite easy, by either asking them to make their own sentences using the target word or elicit the translation of the word if everyone shares the same L1.

    For example:

    “Audi is a luxurious car.”

    “Gucci is a more luxurious brand than Guess.”

    “They entered the elegant, newly decorated, and luxurious dining room.”

    This technique works nice with reading/writing type of learners. It can also work with the auditory type if we decide to read the sentences out loud instead of presenting the learners with the written one.

    • Definitions

    This is another well-versed way of introducing new vocabulary. One challenge that we, teachers, might have with this, is making sure that the definition is actually comprehensible. Sometimes dictionaries provide definitions that include a lot of unknown words, hence confusing the learners even more. So, it is our job to choose/adapt the definitions according to the level of the learners to achieve a successful result.

    An example of this I have come across when teaching B1 level students was the phrase “to cut down on something”:

    To cut down on somethingto start using something less extensive than previously

    I adapted it like this — to start using something less than before

    This technique can be quite nice for both reading/writing and auditory type of the learner depending on the way of its presentation.

    • Personalization

    It is a fact that learners remember things better when we give them strong associations. This can be examples from the real world around us (politics, celebrities, etc.), as well as personalized examples on students or the teacher.

    Let’s say, you want to teach the phrase “to get on well with someone”. Something like this can definitely work:

    “My sister and I understand each other very easily. We have the same interests, the same hobbies, the same opinion about different things and we never fight. We get on well with each other.”

    We can either use the target phrase like it was in the example and ask the students to guess the meaning, or leave the space blank and let the students guess the phrase itself. The second way works better in revision sessions though.

    • Find the word

    This one is my personal favourite.

    Let’s say we are going to introduce 4 words: reliable, arrogant, showy, trustworthy

    We can create a grid with the words, cut them in half, and give to the students:

    How to Introduce New Vocabulary

    The students should try to find the correct beginnings and endings for the words knowing that there are only 4 words to compile.

    This can be a little time consuming, but it gives the students a chance to compile the words on their own, hence, they work with word structure, exercise their background knowledge and having so much exposure to the target words enables them to remember them better.

    • Graphs

    This approach is a very nice way to help assimilate the target word/phrase easier and in a full package. Four categories are used to help the learner grasp the meaning of the word and its usage: synonym, antonym, example, non-example. The graph below represents it more clearly.

    This is a full and exhaustive way of dealing with the word at hand. To make it more challenging, we can upgrade the students’ language and introduce the part of speech differences of the word as well.

    Let’s say we are teaching the word ‘interesting’. The rank will go as follows

    Noun — an interest (n.)

    Verb — to interest (v.)

    Adjective — interesting, interested (adj.)

    Adverb — Interestingly (adv.)

    At the same time, context and/or example sentences can be provided with these 4 words which will result in the students’ assimilating 4 words instead of 1.

    • Ranking

    This is another way of introducing sets of words. As we know, learning different shades of meaning is an effective way to enrich the students word-stock faster and help them understand the usage of each in a respective context. Though ranking is known to be a toll for vocabulary practice, it can also be used to challenge the students background knowledge and language feeling in general. Of course, here the level of the students is crucial, as we cannot demand A1 or A2 levels to have the that linguistic feeling.

    Ranks work well with adjectives and adverbs quite nicely. Adverbs, however, can also be introduced with percentages as it is done in most textbooks (always — 100%, never — 0%).

    Always-often-sometimes-occasionally-seldom/hardly ever-never

    How to Introduce New Vocabulary


    • Classification

    This is another way of introducing new language in Test-Teach-Test format. It can be as simple as asking the learners to classify the target words into respective columns (means of transport, food, clothes, etc.), to parts of speech.

    This also requires a lot of exposure to the language where the students have a chance to look at the target words/phrases more than once, try to pronounce them correctly, use their background knowledge, their guy feeling. As mentioned, things which people achieve themselves and are not handed, stick in the long-term memory.

    • Translation

    Foreign language specialists, trainers, educators, instructors will agree that translation is not the best idea when working with a group of people trying to learn a target language. However, to me, it is not such a bad thing after all. Quite the opposite, when used moderately and to the point, it can be quite helpful in the teaching process.

    Sometimes there are ideas and abstract notions which are hard to explain in a target language and near to impossible when dealing with low level learners. Here the L1 comes to help.

    This being true, we should not forget, that translation is to be resorted only after we have tried all the possible ways to convey the meaning of the word and failed. It can be used to clarify the understanding rather than reveal it from the beginning.

    Anyways, in general, it’s not a shame to have a good dictionary at hand and check the meaning of the words we, as teachers might not have come across yet. It creates a healthy learning environment if it’s done moderately and once again highlights the truth that learning is a lifelong process.

    Alternatively, we can tell the students that we will check the word and get back to them. We should not be surprised that the  students will take our word for it and wait for the clarification next class. So, it is important to keep our promises and get back to the students to answer their questions.

    All of these said, it is worth pointing out that not all the techniques and methods will work with all types of groups and learners. Things that should be taken into account are age of the learners, interests, previous exposure to the language, background knowledge in general (this being a powerful tool when teaching in general, not just a language), their mother tongue, type of the learner and the means available at hand (technology, resources).

    Let’s get creative and share more tools and techniques to facilitate vocabulary introduction. Looking forward to your comments!

    Тесты для студентов всех факультетов и специальностей поступающих в магистратуру.

    Тесты по английскому языку составлена для студентов курсов всех факультетов и специальностей, поступающих в магистратуру.

    Тесты предназначены как для вступительных экзаменов в магистратуру, так и для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов для контроля грамматических навыков и знаний студентов, и представляет собой сборник тестов, подобранных авторами из различных источников художественной и научной литературы, представляющих собой оригинальные предложения, составленные носителями языка, и организованных по степени возрастания сложности грамматического материала.

    Методическая разработка имеет целью помочь студентам в освоении программных общеобразовательных тем, а также обеспечить контроль знаний студентов.

    1.    What is this? … is my exercise-book.
    a.    it
    b.    these
    c.    those
    d.    they
    e.    them

    2.    There is … pen on the table.
    a.    some
    b.    such
    c.    an
    d.    a
    e.    three

    3.    … car is this?
    a.    what
    b.    who’s
    c.    why
    d.    whom
    e.    whose

    4.    I’m cold. …open the window.
    a.    a not
    b.    don’t
    c.    no
    d.    none
    e.    –

    5.    He … to the University by tram.
    a.    is going
    b.    can
    c.    goes
    d.    go
    e.    are going

    6.    Nick … a book now.
    a.    is reading
    b.    are reading
    c.    read will read
    d.    had read

    7.    I like potatoes, but I … them everyday.
    a.    haven’t eat
    b.    not eat
    c.    doesn’t eat
    d.    don’t eat
    e.    isn’t eating

    8.    I … to see my friend tomorrow.
    a.    are going
    b.    have going
    c.    is going
    d.    were going
    e.    am going

    9.    She didn’t … breakfast yesterday.
    a.    had
    b.    has
    c.    have
    d.    having
    e.    haved

    10.    I can swim, but my friend …
    a.    is not
    b.    can’t
    c.    don’t
    d.    needn’t
    e.    aren’t

    11.    … I take your pen?
    a.    may
    b.    will be able
    c.    does
    d.    has
    e.    had

    12.    Must I wear these shoes? – No, you…
    a.    mustn’t
    b.    can’t
    c.    weren’t
    d.    isn’t
    e.    aren’t

    13.    My grandfather … to leave school when he was 15.
    a.    must
    b.    can
    c.    is
    d.    are
    e.    had to

    14.    I … speak French last year.
    a.    can’t
    b.    may not
    c.    must not
    d.    couldn’t
    e.    hasn’t

    15.    You will … speak English in 3 years.
    a.    can
    b.    has
    c.    had
    d.    be able to
    e.    were able to

    16.    When I called him, he … supper.
    a.    has having
    b.    was have
    c.    was having
    d.    is having
    e.    were having

    17.    They … up late yesterday.
    a.    get
    b.    got
    c.    has got
    d.    gets
    e.    getting

    18.    It is the … book I have ever read.
    a.    best
    b.    better
    c.    well
    d.    good
    e.    worse

    19.    Where … go? Let’s go to the cinema.
    a.    won’t we
    b.    is we
    c.    have we
    d.    shall we
    e.    are we

    20.    What has she … ?
    a.    doing
    b.    do
    c.    did
    d.    done
    e.    does

    21.    There … many students in the room now.
    a.    were
    b.    was
    c.    is
    d.    are
    e.    will

    22.    There … a university in the centre of the city.
    a.    is
    b.    are
    c.    be
    d.    shall
    e.    were

    23.    I can’t see … on  my table.
    a.    nothing
    b.    nobody
    c.    anything
    d.    anywhere
    e.    somewhere

    24.    What … you going to do tonight?
    a.    was
    b.    will
    c.    were
    d.    is
    e.    are

    25.    There … any sugar in the tea.
    a.    weren’t
    b.    wasn’t
    c.    haven’t
    d.    hadn’t
    e.    won’t

    26.    We … in Moscow last year.
    a.    lives
    b.    is living
    c.    has living
    d.    live
    e.    lived

    27.    Where … she work?
    a.    do
    b.    done
    c.    doing
    d.    does
    e.    is

    28.    … speaks English well?
    a.    which
    b.    why
    c.    who
    d.    when
    e.    what

    29.    How many theatres … there in your city now?
    a.    were
    b.    are
    c.    have
    d.    is
    e.    was

    30.    What … you do tomorrow?
    a.    will
    b.    shall
    c.    will be
    d.    shall be
    e.    are

    31.    He said that he … at the plant last year.
    a.    are having
    b.    living
    c.    lives
    d.    had lived
    e.    lived

    32.    Let … tell his friends about his city.
    a.    his
    b.    him
    c.    he
    d.    her
    e.    she

    33.    My friend … breakfast when I called him.
    a.    were having
    b.    will having
    c.    are having
    d.    was having
    e.    is having

    34.    What … do you want to read?
    a.    another
    b.    yet
    c.    other
    d.    still
    e.    else

    35.    Which is the … river in our country?
    a.    long
    b.    longer
    c.    longest
    d.    large
    e.    larger

    36.    There was … in the room.
    a.    somebody
    b.    somewhere
    c.    anybody
    d.    anything
    e.    some

    37.    Who … you this story yesterday?
    a.    speak
    b.    tell
    c.    told
    d.    spoke
    e.    said

    38.    When we came in, the film … already begun.

    a.    are
    b.    is
    c.    were
    d.    was
    e.    had

    39.    The work … done well two days ago.
    a.    has done
    b.    was done
    c.    has been done
    d.    was do
    e.    did

    40.    Books by Dickens … many times.
    a.    is publishing
    b.    have published
    c.    are published
    d.    were published
    e.    is published

    41.    What … you do every day?
    a.    does
    b.    do
    c.    did
    d.    doing
    e.    done

    42.    This problem … tomorrow.
    a.    will be discussed
    b.    have been discussed
    c.    is discussing
    d.    will discuss
    e.    had discussed

    43.    I wonder, why there are so … people.
    a.    no
    b.    such
    c.    some
    d.    much
    e.    many

    44.    I am sorry… I come in?
    a.    could
    b.    might
    c.    may
    d.    must
    e.    need

    45.     I … do this work yesterday. I was busy.
    a.    mustn’t
    b.    can’t
    c.    couldn’t
    d.    aren’t
    e.    weren’t

    46.    What … you doing here?
    a.    are
    b.    is
    c.    will
    d.    be
    e.    can

    47.    He … going to translate this article.
    a.    do
    b.    have
    c.    may
    d.    is
    e.    are

    48.    These pictures … by a young painter last year.
    a.    are painted
    b.    were painted
    c.    is painted
    d.    will be painted
    e.    have been painted

    49.    I … know him.
    a.    doesn’t
    b.    haven’t
    c.    hasn’t
    d.    isn’t
    e.    don’t

    50.    … go to the library.
    a.    won’t
    b.    doesn’t
    c.    don’t
    d.    haven’t
    e.    isn’t

    51.    Do you often … English to your teacher?
    a.    spoken
    b.    spoke
    c.    speak
    d.    speaking
    e.    speaked
    52.    … of you likes to speak French?
    a.    which
    b.    who
    c.    why
    d.    what
    e.    whom

    53.    … of you lives in the centre of Moscow?
    a.    whom
    b.    whose
    c.    who
    d.    which
    e.    when

    54.    How long does your working day …?
    a.    has lasted
    b.    is lasting
    c.    lasted
    d.    last
    e.    lasting
    55.    My sister works …
    a.    many
    b.    much
    c.    some
    d.    not many
    e.    none

    56.    What … they discussing now?
    a.    are
    b.    were
    c.    will
    d.    is
    e.    was

    57.    Will you … at home tomorrow?
    a.    is
    b.    were
    c.    are
    d.    be
    e.    have

    58.    They … here an hour ago.
    a.    have
    b.    have been
    c.    was
    d.    were
    e.    are

    59.    I wrote him a letter …
    a.    since
    b.    today
    c.    last month
    d.    this month
    e.    tomorrow

    60.    … children don’t like to play football.
    a.    some
    b.    no
    c.    any
    d.    anybody
    e.    somebody

    61.    There … many children in the park yesterday.
    a.    hadn’t
    b.    aren’t
    c.    haven’t
    d.    wasn’t
    e.    weren’t

    62.    Where … we get these journals?
    a.    do
    b.    can
    c.    must
    d.    were
    e.    will

    63.    … I ask you a question? – Certainly.
    a.    am
    b.    must
    c.    may
    d.    was
    e.    will

    64.    He … come yet.
    a.    haven’t
    b.    didn’t
    c.    hasn’t
    d.    doesn’t
    e.    can’t

    65.    I was waiting … you at 5 o’clock yesterday.
    a.    with
    b.    at
    c.    for
    d.    in
    e.    –

    66.    Have you … the translation yet?
    a.    does
    b.    doing
    c.    do
    d.    did
    e.    done

    67.    Is … a library at your office?
    a.    where
    b.    there
    c.    anywhere
    d.    somewhere
    e.    nowhere

    68.    These books are too difficult .. me.
    a.    about
    b.    at
    c.    of
    d.    for
    e.    with

    69.    …you know about it yesterday?
    a.    hasn’t
    b.    haven’t
    c.    don’t
    d.    didn’t
    e.    doesn’t

    70.    You can help me, … you?
    a.    can’t
    b.    can
    c.    couldn’t
    d.    won’t
    e.    don’t

    71.    You didn’t see him last week, … you?
    a.    didn’t
    b.    did
    c.    does
    d.    doesn’t
    e.    won’t

    72.    … usually takes me half an hour to get to my office.
    a.    he
    b.    I
    c.    what
    d.    it
    e.    she

    73.    I’m hurrying … the University.
    a.    to
    b.    of
    c.    at
    d.    in
    e.    –

    74.    What is he afraid … ?
    a.    to
    b.    in
    c.    with
    d.    of
    e.    off

    75.    There … a lot of students at the lecture tomorrow.
    a.    will
    b.    will be
    c.    will have
    d.    will can
    e.    were

    76.    He won’t go to the cinema tomorrow, … he?
    a.    will
    b.    won’t
    c.    won’t be
    d.    didn’t
    e.    did

    77.    Here is the man … wanted to speak  to you.
    a.    which of
    b.    which
    c.    who
    d.    whom
    e.    whose

    78.    He will come back … Simferopol in June.
    a.    –
    b.    of
    c.    at
    d.    in
    e.    to

    79.    I didn’t do my work …. I was busy.
    a.    that’s why
    b.    because
    c.    in order to
    d.    after
    e.    before

    80.    … you swim last year?
    a.    could
    b.    can
    c.    was able
    d.    will be able
    e.    could able

    81.    I … seen him this week.
    a.    hasn’t
    b.    haven’t
    c.    didn’t
    d.    don’t
    e.    doesn’t

    82.    You were waiting for me at 2 o’clock yesterday, … you?
    a.    aren’t
    b.    didn’t
    c.    wasn’t
    d.    weren’t
    e.    haven’t

    83.    Mr. Green won’t be able to come, .. he?
    a.    shall
    b.    will
    c.    can
    d.    has
    e.    does

    84.    He … a cup of coffee when the telephone rang.
    a.    drink
    b.    are drinking
    c.    is drinking
    d.    drank
    e.    was drinking

    85.    The company has so … money.
    a.    little
    b.    less
    c.    more
    d.    many
    e.    the least

    86.    I … going to invite you to my birthday party.
    a.    has
    b.    have
    c.    are
    d.    is
    e.    am

    87.    You … English before entering the University
    a.    has study
    b.    has studied
    c.    had studied
    d.    had study
    e.    studied

    88.    New York is the … city in the USA.
    a.    most large
    b.    larger
    c.    large
    d.    largest
    e.    much largest

    89.    Who is your … friend?
    a.    goodest
    b.    best
    c.    better
    d.    more better
    e.    most

    90.    He … always waited for.
    a.    being
    b.    been
    c.    has
    d.    are
    e.    is

    91.    Who … asked when you came in?
    a.    was
    b.    been
    c.    was being
    d.    were
    e.    were being

    92.    Many new houses … built in our city lately.
    a.    has been
    b.    had been
    c.    have been
    d.    have being
    e.    being

    93.    I … wait for him now. I am very busy.
    a.    can’t
    b.    couldn’t
    c.    wasn’t
    d.    hadn’t
    e.    hasn’t

    94.    He … many friends here.
    a.    have
    b.    haves
    c.    has
    d.    having
    e.    had had

    95.    Will you … to come tomorrow?
    a.    will able
    b.    had able
    c.    was able
    d.    able
    e.    be able

    96.    You must … to answer all my questions.
    a.    was ready
    b.    be ready
    c.    is ready
    d.    are ready
    e.    ready
    97.    … you learn English?
    a.    haven’t
    b.    aren’t
    c.    isn’t
    d.    don’t
    e.    doesn’t

    98.    How many lessons … you have every day?
    a.    do
    b.    does
    c.    have
    d.    has
    e.    are
    99.    You like to watch TV- programmes, … you?
    a.    do
    b.    don’t
    c.    doesn’t
    d.    does
    e.    did

    100.    What … your favourite subject at school?
    a.    did
    b.    has
    c.    are
    d.    were
    e.    was

     1. a

    2. d

    3. e

    4. b

    5. c

    6. a

    7. d

    8. e

    9. c

    100. e

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