Which sport is the hardest word





Which is the hardest sport in the world?

Which is the hardest sport in the world?

The Hardest Sports In The World

  • Boxing
  • MMA
  • Water Polo
  • Decathlon
  • Rugby
  • Ironman Triathlon
  • Hurling Played with an ash stick (hurley) and a rock-hard ball (sliotar), hurling is the fastest field sport on earth
  • Ice Hockey The sport not only demands the ability of an elite speed skater but fantastic hand-eye coordination and control of the puck

What is a tricky word?

Tricky words are those words which cannot be sounded out easily Emergent readers may find them difficult to read as they have not yet learned some of the Graphemes in those words

What is the longest word in?


What is the biggest word on earth?

pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis Appearing in the Oxford English Dictionary, this 45-letter word for a disease is the longest English word that is defined in a major dictionary It’s a technical word referring to the lung disease more commonly known as silicosis

Is there a word with all 26 letters?

An English pangram is a sentence that contains all 26 letters of the English alphabet The most well known English pangram is probably “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” A perfect pangram is a pangram where each of the letters appears only once

What is the shortest 2 syllable word?

Io may be the shortest two syllable word in the English language

What is the shortest 3 syllable word?

The shortest three-syllable word in English is “w”

How many syllables are in beautiful?

3 syllables

What are 2 syllable words?

2 Syllables

Word Length Syllables
About 5 2
Thursday 8 2
Again 5 2
Tuesday 7 2

What is a 10 syllable word?

Category:English 10-syllable words

  • diiodohydroxyquinoline
  • ovolactovegetarianism
  • heterophenomenological
  • dimethoxyphenylethylamine
  • triacetyloleandomycin
  • extravehicular activity
  • biological immortality
  • abetalipoproteinemia

The most difficult sports in the world to play

Here is my list of the most challenging sports in the world to play. Every sports is difficult at the elite level. I removed the numbers as I did not want to disrespect any sport or group of athletes by saying one sport is more difficult than the other. Nevertheless here is a list of the most difficult sports and the “WHY”.

Sports fans, athletes, and industry insiders often debate with passion about which sport is the most challenging and demanding.

Different athletic evaluators use differing criteria for their argument, but I chose to focus on the difficulty of the sport.

Such as what type of athletic ability is needed to excel at the sport, endurance, speed, training, the mental focus required, and overall skill.

At the bottom of this article, you will find a sports matrix with the scoring table.

20 Hardest Sports to Play


People who swim know how tough it can be on the entire body and when you discuss Olympic level swimmers, they are some of the fittest endurance athletes on the planet (along with cyclists).

Olympic level swimmers’ lower bodies and upper bodies are always in active motion in and out of the water.

Compared to some of the other endurance sports, it may not be that difficult technically, but what is needed to compete at the highest levels is rare.



Neither catching nor hitting a baseball should be underrated. What they say about hitting an MLB baseball is true. It is more complicated than what people realize, as baseball is a game of failure. If you hit the ball three out of ten times, you are a great player. 

When Ozzie Smith talked about the difficulty of hitting a baseball, he said, in summary, trying to hit a ground ball going 95 to 100 miles per hour is extremely difficult. Guys that can hit consistently at .300 are incredibly super players. You add in the difficulty of pitches such as curveballs, sliders, and changeups, and it is sometimes an impossible feat. 

 Ice Hockey

Hockey is in 18th place on skating alone; forget getting hit while trying to score or someone continually trying to knock you off balance while balancing on a blade. Sixty long, tough minutes sliding around on ice requires focus and toughness. The physicality needed to weave, bob, and change direction are challenging, even for the best. Ice hockey is one of the hardest, coldest, and toughest sports to play.

Tour De France Level Cycling:

Are you ready to suffer? Well, this is what you must be willing to do. Suffer when you train. Grit your teeth when your legs are burning like someone put gasoline on them and lit them on fire. Suffer while overlooking a cliff and your competitor squeezing you right on the edge of falling. Pushing through the pain may seem easy, but these guys have a rare pain threshold and unreal endurance level. 

 Track and Field – Triple Jump

Sprint as fast as possible, then jump as far as you can off one leg, now land on that same leg and jump as far as you can again without letting your other foot hit the ground. Now land on the opposite leg and jump as far as you can. Now measure yourself… most likely no further than 30 feet. Which is ok for a female high school sophomore.

The world record is 60 feet. Only about ten people in the world can jump 57 – 59 feet. Some of these guys can line up a couple of feet behind the free-throw line and dunk with ease.

Elite high schoolers are 48 – 52 feet. And the high schoolers will dunk and jump with some of the best football, professional basketball athletes in the world.

Triple Jump is no joke. It requires elite lower body coordination, power, and explosion. This could be much higher because of the degree of difficulty, but it is so narrowly focused area of athleticism that it can’t be ranked too high on the list. 

 Alpine Skiing

No fear… 70-80 miles an hour while sliding on ice and jumping 100 feet in distance with ease requires power, explosiveness, mental focus, and a mind that can dominate fear. 

Rugby and Australian Rules Football is one of the toughest sports in the world


When you are talking about the toughest guys in the sport, rugby players are at the top of the list. Hey, put your shorts on, and a nice tight shirt. Grab your ball and run for the goal post until ten people take any kind of shot they want at you.

A bone bruise is no problem, thigh bruise as deep as the ocean just keeps playing you “wussy.” We always argue and debate about which is the most physically demanding sport in the world. Different people consider different criteria and characteristics in the argument, but rugby and Australian rules football top the list. 


Top-level tennis requires a quick burst of energy, precision, and explosive movement. Tennis requires incredible hand-eye coordination, timing, and the ability to see or predict ball movement before it happens. Try playing an excellent high school tennis player.

Now that is like children’s play compared to Serena Williams or Rafael Nadal. Tennis matches can last 3 hours, which takes so much out of the body and mind. Throw in a bad call at 2 hours and 30 minutes, and you might throw your racket at the ref, too. 

 Water Polo

Real simple: try to tread water for an hour with someone punching, pulling, grabbing, scratching, and kicking you. Now try to carry a ball, swim 40 yards and throw it through a small whole. This is what water polo athletes do. If you were on the titanic, just jump on the water polo guys back. He will most likely carry you as easy as a horse carries a rider. 

big wave surf

 Big Wave Surfing

Laird Hamilton is a rock. Balance, coordination, and becoming one with nature is the method to his greatness. Big wave surfing is not for the weight room warriors; the big wave is where your body and mental makeup meet. Can you discern the waves, do you have an ability to understand nature and ride with it instead of changing it. This is very difficult; there is no faking it, not a lot of media around, just you, the waves, and a few water warriors along for the ride just like you. 

extreme mountain biking

 Extreme Mountain Biking

Red Bull Rampage Extreme Mountain Biking is next level mountain bike riding where riders scale, flip, twist, jump and ride down a treacherous mountain in the desert of Utah. This type of journey takes elite-level bike skill, timing, control, and an ability to manage fear. The risk is severe injury, or worse yet, these riders do it with style, speed, and often grace. Most of the prize is internal gratification over money as the riders desire to test themselves on the most challenging courses in the world.

toughest sports to play

 Professional Supercross 

People might underestimate motorcycle racing, or specifically, motocross and supercross racing. These guys are fit and have a mental focus that is incomparable. The top-level elite riders’ focus is incredible, and this sport is truly more mental than physical. The strength, reflexes, and physical demands required for top-level supercross and motocross are taxing.

But the mental focus needed to ride a 35-minute moto at Stephen Everts, Antonio Caroli’s, James Stewarts, or Ricky Carmichael’s pace is unbelievable. You add in the risk factor, and this sport is tough. There is high risk in this sport and athletes like Ken Roczen, Ryan Villopoto and Ryan Dungey have all had to overcome great opposition in their career.

The reality is that this sport is economically dependent and requires specialized tracks and equipment to train on.  Which makes it more challenging and why I placed lower on the list. 

The physicality is not as difficult as getting the right type of preparation program. You will need the right motorcycle equipment and the right practice facilities. This sport requires fitness endurance, mental fortitude, and finances, rather than being a sport that requires elite level athleticism, special size, height, and weight requirements. Determination, strategy combined with the right team and resources can achieve great things. 

With that being said this sport is tough and I mean really tough on the body and mind. 99% of the population could not ride around a supercross track at any speed for 1 lap. In comparison everyone can shoot a basketball decently with basic practice.  If you like a challenge as most of us do. Get a bike and start riding. You must take time to prepare and have the resources to do so. Riders at the top do very well economically but all riders at the pro level deserve more financially. These guys are tough and some of the most committed athletes in all of sports. The risk factor, in addition to the endurance and mental energy, required puts this sport high on the list. Salute to the riders! 

Talent and skill will still need great bikes; at least 2 -3 a year and tracks to practice on. Difficult sport! … but resources is a necessary component to progress.

basketball is one of the most difficult sports


You probably think basketball should be higher on the list. Undoubtedly people like Lebron James, Russell Westbrook, Micheal Jordan, and Shaquille O’neal are some of the best athletes in the world, no matter what sport you choose. Basketball is a game of unique skills, not just skill. It is a game of unique skill; for example, if Steph Curry just shot the three and did not do anything else, he could still play in the NBA as a shooter. 

So shooting perfection is a skill that can be developed with dedication and practice. Basketball is a challenging game, and the average NBA two-guard, point guard, or stretch four basketball players are some of the most mobile, athletic athletes in the world. B-ball is a game of skill that can be developed without much risk or injury. Basketball is extremely tough; moving up and down the court, you must have the endurance to run, jump and explode, but players with unique skill can fit in amongst the players with great athletic ability. Lack thereof of reasonable size does not limit one from playing the game if they have a high level of unique basketball skills.  


The third team sport on my list, futbol, or “the beautiful game” as Brazilians called it requires speed, quickness, expertise, and high-intensity explosive bursts, all while dribbling a round ball. Top soccer players rely heavily on their speed, power, tactical ability, and agility to separate themselves from other players.

Soccer players can run upwards of nine miles a game. At an average of 12 miles per hour with bursts in the 20s. Are you kidding me? Nope, I am pressing these guys are in shape; Messi will run circles around you with a ball attached to his foot while saying, “Argentina is the greatest of all, and Brazil has no chance.”

Of course, Pele will say, “We play a beautiful game for all the world to see and soccer as difficult as it is can only be appreciated if played beautifully.”

Soccer/futbol is Ninety minutes of speed and endurance; even American football and basketball cannot keep up with this kind of pace. 

Click here for more sports breakdown.

 American Football

 By far, the most popular game in America and one of the more visible sports in the world. American football requires a combination of strength, size, speed, power, and explosiveness that is hard for other professional sports to match.

The size and speed ratio of NFL players is a scary matchup for most other sports athletes. But what separates the NFL is the contact and the physicality needed to match up against opposing offensive or defensive players. Defensive backs or, more specifically, wide receivers and cornerbacks are some of the most gifted all-around athletes in the world. These guys could likely do a variety of different sports at an elite level.

Size, Speed, Strength, Ratio of NFL Athletes

Additionally, you add in the size, speed, and strength ration of DE, OLB, examples such as Myles Garret, JJ Watt, and most athletes would not want to be within 5 feet of these guys in any type of contact competition. The NFL does not require all players to have the worldly ability, but a lot of them do, which would make it very hard for a person off the street or any other athlete to compete.

The size, strength and speed combination is challenging to match. Just think of Terrell Owens or Julio Jones decided to play soccer/futbol as a striker. They could most likely do it. But could Ronaldo play American football? Size would limit him. This is why football ranks high, specifically for athletic positions. 

martial artist is a challenging sport

 Martial Arts:

The second fight sport on my list, Martial Arts, MMA, Ninja Training, and Monks, are some of the more disciplined athletes in the world, combining mind, body, and spirit. Yes, I said monks, have you seen those guys train? Leg splits while someone is cracking you on the head with a stick. That’s abuse in America, so Americans could not even compete. There is a level of training that is deeper than the physical body. This is a type of exercise that only a few athletes can adhere too. It requires integrity, a purification process, and social responsibility. The highest level of martial arts is about mastering oneself while being a service to others. It is without ego and constant applause that these athletes and masters pursue to perfect their physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional selves. Many of the training methods are unknown.

 Olympic BMX

This sport is extremely difficult and requires mental toughness as well as physical ability. BMX is a pure sport of skill, balance, power and focus. Purchase a bike for less than a $1000 dollars and start racing and riding wheelies. Riders such as BMX legends Ronnie Anderson, Greg Hill, Pete Loncarevich, Mike King, Steve Veltman, Tommy Brackens, Richie Anderson, Olympian Connor Fields, Niek Kimmann, Donny Robinson, Sylvain Andre, Kye White, Alfredo Campo, Maris Stromberg, Joris Daudet, Mike Day, Kyle Bennet, and Bob Haro have paved the way for millions of BMX racers to enjoy this sport.

It takes lots of practice and dedication but this is a sport that will reward you for hard work, dedication and a high skill level.


Boxing is one of the most physically, mentally, and technically demanding sports in the world. A true 1 on 1 matchup…Can’t fake it, no one can do it for you! Maybe Don King can pull some shenanigans but at some point you gotta fight!

Studies on boxing techniques and world-class competition are extremely demanding on all aspects of the body.

Examining the Conor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather fight, one would have assumed that Conor McGregor, who is a world-class MMA fighter himself would stand a chance against an older fighter in Mayweather.

But as Mayweather showed, boxing truly is a sweet science of muscle movement, endurance, and strategy.

When we talk about elite boxing greats such as Marvelous Marvin Hagler, Julio Cesar Chavez, Leonard, Mayweather, Roy Jones, Tyson Fury and the Ali, these boxing athletes are physically and mentally some of the best the world.

Boxing is a competition of technique, speed, strength, power, endurance, and the ability to overcome pain for a more extended period. A thirty-six-minute fight requires a lot from a fighter. Man faces a man with nowhere to run. 

sprinter in the starting blocks

 Olympic Level 100, 200, 400-meter sprinters

Olympic level sprinters like Usain Bolt are just hard to fathom.

If you have ever been on the field with an athlete that runs 10.2 seconds or under, you will understand. 10.2 Seconds which is what a guy like Tyreke Hill runs, is still pedestrian compared to Olympic level 100, 200, and 400-meter sprinters.

The fastest guy I ever faced was Eddie Kennison out of LSU/Kansas City Chiefs, who ran 10.19. It was like a horse running at you. Just say fast!

 Olympic Level Gymnastics

Gymnastics has many different events and forms when it comes to the elite Olympic Games athletes.

These exceptional athletes have grit, beauty, grace, strength, and power, which requires a higher level of physical fitness, flexibility, strength, and reflexes than usual. You add with that the core balance, flipping, space awareness, and mental fortitude needed to focus and endure complicated gymnastics tricks with control, grace, and timing. Now you have a challenging sport.

Gymnastics takes time, and athletes train for years to allow their bodies to change to be able to perform Olympic level tricks eventually. Gymnastic athletes are not born with the skill; they work, sweat, bleed, and bend themselves into some of the fittest, most muscular athletes in the world.  

solo climbing

 Solo Climbing – Alex Honnold

The hardest sport in the world could be solo climbing. Has anyone free-climbed El Capitan? Yes, sir; mental master and solo climbing rock climber guru Alex Honnold. He is the first person to climb the legendary 3,000-foot granite rock wall known as El Capitan.

Alex did this without using a rope, help, or assistance. Just chalk, focus, and hands of precision. They say this may be the one most significant climbs in solo rock climbing history. It took him 3 hours, 56 minutes.

Which is the equivalent of 4 football games or 5-48 minutes basketball games? No room for error is why solo climbing sits atop the list, in addition to the focus that is needed and a unique understanding of body mechanics and arm strength.

He would complete a ninja warrior course as light cool down before going to bed. Alex Honold is on another level. Imagine looking up at the Empire State Building and deciding not to use the elevator, but instead clinging and climbing on the outside of the building all the up to the top in about 4 hours. Incredible! 

Often sports entertainment is about the lights, the money, and who the media highlights. It is easy to forget people that are doing amazing things without much fan affair. So I am going to take a little time to highlight this fantastic Solo Climber. Honnold was born in Northern California Capital in Sacramento, California.  He started climbing at a young age of 5 and entered in several international youth rock climbing championships.

He was admitted to the Prestigious University of California, Berkeley, and studied civil engineering. Eventually, he left college to pursue rock climbing pursuits.

Alex has inspired others within the community to aiming heights. Tommy Caldwell, who is also a climber, followed Honold in his solo climbing pursuits after losing a finger. Yes, Tommy Caldwell, in a wild kidnapping event, lost his finger, reinventing himself. He was inspired by Alex Honold and was able free climb El Capitan’s Dawn Wall

decathletes the best athletes in the world

 Track and Field Decathletes

One of the most popular athletic contest in sport “the decathlon.” The decathlon is truly a measure of complete athletic ability. I doubt that any athlete in all of the above sports can do one event at the Olympic level decathlon. Possibly some football players can run the 100 meters at the decathlon level or long jump, or soccer players might run the mile close to the pace of a decathlete. But most professionals will not even touch the necessary numbers of a decathlete. 

 It is the most demanding sports period! Most people have no idea of what it takes to meet the Olympic standard for one event. These men and women are on another level.  If you ever witnessed an Olympic Level event you would think you were watching a cartoon. Track and field is one of the most difficult sports to compete at the world-class level. 

If you doubt the abilities of decathletes, here is a chart that lists the world record for each event and the decathlon bests for each event. Decathletes are amazing!

Take control of your athletic career.


Event Type Athlete


(seconds & meters)

Converted to feet
100 m World Records  Usain Bolt (JAM) 9.58 s
Decathlon Best  Damian Warner (CAN) 10.12 s
Long jump World Records  Mike Powell (USA) 8.95 m 29.36
Decathlon Best  Ashton Eaton (USA) 8.23 m 27.00
Shot put World Records  Randy Barnes (USA) 23.12 m 75.85
Decathlon Best  Edy Hubacher (SUI) 19.17 m 62.89
High jump World Records  Javier Sotomayor (CUB) 2.45 m 8.03
Decathlon Best  Rolf Beilschmidt (GDR) &

Christian Schenk (GDR)

2.27 m 7.44
400 m World Records  Wayde van Niekerk (RSA) 43.03 s
Decathlon Best  Ashton Eaton (USA) 45.00 s 147.64
110 m hurdles World Records  Aries Merritt (USA) 12.80 s
Decathlon Best  Damian Warner (CAN) 13.44 s
Discus throw World Records  Jürgen Schult (GDR) 74.08 m 243.04
Decathlon Best  Bryan Clay (USA) 55.87 m 183.30
Pole vault World Records  Renaud Lavillenie (FRA) 6.16 m 20.20
Decathlon Best  Tim Lobinger (GER) 5.76 m 18.89
Javelin throw World Records  Jan Železný (CZE) 98.48 m 323.10
Decathlon Best  Peter Blank (GER) 79.80 m 261.81
1500 m World Records  Hicham El Guerrouj (MAR) 3 m 26.00 s
Decathlon Best  Robert Baker (USA) 3 m 58.70 s


SPORT Athletisicm Sport Difficulty Endurance Speed Flexibility Mental Challenge Training Skill Total Ranking
Track & Field Decathlete






















Solo Climbing











Olympic Sprinter











1. Olympic Decathlon 2. Solo Climbing 3. Olympic Level Gymnasts 4. Olympic Level Sprinters 5. Boxing 6. American Football

What is the hardest team sport to play?

1. American Football 2. Premier League Futbol 3. Rugby 4. Water Polo 5. Ice Hockey

What is the most physically demanding sport?

1. Football 2. Cycling 3. MMA 4. Boxing 5. Motocross

We’ve created a list of the hardest sports in the world based on the sport’s difficulty, the danger athletes face, the different skills involved in the sport and the conditions athletes must endure in order to come out on top.

As the world’s number 1 crowdfunding site for sports, we have worked with thousands of athletes from almost every sport known to man, to help them raise money for their sport through crowdfunding, and the below 10 sports the hardest sports to master.

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Bull Riding


These guys are die hard tough nuts, dedicating their lives to taming a 1600-1700 pound bull.

Every time they saddle up in the pen, they’re getting ready to hold on for dear life as a raging bull does its best to buck the rider off its back and stomp them into the ground.

The 10 most Dangerous sports


hardest sports

Training for any sport can be difficult. The number of hours that goes into perfecting your technique or form can equate to years. But do you know what’s tougher? Training a horse. And not just training a horse for one event, but three different disciplines – dressage, cross-country and show jumping. You want tough? You got it.

Big Wave Surfing

hardest sports

very time a big wave surfer takes to the waves they are putting their lives on the line. These guys don’t just surf normal waves, but rather waves that often measure close to 100 feet.

The most skilful sports

The sport demands incredible surfing ability and nerves of absolute steel as surfers battle unpredictable and dangerous conditions, from Ireland’s Atlantic coast to Hawaii.


hardest sports

Incredibly quick footwork, the ability to throw accurate, fast and powerful punches for 12 three-minute rounds while also trying to avoid punches from an opponent who is intent on knocking you out.

We answer the age old question “What’s the fittest sport” 

Any boxer of any level will tell you that taking blow after blow from an opponent doubles the speed at which energy drains from your body. These guys belong to the hardest sports list.


hardest sports

Similar to boxing in that the sport demands throwing and taking hits, MMA also requires its athletes to master an array of fighting styles which they must adopt and utilise mid-fight to get the better of their opponent. As well as this, both MMA and boxing are ranked among the hardest sports because each fight takes months of gruelling training and preparation, unlike the weekly training soccer players go through, for example.

The easiest sports to play

Water Polo

hardest sports

With a lot of kicking and grabbing going on under the surface and all sorts of sly blows in the water, polo is highly physical. Water polo receives a boost to skill level, as the game itself is supplemented by the need to not drown during it.

Try going to your local pool and treading water for more than 30 minutes, then imagine playing an intense contact sport in that time, and you will realise why water polo is among the hardest sports.

The 5 ultimate endurance sports 


hardest sports

Ever wondered what a Super Olympics would look like? Well, that’s more or less what Decathlon is. We’re talking ten events over two days, absolute survival of the fittest. These athletes must be extremely proficient in sprinting, hurdling, long jump, high jump, shot put, discus, pole vault, 400m, 1500m and javelin if they are to prevail as a winner.

Some of the multi disciplines sports such a Decathlon and the ultra -Icosathlon definitely rank up there too with the hardest sports.

The weirdest and wildest sports


hardest sports

Rugby blends different disciplines together like power, endurance, tactical nuance, skill and mental resilience.

The fastest sport in the world

The modern game sees the ball in play for longer periods of play, crossing between anaerobic and aerobic expenditure, before throwing in physical contact to sap that last bit of energy available.

Ironman Triathlon

hardest sports

It’s one thing for them to run 26 miles, but it’s an entirely other challenge to hone a perfect technique for swimming through kilometres of ice-cold water before gathering breakneck speed on a road bike after leaving the freezing swim behind. True pioneers of our hardest sports list.

The 8 slowest sports you can play


hardest sports

Played with an ash stick (hurley) and a rock-hard ball (sliotar), hurling is the fastest field sport on earth.

The skill required to control, catch, pass and score puts hurling firmly on the list of toughest sports. Couple those skills with the physical demands of 70 minutes of non-stop sprinting, tackling and tactical nuance and you would be hard-pressed to find a sport much tougher.

The most watched sports globally 

Ice Hockey

hardest sports

The sport not only demands the ability of an elite speed skater but fantastic hand-eye coordination and control of the puck. The physical demands of the sport are so tough that in the off-season, players practice holding their breath to build their oxygen intake and increase efficiency. Taking in optimum levels of oxygen is key to keeping a player moving on the ice and able to come out on top in physical duels with the opposition.

The most mentally challenging sports 

PledgeSports is a revolutionary crowdfunding & sponsorship platform dedicated to sport.

Are you or someone you know raising money for sport ? If so, get in touch with us via in**@pl**********.org, or visit www.pledgesports.org and hit “Create A Campaign” to start raising money today!

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Table of Contents

  1. What skills make a soccer player successful?
  2. What are the chances of becoming a professional soccer player?
  3. What is the easiest sport to play in the world?
  4. What is the safest sport?
  5. What is the most boring sport?
  6. What’s the most dangerous sport 2020?
  7. What sport has the most injuries 2020?
  8. What is the least dangerous sport?
  9. Is soccer the most dangerous sport?
  10. Which sport is richest?
  11. What is the poshest sport in the world?
  12. Is equestrian a rich sport?
  13. What sport gives the most scholarships?
  14. What’s the easiest sport to get a scholarship?
  15. What are the easiest scholarships to get?
  16. What sport has the most scholarships for girls?
  17. What percentage of college athletes are on scholarship?
  18. What is a good athletic scholarship offer?
  19. How many Division 1 NCAA athletes are there?
  20. Is FBS or FCS better?
  21. How many d1 athletes get full rides?
  22. What GPA do you need to play d1 sports?

The Hardest Sports In The World

What skills make a soccer player successful?

Good technique has 4 key elements:

  • Ball control. Ball control refers to a player’s ability to collect the ball and gain control of it using all parts of the body including feet, legs, chest, and head.
  • Dribbling skills.
  • Passing accuracy.
  • Body control.

What are the chances of becoming a professional soccer player?

Men’s Soccer — NCAA senior players drafted by a Major League Soccer (MLS) team: Less than one in 50, or 1.9 percent. — High school senior players eventually drafted by an MLS team: About one in 1,250, or 0.08 percent.

What is the easiest sport to play in the world?

Easiest Sports to Play in 2021

  • Ping pong or Table Tennis. Ping-pong. Number 10 spot in this list of top 10 easiest sports to play in 2021, holds by Ping pong.
  • Baseball. Baseball.
  • Volleyball. Volleyball.
  • Bowling. Bowling.
  • Golf. Golf.
  • Tug of war. Tug-of-war.
  • Swimming. Swimming.
  • Cycling. Cycling.
  • Bull Riding. These guys are die hard tough nuts, dedicating their lives to taming a 1600-1700 pound bull.
  • Eventing. Training for any sport can be difficult.
  • Big Wave Surfing. very time a big wave surfer takes to the waves they are putting their lives on the line.
  • Boxing.
  • MMA.
  • Water Polo.
  • Decathlon.
  • Rugby.

What is the safest sport?

Swimming is the safest sport to take part in. Its easy on the joints and can be an aid in recovery after an injury so making it the safest sport in America. A study by researchers at The University of Colorado Denver lead by PhD….Top Five Safest Sports to Play

  1. Swimming.
  2. Cheerleading.
  3. Golf.
  4. Track and Field.
  5. Baseball.

What is the most boring sport?

Top 10 most boring sports to watch

  • #10> TEST CRICKET. Red Bull for everybody, please!
  • #9> CYCLING. Put marathon runners on a machine with two tires, two handles and two peddles and you create a different sport with all the same ingredients.
  • #8> BASEBALL.
  • #7> NASCAR.
  • #6> DARTS.
  • #5> GOLF.
  • #4> MARATHON.
  • #3> LAWN BOWLS.

What’s the most dangerous sport 2020?

Here are our most dangerous sports in the world.

  • Rugby.
  • Polo.
  • Bull Fighting.
  • Bull Riding.
  • Scuba Diving.
  • Skiing. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that skiing is dangerous.
  • Cheerleading. Cheerleaders fall hard.
  • Street Luge. Believe it or not, this uniform will usually keep luge riders safe.

What sport has the most injuries 2020?


What is the least dangerous sport?

This research has identified some of the safer sports for high school students.

  • Swimming. The safest sport for both male and female student athletes turns out to be swimming.
  • Cheerleading.
  • Volleyball.
  • Track.
  • Baseball.
  • Girls’ gymnastics.
  • Boys’ Basketball.
  • Girls’ Lacrosse.

Is soccer the most dangerous sport?

Certainly, soccer is not a super dangerous sport, but it is not for weak people either. You need to stand strong most of the time, otherwise you will be in more risk of suffering a serious injury.

Which sport is richest?

  • Dak Prescott. Football. $107.5M. $97.5M. $10M.
  • LeBron James. Basketball. $96.5M. $31.5M. $65M.
  • Neymar. Soccer. $95M. $76M. $19M.
  • Roger Federer. Tennis. $90M. $30K. $90M.
  • Lewis Hamilton. Auto Racing. $82M. $70M. $12M.
  • Tom Brady. Football. $76M. $45M. $31M.
  • Kevin Durant. Basketball. $75M. $31M. $44M.
  • Stephen Curry. Basketball. $74.5M. $34.5M. $40M.

These Are The 4 Most Expensive Sports In The Whole World

  • 1) Equestrian. This ‘sport’ involves running, steeple chasing, and vaulting while riding a horse.
  • 2) Formula 1. To be a Formula One racer, you need to have your own car.
  • 3) Sailing.
  • 4) Wingsuiting.

Is equestrian a rich sport?

The niche sport of equestrian show jumping has caught the eye of some of the wealthiest people in the world. For those who can afford to take part in competitions, show jumping offers millions of dollars of prize money and international glory.

What sport gives the most scholarships?


What’s the easiest sport to get a scholarship?

As we said before, lacrosse, ice hockey, and baseball are the easiest men’s sports to get a scholarship in. A good way to measure this is by looking at the percentage of high school athletes that advance to play in college and receive some kind of athletic scholarship.

What are the easiest scholarships to get?

Top 8 Easy Scholarships

  • AFSA High School Scholarship.
  • Because College Is Expensive Scholarship.
  • Dr. Pepper Tuition Give-Away.
  • Easy Money Scholarship.
  • Valentine’s Day Scholarship.
  • “No Essay” College Scholarship.
  • ScholarshipPoints $10,000 Scholarship.
  • You Deserve It Scholarship.

What sport has the most scholarships for girls?

Head-count sports include football, men’s and women’s basketball, and women’s volleyball (though women’s tennis and gymnastics sometimes fall into this equation). Division I schools offer as many as 85 full scholarships for football, 13 for men’s basketball, 15 for women’s basketball and 12 for women’s volleyball.

What percentage of college athletes are on scholarship?

According to the National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA), only about 2% of high school students earn athletic scholarships for college. In 2017, 181,306 student-athletes received a sports scholarship, out of the 7.3 million high school student-athletes there were in the same year.

What is a good athletic scholarship offer?

The average athletic scholarship is about $10,400 per year, or $8,700 if you don’t account for the more generous scholarships usually reserved for men’s football and basketball players.

How many Division 1 NCAA athletes are there?

According to the NCAA, there are 351 Division I schools, 308 Division II schools, and 443 Division III schools. To give you a better idea of size and how these divisions compare, about 176,000 student athletes compete at the Division I level.

Is FBS or FCS better?

FBS teams have higher game attendance requirements and more players receiving athletic scholarships than FCS teams.

How many d1 athletes get full rides?

How do you get a full-ride athletic scholarship? Most student-athletes do not receive a full-ride scholarship—in fact, only 1 percent do. Still, full-ride scholarships as the goal for many athletes, as they typically cover tuition and fees, books, room and board, supplies, and sometimes even living expenses.

What GPA do you need to play d1 sports?

What GPA do you need to be eligible for the NCAA? The minimum GPA you can have and still be NCAA eligible for DI is a 2.3 GPA and a 900 SAT or 75 ACT sum score.

What is the hardest sport in the world? For a long time there has been a debate around which sport is the toughest in the world and this article will rank the hardest sports based on difficulty.

Athletes are by nature persons who like to compete. They are able to overcome difficulties both in training and during contests thanks to their desire to be the greatest.

Athletes’ desire to compete with others in sports outside of their main one doesn’t necessarily start and finish with the competition among themselves and the other athletes in their own sport.

In an attempt to “compete” in a hypothetical head-to-head matchup of their sport against that of their friends or all other sports in general, they may try to convince others that their sport is the hardest sport in the world.

Some sportsmen may assert that American football is the hardest sport, but others would counter that ice hockey is much more difficult.

What is the world’s toughest sport? What are the overall hardest sports? This article will attempt to resolve the controversy by providing an answer to the following question: What is the world’s hardest sport?

Why is one sport more difficult than another?

Sports have long been ranked according to their degree of difficulty by athletes and sports fans alike in an effort to identify one sport as the most difficult in the world.

Although various individuals or sports organisations may employ different standards or working definitions of “difficulty” in relation to an athletic endeavour, in general, harder sports call for greater effort, power, fitness, strength, endurance, body involvement, and ability.

As can be seen, because there are so many criteria to take into account at once, ranking the complexity of sports becomes incredibly tough.

Even websites that attempt to adopt a scientific approach—assigning numerical scores for each criterion for each sport and then ranking them based on their composite scores—really merely present an exaggerated subjective judgement that passes for an objective science.

After all, putting a numerical value on how much “skill” is necessary for playing water polo or how much “endurance” is necessary for playing soccer is subjective, especially when you take into account the various positions and the fact that there are likely other elements that could be included in the rating system.

Having said that, these kinds of organised techniques that attempt to measure qualitative features in a way that is as scientific as possible are unquestionably superior to selecting and ranking the most difficult sports in the world arbitrarily.

Most difficult sports according to ESPN

An analysis ESPN published a few years ago is considered one of the more well-known “definitive” lists of the toughest sports in the world.

10 traits or skills that make up the athleticism needed for a sport are rated on a scale of 1 to 10 for the ESPN rankings of the physically taxing sports in the world.

A final ranking of the world’s hardest sports was determined by averaging the scores from the 60 sports, which were scored individually by each of the eight panellists.

The top 10 most difficult sports in the world, according to their rankings, are as follows: boxing, Ice hockey, American football, basketball, wrestling, mixed martial arts, tennis, gymnastics, baseball and soccer (boxing hardest and soccer at 10).

Despite the fact that we have our own opinions about some of these and that we think some should have made the top 10, this is a relatively reasonable list.

Other Sources

The top 10 hardest sports to play in the world in 2022, according to Sports Virsa, are as follows: water polo, boxing, American football, mixed martial arts, ice hockey, gymnastics, basketball, soccer, and wrestling.

Bleacher Report’s take on the seemingly difficult goal of selecting the toughest sports in the world was another extremely thorough and quantitative approach. They gave each of the six characteristics of each sport (speed, endurance, strength, agility, skill level, and physicality) a score out of 10, added the scores, and then used these final “toughness ratings” out of 60 to rank the sum of the scores.

The difficulty of a sport increases with its toughness grade. According to their evaluations of each sport’s characteristics, the following list of the world’s hardest sports, in no particular order: Aussie rules, boxing, rugby, ice hockey, American football, hurling, gymnastics, basketball, and gaelic football are among the sports that are offered, with water polo at number one.

The top 10 most difficult sports in the world, according to Top End Sports, are rugby (number one) and the rest as follows (in no particular order): freestyle wrestling, horseback riding, bull riding, water polo, figure skating, motocross, swimming, gymnastics, boxing, and, in reverse order, swimming, horseback riding, bull riding, and figure skating.

Despite the fact that this list is significantly different from the majority of the others, it contains some solid selections and highlights several underappreciated sports.

As can be seen, there is no consensus on a list of the world’s toughest sports, but let’s look at some of the world’s toughest sports and what makes them so difficult.

Close Calls

Before getting into the bona-fide top 10, here are a few honourable mentions that did not quite make the list.


One of the few unexpected items on the list is soccer. The fact that the game is played nonstop over two 45-minute sessions, requiring physical contact, speed, agility, and some ability, is one of the factors. Soccer is mentioned despite not having a high performance in any one area of speed, strength etc.


Tennis, another seemingly inconspicuous sport that has climbed the rankings significantly and it has some respectable stats despite never being a top scorer. Just ask John Isner or Nicolas Mahut how challenging it may be.

Ironman Triathlon

This sport should be among the most difficult in the world, just by the name alone. The ironman has the highest endurance requirement of any sport but didn’t make the top 10 because of some subpar requirements in skill and coordination.

The 3.8 km swim and 180 km of riding in an ironman triathlon are followed by a marathon (42km). All endurance competitions are represented by the Ironman in this article.

10: Gymnastics

What? Gymnastics! Are you serious here?

Yes, this article is, and what is really surprising is that gymnastics didn’t appear higher on the list.

Even though there aren’t many heavy blows and tough tackles, these athletes still put a lot more strain on their bodies in the pursuit of excellence. Most people would be exhausted after just one day of training with this group, yet they do it daily.

These athletes are extremely skillful, have incredible agility, and have the strength to match, as evidenced by their performance on parallel bars, beams, floor routines, vault, and many other events.

Gymnastics lost points for physicality because of the solo nature of the sport, but I’m sure everyone who has ever competed will agree that it deserves to be in the top 10.

Watch some television gymnastics the next time you have the chance, if you can’t get to see it live (even better) then try to convince us that it isn’t difficult.

9: Gaelic Football

Embed from Getty Images

Irish Gaelic football is still purely an amateur sport and is a part of the Gaelic Games. Players can pass the ball with either their feet or their hands in this sport that is something of a cross between rugby and soccer.

Players are allowed to move about a big, rectangular area that is substantially larger than a soccer field, engage in shoulder-to-shoulder combat, and tackle opponents with one hand.

The game, which lasts 70 minutes, offers the participants little rest as they go around the field in an effort to score points by passing the ball through a set of rugby/football posts (one point) or a soccer-style goal (three points).

This is a difficult sport because there are no protective equipment like pads or helmets, and everyone who participates does it out of pride. They are not just referred to as the battling Irish as a joke.

8: Hurling

hurling, hardest sports

Jeff Meade from Philadelphia, US, CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Ireland’s population is a rough bunch.

Hurling is the second Gaelic Games sport to make the top 10. Even though the sport attracts crowds of up to 80,000 spectators at Croke Park in Dublin, it is entirely amateur.

In many aspects, hurling is similar to Gaelic football, with the exception that this game is played with large sticks and a ball that looks like a baseball.

The extra speed of the game and the talent required to catch and strike the ball propelled hurling further up the list despite scoring similarly to Gaelic football in most areas.

My cousin has first hand experience with how difficult it can be, and he’s not eager to return to the pitch where 15 men are pursuing the ball with sticks.

7: Basketball

Basketball, hardest sports

This was the surprise entry for me. Basketball would have been forgotten without the application of such a highly precise and complex system, but it is now ranked number 7 (sui).

But when you think about it, basketball is actually quite difficult.

Even with rolling substitutions, moving up and down the court keeps endurance scores at a respectable level, and the speed and agility needed to move about further boost its rank.

Basketball’s talent requirement is where it really distinguishes itself from other team sports. Basketball requires delicate dribbling and shooting in addition to explosive jumping to dunk, block, and rebound the ball.

Basketball ranks comfortably in the top 10 despite having a low physicality requirement recently due to the “no-contact” feature; just think how much fun contact basketball would be! Referees now are much more strict than they used to be.

6: American Football

American football, hardest sports

how many rings does Kevin Durant have?

One of the favourites, and undoubtedly one of the top choices of any American sports fan, football, is just outside the top five.

Football was always going to be a contender for the top five because it has high requirements for physicality and strength, but even while some positions call for particular qualities, it falls short in other categories.

When compared to some of the other finalists, football dropped a few down in terms of talent, but endurance was the deciding factor.

Football will never catch up to other sports in terms of stamina, no matter how harsh the hitting or how quick the action is. Football players are certainly physically robust and resilient, but even diehard fans of the sport would agree that compared to a continuous game, they have it easy.

Football might move up the list if it were played the entire time as if it were a team down five points with no timeouts left in the last minute.

5: Ice Hockey

ice hockey, hardest sports

Forget the fighting; it’s not even taken into account here; hockey comes in fifth on merit alone.

Even with the replacements, sixty minutes of sprinting around the ice chasing a little puck with large sticks is a lot of work. However, ice hockey requires relatively little endurance in comparison to the amount of skill and teamwork it takes to be successful on the ice.

The strength and agility employed as players struggle with one other on the ice, swirling around and changing direction often, are clearly visible in the apparently endless YouTube clips of heavy impacts.

And even for skaters, these guys move quickly.

However, when the entire game is considered, hockey players’ skill levels are what earned them high marks. Field hockey players are aware that dribbling with a stick and ball while skating is extraordinary because it is difficult enough to perform when walking.

One of the toughest sports is ice hockey, in fact if this list were the sports I find the hardest, ice-hockey would be number 1.

4: Rugby

rugby, hardest sports

Rugby is frequently regarded as “a hooligan’s game played by gentlemen,” and in some ways, that description fits.

Imagine playing American football without any protective equipment, but instead of the game being stopped at every tackle, the teams would pile in and battle for the ball.

As there is no forward passing, you must get through the defence rather than over it if you want to score.

The fact that there are no flashy superstars in this sport says alot about the game and the respect with which it is held; if you act showy off the field, someone will undoubtedly bring you back to reality on it.

Even the kicker (fly-half) needs to play the entire game and participate in the tackles. These players continue to hit and play (known as phases in rugby). There are no breaks in play.

Try watching rugby if you’ve never done so; the Rugby World Cup is taking place in France in 2023, and you should try and catch a match. Try to disagree with fourth place after watching a game.

3: Aussie Rules

Embed from Getty Images

The sport of “footy,” as it is affectionately known by locals, is incredibly well-liked, especially in the Melbourne region. It is essentially unknown outside of Australia.

Footy is a sport played on a sizable oval field (essentially a cricket pitch) using a large American football-shaped ball. To score points, a team must pass the ball through a set of posts placed at the opposite ends of the oval.

Players must bounce the ball when running, and passing is limited to kicking or punching the ball; throwing is not permitted. The skill level is high. Even the best NFL receivers would be in awe of some of the catches, or “marks,” as they are termed.

Pass interference rules are never used when a catch is challenged, and contact is almost encouraged!

Additionally, it would be difficult to watch the entire game without shuddering at the tackles because the players, who embody the pinnacle of Australian manliness, not only play without pads but also in exceedingly short shorts and without sleeves.

Many wannabe footy tourists who have lived in Australia, eventually give the “how difficult can it be” speech before playing their first game. They will tell you, it’s damn hard! The majority of people are shocked and scared simply by the size of the playing field.

2: Boxing

There isn’t much more that needs to be stated, in my opinion.

Boxing comes in at No.2 and serves as a spokesman for combat sports (MMA etc have been left out in lieu of boxing but are embodied by it). It takes some serious strength to enter a ring and attempt to hit another man so hard that he collapses to the ground.

It is hardly surprising that boxing has high requirements across the board for physicality and strength. Even with its relative lack of skill to a layman, boxing still manages to earn a spot among the top three most difficult sports in the world, narrowly beating out rugby because it was believed that the attitude of knowing you’re going to get punched and hit during a game deserved to win the match between the two from a physical perspective.

1: Water Polo

water polo, hardest sports

This Olympic sport, which is sometimes disregarded in discussions, is recognised as the most difficult in the world, in other words, the hardest sport.

Water polo is played in water, much like the land-based handball that was not too far from the list itself.

Polo is very physical, with lots of kicking and grabbing going on below the surface and all kinds of sneaky strikes in the water. Polo obtains a boost in skill since the game itself is reinforced by the necessity to avoid drowning, just like ice hockey did when it was played on ice.

It is frequently forgotten that players must travel through the water quickly and forcefully, and more significantly, that they are not allowed to contact the ground.

You’ll understand why water polo scored so highly for endurance if you go to your neighbourhood pool and tread water for more than 30 minutes, then picture playing a hard contact sport in that time.

It is regarded as a minority sport frequently but is incredibly common in eastern Europe and is undoubtedly the toughest sport in the world.


We hope you have enjoyed this article of the top ten sports ranked by difficulty and have found out useful information about the world’s hardest sports.


What is the hardest sport? Water Polo

In all the most difficult sports, there is always more hardship and difficulty than what meets the eye. Be it in the process of selection or performance; it is mandatory for players to present the skills and capabilities of their minds and their bodies.

In some sports, key skills required are athleticism, speed, and agility, while many other sports require keeping the mind in the game. Some sports require players to be slow, steady, and patient.

Most Difficult Sports | Hardest And Most Demanding Sports

In many sports, the cardiovascular measures of the athletes play a vital role, while in others, knowing the complex rules of the game and using the rules in one’s favor is what is important. Be it the physical demands or mental strength, the overall durability demanded of a player increases the difficulty level of a game. So, let us look at the 10 most difficult sports in the world.

11. Boxing


Boxing definitely deserves its place in this list of top 10 difficult sports in 2023, we have Boxing.

It is, again, a fighting sport that requires two people to box against each other in a ring.

This game also has high chances of bruises and injuries. Also, sometimes the games can be easily rigged and pre-planned.

That increases the chances of bigger and more serious injuries. This sport has already witnessed some of the greatest boxers of all time who dominated the world.

10. Gymnastics


Gymnastics is a complex sport that needs physical strength, flexibility, grace, agility, power, coordination, balance, and control. The Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique was founded in 1881.

It governs competitive gymnastic events internationally, with each country having its own national governing body. Modern gymnastics was first developed by three pioneer physical educators in late eighteenth and early nineteenth-century Germany, in the form of exercises for young men and boys, on apparatus.

Of the gymnastic events, competitive gymnastics is considered the best known. The men’s events include a high bar, parallel bars, vault, still rings, pommel horse, and floor exercise.

While the women’s events included vault, floor exercise, balance beam, and uneven bars, gymnastics actually evolved from the exercises used by the ancient Greeks.

9. Swimming


Swimming is a type of water sport where swimmers try to swim as fast as possible with various strokes such as Butterfly stroke, Backstroke, Breaststroke, and Freestyle.

The Fédération Internationale de Natation currently governs this sport internationally.

The earliest reference to swimming was found in paintings. Swimming now holds its place among the most demanding sports in the World.

Besides, it also deserves its mention as one of the most difficult sports in the world.

8. Skiing


Next on the list of hardest sports, Skiing is a form of ice sport where contestants use skis to glide on snow. The word “Ski” is derived from “skíð,” an Old Norse word that means “split piece of wood or firewood.”

The International Olympic Committee and the International Ski Federation currently govern this game. Skiing was first primarily used solely for transport. And during the 18th century, Norway started to host Military ski races.

Two main genres of this sport, Alpine Skiing, and Nordic Skiing, were developed in the 1930s. Slalom, Giant Slalom, Super-G, Alpine skiing combined, and Downhill then became the main disciplines of Alpine skiing.

Cross-country, Telemark, Ski touring, Skijoring, and Ski-flying are the main discipline of Nordic skiing.

7. Motor Cross

Motor Cross

Motocross is a form of off-road motorcycle racing on enclosed off-road circuits. It is one of the most physically-demanding sports and is usually organized in all weather conditions. Motocross actually originated from motorcycle trial competitions in the United Kingdom.

The earliest reference to the origin of this sport can be found in the first quarterly trial of the Auto-Cycle Clubs in 1906 and the Scottish Six Days Trial in 1909.  And now, there are several greatest motocross racers who dominated this sport.

The word “Motocross” is a combination of Motocyclette, the French word for motorcycle, with “cross country.” Camberley town in Surrey hosted the first-ever scramble race or modern Motocross in 1924.

The FIM Motocross World Championship, the AMA Motocross Championship, British Motocross Championship, and Motocross des Nations are the major event of Motocross. Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme now governed this sport.

6. Figure Skating

Figure Skating

Figure Skating is a type of sport where teams, duos, or individual skaters perform on figure skates on ice. Men’s singles, ladies’ singles, ice dancing, and pair skating are the four main Olympic disciplines of this game.

Figure Skating was first introduced in the 1908 Summer Olympics in London as the first winter sport in the Olympics.

The International Skating Union is the governing body of international Figure Skating that includes the Winter Olympics, the World Championships, the Four Continents Championships, the European Championships, and the Grand Prix of skating.

Figure skating blades used in this sport are typically 4.7mm thick with a slight curve of an arc of a circle having a radius of 180-220cm. Figure skaters usually perform spins, lifts,  jumps, throw jumps, moves in the field, death spirals, and various other moves.

5. Water Polo

Water Polo

Water polo is a team water sport consisting of four periods where two teams attempt to score goals by throwing the ball into the opponent’s net. Each team in this game consists of six field players and one goalkeeper in the water.

Water Polo is typically played in at least 1.8 meters deep pools with a water polo ball that floats on the water. The game comprises swimming, catching, and shooting the ball using a single hand.

The game actually originated as a sort of “water rugby” in the late 19th century in Scotland. William Wilson first organized a set of rules for a team water ball game called “aquatic football” in 1877.

The Bon Accord Festival on the banks of the River Dee in Aberdeen, Scotland, hosted the first-ever game of Aquatic Football or Water Polo in the late 19th century. Fédération Internationale de Natation is the governing body of this game on the international level.

4. Bull Riding

Bull Riding

Bull Riding is the most popular type of Rodeo sport, where the rider attempts to stay mounted while the bull attempts to buck off the rider. The rider must stay for eight seconds atop the bucking bull.

And due to the risk, this brief moment is often dubbed “the most dangerous eight seconds in sports.” Bull riding actually originated from the Mexican Charreada. One of the earliest variants of Bull Riding, called Jaripeo, a hacienda contest, was developed during the 16th century when the riders rode the bull until it stopped bucking or till the rider died.

A Texas Ranger named H. L. Kinney staged the first Anglo-American organized bullfight in 1852 in the southwest.

Both the rider and the bull earn from 0 to 50 points from two judges based on several fundamental aspects of the event. Cowboy boots and hats are the additional attractions of these sports besides the riding.

3. Horseback Riding

Horseback Riding

Horseback Riding or Equestrianism involves steeplechasing or vaulting with horses and riding horses. Jockeys trained the horses to perform a set of skills on the course or to achieve great speed. The coordination between the horse and the jockey or the horse rider has a great impact on the event.

Many historians claim that men started to ride trained horses in approximately 4500 BC. But, numerous other historians doubted that our ancestors started to ride horses long before this claim.

Thoroughbred horse racing or flat racing is the most popular form of these sports. The Royal Charter Jockey Club in the UK and the Jockey Club in the USA currently govern this sport.

Steeplechasing or National Hunt racing has now also become a popular variant of the sport where the horses jump over obstacles while racing on a track. The international governing body of Horseback Riding is the International Federation for Equestrian Sports.

2. Freestyle Wrestling

Freestyle Wrestling

Freestyle wrestling is a form of amateur wrestling that is practiced by many wrestling fanatics all over the world. It is one of two styles of wrestling besides the Greco-Roman Wrestling that is contested in the Olympic Games.

The ultimate goal of these sports is to pin down the opponent to the mat, which results in victory. Freestyle wrestling is one of the four main styles of global wrestling according to the international governing body for the sport, United World Wrestling.

The modern variant of freestyle wrestling actually originated as “catch-as-catch-can” wrestling in the United States and Great Britain.

Interestingly, several US presidents, such as Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, and Theodore Roosevelt, actively participated in the ‘catch-as-catch-can.’

1. Cross-Country Running

Cross Country

Cross Country Running is a type of sport where individuals or teams run a race on open-air courses, generally 4 – 12 kilometers long, over natural terrain. Fans wait for this event during autumn and winter.

But in some scenarios, players need to go through a wide range of temperatures to create maximum difficulty. Cross Country running first became popular during the 19th century in England. The schools started participating in cross-country races as early as 1837.

Wimbledon Common in southwest London hosted the first recorded national cross-country championship on 7th December 1867. The Hamilton Park Racecourse in Scotland hosted the first international cross-country race on 28th March 1903.

Since its establishment in 1973, the IAAF World Cross Country Championships has become the elite competition of the modern-day’s cross-country race.

Final Words

There is a long-standing debate as to which sport is the most demanding and hence, most difficult, so much so that it is not merely a matter of personal opinion anymore.

Sports experts have gotten together to devise their own ways to analyze which sports are the most difficult, taking into consideration various parameters such as durability, analytic aptitude, nerve, hand-eye coordination, flexibility, agility, speed, power, strength, endurance, etc.

Most Difficult Sports | 2023 Infographics

Most Difficult Sports - Infographics

Infographics: Most Difficult Sports

Judging the level of hardness of a sport is not necessarily a matter of expert opinion. Sports fanatics have their own varied opinions in this regard. Irrespective of how hard a sport is, the fans of the sport definitely stay loyal to their favorite game and its players.

So, we hope that you liked our list, and it’s your turn now. Let us know in the comments which sports you think are the most difficult sports.

FAQs Regarding Most Difficult Sports

Q. What sport has the most injuries?

Injuries occur most frequently in basketball. Despite being a popular sport, basketball is among the most dangerous for players of all ages. It is played by 26 million youngsters between the ages of 12 and 17 each year. The United States treated 570,000 players for injuries in 2012, and 8,000 of these players were hospitalized.

Q. What sport causes the most broken bones?

Volleyball had the lowest fracture rate (0.52 per 10 000 athlete exposures), while football had the highest (4.61 per 10 000). Girls sustained fractures at a higher rate than boys in basketball (rate ratio, 1.35; 95% confidence interval, 1.06-1.72); and soccer (rate ratio, 1.34; 95% confidence interval, 1.05-1.71).

Q. What is the hardest sport mentally?

Swimming is widely known as the hardest sport mentally. The fact that swimming is the number one most mentally challenging sport in the world may surprise most people. A lot of swimming professionals fall into a cycle of self-sabotage.

Q. What is the least stressful sport?

The least stressful sports were skiing/snowboarding, track and field, skateboarding, and soccer. According to parents, coaches (3.7 average) are the most common sources of pressure for their children in sports. Parental pressure is less than peer pressure, parents say.

Last Updated On: April 2023

What is the hardest sport in the world? Read on to find out.

Sports can be entertaining to the massive crowd who happens to be just spectators – fans in the stadium or boxing arena, or viewers watching from the TV screen. However, the athletes involved in sports know the pain it takes to achieve success among the various games.

These tough sports need physical strength and balance to an athlete’s speed and disposition. It also requires mental strength and endurance capability.

The following ten toughest sports listed below will test athletes in these forms. Fill your curiosity.

ALSO READ: Top-10 Extreme Sports You Can Try in America

The Hardest Sports in the World – Ranked

11. Cross-Country Running

Cross Country Running – Tough Sports

Cross-country running is a kind of sport that will test your endurance limits and mental strengths.

Firstly the long miles can be daunting odds. Runners often finish off before finishing the race. Then, there could be rising health issues due to long-distance running like a sudden ache, hurting feet, blurry vision, or pulled muscle.

The weather also comes into play in determining the difficulty of the sport. Sometimes races can be scheduled on extremely sunny days, which can be another obstacle to runners, leading to quick de-hydration.

Cross-country running is one of the toughest sports, for it requires physical strengths, mental strengths, and emotional strengths.

RELATED: Top-10 Fastest Runners In The World

10. Freestyle Wrestling

Now, this is different from the WWE wrestling that frequently graces our TV screens. Freestyle Wrestling is combat sports, which involves two opponents aiming to pin each other down on an octagonal mat with a circle inside.

It is a physically demanding sport that requires an ample amount of strength. It is tasking with a high chance of internal injury risk.

ALSO READ: Top-10 Greatest WWE Wrestlers Of All-Time

9. Horseback Riding

Steeplechase - Horseback Riding - Tough Sports

Photo: Paul Holloway

Horseback riding is a partnership kind of sport. A team effort, but unlike other team sports, your teammate in this sport is an animal you can’t precisely blurb out instructions or communicate.

The sport involves jockeys (horse riders) riding horses and steeplechasing with horses, which isn’t easy. Jockeys beforehand train their horses on increased speed and several skills set.

The jockey has to get familiar with their horse and build a sense of coordination with it, which would prove very useful during competitive events.

RELATED: Top-10 Major Horse Racing Events Worldwide

8. Bull Riding

Bull Riding is not just among the most challenging sports but a dangerous one. It is not an option for the weak. Only the brave participate in this dangerous sport.

The risk this sports pose can be literally staring death in the eyeball. Bull riding requires riders to stay mounted on crazy wild bulls, which attempts to knock off the rider. The rider must stay atop the bucking bull for eight seconds.

Trying to keep your balance on a wild beast that is nothing but your opponents is more than challenging, and that is the beauty of the sport.

Scary, and entertaining, bull riding can turn out to be bloody. The eight seconds riders are meant to stay on the jerky bucking bull has been termed the most dangerous eight seconds in the sports world.

7. Water Polo

Water Polo - Hard Sport

Photo: Jared Gray

Ever seen American football? Water polo is similar except that it is played in the water in a deep pool of at least 1.8 meters.

The sport involves two teams aiming to score goals with a floating water ball by throwing the ball into each other’s nets.

Water polo is a hard sport as it combines swimming along with catching and shooting with a single hand. Football, plus swimming, make up water polo.

6. Figure Skating

Figure Skating is one grueling strenuous sports. For one, fellow sports competitors are tough and fierce in skating, driven with a mad passion for victory.

Just a few minutes of skating activity can drain an athlete’s whole strength; he or she wouldn’t have the power to mumble “I give up.” Second is an athlete finding his or her balance.

The weight of the body is all coming down under four millimeter thick blades.

So while an athlete does the fling and jumps and various footwork, he or she must take every step with an intuitive sense of coordination and strength: a mistake results in a brutal fall.

The fall is another factor that makes up for the difficulty of the sport. Painful and frequent they are which results not just in bruises, but broken bones, dislocated joints, fractures. Figure Skating is not a sport for the chicken-hearted.

5. Motocross

Best Motocross Riders Of All-Time

Photo credit: Simon Cudby / Husqvarna

Motocross sports initially developed from motorcycle trials. It is one ardent, physically demanding sport.

Riders have to compete in races in off-road circuits not compatible with smooth riding, with lots of pathway obstacles in forms of sudden turns, an excessive amount of sandy path.

They make it almost impossible for riders to speed across a lot of riding jumps and landing.

It takes a great deal of mental focus to get to the finishing round alone, and it saps a lot of strength. Unsurprisingly, some riders seek PED help to excel in the sport, which is illegal.

However, the game has seen the greatest dominate it and conquer all difficulty posed by the sport’s competitiveness.

RELATED: Top-15 Best Motocross Riders Of All-Time

4. Swimming

Swimming – Toughest Sports

Photo: Isiwal

Only a few are knowledgeable that the first reference of swimming was from a painting. From the colors of art, it has developed over the centuries into a competitive sport.

This sport is a strength demanding one as breaking through the water in strokes compares to pushing the weight.

Still, the competition has seen swimmers master the art of swimming and break through the barrier of difficulty in the sport.

3. Gymnastics

Gymnastics  - Simone Biles - Rio 2016

Simone Biles – (Photo: Agência Brasil Fotografias)

Gymnastics is a competitive sport that requires lots of strength and flexibility. It requires enormous agility, stamina, balance, discipline body control, and coordination to become a core master in the sport.

Therefore, it is one of the hardest sports in the new century. Modernity in the gymnastics came via its development through three physical educators in the nineteenth century, teaching it in the form of exercises on apparatus.

It was the birth of modern gymnastics and has since skyrocketed into a competitive sports event for both male and female gender in the twentieth century.

2. Boxing

Boxing - Brutal, Dangerous & Toughest Sports

Photo: Boxing AIBA

Boxing is a sport that involves two opponents fighting in a ring aiming to earn points by successfully throwing punches at each other. Highly dangerous and challenging, boxing is arguably the hardest sport in the world.

It boasts a high chance of life-threatening injuries. Many legendary boxers who have come and dominated the sports and gone have had to battle severe health ailments years after retirement.

Fighters receive endless praise, for, despite the risk, they partake in the game for the fans’ entertainment.

1. Rugby

Rugby just might be the hardest sport in the world, it combines athleticism with toughness you don’t see in most sports, It is similar to American Football in that way, but without all the protective gear.

Rugby is played mostly without any gear, and the players can clash and connect with one another in high speeds and perform tackles that can be cruel to watch sometimes.

For these reason and more, rugby is probably the toughest sport in the world and for good reason it is #1 on this list.

ALSO READ: Top-20 Extreme Sports In The World Right Now

Please feel free to share your thoughts about these toughest and most physically demanding sports, in our comments section below.

Before diving into the list of the hardest sports in the world, let’s try to figure out why is it so hard? The general idea is that when people perform certain sports, they are pushing their bodies to the limit. Many of these sports are competition-based. For example, in track and field, it’s common to see competitors run a mile under a minute, climb a mountain in under 2 hours, or swim a mile in under a minute. These events are incredibly competitive and require a lot of effort.

If you are looking for sports that we could safely say will make your heart race, put your body through unimaginable pain, make your muscles ache and cramp, and leave you physically exhausted, then we are right to call this the hardest sport in the world.

  1. Top 10 Hardest Sports In The World:
    • 1. Gymnastics
    • 2. Swimming
    • 3. Figure Skating
    • 4. Boxing
    • 5. Water Polo
    • 6. Motocross
    • 7. Wrestling
    • 8. Climbing
    • 9. Bull Riding
    • 10. Soccer/Football
  2. List of 10 More Most Physically Demanding Sports:
    • 11. Marathon Running
    • 12. Rugby
    • 13. Horseback Riding (Equestrianism)
    • 14. CrossFit
    • 15. Ice Hockey
    • 16. Rowing
    • 17. Canoeing
    • 18. Basketball
    • 19. Freestyle Wrestling
    • 20. Tennis

1. Gymnastics


In the world of gymnastics, the hardest sport known to man is considered to be the sport of gymnastics. The sport that has the most intense training, most trials, most injuries, and most heartbreak, is also considered the hardest sport in the world.

Now question is, which is the most difficult sports in the world?

It’s simple to give an answer. Gymnastics is one of the top 10 most difficult sports in the world.

Gymnastics is a sport that requires a high level of flexibility, strength, power, and an insane mental focus. If you are going to ask a gymnast to list their most difficult skills, you would hear phrases like “balance,” “coiling,” “circling on the beam,” and “rim vaulting” immediately come to mind. The list goes on and on. A gymnast is often asked to demonstrate their skills when she or he has not trained in weeks, if not months. Some gymnasts have to prove their skills at the school gym, while others have to convince judges that they are at the gym to train.

2. Swimming


There are many sports that are hard to learn, but few that are harder and less understood than swimming. One of the hardest sports in the world, swimming can have a dramatic impact on your health, and your core strength.

To some, swimming is a relaxing way to spend an afternoon. To others, it’s a sport that requires unimaginable strength and stamina. Swimming is regarded as either one of the most physically demanding or one of the most relaxing sports, depending on who you ask. If you are going to test your limits and represent your country at the Olympics, swimming will have to be on your list.

3. Figure Skating

Figure Skating

If you’ve never heard of figure skating, take a little time to read about it. It is a physically demanding sport, requiring ice skates, poles, jumps, spins, and the most difficult jumps in the sport, all while doing a full routine that takes the longest time to complete.

Figure skating, the fastest sport on ice, combines elements of both speed and grace. Despite its extreme speed, the graceful movements of skating actually allow it to happen in a relatively safe manner. Traveling across the ice at incredible speeds requires the skater to be in peak physical condition, as well as to be able to execute tricks at the same time.


The sport has been dominated by the United States and Canada, and Russian and Japanese skaters. The sport now mostly consists of domestic competitions, and international competitions are rare. One of the main reasons for the decline in international competitions is due to a large number of injuries.

4. Boxing


Boxing is one of the oldest sports in the world. It has a rich history and a colorful history, but it is one of the hardest sports in the world.

Boxing is a sport that requires tremendous strength, speed, and power. It’s also a sport that can cause serious injury to those who are not ready for it. The sport involves punching and kicking, and has many different forms of fighting styles.

Read About The Dumb Sports Here

5. Water Polo

Water Polo

Since the very first Olympic Games in 1900, water polo has been a staple of the modern pentathlon. Since the development of the modern pentathlon in the late 19th century, the sport has evolved from a simple water sport into one of the most physically demanding sports in the world. While it is widely known as the quickest sport in the Olympics, it is rarely heard about because it is not a popular or spectator sport.

 Water polo requires a lot of skill, strength, speed, endurance, and determination. It is also one of the toughest sports, being the only sport that requires both aerobic and anaerobic respiration. There are a lot of rules and regulations to follow, and some of them are even deemed illegal or unsportsmanlike. But the sport is doing its job and bringing the world the best players.

6. Motocross


Motocross is a popular form of motorized off-road racing that involves two-wheeled vehicles called motorcycles. In 1909, Motocross first started in Britain from the Auto-Cycle Clubs’ first quarterly trial.

Motocross is a very difficult sport. Competitors ride on difficult, twisting courses over rough terrain, performing stunts such as jumps, ditches, and trespassing. Any rider can participate in this sport, but you must have a dirt bike to do so.

Riders sit on the motorcycle at the front and back and use the handlebars that are connected to the two wheels to control speed and direction. It is one of the top hardest and the most physically demanding sports in the world, is best known for its steep jumps, and often perilous landings, and results in serious injuries, accidents are common.

The races are often held in outdoor stadiums or other natural terrains. Besides the physical aspect of the sport, there is also a significant technical component.

7. Wrestling


Wrestling is a combat sport that is practiced both as a recreational sport and as a contact sport.

The World Wrestling Entertainment, branded as WWE, is the largest professional wrestling company in the world.

The worldwide popularity of wrestling is compounded by its toughness in comparison to other sports. It is one of the most difficult sports in the world and requires a tremendous amount of training and stamina, qualities that have made it such a hit among young and old alike.

Wrestling also called grappling, is a combat sport involving techniques such as clinch fighting, joint locks, throws and takedowns, pins, and other grappling holds. Wrestling differs from other forms of combat in that it is a sport that is predominantly conducted by two participants in close contact while standing on the mat, with the goal of pinning the opponent’s shoulders to the mat for a fall.

8. Climbing


Climbing is a hard sport that requires you to be physically fit because you have to climb without resting. It’s also a test of endurance and mental strength, and it can be hard to do it even if you do have the right equipment.

Climbing has been called the hardest sport in the world, but it doesn’t have to be. Climbing has its drawbacks: huge amounts of time spent training, a complicated, specific sport, a horrible injury rate, and a lot of pain.

But, the benefits of climbing far outweigh any of these drawbacks. Climbing gets you outside, it gets you out of the house and away from the TV. It’s great exercise, you get taught not just by a coach but by hundreds of friends and cohorts, and it’s a great way to explore your own body and mind.

9. Bull Riding

Bull Riding

If you’ve never been to a bull-riding event, then you’re missing out on one of the most difficult sports in the world. In a sport where you ride a bucking bull for a full ten seconds, it’s only natural that there’s a lot of sweat involved. If you’re usually not a fan of sports that require vigorous exercise, then Bull Riding might not be for you.

 When you think of a sport whose participants are probably not known for their physical strength, you probably don’t think of bull riding. For many sports, strength is key to success, but bull riding is an exception. A bull can weigh up to 1,300 pounds and run at up to 45 mph, so the riders need to be incredibly strong. This is probably why bull riding is considered the hardest sport.

10. Soccer/Football


Between games of basketball and fights on the soccer field, the players involved in the sport of football are putting in a lot of work. Soccer players spend a lot of time running and doing exercises to improve their athletic ability. Football players also spend a lot of time training, and they need to be able to be fast and strong to play their game. And, like many other sports, football players need to be in great physical shape to play their game.

One of the world’s most popular sports, football has also proved a powerful driver of social change. Some people believe soccer is the easiest sport to play, others believe it’s the hardest. We believe it is the most physically demanding sport, followed by football.

List of 10 More Most Physically Demanding Sports:

The list of most physically demanding sports includes some of the most difficult things people have to do in their everyday life, but fortunately, most sports have their own unique physical demands. This makes sports challenging in terms of both the physical and mental demands, which motivates a large number of people to further their knowledge of the sport they are playing, and to improve their skills.

We already have explained above about the top ten hardest sports in the world. There are sports in the world that are Physically Demanding, and difficult. We are going to add that too:

11. Marathon Running

Marathon Running

The marathon is the ultimate test of physical endurance. No other sport involves the same level of commitment and focus as running 26.2 miles through a course consisting of hills, valleys, and thousands of other runners. Despite this, the race still boasts a very small fraction of the participants that participate in major sports such as golf and soccer.

So, why is this hard? Well, it depends on what part of the race you are running. The most difficult part is running a marathon in a speed that allows you to maintain a consistent pace. If you can maintain that pace for 26.2 miles, your body will be able to keep up and you will finish the race. This is not the case for most races, and if you are struggling,

12. Rugby


Rugby is a contact sport that involves two teams of 15 players. A rugby game is played in two halves of 45 minutes, and a match consists of up to three or four matches. Each team tries to score more tries than the opposing team.

For many people, Rugby is a sport that they have never even heard of, let alone played. It is an exciting game that is played by tough men, has a lot of running and is one of the hardest sports in america. To play the game, you need to be in top physical condition, have a great amount of fitness and stamina, and be very fit.

13. Horseback Riding (Equestrianism)

Horseback Riding (Equestrianism)

Horseback riding, also known as Equestrianism, is one of the hardest sports on earth to master, and the way it’s played is also one of the most difficult things to master.

Horseback riding is a sport that has been around for thousands of years, although the modern sport was invented in the 1800’s. It’s a sport that requires you to be in the right place, at the right time, in the right way. (think of the high jump in the Olympics, at the start of a race, and the hurdle race in the horseshoe.) A person who wants to try the sport will need to have the right amount of physical strength, endurance, and athleticism—along with a decent amount of patience.

The horse itself is the most difficult animal to handle, and it’s also the largest. In a typical sport like football, the player may run with the ball for five yards and then turn around and run back five more yards. If things are going right, the player will run 10 yards down the field and then turn around and run back 10 without touching the ball. But in horseback riding, the player must ride the horse for each “down” and turn around and ride back. That’s a lot of running, and there’s no way to speed up.

14. CrossFit


CrossFit, which was started in 2000, is a trademarked term that refers to anything that involves strength and conditioning along with gymnastics. It is based on the idea of constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity. The effectiveness of CrossFit is due to the fact that it is designed to provide a total body workout. There are multiple levels of fitness and intensity, so those with limited strength (or experience) can safely train with other beginners.

CrossFit is a high intensity workout regimen combining strength and conditioning moves, gymnastics, aerobic exercise, and anaerobic exercise.

It is designed to improve overall physical fitness, stamina, muscular endurance, and muscular strength. It is known for being one of the most difficult and anaerobic sports out there.

15. Ice Hockey

Ice Hockey

Ice Hockey is a game that involves extremely strenuous and demanding physical activity. It is played on ice, which is especially difficult to play with, and is not much different from playing traditional field hockey. The rules are also not much different from field hockey. The main difference between the two games is the hockey stick, and the different types of goals and nets. The game is played in two halves (one team against the other), and the side that scores first wins.

16. Rowing


The sport of rowing has three components: a boat, rowers and an oar. The boat is the single most important element of the sport, which is why every part of the boat has been designed to give the best performance possible. This is why the boat has a sliding seat that allows the rower to sit more comfortably than in a fixed position.

Rowing is an endurance sport that is so physically demanding that it has been called “the perfect exercise.” It’s a full-body workout that involves your arms, legs, back, and even your core. If you’ve ever tried rowing as part of a gym, you might have noticed that rowers tend to be in incredible shape. It’s a popular sport for the world and also one of the hardest sports in America.

Rowing is a sport with a number of different competitive formats, typically contested over a distance of 2,112 meters, that is the length of a non-standard distance rowing.

17. Canoeing


Canoeing is one of the top hardest and most difficult sports in the world. It is a sport in which you must learn how to swim, paddle and balance at the same time. While it may be both of these things, it is not easy. In order to learn how to canoe, you need to learn how to swim, paddle and balance.

An obsession with canoeing can begin at a young age, but to be a truly awesome canoeist, you need to be able to paddle like a pro—or at least like a decent one. This chapter will help you develop the paddling skills you need in order to progress to the next level.

There are many sports that are more difficult than canoeing. For example, skiing the whitewater of the Yukon, running the Sahara, rock climbing El Capitan, or swimming the English Channel. But canoeing can be a very physically demanding sport.

18. Basketball


Basketball is one of the hardest sports in America that is played in many other countries around the world. It consists of a ball and two baskets which are used to throw the ball into. The sport is physically demanding and requires good physical endurance. The game is very popular in the United States and has been played for a long time.

Basketball is a sport played by two teams of five players on a rectangular court. The objective is to shoot a ball through a hoop 18 inches in diameter and 10 feet high mounted to a backboard at each end.

Five players on each team may be on the court at one time. Teams switch positions clockwise after every possession. One player on each team is the center or goal-scoring guard. A center is usually the larger or more physically dominant player of the two. The center is responsible for scoring points, blocking shots, rebounding, and dunking.

19. Freestyle Wrestling

Freestyle Wrestling

Freestyle wrestling, also known as Greco-Roman wrestling, is one of the oldest sports on earth, but until recently it was one of the most difficult. This is because it requires you to move around a lot, and many people find that difficult.

Freestyle Wrestling is the most challenging of the sports, and it is also the hardest to explain. Freestyle Wrestling is like a hybrid of full-contact MMA and Olympic wrestling. It’s a combination of months of training, extremely strong upper bodies, and incredible athleticism.

Now that it’s illegal in many places to be a heavyweight, people aren’t looking to make their sport even more dangerous by being a heavyweight. So, they’re getting rid of the heavyweights, and the lighter people can compete.

20. Tennis


Tennis is a racket sport that played by two or four players that involves a racket that is strung with cord and covered with rubber. The idea is to hit a ball over a net. It has similar sport-specific terminology to that of other major sports. For instance, a winner of a match is called a “set-winner”, and a player who wins a set is called a “match-winner”. However, the terms used for the other major sports are either not used in tennis, or the meanings of the terms are much different.

Top 10 most difficult sports in the world

If someone now asks you, what are the top 10 hardest sports in America? What are the top 10 most physically demanding sports? you have gotten your answers above. We have added them one by one in this article. Hope it helps. Any question? Comment below.

What is the hardest sport to play in the world right now? Top 15 ranked

Humanity is in the wake of lifestyle diseases, and health experts are encouraging physical activity. Engaging in at least one sport is recommended for all human beings. While there are thousands of sports to choose from, some are harder than others. What is the hardest sport in 2023?

what is the hardest sport

What is the hardest sport? Photo: pexels.com, @Pixabay
Source: UGC

What is the hardest sport? People who enjoy sports and adrenaline rushes are constantly looking for challenging games to participate in. If you are one of them, you need to discover the hardest sports in 2023 and try those you are yet to.

Below is a look at the hardest sports in the world as of 2023. They are ranked based on the endurance, strength, power, agility, flexibility, and analytic aptitude required to play.

15. Rodeo: steer wrestling

  • Year of invention: 1890s
  • Inventor: Bill Pickett
  • Famous players: Tyler Waguespack, Jacob Edler, Ty Erickson, and Tyler Pearson

Did you know steer wrestling is also called bulldogging? Steer wrestling is a rodeo event. In this physically demanding game, a horse-mounted rider chases a steer. Next, they drop from the horse to the steer. They use strength and technique to wrestle a steer to the ground as quickly as possible.

14. Lacrosse

hardest sports

Hardest sports. Photo: pexels.com, @Styves Exantus
Source: UGC
  • Year of invention: 1100 AD
  • Governing body: World Lacrosse
  • First Olympics: 1904
  • Famous players: John Grant Jr., Lyle Thompson, Paul Rabil, Jim Brown, Paul Gait, and Brodie Merrill

A report of sports ranked by difficulty shows that lacrosse is the 14th hardest game in the world. A unique component of this game is the crosse, which is a long-handled tool with a sharp bend at the top. A crosse has a hook to enable ball catching and carrying.

13. Rugby

what is the hardest sport

What is the hardest sport? Photo: pexels.com, @Patrick Case
Source: UGC
  • Year of invention: 1823
  • Governing body: World Rugby
  • First Olympics: 1900
  • Famous players: David Campese, Emily Scarratt, Jonny Wilkinson, Portia Woodman, Jonah Lomu, Dan Carter, Magali Harvey, and Michael Jones

Rugby is, without a doubt, a physically demanding sport. A rugby ball is oval-shaped. Two teams of 15 players play with the ball in hand and by kicking the ball. The aim of the game is to ground the ball behind the opponent’s try line and into the in-goal area.

12. Water polo

sports ranked by difficulty

Sports ranked by difficulty. Photo: pexels.com, @Patrick Case
Source: UGC
  • Year of invention: 1888
  • Governing body: World Aquatics
  • First Olympics: 1900
  • Famous players: Dezso Gyarmati, Péter Rusorán, Dénes Varga, Aleksandar Šapić, and Tony Azevedo

In water polo, two teams of seven play in water. This competitive team sport involves teams attempting to score goals by throwing the ball into the opposing team’s goal. Featuring fast and furious action, it is an exciting game to play and watch.

11. Alpine skiing

most physically demanding sport

Most physically demanding sport. Photo: pexels.com, @Floris Mulder
Source: UGC
  • Year of invention: 1850s
  • Governing body: The International Ski and Snowboard Federation (FIS)
  • First Olympics: 1936
  • Famous players: Mikaela Shiffrin, Bode Miller, Hermann Maier, Lindsey Vonn, and Benjamin Raich

Alpine skiing is also known as downhill skiing. The game was invented in the Alps mountains in central Europe. This game challenges the skier’s ability to maneuver over courses marked by closely spaced gates through which both skis must pass.

10. Soccer/ football

most athletic sport

Most athletic sport. Photo: pexels.com, @Yogendra Singh
Source: UGC
  • Year of invention: 1863
  • Governing body: Fédération Internationale De Football Association (FIFA)
  • First Olympics: 1900
  • Famous players: Neymar, Cristiano Ronaldo,David Beckham, Lionel Messi, Diego Maradona, and Johan Cruyff

Soccer or football requires plenty of power, speed, agility, and flexibility. It is arguably the most-watched sport in the world in 2023. Two teams of 11 try to move a ball into the opponent’s goal. In soccer, the use of hands or arms is prohibited.

9. Baseball/ softball

most difficult sport

Most difficult sport. Photo: pexels.com, @Steshka Willems
Source: UGC
  • Year of invention: 1846
  • Governing body: International Baseball Federation
  • First Olympics: 1904
  • Famous players: Barry Bonds, Mike Trout, Willie Mays, Pedro Martínez, Miguel Cabrera, and Stan Musial

Baseball is played with a bat, ball, and gloves. In this game, a player from one team throws a small, round ball at a player on the other team, who hits it with a bat. Two teams of nine alternate positions as batters and fielders.

8. Gymnastics

hardest sports

Hardest sports. Photo: pexels.com, @Tim Mossholder
Source: UGC
  • Year of invention: 1811 (official listing)
  • Governing body: The International Gymnastics Federation (FIG)
  • First Olympics: 1896
  • Famous gymnasts: Nadia Comăneci, Simone Biles, Olga Korbut, Carly Patterson, and Carly Patterson

Gymnastics involves the performance of systematic exercises. Usually, tools like bars and rings are used. People engage in gymnastics as a competitive sport or as an activity to enhance agility, strength, and coordination.

7. Tennis

what is the hardest sport

What is the hardest sport? Photo: pexels.com, @cottonbro studio
Source: UGC
  • Year of invention: 1873
  • Inventor: Major Walter Clopton Wingfield
  • Governing body: International Tennis Federation (ITF)
  • First Olympics: 1896
  • Famous players: Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal, Pat Rafter, Serena Williams, and Novak Djokovic

Did you know Serena Williams is ranked among the greatest tennis players of all time? Most people remember how well she played before retirement, and so can you. In tennis, you use a racket and a tennis ball to play against your opponent. The more you fail to return the ball within the prescribed court dimensions, the more points your opponent gets.

6. Martial arts

sports ranked by difficulty

Sports ranked by difficulty. Photo: pexels.com, @RODNAE Productions
Source: UGC
  • Year of invention: 648 BCE
  • Governing body: International Mixed Martial Arts Federation
  • Famous players: Conor McGregor, Georges St-Pierre, Anderson Silva, José Aldo, and Jon Jones

Did you know boxing, judo, karate, Muay Thai, and jujitsu are all types of martial arts? Mixed martial arts are among the world’s fastest-growing games in 2023. Athletes compete in a ring or a fenced area. They fight using padded fingerless gloves and other protective gear.

5. Wrestling

most physically demanding sport

Most physically demanding sport. Photo: pexels.com, @Chris Clark
Source: UGC
  • Governing body: United World Wrestling (UWW)
  • First Olympics: 1896
  • Famous wrestlers: The Undertaker, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Triple H, and Steve Austin

In wrestling, two competitors force each other to touch the ground with various parts of the body except the feet. Once a player does this, they are required to hold their opponent on the ground for a minimum length of time. The main types of wrestling contests are catch-hold, tbelt-and-jacket, and loose styles.

4. Basketball

most athletic sport

Most athletic sport. Photo: pexels.com, @Markus Spiske
Source: UGC
  • Year of invention: 1891
  • Inventor: James Naismith
  • Governing body: The International Basketball Federation
  • First Olympics: 1936
  • Famous players: Shaquille O’Neal, LeBron James, Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan, and Kobe Bryant

Two teams of five players each are needed to play basketball. Each team tries to score by tossing the ball through the opponent’s basket. Players advance the ball by bouncing it while walking, running, or passing it to a teammate. This game is of American origin.

3. American football

most difficult sport

Most difficult sport. Photo: pexels.com, @Joe Calomeni
Source: UGC
  • Year of invention: 1869
  • Governing body: International Federation of American Football
  • First Olympics: 1904
  • Famous players: Jerry Rice, Tom Brady, Aaron Rodgers, Lawrence Taylor, and Aaron Donald

Gridiron or American football is the most played sport in the United States of America. This physically engaging game is a crossbreed of soccer and English rugby. Unlike soccer, athletes are allowed to touch, throw, and carry the ball with their hands and arms.

2. Ice hockey

hardest sports

Hardest sports. Photo: pexels.com, @Oleksandr Pidvalnyi
Source: UGC
  • Year of invention: 1875
  • Governing body: International Ice Hockey Federation
  • First Olympics: 1920
  • Famous players: Brett Hull, Paul Coffey, Steve Yzerman, Phil Esposito, Mario Lemieux, and Nathan MacKinnon

Did you know ice hockey is Canada’s national winter sport and the country’s most popular game? This difficult sport is played on ice skates on an ice skating rink. Two opposing teams propel the hockey puck into a net guarded by a goaltender.

1. Boxing

what is the hardest sport

What is the hardest sport? Photo: pexels.com, @Annushka Ahuja
Source: UGC
  • Year of invention: 1681
  • Governing body: The International Boxing Association (IBA)
  • First Olympics: 1904
  • Famous players: Roberto Durán, Mike Tyson, Canelo Álvarez, Muhammad Ali, Terence Crawford, and Floyd Mayweather Jr.

Boxing is arguably the most physically demanding sport in 2023. It is a combat game that involves attacking and defending with fists. Two boxers throw punches at each other in a boxing ring for a predetermined amount of time.

Recap of the hardest sports in 2023






Ice hockey


American football






Martial arts






Baseball/ softball


Soccer/ football


Alpine skiing


Water polo






Rodeo: steer wrestling

Which is the most difficult sport in 2023?

Boxing is arguably the most difficult game in 2023. It involves two players who attack and defend with fists.

Which is the most athletic sport?

The most athletic games in the world are boxing, basketball, baseball, soccer, rugby, American football, tennis, lacrosse, ice hockey, gymnastics, and wrestling.

What sport takes the most skill?

The games requiring the most skill include boxing, water polo, gymnastics, martial arts, ice hockey, and basketball.

Which sport is the easiest?

Some of the easiest games are volleyball, running, badminton, spike ball, cycling, and bowling.

What is the hardest sport in 2023? This is a question that has been asked for a long time, and we hope the list above gives you the answer you have been searching for.

READ ALSO: Top 20 most popular sports in the world in 2023 revealed

Sportsbrief.com recently published a list of the most popular sports in the world in 2023. There are over 8,000 indigenous sports in the world.

Different people like specific games better than others. The most popular sports in the world are enjoyed by people from different parts of the world.

Degree of Difficulty: Sport Rankings
Boxing 8.63 1
Ice Hockey 7.25 2
Football 5.38 3

Also, What is the least popular sport?

11 Least Popular Sports in the World

  1. 1 | Kabbadi. Kabbadi is the national sport of Bangladesh and, from what I can tell, it’s a mix of rugby without a ball and red rover.
  2. 2 | Motocross/motorcycle racing. …
  3. 3 | Fencing. …
  4. 4 | Polo. …
  5. 5 | Archery. …
  6. 6 | Sailing. …
  7. 7 | Canadian football. …
  8. 8 | Weightlifting. …

Accordingly, What’s the easiest sport?

Easiest Sports To Play

  • Running – I guess running is probably up there with the most easiest sports to play. …
  • Basketball – It is rewarding for anyone to grab the basketball and pass it through the basket. …
  • Volleyball – On the rise in popularity amongst many countries worldwide, it is of course volleyball.

in the same way What is the most stressful sport?

Ranking List

Ranking Sport
1 Boxing
2 Ice Hockey
3 American Football
4 Basketball

• 17 mai 2021

What is the most skilled sport in the world?

Top Ranked Skill Sports

Ranking Sport Rating
1 Tenpin Bowling 87.4
2 Swimming (200m Free) 86.9
3 Weightlifting 86.2
4 Water Polo 85.8

• 26 avr. 2021

What is the easiest sport?

Easiest Sports To Play

  • Running – I guess running is probably up there with the most easiest sports to play. …
  • Basketball – It is rewarding for anyone to grab the basketball and pass it through the basket. …
  • Volleyball – On the rise in popularity amongst many countries worldwide, it is of course volleyball.

What is the most skillful sport in the world?

Top Ranked Skill Sports

Ranking Sport Rating
1 Tenpin Bowling 87.4
2 Swimming (200m Free) 86.9
3 Weightlifting 86.2
4 Water Polo 85.8

• 26 avr. 2021

Which sport is most watched?

With 3.5 billion fans around the world, soccer is the one sport that pretty much the whole world can agree upon can be claimed the most watched sports in the world.

Which sport requires the most stamina?

Top-10 Endurance Sports

Ranking Sport Rating (%)
1 Orienteering 85.5
2 Triathlon 85.5
3 Rowing 85.3
4 Water Polo 84.1

• 26 avr. 2021

What is the easiest sport to go d1 in?

As we said before, lacrosse, ice hockey, and baseball are the easiest men’s sports to get a scholarship in. A good way to measure this is by looking at the percentage of high school athletes that advance to play in college and receive some kind of athletic scholarship.

Whats a good sport for a girl?

The Best Sports for Girls to Play

  1. Volleyball. Photo credit: Pixabay. …
  2. Soccer. Soccer is a well-known game worldwide, making it simple for young ladies to take an interest in it. …
  3. Basketball. Photo credit: Lorie Shaull / Wikimedia. …
  4. Cheerleading. …
  5. Tennis. …
  6. Swimming. …
  7. Golf. …
  8. Gymnastics.

What sport has highest IQ?

In descending order, the smartest sports fans in the US are:

  • Wrestling (WWE) – 112.60 IQ.
  • Ice Hockey (NHL) – 112.30 IQ.
  • Basketball (NBA) – 110.70 IQ.
  • Football (NFL) – 105.90 IQ.
  • Baseball (MLB) – 101.30.

What sport has the most deaths?

Base jumping is undoubtedly the world’s most dangerous sport. The statistics show that there is a far bigger chance of dying base jumping than doing any other activity.

What’s the hardest sport mentally?

1. Swimming. It may be surprising to most people that swimming is number 1 in the list of the most mentally challenging sports in the world. Many professional swimmers fall into a 7-day self-sabotage cycle.

What sport requires more skill?

Basketball is the game that has the most skill. Football and baseball are not far from one another, but baseball teams play more than 10 times the games that football teams do. Baseball, in other words, is close to random — even after 162 games the best teams only win about 60 percent of their games.

What’s the hardest Olympic sport?

Water polo is said to be the hardest sport at the Olympics – here’s why it deserves its reputation.

What is the hardest sport mentally?

1. Swimming. It may be surprising to most people that swimming is number 1 in the list of the most mentally challenging sports in the world. Many professional swimmers fall into a 7-day self-sabotage cycle.

What is the most physically exhausting sport?

Ranking List

Ranking Sport
1 Boxing
2 Ice Hockey
3 American Football
4 Basketball

• 17 mai 2021

What sport takes the most stamina?

Top-10 Endurance Sports

Ranking Sport Rating (%)
1 Orienteering 85.5
2 Triathlon 85.5
3 Rowing 85.3
4 Water Polo 84.1

• 26 avr. 2021

What sport makes the most money?

Check out the 10 Highest Paid Sports in the World in 2021

  • BasketBall. Basketball ranks first in the list of highest-paying sports in the world. …
  • Boxing. Boxing is one of the oldest sports on planet earth which was first played more than 2700 years ago in 688 BC. …
  • Football. …
  • Golf. …
  • Soccer. …
  • Tennis. …
  • Ice Hockey. …
  • Baseball.

What is the best sport in the world 2021?

1. Football/Soccer. Commonly known as football and sometimes soccer, the game is played by approximately 250 million players spread over 200 countries, making it the world’s most popular sport. And now in 2021, it also holds its place among the richest sports in the world.

What is the most popular sport in the world 2020?

In 2020 the most popular sport in the world is soccer. With more than 4 billion worldwide this sport is in fact the most loved by players and players around the globe.

What sport has the most teamwork?

Knol’s Top 10 List of the World’s Most Popular Team Sports

rank Sport
1. Soccer / Association Football
2. Cricket
3. Basketball
4. Baseball

• 17 mai 2021

What sport has the best cardio?

The Top 5 Sports for Cardiovascular Fitness

  1. Cycling. Whether you cycle out on the roads or on a machine at the gym, both are effective ways of improving and strengthening your heart’s health. …
  2. Golfing. …
  3. Running. …
  4. Soccer. …
  5. Swimming.

What sport burns the most calories?

Running and cycling top the list of sports activities that burn the most calories.

Last Updated: 3 days ago – Authors : 7 – Contributors : 29 – References : 19 interviews and posts; 11 Videos.

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