Which is the smallest bird in the word

Birds are awesome and they come in various shape and sizes. The Smallest bird in the world (Bee Hummingbird) weighs just 1.6 gm whereas the largest Bird in the world (Ostrich) weights 104 Kg. In this article First scientific study of World’s smallest birds was done by Juan Lembeye in the year 1850, and in that year he published the list of 10 Smallest Birds. In this list, we are not deviating from popular scientific researchers.

By sourcing various scientific papers, we created this list. We took into account the average weight and length of birds while creating this list. Hope you will enjoy reading  this.

Here we present the Top Ten smallest birds in the world.

10.The Crimson Chat

The Crimson Chat

The Crimson Chat

Length: 10 to 13 cm, Weight: 10 to 11 g

Crimson Chat is found widely in Australia. This bird has long legs and downward-curving bill. Its brush-like tongue helps to eat insects, spiders, flower nectar, and seeds. Males crimson chats are more brightly colored than female which helps them to find a mate in the breeding season. Their breeding season lasts from the month August to November. Most calls of Crimson Chat are soft, but when agitated it makes aggressive chattering sound. With an average length of 10-13 cm and 10 g of weight, The Crimson Chat is the 10th smallest bird in the world.

9.The Tropical Parula

The Tropical Parula

The Tropical Parula

Length: 11 cm, Weight: 6 to 8 g

Tropical Parula is mainly found in Amazon basin. The adult male has a blue-grey head,upper part, and tale. Its underpart is colored bright yellow.Tropical Parula has 14 species, among which smallest species is about 11cm long and weighs around 6g. It’s unusual call consist of sharp and thin twitch. But when alarmed it calls in a high thin node. Tropical Parula is mostly carnivorous and eats spiders and insects, but occasionally it eats seed and nectar. 11cm length puts Tropical Parula in 9th position in the list.

8.The Bananaquit

The Bananaquit

The Bananaquit

Length: 9.5 to 11 cm, Weight: 9g

Bananaquit can be commonly found in the west indies, Caribbean islands and in the southern part of Brazil. Bananaquit is a highly social animal and can be found in flower and fruit gardens in search of food. Bananaquit has dark gray upper part and bright yellow lower part with Black head crown. Its curved bill helps to eat nectar from flowers. As it cannot hover like a hummingbird, it perches every time they eat. In breeding season, it lays 2-4 white eggs which take 12-14 days to hatch. 9 grams weight and 9.5 cm length puts Bananaquit at 8th position in the list of Top 10 smallest birds in the world.

7.American Goldfinch

American Goldfinch

American Goldfinch

Length: 11 cm, Weight: 11 g

American Goldfinch is a small north American bird from finch family. It’s commonly found in United state, but can also be found in southern part of Canada and northern Mexico. During summer male Goldfinch’s body feathers are bright yellow, wings and head crown are black.

Goldfinch molts its feather twice a year (late winter, and middle of summer). Goldfinch can live up to 10 years (thanks to it’s all vegetarian diet). It lays 2-7 blueish white egg at a time. The American goldfinch is the 7th smallest Bird in the world.

6.The Brown Gerygone

The Brown Gerygone

The Brown Gerygone

Length: 10 cm, Weight: 5 g

The bird was previously known as the brown warbler. It is found in eastern coasts of Australia. It is seen in groups of two or four in coastal rainforests. It mainly consumes insects. Its upper part along with face is olive-brown and it lower part looks like pale gray.

5.The Goldcrest

The Goldcrest

The Goldcrest

Length: 8.5–9.5 cm, Weight: 13.5–15.5 cm

Goldcrest is the smallest bird in Europe but the bird can also be found in various locations including  Asia, Europe, United Kingdom, Wales, China, Russia, Himalayas. It is also called the king of birds in European folklore.

4.The Golden Headed cisticola (Cisticola exilis)

The Golden Headed cisticola

The Golden Headed cisticola

Length:10 cm, Weight: 10 g

It is called the tailor bird for its ability to do human-like sewing. They are also known as bright-headed cisticola.  It is found from west  Australia, India, and China. They consume insects and seeds. Male and female both work in nest-building but the female usually incubate the eggs.

3.The Pardalote

The Pardalote

The Pardalote

Length: 9 – 11 cm, Weight: 9 to 11 g

This is a very pretty bird, with colourful spots in the crown and the neck. They generally live in small family groups in long horizontal tunnels on the ground level, or in the hollows of the trees. They consume insects, lerps, spiders, etc. Both male and female work together in nest-building, incubating the eggs and feeding the chicks. Pardalote secures the 3rd spot in our list.

2.The Weebill (Smicrornis brevirostris)

The Weebill - 2nd smallest bird in the world

The Weebill – 2nd smallest bird in the world

Length: 8 to 9 cm, Weight: 6 g

It is an Australian bird mostly found in the woodland of middle Australia. They spend most of their time searching for insects and larvae in the woods, trees, etc. Female lays two or even three cream-colored eggs at a time. With a weight of just 6gms Weebill is the 2nd smallest bird in the world (next to bee hummingbird).

1.The Bee hummingbird (Mellisuga helenae)

The Bee hummingbird - Top 10 Smallest Birds in the world

The Bee hummingbird – Smallest among all birds in the world

Length: 5  to 6 cm, Weight: 1.6 to 1.8 g

As its name suggest, it is likely to be the size of a bee, but it is a bit larger than a bee. It is the smallest living bird in the world. Male and female can be distinguished by size, as the female is slightly bigger than the male. They are generally found in the dense forest of Cuba. Female lays two eggs at a time, being the size of a pea.

Bee Hummingbird is the smallest bird in the world with a weight of just 1.6 gms (Slightly lighter than US penny).

We are sure that this list provided you some shocking and interesting facts about birds. If you want to know more read Top 10 Largest Birds in The World. Do share this list with your friend and family to let them also know about this. If you have an interest in birds : Here is a question for you : Which set of birds can hold the position of 11 and 15 in our list? Do let us know in the comment section.

The smallest bird in the world is a Bee Hummingbird, weighing 1.8 grams and standing 5 centimeters tall. This miniature bird lives in Cuba, and unlike many of its interesting animal brethren, isn’t endangered, but its population is dwindling; which could potentially pose a problem for many species of flowers that depend upon the Bee Hummingbird for pollination.

The Bee Hummingbird eats up to half of its own weight in food and drinks 8 times its weight in water per day; energy needed to fuel wings that beat 80 times per second. Their tiny eggs are about the size of Tic Tacs and are laid, usually two at a time into nests suspended by spider silk. On an interesting side note, they have very few feathers; about 1000, as compared to other species of birds that can have up to 25000 feathers.

Smallest Bird In The World-featured

Mother Nature has the power to mesmerize us every now and then with new findings and unique organisms be it big or small or weak or strong.

“All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful: The Lord God made them all.” by Cecil Frances Alexander

Usually it is the flashiest birds that that manage to get our attention. But what about the tiniest of the tiny birds, they are so tiny that we almost feel we imagined them when they flutter by? These itty bitty species also deserve a bit of our attention. Go through our list to meet some of the smallest birds in the world.

Bee Humming Bird:

Bee hummingbird is the tiniest bird in the world. It is 5.5cm long and its weight is around 1.6-1.8g (hardly bigger than a bee, thus the name Bee hummingbird). They lays the smallest eggs, their eggs are even smaller than seeds.

They build their nests with lichen and cobwebs where they hatch their eggs. Bee hummingbirds are native to Cuba and are seldom spotted on any other close by islands. These magnificent tiny wonder among birds are listed as endangered because of habitat loss since forests are rehabilitated to farmland. The Bee hummingbird species requires efforts for their conservation to recover their population.Smallest Bird In The World-Bee Humming Bird


The Weebill species has a wee bill and a wee body to go with (thus the name). The Weebill also known as Smicrornis brevirostris is the smallest bird in Australia’s roughly 8-9 cm long. It is an olive yellow songster with brown wings, grey bill and feet and pale yellow eyes.

This tiny bird species likes to travels in small flocks and lives in wooded area, they particularly prefer eucalyptus forests. They are an extremely energetic species and move very quickly. They can be spotted on trees extricating insects; their diet mostly consists of larvae and insects.Top 10 Smallest Birds In The World-Weebill


Pardolates are very small, vibrantly colored birds’ inhabitant to Australia they range in size from 8.5 to 12 cm in length, they have short tails, brawny legs, and short rounded beaks. Pardolates family comprises of 4 species in one genre i.e. Pardalotus, and few subspecies. The name is derived from a Greek word which means – spotted, as Pardolates have spectacular spots on their crown and wings. Pardolates  are also famous as ‘diamond bird’. They are generally spotted in pairs on Eucalyptus trees.Smallest Bird In The World-Pardolates

Golden Headed Cisticole:

The Golden Headed Cisticole are smallest bird in the world and also famous as the bright headed cisticola, is a genus of warbler found from Australia to India. They are also known as Taylor birds because of their skill to ‘sew’ leaves to build their nests. Golden Headed Cisticoles are 10 cm in length and 10 g in weight.Smallest Bird In The World-Golden Headed Cisticole


Goldcrests are the smallest birds of Europe. Despite of being so tiny they travel non-stop over 500 kms. The fact that they hitch a ride surrounded by the trail of migrating woodcocks has earned them their prior name -Woodcock Pilot. Goldcrests are: 8 to 9 cm in length and 5 to 7 g in weight.Top 10 Smallest Birds In The World-Goldcrest

Brown Gerygone:

Brown Gerygone yet another smallest bird in the world and also known as Brown Warbler. Brown Gerygones are: 9 to 11 cm in length and 5 to 6 g in weight. They are tiny passerine birds local to eastern coastal Australia. Their upper part is dark olive grey or olive brown, whereas their face and under parts are cream, light grey, or pale brown. They can easily be sighted in coastal rainforests, alone or else in small groups of 2 to 4. These wild bird food is  insects, worms and grubs.Top 10 Smallest Birds In The World-Brown Gerygone


The Lesser Goldfinch also known as Dark Backed Goldfinch is a smallest songbird in the world. The American goldfinches are easily distinguished with males having a black forehead. This little species is the smallest North American Spinus finch, it might be the tiniest true finch found in the world. This species varies from 9-12 cm in length and can weigh from 8-11.5 g.

The lesser goldfinch is frequently spotted in flocks. They utilize just about any habitat with shrubs or trees with the exception of dense forests, and are widespread and noticeable in many residential areas.Smallest Bird In The World-Goldfinch


Bananaquits are smallest and lively birds in the world found in warmer parts of Americas, and are by and large common. They are highly companionable and affable birds widespread around gardens where there are abundant flowers. The Bananaquits visit flowers for insects and nectar. Bananaquits are small honeycreepers. They are 7.5 to 12 cm in length and 5.5 to 19 g in weight.Smallest Bird In The World-Bananaquit

Tropical Parula:

Tropical Parulas are a prevalent and common species and smallest bird in the world. They are widely spread as a breeding species, engaging in both lowland and montane forests, and found in both evergreen and deciduous habitats.

Tropical Parulas are blue gray on top with a black mask by the eye.  They are found alone or in flocks of mixed species. Tropical Parulas scavenge in classic warbler manner, hoping from branch to branch picking insects from shrubbery. They are 11cm in length and 3g in weight.Smallest Bird In The World-Tropical Parula

Crimson Chat:

Last but not least these are the smallest bird in the world and are widespread in Australia. The crimson Chat are a species of tiny birds they are also famous as the saltbush canary, tricolored chat and crimson breasted nun.

They have thin, long legs; sharp, downward curved bill; and a tongue tipped like a brush. Grown-up males have brown feathers, red crowns and a black mask surrounding their eyes; with white throats. Females and young chats are similarly colored, however with pale markings.  They are 10 to 12 cm in length and 10 to 11 g in weight.

Small birds are the most fascinating and mesmerizing creatures on our planet. Their unusual flight patterns, multicolored plumage, distinctive calls bring us pleasure and cheerfulness. Small birds play a very significant role in reproduction of plants and indication of season change. Their Breathtaking features and inimitable style makes this a great post to enjoy and share.Top 10 Smallest Birds In The World-Crimson Chat

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What is the Smallest Bird in the World? - With Pictures

The smallest bird in the world is the bee hummingbird. While not much bigger than some beetles or other insects, the bee hummingbird is still very much part of the bird family. Their small size doesn’t mean they can’t engage in feeding, reproducing and social behaviors as any other bird might. They just do it all on a smaller scale. Although we have answered what is the smallest bird in the world?, there is so much more to know about the bee hummingbird.

At AnimalWised, we also look at some of the other smallest birds in the world by category. In doing so we can see these marvels of nature and gain a little understanding about bird-life in general.


  1. The smallest bird in the world
  2. What is the smallest bird of prey in the world?
  3. What is the second smallest bird the world?
  4. What is the smallest bird egg in the world?
  5. What is the smallest bird in the United States?

The smallest bird in the world

When you see pictures of the bee hummingbird (Mellisuga helenae) next to a flower, you can easily understand where they get their name. Landing on the flower like their black and yellow namesakes, they don’t look much bigger than a bee. They originate in Cuba and its surrounding islands, including some of those in the West Indies. Males in the species are smaller than females, measuring a miniscule 5.5 cm (2.2″). Females are not much bigger at 6.1 cm (2.4″) long. Males weigh about 1.95 g and females weigh about 2.6 g, respectively. This is not much heavier than a stick of gum[1].

Size is not the only thing the bee hummingbird has in common with actual bees. As this bird feeds on nectar (as well as some very small insects), they go from flower to flower searching for food. Pollen sticks to their feathers as it would to a bee’s legs. This, in turn, means they can pollinate flowers. Since the hummingbird bee can go to as many as 1500 flowers per day, this means they are incredibly important to their ecosystem.

Although small, their wings can beat 200 times per second, allowing them to hover over the flowers on which they feed. The tiny feathers on these tiny wings are no less beautiful for their small size. The smaller males show metallic red and blue tones on their plumage. However, their color can change slightly during the mating season. Females are a more subdued bluish green and gray, but both can present with an iridescence on their feathers.

What is the Smallest Bird in the World? - With Pictures - The smallest bird in the world

What is the smallest bird of prey in the world?

The elf owl (Micrathene whitneyi) is not only the smallest owl, but the smallest bird of prey. They are native to the United States, living mainly in shrubland, but may migrate to Mexico during colder parts of the year. A bird of prey is one who feeds on vertebrates, but with a mean body mass of only 40 g, the elf owl is not going to be attacking large prey any time soon. Mostly they feed on insects, but they do also feed on small mammals, reptiles and even other birds.

As a nocturnal animal, they protect themselves from sunlight by staying in cacti hollowed out by woodpeckers. Although the smallest bird of prey in the world, they are not known for their fierceness. They have been known to feign death when faced with a larger predator.

What is the Smallest Bird in the World? - With Pictures - What is the smallest bird of prey in the world?

What is the second smallest bird the world?

While we know the smallest bird is the bee hummingbird, what about the runner up? The vervian hummingbird (Mellisuga minima) certainly is a similarly small creature, but just misses out by a fraction of a centimeter. They also weigh on average about 0.1 g more than the bee hummingbird. Although it is possible you will see smaller individuals of the vervian hummingbird, they work out ever-so-slightly bigger on average.

They mainly live in Latin America, particularly in the Dominican Republic, Haiti and Jamaica. They prefer to live in tropical and subtropical climates, particularly rainforest areas. They may also be found near agricultural plantations where they search for food, as they might near private gardens or shrubland. Their plumage is metallic green on their back with a paler green tone on their chest and belly.

What is the Smallest Bird in the World? - With Pictures - What is the second smallest bird the world?

What is the smallest bird egg in the world?

While we know the smallest and second smallest birds in the world, does this mean the bee hummingbird has the smallest egg? Strangely, this is not the case. The vervian hummingbird, on average, is believed to have the smallest bird egg at about 1 cm (0.39″) average length and 0.375 g average weight. While this means they are the smallest bird eggs, they are actually fairly large when we consider them to be a sixth of the adult bird’s body length.

The hummingbird uses their rapidly beating wings not only for hovering over flowers, but also to prepare the nest for their young. However, unlike some other bird species, this appears to be a female only affair. Male hummingbirds are believed not to take part in nesting. The nest is usually not much bigger than the bird itself and is cup shaped. They attach it to branches or even sturdy leaves, something they can do thanks to their small size.

The materials of the nest are lichen and spider silk. This gives the structure a malleability unlike other bird nests. This means the nest itself can expand as the chicks get older. The vervian hummingbird will only lay one or two eggs at a time.

What is the Smallest Bird in the World? - With Pictures - What is the smallest bird egg in the world?

Image: https://9gag.com/

What is the smallest bird in the United States?

You may think that hummingbirds have been hogging this list of smallest birds in the world, but we’re afraid that’s just what you get. The smallest bird species in the United States of America is another type of hummingbird, the calliope hummingbird. The odd bee hummingbird may have shown up in American skies, but this is only because it may have crossed the border from mexico. They do not breed in the United States of America.

They also live in shrubland, but are commonly found at high altitudes. These could be the Rocky Mountains or parts of Southern California. They are migratory birds and, like the bee hummingbird, feed on nectar. They also feed on tree sap.

The male calliope hummingbird has an intensive mating ritual. This involves beating their wings about half as fast as usual to create a unique noise. They then fly up and dive rapidly to change the pitch of this sound. It is believed these sounds changes send message to prospective females.

What is the Smallest Bird in the World? - With Pictures - What is the smallest bird in the United States?

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Itty bitty birds, so small you almost think you imagined them when they flit by, rarely get noticed. The birds that get all the attention are usually the flashiest, like the birds of paradise. The toughest ones, like hawks and eagles, also hog the spotlight. Tiny species deserve a little attention too. Meet some of the world’s smallest bird species.

Red-Cheeked Cordon-Bleu

Dave Montreuil / Shutterstock

This colorful bird is a species of African finch with sky blue feathers, and males have a spot of red on their cheeks that make them look like they are perpetually blushing. Individuals only grow to be about five inches in length and weigh only about .35 ounces on average. That’s roughly the weight of just three pennies. This species can be found in the wild in central and eastern Africa.


John L. Absher / Shutterstock

With the verdin, we move from blue to yellow, and from Africa to the southwest United States and Mexico. This small bird is a species of penduline tit and is only about 4.5 inches long when fully grown. It is second only to the 4.3-inch American bushtit as the smallest of the passerines on the continent. The verdin can be spotted foraging insects among desert scrub plants or snagging a little dried sugar from hummingbird feeders every once in a while.

Lesser Goldfinch

Steve Byland / Shutterstock

The lesser goldfinch is the smallest North American finch of the Spinus genus. It may very well be the smallest true finch in the entire world, growing to an average of just 3.5 to 4.7 inches in length. The Andean siskin may beat it by a feather for the title, though, as it comes in at an average of 3.7 to 4.3 inches in length. Still, the goldfinch is truly minuscule. It weighs around 0.28 to 0.41 ounces.

It eats seeds and grains from bird feeders, fields, budding tree tops, and open-area brush. It likes mountain canyons and desert oases, though it can also be found in urban settings.


Gary Chalker / Getty Images

The goldcrest’s scientific name is Regulus regulus, and regulus means «prince, little king.» This species is in the kinglet family and is the smallest of all the birds in Europe. It measures only about 3.3 to 3.7 inches in length and weighs a minuscule 0.16 to 0.25 ounces. It eats spiders, moth eggs, and other tiny sources of food that it picks out from between pine needles with a specialized narrow beak.

The species may be small, but it is mighty and doesn’t mess around when it comes to raising young. As many as a dozen eggs incubate at once, and sometimes a female will have two broods a season.

Bee Hummingbird

44kmos / Shutterstock

The goldcrest may be the smallest bird in Europe, but the smallest bird in the world is the bee hummingbird. It is only 2 to 2.4 inches long (barely more substantial than a bee, hence its name) and weighs 0.056 to 0.071 ounces. That’s less than the weight of a single penny. They make nests the size of quarters out of cobwebs and lichen where they incubate eggs the size of peas.

The bee hummingbird is native to Cuba and is rarely spotted on other nearby islands. Though it is a tiny miracle among birds, it is listed as near threatened due to habitat loss as forests transition to farmland. Its wings can beat 80 times per second, but when it’s engaged in a courtship flight, that increases to 200 beats per second!

Willow Tit

Francis C. Franklin / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 3.0

Despite its small size, the willow tit likes cold weather. Found in subarctic Europe and northern Asia, the willow tit is a tiny 4.5 inches long on average and weighs 0.31 to 0.38 ounces—making it about the same size as its neighbor, the marsh tit. They look almost exactly alike as well. They do, however, have very different vocalizations.

The willow tit mostly eats insect, but sometimes it chows down on berries and seeds if food is scarce in winter. It uses its bill to excavate holes for nesting in decaying wood, which is unusual for the members of the tit family.

Spotted Pardalote

Bobtokyoharris / Getty Images

This species is tiny but flashy, with plumage of amazing colors and patterns. Found in eastern and southern Australia in eucalyptus forests, it is one of the continent’s smallest bird species at only 3.1 to 3.9 inches in length. The diminutive size helps in their preferred nesting spots: small tunnels that are dug into the soil of creek banks, railways embankments, old rabbit burrows, even potted plants.

Sadly, this beautiful bird species is facing a decline due to the loss of its preferred forest habitat for human uses such as sheep-grazing or urban development.


Andrew Haysom / Getty Images

This species has a wee bill (the source of its name) and a tiny body to match. The weebill only grows to be about 3 to 3.5 inches long, and it beats out the spotted pardalote as Australia’s smallest bird species. These petite birds travel in small flocks and live in almost any wooded area, though they love eucalyptus forests the most.

Costa’s Hummingbird

HarmonyonPlanetEarth / Flickr / CC by 2.0

The Costa’s hummingbird is native to North America’s Southwest and flourishes in the desert setting, where it drinks nectar from plants such as chuparosa and ocotillo. It is one of the smaller hummingbird species at 3 to 3.5 inches long and 0.1 ounces. The male has a brilliant purple plumage across its head. When it dives, it emits a high-pitched whistle.

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