Which is the odd word there are on the desks

British Bulldog или Британский Бульдог — международный игровой конкурс по английскому языку проводимый для школьников со 2 по 11 классы по всей России. На сайте представлены официальные задания и ответы

1. What does the boy like about the girl?
A) shoes
B) hairdo
C) bag
D) dress
2. What party is the girl going to have at
A) A Halloween
B) An Easter
C) A New Year
 D) A Christmas
3. When will the children have a competition?
A) At 3 o’clock
B) At three thirty
С) At a quarter to 3
D) At a quarter past 3
4. What does the boy wish the girl?
A) Good luck!
B) Bon appétit!
C) To be careful!
D) To enjoy herself!
5. Where is the girl’s school situated?
A) Near the library
B) Far from the library
C) In the bank
D) Opposite the bank

Read the dialog and answer the questions
Steve: How long are you staying in London?
Anna: I’m going to stay for a fortnight and then I’m going to visit my relatives in Wales. They don’t live in London any more. I will spend a few days with them.
Steve: Are you coming back to London after that?
Anna: Yes, I’ll be back for a few days before I catch my plane home to Italy. I hope that the weather will be good by then.
Steve: I’m sure it will be warm and sunny. Could we meet before you fly home?
Anna: Yes, I’d love to. We can have lunch together.
Steve: Okay, do you remember the café where we were last year?
Anna: Of course, I do.
Steve: Let’s meet there at five o’clock. Good-bye!
Anna: See you

6. Where do Anna’s relatives live? They live in….
A) Wales
B) London
C) England
D) Italy
7. How many days is Anna going to spend in London before leaving for Wales?
A) A week
B) Two week
C) One day
D) A few days
8. Where does Anna live now? She lives
A) Northern America
B) Australia
C) Southern Europe
D) Russia
9. What will Anna and Steve do when they meet? They will….
A) go to the cinema
B) walk around London
C) eat at the café
D) go to the museum
10. When did Anna and Steve meet in London before?
A) At 5 o’clock
B) Next year
C) Yesterday
D) Last time
11. Why… wearing your dress now?
A) do you
B) you are
C) aren’t you
D) was you
12. I have got… friends at school.
A) a lot
B) much
C) little
D) some
13…. the girl’s hair long?
A) Has
B) Does
C) Are
D) Is
14. That’s the boy… is my friend.
A) which
B) whom
C) who
D) with whom
15. Where… you yesterday?
A) are
B) was
C) be
D) were
16. My father is …
A) a artist
B) an artist
C) the artist
D) artis
17. This is … where Jack lives.

A) a houses
B) an house
C) he house
D) house
18…. is the longest river in Europe.
A) A Volga
B) An Volga
C) The Volga
D) Volga
19. I want to go to… one day.
A) a London
B) an London
C) the London
D) London
20. I have … who is ten
B) an brother
A) a brother
D) brother
C) a brothers
Guess the riddles
21. What is white and made out of snow?
A) Father Frost
B) Snow White
C) Santa Claus
D) A snowman
22. They stand next to each other and yet they cannot see each other.
A) Eye brows
B) Eyes
C) Ears
D) Cheeks
23. In what month do children talk least?
A) In May
B) In June
C) In July
D) In February
24. The unusual entrance through which Santa usually comes in.
A) Door
B) Window
C) Chimney
C) Cellar
25. What has two arms and four legs?
A) A table
B) An armchair
C) A ladder
D) A door
26. How many pupils are there in the classroom?
A) Three
B) Six
C) Seven
D) One
27. What is the time now? It’s….
A) 12 o’clock
B) half past 9
C) 9 o’clock
D) 15 to 9
28.What does the teacher have in her hand?
A) A globe
B) A pen
D) A teacher’s pointer
C) A book
29. What is there in the centre on the wall?
A) A map
B) A picture
C) A shelf
D) A table
30. Which is the odd word? There are… on the desks.
A) pens
B) toys
C) notebooks
D) books

Test “School”

I. Choose the odd word (найти лишнее слово)

1. Sunday, Tuesday, January, Friday, Monday

2. English, P.E., Handicraft, Art, museum

3. pen, ruler, lesson, desk, pencil

4. late, difficult, easy, blackboard, famous

5. playing, dancing, cooking, visiting

II. Open the brackets and put in Present Progressive ( настоящее в процессе)

1. Kate (dance) now.

2. Look! The kitten (drink) milk.

3. I’m busy, I (do) homework.

4. We (swim) in the river now .

5. We (play) football.

III. Choose the correct preposition- I go to the sea in/on summer.( выбрать предлог)

He gets up in/at 8 o’clock.

We have English on/at Friday.

My granny reads books on/in the evening.

They have fish for/on dinner.

V. Answer the questionsL ответить на вопросы)

1. What is your name?

2. How many lessons do you have on Monday?

3. What is your favourite subject?

4. What have you got in your pencil-box?

5. What day of the week is it today?

VI. Fill in the appropriate words ( вставить данные слова в текст): primary, a pupil, subject, like, classroom, pens, homework.

I go to school. I am ____ (1). I am in the 4th grade. I study in ___ (2) school. My favourite ___ (3) is Math. I___ (4) PE, too. I have a lot of things in my pencil-box:____(5), pencils, ruler, rubber. I like my____ (6). It is nice.

Тестовые задания по английскому языку разработаны к учебно-методическому комплекту М.З. Биболетовой для 4, 5, 7, 8 классов. Задания направлены на контроль лексических, грамматических навыков, а также навыков чтения и письма. Некоторые задания для 7-8 классов разработаны в формате ОГЭ и ЕГЭ. Разработка тестов была выполнена с учетом дифференцированного подхода (два последних задания в блоке вопросов имеют более высокий уровень сложности)

Вы уже знаете о суперспособностях современного учителя?

Тратить минимум сил на подготовку и проведение уроков.

Быстро и объективно проверять знания учащихся.

Сделать изучение нового материала максимально понятным.

Избавить себя от подбора заданий и их проверки после уроков.

Наладить дисциплину на своих уроках.

Получить возможность работать творчески.

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Cross the odd word out.

1 bath – sink – washbasin – mirror

2 dining room – garden – kitchen – hall

3 desk – coffee table – chair – table

4 bed – bathroom – wardrobe – carpet

5 computer – bookcase – digital camera – television

6 fridge – cooker – desk – table

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык


Read the definition and choose the word.

This is an item of furniture located in the bedroom which children use to do their homework at. 

A wardrobe

A bed

A desk

A table


Find five prepositions of place in the line.



Read the sentence and choose the correct prepositions.

There is a carpet

the bed

the floor in my bedroom.


Match the two parts to make sentences about the room in the picture.

a sofa in the middle of the room.

coffee table in the room.


Put the words in the correct order to build a sentence.

the sofa

the room.









Look at the picture and fill in the gaps with the prepositions of place.

This is my sister’s bedroom. I think it looks really cool! It’s big and light. There is a bed the wardrobes. There is a desk the window. There is a carpet the furniture the floor. There are two small paintings on the wall the bed. My sister likes her room a lot!



in front of




Read the location, choose the object located there and place the word on the correct place in the picture. 

This object is on the left in front of the wardrobe near the sofa.

a ball

a toy car

a carpet


a toy box


Read the sentences and cross out those which don’t suit the picture.

This is an old bedroom of the 19th century.

There are two beds opposite each other.

There are pictures above the beds.

There is a bookcase between the beds.

There is a basket on the wardrobe.

There is a carpet on the floor.

There are two windows opposite the beds.


Listen to the description of the room and underline the correct statements.

The bedroom is big and light.

There is a chair next to the bed in the room.

There is a poster behind the bed.

There is a window in front of the bed.

There is one bookcase with books in the room.


Read the text and choose the correct prepositions to fill in the gaps.

My sister’s room is dirty and horrible!

There is a bed

the desk and the mirror. There is her T-shirt

the bed and it’s dirty too. There is a book

the desk and a cup

it. There are a lot of small objects: CDs, toys, etc,

the desk on the floor. Her room is a real mess!


Read the location, find the object in the picture and fill in the name of the object in the crossword.


Listen to the dialogue and put the phrases in the correct category. There are two odd words.

On the right of the door

Opposite the bed

Next to the bed

In front of the window






Put the lines in the correct order to build the dialogue.

This one, next to the kitchen.

In the kitchen at the dining table, I don’t have a desk in my bedroom yet.

Which room is yours?

And where do you do your homework?

Hi, John! Welcome to my flat!

A few items. There is a sofa next to the window and a mirror opposite the wardrobe.

What furniture is there in your room?

Thank you, Sue! Your new flat looks great!

Yes, it’s nice, there are two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom.


Look at the picture and type the location of the objects.

The carpet is

the armchair.

The painting is

the bed.

The bed is

the bedside tables with lamps.

The armchair is

the bed.

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