Which animal word matches these definitions

Vocabulary Bank 1
p. VB2


Упражнение 1

1 Look at the animal groups (A-H). Read the definitions then put the words below in the correct animal group. — Посмотрите на группы животных (A-H). Прочитайте определения, а затем поместите слова ниже в правильную группу животных.

spider [ˈspaɪdə] паук
alligator [ˈælɪɡeɪtə] аллигатор
mosquito [məˈskiːtəʊ] комар
scorpion [ˈskɔːpiən] скорпион
moose [muːs] лось
beaver [ˈbiːvər] бобр
raccoon [rækˈuːn] енот
rattlesnake [ˈrætl̩ sneɪk] гремучая змея

lizard [ˈlɪzəd] ящерица
cobra [ˈkəʊbrə] кобра
woodpecker [ˈwʊdˌpekər] дятел
ostrich [ˈɒstrɪtʃ] страус
owl [aʊl] сова
wasp [wɒsp] оса
panther [ˈpænθər] пантера
rhino [ˈraɪnəʊ] носорог
orang-utan [əˈræŋutæn] орангутанг

camel [ˈkæməl] верблюд
chicken [ˈtʃɪkɪn] курица
tuna [ˈtjuːnə] тунец
duck [dʌk] утка
whale [weɪl] кит
cricket [ˈkrɪkɪt] сверчок
dragonfly [ˈdræɡənflaɪ] стрекоза
turtle [ˈtɜːtl̩] черепаха
goose [ɡuːs] гусь

salamander [ˈsæləmændər] саламандра
salmon [ˈsæmən] лосось
rabbit [ˈræbɪt] кролик
frog [frɒɡ] лягушка
ant [ænt] муравей
bee [biː] пчела
mouse [maʊs] мышь
toad [təʊd] жаба
squirrel [ˈskwɪrəl] белка

A mammal [ˈmæməl] (n): an animal that drinks milk from its mother’s body
млекопитающее: животное, которое пьёт молоко своей матери

B reptile [ˈreptaɪl] (n): an animal that lays eggs to have babies and which usually has scales on its skin
рептилия: животное, которое откладывает яйца, чтобы иметь детей, и у которого обычно есть чешуя на коже

C bird [bɜːd] (n): an animal that has wings and feathers and that can usually fly
птица: животное, у которого есть крылья и перья и которое обычно может летать

D fish [fɪʃ] (n): an animal that lives in the water and has fins and a tail to swim
рыба: животное, которое живёт в воде и имеет плавники и хвост, чтобы плавать

E insect [ˈɪnsekt] (n): a small animal that has six legs and usually two pairs of wings
насекомое: маленькое животное, которое имеет шесть ног и обычно две пары крыльев

F rodent [ˈrəʊdənt] (n): a small animal which has long front teeth that grow continuously
грызун: маленькое животное с длинными передними зубами, которые постоянно растут

G amphibian [æmˈfɪbiən] (n): a cold-blooded animal that lives both on land and in the water
амфибия: холоднокровное животное, живущее как на суше, так и в воде

H arachnid [əˈræknɪd] (n): a small animal that has eight legs
паукообразное: маленькое животное с восемью ногами

mammal: moose, beaver, raccoon, panther, rhino, orang-utan, camel, whale, rabbit, mouse, squirrel
млекопитающие: лось, бобр, енот, пантера, носорог, орангутанг, верблюд, кит, кролик, мышь, белка

reptile: alligator, scorpion, rattlesnake, lizard, cobra, turtle
рептилии: аллигатор, скорпион, гремучая змея, ящерица, кобра, морская черепаха

bird: woodpecker, ostrich, owl, chicken, duck, goose
птицы: дятел, страус, сова, курица, утка, гусь

fish: tuna, salmon
рыбы: тунец, лосось

insect: mosquito, wasp, cricket, dragonfly, ant, bee
насекомые: комар, оса, сверчок, стрекоза, муравей, пчела

rodent: moose, beaver, squirrel
грызуны: лось, бобр, белка

amphibian: salamander, frog, toad
земноводные: саламандра, лягушка, жаба

arachnid: spider
паукообразные: паук

Упражнение 2

2. Write F (farm animal), W (wild animal) and P (pet) next to each word. — Напишите F (домашнее животное), W (дикое животное) и P (домашний питомец) рядом с каждым словом.

1 donkey [ˈdɒŋki] осёл F
2 hamster [ˈhæmstər] хомяк P
3 lion [ˈlaɪən] лев W
4 canary [kəˈneəri] канарейка P
5 cow [kaʊ] корова F

6 bear [beə] медведь W
7 dog [dɒɡ] собака P
8 elephant [ˈelɪfənt] слон W
9 horse [hɔːs] лошадь F/P
10 wolf [wʊlf] волк W

11 goat [ɡəʊt] коза F
12 goldfish [ˈɡəʊldfɪʃ] золотая рыбка P
hen [hen] курица F
14 eagle [ˈiːɡl̩] орёл W
15 parrot [ˈpærət] попугай W/P

Упражнение 3

3. Match the pictures to the descriptions, then name the animals.  — Сопоставьте фотографии с описаниями, а затем назовите животных.

1 G It’s got a trunk and two long tusks. elephant
У него хобот и два длинных клыка. Слон

2 F It’s got black and white stripes. zebra
У него чёрные и белые полосы. Зебра

3 H It’s got a mane and roars. lion
У него грива и рёв. Лев

4 E It’s got a horn and lives in the wild. rhino
У него есть рог, и он живёт в дикой природе. Носорог

5 J It’s got a hump on its back and lives in the desert. camel
У него есть горб на спине, и он живёт в пустыне. Верблюд

6 D It’s got eight legs and spins a web. spider
У него восемь ног, и он плетёт паутину. паук

7 I It’s got a shell and walks very slowly. tortoise
У него есть панцирь, и он ходит очень медленно. Черепаха

8 C It’s got a furry tail and large front teeth. squirrel
У него пушистый хвост и большие передние зубы. Белка

9 A It’s got black and white fur and eats bamboo. panda
У него чёрно-белый мех, и он ест бамбук. Панда

10 B It’s got fins and lives in the water. fish/salmon
У него есть плавники, и он живёт в воде. рыба/лосось


Упражнение 4

4. Answer the questions. — Ответьте на вопросы.

1 Do you have a pet? If so, what do you call it? Can you describe it? If you don’t have a pet, what type of pet would you like to have?
Есть ли у вас домашнее животное? Если да, то как его зовут? Опишите его? Если у вас нет домашнего животного, какого животного вы хотели бы завести?

Ответ: Yes, I have. It is a goldfish called George. It is orange and fat./I’d like to have a dog.
Да, есть. У меня золотая рыбка по имени Джордж. Она оранжевая и толстая./Я бы хотел завести собаку.

2 What farm animals are there in your country? What do people use them for?
Какие сельскохозяйственные животные есть в вашей стране? Для чего люди их используют?

Ответ: In my country, there are cows, sheep, pigs and chickens. We use them for milk, meat and eggs.
В моей стране это коровы, овцы, свиньи и куры. Мы держим их для молока, мяса и яиц.

3 Have you seen any wild animals? Where? Describe them.
Вы видели каких-нибудь диких животных? Где? Опишите их.

Ответ: Yes, I have seen all sorts of wild animals in the zoo and some in the forest. I saw an eagle once. It was beautiful with large wings and sharp claws.
Да, я видел разных диких животных в зоопарке, а некоторых в лесу. Однажды я видел орла. Он был прекрасен, с большими крыльями и острыми когтями.

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ГДЗ по английскому языку. Starlight. Звёздный английский. Учебник. 6 класс. Баранова К.М., Дули Д., Копылова В.В.

Рабочая тетрадь. Starlight. 6 класс. Workbook.

Английский язык. 6 класс

1. Do the puzzle using the picture clues. What are the two hidden animals?


1 bear   2 dolphin   3 bee   4 spider   5 shark   6 whale

7 snake   8 tiger   9 monkey   10 giraffe   11 lion   12 frog

13 eagle   14 gorilla   15 crocodile   16 hippo

The hidden animals are: elephant, kangaroo

2. Look at the pictures of a wolf and a bird. Match items 1-8 in the pictures with the words below.

ear      legs      

paw      tail

eye      mouth     

teeth      wing


ear 1   legs 7   paw 4   tail 8   eye 5   mouth 2   teeth 3   wing 6

3. Answer the questions with animals from exercises 1 and 2.

Which animals …

1   haven’t got any legs? ………………………………………….

2   have got wings? ………………………………………….

3   have got six or eight legs? ………………………………………….

4   have got four arms / legs and a tail? ………………………………………….


1   dolphins, sharks, whales, snakes

2   bees, eagles, birds

3   bees, spiders

4   bears, tigers, monkeys, giraffes, lions, crocodiles, hippos, wolves, elephants, kangaroos

4. Listen to four people describing animal photos. Which animal is each speaker talking about? Choose from the animals in exercise 1.

Speaker 1 is describing a photo of a ……………………………

Speaker 2 is describing a photo of an ……………………………

Speaker 3 is describing a photo of a ……………………………

Speaker 4 is describing a photo of a ……………………………


1 a bear   2 an eagle   3 a gorilla   4 a bee


1   I think this is a great photo of a xx. It’s standing in a river and it’s eating a salmon. It’s holding the fish in its big paws. I imagine this is in the USA or Canada, maybe – that’s where they live, isn’t it?

2   I like this photo. You can see the xx flying high above the mountains. Its wings are really huge – about two metres, I think. It’s looking down at the ground. It’s looking for food, I guess!

3   This photo of a xx is amazing, I think – because it looks so human! It’s holding a leaf in its hand and eating it. I know they’re much bigger and stronger than humans, but it doesn’t look frightening at all. It looks very gentle, with kind eyes.

4   This is an interesting photo of a xx. Its body is yellow and black, and it’s on a flower. They work hard and I think they’re amazing.

Extra exercises

1. Complete the definitions with six of the animals below.

bee      butterfly      crocodile      dolphin      eagle      elephant      frog

hippo      shark      snake      spider      wolf

 A / An …………………… is an insect with big coloured wings.

 A / An …………………… is a reptile with a long thin body and no legs.

 A / An …………………… is a very big mammal from Africa or Asia with big ears and a long nose.

 A / An …………………… is a large bird that can see very well.

 A / An …………………… is a big fish that lives in the sea.

 A / An …………………… is a small green animal that lives in and near water.


1 butterfly   2 snake   3 elephant   4 eagle   5 shark   6 frog

2. Answer the questions with parts of an animal.

What does an animal use …

1   to make sounds and to eat?   ……………………

2   to fly?   ……………………

3   to hear?   ……………………

4   to see?   ……………………

5   to walk and to stand?   ……………………


1 mouth   2 wings   3 ears   4 eyes   5 legs

3. Complete the sentences with ago, last or yesterday.

 My grandparents arrived a few minutes ……………………

 I watched a film on TV …………………… night.

 My dad walked to work …………………… morning.

 Maria started studying English ten years ……………………

 We travelled to Canada …………………… summer.


1 ago   2 last   3 yesterday   4 ago   5 last

4. Complete the sentences with the professions formed from the words in bold.

 Joseph Pulitzer worked for different journals and newspapers. He was a ……………………

 Marco Polo explored China and Central Asia. He was an ……………………

 John F. Kennedy worked in politics in the 1950s and 60s. He was a ……………………

 Captain James Cook was the first European to sail to Australia. He was a ……………………

 Marie Curie was good at science, especially physics and chemistry. She was a ……………………


1 journalist   2 explorer   3 politician   4 sailor   5 scientist

5. Complete the sentences.

1   It’s a beautiful day. There isn’t a cloud in the ……………………

2   In the Himalayas, there’s always snow on the ……………………

3   When I was a child, I loved playing with the sand on the ……………………

4   It was a clear night, so we could see the moon and all the ……………………

5   We stopped to have lunch on the grass under a ……………………

6   My sister doesn’t like driving in the dark, so she always tries to get home before ……………………


1 sky   2 mountains   3 beach   4 stars   5 tree   6 sunset

6. Match the first parts of sentences 1-6 with the second parts (a-f).

 The women are walking

 The boy is climbing

 The children are lying

 The girl is looking down

 The men are facing

 People are standing

a   at the bus stop.

 at the floor.

c   a tree.

 along a path.

 on the ground.

f   the door.


1 D   2 C   3 E   4 B   5 F   6 A


Read the definitions and match them to the words. Which of these birds could be a family pet?
1.It’s a big bird with a short hooked bill and brightly coloured feathers that can imitate human speech.
2. It’s a large strong bird that hunts for food.
A. parrot
B. eagle

1 ответ:



Прочитайте определения и сопоставить их слова. Какая из этих птиц может быть домашнего питомца?1.Это большая птица с коротким крючковатым Билл и яркими перьями, что может имитировать человеческую речь.2. Это большая сильная птица, которая охотится за едой.А. попугайБ. Орел

Читайте также

Игры проводятся с 1924, и они организованы в горнолыжных курортов во всем мире раз в четыре года. Запись за золотые медали проводится Бьорн Дэли Норвегии (8 медалей). Самый молодой победитель медаль конькобежец Юн — миль Ким Rorea в возрасте до 13 лет. Это только было сделано с 1960 года и был введен в международном конкурсе на 1970. Он представляет собой смесь из лыжи, коньки, гимнастика и балета. Он начал в 1960-х, но не было сделано олимпийскую событие, потому что это опасно. Она включает в себя катание на лыжах вниз некоторые из самых опасных мест в горах и делается только несколько человек.Befenition спорта является: ​​»Если ты упадешь, ты умрешь».

1 was..
2 was
3 was
4 was
5 were
6 was
7 was
8 were
9 were
10 were

1 The doctor asked to fill in that form.

2 The coach asked us not to tell anyone our game plan.

3 He ordered to be at the start of the race at 10a.m.

4 He told me to take the first street on the left.

5 She asked not to shout.

2) Jack isn’t sitting next to Sally.
He’s standing next to Sally

3) Laura and Tomek aren’t looking at the map.
They’re reading a magazine.

4) The girl in the red hat is listening to the busker.
She isn’t watching the tall man.

5) Pedro and Gabi aren’t taking photos.
They’re checking the camera.

1. 2.She’d like some rice
3.He’d like some bread
4.She’d like some biscuits
5. He’d like an apple
6.She’d like an orange
7.He’d like some fries

2. 2. Would you like some salad? No, thanks.
3.Would you like some ice cream? No, thanks
4.Would you like a banana? Yes, please

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: hor79


Автор ответа: eleoonorka22



1 a

2 b

3 f

4 d

5 g

6 c

7 e

8 z

9 i


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Find the words in the text which have a similar meaning to these definitions.
Komodo Dragons
1. Have you ever seen a small lizard in a garden? How about a giant lizard? In the island of Indonesia, there are
between 4,000 and 5,000 giant lizards called Komodo dragons.
II. They are called Komodo dragons because one of the five islands they live on is called Komodo Island. They are
the largest species of lizards in the world. Adult Komodos can grow to more than three metres long and weigh
about 70 kilogrammes. The largest Komodo ever was an amazing 166 kilogrammes!
III. European scientists discovered them in 1910. The first two Komodos were kept at the London Zoo in 1927.
When Hollywood producers heard about the giant lizards, they made a movie in 1933 about a giant gorilla called
‘King Kong.’The Komodos can live for about forty or even fifty years.
IV. They eat almost anything they can catch. For example, birds, bird eggs, monkeys, deer and horses. Sometimes
they even eat other, smaller Komodos, and sometimes (but not often) even people. They especially like to eat
dead and dying animals which they can smell many kilometers away. There are only about fifty Komodo dragons
in zoos around the world, located mostly in Indonesia, Europe and North America. Because there are so few of
them living in the wild. A park — called Komodo National Park. It was opened in Indonesia in 1980 to protect them
from hunters. It had forty-five thousand visitors in 2010.
1. is a living creature such as a dog, lion, or rabbit (paragraph IV)
2. experts in science, especially one of the physical or natural sciences (paragraph IV).
3. A park or an institution in which living animals are kept (paragraph III).
4. keep safe from harm or injury​

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