Whereas as the first word

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Alejandrin Bogisich

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A quick check in the Oxford English Corpus (OEC) shows that whereas whereas as a single word appears over 100,000 times, as two words it’s in the hundreds.

Is whereas a real word?

noun, plural where·as·es. a qualifying or introductory statement, especially one having “whereas” as the first word: to read the whereases in the will.

How do you use whereas in a sentence?

Whereas is a conjunction and comes at the beginning of a subordinate (dependent) clause. We use whereas to show the difference between two things or facts. A square has four sides, whereas a triangle has three. People say ‘fries’ in America, whereas in Britain they call them ‘chips’.

How do you write whereas?

“Whereas” should NOT have a tab after it but should just be the beginning of a typical sentence. 4. The word after “Whereas” should NOT be capitalized unless it is normally capitalized (so use “Whereas he…” rather than “Whereas He…).

What is Whereas Longman?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishRelated topics: Lawwhere‧as /weərˈæz $ wer-/ ●●○ W2 AWL conjunction 1 formal used to say that although something is true of one thing, it is not true of another The old system was fairly complicated whereas the new system is really very simple.

29 related questions found

What is the Whereas?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1a : while on the contrary. b : although. 2 : in view of the fact that : since —used especially to introduce a preamble.

Can whereas start a sentence?

Yes, you can start a sentence with whereas. Both following clauses as above must be in same voice.

Is there a comma after Whereas?

The words «whereas» and «although» are subordinating conjunctions. The general rule for subordinating conjunctions states that you shouldn’t use a comma before a subordinating conjunction that comes after the main clause. … They are used where a dependent clause is contrasting to the main clause (a bit like «but»).

What is a different word for Whereas?

Find another word for whereas. In this page you can discover 23 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for whereas, like: while on the contrary, while, although, considering that, though, since, when, when in fact, insomuch as, however and because.

How do you use while?

Using ‘while’

  1. While (US) or whilst (UK) means ‘during’, ‘when’, or ‘at the same time’: …
  2. While can also be a noun which would be translated as ‘a short period of time’ (this is not the case with ‘whilst’): …
  3. Note that while must be followed by a verb, whereas during can only be followed by a noun, not a verb.

How do you use the word despite?

Despite sentence example

  1. Despite her fear, she wrapped her arms around him. …
  2. He appeared relaxed, despite the danger. …
  3. Our vacation was a lot of fun, despite the cold weather. …
  4. Despite the water, her mouth was dry and aching almost to the point of pain. …
  5. It gave off heat despite the black flames.

What is difference between while and whereas?

Whereas means the same as while in sentences expressing contrasts. It does not mean the same as while when while refers to time: The south has a hot, dry climate, whereas/while the north has a milder, wetter climate. The secretary took care of my appointments while I was away from the office.

How do you use whereas And while?

while / whereas to link two ideas that contrast with each other: Note that while does not always refer to time. It is also used to balance two ideas that contrast with, but do not contradict, each other. In this sense, it is similar to whereas.

What are the 8 rules for commas?

What are the 8 rules for commas?

  • Use a comma to separate independent clauses.
  • Use a comma after an introductory clause or phrase.
  • Use a comma between all items in a series.
  • Use commas to set off nonrestrictive clauses.
  • Use a comma to set off appositives.
  • Use a comma to indicate direct address.

Does thus require a comma?

“Thus” is usually separated from the rest of the sentence by commas, but the commas are often omitted if this would lead to three commas in a row (as in the third example). … The comma here was appropriate because what follows “thus” is not a clause.

What does Whilist mean?

While (or whilst) means ‘during the time when something else happens‘. When can mean the same as while, but when can also refer to a point in time. Compare. during the time something happens. a point in time.

What is a correct pronunciation?

Pronunciation is the way in which a word or a language is spoken. This may refer to generally agreed-upon sequences of sounds used in speaking a given word or language in a specific dialect («correct pronunciation») or simply the way a particular individual speaks a word or language.

What is despite in grammar?

Despite, in spite of. Despite and in spite of have the same meaning and are prepositions. We use despite / in spite of to express that something is unexpected or surprising. Despite the heavy traffic, we got there on time. Despite being much older than the others, he won the race.

What does Despite mean?

noun. contemptuous treatment; insult. malice, hatred, or spite. verb (used with object), de·spit·ed, de·spit·ing. Obsolete. to anger or annoy (someone) out of spite.

What kind of word is despite?

The function word despite is a preposition. The preposition despite is followed by a noun or a noun phrase, never a clause.

What is another word for who?

In this page you can discover 23 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for who, like: that, what, , they, which, World Health Organization, he, prostitute, you, and who-d.

What is the another word for gas?

In this page you can discover 106 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for gas, like: vapor, gasoline, blab, prate, aeriform fluid, babble, nitrous-oxide, chitchat, fumes, chatter and jabber.

Whereas is considered a transition word, referred to as a conjunction, and it can be used at the beginning or in the middle of a sentence. Many people assume that a conjunction can only be used to combine two separate sentences, but some can be used in other scenarios, including “whereas.”

Understanding what the word “whereas” means, as well as how to use it properly in a sentence, will help you expand your vocabulary and refine your writing skills.

What Does Whereas Mean?

The term “whereas” is used when you are looking to display how two separate things or ideas contrast with one another. This essentially means that you are comparing two things or ideas to show that they are different.

Sometimes, it can be used in place of other common conjunctions, such as “but” and “although.”

“Whereas” is also sometimes seen in legal jargon, and it means “in consideration of.” This use of the word is typically only saved for legal writing, as it can be confusing to read it this way in other contexts.

How Do I Use Whereas Properly?

If you are using the word “whereas” at the beginning of a sentence, you want to be sure that you are using it because you intend to show how two things are different in the rest of the sentence.

Typically, you will have to state one fact after the word “whereas,” and then use a comma to separate the first fact (or first part of a sentence) with the second fact (the second part of the sentence after the comma).

When using the word “whereas” in the middle of a sentence, the first part of your sentence will state a fact, and then there will be a comma. After the comma will come the second fact that is meant to contrast with the first fact.

What Are Some Examples Of Using Whereas At The Start Of A Sentence?

Below are some examples of sentences that use the word “whereas” at the beginning of a sentence correctly.

Ex: Whereas Tommy prefers food that is spicy, Jeanie cannot stand even the mildest hot sauce on the market.

Ex: Whereas California experiences warm weather the majority of the year, New York will experience all types of weather, including snow and freezing temperatures.

Ex: Whereas I decided to complete my Master’s degree, everyone else in my family dropped out of college.

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Conor is the main writer here at One Minute English and was an English teacher for 10 years. He is interested in helping people with their English skills and learning about using A.I tools at work.

6-minute read
(27 & 28 of 44 commonly confused words)

(This is an updated and substantially expanded version of an earlier post.)

Where as???

Yonks ago, reading The Times, I was struck by this sentence: ‘He was apolitical. He never mentioned Iraq, where as some students were vociferous.’

Hence this post.

Is it correct to write whereas as two words nowadays?

Short (and long) answer: no.

Moreover, any spellchecker software worth its salt will flag it up for you.

It had never occurred to me before that whereas might be two words.

Of course, it could easily be since it is simply a combination of where and as.

Several ‘words’ are sometimes written as one unit and sometimes as two, for example under way and underway, on line and online, and so forth. Sometimes, whether you write them one way or t’other is simply a matter of house style or language variety or personal preference. At other times, the difference can be grammatical, e.g. anymore.

But whereas is not one of those. No current dictionary that I know of accepts the two-word spelling. In contrast, the New Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors specifically cites whereas (along with whereabouts, whereby, whereof, wheresoever, and whereupon) as ‘words’ that must be conjoined.

A quick check in the Oxford English Corpus (OEC) shows that whereas whereas as a single word appears over 100,000 times, as two words it’s in the hundreds.

The ratio is somewhat higher in the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA), giving where as at around 3 per cent of occurrences, and in the Global Corpus of Web-based English (GloWbE) it is even higher, at around 6 per cent.

In that last corpus how often it is used per million words varies considerably from country to country (data from 20 countries is included). By that yardstick, British English usage is 50 per cent higher than U.S. or Canadian. Intriguingly, highest of all is Pakistan, at nearly twice the British English frequency.

It is impossible to give an exact figure for it as two words because searching for the string where as also retrieves sentences such as ‘Wolfowitz joined the bank in 2005 after working at the Pentagon, where as deputy defense secretary he was…’. However, a quick visual scan of where as suggests at least 95 per cent are miswritings of whereas. As has been pointed out, a more fastidious punctuator would have inserted a comma between where and as in examples like the one just cited, but the modern fashion is that less is definitely more in terms of commas.

The OEC data also suggests that split where as occurs often in news and blog sources (come back subs, all is forgiven!). Just what do they teach those journalists these days?

Was it ever two words?

Historically, it was originally two words. In its very earliest use – in a written citation from about 1350 – it was a relative adverb corresponding to where, a use which is preserved in The Book of Common Prayer (1549) section on Holy Communion:

That … oure heartes maye surely there bee fixed, where as true ioyes are to be founde.

The earliest OED example of whereas used as a subordinating conjunction is from The Paston Letters (1426–7), in the meaning, now largely confined to legal writing (of which more later), ‘taking into consideration the fact that’:

Where as þe seyd William Paston, by assignement and commaundement of þe seyd Duk of Norffolk…was þe styward of þe seyd Duc of Norffolk.

(As you will no doubt have worked out, the þ symbol stands for the ‘th’ sound. It was used in Old English, is still used in Icelandic, and is called a thorn since it begins that word.)

In its principal modern meaning (‘in contrast’) to introduce a concessive clause, it first appears in Coverdale’s Bible (1535), also as two words:

There are layed vp for vs dwellynges of health & fredome, where as we haue lyued euell.

(From Book 2 of Esdras, not included in the AV.)

The first OED citation for it as one word is in Shakespeare, Henry VI, Part 1 (written before 1616).

I deriued am From Lionel Duke of Clarence…; whereas hee, From Iohn of Gaunt doth bring his Pedigree.

So, while there are historical precedents for the two-word spelling, whereas is one of those words that current spelling convention decrees should not be sundered.

As the first clause, beginning a sentence?

Majority usage seems to favour putting the concessive clause introduced by whereas as the second (or further) part of the sentence, as in the Shakespearean example earlier and as in the following:

He’s the one who is moving on whereas her parents are stuck with the story, are stuck in the past.

He lived through his era, whereas so many of his friends died in racing accidents.

It is worth noting that the comma preceding whereas seems to be optional in these examples, though I think, being generally a pro-comma man, I would often be tempted to insert one,

Now, the clause starting with Whereas is quite often put first in the sentence, as in this next example:

Whereas there used to be a dozen different sets of potentially applicable organic standards, now there’s only one.

Some people object mightily to this use and suggest that it is somehow wrong. My counterarguments would be that a) it is widespread (which isn’t, admittedly, necessarily a recommendation); b) putting it first makes it possible to give end focus to the second clause, as in the example above; and c) that the OED notes ‘(The principal clause usually precedes, but sometimes follows as in 2.)’. The number 2 the OED refers to is that legal use as a preamble we’ve already encountered.

As regards relative frequencies of the two structures, a simple comparison of whereas and Whereas in a carefully balanced OEC general corpus gives a ratio of very roughly 4:1. However, in a corpus of academic journals, that ratio increases to about 13:1 – which suggests that the academics in question prefer to go with the traditional clause order – or their editors do.

That ‘legal’ whereas

We’ve just looked at whereas used to connect clauses while contrasting them.

As in the Paston Letter quotation earlier, the word is often used, especially in U.S. laws, to introduce a clause, or usually several clauses, setting out the reasons for something.

Brian Garner, the doyen of writing on legal usage, suggests that such use in a preamble is the ‘archetypal legalism’ and is best replaced by a heading such as Recitals or Background, containing simple clauses. He also notes that whereas one arbiter of style has disparaged the use of whereas instead of while as ‘stuffy’, whereas can play a useful role: it is preferable to while when while is potentially ambiguous as between its temporal and its concessive meaning:

I developed the arguments and marshaled authorities, while [read whereas if the idea of simultaneity is absent] she wrote the brief itself.

Does it have other meanings?


1. Historically, it was used adverbially to mean simply ‘where’, as noted at the beginning of this post and repeated below, but that use died out long ago, except as a poetic archaism, as illustrated in the second quotation below from the Arts & Crafts designer and writer William Morris:

That…oure heartes maye surely there bee fixed, where as true ioyes are to be founde.

And quickly too he gat | Unto the place whereas the Lady sat.

W. Morris, Earthly Paradise ii. 655, 1868.

2. Whereas is also a noun.

It can mean ‘A statement introduced by “whereas”; the preamble of a formal document.’

While the contrary remains unproved, such a Whereas must be a most inadequate ground for the present Bill.

S. T. Coleridge, Plot Discovered 23, 1795.

The rule seems to be that if a candidate can recite half a dozen policy positions by rote and name some foreign nations and leaders, one shouldn’t point out that he sure seems a few whereases shy of an executive order.

Slate.com, 2000.

The above is a superlative example of the creative potential of the idiom frame ‘a few X short/shy of a Y’, e.g. ‘a few fries short of a Happy Meal’.

As a further historical footnote, it is interesting that the legalistic, ritual use of whereas as a preamble to legal documents led to its being used as a noun, defined as follows in the Urban Dictionary of its day, Grose’s 1796 Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue: 

To follow a whereas; to become a bankrupt…: the notice given in the Gazette that a commission of bankruptcy is issued out against any trader, always beginning with the word whereas.


“whereas, adv. and conj. (and n.).” OED Online, Oxford University Press, December 2020, oed.com/view/Entry/228215. Accessed 4 January 2021.

Garner’s Dictionary of Legal Usage, 3rd edn. Accessed online 4 January 2021.

New Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors, eds., Stevenson, A. and Brown. L. Accessed online 4 January 2021.

Many students are taught that certain conjunctions cannot start sentences in English. It’s a common misconception and one that we’re constantly trying to debunk for you. This article will look at starting a sentence with whereas and how it is possible to do so.

You can start a sentence with “whereas” when you want to compare two facts with each other. When something once meant one thing and now means another, that’s a good time to start a sentence with “whereas.” Also, we can use it to link back to a previous sentence.

Can You Start A Sentence With "Whereas"?

You should always make some sort of comparison using “whereas.” Without it, the word will hold no relevant meaning.

  • Whereas he now does this, he once did that.
  • We could find it with ease. Whereas before, it was much more difficult.

These sentences show both cases when “whereas” is correct.

What Does “Whereas” Mean At The Beginning Of A Sentence?

Before we talk about how it works at the beginning of a sentence, let’s look at what it means when it’s there.

The definition of “whereas,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “compared with the fact that; but.”

We use “whereas” at the start of a sentence to introduce two contrasting ideas or make a comparison. We usually link it back to a previous idea in a sentence or compare within the sentence which “whereas” has started.

While “whereas” isn’t the most commonly used word today, that doesn’t mean we can’t find plenty of uses for its meaning in sentences.

Examples Of How To Use “Whereas” At The Beginning Of A Sentence

To highlight its appropriate uses, you can refer to these examples. They’ll teach you everything you need to know about how “whereas” works and what you can do when you use it.

  1. Whereas he thinks he’s beating me, he doesn’t realize that I’ve got a few tricks left up my sleeve.
  2. Whereas they can’t find a house to live in, there are plenty of choices that they’ve overlooked for no good reason.
  3. He doesn’t want to be here anymore. Whereas I remember a time when he used to love the neighborhood.
  4. She couldn’t trust him further. Whereas they once loved each other with all their hearts.
  5. Whereas there is no more water in the river, it used to be a bustling sanctuary for all river life.
  6. Whereas this city looks ancient and decrepit, it used to house some of the richest and most powerful people in the human race.
  7. We couldn’t find a reason to keep him anymore. Whereas he once offered us plenty of use, he now offers nothing.

“Whereas” starts a sentence when a comparison is made. We can use it as part of the first clause in a sentence to make the first comparison. The second comparison will either be in the sentence before or in the second clause of the same sentence as “whereas.”

Where Should I Place The Comma When Using “Whereas” At The Beginning Of A Sentence?

Sometimes, punctuation rules surrounding comma placements can be tricky. We’ve reserved this section for making sure you’re well-informed on how to punctuate “whereas” in the best possible way.

There is no need to punctuate “whereas” with a comma directly after it. Instead, we simply place the comma at the end of the first clause (which is the first part of the comparison that whereas sets up).

We only need to use commas in this way when “whereas” compares something in its own sentence. If it links back to the previous sentence, we don’t need to place any commas after “whereas.”

  • Correct: Whereas the weather tells us it will rain, I’m certain it’s going to stay sunny.
  • Incorrect: Whereas he couldn’t find the woman he loves she told me she never loved him in the first place.

The first example shows how the clauses are split by a comma. The second example requires a comma after “loves” to split the two clauses; otherwise, it’s wrong.

Is It Formal To Use “Whereas” At The Beginning Of A Sentence?

The formality of the word “whereas” is brought into question when used in this way. Luckily, there isn’t much we need to say about this.

“Whereas” is a formal word. We can use it in both formal and informal writing, but there is nothing wrong with it in any formal cases.

You are able to start any sentences with “whereas” formally, and no one will worry about your tone. It’s actually a really strong way to introduce new comparisons to the reader.

Alternatives To Starting A Sentence With “Whereas”

Some alternatives might help you to broaden your vocabulary a little bit. These synonyms will help you to explore other options that work in place of “whereas” when starting a sentence.

  • But
  • In comparison to
  • In contrast to
  • Inasmuch as
  • When in fact
  • When
  • Where
  • While
  • Though
  • Considering

Can You End A Sentence With “Whereas”?

There are still no rules that tell us we can or can’t place certain words in certain areas. However, there are questions of use and relevance in certain cases.

For instance, there are no known reasons where “whereas” can end a sentence. It’s a conjunction, and we use conjunctions to connect two ideas together. Placing “whereas” at the end of a sentence doesn’t allow us to connect two ideas, which is why it’s not grammatically correct.

Can You Use “Whereas” In The Middle Of A Sentence?

Of course, while it can’t end a sentence, it’s more than capable of being in the middle. If anything, it’s most common and appropriate here, since it’s a conjunction.

“Whereas” works in the middle of a sentence to make a comparison. It’s the same as placing it at the start, but we use it in the middle to more obviously indicate where the comparison lies.

  • He doesn’t want to be here, whereas she’s more than happy to keep exploring.
  • They don’t think he can handle it, whereas he’s confident to show them otherwise.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.


/hwair az», wair-/, conj., n., pl. whereases.

1. while on the contrary: One arrived promptly, whereas the others hung back.

2. it being the case that, or considering that (used esp. in formal preambles).


3. a qualifying or introductory statement, esp. one having «whereas» as the first word: to read the whereases in the will.

[1300-50; ME wheras; see WHERE, AS1]

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Look at other dictionaries:

  • whereas — [hwer az′, weraz′] conj. 1. it being the case that; in view of the fact that: used in the preamble to a formal document [whereas the following incidents have occurred] 2. while on the contrary; but on the other hand [she is careful, whereas he… …   English World dictionary

  • whereas — conj. (1) Considering that something is the case; used in legal documents to begin an introductory statement. (2) In comparison to; in contrast with. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney… …   Law dictionary

  • Whereas — Where*as , adv. At which place; where. [Obs.] Chaucer. [1913 Webster] At last they came whereas that lady bode. Spenser. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Whereas — Where*as , conj. [1913 Webster] 1. Considering that; it being the case that; since; used to introduce a preamble which is the basis of declarations, affirmations, commands, requests, or like, that follow. [1913 Webster] 2. When in fact; while on… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • whereas — mid 14c., where; early 15c., in consideration of the fact that, from WHERE (Cf. where) + AS (Cf. as) …   Etymology dictionary

  • whereas — ► CONJUNCTION 1) in contrast or comparison with the fact that. 2) taking into consideration the fact that …   English terms dictionary

  • whereas — 01. My sister s hand writing is always so neat, [whereas] mine is a total mess. 02. When I was growing up, my brother and I had easier chores like taking out the garbage, [whereas] my sisters had to help make supper and stuff. 03. My parents were …   Grammatical examples in English

  • whereas — 1. conjunction /ʍɛːɹˈæz/ a) In contrast; whilst on the contrary He came first in the race whereas his brother came last. b) It being the fact that And Whereas it hath pleased the Great Governor of the World to incline the hearts of the… …   Wiktionary

  • whereas — [[t](h)weəræ̱z[/t]] ♦♦♦ CONJ SUBORD You use whereas to introduce a comment which contrasts with what is said in the main clause. These fixed price menus for two or three courses can cost as little as 50f, whereas the à la carte is always more… …   English dictionary

  • whereas — where|as W2S2 [weərˈæz US wer ] conj 1.) formal used to say that although something is true of one thing, it is not true of another ▪ The old system was fairly complicated whereas the new system is really very simple. ▪ Whereas the city spent… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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