Where does the word automobile come from текст с заданиями

образования и науки, молодежи и спорта

государственный технический университет



для студентов 1-2

«Промышленный транспорт»

Мариуполь 2012

государственный технический университет

иностранных языков


для студентов 1-2

«Промышленный транспорт»

Часть 1

Мариуполь 2012

УДК 811.111 (072)

разработка для студентов 1-2 курсов
специальности «Промышленный транспорт»,
Ч. 1 / Сост.:

– Мариуполь: ПГТУ, 2012. – 25с.

учебно-методическая разработка
предназначена для студентов 1-2 курсов
специальности «Промышленный транспорт».

Разработка состоит
из четырех частей, которые включают в
себя профессионально-направленные
тексты, специальные задания, дополняющие
и развивающие основную тему урока.

Целью данной
разработки является подготовка студентов
к переводу, пересказу и составлению
письменных документов через систему
лексических и грамматических заданий.

После каждого
урока размещен англо-русский словарь
(слова, словосочетания и специальные

Составитель: Е.Ю.

Т.А. Костина

за выпуск: Л.Н. Лазаренко

на заседании кафедры иностранных языков

№ 16
от 05.04.2012

Рекомендовано на
заседании методической комиссии
факультета инженерной и языковой

№ 9

Lesson 1. Where does the word «automobile» come from?




















состоять из автомобиль

означать важность

двигать возникать из

тех пор брать обеспечивать

переставать сам
главным образом


следующие словосочетания

words taken together, self-moving vehicle, unprovided with rails,
agencies of transportation and communication, well adapted for
ordinary road conditions, a matter of luxury, a decisive factor,
economic development, the world at large, a great number of, to a
large extent, road maintenance improvement and construction

Прочитайте и переведите текст и ответьте
на вопросы

Text 1. Where does the word «automobile» come from?

word automobile
not English. It consists
of two
words: autos
a Greek word meaning

a Latin word meaning «movable». The two words taken
together mean «self-moving». Thus, an automobile
a self-moving
vehicle. The
synonyms of automobile are: auto, car, auto-car, motor

role and importance
an automobile arise
the fact that it can move along roads unprovided
rails. In this respect, it substantially
differs from
a street
car (tram)
and a railway
car (train).
In fact, it often replaces street cars, railway cars, and other
of transportation and communication. In
short, the automobile is a vehicle well
adapted for
road conditions.

automobile has long since ceased to
be a
matter of luxury or
sport and has become a decisive
factor in
the economic
development of
many countries. This
accounts for the fact that
world at large uses
great number of automobiles.
In some countries where automobiles are found
millions they are playing a most important part in the solution
many problems of transport.

development of automobiles is also accountable to
a large extent for
the progress in road maintenance,
improvement and

is the origin of the word automobile?

fact does the role and importance of the automobile arise from?

does the automobile play an important part in the economic
development in many countries?

Заполните пропуски в предложениях в
соответствии с содержанием текста и
переведите предложения.

automobile means

role and importance of an automobile arise from the fact that it

can rails.

automobile is a vehicle for ordinary road conditions.

automobile has become in the economic _________ of many сountries


словосочетания и специальные термины

great number of



счет, расчет, подсчет


приспосабливать, адаптировать




адаптируемый, приспосабливаемый




средства транспорта и дорож­ное


средство; агентство

from (arose, arisen)



переставать, прекращать


состоять из



разрабатывать, развивать




разработка, развитие


отличаться, различаться


отличие, разница


отличный от


экономическое развитие


находить, обнаруживать






предмет роскоши


означать, подразумевать, намереваться;
средний, подлый, скупой






средства (для
достижения чего-либо)


двигатель, мотор, автомобильный; (ехать)
везти на автомобиле motor

легковой автомобиль


двигать; ход




двигаться вперед, развиваться; прогресс




обеспеченный, снабженный


поддержание, обслужива­ние и
строительство дорог


сам, себя


самодвижущееся транспортное средство

с тех пор, так как, потому что


главным образом

(took, taken)


world at large



в значительной степени

words taken together




with rails




хорошо приспособлен­ный для обычных
дорожных условий

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The word «automobile» is not English. It consists of two words: “autos” and “mobilis”. “Autos” is a Greek word meaning «self”, «mobilis» — a Latin word meaning «movable». The two words taken together mean «self-moving». Thus, an automobile means a self-moving vehicle. The synonyms of automobile are: auto, car, auto-car, motor car.
The role and importance of an automobile arise from the fact that it can move along roads unprovided with rails. In this respect, it substantially differs from a street car (tram) and a railway car (train). In fact, it often replaces street cars, railway cars, and other agencies of transportation and communication. In short, the automobile is a vehicle well adapted for ordinary road conditions.
The automobile has long since ceased to be a matter of luxury or sport and has become a decisive factor in the economic development of many countries. This accounts for the fact that the world at large uses a great number of automobiles. In some countries where automobiles are found in millions they are playing a most important part in the solution of many problems of transport.
The development of automobiles is also accountable to a large extern e progress in road maintenance, improvement and construction.


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Теxt1. ОТКУДА СЛОВО «АВТОМОБИЛЬ» Слово «автомобиль» не является английский. Он состоит из двух слов: «авто» и «mobilis». «Авторезина» это греческое слово, означающее «себя», «mobilis» — латинского слово означает «перемещаемая». Два слова, взятые вместе означает «самостоятельного перемещения». Таким образом автомобиль означает самостоятельно движущегося транспортного средства. Синонимы автомобиля являются: авто, автомобиль, авто автомобиль, автомобиль.Роль и значение автомобиля обусловлены тем, что он может двигаться вдоль дорог необеспеченным с рельсов. В этой связи он существенно отличается от улицы автомобиля (трамвай) и вагон (поезд). В самом деле он часто заменяет уличные автомобили, железнодорожные вагоны и другие органы транспорта и связи. Короче говоря автомобиль имеет хорошо приспособлен для обычных дорожных условий.Автомобиль давно перестал быть предметом роскоши или спорта и стал решающим фактором в экономическом развитии многих стран. Это объясняет то, что в целом мир использует большое количество автомобилей. В некоторых странах, где автомобили находятся в миллионах они играют наиболее важную роль в решении многих проблем транспорта. Развитие автомобилей также отчитывается перед большой Экстерн e прогресс в содержание дорог, улучшение и строительство.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Слово «автомобиль» не является английским. Он состоит из двух слов: «Автотранспортные» и «Mobilis». «Autos» это греческое слово , означающее «я», «Mobilis» -.. Латинское слово , означающее «подвижный» Два слова , взятые вместе , означают «самодвижущихся» Таким образом, автомобиль означает самоходного транспортного средства синонимами. автомобили являются: авто, автомобиль, авто-автомобиль, автомобиль.
роль и значение автомобиля возникают из — за того , что он может передвигаться по дорогам необеспеченных с рельсов В связи с этим, она существенно отличается от уличного автомобиля (трамвай) и. железнодорожный вагон (поезд). на самом деле, он часто заменяет уличные автомобили, железнодорожные вагоны и другие ведомства транспорта и связи. Короче говоря, автомобиль представляет собой транспортное средство хорошо приспособлены для обычных дорожных условиях.
автомобиль уже давно перестал быть вопрос роскоши или спорта и стала решающим фактором в экономическом развитии многих стран. Это объясняет тот факт , что мир в целом использует большое количество автомобилей. в некоторых странах , где автомобили находятся в миллионах они играют наиболее важной частью в решении многих проблем транспорта.
развитие автомобилей также отвечает большому экстерном прогресса в электронной технического обслуживания дорог, благоустройство и строительство.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


они xt1.где слово «автомобильных»?слово « автомобиль «не является английский.она состоит из двух слов: «автомобили» и «энтенерис».»автомобили — греческое слово, означающее» Self «,» энтенерис «- Latin слово, означающее» движимом «.два слова, взятые вместе, значит «самостоятельно двигаться».таким образом, автомобиль означает самостоятельной движущегося транспортного средства.синонимы автомобиля: авто, машина, авто прокат, автомобиль.роль и значение автомобиля возникают из — за того, что она может двигаться вдоль дорог unprovided с рельсов.в этой связи он значительно отличается от улицы машина (трамваи) и железной дороги, машины (поезд).фактически, он часто заменяет улице машины, железнодорожные вагоны, и других учреждений, транспорта и связи.короче говоря, автомобиль — это средство хорошо приспособлены для обычных дорожных условий.автомобиль уже давно перестали быть предметом роскоши или спорт и стала решающим фактором экономического развития многих стран.это объясняет тот факт, что в мире в целом использует большое количество автомобилей.в некоторых странах, где автомобили находятся в миллионы, они играют наиболее важную роль в решении многих проблем транспорта.разработка автомобилей подотчетен также большой рабочий e ход ремонта дорог, благоустройства и строительства.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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The History ofan Automobile

Планконспект занятия


 рапорт дежурного

Т:   Good –morning students. I am glad to see you
again. I hope you are OK today. Who is on duty today? Make a report, please.

II.  Мотивация учебной деятельности сообщение темы  и
цели занятия

Т:   As you see a lot of guests
are present at our lesson. But it’s high time to start it. Look at the black
–board (screen) and try to guess what is the topic of our lesson?

St:  I think the topic of
the lesson is «The history of an automobile».

 Т:  Yes, you are right. The topic of the lesson is «The
history of an automobile». And we have a lot of work today. You will repeat the
words, learn the new words, read and translate the text, answer the questions,
do various exercises and  learn many interesting and new things.

III.  Актуализация опорных знаний

1. Фонетическая разминка (повторение ранее изученных
ЛЕ по теме «С
omponents of the automobile»

Т:   First of all we’ll repeat
the words basic words concerning the topic
«Сomponents of
the automobile».








внутреннего сгорания

internal combustion engine


дизельный двигатель

diesel engine










power train (transmission)



running gear



steering system















propeller shaft



final drive





задний мост

rear axle



axle shafts


рама с осями

frame with axles





колеса с рессо­рами

wheels and springs














включать (в себя)


2.  Выполнение лексического

(Match the meaning of the word with the word)

1.  the
 portion of a vehicle’s drive mechanism that transmits power from the engine
to the wheels


2.  the
moving parts such as the steering and wheels of a vehicle that do not produce
or transmit power


3.  the
main part of a vehicle, the outer shell of a car


4.  the
frame and wheels that support the engine and body of a motor vehicle, or the
frame and wheels of a carriage or wagon

power train

5.  a
rotating shaft that transmits the power from an  engine to another part of
the machine

   E. clutch

6.  an
underlying or supporting structure that consists of solid parts with spaces
between them and has something built around or on top of it


7.  a
device that enables two rotating shafts to be connected and disconnected
smoothly, especially one in a motor vehicle that transmits power from the
engine to the transmission


8.  a
machine that converts an energy source into mechanical power or motion


9.  the
part of a vehicle that slows it down or stops it.


10.  an
arrangement of gears that allows two shafts driven by a third to turn at
different speeds.



1 —   D
(power train)

2 —  J

3 —  F


4 —  A


5 —  I

(propeller shaft)

6 —  


7 —  E


8 —  


9 —  


10  —  


1.  Engine

a machine
that converts an energy source into mechanical power or motion

2.  Chassis

the frame and
wheels that support the engine and body of a motor vehicle, or the frame and
wheels of a carriage or wagon

3.  Body

the main part
of a vehicle, e.g. the fuselage of an aircraft or the outer shell of a car

4.  Power train

the portion
of a vehicle’s drive mechanism that transmits power from the engine to the

5.  Running gear

the moving
parts such as the steering and wheels of a vehicle that do not produce or
transmit power

6.  Clutch

device that enables two rotating shafts to be connected and disconnected
smoothly, especially one in a motor vehicle that transmits power from the
engine to the transmission

7.  Brakes

the part of a
machine or vehicle that slows it down or stops it

8.  Propeller shaft 

a rotating
shaft that transmits the power from a motor or engine to another part of the

9.  Differential

arrangement of gears that allows two shafts driven by a third to turn at
different speeds, e.g. in a motor vehicle

10.  Frame

an underlying
or supporting structure that consists of solid parts with spaces between them
and has something built around or on top of it

3.  Выполнение лексического

(Complete the sentences)

1.  The main units of the
chassis are…

A.  the
clutch and the propeller shaft.

2.  The clutch connects  …

B.  the
engine, body and power train members.

3.  The power transmission
contains …

C.  the
engine and the driving wheels.

4.  The gearbox is placed
between … 

D.  a
frame with axles, wheels and springs.

5.  The running gear
consists of … 

E.  the
power transmission, the running gear and the steering mechanism.

6.  The frame provides
support for …

F.  the
clutch, gearbox, propeller shaft, rear axle, final drive, differential and
axle shafts.


1 —   E. 

2 —  C. 

3 — F. 

4 —  A. 

5 —  D. 

6 —  B. 


The main units of the
chassis are the power transmission, the
running gear and the steering mechanism.


The clutch connects the engine and the driving wheels.


The power transmission
contains the clutch, gearbox, propeller
shaft, rear axle, final drive, differential and axle shafts.


The gearbox is placed
between the clutch and the propeller shaft.


The running gear consists
of a frame with axles, wheels and springs.


The frame provides support
for the engine, body and power train

4.   Перевод предложений с русского языка на английский

the sentences from Russian into English)


Автомобиль состоит
из трех основных частей: двигателя, кузова и шасси.


The automobile is made up
of three basic parts: the engine, the chassis and the body.


Двигатель включает
в себя топливную, охлаждающую, смазывающую и электрическую системы. 


The engine includes the
fuel, cooling, lubricating and electrical systems.


Сцепление – это
фрикционное устройство, соединяющее двигатель с шестернями в коробке передач.


The clutch is a friction
device connecting the engine with gears in the gearbox.


Тормоза используют
для остановки или замедления скорости автомобиля.


Brakes are used for
stopping or slowing the car.


Рулевой механизм
предназначен для изменения направления движения автомобиля.


The steering mechanism is
designed for changing the direction of the car.


передач обеспечивает четыре передние скорости и задний ход.


gearbox provides four for­ward speeds and one reverse,

IV. Изучение нового материала

1.  Предтекстовая беседа 
в форме «интервью»  

(преподаватель задаёт вопросы группе)


Where does the word „automobile“come from?

(What is the origin of the word automobile?)

St. 1

The word automobile
not English. It
a Greek word
s e l f ‘ ,
Latin word meaning «movable». The two words taken together mean
«self-moving». Thus, an
automobile means a self-moving
synonyms of automobile are: auto, car, auto-car,


fact does the role and importance of the automobile arise from?

St. 2

The role and importance
an automobile
the fact that it can move along roads
unprovided with rails. In
this respect, it
tram) and a
train). In fact, it often replaces street cars, railway cars, and other
of transportation and communication.


want to add,
automobile is a vehicle
well adapted for ordinary
road conditions.


does the automobile play an important part in the economic development in
many countries?

St. 4

automobile has long since ceased
to be a
matter of luxury or sport and has  become a decisive factor in the economic
development of many countries. This accounts for the fact that the world at
large uses a great number of automobiles.

St. 5

In some
countries where automobiles are found in millions they are playing a most important
part in the solution of many problems of transport.

St. 6

The development of
automobiles is also accountable to a large extent for the progress in road maintenance,
improvement and construction.

2. Этап подготовки к чтению текста (снятие
языковых трудностей)

а) Ознакомление с новой лексикой темы и её
фонетическая отработка (ex. 1)

T.  Read the
new words. Learn them.








один, единственный
















приводить в движение




силовая установка








подшипник, ролик




запаздывание; отставать










according to


в соответствии с





b) Запись слов в словарь.

c)  Выполнение лексического упражнения № 2

TMatch the word combinations with their Russian

1.  great human achievements

A.   трехколесный

2.  three-wheeled carriage 

B.  законодательные акты

3.  self-propelled vehicle 

в движение транспортное средство механической силой

4steam-driven engine

D.  автомобильная тяга

5.  propel a vehicle by mechanical power

E.   надежное транспортное средство

6.  legislative acts

F.  великие достижения человека

7.  automobile propulsion

G.   самодвижущееся


8.  reliable  vehicle

H.  паровой


1 —  F





6  B



1.  great human achievements

F.  великие
достижения человека

2.  three-wheeled carriage 

A.   трехколесный

3.  self-propelled vehicle 

G.   самодвижущееся


4steam-driven engine

H.  паровой

5.  propel a vehicle by
mechanical power

в движение транспортное средство механической силой

6.  legislative acts

B.  законодательные акты

7.  automobile propulsion

D.  автомобильная тяга

8.  reliable  vehicle

E.   надежное транспортное средство

Выполнение лексического задания

Choose the correct variant of translation


A car is not the
product of any single inventor.


Машина не была
изобретена кем-то одним.


Машина – это не
продукт какого-либо одного изобретателя.


производится кем-то одним.


Huge capital began
to flow into the automobile industry.


капиталовложения начали поступать в автомобильную промышленность.


Потоки капитала
начали вливаться в автомобильную промышленность.


поступления в автомобильную промышленность были огромны.


No other industry
had ever developed at such a rate.


промышленность не развивается с такой скоростью.


Другие отрасли
промышленности не развиваются с такой скоростью.


Никакая другая
отрасль промышленности не развивалась с такой скоростью.


5. Повторение правил чтения дат; отработка дат [по тексту] (задание
№ 4)

1763, 1784, 1825, 1865, 1885, 1896, 1903

2.  Этап чтения и перевода текста.

a)  Чтение и
перевод текста.

T.  Read and
translate the text:

early history of the automobile can be divided into a number of eras.

most other great human achievements, the motor car is not the product of any single

history of the automobile began about 4,000 years ago when the first wheel was
used for transportation in India.

One of the earliest attempts to propel a vehicle by mechanical
was suggested by Isaac Newton.

But the first self-propelled vehicle was constructed by
the French military engineer
Cugnot [ku’njә]
in 1763. He built a steam-driven
which had three wheels, carried two passengers and at
speed of four miles per hour.

In 1784 the Russian inventor Kulibin built a three-wheeled
carriage. In his vehicle he used for the first time such new elements as
brakes, rollers and a gearbox.

 In 1825 a steam engine was built in Great Britain. The vehicle carried 18 passengers and covered 8
miles in 45 minutes.

But the progress of motor cars met with great opposition
in Great Britain. The development of motor car
lagged because of the restrictions resulting from legislative acts. The most famous of these acts was the Red Flag Act of 1865, according to which the speed
of the steam-driven vehicles was
limited to 4 miles per hour and a man with a red flag had to walk in front of it.

four-stroke petrol internal combustion engine was patented by Nikolaus Otto.

similar four-stroke diesel engine was invented by Rudolf Diesel.

1885, Karl Benz developed a petrol powered automobile. The automobile was
powered by a single cylinder two stroke engine.

In 1896
a procession of motorcars took place from London to Brighton to show how
reliable the new vehicles were.

Huge capital began to flow into
the automobile industry.  No other industry had ever developed at such a rate.

the turn of the 20th century electrically powered automobiles were a popular
method of automobile propulsion, but their common use did not last long. 

b) Просмотр компьютерной
по теме занятия. (Визуализация прочитанного текста) ПРЕЗЕТАЦИЯ

Надпись:  Надпись:
Надпись:  Надпись:

3.  Этап проверки понимания текста и выполнения коммуникативных

упражнения  (
True or false) Приложение № 2

7.  True or false.


history of automobile began 2000 years ago.  (False)


The first
self-propelled vehicle was constructed by
Isaac Newton.  (False)


In his
three-wheeled carriage Kulibin used for the first time such new elements as


A steam engine
was built in Germany. 


In the 19th
century the progress of motor cars developed at an enormous pace. 


The four-stroke petrol internal combustion engine was
invented by Rudolf Diesel.



Karl Benz automobile was powered by a single cylinder
two stroke engine.  


At the turn of the 20th century electrically powered
automobiles were a popular method of automobile propulsion. 

II.  Защита студентами проекта по теме «The
Ford Motor Company» 

Закрепление материала

1. Экспресс- опрос в форме тестирования по теме «The Ford Motor Company».       



Which was Henry Ford first

а)  Model T

b) Model A

c) Quadricycle


Аt the age of 16
he became  …

а)  a driver

machinist’s apprentice

c)  a mechanical engineer


When was the Ford Motor company

а)  1903


c)  1901


How many letters of  the
alphabet did the company begin using to name new cars? 

а)  17

b) 19

c) 12


The Model T was sold for …

а)  27

b) 19

c)  15


By selling …  Model T’s  Ford
Motor Company became a giant company.

а) 10 million

15 million

c) 100 million


 What did Henry Ford apply for the first time in his

а)  8-hour
working day

b)  piece-rate system

c)  assembly-line techniques


What automobile plant was
set up in the Soviet Union in 1929

In 1929, Ford was
contracted by the government of the Soviet Union to set up the

а)  Gorky
Automobile Plant

b)  Volga
Automobile Plant

c) Moscow Automotive
Society – Likhachov Plant


Ford Motor Company
manufactures automobiles under several names including Lincoln and Mercury in
the United States

а)  True

b)  False


Which year did Henry Ford
pass away?

а)  August 21, 1953

b)  July 15, 1965

c)  April 7, 1947

2.  Взаимопроверка по ключам.

1 – c

6 –b

2 –b

7 – c

3 –a

8- a

4 –b

9 – a

5 – a

10 – c

1.    All correct (0 mistakes) – «5»

2.    1 – 2 mistakes — «4»

3.    3 – 5 mistakes — «3»

4.    6- 10 mistakes — «2»

VI.  Подведение итогов занятия

§  анализ работы студентов на занятии,

§  выставление оценок,

мотивация оценок.

VIIДомашнее задание — подготовить сообщение или реферат по теме

«История автомобильной компании» 



автомобиль как мы его видим : учебник английского языка / А.В. Гниненко. —
М.: Астрель: ACT : Транзиткнига, 2005. —461, [3] е.: ил.


Английский язык для
студентов автомобилестроительных специальностей: учебное пособие для  средних
профессиональных учебных заведений/                  В.А. Шляхова. – «Высшая
школа»: Москва, 2008.
— 120


Англо- русский
политехнический словарь, 80000 терминов. Под редакцией А.Е. Чернухина. Изд
. 3-е, М.,
«Русский язык», 1976,
648 стр.


Русско  — английский
словарь, около 25000 слов. Под редакцией                                 
О.С. Ахмановой.  Изд
. 21-е, М., «Сов. Энциклопедия», 1969, 512 стр.


Словарь современного
английского языка: в 2 -х т. – М.: С 48 Рус. яз., 1992  


Oxford World Skills: Learn and practise Enlish vocabulary
/ Oxford Universiti
Press; Stuart Redmon.
Ruth –
New York. 2012.- 254 p.


Encarta Encyclopedia Deluxe 2004


Электронный словарь
Encarta Premium


free dictionary [Электронный ресурс] / – Режим  доступа: http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com

Контрольные по английскому языку

Контрольные по английскому языку дают возможность повторить пройденные темы. Если вы хотите хорошо знать английский язык, то вам лучше решать контрольные работы по английскому как можно чаще.

Задания из методички Автомобиль: вчера, сегодня, завтра

Unit 1. The early days of the automobile 
Section 1:

1. Answer the questions:
— What is an automobile?
— What are the synonyms of the word ‘automobile’? 

2. Find the definition of the word “automobile” : 
— a private motor vehicle
— a motor car
— means of carrying people or things, especially on land

5. Complete and translate the expressions:
words, vehicle, unprovided, agencies, luxury, large, matter, large, adapted, conditions, ordinary, decisive, development, maintenance.

6. Read the text and answer the questions:
— What is the origin of the word automobile? 

— What facts does the role and importance of the automobile arise from?

— Why does the automobile play an important part in the economic development in many countries?

The word «automobile» is not English. It consists of two words: “autos” and “mobilis”. “Autos” is a Greek word meaning «self”, «mobilis» — a Latin word meaning «movable». The two words taken together mean «self-moving». Thus, an automobile means a self-moving vehicle. The synonyms of automobile are: auto, car, auto-car, motor car.
The role and importance of an automobile arise from the fact that it can move along roads unprovided with rails. In this respect, it substantially differs from a street car (tram) and a railway car (train). In fact, it often replaces street cars, railway cars, and other agencies of transportation and communication. In short, the automobile is a vehicle well adapted for ordinary road conditions.
The automobile has long since ceased to be a matter of luxury or sport and has become a decisive factor in the economic development of many countries. This accounts for the fact that the world at large uses a great number of automobiles. In some countries where automobiles are found in millions they are playing a most important part in the solution of many problems of transport. 
The development of automobiles is also accountable to a large extern e progress in road maintenance, improvement and construction.

2. Read the text
Like most other great human achievements, the motor car is not the product of any single inventor.
One of the earliest attempts to propel a vehicle by mechanical power was suggested by Isaac Newton. But the first self-propelled vehicle was constructed by the French military engineer Cugnot in 1763. He built a steam-driven engine which had three wheels, carried two passengers and ran at maximum speed of four miles per hour.
In 1784 the Russian inventor Kulibin built a three-wheeled carriage.
In his vehicle he used for the first time such new elements as brakes, rollers and a gearbox.
In 1825 a steam engine was built in Great Britain. The vehicle carried 18 passengers and covered 8 miles in 45 minutes. However, the progress of motor cars met with great opposition in Great Britain. Further development of motor car lagged because of the restrictions resulting from legislative acts. The most famous of these acts was the Red Flag Act of 1865, according to which the speed of the steam-driven vehicles was limited to 4 miles per hour and a man with a red flag had to walk m front of it.
In Russia there were cities where motor cars were outlawed altogether. When the editor of the local newspaper in the city of Uralsk bought a car, the governor issued these instructions to the police: «When the vehicle appears in the streets, it is to be stopped and escorted to the police station, where its driver is to be prosecuted.»

3. Answer the questions:
— Is the motor car a product of a single inventor?
— When was the first self-propelled vehicle constructed?
— What elements did the Russian inventor Kulibin use for the first time in his vehicle?
— Did the progress of motor cars meet with great opposition?

4. Read the text and mark the statements ‘True’ or ‘False’:
1. Isaac Newton constructed the first self-propelled vehicle.
2. Kulibin built a three-wheeled carriage.
3. Cugnot used brakes, rollers and a gearbox for the first time.
4. A steam engine was built in France in 1835.
5. Cugnot built a steam driven engine.
6. A steam-driven engine had four wheels and carried five passengers.

6. Put the words into the right place:
Swiss, vehicles, engine (2), steam, claim, develop, mechanical, Paris, automobile.

Although Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot is often credited with the first self-propelled _vehicle or automobile, this claim is disputed by some, who doubt Cugnot’s three-wheeler ever ran, while others _ Ferdinand Verbiest, a member of a Jesuit mission in China, built the first _ powered car around 1672. In either case Francois Isaac de Rivaz, a _ inventor, designed the first
internal combustion _ which was fuelled by a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen and used it to _ the world’s first vehicle I to run on such an _. The design was not very successful, as was the case with Samuel Brown, Samuel Morey, and Etienne Lenoir who each produced _ powered by clumsy internal combustion engines.
In November 1881 French inventor Gustave Trouve demonstrated a working three-wheeled _. This was at the International Exhibition of Electricity in _.

2. Insert the words from ex. 1 into the text: 
Thе electric automobile energized by _ appeared to have a great future nearly a century ago.
In 1888, Scientific American described an English electric carriage. An ordinary four-passenger «dog cart», the vehicle was _ by Immisch & Company of London for the Sultan of Turkey. It had a 1-hp motor connected by chain to a _. The makers _ that the twenty-four-cell battery (stored under the seats) could «propel the vehicle at a speed of about ten miles an hour for five hours.»
_ at a skating rink in Camden Town, «no great speed could be attained, on account of the confined space and the consequent necessity for frequent sharp turns.» One assumes that Turks were properly impressed by their Sultan’s electric dog cart.
In 1847, Werner von Siemens publicly said he would build an electric-powered carriage. He did so with the 1897 Viktoria.
Twenty-eight percent of the 4,192 American automobiles produced in 1900 were electric. In the New York automobile show of that year more electrics were on _ than gasoline or steam vehicles.
Some of America’s most distinguished _, including Thomas Edison, were _ electrics or _ in their development. And the first American firm to manufacture cars by hundreds was _ well-designed electrics.

3. Find the synonyms of the word “to produce” in the text.

4. Answer the questions:
— What great invention appeared to have a great future nearly a century ago?
— When did Werner von Siemens build an electric-powered carriage?
— How many per cents of American automobiles were electric in 1900?
— What company electrified the vehicle?
— What did company claim?
— What electric car was described by Scientific American in 1888?

5. White down the key sentences from the text and retell it using these sentences.

Unit 3. The motor car clubs and museums

Answer the questions:

— Where do we store the antique models of automobiles?
— Are there any automobile museums in Russia?
— Can you name them?
— Do you know any foreign motor museums or clubs?
— What car models are collected there?
3.Read the text:
There are about 3,000 Americans who like to collect antique cars. They have several clubs such as Antique Automobile Club and Veteran Motor Car Club, which specialize in rare models.
The clubs practice meetings where members can exhibit their cars.
Collectors can also advertise in magazines published by their clubs.
Some magazines specialize in a single type of car such as glorious Model T.
In England there is the famous Beaulieu Motor Museum — the home for veteran cars. There is a car called The Knight in this museum. It is the first British petrol-driven car. Its top speed was only 8 mph.
The founder of the Museum is Lord Montagu, the son of one of England’s motoring pioneers, who opened it in 1952 in memory of his father. Lord Mondagu’s father was the first person in England to be fined by the police for speeding. He was fined 5 pounds for going faster than 12 miles per hour.
In the Museum’s collection there is a car called the Silver Ghost
It was built by Rolls-Royce in 1907 and called the Silver Ghost because it ran so silently and was painted silver.
Charles Rolls was born in 1881 in Great Britain. He died in 1910.
He was an aristocrat and businessman. He was especially interested in cars. Once he met another enthusiast of cars Henry Royce.
Henry Royce was a famous car engineer. They decided to design the most comfortable and reliable car.
At the beginning of the 20th century it seemed to be a fantasy. But they worked hard and at last in 1907 they created the world-famous Rolls- Royce car. It was so comfortable and reliable that one of the models of Rolls-Royce cars «Silver Ghost» hadn’t changed greatly for 20 years since 1907.

4. Find the Englishequivalents to thefollowing Russian expressions in the text:
Был оштрафованным полицией за преувеличение скорости
решить создать
в час
быть окрашенным в серебряный цвет
в честь отца (в память о отце)

ехать быстрее, чем
быть оштрафованным на пять фунтов
первопроходцы автомобилестроения
журналы, изданные их клубами
самая большая скорость была

5. Use the word in brackets to form a word that fits in the space of each sentence:
1. Consumers in the market for a luxury car are often looking for more (capable) or simply a larger presence than typically provided by a high-end sedan.
2. The luxury SUV market meets that demand and continues to (growth).
3. Originally conceived as rugged workhorses, sport-utility vehicles have evolved into the preferred (choose) of many drivers for everyday transportation.
4. Commuting, running errands and shuttling kids around are the most common activities of the (type) SUV.
5. As sport-utility vehicles continue to grow in popularity, some have become more and more (civilization), culminating in upscale vehicles that deliver sport-utility versatility coupled with interior appointments befitting a luxury sedan.

6. Complete the sentences with one of the endings below:
1. The more traditional truck-based models provide the greatest towing capacity _.
2. According to J.D. Power and Associates, sales this year of premium crossover SUVs _.
3. And while fuel prices have kept sales of larger SUVs flat, the on sales increases _.
4. Comfort, capability and presence are what these plush cruisers are all about, and whether you’re headed home from work or up the mountain to ski _.
5. Many premium SUVs are built on existing sport-utility platforms _.
6. Equipped with a permanent and «intelligent» all-wheel-drive system the Land Rover 2 uses an electronically controlled center _.
7. Luxury equipment includes a powered rear liftgate with remote. Mahogany and _.
a)… you’ll be sure to arrive in luxury and style.
b) … while boasting added creature comforts such as leather seating wood trim, full-time all-wheel drive and premium sound navigation systems.
c) … leather-wrapped steering wheel, and available heated leather seats.
d) …such as the Acura RDX and Land Rover LR2 have increased almost 70 percent over 2006.
e) … differential to vary the torque split between the front and rear axles as needed. f) … in the full-size SUV segment are via the luxury models.
g) …while car-based “crossover” SUVs combine a taller seating position with a more car-like ride.

Unit 4. The era of gasoline-powered automobile
1. Answer the questions:
— When did the first gasoline-powered automobile appear?
— Who invented it?

4. Read the text and answer the questions:
— Who built the first practical internal combustion engine?
— Who improved the Lenoir engine?
— What era did the Otto engine inaugurate?
— Who introduced the first commercial automobile?

Inventors on both sides of the Atlantic discovered during the 1880s that technologies for making self-propelled carriages and wagons had progressed dramatically. Soon sundry vehicles powered by steam, internal combustion engines, and electricity were rolling across Germany, France, and the United States.
The first practical internal combustion engine was built by Etienne Lenoir, a Belgian living in France. Patented in 1860, his water-cooled contraption burned coal gas and was noisy and inefficient; even so, for two decades it had many buyers. Lenoir’s engine was a clear proof of concept to other inventors, especially in Europe.
Nikolaus Otto, a German, was one of many inspired by Lenoir’s technical and commercial success. Mechanically gifted, Otto sought to improve the Lenoir engine, and in the late 1870s he did. Otto’s four-cycle design embodied features that would become standard in gasoline automobile engines. The cars of that time were very small, two-seated cars with no roof, driven by an engine placed under the seat. Motorists had to carry large cans of fuel and separate spare parts, for there were no repair or filling stations to serve them.
The Otto engine and the many clones it spawned, though intended to replace small steam engines in industry, inaugurated the era of the gasoline-powered automobile. Clearly, the compact internal combustion engine was a most suitable
technology for the self-propelled vehicle.
Karl Benz, also a German, employed his own Otto-type engine to power a three-wheel carriage in 1885. These tri-wheelers, with a one-cylinder engine that developed 0.8 hp, were put on the market in 1887, perhaps the earliest commercial automobiles. 
In 1891 Benz added a four-wheel motorized carriage to his company’s offerings. These automobiles sold well and were widely imitated. In the early 1890s, for example, Panhard et Levassor as well as Peugeot in France were peddling cars to the public. Henry Ford, however, was still a long way from building automobiles.

5.Find the words with the following definitions in the text:
— someone who is the first person to make something or think of something
— a passenger vehicle
— wasteful of energy

— making a lot of noise
— thing that does well
— an important or noticeable part of something
— a part that covers the top of a vehicle
— a metal container
— the ability to do something

иностранный язык

(английский язык)



для профессий «Повар, кондитер», «Сварщик», «Автомеханник».










Пояснительная записка

Сборник технических текстов с заданиями составлен на
основе государственного образовательного стандарта 2004г. и соответствует
тематики преподаваемого предмета.

Данный сборник текстов предназначен для обучающихся профессиональных
и средне — специальных образовательных учреждений.

Настоящее пособие предназначено для обучающихся очной
формы обучения и является неотъемлемой частью учебно-методического комплекса
для  профессий «технологии продукции общественного питания», «Технология обслуживания
и ремонт автомобиля» по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (английский)».

Главной целью пособия является — развитие навыков
устной речи и формирования общей, коммуникативной и профессиональной
компетенции обучающихся, изучающих английский язык. В нем содержатся
аутентичные диалоги и упражнения, направленные на расширение и активизацию лексического
минимума по профессиональным тематикам.
также подготовить обучающихся к
самостоятельному чтению литературы по профессии на английском языке, развить
умение анализировать различные элементы текста и правильно переводить
американскую и английскую научно–техническую литературу по профессии.

Сборник состоит из трёх основных разделов:
«Автомеханик», «Повар, кондитер», которые в свою очередь включают в себя темы
по вышеуказанным профессиям.

Каждый раздел включает  учебный
текст с разработками и наиболее важный лексический материал, необходимый для
усвоения той или иной темы.

Текстовой материал представлен
аутентичными текстами. Упражнения, включенные в уроки, отражают лексические и
грамматические особенности перевода.
и после текстовые задания нацеливают обучающихся на информационную переработку
и лучшее понимание прочитанного, а также присвоение информации и языковых
средств для устного высказывания.
В систему лексических упражнений входят упражнения на
перевод терминологической лексики, многофункциональных слов.

Результатом выполнения практических работ будут:


лексический (2000 лексических
единиц) минимум необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем) текстов
технической и профессиональной направленности


понимать основное содержание
несложно звучащих текстов или диалогов по изучаемым темам;

выражать своё отношение и мнение к

делать сообщения с наиболее важной
выбранной информацией;

рассуждать, делать выводы по
прочитанному материалу;

выборочно понимать и извлекать
информацию в неадаптированных технических текстах;

пользоваться двуязычными или
одноязычными словарями и другой справочной литературой.

Время аудиторной работы по каждому разделу
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Section 1

















Unit 1


Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Since the first automobile was introduced
to our life, we can notice that there are a lot of changes happened around us.
As a modern transportation, it not only brings convenience to our daily life,
but also enhances the efficiency.

One of advantages of using automobiles is
that it can give the users much more convenience compared with other
transportations, such as bikes or buses. For me, I like to go to the
supermarket once per week and normally buy many foods at one time. Can you
imagine that I need to carry a lot of foodstuff and maybe take a crowded bus to
reach home? How inconvenient it is! Suppose that I have a car, and then I will
feel very easy because what I need to do is to put all my stuff at the back of
the car.

On the other hand, automobiles can save our
time and energy. Driving the automobile, we can go wherever we want to go. We
can  reach  the destination faster than other transportation
means.  We can use the saved  hours to enjoy the views or do anything
that we want. After all, time means a lot to modern people. It can mean money
to businessmen, knowledge to school students and profit to companies. By means
of cutting time with the help of automobiles, we can increase the efficiency of
our society.

Of course, I must admit that automobiles
bring a lot of problems such as traffic jam and air pollution. But these
outcomes cannot be avoided during the development of a society. I believe we
will have a better solution to solve all these problems soon .

Generally speaking, I would like to say
automobiles have improved modern life through providing more convenience to
people and increasing efficiency. We should encourage the society to support
the automobile industry and develop different kinds of automobiles to meet
various needs.

2.Выучите новые слова:

Was introduce – был внедрён

Changes  — изменения

Convenience – удобства

Advantages – преимущества

Destination – место назначения

Increase – возрастать, увеличить.

Traffic jam – пробки на дорогах

– решение

To develop – разивать

To encourage – поощерять

– транспортное средство

– бензин

– двигатель

– шумный

– быстрый

потреблять, использовать

– топливо

– грузовой автомобиль

– такт, ход поршня

– поршень

Crankshaft – коленчатый вал

Connecting rod – шатун

3. Переведите следующие предложения, содержащие разные
формы сравнения.

Diesel engines use not
so much fuel as petrol engines.

The lightest of the
engines is a two-stroke engine.

Diesel engines are much
safer than petrol engines because there is less danger of fire.

The speed of this
passenger car is great as of that one.

This new device
operates several times faster than your old devise.

The faster you drive
your car the more attentive you must be on the road.

This is the most
interesting model of the motor car.

4. Ниже приведены главные факторы, на которые мы
обращаем внимание припокупке автомобиля. Соедините факторы и их значения.

1. price                      a) the amount of money
you get when you sell your car

2. resale value           b) how much petrol or diesel
the car uses

3. size          c) when customers always buy their
cars from the same                               manufacturer                              

4. interior features     d) the amount of money you
pay when you buy a car

5. fuel consumption  e) the car’s capacity to go fast
and accelerate quickly

6. performance          f) how big the car is

7. brand loyalty         g) items inside the car


Where does the word “automobile” come from?

1.Запишите и выучите слова, отработайте их

consist of состоять из

self-moving самодвижущийся, самоходный

arise from обуславливаться

unprovided необеспеченный

rails железнодорожные пути

substantially значительно

adapt for приспособить

cease перестать

luxury роскошь

decisive factor решающий фактор

solution решение

development развитие

road maintenance содержание дорог


2. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

The word automobile is not English. It
consists of two words: autos and mobilis. Autos is a Greek word meaning
«self, mobilis — a Latin word meaning «movable». The two

words taken together mean «self-moving».
Thus, an automobile means a self-moving vehicle.

The synonyms of automobile are: auto, car,
auto-car, motor car.

The role and importance of an automobile arise from
the fact that it can move along

roads unprovided with rails. In this respect, it
substantially differs from a street car (tram) and a railway car (train). In
fact, it often replaces street cars, railway cars, and other agencies of
transportation and communication. In short, the automobile is a vehicle well
adapted for ordinary road conditions.

The automobile has long since ceased to be
a matter of luxury or sport and has become a decisive factor in the economic
development of many countries. This accounts for the fact that the world at
large uses a great number of automobiles. In some countries

where automobiles are found in millions they are
playing a most important part in the solution of many problems of transport.

The development of automobiles is also
accountable to a large extent for the progress in road maintenance, improvement
and construction.

3. Заполните пропуски подходящими словами или
словосочетаниями из текста.

1. An automobile means

2. The role and importance of
an automobile arise from the fact that it can …


3. The automobile is a vehicle
… for ordinary road conditions.

4. The automobile has become…
in the economic of many countries.

5. The development of automobiles is accountable for
the progress in road…

4. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What is the original of the
word automobile?

2. What fact does the role and
importance of the automobile arise from?

3. Why does the automobile play
an important part in the economic development

in many countries?

Unit 3

London Traffic

1. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.

London is so large that visitors must learn to
use buses and the underground to get about. London taxis are too expensive for
any but the rich. You can get a map of the underground and the bus routes at
any ticket office. The word «Underground» across a large circle shows
you where the stations are. The London underground is called the

Bus stops are marked clearly.
In the suburbs buses do not stop unless there are passengers who wish to get on
or off. These stops are marked «Request Steps».

Inside some buses you will see the notice:
«Please, state your destination clearly and have the exact fare
ready.» It is easy enough to tell the conductor where you want to go to,
but not always possible to have the exact fare. The conductor will always give
you the change.

The London buses are very
large. They have seats both upstairs and downstairs. English children like to
sit on the front seats of a big London bus. They can see everything that is
happening in the streets.

Here are some of the things you may hear on a bus in London: 
«Fares, please.» 
pence, please.» 
«Full up inside; plenty of seats on top.» 
«Standing room only.» 
«No, sir, this bus does not go to Victoria Station.» 
«You want a number 11.» 
«No more seats on top; five seats inside.»

In Great Britain traffic keeps
to the left. Motor-cars, buses and cyclists must all keep to the left side of
the road. In most other countries traffic keeps to the right. There is heavy
traffic in London and you must observe traffic rules.

2.Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What must visitors of London learn? Why? 
2. What can you get at any ticket office? 
3. What does the word «Underground» show? 
4. How is the London underground called? 
5. Which stops are marked «Request Stops»? 
6. What will you see inside some buses? 
7. What seats have London buses? 
8. Why must you observe traffic rules?


expensive — дорогой 
route —
to mark —
passenger —
change —
exact —
fare —
traffic —

3. Перепишите следующие предложения ,
подчеркните в каждом из них модальный глагол или его эквивалент. Переведите на
русский язык.

Drivers must be very
attentive on the roads.

The mechanic should
repair our car for three days.

The students are to do
their laboratory work on Friday.

I shall be able to
inspect your automobile tomorrow.

Unit 4

Transport in Britain

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

You can reach England either by plane, by train, by car or by ship. The fastest way is by plane. London
has three international airports: Heathrow, the largest, connected to the city
by underground; Gatwick, south of London, with a frequent train service; Luton,
the smallest, used for charter flights.

If you go to England
by train or by car you have to cross the Channel. There is a frequent service
of steamers and ferryboats which connect the continent to the south-east of England.

People in Britain drive on the left and generally overtake on the right. The speed limit is 30
miles per hour (50 km/h) in towns and cities and 70
m.p.h. (110 km/h) on motorways.

When you are in London
you can choose from four different means of transport: bus, train, underground
or taxi. The typical bus in London is a red double-decker. The first London
bus started running between Paddington and the City in 1829. It carried 40
passengers and cost a shilling for six kms.

The next to arrive were the
trains; now there are twelve railway stations in London. The world’s first
underground line was opened between Baker St. and the City in 1863. Now there
are ten underground lines and 273 underground stations in use. The London underground is also called the Tube, because of the circular shape of its deep

2.Ответьте письменно на вопросы:

1. What is the fastest way of traveling? 
2. How many airports are there in London? 
3. What kind of service helps to cross the Channel? 
4. What are some «rules» of driving in Britain? 
5. What does typical bus in London look like? 
6. Where was the first underground opened? 
7. Why is London underground called the Tube?


to reach — достигать 
underground —
charter flight —
чартерный рейс 
steamer —
ferry-boat —
to overtake —
shilling —
shape —

3.Прочитайте и переведите текст. Составьте план
пересказа текста.

Commercial Vehicles

The new exhibition of
commercial vehicles centers around a 1930s street scene, showing home
deliveries, road making, and passenger hire vehicles.

The 1930s were a time of
transition in the commercial vehicle world. Mass produced light delivery vans
and lorries flooded onto the roads, and the horse was now only used for local
delivery work. Diesel engines were used by heavy lorries and steam wagons

The inter-war years were a boom
time for the bus, coach and charabanc. In the 1920s bus companies leapt from a
few hundred to four thousand. Bus design developed rapidly with solid tyres,
oil lamps and some open cabs disappearing and double deckers had covered tops.
The charabanc was a favourite for the company outing or weekend excursion.
Chilly and cramped, the charabanc opened up many parts of Britain beyond the reach of railways and created a new leisure for the working man.

The lorry today carries just
about everything we buy, sell, dispose of, or build. Fuel delivery, removals,
defence work, containers, supermarket supplies, tipping, mixing, fire fighting;
the list of tasks is endless.




1.Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.

Cars are automobiles that can
transport people. It is the main means of travelling for hundreds of millions
of people all over the world. Cars have changed the way we live probably more
than any other invention in history. At first only a few people had cars but
after a while more and more people bought them because they improved the way
people lived. Farmers with cars were able to bring their products to places
that were farther away. The appearance of cities and towns also changed. More
and more workers drove to their jobs and people started to move to suburbs
outside the town centers.

Automobiles give people many
jobs. Millions of people around the world work in factories where cars are
produced. Millions more work at gas stations, restaurants or motels that
travelers stop at.

However, cars also cause
problems. Millions of people die in car accidents every year. Automobiles
pollute the air that we breathe and parking space in cities is scarce because
everyone wants to use their cars to get to city centers.

2. Выучите новые слова:


Means – средства




To produce
– производить

Cause – причина

несчастный случай

To pollute
– загрязнять


3.Переведите на английский язык:

средства путешествия; люди всего мира; другие изобретения в истории; стало
возможным; работают на фабриках; парковочные места.

4. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму.

These engines are light
and small.

Motor cars use
two-stroke engines.

This truck goes very

This automobile works
underwent reconstruction two years.

The tempo of automobile
production will increase next year.

5. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод конструкции
there is / there are:

1. There are many different electric cars
around the world.

2. There were special driveways for trucks
many years ago.

3. There is hardly a place in the world
that is not covered by some line of communication.

4. Today there are several hundred million
cars in the world not to mention millions

of motorcycles.

5. There were few roads at the end of the
19 th century in Russia.

6. There are a lot of employment
opportunities in mechanical engineering.

7. There is another version of the car
where the rear seat can be completely folded


8. There will be eight remotely controlled
TV cameras for complex crossing from Hyde Park Corner to the Hammersmith

Unit 6

The automobile life cycle

1. Прочитайте слова, отработайте произношение и
выучите их.

conclude  — заканчиваться

scrapping  — сдача в лом

approximately —  приблизительно

account for  — составлять

environmental impact  — воздействие на окружающую среду

acquisition  — добывание

processing  — переработка

consumption  — потребление

copious amounts  — огромное количество

involve  — включать

release  — выделять, выпускать

assembly plant  — сборочный завод

pollutant  — загрязняющее вещество

coating  — покрытие

wastewater  — сточные воды

trash  — мусор

scrap metal  — металлолом

emission  — выброс,

2. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

The life cycle of an automobile
begins with concept and design and concludes

with retirement (end-of-life scrapping).
Today, a vehicle consists of approximately 15

000 parts. Steel, iron, glass, textiles,
plastic, and non-ferrous metal dominate automobile construction. They account
for more than 80% of the material used in today’s vehicles. A common trend in
the material composition of a car is toward increasing the use of lightweight
materials, especially numerous types of plastics and light metal alloys (such
as aluminum and magnesium). The environmental impacts and concerns that arise
from the acquisition and processing of virgin resources that serve as input for
automotive material include the substantial consumption of resources (material
and energy). In addition, copious amounts of energy are consumed in heating,
cooling, and producing millions of tons of steel, aluminum, plastic, and glass.
Processing these materials involves a variety of heavy metals, toxic chemicals,
chlorinated solvents, and ozone depleting chemicals.

More than half of all releases
and transfers of pollutants originate from the painting and coating operations.
The largest solid waste streams generated by an automobile assembly plant are
wastewater treatment sludges, waste oil, plant trash, and scrap metal. The
utilization of an automobile accounts for approximately 80% of the total
primary energy consumption of the life cycle of an automobile. Most of the C02
and CO emissions are released during the utilization. Besides the resource
consumption when running a vehicle and the necessary infrastructure (e.g.
highways, service- and gas stations), the maintenance and service operations
contribute significantly to the environmental effects of automobile use.

Opportunities for environmental
improvement exist during each life-cycle stage of

an automobile. Significant changes in the
material and process selection and management are necessary to reduce the
overall environmental impact throughout the entire life cycle of an automobile.


Transport system of the USA.

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

The development of transport
facilities was very important in the growth of the United States. The first
travel routes were natural waterways. No surfaced roads existed until the
1790s, when the first turnpikes were built. Besides the overland roads, many
canals were constructed between the late 18th century and 1850 to link
navigable rivers and lakes in the eastern United States and in the Great
Lakes region. Steam railways began to appear in the East in the 1820s. The
first transcontinental railway was constructed between 1862 and 1869 by the
Union Pacific and Central Pacific companies, both of which received large
subsidies from the federal government. Transcontinental railways were the chief
means of transport used by European settlers who populated the West in the
latter part of the 19th century. The railways continued to expand until 1917,
when their length reached a peak of about 407,000
km. Since then motor transport became a serious competitor to the railway both
for passengers and freight.

Air transport began to
compete with other modes of transport after World War I. Passenger service
began to gain importance in 1920s, but not until the beginning of commercial
jet craft after World War II did air transport become a leading mode of travel.

During the early 1990s
railways annually handled about 37,5 per cent of the total freight traffic;
trucks carried 26 per cent of the freight, and oil pipelines conveyed 20 per
cent. Approximately 16 per cent was shipped on inland waterways. Although the
freight handled by airlines amounted to only 0,4 per cent of the total, much of
the cargo consisted of high-priority or high-value items.

Private cars carry about 81
per cent of passengers. Airlines are the second leading mover of people,
carrying more than 17 per cent of passengers. Buses are responsible for 1,1 per
cent, and railways carry 0,6 per cent of passengers.


Facilities – средства

Important – важный

surfaced roads – дороги с твёрдям покрытием

маршруты, дороги


to appearпоявляться

railway – железная

to expend
— тратить

cargo – груз


2. В следующих предложениях определите видо-временные
формы глагола и укажите их инфинитив. Переведите
предложения на русский язык.

1. The first Russian trucks came off the
assembly lines in 1924.

2. There are many sources of power.

3. The motor car will be much greater.

4. He was shown the way to the plant.

5. This method will be widely used in
automobile industry.

Unit 8


1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Trucks in Canada.

Trucks are very versatile and
are now more widely used for transporting logs

and all other forest products than any
other primary transportation means. Many large

logging operations are conducted with
fleets of trucks operating over systems of

roads. Trucks are also used individually or
in small fleets. Large-scale trucking

operations for transporting forest products
from the forest to the mill, railroad loading

point, waterway, or other destination must
be organized and operated with the same

skill as a railroad operation. The
long-distance hauling of sawlogs and pulpwood by

truck and trailer is the dominant
transportation method in the logging industry today.

Trucks are used year-round both
North and South and from the smallest job to

the largest operations in the biggest
timber. Their maneuverability, improved

strength, increased power, and increased
transmission flexibility have promoted the

greater use of trucks in all logging
regions. Both gasoline and diesel trucks are used.

The effectiveness of any truck
haul depends in large part on the road system and

the standards used in its construction and
Public highways are used

when available and when load limits permit,
but in many cases special truck roads

must be constructed.

In Eastern Canada the first
recorded use of trucks as hauling units was in early

1930s. The trucks pulled sleigh trains over
rutted ice roads; the sleighs were loaded

with either pulpwood or saw logs. This type
of truck-hauling operation has now disappeared.

Trucks carrying body loads or
pulling various wheeled-trailer combination

started in Eastern Canada in 1940s and now
constitute the main if not the sole method

of land transport for most woods

Several interrelated factors
have been responsible for the Increased use of trucks

on woods operations. Improvements in the
ground skidding. One tractor has a winch.

Each tractor has one man in the woods to
hook onto the logs. The tractors skid the

logs to different landings, according to
whether they are hardwood or pine. Four men

work at the landing. They use another log
loader to put the logs onto the trucks.

Logs are hauled 24 hours a day, year round
using three diesel trucks with extra trailers.

2. Составьте план рассказа текста “Trucks in Canada” . Перескажите текст по плану.

3. Прочитайте и переведите текст.


А. The
motor truck has been greatly improved in power, efficiency, and size, and, with
better and more frequent hard-surfaced roads, it has become the most important
means of major log transportation. The truck was first used for logging in the
Douglas fir region where it has replaced logging railroads. It is extensively
used in the pine forests of the West and South and, to an increasing degree, in
all forest regions of the United States and Canada. It has widely supplanted
the logging railroad, chutes, flumes, stream driving, sled hauling, and of her

There has been an increasing
trend toward motor-truck transportation in logging throughout the country since
1945 as a result of the development of inexpensive, light, powerful,
pneumatic-tired trucks and detached trailers, the latter being easily loaded
and unloaded, and the former capable of travelling 30 to 40
m. p. h. or more on the «go back». The motor truck is frequently used to
transport logs directly from the felling areas to the sawmill or other
destination, thus partially or completely eliminating the skidding or
assembling operations ordinarily necessary in general logging procedure. This
is notably so in the southern pine and the ponderosa pine forests in the West,
especially in Oregon and the Southwest. Trucks are frequently equipped with a
winch to draw logs to the truck and load them when it is impracticable to drive
directly to the logs. The winches powered by the truck engine are thus used for
skidding logs short distances.

В. Motor
trucks are used chiefly to replace wagons, standard-gage railroads, and the
various forms of animal haul, and have been successfully operated under
conditions where tractors and power skidding have been used. They have
especially replaced spur and main-line railroads in the South and the Pacific
Coast, and also chutes and flumes, and have reduced skidding distances as in
the western white and ponderosa pine types of the West. They are widely used in
regions of second growth timber such as the Southeast, the Lake
States, and the Northeast, where small sawmills often depend on the open log
market, purchasing logs as needed. Thus, many mills are entirely or partially
independent of reserve timber holdings as the motor trucks offer a wide
flexibility in source of log- supplies. This flexibility means that trucks may
be widely used in connection with selective logging. In eastern and southern
logging for small mills, the same crew is frequently employed in felling,
skidding, and trucking logs as well as in sawmill operations.

С. Many
states have legal restrictions which limit the weight and size of logs carried
over public highways. These restrictions may be left to the state highway commission
or similar agencies, or they may be matters of legislative enactment, specifying
the length, width, height, and weight of loads and size of logs transported over
roads constructed at public expense. Many regulations of this; kind are now in the
process of enactment, and changes are being constantly made. Fees for
motortruck licenses are based generally on the weight of the truck; they vary
widely among the various states and in Canada. In the Northwest, some operators
find it more economical to build their own roads for trucking logs rather than
use the public highways.

Motor trucks are used in
connection with every other type of logging. Jeeps, which were developed during
the last war for so many purposes are even used to skid logs, especially on
small wood-lot jobs.

3.а. Выделите основную мысль каждого раздела (А, В, С),


3.б. Определите, есть ли в тексте абзацы, которые
можно исключить без ущерба для содержания текста.

Unit 9

A Driving Test

1. Прочитайте и
переведите текст.

Mr. Shaw took the driving test
for the first time in May. After the test the examiner said: «I’m sorry,
Mr. Shaw, you failed the test. You didn’t drive well enough . You turned left
on the corner of Wilson and King and the sign there says: «No left turn.
» Then you drove 40 m.p.h. in King Street and the sign there says: «Speed
limit 30 m.p.h.» Then you went through 2 red lights. And you didn’t park well

«Can I take the test
again?» asked Mr. Shaw. «Sure», said the examiner, «but you’ll
to pay again . » » That’s all right», said Mr, Shaw. «I’ll
pass it next time. I’ll drive
more slowly and more carefully.»

Mr. Shaw came back in June and
took the test for the second time. He had the same examiner. After the test the
examiner said: «I’m sorry, Mr. Shaw, you faild the test again . You drove
too carelessly again. This time you turned  right on the corner of Wilson
and turned and the sign there says: «No right turn» . You drove too
quickly. You drove 35 m.p.h. in Princess avenue and the speed limit there is 30
m.p.h. then you parked at a «No parking» sign .

«Can I take the test
again?» asked Mr. Shaw. «Sure», said the examiner, «but you’ll
have to pay for the test again . » ‘That’s all right», said Mr. Shaw.
«I’ll pass it
next time . I won’t drive so quickly and so

In July Mr. Shaw came back and
took the driving test for the third time. This time the examiner said:
«Congratulations, Mr. Shaw, you’ve passed the test. You drove
very well this time. You didn’t go through any red lights. You didn’t
drive too quickly.
And you parked beautifully. What

Mr. Shaw smiled and said:
«I went to a doctor. He told me to get a pair of glasses. Now I can read


the driving test – тест на вождение

failed – провалить

in the corner – на углу

turn left/
right – повернуть на лево/на право

place – место для

the speed
– скорость


pass – сдавать

carelessly – небрежно

2.Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая
внимание на употребление многофункционального слова “

1. The annual Geneva Motor Show is one of
the best automotive delights of the year.

2. The automotive test platform gives engineers
one platform for multiple tests.

3. One of the particular areas of research
concerns the interaction between the tyre and the road surface.

 4. One of the most important things for
the driver to know is how to keep the speed.

 5. Many sensors are interconnected and
their output is used for more than one vehicle system.

 6. Among possible sources of power for
engines one has to consider the possibility of applying atomic energy.

3.Заполните таблицу, образуя указанные части речи, и
переведите их.
















4.Прочитайте и переведите данные предложения, поставьте  предложения в
правильном порядке так, чтобы получился текст.

Here is a list of good driving habits

It is
dangerous to drive too close to the car in front of you. If it stops suddenly,
you may not be able to brake in time and you will crash into it.

the car in front of you with great care. When you are absolutely sure that the
road ahead is clear, change lanes, accelerate and overtake quickly.

The speed
limit is for normal conditions. If the weather is bad, you should drive under
the speed limit. Never drive over the speed limit.

get run over because they run out into the street without looking. When you see
children playing, you should slow down and drive very carefully.

If you have
to park on a hill, put the handbrake on. Also, put the car in gear (not
neutral) and turn the front wheels towards the side of the road.

Use your
rear-view mirror frequently to see what the traffic is doing on the road behind
you. Good drivers look in their rear-view mirror at least once every five

Keep your
car in good condition. Check often to see whether you have enough oil in your
engine, enough air in your tyres and enough water in your radiator. Make sure
all your lights (headlights, sidelights and indicators) are working. Only drive
with brakes that are in good condition.

Always wear
your seat belt. You do not want to go through the windscreen if the car stops

1. _______           2.
________                   3. _______           4. _______

5. _______           6.
________                   7. _______           8. _______

Unit 10

Inventors and their Inventions

1.Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Charles Rolls was born in 1881
in Great Britain. He died in 1910. He was an
and a businessman . He was especially interested in cars. Once he met
another enthusiast of cars Henry Royce. Henry Royce was a famous car
engineer. They decided to design the most comfortable and reliable car. At the
beginning of the 20r century it seemed to be a fantasy . But they worked hard
and at last in 1907 they created the world famous Rolls-Royce car. It
was so comfortable and reliable that one of the models of Rolls-Royce cars
«Silver Ghost» hadn’t changed greatly for 20 years since 1907.

Gotlif Daimler and Charles Benz were two
inventors. They lived in Germany. They were both interested in car production.
At the end of the 19t h century each of them designed a car. At the same time
they organized two independent firms to produce them.

All the cars produced by the firm of
Daimler were called «Mercedes». Mercedes was a daughter’ s name of
one of the stockholders of the firm . This man saved the firm of Daimler — from
the financial crisis at the beginning of the 20 » century. But after the

World War I the firm of Daimler met financial
difficulties again. This time it had to join

the firm of Benz. Since that time all the cars
produced by the firm «Daimler-Benz» have


2.Ответьте письменно на вопросы.

1. What was Charles Rolls interested in?

2. W h o m did he meet one day?

3. What was Henry Royce famous for?

4. What did they decide to do?

5. What car did they create and when?

6. What other inventors were interested in car

7. What did t h e y organize?

8. After who was the car produced by Daimler railed ?

9. Why did the two firms join?

10. How are the cars produced by the firm
«Daimler-Benz» called?


Stockholders – акционеры

Join – присоединяться

Produce – производить

Inventor – изобретатель

Save – сохранять, сберегать

Decide  —  решать

2.Выучите новые слова.

1.      attach (v) — прикреплять

2.      bearing — подшипник

3.      clog(v) — забиваться, засоряться

4.      combustion — сгорание

5.      compression — сжатие, компрессия

6.      crankshaft – коленчатый вал

7.      cylinder head — головка цилиндра

8.      exhaust  — выхлоп

9.      gasket— прокладка

10.    hole -отверстие, дыра

11.    impurity – загрязнение, примесь

12.    lack (n) — отсутствие, нехватка

13.    leak (v) —

14.    occur (v) — случаться, происходить

15.    rundown — краткое изложение, обзор

16.    seal (v) — изолировать, уплотнять

17.    spark — искра

3.Выберите правильное определение для каждого данного
слова и переведите их на русский язык

gasket, bearing, run-down, pipe, to clog,

1. reduction; detailed explanation or listing.

2.be or become blocked with waste matter, dirt, so that movement,
flow of liquid is difficult or prevented.

3.flat piece of material often rubber, placed between two surfaces
so that the steam, gas cannot escape.

4.flash of light caused by electricity passing across a

5.in a machine — device that supports moving parts and
reduces friction.

6.tube through which liquids or gases can flow.

Unit 11

Some interesting details of
heavy commercial vehicles

1. Запишите и выучите слова.

backbone – ось

driven – ведомый

wheel – колесо

vehicle – сухопутное транспортное средство
(автомобиль, автобус, вагон,


bonnet – капот

2. Прочитайте и переведите

The Tatra backbone type
chassis, with all six wheels driven, was shown for the first, time at Brussels although, of course, it is not new. The four rear wheels each have twin type
equipment and single types are employed at the front. An air-cooled, V-12
engine is installed under the bonnet. This engine was first introduced over 20 years
ago. The cylinders have a bore and stroke of 110
mm and 130 mm respectively, giving a swept volume of 14.825
litres. They are set at an including angle of 75 deg.

         The gearbox and engine are mounted above
the large diameter tube that forms the backbone and the two-speed transfer box
forms part of the backbone component. The drive is transmitted both forwards
and to the rear by propeller shafts inside the tube. A

transmission brake is fitted to the rear
end of the back axle casting. All four rear wheels are mounted tin stub axle
assemblies secured to the ends of semi-elliptic springs.

The front suspension is
different, in that each side is supported by a quarter elliptic

spring, these springs are clamped to the
central backbone, adjacent to the

cross members that supports the front end
of the body frame.

An unconventional steering gear
arrangement has been adopted. The steering

box is mounted on the cross member that
supports the body frame. Its drop arm is

connected by a link to a centrally pivoted
lever that straddles the backbone tube. Each

end of this lever is connected by a
steering rod to the adjacent wheel assembly, which

is well forward of it.

3.Найдите в тексте места, где описываются цилиндры,
колеса, перед-

няя подвеска.

4.Перескажите прочитанное своими словами на руссом

Unit 12

The Buses

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

The bus is ideal for short hops (a cheap fare for short journeys
on most bus routes). The top of a double-decker has been hailed as one of the
best ways to see the city centre. Most London buses are red, some are in
different colors, but they will display the sign:
London Transport’.

The famous red buses offer extensive services throughout the
capital and there is a frequent and reliable privately-run sightseeing service.

With 17,000 bus stops all over London, you are rarely more than a
minute walk from one. You can board at two types of bus stops:

compulsory – buses will automatically stop, unless they are full,

request – buses will only stop if you put out your arm in good time.

When you board a bus, take a seat if one is available or hold on

You pay the bus driver (or conductor) or show a Travel card. Busses
have a similar fare system to the Underground.

When you want to leave the bus ring the bell once, unless a ‘bus
stopping’ sign is lit. Buses offer a friendly, personal and safe service;
nearly all vehicles have video cameras on board. All buses are No Smoking.
Never get on or off an open platform bus except at a bus stop and always wait
until the bus has stopped. Be careful when crossing the road as buses sometimes
travel in special road lanes against the traffic flow.

Special ‘N’ numbered Night Buses run through the night – some
follow daytime routes, others have their own routes. Fares are slightly higher
than on day buses and you cannot use a One Day Travel card, LT Card or One Day
Bus Pass. There are no child fares on Night Buses (or any bus after 22:00). All
Night Buses pass through Trafalgar Square and serve theatres, cinemas and
entertainment areas.


Fareплата за проезд


Hailed – признаны

The sign – вывеска

Offer extensive – предлагают обширный

Compulsory – обязательные

Request – по просьбе

Tight – перила

card – проездной билет

Vehicles – транспортные

The traffic flow – транспортный

 2.Заполните пропуски данными ниже
словами, и переведите письменно текст.

comfortable       decks          horses         models

In London one can see many
buses, cars and taxes in the streets. The English (1) ____________ are often
called double-deckers, because they are very high and have seats on the upper
and lower (2) ______________. The London buses first came into the streets in
1829. At first they were horse-drawn omnibuses, with three (3) ______________.
They say they were imported from Paris. The double-deckers of today are speedy
and (4) _______________, but they seem to be very clumsy moving slowly through the
endless line of taxis and cars of all sizes and (5) ____________. Still they
manage to maneuver very well without running into one another.

3.Дополните вопросы из задания А и ответы
с задания В:


Could me where ______________________ is?

 the way to ____________________?

Where can I find a
_________________________      ?

How far is the nearest

Is there
a_________________________           nearby?

You’ll find _________________________ on
your left.

on your right.

right opposite.

on the corner.


It’s about a _________________________ minute’s walk.

Your best bet is to

Carry straight on until you see
_________________________ and

then _________________________.

4. Соединете слова так, чтобы получились словосочетания.









1. expensive         a. route

2. fare                  b. services

3. open platform   c. fare

4. special road      d. hops

5. daytime            e. lanes

6. child                 f. areas

7. short                g. system

8. entertainment   h. bus

5. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

London Buses

There are two main kinds of buses in London: the red double-decker
and the red single-decker. There are a large number of routes in London. The main places the bus goes to are shown on the front of the bus.

Some double-deckers in London have
automatic doors, and you pay the driver when you go in. On the single-deckers
you buy your ticket  from a machine in the bus. These buses travel between the
main stations and stop at fewer stops than the double-deckers. But most London buses have a conductor who will come round and collect fares.

You can get a bus map of London at most   underground stations.
This map shows the routes for all the buses. But you’ll have to find the bus
stop yourself and remember to look for the number of the bus on the post at the
bus stop. You must do so because in a busy street there may be four or five bus
stops close together.

Double-deckers have seats for 65 people. Only 5 people are allowed
to stand when the seats are full. So the conductor may stop you getting on the
bus if there are five passengers already standing.

7. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

What kinds
of buses can you find in London?

2.     Where can you see the names of
the main places the bus goes to?


3.     What must you buy from a
machine in the single-decker?


4.     What must you do when you go in
the bus?


5.     What must a conductor do?


     6.      Where can you get a bus map of London?


     7.      What can you see on the post at
the bus stop?


     8.      Why must you look for the number
of the bus?


     9.      How many people can a bus take?


    10.     What must people do if the seats
in a bus are full?


Unit 13

By Road

Прочитайте и
переведите текст.

Travelling by road can be the
most convenient way to transport your belongings, as you can take them right to
your door. However, parking and unloading may be difficult. If you are using a
removal company, the local council will allow loading and unloading to take
place and even cordon off an area for you, providing they have been notified.
Some councils make a charge for this service, some don’t.

Most of central London
has permit parking for residents only – which as a resident you will be
grateful for. However, that means there are limited places to park and parking
meters only allow parking for a maximum of four hours at a time. If you park
illegally you will be towed away or camped and it is very expensive and
time-consuming to get your vehicle back.

2. Соедините слова и их значения.

A.                              B.

1. belongings            a.
people who live and stay in a particular place

residents                b. to surround and protect an area with police, etc.


3. cordon off            c. the
things you own

4. notify                   d.
not allowed by the law

5. illegally                e. formally or
officially tell someone about something

Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на особенности
перевода на русский язык определений. Выраженных именами существительными.

1.     All kinds of special service
cars came off the assembly lines.

2.     The tempo of automobile
production will greatly increase in the future.

3.     The reconstruction period at
this plant lasted ten months.

4.     A four — stroke engine
automobile travels with greater speed than a two-stroke engine automobile.

5.     We classify the engines
according to cylinders in our country.

6.     There are inspect your car
check the crankcase (картер двигателя) oil level.

4. Прочтите, запомните  перевод следующих сокращений.

1.   EBD (Electronic BrakeForce Distribution) – электронное распределение
тормозной силы

2.   VSC (Vehicle Skid Control) – контроль транспортного
средства при заносе

3.   mph (miles per hour) – миль в час

4.   ABS (Anti-lock Braking system) – антиблокировочная система

5.   5 rpm (revolutions per minute) – обороты в минуту

6.   ESP (Electronic Stability Program) – программа электронной

7.   AWD (All
Wheel Drive) –
привод на все колеса

8.   SUV (Sport Utility Vehicle) – спортивный автомобиль

9.   ASR (AntiSlip Regulation) – антипробуксовочная система

5. Запомните новые слова и выражения и их значения.

air bag – воздушная подушка

acceleration performance – динамический показатель (время разгона)

brake pedal – педаль тормоза


maintain(v) — поддерживать

pressure – давление

предварительный натяжитель

race car – гоночный автомобиль

rearwheel drive – заднеприводный

semimanual shifting – ручное полуавтоматическое переключение


seat belts – ремни безопасности

занос, пробуксовывание

steer(v) — управлять

– шина

torque – крутящий момент

traction control – регулировка тягового усилия

wheel spin
пробуксовывание колеса

6. Переведите предложения на русский язык обращая,
внимание на новые слова.

1. The semi-manual gearshift can
sense changes in engine performance. 2. The V8 engine with double-overhead cam
produces 300 hp at 5600 rpm. 3. The five-speed automatic transmission shifts
smoothly. 4. Active safety system includes ABS, EBD, traction control, VCS and
Brake Assist. 5. When you suddenly take a maneuver, press down firmly on the
brakes and steer in the direction you want to go and maintain hard pressure on
the brake pedal. 6. Electronic Brake Force Distribution maintains the proper
balance of braking force to all four tires.

Unit 14

Finding Your Way

1. Прочитайте и запомните значение предлогов.

Do you understand the prepositions?

on                         the corner                     at                     
the traffic lights

near                     the tower                      beside               
the cinema

in front of            the Town Hall              next to              
the car park

not far from        the station                    opposite
        the  Kharkiv Hotel

across from         the bus stop                  in                     
the shopping centre

A.Используйте эти предлоги места в
следующих предложениях.

1. The Pivdenny  railway station is 

2. The post office is

3. The swimming pool is

4. The Town Hall is _______________________________________________

5. The Bus Terminal is

6. Uspensky Cathedral is

7. The Opera and Ballet Theatre is

8. _______________________________________  is next to the

9. _________________________________  is opposite  to the Puppet

10.There’s a
______________________________________ in the town

Asking your way

Ø Excuse me, could you tell me

where Poltavsky Shlyakh Street is, please?

if I’m anywhere near the T. G. Shevchenko      


how to get to the State Industry Building?

or simply,

Ø Excuse me, I’m looking for the T. G.
Shevchenko  monument, please.

B. Составьте диалог.

         where Sums’ka Street is?

1.     the way to the nearest metro

2.     how to get to the town centre.

3.     where the nearest Currency
Exchange is.

4.     how far the Barber’s/Dry
cleaner’s is.

5.     if you can find the way to the

6.     if you can walk to the coach

2.Выучите новые слова
и выражения.

v) — сгорать, сжигать

2.     combustion chamber  — камера сгорания

3.     connecting rod — шатун, соединительная тяга

4.     convert
v) — превращать, преобразовывать

5.     core
— сердцевина, сердечник

6.     crankshaft — коленчатый вал

7.     displacement — рабочий объем (цилиндров) двигателя

8.     fourstroke
— четырехтактный

9.     jackinthebox

10. jumble — куча,
мешанина, беспорядочная смесь

11. hood — крышка
капота (двигателя)

12. ignite (v) —
поджигать, воспламенять

13. internal combustion engine
(ICE) —
двигатель внутреннего сгорания

14. oil pan — поддон

15. piston — поршень

16. piston rings — поршневые кольца

17. reciprocating internal combustion engine — поршневой двигатель внутреннего сгорания

18. release (v) — высвобождать

19. rotate — вращаться

20. seal – уплотнение;

21. set off(v) —

22. smooth
гладкий, ровный

23. spark
plug — свеча зажигания

24. sump — поддон

25. valve — клапан

3.Выберите правильный перевод словосочетаний, где слово
ENGINE» является определяющим.

boxer engine

a) четырехтактный

2. centrally mounted engine

b) двигатель с
высокими эксплуатационными характеристиками

crank engine

c) двигатель с
верхним расположением клапанов

flat engine

d) двигатель с противолежащими (оппозитными) цилиндрами

5. flat twin engine

e) кривошипно-шатунный двигатель

6. four-stroke engine

f) двигатель
без наддува

7. in-line engine

g) двигатель,
расположенный в середине базы

8. naturally aspirated engine

h) двигатель с
горизонтально расположенными цилиндрами

9. overhead valve engine

i) двигатель с
двумя горизонтально расположенными оппозитными цилиндрами

reciprocating engine

j) поршневой двигатель с кривошипно-шатунным механизмом

11. supercharged engine

k) однорядный двигатель

12. turbocharged engine

l) газотурбинный двигатель

13. gas-turbine engine

m) двигатель с

14.high-performance engine

n) двигатель с

4. Выберите правильное определение для каждого данного
слова и переведите их на русский язык.

jacket, internal combustion engine, diesel engine, valve.

1.   a part of a tube or pipe that opens and
shuts like a door to control the flow of air, gas, liquid passing through it.

a cover that surrounds
and protects some type of machines.

an engine that produces
power by burning petrol used in most cars.

4.   oil-burning engine in which ignition is
produced by the heat of suddenly compressed gas.

5.   a long piece of metal in a vehicle that is
connected to the engine and helps to turn the wheels.

Unit 15

The History of

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

The history of transportation is
connected to industrialization, urbanization, and the separation of residence
from workplace. By the beginning of the 20th century, London, New York, Boston,
Paris, Budapest, and other major cities had fixed-rail subway systems. By the
1920s buses were common there. In the United States, the quantity of passengers
grew steadily from 1900 (six billion passengers per year) to 1927 (over 17
billion), but it fell during the Great Depression. Then it grew again during
War II, peaking in 1946 at 23 billion riders, but then dropped steadily every
year until the early 1970s due to the revival of public transport.

The total number of riders in 1970
was less than that of 1910. The reasons for these declines are complex and
often political. Los Angeles, for example, had over 1,000
miles of trolley and interurban lines before 1930. This system was taken over
by a private company and replaced with noisy, polluting, and comparatively slow
buses. But few people chose to use them. That’s why costs rose and the number
of passengers was falling. To reduce costs, private companies removed distant
branches and smaller stations. These changes, along with cheap gasoline,
suburban and highway development, bad condition of older subway lines, and the
greater amount of cars offered, helped turn the United States into a car

The people have grown increasingly
concerned over the impact of cars on the environment and the quality of life in
urban areas. But at this time more efficient and comfortable mass transit
systems are developing. Models for such systems were developed in Europe and Japan. Trains in the Paris Metro, for example, operate on rubber tires and can reach speeds
of 77 km. In Canada engineers built more lightweight trains that can reach
speeds of 72 km.

In the United States by 1990 over
90% of North American mass transit was publicly owned and managed. Washington, D.C.’s Metro system (144 million riders in 1988) included a wider area of
service and more efficient schedules. Currently buses account for 60% of mass
transit rides in the United States. Innovations such as articulated buses and
reserved lanes on highways are balanced by the problems of
noise, air pollution, and traffic. Now mass transit is a central social and
political issue.

2. Прочитайте предложения и подумайте
верны они или ложны.

The history of
transportation is connected to industrialization, urbanization, and the
separation of residence from workplace.

In the United States, the quantity of passengers fell from 1900 to 1927.

The system of public
transport was not replaced with noisy, polluting, and comparatively slow buses.

4)  Now mass transit is a central social and political issue.

3. Поставьте слова в предложении в правильном порядке






4. Выберите правильное
определение для каждого данного слова и переведите их на русский язык.

radar, lane, monitor, collision, transport, navigation, traffic, destination,

1) a system or method for carrying passengers or goods
from one place to another.

2) a place that someone or something is going to.

3) one of the two or three parallel areas on a road
which are divided by painted lines to keep traffic apart.

4) a time spent traveling from one place to another,
especially over a long distance.

5) a piece of equipment that uses radio waves to find
the position on things and watch their movement.

6) an accident in which two or more people or vehicles
hit each other while moving in different directions

7) the science or job of planning which way you need
to go when you are traveling from one place to another.

8) a television or part of a computer with a screen,
on which you can see pictures or information.

9) (movement) of people and vehicles along roads and
streets, of aircraft in the sky.

Unit 16

Development of automobile
undustry in Russia.

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Before World War I Russia
produced automobiles at Machine building works in Moscow, Petersburg, Riga
and Orel. In 1924 the first Russian trucks – ten AMO – F – 15 came off the
assembly lines and took part in the holiday parade on the Red Square in Moscow.

In 1932
in Nizhni-Novgorod new Motor Works appeared which planned to manufacture at
least 150 000 vehicles a year. The Moscow Automobile Works underwent
reconstruction and began to turn out up to 25 000 automobiles.

Five years later in 1937 Russia
was the first in Europe and the second in the world (after USA)
in the production of trucks. At the Gorky, Moscow and Yaroslavl Works trucks,
buses and special service cars of all types came off the accembly lines as well
as passenger cars-big, medium and comfort. Automobile industry played a great
role in wartime when it supplied the army with different kinds of vehicles.

After the Great Patriotic War Russia
not only reached but surpassed the pre-war level in automobile industry in 1949.

In 1965 the industry entered a
new period of rapid development. The tempo of automobile production will
increase considerably in the nearest future. We expect essential progress in
the output of cars and in the improvement of their design qualities.

2.Выучите новые слова и выражения.

assembly line –

at least – по крайней мере

to tern out – выпускать







rapid – быстрый

increase – увеличивать, возрастать

         3. В следующих
предложениях определите видо-временные формы глаголов и укажите их инфинитив.
Переведите предложения на русский язык.

The first Russian
trucks came off the assembly lines in 1924.

Our college has well
equipment labaratories.

Diesel engines last
longer then petrol engines.

The speed of new motor
car greatly increse.

4. Поставьте следующие предлодложения в отрицательную
форму. Переведите их на русский язык.

These engines are light
and small.

Motor cars use two-stroke

This truck goes very

This aotomobile works
underwent reconstruction two years ago.

All forms of transport
will depend directly on the atomio energy.






























Unit 17


Ford (1863-1947)

I will build a car for the great multitude

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Automobile manufacturer Henry Ford was born July 30, 1863, on his
family’s farm in Dearborn, Michigan. From the time he was a young boy, Ford enjoyed
tinkering with machines. Farm work and a job in a Detroit machine shop afforded
him ample opportunities to experiment. He later worked as a part-time employee
for the Westinghouse Engine Company. By 1896, Ford had constructed his first
horseless carriage which he sold in order to finance work on an improved model.

Henry Ford       Ford incorporated the Ford Motor Company in
1903, proclaiming, «I will build a car for the great multitude.» In
October 1908, he did so, offering the Model T for $950. In the Model T’s
nineteen years of production, its price dipped as low as $280. Nearly
15,500,000 were sold in the United States alone. The Model T heralds the
beginning of the Motor Age; the car evolved from luxury item for the well-to-do
to essential transportation for the ordinary man.

Ford revolutionized
manufacturing. By 1914, his Highland Park, Michigan plant, using innovative
production techniques, could turn out a complete chassis every 93 minutes. This
was a stunning improvement over the earlier production time of 728 minutes.
Using a constantly-moving 
assembly line, subdivision of labor, and careful
coordination of operations, Ford realized huge gains in productivity.

In 1914, Ford began
paying his employees five dollars a day, nearly doubling the wages offered by
other manufacturers. He cut the workday from nine to eight hours in order to convert
the factory to a three-shift workday. Ford’s mass-production techniques would
eventually allow for the manufacture of a Model T every 24 seconds. His
innovations made him an international celebrity.

Ford’s affordable Model T irrevocably altered American
society. As more Americans owned cars, urbanization patterns changed. The United States saw the growth of suburbia, the creation of a national highway system, and a
population entranced with the possibility of going anywhere anytime. Ford
witnessed many of these changes during his lifetime, all the while personally
longing for the agrarian lifestyle of his youth. In the years prior to his
death on April 7, 1947, Ford sponsored the restoration of an idyllic rural town
called Greenfield Village.


Tinkering – мастерить

ample opportunities – широкие возможности

employee – рабочий

item – предмет

assembly lineконвейер

– зарплаты

a threeshift workday – рабочий день в три

– шаблоны

witnessed – был свидетелем

– сельский


Lanchester Car
Monument, Birmingham, Eng.

Unit 18

Frederick W. Lanchester


1. Составьте сообщение 10 предложений. Используя информацию
из таблицы.Устно.

Frederick W. Lanchester


23 October 1868
Lewisham, London


8 March 1946




Significant advance



Significant awards

Guggenheim Medal (1931), Fellow
of the Royal Society

2. Прочитайте и переведите текст

Frederick William Lanchester, (23 October 1868 – 8
March 1946) was an English polymath and engineer who made important contributions to automotive engineering, aerodynamics and co-invented the field of operations

He was also a
pioneer British motor car builder, a hobby he eventually turned into a
successful car company, and is considered one of the «big three»
English car engineers, the others being Harry Ricardo and Henry Royce.


Lanchester was born at Lewisham, London to Henry Jones Lanchester, an architect,
and his wife Octavia, a tutor. He was the fourth of eight children. When he was
a year old, his father moved the family to 
Brighton, and young Frederick attended a
preparatory school and a nearby boarding school, where he did not distinguish
himself. He himself, looking back remarked that, «it seemed that Nature
was conserving his energy». However, he did succeed in winning a
scholarship to the 
Hartley Institution, in Southampton,
and after three years won another scholarship, to, what is now, part of 
Imperial College, Kensington. He supplemented his instruction in
applied engineering by attending evening classes at 
Finsbury Technical School. Unfortunately, he ended his education without having obtained
a formal qualification.

When he completed his education in 1888, he took a job
as a 
Patent Office draughtsman for £3 a week. About this time he
took out a patent for an 
isometrograph, a draughtsman’s instrument for hatching, shading and
other geometrical design work.

In 1919, at the age of fifty-one, Lanchester married
Dorothea Cooper, the daughter of Thomas Cooper, the vicar of St Peter’s Church
at Field Broughton in 
Lancashire. The couple moved to 41 Bedford Square, London, but in 1924 Lanchester built a house to his own design (Dyott End) in Oxford
Moseley. The couple remained there for the rest of
their life together but had no children.

He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1922, and in 1926 the Royal Aeronautical Society awarded him a fellowship and a gold medal.

In 1925 Lanchester founded a company called Lanchester
Laboratories Ltd. This was to carry out industrial research and development
work. Although he developed an improved radio and gramophone speaker, he was
unable to market it successfully because of the recession. He carried on,
overworking, until in 1934 his health failed and the firm was forced to close.
He was eventually diagnosed with
Parkinson’s disease and was reportedly much grieved that this,
along with cataracts in both eyes, prevented him from «doing any official
job» during the 
Second World War.

He was awarded gold medals by the Institution of Civil Engineers in 1941 and the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in 1945.

Although he achieved his fame through his creative
brilliance as an engineer, Frederick Lanchester was a man of diverse interests,
blessed with a fine singing voice. Under the pseudonym of Paul
Netherton-Herries he published two volumes of poetry.

Lanchester, who had never been commercially
successful, lived out the rest of his life in straitened, and it was only
through charitable help that he was able to remain in his home. He died at his
home, Dyott End, on 8 March 1946.

Translate into English:

Инженер, аэродинамика, был избран, был награждён,
супружеская чета, эрудит, коммерчески успешно, обстоятельства, стеснённый.

3. Write 10 sentences about famous inventor
– F.W.Lanchester.

4. Запишите и
выучите новые слова, отработайте их произношение.

construct — конструировать



deal with — иметь

требовать, требование

dependable brakes
надежные тормоза

проектировать, проект

designer — проектировщик, кон­структор


development — разработка

driving safety
безопасность езды

эффективность, КПД


расход топлива

handlingэксплуатация, уход

система зажигания



manufacturer — промышленник,изготовитель

manufacturing — производство



produce — производить

producer — промышленник (тот, кто производит)

production — производство

put into mass production
запустить в массовое производство

quality — качество

rapid acceleration
— быстрый разгон (приёмистость)

require — требовать, просить

requirement — требование, запрос

rigid quality control — жесткий кон­троль качества

science — наука  scientist — ученый

service life — срок службы

silent gearbox — бесшумная коробка передач

— плавное сцеп­ление


steering system
система рулевого управления

subject to tests — подвергать испы­таниям

technician — техник

technologist – технолог

technology — технология

undergo tests — проходить испыта­ния

unit — узел, агрегат


5. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1.Я учусь на автомобильном
факультете технического колледжа.

2.После окончания колледжа я
стану специалистом авто­мобильной промышленности.

3.По моему мнению, каждый
специалист должен знать, что автомобиль должен пройти стендовые и дорожные

4.Эти испытания необходимы,
чтобы автомобиль отвечал современным требованиям.

5.Современный автомобиль
должен обладать следующими качествами: быть приёмистым, иметь плавное
сцепление, бесшумную коробку передач, надежные тормозную и рулевую системы,
быть легким в управлении.

6.Двигатель автомобиля также
должен иметь небольшой расход топлива и быть экологичным.

Unit 19

in London

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

London is a city full of sights, history and atmosphere. There are
plenty of places to go. Wherever you are you’ll find a bus and underground
nearby. So you can reach any part of London easily and enjoy the ride. There
are handy leaflets with maps and information to plan your journeys. If you need
further information, 24-hour personal travel information by telephone is

The wide choice of public transport includes bus, underground
(tube), British Railway (BR) and Docklands Light Railway (DLR). Most of South London relies on British Rail overground services, while the redeveloped Eastern part
of the city – known as Docklands – is served by the DLR.

Getting out of the city is not straightforward because there are
more than a dozen British Rail terminals – usually grandiose Victorian
buildings – which connect the metropolis with the rest of the country, so make
sure you know your station for arrival or departure.

The main London airports are Heathrow, Gatwick, London
City Airport and Stanstead.

Heathrow is 15 miles west of London. Central London is a 45 minute journey
on the tube. Alternatively take a licensed Black Cab straight to your hotel or
the Airbus. The Airbus and the tube are much cheaper than a taxi. Tube trains
run every few minutes from early morning to late evening. It is best for people
with light luggage. Airbus is ideal if you have lots of luggage. They can be
boarded near all major hotels, rail arid coach stations and all airport
terminals. Airbuses run every 15 to 30 minutes throughout the day and are fast
and comfortable with friendly drivers who offer advice and information.
Disabled travellers are welcome.

Gatwick, 30 miles from London, is served by the Gatwick Express train,
taking 30 minutes to Victoria1 and costing £8.60 one way. Some commuter
trains go to and from Clapham Junction and London Bridge. A Greenline Coach
service connects Gatwick with Victoria in Central London, taking about 75
minutes and costing £8.90.

London City Airport is only 6
miles east of the City. The nearest rail station is Silver-town, which
connects with the tube at West Ham. Also, shuttle buses connect the airport with
Canary Wharf DLR and Liverpool Street station in the City.

Stanstead. A rail service connects this airport, 32
miles north-east of London with the City’s Liverpool Street station, taking
about 40 min (£10.80).

There are over 20,000 licensed Black Cabs in London. Every driver
has undergone a stringent test of London’s geography called The Knowledge. You
will find them a wealth of knowledge. Black Cabs can be hailed in the street
when their ‘For Hire’ sign is illuminated. Avoid unlicensed mini-cabs, especially
those touting outside stations.

2. Прочитайте и дайте ответы на вопросы.

Why can you
reach any part of London easily and enjoy the ride?

Why should
one know the station for arrival or departure?

Which types
of transport are the main London airports served by?

3. Vocabulary Focus

A. Найдите слова в тексте с таким же
значением и напишите их:

places worth seeing                                                  _______

2. not
far                                                                     __________________

3. to
get to                                                                   __________________

journey                                                                   __________________

printed sheet with announcement or short information; a small booklet


directly                                                                   __________________

baggage                                                                   __________________

important; big                                                          __________________

invalid                                                                    __________________

local train                                                              __________________

11. a bus which runs there and back                             __________________

12. severe                                                                    __________________

B.Соедините слова и их значения:

1. metropolis:       a. a
trademark of a large plane that carries a lot of people for                                                                                    short

2. terminal              b. a taxi

3. leaflet                c. a
very large city that is the most important in a country or area

4. Airbus              d. a big
building where people wait to get onto planes, buses, or ship or where goods
are loaded

5. cab                   e. a
small book or piece of paper advertising something or giving information on a
particular subject

4. Запомните новые слова и выражения и их значения.

airpumping capacity
производительность воздушного насоса

cam-follower=valve-lifterтолкатель клапана

seatседло клапана

мощность, производительность


draw(v) in — втянуть, втащить

jacket – чехол, кожух, рубашка

helical spring – цилиндрическая пружина

inwardopening poppet valve type
клапан тарельчатого типа, открывающийся вовнутрь

lever – рычаг, коромысло

сцепление, рычажный механизм

не деформирующийся

вращать(ся) вокруг своей оси

poppet valve – тарельчатый клапан

push rod – штанга толкателя клапана

reciprocating pump
поршневой насос

reciprocation engine
поршневой двигатель

rocker arm – рокер, рычаг клапана (зд: коромысло)

tightness – непроницаемость, герметичность

valve guide – направляющая клапана

valve head ground
основание головки клапана

valve stem – стержень (шток) клапана

valve train – клапанный механизм

5. Переведите предложения на русский язык обращая, внимание
на новые слова.

Poppet valves are
cooled by transferring heat to the engine jacket, mostly through the valve
stem. 2. Mechanically, an internal combustion engine is a reciprocating pump,
able to draw in a certain amount of air per minute. 3.
In most four-stroke engines, the valves are of the inward-opening poppet type,
with the valve head ground to fit a conical seat in the cylinder block or
cylinder head. 4. A follower or valve-lifter is riding on each cam, which may
be a flat or slightly convex surface. 5. By valve train, we mean the valves and
valve-operating mechanism by which the fuel/air mixture is taken into the
cylinders and the combustion products are discharged to the exhaust. 6. The
operating linkage consists of cam follower, push rod and rocker arm.

6. Переведите выделенные слова на английский язык, используя активный
словарь урока.

1. (Головка клапана) is held concentric with its seat by a
cylindrical (
шток) running in the (направляющая клапана) 2. Since the fuel takes up little space
but needs air with which to combine, the power output of an engine is limited
by its (
производительность воздушного клапана). 3. (Тарельчатые клапаны) are generally 2
inches in diameter or smaller. 4. (
Выхлопные клапаны) are subject to the effects of extreme
temperature and must be most carefully designed. 5. (
is opened by forces applied to the end of the (
шток клапана)
through a mechanical linkage activated by the (
толкателем клапана).

Unit 20

How the Automobile Learned to Run

1. Прочитайте и переведите первую часть текста и
ответьте письменно на вопросы.

The automobile and the
locomotive are the cousins. They have the same grandmother, who lives in a
museum in Paris. It has a long body on three wheels, a seat in the middle and a
steam-boiler in front. It was built by a Frenchman, Nicholas Cugnot, in 1769.

         Oher engineers continued his work, producing various
strange-looking cars. One had its steam pipe in front, another at the back. One
had three wheels, another had six. These queer machines were the parents of the
locomotive and the automobile. They were just learning to go by themselves.
Some could go as fast as six or seven miles an hour. People looked in
amazement. To put a stove on wheels and expect it to take you somewhere!

those days people travelled from one city to another in big stage-coaches. Each
of them carried twenty passengers. The coachman sat on the top, driving a team
of horses. The postman sat beside him and blew a horn.

the first steam coaches began to roll along the same dusty roads. The steam
coach had many enemies, first of all the owners of horse-drawn stage-coaches.
In Britain they got the government to help them in their war against the steam
coaches. Very strict rules for steam coaches were introduced. The war between
the two kinds of vehicles lasted thirty years.
The stage-coach won.

1.     What was queer about the
parents of the automobile and the locomotive?

2.     What were the stage coaches
drawn by?

3.     Who were the enemies of the
steam coach?

2. Прочитайте вторую часть текста и
определите верны или ложны следующие утверждения.

steam coach had still another rival – its younger brother, the railway train.
One of the first locomotives was built in Russia by self-taught mechanics
Cherepanovs, father and son. They did it in 1834-1835. The outstanding Russian
inventors took the steam-engine off the roads and put it on rails – and they
were right. The roads in those days were very bad, and it was hard for a heavy
steam coach to move upon them. The engine often got damaged. Other engineers
tried to build stronger engines, but could only make them heavier, which was
still worse. And what a load of coal it took to draw such a heavy vehicle over
a bad road! It was different however, when the machine was put on rails. The
engine could be much lighter and it needed less coal, so did not cost so much
to run.

first railway was built by George Stephenson between Stockton and Darlington in
England. The new invention seemed to put an end to the steam coach. But
suddenly the highway locomotive, the old steam coach, blew its horn again. It
raced along the roads at an unheard-of speed, leaving the coach horses far
behind. How did this happen? The steam coach had stopped using steam. In 1886
Daimler and Benz, two German inventors, built a petrol engine. Have you ever
come across the picture of the first automobile? If you look at it again, you
will see how light and simple the fire cart has become. Of course, the motor of
the first car is still weak; it is only one and a half horsepower. And when the
automobile moves, it snakes and jolts its passengers very hard, much harder
than a horse-drawn carriage.

1.     The railway train was invented
before the steam coach. (     )

2.     The first steam coach moved
upon bad roads. (     )

3.     Those steam engines that were
put on rails needed a lot of coal to draw them.()

4.     The first railway was built by
Stephenson in Germany. (     )

5.     The inventors of the first
petrol engine were from England. (     )

6.     The first automobile was far
from being comfortable. (     )

3.Прочитайте третью часть текста и
выберите правильный вариант ответа. Заполните

to stop the terrible jolting? The roads could be made smooth by laying floors
over them, or pillows could be attached to the car’s wheels.

of these things have been done. An asphalt pavement has been laid over the road
like a smooth floor, and the wooden wheels have been replaced by rubber tyres
filled with air. Motorcars have been constructed employing two, three and even
four hundred horsepower engine. Today there are racing cars with as much as a
thousand horsepower. The old stage-coaches have been forgotten. Even the
railway can’t keep up with the automobile. The trains can run only on rails.
But the automobile needs no rails. It can go anywhere. We now have cars that
can run on ploughed fields, climb steep hills and even cross rivers and seas.
The network of automobile highways has been greatly enlarged too.

modern automobile is very beautiful. It has nothing unnecessary sticking out on
it. It is streamlined – straight and smooth like an arrow. How comfortable and
strong it is!  Faster than a train and it can carry huge loads. It takes us out
of town on a week-end, and it helps us build giant power-stations.

the beginning automobile looked like a locomotive. Then it looked like a
horse-drawn cab. Now it does not look like anything else. It looks like what it
is – an automobile.

1. The terrible jolting could
be stopped by

A. improving the

B. putting
pillows into the automobile.

C. making the
wheels of a car more mobile.

2. The car wheels were

A. repaired.

B. reconstructed.

C. made better than before.

3. The automobiles which were
invented afterwards could

A. run on rails.

B. go anywhere.

C. be enlarged greatly.

4. The automobiles of a new

A. look like a horse-drawn cab.

B. can make many different

C. are very beautiful.

4. Запишите и выучите новые слова и выражения.

engine (power plant) — двигатель(силовая установка)

chassis — шасси

body — кузов

power train — силовая

running gear
ходовая часть

steering system
рулевое управление

brakes — тормоза


коробка передач

propeller shaft
карданный вал

final drive
главная передача


rear axle — задний

axle shafts

frame with
— рама с осями

wheels and
— колеса с рессо­рами

hood — капот




include включать в себя

consist ofсостоять из

as well — также

in turn — в
свою очередь

source of power — источник энергии

fuel — топливо


lubricating — смазка

5. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Components of the

The automobile is made up of three basic parts: the
power plant, or the engine, the chassis and the body.

The engine is the source of power that
makes the wheels rotate and the car move. It includes fuel, cooling,
lubricating and electric systems. Most automobile engines have six or eight

The chassis includes a power train (power
transmission), a run­ning gear, steering and braking systems as well.

The power train carries the power from the
engine to the car wheels.

The power transmission, in turn, contains
the clutch, gearbox, propeller or cardan shaft, final drive, differential, rear
axle and axle shafts. The running gear consists of a frame with axles, wheels
and springs.

The body has a hood, fenders and
accessories: the heater, stereo tape recorder, windshield wipers, conditioner,
speedometer and so on.

6. Выберите и запишите термины, данные ниже, которые
относятся к:

the engine (двигателю); the chassis (шасси); the body (кузову).

Fuel system, axle shaft, accessories, cooling system,
frame with axles, running gear, lubricating system, steering system, heater,
pro­peller shaft, power transmission, final drive, windshield wiper, clutch,
wheels and axle shafts, gearbox, electric system, differential.

русские эквиваленты приведенных выше терминов.

7. Найдите в тексте ответы на вопросы:

1.What main parts is the automobile made up of?

2.What is the function of the engine?

3.What systems does the engine include?

4.What does the chassis consist of?

5.What units does the power transmission comprise?

6.What assemblies does the running gear consist of?

7.What has the body?

8. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты предложений
и запишите их.

состоит из трех основных частей: двигателя, шасси и кузова.

— это источник энергии.

включает в себя топливную, охлаждающую, смазывающую и электрическую системы.

включает в себя силовую передачу, ходовую часть, рулевую и тормозную системы.

передача (трансмиссия), в свою очередь, состоит из сцепления, коробки передач,
карданного вала, главной передачи, дифференциала, заднего моста и полуосей.

часть включает в себя раму с осями, колеса и рессоры.

включает в себя капот, крылья и вспомогательные аксессуары: отопитель,
стеклоочистители, магнитолу, кондиционер и т. п.

9. Выберите и запишите соответствующий описанию

1.Mechanism which is used to stop
the car.

a) clutch; b) brakes; c) gearbox; d) steering system.

2.Mechanism which is used to guide the car.

a) clutch; b) brakes; c) gearbox; d) steering system.

3.Mechanism which engages or disengages the engine and
the car wheels.

a) clutch; b) brakes; c) gearbox; d) steering system.

4.Mechanism which is used to change the speed of the

a) clutch; b) brakes; c) gearbox; d)

5.Mechanism which is used to guide the car in one or
the other directions.

a) clutch; b) brakes; c) gearbox; d) steering system.

6.Device which is
designed to measure the speed of the car.

    a) heater; b)
windscreen; c) speedometer; d) tachometer.

Unit 21

The engine.

1.Выучите новые слова.

1. burn (v) —
сгорать, сжигать

2. combustion chamber  — камера сгорания

3. connecting rod — шатун, соединительная тяга

4. convert (v) —
превращать, преобразовывать

5. core
сердцевина, сердечник

6. crankshaft
коленчатый вал

7. displacement
рабочий объем (цилиндров) двигателя

8. fourstroke
— четырехтактный

9. jackinthebox

jumble — куча, мешанина, беспорядочная смесь

hood — крышка капота (двигателя)

ignite (v) — поджигать, воспламенять

combustion engine (ICE) —
двигатель внутреннего сгорания

oil pan — поддон

piston — поршень

piston rings — поршневые кольца

reciprocating internal
combustion engine —
поршневой двигатель внутреннего сгорания

release (v) — высвобождать

rotate — вращаться

seal – уплотнение; сальник

set off(v) — запустить

smooth – гладкий, ровный

spark plug — свеча зажигания

sump — поддон (картера)

valve – клапан

2.Прочитайте и переведите
интернациональные слова:

Diesel, efficient, equivalent,
typical, energy,
form, gas, cycle, c
ompression, to start, to plan, multi-cylinder,
configuration, motor-cycle, sports car, normal,
number, indicator, battery, compact, material.

3.Выберите верное значение для данных слов.

jumble, piston, hood, core, wire, plug,

1.   the metal cover over the engine of a motor
car (protective cover over the engine of a motor car).

2.   piece or length of metal in the form of a

3.   a lot of different things mixed together in
an untidy order, without any order.

4.   chemical activity which uses oxygen to
produce light and heat.

5.   central or most important part of anything
(of an engine).

6.   a part of an engine consisting of a short
solid piece of metal inside a tube, which moves up and down.

7.   the part of a petrol engine that makes
spark, which makes the petrol start burning.

4. Прочитайте и переведите текст.


1.The engine is the source of power that
makes the car move. It is usually called an internal combustion engine because
gasoline is burned within its cylinders or combustion chambers. Most automobile
engines have six or eight cylinders.

2.The operating cycle of the four-stroke
engine that takes place in the engine cylinder can be divided into four
strokes. The upper limit of the piston movement is called the top dead centre.
The lower limit of piston movement is called the bottom dead centre. A stroke
is the piston movement from the top dead centre to the bottom dead centre or
from bottom dead centre to the top dead centre. In other words, the piston the
completes a stroke each time it changes the direction of its motion.

3.Where the entire cycle of events in the
cylinder requires four strokes (two crankshaft revolutions), the engine is
called a four-stroke cycle engine. The four strokes are: intake, compression,
power and exhaust.

4.Two-cycle engines have also been made, and
in such engines the entire cycle of events is completed in two strokes or one
revolution of the crankshaft.

5.On the intake stroke the intake valve is
opened. The mixture of air      and vaporized gasoline is delivered into the
cylinder through the inlet valve. On the compression stroke the inlet valve is
closed so that the mixture can be compressed. On the power stroke both valves
(inlet and exhaust) are closed in order to raise pressure during the mixture
combustion. On the exhaust stroke the exhaust valve is opened to exhaust the
residual gas.

5. Соедините слова и их значения.

1.internal combustion engine        а. поршень

2.combustion chamber                 b. верхняя
мертвая точка

3.stroke                                       с.
четырехтактный двигатель

4.piston                                       d.
коленчатый вал

5.top dead centre                          е. отверстие клапана

6.bottom dead centre                    f.
двигатель внутреннего сгорания

7.four-stroke cycle
engine             g.
нижняя мертвая точка

8.two-cycle engine                       h. топливная система

9.crankshaft                                 i. такт впрыска (топлива)

10.intake stroke                           j. двухтактный

11.valve opening                          k. камера

12.fuel system                             1. ход, такт (поршня)

13.power stroke                           m. выхлоп

14.exhaust                                   n.
рабочий ход поршня

6. Запишите и выучите слова.

accessories — вспомогательные устройства

cooling — охлаждение

as well — также

axle shafts – полуоси

body — кузов

conditioner — кондиционер

consist of — состоять из

device — устройство

disengage — отключать, отсоединять

engage — включать, соединять

engine — двигатель

fenders — крылья

final drive — главная передача





коробка передач



in turn
— в свою очередь

include включать в себя


measure измерять

pedal педаль

power train
силовая передача

power plant силовая установка

propeller (cardan) shaft — карданный

rear axle — задний мост

release the engine — отсоединить дви­гатель

running gear — ходовая часть

7. Прочитайте и переведите диалог по ролям.

Tracing a Fault

Nick: Peter, I know you are a good driver. I would like you
to have a

look at my car.

Peter: What’s wrong with your car?

I don’t know.

Let me have a look. When did you have your plugs checked?

Three days ago. I thought I had run out of fuel but the tank is half full.

P.: The carburettor is in order but the engine is misfiring. I guess the
battery has run down. It needs recharging.

Too bad.

P.: Don’t get upset about it. It won’t take you long to have your

battery recharged.

Do you really think so?

I am sure of it. I advise you to have the engine greased.

I’ll follow your advice. Thank you, Peter.

P.: Don’t mention it, Nick. I’m very sorry I couldn’t
help you.

Well, you helped me to find the fault. Thanks a lot. Good-bye.

P.: See you later.

Unit 22

16-Valve Technology

1. Запишите новые слова и выучите их.

rally car

гоночный автомобиль

competition car

спортивный автомобиль


экономия, экономичность





combustion chamber

камера сгорания

piston crown

головка поршня

intake manifold

входной патрубок

spark plug

свеча зажигания

flame path

поток пламени

compression ratio

степень компрессии

knock sensor

сенсор удара

engine load

нагрузка на двигатель

valve clearance

зазор клапана


износ, амортизация

2. Прочитайте текст и его перевод. Составьте план пересказа текста.

16 — Valve Technology

Part 1

Engines with four valves per cylinder have long been used to
power rally and competition cars including Saab cars. But the Saab 16-valve
engine is not a competition engine designed for the highest possible
performance within a narrow range of engine speeds. On the contrary, it is an
everyday «workhorse», with good low-speed performance, and has been optimised
for the best possible economy, durability and reliability.

Most car manufacturers are developing engines with four valves
per cylinder, and this design will probably dominate in the future. But Saab
has already accumulated several years of experience in the production of such
engines, for economical

16 — ти
клапанная технология

Часть I

Двигатели с 4-мя клапанами в каждом цилиндре уже давно
получили применение на гоночных и спортивных моделях
включая Сааб.
Однако 16-ти клапанный двигатель Сааб не является
двигателем для спортивных моделей
. Предназначенным для максимальной
эксплуатации в условиях узкого диапазона оборотов двигателя
это скорее ординарная «рабочая лошадь»
с хорошими низкоскоростными
, высоким уровнем
, прочности и

Большинство автопроизводителей выпускают
двигатели с
4-мя клапанами
на каждый цилиндр и
, возможно,
эта конструкция и будет
доминировать в будущем
. Сааб имеет
многолетний приоритет.

3. Прочитайте и переведите диалог по ролям.

Nick: Hullo, Boris!

Boris: Hullo, Nick. How are things?

N.: Perfectly well, thank you. I entered the
automobile construc­tion college.

В.: That’s nice, what will you become after
graduating from the college?

N.: I’ll become a technician and deal with
manufacturing new cars.

В.: Why did you choose this profession?

N.: I enjoy learning about a car. I enjoy
working with metal. And

most of all I
enjoy being able to construct cars.
В.: Do you enjoy the course? N.: Yes, of

В.: Tell me about your profession in detail,

N.: With great pleasure. As you know an
automobile must be safe, have smooth acting clutch, silent gears, excellent
brakes and steering system. And in order to achieve these qualities a lot of
work must be done.

В.: Thank you very much for your
information. I believe you like

your profession
very much.

N.: Oh, yes, very much, indeed.

4. Прочитайте диалог.

Anton: Where do you study?

Boris: I study at the automobile construction college.

A:      Whom does the college train?

B:      It trains
specialists for the automobile industry.

A:      Why did you decide to become a

B:      I enjoy working with machines. I enjoy learning about a car. I
understand every part of it.

A:      What
can you tell me about the car?

B:      Well, the car of
today must be rapid in acceleration, it must have dependable clutch, brakes,
and steering system, be stable on the road and have pleasant appearance.

A:     Do
you enjoy the course?

B:     Yes, very much. I
have learned a lot of things. For example, I know that the production of the
car comprises five phases.

A:     What
are they?

B:      They are
designing, working out the technology, laboratory tests, road tests, mass

A:     And
why are laboratory and road tests needed?

B:      The cars are
subjected to tests in order to meet up-to-date de­mands.

A:     And
what are these demands?

B:     They are high
efficiency, long service life, driving safety, ease of maintenance and so on.

A:     I
think you will become an expert in automobile engineering.

B:     I’ll try. The
cooperative plan of an academic program with prac­tice at a plant will help me
to become a good specialist.

5. Найдите в диалоги эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний и
запишите их:

Учусь в автомобилестроительном колледже, техник, люблю
работать с машинами, современный автомобиль, надежные тормоза, плавное
сцепление, приятный внешний вид, массовое производство автомобилей, стендовые
испытания, отвечать современным требованиям, долгий срок службы, легкость
техобслуживания, надежность, быстро разгоняться (при­ёмистость), подвергаться
жестким дорожным испытаниям.

Unit 23

Safety engineering

Запишите новые слова.
Отработайте их чтение

safety engineering
— техника безопасности

accident — несчастный случай

safety rules — правила техники

lack — нехватка, отсутствие безопасности

training workshop
учебный цех (мастерская)

to ensure – обеспечивать

Замените русское слово на
английское. Используйте новые слова

This was несчастный случай.

All people should keep технику безопасности.

Do you know правила техники?

We work in мастерской.

I обеспечиваю safety engineering.

и переведите текст.


Accidents to people in
industrial enterprises are called industrial traumatism (injury). They occur
when workers have not acquired the requisite for skill and lack the necessary
experience in handling tools and equipment. Accidents are also caused through
neglect of safety rules and regulations in the factories and training

The purpose of safety
engineering is to prevent acci­dents and to create such conditions of work in
industry which will ensure maximum productivity of

When taking up new duties or
when first going to work at any
industrial enterprise each worker is obliged to acquaint him thoroughly with,
and to master the safety instructions.

Ответьте письменно на

    How are the accidents to people in
industrial enterprises called?

When do the accidents
to people occur?

What must one do to
prevent accidents?

What is the purpose of
safety engineering?

What is a worker obliged
to do when taking up new duties?

Unit 24

Car industry and environment.

1. Запишите и выучите новые слова, отработайте их произношение.







advertising реклама

cellular phone сотовый телефон


traffic уличное

average speed
средняя скорость


скоростная автомагистраль (без платы за


environmentalist специалист по охране окружающей среды

fuel топливо

protect защищать


parking lot
стоянка для автомобилей

available доступный


require нуждаться


flight полет

работающий на солнечной энергии

2. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Cars: passion or problems.

         For some people, the car is a convenient
form of transportation. But for others,

the car is an exciting hobby. Some people spend their
lives collecting valuable cars.

Others drive them in races, including the M i l l e
Miglia in Italy, the Carrera Panamericana in Mexico, and the world-famous Indianapolis 500. For many people, cars are more than transportation. They are a source of
passion and pleasure. Yet cars can also be a source of many problems.

In 1903, Henry Ford began selling the Model
T car for $825. His company,

Ford Motors, was the first to produce cars in large
numbers. This made the car available

to large numbers of people and helped them to travel
long distances quickly and

easily. The car has brought people much closer to
places of work, study and entertainment.

Many people also work in car-related
industries: fixing cars, washing cars, advertising

cars and selling car products such as stereos and
cellular phones.

Most Americans buy a new car every five or
six years. This means that one

American may own a dozen cars in a lifetime. In fact,
there are more cars than people

in the United Slates. In New York City, 2.5 million
cars move in and out of the city

each day. In this traffic, the average speed is
sometimes 8.1 miles per hour. This

speed could easily be reached by riding a horse
instead of driving a car. But New

Yorkers continue to drive, just as people do in California, where freeways are often

very crowded.

Some environmentalists believe that forms
of public transportation such as buses and trains have not been fully developed
in the United States. They try to teach others that public transportation saves
fuel and helps to protect the environment. Many people are unhappy with car
traffic and pollution, as well as with the use of beautiful land for building
new roads. One environmentalist, Jan Lundberg, left his Mercedes-Benz in Los Angeles and moved to the forests of northern California. There he works on the
Auto-Free Times, a newspaper that teaches people how to live without driving.
Lundberg travels on foot, on bicycle, or by bus. Before he decided to live without
a car, Lundberg worked for the oil companies, studying the prices of gasoline.

Lundberg and other environmentalists dream
of turning parking lots into parks and replacing cars with bicycles, but most
people around the world believe that the car is a necessary part of life in
today’s world. Still, there is an important question that must be answered:
What kind of fuel will we use when gasoline is no longer available? Lundberg
believes that by the 2021, there will no longer be oil for gasoline makers to
use. To solve this problem, car companies in Korea, Japan, Europe, and the United
Stales are trying to develop an electric car that will not require gasoline at
all. The electric car is not a new idea. It had success with American women in
the early 1900s.

Women liked electric cars because they were
quiet and did not pollute the air. Electric cars were also easier to start than
gasoline-powered ones. But gasoline powered cars were faster, and in the 1920s
they became much more popular. The electric car was not used again until the
1970s, when there were serious problems with the availability of oil. Car
companies began to plan for a future without gasoline. The General Motors
Company had plans to develop an electric car by 1980; however, oil became
available again, and this car was never produced. Today there is a new interest
in the electric car, which is partly related to a passion for speed and new technology.
In 1977, engineer Paul MacCready, designed a human-powered airplane that
successfully completed a three-mile flight. A similar airplane crossed the English Channel in 1977, followed by a solar-powered airplane.

In 1987, the Sunraycer, a solar-powered
car, won a 2,000-mile race in Australia. As a

result of this success, the General Motors Company
began new work on the development of the electric car. The Toyota Company
recently decided to spend $800 million a year on the development of new car technology.
Many engineers believe that the electric car will lead to other forms of
technology being used for transportation.

Cars may change, but their importance will not. Cars
are important to nearly

everyone, including engineers, businesspeople, environmentalists,
and even poets.

Poet Curt Brown believes that cars are part of our
passion for new places and new

experiences. According to Brown, this «very, very
comfortable flying chair» will continue to bring us travel and adventure,
no matter how it changes in the future.

3. Ниже приведены главные мысли из текста, пронумерёйте их в
соответствии с текстом.

a. Soon there will be no oil to fuel cars.

b. Cars, whether gasoline or electric
powered, will always be important.

c. Cars can cause problems.

d. To some people, cars are more than

e. Some environmentalists teach people how
to live without cars.

f. People in the U.S. need cars to go to school, to
work, and to places of entertainment.

4. Дополните предложения, используя информацию из текста.

Advantages of the car:

1. Some people enjoy….

2. People can travel….

3. People are closer to….

4. Some people make money by….

Disadvantages of the car:

1. Lots of traffic and….

2. Cars use more fuel than….

3. Beautiful land is replaced with….

Gasoline may no longer….

5. Прочитайте и переведите текст.


First, the parts are delivered
by truck or rail to the delivery area of the car assembly plant. From
here, some parts are taken to the body shop, and other parts are transported to
the chassis line. The parts are carried  around  the  plant  by  forklift  (
автопогрузчик с вилочным захватом) trucks or conveyor belts.

In the body shop, the panels are
welded to the frame to form the body of the car. This is done by more than 400

Then the body is taken to the
paint shop. Here it is cleaned and  painted by robots. After this, the body is
checked by human workers  to look for faults.

Next, the painted body moves
along a conveyor belt to the trim line  (
отделка)  and  many  parts  are  added  to  it. 
For example, the instrument panel, the air conditioning system, the heating
system and the electrical wiring are all installed here. The windscreen is
inserted by robots using laser guides.

Meanwhile,  in  the  chassis 
,  components  are  added  to  the chassis.  First,  the  chassis  is 
turned  upside  down,  to  make  the  work easier.  Then  the  fuel  system, 
the  transmission,  the  suspension,  the exhaust system, the axles and the
drive shaft are all installed. Next the chassis  is  turned  over  (rightside 
up).  The  engine  is  lowered  into  the chassis and connected to it.

Now the chassis and the body
move simultaneously to the final assembly  line.  Here  the  body  is 
attached  to  the  chassis,  and  all  the final parts are added. The tyres and
the radiator are added here. The hoses  are  connected,  and  the  radiator 
and  air conditioner  are  filled with fluid. The car’s central computer is
also installed here.Lastly, the finished car and all electrical systems are
tested. The car is filled with fuel and the engine is started for the first
time. The car  is  put  on  special  rollers  to  test  the  engine  and  the 
wheels.  If  it passes the test, the car is finally driven out of the assembly

Unit 25


1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.


KAMAZ was established in 1969 as Kama Complex of
Plants to produce heavy-duty trucks (Production Association KAMAZ). In 1990, PA
KAMAZ was reorganized into a joint-stock company.

The first vehicle came off the mother gathering conveyor on
February 16, 1976. Since then, over 1.9 million vehicles and about 2.6 million
engines have been produced. Each second truck of 14-40 t GVW used in Russia
and the CIS countries is KAMAZ. Each fourth truck produced is exported from Russia. KAMAZ vehicles are used in more than 80 countries.

Brief History

In 1969, the Central Committee
of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the USSR Council of Ministers
issued a decree on construction of a complex of plants to produce heavy-duty
trucks. 70 variants of its location were considered. The city of Naberezhnye Chelny, then a small town on the Kama river, was chosen among them. Its
advantages were obvious. Naberezhnye Chelny was located in the very center of
the former USSR. Navigable rivers – the Kama and the Volga, proximity to a
railway enabled to supply the construction site with building and raw
materials, equipment, components, and later to deliver trucks to customers. And
KamGESenergostroy – the largest construction organization in the region – built
a dam and a hydroelectric power plant generating about 1.5 million kWh of
power, constructed factory buildings and houses for future auto makers.

Workers and specialists of 70
ethnic origins from all corners of the USSR assembled at the construction site
in Naberezhnye Chelny. Over 2,000 enterprises, all central authorities of
Gossnab of the USSR, ministries and agencies supplied KAMAZ with construction
materials and equipment. More than 100 thousand people worked at the
construction site. The future auto plant was supplied with the most up-to-date
process equipment of that time. It received equipment from more than 700
foreign companies including world-known corporations, namely Swindell-Dressler,
Holcroft, Seacast, Ingersroll Rand from the USA; Busch, Hüller, Liebherr
from Germany; Italy’s Morando, Excella, Fata; Renault from France; Sweden’s
Sandvik; Japan’s Komatsu and Hitachi. KAMAZ was constructed on empty fields
among hills. The builders had to dump and deliver millions of cubic meters of
earth in order to smooth out the roughness of the country and do oversite

On December 13, 1969, the
first bucket of earth was dug out at the building site of the Kama auto plant
which was intended for production of 150 thousand heavy-duty trucks and 250
thousand engines a year. The complex of plants on the Kama covered a wide
territory of 22 square miles. While the automobile plant was being built,
burning communal problems were being solved. KAMAZ provided thousands of people
living in barracks and communal flats with comfortable houses, modern
educational and medical institutions, kindergartens, numerous centers of
culture, sport, recreation and entertainment. Thanks to KAMAZ, an industrial
and scientific center and a developed infrastructure of the suburban
agricultural zone were created in Prikamye.

The city’s population annually
grew by 30-40 thousand people. Whereas only 27 thousand people had lived in
Naberezhnye Chelny before the construction of KAMAZ started, by the mid of the
90-ies over 530 thousand people lived in the city where all necessary
facilities were offered.

2. Составьте пять вопросов к тексту.

3. Прочитайте и переведите текст, обращая особое внимание на
произнесение числительных.



KAMAZ Group is the largest
automobile corporation of the Russian Federation. OJSC KAMAZ ranks 16th among
the world’s top heavy truck manufacturers.

On August 16, 1969 the first
stone was laid. The construction of the Kama Automobile Plant was started.

On February 16, 1976 the first
KAMAZ truck rolled off the main assembly line of the automobile plant.

In 1988, the main assembly
line of the automobile plant produced the one millionth vehicle since the
beginning of production.

In January 2008, KAMAZ
produced the 1.9-millionth vehicle since the beginning of production.

On February 15, 2012 KAMAZ
produced the two millionth vehicle.

Since the launch of
production, more than 2 million 50 thousand vehicles have been assembled at the
Automobile Plant of KAMAZ by the end of the third quarter of 2012.

In February 2008, the
2.5-millionth engine came off the mother assembly line of KAMAZ-Diesel Inc.
Since the launch of production, over 2 million 720 thousand engines and power
units have been manufactured by the end of the third quarter of 2012.

The authorized capital of
KAMAZ makes up RUB 35.36 billion. The largest shareholdings belong to the state
and commercial banks.

The single production complex
of KAMAZ Group embraces the whole technological cycle of truck production –
from development, production, assembly of vehicles and auto components to
marketing of finished products and service maintenance.

The group of the process chain
includes 12 large automobile plants. The following enterprises are located in
Naberezhnye Chelny: Metallurgical Complex (a foundry and a forge plant), Engine
Plant, Press and Stamping Plant, Automobile Plant, Repair Instrument Plant,
Industial Park Master, and Remdiesel. The largest associated companies outside
Naberezhnye Chelny are JSC “Neftekamsk Automobile Plant” and OAO “Tuimazinskiy
Zavod Avtobetonovozov” (the Republic of Bashkortostan), Trailer KAMAZ Inc. (Stavropol).

To date, KAMAZ Group includes
over 150 organizations located in Russia, the CIS and the far abroad.

About 55 thousand people work
in departments and associated companies of OJSC KAMAZ.

Proceeds from sales of
marketable products and non-industrial services of KAMAZ Group for 11 months of
2011 made RUB 91.2 billion.

In 2011, KAMAZ Group
manufactured nearly 45,200 trucks, 39 thousand units of which were sold on the
Russian market. Also, KAMAZ took 38% in the segment of trucks with GVW of over
16 t and 15% in the segment of 8-16 t GVW vehicles of the Russian truck market.
KAMAZ became the absolute leader in the class of heavy trucks in Ukraine,
Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, and a number of other countries. During
2011 the company produced spare parts to the tune of over 6 billion roubles and
other products for the sum of more than 9 billion roubles.


OJSC KAMAZ produces a wide
range of vehicles: trucks (over 40 models, more than 1,500 kits, right-hand
vehicles), trailers, buses, tractors, engines, power units, and different
tools. KAMAZ traditionally positions itself on the market of trucks of 14-40 t
GVW. For the last years, the range of the company’s production has considerably
increased. The manufacture of medium tonnage vehicles was mastered, the line-up
of high payload vehicles was extended.

Previously, technical
specifications of vehicles were improved and their customer appeal was enhanced
– both due to the use of automobile components made by the leading producers,
and the implementation of KAMAZ’s own original developments. All these measures
enabled the company to create the so-called “model range 2010”
on which the company’s production program will be based till 2014 when KAMAZ
plans to create a brand new model range of its vehicles. In 2012, when Russia adopts technical regulations compliant with Euro-4 international standards, KAMAZ
vehicles will have engines meeting this environmental standard.

Unit 26


1. Прочитайте текст и переведите его. Найдите и выпишите

предложения из текста.



1. Volvo is one of the world’s largest
producers of heavy trucks.

The company has the necessary resources to
carry on the research needed to

maintain its lead in truck automotive development. The
truck owner is assured of a

product that meets the demands of a modern and
cost-efficient truck.

With its industry-wide research program and broad
product range, Volvo can offer

the right vehicle for each transport application.

The skilled transport consultants at Volvo draw up
complete, customized packages

which cover not only the vehicle, but also financing,
parts and service.

Each representative is part of an international
network. This will ensure a strong,

durable business partner with solutions for every need
and purpose.

2. The NL Range — the result of ongoing
product development.

The Volvo NL is a farther development of
Volvo’s N trucks. The NL range offers

a wide range of options for all types of heavy-duty
operations. Design flexibility

means that the truck can be designed and built for a
specific job. The NL is available

in two models – NL 10 and NL 12.

The efficiency of a truck depends on the
components it is made of the cab, chassis,

engine, gearbox, axles. Volvo offers a wide variety of
all the most important

components. With its strong chassis and high capacity,
the product line covers on/off road construction site work, city work, mining
and logging, rescue vehicles as well as

long-distance haulage.

The NL range uses Volvo’s own driveline:
the engine, gearbox and rear axle are

all made by Volvo. This ensures that all the
components are developed to match each

other exactly, so they minimize loss of power.

3. The cabs.

There is an obvious connection between
comfort, comfort, and the safety are

safety and the profitability of the vehicle. By using
a safe, comfortable and quiet cab,

the driver -an concentrate better over a longer period
of time, and he can work more

efficiently. This results In higher profitability.
Over the past 20 years the Volvo

Group has formed ongoing developments in the field of
safety. The tests include controlled laboratory crashes as veil as realistic
outdoor collisions.

The F range offers four cab versions of
different sizes and overnight accommodation

standards. The ergonomic design, the of an equally
high standard. This makes

it easy to select the cab suitable for a specific
application. The range includes a short

(day) cab, a short high cab (Eurotrotter), a long
(sleeper) cab, and a long high cab

(Globetrotter) fitted with one or two comfortable

The sleeper cabs are equipped for demanding
long-distance routes, with large

storage space for personal items. Air conditioning is fitted
as an option.

The cab’s suspension, combined with one of
the seat options, makes the cab very


2.Закончите предложения, используя содержание текста.

1. Volvo manufactures…

a) skidders

b) harvesters

c) heavy trucks

d) forwarders

2. Volvo is one of the world’s largest…

a) companies

b) loaders

c) feller bunchers

d) heavy trucks

3. The efficiency of a truck depends on…

a) the engine, cab, chassis

b) steep slopes, tight thinnings and soft

c) city work, mining and logging

4. The sleeper cabs are equipped with….

a) the ergonomic design, the comfort and
the safety

b) one or two comfortable bunks

c) large storage space for personal items

Unit 27

Properties of metals and their uses.

1. Запишите и выучите новые слова.

alloy Сплав

steel Сталь

strength Прочность

ferrous Черный

nonferrous Цветной

toughness Жесткость

bending сгиб

softness мягкость, пластичность

rusting Коррозия

oxidation Окисление

sharp melting point четкая
точка плавления

coefficient of expansion
коэффициент расширения

breadth ширина, степень, объем


specific Gravity удельный вес (масса)

specific density удельная плотность

electrical resistance электрическое сопротивление

mechanical properties механические свойства

sheathing Обмотка

tensile strength предел прочности, прочность на растяжение

compressive strength прочность на сжатие

ductility Ковкость

2. Заполните таблицу.

Car part(s)

Steel _____________________________________________________________


sheet metal_________________________________________________________


glass plastic________________________________________________________





3. Вставьте в предложения нужные слова по смыслу из

Shatterproof,  light,  corrosion-resistant,  durable ,
elastic,  natural , rigid , malleable.

a. Wood is very often used in interiors because it
looks.. .and warm.

b. Aluminum and magnesium are important in car
manufacturing because they

are.. .and therefore good for

c. Rubber should be able to withstand great temperature
differences while staying…

In other words, it shouldn’t become

d. Windscreens are made of special… glass to protect
drivers in accidents.

e. Fabrics used in cars need to be… and not look old
too quickly.

f. Steel is used for load-bearing parts because it

g. Sheet metal is used for large car parts because it
is.. .and dent-resistant.

h. Aluminum is ideal for bumpers and other body parts
because it is…

4. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

The average car is made of a large number
of different materials,  as the pie chart here shows. Steel makes up by far the
single largest  percentage  of  materials,  accounting  for  55%  of  the  car 
materials  by  weight. Then comes iron, with 13%. Plastics make up 10% of the
car, although  this  percentage  is  naturally  increasing  all  the  time  as 
car makers try to make vehicles lighter.

Aluminium accounts for 5% of the materials,
although some cars contain much more. Some manufacturers are switching from
steel to aluminium  to  save  weight,  because  aliminium’s  so  light.  And 
new alloys  mean  that  aluminium  is  now  about  as  rigid  as  steel. 
Another advantage is that it’s corrosion-resistant. It’s going to be
interesting to see if the popularity of aluminium continues to increase in the

Returning  to my chart,  you  see  that rubber 
accounts  for 5% of the  weight,  and  fluids  and  lubricants  make  up  4%. 
Zink,  lead,  and copper  together accounts  for  3%,  and  glass  makes  up 
2%.  All  the other  materials,  including  things  like  fabrics  and 
ceramics,  make  up the final 3% together.

5. Поставьте материалы, которые используются в производстве машин в
порядке убявания, используйте текст из предыдущего упражнения.

zink, lead, and copper • steel • rubber •
iron • glass • aluminium 

• plastics • fluids and lubricants • other

6. Прочитайте и переведите текст, ответьте на вопросы после текста.

Aluminium – the car maker’s metal of the

With the launch of the A2, Audi AG
introduced the first vehicle in  the  world  to  have  a  volume-built 
all-aluminium  body.  In  1996, series  production  of  the  A8  began.  The 
A8  is  the  luxury  limousine made of aluminium. The car combines high
strength with low weight.

At only 1,690 kilos, the A8 3.2 is the
lightest car in the luxury class. Other car makers are also starting to take
aluminium seriously. As  engines  sizes  have  increased,  cars  have  become 
more  top-heavy (
неустойчивый).  Using  aluminium  for  the  bonnet 
and  front  wings helps to get a better weight distribution between front and
rear axles.

Another advantage of aluminium is that it
is cheaper to recycle than steel.  This will be an important consideration in
the future when the EU introduces tougher recycling regulations.

But  there  are  drawbacks  to  using 
aluminium.  Replacing  steel with aluminium is expensive; an aluminium body
costs twice as much as  a  steel  one.  Not  only  are  aluminium  production 
processes expensive, they are also difficult to implement. Because aluminium is
more  brittle  and  tears  more  easily  than  steel,  it  can  only  be 
formed when  it  is  in  an  unhardened  state.  Furthermore,  the  aluminium 

for outer parts of the car, such as the wings and the
doors, needs to be thicker than steel because it doesn’t have the same
stiffness. The dent-resistance (
сопротивление / прочность к вмятинам) of aluminium is also less than that of
steel.On  the  plus  side,  aluminium  doesn’t  rust  like  steel,  and  in 
car crashes  it  has  a  higher  energy  absorbtion  rate,  which  increases 
the car‘s active safety.

1. What are the advantages and
disadvantages of using aluminium?

2. What kind of car materials do you think
will be used in the future?

3.  What  are  the  EU’s  recycling 
targets  for  2015? 
Do  you  think  car

makers will have trouble reaching them?

Unit 28


1. Прочитайте и переведите диалог.

M: OK, the first thing you have to
do is to bring the new wheel right

up to the car. OK?

T : Yeah. I’ll get
it now.

M: Good. Now, the
air pressure in the tyre is probably wrong, so

you need to adjust
it. OK? Check the pressure, then either let

some air out or
pump some more air in.

T: Got it. Right,
I’ve done it.

M: Good. Now before
you start lifting up the car, you must loosen

the wheel nuts a
bit, so get your wheel gun and loosen the nuts.

… Done that?

T: Yeah, done it.

M: Right, now
you’re going to use the jack (
домкрат), so first of

all put the jack
under the front of the car. OK?

T: Yeah.

M: And then raise
the front of the car carefully. Have you done that?

T: Yeah.

M: Right, so now
take the wheel off and put it down next to you on

the ground.

T: Yeah. I’ve done

M: Good. Now get
the new wheel, pick it up and put it on the car.

Have you done that?

T: Yes.

M: Right. Now pick
up your wheel gun again and tighten up the

wheel nuts. …

T: Aha. That’s

M: Good. Now lower
the car … and take the jack away.

T: Done it.

M: And of course
finish off by taking the old wheel away. Just roll it

away and put it
over there.

T: OK.

предложения в правильном порядке, так чтобы получились чёткие инструкции по
замене покрышек.

a) Tighten the wheel nuts.

b) Raise the car with the jack.

c) Loosen the wheel nuts.

d) Take the old wheel off.

e) Take the old wheel away.

f) Adjust the air pressure in
the tyre.

g) Bring the new wheel out.

h) Put the new wheel on.

i) Put the jack under the car.

j) Lower the car and take the
jack away.

3. Перепишите данные предложения, используя Passive Voice

Begin: First the bonnet of the car is opened
and the battery is located.

Then …

Servicing a car battery

1. Open the bonnet of the car. Locate the

2. Loosen  the  battery  cables,  using  a 
wrench. Remove  the  battery

cables from the posts.

3. Always  remove  the  negative  (or  earth) 
cable  first,  then  the


4. Carefully lay the detached ends of the
cables to one side.

5. Wipe  away  corrosion  from  the  top 
of  the  battery,  using  baking

soda and water.

6. If corrosion is very heavy, you can
clean it from the posts using a


7. Apply petroleum jelly to the inside of
the terminals and the posts.

8. Reattach the cables. Close the car bonnet.

4. Запишите и выучите новые слова и выражения.

шестерня, передача          

коробка передач

зубчатое соединение    

road conditions
— дорожные условия          

forward speed
передняя скорость

reverse drive
обратный  (задний)      ход

low gear
первая передача         

top gear
четвертая (прямая) пере­дача

slidingmesh gearbox
коробка    пере­дач со скользящими шестернями

constantmesh gearbox коробка
передач с постоянным зацепле­нием   шестерен

epicyclic (planetary) gearbox
эпици­клическая  (планетарная) коробка передач

ordinary gearing — стандартное зуб­чатое соединение

characteristic feature — характерная особенность

fixed axes
зафиксированные (не­подвижные) оси

rotate bodyly
вращаться корпусом





in direct line-важно

5. Соедините начало и конец предложений.

1.The principal function                 a)
sliding-mesh type, constant

 of the gearbox is….                       mesh type
and planetary type

2.The gearbox provides ….             b)  the
simplest one and histori-

­                                                        cally

3.Gearbox can be ….                      c) to vary
the speed of the car

4.The sliding-mesh gearbox is       d)  four forward
speeds and one 


5.The constant-mesh gearbox        e) the most widely


Unit 29

It is important.

1.Прочитайте и переведите текст. Выделите главную мысль текста.


Since Man is highly sensitive to even the
smallest changes in his surroundings, but has poor ability in detecting static
changes, this situation has been one of our most important starting points in
the design of the Saab 9000 chassis. It is vitally important that the car
should give the driver immediate information — through the seat and steering
wheel — on the lateral forces, for instance, acting on the car when it is
cornering. It is important for the driver to receive this information as
quickly and distinctly as possible. Information on whether or not the car is
cornering correctly, for instance, must be conveyed to the driver in a matter
of tenths or hundredths of a second. The difference between a mature chassis
and a dangerous chassis often lies in how these small, almost immeasurable
information signals are conveyed to the driver.

Many car manufacturers describe how
computerised methods are used for designing      the chassis of their cars.
Saab obviously also employes advanced computerised aids for this purpose. But
the computer alone is not enough. So we have taken a further step — we have
used Man as the ultimate aid.

2.Ответьте на вопросы по тексту письменно.

1) What is important for the driver when acting on the car?

2) What is the difference between a mature chassis and a dangerous

Does Saab employ advanced computerised aids?

3. Прочитайте и переведите текст, используя ниже
приведённые слова.

Front assembly

The subframe is a vital part of
the front assembly. It carries most of the front suspension, as well as the
engine, gearbox and radiator assembly. The equipment of the subframe is
assembled separately before the entire subframe unit is fitted into the car.

The 9000 is equipped with
McPherson struts. The top mounting of the strut is secured to the body in a
conventional manner, but incorporates an end stop of special Saab desigh. The
bottom of the strut is secured directly to the steering knuckle housing. This
is a vibration-damping arrangement that improves durability. The system is
simple, robust, reliable and compact, and provides a long spring travel. The
long spring travel (8.27 in./210 mm at the rear wheels and 7.28
in./185 mm at the front) gives good contact with the road surface, even when
the car is driven fast across the brow of a hill or when it is cornering fast.
The long spring travel also contributes to a comfortable ride.

The wishbones, anti-roll bar
and other chassis components are mounted in well-matched rubber bushes. These
provide good roadnoise insulation, but are sufficiently firm to give correct
“road contact information”.

Words to the text.

1) front assembly — передний узел (агрегат)

2) suspension — подвеска

3) front suspension — передняя подвеска

4) radiator — радиатор

5) subframe — подрама

4. Прочитайте и переведите текст.


The brake system is diagonally split into two circuits (three on
cars with ABS). Each brake circuit actuates the brakes of one front wheel and
the diagonally opposite rear wheel. The handbrake is selfadjusting and acts on
the rear wheels.

The brake lines are protected against corrosion and are run in
ventilated passages inside the car. A warning lamp in the facia lights up when
the handbrake is applied, and also if one of the brake circuits should fail or
if the brake fluid level should drop below the minimum. The hydraulic fluid
reservoir is common to the brake system and clutch, and the warning lamp thus
has a twin function. In the event of hydraulic fluid leakage, the clutch
function will be lost first, which serves as an added warning to the driver.

The brake-pad friction material is asbestos-free. Saab was one of
the first manufacturers to introduce this non-polluting friction material. This
was principally due to the favourable design of the Saab brake system — with
disc brakes all round, floating calipers, and brake discs with large effective
cooling areas. This design contributes towards keeping the brake fluid cool.

5.Ответьте на вопросы к тексту письменно.

1) What are the aims of the brake system in a car?

2) Into how many circuits is the brake system split?

3) How is the brake system split?

4) How does each brake circuit actuate the brakes?

5) On what wheels does the handbrake act?

6) How are the brake lines run inside a car?

7) What happens in case of hydraulic fluid leakage?

8) What is the modern design of the Saab brake system?

6. Запишите и выучите слова:

brakes — тормоза       

force the fluid — подавать жидкость


under pressureпод давлением

safety — безопасность

are applied
— тормоза

depend — зависет

slow – замедлять

— тормозное

divide — разделять        

down on the brake pedal

— нажать
на тормозную педаль

namely — именно

drum brakes
— барабанные тормоза

band brake — ленточный тормоз

disk brakes — дисковые тормоза     

shoe brake — колодочный тормоз

hydraulic assisted brakes — тормоза с гидравлическим

brake shoes — колодки тормоза

brake fluid — тормозная жидкость

brake pedal — тормозная педаль     

master cylinder — главный цилиндр

7. Соедините начало и конец предложений.

1. Brakes are used
for…                             a. disc brakes and drum brakes.

2. Brakes are one
of the…                          b. the driver pushes down on the pedal

3. Вrakes
may be of 2 types:…                    c. the brake pedal

4. Brakes are
applied by                              d. stopping the car

5. Brakes are
applied when                         e. the most important mecha­nism of  the

8. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Troubles in Braking System

The basic troubles
of the braking system are as follows:

1. poor braking

2. sticking brake
shoes which would not return to the initial posi­tion after a brake pedal is

3. non-uniform
braking of the left and the right wheels on a com­mon axle;

4. leakage of
brake fluid and air leakage in the hydraulic brake;

5. poor air
tightness of the pneumatic brake control.

What to do:

1. Check the
action of the foot and hand brakes and leak proofness of the brake hoses
connections, components of the hydraulic and pneumatic controls of the brakes,
as well as of the vacuum- power system.

2. Inspect the
friction linings, wheel-brake springs, master and wheel cylinders of the
hydraulic brake and the air compressor of the pneumatic brake using a test
manometer to check it.



adjust — регулировать

apron — фартук (суппорта)

acceleration — разгон

вспомогательные устройства

axle – ось


            all-wheel drive — полный привод

           angle — угол

           antilock device — антиблокиро­вочное устройство

assemble — собирать,

сборка; агрегат; комплект


— станина

— кузов

bottom dead centre нижняя мертвая точка

bracket — кронштейн

brake pedal — тормозная педаль

brakes are appliedтормоза срабатывают

            back axle — задний мост

            balanceweight — противовес

            ball bearing cams — кулачки шарико­подшипника

band brakes — ленточные тормоза


           blower — компрессор, нагнетатель

           body — кузов

           brakes are applied — тормоза сраба­тывают

           brake freewheel — тормозная муфта свободного хода, обгонная муфта

           brake pedal — тормозная педаль

           braking effect — тормозное действие

           braking force — тормозное усилие,сила торможения

           bring into contact — соединять

           bring into operation — привести в действие

the shoe into contact




carriage суппорт

— легковой автомобиль

car wheels — колеса автомобили

casting отливка


clamp — зажимать

clutch pedal — педаль сцеплении

column — колонна

combustion chamberкамера сгорания

complete завершать


comprise включать (в себя)


cooling and lubricating systems  —системы охлаждения и смазки

control управлять

crankshaftколенчатый мил

cross-railпоперечина (траверса)

cylinder — цилиндр (двигателя)

centrifugal clutches — сцепление центробежного типа

centrifugal forces — центробежные силы

change gear(box) — коробка передач

chain — цепь

chassis — шасси

clutch — сцепление


deal (with) — иметь
дело (с)

dead stock — передняя бабка


demand — требовать


dependable brakes — надежные тормоза

design — проектирование

designing — проектирование

разрабатывать, совершенствовать

device — устройство

direction — направление

drilling — сверление

drive the motor
приводить (в движение) мотор

driving safety — безопасность вождения(движения)

disconnect — отсоединять


engine lathe — токарно-винторезный станок

each time — каждый раз

ease of maintenance
— легкость техобслуживания

engine двигатель

engine crankshaft — коленчатый вал двигателя

entire cycle — полный цикл

exhaust — выпуск отработанных газов

exhaust valve — выпускной клапан


— торец

facing — торцевое

feed подача

final drive — главная передача

finishing operation — чистовая обточка

fourstroke engine
четырехтактный двигатель

frame — рама

to free — отсоединять

friction device — фрикционное устройство

fuel – топливо

fuel system — топливная система


grey iron — серый чугун

grinder — шлифовальный станок


guide ways — направляющие

gearbox — коробка

gears — шестерни


handle — рукоятка

hole — отверстие

hydraulic unit — гидравлический агрегат


high efficiencyвысокий к.п.д.


in other words
другими словами, иначе   говоря

include — включать
(в себя)

inlet valve — впускной клапан

intake stroke — такт впрыска топлива

intake valve — впускной клапан

intend — предназначать

internal combustion engine
двигатель внутреннего сгорания


length длина

lever рычаг

laboratory testsстендовые испытания

lights фары

long service lifeдолгий срок службы

longitudinal directionпродольное направление

lower limitнижний предел



manufacture производить

manufacturing производство

manufacturing  processesпроизводственные процессы

mass production (manufacturing) — массовое производство

устанавливать (монтировать)

motion — движение

— двигаться

multidisk friction clutch
многодисковая фрикционная муфта

mixture — смесь

mixture combustion — горение смеси


obtain — получать, добиться


optimal solutionsоптимальные решения


push down on the pedalнажимать на педаль

piston movementдвижение поршня

pleasant appearanceприятный внешний

power plant — силовая установка

power stroke — рабочий ход

power train — силовая передача (трансмиссия)


production — производство, продукция

propeller shaft карданный

properly — должным образом

put into mass production — запустить в массовое производство


quality (-ies)качество (-a)



require требовать


roughing operationчерновая обточка


residual gasостаточный газ

resistant to corrosionкоррозионноустойчивый

rigid quality controlжесткий контроль

raise pressure поднять давление

road testsдорожные испытания



screw cuttingнарезание винтов

setup — налаживать (станок)

shorten — сокращать

side head — боковой суппорт

single lever — единственный рычаг

sizes — размеры

slide — скользить

silent gearbox — бесшумная коробка передач

smooth acting clutch
плавное сцепление

source of power
источник питания

speed — скорость

speed gearbox — коробка переключения передач

spindle — шпиндель

springs — рессоры

starting — запуск

steering system — система рулевого управления

stopping остановка

subject to tests
подвергать испытаниям

соответствовать, подходить


surface of the tableповерхность
paбочего стола


tailstockзадняя бабка


test — испытывать; испытание

tool инструмент

top dead centre верхняя мертвая точка

travel передвигаться,

turning — обточка

turning mill — токарный станок

turret head — револьверная головка

truck грузовой автомобиль


units and mechanismsагрегаты (узлы) и механизмы

upper limitверхний предел


vaporized gasolineпарообразный бензин

— клинообразный приводной ремень

vertical turning mill
вертикальный токарный станок


wheel head — шлифовальный круг

wheel slide
шлифовальный суппорт

wheel spindle — шпиндель шлифовального крута

work (work piece) — заготовка (деталь)

work out

Section 2

Unit 1

Welding Technology

1.Запишите новые слова,
отработайте произношение.


weld  — сварной шов, сварка, сваривать(ся)

repair and maintenance  — ремонт оборудования и уход за ним

sheet metal work  — 1) обработка листового металла 2) изделие из

листового металла 3)
жестяницкие работы

hobbyist  — человек, увлеченный своим хобби

carpenter  — плотник, столяр

ironworker  — металлург

glazier  — стекольщик

tender  —  1) лицо, присматривающее за кем-л.,

обслуживающее кого-л., что-л.
2) механик,


supervisor  — контролер

contractor  — подрядчик, контрактор

repair shop  — ремонтная мастерская

stoop  — наклоняться, нагибаться

awkward  — неудобный; затруднительный, неловкий

machine setting  — 1) наладка [настройка] станка

nondestructive testing  — 1) неразрушающие испытания;

2) неразрушающий контроль

boilermakers – котельщики

maintenance personnel
обслуживающий персонал

a skillмастерство



valuable – ценный

require – требовать, нуждаться

shield – защита

filler – наплавочный материал

brittle and porousхрупкие и

to melt – таять, плавиться


Прочитайте и переведите
текст письменно.

Welding Technology

Welding is a skill used by
many trades: sheet metal workers, ironworkers, diesel mechanics, boilermakers,
carpenters, marine construction, steamfitters, glaziers, repair and maintenance
personnel in applications ranging from the sculpture home hobbyist to heavy
fabrication of bridges, ships and many other projects. A variety of welding
processes are used to join units of metal. As a welder, you may work for
shipyards, manufacturers, contractors, federal, state, county, and city
governments, firms requiring maintenance mechanics, and repair shops.

Прочитайте и переведите

What is Welding?

         Welding is nothing more than
the art of joining metals together. By comparison, wood is joined by nails,
bricks are held together with mortar; metal is joined by welding! What makes welding
such a big deal is that the world’s infrastructure depends on it! Everything
you touch everyday that is made of metal is most likely welded in one form or
another. It is one of the most valuable technologies that played a huge part in
the industrial revolution, and is the back bone to the world’s militaries.
Welding today is comprised of three main ingredients with are required to join
metals together.

  — An
electrical power source to produce an arc.

  — Some
form of shielding to protect the weld from the air.

  — Filler
material to fill the weld joint.

ways these three ingredients work together are:

 — First, the weld area needs to be
shielded from any air around it. This is important because oxygen and other
gasses in the air make welds brittle and porous.

 — Second, is the electricity to produce
an arc. An electrical arc melts metal in fractions of a second and is hot
enough to melt any known metal!

 — Finally, the filler metal is added,
which is how two pieces of metal become one.

   4. Ответьте на вопросы:

1.   What kind of process is welding?

2. What are the
trades where welding skills are used?

3. Where can
welders work?

Unit 2

Welding is a dynamic industry with a big

1.Запишите новые слова,
отработайте их произношение и выучите.

an inspired idea – вдохновлённый идеей

bronze alloys – бронзовые сплавы

melt  — плавиться

pound – клепать

hammer – молоток

pressure – давление, сжатие

craftsmen – ремесленники, мастера

required – требуемые, необходимые

impact – воздействие

install – устанавливать

maintain  — удерживать

limit – ограничение

accuracy – точность, аккуратность

versatility –многосторонность, гибкость

niche – убежище, пища

nozzle – насадка

influence – влияние

direct current – постоянный

non-consumable – не потребляемые

tungsten – вольфрам

2. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Welding is a dynamic Industry with a 

A clever Bronze-Age worker was thinking
outside the box one day 5,500 years ago when he came up with an inspired idea.
A great way of making things with the bronze alloys that were being developed
then, he reasoned, would be to heat them until they started melting and pound
them together with a hammer. By combining heat and pressure in this way,
craftsmen could make just about anything that required a strong metal like

This was the birth of welding, a process that has had
a major impact on metalworking and product engineering ever since. 

Anything made of metal, no matter how big or small, can be welded. Examples are
everywhere, from vehicles like cars, trucks and motorcycles to rail cars,
ships, aircraft, rockets and space stations. Construction is a huge market, and
skyscrapers, bridges and highways would be impossible to build without welding,
as would oil and natural-gas pipelines, offshore oil platforms, giant wind
turbines and solar panels. Welders help install and maintain boilers,
antipollution systems and other large structures, as well as piping for
industrial, commercial and residential facilities. Welding is even used by
artists to create sculptures and decorative items. 

There is almost no limit to what welding can do, especially since developments
in the technology continually improve its accuracy, quality and
versatility. Welding is, in fact, an increasingly high-tech skill. Welders
are being trained to operate robots and other automated systems that use
powerful lasers, electron beams and sometimes explosives to bond
metals. The ability to work with computers and program software is
consequently vital to the successful operation of these systems. 

Don Howard, a welding specialist at Concurrent Technologies Corp., an
engineering firm in Johnstown, Pa., estimates that 20%-25% of U.S. welding is automated and predicts this trend will grow by about 20% in the next few

“A lot of very intelligent people are coming into the welding community,” says
Howard. There is money to be made, he notes, but the industry also offers
career paths. “Welding is not just about working on a manufacturing line
anymore. Once in the industry, people know they can find a niche.” 

“These are good times to be in welding,” says Patricio Mendez, director of the Canadian
Center for Welding and Joining at the University of Edmonton in Alberta,
Canada. Mendez notes that students who like designing and building with metal
and are interested in fields such as materials engineering, robotics, lasers,
computer programming and systems integration will find plenty of career
opportunities in welding.

Many students are introduced to the process by virtual welding. This
simulation program is being developed by the Edison Welding Institute (EWI) of Columbus,
Ohio, to teach the basics of welding in classrooms. “The objective is to give
students a virtual experience that is very much like the real thing,” says John
Coffey, engineering manager at EWI. The system uses sensors that duplicate the
look and feel of welding. 

There are more than 80 welding processes. Most involve a skilled worker using a
high-heat torch (2,800-plus degrees Fahrenheit), filler material that is
usually in wire or stick form (though some welds don’t use fillers) and
pressure to permanently bond metal pieces. Welding can also be used to cut and
dismantle objects of all sizes as well as for repairs. 

The most common process is Gas Metal Arc Welding, or GMAW. In GMAW, an
electrode, which is also the filler, is continuously fed through the nozzle of
an arc torch. When the welder activates the torch, several operations take
place: The electrode begins feeding through the nozzle, a direct current is generated
that creates an arc when it comes in contact with the electrode and shielding
gases are released around the nozzle to protect the weld from atmospheric gases
that could degrade its quality. The arc, whose movement the welder controls,
consumes the electrode, fills in the weld joint and creates the weld. 

Other widely used techniques like Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW)
and Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) are variations of the process.
GTAW, for example, is a relatively low-heat method that uses a non-consumable
tungsten electrode. Its low-heat characteristic reduces distortion in thin
metals, such as those used in aerospace. SMAW, also called “stick welding,”
uses a flux-coated consumable electrode («flux» is a chemical
cleaning agent that removes oxidation from the metals to be joined) and is
primarily used for repair and steel welding. As the electrode burns, the flux
disintegrates, which releases a shielding gas that protects the weld from

In more advanced welding technologies, lasers are combined with GMAW in a
hybrid process to make what one expert calls “scalpel-like cuts” that are up to
½-inch deep, narrow and extremely precise. The GMAW part of the process
then deposits the filler and melts it with a secondary heat source. 

The influence of welding is so broad that many of the product designs and
building techniques people take for granted would not be possible without
it. With demand for skilled welders rising and the technology of welding
becoming more advanced, especially where automation is concerned, students have
a unique opportunity to learn a career that can be shaped around their

“There are many aspects to welding,” Mendez says. “When people come in contact
with it, they love it.”

Unit 3.

Welding processes.

1. Запишите новые слова, отработайте их произношение, выучите.

– сварка давлением

– сварка нагреванием

– вместо, взамен

– скрепление болтами


to depend (on, upon)зависеть от

– цель

available – имеющийся в наличии

source – источник

gas welding – газосварка

– электродуговая сварка

– контактная сварка

– электронно-лучевая сварка


edge край


filler – наполнитель

– прут, стержень

– плавить(ся)

joint – соединение, стык

– преимущество

– поверхность

coated – покрытый

flux – флюс

fusible – плавкий

– заслонять, защищать

tip – кончик

gas-tungsten – сварка  оплавлением  вольфрамовым

в среде инертного газа

bare – голый

rate – зд. скорость

– аргоно-дуговая сварка

considerably – значительно, гораздо

surrounding – окружающий

– углекислый газ

– капелька

– жидкость, жидкий

beneath –под, ниже, внизу

layer – слой

weld seam – сварной шов

clamp – зажим,

semiautomatic – полуавтоматический

– создавать

submerge – погружать

2. Прочитайте и переведите тескт.

Welding processes

As we have already read at the
beginning of this unit, welding is a process when metal parts are joined
together by the application of heat, pressure,  or  a  combination  of  both. 
The  processed  of  welding  can  be divided  into  two  main  groups: pressure 
, when  the  weld  is achieved by  pressure and  heat  welding,
when  the  weld  is  achieved  by heat. Heat welding is the most common welding
process used today.

Nowadays  welding  is  used  instead of 
bolting and  riveting in  the construction  of  many  types  of 
structures,  including  bridges,  buildings, and ships. It is also a basic
process in the manufacture of machinery and in  the  motor  and  aircraft 
industries.  It  is  necessary  almost  in  all productions where metals are
used. The welding process depends greatly on the properties of the metals, the purpose
of their application and the

available equipment. Welding  processes  are  classified 
according  to  the sources  of  heat  and  pressure  used. The  welding 
processes  widely employed  today  include  gas  weldingarc 
, and  resistance  welding. Other  joining  processes 
are  laser  welding, and  electron-beam welding.

Gas Welding.  Gas  welding  is  a  non-pressure  process 
using  heat from a gas flame. The flame is applied directly to the
metal, edges to be  joined  and  simultaneously  to filler metal
in  the  form  of  wire  or  rod, called the welding rod, which is melted
to the joint. Gas welding has the  advantage of  using 
equipment  that  is  portable  and  does  not  require an electric power
source. The surfaces to be welded and the welding rod are coated with 
flux, a  fusible material  that  shields the  material 
from  air, which would result in a defective weld.

Arc Welding. Arc-welding is the most important welding
process for  joining  steels.  It  requires  a  continuous  supply  of  either 
direct  or alternating  electrical  current.  This  current  is  used  to  create
an  electric arc, which generates enough heat to melt metal and create a
weld. Arc welding  has  several  advantages  over  other  welding  methods. 
Arc welding is faster because the concentration of heat is high. Also, fluxes
are  not  necessary  in  certain  methods  of  arc  welding.  The  most  widely
used arc-welding processes are shielded metal arc, gas-tungsten arc, gas-metal
, and submerged arc.

Shielded  Metal  Arc
In shielded 
metal-arc  welding,  a metallic  electrode,  which  conducts  electricity,  is 
coated  with  flux  and  connected  to  a  source  of  electric  current.  The 
metal  to  be  welded  is connected to the other end of the same source of
current. An electric arc is  formed  by  touching the  tip of  the 
electrode  to  the  metal  and  then drawing  it  away.  The intense  heat  of 
the  arc  melts  both  parts  to  be welded and the point of the metal
electrode, which supplies filler metal for the  weld. This process is used
mainly for  welding steels. There are also other types of welding.

Gas-tungsten Arc  Welding.  As  non-consumable  electrodes tungsten or
carbon electrodes can be used in gas-tungsten arc welding a tungsten electrode
is used in place of the metal electrode used in shielded metal-arc  welding. 
A  chemically  inert  gas,  such  as  argon,  helium,  or carbon dioxide is
used to shield the metal from oxidation. The heat from the arc formed between
the electrode and the metal melts the edges of the metal. Metal for the weld
may be added by placing a bare wire in the arc or the point of the weld. This
process can be used with nearly all metals and  produces  a  high-quality 
weld.  However,  the  rate of  welding  is considerably slower than in
other processes.

Gas-Metal Arc Welding. In gas-metal welding, a bare electrode
is shielded from the air by surrounding it with argon or carbon
gas and  sometimes  by  coating the  electrode  with  flux.  The 
electrode  is  fed into the electric arc, and melts off in droplets that
enter the liquid metal of the weld seam. Most metals can be joined by
this process.

Submerged  Arc Welding.  Submerged-arc  welding  is  similar  to
gas-metal  arc  welding,  but  in  this  process  no  gas  is  used  to 
shield  the weld. Instead of that, the arc and tip of the wire are submerged beneath
a layer of  granular,  fusible  material  that  covers  the  weld 
.  This process is also called electroslag welding. It is very
efficient but can be used only with steels.

Resistance  Welding.  In  resistance  welding,  heat  is 
obtained  from the resistance of metal to the flow of an electric current.
Electrodes are clamped on each side of the parts to be welded, the parts
are subjected to great pressure, and a heavy current is applied for a short
period of time. The  point  where  the  two  metals  touch creates  resistance
to  the  flow  of current. This resistance causes heat, which melts the metals
and creates the weld. Resistance welding is widely employed in many fields of
sheet metal  or  wire  manufacturing  and  is  often  used  for  welds  made 
by automatic or semi-automatic machines especially in automobile

3. Соедините словосочетания и их значения.

pressure welding                            a) болтовое
(клепаное) соединение

heat welding                                  b) зависеть от свойств металлов

bolting                                           c) плавкий материал

welding process                            d) непрерывная подача электрического

5) depend  on  the  properties  of

metals                                                e)
имеющееся оборудование

6) available equipment                      f) сварка давлением

7) fusible material                             g) дефектный сварной шов

8) defective weld                               h) процесс сварки

9) alternative electrical current          i) источник электрического тока

10) electric power
source                   j)
тепловая сварка

4. Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания на английский язык:

Вольфрамовый  электрод,  инертный  газ, 
окисление, высококачественный  сварочный  шов,  скорость  сварки,  углекислый
газ,  аргон,  гелий,  жидкий  металл,  слой  плавкого  материала  в  виде
гранул, листовой материал, полуавтоматические сварочные станки.

5. Завершите 
каждое  предложение,  используя  слова,  данные ниже. Каждое слово может быть
использовано единожды. Дайте перевод этих слов и определите, какой они части

Gas, rate, basic, welding,  according  to, 
flame, joined  by,  industries, pressure, metals, heat.

1. Welding is also a … process in the
manufacture of machinery and in

the motor and aircraft ….

2. Welding processes are classified … the
sources of … and … used.

3. … welding is a non-pressure process
using heat from a gas … .

4. However, the … of welding is
considerably slower in gas-tungsten …

than in other processes.

5. Most … can be … this process.

6. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. In resistance welding, heat is obtained from the
resistance of metal to

the flow of an electric current.

2. The heat from the arc melts the edges of
the metal.

3. A bare electrode is shielded from the air by surrounding
it with argon

or carbon dioxide gas.

4. Submerged-arc welding is similar to
gas-metal arc welding.

5. Electrodes are clamped on each side of
the parts to be welded.

6. Resistance causes heat which melts the metals and
creates the weld.

7. Ответьте на вопросы.

What is a weld?

2. How can the heat be supplied for welding?

3. Is pressure employed in solid-phase processes?

4. What does an arc column consist of?

5. How is heat applied during welding?

6. What is the role of inert atmospheres?

7. What can make a joint brittle while welding?

8. What does the weld metal comprise in arc welding?

9. What is the base metal influenced by?

10. How can
residual stress in welded structures be controlled?

Unit 4.

Information About Different Types of

1.Запишите новые слова, отработайте произношение, выучите их.


journeyman (person) —  наемный квалифицированный рабочий

apprentice —  ученик

plate working —  обработка листового металла

blueprint  — 1) делать светокопию, копировать чертеж 2)

делать разметку

brazing  — пайка твердым припоем (из меди и цинка)

GTA (gas tungsten arc) welding  — сварка
неплавящимся электродом

TIG (ungsten inert gas welding)  — дуговая сварка вольфрамовым электродом в среде
инертного газа

SMAW (shielded metal arc welding
дуговая сварка покрытым
металлическим электродом

SAW (submerged arc
welding) —
(дуговая) сварка под

resistance welding  — (контактная) сварка сопротивлением

flux core  — флюсовая сердцевина ( порошковой проволоки )

metal core  — металлический сердечник

shift work  — (по)сменная работа, работа по сменам

ground lead or clampпровод заземления или зажим

chipped offоткалывать

join – присоединяться

termite welding термитная сварка

alternating current welding – сварка на переменном токе

resistance welding
контактная сварка сопротивлением

soldering пайка; пайка мягким (легкоплавким) припоем

лужение; облуживание

leading свинцевание

1) пайка твердым припоем (из меди и
цинка) 2)


sweat паять, запаивать, припаивать (in, on)

1) сложное приспособление Syn:
2) а) прием,

уловка, ухищрение, хитрость

присадочный металл, присадка

присадочный пруток; присадочная


деформация (материала)
из-за теплового нагрева

прерывистая шовная сварка;
точечная сварка

точками; автоматическая точечная сварка

         2.Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Stick Welding

Stick Welding is a slang term
commonly used for Shielded Metal Arc Welding or “SMAW”. Stick welding is the
most basic and common type of welding processes used. It is also the first
process learned in any welding school. Stick is the most trouble free of all of
the welding processes and is the fundamental basis for all the skills needed to
learn how to weld!

Stick welders have four main

 — A ground lead or clamp.

 — A welding lead or stinger.

 — A constant amperage power source.

 — The electrode or welding rod to weld

The process is simple! The
ground clamp is attached to the work or metal to be welded. Then the welding
lead, or stinger, gets the electrode inserted in it. Finally, the power supply
is turned on and only requires the user to strike the metal to ignite it. Once
that is done. the arc starts and the electrode begins to burn. This creates a
shielding gas and deposits metal into the joint that is being welded. The slag
from the electrode needs to be cleaned or chipped off as soon as the weld is

3.Прочитайте и переведите предложения, определите
какие из них являются верными, а какие ложными.

1. Heat welding is the most common welding process
used today.

2. The  welding  processes  widely  employed  today 
include  gas  welding, laser welding, and resistance welding.

3. Arc welding has no advantages over other welding

4. In  gas-metal  welding,  a  bare  electrode  is 
shielded  from  the  air  by surrounding  it  with  argon  or  carbon  dioxide 
gas  and  sometimes  by coating the electrode with flux.

5. Submerged-arc  welding  is  also  called  electroslag 
welding.  It  is  very efficient but can be used only with steels.

6. The point where the two metals touch creates resistance
to the flow of current.

4. Поставьте данные предложения в Past Simple Tense:

1. Nowadays  welding  is used  instead of 
bolting and  riveting in  the construction  of  many  types  of  structures, 
including  bridges,  buildings, and ships.

2. The welding process depends greatly on
the properties of the metals, the purpose of their application and the
available equipment.

3. The point where the two metals touch
creates resistance to the flow of current.

4. It requires a continuous supply of
either direct or alternating electrical current.

5. There are also other types of welding.

5. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. How can a process of welding be defined?

2. How can we join metal parts together?

3. Where is welding necessary?

4. What are the two main groups of welding processes?

5. What kinds of welding can be used for joining

6. What are the principles of gas welding?

7. What does arc
welding require?

6. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты
английских слов и словосочетаний:

1.arc welding                         а. перегреваться

2.to melt                                b. держатель

3.flame                                  с. зажим заземления

4.to overheat                          d. прикреплять

5.electric circuit                     е. зажигать дугу

6.earth clamp                         f. электрод

7.to appear                            g. присадочный

8.to attach securely                h. плавиться

9.to strike the arc                   i. глубокое проникновение

10.holder                               j. электрическая

11.electrode rod                     k. наплавляться

12.filler metal                        1. дуговая сварка

13.deep penetration               m. качество

14.surface quality                  п. появляться

15.to fall onto                        о. пламя

    7.  Переведите на русский язык встречающиеся в тексте
циональные слова:

electric, cable, transformer, electrode,
type, position, metal, class.

    8. Прочтите текст и выполните следующие за ним


1. In arc welding the work pieces are not melted by a
flame. They are melted by an electric arc. In order to create the arc, a
powerful electric current must be provided.

2. The current must be at least 60
A, otherwise the arc will not create enough heat. For thicker work pieces, the
current may be 250 A. In order to carry this current, the cables from the
transformer should be quite thick or else they will overheat.

3. To supply the necessary current the transformer is
used and to complete the electric circuit an earth clamp is used, which is
attached to the work piece. Then the current flows around the circuit and the
arc appears. It must be securely attached; otherwise an arc will appear between
the clamp and the work piece. To strike the arc, the transformer should be
switched on first.

4. The electrode holder contains an electrode rod which
provides the filler metal to join the work pieces. As the current flows between
the electrode and the work piece, the tip of the electrode melts and falls onto
the work piece. The electrode must be moved across the joint continuously, if
it is moved too quickly neither the electrode nor the work piece will melt.

5. While choosing an electrode type it is necessary to

a. Position to which the work piece is to be welded.

b. Type and thickness of metal used. с Type of welding

d. Class of work deep penetration, surface quality, etc.

на русский язык в письменной форме абзацы 1,3 и 4.

10.Найдите соответствующие ответы на вопросы и напишите их
той последовательности, в
которой заданы вопросы:


How arc the work pieces
melted in arc welding?

2. How is the arc created?

3. What is the transformer used for?

4. Why must the electrode be moved across the joint

5. What will happen if the earth clamp is not
securely attached?


a. For supplying the necessary current.

b. By an electric arc.

с. An
arc will appear between the clamp and the work piece.

d. By a powerful electric current.

e. Otherwise neither the electrode nor the
work piece will melt.

11. Закончите предложения, выбрав соответствующий
вариант окончания:

1. In arc welding the work pieces are melted …

a) by a flame                   b) by an electric arc                 c) by gas.

2. In arc welding the arc is created by…

a) a combustible gas        b) fusion                                c)
a powerful electric current.

3. If the earth clamp is not securely attached
to the work piece, an arc will appear…

a) between the
electrode and the work piece

b) between the
transformer and the earth clamp

c) between the clamp and the
work piece

12. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты
английских слов и словосочетаний:

1.non-detachable joining                   а. дуговая сварка

2.to replace                                      b. соответственно

3.arc welding                                    с. в частности

4.laser welding                                  d.
стык, соединение

5.application                                     е. за исключением

6.to weld                                           f.
неразъемное соединение

7.pulsed laser                                    g. неодинаковые

8.joint                                               h. сваривать

9.correspondingly                             i. плазменная сварка

10.to permit                                      j. заменять

11.dissimilar                                     k. пульсирующий

12.plasma arc welding                       1.

13.particularly                                  m. позволять

14.with the exception                        n.
лазерная сварка

        13.  Переведите
на русский язык встречающиеся в тексте интернациональные слова:

process, metal, mechanical, type, laser, practical, form, industry,
physical, plasma, steel, titanium, nickel, aluminum, structure, electronic,

Прочтите текст и выполните следующие за ним упражнения:


1.Welding is a process which provides a
non-detachable joining of two like metal pieces by heating them till melting
condition or fusion without or with mechanical pressure.

2.Laser welding is quickly becoming a
practical welding process. In its present stage of development, the laser can
form welds up to about 1/32 inch deep.

3.Pulsed lasers are often used in industry
today. The laser’s heat input is very small, so the heat-affected zone around a
joint is correspondingly small.

The laser’s high power intensity permits welds between dissimilar
metals of widely varying physical properties.

4. Plasma arc welding is efficient for fusion welding
stainless steels, titanium, nickel from 0.001 to 0.030
inch thick. The process is particularly well suited for repairing delicate
parts, for joining thin structures, and for welding electronic components. With
the exception of aluminum any metal or combination of metals can be welded with
plasma arc process.

        15. Переведите на  русский язык в
письменной форме абзацы 1,3 и 4.

16. Закончите
предложения, выбрав
вариант окончания:

   1. Welding is a process which provides…

a) a detachable joining of two unlike metal pieces by heating them till
melting condition.

b) a detachable joining of two like metal pieces by heating them till
melting condition.

c) a non-detachable joining of two like metal pieces by heating them
till melting condition.

   2.    The laser’s high power intensity
permits welds….

a) between similar metals having the same physical properties.

b) between dissimilar metals of widely varying physical properties.

c) between dissimilar metals of similar physical properties.

   3. The process of plasma arc welding is
efficient for fusion welding….

a) aluminum.

b) combination of aluminum and nickel.

c) stainless steel, titanium, nickel.

    4.   Plasma arc welding is particularly
suited for….

a) repairing aluminum parts.

b) repairing delicate parts.

c) repairing massive and thick parts.

Unit 5


Topic 1. General Overview of Materials and
their Structure

1. Прочитайте и
переведите тескт письменно, используя слова после тескта.

properties of materials are sometimes referred to as structure-sensitive,
as compared to structure-insensitive properties. In this case
structure-insensitive properties include the traditional physical properties: electrical
and thermal conductivity, specific heat, density, and
magnetic and optical properties. The structure-sensitive properties include the
tensile and yield strength, hardness, and impact, creep, and
fatigue resistance
. It is recognized that some sources maintain that
hardness is not a true mechanical property, because it varies somewhat with the
characteristics of the indentor and therefore is a technological test.
It is well known that other mechanical properties vary significantly with rate
of loading
, temperature, geometry of notch in impact testing, and
the size and geometry of the test specimen.

      In that sense all mechanical tests of
material properties are technological tests.

Furthermore, since reported test values of
materials properties are statistical averages, a commercial material
frequently has a tolerance band of ±5 percent or more deviation
from a given published value.

      In the solid state, materials
can be classified as metals, polymers, ceramics, and composites.
Any particular material can be described by its behavior when subjected to
external conditions. Thus, when it is loaded under known conditions of
direction, magnitude, rate, and environment, the resulting responses are called
mechanical properties. There are many possible complex interrelationships among
the internal structure of a material and its service performance.
Mechanical properties such as yield strength, impact strength, hardness,
creep, and fatigue resistance are strongly structure-sensitive, i.e., they
depend upon the arrangement of the atoms in the crystal lattice and
on any imperfections in that arrangement, whereas the physical
properties are less strucure-sensitive. These include electrical, thermal,
magnetic, and optical properties and do depend in part upon structure; for
example, the resistivity of a metal increases with the amount of cold
. Physical properties depend primarily upon the relative excess or
of the electrons that establish structural bonds and
upon their availability and mobility. Between the conductors
with high electron mobility and the insulators with no free electrons,
precise control of the atomic architecture has created semiconductors that
can have a planned modification of their electron mobility. Similarly, advances
in solid-state optics have led to the development of the stimulated
of electromagnetic energy in the microwave spectrum (masers)
and in the visible spectrum (lasers).


structure структура

sensitive чувствительный

electrical электрический

thermal тепловой, термический

conductivity проводимость

specific heat удельная теплоемкость

density плотность

tensile растяжимый

yield strength предел текучести

hardness твердость

impact удар

creep ползучесть

fatigue усталость

resistance сопротивление, стойкость

indentor индентор

technological технологический

test испытание

rate скорость

loading нагружение

notch выточка, выемка

specimen образец

statistical статистический

average средний

tolerance допуск

band диапазон

deviation отклонение

solid state твердое состояние

metal металл, металлический

polymer полимер

ceramic керамика

composites композиты

interrelationship взаимосвязь

service performance служебные

impact strength ударная прочность

arrangement расположение

crystal lattice кристаллическая решетка

imperfections несовершенства

resistivity удельное сопротивление

amount объем, количеств

cold work холодная обработка


excess избыток

deficiency недостаток

electron электрон

structural структурный

bond связь

availability наличие

mobility подвижность

conductor проводник

insulator изолятор

semiconductor полупроводник

solid-state твердотельный

optics оптика

stimulated вынужденный

emission излучение

microwave микроволновой

maser мазер

visible видимый

laser лазер

Topic 2. Physical Properties of Materials

     In studying the general structure of
materials, one may consider three groupings: first, atomic structure,
electronic configuration, bonding forces, and the arrangement of
the aggregations of atoms; second, the physical aspect of materials, including
properties such as electrical and thermal conductivity, specific heat,
and magnetism; and third, their macroscopic properties, such as their
mechanical behavior under load, which can be explained in terms of impurities
and imperfections in the lattice structure and the procedures
used to modify that behavior.

     In the selection of materials for
industrial applications, many engineers normally refer to their average macroscopic
properties, as determined by engineering tests, and are seldom concerned
with microscopic considerations. Others, because of their specialty or
the nature of their positions, have to deal with microscopic properties.

     The average properties of materials
are those involving matter in bulk with its flaws,
variations in composition, and variations in density that are caused by

manufacturing fluctuations. Microscopic properties pertain to atoms,
molecules, and their interactions. These aspects of materials are studied for
their direct applicability to industrial problems and also so that
possible properties in the development of new materials can be estimated.

      In order not to become confused by
apparently contradictory concepts when

dealing with the relationships between
the microscopic aspects of matter and the

average properties of materials, it is wise to consider the
principles that account for the nature of matter at the different levels of our
awareness. These levels are the commonplace, the extremely small,
and the extremely large. The commonplace level deals with the average
properties already mentioned, and the principles involved are those set forth
by classical physics. The realm of the extremely small is largely explained
by means of quantum mechanics, whereas that of the extremely large is dealt
with by relativity.

    Relativity is concerned with very large
masses, such as planets or stars, and

large velocities that may approach the velocity
of light
. It is also applicable to

smaller masses, ranging down to subatomic
particles, when they move at high

velocities. Relativity has a definite place
in the tool boxes of nuclear engineers and

electrical engineers who deal with particle
accelerators. For production engineers,

relativity is of only academic interest and
is mentioned here for the sake of



 bonding связывающий

 force сила


 aggregation скопление, концентрация

 conductivity проводимость

 specific удельный, специфичный

 heat тепло

 magnetism магнетизм

 impurities примеси

 imperfections несовершенства

 lattice решетка

 macroscopic макроскопический

 microscopic микроскопический

 matter вещество; материал

 bulk объём, объемный

 flaw трещина, щель

 variation изменение

 density плотность

 manufacturing изготовление

 fluctuation флуктуация

 to pertain to принадлежать, относиться

 applicability приложимость

 contradictory противоречивый

 concept концепция

 relationship отношение, зависимость

 average средний

 property свойство

 awareness знание, осведомленность

 commonplace общеизвестный факт

 realm область, сфера

 quantum квантовый

 mechanics механика

 relativity теория относительности

 velocity скорость

 light свет, легкий

 subatomic субатомный

 tool box инструментарий

 accelerator ускоритель

Topic 3. Mechanical Properties of Materials

   Designers and engineers are usually more
interested in the behavior of

materials under load or when in a
magnetic field than in why they behave as they do.

Yet the better one understands the nature
of materials and the reasons for their

physical and mechanical properties the more
quickly and wisely will he/she be able to choose the proper material for a
given design. Generally, a material property is the measured magnitude
of its response to a standard test performed according to a standard
procedure in a given environment. In engineering materials the loads are
mechanical or physical in nature and the properties are recorded in handbooks
or, for new materials, are made available by the supplier.
Frequently such information is tabulated for room-temperature conditions only,
so when the actual service conditions are at subfreezing or elevated temperatures,
more information is needed.

All materials have properties that
designers must use to their best advantage.

The following terms describe
these properties:

Ductility is a softness present in some materials,
such as copper and

aluminum, that permits them to be formed by
stretching (drawing) or hammering without breaking. Wire
is made of ductile materials that can be drawn through a die.

Brittleness is a characteristic of metals that will not
stretch without breaking,

such as cast irons and hardened

Malleability is the ability of a metal to be rolled or
hammered without


Hardness is the ability of a metal to resist being dented
when it receives a


Toughness is the property of being resistant to
cracking and breaking while

remaining malleable.

Elasticity is the ability of a metal to return to its
original shape after being

bent or stretched.

load нагрузка

design конструкция

magnitude величина

environment внешние условия

handbook справочник

available доступный

supplier поставщик

 subfreezing ниже точки замерзания

 elevated повышенный

 ductility ковкость, тягучесть

 softness мягкость

 stretching растяжение

 drawing вытяжка

 hammering ковка

 breaking разрыв, обрыв

 wire проволока, провод

 die матрица

 brittleness хрупкость

 brittle хрупкий,

 cast iron чугун

 harden упрочнять

 steel сталь

 malleability ковкость, пластичность

 rolled катаный

 hardness твердость

 dent зуб, зубец

 dented зубчатый

 toughness ударная вязкость

 resistant стойкий

 cracking разрушение, растрескивание

 malleable ковкий, тягучий

 elasticity упругость

 shape форма

 bent изогнутый, гнутый


Unit 6


1. Прочитайте слова, отработайте их произношение, выучите их.

Lattice —  решетка

metalloid  —
металлоид, полу-металл

nonmetal  — неметалл

boron —  бор

polonium  — полоний

copper  — медь

iron —  железо

lead  — свинец

conductance  —

valence band
 — валентная область (зона)

ductile  — эластичный

malleable —  ковкий

alkali —  щелочь

—  хлористоводородная кислота

2. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

   In chemistry, a metal (Greek: Metallon)
is an element that readily forms ions and

has metallic bonds, and metals are
sometimes described as a lattice of positive ions in a cloud of electrons. The
metals are one of the three groups of elements as distinguished by their
ionization and bonding properties, along with the metalloids and nonmetals. On
the periodic table, a diagonal line drawn from boron (B) to polonium (Po) separates the metals from the nonmetals. Elements on this line are metalloids,
sometimes called semimetals.

Elements to the lower left are
metals. Elements to the upper right are nonmetals.

Some well-known metals are aluminum,
copper, gold, iron, lead, silver, titanium,

uranium, and zinc.

A more modern definition of
metals is that they have overlapping conductance

and valence bands in their electronic
structure. This definition opens up the category for metallic polymers and
other organic metals, which have been made by researchers and employed in
high-tech devices.

Aluminum is a metallic chemical
element. It is ductile, malleable, and an excellent

conductor of heat and electricity. The pure
metal is soft. It becomes strong and hard when alloyed. Although it is
chemically very reactive, aluminum resists corrosion. It is rapidly attacked by
alkalies and by hydrochloric acid.

Important alloys of aluminum
include duralumin, aluminum bronze, and aluminum- magnesium. They are used
extensively in aircraft and other industries.

3. Составьте предложения, используя следующие слова. При
необходимости просмотрите текст данного раздела еще раз.

1. The,  greatly,  welding,  of,  process, 
the  properties,  depends  on,  the


2. An, and, drawing, of, the tip, electric,
by, arc, touching, is formed, the

electrode, it, to, the metal, then, away.

3. Electroslag, only, efficient, steels,
welding, be, is, very, but, can, with,


4. The, between, the arc, heat, from, the
edges, the metal, formed, of, the

electrode, and, melts, the metal.

4. Прочитайте и переведите текст.


1. Mankind has used metals for centuries in
gradually increasing quantities but only now they are employed in really great

2.         Today
we know more than seventy metals, the majority of which are
used in industry.

3.  Of
all the metals iron is the most important one. Absolutely pure iron
never prepared except for laboratory purposes. The irons and steels in use
today are really alloys of iron, carbon and other substances. They can be made
elastic, tough, hard, or comparatively soft.

Mechanical properties of metals are the result of their atomic structure. They
include hardness, ductility and malleability which are of special importance in

5.  Ductility is the capacity of a metal to be
permanently deformed in tension without breaking.

Malleability is the capacity
of a metal to be permanently deformed by compression without rupture.

6.  These properties are similar to each other
but not the same. Most metals increase these properties at higher temperatures.

7.  The strength of a metal is the
property of resistance to external loads
and stresses.

8.  These mechanical properties are of great
importance in industrial purposes because all parts and units made of iron and
steel must meet up-to-date demands.

       5. Соотнесите вопросы и ответы
на них.


What is the most
important metal?

2. What mechanical properties of metals do you

3. What is strength?

4. What is ductility?

5. What is malleability?


a. The capacity of a metal to be
permanently deformed in tension

b. Iron.

c. The capacity of a metal to be deformed
by compression without rupture.

d. The property of a metal to resist to
external loads.

e. Hardness, ductility and malleability.

Unit 7.

Important Properties for

One of the most important
aspects in manufacturing is to choose the right material for a particular application.
The properties, cost and availability of the material have to be considered.

When referring to metals in manufacturing,
five properties are of importance:

Ductility  пластичность

durability прочность

elasticity упругость

hardness твёрдость

malleability ковкость

1. Выберите одно из вышеуказанных
свойств, и озоглавте каждый абзац. И
напишите на месте пропусков полное название химических элементов.


The metals are easy to form and stretch
without breaking or fracturing and keep their new shape. Metals like Cu
……………….., Sn ……………….., Au ……..…….….. and Ag ………..….….. all have this property
and are often used to make, e.g. wire and tubing.

The same is true for soft low-carbon
steels but high-carbon steels and cast iron soon fracture when stretched, as
they are too brittle.


The metals can be stretched to some
point, but go back to their original shape as soon as the stress is removed.
Among metals, some steel alloys show this property, e.g. a high-carbon steel called
spring steel. Other hard steels, e.g. tool steel and cast iron, can be
stretched very little or not at all.


The metals can withstand friction. This
characteristic makes them suitable for moving parts of machines and cutting
edges of tools, e.g. steel alloys with a high C ……..…….….. content.


These metals are easy to form without
fracturing, and keep their new shape. Forming is done by, e.g. rolling or
pressing, often with the application of heat. Au, Ag, Pb ……..…….….., Cu and low-carbon
steel alloys belong to this group and are made into containers, wheels and, of










Unit 8.


1. Прочитайте слова, отработайте их произношение,

alloy  — сплав

property —  свойство

homogeneous  —

 — неоднородный

tiny  — маленький

compound  —

carbon  — углерод

hardening agent
—  отверждающий реагент

brittle  — хрупкий

advent of furnaces  — появление печей

Damascus steel  — булатная сталь

tensile   — растяжение

stainless steel
 — нержавеющая сталь

2. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Alloy is a substance with
metallic properties that consists of a metal fused with

one or more metals or nonmetals. Alloys may
be a homogeneous solid solution, a heterogeneous mixture of tiny crystals, a
true chemical compound, or a mixture of these. Alloys are used more extensively
than pure metals because they can be engineered to have specific properties.

New alloys are being engineered
for use in new technology, including materials

for the space program.

Steel is a metal alloy whose
major component is iron and carbon. Carbon acts as a

hardening agent. Steel with increased
carbon content can be made harder and stronger than iron, but is also more

Currently there are several classes of
steels in which carbon is replaced with other

alloying materials. A more recent
definition is that steels are iron-based alloys that can be plastically formed.

There are different types of
steels. Chromium steel finds wide use in automobile

and airplane parts on account of its
hardness, strength, and elasticity, as does the chromium- vanadium variety. In
a modern sense, alloy steels have been made since the advent of furnaces
capable of melting iron, into which other metals may be thrown and mixed.

Also there exist Carbon steel
and Damascus steel, which was famous in ancient times for its flexibility.

Nickel steel is the most widely
used of the alloys. It is nonmagnetic and has the

tensile properties of high-carbon steel
without the brittleness.

Stainless steels and surgical
stainless steels contain a minimum of 10.5% chromium, often combined with
nickel, to resist corrosion. Some stainless steels are nonmagnetic.

There are tool steels, H S L A Steel (High
Strength, Low Alloy) and ferrous super


3.Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты
английских слов и словосочетаний:

1.ferrous metals                       а. проводимость

2.cast iron                               b.
углеродистая сталь

3.carbon content                      с. износостойкость

4.alloy steel                             d прочность.

5.carbon steel                         e.
обрабатываемость (на станке)

6.strength                                f.

7.hardness                               g. железо

8.ductility                                h. сплав

9.machinability                       i. черные металлы

10.resistance to wear                j.чугун

11.conductivity                        k. содержание углерода

12.iron                                    1.

13.silicon                                m.
легированная сталь

14.alloy                                   n. кремний

15.rustresistant                       о. нержавеющий

4. Переведите данные слова на русский язык:

metal, element, industry, steel, material, industrial, electronic, magnetic,
type, chemical, mechanical, rocket, automobile.

5. Закончите предложения, выбрав
соответствующий вариант

1. Alloys consist of….

a) steel and cast iron

b) iron and stainless steel

c) simple metal and some other element

2. Carbon steel contains….

3.  Alloy steels include….

a) steel and cast iron

b) iron, carbon, an alloying element

c) only iron and carbon

4. The most important properties of steel

a) electrical conductivity, resistance to
wear, magnetic properties

b) strength, ductility, machinability

      6.Изучитe таблицу.

A detailed comparison of
properties of metals and non-metals is given in table:




State of matter

These are usually solid,
except mercury, which is a liquid at room temperature. Gallium and Caesium
melt below 30
image. So if room temperature is
around 30
image, they may also be in liquid

These exist in all the three
states. Bromine is the only liquid.


They usually have high
density, except for sodium, potassium, calcium etc.

Their densities are usually

Melting point

They usually have a high
melting point except mercury, cesium, gallium, tin, lead.

Their melting points are low.

Boiling point

Their boiling points are
usually high.

Their boiling points are low.


They are usually hard, except
mercury, sodium, calcium, potassium, lead etc.

They are usually not hard. But
the exception is the non-metal diamond, the hardest substance.


They can be beaten into thin

They are generally brittle.


They can be drawn into thin
wires, except sodium, potassium, calcium etc.

They cannot be drawn into thin

Conduction of heat

They are good conductors of

They are poor conductors of

Conduction of electricity

They are good conductors of

They are non-conductors,
except for carbon in the form of graphite and the gas carbon.


Newly cut metals have high
Some get tarnished

Usually not lustrous, except
iodine and diamond — the most lustrous of all the substances.

Alloy formation

They form alloys.

Generally, they do not form
alloys. However carbon, phosphorus, sulphur etc. can be present in some


These usually have high
tensile strength except sodium, potassium, calcium, lead etc.

These have low tensile


They are hard but not
brittle, except zinc at room temperature.

They are generally brittle.

Electronic configuration

They usually have 1, 2 or 3
electrons in their valence shell. The greater the number of shells and lesser
the number of valence electrons, the greater is the reactivity of the metal.

They usually have 4, 5, 6 or
7 electrons in the valence shell. If it has 8 electrons, it is called a noble
gas. Lesser the number of shells and greater the number of valence electrons,
greater is the reactivity of the non-metal.


They always ionize by losing

They always ionize by gaining

Charge of ions

Positively charged.

Negatively charged.

Type of valency

Metals always exhibit electrovalency.

Non-metal exhibit both
electrovalency or covalency.

Deposition during electrolysis

They are always deposited at
the cathode.

They are always deposited at
the anode.

Redox reaction

These lose electrons and
hence get oxidized.

These gain electrons and
hence get reduced.

Redox agents

They are reducing agents.

They are oxidizing agents.

Nature of oxides

They generally form basic
oxides, some of which are also amphoteric, such as aluminium oxide, zinc
oxide, lead oxide etc.

They generally form acidic
oxides. Some oxides are neutral, such as nitrous oxide, nitric oxide, carbon
monoxide water etc.


They usually do not form
hydrides except those of sodium, potassium and calcium.

They do form hydrides, e.g.
NH3, PH3, HCl, HBr, HI, H2S, H2O


These are always monatomic.

These can be mono, di, tri,
or polyatomic.


They do not dissolve in
solvents except by chemical action.

They dissolve in solvents and
can be re-obtained by evaporation.
Example: Sulphur in carbon disulphide.

Action with chlorine

They produce chlorides, which
are electrovalent.

They produce chlorides, which
are covalent.

Action with dilute acids

On reaction with dilute acids
they give respective salt and hydrogen.

They do not react with dilute

7. Впишите названия химических элементов, перепишите и
переведите текст.

Steel produced at
the time the Titanic was built generally had a higher percentage of S
(………………….) and P (………………….) than would be allowed today, resulting in steel
that fractured easily. Samples of Titanic fragments were tested to determine
the steel’s chemical make-up, tensile strength, microstructure and grain size,
as well as its responses to low temperatures. As the metallurgists had
suspected, the steel was full of large MnS (………………….) impurities that

created weak areas and caused
the metal to be brittle.

Under extreme conditions,
such as the unusually cold, 28 F water temperatures of the North Atlantic at
the time of the disaster, the steel became fragile and, subjected to the
violent impact, immediately fractured.

Percentage – процент, доля.

Fracture – вызывать переломы, трещены.

Samples – образцы

Determine – определять

tensile strength – прочность на разрыв

– хрупкость

subjected — подвергаемая

       8. Найдите соответствующие ответы на вопросы и
напишите их в той последовательности, в которой заданы вопросы:


1. By what properties are metals distinguished
from nonmetals?

2. What common metals are produced in great

3. What metals are called light?

4. What properties do nonmetals have?

5. What is done to protect metals from


a.    Iron, copper and zinc.

b.    They are usually poor conductors of heat and

с.     They are
coated by some organic coatings.

d.    High conductivity for heat and electricity.

e.    Aluminum,
beryllium and titanium.

9.Закончите предложения, выбрав соответствующий
вариант окончания:

There are some different groups of metals,
such as:

metals:….                    A) iron, copper, zinc.

metals:….              B) silver, gold, platinum.

                C) aluminum, beryllium, titanium.

Nonmetals are ….                    A) carbon, silicon,

B) aluminium, beryllium,

Unit 9.

The Steel-Making Process

1. Откройте скобки, употребив глагол в Passive Voice.Прочитайте и переведите

There is no
single substance (call) …… steel: there are dozens of different types of steel
– of different compositions and with different properties. “Ordinary” steel
can(describe) .…… as an alloy of iron containing a small but fixed amount (up
to 1.5 %) of carbon. (The many special steels which are available have several
other metals (mix) ….…… in as well. The properties of steel depend not only on
its composition but also on any heat treatment  (give) …….…to it after
manufacture. Pig iron, with its high proportion of impurities, is
too brittle for most purposes, and the bulk of what (convert) ……in blast
( produce) ……….…… into steel.

The steelmaking
process requires that, after most of the carbon and practically all of the
other impurities (Si, S, P) (remove )……….…… by oxidizing, the right amount of
each of the required elements ……….…… (add). Of the main steelmaking processes
(use) …….…… today, the one by which most steel is manufactured is the basic
oxygen process. This method is fast and over 300 t of steel can (produce)
………….…… in as little as 40 min. A converter, which is a huge steel, pear
(shape)……….…… container, called vessel, of up to 300 t capacity, is mounted so that
it can (move)…….…… either way for charging and tapping.

It is charged
with (melt) ……….…… pig iron from the blast furnace, along with up to about half
of its mass of scrap iron or steel. A water(cool)……….…… tube, called lance,
can (dissolve )………….…… vertically into the vessel, delivering a high powered
jet of pure oxygen, thus burning the carbon ( lower)……….…… in the iron.

The impurities (oxidize)………….……
rapidly, (C to CO2 and S to SO2) and escape as gases.

2. Переведите термины.

pig iron crude iron

blast furnace the oven in which ore is
melted to gain metal

ore a mineral from which a metal
can be extracted

pear-shaped having a round shape becoming
gradually narrower at the end

to tap to remove by using a device
for controlling the flow of a liquid

scrap iron metal objects that have
been used

Unit 10.

Alternative Types of Welding

1. Выпишите новые слова, отработайте их произношение,

cold welding
холодная сварка (в вакууме)

friction welding сварка трением

laser welding лазерная сварка

diffusion bonding диффузное соединение

ultrasonic welding ультразвуковая сварка

explosive welding сварка взрывом

butt стык

anvil наковальня


fin ребро,

готовый; обработанный

integrated circuitry интегральная схемотехника

плавить, расплавлять

pneumatic tooling пневматический инструмент

punch presses

2. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Alternative Types of Welding

Cold welding

Cold welding, the joining of
materials without the use of heat, can be accomplished simply by pressing them
together. Surfaces have to be well prepared, and pressure sufficient to produce
35 to 90 percent deformation at the joint is necessary, depending on the
material. Lapped joints in sheets and cold-
butt welding of wires constitute the major applications of this technique.
Pressure can be applied by
, rolling stands,
pneumatic tooling. Pressures of 1,400,000 to 2,800,000
kilopascals (200,000 to 400,000 pounds per square inch) are needed to produce a
joint in aluminum; almost all other metals need higher pressures.

Friction welding

In friction welding two work
pieces are brought together under load with one part rapidly revolving.
Frictional heat is developed at the interface until the material becomes
plastic, at which time the rotation is stopped and the load is increased to
consolidate the joint. A strong joint results with the plastic deformation, and
in this sense the process may be considered a variation of pressure welding.
The process is self-regulating, for, as the temperature at the joint rises, the
friction coefficient is reduced and overheating cannot occur. The machines are
almost like lathes in appearance.

Speed, force, and time are the main
variables. The process has been

automated for the production of axle
casings in the automotive industry.

Laser welding

Laser welding is accomplished
when the light energy emitted from a laser source focused upon a workpiece to
fuse materials together. The limited availability of lasers
of sufficient power for most welding purposes has so far restricted its use in
this area. Another difficulty is that the speed and the thickness that can be
welded are controlled not so much by power but by the thermal conductivity of
the metals and by the avoidance of metal vaporization at the surface.
Particular applications of the process with very thin materials up to 0.5
mm (0.02 inch) have, however, been very successful. The process is useful in
the joining of miniaturized electrical

Diffusion bonding

This type of bonding relies on
the effect of applied pressure at an elevated temperature for an appreciable
period of time. Generally, the pressure applied must be less than that
necessary to cause 5 percent deformation so that the process can be applied to
finished machine parts. The process has been used most
extensively in the aerospace industries for joining materials and shapes that
otherwise could not be made—for example, multiple-
channels and
honeycomb construction. Steel can be diffusion bonded
at above 1,000° C (1,800° F) in a few minutes.

Ultrasonic welding

Ultrasonic joining is achieved
by clamping the two pieces to be welded between an
anvil and a vibrating probe or sonotrode. The vibration raises the
temperature at the interface and produces the weld. The main variables are the
clamping force, power input, and welding time. A weld can be made in 0.005
second on thin wires and up to 1 second with material 1.3
mm (0.05 inch) thick. Spot welds and continuous seam welds are made with good
reliability. Applications include extensive use on lead bonding to integrated
circuitry, transistor canning, and aluminum can bodies.

Explosive welding

Explosive welding takes place
when two plates are impacted together under an explosive force at high
velocity. The lower plate is laid on a firm surface, such as a heavier steel
plate. The upper plate is placed carefully at an angle of approximately 5° to
the lower plate with a sheet of explosive material on top. The charge is
detonated from the hinge of the two plates, and a weld takes place in
microseconds by very rapid plastic deformation of the material at the
interface. A completed weld has the appearance of waves at the joint caused by
a jetting action of metal between the plates.

3. Заполните пропуски недостающими словами (типы

1. …welding is successfully used in
manufacture of small elements of

electric circuits.

2. Heat is not used in … welding.

3. … is widely used in aerospace

4. Vibration is used in …welding.

5. Plastic deformation is the basic
principle in … welding.

6. … welding is impossible without pressure
and high temperature.

7. In … welding one of the parts being welded revolves.

Unit 11


Запишите новые слова.

metal chiseling — рубка металла

bending гибка

filing опиловка

straightening — рихтовка

boring расточка

drilling – сверление

lapping притирка

riveting – клепка

tinning — лужение

scraping — шабрение

soft soldering — пайка мягким

soldering – пайка, припоем

2.     Прочтите текст и ответьте письменно на следующие

    What operations do you know?

What operations can you

is your favorite operation?


Metal chiseling. This operation may be manual or mechanized.
Hand chiseling is hard work and takes up much time. If can be made easier when
mechanized with the aid of a pneumatic hammer.

Straightening. This operation is being performed when
bench workers receive bent or twisted blanks of metal. The elimination of these
defects .of the blanks are called
straightening. Metal can be straightened either mechani­cally (with the aid of
straightening rolls, presses or other devices) or manually, by using hand

Bending operations are applied
when making many articles from sheet, flat and round steel. Work pieces are
bent to a definite radius or to a rounded up angle.

Filing is the process of removing a layer of metal from a
work piece with cutting tool called a file.

Drilling is an operation of making holes in a solid
piece of material by means of cutting tool known as a drill.

Boring is the operation of increasing the diameter
of an existing hole with a drill.

By riveting we understand the operation of fastening two or more
parts with rivets. Rivets are cylindrical metal
rods, with heads. They are employed for fastening parts, metal plates, bars,
which are not to be subjected to disassembly.

Lapping is a refined process which is applied in
facing up external and internal surfaces of parts, cylindrical, flat, formed,
requiring great precision and extremely fine quality of face finish. It is
performed with a special tool, called a lap. It is one of the most accurate

By scraping is understood
the operation of accurately finishing
the surface of a work piece by removing a very thin layer of metal with a
cutting tool called a scraper.

Tinning is a protective coating of tin or solder
applied to the surface of metals.

Soldering is the process of permanently joining two parts with special alloys, known as

3.     Переведите следующие

to take up much time; with the aid of; by means of.

4.Назовите операцию и инструмент, с
помощью которого она выполняется:

Например, chiseling — chisel

Filing, spanner, hammer, bending, straightening,
tightening, sharpening, screwdriver, oilstones, screwing, rivets, lapping,

Unit 12

Welding skills

1. Запишите слова, отработайте их произношение и

journeyman (person) наемный квалифицированный рабочий


plate working
обработка листового металла

blueprint 1)
делать светокопию, копировать чертеж 2)

делать разметку

пайка твердым припоем (из меди и цинка)

2. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Job Related Skills, Interests and Values

and maintaining tools, material handling equipment and welding


and interpreting

thorough knowledge of arc, gas and
resistance welding

theory ;

out, cutting and forming metals to specifications;

preparing the work sute;

sub-assemblies and assemblies together and preparing assemblies for welding ;

shielded metal arc
, gas metal arc

tungsten arc welding, flux core or metal core arc welding, submerged

arc welding and plasma arc welding processes;

out special processes such as welding studs and brazing;

quality of product/process before, during and after welding;

3. Прочитайте и переведите текст.


  • Want lots of job opportunities.
  • Want
    good, competitive wages.
  • Like to be physically active.
  • Like
    to be challenged.
  • Want your work to be diversified.
  • Need to feel a sense of accomplishment.
  • Want to travel in the U.S. or abroad.
  • Take pride in your workmanship.


  • Manual
  • Good
  • Good
    eye-hand coordination.
  • The ability to concentrate on detailed work for
    prolonged periods of time.
  • The ability to stoop, bend, climb, and work in
    awkward positions.
  • Patience.


The latest welding technology as well as
traditional welding skills training and a good foundation in basic welding
theory, metallurgy, and blueprint reading. Safety is stressed throughout the

Trident’s Welding program is designed to
provide comprehensive welding education to new students as well as experienced
welders wanting to expand their skills and/or knowledge.


Close to half-million people hold jobs as welders,
cutters, or welding machine operators. Approximately three fourth of them are
in manufacturing and service industries. If other trades, such as boilermakers,
ironworkers, and pipefitters are included, then the total climbs to about 2
million or 10% of our national workforce. In an industry valued at more than
$5.5 billion, the need to replace aging, skilled welders is acute. According to
Dave Manning, president of the Hobart Institute of Welding Technology,
«The need for skilled welders will become more of a problem in the next
three to five years, as 50% of the welders in North America retire.»

Welders will be needed in manufacturing for industries
such as transportation equipment, industrial machinery,  fabricated metal
products. They will be found at construction sites, in repair shops and
personnel supply agencies.

According to Freddy Torres, coordinator for the
American Welding Society’s Schools Excelling through National Skills Education,
a welder’s average weekly earnings were $742 in the summer of 2000. The average
annual earnings for a welder is between $30,000 and $46,000 per year.

Skill explained

Welders are craftsmen and women who need
hands-on skills to do a professional job. Different welding processes are
required with different materials. In order to meet the quality requirements,
welders must be able to understand welding drawings, standards and markings,
apply the required welding processes and understand the characteristics of the
materials. Knowledge of welding work safety is also required.

The skill covers the welding of components,
structures, plates, pipes and pressure vessels.

Standard reference terms and definitions
for welding processes, welding positions and weld testing shall be to
International Standard Organisation (ISO) and American Welding Society (AWS)
standards. Where a conflict arises, the ISO standards shall have precedence. If
no ISO standard is applicable then the relevant AWS standard shall be used.

Unit 13.

Underwater Welding Career Information

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

What is an
Underwater Welder?

An underwater welder is someone who performs vital
work related to various industrial applications, including building offshore
oil platforms, repairing ships, and maintaining underwater pipelines.
Underwater welders must have advanced skills in both diving and welding,
including various specialized underwater welding techniques.

What Does an
Underwater Welder Do?

Underwater welders are highly trained in both
professional diving and welding in order to perform welding tasks in an
underwater environment. They work with specialized welding equipment that is
designed for safe use underwater without high risk of electric shock.

Although trained in various techniques, underwater
welders perform tasks that can essentially be grouped into two classifications:


Means that the welding
process involves being directly exposed to wet or fully submerged conditions

Uses a special
waterproof electrode that was invented in 1946

Requires the welding
power supply to be connected to the welding equipment through cables and hoses

When performed at
significant depths, requires a highly experienced underwater welder with
specialized knowledge of ambient pressure and its effects on welds

Most commonly uses shielded
metal arc welding (SMAW) techniques


Takes place underwater
but is performed in a dry environment, usually called a hyperbaric chamber (an
enclosed container that is submerged under water)

Involves working within
the hyperbaric chamber, which (similar to submarines) is pressurized to
withstand underwater conditions

Is performed by sealing
the hyperbaric chamber around the structure that requires welding work

Is usually restricted
to maximum operational depths of 400

Can theoretically
involve most welding processes but most commonly uses gas tungsten arc welding

of the duties that underwater welders take on can include:

Repairing ships

Maintaining oil platforms

Inspecting, repairing,
and maintaining underwater pipelines

Salvaging shipwrecked vessels

New construction
projects, such as bridges

Building, repairing,
and maintaining telecommunications equipment beneath the floor of the ocean

addition, underwater welders are often responsible for taking on a variety of
tasks prior to actually performing any welding.

 Some of these
duties can include:

photographing, and creating maps of the work environment

Researching and
documenting all aspects of the prospective job

Testing equipment and explosive

Conducting experiments
to ensure project viability and safety

length and working hours can vary greatly, depending on the scope of the
project. Therefore, a job can range from just a few hours to days, months, or
even years. However, it is important to note that, although the main purpose is
the actual underwater welding task, the vast majority of time and effort is
often spent on training, preparation, and safety precautions.

addition, for safety reasons, underwater welders work with a team of trained professionals
who remain on standby above the water and keep in constant contact in order to
provide immediate assistance if, at any time, the welder ends up in danger.

are the Pros and Cons of Becoming an Underwater Welder?

regulations exist to keep underwater welding as safe as possible, effectively
controlling any chance of danger. Nevertheless, some risk will always be
involved when you are diving and working with electric-powered equipment
beneath the water. However, when it comes right down to it, the level of risk
is relatively low the majority of the time. And, for most underwater welders,
their love of the job far outweighs any risks.

being said, it is important to understand the pros and cons of the job.


There’s no denying that
a little bit of risk comes with a whole lot of excitement and a powerful sense
of adventure.

Working underwater,
especially in offshore environments, is fascinating. The ocean always has been
(and always will be) a constant source of undeniable mystery and awe.

The technologies and
equipment related to underwater welding are constantly being updated, and
continuous learning can create a strong feeling of satisfaction.

The continuous
innovation in the field allows for more sophisticated and advanced engineering
ideas to be brought to life.
this progress can be exhilarating.

The prospect of a
six-figure salary can be extremely enticing.

You can have the
opportunity to do extensive traveling—seeing new places, meeting new people,
and gaining amazing experiences.


Even when following
strict precautions, there is risk of electric shock.

Because of the need to
work with a combination of hydrogen and oxygen, there is a risk of pockets of
gas forming (due to the high-pressure depth) and causing an explosion.

There are dangers
related to any type of diving. They include risk of drowning due to equipment
failure, ear/nose/sinus/lung damage due to pressure, decompression sickness,
and more.

The training to become
an underwater welder can be intense and may require a significant amount of
time and money to be invested.

You are apt to spend
significantly more time and energy preparing for a project and ensuring safety
precautions are met than actually performing underwater welding.

You may need to
continuously travel in order to obtain steady work, which can be draining
because it may mean not seeing family and friends very often.

2. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Who can be a welder-diver?

2. What sorts of basic and supplementary
skills must a welder-diver possess?

3. How can certified surface welders become

4. What is more important: receiving the
welder-diver qualifications or

maintaining them?

5. Why do commercial divers pass an annual
dive physical?

6. Do welder-divers have any future career

7. Do you think surface welding equipment
can be used underwater?

3. Перескажите текст своими словами
на русском языке.

Unit 14.

The workshop

1. Прочитайте диалоги по ролям, переведите их устно,
выпишите выделенные слова, и выучите их.


Paul: This is a workshop,
isn’t it?

Olga: I think it

Paul: And where
is the workbench?

Olga: Well, it’s
in the middle of the

Paul: Where’s the toolbox? Is it on the bench?

Olga: No,  it isn’t.  It’s under the bench.

Paul: And where are the nails? Are they on
the bench or in

the box?

Olga: They are in the box.

Paul: I see. And where’s the hammer?

Olga: It seems to me, it’s on the shelf above the

Paul: Well, give me the hammer, please.

Olga: Here you

Paul: Thanks.


Mike: Look here.
What are these?

Andrew: These are

Mike: And where
are the nuts? Are they on the workbench?

Andrew: Yes, they
are. Oh, no,
I’m sorry. They are on the shelf under the

Mike: Are they
big or small?

Andrew: They are
rather small.

Mike: How long
are they?

Andrew: I think
they are approximately 20 mm long.

Mike: How wide
are they?

Andrew: I believe
they are 4 mm wide.

Mike: O.K. Give
me some, please.

Andrew: Here you

Mike: Thank you.

2. Прочитайте и
переведите текст, ответьте на вопросы.


This is a workshop.
Two students
are here. They are Sveta and Oleg. They are
electricians. A toolboard is
in the middle of the workshop. Many tools are on the toolboard. They are chisels, screwdrivers, a pair of pliers, a set of spanners, etc.

 A safety-notice
is above the tool-
board. A
bench is on the left and a

shelf is on the
right. There are many nails, nuts and screws on the
shelf. They are large
and small. A hammer is not on the shelf, it is on
the bench. A switch is
between the bench and the shelf. Sveta is to the
right of the bench.
Oleg is on the other side of the workshop just opposite the toolboard.

1. This is
a workshop, isn’t it?

2.  What are the names of
the students?

3. What are Oleg and

Where is the toolboard?

5.  Where are the tools?

What are they?

7.  Is the bench on the
right or on the left?

8. The hammer is not on
the shelf, is it?
9.Where are the students?

3. Выпишите новые
слова, отработайте их произношение5 и выучите.

какое-л. приспособление, устройство,
Syn: apparatus , device


spark искра

igniter воспламенитель

гаечный ключ

outfit агрегат; оборудование, принадлежности, набор



leak течь, протечка; утечка

orifice отверстие

single-stage (regulator) однокамерный

flashback обратный удар пламени (проникающий в шланг

сварочной горелки)

ductile гибкий, ковкий, поддающийся обработке

threaded с резьбой, нарезной

pin цапфа

shoulder буртик; поясок

осколки, обломки; обрезки; лом

усадочная деформация

solute растворенное вещество, раствор

4.Составьте пять
предложений, используя новую лексику.

Unit 15.

Welding’s Vital Part in Major American
Historical Events

Part 1.

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

ASME, founded as the American Society of Mechanical
, is a 
professional association that, in its own words, «promotes the art, science, and
practice of multidisciplinary engineering and allied sciences around the
globe» via «
continuing education, training and professional development, codes and standards, research, conferences and
publications, government relations, and other forms of outreach.» ASME is
thus an 
engineering society, a standards organization, a research and development organization,
lobbying organization, a provider of training and education, and a nonprofit organization. Founded as an engineering society
focused on 
mechanical engineering in North America, ASME is today
multidisciplinary and global.

is one of the oldest standards-developing organizations in the world. It
produces approximately 600 codes and standards, covering many technical areas,
such as boiler components, elevators, measurement of fluid flow in closed
conduits, cranes, hand tools, fasteners, and machine tools. Some ASME standards
have been translated into other languages other than English, such Chinese,
French, German, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish.

A Standard can be defined as a set of technical
definitions and guidelines that function as instructions for designers,
manufacturers, operators, or users of equipment.

A standard
becomes a Code when it has been adopted by one or
more governmental bodies and is enforceable by law, or when it has been
incorporated into a business contract.

The ASME Code

           In the late 1920s and early 1930s,
the welding of pressure vessels came on the scene. Welding made possible a
quantum jump in pressure attainable because the process eliminated the low
structural efficiency of the riveted joint. Welding was widely utilized by
industry as it strove to increase operating efficiencies by the use of higher
pressures and temperatures, all of which meant thick-walled vessels. But

before this occurred, a
code for fabrication was born from the aftermath of catastrophe.

On April 27, 1865, the
steamboat Sultana blew up while transporting 2200 passengers on the Mississippi River. The cause of the catastrophe was the sudden explosion of three of the
steamboat’s four boilers, and up to 1500 people were killed as a result. Most
of the passengers were Union soldiers homeward bound after surviving
Confederate prison camps. In another disaster on March 10, 1905,
a fire tube boiler in a shoe factory in Brockton, Mass., exploded, killing 58,
injuring 117 and causing damages valued at $250,000. These two incidents, and
the many others between them, proved there was a need to bring safety to boiler
operation. So, a voluntary code of construction went into effect in 1915 — the
ASME Boiler Code.

As welding began to be used, a
need for nondestructively examining those welds emerged. In the 1920s,
inspectors tested welds by tapping them with hammers, then listening to the
sound through stethoscopes. A dead sound indicated a defective weld. By 1931,
the revised Boiler Code accepted welded vessels judged safe by radiographic
testing. By this time, magnetic particle testing was used to detect surface
cracks that had been missed by radiographic inspection. In his history of the
ASME Code, A. M. Greene, Jr., referred to the late 1920s and early 1930s as
«the great years.» It was during this period that fusion welding
received widespread acceptance. Nowadays, thousands of individuals who make
their living in welding live and breathe the ASME Code every minute of the
working day.

As far as welding interests are
concerned, probably the most important part of the ASME Code is «Section
IX — Welding and Brazing Qualifications.» This section relates to the
qualification of welders and welding operators, and the procedures they must
follow to comply with the code. Under procedure qualifications, each process is
listed, and the essential and nonessential variables of each are spelled out.
Welding performance qualifications are also included.

In the early years of the ASME
Code, fabricators were known to spend their own research dollars to develop a
process so it could be used in Code construction work. Eventually, however, a
code case would have to be submitted to the appropriate ASME Code committee,
but first a procedure qualification had to be developed. The code authorities
expected the quality of the weld metal and the heat-affected zone to be equal
to that of the base metal.

In 1977, Leonard Zick, chairman
of the main committee of the ASME Code, said, «It’s more than a code; the
related groups make up a safety system. Our main objective is to provide
requirements for new construction of pressure-related items that, when
followed, will provide safety to those who use them and those who might be
affected by their use. «And, since the use of the code item might be for
any type of process or for any discipline involving energy, the committee’s
activities do not play one against the other. We
want all code items to be safe, period

2. Перескажите текст своими словами на
русском языке.

3. Задайте 5 вопросов к тексту.

Part 2.

4. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

LNG Tankers
         A triumph of the code was the huge
aluminum spheres built by General Dynamics in Charleston, S.C. They were built to
criteria established by the U.S. Coast Guard and were based on Section VIII,
Division 1, of the ASME Code.

At about 2
a.m. on October 2, 1976, the first welded aluminum sphere for a liquefied
natural gas tanker was rolled out of a building in Charleston, then moved over
to a special stand for final hydropneumatic testing. It soon passed the test
with flying colors. The sphere itself weighed 850 tons and measured 120
ft (36 m) in diameter. Each sphere consisted of more than 100 precisely
machined plates, «orange peel» in shape. The plates were gas metal
arc welded together using 7036 lb (3166
kg) of filler metal. Total length of the welds on each sphere was 48.6
miles. Completed spheres were barged along the coast and delivered onto steel
tankers under construction at General Dynamics’ shipyard in Quincy, Mass.
This type of LNG tanker was based on the Moss-Rosenberg design from Norway.

Meanwhile, Newport News
Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co. was building LNG tankers in Virginia. Based on
the Technigaz design, the tankers featured a waffled membrane of stainless
steel for containing the gas. Avondale Shipyards, Inc., New Orleans, La.,
was building still other LNG tankers based on the Conch design, which featured
prismatic tanks of aluminum.

At General Dynamics’ facility
in Charleston, 80% of the metalworking manhours were spent welding. Much of the
filler metal deposited in Charleston was 5183 aluminum. The vertical joints
were welded using special equipment from Switzerland in which the operator rode
in a custom-designed chair alongside the welding arc. At this distance, he was
able to monitor the weld and observe the oscillation of the 1Z
16-in. (1.5-mm) diameter filler
metal. Actual welding was controlled remotely. About 30 weld passes were
required for each joint.

The thicker 11Z2-in. (3.8-cm) joints were
welded by Big MIG equipment, operating with a 1Z
8-in. (3-mm) diameter wire at 500
A. The equipment was capable of completing the joint in four passes.

The massive equatorial ring was
welded outdoors. In this setup, nine heavily machined, curved aluminum
extrusions had to be welded together. To do it, 88 GMA weld passes were made
from the outside and 60 more from the inside.

One engineer on site at the
time had just transferred from one of the company’s aerospace divisions, a
division known for extremely high weld quality on sensitive material. «As
far as quality is concerned,» he noted, «there’s really not that much
difference (between Charleston and the aerospace division). I do think that the
weld quality achievement here in Charleston is as high, if not higher, than it
is in aerospace, but then 5083-0 is a very forgiving aluminum alloy.»

главную мысль в каждом обзаце.

Part 3.

7.Прочитайте текст.  Выпишите главные
мысли из текста и письменно переведите их.

High-Rise Construction

     About 30 years ago, steel construction went
into orbit. The 100-story John Hancock Center in Chicago and the 110-story twin
towers of New York’s World Trade Center were under construction. Above ground,
the World Trade Center required some 176,000 tons of fabricated structural
steel. The Sears Tower came later. Bethlehem Steel Corp. had received orders
for 200,000 tons of rolled steel products for the South Mall complex in Albany,
N.Y. Allied Structural Steel Co. was reported to have used multiple-electrode
gas metal arc welding in the fabrication of the First National Bank of Chicago

In a progress report on the
erection of the critical corner pieces for the first 22 floors of the 1107-ft
(332-m) high John Hancock Center, an Allied Structural Steel spokesman said
various welding processes were being used in that portion of the high-rise
building. More than 12,000 tons of structural steel were used in that section.
Webs and flanges for each interior H column were made up of A36 steel plate
with thicknesses up to 61Z
2 in. (16.5
cm). The long fillet welds at the web-to-flange contact faces were made using
the submerged arc process, while the box sections were being welded by
CO2-shielded E70T-1 flux cored electrodes. On the box sections, welding
operators were averaging deposition rates of 90
lb (40.5 kg) per day. A total of 310,000
lb (139,500 kg) of weld metal was consumed in shop fabrication for this
building, while 165,000 lb (74,250 kg) of weld metal was consumed during field

Weld metal consumption in shop
fabrication for the U.S. Steel Building in Pittsburgh, Pa., reached 609,000
lb (274,050 kg).

During this same period, Kaiser
Steel Corp. had used the consumable guide version of electroslag welding to deposit
24,000 welds in the Bank of America world headquarters building in San
Francisco. At the time, this building was regarded as the tallest
earthquake-proof structure ever erected on the West Coast.

In terms of welding, one of the
most intensive structures built during this period was NASA’s Vertical
Assembly Building on Merritt Island, Fla. Shop-welded sections for this giant
structure consumed 830,000 lb (373,500
kg) of weld metal.

For the World Trade
Center, Leslie E. Robertson, a partner in charge of the New York office of
Skilling, Helle, Christiansen, Robertson, said a computer was used to produce
the drawing lists, beam schedules, column details and all schedules for
exterior wall panels. Millions of IBM cards were then sent to every fabricator.
These cards gave fabricators the width, length, thickness and grade of steel of
every plate and section in all of the columns and panels. «In
addition,» he said, «the fabricators are given all of the
requirements of every weld needed to make up the columns and panels. Many of
these cards are used as equatable to the production of drawings. They are sent
directly from the designer to the fabricators. Draftsmen never become

Elsewhere in New York City, Leo
Plofker, a partner in one of the city’s leading design engineering firms,
extensively used welding in design. Among Plofker’s achievements are the Pan-Am
Building and the all-welded, 52-story office building known as 140 Broadway.

«Our decision to make
extensive use of welding is strictly based on economics,» he said.
«Welded design results in savings in steel. Field welding can cause some
problems, but they are not too serious as long as you maintain control over the
welders and you insist that qualified personnel be employed to perform nondestructive
testing of the welds.»

Unit 16.

Health,  Safety and Accident prevention.

1.Запишите новые слова, выучите их.


respiratory tract дыхательные пути

susceptibility чувствительность;

fever жар,
лихорадка; какое-л. заболевание, основным

симптомом которого является очень высокая


tickling першение
(в горле)

chest tightness
стесненное дыхание

flu грипп


конечность (человека или животного)

siderosis сидероз

pneumonia воспаление
легких, пневмония

pulmonary oedema отек легких


подвергание какому-л. воздействию; выставление,

оставление на солнце, под дождем и т. п.

cancer рак

2. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Control of welding fume

Exposure to fume

For many gas
and arc welding processes, the fume concentration in the immediate vicinity of
the weld is well above its exposure limit. The amount of fume generated is
determined primarily by welding process, consumable and welding procedure.
However, the following aspects are likely to influence the degree to which the
welder is exposed to fume:

  • welding position
  • location and type of workplace
  • exposure duration

Thus, welders using the same
process may be exposed to different levels of fume. The risks for each job
should, therefore, be assessed individually

Welding position

The welding position (flat,
vertical, horizontal or overhead) and proximity of the welder to the fume plume
affect exposure. As the welder naturally bends over the workpiece, the flat
position induces the highest level of fume in the breathing zone. The welder
should adopt a working position which ensures that his head is away from the

Location and type of workplace

Welding in a large workshop, or
outdoors, prevents build-up of fume and gases. However, in a small workshop,
fume will not be readily dispersed and the welder may be subjected to a higher
than average exposure. Working in confined spaces, in particular, requires an
efficient, monitored, ventilation system so exposure is controlled and there is
no depletion of oxygen in the working atmosphere

Control of welding fume

If welding fume cannot be eliminated,
control measures should be adopted as follows:

  • choice or modification of the welding
  • improvement in working practices
  • ventilation
  • use of respiratory protection
    equipment (RPE)

RPE should not be considered
until the effectiveness of all other techniques has been explored.

or modification of the welding process

Process choice is usually made on the basis of weld
quality, economics and equipment availability. Nevertheless, if other processes
can be used, it should be borne in mind that some processes, such as
submerged-arc and TIG, generates significantly less particulate fume than MMA,
MIG and FCAW. Consumable manufacturers also supply information on fume
composition which can be used in selecting welding rods for a particular job.

Improvement in working practices

A substantial improvement can
often be made by placing the workpiece so the welder can avoid the plume which
rises above the weld.

In large scale fabrications, the welding
sequence should be organised to minimise the work carried out in enclosed or
confined spaces.

Safe practice and
accident avoidance

  • adopt position and techniques to keep head out of
    welding plume
  • avoid welding in enclosed and confined spaces

Fig. 1.

Safe practice and accident avoidance

  • check that the equipment is working correctly and
    is regularly maintained, for example, cleaning and replacing filters
    according to manufacturer’s recommendations
  • place the extraction hood or nozzle to capture
    the fume without disturbing the gas shield
  • when welding large structures, reposition the
    hood at appropriate intervals to ensure fume continues to be effectively

3. Напишите правила основные правила техники

4. Запишите и выучите новые слова.

bare spot оголенный участок

wire feeder механизм подачи (электродной или присадочной)


ground connection 1) заземление, замыкание на землю 2) соединение на


power switch переключатель мощности

rupture а) пробой (изоляции) б) излом, разрушение, разрыв

confined space замкнутый объём, замкнутое пространство

exhaust hood вытяжной шкаф; вытяжной колпак

5. Прочитайте  текст.

Safety and Scheduled Maintenance Protect
Your Welding Assets

Q: What can I do to avoid
electrical shocks?

A: Wet working conditions must
be avoided, because water is an excellent conductor and electricity will always
follow the path of least resistance. Even

a person’s perspiration can lower the
body’s resistance to electrical shock. Poor connections and
bare spots on cables further increase the possibility of
electrical shock, and therefore, daily inspection of these items is
recommended. Equipment operators should also routinely inspect for proper
ground connections.

Q: How can I inspect and
maintain my wire feeder?

A: Periodically inspect the
electrode wire drive rolls. If dirty, remove the drive rolls and clean with a
wire brush. Deformed drive rolls should be replaced. Drive rolls should be
changed, adjusted or cleaned only when the wire feeder is shut off. In
addition, check the inlet and outlet guides and replace if they are deformed
from wire wear. Remember that when power is applied to a wire feeder, fingers
should be kept away from the drive roll area.

Q: What are some important
electrode safety considerations?

A: Welding power sources for
use with MIG and TIG welding normally are equipped with devices that permit
on/off control of the welding power output.

If so, the electrode becomes electrically
hot when the power source switch is ON and the welding gun switch is closed.
Never touch the electrode wire or any conducting object in contact with the
electrode circuit, unless the welding power source is off. Welding power sources
used for shielded metal arc welding (SMAW or Stick welding) may not be equipped
with welding power output on/off control devices. With such equipment, the
electrode is electrically hot when the
power switch is turned ON.

Q: How should I store my gas

A: Cylinders should be securely
fastened at all times. Chains are usually used

to secure a cylinder to a wall or cylinder
cart. When moving or storing a cylinder, a threaded protector cap must be
fastened to the top of the cylinder. This protects the valve system should it
be bumped or dropped. Cylinders should not be stored or used in a horizontal
position. This is because some cylinders contain a liquid which would leak out
or be forced out if the cylinder was laid in a flat position. Also, welding
guns and other cables should not be hung on or near cylinders. A gun could
cause an arc against the cylinder wall or valve assembly, possibly resulting in
a weakened cylinder or even a

Q: How can I tell if my
regulator is faulty?

A: The following symptoms
indicate a faulty regulator: Leaks — if gas leaks externally. Excessive
— if delivery pressure continues to rise with the downstream valve closed.

Faulty gauge — if gauge pointer
does not move off the stop pin when pressurized, nor returns to the stop pin
after pressure release. Do not attempt to repair a faulty regulator. It should
be sent to your designated repair center, where special techniques and tools
are used by trained personnel.

Q: What are some tips for a
safe welding environment?

A: The area surrounding the
welder will be subjected to light, heat, smoke, sparks and fumes. Permanent
booths or portable partitions can be used to contain light rays in one area.
The heat and sparks given off are capable of setting flammable materials on
fire. Therefore, welding should not be done in areas containing flammable
gases, vapors, liquids or dusty locations where explosions are a possibility.
Metals with plating, coatings or paint that come near the region of the arc may
give off smoke and fumes during welding. These fumes may pose a health hazard
to the lungs, therefore an
exhaust hood or booth should be used to remove fumes from the area. When welding in confined spaces, such as inside tanks, large containers or even
compartments of a ship, toxic fumes may gather. Also, in an enclosed room,
breathable oxygen can be replaced by shielding gases used for welding or
purging. Care must be taken to ensure enough clean air for breathing. In many
companies, it is routine to provide welders with air masks or selfcontained breathing

Q: How should an operator
dress for optimum safety?

A: Gloves and clothing should
be flame-resistant. Clothing made from a dark-colored, tightly woven material
is best suited for welding. Gauntlet-type leather gloves should be worn to
protect the hands and wrists. Shirt collars and shirt cuffs should be buttoned,
and open front pockets are not advisable as they may catch sparks. Also,
operators should never store matches or lighters in their pockets. Pants cuffs
are not recommended, as they will also catch sparks. Tennis shoes do not
qualify as adequate foot protection. Hightop leather shoes or boots are
absolutely necessary.

Q: Is there a daily
maintenance schedule I should follow?

A: Below is a general engine
drive routine daily maintenance schedule, but it

should be modified according to a company’s
specific conditions. By following a regimen of appropriate and thorough
maintenance and safety, a welder from Miller Electric can run dependably for
decades. Designed to withstand rough use, these machines use high quality
components and are tested for durability.

7.Выпишите из текста главные мысли.

    8.Запишите новые слова. Отработайте их чтение.

safety engineering — техника безопасности

accident несчастный случай

safety rulesправила техники

lack — нехватка, отсутствие безопасности

training workshop — учебный цех (мастерская)

to ensure обеспечивать

    9.Замените русское слово на английское. Используйте
новые слова.

This was несчастный случай.

All people
should keep
технику безопасности.

Do you know
правила техники?

We work

I обеспечиваю safety engineering.

    10.Прочтите текст.


Accidents to people in
industrial enterprises are called industrial traumatism (injury). They occur
when workers have not acquired the requisite for skill and lack the necessary
experience in handling tools and equipment. Accidents are also caused through
neglect of safety rules and regulations in the factories and training

The purpose of safety
engineering is to prevent acci­dents and to create such conditions of work in
industry which will ensure maximum productivity of

When taking up new duties or
when first going to work at any
industrial enterprise each worker is obliged to acquaint him thoroughly with,
and to master the safety instructions.

11.Ответьте письменно на вопросы

     How are the accidents to people in
industrial enterprises called?

When do the accidents
to people occur?

What must one do to
prevent accidents?

What is the purpose of
safety engineering?

What is a worker
obliged to do when taking up new duties?

Unit 17.

The History of Welding

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

With all the
power and precision machinery involved in production welding, you might think
of welding as a relatively new process. In reality, welding has been around for
thousands of years. Early examples of welding have been found in locations
ranging from Ireland to India, with some dating back to the Bronze Age.
Naturally, these civilizations lacked the vast array of tools and machinery
that welders have access to now. How did they manage to weld?

The process
they used is known as forge
. To start the process, blacksmiths would heat the metal until
it was bright red in color (but still not at its melting point). The blacksmiths
would then place the two pieces, slightly overlapping, on an anvil and pound
them together. Forge welding has multiple limitations. Only relatively s­oft
metals can be forge welded, and the process is very labor intensive. In places
electricity, however, the process is still used.

welding was the only game in town until the 19th century. With the onset of the
industrial revolution, however, numerous discoveries pushed welding forward
fast. Research on electricity yielded electrodes and electric arcs. Rudimentary
torches were developed by mid-century as well. Both discoveries would play
heavily into the welding methods of the next century.

By the late
1800s, many of the pieces were in place to make welding a driving force in
manufacturing. Still, the methods of this era weren’t perfect. Oxidation (the
process of metals bonding to the oxygen particles in the atmosphere) occurred
during the welding process and made welds porous and brittle. Such welds posed
a grave risk to workers. During the period from 1895 to 1905, for instance,
poorly made boilers exploded daily, causing thousands of deaths in the process.
Clearly there was an urgent need for better welding methods. Over the next few
sections, we’ll learn more about those new and improved methods, starting with
a closer look at the tools of the trade.


welders routinely repair ships and oil rigs, typically using arc welding
(negating the use of a flame). Space welding sits at the other end of the
spectrum. The vacuum of space creates an ideal environme­nt for welding, since
there are no gases to interact with the welding site. Space welding makes
massive undertakings like the International 
Space Station possible.

2. Выпишите все незнакомые вам слова из текста и
выучите их.

3. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

History of Welding


Welding can trace its historic development back to
ancient times. The earliest examples come from the Bronze Age. Small gold circular
boxes were made by pressure welding lap joints together. It is estimated that
these boxes were made more than 2000 years ago. During the Iron Age the
Egyptians and people in the eastern Mediterranean area learned to weld pieces
of iron together. Many tools were found which were made approximately 1000 B.C.

During the Middle Ages, the art of blacksmithing was
developed and many items of iron were produced which were welded by hammering.
It was not until the 19th century that welding, as we know it today was


Edmund Davy of England is credited with the discovery
of acetylene in 1836. The production of an arc between two carbon electrodes
using a battery is credited to Sir Humphry Davy in 1800.
In the mid-nineteenth century, the electric generator was invented and arc
lighting became popular. During the late 1800s, gas welding and cutting was
developed. Arc welding with the carbon arc and metal arc was developed and
resistance welding became a practical joining process.


Auguste De Meritens, working in the Cabot Laboratory
in France, used the heat of an arc for joining lead plates for storage
batteries in the year 1881. It was his pupil, a Russian, Nikolai N. Benardos,
working in the French laboratory, who was granted a patent for welding. He,
with a fellow Russian, Stanislaus Olszewski, secured a British patent in 1885
and an American patent in 1887. The patents show an early electrode holder.
This was the beginning of carbon arc welding. Bernardos’ efforts were
restricted to carbon arc welding, although he was able to weld iron as well as
lead. Carbon arc welding became popular during the late 1890s and early 1900s.


In 1890, C.L. Coffin of Detroit was awarded the first U.S.
patent for an arc welding process using a metal electrode. This was the first
record of the metal melted from the electrode carried across the arc to deposit
filler metal in the joint to make a weld. About the same time, N.G. Slavianoff,
a Russian, presented the same idea of transferring metal across an arc, but to cast
metal in a mold.


Approximately 1900, Strohmenger introduced a coated
metal electrode in Great Britain. There was a thin coating of clay or lime, but
it provided a more stable arc. Oscar Kjellberg of Sweden invented a covered or
coated electrode during the period of 1907 to 1914. Stick electrodes were
produced by dipping short lengths of bare iron wire in thick mixtures of
carbonates and silicates, and allowing the coating to dry.

Meanwhile, resistance welding processes were
developed, including spot welding, seam welding, projection welding and flash
butt welding. Elihu Thompson originated resistance welding. His patents were
dated 1885-1900. In 1903, a German named Goldschmidt invented thermite welding
that was first used to weld railroad rails.

Gas welding and cutting were perfected during this
period as well. The production of oxygen and later the liquefying of air, along
with the introduction of a blow pipe or torch in 1887, helped the development
of both welding and cutting. Before 1900, hydrogen and coal gas were used with
oxygen. However, in about 1900 a torch suitable for use with low-pressure
acetylene was developed.

World War I brought a tremendous demand for armament
production and welding was pressed into service. Many companies sprang up in America
and in Europe to manufacture 
welding machines and electrodes to meet the requirements.


Immediately after the war in 1919, twenty members of
the Wartime Welding Committee of the Emergency Fleet Corporation under the
leadership of Comfort Avery Adams, founded the American Welding Society as a
nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement of welding and allied

Alternating current was invented in 1919 by C.J.
Holslag; however it did not become popular until the 1930s when the
heavy-coated electrode found widespread use.


In 1920, automatic welding was introduced. It utilized
bare electrode wire operated on direct current and utilized arc voltage as the
basis of regulating the feed rate. Automatic welding was invented by P.O. Nobel
of the General Electric Company. It was used to build up worn motor shafts and
worn crane wheels. It was also used by the automobile industry to produce rear
axle housings.

During the 1920s, various types of welding electrodes
were developed. There was considerable controversy during the 1920s about the
advantage of the heavy-coated rods versus light-coated rods. The heavy-coated
electrodes, which were made by extruding, were developed by Langstroth and
Wunder of the A.O. Smith Company and were used by that company in 1927.
In 1929, Lincoln Electric Company produced extruded electrode rods that were
sold to the public. By 1930, covered electrodes were widely used. Welding codes
appeared which required higher-quality weld metal, which increased the use of
covered electrodes.

During the 1920s there was considerable research in
shielding the arc and weld area by externally applied gases. The atmosphere of
oxygen and nitrogen in contact with the molten weld metal caused brittle and
sometime porous welds. Research work was done utilizing gas shielding
techniques. Alexander and Langmuir did work in chambers using hydrogen as a
welding atmosphere. They utilized two electrodes starting with carbon
electrodes but later changing to tungsten electrodes. The hydrogen was changed
to atomic hydrogen in the arc. It was then blown out of the arc forming an
intensely hot flame of atomic hydrogen during to the molecular form and
liberating heat. This arc produced half again as much heat as an oxyacetylene
flame. This became the atomic hydrogen welding process. Atomic hydrogen never
became popular but was used during the 1930s and 1940s for special applications
of welding and later on for welding of tool steels.

H.M. Hobart and P.K. Devers were doing similar work
but using atmospheres of argon and helium. In their patents applied for in
1926, arc welding utilizing gas supplied around the arc was a forerunner of the
gas tungsten arc welding process. They also showed welding with a concentric
nozzle and with the electrode being fed as a wire through the nozzle. This was
the forerunner of the gas metal arc welding process. These processes were
developed much later.


Stud welding was developed in 1930 at the New York
Navy Yard, specifically for attaching wood decking over a metal surface. Stud
welding became popular in the shipbuilding and construction industries.

The automatic process that became popular was the
submerged arc welding process. This «under powder» or smothered arc
welding process was developed by the National Tube Company for a pipe mill at McKeesport, Pennsylvania. It was designed to make the longitudinal seams in the pipe. The
process was patented by Robinoff in 1930 and was later sold to Linde Air
Products Company, where it was renamed Unionmelt® welding. Submerged arc
welding was used during the defense buildup in 1938
in shipyards and in ordnance factories. It is one of the most productive
welding processes and remains popular today.


Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) had its beginnings
from an idea by C.L. Coffin to weld in a nonoxidizing gas atmosphere, which he
patented in 1890. The concept was further refined in the late 1920s by
H.M.Hobart, who used helium for shielding, and P.K. Devers, who used argon.
This process was ideal for welding magnesium and also for welding stainless and
aluminum. It was perfected in 1941, patented by Meredith, and named Heliarc®
welding. It was later licensed to Linde Air Products, where the water-cooled
torch was developed. The gas tungsten arc welding process has become one of the
most important.

The gas shielded metal arc welding (GMAW) process was
successfully developed at Battelle Memorial Institute in 1948 under the
sponsorship of the Air Reduction Company. This development utilized the gas
shielded arc similar to the gas tungsten arc, but replaced the tungsten
electrode with a continuously fed electrode wire. One of the basic changes that
made the process more usable was the small-diameter electrode wires and the
constant-voltage poser source. This principle had been patented earlier by H.E.
Kennedy. The initial introduction of GMAW was for welding nonferrous metals.
The high deposition rate led users to try the process on steel. The cost of
inert gas was relatively high and the cost savings were not immediately


In 1953, Lyubavskii and Novoshilov announced the use
of welding with consumable electrodes in an atmosphere of CO2 gas. The CO2
welding process immediately gained favor since it utilized equipment developed
for inert gas metal arc welding, but could now be used for economically welding
steels. The CO2 arc is a hot arc and the larger electrode wires required fairly
high currents. The process became widely used with the introduction of
smaller-diameter electrode wires and refined power supplies. This development
was the short-circuit arc variation which was known as Micro-wire®, short-arc,
and dip transfer welding, all of which appeared late in 1958 and early in 1959.
This variation allowed all-position welding on thin materials and soon became
the most popular of the gas metal arc welding process variations.


Another variation was the use of inert gas with small
amounts of oxygen that provided the spray-type arc transfer. It became popular
in the early 1960s. A recent variation is the use of pulsed current. The
current is switched from a high to a low value at a rate of once or twice the
line frequency.

Soon after the introduction of CO2 welding, a
variation utilizing a special electrode wire was developed. This wire,
described as an inside-outside electrode, was tubular in cross section with the
fluxing agents on the inside. The process was called Dualshield®, which
indicated that external shielding gas was utilized, as well as the gas produced
by the flux in the core of the wire, for arc shielding. This process, invented
by Bernard, was announced in 1954, but was patented in 1957, when the National
Cylinder Gas Company reintroduced it.

In 1959, an inside-outside electrode was produced
which did not require external gas shielding. The absence of shielding gas gave
the process popularity for noncritical work. This process was named

The electroslag welding process was announced by the
Soviets at the Brussels World Fair in Belgium in 1958. It had been used in the
Soviet Union since 1951, but was based on work done in the United
States by R.K. Hopkins, who was granted patents in 1940. The Hopkins process was never used to a very great degree for joining. The process was
perfected and equipment was developed at the Paton Institute Laboratory in Kiev,
Ukraine, and also at the Welding Research Laboratory in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia.
The first production use in the U.S. was at the Electromotive Division of
General Motors Corporation in Chicago, where it was called the Electro-molding
process. It was announced in December 1959 for the fabrication of welded diesel
engine blocks. The process and its variation, using a consumable guide tube, is
used for welding thicker materials.

The Arcos Corporation introduced another vertical
welding method, called Electrogas, in 1961. It utilized equipment developed for
electroslag welding, but employed a flux-cored electrode wire and an externally
supplied gas shield. It is an open arc process since a slag bath is not
involved. A newer development uses self-shielding electrode wires and a
variation uses solid wire but with gas shielding. These methods allow the
welding of thinner materials than can be welded with the electroslag process.

Gage invented plasma arc welding in 1957. This process
uses a constricted arc or an arc through an orifice, which creates an arc
plasma that has a higher temperature than the tungsten arc. It is also used for
metal spraying and for cutting.

The electron beam welding process, which uses a
focused beam of electrons as a heat source in a vacuum chamber, was developed
in France. J.A. Stohr of the French Atomic Energy Commission mad the first
public disclosure of the process on November 23, 1957.
In the United States, the automotive and aircraft engine industries are the
major users of electron beam welding.


Friction welding, which uses rotational speed and
upset pressure to provide friction heat, was developed in the Soviet Union. It
is a specialized process and has applications only where a sufficient volume of
similar parts is to be welded because of the initial expense for equipment and
tooling. This process is called inertia welding.

welding is one of the newest processes. The laser was originally developed at
the Bell Telephone Laboratories as a communications device. Because of the
tremendous concentration of energy in a small space, it proved to be a powerful
heat source. It has been used for cutting metals and nonmetals. Continuous
pulse equipment is available. The laser is finding welding applications in
automotive metalworking operations.

4. Составьте конспект текста из упражнения 3.

Unit 18.

Fun Facts

и переведите текст.

1. NASCAR — Long before the rubber hits the road,
roughly 950 man-hours are spent on welding and fabrication for each race car. Hundreds
of parts are hand-cut, welded and machined, from the chassis and suspension to
the drivetrain.

         2. In 1961, General Motors installed the first industrial robot
in history, the Unimate. Featuring a motorized arm that weighed more than two
tons, the Unimate performed spot welds by following step-by-step commands
stored on a magnetic drum.

         3. Which famous comedian has a large
antique car and motorcycle collection and employs welders regularly? 
Jay Leno! His large collection includes models from the early 1900s to modern

         4. Explosion welding is a powerful welding process that can
accomplish what many other welding methods can’t—it can join nearly every kind
of metal together, even the most highly dissimilar ones.

         5. Welding in space was first attempted in 1969 by Russian
cosmonauts. Today, advances in welding technology have made it essential for
projects like the construction of the International Space Station.

         6. President Roosevelt, in a letter to Prime Minister Winston
Churchill, boasted about the discovery of new welding techniques that enabled America
to build ships with a speed unequaled in the history of shipbuilding.

         7. The first car made with an entirely plastic body was assembled
using ultrasonic welding. Even though plastic cars did not catch on, ultrasonic
welding did. Ultrasonic plastic welding is an example of a friction welding
process, which creates energy through high-intensity acoustic sounds that cause
plastic pieces to vibrate together and form a bond. 

         8. Did you know that if two pieces of metal touch in space, they
become permanently stuck together? This may sound unbelievable, but it is true.
Two pieces of metal without any coating on them will form into one piece in the
vacuum of space. This doesn’t happen on Earth because the atmosphere puts a
layer of oxidized material between the surfaces.

         9. More than 50% of U.S. products require welding. Do you know
which of the following products rely on welding?

Race cars




Medical devices

Oil rigs

Farm equipment

Cell phones


MP3 players

Answer: All of them 

         10. What is a “fume plume”? 
         It is the visible column of fume that rises directly from the spot of
welding or cutting.

         11. The current record for the world’s deepest underwater dry
weld, which is carried out in a chamber sealed around the structure to be
welded, was set by Global Industries in 1990, at 1,075
ft. deep. But that is only half as deep as the world’s record wet weld, set by
the U.S. Navy in 2005, at 2,000 ft. deep. Wet welding is performed underwater,
directly exposed to the watery environment.

         12. The earliest recorded welds occured in 3,500 B.C., the
Bronze-Age. Pictures of welders and their ancient tools have been discovered in
long-sealed Egyptian tombs!



    1.Запишите новые слова и составьте с ними свои

shape форма


rolling прокат

welding — сварка

piercing — прохождение

trimming — обрезка
(заделка отверстия краев)

spinning — выдавливание
(на токарно-давильном станке)

drawing — черчение; зд.

chuck — зажим;
патрон, держатель

carriage — каретка

milling фрезерование

surface — поверхность

grinding — дробление (измельчение), шлифовка

convenient — удобный

to equip — снаряжать, оборудовать

shaping — придание формы

thread — резьба;

bending – сгибание

headstock — передняя бабка

tailstock — задняя

lathe токарный станок

drilling – сверление

cutting – резание

highspeed – скоростной

efficient – эффективный

forging – ковка

boring — бурение,

steel — сталь

    2.Прочтите тексты


Metal undergoes a number of
processes before it is formed into the required shape: casting, rolling,
welding, piercing, trimming, spinning, bending, drawing, etc.

The machines which perform all
these kinds of works are called machine-tools. The most common machine-tool
found in almost any workshop is the lathe. The main parts of it are: the
headstock, the chuck, the tailstock, the carriage.

The automatic lathe is a
perfection of the ordinary lathe. Its tools are changed automatically. A worker
skilled in the use of a lathe is called a turner.

There are many other
machine-tools that work on plane surfaces, for example, milling machines,
planning and shaping machines. Circular holes are drilled by a drilling machine
or bored by a boring machine or a boring mill. Thread milling machines are used
in the production of different machine elements. Gear cutting machines include
gear milling machines. All these
machines use cutting tools made of high-speed steel.


There are three types of
lathes produced by our machine-tool manufacturing works: heavy, medium and
light types. The type of a lathe depends upon the size of diameter of work

A most convenient and
efficient machine is the model combination lathe for turning, milling,
drilling, grinding, slotting, and tool-sharpening jobs. It can be used both in
stationary and mobile repair shops, on ships, etc.


The most drilling machines are
equipped with mechanisms, permitting not only drilling, countersinking and
reaming, but also cutting female threads with the help of taps. Both universal
and special-purpose type radial «drills are built.

письменно на вопросы

     What processes does metal undergo before it
is formed into the required shape?

How are the machines
which perform this work called?

What is the most common
machine-tool in any workshop?

What are the main parts
of a lathe?

What is the automatic

How do we call a
worker, skilled in the use of a lathe?

What machine-tools that
works on plane surfaces, do you know?

What do the drilling
machines drill?

Where are the threads
milling machines used?

What are the main types
of lathes?

What is the most
convenient and efficient machine?

     What are the most drilling machines
equipped with



according to — согласно, в соответствии

across — поперек

alloy — сплав

alloy steel — легированная сталь

alloying element — легирующий элемент

aluminum – алюминий

appear — появляться

применение, употребление

arc welding — дуговая сварка

at least — по крайней мере


attach securely — надежно прикреплять


beryllium — бериллий

bismuth — висмут

bothand — как… так и…


branches of industryотрасли промышленности


butt weldingстыковая сварка


capacity — способность

carbon steel — углеродистая сталь

cast iron — чугун

choose — выбирать

coat — покрывать

coating (film) — покрытие (пленка)

combustible gas — горючий газ

— завершать

component — компонент, деталь 

compression – сжатие

comprise — включать
в себя, охватывать

consist (of) — состоять (из)

— содержать (в себе)

content — содержание

непрерывно, без остановки

copper – медь


corrosion resistant barrierкоррозионностойкий барьер

corrosive environmentкоррозионная окружающая среда


current ток


ductility ковкость



earth clampзажим заземления


eitheror — или
… или

elastic — упругий,

electrical conductivity – электропроводность

electric arc — электрическая дуга

electric circuit
электрическая цепь

electric current — электрический ток

electric resistance welding
электрическая контактная сварка

electrode rod — электрод


enough — достаточно


flame — пламя

frame — рама

ferrous metals — черные металлы

filler metal — присадочный

flow — проходить,

fusion — плавка

fusion state — расплавленное

fusion welding — сварка


gas welding — газовая

– золото


hammer welding — кузнечная сварка

hard(-ness) — жесткий

heat conductivity — теплопроводность

heataffected zone -мша термического

holder — держатель


in addition to — в
добавление к, помимо

important — важный,

inch — дюйм

include включать

increase увеличивать

in order to для того чтобы

iron – железо


join соединять

joint — стык,


load — нагрузка

luster – блеск


обрабатываемость (на
carbon углерод станке)


malleability вязкость

meet up-to-date demands (requirements)отвечать современным требованиям

melt — плавиться

melting condition — режим


neither… norнини

non-detachable joiningнеразъемное coединение


otherwise — в
противном случае


oxygen — кислород


palladium — палладий

particularly — в

permit — позволять,
давать возможность

platinum — платина

poor conductor — плохой проводник

power hammer — механический молот

precious metals — драгоценные металлы

prepare — готовить

present stage of developmentсовременная стадия развития

pressure давление

property свойство


provide — обеспечивать, снабжать

pulsed laser — пульсирующий лазер

purpose – цель


quantity – количество


rails — рельсы

repair — ремонтировать

replace — заменять



resistance to wearизносостойкость

rocket engineeringракетная техника

rupture разрыв

rust ржавчина



same (the) — точно
такой же

semimetal — полуметалл

silicon — кремний

silver серебро

similar — похожий

soft(-ness) — мягкий

solid state — твердое состояние

source — источник

spot welding — точечная сварка

stainless steelнержавеющая сталь


stress напряжение

strike the arcзажигать дугу

substance — вещество

sulphur — сера

suit — подходить, соответствовать

supply — доставлять, подавать

switch off выключать

switch onвключать


tension растяжение

thermit weldingтермитная сварка

thick толстый

thickness — толщина

— тонкий

tip — наконечник

titanium — титан

tough(-ness) — твердый


undergo — подвергать


weld сваривать

work piece – деталь



Section 3

Unit 1


1. Прочитайте и переведите текст, используя слова
после текста.

I usually have four meals a
day. In the morning I have breakfast. At school I have lunch. At home I have
dinner and in the evening I have supper. Besides, I like to eat an apple or a banana,
or to drink a glass of juice between meals, if I’m thirsty. Yesterday I got up
at 7 o’clock, washed, cleaned teeth and dressed. Then I had breakfast. I had mashed
potatoes with meat, a cheese sandwich and a cup of tea for breakfast. At school
we had a pie and a glass of orange juice. I’m always hungry when I come home
after school.

Yesterday my mother cooked
cabbage soup’ roast chicken and rice, made pudding and tea. It was so tasty’ I
ate everything with pleasure. For supper we had pancakes with jam and sour cream.
These are my favourite things.

My mother thinks that one apple
a day keeps the doctor away. That’s why she buys fruit and vegetables every
day. Yesterday she bought oranges and kiwi. I have a sweet tooth and my parents
often buy me ice-cream, sweets, chocolate, cakes, cookies and other tasty
things. I like them very much.


be hungry  — быть голодным 

be thirsty  — хотеть пить

besides  — кроме
того, помимо

between  — между

different  — различный

favourite   — любимый

have a sweet tooth – быть сластёной

have breakfast  — завтракать

have dinner  — обедать

have lunch  —
завтракать(второй завтрак)

have supper  — ужинать

mashed potatoesпюре картофельное

mealпринятие пищи, еда

pancake  — блин, оладья

roast  — жареный

sour cream  — сметана

tasty – вкусный

2. Вставьте пропущенные слова.

1. I usually have …. a day.

2. …I  like  to eat an apple
or a banana  or to drink a glass of juice … meals, if I’m … .

3. I’m always … when I come
home after school.

4. For supper we had … with jam and ….  .

3. Согласитесь или исправьте неверные утверждения.

1. In the morning I have supper.

2. I had mashed potatoes with
meat, a hamburger and a cup of tea for breakfast.

3. Yesterday my mother cooked
cabbage soup, roast chicken and rice and made pudding and tea.

4. My mother thinks that a
potato a day keeps the driver away.

4. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

Я обычно кушаю три раза в день.

Кроме того, я люблю съесть яблоко,
банан или выпить стакан сока, если я хочу пить.

В колледже нам давали стакан
апельсинового сока и пирожное.

Я сластёна.

Кушай по яблоку в день и доктор не

5. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. How many meals a day do you

2. Where and when do you have
breakfast (lunch, dinner, supper)?

3. What did you have for
breakfast (lunch, dinner, supper) yesterday?

4. What do you like to eat when
you are hungry?

5. What do you like to drink
when you are thirsty?

6. Do you like fruit and
vegetables? Why?

7. Do you have a sweet tooth? What do you
like to eat?

6. Укажите соответствие.

1)  1. sweets                               a. pastry

     2.cake                                    b. ice-cream

                                                   c. dessert

                                                   d. candy

2)  1. dish                                   a. style of cooking

     2.cuisine                                b. snack

                                                   c. meal

                                                   d. course

3)  1. entree                                a. main dish

      2. side dish                            b. garnish

                                                    c. spice

                                                    d. salad

4)  1. snack                                  a. nourishing food

      2.substantial meal                 b. tasteful food

                                                    c. delicious meal

                                                    d. light meal

1.cabbage                               a. fruit

     2. veal                                     b. vegetable

                                                    c. meat

                                                    d. fish

6)  1. hard-boiled eggs                a. breakfast

      2.fish in aspic                        b. dessert

                                                    c. dinner

side dish

Unit 2

My meals

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

It goes without saying that I prefer to
have meals at home. At the weekend I like to get up late and have a good
breakfast of scrambled eggs, or pancakes, or something like that. But on
weekdays I’m always short of time in the morning. So I just have a cup of
strong tea or coffee and a couple of sandwiches.

As I spend a lot of time at school (usually
eight or nine hours) it’s necessary to have a snack at midday just to keep me
going. That’s why I have to go to the school canteen to have lunch. Our school
canteen leaves much to be desired. It has become a tradition with our canteen
to serve chops and watery mashed potatoes every day with a glass of cocoa or
stewed fruit.

But I enjoy my evening meal at home. My
mother is a wonderful cook and her dinners are always delicious and various.

To begin with, we usually have some salad —
tomato and cucumber salad or mixed salad (I like it very much). For the first
course we have some soup — noodle, mushroom or cabbage soup, or maybe some fish
soup for a change. For the main course we have meat, chicken or fish dishes,
for example, steak or fried fish with spaghetti or potatoes (boiled or fried).
We also have a lot of vegetables — green peas, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers. I
prefer meat to fish but my mother makes me eat fish from time to time. She says
it’s good for my brains.

For dessert we have some fruit, fruit juice
or just a cup of tea with a slice of cake.

On Sundays we sometimes go to McDonald’s. I like everything there: cheeseburgers,
hamburgers and Big Macs, apple pies and fruit cocktails. But unfortunately we
can’t afford to go there very often, because it’s rather expensive for a family
and besides, they say it’s not very healthy to eat at McDonald’s.


it goes without saying  — и без слов понятно

scrambled eggs   — яичница 

short of time  —  мало времени ( нехватка времени)

couple  — пара

sandwich  — бутерброд

to have a snack  — закусить,

2. Ответьте на вопросы письменно.

1 How many meals a day do you usually have?

2. What do you usually have for breakfast?

3. Where do you have lunch (dinner)?

4. How many courses does your lunch
(dinner) usually consist of?

5. What is your favourite dish?

6. What vegetables do you like?

7. What do you usually have for dessert?

8. How often do you eat out?

9. Have you ever eaten at McDonald’s?

10. Some people say that eating at a
restaurant is a waste of money.
Do you

11. Can you cook?

3. Вставьте артикль a/
an , где необходимо, или напишите no change, где артикль не нужен.

1 Joanna eats apple
every morning. …an apple …

2 Peter doesn’t like
milk in his tea.  NO CHANGE..

3 Katie rarely has
biscuit with her coffee…………………………………………

4 George normally
eats meat for dinner. …………………………………………

5 Brian usually has
omelette for lunch. …………………………………………..

6 Margaret never
drinks beer. …………………………………………………….

7 Robin
occasionally puts butter on his potatoes………………………………….

4. Джеин пытается похудеть, поэтому каждый день записывает своё меню.
Вставьте артикль a / an , только в  малокалорийных продуктах.

Breakfast – cornflakes, pork chop, juice, porridge, milk, salad, cheese,
cup of black coffee, cake, mashed potatoes.

Lunch – soup, chicken broth, ham, vegetable salad, boiled
beef, mineral water, beer, cauliflower, cabbage, bread, dry bread.

Dinner – lobster, fish, potatoes, omelette, turkey, glass of
milk, meat salad, fruit salad. tea, veal, steak, green peas, fried pork,

5. Обсуди своё меню на обед со своим другом.

a. if you are going to dine alone

b. if you invite your group-mates for this dinner.

6. Укажите правильный ответ.

1. After а hard working day I came home and was as
hungry as a ….. .

a. wolf b. hunter c. lion d. bird

2.We wanted to have a snack and went to the cafe but unfortunately it
was ….. .

a. full b. free c. packed d. crowded

3. Peter doesn`t like juice, he prefers steward fruit for ……. .

a. dinner b. breakfast c. lunch d. supper

4. You should know that soup is eaten with a …… .

a. knife b. napkin c. fork d. spoon

5.……….. is a green, red or yellow fruit, which is very useful for our

a. apple b. orange c. pine apple d. strawberry

6. During the party in the restaurant we were served by polite …… .

a. servants b.waitresses c. managers d. maids

7. During the whole summer bees produce very useful …….. .

a. sugar b. honey c. sweets d.cakes

8. They say hunger is the best …… .

a. friend b. sauce c. food d. Snack

7. Запишите и выучите новые слова и выражения.

1. Milk, Milk Products and

baked milk —  топленое молоко

yoghurt кефир (пославянски)

whipped cream взбитые сливки

baked pudding of curds запеканка из творога

2. Eggs and Egg Dishes

a soft-boiled egg яйцо всмятку

a hard-boiled egg яйцо вкрутую

a well-boiled egg яйцо (в мешочек)

scrambled eggs яичницаболтунья

eggs up Br.E, sun-like eggs Am.E яичницаглазунья

bacon and eggs яичница с беконом

sausage and eggs яичница с колбасой

ham and eggs яичница с ветчиной

a cheese omelette омлет с сыром

an onion omelette омлет с луком

a tomato omelette омлет с помидорами

eggs stuffed caviar яйца, фаршированные икрой

an egg salad салат из яиц

3. Rolls and Buns

brown bread Br.E, black bread Am.E. чёрный хлеб

rye bread ржаной хлеб

whole meal bread пеклеванный хлеб

white bread белый хлеб

wheat [wi:t] bread пшеничный хлеб

a roll [roul] булочка

a bun сдоба, сдобная булочка

a cream bun булочка с кремом

a pie пирог

a patty пирожок

a tart открытый пирог с фруктами, ягодами или

вареньем; фруктовое пирожное; торт

a Swiss roll бисквитный рулет

a beef-roll, a meat-loaf рулет с мясом

a jam puff слоеный пирожок с повидлом

an Easter cake кулич

pastry [‘peistri] кондитерские изделия;печенье; пирожные, торты и т.д.

a cake пряник, кекс

a honey-cake медовый пряник

a dumpling пончик

a pastry-cake, a fancy-cake пирожное

a shortcake песочное пирожное

a sponge-cake бисквитное пирожное

a cupcake
пирожное (корзиночка)

a layercake слоеное пирожное

an almondcake миндальное пирожное

eclair эклер

Unit 3


1. Прочитайте диалог, соблюдая интонацию. Переведите.

Frank: In English a meal that you eat in the middle
of the day is named as lunch.

Jane: Everyone knows that. And how do you call your
lunch if it is for business purposes?

Frank: You may have a business lunch, may be in a
restaurant where people have lunch together and discuss business matters.

Jane: I know that sometimes people just have a
packed lunch, or, in other words, some cold food, such as sandwiches, fruit,
coffee, etc. You can have a packed lunch. It may be also called dry rations. Do
you know that, Frank?

Frank: Yes, I do.

Jane: Usually one hour off is given to a person for

Frank: In other words, a lunch may be a light and
quick meal in a cafe or in some other place. So you go out for lunch, you may, for
example, go to a restaurant to eat. 

Jane: Are there any fixed word combinations to describe 
situations with the word lunch?

Frank: Yes, there are. They are known as collocations.

Jane: Can you give an example?  

Frank: Some of them are as follows

— you have/eat lunch every day.

— You may think in advance what you may
have for lunch.

— People go out for lunch at a certain time

Some people like to take smb out to lunch.

 Jane: Well, now I know
quite well all the expressions with the word “lunch”.


dry rations  — сухой паёк

one hour off is givenотводить час времени на обед

quick and light mealлёгкий перекус

2. Прочитайте текст, выберите подходящее слово в скобках.

Salty fillings

The British Sandwich
Association was (dramatical / critical / indecisive)
of the findings.

«Sandwiches (involve
/ take / consist ) the assembly of
ingredients,» said Jim Winship, director of the organization.

«The fact is that the salt
is already in the ingredients – e.g. bacon or ham – so if consumers (sell
/ choose / give) a sandwich containing
these they are bound to have a higher salt content.»

But he stressed that on
average, the sandwiches surveyed had 2
g of salt – or a third of the (given / offered / recommended
) daily intake – and that these levels were not unreasonable.

Cash admitted that, given a
sandwich was often the main (point / thing / constituent
) of one of three meals in the day, containing a third of the
recommended daily intake of salt was not necessarily a problem.

«But it (does /
is / has) often combined with other things,»
says Jo Butten, the group’s nutritionist. «Once you have had a packet of
crisps with your sandwich and finished off with some biscuits, you may well
have gone over your (limit / point / taste)».

3. Запишите и выучите новые слова.

to cook готовить (пищу)

to boil кипятить; кипеть; отваривать

to fry жарить (на масле)

to roast жарить (мясо, дичь, птицу)

to grill жарить (на гриле)

to spit жарить (на вертеле)

to stew тушить

to tin, to can консервировать

to smoke коптить (рыбу и т.д.)

to salt солить

to dry сушить

to bake
печь, выпекать

to taste пробовать (на вкус)

to wash up мыть посуду

scant скудный, ограниченный, малый

sandwich бутерброд

to care for нравиться

fried eggs яичница

substantial плотный (о еде)

curd pancakes сырники

patty пирожок

omelette омлет

gem пресная сдобная булочка

hard-smoked сырокопченая (колбаса)

soft caviar черная икра;

fresh caviar зернистая икра

cold-smoked холодного копчения

hot-smoked горячего копчения

varied разнообразный

bacon and eggs яичница с беконом

mashed potatoes картофельное пюре

fried mushrooms жареные грибы

baked beans запеченные бобы

black pudding [‘pudiŋ] кровяная колбаса

hash browns поджаренное, мелко нарезанное

мясо с овощами

toasts тосты, поджаренные хлебцы

to prefer предпочитать

[krui’sam] Fr. рожок, сдобная булочка

3. Ответьте на вопросы письменно.

 l. What do «you have for
breakfast on week-days? Is your breakfast scant or substantial?

 2. What do you have for
breakfast on your days out?

 3. What does Kate recommend
her guests for breakfast?

 4. What does British breakfast
consist of? Is it scant or substantial?

 5. Tell us about continental

 6. Tell us about a good
Russian breakfast.

4. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами (см.
приведенные ниже слова).

1. This morning my breakfast is
… because I have very little time. 2. Sometimes I eat …, bread and butter
and drink a cup of … or … . 3. On my days out my breakfast is … . 4.I
prefer … tea. 5. We serve our guests … . 6. Do you like … sandwiches? 7.1
don’t care for … tea. I prefer it … . 8.1 don’t eat … bread. I like …
bread. 9. Peter eats … apples. He doesn’t care for … apples.

scant, ham and cheese, fried
eggs, strong freshly-made, substantial, coffee, cocoa, weak, strong, fresh,
stale, sour,sweet, quickly.

5. Переведите следующие

Приготовленный завтрак, копченая колбаса,
яичница-болтунья, жареное мясо, кипяченое молоко, отварное мясо, сушеная черная
смородина, поданная еда, выпечные пироги, копченая осетрина, соленая осетрина.

Unit 4

Tastes differ

1. Прочитайте , переведите и перескажите текст. Ответьте на вопрос письменно.

Tastes differ. It
concerns food in the first place. A Frenchman will eat a fried frog with
pleasure but a Russian would choose something different. Pigs are not eaten in
Moslem countries though Europeans are fond of pork. A sandwich of raw meat is a
delicacy for a German while in other countries it is not served. One may give
many other facts to illustrate the above saying. What explanations can you give
to these customs?

2. Ответьте на вопросы по образцу.

Образец: Have you had any vegetables? (fruit)- I haven’t had
any vegetables. I have just had some fruit.

1. Has he had any beans? (peas)

2. Have they had any coffee?

3. Have you had any apples? (peaches)

4. Have I had any cabbage? (lettuce)

5. Have you had any beer?

6. Has he had any lamb? (beef)

7. Have they had any tea?

8. Has she had any meat? (vegetables)

9. Have you had any chicken? (steak)

3. Согласитесь или опровергните следующие утверждения.

l. Sandwich is a hot meal which
we eat at dinner for the first course.

2. We have lunch in the evening
before going to bed.

3. Englishmen usually do not
have porridge in the morning.

4. Doctors usually recommend
people to have heavy supper.

5.  If you want to reduce your weight
(to become slim) you must eat a lot of bread.

6. Tarts and cakes and fruit are
usually served at the beginning of a meal.

4. Прочитайте текст, ответьте письменно на вопросы
после него.

National food

English language has a number of
“national » expressions. Many of them are to do with food.

A Scotch egg, for example, is a
hard-boiled egg in sausage meat, eaten cold or hot. Scotch broth is a thick
soup with beef and barley. Irish stew is made from meat, onion and potatoes.
Welsh rarebit pronounced “rabbit” is melted cheese on hot toast. A Spanish
omelette is an omelette containing tomatoes, onions, and potatoes. Russian
salad is a salad of cold, cooked vegetables made with Russian dressing which
has a sharp taste. Russian tea is tea with lemon instead of milk.

1. What English expressions about
food do you know?

2. What is Irish stew?

4. What is the most popular meal
in the USA?

5. Can you cook any national dish?
 Could you give the recipe?

5. Прочитайте письмо о китайской еде. Выполните просьбу китайского

Dear friend,

You asked me to tell you what
we eat and drink here in China. Well, for breakfast I usually have green tea
and rice porridge.

For lunch I have rice and vegetables
and more tea, and for dinner I have rice again, usually with some pork or
chicken, I usually drink tea-again! And we finish the meal with some soup. 0n
special occasions we have duck or fish for dinner – I like duck, but I don’t
like fish very much-and in the summer we often eat fruit, like mangoes or
peaches or melons. I love mangoes! At Chine’s New Year we have my favourite
meal dumplings?!

Please write and tell me about
food in your country,

Song Lin.

6. Переведите на русский язык.

l. What can I do for you? 2.
Breakfast for two, please. 3.What would you like for breakfast? 4. Here is the
menu. Make your choice, please. 5. Today we’ve got a big choice of milk
products and dishes. 6. Would you like ice-cream or whipped cream? 7.
Strawberry jam is delicious. 8. I’d rather have curd pancakes and a meat patty.
9. How much do I pay?-Five roubles. 10.1 don’t care for boiled milk. 11. Will
you bring us something substantial to your taste? 12. I’m very much in a hurry.
13. I’ll serve you in no time. 14. Would you like cranberry jam? — With great
pleasure. 15. Can I have an open curd tart for tea? 16. What’s the bill?

Unit 5

English food

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Сделайте краткий конспект текста.
Составьте план для пересказа.

English food is full of
dishes that have strange names and wonderful flavours. Though the current
national dish is currently considered to be Chicken Tikka Masala, there is much
famous, more traditional fare to be enjoyed. All through the day, you can
tickle your taste buds with things like bubble and squeak, kedgeree, a Cornish
pasty, or a Devon scone. The food is complimented by the pleasant teas, ales,
and ciders specific to the nation of England as well. Whether you prefer
Edwardian culinary delights, Victorian tasty treats, or more contemporary fare,
you can explore the local cuisine all over the countryside and in the city as

Eggy In a BasketStart
your day off with a Full English breakfast, a substantial start to the day.
Traditional components to this traditional hearty breakfast are fried eggs,
fried toast, mushrooms, grilled tomatoes, bangers (links of pork sausage fried
up in a skillet, sometimes exploding with a bang), rashers of bacon, and baked
beans. Some add black (blood) pudding or white pudding to the plate. Add a pot
of tea to the table and you have a spread worthy of lingering at the table on a
lazy weekend. If you are more inclined to a simpler, but still filling meal to
jumpstart the day, traditional English porridge will hit the spot. Devilled
kidneys on toast were once the breakfast food of choice. Brunches often include
kedgeree, a curried rice, haddock, and egg concoction.

         If you can think about lunch after that filling breakfast, you might
try a traditional sandwich like roast beef and horseradish or egg and
watercress. Cornish pasties are pastries filled with savoury meat and potatoes
are crimped closed and cooked to make them portable pies, perfect for a picnic
lunch. Fish and chips are also a traditional take-away English food. Grab some
from a fish and chips stand and keep on going, or sit back and relax while you
enjoy this deliciously fried treat. Hang out at a pub for steak and ale pie,
Ploughman’s, or smoked salmon.

         Afternoon tea is perhaps the most famous eating tradition in England. People around the world associate the nation with this repast. It starts with
crustless, dainty sandwiches, moves to cakes and scones, and is rounded off by
petit fours. All along the way you drink delicious English teas. English food
for afternoon tea is rich and indulgent, even though it was originally invented
as an afternoon pick-me-up. No matter the time of day, traditional English
delights can please your palate.

Unit 6

A Brief
Introduction to British food.

Прочитайте и переведите текст.


In many European countries it is normal to
have a long break in the middle of the day when all members of the family
return to their houses to eat together. This is not very common in Britain because normally it is a long way from the place of work or school to the home.
Consequently the British people tend to have a big breakfast before they go to
work and the meal at midday is not spent with the members of the family but
with workmates or schoolmates. Lunch is normally eaten between 12.30 pm and
1.30pm. Most people finish work at five thirty. It often takes at least an hour
to get home from the school or workplace so people tend to eat their evening
meal or «dinner» between 6.30pm and 8pm.

On Sundays people don’t have to work so
they take the opportunity eat together with their family. Sunday lunch is
usually the best meal of the week and many of the meals which are considered
typically British are eaten for Sunday lunch.
For example, roast beef and yorkshire pudding.

This is a typical British
family eating together on Sunday
After lunch the father will smoke his pipe and read the newspaper sitting on
his favourite armchair 
while his wife washes the dishes. The children will play traditional English
games such
as hopscotch, skipping or doctors and nurses.

Although everyone in Britain understands that «breakfast» is the first meal of the day. There is a lot
of confusion about the words for other meals such as «dinner, lunch, tea, high tea ,
elevenses, brunch, supper» and
if you ask a British person what these words mean, most of them will give you a
different answer according to what part of the country they are from or from
what social class they are from. Another example of this is the pronunciation
of the word «scones» ( a type of cake eaten with Devonshire clotted
cream, strawberry jam and cups of tea, known as a «cream tea»)


Generally speaking the British breakfast
is much bigger than in most other countries. Many people like to have a fried
breakfast which can consist of fried bacon and eggs with fried bread and
possibly fried tomatoes or black pudding. Of course not everybody wants to eat
a lot early in the morning and many people prefer to just eat toast and
marmalade with tea or coffee. Cereals are also very popular. The most common is
cornflakes. They are made with different grains such as corn, wheat, oats etc.
If you go to a Britsh supermarket you will see that there are many types of
cereals available. In Scotland many people eat «porridge» or boiled
oats. Porridge is very heavy but in the winter it will keep you warm on your
way to school.


If you go to Britain to study English and
you stay with a family you will almost certainly be given a «packed
lunch» to eat for your midday meal. Some factories and schools have
canteens where you can eat but the packed lunch is the most common thing to
eat. A packed lunch normally consist of some sandwiches, a packet of crisps, an
apple and a can of something to drink, for example, coca-cola. The contents are
kept in a plastic container and you take it with you when you go to school or
work. The quality of the packed lunch can vary from terrible to very good, it
all depends on who makes it.


Things are changing and most British
people eat meals from many different countries for example spagetti or curry.
In fact you could even say that the British don’t eat much British food.
However the most typical thing to eat for dinner is «meat and two
veg». This consists of a piece of meat accompanied by two different boiled
vegetables. This is covered with «gravy» which is a sauce made with
the juice that was obtained when the meat was cooked. One of the vegetables is
almost always potatoes. The British eat a lot of potatoes.


овсянка, кукурузные хлопья 
to prepare
to consist

to tend – иметь тенденцию, склонность

according to – в соответствии с

fried – жареный

possibly – возможно

strawberry – клубника

cornflakes – кукурузные хлопья

available – всевозможные

canteens – столовые




to depend – зависеть от

curry – блюдо, приправленное карри

accompanied – сопровождаемый

gravy – соус, подливка мясная

obtained – полученный

2. ответьте письменно на вопросы.

1. How many meals a day do English people have? 
2. What did they use to eat for breakfast? 
3. What do they usually eat nowadays? 
4. Is lunch a large meal? 
5. Where do English people eat lunch? 
6. What dishes are served for dinner? 
7. What is the most important meal of the week? 
8. Is British afternoon tea still popular? 

3. Прочитайте информацию, переведите, и сделайте заметки в

Glossary of typical English food.

Baked Beans

Baked beans are beans cooked in a tomato
sauce. They come in cans and are normally eaten on toast. The British are very
fond of baked beans.

Bangers and Mash. This is mashed potatoes with

Black Pudding. A thick sausage made with blood
and fat.

Yorkshire pudding. A batter made with flour, eggs
and milk and cooked in the oven. This is most often eaten with roast beef for
Sunday lunch. (Batter is the same mixture that is used to make pancakes)

A Ploughman’s Lunch. This is a very popular thing
to eat if you go to eat in a «pub» at midday. It normally consists of
a bread roll with a piece of cheese and a pickled onion. By the way there are
many very good pickles that you can buy at the supermarket for example
«branston pickle». Branston Pickle is not sold in any other countries
but it is the perfect companion to cheese. (I always buy a jar when I go to England) British cheeses are very good. The most famous is Cheddar. Most of the cheeses are
named after the region from where they come from eg. Red Leicester, Cheshire
etc. There is a very good British blue cheese called Stilton although it can be
rather expensive.

Haggis. This is only normally eaten in Scotland. It is sheep’s intestine stuffed with meat and vegetables.

The Fish and Chip shop. You will almost certainly go to
a fish and chip shop when you visit Britain. It is a shop which cooks fried
potatoes called chips. They are usually accompanied by fish, pies, mushy peas,
etc. The chips used to be wrapped in newspaper but now white paper is used.
They often ask if you want salt and vinegar to be sprinkled over your chips. Be
careful because sometimes they give you too much!

Pie. A pie is some food surrounded by pastry
(pastry is a mixture of flour and butter). It is normally baked in the oven.
The content of the pie can be sweet or savory. Typical examples of pies are
«steak and kidney pie» or «apple pie». There are variations
of the pie such as Cornish pasties. Pasties were originally invented so that
working men could take their food to work with them. Someone told me that
miners in the Cornish tin mines invented the Cornish pasties. I suppose that if
you work in a mine it is too much trouble to come to the surface to have lunch.

Bread and Butter. When the British eat bread
they almost always cover it with butter or margarine. It is very common to see
a plate of bread and butter on table when you eat. You can use it to soak up the
gravy or juices left on your plate.

British Bread. British bread is very good and
if you go to the baker there are many different types of bread to choose from.
However, although the bread is very good, the most popular type of bread in Britain
is sliced white bread. This is sold in plastic packets and is not half as good
as the bread which you must cut yourself.

Baked beansтушёная фасоль

Unit 7

Russian cuisine

Прочитайте и переведите текст, используя слова после текста.

There have always been two
types of Russian cuisine — on the one hand, the aristocratic, rich style, and on
the other hand – a peasant, simple, everyday style. Russian people loved chicken
(turkey emerged at the beginning of the 17th century). Veal was not eaten. Russian
kitchens only boiled, steamed or simmered food. Food was never heated in fat (butter).

During the times of the Rus,
many different kinds of bread, cakes and pirogs were baked and filled with
things which were in the house, farm, garden, field, or forest: chicken,
vegetables, peas and beans, fruit, berries or mushrooms. The rivers were full of
fish, so

Pirogs filled with all types of fish were
very common. Chicken pirogs were eaten on public holidays. Meat was eaten boiled
and on special occasions at the end of the meal like blessed food. There was no
shortage of soup, especially vegetable soup: borsch, stchi – a soup made from marinated
cabbage. Other, favourite was the famous Russian kasha. So there is a Russian saying
: “ Stchi and kasha is all we ever get to eat»

The cuisine of the aristocracy
preferred the blinse cakes (pancakes) or towers, which were invented by Russian
gourmands and comprised blinses of all manner — of different fillings piled up
on top of each other. In the times of Catherine 11 it became fashionable to
serve French and Russian meals at receptions, followed by delicious desserts
and exotic fruits. The evening meal at the tsarist court comprised 80 courses
for each person. There were hot broths, marinated chicken, rabbit, tortoise,
sausages, pirogues, salads, oysters, bitter oranges, pastry, blinses, sweets.

It is of upmost importance for the
Russian hospitality to set a rich table. Blinses are still very popular both by
themselves or filled with meat, fish, caviar, and sour cream. Originally, they
symbolized the sun.

These traditions still exist. They
have survived – at family dinners, friendly parties at the

kitchen, even in the kitchens of the communal
apartments food , where every housewife, and sometimes houseman cooked his or
her own special dish. To this very day, the greatest praise which can be said
to a cook is that it “tastes as if it were homemade”.      And foreigners can’t
believe their eyes: “What? You can do all that at home?”


cuisine  — кухня


veal говядина

fill – наполнять, начинать

pea – горох

berry – ягода

mushrooms – грибы

blessed food – благословенная еда

delicious – вкусный

exist – существовать

2. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

1. What were the two types of
Russian cuisine?

2.  How did the Russian cooked
the food?

3. Veal wasn’t eaten, was it?

4. Was food heated in fat (butter)?

5. What did Russian people use
to fill cakes, blinses, pirogs?

6. What soups did Russian people

7. What did the cuisine of Russian
aristocracy Tasty treat prefer?

8. What dishes were served at the
tsarist receptions?

9. It’s a Russian tradition to
set a rich table, isn’t it?

10. What Russian dishes are
still popular?

11. What did Russian blinses

12. What is the greatest praise
which can be said to a Russian cook?

3. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Составьте план для
пересказа текста.

Russian Cuisine

Russian cuisine is rich and
varied. In Russia there is a large variety of milk products: a sort of dry,
granulated cream cheese called «tvorog», thick sour cream called
«smetana», and several types of sour milk products of the yoghourt
type. Smetana can be used with almost anything: a dollop of it in the soup, a
spoonful eaten with meat dish, or strawberries and apples sliced up small and
eaten mixed with smetana. It is also used on pancakes. Smetana is an almost
universal flavouring sauce, or if you like, it can be drunk by the glassful
with or without sugar. Smetana is made from cream. It contains 2,5% of protein,
20 — 40% of fats, lactic acid. One hundred grams contain 203 kilo-calory.

Kefir is a pleasant, useful beverage made
from cow’s milk, yeast and lactic acid bacteria. It’s a dietary product. Ryazhenka
is a sour milk product made from baked milk, very pleasant to taste.

There is a big choice of
appetizers, soups, hot and dessert dishes. You can recommend your guests soft,
pressed and red caviar. Its vitamin content is especially high. Then, of
course, salmon, hot and cold smoked sturgeon, pikeperch in aspic or stuffed,
herring, red herring, Baltic salt-sprats; fried, smoked, marinated smelt and
the like.

As for cold meat dishes our
guests can taste ham, lean cold boiled pork with spices (buzhenina), jellied
tongue, meat jelly and horse-radish sauce and various salads beginning with
salad «Stolychnii» up to Russian salad. For a change you can taste
frozen apples. They are delicious. Russian blini with caviar and mushrooms in
thick sour cream

sauce are popular hot appetizers.

How about soups? There are
plenty of them. Fresh cabbage meat shchee, shchee «Petrovskie» (cooked
from soodak fish and fresh cabbage), Moscow borshch, kidney and cucumber soup
(rassolnik), meat and fish sawlyanka, ookha (special fisherman’s soup),
mushroom soup and soups in season — okroshka and cold beetroot soup are very
popular with our guests. For the hot dish guests can order pike-perch in white
wine or fried, sturgeon of all kind — boiled, steamed or on a spit, fried
burbot or carp in thick sour-cream sauce or meat dishes to their taste:
beef-Stroganoff and mashed potatoes,

roast veal, special pot-roast stuffed
cabbage-rolls (golubtsy), Siberian pelmeni, suckling with buckwheat
«kasha», stewed rabbit and hare and so on. Now a few words about
buckwheat «kasha» which may be eaten with meat like potatoes as well
as a cereal with butter or milk. It’s very popular in our country because it’s
a very useful product.

It’s recommended for stout people, for
people suffering from diabetes. Buckwheat kasha purifies our organism and makes
us stronger.

There is a large variety of
poultry and game dishes: roast chicken, roast duck and goose stuffed with
apples and sauerkraut, roast partridge, hazel-grouse, wood-grouse, wood-cock,
black-cock, pheasant and quail. They are juicy and tender dishes.

How about dessert? For dessert
you can have baked apples, fruit and berry kissels (made from fruit or berry
juice and potato flour), compot (made from dried stewed fruit mixed), dessert
fruits: aromatic melons from Middle Asia, watermelons from the Volga, juicy
grapes, pears, apricots, peaches, tangerines, oranges. And at last Goorievskaya
kasha. This dessert dish was made in honour of the victory over Napoleon in the
war of 1812. Taste it!

These dishes are served at the
Russian restaurants «Sadko», «Troyka», «Okolitsa»
and at many other fashionable restaurants in our city.

Russian cuisine is famous for
its Russian pies which were baked in Russia in good old times and remain
popular nowadays. They are: kulebiaka (a Russian pie with meat or cabbage
filling), rastegay (a pie with special fish filling), open curd tarts (vatrushJa),
honey-cakes, twists of bread (krendeli), boubliki (thick ring-shaped rolls),
baranki (ring-shaped rolls), sooshki (small ring-shaped crackers), Russian
Easter cakes and various fancy-cakes.

As for drinks we should
recommend fruit and berry beverages: morse, kvas and zbiten (an old Russian
beverage made from kvas, cognac or vodka, honey, tea and spices). Welcome to
our restaurants!


granulated раздробленный, превращенный в зерно

dollop большая доза, большой кусок

flavouring [fleivəriŋ]
ароматный, приятный на вкус

to contain
ən’tein] содержать

ənt] содержание, содержимое (веществ в продукте)

[prouti:n] белок

lactic acid
молочная кислота

bacterium [bak’tiəriəm] (pl.
bacteria) бактерия

sour milk


and the like
и тому подобное

frozen apples
мочёные яблоки

burbot [‘bə:bət] налим

special pot roast фирменное жаркое в горшочке

stuffed cabbage-rolls голубцы

suckling (-pig)

buckwheat «kasha» [kα:∫ə] гречневая каша


hare заяц

as well as
так же, как и

to suffer (from) страдать, болеть

diabetes диабет

to purify [pjuri’fai] очищать

partridge куропатка

hazel-grouse [heizlgraus] рябчик

wood-grouse тетеревглухарь

wood-cock вальдшнеп

black-cock глухарь

pheasant [feznt] фазан

quail перепел

baked apples печеные яблоки

Goorievskaya kasha гурьевская каша

honour [‘onə] честь;

in honour в

nowadays в
наши дни


4. Поставьте следующие предложения в
вопросительную форму. Переведите

 1. Thick sour cream is a
universal flavouring sauce.

 2. Kefir is a dietary product.

 3. There is a big choice of
Russian appetizers.

 4. Russian soups are very
popular with our guests.

 5. Real Russian meat, fish and
poultry dishes are very good.

 6. Zbiten is an old Russian

 7. Thick sour cream is made
from cream.

 8. Ryazhenka is made from
baked milk.

 9. Much fish was sold in our market-place

 10. Juicy pears and melons were
served for dessert.

 11. Much food will be eaten on
the holidays.

 12. These beverages will be
made from berries and sugar.

5. Прочитайте текст, составьте план пересказа.

Russian Food and Cuisine.

Every country in the world has its own cuisine.

We have certain
associations when we speak about French, Italian or Mexican cuisine.

They all have
something characteristic about themselves. What associations do have when we
speak about Russian food and Russian cuisine. One can state that Russian food
is what Russian people usually eat. However, considering how large a country Russia
is and how many cultures there are in Russia, it is difficult to say that
Russians in Moscow and in a small village have the same meals. Life in cities
is quick-paced, city dwellers are always rushing somewhere. That’s why the fast
food is becoming more and more popular in cities.

Yet, traditional Russian food is much tastier and
healthier that the fast food.

To understand our
national cuisine, one should remember that Russia is a northern country in the
most part and that our winters are rather long and sometimes very cold.

That means that
the food should be such as to give us enough energy.

Among most popular
components of Russian dishes are: potato, eggs, butter, bread, and meat. Very
popular are milk products like sour cream, and curds; as well as fresh fruit
and vegetables. Russian cuisine enjoys quite a number of authentic national
dishes for every part of a meal, be it appetizers, soups, main courses,
desserts, or beverages.

Appetizers are
usually served before main courses.

We often start our meals with various salads.

I would say that
medley (vinegret) is probably loved by everybody in Russia.

To cook medley, we
mix boiled potato, carrot, and beet as well as salted cucumbers chopped in more
or less equal cube-like pieces and add oil.

For many festive
occasions, we cook so called “seledka pod shuboi”, or herring under coat. To
make it, one has to boil potato, carrot, and beet; then grate all these
ingredients and place them on a plate in layers covering a layer of chopped
herring and finally dress it with mayonnaise. This salad is an extremely
popular New Year dish.

There is probably
no family in Russia not including this salad into its New Year or birthday

Let’s now turn to the Russian soups, which are an
essential part of afternoon meals.

The classical
Russian soup is borsch, or red-beet soup made of beet, meat, potato, and mostly
served with sour cream, although some might prefer mayonnaise.

characteristic of Russian cuisine is okroshka, or cold soup made of cold kvass
with different vegetables, chopped boiled eggs and spices.

Among other kinds
of soup I would like to mention ukha, or fish-soup, mushroom soup, chicken
soup. After soups come main courses as a rule.

Main courses are
eaten at afternoon and evening meals. Usually they include meat and/or
vegetables with garnishes. For the meat part, we can have cutlets or chops,
fried fish or sausages. For garnishes, we might have potato or kashas, of which
there are many kinds to choose from: buckwheat, rice and other. Very often
pelmeny, or ravioli are mentioned among Russia-originated dishes. Strictly
speaking, it is not. Yet, these small squares of pasta containing minced meat
and spices are very popular in Russia.

Although you can
find dozens of pelmeny brands in the shops, we prefer legendary home-made
pelmeny. Sometimes, instead of meat we use potato or curds and call this
pelmeny-like dish vareniks.

After all these tasty things, it’s time for Russian
desserts. Pancakes are always welcome as a dessert and are usually served with
jam, honey or sour cream.

Pastries with
berries, apples, and other fruit are also part of Russian food tradition.

Among traditional
Russian beverages, to my mind, mors, kissel and kvass are most typical. Kissel
is made of sweetened fruit puree and mors, which is a kind of berry drink, is
made of cranberries, black-currants, or other berries. Kvass is an original
Russian beverage made of stale bread and is probably most popular among
traditional beverages.


National food

1. Прочитайте
и переведите текст.

Ukrainian Cuisine

If you happen to come to Ukraine
you should taste a real Ukrainian borshch. It is sour-sweet, aromatic, tasty
and nourishing. It is served with local fancy-dumplings called pampoushki and
ga- loushki. The main thing in cooking borshch is in the following: you should
put vegetables in a definite order. And secondly. Borshch will be tastier if
beetroot is stewed, carrots and onions — fried. The word «borshch» originates
from old-slavonik «borshch» — beetroot which is the main ingredient
of this dish. Now borshch is cooked in all regions of our country with local
variants. Don’t fail to taste chicken cutlets Kiev style and Ukrainian vareniki
(cottage cheese or cherry dumplings). A great variety of local buns, cakes and
dishes of all kind are recommended to the guests in Ukraine.


nourishing [‘nΛri∫iŋ] питательный, сытный

local [‘loukl] местный

dumplings клецки, вареники, пампушки, галушки

to originate происходить

потерпеть неудачу, не суметь
что-л. сделать;

don’t fail to taste… не забудьте попробовать…, непременно попробуйте…

ingredient [in’gri:diənt] составная часть, ингредиент

region край, область


Прочитайте и переведите текст. Ответьте
на вопросы.

British Cuisine

Some people criticize English
food. They say it’s unimaginable, boring, tasteless, it’s chips with everything
and totally overcooked vegetables. The basic ingredients, when fresh, are so
full of flavour that British haven’t had to invent sauces to disguise their

natural taste. What can compare with fresh
pees or new potatoes just boiled and served with butter? Why drown spring lamb
in wine or cream and spices, when with just one or two herbs it is absolutely
delicious? If you ask foreigners to name some typically English dishes, they
will probably say «Fish and chips» then stop. It is disappointing, but
true that, there is no tradition in England of eating in restaurants, because
the food doesn’t lend itself to such preparation. English cooking is found at
home. So it is difficult to find a good English restaurant with a reasonable
prices. In most cities in Britain you’ll find Indian, Chinese, French and
Italian restaurants. In London you’ll also find Indonesian, Mexican, Greek…
Cynics will say that this is because English have no «cuisine»
themselves, but this is not quite the true.


to criticizeкритиковать



ингредиент, составная часть

to inventизобретать

sauces соус

to disguiseскрыть

специя, пряность

herb — трава

очень вкусный

disappointing обидно

to lendодалживать


1. What do foreigners say when they criticize English food?

2. Do English people use a lot of sauces?

3. From a foreigner’s point of view, what
are typically English dishes?

4. Do all English eat in restaurants?

5. What kind of restaurants can you find in

6. Is it the true that English have no

Прочитайте и переведите текст. Выпишите главные мысли из текста.

Caucasian Cuisine

Caucasian cuisine is rich in
various appetizers, soups, hot and cold dishes. A great variety of green
vegetables is used in making appetizers. They are: egg-plants, tomatoes,
string-beans, cabbage, sauerkraut, cauliflower, beets, potatoes, garlic, brown
onions, spinach and also greens, spices, mushrooms, eggs and walnuts. The
latter are used in making sauces to dishes of all kind. What appetizers can
guests taste? Here are some of them.

1) Egg-plants stuffed with wal nuts, garlic,
brown.onion, cut small kinza, celery, parsley, dried cinnamon, clove, winy
vinegar, cayenne, salt.

2) Baked egg-plants with walnuts and pomegranate.

3) Fried egg-plants and tomato sauce.

4) Salted egg-plants and walnuts.

5) Grilled mushrooms and walnut sauce.

6) Stewed tomatoes and walnuts.

7) String-bean salad.

8) Spinach, garlic and thick sour-cream etc.

There are soups to any taste but most popular are
spicy soup khartcho, tender chihirtma and thick chanahy.

As for meat dishes you can taste meat-boiled, roast,
stewed, grilled and on a spit. For example:

1) boiled beef in tomato sauce with greens;

2) roast beef and string-beans with greens;

3) beef fillet stewed in walnut and tomato sauce;

4) pork fillet stewed with quince;

5) boiled mutton in garlic sauce;

6) liver in pomegranate sauce;

7) pilaf.

Meat on a spit shashlyk is served everywhere in Georgia.
It is suckling, lamb, beef, chicken and even kidneys.

The poultry dishes are also very popular in Caucasian

1) oiled chicken in garlic sauce;

2) roast or boiled chicken in walnut sauce (bazha).

The sauce is made from minced walnuts, garlic, cut

small kinza, salt and vinegar. The chicken is roasted
or boiled, then cut in pieces, put on a dish and poured with this sauce.

3) chakhohbily of chicken;

4) chicken «Tabaka»;

5) satsivy of poultry.

How about fish and fish dishes? The guests can taste:

1) fried fish in tomato sauce;

2) boiled fish in garlic sauce;

3) satsivy of fish.

There are many egg-dishes:

1) cheese-sulguny and eggs;

2) tomatoes and eggs;

3) string-beans and eggs;

4) walnuts, pomegranate and eggs and some others.

Let us add a few words about
baked items. We all know kha- chapouri — pies with cheese and egg filling. But
not everybody knows that khachapouri can be baked with potatoes, kidney-beans
or top beets. Then go pies with raisins and walnuts, honey pies and sweet,
delicious gozinaky (shelled chopped walnuts boiling with honey). Gozinaky is a
traditional New-Year dish. For tea you can have a great variety of jams:
apricot, sweet cherries, water-melon, fig, quince and even green tomato jams.


Caucasian [ko:’keiziən] кавказский

string-bean фасоль

spinach шпинат

walnut [wo:lnat] грецкий орех

the latter последний (из перечисленных)


chihirtma чихиртма


quince айва

pilaf [pilafl (pilau, pilaw [pi’lau]) пилав, плов

top beets
ботва свеклы


fig инжир,
винная ягода

to pour
[рo:] лить, поливать



khachapouri хачапури

тропическая американская фасоль

Объясните значение пословиц:

1. The glutton digs his grave with his teeth.

2. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

3. You can’t eat a cake and have it.

4. The appetite comes with eating.

5. Man does not live by bread alone.

6. Too many cooks spoil the broth.

7. First catch your hare then cook him.

8. You cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs.

9. Enough is as good as a feast.

10. Hunger is the best sauce.

11. Dog does not eat dog.

Прочитайте, переведите и прокомментируйте цитаты.

‘Tell me what you eat and I will tell you who you

Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

‘Man is the only animal that can remain on friendly
terms with the victims he intends to eat until he eats them.’

Samuel Butler

‘A gourmet is just a glutton with brains.’

Philip W. Haberman Jr.

‘Where the guests at a gathering are well-acquainted,
they eat 20 percent more than they otherwise would.’

Edgar Watson Hawe

‘The whole of nature, as has been said, is a
conjugation of the verb to eat in the active and passive.’      

William Ralph Inge

Unit 9

Meals and cooking.

Прочитайте текст. Выпишите из текста все выделенные слова и словосочетания. Переведите

Living in Russia one cannot but stick to a Russian
diet. Keeping this diet
for an Englishman is fatal. The Russians have
four times a day and their cuisine is quite intricate.

Every person starts his or her day with breakfast.
Poor English­men are sentenced to either a continental or an English
From the Russian point of view, when one has it continental it
ac­tually means that one has no breakfast at all, because it means drinking
a cup of coffee
and eating a bun. A month of continental breakfasts
for some Russians would mean starving. The English breakfast is a bit
better, as it consists of one or two fried eggs, grilled sausages, bacon,
and mushrooms. The English have tea with milk and
toast with butter and marmalade.
As a choice one may have corn flakes
with milk and sugar
or porridge.

In Russia people may have anything for
Some good-humoured individuals even prefer soup, but, of course,
and coffee are very popular. One can easily understand that
in Great Britain by one o’clock people are very much ready for lunch.
Lunch is the biggest meal of the day. That would be music for a Russian’s ears
until he or she learns what lunch really consists of. It may be a meat or
fish course
with soft drinks followed by a sweet course.

         The heart of
a Russian person fills with joy when the hands of the clock approach three
o’clock. His or her dinner includes three courses. A Russian will have a
starter (salad, herring, cheese,
etc.), soup, steaks, chops, or fish
with garnish, a lot of bread, of course, and
something to drink.
The more the better. At four or five the Russians may
have a bite: waffles, cakes
with juice, tea, cocoa, or something of
the kind.

In Great Britain they have dinner at five or six.
may be served then, but one should not be misled by the word
«soup». British soup is just thin paste and a portion
is three times smaller than in Russia. A lot of British prefer to eat out.
«Fish and Chips»
shops are very popular with their take-away
The more sophisticated public goes to Chinese, Italian, seafood
or other restaurants and ex­periments with shrimp, inedible vegetables
and hot drinks.

Supper in Russia means one more big meal at seven. The table groans with
again. In England it is just a small snack — a glass of milk
with biscuits at ten.

Most Russians have never counted calories and
they are deeply convinced that their food is healthy. Some housewives
may admit that it takes some time to prepare all the stuff, including pickles,
home-made preserves
and traditional Russian pies and pancakes. But
they don’t seem to mind too much and boil, fry, roast, grill, broil, bake
and make. Paraphrasing a famous proverb one can say:

‘What is
a Russian man’s meat is a British man’s poison’*.

* What is one man’s meat is another man’s poison — Что
русскому хорошо, то немцусмерть (поcл.).

2. Отработайте произношение следующих слов.

To cement, outsider, mourning, unduly, to stroll,
luncheon, rusk, hostess, embarrassed, to inquire, roll, to plaster, miracu­lously,
lamb, cutlet, spinach, stewed, pear, resourceful, pow­dered, macaroni, to
sizzle, delicious, chef, succulent, bur­gundy, champagne, to persevere, to
pour, pathetic, glutton­ously, to devour, voluptuously, solemn, ecstatic,
fervour, lousy, meringue.

3.Прочитайте и переведите слова и словосочетания.
Составьте с каждым из них по предложению.

To make someone thinner; juicy and delicious; food
making people fat easily; to drink; to cut into two parts; to put some­thing on
one’s plate; to put butter on top; to like sweet things; to use hands when
eating; to eat noisily; to eat fast, swallowing large quantities.

4. Заполните таблицу следующими словами, в
соответствии с их переводом.

swallow, to crunch, to champ, to hog, to munch, to gobble (up), to nibble at
something, to gnaw, to gulp, to chew, to devour, to bolt, to bite.

Пожирать (3)

Глотать (3)

Жевать (3)

Грызть (2)

откусывать (2)

5. Допишите список продуктов питания.

6. Изучите таблицу калорийности продуктов и напишите:

меню для человека,
который хочет сбросить вес;

меню для человека,
который хочет набрать вес.

Прочитайте диалог по ролям.

         Dietary Breakfast

        Waiter to
his guest
: Good morning, Sir! What would you like
for breakfast?

         Guest I’d like
something light.
I’m on a diet.

         W: I see.
First of all, I can
recommend you porridge, a soft-boiled egg, fresh
cheese and middling tea.

         G.: Thank you.
Will you bring
me porridge, one soft-boiled egg, cottage cheese
and mid
dling tea.

         W.: Very good, Sir.

Unit 10

The places where people go to eat

1. Соедините
названия мест для приёма пищи и их значения.

1. snack bar          A.
originally a British public house licen­sed to serve beer and

other alcoholic beverages.
Сustomers get their drinks from the

            counter and either stand there or sit at the tables. Some light  

snacks like pies and sandwiches are served.

2. café/cafeteria     B.
a counter where food and drink may be bought and eaten

        (e.g. in a  on railway sta­tion a train)

3. pizzeria            C. small restaurant mainly
concentrating on cakes, sandwiches,

                         coffee and tea. Choice of food is often very limited.

4. refectory           D.
a place where guests normally come fairly late and stay until the

small hours. Always with dancing and often also with floor shows.

                 Food is some ­ times  available.     


5. buffet                 E. a place where students or
workers have their lunch, usually

                                      connected  with
a school, office or factory.

6. night club            
F. a nice place where meals are served to customers.

7. canteen               G. a modest restaurant where
customers collect their food on trays at

                    counters and carry it to tables. Choice of dishes is based

                      convenience and speed, with food like hamburgers,
sausages and 


8. pub                     
H. a restaurant specializing in pizzas, and other Italian-type food.

9. restaurant             I. a university cafe

Какого типа рестораны вы бы посоветовали следующим людям:

1. A young couple who want food and some entertainment
late at night.

2. A man who wants a meal in a place where he can meet
some local people.

3. Someone wanting a quick, cheap meal.

4. Someone at a railway station.

5. Someone who wants non-English food.

6. A student staying at the university all day.

7. A factory worker at lunch-time.

8. A family who wants to celebrate some special occasion.

Определите основную мысль текста, запишите (5-6 предложений).

To travel through the whole of England
is to realize what a rich and varied country it is. From one county to the next
you could be on a different island, this being particularly true of the East
and West coasts, the North of England and the South. The food from place to
place varies, too. The thick clotted cream of Cornwall and Devonshire does not
travel far from where it was made, any more than the succulent Cumberland
sausage leaves Cumbria. The wildfowl of the Fens do not mingle with the fat Aylesbury
ducklings and Lincolnshire stuffed chine also stays at home. The English are
rightly proud of their heritage and today, amongst the welter of take-always
and fast food places, they are even more determined to keep it alive.
Traditions sometimes connected with food are not lost either.

         The Reverend
Sydney Smith (1771—1845), the witty, food-loving canon of St. Paul’s wrote: ‘I
am convinced that charac­ter, talents, virtues and qualities are powerfully
affected by beef, mutton, pie crust and rich soup.’

4. Прочитайте
и переведите текст, используя слова после текста.

Dinner at a Restaurant

Yesterday was my day out. My friend Nick and I had
dinner at the restaurant.  At   one  
o’clock we   were   at   the   «Metropol».   The
waiter showed  us  in  and  we  took  a  table  by 
the  window.   The
waiter brought us the menu and recommended some
appetizers and dishes.  For  a  snack  we 
had  soft  caviar, jellied  tongue  and  mixed
green  salads.   The   snacks   looked   very appetizing.   Then  
Nick   had
chicken rice soup. I
ordered beef-tea and a meat patty. For the main
course we had fried pike-perch and new potatoes.  Our dinner was delicious.  For a drink we ordered special lemon
beverage and for
dessert pears,
oranges and ice-cream. The waiter served us very well.
We paid the bill, thanked the waiter and left the
restaurant-hall. We
had a hearty meal.
I think the meals at the «Metropol» are very
good. Then
we went to the bar for coffee and cigarettes. Some guests
ordered rich sweets, nuts and cocktails.

to show in провести (в помещение)

appetizer [æpitaizə] закуска Syn. hors-d’oeuvre [o:’də:vr] Fr., snack

jellied tongue [tΛŋ] заливной язык

beef-tea крепкий бульон из говядины

for the main course на второе

for afters на десерт

new potatoes молодой картофель

hearty [:ti]
обильный, здоровый (о пище)

cigarette  [siga’ret]   сигаретапапироса

Have a cigarette! Закуривайте!

nuts  орехи

starter закуска

side-dish гарнир

How much do I owe [ou] you? Сколько с меня? (Сколько я вам

helping порция

squash [skwo∫] (фруктовый) сок

Запишите и выучите новые слова.


salad салат из крабов

salad рыбный салат

vegetable salad овощной салат

Russian salad винегрет

tomato and cucumber salad салат из помидоров и огурцов

mixed green salad салат из свежих

to dress a salad with sour cream or mayonnaise заправить салат сметаной или майонезом

Meat Dishes  (Мясные закуски)

pâtè [:’tei] Fr./pasty [pæsti] Eng. паштет

pork буженина

boiled tongue  отварной язык

meat-jelly and horse-radish sauce мясной студень с хреном

entrecôte [α:ŋtrə’kout] антрекот

beef steak/steak бифштекс

languette [læŋ’gwet] with mashed potatoes лангет с картофельным пюре

shnitzel шницель

quenelles [kə’nelz] кнели

croquette [krou’ket] Fr. крокеты

fillet [‘filit] филе

goulash [gula:∫, ‘gudæ∫] гуляш

cutlet/rissole [‘risoul] котлета (рубленая)

steamed rissoles  паровые котлеты

chop отбивная
котлета (натуральная)

mutton chop (lamb) [læm] баранья отбивная

chop телячья отбивная

chop свиная отбивная


meat balls биточки

kidney pie запеканка из телячьих почек

liver in sour cream sauce печень в сметанном соусе

boiled tongue and green peas отварной язык с зеленым горошком

hotpot тушеное мясо с картофелем в горшочке

hamburger гамбургер (котлета
или рубленый бифштекс в бу

Poultry [poultri]  (Птица)

coldroast chicken холодная жареная курица
или цыпленок

coldroast goose [gus] холодный жареный гусь

coldroast duck холодная жареная утка

roast chicken жареный цыпленок или кура

roast duck and apples жаренная утка с яйцами

goose and sauerkraut жареный гусь с квашеной капустой

roast turkey and mixed vegetables жареная индейка со сложным гарниром

Fish Snacks  (Рыбные закуски)

pressed caviar паюсная икра

caviar красная икра

salmon [sæmən] семга, лосось

Siberian [saibiəriən] salmon кета

white salmon белорыбица

humpback [hΛmpbæk] горбуша

white sturgeon/beluga

spik] заливное

sturgeon in aspic/sturgeon in jelly/jellied sturgeon заливная

stuffed pike фаршированная щука

perch in marinade
mærineid]  окунь под маринадом

pikeperch судак

lampreys [‘læmpriz] in mustard [‘mΛsted] sauce миноги в горчичном coyce

sprats in oil шпроты в масле

sardines in oil сардины в масле

herring and vegetables селедка с овощами

marinaded herring маринованная селедка

marinaded eel маринованный угорь

liver [livə] печень трески

oysters [oistəz] устрицы

crabs крабы

lobsters омары

squids кальмары

fish assorted/assorted fish/fish assorty рыбное ассорти

Greens  (Зелень)

parsley [ pa:sli] петрушка

celery [seliri] сельдерей

dill укроп

Spices  (Пряности)

pepper перец

vinegar [vinigə] уксус

ground pepper молотый перец

spicy [spaisi] ароматный, пикантный

allspice [o:lspais] душистый перец

cinnamon [sinəmən] корица

cayenne [kei’en] красный перец

clove [klouv] гвоздика

rump steak [rΛmpsteik] ромштекс

Unit 11

Visit to the Dietician

Прочитайте диалог по ролям и переведите его.

Visit to Dietician

D r. J о n e s: Good morning, Mrs. Fat. Sit down, please.

Mrs. Fat:    Good morning. Dr. Jones. Do you mind if I sit on the sofa?

D r. J о n e s: No, not at аll. You can take any seat you like. So you
would tike to lose weight, wouldn’t you?

Mrs. Fat:    Exactly. I’ve been overweight all my life and now I think it’s time
I started dieting.

D r. J o n e s: Oh, yes. I see. You know… before I can recom­mend
you a particular diet I must team all about your eating habits. How many meals
a day do you normally have?

Mrs. Fat:    I usually have only three meals a day. I mean breakfast, lunch and
dinner, but unfortunately I very often eat between meals.

D r. J о n e s: What do you have for breakfast?

Mrs. Fat:    A traditional English breakfast. I have a glass of orange juice, a
bowl of cereal and bacon and eggs. And then I drink tea.

D r. J о n e s: Do you take milk in your tea?

Mrs. Fat:    I normally drink tea with cream, though I realize that I should
have it with skimmed milk.

D r. J о n e s: And what about lunch?

Mrs. Fat:    Well, that depends. On some days I just have a couple of sandwiches
for lunch, but sometimes I also have a bowl of soup and cakes or pies to

Dr. Jones: What do you have for dinner and when do you have it?

Mrs. Fat:    I normally have dinner at 8 p.m. I know it’s a bit too late, it
just happens so. What do I have? You know, I like to have a very substantial
din­ner — a starter, like a salad or assorted meat, followed by a main course
such as beefsteak or fish and chips and then dessert and tea or coffee.

D r. J о n e s: What do you have for dessert as a rule?

Mrs. Fat:    Ice-cream or cakes, or both.

D r. J о n e s: And what do you eat between meals?

Mrs. Fat:    Peanuts, chocolate, popcorn, crisps and stuff. Sometimes I just
like to nibble candies.

D r. J о n e s: In fact, many people do the same and yet they have no
problems with excess weight. Let me see… Do you fry one or two eggs with your
ba­con in the morning?

Mrs. Fat:    I actually take eight eggs, but I share my break­fast with my
toy-poodle dog.

D r. J о n e s: I see. Here is my prescription: Don’t change your
diet. Change your dog. Replace it with a Labrador. Or keep both dogs and share
all your meals with them. And here is the telephone number of a vet, who is a
very good dog dietician, just in case your dogs might need a cor­rection of
their diet.

2. Объясните значения следующих слов.

food, meal, dish, course, overweight, diet, breakfast,
lunch, dinner, supper, snack.

3. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Я завтракаю в восемь часов утра.

2. За завтраком я обычно съедаю бутерброд и выпиваю чашку чая.

3. Мой брат всегда ест яичницу с ветчиной на завтрак.

4. Что ты ешь в обед на второе?

5. Какой десерт нравится твоей маме?

6. Я никогда не перекусываю между завтраком, обедом и ужином.

7. Вы хотели бы похудеть?

8. У тебя нет лишнего веса и тебе не надо садиться на диету.

9. Я терпеть не могу рыбу с картошкой.

10. Мой друг постоянно ест жареный арахис или соленую воздушную
кукурузу. Меня это раздражает.

11. — Что такое традиционный английский завтрак? — По-моему, это стакан
сока, кукурузные хлопья с молоком, яичница с ветчиной и чай.

12. Я люблю плотно поесть в обед — закуску, суп, второе, десерт и
выпить чашечку крепкого кофе.

     4.   Что
бы вы хотели заказать на завтрак

   Образец: I’d like
to have …

yoghurt semolina

(kasha) rice cereal porridge
tea, coffee




cottage cheese



eggs                                                                                                                bacon and
pie, patty, fancy-cake jam,                                                                                     

Unit 12


1. Прочитайте список напитков и переведите.
Распределите эти слова в две колонки:

полезные напитки

вредные напитки

Orange juice, milk, skimmed milk, tea,
coffee, beer, brandy, cognac, Scotch whisky, Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, apple
juice, tomato juice, pineapple juice, gin, rum, vodka, champagne, port, dry
sherry, sweet sherry, vermouth, ale, lager.

2. Запишите новые слова, отработайте их произношение.

Strong (Hard)
Drinks  (
Крепкие напитки)

alcoholics [,ælkə’holiks]  алкогольные

vodka водка

Armenian [a:’mi:njən] армянский

Georgian грузинский

Moldavian [məldæviən] молдавский

Cognac «Five Stars» коньяк «Пять звездочек»

«Three Stars»
коньяк «Три звездочки»

«O.C» (very  old)
коньяк (очень старый)

«K.C.» (old)
коньяк (старый)

[‘æ∫beri] in Cognac
рябина на коньяке (рябиновая настойка)

brandy брэнди, коньяк

fruit brandy настойка (общее

cherry brandy вишневая настойка

rum ром

gin джин

whisky [wiski] виски

liqueur [likjuə] ликер

fruit liqueur наливка (алкогольная)
Syn. ratafia [rætə’fiə], ratafee [rætə’fi]

вишневая наливка

наливка сливянка

Ratafia of Cranberries  наливка  клюквенная

fruit cordial [ko:diəl] наливка безалкогольная

Aperitive Wine

Dubonnet Дюбоне

Cinzano Чинзано

Butón Бутон

Martini [ma:’tini] Мартини

Aperol Апероль

some kinds of dry vermouth некоторые виды сухого

medium sherry [‘mi:diəmeri] средний херес

dry Madeira сухое вино мадера

old/vintage выдержанное (вино)

labelled [leibəld] wine марочное вино

Grape Wine

a)  Table dry wine    (Столовые сухие вина)

dry white wine белые сухие столовые вина

«Tsinandali»  Georgian No 1  «Цинандали»
грузинское № 1

GurdgiaaniGeorgian No 3 «Гурджаани»
грузинское №

Riesling «Abrau» рислинг «Абрау»

dry red wine  вина сухие столовые красные

Georgian No 2  «
Телиани» грузинское № 2

Georgian No 4

«Мукузани» грузинское № 4

half-sweet полусладкое

«Alazanskaya Valley»  «Алазанская долина»

b)  Strong grape wine   (Крепленые виноградные вина)

Madeira [mə’diərə] мадера

sherry [∫eri] херес

vermouth [və:məθ] вермут

cahors кагор

portwine портвейн

с) Sweet
dessert wine

Muskat [mΛskət] мускат

Varna Варна

Tokai [toukei] токай

Champagne [∫æm’pein] шампанское

sweet сладкое

semi/demi/half sweet полусладкое

dry сухое


sparkling игристое

Alcoholic Drinks
(Слабые алкогольные напитки)

beer [biə] пиво

light beer светлое пиво

dark beer темное пиво

medovukha медовуха

zbiten сбитень

Drinks  (Non-Alcoholic)
(Безалкогольные напитки)

squash фруктовый напиток

orange squash апельсиновый напиток

orangeade оранжад

lemonadelemə’neid] лимонад

sodawater [soudəwo:tə]
содовая вода

mineral [‘minərəl] water минеральная вода

Pepsicola пепси-кола

3. Прочитайте и переведите предложения.


The attitude to alcohol is ambivalent. On
the one hand-it’s accepted and welcomed as an integral part of the  British
culture. On the other hand, the puritan tradition has led to the widespread
view that drinking is smth potentially dangerous which should be restricted.

Pubs (public house): The nearest pub is commonly referred
as ‘local” & people who go there often know as “regular”. Notable aspect is
appeal to the idea of tradition. The most has the old name with old-fashion,
rural associations, such as: The Sheep Shear es, The Duke of Cambridge,)

People can’t be served in pubs until 18.
The pub should have a special children’s certificate allowing children inside
on until they are 14.

All pubs is looked old, have very small
windows helping pubs fell homely.

In order to not proper for people to be
seen drinking just few pubs have tables outside. Instead many have a garden at
the back.

Nearly all pubs are owned by a brewery.The
landlord is simply employed by brewery as its manager.

The few pubs are privately owned proudly advertise
themselves as “free houses”. As result they have the wider line of beers.

The notable aspect – the pubs there are no
waiter services. You should fetch your drink yourself in the bar.

The pubs still have to close at their
advertised closing time. The tradition of “closing time” have remained in

4. Прочитайте и перевдите текст, запишите виды баров.

Salad-Bars are equipped with a
special counter with an open re
frigerating vegetable show.

There are: cut lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes,
onions, olives, hard-boiled eggs, boiled potatoes, carrots, beetroot, brown
onions, dill, .parsley, celery, cabbage, sauerkraut and also
meat, fish, sausage, cheese, cottage cheese and so on. In sepa
rate dishes
there are: butter, sour cream, mayonnaise, oil, vinegar, mustard, salt, pepper,
granulated sugar, horse-radish sauce. Each vis
itor puts vegetables,
meat, fish or both, dressings and sauces in his
salad-dish to his own
taste. These bars represent one of the variants
of «Swedish

Fruit-Bars. It’s a new type of bar in our social
catering. There
are many juices, up to fifteen, electric mixer for milk
cocktails, elec
tric coffee-pot, samovar. Customers may have tea, coffee,
cakes, pies etc.

Milk-Bars. Great attention should be paid to
milk-bars. They can
recommend a wide choice of milk products and beverages.
tomers can taste milk noodles home style, noodle pudding stuffed with
apples, Russian blini with butter or thick sour cream, pies, curd
cheese sticks, butter, cheese and sausage, sandwiches, milk and cream shakes.
Many dishes are made in the presence of cus
tomers. Milk-bars
will be built close to big dairy shops.

Express-Bars are arranged at the railway stations, hotels,
in the
shopping centers. Their aim is to serve the customers as quick as possible.
The assortment is the following: sandwiches, baking items,
milk products.

Snack-Bars are intended for quick service of
customers at the
counter. The assortment is minced or plain beefsteak,
entrecote, roast
chicken, duck or goose, cooling beverages, juices,
cocktails, coffee.

Beer-Bars sell bottled and unbottled beer,
mineral and fruit wa­
ter. There are no strong drinks on sale.
Cheese, salted, smoked,
dried fish, chipped potatoes, biscuits, small
dried rings (sooshki),
dried crusts, olives, stuffed eggs, shrimps go
nicely with beer. You
can also have sandwiches, cold and hot snacks.

Disco-Bars work in the evening.
Their halls should be decorated
beautifully. Young people come to these bars
to have a good time,
to dance, to listen to the music, to see the
performance. Disco-bars
should be equipped with modern musical
apparatus and large screens
for demonstrating slides. They should also
have a television-set, video
tape-recorders, special devices producing light effects. Cooling
and mixed drinks, snacks and hot dishes are
on the menu. For dessert
guests can have strawberry, apricot, peach and
nut ice-cream.

Welcome to the bars!

5. Запишите и выучите новые слова.

a long drink пить, не торопясь
a long drink пить, не торопясь, через соломинку)

a short drink выпить залпом

at a gulp [gΛlp] залпом

in the near future в ближайшем будущем

each каждый

to equip [i’kwip] оборудоватьоснащать

refrigerating    холодильный

show показ; витрина

separate [seprit] отдельный

Swedish Board [bo:d] шведский стол

оба; both … and  ии

social   [‘soul]   социальный,

catering [keitəriŋ] обслуживание; питание

electric mixer электромиксер

attention [ə’tenn] внимание

to pay attention обращать внимание

milk noodles молочная лапша

noodle pudding лапшевник

shake коктейль

presence [prezəns] присутствие

original cocktails оригинальные коктейли

a) layer
[leiə] cocktails
слоистые коктейли

knickenbein кникенбайн

champerol чемпероль


b) crusta

to improve [im’pru:v]

to quench утолять


to use  [ju:z] использовать,

straw [stro:] соломинка

6. Дополните диаграмму приведёнными ниже словами.

Unit 13

The etiquette

1. Прочитайте и переведите.

The list of Table Don’ts.

1. Elbows are never put
on the table while one is eating.

2. Don’t lift your plate up to your mouth.

3. Don’t push back your plate when finished. It
remains exac­tly where it is until whoever is waiting on you removes it.

4. Don’t lean back and
announce, ‘I’m through’. The fact that you have put your fork and knife
together on the plate shows that you have finished.

5. Don’t wait until all
plates are served; after a few guests have been served, it is perfectly all
right to start eating.

6. Don’t let others see
what you have in your mouth.

7. Don’t make a noise
when eating.

8. Put the food in your
mouth with your fork, never with your knife

The list of Table Dos.

1. Put your napkin on your lap. Do not wear it around
your neck.

2. Gravy should be put on the meat, and the condiment,
pickles and jelly at the side of whatever they accompany.

3. All juicy or soft fruit or cake is best eaten with
a fork and when necessary a spoon or a knife also.

4. When passing your plate for a second helping always
leave a knife and a fork on the plate and be sure the handles are far enough on
not to topple off.

5. You may use your knife or a piece of dry crust as a
pusher to guide and hold each mouthful for the fork to lift.

6. Fish bones are taken between finger and thumb and
re­moved between compressed lips.

7. Bread should always be broken into moderate-sized
pieces with the fingers before being eaten.

Откройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужной форме.

1. Table d`hôte dishes (to be) served for dinner
every day. 2. The
table (to be) laid beautifully yesterday. The guests (to
be) served
very well. 3. Soft and red caviar (to be) served for
supper party on
evening. 4. Horse radish and salted cucumbers (to be) served for meat jelly tomorrow. 5. Smoked smelt (to be)
sold in St. Petersburg in May every year. 6. Many guests (to be) invited
for my
birthday next Saturday. 7. Fruit (to be) sold in aisle five.

Unit 14

Tools and Equipment

слова, найдите в словаре их перевод. Запишите и выучите.

simmer, boil, stir, cut, mince, chop, rub something into something, soak, bake,
beat, mix, strain off the liquid, pour, roll out, melt, whisk, peel, squeeze
out, bring to the boil.

2. Запишите
и выучите новые слова.


pan — сковорода

bowl — чашка

scoop — ковш

whistling kettle – металлический чайник

colander  — дуршлаг

mincing  —  мясорубка

pot — турка

3. Прочитайте текст.

Equipment Can Be Dangerous

Modern cooking and food processing equipment has an
extraordinary capacity to burn, cut, smash, mangle, and amputate parts of the
tender human body. This may sound like a harsh way to begin a chapter, but the
intent is not to intimidate you or scare you but to inspire a healthy respect
for the importance of proper safety and operating procedures.

Never use a piece of equipment until you are
thoroughly familiar with its operation and all its features. You must also
learn how to know when a machine is not operating correctly.

When this happens, shut it down immediately and report
the malfunction to a supervisor.

– потенциал

– суровый

– руководитель

4. Найдите в
тексте перевод данных предложений и словосочетаний

современное оборудование,

части человеческого тела,

суровый метод

Никогда не пользуйтесь оборудованием, пока вы хорошо не знакомы с его работой и
не знаете все его особенности.

5. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Your Hands Are Your Best Tools

Machines are intended to be
labor saving devices. However, the usefulness of specialized processing
equipment often depends on the volume of food it handless. It takes less time
for a cook to slice a few pounds of onions by hand than to set up a slicing
attachment, pass the onions through it, and break down and clean the equipment.
This is why it is important to develop good manual skills.

labor saving devices
устройства экономии труда

Задайте три вопроса к тексту.

7. Прочитайте и переведите.


1. Open elements (burners), either electric coils or gas flames. These
tops are

the fastest to
heat and can be turned off after short use. However, cooktop

space is limited
to one pot per burner.

2. Flattop or hot top (lightweight). Burners covered with
steel plate. More cook

space is
available. Top supports moderately heavy weights.

3. Heavy-duty flattop. Burners covered with heavy cast steel.

4. Induction cooktops. The top of an induction unit does not become hot.
Rather, it works by magnetically agitating the molecules in steel or iron
cookware so the cookware becomes hot. As a result, much less energy is used and
the kitchen stays cooler, because only the pots and pans and their contents
become hot.

8. Прочитайте текст, переведите, составьте краткий


The oven and the range top are the two workhorses of
the traditional kitchen. Ovens are enclosed spaces in which food is heated,
usually by hot air or, in some newer kinds of ovens, by microwaves or infrared

In addition to roasting and baking, ovens can do many
of the jobs normally done on the range top. Many foods can be simmered, stewed,
braised, or poached in the oven, freeing the range top and the chef’s attention
for other tasks.

There are many kinds of ovens beyond those discussed
here, but they are often for specialty or high-volume uses. These include conveyor
, which carry foods through the oven on a steel conveyor belt; holding
or warmers, which are designed to hold many types of foods at serving
temperatures for extended periods without drying out or overcooking (this
category includes ovens that also cook the food, then automatically switch to
holding temperature); and high-volume roll-in ovens, with large doors
into which one can roll carts loaded with trays of food.

— духовка

infrared –

simmered – на медленном

stewed – тушёный

9. Прочитайте и переведите.

Processing Equipment


Vertical mixers are important
and versatile tools for many kinds of food mixing and processing jobs, both in
the bakeshop and in the kitchen.

Food Cutter

The food cutter or rotation chopper,
familiarly known as the buffalo chopper, is a common piece of equipment
used for general food chopping. A variety of attachments (described in the next
section) makes it a versatile tool.

10. Изучите данную информацию.

Capacity measures are given in
Imperial pints and fractions of pints with small amounts in spoon measures.

Liquid ingredients may also be
given in cups. These follow the English measures, i.e. 1
pint equals 2 cups (U.S.A.— 2V2 cups).

All spoon measures refer to the
British Standards Institution based on the V2-ounce table-spoon. The American standard
measuring spoons are slightly smaller in capacity than the British ones. The proportion,
however, is similar in that 3 American tea-spoons equal 1 table-spoon.

All measures are levelled off
to the rim of the spoon.

Metric Equivalents

It is rather difficult to convert
from English measures with absolute accuracy, but 1
oz. is equal to approximately 30 grammes, 2
lb. 3 oz. is equal to 1 kilogramme. For liquid measure, 3/4 English pints may be
regarded as equal to 1 litre.

Unit 15

The recipes

1. Переведите рецепты на русский язык.

1. Hot chocolate.

Heat 600 ml (1
pint) milk, add 100g (4 oz) chopped plain or bitter chocolate and stir, when
melted, bring to a simmer and whisk for 3 minutes. Sweeten to taste. Pour hot
into cups and top with whipped cream.

2. Oat cakes.

Sift flour into a bowl and add salt. Rub in fat until
texture resembles breadcrumbs. Add currant, lemon juice and rind, then mix to a
fairly firm dough with about 4 tablespoons water or milk and water. Divide the
dough into 4 pieces and put on to a floured surface. Roll into circles and fry
in the oil until brown all over. Drain well and eat hot, sprinkled with sugar.

3. Ham baked with chestnuts.

Mash the chestnuts well, add the sugar and either
butter or cream and some pepper. Lay the ham on a board and stuff it with as
much of this as will hold, then press together and secure. Put into an
ovenproof dish. Make a criss-cross pat­tern with a sharp knife on the top of
the ham. Mix the breadcrumbs into the rest of the chestnut mixture and press
this over the top. Put the ham into a pre-heated oven at 200°
(400° F) for about 1/2 hour or until the top is crisp

2. Соедините названия блюд и их рецепты.


  These little almond
cakes are said to have been first made at Richmond Palace when Henry VIII was
king. The young girl who first made them gave her recipe to a Mr. Billet, who,
after her death, opened a «Maids of Honour» shop in Richmond. The se­cret
was kept in the family for many generations. However, a certain Mr. Newen went
to work in Mr. Billet’s shop and bought the recipe from the owner for a
thousand guineas. The present Mr. Newen still makes them by hand at 288
Kew Road, Kew Gar­dens.


dish was often served at country hotels, or pubs, in the last century.
Toad-in-the-Hole has deteriorated very much over the years. Up until the 1920s
it was often made with good steak, chopped into pieces, some­times with some
kidneys added, but nowadays it is more often served made with sausages. It can
be ex­tremely good eaten piping hot from the oven.


  Salmon from the Tweed
river is well known for its flavour and the tradi­tional methods of cooking
preserve that delicacy. The pan in which the salmon is cooked is always called
a fish kettle.

  A. 900g (2
lb.) fresh salmon, middle cut or tail end, salt and pepper, pinch of nut­meg,
water, 1 small onion, chopped, 3 tablespoons whi­te wine vinegar, 2 tablespo­ons
parsley, chopped. Serves about 6

  В. 450g(1
lb.) prepared puff pastry, 225g (8 oz) cheese, 175g (6
oz) wanned butter, 2 egg yolks, 100g (4
oz) sugar, 2 tablespoons brandy, 2 tablespoons breadcrumbs, level, 50g (2
oz) ground almonds, 1 lemon. This amount makes about 24 cakes.

  C. 675g (1 1/2 lb.)
pork sausages, 225g (8 oz) flour, pinch of salt, 3 eggs, 600 ml (1
pint) milk. Serves 4.

3. Вы собрались в тур поход, какую еду вы возьмёте с
собой, а какую не возьмёте. Напишите, используя предложения.

Why dont we take

We can’t do without …

… is a must.

We’ll certainly need …

We are sure to need …

… will be of use, no doubt.

It could be a good idea to take …

4. Прочитайте и переведите рецепты блюд.

Fresh Cabbage Shchee (for four litres)

Beef or pork — one
kilo with bone

Fresh cabbage — one

Brown onions — 150

Fresh tomatoes — 2
pieces or one spoonful of tomato paste

Root celery — one

Root parsley — one

Bay leaf — two pieces

Some dill and spring

Salt (to taste)

Water — four litres

The meat is boiled till it’s half ready (for an hour or
two). Then
you put schredded fresh cabbage. Sliced brown onions,
tomatoes, root celery and parsley are fried for twenty —
minutes in the frying-pan and put in the saucepan. Bay
leaf is put
at the end of cooking and should be taken away after
shchee is
ready. Shchee is served with sour cream, cut small spring
and dill. Cooking-time — about three hours.

Sauerkraut Shchee

Sauerkraut is washed and stewed for an hour in the
You can use butter or some fat. Meat is boiled in the
After an hour sauerkraut is simmered with meat. If you
like you
can put a potato or two ten minutes before putting the
Otherwise the potato(es) will taste badly. Fried
vegetables: brown
onions, tomatoes or tomato paste, carrots and greens:
celery, parsley
and bay leaf are put in the saucepan. Everything is
simmered for
half an hour. Sauerkraut shchee is served with thick sour
cream, cut
dill and parsley. Cooking-time is about three hours.
shchee is an old Russian dish.


(four — five portions) Kvas — 1

cucumber(s) — 1 of medium size

onions — 100 gr

Hard-boiled eggs — 2

beef- 100 gr
or boiled sausage/sausages

Lean ham —
50 gr

Spring onions and cucumber(s) are washed and sliced. So is
boiled beef and ham. Hard-boiled eggs are cut large. All this is put in the
kvas, salted to taste. It’s better to have kvas sour. If it’s
sweet you
can put a slice of lemon or citric acid at the tip of the
knife. In
home-made cooking a potato (boiled and cut) is added.
Before serving
okroshka it’s recommended to keep it in a cool place
or refrigerator for
two hours. Okroshka is served with thick sour
cream, cut parsley
and dill. If it’s too thick you should add some
more kvas.

Chahohbily of Chicken

Chicken — 1

onions — 4 bulbs

Butter — 2
— 3 spoonfuls

Tomatoes —
800 gr

Kinza — 3 —
5 twigs

pepper, salt to taste

The salty chicken is cut and roasted in a sauce-pot.
onions, fresh sliced tomatoes, pepper, cut greens — kinza,
parsley, dill
are stewed with the chicken. You can add a bay leaf and
some all­
spice at the end of cooking. Ghahohbily is garnished with
Cooking-time is an hour.

Chicken «Tabaka»

Chicken «Tabaka» is roasted under press for an
hour. Before
roasting the chicken is greased with the prepared mass of
garlic (2-3 cloves), ground pepper, cut greens and salt. Chicken «Tabaka»
is served on a large plate and garnished with chipped
potatoes, marinated
onions, tomatoes or cucumbers, raw or pickled.
Tomato or pomegranate
sauce is served separately. Cooking-time is
an hour.

Satsivy of Poultry

Chicken-800 gr (or: turkey; duck;

Butter-400 gr

The sauce: (Satsivy)

flour-25 gr

butter — 40 gr

kinza — some twigs

khmeli-suneli — a

ground  clove,  ground  saffron, cinnamon, cayenne, vinegar, salt to taste

two egg yolks

shelled walnuts-250 gr

brown onions — 120 gr

prepared poultry is boiled whole till it’s half ready. Then the
poultry is
greased with butter or fat and roasted in the oven. While
you should pour it with satsivy sauce and turn it over to
get the
poultry rosy from all sides. The satsivy sauce is made from
the sliced
brown onions slightly fried in the frying-pan, the flour di
luted with
some clear soup, pounded garlic, some vinegar, khmeli-
suneli, clove,
cinnamon and chopped greens. The poultry is put in
this sauce and
simmered for ten minutes. The shelled walnuts are
chopped with some
cayenne, yolk and saffron. The saffron in diluted
in the clear soup (one
pinch for 25-30 grams of clear soup). All
this is added to the
poultry but after that satsivy must not be
boiled. The dish is
sprinkled with nut oil and served cooled.

5. Запишите и выучите новые слова и выражения.

culinary [kΛlnəri] кулинарный

piece [pi;s] кусок; штука

bay leaf лавровый лист

to shred шинковать

slice ломоть, ломтик

to slice резать ломтиками

fryingpan сковорода

saucepan кастрюля

to simmer кипеть на медленном огне

stewpan низкая кастрюля; сотейник

a pinch щепотка

peel кожура

to peel чистить (апельсин и

citric [sitrik] acid лимонная кислота

to pound толочь

handful горсть, пригоршня

to cut large резать крупно

to cut small резать мелко

refrigerator холодильник

bulb головка (лука и т.п.)

twig веточка

to garnish украшать (только о

to grease [gri:z] смазывать

clove [klouv] головка (чеснока и

to chip жарить (картофель)

raw [ro:] сырой

saffron [sæfrən] шафран

yolk [jouk] желток

white белок

to shell чистить (орехи) от

to boil whole варить целиком

oven [‘Λvən] духовка

to turn over

slightly слегка

to dilute развести (бульоном, водой)

to chop мелко нарезать


Unit 16

We can’t live
without it

1. Прочитайте и переведите
тексты. Задайте по 5 вопросов к каждому тексту.


One of the most important foods for human
beings in general and children in particular is milk. Milk also serves as a basis
for other important foods. We have, for instance, butter and many different,
kinds of cheese. Then milk itself is prepared in different ways specially for
children and people in poor health, all of whom need greater care and attention
than people in ordinary good health do.

Milk is also used in preparation of cakes,
some kinds of bread and sweets. Milk chocolate, for instance, is greatly used
by the explorers and others who go far from the places where people generally
live, and who must carry the food they need along with them. When milk has been
dried, it becomes very light powder which is also used by those who need food
that is light in weight. Besides milk powder, condensed milk is also produced and
sold in tins. There is generally some sugar in condensed


A typical grain is wheat which is the staple food in
many countries. Wheat grows in the field. Combines are machines which cut the
wheat and thresh the grain. Grains are the
seeds. When the grain is separated from the husk, it is stored’-in barns, in
silos or in elevators. Then wheat is transported to the flour-mills. There it
is ground into flour.

Bread and cakes are made out of this flour. Grain is
also used in brewing. It may also be pounded or milled and then sold in the
form of grouts. Grouts are used lin garnishes and can make a separate
dish—porridge or gruel (kasha).

2. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

Молоко – один из самых важных
продуктов для человека.

Молоко также используется для
приготовления тортов, хлебных изделий и сладостей.

Из молоко получают много продуктов

Я люблю пить молоко по вечерам.

Хлеб и хлебобулочные изделия
делаются из муки.

3. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What food products are made
from milk?

2. What animals do we get milk

3. What kinds of milk do you

4. What dishes can be prepared with milk?

5. What cereal is the staple
food in your republic?

6. Where is grain stored?

7. What other cereals do you

8. What do we make from flour?

Unit 17

What is High Tea?

Прочитайте и переведите тескт.

The drinking of tea not only
became a social event for the upper classes, it altered the time and manner in
which they took tea. Afternoon Tea became the bridge between meals because many
wouldn’t eat their evening meal until maybe 8pm. As such, Afternoon Tea became
a ‘mini meal’ in itself.

This was all well and good
for the upper classes, but the working classes ran to a different schedule and
a different budget. Tea was still quite expensive at the time and the working
classes could not afford to waste it on anything other than necessities. A
wearied factory worker wouldn’t arrive home until six in the evening, and when
he did, he was famished! Thus, in the industrial areas of the UK
(northern England and southern Scotland), the working classes evening meal
evolved: high tea.

Family eating high tea

eating high tea — 
this photograph as a poster

English High Tea usually
involved a mug of tea, bread, vegetables, cheese and occasionally meat.
Variations on high tea could include the addition of pies, potatoes and

So while Afternoon Tea was
largely a social event for their upper class counterparts, high tea was a
necessary meal in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. This traditional
high tea still exists for some parts of the North and Scotland.

Why is it called ‘high tea’?

A possible explanation why
this type of meal was called high tea is the fact that it was eaten at a table.
In comparison, Afternoon Tea was taken whilst seating in low, comfortable chairs
or sofas. Of course, soon after, the upper classes developed their own
variation and also called it ‘high tea’. It was a meal that could be eaten when
their servants were away or not available, as it was so easy to prepare. The
upper class ‘high tea’ involved the amalgamation of Afternoon Tea and high tea,
with the addition of pigeon, veal, salmon and fruit.

It is important to add that
the Afternoon Tea menu served in the UK today is often refered to as high tea
in many other parts of the world. Because of this some hotels, such as The Ritz
in London, use the term ‘High tea in London’ to advertise their Afternoon Tea
because a large proportion of their customers are from overseas.

Some venues do serve a
special high tea menu, in addition to Afternoon Tea, which includes additional
savoury items such as Welsh Rarebit, English muffins, pies or omelette. 

2. Прочитайте текст. Выпишите
предложения, содержащие главные мысли текста. Переведите

What is Tea?

Tea is a drink that is
produced from the combination of cured leaves of the Camellia Sinensis (tea)
plant with hot water. Tea is the second most popular beverage in the world,
after water. The Camellia Sinensis plant thrives growing in tropical and
sub-tropical climates, hence its origins on the continents of Asia and Africa.

The first recorded
consumption in the history of tea was in China, as early as the 10th century
BC. Soon, it spread to Korea and Japan. During the 16th century Portuguese
exploration of the Far East, tea was traded with the West and as a result, the
tea plant spread to the rest of the world. It has been said that Catherine of
Braganza, the Portuguese queen consort to King Charles II, introduced the
drinking of tea in the UK. 

It wasn’t until the 19th
century until tea drinking became a common pastime for all the social classes.
Now, tea drinking occurs as a daily occurrence not just as a component of
afternoon tea or a tea party. In the UK, it has become a ‘national drink’ of
sorts and an integral part of British culture.

There are (at least)
four different types of tea: white tea, green tea, oolong tea and black
tea. The type of tea depends on the type of tea processing it undergoes. Tea
leaves are prone to wilt and therefore oxidise, if they are not dried quickly.
As the chlorophyll breaks down, the tea leaves darken and release tannins; this
process is called fermentation in the tea industry. 

Tea as we know it in the UK
is more often sold as teabags. Most popular brands of teabags are usually made
by blending a variety of different teas together. Tea is renowned for
containing numerous antioxidants and less caffeine than coffee. There are also
certain teas used in diets and
 tea for weight loss.


Агабекян, И.П. Английский для
инженеров  / И.П. Агабекян, П.И. Коваленко. – Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2007. – 352с.
– 3000экз. – ISBN 978-5-222-12171-9.

Англо–русский и русско–английский
словарь для школьника : Фонетика, грамматика, лексика к разговорным темам. /
Сост. А.А. Кадук. – К.: А.С.К., 2005. – 800с. – 80000 экз. –

Андреев, Г.Я. Сборник технических
текстов на английском языке / Г.Я. Андреев, Л.Л. Гураль, А.Л. Лев. – М.: «Высш.
школа»,2005. – 200с. – 1000экз.– ISBN 968-5-112-32171-9.

Бгашев, В.Н. Английский язык для
студентов  машиностроительных специальностей  / В.Н. Бгашев, Е.Ю. Долматова. –
М.: АСТ, 2007. – 384с. – 3000экз. – ISBN 978-5-271-12432-7.

Бриль, Б.М. Работа с техническими
текстами на уроках английского языка в средних профессионально технических
училищах [Текст]: методические рекомендации для металлообрабатывающих
специальностей / Б.М. Брилль, Н.А. Морген. – М.:  «Высш. школа»,2006 — 61с. –
250000экз. — ISBN 978-5-721-41272-3.

Бонами, Дэвид. Английский язык для
будущих инженеров  / Дэвид Бонами. — М.: АСТ, 2006. – 320с. – 8000экз. – ISBN

Калинина, Н.В. Применение
технической терминологии на уроках иностранного языка в средних
профессионально-технических училищах : методические рекомендации / Н.В. Калинина,
Ю.С. Шлепова. – М.: «Высш. школа», 2006.– 58с. – 30000экз. — ISBN 155-187-016962-0.

Прохорова, Е.Ф. Единый
государственный экзамен: английский язык контрол. измерит. материалы / Е. Ф.
Прохорова, Т.М. Тимофеева, З.З. Верховская и др. – М.: Просвещение, 2008.-
133с. — 10000экз. –
ISBN 978-5-09-018118-1.

Синявская, Е.В. Учебник
английского языка для технических вузов  / Е.В. Синявская. — М.: «Высш. школа»,
2007 – 269с. — 50000экз. —
ISBN 978-6-08-015128-3.

Шляхов, В.А. Английский язык.
Контрольные задание для студентов технических специальностей вузов [Текст]:
учебно-методическое пособие / В.А. Шляхова, Т.Д. Любимов. – М.: «Высш. школа»,
2007. – 111с. – 500 экз. –
ISBN 978-02-04236.


Пояснительная записка …………………………………………………………2

Section 1

Unit 1 Automobile …………………………………………………………………5

Unit 2 Where does the word “automobile” come from?

Unit 3 London traffic ………………………………………………………………9

Unit 4 Transport in Britain ……………………………………………………….11

Unit 5 Cars ……………………………………………………………………….13

Unit 6 The automobile life cycle

Unit 7 Transport system of the USA ……………………………………………..17

Unit 8 Trucks ……………………………………………………………………..19

Unit 9 A driving test ………………………………………………………………22

Unit 10 Inventors and their inventions

Unit 11 Some interesting details of heavy commercial
vehicles ………………….27

Unit 12 The buses …………………………………………………………………28

Unit 13 By road …………………………………………………………………..32

Unit 14 Finding your way …………………………………………………………34

Unit 15 The history of transportation

Unit 16 The development automobile industry in Russia ………………………..40

Unit 17 Henry Ford ………………………………………………………………42

Unit 18 Frederick W. Lanchester

Unit 19 Travelling in London …………………………………………………….49

Unit 20 How the automobile learned to run

Unit 21 The engine ……………………………………………………………….57

Unit 22 16-valve technology ……………………………………………………..61

Unit 23 Safety engineering ………………………………………………………64

Unit 24 Car industry and environment

Unit 25 KAMAZ …………………………………………………………………69

Unit 26 Volvo …………………………………………………………………….72

Unit 27 Properties of metals and their uses

Unit 28 Training and maintenance ……………………………………………….77

Unit 29 It is important ……………………………………………………………80

словарь по профессии автомеханик …………………………..84

Section 2

Unit 1Welding technology ……………………………………………………….91

Unit 2 Welding is a dynamic industry with a big future

Unit 3 Welding process …………………………………………………………..96

Unit 4 Information about different types of welding

Unit 5 Materials …………………………………………………………………107

Unit 6 Metals ……………………………………………………………………113

Unit 7 Important properties for manufacturing

Unit 8 Alloys ……………………………………………………………………119

Unit 9 The steel-making process

Unit 10 Alternative types of welding

Unit 11 Operations ………………………………………………………………129

Unit 12 Welding skills ………………………………………………………….131

Unit 13 Underwater welding career information

Unit 14 The workshop ………………………………………………………….137

Unit 15 Welding’s vital part in major American
Historical Events ……………139

Unit 16 Health, safety and accident prevention

Unit 17 The history of wending

Unit 18 Welding fun facts ………………………………………………………157

Unit 19 Machine-tools …………………………………………………………..159

словарь по профессии сварщик ………………………………161

Section 3

Unit 1 Food ………………………………………………………………………167

Unit 2 My meals …………………………………………………………………170

Unit 3 Lunch …………………………………………………………………….174

Unit 4 Tastes differ ………………………………………………………………178

Unit 5 English food ……………………………………………………………..180

Unit 6 A brief introduction to British food

Unit 7 Russian cuisine …………………………………………………………..185

Unit 8 National food …………………………………………………………….191

Unit 9 Meals and cooking ……………………………………………………….196

Unit 10 The places where people go to eat ………………………………………199

Unit 11 Visit to a dietician ………………………………………………………204

Unit 12 Drinks …………………………………………………………………..206

Unit 13 The etiquette ……………………………………………………………212

Unit 14 Tools and equipment ……………………………………………………213

Unit 15 The recipes ……………………………………………………………..216

Unit 16 We can’t live without it

Unit 17 What is High tea? ………………………………………………………223

использованной литературы………………………………………….226

с www.znanio.ru

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